@phdthesis{Ruf2016, author = {Ruf, Franziska}, title = {The circadian regulation of eclosion in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Eclosion is the emergence of an adult insect from the pupal case at the end of development. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, eclosion is a circadian clock-gated event and is regulated by various peptides. When studied on the population level, eclosion reveals a clear rhythmicity with a peak at the beginning of the light-phase that persists also under constant conditions. It is a long standing hypothesis that eclosion gating to the morning hours with more humid conditions is an adaption to reduce water loss and increase the survival. Eclosion behavior, including the motor pattern required for the fly to hatch out of the puparium, is orchestrated by a well-characterized cascade of peptides. The main components are ecdysis-triggering hormone (ETH), eclosion hormone (EH) and crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP). The molt is initiated by a peak level and pupal ecdysis by a subsequent decline of the ecdysteroid ecdysone. Ecdysteroids are produced by the prothoracic gland (PG), an endocrine tissue that contains a peripheral clock and degenerates shortly after eclosion. Production and release of ecdysteroids are regulated by the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH). Although many aspects of the circadian clock and the peptidergic control of the eclosion behavior are known, it still remains unclear how both systems are interconnected. The aim of this dissertation research was to dissect this connection and evaluate the importance of different Zeitgebers on eclosion rhythmicity under natural conditions. Potential interactions between the central clock and the peptides regulating ecdysis motor behavior were evaluated by analyzing the influence of CCAP on eclosion rhythmicity. Ablation and silencing of CCAP neurons, as well as CCAP null-mutation did not affect eclosion rhythmicity under either light or temperature entrainment nor under natural conditions. To dissect the connection between the central and the peripheral clock, PTTH neurons were ablated. Monitoring eclosion under light and temperature entrainment revealed that eclosion became arrhythmic under constant conditions. However, qPCR expression analysis revealed no evidence for cycling of Ptth mRNA in pharate flies. To test for a connection with pigment-dispersing factor (PDF)-expressing neurons, the PDF receptor (PDFR) and short neuropeptide F receptor (sNPFR) were knocked down in the PTTH neurons. Knockdown of sNPFR, but not PDFR, resulted in arrhythmic eclosion under constant darkness conditions. PCR analysis of the PTTH receptor, Torso, revealed its expression in the PG and the gonads, but not in the brain or eyes, of pharate flies. Knockdown of torso in the PG lead to arrhythmicity under constant conditions, which provides strong evidence for the specific effect of PTTH on the PG. These results suggest connections from the PDF positive lateral neurons to the PTTH neurons via sNPF signaling, and to the PG via PTTH and Torso. This interaction presumably couples the period of the peripheral clock in the PG to that of the central clock in the brain. To identify a starting signal for eclosion and possible further candidates in the regulation of eclosion behavior, chemically defined peptidergic and aminergic neurons were optogenetically activated in pharate pupae via ChR2-XXL. This screen approach revealed two candidates for the regulation of eclosion behavior: Dromyosuppressin (DMS) and myo-inhibitory peptides (MIP). However, ablation of DMS neurons did not affect eclosion rhythmicity or success and the exact function of MIP must be evaluated in future studies. To assess the importance of the clock and of possible Zeitgebers in nature, eclosion of the wildtype Canton S and the clock mutant per01 and the PDF signaling mutants pdf01 and han5304 was monitored under natural conditions. For this purpose, the W{\"u}rzburg eclosion monitor (WEclMon) was developed, which is a new open monitoring system that allows direct exposure of pupae to the environment. A general decline of rhythmicity under natural conditions compared to laboratory conditions was observed in all tested strains. While the wildtype and the pdf01 and han5304 mutants stayed weakly rhythmic, the per01 mutant flies eclosed mostly arrhythmic. PDF and its receptor (PDFR encoded by han) are required for the synchronization of the clock network and functional loss can obviously be compensated by a persisting synchronization to external Zeitgebers. The loss of the central clock protein PER, however, lead to a non-functional clock and revealed the absolute importance of the clock for eclosion rhythmicity. To quantitatively analyze the effect of the clock and abiotic factors on eclosion rhythmicity, a statistical model was developed in cooperation with Oliver Mitesser and Thomas Hovestadt. The modelling results confirmed the clock as the most important factor for eclosion rhythmicity. Moreover, temperature was found to have the strongest effect on the actual shape of the daily emergence pattern, while light has only minor effects. Relative humidity could be excluded as Zeitgeber for eclosion and therefore was not further analyzed. Taken together, the present dissertation identified the so far unknown connection between the central and peripheral clock regulating eclosion. Furthermore, a new method for the analysis of eclosion rhythms under natural conditions was established and the necessity of a functional clock for rhythmic eclosion even in the presence of multiple Zeitgebers was shown.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Guan2016, author = {Guan, Chonglin}, title = {Functional and genetic dissection of mechanosensory organs of \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146220}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In Drosophila larvae and adults, chordotonal organs (chos) are highly versatile mechanosensors that are essential for proprioception, touch sensation and hearing. Chos share molecular, anatomical and functional properties with the inner ear hair cells of mammals. These multiple similarities make chos powerful models for the molecular study of mechanosensation. In the present study, I have developed a preparation to directly record from the sensory neurons of larval chos (from the lateral chos or lch5) and managed to correlate defined mechanical inputs with the corresponding electrical outputs. The findings of this setup are described in several case studies. (1) The basal functional lch5 parameters, including the time course of response during continuous mechanical stimulation and the recovery time between successive bouts of stimulation, was characterized. (2) The calcium-independent receptor of α-latrotoxin (dCIRL/Latrophilin), an Adhesion class G protein-coupled receptor (aGPCR), is identified as a modulator of the mechanical signals perceived by lch5 neurons. The results indicate that dCIRL/Latrophilin is required for the perception of external and internal mechanical stimuli and shapes the sensitivity of neuronal mechanosensation. (3) By combining this setup with optogenetics, I have confirmed that dCIRL modulates lch5 neuronal activity at the level of their receptor current (sensory encoding) rather than their ability to generate action potentials. (4) dCIRL´s structural properties (e.g. ectodomain length) are essential for the mechanosensitive properties of chordotonal neurons. (5) The versatility of chos also provides an opportunity to study multimodalities at multiple levels. In this context, I performed an experiment to directly record neuronal activities at different temperatures. The results show that both spontaneous and mechanically evoked activity increase in proportion to temperature, suggesting that dCIRL is not required for thermosensation in chos. These findings, from the development of an assay of sound/vibration sensation, to neuronal signal processing, to molecular aspects of mechanosensory transduction, have provided the first insights into the mechanosensitivity of dCIRL. In addition to the functional screening of peripheral sensory neurons, another electrophysiological approach was applied in the central nervous system: dCIRL may impact the excitability of the motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord (VNC). In the second part of my work, whole-cell patch clamp recordings of motor neuron somata demonstrated that action potential firing in the dCirl\(^K\)\(^O\) did not differ from control samples, indicating comparable membrane excitability.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Batsching2016, author = {Batsching, Sophie Johanna}, title = {Behavior under uncontrollable stress in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\) - Learned Helplessness revisited}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145416}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In order to select the appropriate behavior, it is important to choose the right behavior at the right time out of many options. It still remains unclear nowadays how exactly this is managed. To address this question, I expose flies (Drosophila melanogaster) to uncontrollable stress to study their behavior under restrictive circumstances by using the so-called shock box. Exposing animals to uncontrollable stress may have an impact on subsequent behavior and can last for some time. The animal learns that whatever it does, it cannot change the situation and therefore can develop something called learned helplessness. The term was first conceptualized by two American psychologists Maier and Seligman (1967), who discovered this phenomenon while doing experiments with dogs. They found out that dogs which are exposed to inescapable stress, later fail in a learning task ('shuttle box'). In this work the walking patterns of three different types of experimental flies, walking in a small dark chamber, were evaluated. Using the triadic design (Seligman and Maier, 1967), flies were either exposed to electric shock randomly (yoked), could turn it off by being active (master) or did not receive punishment at all (control). Master flies were shocked whenever they sat for more than 0.9 seconds. At the same time yoked flies received a shock as well independent of what they were doing, to ensure the same amount of shocks received and to create random punishment pattern for the yoked group. With this so-called no-idleness paradigm flies were conditioned either 10 minutes, which resulted in a short (3 minutes) after-effect, or 20 minutes that turned out to be more stable (10 minutes). In a second part, the behavior during the 20 minute conditioning and a 10 minutes post-test was described in detail. Female flies of the yoked group developed lower activity levels, longer pauses and walked more slowly than master and control flies during conditioning. In the time after the shocks while still in the box, the yoked flies also reduced the frequency and duration of walking bouts as well as their walking speed. Additionally, they took more time to resume walking after the onset of an electric shock than master flies (escape latency) and turned out to make less pauses lasting between 1-1.5 seconds which supports the finding concerning the escape latency. Male flies, tested under the same conditions, showed a slightly weaker after-effect regarding the difference between master and yoked during conditioning and post-test when compared to female flies. When comparing the 20 minutes conditioning with subsequent 10 minutes test in the heat and the shock box in parallel, one finds the same effect: Flies which do not have control over the shocks, lower their activity, make less but longer pauses and walk more slowly than their respective master flies. Despite the similar effect of heat and shock on the flies, some differences between the devices occurred, which can partly be explained by different humidity conditions as well as by different surfaces within the chambers. When the control over the shocks is given back to the yoked flies, it takes them about seven minutes to realize it. One could also show that dopamine levels in the brain were reduced in comparison to flies which did not receive shocks. Yoked flies also were impaired in a place learning task (place learning) and their reaction to light (exit from the box towards the light) directly after conditioning. After characterizing the walking behavior in the chambers, the study deals with the question whether the effects observed in the chambers transfer to different environments. In free walk they only differed from flies which did not receive electric shocks and no effect of uncontrollability was transferred to courtship behavior. Handling as the cause could be excluded. Since handling could be exclude to be the cause of losing the effect, I assumed that the behavior shown in the boxes are context depend. Not only were the after-effects of inescapable shock subject of the current research also the impact of the rearing situation on the response to electric shock was investigated in the present study. Flies which grew up in a single-reared situation turned out to be less affected by inescapable stress in both sexes. In the next part, the first steps to unravel the neuronal underpinning were taken. A mutant - fumin - which is defective in the dopamine re-uptake transporter showed less reaction to inescapable foot shocks, while a mutant for the gene which encodes an adenylate cyclase (rutabaga2080) resulted in a good score during conditioning, but showed no stable after-effect. Downregulating the expression of the adenylate cyclase gene (rutabaga) in different parts of the mushroom bodies showed, that rutabaga is necessary in the α'β'-lobes for expressing the differences between master and yoked flies in the no-idleness paradigm. The study further confirmed previous findings, that rutabaga is needed in operant but not in classical conditioning. As a result, the study could show that not the stimulus itself causes the state of uncontrollability but the fact that the fly learned that it was not in control of the stimulus. This state turned out to be context and time dependent.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eck2016, author = {Eck, Saskia}, title = {The impact of thermogenetic depolarizations of specific clock neurons on Drosophila melanogaster's circadian clock}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137118}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The rotation of the earth around its own axis determines periodically changing environmental conditions, like alterations in light and temperature. For the purpose of adapting all organisms' behavior, physiology and metabolism to recurring changes, endogenous clocks have evolved, which allow the organisms to anticipate environmental changes. In chronobiology, the scientific field dealing with the investigation of the underlying mechanisms of the endogenous clock, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster serves as a beneficial model organism. The fruit fly's circadian clock exhibits a rather simple anatomical organization, but nevertheless constitutes homologies to the mammalian system. Thus also in this PhD-thesis the fruit fly was used to decipher general features of the circadian clock's interneuronal communication. Drosophila melanogaster's circadian clock consists of about 150 clock neurons, which are located in the central nervous system of the fly. These clock neurons can be subdivided regarding to their anatomical position in the brain into the dorsal neurons (DN1s, DN2s, DN3s), as well as into the lateral neurons (LPNs, LNds, s-LNvs, l-LNvs). Functionally these clock neuron clusters can be classified as Morning- and Evening oscillators (M- and E- oscillators), driving different parts of the fly's locomotor activity in light-dark conditions (LD). The Morning-oscillators are represented by the s-LNvs and are known to be the main pacemakers, driving the pace of the clock in constant conditions (constant darkness; DD). The group of Evening-oscillators consists of the LNds, the DN1s and the 5th s-LNv and is important for the proper timing of the evening activity in LD. All of these clock neurons are not functionally independent, but form complex neuronal connections, which are highly plastic in their response to different environmental stimuli (Zeitgebers), like light or temperature. Even though a lot is known about the function and the importance of some clock neuron clusters, the exact interplay between the neurons is not fully known yet. To investigate the mechanisms, which are involved in communication processes among different clock neurons, we depolarized specific clock cells in a temporally and cell-type restricted manner using dTrpA1, a thermosensitive cation channel, which allows the depolarization of neurons by application of temperature pulses (TP) above 29°C to the intact and freely moving fly. Using different clock specific GAL4-driver lines and applying TPs at different time points within the circadian cycle in DD enabled us with the help of phase shift experiments to draw conclusions on the properties of the endogenous clock. The obtained phase shifts in locomotor behavior elicited by specific clock neuronal activation were plotted as phase response curves (PRCs). The depolarization of all clock neurons shifted the phase of activity the strongest, especially in the delay zone of the PRC. The exclusive depolarization of the M oscillators together with the l-LNvs (PDF+ neurons: s-LNvs \& l-LNvs) caused shifts in the delay and in the advance zone as well, however the advances were severely enhanced in their temporal occurrence ranging into the subjective day. We concluded that light might have inhibitory effects on the PDF+ cells in that particular part of the PRC, as typical light PRCs do not exhibit that kind of distinctive advances. By completely excluding light in the PRC-experiments of this PhD-thesis, this photic inhibitory input to the PDF+ neurons is missing, probably causing the broadened advance zone. These findings suggest the existence of an inhibitory light-input pathway to the PDF+ cells from the photoreceptive organs (Hofbauer-Buchner eyelet, photoreceptor cells of compound eyes, ocelli) or from other clock neurons, which might inhibit phase advances during the subjective day. To get an impression of the molecular state of the clock in the delay and advance zone, staining experiments against Period (PER), one of the most important core clock components, and against the neuropeptide Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF) were performed. The cycling of PER levels mirrored the behavioral phase shifts in experimental flies, whereas the controls were widely unaffected. As just those neurons, which had been depolarized, exhibited immediate shifted PER oscillations, this effect has to be rapidly regulated in a cell-autonomous manner. However, the molecular link between clock neuron depolarization and shifts in the molecular clock's cycling is still missing. This issue was addressed by CREB (cAMP responsive element binding protein) quantification in the large ventrolateral neurons (l-LNvs), as these neurons responded unexpectedly and strongest to the artificial depolarization exhibiting a huge increase in PER levels. It had been previously suggested that CREB is involved in circadian rhythms by binding to regulatory sequences of the period gene (Belvin et al., 1999), thus activating its transcription. We were able to show, that CREB levels in the l-LNvs are under circadian regulation, as they exhibit higher CREB levels at the end of the subjective night relative to the end of the subjective day. That effect was further reinforced by artificial depolarization, independently of the time point of depolarization. Furthermore the data indicate that rises in CREB levels are coinciding with the time point of increases of PER levels in the l-LNvs, suggesting CREB being the molecular link between the neuronal electrical state and the molecular clock. Taking together, the results indicate that a temporal depolarization using dTrpA1 is able to significantly phase shift the clock on the behavioral and protein level. An artificial depolarization at the beginning of the subjective night caused phase delays, whereas a depolarization at the end of the subjective night resulted in advances. The activation of all clock neurons caused a PRC that roughly resembled a light-PRC. However, the depolarization of the PDF+ neurons led to a PRC exhibiting a shape that did not resemble that of a light-mediated PRC, indicating the complex processing ability of excitatory and inhibitory input by the circadian clock. Even though this experimental approach is highly artificial, just the exclusion of light-inputs enabled us to draw novel conclusions on the network communication and its light input pathways.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koenig2016, author = {K{\"o}nig, Sebastian}, title = {Spatially selective visual attention in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134452}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Finding the right behavior at the right time is one of the major tasks of brains. In a natural scenery there is often an abundance of stimuli present and the brain has to separate the relevant from the irrelevant ones. Selective visual attention (SVA) is a property of higher visual systems that achieves this separation, as it allows to '[…] focus on one source of sensory input to the exclusion of others' (Luck and Mangun, 1996). There are probably several forms of SVA depending upon the criteria used for the separation, such as salience, color, location in space, novelty, or motion. Many studies have investigated SVA in humans and non-human primates. However, complex functions like attention were initially not expected to be already implemented in the brains of simple organisms like Drosophila. After a first demonstration of selective attention in the fly (Wolf and Heisenberg, 1980), it took some time until other studies included attentional mechanisms in their argumentation to explain certain behaviors of Drosophila. However, their definition and characterization of attention differed and often was ambiguous. Here, one particular form, spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila is investigated. It has been shown earlier that the fly spontaneously may restrict its behavioral responses in stationary flight to the visual stimuli on one side of the visual field. On the basis of experiments of Sareen et al., (2011) it has been conjectured that the fly has a focus of attention (FoA) and that the fly responds to the visual stimuli within this area of the visual field. Whether the FoA is the adequate concept for this spatial property of SVA in the fly needs to be further discussed and is a subject also of the present study. At this stage, the concept will be used in the description of the new results expanding the characterization of SVA. This study continued the investigation of SVA during tethered flight with variable but controlled visual input and an automated primary data evaluation. This standardized paradigm allowed for analysis of wild-type behavior as well as for a comparison of several mutant and pharmacologically manipulated strains to the wild-type. Some properties of human SVA like the occurrence of externally as well as internally caused shifts of attention were found in Drosophila and it could be shown, that SVA in the fly can be externally guided and has an attention span. Additionally, a neurotransmitter and proteins, which play a significant role in SVA were discovered. Based on this, the genetic tools available for Drosophila provided the means to a first examination of cells and circuits involved in SVA. Finally, the free walk behavior of flies that had been shown to have compromised SVA was characterized. The results suggested that the observed phenotypes of SVA were not behavior specific. Covert shifts of the FoA were investigated. The FoA can be externally guided by visual cues to one or the other side of the visual field and even after the cue has disappeared it remains there for <4s. An intriguing finding of this study is the fact, that the quality of the cue determines whether it is attractive or repellent. For example a cue can be changed from being repellent (negative) to being attractive (positive) by changing its oscillation amplitude from 4° to 2°. Testing the effectiveness of cues in the upper and lower visual field separately, revealed that the perception of a cue by the fly is not exclusively based on a sum of its specifications. Because positive cueing did not have an after-effect in each of the two half-fields alone, but did so if the cue was shown in both, the fly seems to evaluate the cue for each combination of parameters specifically. Whether this evaluation of the cue changed on a trial-to-trial basis or if the cue in some cases failed to shift the FoA can at this point not be determined. Looking at the responses of the fly to the displacement of a black vertical stripe showed that they can be categorized as no responses, syn-directional responses (following the direction of motion of the stripe) and anti-directional responses (in the opposite direction of the motion of the stripe). The yaw-torque patterns of the latter bared similarities with spontaneous body saccades and they most likely represented escape attempts of the fly. Syn-directional responses, however, were genuine object responses, distinguishable by a longer latency until they were elicited and a larger amplitude. These properties as well as the distribution of response polarities were not influenced by the presence or absence of a cue. When two stripes were displaced simultaneously in opposite directions the rate of no responses increased in comparison to the displacement of a single stripe. If one of the stripes was cued, both, the responses towards and away from the side of cue resembled the syn-directional responses. Significant progress was made with the elucidation of the neuronal underpinnings of SVA. Ablation of the mushroom bodies (MB) demonstrated their requirement for SVA. Furthermore, it was shown that dopamine signaling has to be balanced between too much and too little. Either inhibiting the synthesis of dopamine or its re-uptake at the synapse via the dDAT impaired the flies' susceptibility to cueing. Using the Gal4/UAS system, cell specific expression or knockdown of the dDAT was used to scrutinize the role of MB sub-compartments in SVA. The αβ-lobes turned out to be necessary and sufficient to maintain SVA. The Gal4-line c708a labels only a subset of Kenyon cells (KC) within the αβ-lobes, αβposterior. These cells stand out, because of (A) the mesh-like arrangement of their fibers within the lobes and (B) the fact that unlike the other KCs they bypass the calyx and thereby the main source of olfactory input to the MBs, forming connections only in the posterior accessory calyx (Tanaka et al., 2008). This structure receives no or only marginal olfactory input, suggesting for it a role in tasks other than olfaction. This study shows their requirement in a visual task by demonstrating that they are necessary to uphold SVA. Restoring dDAT function in these approximately only 90 cells was probably insufficient to lower the dopamine concentration at the relevant synapses and hence a rescue failed. Alternatively, the processes mediating SVA at the αβ-lobes might require an interplay between all of their KCs. In conclusion, the results provide an initial point for future research to fully understand the localization of and circuitry required for SVA in the brain. In the experiments described so far, attention has been externally guided. However, flies are also able to internally shift their FoA without any cues from the outside world. In a set of 60 consecutive simultaneous displacements of two stripes, they were more likely to produce a response with the same polarity as the preceding one than a random polarity selection predicted. This suggested a dwelling of the FoA on one side of the visual field. Assuming that each response was influenced by the previous one in a way that the probability to repeat the response polarity was increased by a certain factor (dwelling factor, df), a random selection of response type including a df was computed. Implementation of the df removed the difference between observed probability of polarity repetition and the one suggested by random selection. When the interval between displacements was iteratively increased to 5s, no significant df could be detected anymore for pauses longer than 4s. In conclusion, Drosophila has an attention span of approximately 4s. Flies with a mutation in the radish gene expressed no after-effect of cueing and had a shortened attention span of about 1s. The dDAT inhibitor methylphenidate is able to rescue the first, but does not affect the latter phenotype. Probably, radish is differently involved in the two mechanisms. This study showed, that endogenous (covert) shifts of spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila can be internally and externally guided. The variables determining the quality of a cue turned out to be multifaceted and a more systematic approach is needed for a better understanding of what property or feature of the cue changes the way it is evaluated by the fly. A first step has been made to demonstrate that SVA is a fundamental process and compromising it can influence the characteristics of other behaviors like walking. The existence of an attention span, the dependence of SVA on dopamine as well as the susceptibility to pharmacological manipulations, which in humans are used to treat respective diseases, point towards striking similarities between SVA in humans and Drosophila.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }