@phdthesis{Pakkayil2017, author = {Pakkayil, Shijin Babu}, title = {Towards ferromagnet/superconductor junctions on graphene}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153863}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This thesis reports a successful fabrication and characterisation of ferromagnetic/superconductor junction (F/S) on graphene. The thesis preposes a fabrication method to produce F/S junctions on graphene which make use of ALD grown Al2O3 as the tunnel barrier for the ferromagnetic contacts. Measurements done on F/G/S/G/F suggests that by injecting spin polarised current into the superconductor, a spin imbalance is created in the quasiparticle density of states of the superconductor which then diffuses through the graphene channel. The observed characteristic curves are similar to the ones which are already reported on metallic ferromagnet/superconductor junctions where the spin imbalance is created using Zeeman splitting. Further measurements also show that the curves loose their characteristic shapes when the temperature is increased above the critical temperature (Tc) or when the external magnetic field is higher then the critical field (Hc) of the superconducting contact. But to prove conclusively and doubtlessly the existence of spin imbalance in ferromagnet/superconductor junctions on graphene, more devices have to be made and characterised preferably in a dilution refrigerator.}, subject = {Graphen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuchs2016, author = {Fuchs, Moritz Jakob}, title = {Spin dynamics in the central spin model: Application to graphene quantum dots}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Due to their potential application for quantum computation, quantum dots have attracted a lot of interest in recent years. In these devices single electrons can be captured, whose spin can be used to define a quantum bit (qubit). However, the information stored in these quantum bits is fragile due to the interaction of the electron spin with its environment. While many of the resulting problems have already been solved, even on the experimental side, the hyperfine interaction between the nuclear spins of the host material and the electron spin in their center remains as one of the major obstacles. As a consequence, the reduction of the number of nuclear spins is a promising way to minimize this effect. However, most quantum dots have a fixed number of nuclear spins due to the presence of group III and V elements of the periodic table in the host material. In contrast, group IV elements such as carbon allow for a variable size of the nuclear spin environment through isotopic purification. Motivated by this possibility, we theoretically investigate the physics of the central spin model in carbon based quantum dots. In particular, we focus on the consequences of a variable number of nuclear spins on the decoherence of the electron spin in graphene quantum dots. Since our models are, in many aspects, based upon actual experimental setups, we provide an overview of the most important achievements of spin qubits in quantum dots in the first part of this Thesis. To this end, we discuss the spin interactions in semiconductors on a rather general ground. Subsequently, we elaborate on their effect in GaAs and graphene, which can be considered as prototype materials. Moreover, we also explain how the central spin model can be described in terms of open and closed quantum systems and which theoretical tools are suited to analyze such models. Based on these prerequisites, we then investigate the physics of the electron spin using analytical and numerical methods. We find an intriguing thermal flip of the electron spin using standard statistical physics. Subsequently, we analyze the dynamics of the electron spin under influence of a variable number of nuclear spins. The limit of a large nuclear spin environment is investigated using the Nakajima-Zwanzig quantum master equation, which reveals a decoherence of the electron spin with a power-law decay on short timescales. Interestingly, we find a dependence of the details of this decay on the orientation of an external magnetic field with respect to the graphene plane. By restricting to a small number of nuclear spins, we are able to analyze the dynamics of the electron spin by exact diagonalization, which provides us with more insight into the microscopic details of the decoherence. In particular, we find a fast initial decay of the electron spin, which asymptotically reaches a regime governed by small fluctuations around a finite long-time average value. Finally, we analytically predict upper bounds on the size of these fluctuations in the framework of quantum thermodynamics.}, subject = {Elektronenspin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nguyen2015, author = {Nguyen, Thanh Nam}, title = {A model system for carbohydrates interactions on single-crystalline Ru surfaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111485}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In this thesis, I present a model system for carbohydrate interactions with single-crystalline Ru surfaces. Geometric and electronic properties of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) on top of graphene on hexagonal Ru(0001), rectangular Ru(10-10) and vicinal Ru(1,1,-2,10) surfaces have been studied. First, the Fermi surfaces and band structures of the three Ru surfaces were investigated by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental data and theoretical calculations allow to derive detailed information about the momentum-resolved electronic structure. The results can be used as a reference to understand the chemical and catalytic properties of Ru surfaces. Second, graphene layers were prepared on the three different Ru surfaces. Using low-energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy, it was found that graphene can be grown in well-ordered structures on all three surfaces, hexagonal Ru(0001), rectangular Ru(10-10) and vicinal Ru(1,1,-2,10), although they have different surface symmetries. Evidence for a strong interaction between graphene and Ru surfaces is a 1.3-1.7e V increase in the graphene pi-bands binding energy with respect to free-standing graphene sheets. This energy variation is due to the hybridization between the graphene pi bands and the Ru 4d electrons, while the lattice mismatch does not play an important role in the bonding between graphene and Ru surfaces. Finally, the geometric and electronic structures of CuPc on Ru(10-10), graphene/Ru(10-10), and graphene/Ru(0001) have been studied in detail. CuPc molecules can be grown well-ordered on Ru(10-10) but not on Ru(0001). The growth of CuPc on graphene/Ru(10-10) and Ru(0001) is dominated by the Moire pattern of graphene. CuPc molecules form well-ordered structures with rectangular unit cells on graphene/Ru(10-10) and Ru(0001). The distance of adjacent CuPc molecules is 1.5 and 1.3 nm on graphene/Ru(0001) and 1.54 and 1.37 nm on graphene/Ru(10-10). This indicates that the molecule-substrate interaction dominates over the intermolecular interaction for CuPc molecules on graphene/Ru(10-10) and graphene/Ru(0001).}, subject = {Ruthenium}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kiesel2012, author = {Kiesel, Maximilian Ludwig}, title = {Unconventional Superconductivity in Cuprates, Cobaltates and Graphene: What is Universal and what is Material-Dependent in strongly versus weakly Correlated Materials?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Eine allgemeing{\"u}ltige Theorie f{\"u}r alle unterschiedlichen Arten von unkonventionellen Supraleitern ist immer noch eine der ungel{\"o}sten Kernfragen der Festk{\"o}rperphysik. Momentan ist es nicht einmal bewiesen, dass es {\"u}berhaupt einen gemeinsamen grundlegenden Mechanismus gibt, sondern es m{\"u}ssen vielleicht mehrere verschiedene Ursachen f{\"u}r unkonventionelle Supraleitung ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Der Einfluss der Elektron-Phonon-Wechselwirkung ist dabei noch nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt. In dieser Dissertation wird ein rein elektronischer Paarungsmechanismus untersucht, in welchem die Paarung durch Spin-Fluktuationen vermittelt wird, was nach dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der unkonventionellen Supraleiter am wahrscheinlichsten ist. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Bestimmung von Material-unabh{\"a}ngigen Eigenschaften der supraleitenden Phase. Diese k{\"o}nnen durch eine Auswahl sehr unterschiedlicher Systeme herausgearbeitet werden. Eine Untersuchung der Phasendiagramme gibt außerdem Auskunft dar{\"u}ber, welche konkurrierenden Quantenfluktuationen den supraleitenden Zustand abschw{\"a}chen oder verst{\"a}rken. F{\"u}r diese Analyse von sehr unterschiedlichen supraleitenden Materialien ist der Einsatz einer einzelnen numerischen L{\"o}sungsmethode unzureichend. F{\"u}r diese Dissertation ist dies aber kein Nachteil, sondern vielmehr ein großer Vorteil, da der Einsatz verschiedener Techniken die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Ergebnisse von der verwendeten Numerik reduziert und dadurch der grundlegende Mechanismus besser untersucht werden kann. Im speziellen werden in dieser Dissertation die Kuprate mit der Variationellen Clustern{\"a}herung ausgewertet, weil die Elektronen hier eine starke Wechselwirkung untereinander besitzen. Besonders die Frage eines m{\"o}glichen Klebstoffs f{\"u}r die Cooper-Paare wird ausf{\"u}hrlich diskutiert, auch mit einer Unterscheidung in retardierte und nicht-retardierte Betr{\"a}ge. Den Kupraten werden das Kobaltat NaCoO sowie Graphen gegen{\"u}bergestellt. Diese Materialien sind jedoch schwach korrelierte Systeme, so dass hier die Funkionelle Renormierungsgruppe als numerisches Grundger{\"u}st dient. Die Ergebnisse sind reichhaltige Phasendiagramme mit vielen verschiedenen langreichweitigen Ordnungen, wie zum Beispiel d+id-wellenartige Supraleitung. Diese bricht die Zeitumkehr-Symmetrie und besitzt eine vollst{\"a}ndige Bandl{\"u}cke, welche im Falle von NaCoO jedoch eine stark Dotierungs-abh{\"a}ngige Anisotropie aufweist. Als letztes wird das Kagome-Gitter allgemein diskutiert, ohne ein konkretes Material zu beschreiben. Hier hat eine destruktive Interferenz zwischen den Elektronen auf verschiedenen Untergittern drastische Auswirkungen auf die Instabilit{\"a}ten der Fermi-Fl{\"a}che, so dass die {\"u}bliche Spin-Dichte-Welle und die damit verbundene d+id-wellenartige Supraleitung unterdr{\"u}ckt werden. Dadurch treten ungew{\"o}hnliche Spin- und Ladungsdichte-Ordnungen sowie eine nematische Pomeranchuck Instabilit{\"a}t hervor. Zusammengefasst bietet diese Dissertation einen Einblick in unterschiedliche Materialklassen von unkonventionellen Supraleitern. Dadurch wird es m{\"o}glich, die Material-spezifischen Eigenschaften von den universellen zu trennen.}, subject = {Supraleitung}, language = {en} }