@phdthesis{Lu2024, author = {Lu, Jinping}, title = {The vacuolar TPC1 channel and its luminal calcium sensing site in the luminal pore entrance}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25135}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251353}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The slowly activating vacuolar SV/TPC1 channel is ubiquitously expressed in plants and provides a large cation conductance in the vacuolar membrane. Thereby, monovalent (K+, Na+) and in principle also divalent cations, such as Ca2+, can pass through the channel. The SV/TPC1 channel is activated upon membrane depolarization and cytosolic Ca2+ but inhibited by luminal calcium. With respect to the latter, two luminal Ca2+ binding sites (site 1 Asp240/Asp454/Glu528, site 2 Glu239/Asp240/Glu457) were identified to coordinate luminal Ca2+. In this work, the characteristics of the SV/TPC1 channels in terms of regulation and function were further elucidated, focusing on the TPC1s of Arabidopsis thaliana and Vicia faba. For electrophysiological analysis of the role of distinct pore residues for channel gating and luminal Ca2+ sensing, TPC1 channel variants were generated by site-directed mutagenesis and transiently expressed as eGFP/eYFP-fusion constructs in Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll protoplasts of the TPC1 loss-of-function mutant attpc1-2. 1. As visualized by confocal fluorescence laser-scanning microscopy, all AtTPC1 (WT, E605A/Q, D606N, D607N, E605A/D606N, E605Q/D606N/D607N, E457N/E605A/D606N) and VfTPC1 channel variants (WT, N458E/A607E/ N608D) were correctly targeted to the vacuole membrane. 2. Patch-clamp studies revealed that removal of one of the negative charges at position Glu605 or Asp606 was already sufficient to promote voltage-dependent channel activation with higher voltage sensitivity. The combined neutralization of these residues (E605A/D606N), however, was required to additionally reduce the luminal Ca2+ sensitivity of the AtTPC1 channel, leading to hyperactive AtTPC1 channels. Thus, the residues Glu605/Asp606 are functionally coupled with the voltage sensor of AtTPC1 channel, thereby modulating channel gating, and form a novel luminal Ca2+ sensing site 3 in AtTPC1 at the luminal entrance of the ion transport pathway. 3. Interestingly, this novel luminal Ca2+ sensing site 3 (Glu605/Asp606) and Glu457 from the luminal Ca2+ sensing site 2 of the luminal Ca2+-sensitive AtTPC1 channel were neutralized by either asparagine or alanine in the TPC1 channel from Vicia faba and many other Fabaceae. Moreover, the VfTPC1 was validated to be a hyperactive TPC1 channel with higher tolerance to luminal Ca2+ loads which was in contrast to the AtTPC1 channel features. As a result, VfTPC1 but not AtTPC1 conferred the hyperexcitability of vacuoles. When AtTPC1 was mutated for the three VfTPC1-homologous polymorphic site residues, the AtTPC1 triple mutant (E457N/E605A/D606N) gained VfTPC1-like characteristics. However, when VfTPC1 was mutated for the three AtTPC1-homologous polymorphic site residues, the VfTPC1 triple mutant (N458E/A607E/N608D) still sustained VfTPC1-WT-like features. These findings indicate that the hyperactivity of VfTPC1 is achieved in part by the loss of negatively charged amino acids at positions that - as part of the luminal Ca2+ sensing sites 2 and 3 - are homologous to AtTPC1-Glu457/Glu605/Asp606 and are likely stabilized by other unknown residues or domains. 4.The luminal polymorphic pore residues (Glu605/Asp606 in AtTPC1) apparently do not contribute to the unitary conductance of TPC1. Under symmetrical K+ conditions, a single channel conductance of about 80 pS was determined for AtTPC1 wild type and the AtTPC1 double mutant E605A/D606A. This is in line with the three-fold higher unitary conductance of VfTPC1 (232 pS), which harbors neutral luminal pore residues at the homologous sites to AtTPC1. In conclusion, by studying TPC1 channel from Arabidopsis thaliana and Vicia faba, the present thesis provides evidence that the natural TPC1 channel variants exhibit differences in voltage gating, luminal Ca2+ sensitivity and luminal Ca2+ binding sites.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Isasa2024, author = {Isasa, Emilie}, title = {Relationship between wood properties, drought-induced embolism and environmental preferences across temperate diffuse-porous broadleaved trees}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30356}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In the scope of climate warming and the increase in frequency and intensity of severe heat waves in Central Europe, identification of temperate tree species that are suited to cope with these environmental changes is gaining increasing importance. A number of tree physiological characteristics are associated with drought-stress resistance and survival following severe heat, but recent studies have shown the importance of plant hydraulic and anatomical traits for predicting drought-induced tree mortality, such as vessel diameter, and their potential to predict species distribution in a changing climate. A compilation of large global datasets is required to determine traits related to drought-induced embolism and test whether embolism resistance can be determined solely by anatomical traits. However, most measurements of plant hydraulic traits are labour-intense and prone to measurement artefacts. A fast, accurate and widely applicable technique is necessary for estimating xylem embolism resistance (e.g., water potential at 50\% loss of conductivity, P50), in order to improve forecasts of future forest changes. These traits and their combination must have evolved following the selective pressure of the environmental conditions in which each species occurs. Describing these environmental-trait relationships can be useful to assess potential responses to environmental change and mitigation strategies for tree species, as future warmer temperatures may be compounded by drier conditions.}, subject = {Pflanzen{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopic2024, author = {Kopic, Eva}, title = {On the physiological role of post-translational regulation of the \(Arabidopsis\) guard cell outward rectifying potassium channel GORK}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34880}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348806}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das streng regulierte Gleichgewicht zwischen CO2-Aufnahme und Transpiration ist f{\"u}r Pflanzen essentiell und h{\"a}ngt von kontrollierten Turgor{\"a}nderungen ab, die durch die Aktivit{\"a}t verschiedener Anionen- und Kationenkan{\"a}le verursacht werden. Diese Kan{\"a}le sind Teil von Signalkaskaden, die z. B. durch Phytohormone wie ABA (Abscisins{\"a}ure) und JA (Jasmonat) ausgel{\"o}st werden, die beide bei Trockenstress in den Schließzellen wirken. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist bekannt, dass JA an der Reaktion der Pflanze auf Pathogenbefall oder Verwundung beteiligt ist. GORK (guard cell outward rectifying K+ channel) ist der einzige bekannte, ausw{\"a}rts gleichrichtende K+-Kanal in Schließzellen und somit f{\"u}r den K+-Efflux beim Schließen der Stomata verantwortlich. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass GORK ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des JA-induzierten Stomatschlusses ist. Dies gilt f{\"u}r beide Ausl{\"o}ser, sowohl die Blattverwundung als auch die direkte Anwendung von JA. Patch-Clamp-Experimente an Protoplasten von Schließzellen untermauerten dieses Ergebnis, indem sie GORK-K+-Ausw{\"a}rtsstr{\"o}me als direktes Ziel von JA-Signalen entlarvten. Da bekannt ist, dass zytosolische Ca2+-Signale sowohl bei ABA- als auch bei JA-Signalen eine Rolle spielen, wurde die Interaktion von GORK mit Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngigen Kinasen untersucht. Eine antagonistische Regulation von GORK durch CIPK5-CBL1/9-Komplexe und ABI2 konnte durch DEVC (double electrode voltage clamp) sowie Protein-Protein-Interaktions-Experimente identifiziert und durch in-vitro Kinase-Assays untermauert werden. Patch-Clamp-Aufzeichnungen an Protoplasten von Schließzellen der cipk5-2 Funktions-Verlust-Mutante zeigten die Bedeutung von CIPK5 f{\"u}r den JA-induzierten Stomaschluss via Aktivierung von GORK. Die Interaktion verschiedener CDPKs (Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngige Proteinkinasen) mit GORK wurde ebenfalls untersucht. Neben der Ca2+-Signal{\"u}bertragung ist auch die Produktion von ROS (reaktive Sauerstoffspezies) f{\"u}r die ABA- und MeJA-Signal{\"u}bertragung von Bedeutung. In DEVC-Experimenten konnte ein reversibler Effekt von ROS auf die GORK-Kanalaktivit{\"a}t nachgewiesen werden, was ein Teil der Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r diese ROS-Effekte bei ABA- und MeJA-Signalen sein k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Spalt{\"o}ffnung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hettwer2024, author = {Hettwer, Anette}, title = {Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer l{\"o}slichen und funktionalen BMP-2-Variante}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32680}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-326800}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) sind potente Differenzierungs- und Wachstumsfaktoren, die strukturell der Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) - Superfamilie zugeordnet werden. Sie spielen eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle in einer Vielzahl an zellul{\"a}ren Prozessen ab den fr{\"u}hen Stadien der Embryogenese. Dadurch sind BMPs nicht nur f{\"u}r die korrekte Festlegung der embryonalen K{\"o}rperachse verantwortlich, sondern regulieren als multifunktionale Mediatoren neben der Morphogenese auch Proliferation, Differenzierung und Apoptose unterschiedlicher Zelltypen. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins sind somit f{\"u}r die Aufrechthaltung der Hom{\"o}ostase im adulten K{\"o}rper mitverantwortlich. Ihre Funktionalit{\"a}t vermitteln die BMPs {\"u}ber eine Signalkaskade, indem sie als dimeres Protein spezifische transmembrane Serin/Threonin-Kinaserezeptoren von Typ I und Typ II in einem heteromeren Komplex assemblieren. Die intrazellul{\"a}re Signalweiterleitung verl{\"a}uft {\"u}ber verschiedene Signalkaskaden (Smad-Proteine oder MAPKs), wodurch final im Zellkern {\"A}nderungen auf der Ebene der Gentranskription ausgel{\"o}st werden. Laut der namensgebenden Eigenschaft fungieren einige Wachstumsfaktoren als aktive Induktoren der Knochenbiosynthese. Ihre Anwesenheit ist essentiell f{\"u}r die vielen zellul{\"a}ren Prozesse, die w{\"a}hrend einer Frakturheilung auftreten, wobei eine Knochenneubildung ebenso stark abh{\"a}ngig ist vom Zusammenspiel verschiedener Stimulatoren und Inhibitoren, die die BMPs in ihrer Aktivit{\"a}t regulieren. Bedingt durch ihr großes Potential fanden die erstmals durch Marshal Urist 1965 aus Knochenmaterial isolierten BMP-Proteine ihren Einsatz in der regenerativen Medizin. Kommerziell erh{\"a}ltlich und bereits seit vielen Jahren in der klinischen Anwendung befindet sich derzeit das rhBMP-2 und rhBMP-7. Diese beiden Wachstumsfaktoren werden u.a. verwendet, um die Heilungsprozesse von langwierigen Schienbeinfrakturen zu verbessern, aber auch bei degenerativen Wirbels{\"a}ulenerkrankungen und in der Kieferchirurgie. Jedoch f{\"u}hrt die schlechte L{\"o}slichkeit des BMPs aufgrund der ausgepr{\"a}gten Aggregationstendenz zu gravierenden Problemen, nicht nur w{\"a}hrend der biotechnologischen Herstellung, sondern auch bei der klinischen Anwendung. Der Schwerpunkt des Optimierungsbedarfs der BMP-2 Herstellung im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit lag daher auf der Etablierung eines prokaryotischen Expressionssystems f{\"u}r die l{\"o}sliche Produktion von BMP-2. Daf{\"u}r wurde zun{\"a}chst der Fokus auf die ung{\"u}nstigen L{\"o}slichkeitseigenschaften des Wachstumsfaktors gelegt. Um die hohe Aggregationsneigung des BMP-2 w{\"a}hrend der Produktion in Escherichia coli zu minimieren, wurden anhand einer Algorithmus-basierten Analyse BMP-2-Varianten entworfen, in denen Aminos{\"a}uren mit stark hydrophoben Eigenschaften gegen solche mit hydrophilem Charakter ausgetauscht wurden. Hierdurch konnten die zur Aggregation neigenden Bereiche des BMP-2 weitestgehend eliminiert werden. Es wurden f{\"u}r die bez{\"u}glich ihrer L{\"o}slichkeit optimierten Proteinvarianten unterschiedliche Expressionsstrategien etabliert, wodurch dimere BMP-2-Muteine in angepassten chromatographischen Profilen mit einem Aufreinigungsschritt und ohne jegliche Renaturierungsmaßnahmen gewonnen wurden. Allerdings verbleiben hierbei Restmengen an bakteriellen Kontaminationen, die vorwiegend aus endogenen ribosomalen E. coli-Proteinen stammen und nicht vollst{\"a}ndig entfernt werden konnten. W{\"a}hrend der umfassenden in vitro Charakterisierung der BMP-2-Varianten konnte durch massenspektroskopische Analysen die Gesamtmasse beider Zielproteine best{\"a}tigt werden, wobei sequenzspezifische Fragmente eine eindeutige Identifikation der eingebrachten Mutationen erm{\"o}glichten. CD-spektroskopische Analysen erweitert um Auswertealgorithmen konnten die wesentlichen Wt-BMP-2-typischen Sekund{\"a}rstrukturelemente identifizieren. Die neu generierten BMP-2-Varianten zeigen in der dynamischen Lichtstreuungsanalyse stark verminderte Aggregationstendenz im Vergleich zum Wildtyp-BMP-2. Dessen Aggregationsverhalten wurde durch die kombinierte Analytik seiner mikrofluidischen Diffusion und der dynamischen Lichtstreuung zum ersten Mal {\"u}ber den Konzentrationsbereich von 0.5 µM bis 100 mM genau charakterisiert. Erste zellbiologische Versuche verliefen ohne Erfolg, wodurch die biologische Aktivit{\"a}t der BMP-Varianten nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt werden konnte. Die simple Methode zur Expression und Aufreinigung der hydrophilisierte BMP-2-Muteine aus dieser Dissertation kann leicht in einen gr{\"o}ßeren Produktionsmaßstab {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt werden. BMP 2 kann dadurch schneller und kosteng{\"u}nstiger hergestellt werden. Final bleibt es jedoch erforderlich, die biologische Aktivit{\"a}t der neuen l{\"o}slichen BMP-2-Varianten vollst{\"a}ndig zu charakterisieren, um deren ganzes Funktionsspektrum zu entdecken. Der Fokus weiterer Forschung sollte zudem auf die verbleibende Oligomerisierungstendenz und die bestehende Kontamination mit Fremdproteinen gelegt werden, da diese beiden Faktoren letztendlich die Ausbeute an dimeren BMP-2 Varianten aus diesem System derzeit minimieren.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Iosip2024, author = {Iosip, Anda-Larisa}, title = {Molecular Mechanosensing Mechanisms of the Carnivorous Plant \(Dionaea\) \(muscipula\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28764}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287649}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Plants are able to sense mechanical forces in order to defend themselves against predators, for instance by synthesizing repellent compounds. Very few plants evolved extremely sensitive tactile abilities that allow them to perceive, interpret and respond by rapid movement in the milliseconds range. One such rarity is the charismatic Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) - a carnivorous plant which relies on its spectacular active trapping strategy to catch its prey. The snapping traps are equipped with touch-specialised trigger hairs, that upon bending elicit an action potential (AP). This electrical signal originates within the trigger hairs' mechanosensory cells and further propagates throughout the whole trap, alerting the plant of potential prey. Two APs triggered within thirty seconds will set off the trap and more than five APs will initiate the green stomach formation for prey decomposition and nutrient uptake. Neither the molecular components of the plant's AP nor the Venus flytrap's fast closure mechanism have been fully elucidated yet. Therefore, the general objective of this study is to expound on the molecular basis of touch perception: from AP initiation to trap closure and finally to stomach formation. The typical electrical signal in plants lasts for minutes and its shape is determined by the intensity of the mechanical force applied. In contrast, the Venus flytrap's one-second AP is of all-or-nothing type, similar in shape to the animal AP. In order to gain more insight into the molecular components that give rise to the Venus flytrap's emblematic AP, the transcriptomic landscape of its unique mechanotransducer - the trigger hair - was compared to the rest of the non-specialised tissues and organs. Additionally, the transcriptome of the electrically excitable fully-developed adult trap was compared to non-excitable juvenile traps that are unable to produce sharp APs. Together, the two strategies helped with the identification of electrogenic channels and pumps for each step of the AP as follows: (1) the most specific to the trigger hair was the mechanosensitive channel DmMSL10, making up the best candidate for the initial AP depolarization phase, (2) the K+ outward rectifier DmSKOR could be responsible for repolarisation, (3) further, the proton pump DmAHA4, might kick in during repolarisation and go on with hyperpolarisation and (4) the hyperpolarization- and acid-activated K+ inward rectifier KDM1 might contribute to the re-establishment of electrochemical gradient and the resting potential. Responsible for the AP-associated Ca2+ wave and electrical signal propagation, the glutamate-like receptor DmGLR3.6 was also enriched in the trigger hairs. Together, these findings suggest that the reuse of genes involved in electrical signalling in ordinary plants can give rise to the Venus flytrap's trademark AP. The Venus flytrap has been cultivated ever since its discovery, generating more than one hundred cultivars over the years. Among them, indistinguishable from a normal Venus flytrap at first sight, the 'ERROR' cultivar exhibits a peculiar behaviour: it is unable to snap its traps upon two APs. Nevertheless, it is still able to elicit normal APs. To get a better understanding of the key molecular mechanisms and pathways that are essential for a successful trap closure, the 'ERROR' mutant was compared to the functional wild type. Timelapse photography led to the observation that the 'ERROR' mutants were able to leisurely half close their traps when repeated mechanostimulation was applied (10 minutes after 20 APs, 0.03 Hz). As a result of touch or wounding in non-carnivorous plants, jasmonic acid (JA) is synthesized, alerting the plants of potential predators. Curiously, the JA levels were reduced upon mechanostimulation and completely impaired upon wounding in the 'ERROR' mutant. In search of genes accountable for the 'ERROR' mutant's defects, the transcriptomes of the two phenotypes were compared before and after mechanostimulation (1h after 10 APs, 0.01 Hz). The overall dampened response of the mutant compared to the wild type, was reflected at transcriptomic level as well. Only about 50\% of wild type's upregulated genes after touch stimulation were differentially expressed in 'ERROR' and they manifested only half of the wild type's expression amplitude. Among unresponsive functional categories of genes in 'ERROR' phenotype, there were: cell wall integrity surveilling system, auxin biosynthesis and stress-related transcription factors from the ethylene-responsive AP2/ERF and C2H2-ZF families. Deregulated Ca2+-decoding as well as redox-related elements together with JA-pathway components might also contribute to the malfunctioning of the 'ERROR' mutant. As the mutant does not undergo full stomach formation after mechanical treatment, these missing processes represent key milestones that might mediate growth-defence trade-offs under JA signalling. This confirms the idea that carnivory has evolved by recycling the already available molecular machineries of the ubiquitous plant immune system. To better understand the mutant's defect in the trap snapping mechanism, the ground states (unstimulated traps) of the two phenotypes were compared. In this case, many cell wall-related genes (e.g. expansins) were downregulated in the 'ERROR' mutant. For the first time, these data point to the importance of a special cell wall architecture of the trap, that might confer the mechanical properties needed for a functional buckling system - which amplifies the speed of the trap closure. This study provides candidate channels for each of the AP phases that give rise to and shape the sharp Venus flytrap-specific AP. It further underlines the possible contribution of the cell wall architecture to the metastable ready-to-snap configuration of the trap before stimulation - which might be crucial for the buckling-dependent snapping. And finally, it highlights molecular milestones linked to defence responses that ensure trap morphing into a green stomach after mechanostimulation. Altogether, these processes prove to be interdependent and essential for a successful carnivorous lifestyle.}, subject = {Venusfliegenfalle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huang2023, author = {Huang, Shouguang}, title = {Role of ABA-induced Ca\(^{2+}\) signals, and the Ca\(^{2+}\)-controlled protein kinase CIPK23, in regulation of stomatal movements}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20473}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204737}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Stomata are pores in the leaf surface, formed by pairs of guard cells. The guard cells modulate the aperture of stomata, to balance uptake of CO2 and loss of water vapor to the atmosphere. During drought, the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) provokes stomatal closure, via a signaling chain with both Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent branches. Both branches are likely to activate SLAC1-type (Slow Anion Channel Associated 1) anion channels that are essential for initiating the closure of stomata. However, the importance of the Ca2+-dependent signaling branch is still debated, as the core ABA signaling pathway only possesses Ca2+-independent components. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to address the role of the Ca2+-dependent branch in the ABA signaling pathway of guard cells. In the first part of the thesis, the relation between ABA-induced Ca2+ signals and stomatal closure was studied, with guard cells that express the genetically encoded Ca2+-indicator R-GECO1-mTurquoise. Ejection of ABA into the guard cell wall rapidly induced stomatal closure, however, only in ¾ of the guard cells ABA evoked a cytosolic Ca2+ signal. A small subset of stomata (¼ of the experiments) closed without Ca2+ signals, showing that the Ca2+ signals are not essential for ABA-induced stomatal closure. However, stomata in which ABA evoked Ca2+ signals closed faster as those in which no Ca2+ signals were detected. Apparently, ABA-induced Ca2+ signals enhance the velocity of stomatal closure. In addition to ABA, hyperpolarizing voltage pulses could also trigger Ca2+ signals in wild type guard cells, which in turn activated S-type anion channels. However, these voltage pulses failed to elicit S-type anion currents in the slac1/slah3 guard cells, suggesting that SLAC1 and SLAH3 contribute to Ca2+-activated conductance. Taken together, our data indicate that ABA-induced Ca2+ signals enhance the activity of S-type anion channels, which accelerates stomatal closure. The second part of the thesis deals with the signaling pathway downstream of the Ca2+ signals. Two types of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase modules (CPKs and CBL/CIPKs) have been implicated in guard cells. We focused on the protein kinase CIPK23 (CBL-Interacting Protein Kinase 23), which is activated by the Ca2+-dependent protein CBL1 or 9 (Calcineurin B-Like protein 1 or 9) via interacting with the NAF domain of CIPK23. The CBL1/9-CIPK23 complex has been shown to affect stomatal movements, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. We addressed this topic by using an estrogen-induced expression system, which specifically enhances the expression of wild type CIPK23, a phosphomimic CIPK23T190D and a kinase dead CIPK23K60N in guard cells. Our data show that guard cells expressing CIPK23T190D promoted stomatal opening, while CIPK23K60N enhanced ABA-induced stomatal closure, suggesting that CIPK23 is a negative regulator of stomatal closure. Electrophysiological measurements revealed that the inward K+ channel currents were similar in guard cells that expressed CIPK23, CIPK23T190D or CIPK23K60N, indicating that CIPK23-mediated inward K+ channel AKT1 does not contribute to stomatal movements. Expression of CIPK23K60N, or loss of CIPK23 in guard cells enhanced S-type anion activity, while the active CIPK23T190D inhibited the activity of these anion channels. These results are in line with the detected changes in stomatal movements and thus indicate that CIPK23 regulates stomatal movements by inhibiting S-type anion channels. CIPK23 thus serves as a brake to control anion channel activity. Overall, our findings demonstrate that CIPK23-mediated stomatal movements do not depend on CIPK23-AKT1 module, instead, it is achieved by regulating S-type anion channels SLAC1 and SLAH3. In sum, the data presented in this thesis give new insights into the Ca2+-dependent branch of ABA signaling, which may help to put forward new strategies to breed plants with enhanced drought stress tolerance, and in turn boost agricultural productivity in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhou2023, author = {Zhou, Yang}, title = {The Exploitation of Opsin-based Optogenetic Tools for Application in Higher Plants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23696}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236960}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The discovery, heterologous expression, and characterization of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) - a light-sensitive cation channel found in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii - led to the success of optogenetics as a powerful technology, first in neuroscience. ChR2 was employed to induce action potentials by blue light in genetically modified nerve cells. In optogenetics, exogenous photoreceptors are expressed in cells to manipulate cellular activity. These photoreceptors were in the beginning mainly microbial opsins. During nearly two decades, many microbial opsins and their mutants were explored for their application in neuroscience. Until now, however, the application of optogenetics to plant studies is limited to very few reports. Several optogenetic strategies for plant research were demonstrated, in which most attempts are based on non-opsin optogenetic tools. Opsins need retinal (vitamin A) as a cofactor to generate the functional protein, the rhodopsin. As most animals have eyes that contain animal rhodopsins, they also have the enzyme - a 15, 15'-Dioxygenase - for retinal production from food-supplied provitamin A (beta-carotene). However, higher plants lack a similar enzyme, making it difficult to express functional rhodopsins successfully in plants. But plant chloroplasts contain plenty of beta-carotene. I introduced a gene, coding for a 15, 15'-Dioxygenase with a chloroplast target peptide, to tobacco plants. This enzyme converts a molecule of β-carotene into two of all-trans-retinal. After expressing this enzyme in plants, the concentration of all-trans-retinal was increased greatly. The increased retinal concentration led to increased expression of several microbial opsins, tested in model higher plants. Unfortunately, most opsins were observed intracellularly and not in the plasma membrane. To improve their localization in the plasma membrane, some reported signal peptides were fused to the N- or C-terminal end of opsins. Finally, I helped to identify three microbial opsins -- GtACR1 (a light-gated anion channel), ChR2 (a light-gated cation channel), PPR (a light-gated proton pump) which express and work well in the plasma membrane of plants. The transgene plants were grown under red light to prevent activation of the expressed opsins. Upon illumination with blue or green light, the activation of these opsins then induced the expected change of the membrane potential, dramatically changing the phenotype of plants with activated rhodopsins. This study is the first which shows the potential of microbial opsins for optogenetic research in higher plants, using the ubq10 promoter for ubiquitous expression. I expect this to be just the beginning, as many different opsins and tissue-specific promoters for selective expression now can be tested for their usefulness. It is further to be expected that the here established method will help investigators to exploit more optogenetic tools and explore the secrets, kept in the plant kingdom.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunz2023, author = {Kunz, Marcel}, title = {Diffusion kinetics of organic compounds and water in plant cuticular model wax under the influence of diffusing barrier-modifying adjuvants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27487}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274874}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {To reach their target site, systemic pesticides must enter the plant from a spray droplet applied in the field. The uptake of an active ingredient (AI) takes place via the barrier-forming cuticular membrane, which is the outermost layer of the plant, separating it from the surrounding environment. Formulations are usually used which, in addition to the AI, also contain stabilizers and adjuvants. Adjuvants can either have surface-active properties or they act directly as barrier-modifying agents. The latter are grouped in the class of accelerating adjuvants, whereby individual variants may also have surface-active properties. The uptake of a pesticide from a spray droplet depends essentially on its permeability through the cuticular barrier. Permeability defines a combined parameter, which is the product of AI mobility and AI solubility within the cuticle. In recent decades, several tools have been developed that allowed the determination of individual parameters of organic compound penetration across the cuticular membrane. Nevertheless, earlier studies showed that mainly cuticular waxes are the barrier-determining component of the cuticular membrane and additionally, it was shown that mainly the very-long-chain aliphatic compounds (VLCAs) are responsible for establishing an effective barrier. However, the barrier-determining role of the individual VLCAs, being classified according to their respective functional groups, is still unknown. Therefore, the following objectives were pursued and achieved in this work: (1) A new ATR-FTIR-based approach was developed to measure the temperature-dependent real-time diffusion kinetics of organic models for active ingredients (AIs) in paraffin wax, exclusively consisting of very-long chain alkanes. (2) The developed ATR-FTIR approach was applied to determine the diffusion kinetics of self-accelerating adjuvants in cuticular model waxes of different VLCA composition. At the same time, wax-specific changes were recorded in the respective IR spectra, which provided information about the respective wax modification. (3) The ATR-FTIR method was used to characterize the diffusion kinetics, as well as to determine the wax-specific sorption capacities for an AI-modeling organic compound and water in cuticular model waxes after adjuvant treatment. Regarding the individual chemical compositions and structures, conclusions were drawn about the adjuvant-specific modes of action (MoA). In the first chapter, the ATR-FTIR based approach to determine organic compound diffusion kinetics in paraffin wax was successfully established. The diffusion kinetics of the AI modelling organic compounds heptyl parabene (HPB) and 4-cyanophenol (CNP) were recorded, comprising different lipophilicities and molecular volumes typical for AIs used in pesticide formulations. Derived diffusion coefficients ranged within 10-15 m2 s-1, thus being thoroughly higher than those obtained from previous experiments using an approach solely investigating desorption kinetics in reconstituted cuticular waxes. An ln-linear dependence between the diffusion coefficients and the applied diffusion temperature was demonstrated for the first time in cuticular model wax, from which activation energies were derived. The determined activation energies were 66.2 ± 7.4 kJ mol-1 and 56.4 ± 9.8 kJ mol-1, being in the expected range of already well-founded activation energies required for organic compound diffusion across cuticular membranes, which again confirmed the significant contribution of waxes to the cuticular barrier. Deviations from the assumed Fickian diffusion were attributed to co-occurring water diffusion and apparatus-specific properties. In the second and third chapter, mainly the diffusion kinetics of accelerating adjuvants in the cuticular model waxes candelilla wax and carnauba wax were investigated, and simultaneously recorded changes in the wax-specific portion of the IR spectrum were interpreted as indications of plasticization. For this purpose, the oil derivative methyl oleate, as well as the organophosphate ester TEHP and three non-ionic monodisperse alcohol ethoxylates (AEs) C12E2, C12E4 and C12E6 were selected. Strong dependence of diffusion on the respective principal components of the mainly aliphatic waxes was demonstrated. The diffusion kinetics of the investigated adjuvants were faster in the n-alkane dominated candelilla wax than in the alkyl ester dominated carnauba wax. Furthermore, the equilibrium absorptions, indicating equilibrium concentrations, were also higher in candelilla wax than in carnauba wax. It was concluded that alkyl ester dominated waxes feature higher resistance to diffusion of accelerating adjuvants than alkane dominated waxes with shorter average chain lengths due to their structural integrity. This was also found either concerning candelilla/policosanol (n-alcohol) or candelilla/rice bran wax (alkyl-esters) blends: with increasing alcohol concentration, the barrier function was decreased, whereas it was increased with increasing alkyl ester concentration. However, due to the high variability of the individual diffusion curves, only a trend could be assumed here, but significant differences were not shown. The variability itself was described in terms of fluctuating crystalline arrangements and partial phase separation of the respective wax mixtures, which had inevitable effects on the adjuvant diffusion. However, diffusion kinetics also strongly depended on the studied adjuvants. Significantly slower methyl oleate diffusion accompanied by a less pronounced reduction in orthorhombic crystallinity was found in carnauba wax than in candelilla wax, whereas TEHP diffusion was significantly less dependent on the respective wax structure and therefore induced considerable plasticization in both waxes. Of particular interest was the AE diffusion into both waxes. Differences in diffusion kinetics were also found here between candelilla blends and carnauba wax. However, these depended equally on the degree of ethoxylation of the respective AEs. The lipophilic C12E2 showed approximately Fickian diffusion kinetics in both waxes, accompanied by a drastic reduction in orthorhombic crystallinity, especially in candelilla wax, whereas the more hydrophilic C12E6 showed significantly retarded diffusion kinetics associated with a smaller effect on orthorhombic crystallinity. The individual diffusion kinetics of the investigated adjuvants sometimes showed drastic deviations from the Fickian diffusion model, indicating a self-accelerating effect. Hence, adjuvant diffusion kinetics were accompanied by a distinct initial lag phase, indicating a critical concentration in the wax necessary for effective penetration, leading to sigmoidal rather than to exponential diffusion kinetics. The last chapter dealt with the adjuvant-affected diffusion of the AI modelling CNP in candelilla and carnauba wax. Using ATR-FTIR, diffusion kinetics were recorded after adjuvant treatment, all of which were fully explicable based on the Fickian model, with high diffusion coefficients ranging from 10-14 to 10-13 m2 s-1. It is obvious that the diffusion coefficients presented in this work consistently demonstrated plasticization induced accelerated CNP mobilities. Furthermore, CNP equilibrium concentrations were derived, from which partition- and permeability coefficients could be determined. Significant differences between diffusion coefficients (mobility) and partition coefficients (solubility) were found on the one hand depending on the respective waxes, and on the other hand depending on treatment with respective adjuvants. Mobility was higher in candelilla wax than in carnauba wax only after methyl oleate treatment. Treatment with TEHP and AEs resulted in higher CNP mobility in the more polar alkyl ester dominated carnauba wax. The partition coefficients, on the other hand, were significantly lower after methyl oleate treatment in both candelilla and carnauba wax as followed by TEHP or AE treatment. Models were designed for the CNP penetration mode considering the respective adjuvants in both investigated waxes. Co-penetrating water, which is the main ingredient of spray formulations applied in the field, was likely the reason for the drastic differences in adjuvant efficacy. Especially the investigated AEs favored an enormous water uptake in both waxes with increasing ethoxylation level. Surprisingly, this effect was also found for the lipophilic TEHP in both waxes. This led to the assumption that the AI permeability is not exclusively determined by adjuvant induced plasticization, but also depends on a "secondary plasticization", induced by adjuvant-attracted co-penetrating water, consequently leading to swelling and drastic destabilization of the crystalline wax structure. The successful establishment of the presented ATR-FTIR method represents a milestone for the study of adjuvant and AI diffusion kinetics in cuticular waxes. In particular, the simultaneously detectable wax modification and, moreover, the determinable water uptake form a perfect basis to establish the ATR-FTIR system as a universal screening tool for wax-adjuvants-AI-water interaction in crop protection science.}, subject = {Pflanzen}, language = {en} } @article{SteinerZacharyBaueretal.2023, author = {Steiner, Thomas and Zachary, Marie and Bauer, Susanne and M{\"u}ller, Martin J. and Krischke, Markus and Radziej, Sandra and Klepsch, Maximilian and Huettel, Bruno and Eisenreich, Wolfgang and Rudel, Thomas and Beier, Dagmar}, title = {Central Role of Sibling Small RNAs NgncR_162 and NgncR_163 in Main Metabolic Pathways of Neisseria gonorrhoeae}, series = {mBio}, volume = {14}, journal = {mBio}, doi = {10.1128/mbio.03093-22}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313323}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Small bacterial regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) have been implicated in the regulation of numerous metabolic pathways. In most of these studies, sRNA-dependent regulation of mRNAs or proteins of enzymes in metabolic pathways has been predicted to affect the metabolism of these bacteria. However, only in a very few cases has the role in metabolism been demonstrated. Here, we performed a combined transcriptome and metabolome analysis to define the regulon of the sibling sRNAs NgncR_162 and NgncR_163 (NgncR_162/163) and their impact on the metabolism of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. These sRNAs have been reported to control genes of the citric acid and methylcitric acid cycles by posttranscriptional negative regulation. By transcriptome analysis, we now expand the NgncR_162/163 regulon by several new members and provide evidence that the sibling sRNAs act as both negative and positive regulators of target gene expression. Newly identified NgncR_162/163 targets are mostly involved in transport processes, especially in the uptake of glycine, phenylalanine, and branched-chain amino acids. NgncR_162/163 also play key roles in the control of serine-glycine metabolism and, hence, probably affect biosyntheses of nucleotides, vitamins, and other amino acids via the supply of one-carbon (C\(_1\)) units. Indeed, these roles were confirmed by metabolomics and metabolic flux analysis, which revealed a bipartite metabolic network with glucose degradation for the supply of anabolic pathways and the usage of amino acids via the citric acid cycle for energy metabolism. Thus, by combined deep RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and metabolomics, we significantly extended the regulon of NgncR_162/163 and demonstrated the role of NgncR_162/163 in the regulation of central metabolic pathways of the gonococcus.}, language = {en} } @article{DeğirmenciRogeFerreiraVukosavljevicetal.2023, author = {Değirmenci, Laura and Rog{\´e} Ferreira, Fabio Luiz and Vukosavljevic, Adrian and Heindl, Cornelia and Keller, Alexander and Geiger, Dietmar and Scheiner, Ricarda}, title = {Sugar perception in honeybees}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2022.1089669}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302284}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Honeybees (Apis mellifera) need their fine sense of taste to evaluate nectar and pollen sources. Gustatory receptors (Grs) translate taste signals into electrical responses. In vivo experiments have demonstrated collective responses of the whole Gr-set. We here disentangle the contributions of all three honeybee sugar receptors (AmGr1-3), combining CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genetic knock-out, electrophysiology and behaviour. We show an expanded sugar spectrum of the AmGr1 receptor. Mutants lacking AmGr1 have a reduced response to sucrose and glucose but not to fructose. AmGr2 solely acts as co-receptor of AmGr1 but not of AmGr3, as we show by electrophysiology and using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Our results show for the first time that AmGr2 is indeed a functional receptor on its own. Intriguingly, AmGr2 mutants still display a wildtype-like sugar taste. AmGr3 is a specific fructose receptor and is not modulated by a co-receptor. Eliminating AmGr3 while preserving AmGr1 and AmGr2 abolishes the perception of fructose but not of sucrose. Our comprehensive study on the functions of AmGr1, AmGr2 and AmGr3 in honeybees is the first to combine investigations on sugar perception at the receptor level and simultaneously in vivo. We show that honeybees rely on two gustatory receptors to sense all relevant sugars.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lambour2023, author = {Lambour, Benjamin}, title = {Regulation of sphingolipid long-chain bases during cell death reactions and abiotic stress in \(Arabidopsis\) \(thaliana\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32591}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Sphingobasen (LCBs) sind die Bausteine der Biosynthese von Sphingolipiden. Sie werden als Strukturelemente der pflanzlichen Zellmembran definiert und spielen eine wichtige Rolle f{\"u}r das Schicksal der Zellen. Komplexe Ceramide machen einen wesentlichen Teil der gesamten Sphingolipide aus, die einen großen Teil der eukaryotischen Membranen bilden. Gleichzeitig sind LCBs bekannte Signalmolek{\"u}le f{\"u}r zellul{\"a}re Prozesse in Eukaryonten und sind an Signal{\"u}bertragungswegen in Pflanzen beteiligt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass hohe LCB-Konzentrationen mit der Induktion des programmierten Zelltods sowie mit dem durch Pathogene ausgel{\"o}sten Zelltod in Verbindung stehen. Mehrere Studien haben die regulierende Funktion der Sphingobasen beim programmierten Zelltod (PCD) in Pflanzen best{\"a}tigt: (i) Spontaner PCD und ver{\"a}nderte Zelltodreaktionen, die durch mutierte verwandte Gene des Sphingobasen-Stoffwechsels verursacht werden. (ii) Zelltodbedingungen erh{\"o}hen den Gehalt an LCBs. (iii) PCD aufgrund eines gest{\"o}rten Sphingolipid-Stoffwechsels, der durch von nekrotrophen Krankheitserregern produzierte Toxine wie Fumonisin B1 (FB1) hervorgerufen wird. Um den Zelltod zu verhindern und die Zelltodreaktion zu kontrollieren, kann daher die Regulierung des Gehalts an freien LCBs entscheidend sein. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie stellten das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Sphingobasen und Sphingolipidspiegel w{\"a}hrend der PCD in Frage. Wir lieferten eine detaillierte Analyse der Sphingolipidspiegel, die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen bestimmten Sphingolipidarten und dem Zelltod aufzeigte. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus erm{\"o}glichte uns die Untersuchung der Sphingolipid-Biosynthese ein Verst{\"a}ndnis des Fluxes nach Akkumulation hoher LCB-Konzentrationen. Weitere Analysen von Abbauprodukten oder Sphingolipid-Mutantenlinien w{\"a}ren jedoch erforderlich, um vollst{\"a}ndig zu verstehen, wie die Pflanze mit hohen Mengen an Sphingobasen umgeht.}, subject = {Ackerschmalwand}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jaślan2023, author = {Jaślan, Justyna Joanna}, title = {R-type currents in \(Arabidopsis\) guard cells: properties and molecular nature}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18883}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-188836}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In contrast to the well described molecular basis for S-type anion currents, the genes underlying R-type anion currents were unknown until 2010. Meyer S. and colleagues (2010) showed that, localized in the guard cell plasma membrane, AtALMT12 is an R-type anion channel involved in stomatal closure. However, knocking out AtALMT12 did not fully shut down R-type currents; the almt12 loss-of-function mutant has residual R-type-like currents indicating that ALMT12 is not the only gene encoding Arabidopsis thaliana R-type channels (Meyer S. et al., 2010). This PhD thesis is focussed on understanding the properties, regulation and molecular nature of the R-type channels in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. To fulfil these aims, the patch clamp technique was used to characterize electrical features of R-type currents in various conditions such as the presence/absence of ATP, variation in cytosolic calcium concentration or the presence of cytosolic chloride. Electrophysiological study revealed many similarities between the features of Arabidopsis thaliana R-type currents (Col0) and residual R-type currents (the almt12 loss-of-function mutant). Strong voltage dependency, channel activity in the same voltage range, position of maximal recorded current and blockage by cytosolic ATP all pointed to a shared phylogenetic origin of the channels underlying these R-type currents. Expression patterns of the ALMT family members for Col0 and the almt12 mutant revealed ALMT13 and AMT14 as potential candidates of the R-type channels. Electrical characterization of Col0, almt12 and the two double loss-of-function mutants (almt12/almt13 and almt12/almt14) strongly suggest that ALMT13 mediates the calcium-dependent R-type current component that is directly regulated by cytosolic calcium. Additionally, similarly to ALMT12, ALMT14 could participate as a calcium-independent R-type anion channel. Differences in response to the cytosolic calcium concentration between ALMT12, ALMT13 and ALMT14 suggest their possible involvement in different signalling pathways leading to stomatal closure. Moreover, a study performed for the two Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Col0 and WS showed drastically increased ALMT13 expression for WS, which is related to R-type current properties. The WS ecotype has calcium-dependent R-type current behaviour, while it is calcium-independent in Col0. Furthermore, this plant line showed lower peak current densities compared to Col0 and almt mutants. These facts strongly suggest interaction between ALMT12 and ALMT13, with ALMT13 as a repressor of the ALMT12. Acquired patch clamp data revealed sulphate-dependent increases in ALMT13 current. This could be caused by changes in absolute open probability and/or permeability for sulphate and possibly chloride and links ALMT13 with sulphate-mediated stomatal closure under drought stress. It was then confirmed that ATP affects R-type currents. In contrast to Vicia faba, ATP was identified as a negative regulator of the Arabidopsis thaliana R-type anion channels. The effect of ATP is ambiguous but there is a high probability that it is a result of direct block and phosphorylation. However, the phosphorylation site and place of ATP binding needs further investigation. The story of the ALMT family, as examined in this thesis, sheds light on the complexity of the stomatal closure process.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fei2023, author = {Fei, Lin}, title = {Optogenetic regulation of osmolarity and water flux}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32309}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323092}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Optogenetics is a powerful technique that utilizes light to precisely regulate physiological activities of neurons and other cell types. Specifically, light-sensitive ion channels, pumps or enzymes are expressed in cells to enable their regulation by illumination, thus allowing for precise control of biochemical signaling pathways. The first part of my study involved the construction, optimization, and characterization of two optogenetic tools, KCR1 and NCR1. Elena Govorunova et al. discovered a lightgated potassium channel, KCR1, in the protozoan Hyphochytrium catenoides. Traditional potassium ion channels are classified as either ligand-gated or voltage-gated and possess conserved pore-forming domains and K+ -selective filters. However, KCR1 is unique in that it does not contain the signature sequence of previously known K+ channels and is a channelrhodopsin. We synthesized the KCR1 plasmid according to the published sequence and expressed it in Xenopus oocytes. Due to the original KCR1 current being too small, I optimized it into KCR1 2.0 to improve its performance by fusing LR (signal peptide LucyRho, enhances expression) at the N-terminal and T (trafficking signal peptide) and E (ER export signal peptide) at the C-terminal. Additionally, I investigated the light sensitivity, action spectrum, and kinetics of KCR1 2.0 in Xenopus oocytes. The potassium permeability of KCR1 2.0, PK/Pna  24, makes KCR1 2.0 a powerful hyperpolarizing tool that can be used to inhibit neuronal firing in animals. Inspired by KCR1, we used the KCR1 sequence as a template for gene sequence alignment with the sequences in H. catenoides. We found that NCR1 and KCR1 have similar gene sequences. NCR1 was characterized by us as a light-gated sodium channel. This NCR1 was also characterized and published by Govorunova et al. very recently, with the name HcCCR. Due to the original NCR1 current being too small, I optimized it into NCR1 2.0 to improve its performance by fusing LR at the N-terminal and T and E at the C-terminal, which significantly improved the expression level and greatly increased the current amplitude of NCR1. Full-length NCR1 2.0 contains 432 amino acids. To test whether the number of amino acids changes the characteristics of NCR1 2.0, we designed NCR1 2.0 (330), NCR1 2.0 (283), and NCR1 2.0 (273) by retaining the number of amino acids at 330, 280, and 273 in NCR1 2.0, respectively. As the number of amino acids decreased, the current in NCR1 2.0 increased. I also investigated the light sensitivity, action spectrum, and kinetics of NCR1 2.0 (273) in the Xenopus Abstract 2 oocytes. We performed four point mutations at amino acid positions 133 and 116 of NCR1 2.0 and analyzed the reversal potentials of the mutants. The mutations were as follows: NCR1 2.0 (273 D116H), NCR1 2.0 (273 D116E), NCR1 2.0 (283 V133H), and NCR1 2.0 (283 D116Q). The second part of this study focuses on light-induced water transport using optogenetic tools. We explored the use of optogenetic tools to regulate water flow by changing the osmolarity in oocytes. Water flux through AQP1 is driven by the osmotic gradient that results from concentration differences of small molecules or ions. Therefore, we seek to regulate ion concentrations, using optogenetic tools to regulate the flux of water noninvasively. To achieve this, I applied the light-gated cation channels XXM 2.0 and NCR1 2.0 to regulate the concentration of Na+ , while K + channel KCR1 2.0 was used to regulate K + concentration. As Na+ flows into the Xenopus oocytes, the membrane potential of the oocytes becomes positive, and Clcan influx through the light-gated anion channel GtACR1. By combining these optogenetic tools to regulate NaCl or KCl concentrations, I can change the osmolarity inside the oocytes, thus regulating the flux of water. I co-expressed AQP1 with optogenetic tools in the oocytes to accelerate water flux. Overall, I designed three combinations (1: AQP1, XXM 2.0 and GtACR1. 2: AQP1, NCR1 2.0 and GtACR1. 3: AQP1, KCR1 2.0 and GtACR1) to regulate the flow of water in oocytes. The shrinking or swelling of the oocytes can only be achieved when AQP1, light-gated cation channels (XXM 2.0/NCR1 2.0/KCR1 2.0), and light-gated anion channels (GtACR1) are expressed together. The illumination after expression of either or both alone does not result in changes in oocyte morphology. In sum, I demonstrated a novel strategy to manipulate water movement into and out of Xenopus oocytes, non-invasively through illumination. These findings provide a new avenue to interfere with water homeostasis as a means to study related biological phenomena across cell types and organisms.}, subject = {Osmolarit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{YuStrzelczyk2023, author = {Yu-Strzelczyk, Jing}, title = {Generation and Characterization of novel proteins for light-activated hyperpolarization of cell membranes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26675}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266752}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The light-gated cation channel Channelrhodopsin-2 was discovered and characterized in 2003. Already in 2005/2006 five independent groups demonstrated that heterologous expression of Channelrhodopsin-2 is a highly useful and simply applicable method for depolarizing and thereby activating nerve cells. The application of Channelrhodopsin-2 revolutionized neuroscience research and the method was then called optogenetics. In recent years more and more light-sensitive proteins were successfully introduced as "optogenetic tools", not only in neuroscience. Optogenetic tools for neuronal excitation are well developed with many different cation-conducting wildtype and mutated channelrhodopsins, whereas for inhibition of neurons in the beginning (2007) only hyperpolarizing ion pumps were available. The later discovered light-activated anion channels (anion channelrhodopsins) can be useful hyperpolarizers, but only at low cytoplasmic anion concentration. For this thesis, I optimized CsR, a proton-pumping rhodopsin from Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, which naturally shows a robust expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes and plant leaves. I improved the expression and therefore the photocurrent of CsR about two-fold by N-terminal modification to the improved version CsR2.0, without altering the proton pump function and the action spectrum. A light pulse hyperpolarised the mesophyll cells of CsR2.0-expressing transgenic tobacco plants (N. tabacum) by up to 20 mV from the resting membrane potential of -150 to -200 mV. The robust heterologous expression makes CsR2.0 a promising optogenetic tool for hyperpolarization in other organisms as well. A single R83H point-mutation converted CsR2.0 into a light-activated (passive) proton channel with a reversal potential close to the Nernst potential for intra-/extra-cellular H+ concentration. This light-gated proton channel is expected to become a further useful optogenetic tool, e.g. for analysis of pH-regulation in cells or the intercellular space. Ion pumps as optogenetic tools require high expression levels and high light intensity for efficient pump currents, whereas long-term illumination may cause unwanted heating effects. Although anion channelrhodopsins are effective hyperpolarizing tools in some cases, their effect on neuronal activity is dependent on the cytoplasmic chloride concentration which can vary among neurons. In nerve cells, increased conductance for potassium terminates the action potential and K+ conductance underlies the resting membrane potential in excitable cells. Therefore, several groups attempted to synthesize artificial light-gated potassium channels but 2 all of these published innovations showed serious drawbacks, ranging from poor expression over lacking reversibility to poor temporal precision. A highly potassium selective light-sensitive silencer of action potentials is needed. To achieve this, I engineered a light-activated potassium channel by the genetic fusion of a photoactivated adenylyl cyclase, bPAC, and a cAMP-gated potassium channel, SthK. Illumination activates bPAC to produce cAMP and the elevated cAMP level opens SthK. The slow diffusion and degradation of cAMP makes this construct a very light-sensitive, long-lasting inhibitor. I have successfully developed four variants with EC50 to cAMP ranging from 7 over 10, 21, to 29 μM. Together with the original fusion construct (EC50 to cAMP is 3 μm), there are five different light- (or cAMP-) sensitive potassium channels for researchersto choose, depending on their cell type and light intensity needs.}, subject = {Proteine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Li2023, author = {Li, Kunkun}, title = {Dissecting the interconnection of Ca\(^{2+}\) and pH signaling in plants with a novel biosensor for dual imaging}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24973}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249736}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Calcium ion (Ca2+) and protons (H+) are both regarded as second messengers, participating in plant growth and stress mechanisms. However, H+ signals in plant physiology are less well investigated compared to Ca2+ signals. If interconnections between these two second messengers exist remains to be uncovered because appropriate imaging tools to monitor Ca2+ and H+ simultaneously in the same cell as well as accurate bioinformatics analysis remain to be developed. To overcome this problem and unravel the role and possible interconnection of Ca2+ and H+ in plants, a new biosensor named CapHensor was developed and optimized to visualize intracellular Ca2+ and H+ changes simultaneously and ratiometrically in the same cell. The CapHensor consisted of an optimized green fluorescent pH sensor (PRpHluorin) and an established red fluorescent Ca2+ sensor (R-GECO1) that were combined in one construct via a P2A sequence. A P2A self-cleavage site between the two sensors allowed to express equal amounts but spatially separated sensors, which enabled artifact-free and ratiometric imaging of cellular Ca2+ and pH side-by-side. The function of the CapHensor was verified in pollen tubes, since they possess standing Ca2+ and pH gradients. We found better imaging quality and the signal-to-noise ratio to be enhanced in live-cell imaging when two R-GECO1 proteins were fused in tandem within the CapHensor construct. To guarantee exclusive subcellular localization and avoid mixed signals from different compartments, Nuclear Export Sequence (NES) and Nuclear Localization Sequence (NLS) were used to target PRpHluorin and R-GECO1 to distinct compartments. After optimization and verification its function, CapHensor was successfully expressed in different cell types to investigate the role of Ca2+ and H+ signals to control polar growth of pollen tube, stomatal movement or leaf defense signaling. Results obtained in the past indicated both Ca2+ gradients and pH gradients in pollen tubes play roles in polar growth. However, the role and temporal relationship between the growth process and changes in Ca2+ and pH have not been conclusively resolved. Using CapHensor, I found cytosolic acidification at the tip could promote and alkalization to suppress growth velocity in N. tabacum pollen tubes, indicating that cytosolic H+ concentrations ([H+]cyt) play an important role in regulation pollen tubes growth despite the accompanied changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]cyt). Moreover, growth correlated much better with the tip [H+]cyt regime than with the course of the tip [Ca2+]cyt regime. However, surprisingly, tip-focused [Ca2+]cyt andII [H+]cyt oscillations both lagged behind growth oscillations approximately 33 s and 18 s, respectively, asking for a re-evaluation of the role that tip [Ca2+]cyt may play in pollen tube growth. Live-cell CapHensor imaging combined with electrophysiology uncovered that oscillatory membrane depolarization correlated better with tip [H+]cyt oscillations than with tip [Ca2+]cyt oscillations, indicative for a prominent role of [H+]cyt to also control electrogenic membrane transport. Using CapHensor, reading out cellular movement at the same time enabled to provide a precise temporal and spatial resolution of ion signaling events, pointing out a prominent role of [H+]cyt in pollen tube tip growth. For leaf cells, a special CapHensor construct design had to be developed, containing additional NES localization sequences to avoid overlapping of fluorescense signals from the nucleus and the cytosol. Once this was achieved, the role of Ca2+ and pH changes in guard cells, another typical single-cell system was investigated. Cytosolic pH changes have been described in stomatal movement, but the physiological role of pH and the interaction with changing Ca2+ signals were still unexplored. Combining CapHensor with the here developed technique to monitor stomatal movement in parallel, the role of Ca2+ and H+ in stomatal movement was studied in detail and novel aspects were identified. The phytohormone ABA and the bacterial elicitor flagellin (flg22) are typical abiotic and biotic stresses, respectively, to trigger stomatal closure. What kind of Ca2+ and H+ signals by ABA and flg22 are set-off in guard cells and what their temporal relationship and role for stomatal movement is were unknown. Similar [Ca2+]cyt increases were observed upon ABA and flg22 triggered stomatal closure, but [H+]cyt dynamics differed fundamentally. ABA triggered pronounced cytosolic alkalization preceded the [Ca2+]cyt responses significantly by 57 s while stomata started to close ca. 205 s after phytohormone application. With flg22, stomatal closure was accompanied only with a mild cytosolic alkalization but the [Ca2+]cyt response was much more pronounced compared to the ABA effects. Where the cytosolic alkalization originates from was unclear but the vacuole was speculated to contribute in the past. In this thesis, vacuolar pH changes were visualized by the dye BCECF over time, basically displaying exactly the opposite course of the concentration shift in the vacuole than observed in the cytosol. This is indicative for the vacuolar pH dynamics to be coupled strongly to the cytosolic pH changes. In stomatal closure signalling, reactive oxygen species (ROS) were proposed to play a major role, however, only very high concentration of H2O2 (> 200 µM), which resulted in the loss of membrane integrity, induced stomatal closure. Unexpectedly, physiological concentrations of ROS led to cytosolic acidificationIII which was associated with stomatal opening, but not stomatal closure. To study the role of [H+]cyt to steer stomatal movement in detail, extracellular and intracellular pH variations were evoked in N. tabacum guard cells and their behaviour was followed. The results demonstrated cytosolic acidification stimulated stomatal opening while cytosolic alkalization triggered stomatal closure accompanied by [Ca2+]cyt elevations. This demonstrated pH regulation to be an important aspect in stomatal movement and to feed-back on the Ca2+-dynamics. It was remarkable that cytosolic alkalization but not [Ca2+]cyt increase seemed to play a crucial role in stomatal closure, because more pronounced cytosolic alkalization, evoked stronger stomatal closure despite similar [Ca2+]cyt increases. Increases in [Ca2+]cyt, which are discussed as an early stomatal closure signal in the past, could not trigger stomatal closure alone in my experiments, even when extremely strong [Ca2+]cyt signals were triggered. Regarding the interaction between the two second messengers, [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt were negatively correlated most of the times, which was different from pollen tubes showing positive correlation of [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt regimes. [Ca2+]cyt elevations were always associated with a cytosolic alkalization and this relationship could be blocked by the presence of vanadate, a plasma membrane H+-pump blocker, indicating plasma membrane H+-ATPases to contribute to the negative correlation of [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt. To compare with guard cells, cytosolic and nuclear versions of CapHensor were expressed in N. benthamiana mesophyll cells, a multicellular system I investigated. Mesophyll cell responses to the same stimuli as tested in guard cells demonstrated that ABA and H2O2 did not induce any [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt changes while flg22 induced an increase in [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt, which is different from the response in guard cells. I could thus unequivocally demonstrate that guard cells and mesophyll cells do respond differently with [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt changes to the same stimuli, a concept that has been proposed before, but never demonstrated in such detail for plants. Spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations have been observed for a long time in guard cells, but the function or cause is still poorly understood. Two populations of oscillatory guard cells were identified according to their [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt phase relationship in my study. In approximately half of the oscillatory cells, [H+]cyt oscillations preceded [Ca2+]cyt oscillations whereas [Ca2+]cyt was the leading signal in the other half of the guard cells population. Strikingly, natural [H+]cyt oscillations were dampened by ABA but not by flg22. This effect could be well explained by dampening of vacuolar H+ oscillations in the presence of ABA, but not through flg22. Vacuolar pH contributes to spontaneous [H+]cyt oscillations and ABA but not flg22 can block the interdependence of naturalIV [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt signals. To study the role of [Ca2+]cyt oscillations in stomatal movement, solutions containing high and low KCl concentrations were applied aiming to trigger [Ca2+]cyt oscillations. The triggering of [Ca2+]cyt oscillations by this method was established two decades ago leading to the dogma that [Ca2+]cyt increases are the crucial signal for stomatal closure. However, I found stomatal movement by this method was mainly due to osmotic effects rather than [Ca2+]cyt increases. Fortunately, through this methodology, I found a strong correlation between cytosolic pH and the transport of potassium across the plasma membrane and vacuole existed. The plasma membrane H+-ATPases and H+-coupled K+ transporters were identified as the cause of [H+]cyt changes, both very important aspects in stomata physiology that were not visualized experimentally before. Na+ transport is also important for stomatal regulation and leaves generally since salt can be transported from the root to the shoot. Unlike well-described Ca2+- dependent mechanisms in roots, how leaves process salt stress is not at all understood. I applied salt on protoplasts from leaves, mesophyll cells and guard cells and combined live-cell imaging with Vm recordings to understand the transport and signaling for leaf cells to cope with salt stress. In both, mesophyll and guard cells, NaCl did not trigger Ca2+-signals as described for roots but rather triggered Ca2+ peaks when washing salt out. However, membrane depolarization and pronounced alkalinization were very reliably triggered by NaCl, which could presumably act as a signal for detoxification of high salt concentrations. In line with this, I found the vacuolar cation/H+ antiporter NHX1 to play a role in sodium transport, [H+]cyt homeostasis and the control of membrane potential. Overexpression of AtNHX1 enabled to diminish [H+]cyt changes and resulted in a smaller depolarization responses druing NaCl stress. My results thus demonstrated in contrast to roots, leaf cells do not use Ca2+-dependent signalling cascades to deal with salt stress. I could show Na+ and K+ induced [H+]cyt and Vm responses and Cl- transport to only have a minor impact. Summing all my results up briefly, I uncovered pH signals to play important roles to control pollen tube growth, stomatal movement and leaf detoxification upon salt. My results strongly suggested pH changes might be a more important signal than previously thought to steer diverse processes in plants. Using CapHensor in combination with electrophysiology and bioinformatics tools, I discovered distinct interconnections between [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt in different cell types and distinct [Ca2+]cyt and [H+]cyt signals are initiated through diverse stimuli and environmental cues. The CapHensor will be very useful in the future to further investigate the coordinated role of Ca2+ and pH changes in controlling plant physiology.}, subject = {Pflanzen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchliermanngebStratmann2023, author = {Schliermann [geb. Stratmann], Anna Theresa}, title = {The Role of FGF Receptor 2 in GDF5 mediated Signal Transduction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19288}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192889}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are involved in various aspects of cell-cell communication in complex life forms. They act as morphogens, help differentiate different cell types from different progenitor cells in development, and are involved in many instances of intercellular communication, from forming a body axis to healing bone fractures, from sugar metabolism to angiogenesis. If the same protein or protein family carries out many functions, there is a demand to regulate and fine-tune their biological activities, and BMPs are highly regulated to generate cell- and context-dependent outcomes. Not all such instances can be explained yet. Growth/differentiation factor (GDF)5 (or BMP14) synergizes with BMP2 on chondrogenic ATDC5 cells, but antagonizes BMP2 on myoblastic C2C12 cells. Known regulators of BMP2/GDF5 signal transduction failed to explain this context-dependent difference, so a microarray was performed to identify new, cell-specific regulatory components. One identified candidate, the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)2, was analyzed as a potential new co-receptor to BMP ligands such as GDF5: It was shown that FGFR2 directly binds BMP2, GDF5, and other BMP ligands in vitro, and FGFR2 was able to positively influence BMP2/GDF5-mediated signaling outcome in cell-based assays. This effect was independent of FGFR2s kinase activity, and independent of the downstream mediators SMAD1/5/8, p42/p44, Akt, and p38. The elevated colocalization of BMP receptor type IA and FGFR2 in the presence of BMP2 or GDF5 suggests a signaling complex containing both receptors, akin to other known co-receptors of BMP ligands such as repulsive guidance molecules. This unexpected direct interaction between FGF receptor and BMP ligands potentially opens a new category of BMP signal transduction regulation, as FGFR2 is the second receptor tyrosine kinase to be identified as BMP co-receptor, and more may follow. The integration of cell surface interactions between members of the FGF and BMP family especially may widen the knowledge of such cellular communication mechanisms which involve both growth factor families, including morphogen gradients and osteogenesis, and may in consequence help to improve treatment options in osteochodnral diseases.}, subject = {Molekularbiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SexauerBhasinSchoenetal.2023, author = {Sexauer, Moritz and Bhasin, Hemal and Sch{\"o}n, Maria and Roitsch, Elena and Wall, Caroline and Herzog, Ulrike and Markmann, Katharina}, title = {A micro RNA mediates shoot control of root branching}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {14}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-023-43738-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357472}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Plants extract mineral nutrients from the soil, or from interactions with mutualistic soil microbes via their root systems. Adapting root architecture to nutrient availability enables efficient resource utilization, particularly in patchy and dynamic environments. Root growth responses to soil nitrogen levels are shoot-mediated, but the identity of shoot-derived mobile signals regulating root growth responses has remained enigmatic. Here we show that a shoot-derived micro RNA, miR2111, systemically steers lateral root initiation and nitrogen responsiveness through its root target TML (TOO MUCH LOVE) in the legume Lotus japonicus, where miR2111 and TML were previously shown to regulate symbiotic infections with nitrogen fixing bacteria. Intriguingly, systemic control of lateral root initiation by miR2111 and TML/HOLT (HOMOLOGUE OF LEGUME TML) was conserved in the nonsymbiotic ruderal Arabidopsis thaliana, which follows a distinct ecological strategy. Thus, the miR2111-TML/HOLT regulon emerges as an essential, conserved factor in adaptive shoot control of root architecture in dicots.}, language = {en} } @article{LuDreyerDickinsonetal.2023, author = {Lu, Jinping and Dreyer, Ingo and Dickinson, Miles Sasha and Panzer, Sabine and Jaślan, Dawid and Navarro-Retamal, Carlos and Geiger, Dietmar and Terpitz, Ulrich and Becker, Dirk and Stroud, Robert M. and Marten, Irene and Hedrich, Rainer}, title = {Vicia faba SV channel VfTPC1 is a hyperexcitable variant of plant vacuole two pore channels}, series = {eLife}, volume = {12}, journal = {eLife}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.86384}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350264}, year = {2023}, abstract = {To fire action-potential-like electrical signals, the vacuole membrane requires the two-pore channel TPC1, formerly called SV channel. The TPC1/SV channel functions as a depolarization-stimulated, non-selective cation channel that is inhibited by luminal Ca\(^{2+}\). In our search for species-dependent functional TPC1 channel variants with different luminal Ca\(^{2+}\) sensitivity, we found in total three acidic residues present in Ca\(^{2+}\) sensor sites 2 and 3 of the Ca\(^{2+}\)-sensitive AtTPC1 channel from Arabidopsis thaliana that were neutral in its Vicia faba ortholog and also in those of many other Fabaceae. When expressed in the Arabidopsis AtTPC1-loss-of-function background, wild-type VfTPC1 was hypersensitive to vacuole depolarization and only weakly sensitive to blocking luminal Ca\(^{2+}\). When AtTPC1 was mutated for these VfTPC1-homologous polymorphic residues, two neutral substitutions in Ca\(^{2+}\) sensor site 3 alone were already sufficient for the Arabidopsis At-VfTPC1 channel mutant to gain VfTPC1-like voltage and luminal Ca\(^{2+}\) sensitivity that together rendered vacuoles hyperexcitable. Thus, natural TPC1 channel variants exist in plant families which may fine-tune vacuole excitability and adapt it to environmental settings of the particular ecological niche.}, language = {en} } @article{ThomasFiebigKuhnetal.2023, author = {Thomas, Sarah and Fiebig, Juliane E. and Kuhn, Eva-Maria and Mayer, Dominik S. and Filbeck, Sebastian and Schmitz, Werner and Krischke, Markus and Gropp, Roswitha and Mueller, Thomas D.}, title = {Design of glycoengineered IL-4 antagonists employing chemical and biosynthetic glycosylation}, series = {ACS Omega}, volume = {8}, journal = {ACS Omega}, number = {28}, issn = {2470-1343}, doi = {10.1021/acsomega.3c00726}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350278}, pages = {24841-24852}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Interleukin-4 (IL-4) plays a key role in atopic diseases. It coordinates T-helper cell differentiation to subtype 2, thereby directing defense toward humoral immunity. Together with Interleukin-13, IL-4 further induces immunoglobulin class switch to IgE. Antibodies of this type activate mast cells and basophilic and eosinophilic granulocytes, which release pro-inflammatory mediators accounting for the typical symptoms of atopic diseases. IL-4 and IL-13 are thus major targets for pharmaceutical intervention strategies to treat atopic diseases. Besides neutralizing antibodies against IL-4, IL-13, or its receptors, IL-4 antagonists can present valuable alternatives. Pitrakinra, an Escherichia coli-derived IL-4 antagonist, has been evaluated in clinical trials for asthma treatment in the past; however, deficits such as short serum lifetime and potential immunogenicity among others stopped further development. To overcome such deficits, PEGylation of therapeutically important proteins has been used to increase the lifetime and proteolytic stability. As an alternative, glycoengineering is an emerging strategy used to improve pharmacokinetics of protein therapeutics. In this study, we have established different strategies to attach glycan moieties to defined positions in IL-4. Different chemical attachment strategies employing thiol chemistry were used to attach a glucose molecule at amino acid position 121, thereby converting IL-4 into a highly effective antagonist. To enhance the proteolytic stability of this IL-4 antagonist, additional glycan structures were introduced by glycoengineering utilizing eucaryotic expression. IL-4 antagonists with a combination of chemical and biosynthetic glycoengineering could be useful as therapeutic alternatives to IL-4 neutralizing antibodies already used to treat atopic diseases.}, language = {en} } @article{FaistAnkenbrandSickeletal.2023, author = {Faist, Hanna and Ankenbrand, Markus J. and Sickel, Wiebke and Hentschel, Ute and Keller, Alexander and Deeken, Rosalia}, title = {Opportunistic bacteria of grapevine crown galls are equipped with the genomic repertoire for opine utilization}, series = {Genome Biology and Evolution}, volume = {15}, journal = {Genome Biology and Evolution}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1093/gbe/evad228}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350172}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Young grapevines (Vitis vinifera) suffer and eventually can die from the crown gall disease caused by the plant pathogen Allorhizobium vitis (Rhizobiaceae). Virulent members of A. vitis harbor a tumor-inducing plasmid and induce formation of crown galls due to the oncogenes encoded on the transfer DNA. The expression of oncogenes in transformed host cells induces unregulated cell proliferation and metabolic and physiological changes. The crown gall produces opines uncommon to plants, which provide an important nutrient source for A. vitis harboring opine catabolism enzymes. Crown galls host a distinct bacterial community, and the mechanisms establishing a crown gall-specific bacterial community are currently unknown. Thus, we were interested in whether genes homologous to those of the tumor-inducing plasmid coexist in the genomes of the microbial species coexisting in crown galls. We isolated 8 bacterial strains from grapevine crown galls, sequenced their genomes, and tested their virulence and opine utilization ability in bioassays. In addition, the 8 genome sequences were compared with 34 published bacterial genomes, including closely related plant-associated bacteria not from crown galls. Homologous genes for virulence and opine anabolism were only present in the virulent Rhizobiaceae. In contrast, homologs of the opine catabolism genes were present in all strains including the nonvirulent members of the Rhizobiaceae and non-Rhizobiaceae. Gene neighborhood and sequence identity of the opine degradation cluster of virulent and nonvirulent strains together with the results of the opine utilization assay support the important role of opine utilization for cocolonization in crown galls, thereby shaping the crown gall community.}, language = {en} }