@phdthesis{Steinbacher2015, author = {Steinbacher, Andreas Edgar}, title = {Circular dichroism and accumulative polarimetry of chiral femtochemistry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116500}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This work brings forward successful implementations of ultrafast chirality-sensitive spectroscopic techniques by probing circular dichroism (CD) or optical rotation dispersion (ORD). Furthermore, also first steps towards chiral quantum control, i.e., the selective variation of the chiral properties of molecules with the help of coherent light, are presented. In the case of CD probing, a setup capable of mirroring an arbitrary polarization state of an ultrashort laser pulse was developed. Hence, by passing a left-circularly polarized laser pulse through this setup a right-circularly polarized laser pulse is generated. These two pulse enantiomers can be utilized as probe pulses in a pump--probe CD experiment. Besides CD spectroscopy, it can be utilized for anisotropy or ellipsometry spectroscopy also. Within this thesis, the approach is used to elucidate the photochemistry of hemoglobin, the oxygen transporting protein in mammalian blood. The oxygen loss can be triggered with laser pulses as well, and the results of the time-resolved CD experiment suggest a cascade-like relaxation, probably through different spin states, of the metallo-porphyrins in hemoglobin. The ORD probing was realized via the combination of common-path optical heterodyne interferometric polarimetry and accumulative femtosecond spectroscopy. Within this setup, on the one hand the applicability of this approach for ultrafast studies was demonstrated explicitly. On the other hand, the discrimination between an achiral and a racemic solution without prior spatial separation was realized. This was achieved by inducing an enantiomeric excess via polarized femtosecond laser pulses and following its evolution with the developed polarimeter. Hence, chiral selectivity was already achieved with this method which can be turned into chiral control if the polarized laser pulses are optimized to steer an enhancement of the enantiomeric excess. Furthermore, within this thesis, theoretical prerequisites for anisotropy-free pump--probe experiments with arbitrary polarized laser pulses were derived. Due to the small magnitude of optical chirality-sensitve signals, these results are important for any pump--probe chiral spectroscopy, like the CD probing presented in this thesis. Moreover, since for chiral quantum control the variation of the molecular structure is necessary, the knowledge about rearrangement reactions triggered by photons is necessary. Hence, within this thesis the ultrafast Wolff rearrangement of an α-diazocarbonyl was investigated via ultrafast photofragment ion spectroscopy in the gas phase. Though the compound is not chiral, the knowledge about the exact reaction mechanism is beneficial for future studies of chiral compounds.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruetzel2014, author = {R{\"u}tzel, Stefan}, title = {Pulse-Sequence Approaches for Multidimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Photochemistry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98993}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Observing chemical reactions in real time with femtosecond laser pulses has evolved into a very popular � field of research since it provides fascinating insights into the nature of photochemical transformations. Nevertheless, many photochemical reactions are still too complex for which reason the underlying mechanisms and all engaged species cannot be identi� fied thoroughly. In these cases, conventional time-resolved spectroscopy techniques reach their technical limits and advanced approaches are required to follow the conversion of reactants to their products including all reaction intermediates. The aim of this work was therefore the development of novel methods for ultrafast spectroscopy of photoreactive systems. Though the concept of coherent multidimensional spectroscopy has so far exclusively been used to explore photophysical phenomena, it also offers great potential for the study of photochemical processes due to its capability of extracting spectroscopic information along several frequency dimensions. This allows resolving the photochemical connectivity between various interconvertible molecular species with ultrafast temporal resolution on the basis of their absorption and emission properties as the spectral correlations are explicitly visualized in the detected spectra. The ring-open merocyanine form of the photochromic compound 6-nitro BIPS was studied in Chap. 4 of this work. Merocyanines and their associated ring-closed spiropyrans are promising candidates for future applications as, for instance, molecular electronics or optical data storage due to their unique property of being switchable between two stable con� gurations via light illumination. Transient absorption with sub-50 fs temporal resolution and broadband probing was employed to characterize the photodynamics of this system with variable excitation wavelengths. Using global data analysis, it could be inferred that two different merocyanine isomers with differing excited-state lifetimes exist in solution. These isomers differ in the cis/trans con� guration in the last bond of the methine bridge. The minority of isomers exist in the all-trans con� guration (TTT) while the isomer with a cis con� guration of the third dihedral angle (TTC) is dominant. A characteristic band, detected after long pump-probe delays, was attributed to the unidirectional cis->trans photoisomerization reaction of the TTC to the TTT form. The quantum yield of the reaction was estimated to be (18� +-4) \%. In addition, pronounced coherent vibrational wave-packet oscillations were observed and it was concluded that these signatures are related to the product formation. Coherent two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy was successfully implemented using a partially collinear pump-probe beam geometry in combination with a femtosecond pulse shaper. The use of a whitelight probe continuum enabled us to probe contributions far-off the diagonal over the complete visible range. By properly adjusting the relative phase between the � first two laser pulses with the pulse shaper, the principle of phase-cycling was explained and it was demonstrated that the measurement can be carried out in the so-called "rotating frame" in which the observed frequencies detected during the coherence time are shifted to lower values. It was shown that these concepts allow the extraction of the desired background-free photon echo while the amount of necessary data points is highly reduced. In order to put our proposal of multidimensional spectroscopy of photoreactive systems into practice, third-order two- and three-dimensional spectroscopy was then employed for an in-depth analysis of a photoreactive process, in which the photoisomerization of 6-nitro BIPS served as a model system. The measured two-dimensional spectra revealed the cis->trans photoisomerization after long population times. By collecting a large data set of two-dimensional spectra for short population times and by applying a Fourier transform along the population time axis, the third-order three-dimensional spectrum was obtained. The novelty of this approach compared to coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy is the introduction of a third axis associated with the vibrational frequencies of the molecular system. In this way, the formation of the reaction product was evidenced and it was shown that the product is formed in its fi� rst excited singlet state within 200 fs after excitation. This method hence visualizes the photochemical connections between different reactive molecular species in an intuitive manner and further exposes the normal modes connecting reactant and product. Such conclusions cannot be drawn with conventional third-order techniques such as transient absorption since they are not capable of capturing the full third-order response, but only a subset of it. The reaction mechanism and the role of the observed vibrational modes were uncovered by comparing the experimental data with the results of high-level quantum-chemical calculations performed by our collaborators in the group of Prof. B. Engels from the theoretical chemistry department at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. Specifi� c calculated molecular normal modes could be assigned to the experimentally observed vibrational frequencies and potential energy surfaces of the electronic ground state and of the � first excited state were computed. The technique implemented in this chapter is general and is applicable for the time-resolved analysis of a wide range of chemical reaction networks. In the fi� rst part of Chap. 5, coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy was employed to track the reaction paths of the related 6,8-dinitro BIPS after S1 excitation. Several differences to the photochemical properties of 6-nitro BIPS were found. From the 2D spectra, the cis-trans isomerization between the two merocyanine isomers could be excluded as a major reaction path for this compound. To explore the dynamics after reexcitation to higher-lying electronic states, pump-repump-probe spectroscopy was implemented and the formation of a new species, a radical cation, was observed. To identify the precursor isomer, triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy, a � fifth-order technique previously only available in the infrared regime for vibrational transitions, was implemented for the fi� rst time for electronic excitations in the visible. This approach combines the properties of the pump-repump-probe technique with the potential of coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy. It correlates the absorption frequency of a reactive molecular species with the emission signatures of the product formed from this species after an additional absorption of a photon. Using this method, it was unambiguously proven that only the TTC isomer reacts to the radical cation thus forming the precursor species of the reaction. Electronic triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy is hence another improved technology for time-resolved spectroscopy with applications in the study of multistep photoreactions and higher-lying electronic states. While in the two preceding chapters third- and � fifth-order experiments were discussed that neglect the vectorial character of light-matter interactions, Chap. 6 focused on a novel theoretical formalism enabling the description of light fi� elds optimized for polarization-sensitive higher-order nonlinearities. This formalism is based on the von Neumann time-frequency representation of shaped femtosecond laser pulses which permits the defi� nition of multipulse sequences on a discrete time-frequency lattice. Hence, not only the temporal spacing between subpulses is adjustable, but also the center frequencies may be adapted such that they � fit the experimental requirements. This method was generalized to the description of pulse sequences with time-varying polarization states. It was shown that by using this description, the polarization ellipticity, orientation angle, relative phase and intensity, and the time-frequency location of each subpulse is explicitly controllable. The accuracy of the transformations from Fourier space to von Neumann domain and vice versa was demonstrated. Moreover, a strict accordance between the von Neumann polarization parameters with the conventional parameters in time domain was found for well separated subpulses. A potential future application of this approach is polarization-sensitive multidimensional spectroscopy in which hidden cross peaks may be isolated by de� fining the pulses in the von Neumann picture with suitable polarization sequences. This method could also be used in quantum control experiments in which the polarization of the light fi� eld is used as a major control knob. This thesis summarizes our efforts to open the � field of femtochemistry to the concept of coherent multidimensional electronic spectroscopy. Making use of femtosecond pulse shaping, sub-50 fs temporal resolution, broadband spectral probing, higher-order nonlinearities, and new types of laser pulse descriptions, the presented methods might stimulate further future advancements in this research area.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kullmann2013, author = {Kullmann, Martin Armin}, title = {Tracing Excited-State Photochemistry by Multidimensional Electronic Spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Light-induced excitation of matter proceeds within femtoseconds, resulting in excited states. Originating from these states chemical reaction mechanisms, like isomerization or bond formation, set in. Photophysical mechanisms like energy distribution and excitonic delocalization also occur. Thus, the reaction scheme has to be disentangled by assessing the importance of each process. Spectroscopic methods based on fs laser pulses have emerged as a versatile tool to study these reactions. Within this thesis time-resolved experiments with fs laser pulses on various molecular systems were performed. Novel photosystems, with possible applications ranging from ultrathin molecular wires to molecular switches, were extensively characterized. To resolve the complex kinetics of the investigated systems, time-resolved techniques had to be newly developed. By combining a visible excitation pulse pair with an additional pulse and a continuum probe electronic triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy (TE2D) was demonstrated for the first time. This goal was accomplished by combining a three-color transient-absorption setup with a pulse shaper. Hence, 2D spectroscopy with a continuum probe was also implemented. Using these methods two different molecular systems in solution were characterized in a comprehensive manner. (ZnTPP)2, a directly beta,beta'-linked Zn-metallated bisporphyrin, and a spiropyran-merocyanine photosystem, 6,8-dinitro BIPS, were characterized. (ZnTPP)2 is a homodimer, featuring strong excitonic effects. These manifest themselves in a twofold splitting of the Soret band (S2). 6,8-Dinitro BIPS exists in one of two possible conformations. The ring closed spiropyran absorbs only in the UV, while the ring open merocyanine also absorbs in the visible. For both molecular systems photodynamics upon illumination were monitored using transient-absorption. However, the obtained results were ambiguous, necessitating more complex methods. In the case of (ZnTPP)2 first the monomeric building block was characterized. There, population transfer from the S2 state into S1 within 2 ps was identified. Afterwards, intersystem crossing proceeds within 2 ns. For (ZnTPP)2 similar pathways were found, albeit the relaxation is faster. The intersystem crossing with 1.5 ns was not only indirectly deduced but directly measured by probing in the NIR spectral range. The excitonic influence of was investigated by coherent 2D spectroscopy in the Soret band. Population transfer within S2 was directly visualized on a time-scale of 100 fs. Calculation of the 2D spectra of a simple homodimer confirmed the results. After this analysis of the distinct excitonic character, this molecule may serve as a building block for larger porphyrin arrays with applications ranging from asymmetric catalysis over biomimicry of electron-transfer to organic optical devices. The second photosystem was the molecular switch 6,8-dinitro BIPS, existing in two conformations. Merocyanine is the more stable form in thermal equilibrium. Transient-absorption measurements uncovered that the sample consisted of a mixture of two merocyanine isomers, referred to as TTC and TTT. However, both isomers are capable of ring-closure forming spiropyran. The remaining excited molecules return to the ground state radiatively. Conducting 2D measurements utilizing a continuum probe the differing photochemistry of both isomers was examined in a single measurement. No isomerization between these conformations was detected. Therefore, 6,8-dinitro BIPS performs a concerted switching without long-living intermediates. This was confirmed by a pump-repump-probe scan. 6,8-DinitroBIPS can be closed by visible and opened by UV pulses using subsequent pulses and vice versa. These mechanisms via singlet pathways satisfy an important criterion for a unimolecular switching device. A second pump-repump-probe experiment showed that the sample is ionized, resulting in a merocyanine radical cation, when the first excited state is resonantly excited. Furthermore, by implementing TE2Dspectroscopy, it was elucidated that only TTC was ionized. Taking all this into account new techniques were developed and complex molecular systems were characterized within this thesis. Deeper insight into the photodynamics of (ZnTPP)2and 6,8-dinitro BIPS was gained by adapting transient absorption for the NIR spectral range, constructing a 2D setup in pump-probe geometry, and combining it with multipulse excitation to coherent TE2D. All techniques solved the questions for which they were constructed, but they are not limited to these cases. Especially TE2D opens new roads in photochemistry. By connecting reactant, product and the corresponding intermediates, a chemical reaction can be tracked through all stages, making unambiguous identification of the reactive states feasible. Thus, fundamental insight into the photochemistry of molecular compounds is gained.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SeligParthey2012, author = {Selig-Parthey, Ulrike}, title = {Methods of Nonlinear Femtosecond Spectroscopy in the Visible and Ultraviolet Regime and their Application to Coupled Multichromophore Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Time-resolved spectroscopic studies of energy transfer between molecules in solution form a basis for both, our understanding of fundamental natural processes like photosynthesis as well as directed synthetic approaches to optimize organic opto-electronic devices. Here, coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy opens up new possibilities, as it reveals the correlation between absorption and emission frequency and hence the full cause-and-effect chain. In this thesis two optical setups were developed and implemented, permitting the recording of electronic 2D spectra in the visible and in the hitherto unexplored ultraviolet spectral range. Both designs rely on the exclusive manipulation of beam pairs, which reduces the signal modulation to the difference between the transition frequency of the system and the laser frequency. Thus - as has been shown experimentally and theoretically - the timing precision as well as mechanical stability requirements are greatly reduced, from fractions of the oscillation period of the exciting light wave to fractions of the pulse duration. Two-dimensional spectroscopy and femtosecond transient absorption (TA) as well as different theoretical approaches and simulation models were then applied to coupled multichromophore systems of increasing complexity. Perylene bisimide-perylene monoimide dyads were investigated in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner and Prof. Dr. Bernd Engels at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. In these simplest systems studied, global analysis of six different TA experiments unequivocally revealed an ultrafast interchromophoric energy transfer in the 100 fs range. Comparison between the obtained transfer rates and the predictions of F{\"o}rster theory suggest a breakdown of this point-transition-dipole-based picture at the donor-acceptor distances realized in our compounds. Furthermore, a model including conformational changes and an interchromophoric charge transfer has been derived to consistently describe the observed pico- to nanosecond dynamics and fluorescence quantum yields. A second collaboration with Prof. Dr. Gregory Scholes (University of Toronto, Canada) and Prof. Dr. Paul Burn (University of Queensland, Australia) addressed the photophysics of a series of uorene-carbazole dendrimers. Here, a combination of 2D-UV spectroscopy and femtosecond ansiotropy decay experiments revealed the initial delocalization of the excited state wave function that saturates with the second generation. In room temperature solution, disorder-induced localization takes place on the time scales comparable to our instrument response, i.e. 100 fs, followed by energy transfer via incoherent hopping processes. Lastly, in tubular zinc chlorin aggregates, semi-synthetic analogues of natural lightharvesting antennae that had again been synthesized in the group of Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner, the interchromophoric coupling is so strong that coherently coupled domains prevail even at room temperature. From an analysis of intensity-dependent TA measurements the dimensions of these domains, the exciton delocalization length, could be determined to span 5-20 monomers. In addition, 2D spectra uncovered efficient energy transfer between neighboring domains, i.e. ultrafast exciton diffusion.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buback2011, author = {Buback, Johannes}, title = {Femtochemistry of Pericyclic Reactions and Advances towards Chiral Control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66484}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Pericyclic reactions possess changed reactivities in the excited state compared to the ground state which complement each other, as can be shown by simple frontier molecular orbital analysis. Hence, most molecules that undergo pericyclic reactions feature two different photochemical pathways. In this thesis an investigation of the first nanoseconds after excitation of Diazo Meldrum's acid (DMA) is presented. The time-resolved absorption change in the mid-infrared spectral region revealed indeed two reaction pathways after excitation of DMA with at least one of them being a pericyclic reaction (a sigmatropic rearrangement). These two pathways most probably start from different electronic states and make the spectroscopy of DMA especially interesting. Femtochemistry also allows the spectroscopy of very short-lived intermediates, which is discussed in context of the sequential mechanism of the Wolff rearrangement of DMA. An interesting application of pericyclic reactions are also molecular photoswitches, i.e. molecules that can be switched by light between two stable states. This work presents a photoswitch on the basis of a 6-pi-electrocyclic reaction, whose reaction dynamics after excitation are unravelled with transient-absorption spectroscopy for both switching directions. The 6-pi-electrocyclic reaction is especially attractive, because of the huge electronic changes and subsequent absorption changes upon switching between the ring-open and ring-closed form. Fulgides, diarlyethenes, maleimides as well as spiropyrans belong to this class of switches. Despite the popularity of spiropyrans, the femtochemistry of the ring-open form ("merocyanine") is still unknown to a great extent. The experiments in this thesis on this system combined with special modeling algorithms allowed to determine the quantum efficiencies of all reaction pathways of the system, including the ring-closure pathway. With the knowledge of the reaction dynamics, a multipulse control experiment showed that bidirectional full-cycle switching between the two stable states on an ultrafast time scale is possible. Such a controlled ultrafast switching is a process which is inaccessible with conventional light sources and may allow faster switching electronics in the future. Theoretical calculations suggest an enantioselective photochemistry, i.e. to influence the chirality of the emerging molecule with the chirality of the light, a field called "chiral control". The challenges that need to be overcome to prove a successful chiral control are extremely hard, since enantiosensitive signals, such as circular dichroism, are inherently very small. Hence, chiral control calls for a very sensitive detection as well as an experiment that cancels all effects that may influence the enantiosensitive signal. The first challenge, the sensitive detection, is solved with a polarimeter, which is optimized to be combined with femtosecond spectroscopy. This polarimeter will be an attractive tool for future chiral-control experiments due to its extreme sensitivity. The second challenge, the design of an artefact-free experiment, gives rise to a variety of new questions. The polarization state of the light is the decisive property in such an experiment, because on the one hand the polarization carries the chiral information of the excitation and on the other hand the change of the polarization or the intensity change dependent on the polarization is used as the enantiosensitive probing signal. A new theoretical model presented in this thesis allows to calculate the anisotropic distribution of any given pump-probe experiment in which any pulse can have any polarization state. This allows the design of arbitrary experiments for example polarization shaped pump-probe experiments. Furthermore a setup is presented and simulated that allows the shot-to-shot switching between mirror-images of light polarization states. It can be used either for control experiments in which the sample is excited with mirror-images of the pump polarization or for spectroscopy purposes, such as transient circular dichroism or transient optical rotatory dispersion. The spectroscopic results of this thesis may serve as a basis for these experiments. The parallel and sequential photochemical pathways of DMA and the feasibility of the bidirectional switching of 6,8-dinitro BIPS in a pump-repump experiment on the one hand offer a playground to test the relation of the anisotropy with the polarization of the pump, repump and probe pulse. On the other hand control experiments with varying pump and repump polarization may be able to take influence on the dynamics after excitation. Especially interesting is the combination of the 6,8-dinitro BIPS with the polarization-mirroring setup, because the closed form (spiropyran) is chiral. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to prove a cumulative circular-dichroism effect or even a chiral control with this system.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Marquetand2007, author = {Marquetand, Philipp}, title = {Vectorial properties and laser control of molecular dynamics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24697}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {In this work, the laser control of molecules was investigated theoretically. In doing so, emphasis was layed on entering vectorial properties and in particular the orientation in the laboratory frame. Therefore, the rotational degree of freedom had to be included in the quantum mechanical description. The coupled vibrational and rotational dynamics was examined, which is usually not done in coherent control theory. Local control theory was applied, where the field is determined from the dynamics of a system, which reacts with an instantaneous response to the perturbation and, in turn, determines the field again. Thus, the field is entangled with the quantum mechanical motion and the presented examples document, that this leads to an intuitive interpretation of the fields in terms of the underlying molecular dynamics. The limiting case of a classical treatment was shown to give similar results and hence, eases to understand the complicated structure of the control fields. In a different approach, the phase- and amplitude shaping of laser fields was systematically studied in the context of controlling population transfer in molecules.}, subject = {Laserchemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maksimenka2005, author = {Maksimenka, Raman}, title = {Techniques in frequency conversion and time-resolved spectroscopy with nonlinear optical processes in the femtosecond regime}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Nichtlineare Frequenzumsetzung der niederenergetischen femtosekunden Laserpulsen wurde in den Festk{\"o}rpermitteln nachgeforscht. Ramanumwandlung im weiss-Licht-freien Regime des impulsiven stimulierten Raman Streuungs wurde erzielt, indem man KGW-Kristall mit den Bessel-Lichtstrahl pumpte. Leistungs-f{\"a}higes Superkontinuumerzeugung wurde f{\"u}r die sub-microjule Pulse demonstriert, die in Mikrostrukturfaser fokussiert wurden. Anwendung von Vier-Wellen-Mischung Techniken zur {\"U}berwachung der Aufregenzustandsdynamik in den mehratomigen Molek{\"u}len wurde demonstriert. Zeitkonstanten der Prozesse, die auf Schwingungsenergiewiederverteilung nach dem ursprunglichen Photoanregung von Stilben-3 bezogen wurden, wurden mittels der Pump-CARS Technik festgestellt, in der CARS-Prozess als wirkungsvoller Modus-vorgew{\"a}hlter Filter diente. Spektrale sowie zeitliche Eigenschaften der elektronischen Entspannungbahnen in den Azulenderivats wurden erforscht, indem man verg{\"a}nglichen-Bev{\"o}lkerungs-Gittern und Pump-Probe verg{\"a}nglichen Absorptions Techniken verwendete.}, subject = {Frequenzumsetzung}, language = {en} }