@phdthesis{Dieler2011, author = {Dieler, Alica Christina}, title = {Investigation of variables influencing cognitive inhibition: from the behavioral to the molecular level}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The present work investigated the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive inhibition/thought suppression in Anderson's and Green's Think/No-Think paradigm (TNT), as well as different variables influencing these mechanisms at the cognitive, the neurophysiological, the electrophysiological and the molecular level. Neurophysiological data collected with fNIRS and fMRI have added up to the existing evidence of a fronto-hippocampal network interacting during the inhibition of unwanted thoughts. Some evidence has been presented suggesting that by means of external stimulation of the right dlPFC through iTBS thought suppression might be improved, providing further evidence for an implication of this region in the TNT. A combination of fNIRS with ERP has delivered evidence of a dissociation of early condition-independent attentional and later suppression-specific processes within the dlPFC, both contributing to suppression performance. Due to inconsistencies in the previous literature it was considered how stimulus valence would influence thought suppression by manipulating the emotional content of the to-be-suppressed stimuli. Findings of the current work regarding the ability to suppress negative word or picture stimuli have, however, been inconclusive as well. It has been hypothesized that performance in the TNT might depend on the combination of valence conditions included in the paradigm. Alternatively, it has been suggested that inconsistent findings regarding the suppression of negative stimuli or suppression at all might be due to certain personality traits and/or genetic variables, found in the present work to contribute to thought inhibition in the TNT. Rumination has been shown to be a valid predictor of thought suppression performance. Increased ruminative tendencies led to worse suppression performance which, in the present work, has been linked to less effective recruitment of the dlPFC and in turn less effective down-regulation of hippocampal activity during suppression trials. Trait anxiety has also been shown to interrupt thought suppression despite higher, however, inefficient recruitment of the dlPFC. Complementing the findings regarding ruminative tendencies and decreased thought inhibition a functional polymorphism in the KCNJ6 gene, encompassing a G-to-A transition, has been shown to disrupt thought suppression despite increased activation of the dlPFC. Through the investigation of thought suppression at different levels, the current work adds further evidence to the idea that the TNT reflects an executive control mechanism, which is sensitive to alterations in stimulus valence to some extent, neurophysiological functioning as indicated by its sensitivity to iTBS, functional modulations at the molecular level and personality traits, such as rumination and trait anxiety.}, subject = {Kognitiver Prozess}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beisser2011, author = {Beisser, Daniela}, title = {Integrated functional analysis of biological networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70150}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In recent years high-throughput experiments provided a vast amount of data from all areas of molecular biology, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Its analysis using bioinformatics methods has developed accordingly, towards a systematic approach to understand how genes and their resulting proteins give rise to biological form and function. They interact with each other and with other molecules in highly complex structures, which are explored in network biology. The in-depth knowledge of genes and proteins obtained from high-throughput experiments can be complemented by the architecture of molecular networks to gain a deeper understanding of biological processes. This thesis provides methods and statistical analyses for the integration of molecular data into biological networks and the identification of functional modules, as well as its application to distinct biological data. The integrated network approach is implemented as a software package, termed BioNet, for the statistical language R. The package includes the statistics for the integration of transcriptomic and functional data with biological networks, the scoring of nodes and edges of these networks as well as methods for subnetwork search and visualisation. The exact algorithm is extensively tested in a simulation study and outperforms existing heuristic methods for the calculation of this NP-hard problem in accuracy and robustness. The variability of the resulting solutions is assessed on perturbed data, mimicking random or biased factors that obscure the biological signal, generated for the integrated data and the network. An optimal, robust module can be calculated using a consensus approach, based on a resampling method. It summarizes optimally an ensemble of solutions in a robust consensus module with the estimated variability indicated by confidence values for the nodes and edges. The approach is subsequently applied to two gene expression data sets. The first application analyses gene expression data for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and differences between the subgroups with and without an oncogenic BCR/ABL gene fusion. In a second application gene expression and survival data from diffuse large B-cell lymphomas are examined. The identified modules include and extend already existing gene lists and signatures by further significant genes and their interactions. The most important novelty is that these genes are determined and visualised in the context of their interactions as a functional module and not as a list of independent and unrelated transcripts. In a third application the integrative network approach is used to trace changes in tardigrade metabolism to identify pathways responsible for their extreme resistance to environmental changes and endurance in an inactive tun state. For the first time a metabolic network approach is proposed to detect shifts in metabolic pathways, integrating transcriptome and metabolite data. Concluding, the presented integrated network approach is an adequate technique to unite high-throughput experimental data for single molecules and their intermolecular dependencies. It is flexible to apply on diverse data, ranging from gene expression changes over metabolite abundances to protein modifications in a combination with a suitable molecular network. The exact algorithm is accurate and robust in comparison to heuristic approaches and delivers an optimal, robust solution in form of a consensus module with confidence values. By the integration of diverse sources of information and a simultaneous inspection of a molecular event from different points of view, new and exhaustive insights into biological processes can be acquired.}, subject = {Bioinformatik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jentzsch2011, author = {Jentzsch, Claudia}, title = {Identifizierung und Charakterisierung funktionell relevanter kardialer Faktoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66699}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die chronische Herzinsuffizienz stellt nach wie vor eine der h{\"a}ufigsten Todesursachen weltweit dar. Trotz intensiver Forschung ist es bisher nicht m{\"o}glich die pathophysiologischen Prozesse aufzuhalten. Es wird nach neuen Strategien gesucht, hier therapeutisch eingreifen zu k{\"o}nnen. Kleine nicht-kodierende RNAs, sogenannte microRNAs (miRNAs), wurden als wichtige Faktoren bei verschiedenen Herzkrankheiten beschrieben. Die Mehrzahl der bisherigen Studien fokussierte sich dabei auf die am st{\"a}rksten deregulierten miRNAs im erkrankten Herz. In einer automatisierten Analyse im 96 Well-Format untersuchten wir 230 miRNAs auf ihr Potential, in das Gr{\"o}ßenwachstum von prim{\"a}ren Kardiomyozyten einzugreifen. Aus den miRNAs mit den gr{\"o}ßten Effekten selektierten wir diejenigen, die eine hohe endogene Expression aufwiesen, und unterzogen sie einem Validierungsprozess. Hier konnten wir die Effekte aller pro- (miR-22, miR-30c, miR-30d, miR-212, miR-365) und anti-hypertrophen (miR-27a, miR-27b, miR-133a) miRNAs best{\"a}tigen. Die Mehrzahl dieser miRNAs wurde hiermit erstmalig beschrieben, dass sie eine wichtige Rolle beim Gr{\"o}ßenwachstum von Kardiomyozyten spielen. Sie w{\"a}ren daher interessante Kandidaten f{\"u}r detaillierte funktionelle Studien mit dem Ziel ihr therapeutisches Potential zu evaluieren. In einem fr{\"u}heren genetischen Screen zur Identifizierung von kardialen, sezernierten Faktoren wurde der Protease Inhibitor 16 (PI16) entdeckt, der sich im insuffizienten Herz durch eine starke Akkumulation auszeichnet. Gegenstand des zweiten Teils dieser Arbeit war es, eine Mauslinie zu generieren, in der PI16 global oder konditionell mit Hilfe des Cre/LoxP-Systems ausgeschaltet werden kann. Nach Elektroporation des Pi16floxneo Targeting Vektors in embryonale Stammzellen und Blastozysteninjektion erhielten wir eine Mauslinie, die Tr{\"a}ger der zielgerichteten Modifikation des Pi16 Allels war. Mit der globalen genetischen Deletion des LoxP-flankierten Abschnitts von Exon 3 bis 4 konnten wir die Expression des Pi16 Gens komplett unterbinden. Die PI16 Defizienz f{\"u}hrte weder im Herz noch in anderen Organen per se zu pathologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen. Zudem war unbekannt, dass PI16 in der gesunden Maus in der kardialen Fibroblastenfraktion enthalten sowie in den Zilien der Epididymis und der Trachea und im Lumen der Schilddr{\"u}se lokalisiert ist. Im insuffizienten Herz best{\"a}tigten wir eine Akkumulation von PI16, die sich vor allem auf die fibrotischen Bereiche beschr{\"a}nkte. Das l{\"a}sst Grund zur Annahme, dass die kardiale Funktion von PI16 erst dann offensichtlich wird, wenn man die defizienten M{\"a}use zuk{\"u}nftig entsprechenden Stressmodellen aussetzt. Das wird zu einem umfassenden Verst{\"a}ndnis der kardialen Funktion von PI16 und dessen Potential als therapeutisches Zielmolek{\"u}l f{\"u}hren.}, subject = {miRNS}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Halder2011, author = {Halder, Partho}, title = {Identification and characterization of synaptic proteins of Drosophila melanogaster using monoclonal antibodies of the Wuerzburg Hybridoma Library}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67325}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {For a large fraction of the proteins expressed in the human brain only the primary structure is known from the genome project. Proteins conserved in evolution can be studied in genetic models such as Drosophila. In this doctoral thesis monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from the Wuerzburg Hybridoma library are produced and characterized with the aim to identify the target antigen. The mAb ab52 was found to be an IgM which recognized a cytosolic protein of Mr ~110 kDa on Western blots. The antigen was resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) as a single distinct spot. Mass spectrometric analysis of this spot revealed EPS-15 (epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate clone 15) to be a strong candidate. Another mAb from the library, aa2, was already found to recognize EPS-15, and comparison of the signal of both mAbs on Western blots of 1D and 2D electrophoretic separations revealed similar patterns, hence indicating that both antigens could represent the same protein. Finally absence of the wild-type signal in homozygous Eps15 mutants in a Western blot with ab52 confirmed the ab52 antigen to be EPS-15. Thus both the mAbs aa2 and ab52 recognize the Drosophila homologue of EPS-15. The mAb aa2, being an IgG, is more suitable for applications like immunoprecipitation (IP). It has already been submitted to the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) to be easily available for the entire research community. The mAb na21 was also found to be an IgM. It recognizes a membrane associated antigen of Mr ~10 kDa on Western blots. Due to the membrane associated nature of the protein, it was not possible to resolve it by 2DE and due to the IgM nature of the mAb it was not possible to enrich the antigen by IP. Preliminary attempts to biochemically purify the endogenously expressed protein from the tissue, gave promising results but could not be completed due to lack of time. Thus biochemical purification of the protein seems possible in order to facilitate its identification by mass spectrometry. Several other mAbs were studied for their staining pattern on cryosections and whole mounts of Drosophila brains. However, many of these mAbs stained very few structures in the brain, which indicated that only a very limited amount of protein would be available as starting material. Because these antibodies did not produce signals on Western blots, which made it impossible to enrich the antigens by electrophoretic methods, we did not attempt their purification. However, the specific localization of these proteins makes them highly interesting and calls for their further characterization, as they may play a highly specialized role in the development and/or function of the neural circuits they are present in. The purification and identification of such low expression proteins would need novel methods of enrichment of the stained structures.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pahl2011, author = {Pahl, Mario}, title = {Honeybee Cognition: Aspects of Learning, Memory and Navigation in a Social Insect}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Honeybees (Apis mellifera) forage on a great variety of plant species, navigate over large distances to crucial resources, and return to communicate the locations of food sources and potential new nest sites to nest mates using a symbolic dance language. In order to achieve this, honeybees have evolved a rich repertoire of adaptive behaviours, some of which were earlier believed to be restricted to vertebrates. In this thesis, I explore the mechanisms involved in honeybee learning, memory, numerical competence and navigation. The findings acquired in this thesis show that honeybees are not the simple reflex automats they were once believed to be. The level of sophistication I found in the bees' memory, their learning ability, their time sense, their numerical competence and their navigational abilities are surprisingly similar to the results obtained in comparable experiments with vertebrates. Thus, we should reconsider the notion that a bigger brain automatically indicates higher intelligence.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jacobs2011, author = {Jacobs, Graeme Brendon}, title = {HIV-1 resistance analyses from therapy-na{\"i}ve patients in South Africa, Tanzania and the characterization of a new HIV-1 subtype C proviral molecular clone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67319}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is currently the most infectious disease worldwide. It is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). At the moment there are ~33.3 million people infected with HIV. Sub-Saharan Africa, with ~22.5 million people infected accounts for 68\% of the global burden. In most African countries antiretroviral therapy (ART) is administered in limited-resource settings with standardised first- and second-line ART regimens. During this study I analysed the therapy-na{\"i}ve population of Cape Town, South Africa and Mwanza, Tanzania for any resistance associated mutations (RAMs) against protease inhibitors, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. My results indicate that HIV-1 subtype C accounts for ~95\% of all circulating strains in Cape Town, South Africa. I could show that ~3.6\% of the patient derived viruses had RAMs, despite patients being therapy-na{\"i}ve. In Mwanza, Tanzania the HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) prevalence in the therapy-na{\"i}ve population was 14.8\% and significantly higher in the older population, >25 years. Therefore, the current WHO transmitted HIVDR (tHIVDR) survey that is solely focused on the transmission of HIVDR and that excludes patients over 25 years of age may result in substantial underestimation of the prevalence of HIVDR in the therapy-na{\"i}ve population. Based on the prevalence rates of tHIVDR in the study populations it is recommended that all HIV-1 positive individuals undergo a genotyping resistance test before starting ART. I also characterized vif sequences from HIV-1 infected patients from Cape Town, South Africa as the Vif protein has been shown to counteract the antiretroviral activity of the cellular APOBEC3G/F cytidine deaminases. There is no selective pressure on the HIV-1 Vif protein from current ART regimens and vif sequences was used as an evolutionary control. As the majority of phenotypic resistance assays are still based on HIV-1 subtype B, I wanted to design an infectious HIV-1 subtype C proviral molecular clone that can be used for in vitro assays based on circulating strains in South Africa. Therefore, I characterized an early primary HIV-1 subtype C isolate from Cape Town, South Africa and created a new infectious subtype C proviral molecular clone (pZAC). The new pZAC virus has a significantly higher transient viral titer after transfection and replication rate than the previously published HIV-1 subtype C virus from Botswana. The optimized proviral molecular clone, pZAC could be used in future cell culture and phenotypic HIV resistance assays regarding HIV-1 subtype C.}, subject = {HIV}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hintzsche2011, author = {Hintzsche, Henning}, title = {Gentoxizit{\"a}t nichtionisierender Strahlung - Auswirkungen von Mobilfunk- und Terahertzstrahlung auf das Genom}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57684}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, zu untersuchen, ob nichtionisierende elektromagnetische Strahlung verschiedener Frequenzbereiche Genomschaden hervorrufen kann. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Biomonitoring-Studie zu dieser Thematik konzipiert und durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es wurden 131 Probanden detailliert zu ihrer Mobilfunknutzung befragt. Anschließend wurden Mundschleimhautzellen entnommen und f{\"u}r eine mikroskopische Untersuchung aufbereitet und angef{\"a}rbt. In den Zellen wurden Mikrokerne und andere Kernanomalien quantifiziert. Es zeigte sich keine Erh{\"o}hung der Mikrokernfrequenz in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Dauer der Mobiltelefonnutzung. Auch die anderen abgefragten Parameter hatten keinen Einfluss auf die H{\"o}he des Genomschadens. Als Positivkontrollen wurden vier Patienten, die eine lokale Strahlentherapie (ionisierende Strahlung) erhielten, eingeschlossen. Hier zeigte sich eine deutliche Erh{\"o}hung der Mikrokernfrequenz. Um festzustellen, ob die Mikrokerninduktion erst bei h{\"o}heren Leistungsflussdichten als denen, die beim Mobilfunk verwendet werden, auftritt, wurden in-vitro-Versuche durchgef{\"u}hrt, bei denen verschiedene Zelllinien einer Strahlung von 900 MHz ausgesetzt wurden. Nach Exposition und einer Postinkubationsperiode wurden die Zellen fixiert und die Mikrokernfrequenz bestimmt. Neben den Leistungen wurden hier auch die Expositionszeiten und die Postinkubationsperioden variiert. In keinem Fall konnte eine Erh{\"o}hung der Mikrokernfrequenz festgestellt werden. Insgesamt konnte ein Einfluss elektromagnetischer Strahlung auf das Genom weder am Menschen im Rahmen einer Biomonitoring-Studie noch an verschiedenen Zelllinien im Rahmen von in-vitro-Versuchen festgestellt werden. Terahertzstrahlung ist elektromagnetische Strahlung im Bereich von 0,1 bis 10 THz, d. h. sie liegt zwischen Mikrowellen und Infrarotlicht. Derzeit wird sie haupts{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r spektroskopische Untersuchungen und zur Qualit{\"a}tskontrolle im Herstellungs-prozess verschiedener Produkte verwendet. Anwendungen in der Sicherheitstechnik (z. B. Ganzk{\"o}rperscanner) und in der Medizintechnik (z. B. Bildgebung) stehen kurz vor der Markteinf{\"u}hrung bzw. sind bereits etabliert. Diese Anwendungen bringen eine Exposition der betroffenen Menschen mit sich. Außerdem wird an weiteren Techniken wie etwa der Daten{\"u}bertragung gearbeitet. Die Wirkungen auf biologische Systeme sind im Gegensatz zum Mobilfunkbereich bisher nur unzureichend untersucht. Da bisher keine vollst{\"a}ndigen Literatur{\"u}bersichten vorlagen, wurde eine umfassende Literaturrecherche durchgef{\"u}hrt. Ziel war es, alle bisher durchgef{\"u}hrten Studien zu diesem Thema aufzulisten. Um diese Datenbasis zu verbreitern wurden in-vitro-Versuche bei verschiedenen Frequenzen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Als Strahlungsquellen wurden eine Frequenzvervielfacherkaskade (0,106 THz), ein R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtswellen-Oszillator (0,380 THz) und ein Ferninfrarot-Laser (2,520 THz) eingesetzt. Die Strahlung wurde in einen modifizierten Inkubator gef{\"u}hrt, so dass die Expositionen bei definierter Temperatur und konstantem CO2-Gehalt durchgef{\"u}hrt werden konnten. Da Terahertzstrahlung durch Wasser sehr stark absorbiert wird, sind bei einer Exposition des Menschen prim{\"a}r die obersten Hautschichten betroffen. Aus diesem Grund wurden prim{\"a}re Hautfibroblasten und HaCaT-Zellen, eine Keratinozyten-Zelllinie, als biologische Systeme verwendet. Die Zellen wurden f{\"u}r unterschiedliche Zeitperioden mit verschiedenen Leistungsflussdichten exponiert. Anschließend wurden die Zellen f{\"u}r den Comet Assay aufbereitet und analysiert. Der Comet Assay ist eine Methode zur Quantifizierung von Einzel- und Doppelstrangbr{\"u}chen der DNA. Weiterhin wurden die Zellen nach einer Postinkubationsperiode f{\"u}r den Mikrokerntest aufbereitet. Neben unbehandelten Kontrollen und Sham-Expositionen wurden auch Positivkontrollen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte keine Erh{\"o}hung der Anzahl der DNA-Strangbr{\"u}che bzw. der Mikrokernfrequenz festgestellt werden. Da bekannt war, dass im Mobilfunkbereich unter bestimmten Bedingungen St{\"o}rungen der Mitose, nicht aber Erh{\"o}hungen der Mikrokernfrequenz, auftreten, wurden Mitosest{\"o}rungen nach Exposition bei 0,106 THz untersucht. Hierzu wurden AL-Zellen f{\"u}r 30 Minuten exponiert und anschließend ohne Postinkubation direkt fixiert. Analysiert wurden St{\"o}rungen in allen Phasen der Mitose. Es zeigte sich, dass die Frequenz der St{\"o}rungen in der Pro- und Metaphase unver{\"a}ndert blieb. Die St{\"o}rungen in der Ana- und Telophase nahmen dagegen mit steigender Leistungsflussdichte zu. Insgesamt konnte im Terahertzbereich unter den gew{\"a}hlten Expositionsbedingungen kein DNA-Schaden beobachtet werden. Bei 0,106 THz konnten Mitosest{\"o}rungen als Folge der Exposition gezeigt werden. Der Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Mitosest{\"o}rungen und DNA-Sch{\"a}den, insbesondere der Mikrokerninduktion, konnte bisher nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt werden und bleibt Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen.}, subject = {Mutagenit{\"a}t}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schubert2011, author = {Schubert, Sabrina}, title = {Funktionelle Analyse des „Multidrug-Resistance"-Regulators MRR1 im humanpathogenen Hefepilz Candida albicans}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Der Hefepilz Candida albicans geh{\"o}rt zu den fakultativ pathogenen Infektionserregern und ist Teil der nat{\"u}rlichen Mikroflora der Schleimh{\"a}ute des Verdauungs- und Urogenitaltraktes der meisten gesunden Menschen. Ist das Gleichgewicht der Flora gest{\"o}rt, kann es zu oberfl{\"a}chlichen Mykosen kommen, wie z.B. der oropharyngealen Candidiasis (Mundsoor), die in der Regel durch die Gabe eines Antimykotikums in wenigen Tagen zu behandeln sind. In seltenen F{\"a}llen kann es auch zu schwerwiegenden Infektionsverl{\"a}ufen bis hin zu lebensbedrohlichen systemischen Mykosen kommen. Haupts{\"a}chlich immunsupprimierte Patienten, wie z.B. AIDS-Patienten oder Personen, die k{\"u}rzlich einer Organ- oder Knochenmarkstransplantation unterzogen wurden, leiden h{\"a}ufig an oberfl{\"a}chlichen C. albicans-Infektionen. Insbesondere bei wiederkehrenden Infektionen ist der Pilz in der Lage, gegen das h{\"a}ufig verabreichte Medikament Fluconazol eine Resistenz zu entwickeln. Ein wichtiger Mechanismus dieser Resistenzentwicklung ist die {\"U}berexpression von Effluxpumpen, die das Medikament aus der Zelle heraustransportieren. Zwei Arten von Effluxpumpen, die eine Rolle in der Resistenzentwicklung in C. albicans spielen, konnten bisher identifiziert werden, die ABC (ATP binding cassette)-Transporter Cdr1 und Cdr2 sowie der MFS (major facilitator superfamily)-Transporter Mdr1. Der Zinc-Cluster Transkriptionsfaktor Mrr1 spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Regulation der MDR1-E¬ffluxpumpe. Er kontrolliert die MDR1-Expression in Anwesenheit induzierender Substanzen und sogenannte "gain-of-function" Mutationen in MRR1 konnten als die Ursache der konstitutiven MDR1-Hochregulierung und der "Multidrug-Resistance" in C. albicans identifiziert werden. In dieser Arbeit konnte ein Ortholog zu MRR1 aus C. albicans in Candida dubliniensis, einer zu C. albicans nahe verwandten Hefe, identifiziert werden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass in den untersuchten klinischen und in vitro generierten Fluconazol-resistenten C. dubliniensis-St{\"a}mmen ebenfalls gain-of-funcion Mutationen in MRR1 die MDR1-{\"U}berexpression und eine Resistenz bewirken. Die Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor Mrr1 eine wichtige Rolle in der Entwicklung der Resistenz in diesen humanpathogenen Pilzen spielt. Bisher ist nicht bekannt, wie der Zinc-Cluster Transkriptionsfaktor MRR1 durch induzierende Substanzen oder gain-of-function Mutationen aktiviert wird. Um zu verstehen, wie die Mrr1- Aktivit{\"a}t reguliert wird, wurden in dieser Arbeit durch Deletionsstudien funktionelle Dom{\"a}nen des Transkriptionsfaktors identifiziert. Um einen besseren Einblick in die Regulation der MDR1-vermittelten Resistenz in C. albicans zu bekommen, wurde in dieser Arbeit die gegenseitige Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Mrr1 und Cap1 bzw. Upc2 in Bezug auf die MDR1-Expression untersucht. Es wurden ChIP-on-chip Analysen und Transkriptionsprofile mit aktiviertem Mrr1 durchgef{\"u}hrt, um direkte Targets von Mrr1 zu identifizieren. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der Entwicklung der Multidrug-Resistenz in C. albicans geleistet. E¬ffluxpumpen und deren Regulatoren stellen in der Bek{\"a}mpfung von C. albicans-Infektionen ein interessantes Angriffsziel f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente und die Weiterentwicklung bereits vorhandender Antimykotika dar.}, subject = {Candida albicans}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{OenalHartmann2011, author = {{\"O}nal-Hartmann, Cigdem}, title = {Emotional Modulation of Motor Memory Formation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64838}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Hintergr{\"u}nde: Wie eine Vielzahl von Studien belegt, kann das explizite Ged{\"a}chtnis, das die bewusste Erinnerung an enkodierte Informationen beinhaltet, durch Emotionen beeinflusst werden, und zwar {\"u}ber den Einfluss auf verschiedene Verarbeitungsebenen (Enkodierung, Konsolidierung, Abruf usw.). Bisher wenig untersucht ist, ob und wie Emotionen Vorg{\"a}nge der motorischen Ged{\"a}chtnisbildung, die nicht auf bewusster Erinnerung beruhen und sich stattdessen durch Ver{\"a}nderungen im Verhalten darstellen, modulieren. Experiment 1: Das Ziel des ersten Experimentes war es, den Einfluss von Emotionen auf motorisches Lernen zu untersuchen. Vier Gruppen von Probanden mussten in einer motorischen Lernaufgabe schnelle, seitliche Bewegungen mit dem Daumen ausf{\"u}hren. W{\"a}hrend dieser Aufgabe h{\"o}rten die Probanden emotionale Kl{\"a}nge, die in Valenz und Arousal variierten: 1. Valenz negativ/ Arousal niedrig (V-/A-), 2. Valenz negativ/ Arousal hoch (V-/A+), 3. Valenz positiv/ Arousal niedrig (V+/A-), 4. Valenz positiv/ Arousal hoch (V+/A+). Die deskriptive Analyse aller Daten sprach f{\"u}r beste Ergebnisse f{\"u}r das motorische Lernen in der Bedingung V-/A-, aber die Unterschiede zwischen den Bedingungen waren nicht signifikant. Die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und Arousal emotionaler T{\"o}ne scheint demnach motorische Enkodierungsprozesse zu modulieren, jedoch m{\"u}ssen zuk{\"u}nftige Studien mit unterschiedlichen emotionalen Stimuli die Annahme weiter untersuchen, dass negative Stimuli mit niedrigem Arousal w{\"a}hrend der Enkodierung einen f{\"o}rdernden Effekt auf das motorische Kurzzeitged{\"a}chtnis haben. Experiment 2: Die Absicht des zweiten Experimentes war es, die Auswirkungen emotionaler Interferenzen auf die Konsolidierung beim Sequenzlernen zu untersuchen. Sechs Gruppen von Probanden trainierten zuerst in getrennten Sitzungen eine SRTT-Aufgabe (serial reaction time task). Um die Konsolidierung der neu erlernten Fertigkeit zu modulieren, wurden die Probanden nach dem Training einer von drei unterschiedlichen Klassen emotionaler Stimuli (positiv, negativ oder neutral) ausgesetzt. Diese bestanden aus einem Set emotionaler Bilder, die mit emotional kongruenten Musikst{\"u}cken oder neutralen Kl{\"a}ngen kombiniert waren. Bei den Probandengruppen wurde die emotionale Interferenz nach zwei unterschiedlichen Zeitintervallen realisiert, entweder direkt nach der Trainingssitzung oder sechs Stunden sp{\"a}ter. 72 Stunden nach der Trainingssitzung wurde jede Gruppe erneut mit der SRTT-Aufgabe getestet. Die Leistung in diesem Nachtest wurde mittels Reaktionszeit und Genauigkeit bei der Ausf{\"u}hrung der Zielsequenz analysiert. Die emotionale Interferenz beeinflusste weder die Nachtestergebnisse f{\"u}r die Reaktionszeit noch die f{\"u}r die Genauigkeit. Allerdings konnte eine Steigerung der expliziten Sequenzerkennung durch erregende negative Stimuli festgestellt werden, wenn diese direkt nach der ersten Trainingseinheit (0h) dargeboten wurden. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Konsolidierung der expliziten Aspekte prozeduralen Lernens in einer st{\"a}rkeren Wechselwirkung mit emotionalen Interferenzen stehen k{\"o}nnte als die der impliziten Aspekte. Die Konsolidierung unterschiedlicher Ebenen des Fertigkeitserwerbs k{\"o}nnte demnach von unterschiedlichen Mechanismen gesteuert werden. Da Performanz und explizites Sequenzerkennen nicht korrelierten, vermuten wir, dass implizite und explizite Modalit{\"a}ten bei der Durchf{\"u}hrung der SRTT-Aufgabe nicht komplement{\"a}r sind. Experiment 3: Es sollte untersucht werden, ob es eine Pr{\"a}ferenz der linken Gehirnhemisph{\"a}re bei der Kontrolle von Flexionsreaktionen auf positive Stimuli gibt und der rechten Hemisph{\"a}re bei der Kontrolle von Extensionsreaktionen auf negative Stimuli. Zu diesem Zweck sollten rechtsh{\"a}ndige Probanden einen Joystick zu sich ziehen oder von sich weg dr{\"u}cken, nachdem sie einen positiven oder negativen Stimulus in ihrem linken oder rechten Gesichtsfeld gesehen hatten. Die Flexionsreaktionen waren bei positiven Stimuli schneller, Extensionsreaktion hingegen bei negativen Stimuli. Insgesamt war die Performanz am schnellsten, wenn die emotionalen Stimuli im linken Gesichtsfeld pr{\"a}sentiert wurden. Dieser Vorrang der rechten Gehirnhemisph{\"a}re war besonders deutlich f{\"u}r negative Stimuli, wohingegen die Reaktionszeiten auf positive Bilder keine hemisph{\"a}rische Differenzierung zeigten. Wir konnten keine Interaktion zwischen Gesichtsfeld und Reaktionstyp belegen, auch fand sich keine Dreifachinteraktion zwischen Valenz, Gesichtsfeld und Reaktionstyp. In unserem experimentellen Kontext scheint die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und Gesichtsfeld st{\"a}rker zu sein als die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und motorischem Verhalten. Auf Grund dieser Ergebnisse vermuten wir, dass unter gewissen Bedingungen eine Hierarchisierung der asymmetrischen Muster Vorrang hat, die m{\"o}glicherweise andere vorhandene Asymmetrien maskieren k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Motorisches Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simon2011, author = {Simon, Christian Marc}, title = {Effects of the neurotrophic factors CNTF and IGF-1 in mouse models for spinal muscular atrophy and diabetic neuropathy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70207}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this study I investigate the role of Schwann cell and axon-derived trophic signals as modifiers of axonal integrity and sprouting in motoneuron disease and diabetic neuropathy (DNP). The first part of this thesis focuses on the role of the Schwann-cell-derived ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) for compensatory sprouting in a mouse model for mild spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). In the second part, the role of the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and its binding protein 5 (IGFBP-5) is examined in the peripheral nerves of patients with DNP and in two corresponding mouse models. Proximal SMA is caused by homozygous loss or mutation of the SMN1 gene on human chromosome 5. The different forms of SMA can be divided into four groups, depending on the levels of SMN protein produced from a second SMN gene (SMN2) and the severity of the disease. Patients with milder forms of the disease, type III and type IV SMA, normally reach adulthood and regularly show enlargement of motor units, signifying the reinnervation of denervated muscle fibers. However, the underlying mechanisms are not understood. Smn+/- mice, a model of type III/IV SMA, are phenotypically normal, but they reveal progressive loss of motor neurons and denervation of motor endplates starting at 4 weeks of age. The progressive loss of spinal motor neurons reaches 50\% at 12 months but muscle strength is not reduced. The first evidence for axonal sprouting as a compensatory mechanism in these animals was the more than 2-fold increase in amplitude of single motor unit action potentials (SMUAP) in the gastrocnemius muscle. Confocal analysis confirmed pronounced sprouting of innervating motor axons. As CNTF is highly expressed in Schwann cells and known to be involved in sprouting, its role for this compensatory sprouting response and the maintenance of muscle strength in Smn+/- mice was investigated. Deletion of CNTF in this mouse model results in reduced sprouting and decline of muscle strength in Smn+/- Cntf-/- mice. These findings indicate that CNTF is necessary for a sprouting response and thus enhances the size of motor units in skeletal muscles of Smn+/- mice. DNP afflicting motor and sensory nerve fibers is a major complication in diabetes mellitus. The underlying cellular mechanisms of motor axon degeneration are poorly understood. IGFBP-5, an inhibitory binding protein for IGF-1, is highly upregulated in peripheral nerves in patients with DNP. The study investigates the pathogenic relevance of this finding in transgenic mice overexpressing IGFBP-5 in motor axons. These mice develop motor axonopathy similar to that seen in DNP. Motor axon degeneration is also observed in mice in which the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) was conditionally depleted in motoneurons, indicating that reduced activity of IGF-1 on IGF-1R in motoneurons is responsible for the observed effect. These data provide evidence that elevated expression of IGFBP-5 in diabetic nerves reduces the availability of IGF-1 for IGF-1R on motor axons leading to progressive neurodegeneration, and thus offers novel treatment strategies.}, subject = {Spinale Muskelatrophie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Frey2011, author = {Frey, Monika}, title = {Effects and mechanisms of a putative human pheromone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {There is evidence that pheromones are communicative signals in animals. However, the existence and function of human pheromones are still under discussion. During the last years several substances have been labeled as putative human pheromones and especially 4,16-androstadien-3-one (androstadienone), found in male and female sweat, became subject of intense investigation. In contrast to common odors androstadienone presumably modulates human physiological and psychological reactions. Data suggest that androstadienone might influence the processing of visual cues, specifically faces or affective stimuli, via projections from the fusiform gyrus and the amygdala. Moreover, attentional processes may be modulated, which is supported by explicit and implicit behavioral data. This thesis includes three experimental studies examining effects of androstadienone exposure on behavioral and cortical reactions to visual and emotional stimuli. The main hypotheses were that androstadienone might influence human behavior to and perception of visual cues. The first study sought to clarify androstadienone effects on attention-related reactions as well as on behavioral tendencies. Motoric approach-avoidance reactions in response to happy and angry facial expressions were investigated in 30 women and 32 men. Participants either inhaled androstadienone or a control solution, without knowing the real content, while performing the following task: they had to push away or to pull towards them a joystick as fast as possible in reaction to either an angry or a happy cartoon face, which was presented on a computer screen. Results showed that androstadienone modulated the participant´s task performance by accelerating the reaction speed compared to the control compound. Faster reactions were observed particularly when reacting to angry faces but not when reacting to happy faces. This might be explained by the finding that human body odors, the source of androstadienone, were found to activate the human fear system, i.e. modulating fear-related attentional processes. Therefore, the quicker reaction towards angry faces with exposure to androstadienone could be due to an enhanced allocation of attentional resources towards fear-related cues like angry faces. Results also showed that androstadienone enhanced men´s approach tendency towards faces independent of emotional expressions. This observation might be explained by androstadienone´s former shown ability to improve attractiveness ratings of other persons. In this regard, the endogenous odor might enhance evaluations of faces in men and, thus, might improve their willingness to approach social stimuli. In contrast to men, women already showed in the control condition higher approach tendency towards faces. Therefore, androstadienone might rather maintain than enhance the approach score in women. In the second study event-related brain potentials (ERPs) triggered by social and non-social visual stimuli were investigated by means of electroencephalography. In a double-blind between-subjects design 51 women participated. Twenty-eight women inhaled androstadienone, whereas 23 women inhaled a control solution. Four different picture categories, i.e. real faces, pictures with couples, pictures with social and non-social scenes, each including three different valence categories, i.e. positive, negative and neutral, should clarify the stimulus type or context androstadienone is acting on. The androstadienone compared to the control odor did not influence brain responses significantly. Explorative analyses, however, suggested that androstadienone influences the processing of faces. While in the control group angry faces elicited larger P300 amplitudes than happy faces, the androstadienone group showed similar P300 amplitudes concerning all emotional expressions. This observation tentatively indicates that the endogenous odor might indeed affect the neuronal responses to emotional facial stimuli, especially late components reflecting evaluative processes. However, this observation has to be verified and further investigated, in particular whether androstadienone caused reduced responses to angry faces or enhanced responses to happy faces. The third study investigated androstadienone effects on face processing especially in men. ERPs elicited by happy, angry and neutral cartoon faces, which were presented on a computer screen, were measured while 16 men, not knowing the applicated odor, inhaled either androstadienone or a control solution. Exposure to androstadienone significantly increased later neuronal responses, the P300 amplitude. This belated component of the ERP reflects attention allocation and evaluative processes towards important stimuli. Therefore, androstadienone might facilitate central nervous face processing by enhancing attention towards these stimuli. In sum, the current results corroborate the notion of androstadienone as an active social chemosignal. In minute amounts and not detectable as an odor it influenced cortical and motoric reactions. Therefore, it might be concluded that androstadienone indeed affects cognitive functions like attentional processes and in turn affects our behavior. The current results further support the notion that androstadienone acts like a human modulator pheromone, namely modulating ongoing behavior or a psychological reaction to a particular context, changing stimulus sensitivity, salience and sensory-motor integration. However, these conclusions remain tentative until further replication takes place, best in ecologically valid environments. Furthermore, one has to keep in mind that the current studies could not replicate several previous findings and could not verify some hypotheses assuming communicative effects of androstadienone. Thus, the main assumption of this thesis that androstadienone is an active chemosignal is still challenged. Also, whether the term "pheromone" is indeed suitable to label androstadienone remains open.}, subject = {Pheromon}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gassert2011, author = {Gassert, Evelyn}, title = {Die Bedeutung von Ceramiden f{\"u}r die Reorganisation des Zytoskeletts in T-Zellen, die Ausbildung einer immunologischen Synapse und die T-Zell-Aktivierung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65123}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Ceramide sind biologisch aktive Sphingolipide, die verschiedene zellul{\"a}re Signalwege regulieren, meist im Zusammenhang mit der Induktion von Apoptose oder der Regulation des Zellzyklus. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde in der Literatur beschrieben, dass Ceramide die Zytoskelettdynamik unterschiedlicher Zelltypen beeinflussen, die Bedeutung von Ceramiden f{\"u}r die Funktion von T-Zellen wurde allerdings bisher wenig untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die exogene Akkumulation von Ceramiden ebenso wie die Generierung von Ceramiden durch bSMase die Adh{\"a}renz von T-Zellen an FN bzw. ICAM-1 beeintr{\"a}chtigt. Des Weiteren konnte eine verminderte T-Zell-Polarisierung auf FN sowie eine reduzierte Chemotaxis und Motilit{\"a}t ceramidmodifizierter T-Zellen in Antwort auf SDF-1 nachgewiesen werden. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit der Unf{\"a}higkeit ceramidmodifizierter Zellen morphologisch zu polarisieren wird ferner die Relokalisation von Oberfl{\"a}chenmolek{\"u}len und intrazellul{\"a}rer Proteine durch die Akkumulation von Ceramiden gest{\"o}rt. {\"U}berdies konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass Ceramide mit dem Aktivierungsstatus von Akt und ERM-Proteinen interferieren, da eine verminderte stimulationsabh{\"a}ngige Phosphorylierung von Akt und ERM-Proteinen in ceramidmodifizierten Zellen nachgewiesen wurde. Ein wesentlicher Schritt im Verlauf der T-Zell-Aktivierung ist die Ausbildung einer immunologischen Synapse mit dendritischen Zellen. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass, obwohl ceramidreiche Membrandom{\"a}nen von der Kontaktstelle ausgeschlossen werden, Konjugatfrequenz und Architektur der IS durch die Induktion von Ceramiden nicht beeinflusst werden, da eine normale Verteilung von CD3 und des MTOC beobachtet wurde. Allerdings wird die Funktionalit{\"a}t der Konjugate durch die Induktion von Ceramiden beeintr{\"a}chtigt. Ceramidmodifizierte Zellen waren nur eingeschr{\"a}nkt in der Lage Orai1 und Stim1 zur Kontaktfl{\"a}che mit DCs zu translozieren. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit diesen Befunden wurde auch ein verminderter Calcium-Einstrom sowie eine verminderte Proliferation infolge der Akkumulation von Ceramiden detektiert. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass Ceramide wesentliche Prozesse im Verlauf der T-Zell-Aktivierung beeinflussen, so dass die pathogeninduzierte Generierung von Ceramiden einen m{\"o}glichen Mechanismus darstellt, die Funktion von T-Zellen zu beeintr{\"a}chtigen.}, subject = {Ceramide}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pletinckx2011, author = {Pletinckx, Katrien}, title = {Dendritic cell maturation and instruction of CD4+ T cell tolerance in vitro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67375}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Effective T cell immunity was believed to occur by mature DC, whereas tolerogenicity was attributed strictly to immature DC phenotypes. However, intermediate DC maturation stages were identified conditioned by inflammatory mediators like TNF. Furthermore, the T cell tolerance mechanisms are dependent on distinct modes and intensities of co-stimulation. Therefore, in this study it was addressed how distinct DC maturation signatures instruct CD4+ T cell tolerance mechanisms. DC acquire antigens from apoptotic cells for self-peptide-MHC presentation and functionally adapt presumed tolerogenic DC phenotypes. Here, immature murine bone-marrow derived DC representing both inflammatory and conventional DC subsets adapted a maturationresistant DC signature upon apoptotic cell recognition but no additional tolerogenic features. Immature DC instruct CD4+ FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in a TGF-β prone micro-environment or generate anergic CD4+ T cells hampered in the TCR-induced proliferation and IL-2 secretion. Secondary stimulation of such anergic CD4+ T cells by immature DC increased primarily IL-10 production and conferred regulatory function. These IL-10+ regulatory T cells expressed high levels of CTLA-4, which is potently induced by immature DC in particular. Data in this work showed that anergic T cells can be re-programmed to become IL-10+ regulatory T cells upon ligation of CTLA-4 and CD28 signalling cascades by B7 costimulatory ligands on immature DC. In contrast, semi-mature DC phenotypes conditioned by the inflammatory mediator TNF prevented autoimmune disorders by induction of IL-10+ Th2 responses as demonstrated previously. Here, it was shown that TNF as an endogenous maturation stimulus and pathogenic Trypanosoma brucei variant-specific surface glycoproteins (VSG) induced highly similar DC gene expression signatures which instructed default effector Th2 responses. Repetitive administration of the differentially conditioned semi-mature DC effectively skewed T cell immunity to IL-10+ Th2 cells, mediating immune deviation and suppression. Collectively, the data presented in this work provide novel insights how immature and partially mature DC phenotypes generate T cell tolerance mechanisms in vitro, which has important implications for the design of effective DC-targeted vaccines. Unravelling the DC maturation signatures is central to the long-standing quest to break tolerance mimicked by malignant tumours or re-establish immune homeostasis in allergic or autoimmune disorders.}, subject = {Dendritische Zelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gerold2011, author = {Gerold, Kay}, title = {CTLA4 and CLEC16A in Type 1 Diabetes - Looking behind the association}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66617}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that leads to the destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells and consequently to hyperglycemia. In the last 60 years, the prevalence of type 1 diabetes has been increasing constantly and is predicted to continue rising. About 80\% of the disease risk is attributable to the genetic variation. Thanks to genome wide association studies the number of known disease-associated polymorphisms climbed from five to 53 in the last 10 years. As these studies reveal possible candidate genes but not underlying mechanisms we strove to take the next step and explore the association of two genes suggested by these studies with type 1 diabetes. As a method of choice we decided to use lentiviral RNAi in non obese diabetic (NOD) mice, a widely-used model for type 1 diabetes, introducing a shRNA directed against the target message into the genome of this mouse strain via a lentivirus. This allowed us to study the partial loss-of-function of the target gene within the context of diabetes, directly seeing its effect on autoimmune mechanisms. In this thesis we examined two different genes in this manner, Ctla4 and Clec16a. A type 1 diabetes associated polymorphism in the CTLA4 gene had been found to alter the splicing ratio of its variants soluble CTLA-4 (sCTLA-4) and full length CTLA-4, the associated allele producing less sCTLA-4 than the protective allele. We mimicked this effect by specifically targeting the sCtla4 mRNA via lentiviral RNAi in the NOD model. As a result we could confirm the reduction of sCTLA-4 to accelerate type 1 diabetes development. Furthermore we could show a function of sCTLA-4 in regulatory T cells, more specifically at least partly in their ability to modulate costimulation by antigen presenting cells. The second candidate gene, Clec16a was targeted with the shRNA in a way that was designed to knock down most splice variants. As the gene function and the effect of the associated SUMMARY 10 polymorphism was unknown, we reasoned this method to be feasible to investigate its role in type 1 diabetes. The knockdown of Clec16a in NOD mice resulted in an almost complete protection from diabetes development that could be attributed to T cells dysfunction. However, as expression patterns and a study of the Drospophila orthologue suggested a possible role of CLEC16A in antigen presentation we also examined antigen presenting cells in the thymus and periphery. Although we did not detect any effect of the knockdown on peripheral antigen presenting cells, thymic epithelial cells were clearly affected by the loss of CLEC16A, rendering them more activated and shifting the ratio of cortical to medullary epithelial cells in favor of cortical cells. We therefore suggest a role of CLEC16A in the selection of T cells, that needs, however, to be further investigated. In this thesis we provided a feasible and fast method to study function of genes and even of single splice variants within the NOD mouse model. We demonstrate its usefulness on two candidate genes associated with type 1 diabetes by confirming and unraveling the cause of their connection to the disease.}, subject = {Diabetes mellitus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eschbach2011, author = {Eschbach, Claire}, title = {Classical and operant learning in the larvae of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70583}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit studiere ich einige psychologische Aspekte im Verhalten der Drosophila, insbesondere von Drosophila Larven. Nach einer Einleitung, in der ich den wissenschaftlichen Kontext darstelle und die Mechanismen der olfaktorischen Wahrnehmung sowie des klassichen und operanten Lernens beschreibe, stelle ich die verschiedenen Experimente meiner Doktorarbeit vor. Wahrnehmung Das zweite Kapitel behandelt die Art, in der adulte Drosophila zwischen Einzeld{\"u}ften und Duftgemischen generaliseren. Ich habe gefunden, daß die Fliegen eine Mischung aus zwei D{\"u}ften als gleich verschieden von ihren beiden Elementen wahrnehmen; und daß die Intensit{\"a}t sowie die chemisch-physikalische Natur der Elemente das Ausmass der Generalisierung zwischen der Mischung und ihren beiden Elementen beeinflusst. Diese Entdeckungen sollten f{\"u}r die weitere Forschung anregend sein, wie zum Beispiel zum functional imaging. Ged{\"a}chtnis Das dritte Kapitel stellt die Etablierung eines neuen Protokolls zur klassischen Konditionierung bei Drosophila Larven dar. Es handelt sich um Experimente, bei denen ein Duft mit einer mechanischen St{\"o}rung als Strafreiz verkn{\"u}pft wird. Das Protokoll wird einen Vergleich zwischen zwei Arten vom aversiven Ged{\"a}chtnissen (Geschmack vs. mechanische St{\"o}rung als Strafreize) erm{\"o}glichen, einschliesslich eines Vergleiches ihrer neurogenetischen Grundlagen; zudem kann nun geforscht werden, ob die jeweiligen Ged{\"a}chtnisse spezifisch f{\"u}r die Art des verwendeten Strafreizes sind. Selbstgestaltung Das vierte Kapitel umfasst unsere Versuche, operantes Ged{\"a}chtnis bei Drosophila Larven zu beobachten. Zumindest f{\"u}r die unmittelbar ersten Momente des Tests konnte ich zeigen, dass die Larven ihr Verhalten entsprechend dem Training ausrichten. Dieses Ged{\"a}chtnis scheint jedoch im Laufe des Tests schnell zu verschwinden. Es ist daher geraten, diese Ergebnisse {\"u}ber operantes Lernen zu wiederholen, eventuell das experimentelle Protokoll zu verbessern, um so eine systematische Analyse der Bedingungen und Mechanismen f{\"u}r das operante Lernen bei der Drosophila Larve zu erlauben. Im f{\"u}nften Kapitel verwende ich die im Rahmen des vierten Kapitels entwickelten Methoden f{\"u}r eine Analyse der Fortbewegung der Larven. Ich habe insbesondere die Wirkung des pflanzlichen ‚cognitive enhancers' Rhodiola rosea untersucht, sowie die Auswirkungen von Mutationen in den Genen, welche f{\"u}r Synapsin und SAP47 kodieren; schliesslich habe ich getestet, ob die Geschmacksqualit{\"a}t der Testsituation lokomotorische Parameter ver{\"a}ndert. Diese Dissertation erbringt also eine Reihe neuer Aspekte zur Psychologie der Drosophila und wird hoffentlich in diesem Bereich der Forschung neue Wege {\"o}ffnen.}, subject = {Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Salvador2011, author = {Salvador, Ellaine Riciel P.}, title = {Characterization of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ABU) Escherichia coli Isolates: virulence traits and host-pathogen interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71283}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most serious health problems worldwide. It accounts for a million hospital visits annually in the United States. Among the many uropathogenic bacteria, uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the most common causative agent of UTI. However, not all E. coli that inhabit the urinary tract can cause UTI. Some of them thrive for long periods of time in the urinary bladder without causing overt symptoms of infection. This carrier state is called asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). E. coli ABU isolates can live in the host without inducing host response due to deletions, insertions and point mutations in the genome leading to the attenuation of virulence genes. They therefore behave in the same way as commensals. Since bacteria that inhabit the urinary tract are said to originate from the lower intestinal tract and ABU behave in a similar way as commensals, this study compared various phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of ABU and commensal E. coli fecal isolates. The two groups did not show a strict clustering with regards to phylogenetic lineage since there appears to be overlaps in their distribution in some clonal complexes. In addition, it was observed that the UPEC virulence genes were more frequently inactivated in ABU than in fecal isolates. Hence, ABU tend to have less functional virulence traits compared to the fecal isolates. The ABU model organism E. coli 83972 which is known not only for its commensal behavior in the urinary bladder but its ability to outcompete other bacteria in the urinary tract is currently being used as prophylactic treatment in patients who have recurrent episodes of UTI at the University Hospital in Lund, Sweden. The pilot studies showed that upon deliberate long-term colonization of the patients with E. coli 83972, they become protected from symptomatic UTI. In this study, the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of eight re-isolates taken from initially asymptomatically colonized patients enrolled in the deliberate colonization study who reported an episode of symptoms during the colonization period were investigated. Two out of the eight re-isolates were proven to be a result of super infection by another uropathogen. Six re-isolates, on the other hand, were E. coli 83972. The urine re-isolates confirmed to be E. coli 83972 were phenotypically heterogeneous in that they varied in colony size as well as in swarming motility. Four of these re-isolates were morphologically homogenous and similar to the parent isolate E. coli 83972 whereas one of them appeared phenotypically heterogenous as a mixture of smaller and normal-sized colonies. Still another re-isolate phenotypically resembled small colony variants. Meanwhile, three of the six re-isolates did not differ from the parent isolate with regards to motility. On the other hand, three exhibited a markedly increased motility compared to the parent isolate. Transcriptome analysis demonstrated the upregulation of a cascade of genes involved in flagellar expression and biosynthesis in one of the three motile re-isolates. However, upon further investigation, it was found out that the expression of flagella had no effect on bacterial adhesion to host cells in vitro as well as to the induction of host inflammatory markers. Thus, this implies that the increased motility in the re-isolates is used by the bacteria as a fitness factor for its benefit and not as a virulence factor. In addition, among the various deregulated genes, it was observed that gene regulation tends to be host-specific in that there is no common pattern as to which genes are deregulated in the re-isolates. Taken together, results of this study therefore suggest that the use of E. coli 83972 for prophylactic treatment of symptomatic UTI remains to be very promising.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schlippverh:Woelfel2011, author = {Schlipp [verh.: W{\"o}lfel], Angela}, title = {Characterization of anti-beta1-adrenoceptor antibodies with F{\"o}rster resonance energy transfer microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67162}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) represents an important subgroup of patients suffering from heart failure. The disease is supposed to be associated with autoimmune mechanisms in about one third of the cases. In the latter patients functionally active conformational autoantibodies directed against the second extracellular loop of the β1-adrenergic receptor (AR, β1ECII-aabs) have been detected. Such antibodies chronically stimulate the β1-AR thereby inducing the adrenergic signaling cascade in cardiomyocytes, which, in the long run, contributes to heart failure progression. We analyzed the production of cAMP after aab-mediated β1-AR activation in vitro using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay. This assay is based on HEK293 cells stably expressing human β1-AR as well as the cAMP-sensor Epac1-camps. The assay showed a concentration-dependent increase in intracellular cAMP upon stimulation with the full agonist (-) isoproterenol. This response was comparable to results obtained in isolated adult murine cardiomyocytes and was partially blockable by a selective β1-AR antagonist. In the same assay poly- and monoclonal anti-β1ECII-abs (induced in different animals) could activate the adrenergic signaling cascade, whereas isotypic control abs had no effect on intracellular cAMP levels. Using the same method, we were able to detect functionally activating aabs in the serum of heart failure patients with ischemic and hypertensive heart disease as well as patients with DCM, but not in sera of healthy control subjects. In patients with DCM we observed an inverse correlation between the stimulatory potential of anti-β1-aabs and left ventricular pump function. To adopt this assay for the detection of functionally activating anti-β1ECII-aabs in clinical routine we attempted to establish an automated large-scale approach. Neither flow cytometry nor FRET detection with a fluorescence plate reader provided an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio. It was possible to detect (-) isoproterenol in a concentration-dependent manner using two different FRET multiwell microscopes. However, due to focus problems large-scale detection of activating anti-β1ECII-abs could not be implemented. Neutralization of anti-β1-aabs with the corresponding epitope-mimicking peptides is a possible therapeutic approach to treat aab-associated autoimmune DCM. Using our FRET assay we could demonstrate a reduction in the stimulatory potential of anti-β1ECII-abs after in vitro incubation with β1ECII-mimicking peptides. Cyclic (and to a lesser extent linear) peptides in 40-fold molar excess acted as efficient ab-scavengers in vitro. Intravenously injected cyclic peptides in a rat model of DCM also neutralized functionally active anti-β1ECII-abs efficiently in vivo. For a detailed analysis of the receptor-epitope targeted by anti-β1ECII-abs we used sequentially alanine-mutated β1ECII-mimicking cyclic peptides. Our data revealed that the disulfide bridge between the cysteine residues C209 and C215 of the human β1-AR appears essential for the formation of the ab-epitope. Substitution of further amino acids relevant for ab-binding in the cyclic scavenger peptide by alanine reduced its affinity to the ab and the receptor-activating potential was blocked less efficiently. In contrast, the non-mutant cyclic peptide almost completely blocked ab-induced receptor activation. Using this ala-scan approach we were able to identify a "NDPK"-epitope as essential for ab binding to the β1ECII. In summary, neutralization of conformational activating anti-β1ECII-(a)abs by cyclic peptides is a plausible therapeutic concept in heart failure that should be further exploited based on the here presented data.}, subject = {Adrenerger Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Polzien2011, author = {Polzien, Lisa}, title = {BAD Phosphorylation: A Novel Link between Apoptosis and Cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {BAD (Bcl-2 antagonist of cell death, Bcl-2 associated death promoter) is a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family that is regulated by phosphorylation in response to survival factors. Although much attention has been devoted to the identification of phosphorylation sites in murine BAD (mBAD), little data are available with respect to phosphorylation of human BAD (hBAD) protein. In this work, we investigated the quantitative contribution of BAD targeting kinases in phosphorylating serines 75, 99 and 118 of hBAD (Chapter 3.1). Our results indicate that RAF kinases phosphorylate hBAD in vivo at these established serine residues. RAF-induced phosphorylation of hBAD was not prevented by MEK inhibitors but could be reduced to control levels by use of the RAF inhibitor Sorafenib (BAY 43-9006). Consistently, expression of active RAF suppressed apoptosis induced by hBAD and the inhibition of colony formation caused by hBAD could be prevented by RAF. In addition, using surface plasmon resonance technique we analyzed the direct consequences of hBAD phosphorylation by RAF with respect to complex formation of BAD with 14-3-3 proteins and Bcl-XL. Phosphorylation of hBAD by active RAF promotes 14-3-3 protein association, whereby the phosphoserine 99 represents the major binding site. Furthermore, we demonstrate in this work that hBAD forms channels in planar bilayer membranes in vitro. This pore-forming capacity is dependent on phosphorylation status and interaction with 14-3-3 proteins. Additionally, we show that hBAD pores possess a funnel-shaped geometry that can be entered by ions and non-charged molecules up to 200 Da (Chapter 3.2). Since both lipid binding domains of hBAD (LBD1 and LBD2) are located within the C-terminal region, we investigated this part of the protein with respect to its structural properties (Chapter 3.3). Our results demonstrate that the C-terminus of hBAD possesses an ordered β-sheet structure in aqueous solution that adopts helical disposition upon interaction with lipid membranes. Additionally, we show that the interaction of the C-terminal segment of hBAD with the BH3 domain results in the formation of permanently open pores, whereby the phosphorylation of serine 118 proved to be necessary for effective pore-formation. In contrast, phosphorylation of serine 99 in combination with 14-3-3 association suppresses formation of channels. These results indicate that the C-terminal part of hBAD controls hBAD function by structural transitions, lipid binding and phosphorylation. Using mass spectrometry we identified in this work, besides the established in vivo phosphorylation sites at serines 75, 99 and 118, several novel hBAD phosphorylation sites (serines 25, 32/34, 97, 124 and 134, Chapter 3.1). To further analyze the regulation of hBAD function, we investigated the role of these newly identified phosphorylation sites on BAD-mediated apoptosis. We found that in contrast to the N-terminal phosphorylation sites, the C-terminal serines 124 and 134 act in an anti-apoptotic manner (Chapter 3.4). Our results further indicate that RAF kinases and PAK1 effectively phosphorylate BAD at serine 134. Notably, in the presence of wild type hBAD, co-expression of survival kinases, such as RAF and PAK1, leads to a strongly increased proliferation, whereas substitution of serine 134 by alanine abolishes this process. Furthermore, we identified hBAD serine 134 to be strongly involved in survival signaling in B-RAF-V600E containing tumor cells and found phosphorylation of this residue to be crucial for efficient proliferation in these cells. Collectively, our findings provide new insights into the regulation of hBAD function by phosphorylation and its role in cancer signaling.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahles2011, author = {Ahles, Andrea}, title = {Analyse der Aktivierung β-adrenerger Rezeptoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85577}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Funktionalit{\"a}t β1- und β2-adrenerger Rezeptoren wird durch Polymorphismen in ihrer kodierenden Region moduliert. Wir haben uns die Technik des Fluoreszenz-Resonanz- Energie-Transfers (FRET) zu Nutze gemacht, um den Einfluss der am h{\"a}ufigsten vorkommenden Polymorphismen (Ser49Gly und Gly389Arg im β1AR, Arg16Gly und Gln27Glu im β2AR) auf die Rezeptorkonformation nach Aktivierung zu untersuchen. Daf{\"u}r wurden FRET-Sensoren f{\"u}r die beiden βAR-Subtypen mit einem gelb-fluoreszierenden Protein (YFP) sowie einem cyan-fluoreszierenden Protein (CFP oder Cerulean) in der dritten intrazellul{\"a}ren Schleife bzw. am C-Terminus verwendet. Nach Stimulierung der βARSensoren konnte die Aktivierung der polymorphen Rezeptorvarianten in lebenden Zellen in Echtzeit untersucht werden. Dabei behielten die FRET-Sensoren sowohl die Bindungsaffinit{\"a}ten der nativen Rezeptoren als auch eine intakte Funktionalit{\"a}t hinsichtlich der Bildung von sekund{\"a}ren Botenstoffen. Der Vergleich der Aktivierungskinetiken der verschieden polymorphen Varianten des β1AR und β2AR ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede nach einer einmaligen Stimulation. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass Rezeptorpolymorphismen die Aktivierungskinetik vorstimulierter βAR erheblich beeinflussen. So konnten wir im Vergleich zur ersten Aktivierung eine schnellere Aktivierung der Gly16-Varianten des β2AR sowie des Gly49Arg389-β1AR feststellen, w{\"a}hrend die Arg16-β2AR-Variante und der Ser49Gly389-β1AR dagegen bei einer wiederholten Stimulation langsamer aktiviert wurden. Diese Ergebnisse lassen auf ein "Rezeptorged{\"a}chtnis" schließen, das spezifisch f{\"u}r bestimmte polymorphe Rezeptorvarianten ist und eine βAR-Subtyp-spezische Auspr{\"a}gung zeigt. Die Ausbildung der unterschiedlichen Aktivierungskinetiken hing von der Interaktion des Rezeptors mit l{\"o}slichen intrazellul{\"a}ren Faktoren ab und bedurfte einer Phosphorylierung intrazellul{\"a}rer Serin- und Threonin-Reste durch G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptorkinasen. Die Interaktion mit l{\"o}slichen intrazellul{\"a}ren Faktoren scheint f{\"u}r den β1AR weniger stark ausgepr{\"a}gt zu sein als f{\"u}r den β2AR. Die cAMP-Produktion war f{\"u}r die schneller werdenden, "hyperfunktionellen" Gly16-β2ARVarianten signifikant um mehr als 50\% h{\"o}her im Vergleich zur "hypofunktionellen" Arg16- Variante. Die unterschiedliche Funktionalit{\"a}t spiegelte sich im Therapieausgang bei Tokoysepatientinnen wider, dessen Erfolg mit dem Arg16Gly Polymorphismus verkn{\"u}pft war. Die Daten implizieren eine intrinsische, polymorphismusabh{\"a}ngige Eigenschaft der βAR, die die Aktivierungskinetik der Rezeptoren bei wiederholten Stimulationen determiniert. Diese k{\"o}nnte auch f{\"u}r die zwischen Individuen variierende Ansprechbarkeit auf β-Agonisten und β-Blocker mitverantwortlich sein.}, subject = {Beta-1-Rezeptor}, language = {de} }