@phdthesis{Ernst1999, author = {Ernst, Roman}, title = {Visuelle Mustererkennung und Parameterextraktion bei Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1156}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {In operanten Konditionierungsexperimenten im Flugsimulator werden vier Parameter gefunden die Drosophila melanogaster aus visuellen Mustern extrahieren kann: Musterfl{\"a}che, vertikale Position des Musterschwerpunkts, Verteiltheit und Musterausrichtung in horizontaler und vertikaler Richtung. Es ist nicht auszuschliessen, dass die Fliege weitere Musterparameter extrahieren kann. Spontane Musterpr{\"a}ferenzen und konditionierte Pr{\"a}ferenzen zeigen unterschiedliche Zusammenh{\"a}nge mit den Musterparametern. Aus r{\"a}umlich getrennten Musterelementen zusammengesetzte Muster werden von der Fliege wie ein Gesamtmuster behandelt. Retinaler Transfer wird auch bei der Pr{\"a}sentation von Mustern an zwei verschiedenen vertikalen Trainingspositionen nicht beobachtet. Muster werden generalisiert, wenn die Schwerpunkte korrespondierender Muster zwischen Training und Test ungef{\"a}hr an der gleichen Position liegen aber keine retinale {\"U}berlappung von Trainings- und Testmustern besteht. Retinotopie des Musterged{\"a}chtnisses liegt in diesem Fall nicht auf der Ebene der Bildpunkte, jedoch m{\"o}glicherweise auf der Ebene des Parameters 'Musterschwerpunkt' vor. Fliegen k{\"o}nnen nicht trainiert werden bestimmte Musterpaare zu diskriminieren die sich nur durch die vertikale Position ihres Musterschwerpunktes unterscheiden. Dennoch bevorzugen sie beim Lerntest mit anderen Mustern mit korrespondierenden Schwerpunktspositionen die zuvor nicht bestrafte Schwerpunktsposition. F{\"u}r die Modellierung der Extraktion von Musterschwerpunkt und Musterfl{\"a}che wird ein einfaches k{\"u}nstliches neuronales Filter pr{\"a}sentiert, dessen Architektur auf einem Berechnungsalgorithmus f{\"u}r den gemeinsamen Schwerpunkt mehrerer Teilelemente beruht.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Voeller2009, author = {V{\"o}ller, Thomas}, title = {Visualisierung und Manipulation neuronaler Aktivit{\"a}ten im Gehirn von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35589}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Techniken zur Analyse der Funktion diverser Neuronen in Drosophila melanogaster angewendet. Im ersten Teil wurde mittels in-vivo Calcium Imaging Technik unter Verwendung des Calciumsensors Cameleon neuronale Aktivit{\"a}t entlang des olfaktorischen Signalweges registriert. Hierbei wurde die neuronale Repr{\"a}sentation der Duftidentit{\"a}t und der Duftintensit{\"a}t untersucht. In Bezug auf diese Fragestellung wurde die Datenverarbeitung und Datenanalyse weiterentwickelt und standardisiert. Die Experimente f{\"u}hrten zu dem Ergebnis, dass duftspezifische Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster auf der Ebene des Antennallobus sehr gut unterscheidbar sind. Manche Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster der pr{\"a}sentierten D{\"u}fte zeigten interessanterweise einen hohen {\"A}hnlichkeitsgrad, wohingegen andere un{\"a}hnlich waren. In h{\"o}heren Gehirnzentren wie den Orten der terminalen Aborisationen der Projektionsneurone oder den Pilzk{\"o}rper Kenyonzellen liegt eine starke Variabilit{\"a}t der duftevozierten Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster vor, was generelle Interpretationen unm{\"o}glich macht und h{\"o}chstens Vergleiche innerhalb eines Individuums zul{\"a}sst. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Calciumsignale in den Rezeptorneuronen sowie pr{\"a}- und postsynaptisch in den Projektionsneuronen bei Erh{\"o}hung der Konzentration der verschiedenen pr{\"a}sentierten D{\"u}fte {\"u}ber einen Bereich von mindestens drei Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen ansteigen. In den Kenyonzellen des Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx und der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Loben ist diese Konzentrationsabh{\"a}ngigkeit weniger deutlich ausgepr{\"a}gt und im Falle der Loben nur f{\"u}r bestimmte D{\"u}fte detektierbar. Eine Best{\"a}tigung des postulierten „sparsed code" der Duftpr{\"a}sentation in den Pilzk{\"o}rpern konnte in dieser Arbeit nicht erbracht werden, was m{\"o}glicherweise daran liegt, dass eine Einzelzellaufl{\"o}sung mit der verwendeten Technik nicht erreicht werden kann. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit sollte durch die Nutzung des lichtabh{\"a}ngigen Kationenkanals Channelrhodopsin-2 der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob bestimmte modulatorische Neurone die verst{\"a}rkenden Eigenschaften eines bestrafenden oder belohnenden Stimulus vermitteln. Die lichtinduzierte Aktivierung von Channelrhodopsin-2 exprimierenden dopaminergen Neuronen als Ersatz f{\"u}r einen aversiven Reiz f{\"u}hrte bei einer olfaktorischen Konditionierung bei Larven zur Bildung eines aversiven assoziativen Ged{\"a}chtnisses. Im Gegensatz dazu induzierte die Aktivierung von Channelrhodopsin-2 in oktopaminergen/tyraminergen Neuronen als Ersatz f{\"u}r einen appetitiven Reiz ein appetitives assoziatives Ged{\"a}chtnis. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass dopaminerge Neurone bei Larven aversives Duftlernen, oktopaminerge/tyraminerge Neurone dagegen appetitives Duftlernen induzieren.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sareen2011, author = {Sareen, Preeti}, title = {Visual attention in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69616}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {There is such vast amount of visual information in our surroundings at any time that filtering out the important information for further processing is a basic requirement for any visual system. This is accomplished by deploying attention to focus on one source of sensory inputs to the exclusion of others (Luck and Mangun 2009). Attention has been studied extensively in humans and non human primates (NHPs). In Drosophila, visual attention was first demonstrated in 1980 (Wolf and Heisenberg 1980) but this field remained largely unexplored until recently. Lately, however, studies have emerged that hypothesize the role of attention in several behaviors but do not specify the characteristic properties of attention. So, the aim of this research was to characterize the phenomenon of visual attention in wild-type Drosophila, including both externally cued and covert attention using tethered flight at a torque meter. Development of systematic quantifiable behavioral tests was a key aspect for this which was not only important for analyzing the behavior of a population of wild-type flies but also for comparing the wild-type flies with mutant flies. The latter would help understand the molecular, genetic, and neuronal bases of attention. Since Drosophila provides handy genetic tools, a model of attention in Drosophila will serve to the greater questions about the neuronal circuitry and mechanisms involved which might be analogous to those in primates. Such a model might later be used in research involving disorders of attention. Attention can be guided to a certain location in the visual field by the use of external cues. Here, using visual cues the attention of the fly was directed to one or the other of the two visual half-fields. A simple yet robust paradigm was designed with which the results were easily quantifiable. This paradigm helped discover several interesting properties of the cued attention, the most substantial one being that this kind of external guidance of attention is restricted to the lower part of the fly's visual field. The guiding cue had an after-effect, i.e. it could occur at least up to 2 seconds before the test and still bias it. The cue could also be spatially separated from the test by at least 20° and yet attract the attention although the extent of the focus of attention (FoA) was smaller than one lower visual half-field. These observations excluded the possibility of any kind of interference between the test and the cue stimuli. Another interesting observation was the essentiality of continuous visibility of the test stimulus but not the cue for effective cuing. When the contrast of the visual scene was inverted, differences in response frequencies and cuing effects were observed. Syndirectional yaw torque responses became more frequent than the antidirectional responses and cuing was no longer effective in the lower visual field with inverted contrast. Interestingly, the test stimulus with simultaneous displacement of two stripes not only effectuated a phasic yaw torque response but also a landing response. A 50 landing response was produced in more than half of the cases whenever a yaw torque response was produced. Elucidation of the neuronal correlates of the cued attention was commenced. Pilot experiments with hydroxyurea (HU) treated flies showed that mushroom bodies were not required for the kind of guidance of attention tested in this study. Dopamine mutants were also tested for the guidance of attention in the lower visual field. Surprisingly, TH-Gal4/UAS-shits1 flies flew like wild-type flies and also showed normal optomotor response during the initial calibration phase of the experiment but did not show any phasic yaw torque or landing response at 18 °C, 25 °C or 30 °C. dumb2 flies that have almost no D1 dopamine receptor dDA1 expression in the mushroom bodies and the central complex (Kim et al. 2007) were also tested and like THGal4/ UAS-shits1 flies did not show any phasic yaw torque or landing response. Since the dopamine mutants did not show the basic yaw torque response for the test the role of dopamine in attention could not be deduced. A different paradigm would be needed to test these mutants. Not only can attention be guided through external cues, it can also be shifted endogenously (covert attention). Experiments with the windows having oscillating stripes nicely demonstrated the phenomenon of covert attention due to the production of a characteristic yaw torque pattern by the flies. However, the results were not easily quantifiable and reproducible thereby calling for a more systematic approach. Experiments with simultaneous opposing displacements of two stripes provide a promising avenue as the results from these experiments showed that the flies had a higher tendency to deliver one type of response than when the responses would be produced stochastically suggesting that attention increased this tendency. Further experiments and analysis of such experiments could shed more light on the mechanisms of covert attention in flies.}, subject = {Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beck2019, author = {Beck, Sebastian}, title = {Using optogenetics to influence the circadian clock of \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18495}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Almost all life forms on earth have adapted to the most impactful and most predictable recurring change in environmental condition, the cycle of day and night, caused by the axial rotation of the planet. As a result many animals have evolved intricate endogenous clocks, which adapt and synchronize the organisms' physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the daily change in environmental conditions. The scientific field researching these endogenous clocks is called chronobiology and has steadily grown in size, scope and relevance since the works of the earliest pioneers in the 1960s. The number one model organism for the research of circadian clocks is the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, whose clock serves as the entry point to understanding the basic inner workings of such an intricately constructed endogenous timekeeping system. In this thesis it was attempted to combine the research on the circadian clock with the techniques of optogenetics, a fairly new scientific field, launched by the discovery of Channelrhodopsin 2 just over 15 years ago. Channelrhodopsin 2 is a light-gated ion channel found in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In optogenetics, researches use these light-gated ion channels like Channelrhodopsin 2 by heterologously expressing them in cells and tissues of other organisms, which can then be stimulated by the application of light. This is most useful when studying neurons, as these channels provide an almost non-invasive tool to depolarize the neuronal plasma membranes at will. The goal of this thesis was to develop an optogenetic tool, which would be able to influence and phase shift the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster upon illumination. A phase shift is the adaptive response of the circadian clock to an outside stimulus that signals a change in the environmental light cycle. An optogenetic tool, able to influence and phase shift the circadian clock predictably and reliably, would open up many new ways and methods of researching the neuronal network of the clock and which neurons communicate to what extent, ultimately synchronizing the network. The first optogenetic tool to be tested in the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster was ChR2-XXL, a channelrhodopsin variant with dramatically increased expression levels and photocurrents combined with a prolonged open state. The specific expression of ChR2-XXL and of later constructs was facilitated by deploying the three different clock-specific GAL4-driver lines, clk856-gal4, pdf-gal4 and mai179-gal4. Although ChR2-XXL was shown to be highly effective at depolarizing neurons, these stimulations proved to be unable to significantly phase shift the circadian clock of Drosophila. The second series of experiments was conducted with the conceptually novel optogenetic tools Olf-bPAC and SthK-bPAC, which respectively combine a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel (Olf and SthK) with the light-activated adenylyl-cyclase bPAC. These tools proved to be quite useful when expressed in the motor neurons of instar-3 larvae of Drosophila, paralyzing the larvae upon illumination, as well as affecting body length. This way, these new tools could be precisely characterized, spawning a successfully published research paper, centered around their electrophysiological characterization and their applicability in model organisms like Drosophila. In the circadian clock however, these tools caused substantial damage, producing severe arrhythmicity and anomalies in neuronal development. Using a temperature-sensitive GAL80-line to delay the expression until after the flies had eclosed, yielded no positive results either. The last series of experiments saw the use of another new series of optogenetic tools, modelled after the Olf-bPAC, with bPAC swapped out for CyclOp, a membrane-bound guanylyl-cyclase, coupled with less potent versions of the Olf. This final attempt however also ended up being unsuccessful. While these tools could efficiently depolarize neuronal membranes upon illumination, they were ultimately unable to stimulate the circadian clock in way that would cause it to phase shift. Taken together, these mostly negative results indicate that an optogenetic manipulation of the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster is an extremely challenging subject. As light already constitutes the most impactful environmental factor on the circadian clock, the combination of chronobiology with optogenetics demands the parameters of the conducted experiments to be tuned with an extremely high degree of precision, if one hopes to receive positive results from these types of experiments at all.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruber2010, author = {Gruber, Franz Andreas}, title = {Untersuchung zur Regulation der Expression des zuckerkonditionierten Verhaltens bei Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48802}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit habe ich die Regulation der Expression des zuckerbelohnten Verhaltens durch den F{\"u}tterungszustand bei Drosophila melanogaster untersucht. Die Fliegen k{\"o}nnen w{\"a}hrend einer Trainingsphase mit Hilfe einer Zuckerbelohnung auf einen bestimmten Duft konditioniert werden. Nach dem Training k{\"o}nnen die Fliegen dann auf das olfaktorische Ged{\"a}chtnis getestet werden. Die Bereitschaft das zuckerkonditionierte Ged{\"a}chtnis im Test zu zeigen wird vom F{\"u}tterungszustand kontrolliert, wie ich in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen fr{\"u}herer Arbeiten demonstrierte (Tempel et al. 1983; Gruber 2006; Krashes et al. 2008). Nur nicht gef{\"u}tterte Fliegen exprimieren das Ged{\"a}chtnis, w{\"a}hrend F{\"u}tterungen bis kurz vor dem Test eine reversibel supprimierende Wirkung haben. Einen {\"a}hnlichen regulatorischen Einfluss {\"u}bt der Futterentzug auch auf die Expression anderer futterbezogener Verhaltensweisen, wie z.B. die naive Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz, aus. Nachdem ich den drastischen Einfluss des F{\"u}tterungszustands auf die Auspr{\"a}gung des zuckerkonditionierten Verhaltens gezeigt bzw. best{\"a}tigt hatte, habe ich nach verhaltensregulierenden Faktoren gesucht, die bei einer F{\"u}tterung die Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression unterdr{\"u}cken. Als m{\"o}gliche Kandidaten untersuchte ich Parameter, die zum Teil bereits bei verschiedenen futterbezogenen Verhaltensweisen unterschiedlicher Tierarten als „S{\"a}ttigungssignale" identifiziert worden waren (Marty et al. 2007; Powley and Phillips 2004; Havel 2001; Bernays and Chapman 1974; Simpson and Bernays 1983; Gelperin 1971a). Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass weder die „ern{\"a}hrende" Eigenschaft des Futters, noch ein durch Futteraufnahme bedingter Anstieg der internen Glukosekonzentration f{\"u}r die Suppression des zuckerkonditionierten Ged{\"a}chtnisses notwendig sind. Die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression kann auch nicht durch Unterschiede in den aufgenommenen Futtermengen, die als verhaltensinhibitorische Dehnungssignale des Verdauungstrakts wirken k{\"o}nnten, oder mit der St{\"a}rke des s{\"u}ßen Geschmacks erkl{\"a}rt werden. Die Suppression des zuckerbelohnten Verhaltens folgte den Konzentrationen der gef{\"u}tterten Substanzen und war unabh{\"a}ngig von deren chemischen Spezifit{\"a}t. Deshalb wird die Osmolarit{\"a}t des aufgenommenen Futters als ein entscheidender Faktor f{\"u}r die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der zuckerkonditionierten Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression angenommen. Weil nur inkorporierte Substanzen einen Unterdr{\"u}ckungseffekt hatten, wird ein osmolarit{\"a}tsdetektierender Mechanismus im K{\"o}rper 67 postuliert, wahrscheinlich im Verdauungstrakt und/oder der H{\"a}molymphe. Die H{\"a}molymphosmolarit{\"a}t ist als „S{\"a}ttigungssignal" bei einigen wirbellosen Tieren bereits nachgewiesen worden (Bernays and Chapman 1974; Simpson and Raubenheimer 1993; Gelperin 1971a; Phifer and Prior 1985). Deshalb habe ich mit Hilfe genetischer Methoden und ohne die Fliegen zu f{\"u}ttern, versucht {\"u}ber einen k{\"u}nstlich induzierten Anstieg der Trehaloseund Lipidkonzentrationen die Osmolarit{\"a}t der H{\"a}molymphe in Drosophila zu erh{\"o}hen. Eine solche konzentrationserh{\"o}hende Wirkung f{\"u}r Lipide und die Trehalose, dem Hauptblutzucker der Insekten, ist bereits f{\"u}r das adipokinetische Hormon (AKH), das von Zellen der Corpora cardiaca exprimiert wird, nachgewiesen worden (Kim and Rulifson 2004; Lee and Park 2004; Isabel et al. 2005). Es stellte sich heraus, dass die k{\"u}nstliche Stimulierung AKH-produzierender Neurone das zuckerkonditionierten Verhalten tempor{\"a}r, reversible und selektiv unterdr{\"u}ckt. Gleiche Behandlungen hatten keinen Effekt auf ein aversiv konditioniertes olfaktorisches Ged{\"a}chtnis oder ein naives Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenzverhalten. Wie aus dieser Arbeit hervorgeht, stellt wahrscheinlich die Osmolarit{\"a}t des Verdauungstrakts und der H{\"a}molymphe oder nur der H{\"a}molymphe ein physiologisches Korrelat zum F{\"u}tterungszustand dar und wirkt als unterdr{\"u}ckendes Signal. Dass F{\"u}tterungen das zuckerkonditionierte Verhalten und die Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz supprimieren, die k{\"u}nstliche Stimulation AKH-produzierender Zellen aber selektiv nur die zuckerbelohnte Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression unterdr{\"u}ckt, deutet auf mindestens zwei unterschiedliche „S{\"a}ttigungssignalwege" hin. Außerdem macht es deutlich wie uneinheitlich futterbezogene Verhaltensweisen, wie das zuckerbelohnte Verhalten und die naive Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz, reguliert werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Riemensperger2006, author = {Riemensperger, Thomas}, title = {Untersuchung pr{\"a}diktiver Eigenschaften des dopaminergen Systems von Drosophila melanogaster mittels genetisch kodierter Calcium Sensoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19041}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die Technik des optischen Imaging unter Verwendung DNA-codierter Sensoren erm{\"o}glicht es, Messungen neuraler Aktivit{\"a}ten in genetisch definierten Populationen von Neuronen durchzuf{\"u}hren. In der Vielzahl der verschiedenen entwickelten Sensoren konnten die Calciumsensoren bisher das beste Verh{\"a}ltnis zwischen Signal und Rauschen und die beste zeitliche Aufl{\"o}sung aufzeigen. Hierbei handelt es sich in erster Linie um zwei Typen von Sensoren, zum einen ratiometrische Sensoren, deren Signal auf einem Fluoreszenz Resonanz Energie Transfer (FRET) basiert, und zum anderen um zirkul{\"a}r permutierte Sensoren, die auf einem modifizierten GFP-Molek{\"u}l basieren, wobei das Signal auf einer ver{\"a}nderten Protonierung des Chromophors beruht. Beide Arten dieser Sensoren wurden schon erfolgreich zum Messen neuraler Aktivit{\"a}ten in Nervensystemen verschiedener Tierarten verwendet. Ein Teil dieser Arbeit bestand darin, zu untersuchen, welche Sensoren sich f{\"u}r die Messung an einem lebenden Organismus am besten eignen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden die Eigenschaften von vier verschiedenen FRET basierten Sensoren und zwei der zyklisch permutierten Sensoren nach Expression im zentralen Nervensystem von Drosophila charakterisiert. Die Sensoren wurden in Neuronen zweiter und dritter Ordnung des olfaktorischen Signalwegs exprimiert und ihre Antworten auf physiologische Duftstimulation oder artifiziell induzierte Depolarisation des Gehirns untersucht. W{\"a}hrend die calciumabh{\"a}ngigen Signale der zyklisch permutierten Sensoren in der Regel gr{\"o}ßer waren als die der FRET basierten Sensoren, zeichneten sich letztere durch ein besseres Signal zu Rausch-Verh{\"a}ltnis aus, wenn Bewegungen der fluoreszierenden Strukturen nicht zu vermeiden waren. Dies war auch der ausschlaggebende Grund f{\"u}r die Verwendung eines FRET basierten Sensors im anschließenden Teil der Arbeit. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde der Effekt untersucht, den die Paarung eines neutralen Stimulus mit einem bestrafenden Stimulus auf dopaminerge Neurone hat. Eine solche Paarung kann zu einer klassischen Konditionierung f{\"u}hren, einer einfachen Form des Lernens, in welcher das Tier einem urspr{\"u}nglich neutralen Stimulus einen Wert zuordnet, und dadurch sein Verhalten dem Stimulus gegen{\"u}ber {\"a}ndert. Die olfaktorische klassische Konditionierung in Drosophila wird seit vielen Jahren intensiv untersucht, um die molekularen und neuronalen Grundlagen von Lernen und Ged{\"a}chtnis zu charakterisieren. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass besonders die Pilzk{\"o}rper von essentieller Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Ausbildung eines olfaktorischen Ged{\"a}chtnisses sind. W{\"a}hrend das olfactorische System bei Insekten bereits detailiert analysiert wurde, ist {\"u}ber die Neurone, die den bestrafenden Stimulus vermitteln, nur sehr wenig bekannt. Unter Anwendung des funktionellen optischen Calcium Imaging konnte im Rahmen der Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass die Projektionen von dopaminergen Neuronen im Bereich der Loben der Pilzk{\"o}rper schwach auf die Pr{\"a}sentation eines Duftes, jedoch sehr stark auf eine Stimulation durch einen Elektroschock antworten. Nach mehrmaliger Paarung eines Duftes mit einem Elektroschock w{\"a}hrend eines Trainings, verl{\"a}ngert sich die Aktivit{\"a}t dieser dopaminergen Neurone auf den bestraften Duft hin im Test ohne Elektroschock drastisch, w{\"a}hrend die Antwort auf den Kontrollduft keine signifikanten Ver{\"a}nderungen aufweist. W{\"a}hrend bei S{\"a}ugetieren belohnende Reize bei appetitiven Lernvorg{\"a}ngen {\"u}ber dopaminerge Neurone vermittelt werden, spielen bei Drosophila diese Neurone offensichtlich eine Rolle bei der aversiven Konditionierung. Jedoch blieb, auch wenn sich die Rolle des Dopamins im Laufe der Evolution ge{\"a}ndert zu haben scheint, die F{\"a}higkeit dieses Neuronentyps, nicht nur auf einen eintreffenden verst{\"a}rkenden Stimulus zu reagieren, sondern diesen auch vorhersagen zu k{\"o}nnen, zwischen S{\"a}ugern und Drosophila erhalten.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grebler2015, author = {Grebler, Rudi}, title = {Untersuchung der Rolle von Rhodopsin 7 und Cryptochrom im Sehprozess von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114466}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r die Detektion von Licht ist im gesamten Tierreich die Absorption von Photonen durch photorezeptive Proteine, die sogenannten Opsine und in geringerem Ausmaß die Typ 1 Cryptochrome. Die Taufliege Drosophila melanogaster besitzt sechs eingehend charakterisierte, auch als Rhodopsine bezeichnete Opsine (Rh1-Rh6) und ein Cryptochrom (CRY). Neben den Ocellen und den Hofbauer-Buchner {\"A}uglein werden die Rhodopsine in erster Linie in den Photorezeptorzellen der Komplexaugen, den Hauptorganen der Lichtperzeption exprimiert, wo sie der Vermittlung der visuellen Wahrnehmung dienen. Basierend auf Sequenzvergleichen wurde im Jahr 2000 ein neues Protein namens Rh7 zur Gruppe der Drosophila Opsine hinzugef{\"u}gt. Bis heute fehlt allerdings jeglicher experimentelle Beleg f{\"u}r die photorezeptive Funktion dieses Proteins. Im Gegensatz dazu wird Cryptochrom in erster Linie in einigen Uhrneuronen des Drosophila Gehirns exprimiert, wo es diesen Neuronen die F{\"a}higkeit zur Lichtdetektion verleiht und das Photoentrainment der inneren Uhr lenkt. Neueren Untersuchungen zu folge spielt CRY allerdings auch bei der visuellen Wahrnehmung der Augen eine Rolle. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielte nun darauf ab die potentielle Funktion von Rh7 als neuen Photorezeptor in Drosophila sowie die Rolle von CRY bei der visuellen Lichtperzeption zu untersuchen. Die Aufnahmen der Elektroretinogramme (ERGs) von transgenen Fliegen, die Rh7 anstelle von oder zusammen mit dem dominanten Photorezeptor Rh1 in den Komplexaugen exprimieren, zeigen, dass Rh7 die Phototransduktionskaskade bei Belichtung mit Weißlicht nicht aktivieren kann. Die Abwesenheit von Rh7 sorgt allerdings trotzdem f{\"u}r eine Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der lichtinduzierten Antwort der Rezeptorzellen im Komplexauge. So zeigen die Intensit{\"a}ts-Response Kurven der ERG Rezeptorpotentialamplitude von rh7 Knockout-Fliegen unter Weißlicht niedriger und mittlerer Intensit{\"a}t nach einer anf{\"a}nglichen Dunkeladaptation von 15min eine insgesamt, im Vergleich zur Kontrolle erh{\"o}hte Rezeptorpotentialamplitude. Der Verlauf dieser Kurven deutet außerdem darauf hin, dass die Zunahme der Rezeptorpotentialamplitude mit steigender Lichtintensit{\"a}t gr{\"o}ßer wird. Zudem zeigt das Aktionsspektrum f{\"u}r die Rezeptorpotentialamplitude der rh7 Knockout-Fliegen, dass diese Empfindlichkeitszunahme im gesamten Bereich von 370-648nm auftritt. Diese Beeintr{\"a}chtigung scheint jedoch zu fehlen, wenn die Fliegen vor Experimentbeginn nur 1min dunkeladaptiert wurden, oder wenn intensives Blaulicht zur Belichtung verwendet wird. Des weiteren ist auch das 4s nach Ende des Lichtpulses im ERG gemessene Nachpotential bei fehlendem Rh7 reduziert. Zusammengenommen deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Rh7, wenn auch nicht als Photorezeptor, bei Belichtung mit Weißlicht niedriger und mittlerer Intensit{\"a}t die Lichtantwort in den Rezeptorzellen des Komplexauges in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Intensit{\"a}t und Adaptationszustand beeinflusst und dass dieser Einfluss scheinbar nicht durch Licht eines eng begrenzten Wellenl{\"a}ngenbereichs induziert wird. Des weiteren legt die Untersuchung des ERG Nachpotentials nahe, dass Rh7 m{\"o}glicherweise f{\"u}r eine normale Beendigung der Lichtantwort ben{\"o}tigt wird. Die allgemeine Funktion von Rh7 als Photorezeptor in Drosophila sowie die Eigenschaften der endogenen Funktion von Rh7 werden diskutiert. Unabh{\"a}ngig davon wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit auch gezeigt, dass Fliegen ohne CRY zwar nach 15-min{\"u}tiger, nicht jedoch nach 1-min{\"u}tiger Dunkeladaptation bei Belichtung mit Weißlicht niedriger Intensit{\"a}t eine insgesamt geringere ERG Rezeptorpotentialamplitude aufweisen. Dies k{\"o}nnte auf eine Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der Dunkeladaptationsprozesse bei Abwesenheit von CRY hindeuten.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Michels2008, author = {Michels, Birgit}, title = {Towards localizing the Synapsin-dependent olfactory memory trace in the brain of larval Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-36338}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Animals need to adapt and modify their behaviour according to a changing environment. In particular, the ability to learn about rewarding or punishing events is crucial for survival. One key process that underlies such learning are modifications of the synaptic connection between nerve cells. This Thesis is concerned with the genetic determinants of such plasticity, and with the site of these modifications along the sensory-to-motor loops in Drosophila olfactory learning. I contributed to the development and detailed parametric description of an olfactory associative learning paradigm in larval fruit flies (Chapter I.1.). The robustness of this learning assay, together with a set of transgenic Drosophila strains established during this Thesis, enabled me to study the role for Synapsin, a presynaptic phosphoprotein likely involved in synaptic plasticity, in this form of learning (Chapter I.2.), and to investigate the cellular site of the corresponding Synapsin-dependent memory trace (Chapter I.3.). These data provide the first comprehensive account to-date of the neurogenetic bases of learning in larval Drosophila. The role for Synapsin was also analyzed with regard to pain-relief learning in adult fruit flies (Chapter II.1.); that is, if an odour precedes an electric shock during training, flies subsequently avoid that odour ('punishment learning'), whereas presentation of the odour upon the cessation of shock subsequently leads to approach towards the odour ('relief larning'). Such pain-relief learning was also the central topic of a study concerning the white gene (Chapter II.2.), which as we report does affect pain-relief as well as punishment learning in adult flies, but leaves larval odour-food learning unaffected. These studies regarding pain-relief learning provide the very first hints, in any experimental system, concerning the genetic determinants of this form of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chouhan2017, author = {Chouhan, Nitin Singh}, title = {Time-odor learning in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145675}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Endogenous clocks help animals to anticipate the daily environmental changes. These internal clocks rely on environmental cues, called Zeitgeber, for synchronization. The molecular clock consists of transcription-translation feedback loops and is located in about 150 neurons (Helfrich-F{\"o}rster and Homberg, 1993; Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, 2005). The core clock has the proteins Clock (CLK) and Cycle (CYC) that together act as a transcription activator for period (per) and timeless (tim) which then, via PER and TIM block their own transcription by inhibiting CLK/CYC activity (Darlington et al., 1998; Hardin, 2005; Dubruille and Emery, 2008). Light signals trigger the degradation of TIM through a blue-light sensing protein Cryptochrome (CRY) and thus, allows CLK/CYC to resume per and tim transcription (Emery et al., 1998; Stanewsky et al., 1998). Therefore, light acts as an important Zeitgeber for the clock entrainment. The mammalian clock consists of similarly intertwined feedback loops. Endogenous clocks facilitate appropriate alterations in a variety of behaviors according to the time of day. Also, these clocks can provide the phase information to the memory centers of the brain to form the time of day related associations (TOD). TOD memories promote appropriate usage of resources and concurrently better the survival success of an animal. For instance, animals can form time-place associations related to the availability of a biologically significant stimulus like food or mate. Such memories will help the animal to obtain resources at different locations at the appropriate time of day. The significance of these memories is supported by the fact that many organisms including bees, ants, rats and mice demonstrate time-place learning (Biebach et al. 1991; Mistlberger et al. 1997; Van der Zee et al. 2008; Wenger et al. 1991). Previous studies have shown that TOD related memories rely on an internal clock, but the identity of the clock and the underlying mechanism remain less well understood. The present study demonstrates that flies can also form TOD associated odor memories and further seeks to identify the appropriate mechanism. Hungry flies were trained in the morning to associate odor A with the sucrose reward and subsequently were exposed to odor B without reward. The same flies were exposed in the afternoon to odor B with and odor A without reward. Two cycles of the 65 reversal training on two subsequent days resulted in the significant retrieval of specific odor memories in the morning and afternoon tests. Therefore, flies were able to modulate their odor preference according to the time of day. In contrast, flies trained in a non-reversal manner were unable to form TOD related memories. The study also demonstrates that flies are only able to form time-odor memories when the two reciprocal training cycles occur at a minimum 6 h interval. This work also highlights the role of the internal state of flies in establishing timeodor memories. Prolonged starvation motivates flies to appropriate their search for the food. It increases the cost associated with a wrong choice in the T-maze test as it precludes the food discovery. Accordingly, an extended starvation promotes the TOD related changes in the odor preference in flies already with a single cycle of reversal training. Intriguingly, prolonged starvation is required for the time-odor memory acquisition but is dispensable during the memory retrieval. Endogenous oscillators promote time-odor associations in flies. Flies in constant darkness have functional rhythms and can form time-odor memories. In contrast, flies kept in constant light become arrhythmic and demonstrated no change in their odor preference through the day. Also, clock mutant flies per01 and clkAR, show compromised performance compared to CS flies when trained in the time-odor conditioning assay. These results suggest that flies need a per and clk dependent oscillator for establishing TOD related memories. Also, the clock governed rhythms are necessary for the timeodor memory acquisition but not for the retrieval. Pigment-Dispersing Factor (PDF) neuropeptide is a clock output factor (Park and Hall, 1998; Park et al., 2000; Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, 2009). pdf01 mutant flies are unable to form significant time-odor memories. PDF is released by 8 neurons per hemisphere in the fly brain. This cluster includes the small (s-LNvs) and large (l-LNvs) ventral lateral neurons. Restoring PDF in these 16 neurons in the pdf01 mutant background rescues the time-odor learning defect. The PDF neuropeptide activates a seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor (PDFR) which is broadly expressed in the fly brain (Hyun et al., 2005). The present study shows that the expression of PDFR in about 10 dorsal neurons (DN1p) is sufficient for robust time-odor associations in flies. 66 In conclusion, flies use distinct endogenous oscillators to acquire and retrieve time-odor memories. The first oscillator is light dependent and likely signals through the PDF neuropeptide to promote the usage of the time as an associative cue during appetitive conditioning. In contrast, the second clock is light independent and specifically signals the time information for the memory retrieval. The identity of this clock and the underlying mechanism are open to investigation.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jenett2007, author = {Jenett, Arnim}, title = {The Virtual Insect Brain Protocol : development and application of software for the standardization of neuroanatomy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22297}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Since the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster entered the laboratories as a model organism, new genetic, physiological, molecular and behavioral techniques for the functional analysis of the brain rapidly accumulated. Nowadays this concerted assault obtains its main thrust form Gal4 expression patterns that can be visualized and provide the means for manipulating -in unrestrained animals- groups of neurons of the brain. To take advantage of these patterns one needs to know their anatomy. This thesis describes the Virtual Insect Brain (VIB) protocol, a software package for the quantitative assessment, comparison, and presentation of neuroanatomical data. It is based on the 3D-reconstruction and visualization software Amira (Mercury Inc.). Its main part is a standardization procedure which aligns individual 3D images (series of virtual sections obtained by confocal microscopy) to a common coordinate system and computes average intensities for each voxel (volume pixel). The VIB protocol facilitates direct comparison of gene expression patterns and describes their interindividual variability. It provides volumetry of brain regions and helps to characterize the phenotypes of brain structure mutants. Using the VIB protocol does not require any programming skills since all operations are carried out at a (near to) self-explanatory graphical user interface. Although the VIB protocol has been developed for the standardization of Drosophila neuroanatomy, the program structure can be used for the standardization of other 3D structures as well. Standardizing brains and gene expression patterns is a new approach to biological shape and its variability. Using the VIB protocol consequently may help to integrate knowledge on the correlation of form and function of the insect brain. The VIB protocol provides a first set of tools supporting this endeavor in Drosophila. The software is freely available at http://www.neurofly.de.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schindelin2005, author = {Schindelin, Johannes}, title = {The standard brain of Drosophila melanogaster and its automatic segmentation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15518}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this thesis, I introduce the Virtual Brain Protocol, which facilitates applications of the Standard Brain of Drosophila melanogaster. By providing reliable and extensible tools for the handling of neuroanatomical data, this protocol simplifies and organizes the recurring tasks involved in these applications. It is demonstrated that this protocol can also be used to generate average brains, i.e. to combine recordings of several brains with the same features such that the common features are emphasized. One of the most important steps of the Virtual Insect Protocol is the aligning of newly recorded data sets with the Standard Brain. After presenting methods commonly applied in a biological or medical context to align two different recordings, it is evaluated to what extent this alignment can be automated. To that end, existing Image Processing techniques are assessed. I demonstrate that these techniques do not satisfy the requirements needed to guarantee sensible alignments between two brains. Then, I analyze what needs to be taken into account in order to formulate an algorithm which satisfies the needs of the protocol. In the last chapter, I derive such an algorithm using methods from Information Theory, which bases the technique on a solid mathematical foundation. I show how Bayesian Inference can be applied to enhance the results further. It is demonstrated that this approach yields good results on very noisy images, detecting apparent boundaries between structures. The same approach can be extended to take additional knowledge into account, e.g. the relative position of the anatomical structures and their shape. It is shown how this extension can be utilized to segment a newly recorded brain automatically.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LuiblneeHermann2014, author = {Luibl [n{\´e}e Hermann], Christiane}, title = {The role of the neuropeptides NPF, sNPF, ITP and PDF in the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-93796}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Organisms have evolved endogenous clocks which allow them to organize their behavior, metabolism and physiology according to the periodically changing environmental conditions on earth. Biological rhythms that are synchronized to daily changes in environment are governed by the so-called circadian clock. Since decades, chronobiologists have been investigating circadian clocks in various model organisms including the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, which was used in the present thesis. Anatomically, the circadian clock of the fruitfly consists of about 150 neurons in the lateral and dorsal protocerebrum, which are characterized by their position, morphology and neurochemistry. Some of these neurons had been previously shown to contain either one or several neuropeptides, which are thought to be the main signaling molecules used by the clock. The best investigated of these neuropeptides is the Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), which had been shown to constitute a synchronizing signal between clock neurons as well as an output factor of the clock. In collaboration with various coworkers, I investigated the roles of three other clock expressed neuropeptides for the generation of behavioral rhythms and the partly published, partly unpublished data are presented in this thesis. Thereby, I focused on the Neuropeptide F (NPF), short Neuropeptide F (sNPF) and the Ion Transport Peptide (ITP). We show that part of the neuropeptide composition within the clock network seems to be conserved among different Drosophila species. However, the PDF expression pattern in certain neurons varied in species deriving from lower latitudes compared to higher latitudes. Together with findings on the behavioral level provided by other people, these data suggest that different species may have altered certain properties of their clocks - like the neuropeptide expression in certain neurons - in order to adapt their behavior to different habitats. We then investigated locomotor rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster flies, in which neuropeptide circuits were genetically manipulated either by cell ablation or RNA interference (RNAi). We found that none of the investigated neuropeptides seems to be of equal importance for circadian locomotor rhythms as PDF. PDF had been previously shown to be necessary for rhythm maintenance in constant darkness (DD) as well as for the generation of morning (M) activity and for the right phasing of the evening (E) activity in entrained conditions. We now demonstrate that NPF and ITP seem to promote E activity in entrained conditions, but are clearly not the only factors doing so. In addition, ITP seems to reduce nighttime activity. Further, ITP and possibly also sNPF constitute weak period shortening components in DD, thereby opposing the effect of PDF. However, neither NPF or ITP, nor sNPF seem to be necessary in the clock neurons for maintaining rhythmicity in DD. It had been previously suggested that PDF is released rhythmically from the dorsal projection terminals. Now we discovered a rhythm in ITP immunostaining in the dorsal projection terminals of the ITP+ clock neurons in LD, suggesting a rhythm in peptide release also in the case of ITP. Rhythmic release of both ITP and PDF seems to be important to maintain rhythmic behavior in DD, since constantly high levels of PDF and ITP in the dorsal protocerebrum lead to behavioral arrhythmicity. Applying live-imaging techniques we further demonstrate that sNPF acts in an inhibitory way on few clock neurons, including some that are also activated by PDF, suggesting that it acts as signaling molecule within the clock network and has opposing effects to PDF. NPF did only evoke very little inhibitory responses in very few clock neurons, suggesting that it might rather be used as a clock output factor. We were not able to apply the same live-imaging approach for the investigation of the clock neuron responsiveness to ITP, but overexpression of ITP with various driver lines showed that the peptide most likely acts mainly in clock output pathways rather than inter-clock neuron communication. Taking together, I conclude that all investigated peptides contribute to the control of locomotor rhythms in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. However, this control is in most aspects dominated by the actions of PDF and rather only fine-tuned or complemented by the other peptides. I assume that there is a high complexity in spatial and temporal action of the different neuropeptides in order to ensure correct signal processing within the clock network as well as clock output.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cook2012, author = {Cook, Mandy}, title = {The neurodegenerative Drosophila melanogaster AMPK mutant loechrig}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72027}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Drosophila Mutante loechrig (loe), die progressive Degeneration des Nervensystems aufweist, weiter beschrieben. In der loe Mutante fehlt eine neuronale Isoform der γ- Untereinheit der Proteinkinase AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase). Die heterotrimere AMPK (auch als SNF4Aγ bekannt) kontrolliert das Energieniveau der Zelle, was st{\"a}ndiges Beobachten des ATP/AMP- Verh{\"a}ltnis erfordert. AMPK wird durch niedrige Energiekonzentrationen und Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen im Metabolismus, wie zum Beispiel Sauerstoffmangel, aktiviert und reguliert mehrere wichtige Signaltransduktionswege, die den Zellmetabolismus kontrollieren. Jedoch ist die Rolle von AMPK im neuronalen {\"U}berleben noch unklar. Eines der Proteine, dass von AMPK reguliert wird, ist HMGR (hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA- reductase), ein Schl{\"u}sselenzym in der Cholesterin- und Isoprenoidsynthese. Es wurde gezeigt, dass wenn die Konzentration von HMGR manipuliert wird, auch der Schweregrad des neurodegenerativen Ph{\"a}notyps in loe beeinflusst wird. Obwohl die regulatorische Rolle von AMPK auf HMGR in Drosophila konserviert ist, k{\"o}nnen Insekten Cholesterin nicht de novo synthetisieren. Dennoch ist der Syntheseweg von Isoprenoiden zwischen Vertebraten und Insekten evolution{\"a}r konserviert. Isoprenylierung von Proteinen, wie zum Beispiel von kleinen G-Proteinen, stellt den Proteinen einen hydophobischen Anker bereit, mit denen sie sich an die Zellmembran binden k{\"o}nnen, was in anschließender Aktivierung resultieren kann. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird gezeigt, dass die loe Mutation die Prenylierung von Rho1 und den LIM-Kinasesignalweg beeinflusst, was eine wichtige Rolle im Umsatz von Aktin und axonalem Auswachsen spielt. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Mutation in LOE, Hyperaktivit{\"a}t des Isoprenoidsynthesewegs verursacht, was zur erh{\"o}hten Farnesylierung von Rho1 und einer dementsprechend h{\"o}heren Konzentration von Phospho- Cofilin f{\"u}hrt. Eine Mutation in Rho1 verbessert den neurodegenerativen Ph{\"a}notyp und die Lebenserwartung von loe. Der Anstieg vom inaktiven Cofilin in loe f{\"u}hrt zu einer Zunahme von filament{\"o}sen Aktin. Aktin ist am Auswachen von Neuronen beteiligt und Experimente in denen loe Neurone analysiert wurden, gaben wertvolle Einblicke in eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle die AMPK, und dementsprechend Aktin, im Neuronenwachstum spielt. Des Weiteren wurde demonstriert, dass Neurone, die von der loe Mutante stamen, einen verlangsamten axonalen Transport aufweisen, was darauf hinweist dass Ver{\"a}nderungen, die durch den Einfluss von loe auf den Rho1 Signalweg im Zytoskelettnetzwerk hervorgerufen wurden, zur St{\"o}rung des axonalen Transports und anschließenden neuronalen Tod f{\"u}hren. Es zeigte außerdem, dass Aktin nicht nur am neuronalen Auswachsen beteiligt ist, sondern auch wichtig f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung von Neuronen ist. Das bedeutet, dass {\"A}nderungen der Aktindynamik zur progressiven Degeneration von Neuronen f{\"u}hren kann. Zusammenfassend unterstreichen diese Ergebnisse die wichtige Bedeutung von AMPK in den Funktionen und im {\"U}berleben von Neuronen und er{\"o}ffnen einen neuartigen funktionellen Mechanismus in dem {\"A}nderungen in AMPK neuronale Degeneration hervorrufen kann.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eck2016, author = {Eck, Saskia}, title = {The impact of thermogenetic depolarizations of specific clock neurons on Drosophila melanogaster's circadian clock}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137118}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The rotation of the earth around its own axis determines periodically changing environmental conditions, like alterations in light and temperature. For the purpose of adapting all organisms' behavior, physiology and metabolism to recurring changes, endogenous clocks have evolved, which allow the organisms to anticipate environmental changes. In chronobiology, the scientific field dealing with the investigation of the underlying mechanisms of the endogenous clock, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster serves as a beneficial model organism. The fruit fly's circadian clock exhibits a rather simple anatomical organization, but nevertheless constitutes homologies to the mammalian system. Thus also in this PhD-thesis the fruit fly was used to decipher general features of the circadian clock's interneuronal communication. Drosophila melanogaster's circadian clock consists of about 150 clock neurons, which are located in the central nervous system of the fly. These clock neurons can be subdivided regarding to their anatomical position in the brain into the dorsal neurons (DN1s, DN2s, DN3s), as well as into the lateral neurons (LPNs, LNds, s-LNvs, l-LNvs). Functionally these clock neuron clusters can be classified as Morning- and Evening oscillators (M- and E- oscillators), driving different parts of the fly's locomotor activity in light-dark conditions (LD). The Morning-oscillators are represented by the s-LNvs and are known to be the main pacemakers, driving the pace of the clock in constant conditions (constant darkness; DD). The group of Evening-oscillators consists of the LNds, the DN1s and the 5th s-LNv and is important for the proper timing of the evening activity in LD. All of these clock neurons are not functionally independent, but form complex neuronal connections, which are highly plastic in their response to different environmental stimuli (Zeitgebers), like light or temperature. Even though a lot is known about the function and the importance of some clock neuron clusters, the exact interplay between the neurons is not fully known yet. To investigate the mechanisms, which are involved in communication processes among different clock neurons, we depolarized specific clock cells in a temporally and cell-type restricted manner using dTrpA1, a thermosensitive cation channel, which allows the depolarization of neurons by application of temperature pulses (TP) above 29°C to the intact and freely moving fly. Using different clock specific GAL4-driver lines and applying TPs at different time points within the circadian cycle in DD enabled us with the help of phase shift experiments to draw conclusions on the properties of the endogenous clock. The obtained phase shifts in locomotor behavior elicited by specific clock neuronal activation were plotted as phase response curves (PRCs). The depolarization of all clock neurons shifted the phase of activity the strongest, especially in the delay zone of the PRC. The exclusive depolarization of the M oscillators together with the l-LNvs (PDF+ neurons: s-LNvs \& l-LNvs) caused shifts in the delay and in the advance zone as well, however the advances were severely enhanced in their temporal occurrence ranging into the subjective day. We concluded that light might have inhibitory effects on the PDF+ cells in that particular part of the PRC, as typical light PRCs do not exhibit that kind of distinctive advances. By completely excluding light in the PRC-experiments of this PhD-thesis, this photic inhibitory input to the PDF+ neurons is missing, probably causing the broadened advance zone. These findings suggest the existence of an inhibitory light-input pathway to the PDF+ cells from the photoreceptive organs (Hofbauer-Buchner eyelet, photoreceptor cells of compound eyes, ocelli) or from other clock neurons, which might inhibit phase advances during the subjective day. To get an impression of the molecular state of the clock in the delay and advance zone, staining experiments against Period (PER), one of the most important core clock components, and against the neuropeptide Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF) were performed. The cycling of PER levels mirrored the behavioral phase shifts in experimental flies, whereas the controls were widely unaffected. As just those neurons, which had been depolarized, exhibited immediate shifted PER oscillations, this effect has to be rapidly regulated in a cell-autonomous manner. However, the molecular link between clock neuron depolarization and shifts in the molecular clock's cycling is still missing. This issue was addressed by CREB (cAMP responsive element binding protein) quantification in the large ventrolateral neurons (l-LNvs), as these neurons responded unexpectedly and strongest to the artificial depolarization exhibiting a huge increase in PER levels. It had been previously suggested that CREB is involved in circadian rhythms by binding to regulatory sequences of the period gene (Belvin et al., 1999), thus activating its transcription. We were able to show, that CREB levels in the l-LNvs are under circadian regulation, as they exhibit higher CREB levels at the end of the subjective night relative to the end of the subjective day. That effect was further reinforced by artificial depolarization, independently of the time point of depolarization. Furthermore the data indicate that rises in CREB levels are coinciding with the time point of increases of PER levels in the l-LNvs, suggesting CREB being the molecular link between the neuronal electrical state and the molecular clock. Taking together, the results indicate that a temporal depolarization using dTrpA1 is able to significantly phase shift the clock on the behavioral and protein level. An artificial depolarization at the beginning of the subjective night caused phase delays, whereas a depolarization at the end of the subjective night resulted in advances. The activation of all clock neurons caused a PRC that roughly resembled a light-PRC. However, the depolarization of the PDF+ neurons led to a PRC exhibiting a shape that did not resemble that of a light-mediated PRC, indicating the complex processing ability of excitatory and inhibitory input by the circadian clock. Even though this experimental approach is highly artificial, just the exclusion of light-inputs enabled us to draw novel conclusions on the network communication and its light input pathways.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HornneeBunz2020, author = {Horn [n{\´e}e Bunz], Melanie}, title = {The impact of Drosophila melanogaster`s endogenous clock on fitness: Influence of day length, humidity and food composition}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21141}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211415}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We are living in a system that underlies permanent environmental changes due to the rotation of our planet. These changes are rhythmic with the most prominent one having a period of about 24 hours, but also shorter and longer rhythms characterize our environment. To cope with the ever-changing environmental conditions, it is thought to be beneficial if an organism can track and anticipate these changes. The so called endogenous clocks enable this and might provide a fitness advantage. To investigate and unravel the mechanism of endogenous clocks Chronobiologists have used different model organisms. In this thesis Drosophila melanogaster was used as model organism with its about 150 clock neurons representing the main endogenous clock of the fly in the central brain. The molecular mechanisms and the interlocked feedback loops with the main circadian key players like period, timeless, clock or cycle are under investigation since the 1970s and are characterized quite well so far. But the impact of a functional endogenous clock in combination with diverse factors and the resulting fitness advantages were analysed in only a few studies and remains for the most part unknown. Therefore the aim of this thesis was to unravel the impact of Drosophila melanogaster`s endogenous clock on the fitness of the fly. To achieve this goal different factors - like day length, humidity and food composition - were analyzed in wild type CS and three different period mutants, namely perL, perS and per01, that carry a point mutation altering or abolishing the free-running period of the fruit fly as well as a second arrhythmic strain, clkAR. In competition assay experiments wild type and clock mutant flies competed for up to 63 generations under a normal 24 hour rhythm with 12 hours light/day and 12 hours darkness/night (LD12:12) or T-cycles with 19 or 29 hours, according to the mutants free-running period, or constant light (LL) in case of the arrhythmic mutant as well as under natural-like outdoor conditions in two consecutive years. Overall the wild type CS strain was outcompeting the clock mutant strains independent of the environmental conditions. As the perL fly strain elongated their free-running period, the competition experiments were repeated with naturally cantonized new fly strains. With these experiments it could be shown that the genetic background of the fly strains - which are kept for decades in the lab, with backcrosses every few years - is very important and influences the fitness of flies. But also the day length impacts the fitness of the flies, enabling them to persist in higher percentage in a population under competition. Further factors that might influence the survival in a competing population were investigated, like e.g. mating preferences and locomotor activity of homo- and heterozygous females or sperm number of males transferred per mating. But these factors can still not explain the results in total and play no or only minor roles and show the complexity of the whole system with still unknown characteristics. Furthermore populations of flies were recorded to see if the flies exhibit a common locomotor activity pattern or not and indeed a population activity pattern could be recorded for the first time and social contact as a Zeitgeber could be verified for Drosophila melanogaster. In addition humidity and its impact on the flies´ fitness as well as a potential Zeitgeber was examined in this thesis. The flies experienced different relative humidities for eclosion and wing expansion and humidity cycle phase shifting experiments were performed to address these two different questions of fitness impact and potential Zeitgeber. The fruit fly usually ecloses in the morning hours when the relative humidity is quite high and the general assumption was that they do so to prevent desiccation. The results of this thesis were quite clear and demonstrate that the relative humidity has no great effect on the fitness of the flies according to successful eclosion or wing expansion and that temperature might be the more important factor. In the humidity cycle phase shifting experiments it could be revealed that relative humidity cannot act as a Zeitgeber for Drosophila melanogaster, but it influences and therefore masks the activity of flies by allowing or surpressing activity at specific relative humidity values. As final experiments the lifespan of wild type and clock mutant flies was investigated under different day length and with different food qualities to unravel the impact of these factors on the fitness and therefore survival of the flies on the long run. As expected the flies with nutrient-poor minimum medium died earlier than on the nutrient-rich maximum medium, but a small effect of day length could also be seen with flies living slightly longer when they experience environmental day length conditions resembling their free-running period. The experiments also showed a fitness advantage of the wild type fly strain against the clock mutant strains for long term, but not short term (about the first 2-3 weeks). As a conclusion it can be said that genetic variation is important to be able to adapt to changing environmental conditions and to optimize fitness and therefore survival. Having a functional endogenous clock with a free-running period of about 24 hours provides fitness advantages for the fruit fly, at least under competition. The whole system is very complex and many factors - known and unknown ones - play a role in this system by interacting on different levels, e.g. physiology, metabolism and/or behavior.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruf2016, author = {Ruf, Franziska}, title = {The circadian regulation of eclosion in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Eclosion is the emergence of an adult insect from the pupal case at the end of development. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, eclosion is a circadian clock-gated event and is regulated by various peptides. When studied on the population level, eclosion reveals a clear rhythmicity with a peak at the beginning of the light-phase that persists also under constant conditions. It is a long standing hypothesis that eclosion gating to the morning hours with more humid conditions is an adaption to reduce water loss and increase the survival. Eclosion behavior, including the motor pattern required for the fly to hatch out of the puparium, is orchestrated by a well-characterized cascade of peptides. The main components are ecdysis-triggering hormone (ETH), eclosion hormone (EH) and crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP). The molt is initiated by a peak level and pupal ecdysis by a subsequent decline of the ecdysteroid ecdysone. Ecdysteroids are produced by the prothoracic gland (PG), an endocrine tissue that contains a peripheral clock and degenerates shortly after eclosion. Production and release of ecdysteroids are regulated by the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH). Although many aspects of the circadian clock and the peptidergic control of the eclosion behavior are known, it still remains unclear how both systems are interconnected. The aim of this dissertation research was to dissect this connection and evaluate the importance of different Zeitgebers on eclosion rhythmicity under natural conditions. Potential interactions between the central clock and the peptides regulating ecdysis motor behavior were evaluated by analyzing the influence of CCAP on eclosion rhythmicity. Ablation and silencing of CCAP neurons, as well as CCAP null-mutation did not affect eclosion rhythmicity under either light or temperature entrainment nor under natural conditions. To dissect the connection between the central and the peripheral clock, PTTH neurons were ablated. Monitoring eclosion under light and temperature entrainment revealed that eclosion became arrhythmic under constant conditions. However, qPCR expression analysis revealed no evidence for cycling of Ptth mRNA in pharate flies. To test for a connection with pigment-dispersing factor (PDF)-expressing neurons, the PDF receptor (PDFR) and short neuropeptide F receptor (sNPFR) were knocked down in the PTTH neurons. Knockdown of sNPFR, but not PDFR, resulted in arrhythmic eclosion under constant darkness conditions. PCR analysis of the PTTH receptor, Torso, revealed its expression in the PG and the gonads, but not in the brain or eyes, of pharate flies. Knockdown of torso in the PG lead to arrhythmicity under constant conditions, which provides strong evidence for the specific effect of PTTH on the PG. These results suggest connections from the PDF positive lateral neurons to the PTTH neurons via sNPF signaling, and to the PG via PTTH and Torso. This interaction presumably couples the period of the peripheral clock in the PG to that of the central clock in the brain. To identify a starting signal for eclosion and possible further candidates in the regulation of eclosion behavior, chemically defined peptidergic and aminergic neurons were optogenetically activated in pharate pupae via ChR2-XXL. This screen approach revealed two candidates for the regulation of eclosion behavior: Dromyosuppressin (DMS) and myo-inhibitory peptides (MIP). However, ablation of DMS neurons did not affect eclosion rhythmicity or success and the exact function of MIP must be evaluated in future studies. To assess the importance of the clock and of possible Zeitgebers in nature, eclosion of the wildtype Canton S and the clock mutant per01 and the PDF signaling mutants pdf01 and han5304 was monitored under natural conditions. For this purpose, the W{\"u}rzburg eclosion monitor (WEclMon) was developed, which is a new open monitoring system that allows direct exposure of pupae to the environment. A general decline of rhythmicity under natural conditions compared to laboratory conditions was observed in all tested strains. While the wildtype and the pdf01 and han5304 mutants stayed weakly rhythmic, the per01 mutant flies eclosed mostly arrhythmic. PDF and its receptor (PDFR encoded by han) are required for the synchronization of the clock network and functional loss can obviously be compensated by a persisting synchronization to external Zeitgebers. The loss of the central clock protein PER, however, lead to a non-functional clock and revealed the absolute importance of the clock for eclosion rhythmicity. To quantitatively analyze the effect of the clock and abiotic factors on eclosion rhythmicity, a statistical model was developed in cooperation with Oliver Mitesser and Thomas Hovestadt. The modelling results confirmed the clock as the most important factor for eclosion rhythmicity. Moreover, temperature was found to have the strongest effect on the actual shape of the daily emergence pattern, while light has only minor effects. Relative humidity could be excluded as Zeitgeber for eclosion and therefore was not further analyzed. Taken together, the present dissertation identified the so far unknown connection between the central and peripheral clock regulating eclosion. Furthermore, a new method for the analysis of eclosion rhythms under natural conditions was established and the necessity of a functional clock for rhythmic eclosion even in the presence of multiple Zeitgebers was shown.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schubert2019, author = {Schubert, Frank Klaus}, title = {The circadian clock network of \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157136}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {All living organisms need timekeeping mechanisms to track and anticipate cyclic changes in their environment. The ability to prepare for and respond to daily and seasonal changes is endowed by circadian clocks. The systemic features and molecular mechanisms that drive circadian rhythmicity are highly conserved across kingdoms. Therefore, Drosophila melanogaster with its relatively small brain (ca. 135.000 neurons) and the outstanding genetic tools that are available, is a perfect model to investigate the properties and relevance of the circadian system in a complex, but yet comprehensible organism. The last 50 years of chronobiological research in the fruit fly resulted in a deep understanding of the molecular machinery that drives circadian rhythmicity, and various histological studies revealed the neural substrate of the circadian system. However, a detailed neuroanatomical and physiological description on the single-cell level has still to be acquired. Thus, I employed a multicolor labeling approach to characterize the clock network of Drosophila melanogaster with single-cell resolution and additionally investigated the putative in- and output sites of selected neurons. To further study the functional hierarchy within the clock network and to monitor the "ticking clock" over the course of several circadian cycles, I established a method, which allows us to follow the accumulation and degradation of the core clock genes in living brain explants by the means of bioluminescence imaging of single-cells.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Triphan2009, author = {Triphan, Tilman}, title = {The Central Control of Gap Climbing Behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-43666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In this work, a behavioural analysis of different mutants of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been carried out. Primarily, the gap climbing behaviour (Pick \& Strauss, 2005) has been assayed as it lends itself for the investigation of decision making processes and the neuronal basis of adaptive behaviour. Furthermore it shows how basic motor actions can be combined into a complex motor behaviour. Thanks to the neurogenetic methods, Drosophila melanogaster has become an ideal study object for neurobiological questions. Two different modules of climbing control have been examined in detail. For the decision making, the mutant climbing sisyphus was analysed. While wild-type flies adapt the initiation of climbing behaviour to the width of the gap and the probability for a successful transition. climbing sisyphus flies initiate climbing behaviour even at clearly insurmountable gap widths. The climbing success itself is not improved in comparison to the wild-type siblings. The mutant climbing sisyphus is a rare example of a hyperactive mutant besides many mutants that show a reduced activity. Basic capabilities in vision have been tested in an optomotor and a distance-estimation paradigm. Since they are not affected, a defect in decision making is most probably the cause of this behavioural aberration. A second module of climbing control is keeping up orientation towards the opposite side of the gap during the execution of climbing behaviour. Mutants with a structural defect in the protocerebral bridge show abnormal climbing behaviour. During the climbing attempt, the longitudinal body axis does not necessarily point into the direction of the opposite side. Instead, many climbing events are initiated at the side edge of the walking block into the void and have no chance to ever succeed. The analysed mutants are not blind. In one of the mutants, tay bridge1 (tay1) a partial rescue attempt used to map the function in the brain succeeded such that the state of the bridge was restored. That way, a visual targeting mechanism has been activated, allowing the flies to target the opposite side. When the visibility of the opposing side was reduced, the rescued flies went back to a tay1 level of directional scatter. The results are in accord with the idea that the bridge is a central constituent of the visual targeting mechanism. The tay1 mutant was also analysed in other behavioural paradigms. A reduction in walking speed and walking activity in this mutant could be rescued by the expression of UAS-tay under the control of the 007Y-GAL4 driver line, which concomitantly restores the structure of the protocerebral bridge. The separation of bridge functions from functions of other parts of the brain of tay1 was accomplished by rescuing the reduced optomotor compensation in tay1 by the mb247-GAL4>UAS-tay driver. While still having a tay1-like protocerebral bridge, mb247-GAL4 rescue flies are able to compensate at wild-type levels. An intact compensation is not depended on the tay expression in the mushroom bodies, as mushroom body ablated flies with a tay1 background and expression of UAS-tay under the control of mb247-GAL4 show wild-type behaviour as well. The most likely substrate for the function are currently unidentified neurons in the fan-shaped body, that can be stained with 007Y-GAL4 and mb247-GAL4 as well.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{EngelhardtgebChristiansen2013, author = {Engelhardt [geb. Christiansen], Frauke}, title = {Synaptic Connectivity in the Mushroom Body Calyx of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85058}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Learning and memory is considered to require synaptic plasticity at presynaptic specializations of neurons. Kenyon cells are the intrinsic neurons of the primary olfactory learning center in the brain of arthropods - the mushroom body neuropils. An olfactory mushroom body memory trace is supposed to be located at the presynapses of Kenyon cells. In the calyx, a sub-compartment of the mushroom bodies, Kenyon cell dendrites receive olfactory input provided via projection neurons. Their output synapses, however, were thought to reside exclusively along their axonal projections outside the calyx, in the mushroom body lobes. By means of high-resolution imaging and with novel transgenic tools, we showed that the calyx of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also comprised Kenyon cell presynapses. At these presynapses, synaptic vesicles were present, which were capable of neurotransmitter release upon stimulation. In addition, the newly identified Kenyon cell presynapses shared similarities with most other presynapses: their active zones, the sites of vesicle fusion, contained the proteins Bruchpilot and Syd-1. These proteins are part of the cytomatrix at the active zone, a scaffold controlling synaptic vesicle endo- and exocytosis. Kenyon cell presynapses were present in γ- and α/β-type KCs but not in α/β-type Kenyon cells. The newly identified Kenyon cell derived presynapses in the calyx are candidate sites for an olfactory associative memory trace. We hypothesize that, as in mammals, recurrent neuronal activity might operate for memory retrieval in the fly olfactory system. Moreover, we present evidence for structural synaptic plasticity in the mushroom body calyx. This is the first demonstration of synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster. The volume of the mushroom body calyx can change according to changes in the environment. Also size and numbers of microglomeruli - sub-structures of the calyx, at which projection neurons contact Kenyon cells - can change. We investigated the synapses within the microglomeruli in detail by using new transgenic tools for visualizing presynaptic active zones and postsynaptic densities. Here, we could show, by disruption of the projection neuron - Kenyon cell circuit, that synapses of microglomeruli were subject to activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. Projection neurons that could not generate action potentials compensated their functional limitation by increasing the number of active zones per microglomerulus. Moreover, they built more and enlarged microglomeruli. Our data provide clear evidence for an activity-induced, structural synaptic plasticity as well as for the activity-induced reorganization of the olfactory circuitry in the mushroom body calyx.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hieke2019, author = {Hieke, Marie}, title = {Synaptic arrangements and potential communication partners of \(Drosophila's\) PDF-containing clock neurons within the accessory medulla}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175988}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Endogenous clocks regulate physiological as well as behavioral rhythms within all organisms. They are well investigated in D. melanogaster on a molecular as well as anatomical level. The neuronal clock network within the brain represents the center for rhythmic activity control. One neuronal clock subgroup, the pigment dispersing factor (PDF) neurons, stands out for its importance in regulating rhythmic behavior. These neurons express the neuropeptide PDF (pigment dispersing factor). A small neuropil at the medulla's edge, the accessory medulla (AME), is of special interest, as it has been determined as the main center for clock control. It is not only highly innervated by the PDF neurons but also by terminals of all other clock neuron subgroups. Furthermore, terminals of the photoreceptors provide light information to the AME. Many different types of neurons converge within the AME and afterward spread to their next target. Thereby the AME is supplied with information from a variety of brain regions. Among these neurons are the aminergic ones whose receptors' are expressed in the PDF neurons. The present study sheds light onto putative synaptic partners and anatomical arrangements within the neuronal clock network, especially within the AME, as such knowledge is a prerequisite to understand circadian behavior. The aminergic neurons' conspicuous vicinity to the PDF neurons suggests synaptic communication among them. Thus, based on former anatomical studies regarding this issue detailed light microscopic studies have been performed. Double immunolabellings, analyses of the spatial relation of pre- and postsynaptic sites of the individual neuron populations with respect to each other and the identification of putative synaptic partners using GRASP reenforce the hypothesis of synaptic interactions within the AME between dopaminergic/ serotonergic neurons and the PDF neurons. To shed light on the synaptic partners I performed first steps in array tomography, as it allows terrific informative analyses of fluorescent signals on an ultrastructural level. Therefore, I tested different ways of sample preparation in order to achieve and optimize fluorescent signals on 100 nm thin tissue sections and I made overlays with electron microscopic images. Furthermore, I made assumptions about synaptic modulations within the neuronal clock network via glial cells. I detected their cell bodies in close vicinity to the AME and PDFcontaining clock neurons. It has already been shown that glial cells modulate the release of PDF from s-LNvs' terminals within the dorsal brain. On an anatomical level this modulation appears to exist also within the AME, as synaptic contacts that involve PDF-positive dendritic terminals are embedded into glial fibers. Intriguingly, these postsynaptic PDF fibers are often VIIAbstract part of dyadic or even multiple-contact sites in opposite to prolonged presynaptic active zonesimplicating complex neuronal interactions within the AME. To unravel possible mechanisms of such synaptic arrangements, I tried to localize the ABC transporter White. Its presence within glial cells would indicate a recycling mechanism of transmitted amines which allows their fast re-provision. Taken together, synapses accompanied by glial cells appear to be a common arrangement within the AME to regulate circadian behavior. The complexity of mechanisms that contribute in modulation of circadian information is reflected by the complex diversity of synaptic arrangements that involves obviously several types of neuron populations}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }