@phdthesis{Segerer2019, author = {Segerer, Gabriela}, title = {Characterization of cell biological and physiological functions of the phosphoglycolate phosphatase AUM}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123847}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Mammalian haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-type phosphatases are a large and ubiquitous family of at least 40 human members. Many of them have important physiological functions, such as the regulation of intermediary metabolism and the modulation of enzyme activities, yet they are also linked to diseases such as cardiovascular or metabolic disorders and cancer. Still, most of the mammalian HAD phosphatases remain functionally uncharacterized. This thesis reveals novel cell biological and physiological functions of the phosphoglycolate phosphatase PGP, also referred to as AUM. To this end, PGP was functionally characterized by performing analyses using purified recombinant proteins to investigate potential protein substrates of PGP, cell biological studies using the spermatogonial cell line GC1, primary mouse lung endothelial cells and lymphocytes, and a range of biochemical techniques to characterize Pgp-deficient mouse embryos. To characterize the cell biological functions of PGP, its role downstream of RTK- and integrin signaling in the regulation of cell migration was investigated. It was shown that PGP inactivation elevates integrin- and RTK-induced circular dorsal ruffle (CDR) formation, cell spreading and cell migration. Furthermore, PGP was identified as a negative regulator of directed lymphocyte migration upon integrin- and GPCR activation. The underlying mechanisms were analyzed further. It was demonstrated that PGP regulates CDR formation and cell migration in a PLC- and PKC-dependent manner, and that Src family kinase activities are required for the observed cellular effects. Upon integrin- and RTK activation, phosphorylation levels of tyrosine residues 1068 and 1173 of the EGF receptor were elevated and PLCγ1 was hyper-activated in PGP-deficient cells. Additionally, PGP-inactivated lymphocytes displayed elevated PKC activity, and PKC-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling was accelerated upon loss of PGP activity. Untargeted lipidomic analyses revealed that the membrane lipid phosphatidylserine (PS) was highly upregulated in PGP-depleted cells. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the accumulation of PS in the plasma membrane leads to a pre-assembly of signaling molecules such as PLCγ1 or PKCs that couple the activation of integrins, EGF receptors and GPCRs to accelerated cytoskeletal remodeling. Thus, this thesis shows that PGP can affect cell spreading and cell migration by acting as a PG-directed phosphatase. To understand the physiological functions of PGP, conditionally PGP-inactivated mice were analyzed. Whole-body PGP inactivation led to an intrauterine growth defect with developmental delay after E8.5, resulting in a gradual deterioration and death of PgpDN/DN embryos between E9.5 and E11.5. However, embryonic lethality upon whole-body PGP inactivation was not caused by a primary defect of the (cardio-) vascular system. Rather, PGP inactivated embryos died during the intrauterine transition from hypoxic to normoxic conditions. Therefore, the potential impact of oxygen on PGP-dependent cell proliferation was investigated. Analyses of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) generated from E8.5 embryos and GC1 cells cultured under normoxic and hypoxic conditions revealed that normoxia (~20\% O2) causes a proliferation defect in PGP-inactivated cells, which can be rescued under hypoxic (~1\% O2) conditions. Mechanistically, it was found that the activity of triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), an enzyme previously described to be inhibited by phosphoglycolate (PG) in vitro, was attenuated in PGP-inactivated cells and embryos. TPI constitutes a critical branch point between carbohydrate- and lipid metabolism because it catalyzes the isomerization of the glycolytic intermediates dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP, a precursor of the glycerol backbone required for triglyceride biosynthesis) and glyceraldehyde 3'-phosphate (GADP). Attenuation of TPI activity, likely explains the observed elevation of glycerol 3-phosphate levels and the increased TG biosynthesis (lipogenesis). Analyses of ATP levels and oxygen consumption rates (OCR) showed that mitochondrial respiration rates and ATP production were elevated in PGP-deficient cells in a lipolysis-dependent manner. However under hypoxic conditions (which corrected the impaired proliferation of PGP-inactivated cells), OCR and ATP production was indistinguishable between PGP-deficient and PGP-proficient cells. We therefore propose that the inhibition of TPI activity by PG accumulation due to loss of PGP activity shifts cellular bioenergetics from a pro-proliferative, glycolytic metabolism to a lipogenetic/lipolytic metabolism. Taken together, PGP acts as a metabolic phosphatase involved in the regulation of cell migration, cell proliferation and cellular bioenergetics. This thesis constitutes the basis for further studies of the interfaces between these processes, and also suggests functions of PGP for glucose and lipid metabolism in the adult organism.}, subject = {Phosphoglykolatphosphatase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brill2013, author = {Brill, Martin Fritz}, title = {Processing and plasticity within the dual olfactory pathway in the honeybee brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In their natural environment animals face complex and highly dynamic olfactory input. This requires fast and reliable processing of olfactory information, in vertebrates as well as invertebrates. Parallel processing has been shown to improve processing speed and power in other sensory systems like auditory or visual. In the olfactory system less is known about olfactory coding in general and parallel processing in particular. With its elaborated olfactory system and due to their specialized neuroanatomy, honeybees are well-suited model organism to study parallel olfactory processing. The honeybee possesses a unique neuronal architecture - a dual olfactory pathway. Two mirror-imaged output projection neuron (PN) pathways connect the first olfactory processing stage, the antennal lobe (analog to the vertebrates olfactory bulb, OB), with the second, the mushroom body (MB) known to be involved in orientation and learning and memory, and the lateral horn (LH). The medial antennal lobe-protocerebral tract (m-APT) first innervates the MB and thereafter the LH, while the other, the lateral-APT (l-APT) projects in opposite direction. The neuroanatomy and evolution of these pathways has been analyzed, yet little is known about its physiology. To analyze the function of the dual olfactory pathway a new established recording method was designed and is described in the first chapter of this thesis (multi-unit-recordings). This is now the first time where odor response from several PNs of both tracts is recorded simultaneously and with high temporal precision. In the second chapter the PN odor responses are analyzed. The major findings are: both tracts responded to all tested odors but with differing characteristics. Since recent studies describe the input to the two tracts being rather similar, the results now indicate differential odor processing along the tracts, therefore this is a good indicator for parallel processing. PNs of the m-APT process odors in a sparse manner with delayed response latencies, but with high odor-specificity. PNs of the l-APT in contrast respond to several odor stimuli and respond in general faster. In some PN originating from both tracts, characteristics of odor-identity coding via response latencies were found. Analyzing the over-all dynamic range of the PNs both l- and m-APT PNs were tested over a large odor concentration range (10-6 to 10-2) (3. chapter). The PNs responded with linear and non-linear correlation of the response strength to the odor concentration. In most cases the l-APT is comparatively more sensitive to low odor concentrations. Response latency decreases with increasing odor concentration in both tracts. Alternative coding principles and elaboration on the hypothesis whether the dual olfactory pathway may contribute coincidental innervation to the next higher-order neurons, the Kenyon cells (KC), is subject of the 4. chapter. Cross-correlations and synchronous responses of both tracts show that in principle odors may be coded via temporal coding. Results suggest that odor processing is enhanced if both tracts contribute to olfactory coding together. In another project the distribution of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) was measured in the bee's MB during adult maturation (5. chapter). GABAergic inhibition is of high importance in odor coding. An almost threefold decrease in the total amount of GABAergic innervation was found during adult maturation in the l- and m-APT target region, in particular at the change in division of labor during the transition from a young nurse bee to an older forager bee. The results fit well into the current understanding of brain development in the honeybee and other social insects during adult maturation, which was described as presynaptic pruning and KC dendritic outgrowth. Combining anatomical and functional properties of the bee's dual olfactory pathway suggests that both rate and temporal coding are implemented along two parallel streams. Comparison with recent work on analog output pathways of the vertebrate's OB indicates that parallel processing of olfactory information may be a common principle across distant taxa.}, subject = {Tierphysiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schulz2009, author = {Schulz, Stefan M.}, title = {Mediators of Social Anxiety - External Social Threat-Cues vs. Self-Related Negative Cognitions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-44684}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Sozial {\"a}ngstliche Menschen richten ihre Aufmerksamkeit in sozial bedrohlichen Situationen nach innen auf selbstbezogene negative Gedanken (z.B. „Ich schaffe das nicht!"). Außerdem richten sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit unwillk{\"u}rlich bevorzugt auf potenziell bedrohliche soziale Umweltreize und beurteilen diese im Vergleich zu niedrig sozial {\"a}ngstlichen Kontrollpersonen besonders negativ. Einschl{\"a}gige Modelle und die Fachliteratur lassen den Schluss zu, dass selbstbezogene negative Gedanken und die systematisch verzerrte Verarbeitung bedrohlicher sozialer Umweltreize Mediatoren f{\"u}r Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen sozialer {\"A}ngstlichkeit und akuter Angst in sozial bedrohlichen Situationen sind. Zudem finden sich Hinweise auf Wechselwirkungen zwischen den angenommenen Mediatoren. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde ein Arbeitsmodell zu Mediatoren sozialer Angst erstellt. In drei Experimenten wurden von diesem Modell abgeleitete Hypothesen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die Ergebnisse der drei Experimente zeigten eindrucksvoll in subjektiven und physiologischen Daten (Herzratenvariabilit{\"a}t bzw. parasympathische Aktivierung), dass selbstbezogene negative Gedanken tats{\"a}chlich ein Mediator sozialer Angst sind. Im Vergleich dazu spielt die verzerrte automatische Verarbeitung bedrohlicher sozialer Umweltreize zumindest in {\"o}kologisch validen, sozial bedrohlichen Situationen eine vernachl{\"a}ssigbare Rolle.}, subject = {Sozialangst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grue1999, author = {Grue, Pernille}, title = {The physiological role of the two isoforms of DNA topoisomerase II in human cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Unique functions of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha and IIbeta have been suggested. A human cell line which carries a homozygeous mutation of the nuclear localization sequence of the topoisomerase IIalpha gene expresses the isoform outside the nucleus at the onset of mitosis. At mitosis topoisomerase IIbeta diffused away from the chromatin despite the nuclear lack of the IIalpha-form. Chromosome condensation and disjunction was performed with the aid of cytosolic topoisomerase IIalpha which bound to the mitotic chromatin with low affinity. Consequently an increased rate of nondisjunction is observed in these cells. It is concluded that high affinity chromatin binding of topoisomerase IIalpha is essential for chromosome condensation/disjunction and that topoisomerase IIbeta does not adopt these functions. A centrosomal protein was recognized by topoisomerase IIalpha. This topoisomerase IIalpha-like protein resembles a modified form of topoisomerase IIalpha with an apparent size of 205 kDa compared to 170 kDa. The expression of the protein is constant in all stages of the cell cycle and it appears in proliferating as well as in resting cells. If there is not sufficient topoisomerase IIalpha present at mitosis the centrosomal proteins might adopt the function and a mitotic catastrophe in the cells could therefore be prevented.}, subject = {DNS-Gyrase}, language = {en} }