@phdthesis{Pillai2011, author = {Pillai, Deepu}, title = {Differential effects of Pigment epithelium derived factor and epidermal growth factor on Ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats - a magnetic resonance imaging study at 3 tesla}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Stroke, after myocardial infarction and cancer is the third most common cause of death worldwide and 1/6th of all human beings will suffer at least one stroke in their lives. Furthermore, it is the leading cause for adult disability with approximately one third of patients who survive for the next 6 months are dependent on others. Because of its huge socioeconomic burden absorbing 6\% of all health care budgets and with the fact that life expectancy increases globally, one can assume that stroke is already, and will continue to be, the most challenging disease. Ischemic stroke accounts for approximately 80\% of all strokes and results from a thrombotic or embolic occlusion of a major cerebral artery (most often the middle cerebral artery, MCA) or its branches Following acute ischemic stroke, the most worrisome outcome is the rapidly increasing intra-cranial pressure due to the formation of space-occupying vasogenic oedema which can have lethal consequences. Permeability changes at the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) usually accompanies the oedematous development and their time course can provide invaluable insight into the nature of the insult, activation of compensatory mechanisms followed by long term repair. Rodent models of focal cerebral ischemia have been developed and optimized to mimic human stroke conditions and serve as indispensable tools in the field of stroke research. The presented work constituting of three separate but complete works by themselves are sequential, where, the first part was dedicated to the establishment of non-invasive small animal imaging strategies on a 3 tesla clinical magnetic resonance scanner. This facilitated the longitudinal monitoring of pathological outcomes following stroke where identical animals can serve as its own control. Tissue relaxometric estimations were carried out initially to derive the transverse (T2), longitudinal (T1) and the transverse relaxation time due to magnetic susceptibility effects (T2*) at the cortical and striatal regions of the rodent brain. Statistically significant differences in T2*-values could be found between the cortex and striatal regions of the rodent brain. The derived tissue relaxation values were considered to modify the existing imaging protocols to facilitate the study of the rodent model of ischemic stroke. The modified sequence protocols adequately characterized all the clinically relevant sequels following acute ischemic stroke, like, the altered perfusion and diffusion characteristics. Subsequent to this, serial magnetic resonance imaging was performed to investigate the temporal and spatial relationship between the biphasic nature of BBB opening and, in parallel, the oedema formation after I/R injury in rats. T2-relaxometry for oedema assessment was performed at 1 h after ischemia, immediately following reperfusion, and at 4, 24 and 48 hours post reperfusion. Post-contrast T1-weighted imaging was performed at the last three time points to assess BBB integrity. The biphasic course of BBB opening with significant reduction in BBB permeability at 24 hours after reperfusion was associated with a progressive expansion of leaky BBB volume, accompanied by a peak ipsilateral oedema formation. At 48 hours, the reduction in T2-value indicated oedema resorption accompanied by a second phase of BBB opening. In addition, at 4 hours after reperfusion, oedema formation could also be detected at the contralateral striatum which persisted to varying degrees throughout the study, indicative of widespread effects of I/R injury. The observations of this study may indicate a dynamic temporal shift in the mechanisms responsible for biphasic BBB permeability changes, with non-linear relations to oedema formation. Two growth factor peptides namely pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) with widely different trophic properties were considered for their beneficial effects, if any, in the established rodent model of I/R injury and studied up to one week employing magnetic resonance imaging. Both the selected, trophic factors demonstrated significant neuroprotection as demonstrated by a reduction in infarct volume, even though PEDF was found to be the most potent one. PEDF also demonstrated significant attenuation of oedema formation in comparison to both the control and EGF groups, even though EGF could also demonstrate oedema suppression. In the present work, we noticed that interventions with macromolecule protein/peptides by itself could mediate remote oedema at distant sites even though the significance of such an observation is not clear at present. Susceptibility (T2*) weighted tissue relaxometric estimations were considered at the infarct region to detect any metabolic changes arising out of any neuroprotection and/or cellular proliferation / neurogenesis. PEDF group demonstrated a striking reduction of the T2*-values, which is indicative of an increased metabolic activity. Moreover, all the groups (Control, EGF and PEDF) demonstrated significantly elevated T2*-values at the contralateral striatum, which is indicative of widespread metabolic suppression usually associated with a variety of traumatic brain conditions. Moreover, as expected from the properties of PEDF, it demonstrated an extended BBB permeability suppression throughout the duration of the study. This study underlines the merits of considering non-invasive imaging strategies without which it was not possible to study the required parameters in a longitudinal fashion. All the observations are adequately supported by reasonably well defined mechanisms and needs to be further verified and confirmed by an immunohistochemical study. These results also need to be complemented by a functional study to evaluate the behavioural outcome of animals following these treatments. These studies are progressing at our laboratory and the results will be duly published afterwards.}, subject = {Schlaganfall}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grossmann2006, author = {Großmann, Claudia}, title = {Interaktion zwischen der Signaltransduktion von Aldosteron, Mineralocorticoidrezeptor und epidermalem Wachstumsfaktorrezeptor}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22260}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Klassischerweise ist der Aldosteron-gebundene MR an der Regulation des Blutdruckes und des Wasser-Elektrolyt-Haushaltes beteiligt. Neuere klinische Studien zeigen allerdings, dass Aldosteron auch an pathophysiologischen Remodelingprozessen im kardiovaskul{\"a}ren und renalen System mitwirkt. Die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen sind noch weitgehend unbekannt. Der EGFR ist ein Wachstumsfaktor und heterologer Signaltransduktor f{\"u}r G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren von beispielsweise Angiotensin II, Phenylephrin und Endothelin-1. In der Literatur gibt es Hinweise f{\"u}r eine Interaktion zwischen den Signaltransduktionswegen von Aldosteron/MR und EGFR. So k{\"o}nnen Mineralocorticoide nach zerebraler Isch{\"a}mie zu einem vermehrten vaskul{\"a}ren Remodeling und einem Anstieg der EGFR-mRNA-Konzentration f{\"u}hren und außerdem eine EGF-induzierte Vasokonstriktion verst{\"a}rken. Daher w{\"a}re eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r die pathophysiologische Wirkung von Aldosteron eine Induktion der EGFR-Expression mit vermehrter Wirksamkeit von vasoaktiven Peptiden. Um diese Hypothese zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen untersuchten wir in verschiedenen Modellsystemen, ob Aldosteron die EGFR-Proteinexpression erh{\"o}ht. Dies war sowohl im heterologen CHO-Expressionsystem also auch in MR-exprimierenden Zelllinien und Prim{\"a}rkulturen der Fall. Auch in adrenalektomierten Ratten mit osmotischen Minipumpen best{\"a}tigte sich die Aldosteron-induzierte EGFR-Expression in der Aorta, im linken Herzen und der Niere. {\"U}ber den eng verwandten Glucocorticoidrezeptor ließ sich keine EGFR-Expressionssteigerung ausl{\"o}sen, so dass es sich um einen MR-spezifischen Effekt handelt. Zur Charakterisierung des zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismus, der besonders f{\"u}r therapeutische Interventionen von Interesse ist, wurde die Promotoraktivit{\"a}t des EGFR untersucht. Es zeigte sich bei Aldosteroninkubation eine gesteigerte EGFR-Promotoraktivit{\"a}t im Reporter-Gen-Assay. Die beteiligten Promotoranteile konnten mit Deletionskonstrukten auf zwei DNA-Fragmente eingegrenzt werden. Von Seiten des MR ist die A/B-Dom{\"a}ne f{\"u}r die Interaktion bedeutend, denn ein trunkierter MR mit den Dom{\"a}nen C, D, E und F gen{\"u}gt nicht, um den EGFR-Promoter vollst{\"a}ndig zu aktivieren. Um Hinweise f{\"u}r die physiologische und pathophysiologische Bedeutung der Interaktion zwischen MR und EGFR zu erhalten, untersuchten wir sowohl den Einfluß auf die Bildung von Extrazellul{\"a}rmatrix in glatten Gef{\"a}ßmuskelzellen als auch auf die Natriumresorption im Sammelrohr der Niere. Als Anhaltspunkt f{\"u}r die vermehrte Bildung von extrazellul{\"a}rer Matrix wie sie bei Remodelingprozessen vorkommt, quantifizierten wir die Fibronektinsekretion in glatten Muskelzellen der humanen Aorta (HAoSMC). Nach Aldosteroninkubation und besonders bei Koinkubation mit EGF zeigte sich eine vermehrte Fibronektinsekretion ins Medium, die sich durch Hemmer der EGFR-Kaskade normalisieren ließ. Dies unterst{\"u}tzt die Hypothese, dass die Aldosteron-EGFR-Interaktion an der Entstehung von Remodelingprozessen im kardiovaskul{\"a}ren und renalen System beteiligt ist. Neben einem Einfluss auf die Entstehung pathophysiologischer Prozesse im kardiovaskul{\"a}ren und renalen System kommt es {\"u}ber eine Aldosteron-induzierte EGFR-Expression im Sammelrohr der Niere auch zu physiologischen Effekten, n{\"a}mlich einer Hemmung der Natriumresorption. Diese wirkt der klassischerweise durch Aldosteron vermittelten vermehrten Natriumresoprtion {\"u}ber den epithelialen Natriumkanal (ENaC) entgegen und k{\"o}nnte daher als negative Feedbackschleife Dauer und Ausmaß der Aldosteron-induzierten Natriumresorption limitieren. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den klassischen genomischen Wirkungen zeigen Steroide nicht-genotrope Effekte. Beim Aldosteron f{\"u}hren diese MR- und EGFR-vermittelt zu einer Aktivierung der ERK1/2- und JNK-1/2-Kinasen. Die nicht-genotrope Aldosteron-induzierte ERK-Aktivierung ist ferner durch c-Src-Inhibitoren hemmbar und f{\"u}hrt zu einer Stimulation der Kerntranslokation des MR. Nicht-genotrope Effekte k{\"o}nnen folglich unter Beteiligung der EGFR-Signalkaskade die genomischen modulieren. Aldosteron f{\"u}hrt ebenfalls zu einem Anstieg der zytosolischen Calciumkonzentration, allerdings ist dieser Effekt unabh{\"a}ngig vom MR. Hieraus folgt, dass die nicht-genotropen Effekte teilweise MR-vermittelt und teilweise MR-unabh{\"a}ngig sind. Insgesamt konnte also auf verschiedenen Ebenen eine Interaktion zwischen Aldosteron/MR und der EGFR-Signalkaskade gezeigt werden, mit Hinweisen f{\"u}r eine Bedeutung bei sowohl physiologischen als auch pathophysiologische Vorg{\"a}ngen.}, subject = {Aldosteron}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Regneri2013, author = {Regneri, Janine}, title = {Transcriptional regulation of cancer genes in the Xiphophorus melanoma system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-82319}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The Xiphophorus melanoma system is a useful animal model for the study of the genetic basis of tumor formation. The development of hereditary melanomas in interspecific hybrids of Xiphophorus is connected to pigment cell specific overexpression of the mutationally activated receptor tyrosine kinase Xmrk. In purebred fish the oncogenic function of xmrk is suppressed by the molecularly still unidentified locus R. The xmrk oncogene was generated by a gene duplication event from the Xiphophorus egfrb gene and thereby has acquired a new 5' regulatory sequence, which has probably altered the transcriptional control of the oncogene. So far, the xmrk promoter region was still poorly characterized and the molecular mechanism by which R controls xmrk-induced melanoma formation in Xiphophorus still remained to be elucidated. To test the hypothesis that R controls melanoma development in Xiphophorus on the transcriptional level, the first aim of the thesis was to gain a deeper insight into the transcriptional regulation of the xmrk oncogene. To this end, a quantitative analysis of xmrk transcript levels in different Xiphophorus genotypes carrying either the highly tumorigenic xmrkB or the non-tumorigenic xmrkA allele was performed. I was able to demonstrate that expression of the tumorigenic xmrkB allele is strongly increased in malignant melanomas of R-free backcross hybrids compared to benign lesions, macromelanophore spots, and healthy skin. The expression level of the non-tumorigenic xmrkA allele, in contrast, is not influenced by the presence or absence of R. These findings strongly indicate that differential transcriptional regulation of the xmrk promoter triggers the tumorigenic potential of these xmrk alleles. To functionally characterize the xmrk promoter region, I established a luciferase assay using BAC clones containing the genomic regions where xmrk and egfrb are located for generation of reporter constructs. This approach showed for the first time a melanoma cell specific transcriptional activation of xmrkB by its flanking regions, thereby providing the first functional evidence that the xmrk oncogene is controlled by a pigment cell specific promoter region. Subsequent analysis of different deletion constructs of the xmrkB BAC reporter construct strongly indicated that the regulatory elements responsible for the tumor-inducing overexpression of xmrkB in melanoma cells are located within 67 kb upstream of the xmrk oncogene. Taken together, these data indicate that melanoma formation in Xiphophorus is regulated by a tight transcriptional control of the xmrk oncogene and that the R locus acts through this mechanism. As the identification of the R-encoded gene(s) is necessary to fully understand how melanoma formation in Xiphophorus is regulated, I furthermore searched for alternative R candidate genes in this study. To this end, three genes, which are located in the genomic region where R has been mapped, were evaluated for their potential to be a crucial constituent of the regulator locus R. Among these genes, I identified pdcd4a, the ortholog of the human tumor suppressor gene PDCD4, as promising new candidate, because this gene showed the expression pattern expected from the crucial tumor suppressor gene encoded at the R locus.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} }