@phdthesis{VoulgariKokota2020, author = {Voulgari Kokota, Anna}, title = {Microbiota interactions and dynamics in megachilid bee nests}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18249}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-182493}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Insect microbiota plays an essential role on the hosts' health and fitness, regulating their development, nutrition and immunity. The natural microbiota of bees, in particular, has been given much attention, largely because of the globally reported bee population declines. However, although the worker honey bee has been associated with distinctive and specialized microbiota, the microbiota of solitary bees has not been examined in detail, despite their enormous ecological importance. The main objectives of the present thesis were a) the bacterial community description for various solitary bee species, b) the association of the solitary bee microbiota with ecological factors such as landscape type, c) the relation of the bee foraging preferences with their nest bacterial microbiota, d) the examination of the nest building material contribution to the nest microbiota, e) the isolation of bacterial strains with beneficial or harmful properties for the solitary bee larvae and f) the pathological investigation of bacteria found in deceased solitary bee larvae. The findings of the present study revealed a high bacterial biodiversity in the solitary bee nests. At the same time, the bacterial communities were different for each bee host species. Furthermore, it was shown that the pollen bacterial communities underwent compositional shifts reflecting a reduction in floral bacteria with progressing larval development, while a clear landscape effect was absent. The examination of the nest pollen provisions showed different foraging preferences for each included bee species. Both the pollen composition and the host species identity had a strong effect on the pollen bacteria, indicating that the pollen bacterial communities are the result of a combinatory process. The introduced environmental material also contributed to the nest natural microbiome. However, although the larval microbiota was significantly influenced by the pollen microbiota, it was not much associated with that of the nest material. Two Paenibacillus strains isolated from O. bicornis nests showed strong antifungal activities, while several isolated strains were able to metabolize various oligosaccharides which are common in pollen and nectar. Screening for potential pathogenic bacteria in the nests of O. bicornis unveiled bacterial taxa, which dominated the bacterial community in deceased larvae, while at the same time they were undetectable in the healthy individuals. vi Finally, larvae which were raised in vitro developed distinct bacterial microbiomes according to their diet, while their life span was affected. The present thesis described aspects of the microbiota dynamics in the nests of seven megachilid solitary bee nests, by suggesting which transmission pathways shape the established bacterial communities and how these are altered with larval development. Furthermore, specific bacterial taxa were associated with possible services they might provide to the larvae, while others were related with possible harmful effects. Future studies should integrate microbiota examination of different bee generations and parallel investigation of the microbiota of the nests and their surrounding environment (plant community, soil) to elucidate the bacterial transmission paths which establish the nest microbiota of solitary bees. Functional assays will also allow future studies to characterize specific nest bacteria as beneficial or harmful and describe how they assist the development of healthy bees and the fitness of bee populations.}, subject = {Bienen }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidenmueller2001, author = {Weidenm{\"u}ller, Anja}, title = {From individual behavior to collective structure}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2448}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The social organization of insect colonies has long fascinated naturalists. One of the main features of colony organization is division of labor, whereby each member of the colony specializes in a subset of all tasks required for successful group functioning. The most striking aspect of division of labor is its plasticity: workers switch between tasks in response to external challenges and internal perturbations. The mechanisms underlying flexible division of labor are far from being understood. In order to comprehend how the behavior of individuals gives rise to flexible collective behavior, several questions need to be addressed: We need to know how individuals acquire information about their colony's current demand situation; how they then adjust their behavior according; and which mechanisms integrate dozens or thousands of insect into a higher-order unit. With these questions in mind I have examined two examples of collective and flexible behavior in social bees. First, I addressed the question how a honey bee colony controls its pollen collection. Pollen foraging in honey bees is precisely organized and carefully regulated according to the colony's needs. How this is achieved is unclear. I investigated how foragers acquire information about their colony's pollen need and how they then adjust their behavior. A detailed documentation of pollen foragers in the hive under different pollen need conditions revealed that individual foragers modulate their in-hive working tempo according to the actual pollen need of the colony: Pollen foragers slowed down and stayed in the hive longer when pollen need was low and spent less time in the hive between foraging trips when pollen need of their colony was high. The number of cells inspected before foragers unloaded their pollen load did not change and thus presumably did not serve as cue to pollen need. In contrast, the trophallactic experience of pollen foragers changed with pollen need conditions: trophallactic contacts were shorter when pollen need was high and the number and probability of having short trophallactic contacts increased when pollen need increased. Thus, my results have provided support for the hypothesis that trophallactic experience is one of the various information pathways used by pollen foragers to assess their colony's pollen need. The second example of collective behavior I have examined in this thesis is the control of nest climate in bumble bee colonies, a system differing from pollen collection in honey bees in that information about task need (nest climate parameters) is directly available to all workers. I have shown that an increase in CO2 concentration and temperature level elicits a fanning response whereas an increase in relative humidity does not. The fanning response to temperature and CO2 was graded; the number of fanning bees increased with stimulus intensity. Thus, my study has evidenced flexible colony level control of temperature and CO2. Further, I have shown that the proportion of total work force a colony invests into nest ventilation does not change with colony size. However, the dynamic of the colony response changes: larger colonies show a faster response to perturbations of their colony environment than smaller colonies. Thus, my study has revealed a size-dependent change in the flexible colony behavior underlying homeostasis. I have shown that the colony response to perturbations in nest climate is constituted by workers who differ in responsiveness. Following a brief review of current ideas and models of self-organization and response thresholds in insect colonies, I have presented the first detailed investigation of interindividual variability in the responsiveness of all workers involved in a collective behavior. My study has revealed that bumble bee workers evidence consistent responses to certain stimulus levels and differ in their response thresholds. Some consistently respond to low stimulus intensities, others consistently respond to high stimulus intensities. Workers are stimulus specialists rather than task specialists. Further, I have demonstrated that workers of a colony differ in two other parameters of responsiveness: response probability and fanning activity. Response threshold, response probability and fanning activity are independent parameters of individual behavior. Besides demonstrating and quantifying interindividual variability, my study has provided empirical support for the idea of specialization through reinforcement. Response thresholds of fanning bees decreased over successive trials. I have discussed the importance of interindividual variability for specialization and the collective control of nest climate and present a general discussion of self-organization and selection. This study contributes to our understanding of individual behavior and collective structure in social insects. A fascinating picture of social organization is beginning to emerge. In place of centralized systems of communication and information transmission, insect societies frequently employ mechanisms based upon self-organization. Self-organization promises to be an important and unifying principle in physical, chemical and biological systems.}, subject = {Hummeln}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eltz2001, author = {Eltz, Thomas}, title = {Ecology of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) in lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia, and an evaluation of logging impact on populations and communities}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1130}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The present thesis reports on four years of field research on stingless bee ecology in Sabah, Malaysia. Hereby, it was the main focus to evaluate the effect of selective logging for timber extraction on communities of bees, and to elucidate causative relationships involved in regulating bee populations. Included were background studies on resource use (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) and nesting biology (3.4) as well as comparative studies on stingless bee diversity and abundance in logged and unlogged lowland rainforest sites (4.1, 4.2). Stingless bees proved to be generalist foragers that used a large range of plant species as pollen sources. Nevertheless, different species of bees had rather distinct pollen diets, a findind that was independent of fluctuations in flowering activity in the habitat. At one particular point in time colonies of one species (Trigona collina)collected mold spores (Rhizopus sp.) as a pollen surrogate. In order to obtain low-effort estimates of meliponine pollen sources a new method was developed: Trapping of bee garbage (with funnel traps) and the quantitative analysis of pollen in garbage samples. Pollen in bee garbage reflected pollen import with a certain time lag and could therefore be used for an assessment of long-term pollen foraging (see below). The majority of stingless bee nests (275 nests of 12 species) were found in cavities in trunks or under the bases of large, living canopy trees. Nest trees mostly belonged to commercial species and were of the correct size and (partly) timber quality to warrant harvesting. It was estimated that roughly one third of stingless bee nests in an given forest area would be killed during a selective logging operation. Besides causing direct mortality, logging may also indirectly affect bee populations by reducing the availability of potential nest sites (trees). However, in a comparison of primary and differentially logged forest sites (10 to 30 years after logging) no effect of the degree of disturbance on meliponine nest density was found. Instead, the variation in nest density (0 to 16.2 nest/ha) was best explained by differences in the available floral resources (assessed by analysis of pollen in bee garbage). Bee populations in forest edge situations were favored: there was a positive correlation between nest density and the proportion of external non-forest pollen (e.g. from crop plants, road edge vegetation, mangroves) in the bees' diet. The highest nest density was found in a site bordering the mangroves in Sandakan Bay. Here, the mangrove tree Rhizophora apiculata represented a extraordinary large fraction of the pollen volume. Presumably, external pollen sources effectively supplement bee diets at times when little flowering occurs inside the forest, thus increasing overall bee carrying-capacity. The idea of differential pollen limitation was strengthened by direct measurements of pollen import and foraging activity over a period of five months. Both were elevated in colonies in a site with high bee density. It is concluded that the abundance of stingless bees in forests in Sabah is chiefly dependent on the local availability of food resources. Hereby, bee populations strongly benefit from edge effects and increased habitat diversity. Although direct negative effects of selective logging are strongly indicated by a close association of bee nests with commercial trees, no clear effects were detected in regenerating forests ten to 30 years after logging.}, subject = {Sabah}, language = {en} }