@article{UeceylerTopuzoğluSchiesseretal.2011, author = {{\"U}{\c{c}}eyler, Nurcan and Topuzoğlu, Teng{\"u} and Schießer, Peter and Hahnenkamp, Saskia and Sommer, Claudia}, title = {IL-4 Deficiency Is Associated with Mechanical Hypersensitivity in Mice}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {6}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0028205}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137924}, pages = {e28205}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Interleukin-4 (IL-4) is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic cytokine that induces opioid receptor transcription. We investigated IL-4 knockout (ko) mice to characterize their pain behavior before and after chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve as a model for neuropathic pain. We investigated opioid responsivity and measured cytokine and opioid receptor gene expression in the peripheral and central nervous system (PNS, CNS) of IL-4 ko mice in comparison with wildtype (wt) mice. Na{\"i}ve IL-4 ko mice displayed tactile allodynia (wt: 0.45 g; ko: 0.18 g; p<0.001), while responses to heat and cold stimuli and to muscle pressure were not different. No compensatory changes in the gene expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), IL-1β, IL-10, and IL-13 were found in the PNS and CNS of na{\"i}ve IL-4 ko mice. However, IL-1β gene expression was stronger in the sciatic nerve of IL-4 ko mice (p<0.001) 28 days after CCI and only IL-4 ko mice had elevated IL-10 gene expression (p = 0.014). Remarkably, CCI induced TNF (p<0.01), IL-1β (p<0.05), IL-10 (p<0.05), and IL-13 (p<0.001) gene expression exclusively in the ipsilateral spinal cord of IL-4 ko mice. The compensatory overexpression of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic cytokines IL-10 and IL-13 in the spinal cord of IL-4 ko mice may explain the lack of genotype differences for pain behavior after CCI. Additionally, CCI induced gene expression of μ, κ, and δ opioid receptors in the contralateral cortex and thalamus of IL-4 ko mice, paralleled by fast onset of morphine analgesia, but not in wt mice. We conclude that a lack of IL-4 leads to mechanical sensitivity; the compensatory hyperexpression of analgesic cytokines and opioid receptors after CCI, in turn, protects IL-4 ko mice from enhanced pain behavior after nerve lesion.}, language = {en} } @article{UeceylerHaeuserSommer2011, author = {{\"U}ceyler, Nurcan and H{\"a}user, Winfried and Sommer, Claudia}, title = {Systematic review with meta-analysis: Cytokines in fibromyalgia syndrome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69189}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background: To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis on cytokine levels in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Methods: Through December 2010 we systematically reviewed the databases PubMed, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO and screened the reference lists of 22 review articles for suitable original articles. Original articles investigating cytokines in patients with FMS were included. Data were extracted by two independent authors. Differences of the cytokine levels of FMS patients and controls were summarized by standardized mean differences (SMD) using a random effects model. Study quality was assessed applying methodological scores: modified Center of Evidence Based Medicine, Newcastle-Ottawa-Scale, and W{\"u}rzburg Methodological Quality Score. Results: Twenty-five articles were included investigating 1255 FMS patients and 800 healthy controls. Data of 13/25 studies entered meta-analysis. The overall methodological quality of studies was low. The results of the majority of studies were not comparable because methods, investigated material, and investigated target cytokines differed. Systematic review of the selected 25 articles revealed that FMS patients had higher serum levels of interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, IL-6, and IL-8, and higher plasma levels of IL-8. Meta-analysis of eligible studies showed that FMS patients had higher plasma IL-6 levels compared to controls (SMD = -0.34 [-0.64, -0.03] 95\% CI; p = 0.03). The majority of investigated cytokines were not different between patients and controls. Conclusions: The pathophysiological role of cytokines in FMS is still unclear. Studies of higher quality and with higher numbers of subjects are needed.}, subject = {Fibromyalgie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{OenalHartmann2011, author = {{\"O}nal-Hartmann, Cigdem}, title = {Emotional Modulation of Motor Memory Formation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64838}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Hintergr{\"u}nde: Wie eine Vielzahl von Studien belegt, kann das explizite Ged{\"a}chtnis, das die bewusste Erinnerung an enkodierte Informationen beinhaltet, durch Emotionen beeinflusst werden, und zwar {\"u}ber den Einfluss auf verschiedene Verarbeitungsebenen (Enkodierung, Konsolidierung, Abruf usw.). Bisher wenig untersucht ist, ob und wie Emotionen Vorg{\"a}nge der motorischen Ged{\"a}chtnisbildung, die nicht auf bewusster Erinnerung beruhen und sich stattdessen durch Ver{\"a}nderungen im Verhalten darstellen, modulieren. Experiment 1: Das Ziel des ersten Experimentes war es, den Einfluss von Emotionen auf motorisches Lernen zu untersuchen. Vier Gruppen von Probanden mussten in einer motorischen Lernaufgabe schnelle, seitliche Bewegungen mit dem Daumen ausf{\"u}hren. W{\"a}hrend dieser Aufgabe h{\"o}rten die Probanden emotionale Kl{\"a}nge, die in Valenz und Arousal variierten: 1. Valenz negativ/ Arousal niedrig (V-/A-), 2. Valenz negativ/ Arousal hoch (V-/A+), 3. Valenz positiv/ Arousal niedrig (V+/A-), 4. Valenz positiv/ Arousal hoch (V+/A+). Die deskriptive Analyse aller Daten sprach f{\"u}r beste Ergebnisse f{\"u}r das motorische Lernen in der Bedingung V-/A-, aber die Unterschiede zwischen den Bedingungen waren nicht signifikant. Die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und Arousal emotionaler T{\"o}ne scheint demnach motorische Enkodierungsprozesse zu modulieren, jedoch m{\"u}ssen zuk{\"u}nftige Studien mit unterschiedlichen emotionalen Stimuli die Annahme weiter untersuchen, dass negative Stimuli mit niedrigem Arousal w{\"a}hrend der Enkodierung einen f{\"o}rdernden Effekt auf das motorische Kurzzeitged{\"a}chtnis haben. Experiment 2: Die Absicht des zweiten Experimentes war es, die Auswirkungen emotionaler Interferenzen auf die Konsolidierung beim Sequenzlernen zu untersuchen. Sechs Gruppen von Probanden trainierten zuerst in getrennten Sitzungen eine SRTT-Aufgabe (serial reaction time task). Um die Konsolidierung der neu erlernten Fertigkeit zu modulieren, wurden die Probanden nach dem Training einer von drei unterschiedlichen Klassen emotionaler Stimuli (positiv, negativ oder neutral) ausgesetzt. Diese bestanden aus einem Set emotionaler Bilder, die mit emotional kongruenten Musikst{\"u}cken oder neutralen Kl{\"a}ngen kombiniert waren. Bei den Probandengruppen wurde die emotionale Interferenz nach zwei unterschiedlichen Zeitintervallen realisiert, entweder direkt nach der Trainingssitzung oder sechs Stunden sp{\"a}ter. 72 Stunden nach der Trainingssitzung wurde jede Gruppe erneut mit der SRTT-Aufgabe getestet. Die Leistung in diesem Nachtest wurde mittels Reaktionszeit und Genauigkeit bei der Ausf{\"u}hrung der Zielsequenz analysiert. Die emotionale Interferenz beeinflusste weder die Nachtestergebnisse f{\"u}r die Reaktionszeit noch die f{\"u}r die Genauigkeit. Allerdings konnte eine Steigerung der expliziten Sequenzerkennung durch erregende negative Stimuli festgestellt werden, wenn diese direkt nach der ersten Trainingseinheit (0h) dargeboten wurden. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Konsolidierung der expliziten Aspekte prozeduralen Lernens in einer st{\"a}rkeren Wechselwirkung mit emotionalen Interferenzen stehen k{\"o}nnte als die der impliziten Aspekte. Die Konsolidierung unterschiedlicher Ebenen des Fertigkeitserwerbs k{\"o}nnte demnach von unterschiedlichen Mechanismen gesteuert werden. Da Performanz und explizites Sequenzerkennen nicht korrelierten, vermuten wir, dass implizite und explizite Modalit{\"a}ten bei der Durchf{\"u}hrung der SRTT-Aufgabe nicht komplement{\"a}r sind. Experiment 3: Es sollte untersucht werden, ob es eine Pr{\"a}ferenz der linken Gehirnhemisph{\"a}re bei der Kontrolle von Flexionsreaktionen auf positive Stimuli gibt und der rechten Hemisph{\"a}re bei der Kontrolle von Extensionsreaktionen auf negative Stimuli. Zu diesem Zweck sollten rechtsh{\"a}ndige Probanden einen Joystick zu sich ziehen oder von sich weg dr{\"u}cken, nachdem sie einen positiven oder negativen Stimulus in ihrem linken oder rechten Gesichtsfeld gesehen hatten. Die Flexionsreaktionen waren bei positiven Stimuli schneller, Extensionsreaktion hingegen bei negativen Stimuli. Insgesamt war die Performanz am schnellsten, wenn die emotionalen Stimuli im linken Gesichtsfeld pr{\"a}sentiert wurden. Dieser Vorrang der rechten Gehirnhemisph{\"a}re war besonders deutlich f{\"u}r negative Stimuli, wohingegen die Reaktionszeiten auf positive Bilder keine hemisph{\"a}rische Differenzierung zeigten. Wir konnten keine Interaktion zwischen Gesichtsfeld und Reaktionstyp belegen, auch fand sich keine Dreifachinteraktion zwischen Valenz, Gesichtsfeld und Reaktionstyp. In unserem experimentellen Kontext scheint die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und Gesichtsfeld st{\"a}rker zu sein als die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und motorischem Verhalten. Auf Grund dieser Ergebnisse vermuten wir, dass unter gewissen Bedingungen eine Hierarchisierung der asymmetrischen Muster Vorrang hat, die m{\"o}glicherweise andere vorhandene Asymmetrien maskieren k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Motorisches Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZelmanFemiak2011, author = {Zelman-Femiak, Monika}, title = {Single Particle Tracking ; Membrane Receptor Dynamics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65420}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Single-molecule microscopy is one of the decisive methodologies that allows one to clarify cellular signaling in both spatial and temporal dimentions by tracking with nanometer precision the diffusion of individual microscopic particles coupled to relevant biological molecules. Trajectory analysis not only enables determination of the mechanisms that drive and constrain the particles motion but also to reveal crucial information about the molecule interaction, mobility, stoichiometry, all existing subpopulations and unique functions of particular molecules. Efficacy of this technique depends on two problematic issues the usage of the proper fluorophore and the type of biochemical attachment of the fluorophore to a biomolecule. The goal of this study was to evolve a highly specific labeling method suitable for single molecule tracking, internalization and trafficking studies that would attain a calculable 1:1 fluorophore-to-receptor stoichiometry. A covalent attachment of quantum dots to transmembrane receptors was successfully achieved with a techinque that amalgamates acyl carrier protein (ACP) system as a comparatively small linker and coenzyme A (CoA)-functionalized quantum dots. The necessity of optimization of the quantum dot usage for more precise calculation of the membrane protein stoichiometries in larger assemblies led to the further study in which methods maximizing the number of signals and the tracking times of diverse QD types were examined. Next, the optimized techniques were applied to analyze behavior of interleukin-5 β-common chain receptor (IL-5Rβc) receptors that are endogenously expressed at low level on living differentiated eosinophil-like HL-60 cells. Obtained data disclosed that perused receptors form stable and higher order oligomers. Additionally, the mobility analysis based on increased in number (>10\%) uninterrupted 1000-step trajectories revealed two patterns of confined motion. Thereupon methods were developed that allow both, determination of stoichiometries of cell surface protein complexes and the acquisition of long trajectories for mobility analysis. Sequentially, the aforementioned methods were used to scrutinize on the mobility, internalization and recycling dynamics characterization of a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCRs), the parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR1) and several bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), a member of the TGF-beta superfamily of receptors. These receptors are two important representatives of two varied membrane receptor classes. BMPs activate SMAD- and non-SMAD pathways and as members of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily are entailed in the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, chemotaxis, and apoptosis. For effective ligand induced and ligand independent signaling, two types of transmembrane serine/threonine kinases, BMP type I and type II receptors (BMPRI and BMPRII, respectively) are engaged. Apparently, the lateral mobility profiles of BMPRI and BMPRII receptors differ markedly, which determinate specificity of the signal. Non-SMAD signaling and subsequent osteoblastic differentiation of precursor cells particularly necessitate the confinement of the BMP type I receptor, resulting in the conclusion that receptor lateral mobility is a dominative mechanism to modulate SMAD versus non-SMAD signaling during differentiation. Confined motion was also predominantly observed in the studies devoted to, entailed in the regulation of calcium homeostasis and in bone remodeling, the parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR1), in which stimulation with five peptide ligands, specific fragments of PTH: hPTH(1-34), hPTHrP(107-111)NH2; PTH(1-14); PTH(1-28) G1R19, bPTH(3-34), first four belonging to PTH agonist group and the last to the antagonist one, were tested in the wide concentration range on living COS-1 and AD293 cells. Next to the mobility, defining the internalization and recycling rates of the PTHR1 receptor maintained in this investigation one of the crucial questions. Internalization, in general, allows to diminish the magnitude of the receptor-mediated G protein signals (desensitization), receptor resensitization via recycling, degradation (down-regulation), and coupling to other signaling pathways (e.g. MAP kinases). Determinants of the internalization process are one of the most addressed in recent studies as key factors for clearer understanding of the process and linking it with biological responses evoked by the signal transduction. The internalization of the PTH-receptor complex occurs via the clathrin-coated pit pathway involving β-arrestin2 and is initiated through the agonist occupancy of the PTHR1 leading to activation of adenylyl cyclase (via Gs), and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase Cβ (via Gq). Taken together, this work embodies complex study of the interleukin-5 β-common chain receptor (IL-5Rβc) receptors, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and the parathyroid hormone receptor with the application of single-molecule microscopy with the newly attained ACP-quantum dot labeling method and standard techniques.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{ZanuccoGoetzPotapenkoetal.2011, author = {Zanucco, Emanuele and G{\"o}tz, Rudolf and Potapenko, Tamara and Carraretto, Irene and Ceteci, Semra and Ceteci, Fatih and Seeger, Werner and Savai, Rajkumar and Rapp, Ulf R.}, title = {Expression of B-RAF V600E in Type II Pneumocytes Causes Abnormalities in Alveolar Formation, Airspace Enlargement and Tumor Formation in Mice}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {6}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0029093}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137061}, pages = {e29093}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Growth factor induced signaling cascades are key regulatory elements in tissue development, maintenance and regeneration. Perturbations of these cascades have severe consequences, leading to developmental disorders and neoplastic diseases. As a major function in signal transduction, activating mutations in RAF family kinases are the cause of human tumorigenesis, where B-RAF V600E has been identified as the prevalent mutant. In order to address the oncogenic function of B-RAF V600E, we have generated transgenic mice expressing the activated oncogene specifically in lung alveolar epithelial type II cells. Constitutive expression of B-RAF V600E caused abnormalities in alveolar epithelium formation that led to airspace enlargements. These lung lesions showed signs of tissue remodeling and were often associated with chronic inflammation and low incidence of lung tumors. The inflammatory cell infiltration did not precede the formation of the lung lesions but was rather accompanied with late tumor development. These data support a model where the continuous regenerative process initiated by oncogenic B-RAF-driven alveolar disruption provides a tumor-promoting environment associated with chronic inflammation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zanucco2011, author = {Zanucco, Emanuele}, title = {Role of oncogenic and wild type B-RAF in mouse lung tumor models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69603}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Von Wachstumsfaktoren regulierte Signalkaskaden sind Schl{\"u}sselelemente in der Gewebeentwicklung und Geweberegeneration. Eine Deregulation dieser Kaskaden f{\"u}hrt zu Entwicklungsst{\"o}rungen und neoplastischen Krankheiten. F{\"u}r viele humane Krebsformen sind aktivierende Mutationen der Kinasen der RAF Familie verantwortlich. Das erste Projekt dieser Doktorarbeit fokussiert auf der Rolle des B-RAF V600E, welches als eine der am h{\"a}ufigsten vorkommenden Mutantionen in humanen Krebszellen identifiziert worden ist. Um die onkogene Funktion des B-RAF V600E zu untersuchen, haben wir transgene Mauslinien hergestellt, welche das aktivierte Onkogen spezifisch in alveolaren Lungenepithelzellen des Typ II exprimieren. Konstitutive Expression des B-RAF V600E f{\"u}hrte zu einer abnormen alveolaren Epithelzellbildung und zu Emphysem-{\"a}hnlichen L{\"a}sionen. Diese L{\"a}sionen wiesen Zeichen einer Gewebsumstrukturierung auf, oft in Assoziation mit chronischer Inflammation und geringer Inzidenz von Lungentumoren. Die Infiltration der entz{\"u}ndlichen Zellen erfolgte erst nach der Entstehung von Emphysem-{\"a}hnlichen L{\"a}sionen und k{\"o}nnte zur sp{\"a}teren Tumorbildung beigetragen haben. Diese Ergebnisse unterst{\"u}tzen ein Modell, in welchem der kontinuierliche regenerative Prozess eine tumorf{\"o}rdernde Umgebung schafft. Dabei induziert die Aktivit{\"a}t des onkogenen B-RAF eine alveolare St{\"o}rung, welche urs{\"a}chlich verantwortlich ist f{\"u}r den kontinuierlichen regenerativen Prozess. Das zweite Projekt fokussiert auf die Rolle von endogenem (wildtypischen) B-RAF in einem durch onkogenes C-RAF induzierten Maus Lungentumormodell. F{\"u}r unsere Untersuchungen haben wir eine Mauslinie geschaffen, in welcher B-RAF in den C-RAF Lungentumoren konditionell eliminiert werden kann. Eine konditionelle Eliminierung des B-RAF hat die Entstehung von Lungentumoren nicht blockiert, aber zu reduziertem Tumorwachstum gef{\"u}hrt. Dieses reduzierte Tumorwachstum konnte auf eine reduzierte Zellproliferation zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Außerdem konnten wir durch die B-RAF Elimination eine Reduktion der Intensit{\"a}t der mitogenen Signalkaskade beobachten. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass das onkogene Potential von C-RAF in vivo unabh{\"a}ngig von B-RAF ist und eine Kooperation von B-RAF und C-RAF jedoch f{\"u}r die vollst{\"a}ndige Aktivierung der mitogenen Signalkaskade wichtig ist.}, subject = {Lungenkrebs}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZamaniPedram2011, author = {Zamani Pedram, Masoud}, title = {Source, facies, and sedimentary environments of the Middle to Upper Jurassic strata in the Kerman and Tabas areas, east-central Iran}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The present study concerned mainly on the source, facies, and sedimentary environments of the Middle to Upper Jurassic strata in the Kerman and Tabas areas, east-central Iran. The composition of sandstones, and heavy mineral analysis point to pre-existing sedimentary, low, middle to upper rank metamorphic, and plutonic rocks of the Kalmard, Posht-e-Badam, Bayazeh, and Zarand-Kerman areas as the source rocks. According to the diagram of WELTJE et al. (1998), most samples from the Middle-Upper Jurassic rocks suggest a moderate to high elevation of the source area, and indicate a semi-arid and mediterranean to sub-humid climate. In the Qt-F-L ternary diagrams of DICKINSON et al. (1983), most point counting data from the Lower Siliciclastic Member and the top of the Hojedk Formation plot in the recycled orogen (Quartzose recycled) area of the diagram. The sandstones in this area can be interpreted as being derived from the Mid-Cimmerian Movements. Sixteen different types of siliciclastic-carbonate, and evaporatic sedimentary environments have been recognized. Thirty-nine macroinvertebrate taxa have been identified. Ten ichnotaxa have been taxonomically described from the Middle to Upper Jurassic rocks. Quite likely, before rotation of CEIM which were associated with counterclockwise block-rotation, equivalent rocks of the Bidou Formation occurred along the tectonic zone between the Yazd and the Tabas blocks (probably during the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous). However, from the Cretaceous onwards, most of the Bidou Formation has been removed by a combination of strike-slip and reverse movements of the Kashmar-Kerman tectonic zone. Roughly, these block-rotation movements occurred after the Cretaceous. During the Middle to Upper Jurassic, the tectonic activities were vertical movements producing the sedimentary pattern in the CEIM.}, subject = {Kerman }, language = {en} } @article{YinBrocherFischeretal.2011, author = {Yin, Jun and Brocher, Jan and Fischer, Utz and Winkler, Christoph}, title = {Mutant Prpf31 causes pre-mRNA splicing defects and rod photoreceptor cell degeneration in a zebrafish model for Retinitis pigmentosa}, series = {Molecular neurodegeneration}, volume = {6}, journal = {Molecular neurodegeneration}, number = {56}, doi = {10.1186/1750-1326-6-56}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141090}, pages = {1-17}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited eye disease characterized by the progressive degeneration of rod photoreceptor cells. Mutations in pre-mRNA splicing factors including PRPF31 have been identified as cause for RP, raising the question how mutations in general factors lead to tissue specific defects. Results: We have recently shown that the zebrafish serves as an excellent model allowing the recapitulation of key events of RP. Here we use this model to investigate two pathogenic mutations in PRPF31, SP117 and AD5, causing the autosomal dominant form of RP. We show that SP117 leads to an unstable protein that is mislocalized to the rod cytoplasm. Importantly, its overexpression does not result in photoreceptor degeneration suggesting haploinsufficiency as the underlying cause in human RP patients carrying SP117. In contrast, overexpression of AD5 results in embryonic lethality, which can be rescued by wild-type Prpf31. Transgenic retina-specific expression of AD5 reveals that stable AD5 protein is initially localized in the nucleus but later found in the cytoplasm concurrent with progressing rod outer segment degeneration and apoptosis. Importantly, we show for the first time in vivo that retinal transcripts are wrongly spliced in adult transgenic retinas expressing AD5 and exhibiting increased apoptosis in rod photoreceptors. Conclusion: Our data suggest that distinct mutations in Prpf31 can lead to photoreceptor degeneration through different mechanisms, by haploinsufficiency or dominant-negative effects. Analyzing the AD5 effects in our animal model in vivo, our data imply that aberrant splicing of distinct retinal transcripts contributes to the observed retina defects.}, language = {en} } @article{YilmazRoeschKlingeletal.2011, author = {Yilmaz, Ali and R{\"o}sch, Sabine and Klingel, Karin and Kandolf, Reinhard and Helluy, Xavier and Hiller, Karl-Heinz and Jakob, Peter M and Sechtem, Udo}, title = {Molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of inflamed myocardium using ferucarbotran in patients with acute myocardial infarction}, series = {Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance}, volume = {13}, journal = {Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance}, number = {Suppl. 1}, doi = {10.1186/1532-429X-13-S1-P149}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140991}, pages = {P149}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Introduction: Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPIO)-based molecular imaging agents targeting macrophages have been developed and successfully applied in animal models of myocardial infarction.}, language = {en} } @article{WolterEndesfelderLindeetal.2011, author = {Wolter, Steve and Endesfelder, Ulrike and Linde, Sebastian van de and Heilemann, Mike and Sauer, Markus}, title = {Measuring localization performance of super-resolution algorithms on very active samples}, series = {Optics Express}, journal = {Optics Express}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85936}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Super-resolution fluorescence imaging based on inglemolecule localization relies critically on the availability of efficient processing algorithms to distinguish, identify, and localize emissions of single fluorophores. In multiple current applications, such as threedimensional, time-resolved or cluster imaging, high densities of fluorophore emissions are common. Here, we provide an analytic tool to test the performance and quality of localization microscopy algorithms and demonstrate that common algorithms encounter difficulties for samples with high fluorophore density. We demonstrate that, for typical single-molecule localization microscopy methods such as dSTORM and the commonly used rapidSTORM scheme, computational precision limits the acceptable density of concurrently active fluorophores to 0.6 per square micrometer and that the number of successfully localized fluorophores per frame is limited to 0.2 per square micrometer.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wolski2011, author = {Wolski, Stefanie Carola}, title = {Structural and functional characterization of nucleotide excision repair proteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67183}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {XPD is a 5'-3' helicase of the superfamily 2. As part of the transcription factor IIH it functions in transcription initiation and nucleotide excision repair. This work focus on the role of XPD in nucleotide excision repair. NER is a DNA repair pathway unique for its broad substrate range. In placental mammals NER is the only repair mechanism able to remove lesions induced by UV-light. NER can be divided into four different steps that are conserved between pro- and eukaryotes. Step 1 consists of the initial damage recognition, during step 2 the putative damage is verified, in step 3 the verified damage is excised and in the 4th and final step the resulting gap in the DNA is refilled. XPD was shown to be involved in the damage verification step. It was possible to solve the first apo XPD structure by a MAD approach using only the endogenous iron from the iron sulfur cluster. Based on the apo XPD structure several questions arise: where is DNA bound? Where is DNA separated? How is damage verification achieved? What is the role of the FeS cluster? These questions were addressed in this work. Hypothesis driven structure based functional mutagenesis was employed and combined with detailed biochemical characterization of the variants. The variants were analyzed by thermal unfolding studies to exclude the possibility that the overall stability could be affected by the point mutation. DNA binding assays, ATPase assays and helicase assays were performed to delineate amino acid residues important for DNA binding, helicase activity and damage recognition. A structure of XPD containing a four base pair DNA fragment was solved by molecular replacement. This structure displays the polarity of the translocated strand with respect to the helicase framework. Moreover the properties of the FeS cluster were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance to get insights into the role of the FeS cluster. Furthermore XPD from Ferroplasma acidarmanus was investigated since it was shown that it is stalled at CPD containing lesions. The data provide the first detailed insight into the translocation mechanism of a SF2B helicase and reveal how polarity is achieved. This provides a basis for further anlayses understanding the combined action of the helicase and the 4Fe4S cluster to accomplish damage verification within the NER cascade.}, subject = {DNS-Reparatur}, language = {en} } @article{WobserGaiglTrautmann2011, author = {Wobser, Marion and Gaigl, Zeno and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {The concept of "compartment allergy": prilocaine injected into different skin layers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68679}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We herein present a patient with delayed-type allergic hypersensitivity against prilocaine leading to spreading eczematous dermatitis after subcutaneous injections for local anesthesia with prilocaine. Prilocaine allergy was proven by positive skin testing and subcutaneous provocation, whereas the evaluation of other local anesthetics - among them lidocaine, articaine and mepivacaine - did not exhibit any evidence for cross-reactivity. Interestingly, our patient repeatedly tolerated strictly deep subcutaneous injection of prilocaine in provocation testing while patch and superficial subcutaneous application mounted strong allergic responses. We hypothesize, that lower DC density in deeper cutaneous compartments and/or different DC subsets exhibiting distinct functional immunomodulatory properties in the various layers of the skin may confer to the observed absence of clinical reactivity against prilocaine after deep subcutaneous injection. The term compartment allergy indicates that the route of allergen administration together with the targeted immunologic environment orchestrates on the immunologic outcome: overt T-cell mediated allergy or clinical tolerance.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @article{WippelFoertschHuppetal.2011, author = {Wippel, Carolin and F{\"o}rtsch, Christina and Hupp, Sabrina and Maier, Elke and Benz, Roland and Ma, Jiangtao and Mitchell, Timothy J and Iliev, Asparouh I}, title = {Extracellular Calcium Reduction Strongly Increases the Lytic Capacity of Pneumolysin From Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Brain Tissue}, series = {The Journal of Infectious Diseases}, volume = {204}, journal = {The Journal of Infectious Diseases}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1093/infdis/jir434}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139356}, pages = {930-936}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background Streptococcus pneumoniae causes serious diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis. Its major pathogenic factor is the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin, which produces lytic pores at high concentrations. At low concentrations, it has other effects, including induction of apoptosis. Many cellular effects of pneumolysin appear to be calcium dependent. Methods  Live imaging of primary mouse astroglia exposed to sublytic amounts of pneumolysin at various concentrations of extracellular calcium was used to measure changes in cellular permeability (as judged by lactate dehydrogenase release and propidium iodide chromatin staining). Individual pore properties were analyzed by conductance across artificial lipid bilayer. Tissue toxicity was studied in continuously oxygenated acute brain slices. Results  The reduction of extracellular calcium increased the lytic capacity of the toxin due to increased membrane binding. Reduction of calcium did not influence the conductance properties of individual toxin pores. In acute cortical brain slices, the reduction of extracellular calcium from 2 to 1 mM conferred lytic activity to pathophysiologically relevant nonlytic concentrations of pneumolysin. Conclusions  Reduction of extracellular calcium strongly enhanced the lytic capacity of pneumolysin due to increased membrane binding. Thus, extracellular calcium concentration should be considered as a factor of primary importance for the course of pneumococcal meningitis. "}, language = {en} } @article{WilliamsMachannKuehleretal.2011, author = {Williams, Tatjana and Machann, Wolfram and K{\"u}hler, Leif and Hamm, Henning and M{\"u}ller-H{\"o}cker, Josef and Zimmer, Michael and Ertl, Georg and Ritter, Oliver and Beer, Meinrad and Sch{\"o}nberger, Jost}, title = {Novel desmoplakin mutation: juvenile biventricular cardiomyopathy with left ventricular non-compaction and acantholytic palmoplantar keratoderma}, series = {Clinical Research in Cardiology}, volume = {100}, journal = {Clinical Research in Cardiology}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1007/s00392-011-0345-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141198}, pages = {1087-1093}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Two sons of a consanguineous marriage developed biventricular cardiomyopathy. One boy died of severe heart failure at the age of 6 years, the other was transplanted because of severe heart failure at the age of 10 years. In addition, focal palmoplantar keratoderma and woolly hair were apparent in both boys. As similar phenotypes have been described in Naxos disease and Carvajal syndrome, respectively, the genes for plakoglobin (JUP) and desmoplakin (DSP) were screened for mutations using direct genomic sequencing. A novel homozygous 2 bp deletion was identified in an alternatively spliced region of DSP. The deletion 5208_5209delAG led to a frameshift downstream of amino acid 1,736 with a premature truncation of the predominant cardiac isoform DSP-1. This novel homozygous truncating mutation in the isoform-1 specific region of the DSP C-terminus caused Carvajal syndrome comprising severe early-onset heart failure with features of non-compaction cardiomyopathy, woolly hair and an acantholytic form of palmoplantar keratoderma in our patient. Congenital hair abnormality and manifestation of the cutaneous phenotype in toddler age can help to identify children at risk for cardiac death.}, language = {en} } @article{WiegeringSchickBeeretal.2011, author = {Wiegering, Verena and Schick, Judith and Beer, Meinrad and Gattenl{\"o}hner, Stefan and Girschick, Hermann and Liese, Johannes and Schlegel, Paul and Eyrich, Matthias}, title = {Varicella-zoster virus infections in immunocompromised patients - a single centre 6-years analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68723}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background: Infection with varicella-zoster virus (VZV) contemporaneously with malignant disease or immunosuppression represents a particular challenge and requires individualized decisions and treatment. Although the increasing use of varicella-vaccines in the general population and rapid initiation of VZVimmunoglobulins and acyclovir in case of exposure has been beneficial for some patients, immunocompromised individuals are still at risk for unfavourable courses. Methods: In this single center, 6-year analysis we review incidence, hospitalization and complication rates of VZVinfections in our center and compare them to published data. Furthermore, we report three instructive cases. Results: Hospitalization rate of referred children with VZV-infections was 45\%, among these 17\% with malignancies and 9\% under immunosuppressive therapy. Rate of complications was not elevated in these two high-risk cohorts, but one ALL-patient died due to VZV-related complications. We report one 4-year old boy with initial diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia who showed a rapidly fatal outcome of his simultaneous varicella-infection, one 1.8-year old boy with an identical situation but a mild course of his disease, and an 8.5-year old boy with a steroiddependent nephrotic syndrome. This boy developed severe hepatic involvement during his varicella-infection but responded to immediate withdrawl of steroids and administration of acyclovir plus single-dose cidofovir after nonresponse to acyclovir after 48 h. Conclusion: Our data show that patients with malignant diseases or immunosuppressive therapy should be hospitalized and treated immediately with antiviral agents. Despite these measures the course of VZV-infections can be highly variable in these patients. We discuss aids to individual decision-making for these difficult situations.}, subject = {Varizellen-Virus}, language = {en} } @article{WernerSchwedeGenieseretal.2011, author = {Werner, Katharina and Schwede, Frank and Genieser, Hans-Gottfried and Geiger, J{\"o}rg and Butt, Elke}, title = {Quantification of cAMP and cGMP analogs in intact cells: pitfalls in enzyme immunoassays for cyclic nucleotides}, series = {Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology}, volume = {384}, journal = {Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1007/s00210-011-0662-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141828}, pages = {169-176}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Immunoassays are routinely used as research tools to measure intracellular cAMP and cGMP concentrations. Ideally, this application requires antibodies with high sensitivity and specificity. The present work evaluates the cross-reactivity of commercially available cyclic nucleotide analogs with two non-radioactive and one radioactive cAMP and cGMP immunoassay. Most of the tested cyclic nucleotide analogs showed low degree competition with the antibodies; however, with Rp-cAMPS, 8-Br-cGMP and 8-pCPT-cGMP, a strong cross-reactivity with the corresponding cAMP and cGMP, respectively, immunoassays was observed. The determined EIA-binding constants enabled the measurement of the intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations and revealed a time- and lipophilicity-dependent cell membrane permeability of the compounds in the range of 10-30\% of the extracellular applied concentration, thus allowing a more accurate prediction of the intracellular analog levels in a given experiment.}, language = {en} } @misc{Wenzel2011, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Wenzel, Frank}, title = {Smell and repel: Resin based defense mechanisms and interactions between Australian ants and stingless bees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65960}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Bees are subject to permanent threat from predators such as ants. Their nests with large quantities of brood, pollen and honey represent lucrative targets for attacks whereas foragers have to face rivalry at food sources. This thesis focused on the role of stingless bees as third party interactor on ant-aphid-associations as well as on the predatory potential represented by ants and defense mechanisms against this threat. Regular observations of an aphid infested Podocarpus for approaching stingless bees yielded no results. Another aim of this thesis was the observation of foraging habits of four native and one introduced ant species for assessment of their predatory potential to stingless bees. All species turned out to be dietary balanced generalists with one mostly carnivorous species and four species predominantly collecting nectar roughly according to optimal foraging theory. Two of the species monitored, Rhytidoponera metallica and Iridomyrmex rufoniger were considered potential nest robbers. As the name implies, stingless bees lack the powerful weapon of their distant relatives; hence they specialized on other defense strategies. Resin is an important, multipurpose resource for stingless bees that is used as material for nest construction, antibiotic and for defensive means. For the latter purpose highly viscous resin is either directly used to stick down aggressors or its terpenic compounds are included in the bees cuticular surface. In a feeding choice experiment, three ant species were confronted with the choice between two native bee species - Tetragonula carbonaria and Austroplebeia australis - with different cuticular profiles and resin collection habits. Two of the ant species, especially the introduced Tetramorium bicarinatum did not show any preferences. The carnivorous R. metallica predominantly took the less resinous A. australis as prey. The reluctance towards T. carbonaria disappeared when the resinous compounds on its cuticle had been washed off with hexane. To test whether the repulsive reactions were related to the stickiness of the resinous surface or to chemical substances, hexane extracts of bees' cuticles, propolis and three natural tree resins were prepared. In the following assay responses of ants towards extract treated surfaces were observed. Except for one of the resin extracts, all tested substances had repellent effects to the ants. Efficacy varied with the type of extract and species. Especially to the introduced T. bicarinatum the cuticular extract had no effect. GCMS-analyses showed that some of the resinous compounds were also found in the cuticular profile of T. carbonaria which featured reasonable analogies to the resin of Corymbia torelliana that is highly attractive for stingless bees. The results showed that repellent effects were only partially related to the sticky quality of resin but were rather caused by chemical substances, presumably sesqui- and diterpenes. Despite its efficacy this defense strategy only provides short time repellent effects sufficient for escape and warning of nest mates to initiate further preventive measures.}, subject = {Stachellose Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weissflog2011, author = {Weißflog, Lena}, title = {Molecular Genetics of Emotional Dysregulation in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a genetically complex childhood onset neurodevelopmental disorder which is highly persistent into adulthood. Several chromo-somal regions associated with this disorder were identified previously in genome-wide linkage scans, association (GWA) and copy number variation (CNV) studies. In this work the results of case-control and family-based association studies using a can-didate gene approach are presented. For this purpose, possible candidate genes for ADHD have been finemapped using mass array-based SNP genotyping. The genes KCNIP4, CDH13 and DIRAS2 have been found to be associated with ADHD and, in addition, with cluster B and cluster C personality disorders (PD) which are known to be related to ADHD. Most of the associations found in this work would not withstand correction for multiple testing. However, a replication in several independent populations has been achieved and in conjunction with previous evidence from linkage, GWA and CNV studies, it is assumed that there are true associations between those genes and ADHD. Further investigation of DIRAS2 by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) revealed expression in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and cerebellum of the human brain and a significant increase in Diras2 expression in the mouse brain during early development. In situ hybrid-izations on murine brain slices confirmed the results gained by qPCR in the human brain. Moreover, Diras2 is expressed in the basolateral amygdala, structures of the olfactory system and several other brain regions which have been implicated in the psychopatholo-gy of ADHD. In conclusion, the results of this work provide further support to the existence of a strong genetic component in the pathophysiology of ADHD and related disorders. KCNIP4, CDH13 and DIRAS2 are promising candidates and need to be further examined to get more knowledge about the neurobiological basis of this common disease. This knowledge is essential for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the emergence of this disorder and for the development of new treatment strategies.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit-Syndrom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weiss2011, author = {Weiß, Sabine}, title = {Function of the Spir actin nucleators in intracellular vesicle transport processes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64589}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Spir proteins are the founding members of the novel class of WH2-actin nucleators. A C-terminal modified FYVE zinc finger motif is necessary to target Spir proteins towards intracellular membranes. The function and regulation of the Spir actin organizers at vesicular membranes is almost unknown. Live cell imaging analyses performed in this study show that Spir-2 is localized at tubular vesicles. Cytoplasmic Spir-2-associated vesicles branch and form protrusions, which can make contacts to the microtubule network, where the Spir-2 vesicles stretch and slide along the microtubule filaments. The analysis of living HeLa cells expressing eGFP-tagged Spir-2, Spir-2-ΔKIND and Spir-2-ΔKW (lacking the 4 WH2 domains and the KIND domain) showed Spir-2-associated tubular structures which differ in their length and motility. Throughout the course of that study it could be shown that the tail domain of the actin motor protein myosin Vb, as a force-generating molecule, is colocalizing and co-immunoprecipitating with Spir-2-ΔKW. By using the tail domain of myosin Vb as a dominant negative mutant for myosin Vb-dependent vesicle transport processes it could be shown that Spir-2-ΔKW/MyoVb-cc-tail- associated vesicles exhibit an increased elongation. Moreover, using the microtubule depolymerizing drug nocodazole it could be shown that the elongation and the motility of Spir-2-ΔKW-associated vesicles depends on an intact microtubule cytoskeleton. Motility and morphological dynamics of Spir-2-associated vesicles is therefore dependent on actin, actin motorproteins and microtubule filaments. These results propose a model in which myosin/F-actin forces mediate vesicle branching, allowing the vesicles to move to and in between the microtubule filaments and thereby providing a new degree of freedom in vesicular motility. To determine the exact subcellular localization of Spir-2, colocalization studies were performed. It could be shown that Spir-2 shows a partial colocalization to Rab11a-positive compartments. Furthermore, Spir-2 exhibits an almost identical localization to Arf1 and the Arf1 small G protein but not Rab11a could be immunoprecipitated with Spir-2-ΔKW. This suggests, that Arf1 recruits Spir-2 to Arf1/Rab11a-positive membranes. Another important function of the Spir-2 C-terminus is the membrane targeting by the FYVE domain. By performing a protein-lipid overlay assay, it has been shown that purified GST- and 6xHis-tagged Spir-2-ΔKW bind phosphatidic acid suggesting a mechanism in which Spir-2 is recruited to phosphatidic acid-enriched membranes. To further elucidate the mechanism in which Spir-2 membrane-targeting could be regulated, interaction studies of C-terminal parts of Spir-2 revealed that the Spir-2 proteins interact directly.}, subject = {Aktin}, language = {en} } @article{WeiseBasseLuesebrinkKleinschnitzetal.2011, author = {Weise, Gesa and Basse-L{\"u}sebrink, Thomas C. and Kleinschnitz, Christoph and Kampf, Thomas and Jakob, Peter M. and Stoll, Guido}, title = {In Vivo Imaging of Stepwise Vessel Occlusion in Cerebral Photothrombosis of Mice by \(^{19}\)F MRI}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {6}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0028143}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137792}, pages = {e28143}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background \(^{19}\)F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was recently introduced as a promising technique for in vivo cell tracking. In the present study we compared \(^{19}\)F MRI with iron-enhanced MRI in mice with photothrombosis (PT) at 7 Tesla. PT represents a model of focal cerebral ischemia exhibiting acute vessel occlusion and delayed neuroinflammation. Methods/Principal Findings Perfluorocarbons (PFC) or superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (SPIO) were injected intravenously at different time points after photothrombotic infarction. While administration of PFC directly after PT induction led to a strong \(^{19}\)F signal throughout the entire lesion, two hours delayed application resulted in a rim-like \(^{19}\)F signal at the outer edge of the lesion. These findings closely resembled the distribution of signal loss on T2-weighted MRI seen after SPIO injection reflecting intravascular accumulation of iron particles trapped in vessel thrombi as confirmed histologically. By sequential administration of two chemically shifted PFC compounds 0 and 2 hours after illumination the different spatial distribution of the \(^{19}\)F markers (infarct core/rim) could be visualized in the same animal. When PFC were applied at day 6 the fluorine marker was only detected after long acquisition times ex vivo. SPIO-enhanced MRI showed slight signal loss in vivo which was much more prominent ex vivo indicative for neuroinflammation at this late lesion stage. Conclusion Our study shows that vessel occlusion can be followed in vivo by \(^{19}\)F and SPIO-enhanced high-field MRI while in vivo imaging of neuroinflammation remains challenging. The timing of contrast agent application was the major determinant of the underlying processes depicted by both imaging techniques. Importantly, sequential application of different PFC compounds allowed depiction of ongoing vessel occlusion from the core to the margin of the ischemic lesions in a single MRI measurement.}, language = {en} }