@phdthesis{Shiban2013, author = {Shiban, Youssef}, title = {Attenuating Renewal following Exposure Therapy : Mechanisms of Exposure in Multiple Contexts and its Influence on the Renewal of Fear: Studies in Virtual Reality}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {„Renewal" bezeichnet das Wiederauftreten von Angst nach erfolgreicher Expositionstherapie in Folge einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem phobischen Stimulus in einem neuen, sich vom Expositionskontext unterscheidenden Kontext. Bouton (1994) zufolge deutet diese Angstr{\"u}ckkehr durch einen Kontextwechsel darauf hin, dass die Angst nicht gel{\"o}scht wurde. Stattdessen wurde w{\"a}hrend der Expositionssitzung eine neue Assoziation gelernt, die das gef{\"u}rchtete Objekt mit „keiner Angst", also den konditionierten Reiz (conditioned stimulus, CS) mit „keinem unkonditionierten Reiz" (no unconditioned stimulus, no US), verbindet. Bouton argumentiert weiter, dass diese Assoziation kontextabh{\"a}ngig ist, wodurch Effekte wie Angst-Renewal erkl{\"a}rt werden k{\"o}nnen. Da in einem neuen Kontext die CS-no US-Assoziation nicht aktiviert wird, wird die Angst auch nicht gehemmt. Die Kontextabh{\"a}ngigkeit der CS-no US-Assoziation wurde in mehreren Studien belegt (Balooch \& Neumann, 2011; Siavash Bandarian Balooch, Neumann, \& Boschen, 2012; Culver, Stoyanova, \& Craske, 2011; Kim \& Richardson, 2009; Neumann \& Kitlertsirivatana, 2010). Aktuell konzentriert sich die Forschung zur Therapie von Angstst{\"o}rungen auf die Frage, wie Angst reduziert und gleichzeitig ein R{\"u}ckfall verhindert werden kann. Hierzu werden verschiedene Expositionsprotokolle untersucht, wie zum Beispiel (1) Exposition in mehreren Kontexten (multiple contexts exposure, MCE), um Renewal zu reduzieren (z.B. Balooch \& Neumann, 2011); (2) verl{\"a}ngerte Exposition (prolonged exposure, PE), um die hemmende Assoziation w{\"a}hrend des Extinktionslernes zu st{\"a}rken (z.B. Thomas, Vurbic, \& Novak, 2009) und (3) Rekonsolidierungs-Updates (reconsolidation update, RU), die den Rekonsolidierungsprozess durch eine kurze Exposition des CS+ vor der eigentlichen Exposition aktualisieren sollen (Schiller et al., 2010). Bisher liegen jedoch nur sehr wenige Studien vor, die diese neuen Expositionsprotokolle an klinischen Stichproben untersucht haben, und - soweit bekannt - keine Studie, welche die Wirkmechanismen dieser Protokolle an einer klinischen Stichprobe erforscht. Die vorliegende Dissertation hat drei Ziele. Das erste Ziel besteht darin zu pr{\"u}fen, ob Expositionstherapie in multiplen Kontexten die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Renewal reduziert. Das zweite Ziel ist die Untersuchung der Mechanismen, die dem Effekt der Exposition in multiplen Kontexten zugrunde liegen und das dritte ist den Kontext im Zusammenhang mit Konditionierung und Extinktion zu konzeptualisieren. Insgesamt wurden drei Studien durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die erste Studie untersuchte den Effekt von Exposition in multiplen Kontexten auf Renewal, die zweite und dritte Studie die Wirkmechanismen von MCE. In der ersten Studie wurden spinnenphobische Probanden (N = 30) viermal mit einer virtuellen Spinne konfrontiert. Die Expositionstrials wurden entweder in einem gleichbleibenden Kontext oder in vier verschiedenen Kontexten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Am Ende der Sitzung absolvierten alle Teilnehmer einen virtuellen Renewaltest, bei dem die virtuelle Spinne in einem neuen Kontext gezeigt wurde, und einen in vivo Verhaltensvermeidungstest (behavioral avoidance test, BAT) mit einer echten Spinne. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Probanden, welche die vier Expositionstrials in unterschiedlichen Kontexten erfuhren, weniger Angst, sowohl im virtuellen Renewaltest als auch im BAT, erlebten. In dieser Studie konnte die Wirksamkeit von MCE f{\"u}r die Reduktion von Renewal erfolgreich nachgewiesen werden. Studie 2 (N = 35) untersuchte die Wirkmechanismen von MCE in einem differentiellen Konditionierungsparadigma. Die Extinktion wurde in multiplen Kontexten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei war das Ziel, eine {\"a}hnliche Verminderung von Renewal wie in Studie 1 nachzuweisen. Der Extinktion folgten zwei Tests, mit dem Ziel m{\"o}gliche hemmende Effekte des Kontexts, die w{\"a}hrend der Extinktionsphase erworben wurden, aufzudecken. Bez{\"u}glich des Effektes von MCE wurden drei Hypothesen aufgestellt: (1) Der Extinktionskontext wird mit der Exposition assoziiert, fungiert folglich w{\"a}hrend der Extinktion als Sicherheitssignal und konkurriert daher mit dem Sicherheitslernen des CS. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einem verminderten Extinktionseffekt auf den CS, wenn die Extinktion nur in einem Kontext durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. (2) Die Elemente im Extinktionskontext (z.B. Raumfarbe, M{\"o}bel) stehen im Zusammenhang mit der CS-no US-Assoziation und erinnern daher an die Extinktion, was zu einer gr{\"o}ßeren Angsthemmung f{\"u}hrt, wenn sie w{\"a}hrend eines Tests gezeigt werden. (3) Nach der emotionalen Prozesstheorie (emotional process theory; Bouton, 1994; Foa et al., 1996) bestimmen die Therapieprozessfaktoren die St{\"a}rke des Renewals. Beispielsweise korrelieren initiale Angstaktivierung, Aktivierung in und zwischen den Sitzungen mit der St{\"a}rke des Renewals. Jedoch waren in dieser Studie keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen im Renewaltest zu beobachten, weswegen die Ergebnisse der zwei Nachtests nicht zu interpretieren sind. Das Ziel von Studie 3 (N = 61) war es, das Konzept des Kontexts im Rahmen von Konditionierung und Exposition zu definieren. In Studie 3 wurde das Auftreten der Generalisierungsabnahme (generalization decrement) genutzt, bei der eine konditionierte Reaktion infolge eines Kontextwechsels nur reduziert auftritt. Auf diesem Weg kann Kontext{\"a}hnlichkeit quantifiziert werden. Nach einer Akquisitonsphase in einem Kontext wurden die Teilnehmer in einem von drei verschiedenen Kontexten getestet. Zwei dieser Kontexte unterschieden sich nur in einer Dimension (Anordnung der Objekte vs. Objekteigenschaften). Die dritte Gruppe wurde im Akquisitonskontext getestet und diente als Kontrollgruppe. Es fanden sich jedoch keine Unteschiede zwischen den Gruppen in den Testphasen. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung ist die Neuartigkeit des Testkontextes. Teilnehmer, die nach der Extinktion einem neuen Kontext ausgesetzt waren, erwarteten in einem anderen Kontext eine zweite Extinktionsphase und zeigten daher mehr statt weniger Angst als erwartet.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kastner2015, author = {Kastner, Anna Katharina}, title = {Attention mechanisms in contextual anxiety and cued fear and their influence on processing of social cues}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123747}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Anxiety is an affective state characterized by a sustained, long-lasting defensive response, induced by unpredictable, diffuse threat. In comparison, fear is a phasic response to predictable threat. Fear can be experimentally modeled with the help of cue conditioning. Context conditioning, in which the context serves as the best predictor of a threat due to the absence of any conditioned cues, is seen as an operationalization of sustained anxiety. This thesis used a differential context conditioning paradigm to examine sustained attention processes in a threat context compared to a safety context for the first time. In three studies, the attention mechanisms during the processing of contextual anxiety were examined by measuring heart rate responses and steady-state-visually evoked potentials (ssVEPs). An additional focus was set on the processing of social cues (i.e. faces) and the influence of contextual information on these cues. In a last step, the correlates of sustained anxiety were compared to evoked responses by phasic fear, which was realized in a previously established paradigm combining predictable and unpredictable threat. In the first study, a contextual stimulus was associated with an aversive loud noise, while a second context remained unpaired. This conditioning paradigm created an anxiety context (CTX+) and a safety context (CTX-). After acquisition, a social agent vs. an object was presented as a distractor in both contexts. Heart rate and cortical responses, with ssVEPs by using frequency tagging, to the contexts and the distractors were assessed. Results revealed enhanced ssVEP amplitudes for the CTX+ compared to the CTX- during acquisition and during presentation of distractor stimuli. Additionally, the heart rate was accelerated in the acquisition phase, followed by a heart rate deceleration as a psychophysiological marker of contextual anxiety. Study 2 used the same context conditioning paradigm as Study 1. In contrast to the first study, persons with different emotional facial expressions were presented in the anxiety and safety contexts in order to compare the differential processing of these cues within periods of threat and safety. A similar anxiety response was found in the second study, although only participants who Abstract VIII were aware of the contingency between contexts and aversive event showed a sensory amplification of the threat context, indicated by heart rate response and ssVEP activation. All faces irrespective of their emotional expression received increased attentional resources when presented within the anxiety context, which suggests a general hypervigilance in anxiety contexts. In the third study, the differentiation of predictable and unpredictable threat as an operationalization of fear and anxiety was examined on a cortical and physiological level. In the predictable condition, a social cue was paired with an aversive event, while in the unpredictable condition the aversive event remained unpaired with the respective cue. A fear response to the predictable cue was found, indicated by increased oscillatory response and accelerated heart rate. Both predictable and unpredictable threat yielded increased ssVEP amplitudes evoked by the context stimuli, while the response in the unpredictable context showed longer-lasting ssVEP activation to the threat context. To sum up, all three studies endorsed anxiety as a long-lasting defensive response. Due to the unpredictability of the aversive events, the individuals reacted with hypervigilance in the anxiety context, reflected in a facilitated processing of sensory information and an orienting response. This hypervigilance had an impact on the processing of novel cues, which appeared in the anxiety context. Considering the compared stimuli categories, the stimuli perceived in a state of anxiety received increased attentional resources, irrespective of the emotional arousal conveyed by the facial expression. Both predictable and unpredictable threat elicited sensory amplification of the contexts, while the response in the unpredictable context showed longer-lasting sensory facilitation of the threat context.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eisenbarth2008, author = {Eisenbarth, Hedwig}, title = {Assessment of emotional detachment in psychopathy via self-report and an emotion detection task}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27817}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The personality construct of psychopathy is subject of growing research, but data on psychopathy in female incarcerated and in non-institutionalized samples are rare. In this thesis emotional detachment as one factor of psychopathy is investigated in general population, in patients and in incarcerated samples. After verifying the validity of the Psychopathy Personality Inventory Revised (PPI-R) measuring emotional detachment, the sensitivity of the questionnaire concerning emotional detachment has been proven. Additionally it has been shown that symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder can be distinguished from psychopathic traits by emotional detachment. In addition, these results confirm the core role of the feature emotional detachment for psychopathy. Furthermore, two emotion recognition tasks have been conducted in a criminal female inpatients sample. Compared to the low psychopathic patients, the high psychopathic patients showed deficits in categorization only in shortly presented sad facial expressions, but rated emotional facial expressions as less arousing. These results point to emotional detachment as a core characteristic of psychopathy, and is specific even in non-incarcerated and female incarcerated samples. It can be measured with the PPI-R as well as with emotion detection tasks.}, subject = {Psychopathie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoermann2020, author = {H{\"o}rmann, Markus}, title = {Analyzing and fostering students' self-regulated learning through the use of peripheral data in online learning environments}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18009}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180097}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Learning with digital media has become a substantial part of formal and informal educational processes and is gaining more and more importance. Technological progress has brought overwhelming opportunities for learners, but challenges them at the same time. Learners have to regulate their learning process to a much greater extent than in traditional learning situations in which teachers support them through external regulation. This means that learners must plan their learning process themselves, apply appropriate learning strategies, monitor, control and evaluate it. These requirements are taken into account in various models of self-regulated learning (SRL). Although the roots of research on SRL go back to the 1980s, the measurement and adequate support of SRL in technology-enhanced learning environments is still not solved in a satisfactory way. An important obstacle are the data sources used to operationalize SRL processes. In order to support SRL in adaptive learning systems and to validate theoretical models, instruments are needed which meet the classical quality criteria and also fulfil additional requirements. Suitable data channels must be measurable "online", i.e., they must be available in real time during learning for analyses or the individual adaptation of interventions. Researchers no longer only have an interest in the final results of questionnaires or tasks, but also need to examine process data from interactions between learners and learning environments in order to advance the development of theories and interventions. In addition, data sources should not be obtrusive so that the learning process is not interrupted or disturbed. Measurements of physiological data, for example, require learners to wear measuring devices. Moreover, measurements should not be reactive. This means that other variables such as learning outcomes should not be influenced by the measurement. Different data sources that are already used to study and support SRL processes, such as protocols on thinking aloud, screen recording, eye tracking, log files, video observations or physiological sensors, meet these criteria to varying degrees. One data channel that has received little attention in research on educational psychology, but is non-obtrusive, non-reactive, objective and available online, is the detailed, timely high-resolution data on observable interactions of learners in online learning environments. This data channel is introduced in this thesis as "peripheral data". It records both the content of learning environments as context, and related actions of learners triggered by mouse and keyboard, as well as the reactions of learning environments, such as structural or content changes. Although the above criteria for the use of the data are met, it is unclear whether this data can be interpreted reliably and validly with regard to relevant variables and behavior. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to examine this data channel from the perspective of SRL and thus further close the existing research gap. One development project and four research projects were carried out and documented in this thesis.}, subject = {Selbstgesteuertes Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schnabel2011, author = {Schnabel, Eva}, title = {Alcohol and driving-related performance - A comprehensive meta-analysis focusing the significance of the non-significant}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69959}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The present work reviews the experimental literature on the acute effects of alcohol on human behaviour related to driving performance. A meta-analysis was conducted which includes studies published between 1954 and 2007 in order to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the substance alcohol. 450 studies reporting 5,300 findings were selected from over 12,000 references after applying certain in- and exclusion criteria. Thus, the present meta-analysis comprises far more studies than reviews on alcohol up to now. In the selected studies, different performance tests were conducted which were relevant for driving. The classification system used in this work assigns these tests to eight categories. The main categories consist of several sub categories classifying the tasks more precisely. The main categories were: (1) visual functions, (2) attention (including vigilance), (3) divided attention, (4) en-/decoding (including information processing and memory), (5) reaction time (including simple reaction time and choice reaction time), (6) psychomotor skills, (7) tracking and (8) driving. In addition to the performance aspect, the classification system takes into account mood and social behaviour variables related to driving safety like tiredness or aggression. Following the evaluation method of vote-counting, the number of significant findings and the number of non-significant findings were summarised per blood alcohol concentration (BAC) group. Thereby, a quantitative estimation of the effects of alcohol depending on the BAC was established, the so-called impairment function, which shows the percentage of significantly impaired findings. In order to provide a general overview of alcohol effects on driving-related performance, a global impairment function was established by aggregating all performance findings. The function is nearly linear with about 30\% significant findings at a BAC of 0.05\% and 50\% significant findings at a BAC of 0.08\%. In addition, more specific impairment functions considering only the findings of the single behavioural categories were calculated. The results revealed that impairment depends not only on the BAC, but also clearly differs between most of the performance categories. Tracking and driving performance were most affected by alcohol with impairment beginning at very low BACs of 0.02\%. Also psychomotor skills were considerably affected by rather low BACs. Impairment of visual functions and information processing occurred at BACs of 0.04\% and increased substantially with higher BACs. Impairment in memory tests could be found with very low BACs of 0.02\%, but varied depending on the kind of memory. Performance decrements in divided attention tests could also be found with very low BACs in some studies. Attention started to be impaired at 0.04\% BAC, but - as in vigilance tasks - considerable impairment only occurred at higher BACs. Choice reaction time was affected at lower BACs than simple reaction time, which was - together with the critical flicker fusion frequency - the least sensitive parameter to the effects of alcohol. To conclude, most skills which are relevant for the safe operation of a vehicle are clearly impaired by BACs of 0.05\%, with motor functions being more affected than cognitive functions and complex tasks more than simple tasks. Generally, the results provided no evidence of a threshold effect for alcohol. There was no driving-related performance category for which a sudden transition from unimpaired to impaired occurred at a particular BAC level. In addition, a comparison was made between the present meta-analysis and two reviews of Moskowitz (Moskowitz \& Fiorentino, 2000; Moskowitz \& Robinson, 1988). Moskowitz reported much lower BACs at which performance was impaired. The reasons for this discrepancy lies in a different way to review scientific findings. On the one hand, Moskowitz focused on significant findings when selecting studies and findings for his reviews. On the other hand, the evaluation method used by Moskowitz ignored non-significant findings and counted each study once at the lowest BAC for which impairment was found. Those non-significant findings are as important as the significant ones in order to determine thresholds of impairment. Therefore, in contrast to Moskowitz, the present work describes the effects of alcohol with functions considering also the non-significant findings. The significance of the non-significant is emphasized with respect to the selection procedure as well as to the evaluation method.}, subject = {Trunkenheit im Verkehr}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pollerhoff2024, author = {Pollerhoff, Lena Katharina}, title = {Age differences in prosociality across the adult lifespan: Insights from self-reports, experimental paradigms, and meta-analyses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35944}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Human prosociality, encompassing generosity, cooperation, and volunteering, holds a vital role in our daily lives. Over the last decades, the question of whether prosociality undergoes changes over the adult lifespan has gained increased research attention. Earlier studies suggested increased prosociality in older compared to younger individuals. However, recent meta-analyses revealed that this age effect might be heterogeneous and modest. Moreover, the contributing factors and mechanisms behind these age-related variations remain to be identified. To unravel age-related differences in prosociality, the first study of this dissertation employed a meta-analytical approach to summarize existing findings and provide insight into their heterogeneity by exploring linear and quadratic age effects on self-reported and behavioral prosociality. Additionally, two empirical research studies investigated whether these age-related differences in prosociality were observed in real life, assessed through ecological momentary assessment (Study 2), and in a controlled laboratory setting by applying a modified dictator game (Study 3). Throughout these three studies, potential underlying behavioral and computational mechanisms were explored. The outcome of the meta-analysis (Study 1) revealed small linear age effects on prosociality and significant age group differences between younger and older adults, with higher levels of prosociality in older adults. Explorative evidence emerged in favor of a quadratic age effect on behavioral prosociality, indicating the highest levels in midlife. Additionally, heightened prosocial behavior among middle-aged adults was observed compared to younger adults, whereas no significant differences in prosocial behavior were noted between middle-aged and older adults. Situational and contextual features, such as the setting of the study and specific paradigm characteristics, moderated the age-prosociality relationship, highlighting the importance of the (social) context when studying prosociality. For Study 2, no significant age effect on real-life prosocial behavior was observed. However, evidence for a significant linear and quadratic age effect on experiencing empathy in real life emerged, indicating a midlife peak. Additionally, across all age groups, the link between an opportunity to empathize and age significantly predicted real-life prosocial behavior. This effect, indicating higher levels of prosocial behavior when there was a situation possibly evoking empathy, was most pronounced in midlife. Study 3 presented age differences in how older and younger adults integrate values related to monetary gains for self and others to make a potential prosocial decision. Younger individuals effectively combined both values in a multiplicative fashion, enhancing decision-making efficiency. Older adults showed an additive effect of values for self and other and displayed increased decision-making efficiency when considering the values separately. However, among older adults, individuals with better inhibitory control were better able to integrate information about both values in their decisions. Taken together, the findings of this dissertation offer new insights into the multi-faceted nature of prosociality across adulthood and the mechanisms that help explain these age-related disparities. While this dissertation observed increasing prosociality across the adult lifespan, it also questions the assumption that older adults are inherently more prosocial. The studies highlight midlife as a potential peak period in social development but also emphasize the importance of the (social) context and that different operationalizations might capture distinct facets of prosociality. This underpins the need for a comprehensive framework to understand age effects of prosociality better and guide potential interventions.}, subject = {Altersunterschied}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidts2021, author = {Schmidts, Constantin}, title = {Affective regulation of cognitive conflict}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21989}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219897}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Kognitive Kontrolle beschreibt Prozesse die n{\"o}tig sind um zielgerichtetes Handeln im Angesicht von internen oder externen Widerst{\"a}nden zu erm{\"o}glichen. Wenn wir aus eigenen St{\"u}cken oder inspiriert durch unsere Umwelt Handlungen vorbereiten die unseren aktuellen Zielen entgegen stehen, kommt es zu Konflikten. Solche Konflikte k{\"o}nnen sich auf nachfolgendes Erleben und Verhalten auswirken. Aversive Konsequenzen von Konflikt k{\"o}nnten in einem Konflikt{\"u}berwachungsmodul registriert werden, welches anschließend Aufmerksamkeits{\"a}nderungen und Handlungstendenzen zur Reduzierung dieses negativen Affektes in Gang setzt. Wenn das der Fall w{\"a}re, k{\"o}nnten die vielfach beobachteten Verhaltensanpassungen an kognitiven Konflikt ein Ausdruck von Emotionsregulation sein. Ein theoretischer Eckpfeiler der gegenw{\"a}rtigen Forschung zur Emotionsregulation ist das Prozessmodell der Emotionsregulation, das aus den Regulationsstrategien Situationsauswahl, Situationsmodifikation, Aufmerksamkeitslenkung, kognitiven Ver{\"a}nderungen und Reaktionsmodulation besteht. Unter der Annahme, dass Konfliktanpassung und Affektregulation auf gemeinsamen Mechanismen fußen, habe ich aus dem Prozessmodell der Emotionsregulation Vorhersagen zur kognitiven Kontrolle abgeleitet und diese in elf Experimenten getestet (N = 509). Die Versuchsteilnehmer zeigten Situationsauswahl in Bezug auf Konflikte, allerdings nur dann, wenn sie ausdr{\"u}cklich auf Handlungs- und Ergebniskontingenzen hingewiesen wurden (Experimente 1 bis 3). Ich fand Anzeichen f{\"u}r einen Mechanismus, der der Situationsmodifikation {\"a}hnelt, aber keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung von Affekt (Experimente 4 bis 10). Eine {\"A}nderung der Konfliktbewertung hatte keinen Einfluss auf das Ausmaß der Konfliktadaptation (Experiment 11). Insgesamt gab es Hinweise auf eine explizite Aversivit{\"a}t kognitiver Konflikte, jedoch weniger auf implizite Aversivit{\"a}t, was darauf hindeutet, dass Konflikte vor allem dann Affektregulationsprozesse ausl{\"o}sen, wenn Menschen explizit Affektregulationsziele vor Augen haben.}, subject = {Affekt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baur2016, author = {Baur, Ramona}, title = {Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Emotion Processing, and Emotion Regulation in Virtual Reality}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142064}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by symptoms of inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Besides, increasing evidence points to ADHD patients showing emotional dysfunctions and concomitant problems in social life. However, systematic research on emotional dysfunctions in ADHD is still rare, and to date most studies lack conceptual differentiation between emotion processing and emotion regulation. The aim of this thesis was to systematically investigate emotion processing and emotion regulation in adult ADHD in a virtual reality paradigm implementing social interaction. Emotional reactions were assessed on experiential, physiological, and behavioral levels. Experiment 1 was conducted to develop a virtual penalty kicking paradigm implying social feedback and to test it in a healthy sample. This paradigm should then be applied in ADHD patients later on. Pleasant and unpleasant trials in this paradigm consisted of hits respectively misses and subsequent feedback from a virtual coach. In neutral trials, participants were teleported to different spots of the virtual stadium. Results indicated increased positive affectivity (higher valence and arousal ratings, higher zygomaticus activations, and higher expression rates of positive emotional behavior) in response to pleasant compared to neutral trials. Reactions to unpleasant trials were contradictory, indicating increased levels of both positive and negative affectivity, compared to neutral trials. Unpleasant vs. neutral trials revealed lower valence ratings, higher arousal ratings, higher zygomaticus activations, slightly lower corrugator activations, and higher expression rates of both positive and negative emotional behavior. The intensity of emotional reactions correlated with experienced presence in the virtual reality. To better understand the impact of hits or misses per se vs. hits or misses with coach feedback healthy participants' emotional reactions, only 50\% of all shots were followed by coach feedback in experiment 2. Neutral trials consisted of shots over the free soccer field which were followed by coach feedback in 50 \% of all trials. Shots and feedback evoked more extreme valence and arousal ratings, higher zygomaticus activations, lower corrugator activations, and higher skin conductance responses than shots alone across emotional conditions. Again, results speak for the induction of positive emotions in pleasant trials whereas the induction of negative emotions in unpleasant trials seems ambiguous. Technical improvements of the virtual reality were reflected in higher presence ratings than in experiment 1. Experiment 3 investigated emotional reactions of adult ADHD patients and healthy controls after emotion processing and response-focused emotion regulation. Participants successively went through an ostensible online ball-tossing game (cyber ball) inducing negative emotions, and an adapted version of the virtual penalty kicking game. Throughout cyber ball, participants were included or ostracized by two other players in different experimental blocks. Participants were instructed to explicitly show, not regulate, or hide their emotions in different experimental blocks. Results provided some evidence for deficient processing of positive emotions in ADHD. Patients reported slightly lower positive affect than controls during cyber ball, gave lower valence ratings than controls in response to pleasant penalty kicking trials, and showed lower zygomaticus activations than controls especially during penalty kicking. Patients in comparison with controls showed slightly increased processing of unpleasant events during cyber ball (higher ratings of negative affect, especially in response to ostracism), but not during penalty kicking. Patients showed lower baseline skin conductance levels than controls, and impaired skin conductance modulations. Compared to controls, patients showed slight over-expression of positive as well as negative emotional behavior. Emotion regulation analyses revealed no major difficulties of ADHD vs. controls in altering their emotional reactions through deliberate response modulation. Moreover, patients reported to habitually apply adaptive emotion regulation strategies even more frequently than controls. The analyses of genetic high-risk vs. low-risk groups for ADHD across the whole sample revealed similar results as analyses for patients vs. controls for zygomaticus modulations during emotion processing, and for modulations of emotional reactions due to emotion regulation. To sum up, the virtual penalty kicking paradigm proved to be successful for the induction of positive, but not negative emotions. The importance of presence in virtual reality for the intensity of induced emotions could be replicated. ADHD patients showed impaired processing of primarily positive emotions. Aberrations in negative emotional responding were less clear and need further investigation. Results point to adult ADHD in comparison to healthy controls suffering from baseline deficits in autonomic arousal and deficits in arousal modulation. Deficits of ADHD in the deliberate application of response-focused emotion regulation could not be found.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Walter2012, author = {Walter, Martina}, title = {A new methodological approach to assess drug driving - The German Smartphone Survey}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75283}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The aim of the present piece of work was to give information about the frequency of psychoactive substances within the German driver population and to identify preventive and promotive circumstances of drug driving. Furthermore, a new methodological approach to gather and link data about the consumption of psychoactive substances and the mobility of drug users is shown. Traditionally, roadside surveys are conducted to estimate the prevalence of drug driving within a population. By the present study, an alternative method is introduced. In total, 195 drug users (mainly cannabis users) and 100 controls out of the normal driving population were queried for four weeks about their driving and drug consumption behaviour by a questionnaire that was deployed on smartphones. The prevalences of drug driving within the sample were extrapolated into representative values. Because the subjects reported all daily activities within the study-period, it was also possible to describe situations in which the subjects decided against driving under influence. Besides, relevant previous experiences, attitudes, the approval of legal regulations, other traffic-specific parameters, social influences and personality variables were queried. So, individual factors that are associated with drug driving can be specified. The results are integrated in a model that shows dependencies of different societal, behavioural and legal variables. They can serve as major input to the discussion on drug driving and can be of practical use for rehabilitation and prevention purposes. The results can be summarised as follows: - Compared to the results of a German roadside survey from 1994, the prevalences that are found within the present study seem pretty low. This finding is discussed and possible explanations for the described trend are lined out. Furthermore, the prevalences that were calculated in the present study are compared to current data from other European countries. - The results show differences between users and controls on several variables. The differences indicate that substance use impacts on the structuring of day-to-day life. Overall, the controls' days proceed more along a daily working routine than the users' (e.g. less mobility at night, more mobility at rush-hour, alcohol consumption mainly at nights out). - The individual extent to which drugs are consumed differs dependent on daytime, day of the week and kind of substance. Of course, these dependencies also influence the occurrence of drug driving. Other factors of influence on drug driving are the distance, the availability of alternative modes of transport as well as the presence of female companions. - Not everybody who uses drugs drives under the influence of drugs. A striking predictor for frequent drug driving and highly intoxicated driving is a high consumption, associated with risky consumption patterns and a low subjective feeling of impairment after drug consumption. - The subjects' attitudes towards drug driving and their beliefs about social norms largely go in line with the behaviour they engage in. Drug users have rather liberal attitudes towards drug use and driving under influence. - A possible deterrence effect of sanctioning and police enforcement and its dependence on the acceptance and awareness of the measures is delineated. - Only small effects are found when examining the objective impairment that is caused by drug use by a computer-based test battery. This result is critically discussed with regards to the operationalisation of the study groups. - Except from driving under influence, there is no evidence to suggest that DUI offenders also show problematic behaviour according to other traffic-related measures. - Parents and peers may have an influence as role models on the development of problematic behaviour. A good relationship between parents and children may have a positive impact on the development of conventional values and behaviour. - Drug use is associated with some crucial personality dimensions and drugs are often used to solve personal problems. A less precise but similar difference was found for users who commit many drives under influence compared to users who never or only sometimes drive under influence. Moreover, users marginally more often have psychological problems compared to controls. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the new methodological approach of data collection are discussed as well as the challenges that are faced when implementing it. All in all, it has proved to be a promising method and should serve as a standard to which future studies should aspire.}, subject = {Verkehrspsychologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Erle2016, author = {Erle, Thorsten Michael}, title = {A Grounded Approach to Psychological Perspective-Taking}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143247}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {„Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme" bezeichnet die F{\"a}higkeit des Menschen, sich in die Lage eines anderen hineinzuversetzen. In der psychologischen Forschung unterscheidet man drei Arten der Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme, n{\"a}mlich perzeptuelle (visuo-spatiale), affektive (Empathie) und kognitive (Theory of Mind). Die letztgenannten Arten der Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme werden oft als „psychologische Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme" zusammengefasst. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Frage, ob diese verschiedenen Arten der Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme als theoretisch unterscheidbare Konstrukte oder lediglich als Facetten ein und desselben Konstrukts angesehen werden sollten. Die Befundlage in der psychologischen Fachliteratur ist diesbez{\"u}glich nicht eindeutig. W{\"a}hrend einige Autoren Korrelationen zwischen verschiedenen Arten der Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme f{\"u}r zu gering erachten, um ein einheitliches Konstrukt zu konstatieren, bewerten andere Autoren Korrelationen derselben Gr{\"o}ße als Evidenz hierf{\"u}r. Ein weniger arbitr{\"a}res Vorgehen w{\"a}re es, experimentalpsychologisch zugrunde liegende Mechanismen zu identifizieren, die allen Arten der Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme gemein sind, und zu untersuchen, ob eine Manipulation dieser Mechanismen abh{\"a}ngige Maße affektiver, kognitiver und perzeptueller Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme gleichermaßen beeinflusst. Diesem Ansatz folgend macht die vorliegende Arbeit die Annahme, dass die mentale Selbstrotation des K{\"o}rperschemas in die Position einer anderen Person, der zentrale Mechanismus visuo-spatialer Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme, ein gemeinsamer Mechanismus aller Arten der Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme ist. Entgegen fr{\"u}herer Ans{\"a}tze wird diese Einheit somit nicht nur {\"u}ber die zentrale gemeinsame Funktionalit{\"a}t aller Arten von Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme, also dem Verlassen des egozentrischen Referenzrahmens zugunsten einer (visuellen, affektiven oder kognitiven) Fremdperspektive, gerechtfertigt, sondern mit der Annahme eines gemeinsamen zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus. Daraus wird die einfache Hypothese abgeleitet, dass visuo-spatiale Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme zu psychologischen Konsequenzen f{\"u}hren kann. Dies wurde in 6 Experimenten getestet. In diesen Experimenten mussten die Probanden zun{\"a}chst immer die visuelle Perspektive einer anderen Person einnehmen. Hierzu sahen die Probanden eine Person, die mit zwei Objekten an einem Tisch sitzt. In jedem Durchgang mussten die Probanden sich entscheiden, mit welcher Hand diese Person eines der beiden Objekte greifen w{\"u}rde. Dabei wurde die Position der Zielperson so manipuliert, dass sie in der H{\"a}lfte der F{\"a}lle im selben visuo-spatialen Referenzrahmen wie der Proband saß, was Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme zur L{\"o}sung der Aufgabe obsolet machte, w{\"a}hrend sie sich in den verbleibenden Durchg{\"a}ngen in einem anderen visuo-spatialen Referenzrahmen befand, so dass die Probanden die visuelle Perspektive der Zielperson {\"u}bernehmen mussten um die Aufgabe korrekt zu l{\"o}sen. Nach jedem Durchgang wurde dem Ziel dieser visuo-spatialen Aufgabe eine psychologische Eigenschaft zugeschrieben. Dies geschah im Rahmen eines abgewandelten Paradigmas zur Untersuchung der Ankerheuristik. Hierzu wurde den Probanden nach jedem Durchgang der visuo-spatialen Aufgabe eine Sch{\"a}tzfrage gestellt. Zeitgleich wurde die Antwort des Ziels bekannt gegeben. Entsprechend der Haupthypothese, dass visuo-spatiale Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme psychologische Konsequenzen erzeugen kann, konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Probanden nach visuo-spatialer Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme in h{\"o}herem Maße die Gedanken der Zielperson {\"u}bernahmen. Dies konnte sowohl anhand der absoluten Gr{\"o}ße des Ankereffekts, als auch anhand der Differenz zwischen den Urteilen der Probanden und der Zielperson, gezeigt werden. Weitere Experimente schlossen Stichprobeneigenschaften, die verwendeten Stimuli oder die Aufgabenschwierigkeit als Alternativerkl{\"a}rungen f{\"u}r diese Effekte aus. Die beiden letzten Experimente zeigten zudem, dass dieser Effekt spezifisch f{\"u}r alle Konstellationen ist, in denen eine mentale Selbstrotation in die Zielperspektive notwendig war und dass die {\"U}bernahme fremder Gedanken mit einem Gef{\"u}hl von {\"A}hnlichkeit assoziiert war. Zusammengenommen unterst{\"u}tzen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit die theoretisch abgeleitete Sicht eines einheitlichen Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme-Konstrukts und grenzen dieses zus{\"a}tzlich von verwandten Konstrukten ab. In der abschließenden Diskussion werden die Bedeutung dieser Befunde f{\"u}r die Forschung in den Bereichen Empathie, Theory of Mind, und Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme und ebenfalls praktische Implikationen der Ergebnisse aufgezeigt.}, subject = {Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Topolinski2009, author = {Topolinski, Sascha}, title = {A fluency-affect intuition model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-38807}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The present approach highlights a procedural account of intuitive judgments. In intuitions of hidden semantic coherence, people can intuitively detect whether a word triad has a common remote associate (coherent) or not (incoherent) before, and independently from actually retrieving the common associate. The present fluency-affect intuition model (FAIM) maintains that semantic coherence increases the processing fluency for coherent compared to incoherent triads, and that this increased fluency triggers brief and subtle positive affect, which is the experiential basis of these intuitions. Published work concerning 25 experiments is reviewed that gathered empirical support for this model. Furthermore, the impact of fluency and affect was also generalized to intuitions of visual coherence, and intuitions of grammaticality in an artificial grammar learning paradigm.}, subject = {Intuition}, language = {en} }