@phdthesis{Grebler2015, author = {Grebler, Rudi}, title = {Untersuchung der Rolle von Rhodopsin 7 und Cryptochrom im Sehprozess von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114466}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r die Detektion von Licht ist im gesamten Tierreich die Absorption von Photonen durch photorezeptive Proteine, die sogenannten Opsine und in geringerem Ausmaß die Typ 1 Cryptochrome. Die Taufliege Drosophila melanogaster besitzt sechs eingehend charakterisierte, auch als Rhodopsine bezeichnete Opsine (Rh1-Rh6) und ein Cryptochrom (CRY). Neben den Ocellen und den Hofbauer-Buchner {\"A}uglein werden die Rhodopsine in erster Linie in den Photorezeptorzellen der Komplexaugen, den Hauptorganen der Lichtperzeption exprimiert, wo sie der Vermittlung der visuellen Wahrnehmung dienen. Basierend auf Sequenzvergleichen wurde im Jahr 2000 ein neues Protein namens Rh7 zur Gruppe der Drosophila Opsine hinzugef{\"u}gt. Bis heute fehlt allerdings jeglicher experimentelle Beleg f{\"u}r die photorezeptive Funktion dieses Proteins. Im Gegensatz dazu wird Cryptochrom in erster Linie in einigen Uhrneuronen des Drosophila Gehirns exprimiert, wo es diesen Neuronen die F{\"a}higkeit zur Lichtdetektion verleiht und das Photoentrainment der inneren Uhr lenkt. Neueren Untersuchungen zu folge spielt CRY allerdings auch bei der visuellen Wahrnehmung der Augen eine Rolle. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielte nun darauf ab die potentielle Funktion von Rh7 als neuen Photorezeptor in Drosophila sowie die Rolle von CRY bei der visuellen Lichtperzeption zu untersuchen. Die Aufnahmen der Elektroretinogramme (ERGs) von transgenen Fliegen, die Rh7 anstelle von oder zusammen mit dem dominanten Photorezeptor Rh1 in den Komplexaugen exprimieren, zeigen, dass Rh7 die Phototransduktionskaskade bei Belichtung mit Weißlicht nicht aktivieren kann. Die Abwesenheit von Rh7 sorgt allerdings trotzdem f{\"u}r eine Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der lichtinduzierten Antwort der Rezeptorzellen im Komplexauge. So zeigen die Intensit{\"a}ts-Response Kurven der ERG Rezeptorpotentialamplitude von rh7 Knockout-Fliegen unter Weißlicht niedriger und mittlerer Intensit{\"a}t nach einer anf{\"a}nglichen Dunkeladaptation von 15min eine insgesamt, im Vergleich zur Kontrolle erh{\"o}hte Rezeptorpotentialamplitude. Der Verlauf dieser Kurven deutet außerdem darauf hin, dass die Zunahme der Rezeptorpotentialamplitude mit steigender Lichtintensit{\"a}t gr{\"o}ßer wird. Zudem zeigt das Aktionsspektrum f{\"u}r die Rezeptorpotentialamplitude der rh7 Knockout-Fliegen, dass diese Empfindlichkeitszunahme im gesamten Bereich von 370-648nm auftritt. Diese Beeintr{\"a}chtigung scheint jedoch zu fehlen, wenn die Fliegen vor Experimentbeginn nur 1min dunkeladaptiert wurden, oder wenn intensives Blaulicht zur Belichtung verwendet wird. Des weiteren ist auch das 4s nach Ende des Lichtpulses im ERG gemessene Nachpotential bei fehlendem Rh7 reduziert. Zusammengenommen deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Rh7, wenn auch nicht als Photorezeptor, bei Belichtung mit Weißlicht niedriger und mittlerer Intensit{\"a}t die Lichtantwort in den Rezeptorzellen des Komplexauges in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Intensit{\"a}t und Adaptationszustand beeinflusst und dass dieser Einfluss scheinbar nicht durch Licht eines eng begrenzten Wellenl{\"a}ngenbereichs induziert wird. Des weiteren legt die Untersuchung des ERG Nachpotentials nahe, dass Rh7 m{\"o}glicherweise f{\"u}r eine normale Beendigung der Lichtantwort ben{\"o}tigt wird. Die allgemeine Funktion von Rh7 als Photorezeptor in Drosophila sowie die Eigenschaften der endogenen Funktion von Rh7 werden diskutiert. Unabh{\"a}ngig davon wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit auch gezeigt, dass Fliegen ohne CRY zwar nach 15-min{\"u}tiger, nicht jedoch nach 1-min{\"u}tiger Dunkeladaptation bei Belichtung mit Weißlicht niedriger Intensit{\"a}t eine insgesamt geringere ERG Rezeptorpotentialamplitude aufweisen. Dies k{\"o}nnte auf eine Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der Dunkeladaptationsprozesse bei Abwesenheit von CRY hindeuten.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schlichting2015, author = {Schlichting, Matthias}, title = {Light entrainment of the circadian clock: the importance of the visual system for adjusting Drosophila melanogaster´s activity pattern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114457}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The change of day and night is one of the challenges all organisms are exposed to, as they have to adjust their physiology and behavior in an appropriate way. Therefore so called circadian clocks have evolved, which allow the organism to predict these cyclic changes of day and night. The underlying molecular mechanism is oscillating with its endogenous period of approximately 24 hours in constant conditions, but as soon as external stimuli, so called Zeitgebers, are present, the clocks adjust their period to exactly 24h, which is called entrainment. Studies in several species, including humans, animals and plants, showed that light is the most important Zeitgeber synchronizing physiology and behavior to the changes of day and night. Nevertheless also other stimuli, like changes in temperature, humidity or social interactions, are powerful Zeitgebers for entraining the clock. This thesis will focus on the question, how light influences the locomotor behavior of the fly in general, including a particular interest on the entrainment of the circadian clock. As a model organism Drosophila melanogaster was used. During the last years several research groups investigated the effect of light on the circadian clock and their results showed that several light input pathways to the clock contribute to wild-type behavior. Most of the studies focused on the photopigment Cryptochrome (CRY) which is expressed in about half of the 150 clock neurons in the fly. CRY is activated by light, degrades the clock protein Timeless (TIM) and hence entrains the clock to the light-dark (LD)-cycle resulting from changes of day and night. However, also flies lacking CRY are still able to entrain their clock mechanism as well as their activity-rest-rhythm to LD-cycles, clearly showing that the visual system of the fly also contributes to clock synchronization. The mechanism how light information from the visual system is transferred to the clock is so far still unknown. This is also true for so-called masking-effects which are changes in the behavior of the animal that are directly initiated by external stimuli and therefore independent of the circadian clock. These effects complement the behavior of the animals as they enable the fly to react quickly to changes in the environment even during the clock-controlled rest state. Both of these behavioral features were analyzed in more detail in this study. On the one hand, we investigated the influence of the compound eyes on the entrainment of the clock neurons and on the other hand, we tried to separate clock-controlled behavior from masking. To do so "nature-like" light conditions were simulated allowing the investigation of masking and entrainment within one experiment. The simulation of moonlight and twilight conditions caused significant changes in the locomotor behavior. Moonlit nights increased nocturnal activity levels and shifted the morning (M) and evening (E) activity bouts into the night. The opposite was true for the investigation of twilight, as the activity bouts were shifted into the day. The simulation of twilight and moonlight within the same experiment further showed that twilight appears to dominate over moonlight, which is in accordance to the assumption that twilight in nature is one of the key signals to synchronize the clock as the light intensity during early dawn rises similarly in every season. By investigating different mutants with impaired visual system we showed that the compound eyes are essential for the observed behavioral adaptations. The inner receptor cells (R7 and R8) are important for synchronizing the endogenous clock mechanism to the changes of day and night. In terms of masking, a complex interaction of all receptor cells seems to adjust the behavioral pattern, as only flies lacking photopigments in inner and outer receptor cells lacked all masking effects. However, not only the compound eyes seem to contribute to rhythmic activity in moonlit nights. CRY-mutant flies shift their E activity bout even more into the night than wild-type flies do. By applying Drosophila genetics we were able to narrow down this effect to only four CRY expressing clock neurons per hemisphere. This implies that the compound eyes and CRY in the clock neurons have antagonistic effects on the timing of the E activity bout. CRY advances activity into the day, whereas the compound eyes delay it. Therefore, wild-type behavior combines both effects and the two light inputs might enable the fly to time its activity to the appropriate time of day. But CRY expression is not restricted to the clock neurons as a previous study showed a rather broad distribution within the compound eyes. In order to investigate its function in the eyes we collaborated with Prof. Rodolfo Costa (University of Padova). In our first study we were able to show that CRY interacts with the phototransduction cascade and thereby influences visual behavior like phototaxis and optomotor response. Our second study showed that CRY in the eyes affects locomotor activity rhythms. It appears to contribute to light sensation without being a photopigment per se. Our results rather indicate that CRY keeps the components of the phototransduction cascade close to the cytoskeleton, as we identified a CRY-Actin interaction in vitro. It might therefore facilitate the transformation of light energy into electric signals. In a further collaboration with Prof. Orie Shafer (University of Michigan) we were able to shed light on the significance of the extraretinal Hofbauer-Buchner eyelet for clock synchronization. Excitation of the eyelet leads to Ca2+ and cAMP increases in specific clock neurons, consequently resulting in a shift of the flies´ rhythmic activity. Taken together, the experiments conducted in this thesis revealed new functions of different eye structures and CRY for fly behavior. We were furthermore able to show that masking complements the rhythmic behavior of the fly, which might help to adapt to natural conditions.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }