@phdthesis{Kagerer2024, author = {Kagerer, Philipp Thomas}, title = {Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetism and Topology at the Surface of MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\) - Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\) Heterostructures - MBE Growth, Magnetism and Electronic Properties}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360121}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis, a model system of a magnetic topological heterostructure is studied, namely a heterosystem consisting of a single ferromagnetic septuple-layer (SL) of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on the surface of the three-dimensional topological insulator \(Bi_2Te_3\). Using MBE and developing a specialized experimental setup, the first part of this thesis deals with the growth of \(Bi_2Te_3\) and thin films of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on \(BaF_2\)-substrates by the co-evaporation of its binary constituents. The structural analysis is conducted along several suitable probes such as X-ray diffraction (XRD, XRR), AFM and scanning tunnelling electron microscopy (STEM). It is furthermore found that the growth of a single septuple-layer of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on the surface of \(Bi_2Te_3\) can be facilitated. By using X-ray absorption and circular magnetic dichroism (XAS, XMCD), the magnetic properties of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) are explored down to the monolayer limit. The layered nature of the vdW crystal and a strong uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy establish stable out-of plane magnetic order at the surface of \(MnBi_2Te_4\), which is stable even down to the 2D limit. Pushing the material system to there, i.e. a single SL \(MnBi_2Te_4\) further allows to study the phase transition of this 2D ferromagnet and extract its critical behaviour with \(T_c \, = \, 14.89~k\) and \(\beta \, = \, 0.484\). Utilizing bulk crystals of the ferromagnetic \(Fe_3GeTe_2\) as substrate allows to influence, enhance and bias the magnetism in the single SL of \(MnBi_2Te_4\). By growing heterostructures of the type \(MnBi_2Te_4\) -- n layer \(Bi_2Te_3\) -- \(Fe_3GeTe_2\)for n between 0 and 2, it is shown, that a considerable magnetic coupling can be introduced between the \(MnBi_2Te_4\) top-layer and the substrate. Finally the interplay between topology and magnetism in the ferromagnetic extension is studied directly by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The heterostructure is found to host a linearly dispersing TSS at the centre of the Brillouin zone. Using low temperature and high-resolution ARPES a large magnetic gap opening of \(\sim\) 35 meV is found at the Dirac point of the TSS. By following its temperature evolution, it is apparent that the scaling behaviour coincides with the magnetic order parameter of the modified surface.}, subject = {Molekularstrahlepitaxie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2023, author = {M{\"u}ller, Tobias Leo Christian}, title = {Quantum magnetism in three dimensions: Exploring phase diagrams and real materials using Functional Renormalization}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31394}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313948}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Magnetism is a phenomenon ubiquitously found in everyday life. Yet, together with superconductivity and superfluidity, it is among the few macroscopically realized quantum states. Although well-understood on a quasi-classical level, its microscopic description is still far from being solved. The interplay of strong interactions present in magnetic condensed-matter systems and the non-trivial commutator structure governing the underlying spin algebra prevents most conventional approaches in solid-state theory to be applied. On the other hand, the quantum limit of magnetic systems is fertile land for the development of exotic phases of matter called spin-liquids. In these states, quantum fluctuations inhibit the formation of magnetic long-range order down to the lowest temperatures. From a theoretical point of view, spin-liquids open up the possibility to study their exotic properties, such as fractionalized excitations and emergent gauge fields. However, despite huge theoretical and experimental efforts, no material realizing spin-liquid properties has been unambiguously identified with a three-dimensional crystal structure. The search for such a realization is hindered by the inherent difficulty even for model calculations. As most numerical techniques are not applicable due to the interaction structure and dimensionality of these systems, a methodological gap has to be filled. In this thesis, to fill this void, we employ the pseudo-fermion functional renormalization group (PFFRG), which provides a scheme to investigate ground state properties of quantum magnetic systems even in three spatial dimensions. We report the status quo of this established method and extend it by alleviating some of its inherent approximations. To this end, we develop a multi-loop formulation of PFFRG, including hitherto neglected terms in the underlying flow equations consistently, rendering the outcome equivalent to a parquet approximation. As a necessary prerequisite, we also significantly improve the numerical accuracy of our implementation of the method by switching to a formulation respecting the asymptotic behavior of the vertex functions as well as employing state-of-the-art numerical algorithms tailored towards PFFRG. The resulting codebase was made publicly accessible in the open-source code PFFRGSolver.jl. We subsequently apply the technique to both model systems and real materials. Augmented by a classical analysis of the respective models, we scan the phase diagram of the three-dimensional body-centered cubic lattice up to third-nearest neighbor coupling and the Pyrochlore lattice up to second-nearest neighbor. In both systems, we uncover in addition to the classically ordered phases, an extended parameter regime, where a quantum paramagnetic phase appears, giving rise to the possibility of a quantum spin liquid. Additionally, we also use the nearest-neighbor antiferromagnet on the Pyrochlore lattice as well as the simple cubic lattice with first- and third-nearest neighbor couplings as a testbed for multi-loop PFFRG, demonstrating, that the inclusion of higher loop orders has quantitative effects in paramagnetic regimes and that the onset of order can be signaled by a lack of loop convergence. Turning towards material realizations, we investigate the diamond lattice compound MnSc\(_2\)S\(_4\), explaining on grounds of ab initio couplings the emergence of a spiral spin liquid at low temperatures, but above the ordering transition. In the Pyrochlore compound Lu\(_2\)Mo\(_2\)O\(_5\)N\(_2\), which is known to not magnetically order down to lowest temperatures, we predict a spin liquid state displaying a characteristic gearwheel pattern in the spin structure factor.}, subject = {Heisenberg-Modell}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Trabel2019, author = {Trabel, Mirko}, title = {Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Manganese Silicide Thin Films}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18472}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184720}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This thesis describes the growth and characterization of epitaxial MnSi thin films on Si substrates. The interest in this material system stems from the rich magnetic phase diagram resulting from the noncentrosymmetric B20 crystal structure. Here neighboring spins prefer a tilted relative arrangement in contrast to ferro- and antiferromagnets, which leads to a helical ground state where crystal and spin helix chirality are linked [IEM+85]. This link makes the characterization and control of the crystal chirality the main goal of this thesis. After a brief description of the material properties and applied methods, the thesis itself is divided into four main parts. In the first part the advancement of the MBE growth process of MnSi on Si\((111)\) substrate as well as the fundamental structural characterization are described. Here the improvement of the substrate interface by an adjusted substrate preparation process is demonstrated, which is the basis for well ordered flat MnSi layers. On this foundation the influence of Mn/Si flux ratio and substrate temperature on the MnSi layer growth is investigated via XRD and clear boundaries to identify the optimal growth conditions are determined. The nonstoichiometric phases outside of this optimal growth window are identified as HMS and Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\). Additionally, a regime at high substrate temperatures and low Mn flux is discovered, where MnSi islands are growing incorporated in a Si layer, which could be interesting for further investigations as a size confinement can change the magnetic phase diagram [DBS+18]. XRD measurements demonstrate the homogeneity of the grown MnSi layers over most of the 3 inch wafer diameter and a small \(\omega\)-FWHM of about 0.02° demonstrates the high quality of the layers. XRD and TEM measurements also show that relaxation of the layers happens via misfit dislocations at the interface to the substrate. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the crystal chirality. Here azimuthal \(\phi\)-scans of asymmetric XRD reflections reveal twin domains with a \(\pm\)30° rotation to the substrate. These twin domains seem to consist of left and right-handed MnSi, which are connected by a mirror operation at the \((\bar{1}10)\) plane. For some of the asymmetric XRD reflections this results in different intensities for the different twin domains, which reveals that one of the domains is rotated +30° and the other is rotated -30°. From XRD and TEM measurements an equal volume fraction of both domains is deduced. Different mechanisms to suppress these twin domains are investigated and successfully achieved with the growth on chiral Si surfaces, namely Si\((321)\) and Si\((531)\). Azimuthal \(\phi\)-scans of asymmetric XRD reflections demonstrate a suppression of up to 92\%. The successful twin suppression is an important step in the use of MnSi for the proposed spintronics applications with skyrmions as information carriers, as discussed in the introduction. Because of this achievement, the third part of the thesis on the magnetic properties of the MnSi thin films is not only concerned with the principal behavior, but also with the difference between twinned and twin suppressed layers. Magnetometry measurements are used to demonstrate, that the MnSi layers behave principally as expected from the literature. The analysis of saturation and residual magnetization hints to the twin suppression on Si\((321)\) and Si\((531)\) substrates and further investigations with more samples can complete this picture. For comparable layers on Si\((111)\), Si\((321)\) and Si\((531)\) the Curie-Weiss temperature is identical within 1 K and the critical field within 0.1 T. Temperature dependent magnetoresistivity measurements also demonstrate the expected \(T^2\) behavior not only on Si\((111)\) but also on Si\((321)\) substrates. This demonstrates the successful growth of MnSi on Si\((321)\) and Si\((531)\) substrates. The latter measurements also reveal a residual resistivity of less then half for MnSi on Si\((321)\) in comparison to Si\((111)\). This can be explained with the reduced number of domain boundaries demonstrating the successful suppression of one of the twin domains. The homogeneity of the residual resistivity as well as the charge carrier density over a wide area of the Si\((111)\) wafer is also demonstrated with these measurements as well as Hall effect measurements. The fourth part shows the AMR and PHE of MnSi depending on the angle between in plane current and magnetic field direction with respect to the crystal direction. This was proposed as a tool to identify skyrmions [YKT+15]. The influence of the higher C\(_{3\mathrm{v}}\) symmetry of the twinned system instead of the C\(_3\) symmetry of a B20 single crystal is demonstrated. The difference could serve as a useful additional tool to prove the twin suppression on the chiral substrates. But this is only possible for rotations with specific symmetry surfaces and not for the studied unsymmetrical Si\((321)\) surface. Measurements for MnSi layers on Si\((111)\) above the critical magnetic field demonstrate the attenuation of AMR and PHE parameters for increasing resistivity, as expected from literature [WC67]. Even if a direct comparison to the parameters on Si\((321)\) is not possible, the higher values of the parameters on Si\((321)\) can be explained considering the reduced charge carrier scattering from domain boundaries. Below the critical magnetic field, which would be the region where a skyrmion lattice could be expected, magnetic hysteresis complicates the analysis. Only one phase transition at the critical magnetic field can be clearly observed, which leaves the existence of a skyrmion lattice in thin epitaxial MnSi layers open. The best method to solve this question seems to be a more direct approach in the form of Lorentz-TEM, which was also successfully used to visualize the skyrmion lattice for thin plates of bulk MnSi [TYY+12]. For the detection of in plane skyrmions, lamellas would have to be prepared for a side view, which seems in principle possible. The demonstrated successful twin suppression for MnSi on Si\((321)\) and Si\((531)\) substrates may also be applied to other material systems. Suppressing the twinning in FeGe on Si\((111)\) would lead to a single chirality skyrmion lattice near room temperature [HC12]. This could bring the application of skyrmions as information carriers in spintronics within reach. Glossary: MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy XRD X-Ray Diffraction HMS Higher Manganese Silicide FWHM Full Width Half Maximum TEM Tunneling Electron Microscopy AMR Anisotropic MagnetoResistance PHE Planar Hall Effect Bibliography: [IEM+85] M. Ishida, Y. Endoh, S. Mitsuda, Y. Ishikawa, and M. Tanaka. Crystal Chirality and Helicity of the Helical Spin Density Wave in MnSi. II. Polarized Neutron Diffraction. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 54(8):2975, 1985. [DBS+18] B. Das, B. Balasubramanian, R. Skomski, P. Mukherjee, S. R. Valloppilly, G. C. Hadjipanayis, and D. J. Sellmyer. Effect of size confinement on skyrmionic properties of MnSi nanomagnets. Nanoscale, 10(20):9504, 2018. [YKT+15] T. Yokouchi, N. Kanazawa, A. Tsukazaki, Y. Kozuka, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, M. Kawasaki, M. Ichikawa, F. Kagawa, and Y. Tokura. Formation of In-plane Skyrmions in Epitaxial MnSi Thin Films as Revealed by Planar Hall Effect. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84(10):104708, 2015. [WC67] R. H. Walden and R. F. Cotellessa. Magnetoresistance of Nickel-Copper Single-Crystal Thin Films. Journal of Applied Physics, 38(3):1335, 1967. [TYY+12] A. Tonomura, X. Yu, K. Yanagisawa, T. Matsuda, Y. Onose, N. Kanazawa, H. S. Park, and Y. Tokura. Real-Space Observation of Skyrmion Lattice in Helimagnet MnSi Thin Samples. Nano Letters, 12(3):1673, 2012. [HC12] S. X. Huang and C. L. Chien. Extended Skyrmion Phase in Epitaxial FeGe(111) Thin Films. Physical Review Letters, 108(26):267201, 2012.}, subject = {Molekularstrahlepitaxie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mandel2013, author = {Mandel, Karl}, title = {Synthesis and Characterisation of Superparamagnetic Nanocomposite Particles for Water Purification and Resources Recovery}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81208}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Superparamagnetic nanocomposite microparticles, compromised of magnetite nanoparticles in a silica matrix, have been synthesised and surface-modified to act as adsorbers for substances (e.g. toxic heavy metals or valuable resources) dissolved in fluids like water. The particles can be used for a magnetic-extraction-assisted separation process of these target substances which thereby can be recovered from the fluid.}, subject = {Magnetisches Trennverfahren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brehm2009, author = {Brehm, Sascha}, title = {Two-Particle Excitations in the Hubbard Model for High-Temperature Superconductors: A Quantum Cluster Study}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-38719}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Two-particle excitations, such as spin and charge excitations, play a key role in high-Tc cuprate superconductors (HTSC). Due to the antiferromagnetism of the parent compound the magnetic excitations are supposed to be directly related to the mechanism of superconductivity. In particular, the so-called resonance mode is a promising candidate for the pairing glue, a bosonic excitation mediating the electronic pairing. In addition, its interactions with itinerant electrons may be responsible for some of the observed properties of HTSC. Hence, getting to the bottom of the resonance mode is crucial for a deeper understanding of the cuprate materials . To analyze the corresponding two-particle correlation functions we develop in the present thesis a new, non-perturbative and parameter-free technique for T=0 which is based on the Variational Cluster Approach (VCA, an embedded cluster method for one-particle Green's functions). Guided by the spirit of the VCA we extract an effective electron-hole vertex from an isolated cluster and use a fully renormalized bubble susceptibility chi0 including the VCA one-particle propagators.Within our new approach, the magnetic excitations of HTSC are shown to be reproduced for the Hubbard model within the relevant strong-coupling regime. Exceptionally, the famous resonance mode occurring in the underdoped regime within the superconductivity-induced gap of spin-flip electron-hole excitations is obtained. Its intensity and hourglass dispersion are in good overall agreement with experiments. Furthermore, characteristic features such as the position in energy of the resonance mode and the difference of the imaginary part of the susceptibility in the superconducting and the normal states are in accord with Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) experiments. For the first time, a strongly-correlated parameter-free calculation revealed these salient magnetic properties supporting the S=1 magnetic exciton scenario for the resonance mode. Besides the INS data on magnetic properties further important new insights were gained recently via ARPES (Angle-Resolved Photoemission-Spectroscopy) and Raman experiments which disclosed a quite different doping dependence of the antinodal compared to the near-nodal gap. This thesis provides an approach to the Raman response similar to the magnetic case for inspecting this gap dichotomy. In agreement with experiments and one-particle data obtained in the VCA, we recover the antinodal gap decreasing and the near-nodal gap increasing as a function of doping. Hence, our results prove the Hubbard model to account for these salient gap features. In summary, we develop a two-particle cluster approach which is appropriate for the strongly-correlated regime and contains no free parameter. Our results obtained with this new approach combined with the phase diagram and the one-particle excitations obtained in the VCA strongly constitute a Hubbard model description of HTSC cuprate materials.}, subject = {Hochtemperatursupraleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hochkeppel2008, author = {Hochkeppel, Stephan}, title = {One- and Two-Particle Correlation Functions in the Dynamical Quantum Cluster Approach}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28705}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This thesis is dedicated to a theoretical study of the 1-band Hubbard model in the strong coupling limit. The investigation is based on the Dynamical Cluster Approximation (DCA) which systematically restores non-local corrections to the Dynamical Mean Field approximation (DMFA). The DCA is formulated in momentum space and is characterised by a patching of the Brillouin zone where momentum conservation is only recovered between two patches. The approximation works well if k-space correlation functions show a weak momentum dependence. In order to study the temperature and doping dependence of the spin- and charge excitation spectra, we explicitly extend the Dynamical Cluster Approximation to two-particle response functions. The full irreducible two-particle vertex with three momenta and frequencies is approximated by an effective vertex dependent on the momentum and frequency of the spin and/or charge excitations. The effective vertex is calculated by using the Quantum Monte Carlo method on the finite cluster whereas the analytical continuation of dynamical quantities is performed by a stochastic version of the maximum entropy method. A comparison with high temperature auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo data serves as a benchmark for our approach to two-particle correlation functions. Our method can reproduce basic characteristics of the spin- and charge excitation spectrum. Near and beyond optimal doping, our results provide a consistent overall picture of the interplay between charge, spin and single-particle excitations: a collective spin mode emerges at optimal doping and sufficiently low temperatures in the spin response spectrum and exhibits the energy scale of the magnetic exchange interaction J. Simultaneously, the low energy single-particle excitations are characterised by a coherent quasiparticle with bandwidth J. The origin of the quasiparticle can be quite well understood in a picture of a more or less antiferromagnetic ordered background in which holes are dressed by spin-excitations to allow for a coherent motion. By increasing doping, all features which are linked to the spin-polaron vanish in the single-particle as well as two-particle spin response spectrum. In the second part of the thesis an analysis of superconductivity in the Hubbard model is presented. The superconducting instability is implemented within the Dynamical Cluster Approximation by essentially allowing U(1) symmetry breaking baths in the QMC calculations for the cluster. The superconducting transition temperature T_c is derived from the d-wave order parameter which is directly estimated on the Monte Carlo cluster. The critical temperature T_c is in astonishing agreement with the temperature scale estimated by the divergence of the pair-field susceptibility in the paramagnetic phase. A detailed study of the pseudo and superconducting gap is continued by the investigation of the local and angle-resolved spectral function.}, subject = {Festk{\"o}rpertheorie}, language = {en} }