@phdthesis{RessMueller2024, author = {Reß-M{\"u}ller, Lea}, title = {Investigating Dynamics of Biradicals and Chiral Excitons Using Transient Absorption and Time-Resolved Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37033}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370333}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this work, two techniques, based on the established method of pump--probe spectroscopy were used to investigate the properties of molecular systems in the liquid phase within the visible spectral wavelength range. The first technique is standard transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy which was applied to a diazo-precursor to identify the formation of a biradical in an inert solvent after UV excitation. With the combination of EPR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations, the formation of a biradical in an unpolar and non-protic solvent was proven. Besides, in the presence of air or a polar and protic solvent, the biradical reacts ultrafast to various side products. The second technique is time-resolved circular dichroism (TRCD) spectroscopy, which was performed in two different ways. The first approach based on a pulse-enantiomer (PE) setup, where an initially circularly polarized pulse was split into two pulses, of which one was mirrored under normal incidence, to flip its polarization. The result was two pulses with mirrored polarization states that propagate collinearly to the sample as left and right circularly polarized probe pulses. The alignment procedure as well as the drawbacks of this setup are described in detail. However, a new TRCD setup was built that used a polarization grating to get left and right circularly polarized pulses. With the experiences of working with the PE setup, the new TRCD setup could be optimized so that TRCD spectra of a chiral squaraine polymer could be measured. With the help of quantum chemical calculations, the signals were assigned to exciton dynamics that describe spatial and energetic rearrangements of the excitation energy. The alignment and the measurement procedures to perform TRCD spectroscopy with the new setup are described in detail for future experiments.}, subject = {Zirkulardichroismus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maier2021, author = {Maier, Jan Richard}, title = {Investigations of Metal-free Cannibalistic Hexadehydro-Diels-Alder and Pt-catalyzed Dimerization Reactions of Linked Aryl Bisdiynes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24041}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240411}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The introductory chapter reviews the current state of mechanistic understanding of the hexadehydro-Diels-Alder (HDDA) reaction. With the rapid development of the HDDA reaction from its first discovery in 1997, the question of whether a concerted or stepwise mechanism better describes the thermally activated formation of ortho-benzyne from a diyne and a diynophile has been debated. Mechanistic and kinetic investigations were able to show that this is not a black or white situation, as minor changes can tip the balance. In chapter 2 of this thesis, the catalytic process leading from 1,11-bis(p-tolyl)undeca-1,3,8,10-tetrayne to fully-substituted naphthalene and azulene derivatives, by two different platinum-catalyzed dimerization pathways, was investigated. In chapter 3, the cannibalistic self-trapping reaction of an ortho-benzyne derivative generated from 1,11-bis(p-tolyl)undeca-1,3,8,10-tetrayne in an HDDA reaction was investigated. Without adding any specific trapping agent, the highly reactive benzyne is trapped by another bisdiyne molecule in at least three different modes. In chapter 4 direct UV/VIS spectroscopic evidence for the existence of an o-benzyne in solution is reported, and the dynamics of its formation in a photo-induced reaction are established. For this purpose, 1,11-bis(p-tolyl)undeca-1,3,8,10-tetrayne was investigated, using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy in the ultraviolet/visible region. In chapter 5, following the isolation and characterization of the reaction products discussed in chapter 3, further species resulting from reactions of the highly reactive ortho-benzyne derivative were identified.}, subject = {Diels-Alder-Reaktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zieschang2014, author = {Zieschang, Fabian}, title = {Energy and Electron Transfer Studies of Triarylamine-based Dendrimers and Cascades}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this work the synthesis of dendritic macromolecules and small redox cascades was reported and studies of their energy and electron transfer properties discussed. The chromophores in the dendrimers and the redox cascades are linked via triazoles, which were built up by CuAAC. Thereby, a synthetic concept based on building blocks was implemented, which allowed the exchange of all basic components. Resulting structures include dendrimers composed exclusively of TAAs (G1-G3), dendrimers with an incorporated spirobifluorene core (spiro-G1 and spiro-G2) and the donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1, in which the terminal groups are exchanged by NDIs. Furthermore, a series of model compounds was synthesised in order to achieve a better understanding of the photophysical processes in the dendrimers. A modification of the synthetic concept for dendrimers enabled the synthesis of a series of donor-acceptor triads (T-Me, T-Cl and T-CN) consisting of two TAA donors and one NDI acceptor unit. The intermediate TAA chromophore ensured a downhill redox gradient from the NDI to the terminal TAA, which was proved by cyclic voltammetry measurements. The redox potential of the intermediate TAA was adjusted by different redox determining substituents in the "free" p-position of the TAA. Additionally, two dyads (Da and Db) were synthesised which differ in the junction of the triazole to the TAA or the NDI, respectively. In these cascades a nodal-plane along the N-N-axes in the NDI and a large twist angle between the NDI and the N-aryl substituent guaranteed a small electronic coupling. The photophysical investigations of the dendrimers focused on the homo-energy transfer properties in the TAA dendrimers G1-G3. Steady-state emission spectroscopy revealed that the emission takes place from a charge transfer state. The polar excited state resulted in a strong Stokes shift of the emission, which in turn led to a small spectral overlap integral between the absorption of the acceptor and the emission of the donor in the solvent relaxed state. According to the F{\"o}rster theory, the overlap integral strongly determines the energy transfer rate. Fluorescence up-conversion measurements showed a strong and rapid initial fluorescence anisotropy decay and a much slower decrease on the longer time scale. The experiment revealed a fast energy transfer in the first 2 ps followed by a much slower energy hopping. Time resolved emission spectra (TRES) of the model compound M indicated a solvent relaxation on the same time scale as the fast energy transfer. The F{\"o}rster estimation of energy transfer rates in G1 explains fast energy transfer in the vibrotionally relaxed state before solvent relaxation starts. Thereby, the emission spectrum of G1 in cyclohexane served as the time zero spectrum. Thus, solvent relaxation and fast energy transfer compete in the first two ps after excitation and it is crucial to discriminate between energy transfer in the Franck-Condon and in the solvent relaxed state. Furthermore, this finding demonstrates that fast energy transfer occurs even in charge transfer systems where a large Stokes shift prevents an effective spectral overlap integral if there is a sufficient overlap integral in before solvent relaxation. Energy transfer upon excitation was also observed in the spiro dendrimers spiro-G1 and spiro-G2 and identified by steady-state emission anisotropy measurements. It was assumed that the energy in spiro-G1 is completely distributed over the entire molecule while the energy in spiro-G2 is probably distributed over only one individual branch. This finding was based on a more polarised emission of spiro-G2 compared to spiro-G1. This issue has to be ascertained by e.g. time resolved emission anisotropy measurements in further energy transfer studies. Concerning the electron transfer properties of TAA-triazole systems the radical cations of G1-G2, spiro-G1 and spiro-G2 and of the model compound M were investigated by steady-state absorption spectroscopy. Experiments showed that the triazole bridge exhibits small electronic communication between the adjacent chromophores but still possesses sufficient electronic coupling to allow an effective electron transfer from one chromophore to the other. Due to the high density of chromophores, their D-A-D structure and their superficial centrosymmetry, the presented dendrimers are prospective candidates for two-photon absorption applications. The dyads, triads and the donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1 were investigated regarding their photoinduced electron transfer properties and the effects that dominate charge separation and charge recombination in these systems. The steady-state absorption spectra of all cascades elucidated a superposition of the absorption characteristics of the individual subunits and spectra indicated that the chromophores do not interact in the electronic ground state. Time resolved transient absorption spectroscopy of the cascades was performed in the fs- and ns-time regime in MeCN and toluene as solvent. Measurements revealed that upon with 28200 cm-1 (355) nm and 26300 cm-1 (380 nm), respectively, an electron is transferred from the TAA towards the NDI unit yielding a CS state. In the triads at first a CS1 state is populated, in which the NDI is reduced and the intermediate TAA1 is oxidised. Subsequently, an additional electron transfer from the terminal TAA2 to TAA1 led to the fully CS2 state. Fully CS states of the dyads and triads exhibit lifetimes in the ns-time regime. In contrast for Db in MeCN, a lifetime of 43 ps was observed for the CS state together with the population of a 3NDI state. The signals of the other CS states decay biexponentially, which is a result of the presence of the 1CS and the 3CS states. While magnetic field dependent measurements of Db did not show an effect due to the large singlet-triplet splitting, T-CN exhibited a strong magnetic field dependence which is an evidence for the 1CS/3CS assignment. Further analysis of the singlet-triplet dynamics are required and are currently in progress. Charge recombination occurred in the Marcus inverted region for compounds solved in toluene and in the Marcus normal region for MeCN as solvent. However, a significant inverted region effect was observed only for Db. Triads are probably characterised by charge recombination rates in the inverted and in the normal region near to the vertex of the Marcus parabola. Hence the inverted region effect is not pronounced and the rate charge recombination rates are all in the same magnitude. However, compared to the charge recombination rate of Db the enlarged spatial distance between the terminal TAA and the NDI in the fully CS2 states in the triads resulted in reduced charge recombination rates by ca. one order of magnitude. More important than a small charge recombination rate is an overall lifetime of the CS states and this lifetime can significantly be enhanced by the population of the 3CS state. The reported results reveal that a larger singlet-triplet splitting in the dyads led to a CS state lifetime in the us time regime while a lifetime in the ns-time regime was observed in cases of the triads. Moreover, the singlet-triplet splitting was found to be solvent dependent in the triads, which is a promising starting point for further investigations concerning singlet-triplet splitting. The donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1 showed similar characteristics to the dyads. The generation of a CS state is assumed due to a clear NDI radical anion band in the transient absorption spectrum. Noteworthy, the typical transient absorption band of the TAA radical cation is absent for D A-G1 in toluene. Bixon-Jortner analysis yielded a similar electronic coupling in D-A-G1 compared to the dyads. However, the charge recombination rate is smaller than of Db due to a more energetic CS state, which in the inverted region slows down charge recombination. In combination a singlet-triplet splitting similar to the dyads prolongs the CS state lifetime up to 14 us in diluted solution. Both effects result in an even better performance of D-A-G1 concerning energy conversion. D A-G1 is therefore a promising key structure for further studies on light harvesting applications. In a prospective study a second generation donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G2 might be an attractive structure accessible by "click reaction" of 13 and 8. D-A-G2 is expected to exhibit a downhill oriented gradient of CS states as assumed from the CV studies on G1-G3.}, subject = {Sternpolymere}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duerrbeck2013, author = {D{\"u}rrbeck, Nina}, title = {Photoinduced Charge-Transfer Processes in Redox Cascades based on Triarylamine Donors and the Perchlorinated Triphenylmethyl Radical Acceptor}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90078}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In this work, a series of redox cascades was synthesised and investigated in view of their photophysical and electrochemical properties. The cascades are based on a perchlorinated triphenylmethyl radical acceptor and two triarylamine donors. Absorption spectra showed the presence of charge-transfer bands in the NIR range of the spectra, which pointed to the population of a charge-transfer state between a triarylamine donor and the radical acceptor. A weak to moderate emission in the NIR range of the spectra was observed for all compounds in cyclohexane. Spectroelectrochemical measurements were used to investigate the characteristic spectral features of the oxidised and reduced species of all compounds. Transient absorption spectra in the ns- and fs-time regime revealed an additional hole transfer in the cascades between the triarylamine donors, resulting in a charge-separated state. Charge-separation and -recombination processes were found to be located in the ps-time regime.}, subject = {Ladungstransfer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reitzenstein2010, author = {Reitzenstein, D{\"o}rte}, title = {Donor-Acceptor Conjugated Polymers for Application in Organic Electronic Devices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53939}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In the first part of the work three polycarbazoles poly[N-((4-dimesitylboryl)-3,5-dimethylphenyl)-carbazole]-2,7-diyl P1, poly[N-((4-dimesitylboryl)-3,5-dimethylphenyl)-carbazole]-3,6-diyl P2 and poly[N-(4-(diphenylmethylene)-phenyl)- carbazole]-2,7-diyl P3 were synthesized by Yamamoto coupling reaction and their spectroscopic and electrochemical properties were investigated. Absorption and fluorescence characteristics of P1 and P3 were found to be similar to other 2,7-linked polycarbazoles, whereas P2 shows a CT absorption band arising from a shift of electron density from the nitrogen of the carbazole donor to the triarylborane acceptor. This causes a negative solvatochromic absorption and a positive solvatochromic fluorescence behaviour and is responsible for the significantly enlarged fluorescence quantum efficiency in solution and solid state compared to other 3,6-linked polycarbazoles. Thus the spectroscopic properties are governed by the connection pattern: the 2,7-linked polycarbazoles are not affected by the acceptor substituent due to the rigid poly-para-phenylene-like backbone structure, whereas the 3,6-linked polycarbazole P2 is dominated by the properties of the monomer unit due to its more flexible (less conjugated) structure. The oxidative processes of P1-P3 have been investigated in detail by cyclic voltammetry, which are similar to known 2,7- and 3,6-polycarbazoles. The reversible reduction found for P1 and P2, respectively, is attributed to the reduction of the triarylborane moiety. No reduction process referring to the carbazole moiety was observed. Due to its better solubility compared to P1 and P3 only P2 was used as active layer in an OLED device (ITO/P2/Al). The electroluminescence spectrum revealed CIE coordinates of (0.17, 0.21). In the second part of the work the low band gap polyradical poly{[((2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorophenyl)-bis(2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenyl)methyl radical)-4,4'-diyl]-alt-4,4'-bis(vinylphenyl)-4-(2-ethylhexyloxy)phenylamin} P4 was synthesized by Horner-Emmons reaction. It shows an IV-CT band in the NIR, which arises from an ET from the triarylamine donor to the PCTM radical acceptor. This transition is confined to one monomer unit as deduced from comparison with the monomer spectra. HOMO and LUMO of P4 determined by cyclic voltammetry are at -5.5 and -4.5 eV, respectively. The smaller electrochemical band gap (1.0 eV) compared to the optical band gap (1.2 eV) is probably caused by ion pairing effects in the electrochemical experiments and indicates a low exciton binding energy. Femtosecond-pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy revealed the spectral features of the oxidized triarylamine donor and the reduced PCTM acceptor similar to the spectra obtained separately for positive and negative potentials by spectroelectrochemistry. Thus the ET event causing the IV-CT absorption band could unambiguously be identified. The decay of the IV-CT state was found to be biexponential. The fast solvent dependent decay component is ascribed to the direct decay from the IV-CT state to the ground state, whereas the slow solvent independent decay component is tentatively attributed to an equilibrium formation of the IV-CT state and a completely charge separated state formed by charge migration along the polymer backbone. Well balanced ambipolar charge transport with hole and electron mobilities of ca. 3 × 10-5 cm2 V-1 s-1 was found in OFET devices (BG/TC structure) comprising an additional insulating organic PPcB layer. Polymer/polymer BHJ solar cell devices with the structure glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/(P3HT/P4)/Ca/Al yielded a power conversion efficiency of 3.1 × 10-3 \%, VOC = 0.38 V, JSC = 2.8 × 10-2 mA cm-2 and FF = 0.29 for the 1:4 (P3HT/P4) blend ratio. The improper solid state morphology of P4 that causes the unsatisfying performance of OFET and solar cell devices renders P4 less suitable for these applications, whereas the hypothesis of charge migration in the excited state is worth to be investigated in more detail.}, subject = {Carbazolderivate}, language = {en} }