@phdthesis{Vainshtein2010, author = {Vainshtein, Yevhen}, title = {Applying microarray-based techniques to study gene expression patterns: a bio-computational approach}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51967}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The regulation and maintenance of iron homeostasis is critical to human health. As a constituent of hemoglobin, iron is essential for oxygen transport and significant iron deficiency leads to anemia. Eukaryotic cells require iron for survival and proliferation. Iron is part of hemoproteins, iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins, and other proteins with functional groups that require iron as a cofactor. At the cellular level, iron uptake, utilization, storage, and export are regulated at different molecular levels (transcriptional, mRNA stability, translational, and posttranslational). Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) 1 and 2 post-transcriptionally control mammalian iron homeostasis by binding to iron-responsive elements (IREs), conserved RNA stem-loop structures located in the 5'- or 3'- untranslated regions of genes involved in iron metabolism (e.g. FTH1, FTL, and TFRC). To identify novel IRE-containing mRNAs, we integrated biochemical, biocomputational, and microarray-based experimental approaches. Gene expression studies greatly contribute to our understanding of complex relationships in gene regulatory networks. However, the complexity of array design, production and manipulations are limiting factors, affecting data quality. The use of customized DNA microarrays improves overall data quality in many situations, however, only if for these specifically designed microarrays analysis tools are available. Methods In this project response to the iron treatment was examined under different conditions using bioinformatical methods. This would improve our understanding of an iron regulatory network. For these purposes we used microarray gene expression data. To identify novel IRE-containing mRNAs biochemical, biocomputational, and microarray-based experimental approaches were integrated. IRP/IRE messenger ribonucleoproteins were immunoselected and their mRNA composition was analysed using an IronChip microarray enriched for genes predicted computationally to contain IRE-like motifs. Analysis of IronChip microarray data requires specialized tool which can use all advantages of a customized microarray platform. Novel decision-tree based algorithm was implemented using Perl in IronChip Evaluation Package (ICEP). Results IRE-like motifs were identified from genomic nucleic acid databases by an algorithm combining primary nucleic acid sequence and RNA structural criteria. Depending on the choice of constraining criteria, such computational screens tend to generate a large number of false positives. To refine the search and reduce the number of false positive hits, additional constraints were introduced. The refined screen yielded 15 IRE-like motifs. A second approach made use of a reported list of 230 IRE-like sequences obtained from screening UTR databases. We selected 6 out of these 230 entries based on the ability of the lower IRE stem to form at least 6 out of 7 bp. Corresponding ESTs were spotted onto the human or mouse versions of the IronChip and the results were analysed using ICEP. Our data show that the immunoselection/microarray strategy is a feasible approach for screening bioinformatically predicted IRE genes and the detection of novel IRE-containing mRNAs. In addition, we identified a novel IRE-containing gene CDC14A (Sanchez M, et al. 2006). The IronChip Evaluation Package (ICEP) is a collection of Perl utilities and an easy to use data evaluation pipeline for the analysis of microarray data with a focus on data quality of custom-designed microarrays. The package has been developed for the statistical and bioinformatical analysis of the custom cDNA microarray IronChip, but can be easily adapted for other cDNA or oligonucleotide-based designed microarray platforms. ICEP uses decision tree-based algorithms to assign quality flags and performs robust analysis based on chip design properties regarding multiple repetitions, ratio cut-off, background and negative controls (Vainshtein Y, et al., 2010).}, subject = {Microarray}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laisney2010, author = {Laisney, Juliette Agn{\`e}s Genevi{\`e}ve Claire}, title = {Characterisation and regulation of the Egfr/Egfr ligand system in fish models for melanoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Fish of the genus Xiphophorus belong to the oldest animal models in cancer research. The oncogene responsible for the generation of spontaneous aggressive melanoma encodes for a mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) and is called xmrk for Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase. Xmrk constitutive activation mechanisms and subsequent signaling pathways have already been investigated and charaterized but it is still unknown if Egfr ligands may also play a role in Xmrk-driven melanoma formation. To investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I firstly analyzed the evolution of teleost and tetrapod Egfr/Egfr ligand systems. I especially focused on the analysis on the medaka fish, a closely related species to Xiphophorus, for which the whole genome has been sequenced. I could identify all seven Egfr ligands in medaka and could show that the two teleost-specific Egfr copies of medaka display dissimilar expression patterns in adult tissues together with differential expression of Egfr ligand subsets, arguing for subfunctionalization of receptor functions in this fish. Our phylogenetic and synteny analyses supported the hypothesis that only one gene in the chordate ancestor gave rise to the diversity of Egfr ligands found in vertebrate genomes today. I also could show that the Egfr extracellular subdomains implicated in ligand binding are not evolutionary conserved between tetrapods and teleosts, making the use of heterologous ligands in experiments with fish cells debatable. Despite its well understood and straight-forward process, Xmrk-driven melanomagenesis in Xiphophorus is problematic to further investigate in vivo. Our laboratory recently established a new melanoma animal model by generating transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka fishes, a Xiphophorus closely related species offering many more advantages. These fishes express xmrk under the control of the pigment-cell specific Mitf promoter. During my PhD thesis, I participated in the molecular analysis of the stably transgenic medaka and could show that the Xmrk-induced signaling pathways are similar when comparing Xiphophorus with transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka. These data together with additional RNA expression, protein, and histology analyses showed that Xmrk expression under the control of a pigment cell-specific promoter is sufficient to induce melanoma in the transgenic medaka, which develop very stereotyped tumors, including uveal and extracutaneous melanoma, with early onset during larval stages. To further investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I made use of two model systems. One of them was the above mentioned mitf::xmrk medaka, the other was an in-vitro cell culture system, where the EGF-inducible Xmrk chimera HERmrk is stably expressed in murine melanocytes. Here I could show that HERmrk activation strongly induced expression of amphiregulin (Areg) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (Hbegf) in melanocytes. This regulation was dependent on the MAPK and SRC signaling pathways. Moreover, upregulation of Adam10 and Adam17, the two major sheddases of Egfr ligands, was observed. I also could demonstrate the functionality of the growth factors by invitro analyses. Using the mitf::xmrk medaka model I could also show the upregulation of a subset of ligand genes, namely egf, areg, betacellulin (btc) and epigen (epgn) as well as upregulation of medaka egfrb in tumors from fish with metastatic melanoma. All these results converge to support an Xmrk-induced autocrine Egfr ligand loop. Interestingly, my in-vitro experiments with conditioned supernatant from medaka Egf- and Hbegf-producing cells revealed that not only Xiphophorus Egfrb, but also the pre-activated Xmrk could be further stimulated by the ligands. Altogether, I could show with in-vitro and in-vivo experiments that Xmrk is capable of inducing a functional autocrine Egfr ligand loop. These data confirm the importance of autocrine loops in receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-dependent cancer development and show the possibility for a constitutively active RTK to strengthen its oncogenic signaling by ligand binding.}, subject = {Schwertk{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vershenya2010, author = {Vershenya, Stanislav}, title = {Quantitative and qualitative analyses of in-paralogs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51358}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In our analysis I was interested in the gene duplications, with focus on in-paralogs. In-paralogs are gene duplicates which arose after species split. Here I analysed the in-paralogs quantitatively, as well as qualitatively. For quantitative analysis genomes of 21 species were taken. Most of them have vastly different lifestyles with maximum evolutionary distance between them 1100 million years. Species included mammals, fish, insects and worm, plus some other chordates. All the species were pairwised analysed by the Inparanoid software, and in-paralogs matrix were built representing number of in-paralogs in all vs. all manner. Based on the in-paralogs matrix I tried to reconstruct the evolutionary tree using in-paralog numbers as evolutionary distance. If all 21 species were used the resulting tree was very far from real one: a lot of species were misplaced. However if the number was reduced to 12, all of the species were placed correctly with only difference being wrong insect and fish clusters switched. Then to in-paralogs matrix the neighbour-net algorithm was applied. The resulting "net" tree showed the species with fast or slow duplications rates compared to the others. We could identify species with very high or very low duplications frequencies and it correlates with known occurrences of the whole genome duplications. As the next step I built the graphs for every single species showing the correlation between their in-paralogs number and evolutionary distance. As we have 21 species, graph for every species is built using 20 points. Coordinates of the points are set using the evolutionary distance to that particular species and in-paralogs number. In mammals with increasing the distance from speciation the in-paralogs number also increased, however not in linear fashion. In fish and insects the graph close to zero is just the same in mammals' case. However, after reaching the evolutionary distances more than 800 million years the number of inparalogs is beginning to decrease. We also made a simulation of gene duplications for all 21 species and all the splits according to the fossil and molecular clock data from literature. In our simulation duplication frequency was minimal closer to the past and maximum in the near-present time. Resulting curves had the same shape the experimental data ones. In case of fish and insect for simulation the duplication rate coefficient even had to be set negative in order to repeat experimental curve shape. To the duplication rate coefficient in our simulation contribute 2 criteria: gene duplications and gene losses. As gene duplication is stochastical process it should always be a constant. So the changing in the coefficient should be solely explained by the increasing gene loss of old genes. The processes are explained by the evolution model with high gene duplication and loss ratio. The drop in number of in-paralogs is probably due to the BLAST algorithm. It is observed in comparing highly divergent species and BLAST cannot find the orthologs so precisely anymore. In the second part of my work I concentrated more on the specific function of inparalogs. Because such analysis is time-consuming it could be done on the limited number species. Here I used three insects: Drosophila melanogaster (fruit y), Anopheles gambiae (mosquito) and Apis mellifera (honeybee). After Inparnoid analyses and I listed the cluster of orthologs. Functional analyses of all listed genes were done using GO annotations and also KEGG PATHWAY database. We found, that the gene duplication pattern is unique for each species and that this uniqueness is rejected through the differences in functional classes of duplicated genes. The preferences for some classes reject the evolutionary trends of the last 350 million years and allow assumptions on the role of those genes duplications in the lifestyle of species. Furthermore, the observed gene duplications allowed me to find connections between genomic changes and their phenotypic manifestations. For example I found duplications within carbohydrate metabolism rejecting feed pattern adaptation, within photo- and olfactory-receptors indicating sensing adaptation and within troponin indicating adaptations in the development. Despite these species specific differences, found high correlations between the independently duplicated genes between the species. This might hint for a "pool" of genes preferentially duplicated. Taken together, the observed duplication patterns reject the adaptational process and provide us another link to the field of genomic zoology.}, subject = {Duplikation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2010, author = {Schmitt, Kathrin}, title = {Identification and Characterization of GAS2L3 as a Novel Mitotic Regulator in Human Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52704}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Precise control of mitotic progression is vital for the maintenance of genomic integrity. Since the loss of genomic integrity is known to promote tumorigenesis, the identification of knew G2/M regulatory genes attracts great attention. LINC, a human multiprotein complex, is a transcriptional activator of a set of G2/M specific genes. By depleting LIN9 in MEFs, a core subunit of LINC, Gas2l3 was identified as a novel LINC target gene. The so far uncharacterized Gas2l3 gene encodes for a member of the family of growth arrest specific 2 (GAS2) proteins, which share a highly conserved putative actin binding CH and a putative microtubule binding GAS2 domain. In the present study GAS2L3 was identified as a LINC target gene also in human cells. Gene expression analysis revealed that GAS2L3 transcription, in contrast to all other GAS2 family members, is highly regulated during the cell cycle with highest expression in G2/M. The GAS2L3 protein showed a specific localization pattern during the M phase: In metaphase, GAS2L3 localized to the mitotic spindle, relocated to the spindle midzone microtubules in late anaphase and concentrated at the midbody in telophase where it persisted until the end of cytokinesis. Overexpression of a set of different GAS2L3 deletion mutants demonstrated that the localization to the mitotic microtubule network is dependent on the C-terminus, whereas the midbody localization is dependent on full length GAS2L3 protein. Additionally, exclusive overexpression of the CH domain induced the formation of actin stress fibers, suggesting that the CH domain is an actin binding domain. In contrast, the GAS2 domain was neither needed nor sufficient for microtubule binding, indicating that there must be an additional so far unknown microtubule binding domain in the C-terminus. Interestingly, immunoblot analysis also identified the C-terminus as the domain responsible for GAS2L3 protein instability, partially dependent on proteasomal degradation. Consistent with its specific localization pattern, GAS2L3 depletion by RNAi demonstrated its responsibility for proper mitosis and cytokinesis. GAS2L3 depletion in HeLa cells resulted in the accumulation of multinucleated cells, an indicator for chromosome mis-segregation during mitosis. Also the amount of cells in cytokinesis was enriched, indicating failures in completing the last step of cytokinesis, the abscission. Strikingly, treatment with microtubule poisons that lead to the activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) indicated that the SAC was weakened in GAS2L3 depleted cells. Although the exact molecular mechanism is still unknown, fist experiments support the hypothesis that GAS2L3 might be a regulator of the SAC master kinase BUBR1. In conclusion, this study provides first evidence for GAS2L3 as a novel regulator of mitosis and cytokinesis and it might therefore be an important guardian against tumorigenesis.}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duraphe2010, author = {Duraphe, Prashant}, title = {Identification and characterization of AUM, a novel human tyrosine phosphatase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-44256}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Protein Phosphatasen werden aufgrund der Aminos{\"a}uresequenzen ihrer aktiven Zentren in drei große Familien unterteilt. In einer neu entdeckten Familie von Phosphatasen ist das aktive Zentrum durch die Sequenz DXDX(T/V) charakterisiert. Diese Aspartat-abh{\"a}ngigen Phosphatasen geh{\"o}ren zu der Superfamilie der Hydrolasen vom Haloazid Dehalogenase(HAD)-Typ, einer evolution{\"a}r konservierten und ubiquit{\"a}r verbreiteten Enzymfamilie. Bislang konnten 58 menschliche HAD Enzyme durch Datenbankanalysen identifiziert werden. Ihre Funktionen sind jedoch nach wie vor nur rudiment{\"a}r verstanden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zun{\"a}chst das Komplement aller menschlichen HAD Phosphatasen durch Datenbank-Recherchen erfasst. Zusammen mit phylogenetischen Analysen gelang es, eine zum damaligen Zeitpunkt unbekannte, putative Phosphatase zu identifizieren, die eine vergleichsweise hohe Sequenz-Homologie zu der Zytoskelettregulierenden HAD Phosphatase Chronophin aufweist. Dieses neuartige Enzym wurde kloniert und mit biochemischen und zellbiologischen Methoden charakterisiert. Auf der Basis dieser Befunde bezeichnen wir dieses neuartige Protein als AUM (actin remodeling, ubiquitously expressed, magnesium-dependent HAD phosphatase).Mittels Northern blot, real-time PCR und Western blot Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass AUM in allen untersuchten menschlichen und murinen Geweben exprimiert wird. Die h{\"o}chste Expression konnte in Hodengewebe nachgewiesen werden. Durch immunohistochemische Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass AUM spezifisch in reifenden Keimzellen mit einem Expressionsmaximum zum Zeitpunkt der Spermiogenese exprimiert wird. Um die Substratpr{\"a}ferenz von AUM zu charakterisieren, wurde zun{\"a}chst ein peptidbasierter in vitro Phosphatase-Substrat-Screen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei wurden 720 aus menschlichen Phosphoproteinen abgeleitete Phosphopeptide untersucht. Interessanterweise dephosphorylierte AUM ausschließlich Phosphotyrosin (pTyr)-enthaltende Peptide. Nur 17 pTyr-Peptide (~2\% aller untersuchten Peptide) fungierten als AUM-Substrate. Diese Daten legen eine hohe Substratspezifit{\"a}t von AUM nahe. Zu den putativen AUM Substraten geh{\"o}ren Proteine, die in die Dynamik der Zytoskelett-Reorganisation sowie in Tyrosin Kinasevermittelte Signalwege eingebunden sind. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen dieses Phosphopeptid-Screens konnte mittels Phosphatase overlay assays sowie in Zellextrakten aus Pervanadat-behandelten HeLa Zellen demonstriert werden, dass AUM eine begrenzte Anzahl Tyrosin-phosphorylierter Proteinen dephosphorylieren kann.In zellul{\"a}ren Untersuchungen wurde die m{\"o}gliche Rolle von AUM im Rahmen der durch den epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor (EGF) ausgel{\"o}sten Tyrosin-Phosphorylierung in einer Spermatogonien Zelllinie (GC-1 spg-Zellen) analysiert. So konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die {\"U}berexpression von AUM zu einer moderaten Abnahme Tyrosin phosphorylierter Proteine nach EGF-Stimulation f{\"u}hrte. Im Gegensatz dazu l{\"o}ste jedoch die durch RNAInterferenz vermittelte Depletion von endogenem AUM einen robusten Anstieg Tyrosinphosphorylierter Proteine aus, zu denen auch der EGF-Rezeptor selbst z{\"a}hlt. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu dem EGF-Rezeptor wurde die Src-Kinase im Zuge des Phosphopeptid- Screens als m{\"o}gliches AUM Substrat identifiziert. Daher wurden in vitro Kinase/Phosphatase-Assays mit gereinigtem Src und AUM durchgef{\"u}hrt. Mit diesem Ansatz konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass AUM in der Lage ist, die Src-Kinase zu aktivieren, w{\"a}hrend Src AUM phosphoryliert und die AUM Phosphatase-Aktivit{\"a}t blockiert. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine gekoppelte, wechselseitige Regulation von AUM und Src hin. Obwohl die Details dieser Regulation derzeit noch unklar sind, zeigen unsere initialen Ergebnisse, dass AUM die Src-Aktivit{\"a}t unabh{\"a}ngig von seiner Phosphatase Aktivit{\"a}t steigert, w{\"a}hrend Src die AUM Phosphatase-Aktivit{\"a}t Kinase-abh{\"a}ngig vermindert. Auf zellul{\"a}rer Ebene sind AUM-depletierte Zellen durch Ver{\"a}nderungen der Aktin- Zytoskelett-Dynamik und der Zelladh{\"a}sion charakterisiert. So weisen AUM-defiziente Zellen stabilisierte Aktin Streßfasern und vergr{\"o}ßerte fokale Adh{\"a}sionen auf. Weiterhin sind AUMdepletierte Zellen durch ein beschleunigtes spreading auf Fibronektin gekennzeichnet. Wir haben mit AUM ein bisher nicht beschriebenes Mitglied der Familie Aspartat-abh{\"a}ngiger Phosphatasen entdeckt. In dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen, AUM phylogenetisch, biochemisch und zellbiologisch zu charakterisieren. Unsere Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass AUM einen wichtigen, neuartigen Regulator der Src-vermittelten Zytoskelett-Dynamik im Rahmen der Zelladh{\"a}sion und Migration darstellt.}, subject = {Tyrosin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Keller2010, author = {Keller, Alexander}, title = {Secondary (and tertiary) structure of the ITS2 and its application for phylogenetic tree reconstructions and species identification}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56151}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Biodiversity may be investigated and explored by the means of genetic sequence information and molecular phylogenetics. Yet, with ribosomal genes, information for phylogenetic studies may not only be retained from the primary sequence, but also from the secondary structure. Software that is able to cope with two dimensional data and designed to answer taxonomic questions has been recently developed and published as a new scientific pipeline. This thesis is concerned with expanding this pipeline by a tool that facialiates the annotation of a ribosomal region, namely the ITS2. We were also able to show that this states a crucial step for secondary structure phylogenetics and for data allocation of the ITS2-database. This resulting freely available tool determines high quality annotations. In a further study, the complete phylogenetic pipeline has been evaluated on a theoretical basis in a comprehensive simulation study. We were able to show that both, the accuracy and the robustness of phylogenetic trees are largely improved by the approach. The second major part of this thesis concentrates on case studies that applied this pipeline to resolve questions in taxonomy and ecology. We were able to determine several independent phylogenies within the green algae that further corroborate the idea that secondary structures improve the obtainable phylogenetic signal, but now from a biological perspective. This approach was applicable in studies on the species and genus level, but due to the conservation of the secondary structure also for investigations on the deeper level of taxonomy. An additional case study with blue butterflies indicates that this approach is not restricted to plants, but may also be used for metazoan phylogenies. The importance of high quality phylogenetic trees is indicated by two ecological studies that have been conducted. By integrating secondary structure phylogenetics, we were able to answer questions about the evolution of ant-plant interactions and of communities of bacteria residing on different plant tissues. Finally, we speculate how phylogenetic methods with RNA may be further enhanced by integration of the third dimension. This has been a speculative idea that was supplemented with a small phylogenetic example, however it shows that the great potential of structural phylogenetics has not been fully exploited yet. Altogether, this thesis comprises aspects of several different biological disciplines, which are evolutionary biology and biodiversity research, community and invasion ecology as well as molecular and structural biology. Further, it is complemented by statistical approaches and development of informatical software. All these different research areas are combined by the means of bioinformatics as the central connective link into one comprehensive thesis.}, subject = {Phylogenie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niewalda2010, author = {Niewalda, Thomas}, title = {Neurogenetic analyses of pain-relief learning in the fruit fly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65035}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {All animals learn in order to cope with challenges imposed on them by their environment. This is true also for both larval and adult fruit flies as exemplified in pavlovian conditioning. The focus of this Thesis is on various aspects of the fruit flies learning ability. My main project deals with two types of learning which we call punishment-learning and pain-relief learning. Punishment learning happens when fruit flies are exposed to an odour which is followed by electric shock. After such training, flies have learned that that odour signals pain and consequently will avoid it in the future. If the sequence of the two stimuli is reversed such that odour follows shock, flies learn the odour as a signal for relief and will later on approach it. I first report a series of experiments investigating qualitative and parametric features of relief-learning; I find that (i) relief learning does result from true associative conditioning, (ii) it requires a relatively high number of training trials, (iii) context-shock training is ineffective for subsequent shock-odour learning. A further question is whether punishment-learning and pain-relief learning share genetic determinants. In terms of genetics, I test a synapsin mutant strain, which lacks all Synapsin protein, in punishment and relief-learning. Punishment learning is significantly reduced, and relief-learning is abolished. Pan-neuronal RNAi-mediated knock-down of Synapsin results in mutant-like phenotypes, confirming the attribution of the phenotype to lack of Synapsin. Also, a rescue of Synapsin in the mushroom body of syn97 mutants restores both punishment- and relief-learning fully, suggesting the sufficiency of Synapsin in the mushroom body for both these kinds of learning. I also elucidate the relationship between perception and physiology in adult fruit flies. I use odour-shock conditioning experiments to identify degrees of similarity between odours; I find that those similarity measures are consistent across generalization and discrimination tasks of diverse difficulty. Then, as collaborator of T. V{\"o}ller and A. Fiala, I investigate how such behavioural similarity/dissimilarity is reflected at the physiological level. I combine the behaviour data with calcium imaging data obtained by measuring the activity patterns of those odours in either the sensory neurons or the projection neurons at the antennal lobe. Our interpretation of the results is that the odours perceptual similarity is organized by antennal lobe interneurons. In another project I investigate the effect of gustatory stimuli on reflexive behaviour as well as their role as reinforcer in larval learning. Drosophila larvae greatly alter their behaviour in presence of sodium chloride. Increasing salt concentration modulates choice behaviour from weakly appetitive to strongly aversive. A similar concentration-behaviour function is also found for feeding: larval feeding is slightly enhanced in presence of low salt concentrations, and strongly decreased in the presence of high salt concentrations. Regarding learning, relatively weak salt concentrations function as appetitive reinforcer, whereas high salt concentrations function as aversive reinforcer. Interestingly, the behaviour-concentration curves are shifted towards higher concentrations from reflexive behaviour (choice behaviour, feeding) as compared to associative learning. This dissociation may reflect a different sensitivity in the respective sensory-motor circuitry.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grohmann2010, author = {Grohmann, Constanze}, title = {Termite mediated heterogeneity of soil and vegetation patternsin a semi-arid savanna ecosystem in Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54318}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Termites are the most important soil ecosystem engineers of semi-arid and arid habitats. They enhance decomposition processes as well as the subsequent mineralisation of nutrients by bacteria and fungi. Through their construction of galleries, nests and mounds, they promote soil turnover and influence the distribution of nutrients and also alter texture and hydrological properties of soils, thereby affecting the heterogeneity of their ecosystem. The main aim of the present thesis was to define the impact of termites on ecosys-tem functioning in a semi-arid ecosystem. In a baseline study, I assessed the diversity of termite taxa in relation to the amount of precipitation, the vegetation patterns and the land use systems at several sites in Namibia. Subsequently, I focussed on a species that is highly abundant in many African savannas, the fungus growing and mound building species Macro-termes michaelseni (Sj{\"o}stedt, 1914). I asked how this species influences the spatial hetero-geneity of soil and vegetation patterns. From repeated samplings at 13 sites in Namibia, I obtained 17 termite taxa of 15 genera. While the type of land use seems to have a minor effect on the termite fauna, the mean annual precipitation explained 96\% and the Simpson index of vascular plant diversity 81\% of the variation in taxa diversity. The number of termite taxa increased with both of these explanation variables. In contrast to former studies on Macrotermes mounds in several regions of Africa that I reviewed, soil analyses from M. michaelseni mounds in the central Namibian savanna revealed that they contain much higher nitrogen contents when compared to their parent material. Further analyses revealed that nitrate forms a major component of the nitrogen content in termite mounds. As nitrate solves easily in water, evaporation processes are most probably responsible for the transport of solved nitrates to the mound surface and their accumulation there. The analysed mounds in central Namibia contained higher sand propor-tions compared to the mounds of the former studies. Through the higher percentage of coarse and middle sized pores, water moves more easily in sandy soils compared to more clayey soils. In consequence, evaporation-driven nitrate accumulation can occur in the studied mounds at high rates. Hochgerechnet auf den Gesamtumfang der H{\"u}gel bedeckte das pro Jahr von einem bewohnten H{\"u}gel erodierte Material theoretisch einen 1 m breiten Kreisring um den Schwemmkegel des H{\"u}gels 2,4 mm hoch. Der entsprechende Wert f{\"u}r unbewohnte H{\"u}gel betrug 1,0 mm. To assess the amount of soil that erodes from termite mounds, I fastened four strong, 65 cm wide plastic bags at 14 mounds each and collected the soil that eroded during five rainfall events. Projected to the total mound circumference, the amount of soil eroded covers theoretically a 1 m wide circular ring around the pediment of an inhabited mound up to a height of 2.4 mm per year. For uninhabited mounds, the height of this soil layer would be 1.0 mm. Per hectare, roughly 245 kg eroded per year from the mounds. However, as the erosion rate depends on several factors such as rainfall intensity, soil texture and point of time within the rainy season, this is only a vague estimate. In order to determine up to which distance the soil erosion from the mounds still influences the chemical characteristics of the adjacent topsoil, I took samples from depth of 0-10 cm at 1, 5 and 25 m distances, respectively, from four different mounds and from the mounds themselves. The non-metric multidimensional scaling of the soil properties showed strong differences between mound and off-mound samples. Soil characteristics within the samples from the mounds did not differ largely. Similarly, I found no strong differences between the samples taken from the different distances from the mound. From these results I conclude that through the construction of foraging galleries and sheetings (soil constructions with which some termite species cover their food items), the soil eroding from termite mounds is quickly mixed with deeper soil layers. In consequence, mound material does not accumulate in the mound's vicinity. In order to reveal how plant growth is influenced by termite mound material, we assessed the number of grass and herb individuals as well as the biomass of plants growing in situ on the base of mounds compared to adjacent sites. While the numbers of both grass and herb individuals were significantly lower compared to adjacent sites, the total biomass of plants growing on the base of mounds was significantly higher. Reverse results were obtained by pot experiments with radish (Raphanus sativus subsp. sativus) and sorghum (Sorghum sp.) growth. Both species grew significantly weaker on mound soil compared to adjacent soil. The contradictory results concerning the biomass of in situ and pot experi-ments are most probably caused by the disturbance of the original soil structure during the potting process. The material was subsequently compacted through watering the plants. In contrast, Macrotermes mounds are pervaded by many macropores which seem to be essential for the plant roots to penetrate the soil. In the last part of this thesis, I posed the question how mounds of M. michaelseni are distributed and what factors might be responsible for this pattern. Former studies showed that mound size is correlated with the size of its inhabiting colony. With several multi-scale analyses, I revealed that larger inhabited mounds were regularly distributed. Additionally, mounds which were closer together tended to be smaller than on average. This indicates that intraspecific competition controls the distribution and size of colonies and their mounds. Former studies concerning Odontotermes mounds substantiated that they are local hotspots of primary productivity and animal abundance. Based on these findings, simulations revealed that a regular distribution of these mounds leads to a greater ecosystem-wide productivity compared to a random arrangement. As in the present study, plant biomass was higher at the mounds compared to off-mound sites, this might hold true for M. michaelseni mounds. From the results of this thesis, I draw the conclusion that through their mound building activities, M. michaelseni strongly influences the distribution patterns of soil nutrients within the central Namibian savanna. These termites create sharp contrasts in nutrient levels and vegetation patterns between mound soils and off-mound soils and enhance the heterogeneity of their habitats. Former studies revealed that habitat hetero-geneity is important in generating species diversity and species richness in turn is correlated positively with biomass production and positively affects ecosystem services. In conclusion, the present thesis underlines the importance of M. michaelseni for ecosystem functioning of the central Namibian savanna.}, subject = {Termiten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Deuchert2010, author = {Deuchert, Thomas}, title = {Entwicklung eines experimentellen Systems zur Untersuchung der subzellul{\"a}ren Lokalisierung der Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA-Racemase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46495}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Entwicklung eines experimentellen Systems zur Untersuchung der subzellul{\"a}renLokalisierung der Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA-Racemase (AMACR) (Methode der retroviralen Transfektion von transformierten, embryonalen Mausfibroblasten)}, subject = {Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA-Racemase}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Worschech2010, author = {Worschech, Andrea}, title = {Oncolytic Therapy with Vaccinia Virus GLV-1h68 - Comparative Microarray Analysis of Infected Xenografts and Human Tumor Cell Lines -}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-45338}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Aim of this thesis was to study the contribution of the hosts immune system during tumor regression. A wild-type rejection model was studied in which tumor regression is mediated through an adaptive, T cell host response (Research article 1). Additionally, the relationship between VACV infection and cancer rejection was assessed by applying organism-specific microarray platforms to infected and non-infected xenografts. It could be shown that tumor rejection in this nude mouse model was orchestrated solely by the hosts innate immune system without help of the adaptive immunity. In a third study the inflammatory baseline status of 75 human cancer cell lines was tested in vitro which was correlated with the susceptibility to VACV and Adenovirus 5 (Ad5) replication of the respective cell line (Manuscript for Research article 3). Although xenografts by themselves lack the ability to signal danger and do not provide sufficient proinflammatory signals to induce acute inflammation, the presence of viral replication in the oncolytic xenograft model provides the "tissue-specific trigger" that activates the immune response and in concordance with the hypothesis, the ICR is activated when chronic inflammation is switched into an acute one. Thus, in conditions in which a switch from a chronic to an acute inflammatory process can be induced by other factors like the immune-stimulation induced by the presence of a virus in the target tissue, adaptive immune responses may not be necessary and immune-mediated rejection can occur without the assistance of T or B cells. However, in the regression study using neu expressing MMC in absence of a stimulus such as a virus and infected cancer cells thereafter, adaptive immunity is needed to provoke the switch into an acute inflammation and initiate tissue rejection. Taken together, this work is supportive of the hypothesis that the mechanisms prompting TSD differ among immune pathologies but the effect phase converges and central molecules can be detected over and over every time TSD occurs. It could be shown that in presence of a trigger such as infection with VACV and functional danger signaling pathways of the infected tumor cells, innate immunity is sufficient to orchestrate rejection of manifested tumors.}, subject = {Tumorimmunologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruber2010, author = {Gruber, Franz Andreas}, title = {Untersuchung zur Regulation der Expression des zuckerkonditionierten Verhaltens bei Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48802}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit habe ich die Regulation der Expression des zuckerbelohnten Verhaltens durch den F{\"u}tterungszustand bei Drosophila melanogaster untersucht. Die Fliegen k{\"o}nnen w{\"a}hrend einer Trainingsphase mit Hilfe einer Zuckerbelohnung auf einen bestimmten Duft konditioniert werden. Nach dem Training k{\"o}nnen die Fliegen dann auf das olfaktorische Ged{\"a}chtnis getestet werden. Die Bereitschaft das zuckerkonditionierte Ged{\"a}chtnis im Test zu zeigen wird vom F{\"u}tterungszustand kontrolliert, wie ich in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen fr{\"u}herer Arbeiten demonstrierte (Tempel et al. 1983; Gruber 2006; Krashes et al. 2008). Nur nicht gef{\"u}tterte Fliegen exprimieren das Ged{\"a}chtnis, w{\"a}hrend F{\"u}tterungen bis kurz vor dem Test eine reversibel supprimierende Wirkung haben. Einen {\"a}hnlichen regulatorischen Einfluss {\"u}bt der Futterentzug auch auf die Expression anderer futterbezogener Verhaltensweisen, wie z.B. die naive Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz, aus. Nachdem ich den drastischen Einfluss des F{\"u}tterungszustands auf die Auspr{\"a}gung des zuckerkonditionierten Verhaltens gezeigt bzw. best{\"a}tigt hatte, habe ich nach verhaltensregulierenden Faktoren gesucht, die bei einer F{\"u}tterung die Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression unterdr{\"u}cken. Als m{\"o}gliche Kandidaten untersuchte ich Parameter, die zum Teil bereits bei verschiedenen futterbezogenen Verhaltensweisen unterschiedlicher Tierarten als „S{\"a}ttigungssignale" identifiziert worden waren (Marty et al. 2007; Powley and Phillips 2004; Havel 2001; Bernays and Chapman 1974; Simpson and Bernays 1983; Gelperin 1971a). Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass weder die „ern{\"a}hrende" Eigenschaft des Futters, noch ein durch Futteraufnahme bedingter Anstieg der internen Glukosekonzentration f{\"u}r die Suppression des zuckerkonditionierten Ged{\"a}chtnisses notwendig sind. Die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression kann auch nicht durch Unterschiede in den aufgenommenen Futtermengen, die als verhaltensinhibitorische Dehnungssignale des Verdauungstrakts wirken k{\"o}nnten, oder mit der St{\"a}rke des s{\"u}ßen Geschmacks erkl{\"a}rt werden. Die Suppression des zuckerbelohnten Verhaltens folgte den Konzentrationen der gef{\"u}tterten Substanzen und war unabh{\"a}ngig von deren chemischen Spezifit{\"a}t. Deshalb wird die Osmolarit{\"a}t des aufgenommenen Futters als ein entscheidender Faktor f{\"u}r die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der zuckerkonditionierten Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression angenommen. Weil nur inkorporierte Substanzen einen Unterdr{\"u}ckungseffekt hatten, wird ein osmolarit{\"a}tsdetektierender Mechanismus im K{\"o}rper 67 postuliert, wahrscheinlich im Verdauungstrakt und/oder der H{\"a}molymphe. Die H{\"a}molymphosmolarit{\"a}t ist als „S{\"a}ttigungssignal" bei einigen wirbellosen Tieren bereits nachgewiesen worden (Bernays and Chapman 1974; Simpson and Raubenheimer 1993; Gelperin 1971a; Phifer and Prior 1985). Deshalb habe ich mit Hilfe genetischer Methoden und ohne die Fliegen zu f{\"u}ttern, versucht {\"u}ber einen k{\"u}nstlich induzierten Anstieg der Trehaloseund Lipidkonzentrationen die Osmolarit{\"a}t der H{\"a}molymphe in Drosophila zu erh{\"o}hen. Eine solche konzentrationserh{\"o}hende Wirkung f{\"u}r Lipide und die Trehalose, dem Hauptblutzucker der Insekten, ist bereits f{\"u}r das adipokinetische Hormon (AKH), das von Zellen der Corpora cardiaca exprimiert wird, nachgewiesen worden (Kim and Rulifson 2004; Lee and Park 2004; Isabel et al. 2005). Es stellte sich heraus, dass die k{\"u}nstliche Stimulierung AKH-produzierender Neurone das zuckerkonditionierten Verhalten tempor{\"a}r, reversible und selektiv unterdr{\"u}ckt. Gleiche Behandlungen hatten keinen Effekt auf ein aversiv konditioniertes olfaktorisches Ged{\"a}chtnis oder ein naives Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenzverhalten. Wie aus dieser Arbeit hervorgeht, stellt wahrscheinlich die Osmolarit{\"a}t des Verdauungstrakts und der H{\"a}molymphe oder nur der H{\"a}molymphe ein physiologisches Korrelat zum F{\"u}tterungszustand dar und wirkt als unterdr{\"u}ckendes Signal. Dass F{\"u}tterungen das zuckerkonditionierte Verhalten und die Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz supprimieren, die k{\"u}nstliche Stimulation AKH-produzierender Zellen aber selektiv nur die zuckerbelohnte Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression unterdr{\"u}ckt, deutet auf mindestens zwei unterschiedliche „S{\"a}ttigungssignalwege" hin. Außerdem macht es deutlich wie uneinheitlich futterbezogene Verhaltensweisen, wie das zuckerbelohnte Verhalten und die naive Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz, reguliert werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Derrer2010, author = {Derrer, Bianca}, title = {Charakterisierung der Vitamin B6 Synthese und des Shikimatsyntheseweges im Malariaerreger Plasmodium ssp.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51456}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Malaria ist eine schwerwiegende Krankheit, die j{\"a}hrlich {\"u}ber eine Million Menschen t{\"o}tet. Die zunehmende Resistenzbildung gegen{\"u}ber den verwendeten Medikamenten macht die Entwicklung neuer Antimalariamittel dringend notwendig. Daher sind die Vitamin B6 Synthese und der Shikimatweg von besonderem Interesse, da diese beiden Synthesewege nur im Parasiten und nicht im Menschen vorkommen. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass diese essentiell f{\"u}r den Parasiten sind, b{\"o}ten sie ideale Ansatzpunkte zur Entwicklung neuer Antimalariamittel. Voraus gegangene Studien haben gezeigt, dass Plasmodium falciparum in der Lage ist, PLP de novo mittels eines bifunktionalen Enzymkomplex, bestehend aus den Proteinen Pdx1 und Pdx2, zu synthetisieren. Pdx1 stellt dabei die eigentliche Synthase dar, w{\"a}hrend Pdx2 als Glutaminase-Partner das ben{\"o}tigte Ammoniumion f{\"u}r den heterocyclen Ring bereitstellt. Zus{\"a}tzlich dazu verf{\"u}gt der Parasit auch {\"u}ber einen salvage pathway um PLP zu „recyclen", in dem der Pyridoxalkinase PdxK eine Schl{\"u}sselfunktion zuf{\"a}llt. Knockout Studien der pdx1 im Mausmalariasystem P. berghei haben gezeigt, dass PbPdx1 f{\"u}r eine optimale Entwicklung der Blutstadien ben{\"o}tigt wird, nicht jedoch f{\"u}r deren {\"U}berleben. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit habe ich die Effekte eines pbpdxK(-) Knockouts in demselben System untersucht. Es konnte eine monoklonale Knockoutlinie generiert werden, was zeigte, dass PbPdxK nicht essentiell f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben des Parasiten in den Blutstadien ist. Die Entwicklung w{\"a}hrend des Blutstadiums war von dem pbpdxK(-) Knockout nicht betroffen. Allerdings zeigte sich im Moskitostadium eine drastische Reduktion der Sporozoitenzahl sowohl in den Mitteld{\"a}rmen als auch in den Speicheldr{\"u}sen. Dieses Ergebnis legt nahe, dass PbPdxK essentiell f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben der Sporozoiten ist. Daneben wurde versucht, die Gene pfpdx1, pfpdx2 sowie pfpdxK in P. falciparum 3D7 durch Verwendung der single cross over Strategie auszuschalten. Es konnte jedoch f{\"u}r keines der genannten Konstrukte eine Integration in die jeweiligen Genloci anhand von PCR-Analysen nachgewiesen werden. Ebenso scheiterte der Versuch, durch Rekombination eines komplement{\"a}ren Genabschnitts die Funktion des Gens zu rekonstituieren. Daher bleibt es unklar, ob pfpdx1, pfpdx2 und pfpdxK durch Knockout Strategien auszuschalten sind oder nur f{\"u}r Genmanipulationen nicht zug{\"a}nglich sind. Die Kultivierung von P. falciparum 3D7 Parasiten in Vitamin B6 depletiertem Medium hatte keinen Effekt auf deren Wachstum. Eine anschließende Analyse der Proteinextrakte zeigte eine erh{\"o}hte Expression der PfPdxK, w{\"a}hrend sich das Expressionslevel der PfPdx1 nicht ver{\"a}nderte. Es scheint, dass der Parasit in der Lage ist Vitamin B6 Mangel durch vermehrte Nutzung des salvage pathways vollst{\"a}ndig zu kompensieren. Fr{\"u}here Arbeiten zeigten, dass der C-Terminus der Pdx1 in die Aktivit{\"a}t des PLP Synthasekomplexes involviert ist. Aus diesem Grund wurden verschiedene C-terminale Deletionsmutanten der PfPdx1 konstruiert und dabei bis zu 30 Aminos{\"a}uren entfernt. Diese Analysen ergaben, dass der C-Terminus vier verschiedene Funktionen besitzt: das Assembly der Pdx1 Untereinheiten zum Dodekamer, die Bindung des Pentosesubstrats Ribose 5-Phosphat, die Bildung des Intermediats I320 und schließlich die PLP Synthese. Diese unterschiedlichen Funktionen wurden durch verschiedene Deletionsvarianten identifiziert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus waren alle Deletionsvarianten in der Lage, die Glutaminase Pdx2 zu aktivieren, was zeigt, dass das Dodekamer nicht Vorraussetzung f{\"u}r die Glutaminaseaktivit{\"a}t ist. Aufgrund der geringen PLP Syntheseaktivit{\"a}t in vitro wurde vermutet, dass der PfPdx1/PfPdx2 Komplex durch einen zus{\"a}tzlichen Faktor aktiviert wird. Daher wurde versucht, mittels Yeast 2-Hybrid, basierend auf einer PCR-amplifizierten P. falciparum 3D7 cDNA-Bibliothek als bait und PfPdx1 als prey, einen Interaktionspartner zu identifizieren. Mehrere Klone wurden gewonnen, die alle einen Bereich des Mal13P1.540, einem putativen Hsp70 Proteins, enthielten. Jedoch scheiterten alle Versuche, die Protein-Protein-Interaktion mit rekombinant exprimierten Protein zu best{\"a}tigen. Ebenso war es nicht m{\"o}glich, das vollst{\"a}ndige Mal13P1.540 rekombinant zu exprimieren sowie dessen Lokalisation in vivo zu bestimmen. Daher bleibt die Interaktion von PfPdx1 und Mal13P1.540 ungekl{\"a}rt. Neben der Vitamin B6 Biosynthese konnten auch einige Gene des Shikimatweges in Plasmodium identifiziert werden. In P. berghei konnten der C-terminale Teil der 3-Dehydroquinatsynthase (2) sowie die Shikimatkinase (5) und die 5-Enoylpyruvylshikimat 3-Phosphatsynthase (6) in einem open reading frame (ORF) identifiziert werden, der dieselbe genetische Organisation aufweisen wie der Arom-Komplex der Hefen. Mit Hilfe eines Komplementationsassay wurde die Funktionalit{\"a}t dieses ORFs {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dazu wurden S. cerevisiae BY4741Δaro1, ein Hefestamm ohne funktionalen Arom-Komplex, mit dem Pb2_6_5_ABC Fragment transformiert. Die so transformierten Hefen waren nicht in der Lage, auf Mangelplatten ohne aromatische Aminos{\"a}uren zu wachsen, was zeigte, dass das Pb2_6_5_ABC Konstrukt den BY4741Δaro1 Ph{\"a}notyp nicht komplementieren konnte. Der Versuch, mit Hilfe des Baculovirussytems rekombiant exprimiertes Protein zu erhalten, verlief erfolglos. Ebenso war es nicht m{\"o}glich, Teile des Proteins f{\"u}r Immunisierungen zu exprimieren. Daher bleibt die Funktionalit{\"a}t des Pb2_6_5_ABC Konstruktes ungekl{\"a}rt.}, subject = {Plasmodium falciparum}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schmid2010, author = {Schmid, Benjamin}, title = {Computational tools for the segmentation and registration of confocal brain images of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51490}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Neuroanatomical data in fly brain research are mostly available as spatial gene expression patterns of genetically distinct fly strains. The Drosophila standard brain, which was developed in the past to provide a reference coordinate system, can be used to integrate these data. Working with the standard brain requires advanced image processing methods, including visualisation, segmentation and registration. The previously published VIB Protocol addressed the problem of image registration. Unfortunately, its usage was severely limited by the necessity of manually labelling a predefined set of neuropils in the brain images at hand. In this work I present novel tools to facilitate the work with the Drosophila standard brain. These tools are integrated in a well-known open-source image processing framework which can potentially serve as a common platform for image analysis in the neuroanatomical research community: ImageJ. In particular, a hardware-accelerated 3D visualisation framework was developed for ImageJ which extends its limited 3D visualisation capabilities. It is used for the development of a novel semi-automatic segmentation method, which implements automatic surface growing based on user-provided seed points. Template surfaces, incorporated with a modified variant of an active surface model, complement the segmentation. An automatic nonrigid warping algorithm is applied, based on point correspondences established through the extracted surfaces. Finally, I show how the individual steps can be fully automated, and demonstrate its application for the successful registration of fly brain images. The new tools are freely available as ImageJ plugins. I compare the results obtained by the introduced methods with the output of the VIB Protocol and conclude that our methods reduce the required effort five to ten fold. Furthermore, reproducibility and accuracy are enhanced using the proposed tools.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leonhardt2010, author = {Leonhardt, Sara Diana}, title = {Resin collection and use in stingless bees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51588}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Harz ist ein klebriges Pflanzenprodukt mit einem oft intensiven aromatischen Geruch. Es wird von B{\"a}umen produziert, um Wunden zu verschließen und sch{\"a}dliche Besucher abzuwehren. Einige Insektenarten haben jedoch die erstaunliche F{\"a}higkeit entwickelt, mit der klebrigen Substanz umzugehen und sie sich gar zu Nutzen zu machen. So verwenden Bienen Harz beispielsweise zum Nestbau und zur Verteidigung ihrer Kolonien. W{\"a}hrend allgemein bekannt ist, dass Bienen Pollen und Nektar sammeln, wird der Tatsache, dass sie auch Harz sammlen, allerdings sehr viel weniger Beachtung geschenkt. Ziel meiner Dissertation war es daher, herauszufinden, warum, wie und wo stachellose Bienen in Borneo (sieben untersuchte Bienenarten), Australien (acht Arten) und Costa Rica (27 Arten) Pflanzenharze sammeln und verwerten. Diese Arbeit behandelt somit die enge Beziehung zwischen einer eusozialen Insektengattung und einem chemisch und physiologisch hoch komplexen Pflanzenprodukt, das Bienen nicht nur als Nestmaterial und zur Verteidigung dient, sondern auch eine wesentliche Bedeutung f{\"u}r deren chemische Diversit{\"a}t hat. Stachellose Bienen verhalten sich hochgradig opportunistisch, wenn sie Harz sammeln, d.h. verschiedene Bienenarten sammeln Harz von denselben Baumarten, wobei sie nahezu jede verf{\"u}gbare Harzquelle nutzen. Dabei finden und erkennen sie Harzquellen anhand einiger charakteristischer Mono- und Sesquiterpene, nutzen jedoch nicht das gesamte Harz-Bouquet. Die Menge an eingetragenem Harz unterscheidet sich zwischen verschiedenen Bienenarten und kolonien und varriert mit verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen. Insbesondere eine Bedrohung durch Fressfeinde (z. B. Ameisen) f{\"u}hrt zu einer massiven Steigerung des Harzeintrages; eine manuelle Zerst{\"o}rung des Nesteinganges hat dagegen relativ wenig Einfluss. Das eingetragene Harz wird zum Nestbau und zur Verteidigung gegen Fressfeinde und Mikroben genutzt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus dient es als Quelle f{\"u}r Terpene, die von den Bienen in ihre chemischen Oberfl{\"a}chenprofile eingebaut werden (kutikul{\"a}re Terpene). Dabei {\"u}bertragen sie nur einen Bruchteil (8 \%) der gewaltigen Menge (>> 1000) an Terpenen, die man im Harz von B{\"a}umen findet, auf ihre Oberfl{\"a}che. Die {\"u}bertragenen Terpene bleiben in ihrer Struktur unver{\"a}ndert, allerdings unterscheiden sich die Bienenarten in der Zusammensetzung der Terpenprofile auf ihrer Oberfl{\"a}che, obwohl alle untersuchten Arten Harz von denselben B{\"a}umen sammeln. Die unterschiedlichen Terpenprofile sowie die Tatsache, dass nur wenige Terpene aus dem Harz aufgenommen werden, deuten auf einen artspezifischen und bisher unbekannten Filterungsmechanismus bei stachellosen Bienen hin. Auch {\"u}bersteigt durch die Aufnahme von Terpenen die chemische Diversit{\"a}t der Oberfl{\"a}chenprofile von stachellosen Bienen die zahlreicher anderer Hymenopteren. Da Bienen die Terpene aus dem Harz nur „filtern", sie dabei aber nicht ver{\"a}ndern, sind s{\"a}mtliche Bienenarten aus Borneo, Australien und Costa den charakteristischen Harzprofilen von B{\"a}umen aus ihren Ursprungsgebieten chemisch sehr {\"a}hnlich. Da in jeder tropischen Region andere Baumarten vorkommen, varriert die chemische Zusammensetzung der vorkommenden Harze und damit der kutikul{\"a}ren Terpene von dort vorkommenden Bienen. Die meisten Bienenarten mit kutikul{\"a}ren Terpenen findet man in Borneo, wo nahezu 100 \% der untersuchten Arten aus Baumharzen gewonnene Terpene in ihre chemischen Profilen einbauen. Im Gegensatz dazu sind es in Costa Rica nur 40 \% der untersuchten Arten. Auch sammeln in Borneo gelegentlich 9 von 10 Arbeiterinnen einer Tetragonilla collina Kolonie Harz, wohingegen in Australien maximal 10 \% und in Costa Rica maximal 40 \% der Arbeiterinnen einer Kolonie Harz sammeln. Das Vorherrschen von Harz und aus Harz gewonnenen Terpenen in der chemischen {\"O}kologie von Bienen auf Borneo spiegelt das Vorherrschen einer bestimmten s{\"u}dostasiatischen Baumfamilie wieder: der Dipterocarpaceen, deren Holz ungew{\"o}hnlich harzig ist. Ein solch enger Zusammenhang zwischen der Chemie von Bienen und der von Baumharzen verdeutlicht die enge Beziehung zwischen stachellosen Bienen und den B{\"a}umen in ihrem Habitat. Die kutikul{\"a}ren Terpene sch{\"u}tzen ihre Tr{\"a}ger vor Angreifern (z.B. Ameisen) und Mikrobenbefall. Dabei variiert eine bestimmte Gruppe - Sesquiterpene - am meisten zwischen den Arten. Diese Terpengruppe manipuliert die nat{\"u}rlichweise auftretende zwischen-artliche Aggression, indem sie letztere bei jenen Arten verringert, die selbst keine Sesquiterpene in ihrem Profil haben. Aggressionsminderung durch chemische Komponenten, welche aus der Umwelt aufgenommen werden, stellt somit einen bisher unbekannten Mechanismus dar, um Toleranz zwischen sonst aggressiven Arten zu erreichen. Eine derarte Herabsetzung von aggressiven Verhalten bei stachellosen Bienen kann dar{\"u}ber hinaus ein entscheidender Faktor f{\"u}r das Entstehen sogenannter Nestaggregationen sein. Dabei nisten Kolonien von Bienenarten mit und Bienenarten ohne Sesquiterpene in ihrem chemischen Profil in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft, ohne gegeneinander aggressiv zu sein. Im Hinblick auf die zahlreichen Funktionen, die Harze und/oder aus dem Harz gewonnene Substanzen f{\"u}r stachellose Bienen haben, stellt Harz zweifelsohne eine bedeutende Ressource in der Welt der Bienen dar - eine Ressource, die einen direkten Einfluss auf deren chemische {\"O}kologie, Verteidigungsmechanismen und zwischen-artliche Kommunikation aus{\"u}bt. Wie genau die Bienen ihre artspezifischen Terpenprofile erzeugen, insbesondere, wie es ihnen gelingt, dabei ganze Terpengruppen auszuschließen, muss in zuk{\"u}nftigen Studien genauer untersucht werden. Auch stellt sich die Frage, wie wichtig eine hohe Diversit{\"a}t an Harzquellen und damit Baumarten f{\"u}r die Bienen ist! Es ist durchaus m{\"o}glich, dass neben einer Vielfalt an Bl{\"u}tenpflanzenarten auch der „Harzreichtum" f{\"u}r das Wohlergehen der Bienen eine entscheidende Rolle spielt.}, subject = {stachellose Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Junker2010, author = {Junker, Robert R.}, title = {Scents as Floral Defence : Impact on Species and Communities, Mechanisms and Ecological Consequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Floral scents are compositions of diverse volatile substances. Despite the chemical complexity, the interpretation of their ecological relevance was mostly confined to the attractive function facilitating interactions with pollinators. However, the negative impact on plants' reproduction by non-pollinating flower visitors is pronounced and demands floral adaptations that exclude antagonists. The aim of this dissertation was to explore the defensive properties of floral odours and to imbed them into ecological contexts. The thesis covered four scopes: the scents' impact on individual species and on flower-visitor communities, the mechanisms that explain the dual function of floral volatiles (attraction and defence), and the ecological consequences of missing defences for plants and pollinators. The most important floral antagonists that are known to reduce the reproductive fitness of plants were identified and their responses towards floral scents were examined. We found that representatives of non-pollinating florivores (bush crickets), predators that lure for pollinators (spiders), and microorganisms that potentially colonize petals were repelled, deterred or inhibited in their growth by floral secondary metabolites. An earlier study revealed the same effect on nectar thieving ants. These experimental studies clearly demonstrate that scents universally serve as floral defences that have the potential to reduce or even prevent the visitation and exploitation of flowers by these antagonists. Within diverse communities, we tested whether species-specific responses to odours reflect the structure of naturally occurring flower-visitor interactions in order to examine the ecological importance of defensive floral scents. On three Hawaiian Islands, ant-flower interactions involving co-occurring native and introduced plants were observed. Ants were historically absent from the geographically isolated Hawaiian archipelago. Thus, we hypothesized that native Hawaiian plants lack floral features that exclude ants and therefore would be heavily exploited by introduced, invasive ants. We quantified the residual interaction strength of each pair of ant/plant species as the deviation of the observed interaction frequency from a null-model prediction based on available nectar sugar in a local plant community and local ant activity at sugar baits. As predicted, flowers of plants that are endemic or indigenous to Hawaii were stronger exploited by ants than flowers of co- occurring introduced plants, which share an evolutionary history with ants. We showed experimentally that the absence of ants on flowers of most introduced and few native plants species was due to morphological barriers and/or repellent floral scents, examined in a mobile olfactometer. Analysis of floral volatiles, however, revealed no consistent ant- repellent "syndrome", probably due to the high chemical variability within the floral scent bouquets. On a fallow land in Germany, we linked the responses of receivers (flower visitors) towards signals (flower scent) with the structure of a highly diverse natural flower-insect network. For each interaction, we defined link temperature - a newly developed metric - as the deviation of the observed interaction strength from neutrality, assuming that animals randomly interact with flowers. Link temperature was positively correlated to the specific visitors' responses to floral scents. Thus, communication between plants and consumers via phytochemical signals reflects a significant part of the microstructure in a complex network. Negative as well as positive responses towards floral scents contributed to these results, where individual experience was important, apart from innate behaviour. The demonstration of the contrasting functions of floral scents that control the visitor spectrum of flowers represents the first evidence that floral scents act as filters allowing access to some flower visitors but simultaneously exclude others. These findings raise the central question of this thesis: what evolutionary mechanism explains the dual function of floral scents? The view of flower visitors as mutualistic and antagonistic agents considers primarily the interest of plants. A classification emphasizing the consumer's point of view, however, may be more useful when considering adaptations of animals to flower visits. Therefore, we introduced a novel classification that acknowledges the consumers' interest in the interaction: some animals evolved an obligate dependence on floral resources, others use nectar and pollen as supplement to their diet and are thus regarded as facultative flower visitors. In a meta-analysis covering 18 studies on the responses of animals to floral scents, we assigned the animals to the categories of obligate or facultative flower visitors. Their responses to floral scents were compared. On average, obligate flower visitors, often corresponding to pollinators, were attracted to floral scent compounds. In contrast, facultative and mainly antagonistic visitors were strongly repelled by flower odours. The findings confirm that floral scents have a dual function both as attractive and defensive cues. Whether an animal depends on floral resources determines its response to these signals, suggesting that obligate flower visitors evolved a tolerance against primarily defensive compounds. These findings were confirmed in an experimental study. We conclude that floral scents protect flowers against visitors that would otherwise reduce the reproductive success of plants. In Hawaii, where flowers do not have defensive means against ants, we studied the impact of ants on the pollination effectiveness of endemic and introduced bees and on the fruit set of an endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae). Ants were dominant nectar-consumers that mostly depleted the nectar of visited inflorescences. Accordingly, the visitation frequency, duration, and consequently the pollinator effectiveness of nectar-foraging bees strongly decreased on ant-visited flowers, whereas pollen-collecting bees remained largely unaffected by ants. Overall, endemic bees (Hylaeus spp.) were much poorer pollinators than introduced honeybees (Apis mellifera). The average net effect of ants on pollination of M. polymorpha was neutral, corresponding to a similar fruit set of ant-visited and ant-free inflorescences. A second Hawaiian plant species, Vaccinium reticulatum (Ericaceae), was visited by the caterpillars of an introduced plume moth (Stenoptilodes littoralis) that destroyed buds and flowers of this species. The ants' presence on flowers strongly reduced flower parasitism by the caterpillars and consequently decreased the loss of flowers and buds. This is, to our knowledge, the first documented mutualism between invasive ants and an endemic plant species in Hawaii. Thus, ants that have been shown to be detrimental flower visitors elsewhere, had neutral (M. polymorpha) or even positive (V. reticulatum) effects on endemic Hawaiian plants. However, their overall negative effect on the Hawaiian flora and fauna should not be disregarded.}, subject = {Bl{\"u}te}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuwal2010, author = {Nuwal, Nidhi}, title = {Optogenetic investigation of nervous system functions using walking behavior and genome wide transcript analysis of Synapsin and Sap47 mutants of Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51694}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {PART I Animals need to constantly evaluate their external environment in order to survive. In some cases the internal state of the animal changes to cope with it's surrounding. In our study we wanted to investigate the role of amines in modulating internal states of Drosophila. We have designed a behavioral paradigm where the flies are fixed in space but can walk on a small styrofoam ball suspended by a gentle stream of air. The walking activity of flies was used as behavioral readout. PART I Animals need to constantly evaluate their external environment in order to survive. In some cases the internal state of the animal changes to cope with it's surrounding. In our study we wanted to investigate the role of amines in modulating internal states of Drosophila. We have designed a behavioral paradigm where the flies are fixed in space but can walk on a small styrofoam ball suspended by a gentle stream of air. The walking activity of flies was used as behavioral readout. An operant training paradigm was established by coupling one of the walking directions to incidence of heat punishment. We observed that animals quickly realized the contingency of punishment with walking direction and avoided walking in the punished direction in the presence of punishment, but did not continue walking in the unpunished direction in the absence of the punishment. This would indicate that the flies do not form a memory for the punished direction or rapidly erase it under new conditions. On having established the paradigm with heat punishment we have attempted to activate selected subsets of neuronal populations of Drosophila while they were walking on the ball. The selective activation of neurons was achieved by expressing the light-activated ion channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) using the Gal4-UAS system and coupling the unidirectional walking of the animals on the ball with the incidence of blue light required to activate the channels and depolarize the neurons. The feasibility of this approach was tested by light-activating sugar sensitive gustatory receptor neurons expressing ChR2, we found that when the light was actuated the flies preferred to turn in one direction the optically "rewarded" direction. Next we similarly activated different subsets of aminergic neurons. We observed that in our setup animals avoided to turn in the direction which was coupled to activation of dopaminergic neurons indicating that release of dopamine is disliked by the animals. This is in accordance with associative learning experiments where dopamine is believed to underlie the formation of an association between a neutral conditioned stimulus with the aversive unconditioned stimulus. However, when we activated tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons we did not observe any directional preference. The activation of dopaminergic and tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons led to arousal of the animals indicating that we were indeed successful in activating those neurons. Also, the activation of serotonergic neurons did not have any effect on directional preference of the animals. With this newly established paradigm it will be interesting to find out if in insects like in mammals a reward mediating system exists and to test subsets of aminergic or peptidergic neurons that could possibly be involved in a reward signaling system which has not been detected in our study. Also, it would be interesting to localize neuropile regions that would be involved in mediating choice behavior in our paradigm. PART II In collaboration with S. Kneitz (IZKF Wuerzburg) and T. Nuwal we performed genome-wide expression analysis of two pre-synaptic mutants - Synapsin (Syn97) and Synapse associated protein of 47 kDa (Sap47156). The rationale behind these experiments was to identify genes that were up- or down-regulated due to these mutations. The microarray experiments provided us with several candidate genes some of which we have verified by qPCR. From our qPCR analysis we can conclude that out of the verified genes only Cirl transcripts seem to be reproducibly down regulated in Synapsin mutants. The Cirl gene codes for a calcium independent receptor for latrotoxin. Further qPCR experiments need to be performed to verify other candidate genes. The molecular interactions between CIRL and SYN or their genes should now be investigated in detail.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuwal2010, author = {Nuwal, Tulip}, title = {Characterization of Synapsin, Tubulin-Binding Chaperone E-like, And Their Putative Interactions With Synapse Associated Protein Of 47 kDa In Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51683}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In this thesis we have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to investigate proteins and their putative interacting partners that are directly or indirectly involved in the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse. We have used molecular techniques to investigate conserved synaptic proteins, synapsin and synapse associated protein of 47 kD (SAP47), and a putative interaction partner of SAP47, tubulin binding chaperone E-like (TBCEL). SAP47 and synapsins are highly conserved synaptic vesicle associated proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. To further investigate the role and function of Sap47 and Syn genes, we had earlier generated the null mutants by P-element mutagenesis (Funk et al., 2004; Godenschwege et al., 2004). Western blots and ELISA of brain homogenates from Sap47156 null mutants showed the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin in comparison to wild-type (CS) and the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin was partially abolished when a pan-neuronal rescue of SAP47 was performed by the Gal4- UAS technique. Thus, the results suggest a qualitative and quantitative modulation of synapsin by SAP47. At the transcript level, we did not observe any difference in content of Syn transcript in Sap47156 and wild-type CS flies. The question of a direct molecular interaction between SAP47 and synapsin was investigated by co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) experiments and we did not find any stable interactions under the several IP conditions we tested. The possibility of Sap47 as a modifier of Syn at the genetic level was investigated by generating and testing homozygous double null mutants of Sap47 and Syn. The Syn97, Sap47156 double mutants are viable but have a reduced life span and decreased locomotion when compared to CS. In 2D-PAGE analysis of synapsins we identified trains of spots corresponding to synapsins, suggesting that synapsin has several isoforms and each one of them is posttranslationally modified. In an analysis by Blue native-SDS-PAGE (BN-SDS-2D- PAGE) and Western blot we observed synapsin and SAP47 signals to be present at 700-900 kDa and 200-250 kDa, respectively, suggesting that they are part of large but different complexes. We also report the possibility of Drosophila synapsin forming homo- and heteromultimers, which has also been reported for synapsins of vertebrates. In parallel to the above experiments, phosphorylation of synapsins in Drosophila was studied by IP techniques followed by 1D-SDS gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (in collaboration with S. Heo and G. Lubec). We identified and verified 5 unique phosphorylation sites in Drosophila synapsin from our MS analysis. Apart from phosphorylation modifications we identified several other PTMs which have not been verified. The significance of these phosphorylations and other identified PTMs needs to be investigated further and their implications for synapsin function and Drosophila behavior has to be elucidated by further experiments. In a collaborative project with S. Kneitz and N. Nuwal, we investigated the effects of Sap156 and Syn97 mutations by performing a whole Drosophila transcriptome microarray analysis of the individual null mutants and the double mutants (V2 and V3). We obtained several candidates which were significantly altered in the mutants. These genes need to be investigated further to elucidate their interactions with Sap47 and Syn. In another project, we investigated the role and function of Drosophila tubulin- binding chaperone E-like (Tbcel, CG12214). The TBCEL protein has high homology to vertebrate TBCE-like (or E-like) which has high sequence similarity to tubulin-binding chaperone E (TBCE) (hence the name TBCE-Like). We generated an anti-TBCEL polyclonal antiserum (in collaboration with G. Krohne). According to flybase, the Tbcel gene has only one exon and codes for two different transcripts by alternative transcription start sites. The longer transcript RB is present only in males whereas the shorter transcript RA is present only in females. In order to study the gene function we performed P- element jump-out mutagenesis to generate deletion mutants. We used the NP4786 (NP) stock which has a P(GawB) insertion in the 5' UTR of the Tbcel gene. NP4786 flies are homozygous lethal due to a second-site lethality as the flies are viable over a deficiency (Df) chromosome (a deletion of genomic region spanning the Tbcel gene and other upstream and downstream genes). We performed the P-element mutagenesis twice. In the first trial we obtained only revertants and the second experiment is still in progress. In the second attempt, jump-out was performed over the deficiency chromosome to prevent homologous chromosome mediated double stranded DNA repair. During the second mutagenesis an insertion stock G18151 became available. These flies had a P-element insertion in the open reading frame (ORF) of the Tbcel gene but was homozygous viable. Western blots of fresh tissue homogenates of NP/Df and G18151 flies probed with anti-TBCEL antiserum showed no TBCEL signal, suggesting that these flies are Tbcel null mutants. We used these flies for further immunohistochemical analyses and found that TBCEL is specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of cyst cells of the testes and is associated with the tubulin of spermatid tails in wild-type CS, whereas in NP/Df and G18151 flies the TBCEL staining in the cyst cells was absent and there was a disruption of actin investment cones. We also found enrichment of TBCEL staining around the actin investment cone. These results are also supported by the observation that the enhancer trap expression of the NP4786 line is localised to the cyst cells, similar to TBCEL expression. Also, male fertility of NP/Df and G18151 flies was tested and they were found to be sterile with few escapers. Thus, these results suggest that TBCEL is involved in Drosophila spermatogenesis with a possible role in the spermatid elongation and individualisation process.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jauch2010, author = {Jauch, Mandy}, title = {Die Serin/Arginin Proteinkinase 79D (SRPK79D) von Drosophila melanogaster und ihre Rolle bei der Bildung Aktiver Zonen von Synapsen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53974}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Synapsen als Stellen der Kommunikation zwischen Neuronen besitzen spezialisierte Bereiche - Aktive Zonen (AZs) genannt -, die aus einem hoch komplexen Netzwerk von Proteinen aufgebaut sind und die Maschinerie f{\"u}r den Prozess der Neurotransmitter-Aussch{\"u}ttung und das Vesikel-Recycling beinhalten. In Drosophila ist das Protein Bruchpilot (BRP) ein wichtiger Baustein f{\"u}r die T-f{\"o}rmigen B{\"a}nder („T-Bars") der pr{\"a}synaptischen Aktiven Zonen. BRP ist notwendig f{\"u}r eine intakte Struktur der Aktiven Zone und eine normale Exocytose von Neurotransmitter-Vesikeln. Auf der Suche nach Mutationen, welche die Verteilung von Bruchpilot im Gewebe beeintr{\"a}chtigen, wurde eine P-Element-Insertion im Gen CG11489 an der Position 79D identifiziert, welches eine Kinase kodiert, die einen hohen Grad an Homologie zur Familie der SR Proteinkinasen (SRPKs) von S{\"a}ugern aufweist. Die Mitglieder dieser Familie zeichnen sich durch eine evolution{\"a}r hoch konservierte zweigeteilte Kinasedom{\"a}ne aus, die durch eine nicht konservierte Spacer-Sequenz unterbrochen ist. SRPKs phosphorylieren SR-Proteine, die zu einer evolution{\"a}r hoch konservierten Familie Serin/Arginin-reicher Spleißfaktoren geh{\"o}ren und konstitutive sowie alternative Spleißprozesse steuern und damit auf post-transkriptioneller Ebene die Genexpression regulieren. Mutation des Srpk79D-Gens durch die P-Element-Insertion (Srpk79DP1) oder eine Deletion im Gen (Srpk79DVN Nullmutante) f{\"u}hrt zu auff{\"a}lligen BRP-Akkumulationen in larvalen und adulten Nerven. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass diese BRP-Akkumulationen auf Ultrastruktur-Ebene ausgedehnten axonalen Agglomeraten elektronendichter B{\"a}nder entsprechen und von klaren Vesikeln umgeben sind. Charakterisierung durch Immuno-Elektronenmikroskopie ergab, dass diese Strukturen BRP-immunoreaktiv sind. Um die Bildung BRP-enthaltender Agglomerate in Axonen zu verhindern und damit eine intakte Gehirnfunktion zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, scheint die SRPK79D nur auf niedrigem Niveau exprimiert zu werden, da die endogene Kinase mit verschiedenen Antik{\"o}rpern nicht nachweisbar war. Wie in anderen Arbeiten gezeigt werden konnte, ist die Expression der PB-, PC- oder PF-Isoform der vier m{\"o}glichen SRPK79D-Varianten, die durch alternativen Transkriptionsstart in Exon eins beziehungsweise drei und alternatives Spleißen von Exon sieben zustande kommen, zur Rettung des Ph{\"a}notyps der BRP-Akkumulation im Srpk79DVN Nullmutanten-Hintergrund ausreichend. Zur Charakterisierung der Rescue-Eigenschaften der SRPK79D-PE-Isoform wurde mit der Klonierung der cDNA in einen UAS-Vektor begonnen. Offenbar beruht die Bildung der axonalen BRP-Agglomerate nicht auf einer {\"U}berexpression von BRP in den betroffenen Neuronen, denn auch bei reduzierter Expression des BRP-Proteins im Srpk79DVN Nullmutanten-Hintergrund entstehen die BRP-Agglomerate. In K{\"o}pfen der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante ist die Gesamtmenge an Bruchpilot-Protein im Vergleich zum Wildtyp nicht deutlich ver{\"a}ndert. Auch die auf Protein-Ebene untersuchte Expression der verschiedenen Isoformen der pr{\"a}synaptischen Proteine Synapsin, Sap47 und CSP weicht in der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante nicht wesentlich von der Wildtyp-Situation ab, sodass sich keine Hinweise auf ver{\"a}ndertes Spleißen der entsprechenden pr{\"a}-mRNAs ergeben. Jedes der sieben bekannten SR-Proteine von Drosophila ist ein potentielles Zielprotein der SRPK79D. Knock-down-Experimente f{\"u}r die drei hier untersuchten SR-Proteine SC35, X16/9G8 und B52/SRp55 im gesamten Nervensystem durch RNA-Interferenz zeigten allerdings keinen Effekt auf die Verteilung von BRP im Gewebe. Hinsichtlich der Flugf{\"a}higkeit der Tiere hat die Srpk79DVN Nullmutation keinen additiven Effekt zum Knock-down des BRP-Proteins, denn die Doppelmutanten zeigten bei der Bestimmung des Anteils an flugunf{\"a}higen Tieren vergleichbare Werte wie die Einzelmutanten, die entweder die Nullmutation im Srpk79D-Gen trugen, oder BRP reduziert exprimierten. Vermutlich sind Bruchpilot und die SR Proteinkinase 79D somit Teil desselben Signalwegs. Durch Doppelf{\"a}rbungen mit Antik{\"o}rpern gegen BRP und CAPA-Peptide wurde abschließend entdeckt, dass Bruchpilot auch im Median- und Transvers-Nervensystem (MeN/TVN) von Drosophila zu finden ist, welche die Neuroh{\"a}mal-Organe beherbergen. Aufgabe dieser Organe ist die Speicherung und Aussch{\"u}ttung von Neuropeptid-Hormonen. Daher ist zu vermuten, dass das BRP-Protein neben Funktionen bei der Neurotransmitter-Exocytose m{\"o}glicherweise eine Rolle bei der Aussch{\"u}ttung von Neuropeptiden spielt. Anders als in den Axonen der larvalen Segmental- und Intersegmentalnerven der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante, die charakteristische BRP-Agglomerate aufweisen, hat die Mutation des Srpk79D-Gens in den Axonen der Va-Neurone, die das MeN/TVN-System bilden, keinen sichtbaren Effekt auf die Verteilung von Brp, denn das Muster bei F{\"a}rbung gegen BRP weist keine deutlichen Ver{\"a}nderungen zum Wildtyp auf.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mueller2010, author = {M{\"u}ller, Judith}, title = {Die Rolle der HectH9/Mcl1-Interaktion in der Myc-induzierten Apoptose und Auswirkungen der Myc V394D-Mutation auf die von c-Myc gesteuerten Tumorgenese in einem transgenen Mausmodell}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55789}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {W{\"a}hrend der Entstehung von Tumoren k{\"o}nnen zwei Mechanismen auftreten, die beide von der Aktivit{\"a}t der Onkogene abh{\"a}ngig sind und die Tumorgenese einschr{\"a}nken. F{\"u}r das Onkogen Myc ist gezeigt, dass es sowohl Apoptose als auch unter bestimmten Umst{\"a}nden Seneszenz ausl{\"o}sen kann und damit sein eigenes onkogenes Potential limitiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte ich mich mit diesen Tumor-suppressiven Mechanismen in zwei unabh{\"a}ngigen Teilprojekten besch{\"a}ftigen. Eine erh{\"o}hte Expression von Myc steigert die Proliferation der Zellen, induziert aber gleichzeitig Doppelstrangbr{\"u}che an der DNA. Durch den dadurch entstandenen Schaden wird die DNA-Schadensantwort ausgel{\"o}st, die zum Beispiel zur Phosphorylierung von H2A.X durch die Kinasen Atm und Atr f{\"u}hrt. Ein weiteres putatives Zielprotein dieser Kinasen ist HectH9, das abh{\"a}ngig vom DNA-Schaden das mitochondriale Protein Mcl1 ubiquitiniert und es damit f{\"u}r den proteasomalen Abbau markiert. Im ungestressten Zustand interagiert das in der mitochondrialen Membran lokalisierte Protein Mcl1 mit proapoptotischen Proteinen und h{\"a}lt deren inerten Status aufrecht. Die Reduktion der Mcl1-Mengen ist essentiell, um die proapoptotischen Proteine zu aktivieren, dadurch die Freisetzung von Zytochrom C aus dem Mitochondrium zu veranlassen und damit den Prozess der Apoptose einleiten zu k{\"o}nnen. Anhand der in dieser Arbeit dokumentierten Daten bietet sich Mcl1 als potentielles Zielprotein f{\"u}r pharmazeutisch Strategien zur Therapie Myc-induzierter Tumore an. Im Idealfall erh{\"o}ht eine verst{\"a}rkte Reduktion seiner Proteinmengen die zellul{\"a}re Apoptose und verringert somit das Tumorwachstum. Im murinen T-Zell-Lymphom wird die Myc-abh{\"a}ngige Tumorgenese durch eine Mutation der Proteinsequenz von Myc verlangsamt. Diese Mutation unterbindet die Bindung von Myc zu Miz1 und verhindert dadurch die Repression von Zielgenen. Abh{\"a}ngig von der Interaktion von Myc zu Miz1 gelingt die Inhibition der Transkription des Zellzyklusinhibitors p15Ink4b. Die Interaktion von Myc und Miz1 ist essentiell um die TGFbeta-abh{\"a}ngige Seneszenz zu umgehen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist Myc direkt an der Repression von TGFbeta beteiligt. Entgegen der bisher verwendeten Modelle konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass Myc unabh{\"a}ngig von Miz1 zu den Promotoren der reprimierten Zielgene rekrutiert wird und die Bindung der beiden Proteine offensichtlich nur f{\"u}r die Transrepression essentiell ist.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ulbrich2010, author = {Ulbrich, Jannes}, title = {Integrierung und biochemische Charakterisierung ektoper BMP Rezeptoren in Zellmembranen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {BMPs vermitteln ihre zellul{\"a}ren Effekte durch Rekrutierung und Aktivierung von zwei Typen spezifischer, membranst{\"a}ndiger Rezeptoren. Die genauen Mechanismen der Rezeptorakivierung und die Komposition eines funktionellen, signalvermittelnden Komplexes auf der Zelloberfl{\"a}che sind in den letzten Jahren genau untersucht worden. Die dimere Natur aller BMPs, die Promiskuitivit{\"a}t der BMPs sowie der entsprechenden Rezeptoren und die unterschiedlichen Rezeptorkonformationen (PFC, BISC) erschweren jedoch die experimentelle Zug{\"a}nglichkeit dieser Proteinfamilie. Um den Einfluss der Membranverankerung der Rezeptoren auf deren Affinit{\"a}t zu einzelnen Liganden zu untersuchen, wurden verschiedene Methoden evaluiert, die eine quantitative Kopplung an Plasmamembranen erm{\"o}glichten. Die BMP Rezeptorektodom{\"a}nen wurden u.a. mittels einer lysin-spezifischen Kopplung lipidiert, oder aber als His6-Ektodom{\"a}nen an membranintegrierte Chelatlipide gekoppelt.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {de} }