@phdthesis{Vona2014, author = {Vona, Barbara C.}, title = {Molecular Characterization of Genes Involved in Hearing Loss}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98031}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The auditory system is an exquisitely complex sensory organ dependent upon the synchronization of numerous processes for proper function. The molecular characterization of hereditary hearing loss is complicated by extreme genetic heterogeneity, wherein hundreds of genes dispersed genome-wide play a central and irreplaceable role in normal hearing function. The present study explores this area on a genome-wide and single gene basis for the detection of genetic mutations playing critical roles in human hearing. This work initiated with a high resolution SNP array study involving 109 individuals. A 6.9 Mb heterozygous deletion on chromosome 4q35.1q35.2 was identified in a syndromic patient that was in agreement with a chromosome 4q deletion syndrome diagnosis. A 99.9 kb heterozygous deletion of exons 58-64 in USH2A was identified in one patient. Two homozygous deletions and five heterozygous deletions in STRC (DFNB16) were also detected. The homozygous deletions alone were enough to resolve the hearing impairment in the two patients. A Sanger sequencing assay was developed to exclude a pseudogene with a high percentage sequence identity to STRC from the analysis, which further solved three of the six heterozygous deletion patients with the hemizygous, in silico predicted pathogenic mutations c.2726A>T (p.H909L), c.4918C>T (p.L1640F), and c.4402C>T (p.R1468X). A single patient who was copy neutral for STRC and without pathogenic copy number variations had compound heterozygous mutations [c. 2303_2313+1del12 (p.G768Vfs*77) and c.5125A>G (p.T1709A)] in STRC. It has been shown that STRC has been previously underestimated as a hearing loss gene. One additional patient is described who does not have pathogenic copy number variation but is the only affected member of his family having hearing loss with a paternally segregating translocation t(10;15)(q26.13;q21.1). Twenty-four patients without chromosomal aberrations and the above described patient with an USH2A heterozygous deletion were subjected to a targeted hearing loss gene next generation sequencing panel consisting of either 80 or 129 hearing-relevant genes. The patient having the USH2A heterozygous deletion also disclosed a second mutation in this gene [c.2276G>T (p.C759F)]. This compound heterozygous mutation is the most likely cause of hearing loss in this patient. Nine mutations in genes conferring autosomal dominant hearing loss [ACTG1 (DFNA20/26); CCDC50 (DFNA44); EYA4 (DFNA10); GRHL2 (DFNA28); MYH14 (DFNA4A); MYO6 (DFNA22); TCF21 and twice in MYO1A (DFNA48)] and four genes causing autosomal recessive hearing loss were detected [GJB2 (DFNB1A); MYO7A (DFNB2); MYO15A (DFNB3), and USH2A]. Nine normal hearing controls were also included. Statistical significance was achieved comparing controls and patients that revealed an excess of mutations in the hearing loss patients compared to the control group. The family with the GRHL2 c.1258-1G>A mutation is only the second family published worldwide with a mutation described in this gene to date, supporting the initial claim of this gene causing DFNA28 hearing loss. Audiogram analysis of five affected family members uncovered the progressive nature of DFNA28 hearing impairment. Regression analysis predicted the annual threshold deterioration in each of the five family members with multiple audiograms available over a number of years.}, subject = {Molekularbiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scholl2015, author = {Scholl, Christina}, title = {Cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to behavioral transitions and learning in the honeybee}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The honeybee Apis mellifera is a social insect well known for its complex behavior and the ability to learn tasks associated with central place foraging, such as visual navigation or to learn and remember odor-reward associations. Although its brain is smaller than 1mm² with only 8.2 x 105 neurons compared to ~ 20 x 109 in humans, bees still show amazing social, cognitive and learning skills. They express an age - related division of labor with nurse bees staying inside the hive and performing tasks like caring for the brood or cleaning, and foragers who collect food and water outside the hive. This challenges foragers with new responsibilities like sophisticated navigation skills to find and remember food sources, drastic changes in the sensory environment and to communicate new information to other bees. Associated with this plasticity of the behavior, the brain and especially the mushroom bodies (MBs) - sensory integration and association centers involved in learning and memory formation - undergo massive structural and functional neuronal alterations. Related to this background my thesis on one hand focuses on neuronal plasticity and underlying molecular mechanisms in the MBs that accompany the nurse - forager transition. In the first part I investigated an endogenous and an internal factor that may contribute to the nurse - forager phenotype plasticity and the correlating changes in neuronal network in the MBs: sensory exposure (light) and juvenile hormone (JH). Young bees were precociously exposed to light and subsequently synaptic complexes (microglomeruli, MG) in the MBs or respectively hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) levels were quantified. The results show that light input indeed triggered a significant decrease in MG density, and mass spectrometry JH detection revealed an increase in JH titer. Interestingly light stimulation in young bees (presumably nurse bees) triggered changes in MG density and JH levels comparable to natural foragers. This indicates that both sensory stimuli as well as the endocrine system may play a part in preparing bees for the behavioral transition to foraging. Considering a connection between the JH levels and synaptic remodeling I used gene knockdown to disturb JH pathways and artificially increase the JH level. Even though the knockdown was successful, the results show that MG densities remained unchanged, showing no direct effect of JH on synaptic restructuring. To find a potential mediator of structural synaptic plasticity I focused on the calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in the second part of my thesis. CaMKII is a protein known to be involved in neuronal and behavioral plasticity and also plays an important part in structural plasticity reorganizing synapses. Therefore it is an interesting candidate for molecular mechanisms underlying MG reorganization in the MBs in the honeybee. Corresponding to the high abundance of CaMKII in the learning center in vertebrates (hippocampus), CaMKII was shown to be enriched in the MBs of the honeybee. Here I first investigated the function of CaMKII in learning and memory formation as from vertebrate work CaMKII is known to be associated with the strengthening of synaptic connections inducing long term potentiation and memory formation. The experimental approach included manipulating CaMKII function using 2 different inhibitors and a specific siRNA to create a CaMKII knockdown phenotype. Afterwards bees were subjected to classical olfactory conditioning which is known to induce stable long-term memory. All bees showed normal learning curves and an intact memory acquisition, short-term and mid-term memory (1 hour retention). However, in all cases long-term memory formation was significantly disrupted (24 and 72 hour retention). These results suggests the necessity of functional CaMKII in the MBs for the induction of both early and late phases of long-term memory in honeybees. The neuronal and molecular bases underlying long-term memory and the resulting plasticity in behavior is key to understanding higher brain function and phenotype plasticity. In this context CaMKII may be an important mediator inducing structural synaptic and neuronal changes in the MB synaptic network.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pasch2016, author = {Pasch, Elisabeth}, title = {The role of SUN4 and related proteins in sperm head formation and fertility}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139092}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Spermiogenesis describes the differentiation of haploid germ cells into motile, fertilization-competent spermatozoa. During this fundamental transition the species-specific sperm head is formed, which necessitates profound nuclear restructuring coincident with the assembly of sperm-specific structures and chromatin compaction. In the case of the mouse, it is characterized by reshaping of the early round spermatid nucleus into an elongated sickle-shaped sperm head. This tremendous shape change requires the transduction of cytoskeletal forces onto the nuclear envelope (NE) or even further into the nuclear interior. LINC (linkers of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complexes might be involved in this process, due to their general function in bridging the NE and thereby physically connecting the nucleus to the peripheral cytoskeleton. LINC complexes consist of inner nuclear membrane integral SUN-domain proteins and outer nuclear membrane KASH-domain counterparts. SUN- and KASH-domain proteins are directly connected to each other within the perinuclear space, and are thus capable of transferring forces across the NE. To date, these protein complexes are known for their essential functions in nuclear migration, anchoring and positioning of the nucleus, and even for chromosome movements and the maintenance of cell polarity and nuclear shape. In this study LINC complexes were investigated with regard to their potential role in sperm head formation, in order to gain further insight into the processes occurring during spermiogenesis. To this end, the behavior and function of the testis-specific SUN4 protein was studied. The SUN-domain protein SUN4, which had received limited characterization prior to this work, was found to be exclusively expressed in haploid stages during germ cell development. In these cell stages, it specifically localized to the posterior NE at regions decorated by the manchette, a spermatid-specific structure which was previously shown to be involved in nuclear shaping. Mice deficient for SUN4 exhibited severely disorganized manchette residues and gravely misshapen sperm heads. These defects resulted in a globozoospermia-like phenotype and male mice infertility. Therefore, SUN4 was not only found to be mandatory for the correct assembly and anchorage of the manchette, but also for the correct localization of SUN3 and Nesprin1, as well as of other NE components. Interaction studies revealed that SUN4 had the potential to interact with SUN3, Nesprin1, and itself, and as such is likely to build functional LINC complexes that anchor the manchette and transfer cytoskeletal forces onto the nucleus. Taken together, the severe impact of SUN4 deficiency on the nucleocytoplasmic junction during sperm development provided direct evidence for a crucial role of SUN4 and other LINC complex components in mammalian sperm head formation and fertility.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Liu2022, author = {Liu, Ruiqi}, title = {Dynamic regulation of the melanocortin 4 receptor system in body weight homeostasis and reproductive maturation in fish}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20653}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206536}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Puberty is an important period of life with physiological changes to enable animals to reproduce. Xiphophorus fish exhibit polymorphism in body size, puberty timing, and reproductive tactics. These phenotypical polymorphisms are controlled by the Puberty (P) locus. In X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus, the P locus encodes the melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) with high genetic polymorphisms. Mc4r is a member of the melanocortin receptors, belonging to class A G-protein coupled receptors. The Mc4r signaling system consists of Mc4r, the agonist Pomc (precursor of various MSH and of ACTH), the antagonist Agrp and accessory protein Mrap2. In humans, MC4R has a role in energy homeostasis. MC4R and MRAP2 mutations are linked to human obesity but not to puberty. Mc4rs in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus are present in three allele classes, A, B1 and B2, of which the X-linked A alleles express functional receptors and the male-specific Y-linked B alleles encode defective receptors. Male body sizes are correlated with B allele type and B allele copy numbers. Late-maturing large males carry B alleles in high copy number while early-maturing small males carry B alleles in low copy number or only A alleles. Cell culture co-expression experiments indicated that B alleles may act as dominant negative receptor mutants on A alleles. In this study, the main aim was to biochemically characterize the mechanism of puberty regulation by Mc4r in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus, whether it is by Mc4r dimerization and/or Mrap2 interaction with Mc4r or other mechanisms. Furthermore, Mc4r in X. hellerii (another swordtail species) and medaka (a model organism phylogenetically close to Xiphophorus) were investigated to understand if the investigated mechanisms are conserved in other species. In medaka, the Mc4r signaling system genes (mc4r, mrap2, pomc, agrp1) are expressed before hatching, with agrp1 being highly upregulated during hatching and first feeding. These genes are mainly expressed in adult brain, and the transcripts of mrap2 co-localize with mc4r indicating a function in modulating Mc4r signaling. Functional comparison between wild-type and mc4r knockout medaka showed that Mc4r knockout does not affect puberty timing but significantly delays hatching due to the retarded embryonic development of knockout medaka. Hence, the Mc4r system in medaka is involved in regulation of growth rather than puberty. In Xiphophorus, expression co-localization of mc4r and mrap2 in X. nigrensis and X. hellerii fish adult brains was characterized by in situ hybridization. In both species, large males exhibit strikingly high expression of mc4r while mrap2 shows similar expression level in the large and small male and female. Differently, X. hellerii has only A-type alleles indicating that the puberty regulation mechanisms evolved independently in Xiphophorus genus. Functional analysis of Mrap2 and Mc4r A/B1/B2 alleles of X. multilineatus showed that increased Mrap2 amounts induce higher cAMP response but EC50 values do not change much upon Mrap2 co-expression with Mc4r (expressing only A allele or A and B1 alleles). A and B1 alleles were expressed higher in large male brains, while B2 alleles were only barely expressed. Mc4r A-B1 cells have lower cAMP production than Mc4r A cells. Together, this indicates a role of Mc4r alleles, but not Mrap2, in puberty onset regulation signaling. Interaction studies by FRET approach evidenced that Mc4r A and B alleles can form heterodimers and homodimers in vitro, but only for a certain fraction of the expressed receptors. Single-molecule colocalization study using super-resolution microscope dSTORM confirmed that only few Mc4r A and B1 receptors co-localized on the membrane. Altogether, the species-specific puberty onset regulation in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus is linked to the presence of Mc4r B alleles and to some extent to its interaction with A allele gene products. This is reasoned to result in certain levels of cAMP signaling which reaches the dynamic or static threshold to permit late puberty in large males. In summary, puberty onset regulation by dominant negative effect of Mc4r mutant alleles is a special mechanism that is found so far only in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus. Other Xiphophorus species obviously evolved the same function of the pathway by diverse mechanisms. Mc4r in other fish (medaka) has a role in regulation of growth, reminiscent of its role in energy homeostasis in humans. The results of this study will contribute to better understand the biochemical and physiological functions of the Mc4r system in vertebrates including human.}, subject = {Japank{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} }