@phdthesis{Andreska2021, author = {Andreska, Thomas}, title = {Effects of dopamine on BDNF / TrkB mediated signaling and plasticity on cortico-striatal synapses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17431}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Progressive loss of voluntary movement control is the central symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD). Even today, we are not yet able to cure PD. This is mainly due to a lack of understanding the mechanisms of movement control, network activity and plasticity in motor circuits, in particular between the cerebral cortex and the striatum. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has emerged as one of the most important factors for the development and survival of neurons, as well as for synaptic plasticity. It is thus an important target for the development of new therapeutic strategies against neurodegenerative diseases. Together with its receptor, the Tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB), it is critically involved in development and function of the striatum. Nevertheless, little is known about the localization of BDNF within presynaptic terminals in the striatum, as well as the types of neurons that produce BDNF in the cerebral cortex. Furthermore, the influence of midbrain derived dopamine on the control of BDNF / TrkB interaction in striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) remains elusive so far. Dopamine, however, appears to play an important role, as its absence leads to drastic changes in striatal synaptic plasticity. This suggests that dopamine could regulate synaptic activity in the striatum via modulation of BDNF / TrkB function. To answer these questions, we have developed a sensitive and reliable protocol for the immunohistochemical detection of endogenous BDNF. We find that the majority of striatal BDNF is provided by glutamatergic, cortex derived afferents and not dopaminergic inputs from the midbrain. In fact, we found BDNF in cell bodies of neurons in layers II-III and V of the primary and secondary motor cortex as well as layer V of the somatosensory cortex. These are the brain areas that send dense projections to the dorsolateral striatum for control of voluntary movement. Furthermore, we could show that these projection neurons significantly downregulate the expression of BDNF during the juvenile development of mice between 3 and 12 weeks. In parallel, we found a modulatory effect of dopamine on the translocation of TrkB to the cell surface in postsynaptic striatal Medium Spiny Neurons (MSNs). In MSNs of the direct pathway (dMSNs), which express dopamine receptor 1 (DRD1), we observed the formation of TrkB aggregates in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model of PD. This suggests that DRD1 activity controls TrkB surface expression in these neurons. In contrast, we found that DRD2 activation has opposite effects in MSNs of the indirect pathway (iMSNs). Activation of DRD2 promotes a rapid decrease in TrkB surface expression which was reversible and depended on cAMP. In parallel, stimulation of DRD2 led to induction of phospho-TrkB (pTrkB). This effect was significantly slower than the effect on TrkB surface expression and indicates that TrkB is transactivated by DRD2. Together, our data provide evidence that dopamine triggers dual modes of plasticity on striatal MSNs by acting on TrkB surface expression in DRD1 and DRD2 expressing MSNs. This surface expression of the receptor is crucial for the binding of BDNF, which is released from corticostriatal afferents. This leads to the induction of TrkB-mediated downstream signal transduction cascades and long-term potentiation (LTP). Therefore, the dopamine-mediated translocation of TrkB could be a mediator that modulates the balance between dopaminergic and glutamatergic signaling to allow synaptic plasticity in a spatiotemporal manner. This information and the fact that TrkB is segregated to persistent aggregates in PD could help to improve our understanding of voluntary movement control and to develop new therapeutic strategies beyond those focusing on dopaminergic supply.}, subject = {Brain-derived neurotrophic factor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Auer2021, author = {Auer, Daniela}, title = {Impact of the chlamydial deubiquitinase ChlaDUB1 on host cell defense}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17846}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The human pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is the main cause of sexually transmitted infections worldwide. The obligate intracellular bacteria are the causative agent of several diseases that reach from conjunctivitis causing trachoma and blindness as well as salpingitis and urethritis which can lead to infertility if left untreated. In order to gain genetically engineered Chlamydia that inducible knock down specific gene expression, the CRISPRi system was established in C. trachomatis. In a proof of principle experiment it was shown that C. trachomatis pCRISPRi:gCdu1III target ChlaDUB1 expression and reduce the protein amount up to 50 \%. Knock-down of the DUB did not influence protein levels of anti-apoptotic Mcl-1 and did not make cells susceptible for apoptosis. However, reduced dCas9 protein size, bacterial growth impairment and off target effects interfering with the GFP signal, form obstacles in CRISPRi system in Chlamydia. For routinely use of the CRISPRi method in C. trachomatis further investigation is needed. Since the bacterial life cycle includes two morphological and functional distinct forms, it is essential for chlamydial spread to complete the development cycle and form infectious progeny. Therefore, Chlamydia has evolved strategies to evade the host immune system in order to stay undetected throughout the developmental cycle. The bacteria prevent host cell apoptosis via stabilization of anti-apoptotic proteins like Mcl-1, Survivin and HIF-1α and activate pro-survival pathways, inhibiting invasion of immune cells to the site of infection. The host cell itself can destroy intruders via cell specific defense systems that involve autophagy and recruitment of professional immune cells. In this thesis the role of the chlamydial deubiuqitinase ChlaDUB1 upon immune evasion was elucidated. With the mutant strain Ctr Tn-cdu1 that encodes for a truncated DUB due to transposon insertion, it was possible to identify ChlaDUB1 as a potent opponent of the autophagic system. Mutant inclusions were targeted by K48 and K63 chain ubiquitination. Subsequently the inclusion was recognized by autophagic receptors like p62, NBR1 and NDP52 that was reversed again by complementation with the active DUB. Xenophagy was promoted so far as LC3 positive phagosomes formed around the inclusion of Ctr Tn-cdu1, which did not fuse with the lysosome. The detected growth defect in human primary cells of Chlamydia missing the active DUB was not traced back to autophagy, but was due to impaired development and replication. It was possible to identify Ankib1, the E3 ligase, that ubiquitinates the chlamydial inclusion in a siRNA based screen. The activating enzyme Ube1 and the conjugating enzyme Ube2L3 are also essential in this process. Chlamydia have a reduced genome and depend on lipids and nutrients that are translocated from the host cell to the inclusion to proliferate. Recruitment of fragmented Golgi stacks to the inclusion surface was prevented when ChlaDUB1 was inactive, probably causing diminished bacterial growth. Additionally, the modification of the inclusion by Ankib1 and subsequent decoration by autophagic markers was not only present in human but also murine cells. Comparison of other Chlamydia strains and species revealed Ankib1 to be located at the proximity of the inclusion in C. trachomatis strains only but not in C. muridarum or C. pneumoniae, indicating that Ankib1 is specifically the E3 ligase of C. trachomatis. Moreover, the role of ChlaDUB1 in infected tissue was of interest, since ChlaDUB1 protein was also found in early EB stage and so might get in contact with invading immune cells after cell lysis. While bacteria spread and infect new host cells, Chlamydia can also infect immune cells. Infection of human neutrophils with Ctr Tn-cdu1 shows less bacterial survival and affirms the importance of the DUB for bacterial fitness in these cells.}, subject = {Chlamydia}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aydinli2021, author = {Aydinli, Muharrem}, title = {Software unterst{\"u}tzte Analyse von regulatorischen Elementen in Promotoren mittels AIModules}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24802}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248025}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Regulation der Genexpression steht am Anfang vieler zellbiologischer Prozesse wie beispielsweise dem Zellwachstum oder der Differenzierung. Gene werden an Promotoren transkribiert, wobei ein Promotor selbst aus vielen logischen Einheiten aufgebaut ist, den Transkriptionsfaktorbindestellen (TFBSs). Diese k{\"o}nnen sehr nah beieinander liegen, aber auch weit entfernt voneinander sein. Sie werden spezifisch von Transkriptionsfaktoren (TFs) gebunden, die die Transkritptionsrate z.B. verst{\"a}rken (Enhancer) oder schw{\"a}chen (Silencer) k{\"o}nnen. Zwei oder mehr dieser TFBSs mit bestimmtem Abstand werden als "Module" zusammengefasst, die {\"u}ber Spezies hinweg konserviert sein k{\"o}nnen. Typischerweise findet man Module in Zellen mit einem Zellkern. Spezies mit gemeinsamen Modulen k{\"o}nnen ein Hinweis auf die gemeinsame phylogenetische Abstammung darstellen, aber auch gemeinsame Funktionsmechanismen von TFs {\"u}ber Gene hinweg aufdecken. Heutzutage sind verschiedene Anwendungen verf{\"u}gbar, mit denen nach TFBSs in DNA gesucht werden kann. Zum Zeitpunkt des Verfassens dieser Arbeit sind aber nur zwei kommerzielle Produkte bekannt, die nicht nur TFBSs, sondern auch Module erkennen. Deshalb stellen wir hier die freie und quelloffene L{\"o}sung "AIModules" vor, die diese L{\"u}cke f{\"u}llt und einen Webservice zur Verf{\"u}gung stellt, der es erlaubt nach TFBSs sowie nach Modulen auf DNA- und auf RNA-Abschnitten zu suchen. F{\"u}r die Motivesuche werden entweder Matrizen aus der Jaspar Datenbank oder Matrizen vom Anwender verwendet. Dar{\"u}berhinaus zeigen wir, dass unser Tool f{\"u}r die TF Suche nur Sekunden ben{\"o}tigt, wohingegen conTraV3 mindestens eine Stunde f{\"u}r dieselbe Analyse braucht. Zus{\"a}tzlich kann der Anwender bei unserem Tool den Grad der Konserviertheit f{\"u}r TFs mit angeben und wir zeigen, dass wir mit unserer L{\"o}sung, die die Jaspar Datenbank heranzieht, mehr Module finden, als ein kommerziell verf{\"u}gbares Produkt. Weiterhin kann mit unserer L{\"o}sung auch auf RNA-Sequenzen nach regulatorischen Motiven gesucht werden, wenn der Anwender die daf{\"u}r n{\"o}tigen Matrizen liefert. Wir zeigen dies am Beispiel von Polyadenylierungsstellen. Zusammenfassend stellen wir ein Werkzeug vor, das erstens frei und quelloffen ist und zweitens entweder auf Servern ver{\"o}ffentlicht werden kann oder On-Site auf einem Notebook l{\"a}uft. Unser Tool erlaubt es Promotoren zu analysieren und nach konservierten Modulen sowie TFBSs in Genfamilien sowie nach regulatorischen Elementen in mRNA wie z.B. Polyadenylierungsstellen oder andere regulatorische Elemente wie beispielsweise Enhancern oder Silencern in genomischer DNA zu suchen.}, subject = {Genregulation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Beer2021, author = {Beer, Katharina}, title = {A Comparison of the circadian clock of highly social bees (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\)) and solitary bees (\(Osmia\) \(spec.\)): Circadian clock development, behavioral rhythms and neuroanatomical characterization of two central clock components (PER and PDF)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15976}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159765}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Summary Bees, like many other organisms, evolved an endogenous circadian clock, which enables them to foresee daily environmental changes and exactly time foraging flights to periods of floral resource availability. The social lifestyle of a honey bee colony has been shown to influence circadian behavior in nurse bees, which do not exhibit rhythmic behavior when they are nursing. On the other hand, forager bees display strong circadian rhythms. Solitary bees, like the mason bee, do not nurse their offspring and do not live in hive communities, but face the same daily environmental changes as honey bees. Besides their lifestyle mason and honey bees differ in their development and life history, because mason bees overwinter after eclosion as adults in their cocoons until they emerge in spring. Honey bees do not undergo diapause and have a relatively short development of a few weeks until they emerge. In my thesis, I present a comparison of the circadian clock of social honey bees (Apis mellifera) and solitary mason bees (Osmia bicornis and Osmia cornuta) on the neuroanatomical level and behavioral output level. I firstly characterized in detail the localization of the circadian clock in the bee brain via the expression pattern of two clock components, namely the clock protein PERIOD (PER) and the neuropeptide Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), in the brain of honey bee and mason bee. PER is localized in lateral neuron clusters (which we called lateral neurons 1 and 2: LN1 and LN2) and dorsal neuron clusters (we called dorsal lateral neurons and dorsal neurons: DLN, DN), many glia cells and photoreceptor cells. This expression pattern is similar to the one in other insect species and indicates a common ground plan of clock cells among insects. In the LN2 neuron cluster with cell bodies located in the lateral brain, PER is co-expressed with PDF. These cells build a complex arborization network throughout the brain and provide the perfect structure to convey time information to brain centers, where complex behavior, e.g. sun-compass orientation and time memory, is controlled. The PDF arborizations centralize in a dense network (we named it anterio-lobular PDF hub: ALO) which is located in front of the lobula. In other insects, this fiber center is associated with the medulla (accessory medulla: AME). Few PDF cells build the ALO already in very early larval development and the cell number and complexity of the network grows throughout honey bee development. Thereby, dorsal regions are innervated first by PDF fibers and, in late larval development, the fibers grow laterally to the optic lobe and central brain. The overall expression pattern of PER and PDF are similar in adult social and solitary bees, but I found a few differences in the PDF network density in the posterior protocerebrum and the lamina, which may be associated with evolution of sociality in bees. Secondly, I monitored activity rhythms, for which I developed and established a device to monitor locomotor activity rhythms of individual honey bees with contact to a mini colony in the laboratory. This revealed new aspects of social synchronization and survival of young bees with indirect social contact to the mini colony (no trophalaxis was possible). For mason bees, I established a method to monitor emergence and locomotor activity rhythms and I could show that circadian emergence rhythms are entrainable by daily temperature cycles. Furthermore, I present the first locomotor activity rhythms of solitary bees, which show strong circadian rhythms in their behavior right after emergence. Honey bees needed several days to develop circadian locomotor rhythms in my experiments. I hypothesized that honey bees do not emerge with a fully matured circadian system in the hive, while solitary bees, without the protection of a colony, would need a fully matured circadian clock right away after emergence. Several indices in published work and preliminary studies support my hypothesis and future studies on PDF expression in different developmental stages in solitary bees may provide hard evidence.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boegelein2021, author = {B{\"o}gelein, Anna}, title = {Einfluss systemischer Therapeutika auf die CXCR4-Expression von Myelomzellen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24174}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241746}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Im Zuge der Bem{\"u}hungen um neue, tumorspezifische Therapieans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r die Myelomerkrankung hat sich der C-X-C-Chemokinrezeptor 4 (CXCR4) aufgrund seiner zentralen Rolle in der Tumorgenese als vielversprechender Angriffspunkt hervorgetan. Im Sinne eines theranostischen Konzepts wird der Rezeptor mithilfe eines radioaktiv markierten Liganden quantifiziert und anschließend von rezeptorspezifischen Radiotherapeutika als Zielstruktur genutzt. Die CXCR4-Expression ist allerdings ein h{\"o}chst dynamischer Prozess mit großer inter- und intraindividueller Heterogenit{\"a}t, der u.a. durch eine begleitende Chemotherapie beeinflusst werden kann. Ob sich therapieinduzierte Ver{\"a}nderungen der Rezeptorexpression gezielt nutzen lassen, um die CXCR4-Expression zu optimieren und so die Effektivit{\"a}t der CXCR4-gerichteten Strategien zu steigern, wurde bislang nicht untersucht. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit verschiedene, in der Myelomtherapie etablierte Substanzen sowohl einzeln als auch in Kombination hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf die CXCR4-Expression von MM-Zelllinien und prim{\"a}ren MM-Zellen unter in vitro Bedingungen analysiert. In den durchgef{\"u}hrten Experimenten zeigte sich eine hohe Variabilit{\"a}t der CXCR4-Expression der MM-Zellen nach Therapieinduktion, die sich als substanz-, dosis- und zeitabh{\"a}ngig herausstellte. Die Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigten das große Potenzial der therapieinduzierten Modulation der CXCR4-Expression. Im weiteren Verlauf sind translationale Forschungsans{\"a}tze gerechtfertigt, die die {\"U}bertragbarkeit der in vitro gewonnenen Ergebnisse auf die komplexen Vorg{\"a}nge im lebenden Organismus {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen. Langfristiges Ziel ist der Entwurf eines patientenzentrierten, multimodalen Therapiekonzepts, welches das CXCR4-gerichtete theranostische Konzept mit einer individuell angepassten, medikament{\"o}sen MM-Therapie kombiniert.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Classen2021, author = {Claßen, Alexandra}, title = {The ERK-cascade in the pathophysiology of cardiac hypertrophy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22966}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229664}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {ERK1/2 are known key players in the pathophysiology of heart failure, but the members of the ERK cascade, in particular Raf1, can also protect the heart from cell death and ischemic injury. An additional autophosphorylation (ERK1 at Thr208, ERK2 at Thr188) empowers ERK1/2 translocation to the nucleus and phosphorylation of nuclear targets which take part in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Thereby, targeting this additional phosphorylation is a promising pharmacological approach. In this thesis, an in silico model of ERK cascade in the cardiomyocyte is introduced. The model is a semi-quantitive model and its behavior was tested with different softwares (SQUAD and CellNetAnalyzer). Different phosphorylation states of ERK1/2 as well as different stimuli can be reproduced. The different types of stimuli include hypertrophic as well as non-hypertrophic stimuli. With the introduced in-silico model time courses and synergistic as well as antagonistic receptor stimuli combinations can be predicted. The simulated time courses were experimentally validated. SQUAD was mainly used to make predictions about time courses and thresholds, whereas CNA was used to analyze steady states and feedback loops. Furthermore, new targets of ERK1/2 which partially contribute, also in the formation of cardiac hypertrophy, were identified and the most promising of them were illuminated. Important further targets are Caspase 8, GAB2, Mxi-2, SMAD2, FHL2 and SPIN90. Cardiomyocyte gene expression data sets were analyzed to verify involved components and to find further significantly altered genes after induced hypertrophy with TAC (transverse aortic constriction). Changes in the ultrastructure of the cardiomyocyte are the final result of induced hypertrophy.}, subject = {Herzhypertrophie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CruzGarcia2021, author = {Cruz Garcia, Yiliam}, title = {Interactome of the β2b subunit of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in cardiomyocytes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20857}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208579}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (LTCC) are heteromultimeric membrane proteins that allow Ca2+ entry into the cell upon plasma membrane depolarization. The β subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels (Cavβ) binds to the α-interaction domain in the pore-forming α1 subunit and regulates the trafficking and biophysical properties of these channels. Of the four Cavβ isoforms, Cavβ2 is predominantly expressed in cardiomyocytes. This subunit associates with diverse proteins besides LTCC, but the molecular composition of the Cavβ2 nanoenvironments in cardiomyocytes is yet unresolved. Here, we used a protein-labeling technique in living cells based on an engineered ascorbate peroxidase 2 (APEX2). In this strategy, Cavβ2b was fused to APEX2 and expressed in adult rat cardiomyocytes using an adenovirus system. Nearby proteins covalently labeled with biotin-phenol were purified using streptavidin-coated beads and identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Analysis of the in situ APEX2-based biotin labeling by MS revealed 61 proteins located in the nanoenvironments of Cavβ2b, with a high specificity and consistency in all the replicates. These proteins are involved in diverse cellular functions such as cellular trafficking, sarcomere organization and excitation-contraction coupling. Among these proteins, we demonstrated an interaction between the ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) and Cavβ2b, probably coupling LTCC and the RyR2 into a supramolecular complex at the dyads. This interaction is mediated by the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of Cavβ2b and is necessary for an effective pacing frequency-dependent increase in Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in cardiomyocytes.}, subject = {Calciumkanal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{daCruzGueerisoli2021, author = {da Cruz G{\"u}erisoli, Irene Maria}, title = {Investigating the murine meiotic telomere complex TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN: spatial organization and evolutionary history}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21056}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-210562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Einess der faszinierenden Merkmale der meiotischen Prophase I sind die hochkonservierten kr{\"a}ftigen Bewegungen homologer Chromosomen. Diese Bewegungen sind entscheidend f{\"u}r den Erfolg von Schl{\"u}sselereignissen wie die Ausrichtung, Paarung und Rekombination der homologen Chromosomen. Mehrere bisher untersuchte Organismen, darunter S{\"a}ugetiere, W{\"u}rmer, Hefen und Pflanzen, erreichen diese Bewegungen, indem sie die Chromosomenenden an spezialisierten Stellen in der Kernh{\"u}lle verankern. Diese Verankerung erfordert Telomer-Adapterproteine, die bisher in der Spalthefe und der Maus identifiziert wurden. Die meiosespezifischen Telomer-Adapterproteine der Maus, TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, sind an der Verankerung des ubiquit{\"a}ren Telomer-Shelterin-protein an den LINC-Komplex beteiligt, mit einem analogen Mechanismus, wie er die Spalthefe beschrieben wird. Obgleich die meiose-spezifischen TelomerAdapterproteine eine wesentliche Rolle spielen, ist der genaue Mechanismus der Verankerung der Telomere an die Kernh{\"u}lle sowie ihre evolution{\"a}re Geschichte bisher noch wenig verstanden. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Untersuchung der Organisation des meiosespezifischen TelomerAdapterkomplexes TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN der Maus und dessen Evolutionsgeschichte. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Organisation des TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN Komplexes mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender Mikroskopie (SIM), an Mausspermatozyten untersucht, sowie die Lokalisation in Bezug auf TRF1 des Telomer-ShelterinKomplexes und die telomerische DNA analysiert. In den Stadien Zygot{\"a}n und Pachyt{\"a}n zeigten die Fluoreszenzsignale eine starke {\"U}berlappung der Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine, wobei die Organisation von TERB2 an den Chromosomenenden heterogener war als die von TERB1 und MAJIN. Außerdem konnte die TRF1-Lokalisation an den Enden der Lateralelemente (LEs) mit einer griffartigen Anordnung um die TERB1- und MAJIN-Signale im Zygot{\"a}n- und Pachyt{\"a}n-Stadium gezeigt werden. Interessanterweise erwies sich die telomerische DNA als lateral verteilt und teilweise {\"u}berlappend mit der zentralen Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine an den Enden der LEs. Die Kombination dieser Ergebnisse erlaubte die Beschreibung eines alternativen Modells der Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle w{\"a}hrend der meiotischen Prophase I. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit analysiert die Evolutionsgeschichte der Mausproteine von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN. Die fehlende {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen den Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Adapteproteinen der Maus und der Spalthefe hat die Frage nach dem evolutionsbedingten Ursprung dieses spezifischen Komplexes aufgeworfen. Um vermeintliche Orthologen der Mausproteinevon TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN {\"u}ber Metazoen hinweg zu identifizieren, wurden computergest{\"u}tzte Verfahren und phylogenetische Analysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden Expressionsstudien implementiert, um ihre potenzielle Funktion w{\"a}hrend der Meiose zu testen. Die Analysen haben ergeben, dass der Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Komplex der Maus sehr alt ist, da er bereits in den Eumetazoen entstand, was auf einen einzigen Ursprung hindeutet. Das Fehlen jeglicher Homologen des meiosespezifischen Telomerkomplexes in Nematoden und die einigen wenigen in Arthropoden nachgewiesenen Kandidaten, deuten darauf hin, dass die Telomer-Adapterproteine in diesen Abstammungslinien verloren/ersetzt oder stark diversifiziert worden sind. Bemerkenswerterweise zeigten Proteindom{\"a}nen von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, die an der Bildung des Komplexes sowie an der Interaktion mit dem Telomer-Shelterin-Protein und den LINC-Komplexen beteiligt sind, eine hohe Sequenz{\"a}hnlichkeit {\"u}ber alle Kladen hinweg. Abschließend lieferte die Genexpression im Nesseltier Hydra vulgaris den Beweis, dass der TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN-Komplex selektiv in der Keimbahn exprimiert wird, was auf die Konservierung meiotischer Funktionen {\"u}ber die gesamte Metazoen-Evolution hinweg hindeutet. Zusammenfassend bietet diese Arbeit bedeutende neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich des Meiose-spezifischen Telomer-Adapterkomplex, seines Mechanismus zur Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle und die Entschl{\"u}sselung seines Ursprungs in den Metazoen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eiring2021, author = {Eiring, Patrick}, title = {Super-resolution microscopy of plasma membrane receptors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250048}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Plasma membrane receptors are the most crucial and most commonly studied components of cells, since they not only ensure communication between the extracellular space and cells, but are also responsible for the regulation of cell cycle and cell division. The composition of the surface receptors, the so-called "Receptome", differs and is characteristic for certain cell types. Due to their significance, receptors have been important target structures for diagnostic and therapy in cancer medicine and often show aberrant expression patterns in various cancers compared to healthy cells. However, these aberrations can also be exploited and targeted by different medical approaches, as in the case of personalized immunotherapy. In addition, advances in modern fluorescence microscopy by so-called single molecule techniques allow for unprecedented sensitive visualization and quantification of molecules with an attainable spatial resolution of 10-20 nm, allowing for the detection of both stoichiometric and expression density differences. In this work, the single molecule sensitive method dSTORM was applied to quantify the receptor composition of various cell lines as well as in primary samples obtained from patients with hematologic malignancies. The focus of this work lies on artefact free quantification, stoichiometric analyses of oligomerization states and co localization analyses of membrane receptors. Basic requirements for the quantification of receptors are dyes with good photoswitching properties and labels that specifically mark the target structure without generating background through non-specific binding. To ensure this, antibodies with a predefined DOL (degree of labeling) were used, which are also standard in flow cytometry. First background reduction protocols were established on cell lines prior analyses in primary patient samples. Quantitative analyses showed clear expression differences between the cell lines and the patient cells, but also between individual patients. An important component of this work is the ability to detect the oligomerization states of receptors, which enables a more accurate quantification of membrane receptor densities compared to standard flow cytometry. It also provides information about the activation of a certain receptor, for example of FLT3, a tyrosine kinase, dimerizing upon activation. For this purpose, different well-known monomers and dimers were compared to distinguish the typical localization statistics of single bound antibodies from two or more antibodies that are in proximity. Further experiments as well as co localization analyses proved that antibodies can bind to closely adjacent epitopes despite their size. These analytical methods were subsequently applied for quantification and visualization of receptors in two clinically relevant examples. Firstly, various therapeutically relevant receptors such as CD38, BCMA and SLAMF7 for multiple myeloma, a malignant disease of plasma cells, were analyzed and quantified on patient cells. Furthermore, the influence of TP53 and KRAS mutations on receptor expression levels was investigated using the multiple myeloma cell lines OPM2 and AMO1, showing clear differences in certain receptor quantities. Secondly, FLT3 which is a therapeutic target receptor for acute myeloid leukemia, was quantified and stoichiometrically analyzed on both cell lines and patient cells. In addition, cells that have developed resistance against midostaurin were compared with cells that still respond to this type I tyrosine-kinase-inhibitor for their FLT3 receptor expression and oligomerization state.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eisenhuth2021, author = {Eisenhuth, Nicole Juliana}, title = {Novel and conserved roles of the histone methyltransferase DOT1B in trypanosomatid parasites}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21993}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219936}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The family of trypanosomatid parasites, including the human pathogens Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania, has evolved sophisticated strategies to survive in harmful host environments. While Leishmania generate a safe niche inside the host's macrophages, Trypanosoma brucei lives extracellularly in the mammalian bloodstream, where it is constantly exposed to the attack of the immune system. Trypanosoma brucei ensures its survival by periodically changing its protective surface coat in a process known as antigenic variation. The surface coat is composed of one species of 'variant surface glycoprotein' (VSG). Even though the genome possesses a large repertoire of different VSG isoforms, only one is ever expressed at a time from one out of the 15 specialized subtelomeric 'expression sites' (ES). Switching the coat can be accomplished either by a recombination-based exchange of the actively-expressed VSG with a silent VSG, or by a transcriptional switch to a previously silent ES. The conserved histone methyltransferase DOT1B methylates histone H3 on lysine 76 and is involved in ES regulation in T. brucei. DOT1B ensures accurate transcriptional silencing of the inactive ES VSGs and influences the kinetics of a transcriptional switch. The molecular machinery that enables DOT1B to execute these regulatory functions at the ES is still elusive, however. To learn more about DOT1B-mediated regulatory processes, I wanted to identify DOT1B-associated proteins. Using two complementary approaches, specifically affinity purification and proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID), I identified several novel DOT1B-interacting candidates. To validate these data, I carried out reciprocal co-immunoprecipitations with the most promising candidates. An interaction of DOT1B with the Ribonuclease H2 protein complex, which has never been described before in any other organism, was confirmed. Trypanosomal Ribonuclease H2 maintains genome integrity by resolving RNA-DNA hybrids, structures that if not properly processed might initiate antigenic variation. I then investigated DOT1B's contribution to this novel route to antigenic variation. Remarkably, DOT1B depletion caused an increased RNA-DNA hybrid abundance, accumulation of DNA damage, and increased VSG switching. Deregulation of VSGs from throughout the silent repertoire was observed, indicating that recombination-based switching events occurred. Encouragingly, the pattern of deregulated VSGs was similar to that seen in Ribonuclease H2-depleted cells. Together these data support the hypothesis that both proteins act together in modulating RNA-DNA hybrids to contribute to the tightly-regulated process of antigenic variation. The transmission of trypanosomatid parasites to mammalian hosts is facilitated by insect vectors. Parasites need to adapt to the extremely different environments encountered during transmission. To ensure their survival, they differentiate into various specialized forms adapted to each tissue microenvironment. Besides antigenic variation, DOT1B additionally affects the developmental differentiation from the mammalian-infective to the insect stage of Trypanosoma brucei. However, substantially less is known about the influence of chromatin-associated proteins such as DOT1B on survival and adaptation strategies of related Leishmania parasites. To elucidate whether DOT1B's functions are conserved in Leishmania, phenotypes after gene deletion were analyzed. As in Trypanosoma brucei, generation of a gene deletion mutant demonstrated that DOT1B is not essential for the cell viability in vitro. DOT1B deletion was accompanied with a loss of histone H3 lysine 73 trimethylation (the lysine homologous to trypanosomal H3K76), indicating that Leishmania DOT1B is also solely responsible for catalyzing this post-translational modification. As in T. brucei, dimethylation could only be observed during mitosis/cytokinesis, while trimethylation was detectable throughout the cell cycle in wild-type cells. In contrast to the trypanosome DOT1B, LmxDOT1B was not essential for differentiation in vitro. However, preliminary data indicate that the enzyme is required for effective macrophage infection. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the identification of protein networks and the characterization of protein functions of orthologous proteins from related parasites are effective tools to improve our understanding of the parasite survival strategies. Such insights are a necessary step on the road to developing better treatments for the devastating diseases they cause.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Georgiev2021, author = {Georgiev, Kostadin}, title = {Sustainable management of naturally disturbed forests}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24285}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242854}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Owing to climate change, natural forest disturbances and consecutive salvage logging are drastically increasing worldwide, consequently increasing the importance of understanding how these disturbances would affect biodiversity conservation and provision of ecosystem services. In chapter II, I used long-term water monitoring data and mid-term data on α-diversity of twelve species groups to quantify the effects of natural disturbances (windthrow and bark beetle) and salvage logging on concentrations of nitrate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in streamwater and α-diversity. I found that natural disturbances led to a temporal increase of nitrate concentrations in streamwater, but these concentrations remained within the health limits recommended by the World Health Organization for drinking water. Salvage logging did not exert any additional impact on nitrate and DOC concentrations, and hence did not affect streamwater quality. Thus, neither natural forest disturbances in watersheds nor associated salvage logging have a harmful effect on the quality of the streamwater used for drinking water. Natural disturbances increased the α-diversity in eight out of twelve species groups. Salvage logging additionally increased the α-diversity of five species groups related to open habitats, but decreased the biodiversity of three deadwood-dependent species groups. In chapter III, I investigated whether salvage logging following natural disturbances (wildfire and windthrow) altered the natural successional trajectories of bird communities. I compiled data on breeding bird assemblages from nine study areas in North America, Europe and Asia, over a period of 17 years and tested whether bird community dissimilarities changed over time for taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity when rare, common and dominant species were weighted differently. I found that salvage logging led to significantly larger dissimilarities than expected by chance and that these dissimilarities persisted over time for rare, common and dominant species, evolutionary lineages, and for rare functional groups. Dissimilarities were highest for rare, followed by common and dominant species. In chapter IV, I investigated how β-diversity of 13 taxonomic groups would differ in intact, undisturbed forests, disturbed, unlogged forests and salvage-logged forests 11 years after a windthrow and salvage logging. The study suggests that both windthrow and salvage logging drive changes in between-treatment β-diversity, whereas windthrow alone seems to drive changes in within-treatment β-diversity. Over a decade after the windthrow at the studied site, the effect of subsequent salvage logging on within-treatment β-diversity was no longer detectable but the effect on between-treatment β-diversity persisted, with more prominent changes in saproxylic groups and rare species than in non-saproxylic groups or common and dominant species. Based on these results, I suggest that salvage logging needs to be carefully weighed against its long-lasting impact on communities of rare species. Also, setting aside patches of naturally disturbed areas is a valuable management alternative as these patches would enable post-disturbance succession of bird communities in unmanaged patches and would promote the conservation of deadwood-dependent species, without posing health risks to drinking water sources.}, subject = {species richness}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goos2021, author = {Goos, Carina}, title = {Nuclear periphery granules of trypanosomes - A characterization of composition and function}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23436}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234368}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The nuclear envelope serves as important mRNA surveillance system. In yeast and humans, several control mechanisms act in parallel to prevent nuclear export of unprocessed mRNAs. However, trypanosomes lack homologues to most of the proteins involved. In addition, gene expression in trypanosomes relies almost completely on post-transcriptional regulation as they transcribe mRNAs as long polycistrons, which are subsequently processed into individual mRNA molecules by trans-splicing. As trans-splicing is not error-free, unspliced mRNAs may be recognized and prevented from reaching the cytoplasm by a yet unknown mechanism. When trans-splicing is inhibited in trypanosomes, the formation of a novel RNA granule type at the cytoplasmic periphery of the nucleus, so called nuclear periphery granules (NPGs) was previously observed. To identify potential regulators of nuclear export control, changes in protein localization which occur when trans-splicing is inhibited, were globally analyzed during this work. For this, trypanosome nuclei were purified under conditions maintaining NPG attachment to the nucleus, in the absence and presence of trans-splicing. Mass spectrometry analyses identified 128 proteins which are specifically enriched in nuclear preparations of cells inhibited for trans-splicing. Amongst them are proteins, which change their localization to the nucleus or to the nuclear pores as well as many proteins that move into NPGs. Some of these proteins are promising candidates for nuclear export control proteins, as the changes in localization (to the nucleus or nuclear pores) were specific to the accumulation of unspliced mRNAs. The NPG proteome almost exclusively contains proteins involved in mRNA metabolism, mostly unique to trypanosomes, notably major translation initiation factors were absent. These data indicate that NPGs are RNP complexes which have started or completed nuclear export, but not yet entered translation. As a byproduct of these proteomic studies, a high-quality dataset of the yet unknown T. brucei nuclear proteome is provided, closing an important gap in knowledge to study trypanosome biology, in particular nuclear related processes. NPGs were characterized in more detail by microscopy. The granules are cytoplasmic and present in at least two different trypanosome life cycle stages. There are at least two distinct granule subsets, with differences in protein composition. A closer analysis of NPGs by electron microscopy revealed that the granules are electron dense structures, which are connected to nuclear pores by string-like structures. In order to approach the function of NPGs, on the one hand, the hypothesis that NPGs might be related to perinuclear germ granules of adult gonads of C. elegans was tested: we found no relation between the two granule types. On the other hand, initial single molecule mRNA FISH experiments performed in trypanosomes showed no accumulation of unspliced transcripts in NPGs, arguing against an involvement of the granules in mRNA quality control.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grebinyk2021, author = {Grebinyk, Anna}, title = {Synergistic Chemo- and Photodynamic Treatment of Cancer Cells with C\(_{60}\) Fullerene Nanocomplexes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22207}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222075}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Recent progress in nanotechnology has attracted interest to a biomedical application of the carbon nanoparticle C60 fullerene (C60) due to its unique structure and versatile biological activity. In the current study the dual functionality of C60 as a photosensitizer and a drug nanocarrier was exploited to improve the efficiency of chemotherapeutic drugs towards human leukemic cells. Pristine C60 demonstrated time-dependent accumulation with predominant mitochondrial localization in leukemic cells. C60's effects on leukemic cells irradiated with high power single chip LEDs of different wavelengths were assessed to find out the most effective photoexcitation conditions. A C60-based noncovalent nanosized system as a carrier for an optimized drug delivery to the cells was evaluated in accordance to its physicochemical properties and toxic effects. Finally, nanomolar amounts of C60-drug nanocomplexes in 1:1 and 2:1 molar ratios were explored to improve the efficiency of cell treatment, complementing it with photodynamic approach. A proposed treatment strategy was developed for C60 nanocomplexes with the common chemotherapeutic drug Doxorubicin, whose intracellular accumulation and localization, cytotoxicity and mechanism of action were investigated. The developed strategy was revealed to be transferable to an alternative potent anticancer drug - the herbal alkaloid Berberine. Hereafter, a strong synergy of treatments arising from the combination of C60-mediated drug delivery and C60 photoexcitation was revealed. Presented data indicate that a combination of chemo- and photodynamic treatments with C60-drug nanoformulations could provide a promising synergetic approach for cancer treatment.}, subject = {cancer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Groma2021, author = {Groma, Michaela}, title = {Identification of a novel LysR-type transcriptional regulator in \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24675}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246757}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is a facultative pathogen which causes a variety of infections. The treatment of staphylococcal infections is complicated because the bacteria is resistant to multiple common antibiotics. S. aureus is also known to express a variety of virulence factors which modulate the host's immune response in order to colonize and invade certain host cells, leading to the host cell's death. Among the virulence factors is a LysR-type transcriptional regulator (lttr) which is required for efficient colonization of secondary organs. In a recent report, which used transposon screening on S. aureus-infected mice, it was found that the amount of a novel lttr852 mutant bacteria recovered from the kidneys was significantly lower compared to the wildtype strains. This doctoral thesis therefore focused on phenotypical and molecular characterization of lttr852. An assessment of the S. aureus biofilm formation and the hemolysis revealed that lttr852 was not involved in the regulation of these virulence processes. RNA-sequencing for potential target genes of lttr852 identified differentially expressed genes that are involved in branched chain amino-acid biosynthesis, methionine sulfoxide reductase and copper transport, as well as a reduced transcription of genes encoding urease and of components of pyrimidine nucleotides. Promoter fusion with GFP reporters as as well as OmniLog were used to identify conditions under which the lttr852 was active. The promoter studies showed that glucose and high temperatures diminish the lttr852 promoter activity in a time-dependent manner, while micro-aerobic conditions enhanced the promoter activity. Copper was found to be a limiting factor. In addition, the impact on promoter activity of the lttr852 was tested in the presence of various regulators, but no central link to the genes involved in virulence was identified. The present work, thus, showed that lttr852, a new member of the class of LysR-type transcriptional regulators in S. aureus, has an important role in the rapid adaptation of S. aureus to the changing microenvironment of the host.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruendl2021, author = {Gr{\"u}ndl, Marco}, title = {Biochemical characterization of the MMB-Hippo crosstalk and its physiological relevance for heart development}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21332}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213328}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Myb-MuvB (MMB) complex plays an essential role in the time-dependent transcriptional activation of mitotic genes. Recently, our laboratory identified a novel crosstalk between the MMB-complex and YAP, the transcriptional coactivator of the Hippo pathway, to coregulate a subset of mitotic genes (Pattschull et al., 2019). Several genetic studies have shown that the Hippo-YAP pathway is essential to drive cardiomyocyte proliferation during cardiac development (von Gise et al., 2012; Heallen et al., 2011; Xin et al., 2011). However, the exact mechanisms of how YAP activates proliferation of cardiomyocytes is not known. This doctoral thesis addresses the physiological role of the MMB-Hippo crosstalk within the heart and characterizes the YAP-B-MYB interaction with the overall aim to identify a potent inhibitor of YAP. The results reported in this thesis indicate that complete loss of the MMB scaffold protein LIN9 in heart progenitor cells results in thinning of ventricular walls, reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation and early embryonic lethality. Moreover, genetic experiments using mice deficient in SAV1, a core component of the Hippo pathway, and LIN9-deficient mice revealed that the correct function of the MMB complex is critical for proliferation of cardiomyocytes due to Hippo-deficiency. Whole genome transcriptome profiling as well as genome wide binding studies identified a subset of Hippo-regulated cell cycle genes as direct targets of MMB. By proximity ligation assay (PLA), YAP and B-MYB were discovered to interact in embryonal cardiomyocytes. Biochemical approaches, such as co-immunoprecipitation assays, GST-pulldown assays, and µSPOT-based peptide arrays were employed to characterize the YAP-B-MYB interaction. Here, a PY motif within the N-terminus of B-MYB was found to directly interact with the YAP WW-domains. Consequently, the YAP WW-domains were important for the ability of YAP to drive proliferation in cardiomyocytes and to activate MMB target genes in differentiated C2C12 cells. The biochemical information obtained from the interaction studies was utilized to develop a novel competitive inhibitor of YAP called MY-COMP (Myb-YAP competition). In MY-COMP, the protein fragment of B-MYB containing the YAP binding domain is fused to a nuclear localization signal. Co-immunoprecipitation studies as well as PLA revealed that the YAP-B-MYB interaction is robustly blocked by expression of MY-COMP. Adenoviral overexpression of MY-COMP in embryonal cardiomyocytes suppressed entry into mitosis and blocked the pro-proliferative function of YAP. Strikingly, characterization of the cellular phenotype showed that ectopic expression of MY-COMP led to growth defects, nuclear abnormalities and polyploidization in HeLa cells. Taken together, the results of this thesis reveal the mechanism of the crosstalk between the Hippo signaling pathway and the MMB complex in the heart and form the basis for interference with the oncogenic activity of the Hippo coactivator YAP.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Habenstein2021, author = {Habenstein, Jens}, title = {Neuropeptides in the brain of \(Cataglyphis\) \(nodus\) ants and their role as potential modulators of behavior}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24961}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {An adequate task allocation among colony members is of particular importance in large insect societies. Some species exhibit distinct polymorphic worker classes which are responsible for a specific range of tasks. However, much more often the behavior of the workers is related to the age of the individual. Ants of the genus Cataglyphis (Foerster 1850) undergo a marked age-related polyethism with three distinct behavioral stages. Newly emerged ants (callows) remain more or less motionless in the nest for the first day. The ants subsequently fulfill different tasks inside the darkness of the nest for up to four weeks (interior workers) before they finally leave the nest to collect food for the colony (foragers). This thesis focuses on the neuronal substrate underlying the temporal polyethism in Cataglyphis nodus ants by addressing following major objectives: (1) Investigating the structures and neuronal circuitries of the Cataglyphis brain to understand potential effects of neuromodulators in specific brain neuropils. (2) Identification and localization of neuropeptides in the Cataglyphis brain. (3) Examining the expression of suitable neuropeptide candidates during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The brain provides the fundament for the control of the behavioral output of an insect. Although the importance of the central nervous system is known beyond doubt, the functional significance of large areas of the insect brain are not completely understood. In Cataglyphis ants, previous studies focused almost exclusively on major neuropils while large proportions of the central protocerebrum have been often disregarded due to the lack of clear boundaries. Therefore, I reconstructed a three-dimensional Cataglyphis brain employing confocal laser scanning microscopy. To visualize synapsin-rich neuropils and fiber tracts, a combination of fluorescently labeled antibodies, phalloidin (a cyclic peptide binding to filamentous actin) and anterograde tracers was used. Based on the unified nomenclature for insect brains, I defined traceable criteria for the demarcation of individual neuropils. The resulting three-dimensional brain atlas provides information about 33 distinct synapse-rich neuropils and 30 fiber tracts, including a comprehensive description of the olfactory and visual tracts in the Cataglyphis brain. This three-dimensional brain atlas further allows to assign present neuromodulators to individual brain neuropils. Neuropeptides represent the largest group of neuromodulators in the central nervous system of insects. They regulate important physiological and behavioral processes and have therefore recently been associated with the regulation of the temporal polyethism in social insects. To date, the knowledge of neuropeptides in Cataglyphis ants has been mainly derived from neuropeptidomic data of Camponotus floridanus ants and only a few neuropeptides have been characterized in Cataglyphis. Therefore, I performed a comprehensive transcriptome analysis in Cataglyphis nodus ants and identified peptides by using Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) MS. This resulted in the characterization of 71 peptides encoded on 49 prepropeptide genes, including a novel neuropeptide-like gene (fliktin). In addition, high-resolution MALDI-TOF MS imaging (MALDI-MSI) was applied for the first time in an ant brain to localize peptides on thin brain cryosections. Employing MALDI-MSI, I was able to visualize the spatial distribution of 35 peptides encoded on 16 genes. To investigate the role of neuropeptides during behavioral maturation, I selected suitable neuropeptide candidates and analyzed their spatial distributions and expression levels following major behavioral transitions. Based on recent studies, I suggested the neuropeptides allatostatin-A (Ast-A), corazonin (Crz) and tachykinin (TK) as potential regulators of the temporal polyethism. The peptidergic neurons were visualized in the brain of C. nodus ants using immunohistochemistry. Independent of the behavioral stages, numerous Ast-A- and TK-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons innervate important high-order integration centers and sensory input regions with cell bodies dispersed all across the cell body rind. In contrast, only four corazonergic neurons per hemisphere were found in the Cataglyphis brain. Their somata are localized in the pars lateralis with axons projecting to the medial protocerebrum and the retrocerebral complex. Number and branching patterns of the Crz-ir neurons were similar across behavioral stages, however, the volume of the cell bodies was significantly larger in foragers than in the preceding behavioral stages. In addition, quantitative PCR analyses displayed increased Crz and Ast-A mRNA levels in foragers, suggesting a concomitant increase of the peptide levels. The task-specific expression of Crz and Ast-A along with the presence in important sensory input regions, high-order integration center, and the neurohormonal organs indicate a sustaining role of the neuropeptides during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The present thesis contains a comprehensive reference work for the brain anatomy and the neuropeptidome of Cataglyphis ants. I further demonstrated that neuropeptides are suitable modulators for the temporal polyethism of Cataglyphis workers. The complete dataset provides a solid framework for future neuroethological studies in Cataglyphis ants as well as for comparative studies on insects. This may help to improve our understanding of the functionality of individual brain neuropils and the role of neuropeptides, particularly during behavioral maturation in social insects.}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heiby2021, author = {Heiby, Julia}, title = {Insight into molecular mechanisms of folding and self-association of spider silk protein domains}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19345}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Spider silk is a biomaterial of extraordinary toughness paired with elasticity. The assembly of silk proteins, so-called spidroins (from "spider" and "fibroin"), generates the silk threads we typically see in our garden or the corners of our houses. Although spider webs from different species vary considerably in geometry and size, many sections of spidroin sequences are conserved. Highly conserved regions, found in all spidroins, relate to the terminal domains of the protein, i.e., the N-terminal (NTD) and C-terminal domains (CTD). Both have an essential function in the silk fibre association and polymerisation. The NTD is a 14 kDa five-helix bundle, which self-associates via a pH-driven mechanism. This process is critical for starting the polymerisation of the fibre. However, detailed insights into how conserved this mechanism is in different species and the quantitative thermodynamic comparison between homologous NTDs was missing. For this reason, four homologous NTDs of the major ampullate gland (MaSp) from spider species Euprosthenops australis, Nephila clavipes, Latrodectus hesperus, and Latrodectus geometricus were investigated. I analysed and quantified equilibrium thermodynamics, kinetics of folding, and self-association. Methods involved dynamic light scattering (MALS), stopped-flow fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy in combination with thermal and chemical denaturation experiments. The results showed conserved, cooperative two-state folding on a sub-millisecond time scale. All homologous NTDs showed a similarly fast association in the order of 10^9 M^-1 s^-1, while the resulting equilibrium dissociation constants were in the low nanomolar range. Electrostatic forces were found to be of great importance for protein association. Monomeric protein stability increased with salt concentration while enhancing its folding speed. However, due to Debye-H{\"u}ckel effects, we found intermolecular electrostatics to be shielded, which reduced the NTDs association capacity significantly at high ionic strength. Altogether, the energetics and kinetics of the NTD dimerisation was conserved for all analysed homologs. Comparable to the NTD, the spider silks CTD is also a α-helix bundle, which covalently links two spidroins. The orientation of the domains predetermines the future fibre geometry. Here again, the detailed quantitative characterisation of the folding and dimerisation was missing. Therefore, the CTD from the E. australis was analysed in-depth. The protein folded via a three-state mechanism and was placed in the family of knotted proteins. By analysing the amino acid composition of the NTD of the MaSp1 of the Euprosthenops australis, we found an unusually high content of methionine residues (Met). To elucidate why this protein exhibits so many Met residues, I mutated all core Mets simultaneously to leucine (Leu). Results revealed a dramatically stabilised NTD, which now folded 50 times faster. After solving the tertiary structure of the mutant by NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, the structure of the monomeric mutant was found to be identical with the wild-type protein. However, when probing the dimerisation of the NTD, I could show that the association capacity was substantially impaired for the mutant. Our findings lead to the conclusion that Met provides the NTD with enhanced conformational dynamics and thus mobilises the protein, which results in tightly associated dimers. In additional experiments, I first re-introduced new Met residues into the Met-depleted protein at sequence positions containing native Leu. Hence, the mutated NTD protein was provided with the same number of Leu, which were previously removed by mutation. However, the protein did not regain wild-type characteristics. The functionality was not restored, but its stability was decreased as expected. To probe our hypothesis gained from the MaSp NTD, I transferred the experiment to another protein, namely the Hsp90 chaperone. Therefore, I incorporated methionine residues in the protein, which resulted in a slight improvement of its function. Finally, trial experiments were performed aiming at the synthesis of shortened spidroin constructs containing less repetitive middle-segments than the wild-type protein. The objective was to study the findings of the terminal domains in the context of an intact spidroin. The synthesis of these engineered spidroins was challenging. Nevertheless, preliminary results encourage the assumption that the characteristics observed in the isolated domains hold true in the context of a full-length spidroin.}, subject = {Spinnenseide}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heidrich2021, author = {Heidrich, Lea}, title = {The effect of environmental heterogeneity on communities}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22178}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221781}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {How diversity of life is generated, maintained, and distributed across space and time is the central question of community ecology. Communities are shaped by three assembly processes: (I) dispersal, (II) environ-mental, and (III) interaction filtering. Heterogeneity in environmental conditions can alter these filtering processes, as it increases the available niche space, spatially partitions the resources, but also reduces the effective area available for individual species. Ultimately, heterogeneity thus shapes diversity. However, it is still unclear under which conditions heterogeneity has positive effects on diversity and under which condi-tions it has negative or no effects at all. In my thesis, I investigate how environmental heterogeneity affects the assembly and diversity of diverse species groups and whether these effects are mediated by species traits. In Chapter II, I first examine how much functional traits might inform about environmental filtering pro-cesses. Specifically, I examine to which extent body size and colour lightness, both of which are thought to reflect the species thermal preference, shape the distribution and abundance of two moth families along elevation. The results show, that assemblages of noctuid moths are more strongly driven by abiotic filters (elevation) and thus form distinct patterns in colour lightness and body size, while geometrid moths are driven by biotic filters (habitat availability), and show no decline in body size nor colour lightness along elevation. Thus, one and the same functional trait can have quite different effects on community assembly even between closely related taxonomic groups. In Chapter III, I elucidate how traits shift the relative importance of dispersal and environmental filtering in determining beta diversity between forests. Environmental filtering via forest heterogeneity had on aver-age higher independent effects than dispersal filtering within and among regions, suggesting that forest heterogeneity determines species turnover even at country-wide extents. However, the relative importance of dispersal filtering increased with decreasing dispersal ability of the species group. From the aspects of forest heterogeneity covered, variations in herb or tree species composition had overall stronger influence on the turnover of species than forest physiognomy. Again, this ratio was influenced by species traits, namely trophic position, and body size, which highlights the importance of ecological properties of a taxo-nomic group in community assembly. In Chapter IV, I assess whether such ecological properties ultimately determine the level of heterogeneity which maximizes species richness. Here, I considered several facets of heterogeneity in forests. Though the single facets of heterogeneity affected diverse species groups both in positive and negative ways, we could not identify any generalizable mechanism based on dispersal nor the trophic position of the species group which would dissolve these complex relationships. In Chapter V, I examine the effect of environmental heterogeneity of the diversity of traits itself to evalu-ate, whether the effects of environmental heterogeneity on species richness are truly based on increases in the number of niches. The results revealed that positive effects of heterogeneity on species richness are not necessarily based on an increased number of niches alone, but proposedly also on a spatially partition of resources or sheltering effects. While ecological diversity increased overall, there were also negative trends which indicate filtering effects via heterogeneity. In Chapter VI, I present novel methods in measuring plot-wise heterogeneity of forests across continental scales via Satellites. The study compares the performance of Sentinel-1 and LiDar-derived measurements in depicting forest structures and heterogeneity and to their predictive power in modelling diversity. Senti-nel-1 could match the performance of Lidar and shows high potential to assess free yet detailed infor-mation about forest structures in temporal resolutions for modelling the diversity of species. Overall, my thesis supports the notion that heterogeneity in environmental conditions is an important driv-er of beta-diversity, species richness, and ecological diversity. However, I could not identify any general-izable mechanism which direction and form this effect will have.}, subject = {Heterogenit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jessen2021, author = {Jessen, Christina}, title = {NRF2 links antioxidant and immune-relevant features in melanoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23349}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233495}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The transcription factor NRF2 is considered as the master regulator of cytoprotective and ROS-detoxifying gene expression. Due to their vulnerability to accumulating reactive oxygen species, melanomas are dependent on an efficient oxidative stress response, but to what extent melanomas rely on NRF2 is only scarcely investigated so far. In tumor entities harboring activating mutations of NRF2, such as lung adenocarcinoma, NRF2 activation is closely connected to therapy resistance. In melanoma, activating mutations are rare and triggers and effectors of NRF2 are less well characterized. This work revealed that NRF2 is activated by oncogenic signaling, cytokines and pro-oxidant triggers, released cell-autonomously or by the tumor microenvironment. Moreover, silencing of NRF2 significantly reduced melanoma cell proliferation and repressed well-known NRF2 target genes, indicating basal transcriptional activity of NRF2 in melanoma. Transcriptomic analysis showed a large set of deregulated gene sets, besides the well-known antioxidant effectors. NRF2 suppressed the activity of MITF, a marker for the melanocyte lineage, and induced expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), thereby stabilizing the dedifferentiated melanoma phenotype and limiting pigmentation markers and melanoma-associated antigens. In general, the dedifferentiated melanoma phenotype is associated with a reduced tumor immunogenicity. Furthermore, stress-inducible cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) expression, a crucial immune-modulating gene, was regulated by NRF2 in an ATF4-dependent manner. Only in presence of both transcription factors was COX2 robustly induced by H2O2 or TNFα. COX2 catalyzes the first step of the prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis, which was described to be associated with tumor immune evasion and reduction of the innate immune response. In accordance with these potentially immune-suppressive features, immunocompetent mice injected with NRF2 knockout melanoma cells had a strikingly longer tumor-free survival compared to NRF2-proficient cells. In line with the in vitro data, NRF2-deficient tumors showed suppression of COX2 and induction of MITF. Furthermore, transcriptomic analyses of available tumors revealed a strong induction of genes belonging to the innate immune response, such as RSAD2 and IFIH1. The expression of these genes strongly correlated with immune evasion parameters in human melanoma datasets and NRF2 activation or PGE2 supplementation limited the innate immune response in vitro. In summary, the stress dependent NRF2 activation stabilizes the dedifferentiated melanoma phenotype and facilitates the synthesis of PGE2. As a result, NRF2 reduces gene expression of the innate immune response and promotes the generation of an immune-cold tumor microenvironment. Therefore, NRF2 not only elevated the ROS resilience, but also strongly contributed to tumor growth, maintenance, and immune control in cutaneous melanoma.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kehrberger2021, author = {Kehrberger, Sandra}, title = {Effects of climate warming on the timing of flowering and emergence in a tritrophic relationship: plants - bees - parasitoids}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21393}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213932}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The right timing of phenological events is crucial for species fitness. Species should be highly synchronized with mutualists, but desynchronized with antagonists. With climate warming phenological events advance in many species. However, often species do not respond uniformly to warming temperatures. Species-specific responses to climate warming can lead to asynchrony or even temporal mismatch of interacting species. A temporal mismatch between mutualists, which benefit from each other, can have negative consequences for both interaction partners. For host-parasitoid interactions temporal asynchrony can benefit the host species, if it can temporally escape its parasitoid, with negative consequences for the parasitoid species, but benefit the parasitoid species if it increases synchrony with its host, which can negatively affect the host species. Knowledge about the drivers of phenology and the species-specific responses to these drivers are important to predict future effects of climate change on trophic interactions. In this dissertation I investigated how different drivers act on early flowering phenology and how climate warming affects the tritrophic relationship of two spring bees (Osmia cornuta \& Osmia bicornis), an early spring plant (Pulsatilla vulgaris), which is one of the major food plants of the spring bees, and three main parasitoids of the spring bees (Cacoxenus indagator, Anthrax anthrax, Monodontomerus). In Chapter II I present a study in which I investigated how different drivers and their change over the season affect the reproductive success of an early spring plant. For that I recorded on eight calcareous grasslands around W{\"u}rzburg, Germany the intra-seasonal changes in pollinator availability, number of co-flowering plants and weather conditions and studied how they affect flower visitation rates, floral longevity and seed set of the early spring plant P. vulgaris. I show that bee abundances and the number of hours, which allowed pollinator foraging, were low at the beginning of the season, but increased over time. However, flower visitation rates and estimated total number of bee visits were higher on early flowers of P. vulgaris than later flowers. Flower visitation rates were also positively related to seed set. Over time and with increasing competition for pollinators by increasing numbers of co-flowering plants flower visitation rates decreased. My data shows that a major driver for early flowering dates seems to be low interspecific competition for pollinators, but not low pollinator abundances and unfavourable weather conditions. Chapter III presents a study in which I investigated the effects of temperature on solitary bee emergence and on the flowering of their food plant and of co-flowering plants in the field. Therefore I placed bee cocoons of two spring bees (O. cornuta \& O. bicornis) on eleven calcareous grasslands which differed in mean site temperature. On seven of these grasslands the early spring plant P. vulgaris occurred. I show that warmer temperatures advanced mean emergence in O. cornuta males. However, O. bicornis males and females of both species did not shift their emergence. Compared to the bees P. vulgaris advanced its flowering phenology more strongly with warmer temperatures. Co-flowering plants did not shift flowering onset. I suggest that with climate warming the first flowers of P. vulgaris face an increased risk of pollinator limitation whereas for bees a shift in floral resources may occur. In Chapter IV I present a study in which I investigated the effects of climate warming on host-parasitoid relationships. I studied how temperature and photoperiod affect emergence phenology in two spring bees (O. cornuta \& O. bicornis) and three of their main parasitoids (C. indagator, A. anthrax, Monodontomerus). In a climate chamber experiment with a crossed design I exposed cocoons within nest cavities and cocoons outside of nest cavities to two different temperature regimes (long-term mean of W{\"u}rzburg, Germany and long-term mean of W{\"u}rzburg + 4 °C) and three photoperiods (W{\"u}rzburg vs. Sn{\aa}sa, Norway vs. constant darkness) and recorded the time of bee and parasitoid emergence. I show that warmer temperatures advanced emergence in all studied species, but bees advanced less strongly than parasitoids. Consequently, the time period between female bee emergence and parasitoid emergence decreased in the warm temperature treatment compared to the cold one. Photoperiod influenced the time of emergence only in cocoons outside of nest cavities (except O. bicornis male emergence). The data also shows that the effect of photoperiod compared to the effect of temperature on emergence phenology was much weaker. I suggest that with climate warming the synchrony of emergence phenologies of bees and their parasitoids will amplify. Therefore, parasitism rates in solitary bees might increase which can negatively affect reproductive success and population size. In this dissertation I show that for early flowering spring plants low interspecific competition for pollinators with co-flowering plants is a major driver of flowering phenology, whereas other drivers, like low pollinator abundances and unfavourable weather conditions are only of minor importance. With climate warming the strength of different drivers, which act on the timing of phenological events, can change, like temperature. I show that warmer temperatures advance early spring plant flowering more strongly than bee emergence and flowering phenology of later co-flowering plants. Furthermore, I show that warmer temperatures advance parasitoid emergence more strongly than bee emergence. Whereas temperature changes can lead to non-uniform temporal shifts, I demonstrate that geographic range shifts and with that altered photoperiods will not change emergence phenology in bees and their parasitoids. In the tritrophic system I investigated in this dissertation climate warming may negatively affect the reproductive success of the early spring plant and the spring bees but not of the parasitoids, which may even benefit from warming temperatures.}, subject = {Biene }, language = {en} }