@techreport{StawskiLauth2024, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Stawski, Theresa Paola and Lauth, Hans-Joachim}, title = {The Stateness Index (StIx) - Conceptual Design and Empirical Results}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34761}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347616}, pages = {32}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Exploring and explaining diversity and patterns of stateness is crucial for understanding causes of efficiency, duration, or the collapse of a state. The new Stateness Index (StIx) contributes to the conceptual and analytical debate on stateness and state fragility. StIx is a tool for measuring stateness and state quality since 1950 that includes country-ranking through aggregated and disaggregated data to advance performance comparison and policy analysis. This article first sums up the main theoretical aspects, followed by descriptive results.}, subject = {Begrenzte Staatlichkeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kleineisel2024, author = {Kleineisel, Jonas}, title = {Variational networks in magnetic resonance imaging - Application to spiral cardiac MRI and investigations on image quality}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34737}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Acceleration is a central aim of clinical and technical research in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) today, with the potential to increase robustness, accessibility and patient comfort, reduce cost, and enable entirely new kinds of examinations. A key component in this endeavor is image reconstruction, as most modern approaches build on advanced signal and image processing. Here, deep learning (DL)-based methods have recently shown considerable potential, with numerous publications demonstrating benefits for MRI reconstruction. However, these methods often come at the cost of an increased risk for subtle yet critical errors. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to advance DL-based MRI reconstruction, while ensuring high quality and fidelity with measured data. A network architecture specifically suited for this purpose is the variational network (VN). To investigate the benefits these can bring to non-Cartesian cardiac imaging, the first part presents an application of VNs, which were specifically adapted to the reconstruction of accelerated spiral acquisitions. The proposed method is compared to a segmented exam, a U-Net and a compressed sensing (CS) model using qualitative and quantitative measures. While the U-Net performed poorly, the VN as well as the CS reconstruction showed good output quality. In functional cardiac imaging, the proposed real-time method with VN reconstruction substantially accelerates examinations over the gold-standard, from over 10 to just 1 minute. Clinical parameters agreed on average. Generally in MRI reconstruction, the assessment of image quality is complex, in particular for modern non-linear methods. Therefore, advanced techniques for precise evaluation of quality were subsequently demonstrated. With two distinct methods, resolution and amplification or suppression of noise are quantified locally in each pixel of a reconstruction. Using these, local maps of resolution and noise in parallel imaging (GRAPPA), CS, U-Net and VN reconstructions were determined for MR images of the brain. In the tested images, GRAPPA delivers uniform and ideal resolution, but amplifies noise noticeably. The other methods adapt their behavior to image structure, where different levels of local blurring were observed at edges compared to homogeneous areas, and noise was suppressed except at edges. Overall, VNs were found to combine a number of advantageous properties, including a good trade-off between resolution and noise, fast reconstruction times, and high overall image quality and fidelity of the produced output. Therefore, this network architecture seems highly promising for MRI reconstruction.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berberich2024, author = {Berberich, Oliver}, title = {Lateral Cartilage Tissue Integration - Evaluation of Bonding Strength and Tissue Integration \(in\) \(vitro\) Utilizing Biomaterials and Adhesives}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34602}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346028}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Articular cartilage defects represent one of the most challenging clinical problem for orthopedic surgeons and cartilage damage after trauma can result in debilitating joint pain, functional impairment and in the long-term development of osteoarthritis. The lateral cartilage-cartilage integration is crucial for the long-term success and to prevent further tissue degeneration. Tissue adhesives and sealants are becoming increasingly more popular and can be a beneficial approach in fostering tissue integration, particularly in tissues like cartilage where alternative techniques, such as suturing, would instead introduce further damage. However, adhesive materials still require optimization regarding the maximization of adhesion strength on the one hand and long-term tissue integration on the other hand. In vitro models can be a valuable support in the investigation of potential candidates and their functional mechanisms. For the conducted experiments within this work, an in vitro disc/ring model obtained from porcine articular cartilage tissue was established. In addition to qualitative evaluation of regeneration, this model facilitates the implementation of biomechanical tests to quantify cartilage integration strength. Construct harvesting for histology and other evaluation methods could be standardized and is ethically less questionable compared to in vivo testing. The opportunity of cell culture technique application for the in vitro model allowed a better understanding of cartilage integration processes. Tissue bonding requires chemical or physical interaction of the adhesive material and the substrate. Adhesive hydrogels can bind to the defect interface and simultaneously fill the gap of irregularly shaped defect voids. Fibrin gels are derived from the physiological blood-clot formation and are clinically applied for wound closure. Within this work, comparisons of different fibrin glue formulations with the commercial BioGlue® were assessed, which highlighted the need for good biocompatibility when applied on cartilage tissue in order to achieve satisfying long-term integration. Fibrin gel formulations can be adapted with regard to their long-term stability and when applied on cartilage disc/ring constructs improved integrative repair is observable. The kinetic of repairing processes was investigated in fibrin-treated cartilage composites as part of this work. After three days in vitro cultivation, deposited extracellular matrix (ECM) was obvious at the glued interface that increased further over time. Interfacial cell invasion from the surrounding native cartilage was detected from day ten of tissue culture. The ECM formation relies on molecular factors, e.g., as was shown representatively for ascorbic acid, and contributes to increasing integration strengths over time. The experiments performed with fibrin revealed that the treatment with a biocompatible adhesive that allows cartilage neosynthesis favors lateral cartilage integration in the long term. However, fibrin has limited immediate bonding strength, which is disadvantageous for use on articular cartilage that is subject to high mechanical stress. The continuing aim of this thesis was to further develop adhesive mechanisms and new adhesive hydrogels that retain the positive properties of fibrin but have an increased immediate bonding strength. Two different photochemical approaches with the advantage of on-demand bonding were tested. Such treatment potentially eases the application for the professional user. First, an UV light induced crosslinking mechanism was transferred to fibrin glue to provide additional bonding strength. For this, the cartilage surface was functionalized with highly reactive light-sensitive diazirine groups, which allowed additional covalent bonds to the fibrin matrix and thus increased the adhesive strength. However, the disadvantages of this approach were the multi-step bonding reactions, the need for enzymatic pretreatment of the cartilage, expensive reagents, potential UV-light damage, and potential toxicity hazards. Due to the mentioned disadvantages, no further experiments, including long-term culture, were carried out. A second photosensitive approach focused on blue light induced crosslinking of fibrinogen (RuFib) via a photoinitiator molecule instead of using thrombin as a crosslinking mediator like in normal fibrin glue. The used ruthenium complex allowed inter- and intramolecular dityrosine binding of fibrinogen molecules. The advantage of this method is a one-step curing of fibrinogen via visible light that further achieved higher adhesive strengths than fibrin. In contrast to diazirine functionalization of cartilage, the ruthenium complex is of less toxicological concern. However, after in vitro cultivation of the disc/ring constructs, there was a decrease in integration strength. Compared to fibrin, a reduced cartilage synthesis was observed at the defect. It is also disadvantageous that a direct adjustment of the adhesive can only be made via protein concentration, since fibrinogen is a natural protein that has a fixed number of tyrosine binding sites without chemical modification. An additional cartilage adhesive was developed that is based on a mussel-inspired adhesive mechanism in which reactivity to a variety of substrates is enabled via free DOPA amino acids. DOPA-based adhesion is known to function in moist environments, a major advantage for application on water-rich cartilage tissue surrounded by synovial liquid. Reactive DOPA groups were synthetically attached to a polymer, here POx, to allow easy chemical modifiability, e.g. insertion of hydrolyzable ester motifs for tunable degradation. The possibility of preparing an adhesive hybrid hydrogel of POx in combination with fibrinogen led to good cell compatibility as was similarly observed with fibrin, but with increased immediate adhesive strength. Degradation could be adjusted by the amount of ester linkages on the POx and a direct influence of degradation rates on the development of integration in the in vitro model could be shown. Hydrogels are well suited to fill defect gaps and immediate integration can be achieved via adhesive properties. The results obtained show that for the success of long-term integration, a good ability of the adhesive to take up synthesized ECM components and cells to enable regeneration is required. The degradation kinetics of the adhesive must match the remodeling process to avoid intermediate loss of integration power and to allow long-term firm adhesion to the native tissue. Hydrogels are not only important as adhesives for smaller lesions, but also for filling large defect volumes and populating them with cells to produce tissue engineered cartilage. Many different hydrogel types suitable for cartilage synthesis are reported in the literature. A long-term stable fibrin formulation was tested in this work not only as an adhesive but also as a bulk hydrogel construct. Agarose is also a material widely used in cartilage tissue engineering that has shown good cartilage neosynthesis and was included in integration assessment. In addition, a synthetic hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel (HA SH/P(AGE/G)) was used. The disc/ring construct was adapted for such experiments and the inner lumen of the cartilage ring was filled with the respective hydrogel. In contrast to agarose, fibrin and HA-SH/P(AGE/G) gels have a crosslink mechanism that led to immediate bonding upon contact with cartilage during curing. The enhanced cartilage neosynthesis in agarose compared to the other hydrogel types resulted in improved integration during in vitro culture. This shows that for the long-term success of a treatment, remodeling of the hydrogel into functional cartilage tissue is a very high priority. In order to successfully treat larger cartilage defects with hydrogels, new materials with these properties in combination with chemical modifiability and a direct adhesion mechanism are one of the most promising approaches.}, subject = {Knorpel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shaikh2024, author = {Shaikh, Muhammad Haroon}, title = {Nicht-h{\"a}matopoetische lymphoide Stromazellen aktivieren alloreaktive CD4\(^+\) T-Zellen in der Initiierung der akuten Graft-versus-Host Disease}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25201}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252015}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In der Initiationsphase der akuten Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung (GvHD) werden CD4+ T-Zellen in den lymphatischen Organen durch h{\"a}matopoietische Antigen-pr{\"a}sentierende Zellen aktiviert. Im Gegensatz dazu, werden in der Effektorphase CD4+ T-Zellen von nicht-h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen im D{\"u}nndarm aktiviert. Wir stellten die Hypothese auf, dass alloreaktive CD4+ T-Zellen nach allogener h{\"a}matopoetischer Zelltransplantation, welche in der Initiationsphase der aGvHD vorwiegend in die sekund{\"a}ren lymphatischen Organe migrieren, dort durch nicht-h{\"a}matopoetische Lymphknoten-Stromazellen {\"u}ber die Erkennung von MHC-Klasse II aktiviert werden. Um diese Hypothese zu testen, setzten wir ein von allogenen CD4+ T-Zellen-abh{\"a}ngiges MHC Major Mismatch aGvHD Mausmodell ein, um diese Zusammenh{\"a}nge n{\"a}her zu erforschen. Mittels Biolumineszenz-Bildgebung und dreidimensionale Lichtblattmikroskopie und Durchflusszytometrie-Analysen von fr{\"u}heren Zeitpunkten nach einer alloHCT bzw. im Anfangsstadium der aGvHD konnten wir zeigen, dass allogene T-Zellen exklusiv in die Milz, Lymphknoten und die Peyerschen Plaques migrieren und nicht in die intestinale Lamina propria. Indem wir transgene Mauslinien verwendeten, die keine oder eine nur partielle komplette h{\"a}matopoietische Antigenpr{\"a}sentation aufwiesen, konnten wir eine sehr fr{\"u}h auf die alloHCT folgende allogene CD4+ T-Zellaktivierung in den lymphoiden Organen von MHCIIΔCD11c and MHCIIΔ Knochenmark-Chim{\"a}ren nachweisen. Aufgrund des, bei den MHCIIΔ Knochenmarks-Chim{\"a}ren auftretenden Versagens der negativen Thymusselektion und die daraus resultierende autoreaktive Immunreaktionen nach einer syngenen HCST stellte sich heraus, dass dies ein ungeeignetes Modell f{\"u}r die Untersuchung der Pr{\"a}sentation nicht-h{\"a}matopoetischer Antigene bei GvHD ist. Um diese Herausforderung zu bew{\"a}ltigen, generierten wir MHCIIΔVav1 M{\"a}use bei denen die MHC-Klasse-II-Expression auf allen h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen fehlt. MHCIIΔVav1 M{\"a}use entwickelten eine aGvHD, wobei die Lymphknoten-Stromazellen dieser Tiere allogene CD4+ T-Zellen in gemischten Lymphozytenreaktionen aktivieren konnten. Ebenso konnten mesenteriale Lymphknoten von CD11c.DTR-M{\"a}usen, die zuvor in eine MHCIIΔ Maus transplantiert wurden, CD4+ T-Zellen in vivo aktivieren, wodurch die Lymphknoten-Stromazellen eindeutig als nicht-h{\"a}matopoetische Antigen-pr{\"a}sentierende Zellen der lymphoiden Organe nachgewiesen werden konnten. {\"U}ber das Cre/loxP-System konnten wir Knockout-M{\"a}use mit fehlender MHCII-Expression in Subpopulationen von Lymphknoten-Stromazellen generieren und verwendeten dann Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzierung. Hier w{\"a}hlten wir Ccl19 und VE-Cadherin aus, um unsere Analyse spezifisch auf die fibroblastischen retikul{\"a}ren Zellen bzw. Endothelzellen der Lymphknoten zu konzentrieren. Bei MHCIIΔCcl19 M{\"a}usen war die Aktivierung alloreaktiver CD4+ T-Zellen in der Initiationsphase der aGvHD m{\"a}ßig reduziert, w{\"a}hrend das Fehlen von MHCII auf den fibroblastischen retikul{\"a}ren Zellen zu einer Hyperaktivierung allogener CD4+ T-Zellen f{\"u}hrte, was wiederum eine schlechtere {\"U}berlebensrate der M{\"a}use zur Folge hatte. Dieser Ph{\"a}notyp wurde durch regulatorische T-Zellen moduliert, die in der Lage waren, H2-Ab1fl M{\"a}use von den Folgen von GvHD zu retten, jedoch nicht die MHCIIΔCcl19. Ein Knock-out von MHCII auf Endothelzellen von MHCIIΔVE-Cadherin M{\"a}usen, f{\"u}hrte in der Initiationsphase der GvHD nur zu einer m{\"a}ßig reduzierten Aktivierung von CD4+ T-Zellen. Umgekehrt zeigten MHCIIΔVE-Cadherin M{\"a}use im Langzeit{\"u}berleben jedoch einen protektiven Ph{\"a}notyp verglichen mit wurfgeschwister H2-Ab1fl M{\"a}usen. Um die Bedeutung der MHCII-Antigenpr{\"a}sentation der Endothelzellen zu untersuchen, generierten wir außerdem MHCIIΔVE-CadherinΔVav1 M{\"a}use, bei welchen eine Antigenpr{\"a}sentation, weder im endothelialen noch im h{\"a}matopoetischen Kompartiment m{\"o}glich war. Lymphknoten-Stromazellen von MHCIIΔVE-CadherinΔVav1 M{\"a}usen waren nicht in der Lage, alloreaktive CD4+ T-Zellen in einer gemischten Lymphozytenreaktion zu aktivieren. Insgesamt konnten wir zum ersten Mal beweisen, dass die MHC-Klassse II auf den Lymphknoten-Stromazellen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Modulation allogener CD4+ T-Zellen in der Initiations- und schließlich in der Effektorphase der Graft-versus-Host-Disease spielt.}, subject = {Transplantat-Wirt-Reaktion}, language = {en} } @techreport{GrunewaldKlockmannvonSchenketal.2024, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Grunewald, Andreas and Klockmann, Victor and von Schenk, Alicia and von Siemens, Ferdinand A.}, title = {Are Biases Contagious? The Influence of Communication on Motivated Beliefs}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34893}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348936}, pages = {1-38}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This paper examines the potential reinforcement of motivated beliefs when individuals with identical biases communicate. We propose a controlled online experiment that allows to manipulate belief biases and the communication environment. We find that communication, even among like-minded individuals, diminishes motivated beliefs if it takes place in an environment without previously declared external opinions. In the presence of external plural opinions, however, communication does not reduce but rather aggravates motivated beliefs. Our results indicate a potential drawback of the plurality of opinions - it may create communication environments wherein motivated beliefs not only persist but also become contagious within social networks.}, subject = {Bias}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchukraftgebScheffler2024, author = {Schukraft [geb. Scheffler], Nina}, title = {Integrated defensive states and their neuronal correlates in the Periaqueductal Gray}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In the face of threat, animals react with a defensive reaction to avoid or reduce harm. This defensive reaction encompasses apart from behavioral changes also physiological, analgetic, and endocrine adaptations. Nonetheless, most animal studies on fear and anxiety are based on behavioral observations only, disregarding other aspects of the defensive reaction, or integrating their inter-related dynamics only insufficiently. The first part of this thesis aimed in characterizing patterned associations of behavioral and physiological responses, termed integrated defensive states. Analyzing cardiac and behavioral responses in mice undergoing multiple fear and anxiety paradigms revealed a complex and dynamic interaction of those readouts on both, short and long timescales. Microstates, stereotypical combinations of i.e. freezing and decelerating heart rates, are short-lasting and were, in turn, shown to be influenced by slow acting macrostate changes. One of those higher order macrostates, called `rigidity`, was defined as a latent process that constrains the range of momentary displayed heart rate values. Furthermore, integrated defensive states were found to be highly dependent on the cue and the context the animals are confronted with. Importantly, same behavioral observations, i.e. freezing, were associated with distinct cardiac responses, highlighting the importance of multivariate analysis of integrated defensive states. Defensive states are orchestrated by the brain, which has evolved evolutionary conserved survival circuits. A central brain area of these circuits is the periaqueductal gray (PAG) in the midbrain. It plays a pivotal role in mediating defensive states, as it receives signals about external and internal information from multiple brain regions and sends information to both, higher order brain areas as well as to the brainstem ultimately causing the execution of threat responses. In the second part of this thesis, different neuronal circuit elements in the PAG were optically manipulated in order to gain mechanistic insight into the defense network in the brain underlying the previously delineated cardio-behavioral defensive states. Optical activation of glutamatergic PAG neurons evoked heterogeneous, light-intensity dependent responses. However, a further molecular restriction of the glutamatergic neuronal population targeting only Chx10+ neurons, led to a cardio-behavioral state that resembled spontaneous freezing-bradycardia bouts. In summary, this thesis presents a multivariate description of defensive states, which includes the complex interaction of cardiac and behavioral responses on different timescales and, furthermore, functionally dissects different excitatory and inhibitory PAG circuit elements mediating these defensive states.}, subject = {Perianova, Irina}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rumpel2024, author = {Rumpel, Matthias}, title = {Development of Components for Solid-State Batteries and their Characterization}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34715}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347154}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This Ph.D. thesis has addressed several main issues in current ASSB research within four studies. Ceramic ASSBs are meant to enable the implementation of Li-metal anodes and high voltage cathode materials, which would increase energy density, power density, life time as well as safety aspects in comparison with commercially available liquid electrolyte LiBs. In this thesis, several scientific questions arising on the cathode side of ASSBs have been focused on. With respect to the target system of a ternary composite bulk cathode consisting of ceramic active material, ceramic SSE and an electrically conductive component, studies about the thermal stabilities of these components and their impact on the electrochemical performance have been conducted. Particulate bulk cathode composites have to fulfil electrochemical, chemical, mechanical and structural requirements in order to compete with commercial LiBs. Particularly, the production process requires high-temperature sintering to obtain firmly bonded contacts in order to maximize the electrochemically active area, charge transfer and ionic conduction. However, interdiffusion, intermixing and decomposition of the initial components during sintering result in low-performing ASSBs so far. These side reactions during high-temperature treatment have been investigated in order to gain a better understanding of these mechanisms and to enable a better controlling of the manufacturing process as well as to simplify the choice of material combinations. The first two parts of this thesis deal with the thermal stability of the ceramic SSE LATP in combination with various active materials and with the validation of a probable improvement of the sintering process due to liquid phase sintering of LATP by adding Li3PO4. In the third and fourth parts, the impact of interdiffusion, intermixing and decomposition on the electrochemical performance of TF-SSBs based on the active material LMO and the ceramic SSE Ga-LLZO has been investigated.}, subject = {Elektrochemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Janz2024, author = {Janz, Anna}, title = {Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in inherited cardiomyopathies: Generation and characterization of an iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte model system of dilated cardiomyopathy with ataxia (DCMA)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240966}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The emergence of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and the rise of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) gene editing technology innovated the research platform for scientists based on living human pluripotent cells. The revolutionary combination of both Nobel Prize-honored techniques enables direct disease modeling especially for research focused on genetic diseases. To allow the study on mutation-associated pathomechanisms, we established robust human in vitro systems of three inherited cardiomyopathies: arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM), dilated cardiomyopathy with juvenile cataract (DCMJC) and dilated cardiomyopathy with ataxia (DCMA). Sendai virus vectors encoding OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-MYC were used to reprogram human healthy control or mutation-bearing dermal fibroblasts from patients to an embryonic state thereby allowing the robust and efficient generation of in total five transgene-free iPSC lines. The nucleofection-mediated CRISPR/Cas9 plasmid delivery in healthy control iPSCs enabled precise and efficient genome editing by mutating the respective disease genes to create isogenic mutant control iPSCs. Here, a PKP2 knock-out and a DSG2 knock-out iPSC line were established to serve as a model of ACM. Moreover, a DNAJC19 C-terminal truncated variant (DNAJC19tv) was established to mimic a splice acceptor site mutation in DNAJC19 of two patients with the potential of recapitulating DCMA-associated phenotypes. In total eight self-generated iPSC lines were assessed matching internationally defined quality control criteria. The cells retained their ability to differentiate into cells of all three germ layers in vitro and maintained a stable karyotype. All iPSC lines exhibited a typical stem cell-like morphology as well as expression of characteristic pluripotency markers with high population purities, thus validating the further usage of all iPSC lines in in vitro systems of ACM, DCMA and DCMJC. Furthermore, cardiac-specific disease mechanisms underlying DCMA were investigated using in vitro generated iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs). DCMA is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by life threatening early onset cardiomyopathy associated with a metabolic syndrome. Causal mutations were identified in the DNAJC19 gene encoding an inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) protein with a presumed function in mitochondrial biogenesis and cardiolipin (CL) remodeling. In total, two DCMA patient-derived iPSC lines (DCMAP1, DCMAP2) of siblings with discordant cardiac phenotypes, a third isogenic mutant control iPSC line (DNAJC19tv) as well as two control lines (NC6M and NC47F) were directed towards the cardiovascular lineage upon response to extracellular specification cues. The monolayer cardiac differentiation approach was successfully adapted for all five iPSC lines and optimized towards ventricular subtype identity, higher population purities and enhanced maturity states to fulfill all DCMA-specific requirements prior to phenotypic investigations. To provide a solid basis for the study of DCMA, the combination of lactate-based metabolic enrichment, magnetic-activated cell sorting, mattress-based cultivation and prolonged cultivation time was performed in an approach-dependent manner. The application of the designated strategies was sufficient to ensure adult-like characteristics, which included at least 60-day-old iPSC-CMs. Therefore, the novel human DCMA platform was established to enable the study of the pathogenesis underlying DCMA with respect to structural, morphological and functional changes. The disease-associated protein, DNAJC19, is constituent of the TIM23 import machinery and can directly interact with PHB2, a component of the membrane bound hetero-oligomeric prohibitin ring complexes that are crucial for phospholipid and protein clustering in the IMM. DNAJC19 mutations were predicted to cause a loss of the DnaJ interaction domain, which was confirmed by loss of full-length DNAJC19 protein in all mutant cell lines. The subcellular investigation of DNAJC19 demonstrated a nuclear restriction in mutant iPSC-CMs. The loss of DNAJC19 co-localization with mitochondrial structures was accompanied by enhanced fragmentation, an overall reduction of mitochondrial mass and smaller cardiomyocytes. Ultrastructural analysis yielded decreased mitochondria sizes and abnormal cristae providing a link to defects in mitochondrial biogenesis and CL remodeling. Preliminary data on CL profiles revealed longer acyl chains and a more unsaturated acyl chain composition highlighting abnormities in the phospholipid maturation in DCMA. However, the assessment of mitochondrial function in iPSCs and dermal fibroblasts revealed an overall higher oxygen consumption that was even more enhanced in iPSC-CMs when comparing all three mutants to healthy controls. Excess oxygen consumption rates indicated a higher electron transport chain (ETC) activity to meet cellular ATP demands that probably result from proton leakage or the decoupling of the ETC complexes provoked by abnormal CL embedding in the IMM. Moreover, in particular iPSC-CMs presented increased extracellular acidification rates that indicated a shift towards the utilization of other substrates than fatty acids, such as glucose, pyruvate or glutamine. The examination of metabolic features via double radioactive tracer uptakes (18F-FDG, 125I-BMIPP) displayed significantly decreased fatty acid uptake in all mutants that was accompanied by increased glucose uptake in one patient cell line only, underlining a highly dynamic preference of substrates between mutant iPSC-CMs. To connect molecular changes directly to physiological processes, insights on calcium kinetics, contractility and arrhythmic potential were assessed and unraveled significantly increased beating frequencies, elevated diastolic calcium concentrations and a shared trend towards reduced cell shortenings in all mutant cell lines basally and upon isoproterenol stimulation. Extended speed of recovery was seen in all mutant iPSC-CMs but most striking in one patient-derived iPSC-CM model, that additionally showed significantly prolonged relaxation times. The investigations of calcium transient shapes pointed towards enhanced arrhythmic features in mutant cells comprised by both the occurrence of DADs/EADs and fibrillation-like events with discordant preferences. Taken together, new insights into a novel in vitro model system of DCMA were gained to study a genetically determined cardiomyopathy in a patient-specific manner upon incorporation of an isogenic mutant control. Based on our results, we suggest that loss of full-length DNAJC19 impedes PHB2-complex stabilization within the IMM, thus hindering PHB-rings from building IMM-specific phospholipid clusters. These clusters are essential to enable normal CL remodeling during cristae morphogenesis. Disturbed cristae and mitochondrial fragmentation were observed and refer to an essential role of DNAJC19 in mitochondrial morphogenesis and biogenesis. Alterations in mitochondrial morphology are generally linked to reduced ATP yields and aberrant reactive oxygen species production thereby having fundamental downstream effects on the cardiomyocytes` functionality. DCMA-associated cellular dysfunctions were in particular manifested in excess oxygen consumption, altered substrate utilization and abnormal calcium kinetics. The summarized data highlight the usage of human iPSC-derived CMs as a powerful tool to recapitulate DCMA-associated phenotypes that offers an unique potential to identify therapeutic strategies in order to reverse the pathological process and to pave the way towards clinical applications for a personalized therapy of DCMA in the future.}, subject = {Induzierte pluripotente Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Massih2024, author = {Massih, Bita}, title = {Human stem cell-based models to analyze the pathophysiology of motor neuron diseases}, publisher = {Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34637}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346374}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) encompass a variety of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders, which lead to the degeneration of motor neurons (MNs) and impaired motor functions. MNs coordinate and control movement by transmitting their signal to a target muscle cell. The synaptic endings of the MN axon and the contact site of the muscle cell thereby form the presynaptic and postsynaptic structures of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). In MNDs, synaptic dysfunction and synapse elimination precede MN loss suggesting that the NMJ is an early target in the pathophysiological cascade leading to MN death. In this study, we established new experimental strategies to analyze human MNDs by patient derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and investigated pathophysiological mechanisms in two different MNDs. To study human MNDs, specialized cell culture systems that enable the connection of MNs to their target muscle cells are required to allow the formation of NMJs. In the first part of this study, we established and validated a human neuromuscular co-culture system consisting of iPSC derived MNs and 3D skeletal muscle tissue derived from myoblasts. We generated 3D muscle tissue by culturing primary myoblasts in a defined extracellular matrix in self-microfabricated silicone dishes that support the 3D tissue formation. Subsequently, iPSCs from healthy donors and iPSCs from patients with the progressive MND Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) were differentiated into MNs and used for 3D neuromuscular co-cultures. Using a combination of immunohistochemistry, calcium imaging, and pharmacological stimulations, we characterized and confirmed the functionality of the 3D muscle tissue and the 3D neuromuscular co-cultures. Finally, we applied this system as an in vitro model to study the pathophysiology of ALS and found a decrease in neuromuscular coupling, muscle contraction, and axonal outgrowth in co-cultures with MNs harboring ALS-linked superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mutation. In summary, this co-culture system presents a human model for MNDs that can recapitulate aspects of ALS pathophysiology. In the second part of this study, we identified an impaired unconventional protein secretion (UPS) of Sod1 as pathological mechanisms in Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family G member 5 (Plekhg5)-associated MND. Sod1 is a leaderless cytosolic protein which is secreted in an autophagy-dependent manner. We found that Plekhg5 depletion in primary MNs and NSC34 cells leads to an impaired secretion of wildtype Sod1, indicating that Plekhg5 drives the UPS of Sod1 in vitro. By interfering with different steps during the biogenesis of autophagosomes, we could show that Plekhg5-regulated Sod1 secretion is determined by autophagy. To analyze our findings in a clinically more relevant model we utilized human iPSC MNs from healthy donors and ALS patients with SOD1 mutations. We observed reduced SOD1 secretion in ALS MNs which coincides with reduced protein expression of PLEKHG5 compared to healthy and isogenic control MNs. To confirm this correlation, we depleted PLEKHG5 in control MNs and found reduced extracellular SOD1 levels, implying that SOD1 secretion depends on PLEKHG5. In summary, we found that Plekh5 regulates the UPS of Sod1 in mouse and human MNs and that Sod1 secretion occurs in an autophagy dependent manner. Our data shows an unreported mechanistic link between two MND-associated proteins.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Loh2024, author = {Loh, Frank}, title = {Monitoring the Quality of Streaming and Internet of Things Applications}, edition = {korrigierte Version}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350969}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The ongoing and evolving usage of networks presents two critical challenges for current and future networks that require attention: (1) the task of effectively managing the vast and continually increasing data traffic and (2) the need to address the substantial number of end devices resulting from the rapid adoption of the Internet of Things. Besides these challenges, there is a mandatory need for energy consumption reduction, a more efficient resource usage, and streamlined processes without losing service quality. We comprehensively address these efforts, tackling the monitoring and quality assessment of streaming applications, a leading contributor to the total Internet traffic, as well as conducting an exhaustive analysis of the network performance within a Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), one of the rapidly emerging LPWAN solutions.}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Loh2024, author = {Loh, Frank}, title = {Monitoring the Quality of Streaming and Internet of Things Applications}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34783}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347831}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The ongoing and evolving usage of networks presents two critical challenges for current and future networks that require attention: (1) the task of effectively managing the vast and continually increasing data traffic and (2) the need to address the substantial number of end devices resulting from the rapid adoption of the Internet of Things. Besides these challenges, there is a mandatory need for energy consumption reduction, a more efficient resource usage, and streamlined processes without losing service quality. We comprehensively address these efforts, tackling the monitoring and quality assessment of streaming applications, a leading contributor to the total Internet traffic, as well as conducting an exhaustive analysis of the network performance within a Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), one of the rapidly emerging LPWAN solutions.}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prell2024, author = {Prell, Andreas}, title = {The effects of paternal age on DNA methylation of developmentally important genes in human and bovine sperm}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34786}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Western societies are steadily becoming older undergoing a clear trend of delayed parenthood. Children of older fathers have an undeniably higher risk for certain neurodevelopmental disorders and other medical conditions. Changes in the epigenetic landscape and especially in DNA methylation patterns are likely to account for a portion of this inherited disease susceptibility. DNA methylation changes during the ageing process are a well-known epigenetic feature. These so-called age-DMRs exist in developmentally important genes in the methylome of several mammalian species. However, there is only a minor overlap between the age-DMR datasets of different studies. We therefore replicated age-DMRs (which were obtained from a genome wide technique) by applying a different technical approach in a larger sample number. Here, this study confirmed 10 age-DMRs in the human and 4 in the bovine sperm epigenome from a preliminary candidate list based on RRBS. For this purpose, we used bisulphite Pyrosequencing in 94 human and 36 bovine sperm samples. These Pyrosequencing results confirm RRBS as an effective and reliable method to screen for age-DMRs in the vertebrate genome. To decipher whether paternal age effects are an evolutionary conserved feature of mammalian development, we compared methylation patterns between human and bovine sperm in orthologous regulatory regions. We discovered that the level of methylation and the age effect are both species-specific and speculate that these methylation marks reflect the lineage-specific development of each species to hit evolutionary requirements and adaptation processes. Different methylation levels between species in developmentally important genes also imply a differing mutational burden, representing a potential driver for point mutations and consequently deviations in the underlying DNA sequence of different species. Using the example of different haplotypes, this study showed the great effect of single base variations on the methylation of adjacent CpGs. Nonetheless, this study could not provide further evidence or a mechanism for the transfer of epigenetic marks to future generations. Therefore, further research in tissues from the progeny of old and young fathers is required to determine if the observed methylation changes are transmitted to the next generation and if they are associated with altered transcriptional activity of the respective genes. This could provide a direct link between the methylome of sperm from elderly fathers and the development potential of the next generation.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BakariSoale2024, author = {Bakari Soale, Majeed}, title = {Regulation of the Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) Expression and Characterisation of the Nucleolar DExD/H box Protein Hel66 in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25809}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of African trypanosomes plays an essential role in protecting the parasites from host immune factors. These trypanosomes undergo antigenic variation resulting in the expression of a single VSG isoform out of a repertoire of around 2000 genes. The molecular mechanism central to the expression and regulation of the VSG is however not fully understood. Gene expression in trypanosomes is unusual due to the absence of typical RNA polymerase II promoters and the polycistronic transcription of genes. The regulation of gene expression is therefore mainly post-transcriptional. Regulatory sequences, mostly present in the 3´ UTRs, often serve as key elements in the modulation of the levels of individual mRNAs. In T. brucei VSG genes, a 100 \% conserved 16mer motif within the 3´ UTR has been shown to modulate the stability of VSG transcripts and hence their expression. As a stability-associated sequence element, the absence of nucleotide substitutions in the motif is however unusual. It was therefore hypothesised that the motif is involved in other essential roles/processes besides stability of the VSG transcripts. In this study, it was demonstrated that the 100 \% conservation of the 16mer motif is not essential for cell viability or for the maintenance of functional VSG protein levels. It was further shown that the intact motif in the active VSG 3´ UTR is neither required to promote VSG silencing during switching nor is it needed during differentiation from bloodstream forms to procyclic forms. Crosstalk between the VSG and procyclin genes during differentiation to the insect vector stage is also unaffected in cells with a mutated 16mer motif. Ectopic overexpression of a second VSG however requires the intact motif to trigger silencing and exchange of the active VSG, suggesting a role for the motif in transcriptional VSG switching. The 16mer motif therefore plays a dual role in VSG in situ switching and stability of VSG transcripts. The additional role of the 16mer in the essential process of antigenic variation appears to be the driving force for the 100 \% conservation of this RNA motif. A screen aimed at identifying candidate RNA-binding proteins interacting with the 16mer motif, led to the identification of a DExD/H box protein, Hel66. Although the protein did not appear to have a direct link to the 16mer regulation of VSG expression, the DExD/H family of proteins are important players in the process of ribosome biogenesis. This process is relatively understudied in trypanosomes and so this candidate was singled out for detailed characterisation, given that the 16mer story had reached a natural end point. Ribosome biogenesis is a major cellular process in eukaryotes involving ribosomal RNA, ribosomal proteins and several non-ribosomal trans-acting protein factors. The DExD/H box proteins are the most important trans-acting protein factors involved in the biosynthesis of ribosomes. Several DExD/H box proteins have been directly implicated in this process in yeast. In trypanosomes, very few of this family of proteins have been characterised and therefore little is known about the specific roles they play in RNA metabolism. Here, it was shown that Hel66 is involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. Hel66 localises to the nucleolus and depleting the protein led to a severe growth defect. Loss of the protein also resulted in a reduced rate of global translation and accumulation of rRNA processing intermediates of both the small and large ribosomal subunits. Hel66 is therefore an essential nucleolar DExD/H protein involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. As very few protein factors involved in the processing of rRNAs have been described in trypanosomes, this finding represents an important platform for future investigation of this topic.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hock2024, author = {Hock, Michael}, title = {Methods for Homogenization of Spatio-Temporal B\(_0\) Magnetic Field Variations in Cardiac MRI at Ultra-High Field Strength}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34821}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348213}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and, so far, echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, and catheterization are the gold standard techniques used for its detection. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can replace the invasive imaging modalities and provide a "one-stop shop" characterization of the cardiovascular system by measuring myocardial tissue structure, function and perfusion of the heart, as well as anatomy of and flow in the coronary arteries. In contrast to standard clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, which are often operated at a field strength of 1.5 or 3 Tesla (T), a higher resolution and subsequent cardiac parameter quantification could potentially be achieved at ultra-high field, i.e., 7 T and above. Unique insights into the pathophysiology of the heart are expected from ultra-high field MRI, which offers enhanced image quality in combination with novel contrast mechanisms, but suffers from spatio-temporal B0 magnetic field variations. Due to the resulting spatial misregistration and intra-voxel dephasing, these B0-field inhomogeneities generate a variety of undesired image artifacts, e.g., artificial image deformation. The resulting macroscopic field gradients lead to signal loss, because the effective transverse relaxation time T2* is shortened. This affects the accuracy of T2* measurements, which are essential for myocardial tissue characterization. When steady state free precession-based pulse sequences are employed for image acquisition, certain off-resonance frequencies cause signal voids. These banding artifacts complicate the proper marking of the myocardium and, subsequently, systematic errors in cardiac function measurements are inevitable. Clinical MR scanners are equipped with basic shim systems to correct for occurring B0-field inhomogeneities and resulting image artifacts, however, these are not sufficient for the advanced measurement techniques employed for ultra-high field MRI of the heart. Therefore, this work focused on the development of advanced B0 shimming strategies for CMR imaging applications to correct the spatio-temporal B0 field variations present in the human heart at 7 T. A novel cardiac phase-specific shimming (CPSS) technique was set up, which featured a triggered B0 map acquisition, anatomy-matched selection of the shim-region-of-interest (SROI), and calibration-based B0 field modeling. The influence of technical limitations on the overall spherical harmonics (SH) shim was analyzed. Moreover, benefits as well as pitfalls of dynamic shimming were debated in this study. An advanced B0 shimming strategy was set up and applied in vivo, which was the first implementation of a heart-specific shimming approach in human UHF MRI at the time. The spatial B0-field patterns which were measured in the heart throughout this study contained localized spots of strong inhomogeneities. They fluctuated over the cardiac cycle in both size and strength, and were ideally addressed using anatomy-matched SROIs. Creating a correcting magnetic field with one shim coil, however, generated eddy currents in the surrounding conducting structures and a resulting additional, unintended magnetic field. Taking these shim-to-shim interactions into account via calibration, it was demonstrated for the first time that the non-standard 3rd-order SH terms enhanced B0-field homogeneity in the human heart. However, they were attended by challenges for the shim system hardware employed in the presented work, which was indicated by the currents required to generate the optimal 3rd-order SH terms exceeding the dynamic range of the corresponding shim coils. To facilitate dynamic shimming updated over the cardiac cycle for cine imaging, the benefit of adjusting the oscillating CPSS currents was found to be vital. The first in vivo application of the novel advanced B0 shimming strategy mostly matched the simulations. The presented technical developments are a basic requirement to quantitative and functional CMR imaging of the human heart at 7 T. They pave the way for numerous clinical studies about cardiac diseases, and continuative research on dedicated cardiac B0 shimming, e.g., adapted passive shimming and multi-coil technologies.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @article{JanzWalzCirnuetal.2024, author = {Janz, Anna and Walz, Katharina and Cirnu, Alexandra and Surjanto, Jessica and Urlaub, Daniela and Leskien, Miriam and Kohlhaas, Michael and Nickel, Alexander and Brand, Theresa and Nose, Naoko and W{\"o}rsd{\"o}rfer, Philipp and Wagner, Nicole and Higuchi, Takahiro and Maack, Christoph and Dudek, Jan and Lorenz, Kristina and Klopocki, Eva and Erg{\"u}n, S{\"u}leyman and Duff, Henry J. and Gerull, Brenda}, title = {Mutations in DNAJC19 cause altered mitochondrial structure and increased mitochondrial respiration in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes}, series = {Molecular Metabolism}, volume = {79}, journal = {Molecular Metabolism}, issn = {2212-8778}, doi = {10.1016/j.molmet.2023.101859}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350393}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Highlights • Loss of DNAJC19's DnaJ domain disrupts cardiac mitochondrial structure, leading to abnormal cristae formation in iPSC-CMs. • Impaired mitochondrial structures lead to an increased mitochondrial respiration, ROS and an elevated membrane potential. • Mutant iPSC-CMs show sarcomere dysfunction and a trend to more arrhythmias, resembling DCMA-associated cardiomyopathy. Background Dilated cardiomyopathy with ataxia (DCMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder arising from truncating mutations in DNAJC19, which encodes an inner mitochondrial membrane protein. Clinical features include an early onset, often life-threatening, cardiomyopathy associated with other metabolic features. Here, we aim to understand the metabolic and pathophysiological mechanisms of mutant DNAJC19 for the development of cardiomyopathy. Methods We generated induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) of two affected siblings with DCMA and a gene-edited truncation variant (tv) of DNAJC19 which all lack the conserved DnaJ interaction domain. The mutant iPSC-CMs and their respective control cells were subjected to various analyses, including assessments of morphology, metabolic function, and physiological consequences such as Ca\(^{2+}\) kinetics, contractility, and arrhythmic potential. Validation of respiration analysis was done in a gene-edited HeLa cell line (DNAJC19tv\(_{HeLa}\)). Results Structural analyses revealed mitochondrial fragmentation and abnormal cristae formation associated with an overall reduced mitochondrial protein expression in mutant iPSC-CMs. Morphological alterations were associated with higher oxygen consumption rates (OCRs) in all three mutant iPSC-CMs, indicating higher electron transport chain activity to meet cellular ATP demands. Additionally, increased extracellular acidification rates suggested an increase in overall metabolic flux, while radioactive tracer uptake studies revealed decreased fatty acid uptake and utilization of glucose. Mutant iPSC-CMs also showed increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and an elevated mitochondrial membrane potential. Increased mitochondrial respiration with pyruvate and malate as substrates was observed in mutant DNAJC19tv HeLa cells in addition to an upregulation of respiratory chain complexes, while cellular ATP-levels remain the same. Moreover, mitochondrial alterations were associated with increased beating frequencies, elevated diastolic Ca\(^{2+}\) concentrations, reduced sarcomere shortening and an increased beat-to-beat rate variability in mutant cell lines in response to β-adrenergic stimulation. Conclusions Loss of the DnaJ domain disturbs cardiac mitochondrial structure with abnormal cristae formation and leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting that DNAJC19 plays an essential role in mitochondrial morphogenesis and biogenesis. Moreover, increased mitochondrial respiration, altered substrate utilization, increased ROS production and abnormal Ca\(^{2+}\) kinetics provide insights into the pathogenesis of DCMA-related cardiomyopathy.}, language = {en} } @article{HalfmannCastioniWetzeletal.2024, author = {Halfmann, Marie and Castioni, Noah and Wetzel, Lea and Koopmann, Anne and K{\"o}nig, Sarah and Schmieder, Astrid}, title = {Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of medical students and young physicians in Germany: Gender-specific results of an online survey}, series = {Heliyon}, volume = {10}, journal = {Heliyon}, number = {1}, issn = {2405-8440}, doi = {10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23727}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350502}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background Healthcare workers and medical students faced new challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Processes within many hospitals were completely disrupted. In addition, the face to face teaching of medical students was drastically reduced. Those at risk of developing mental health problems appear to be younger health care workers and women. Objective To investigate potential COVID-19 pandemic-related gender differences in psychological distress among medical students and physicians in their first years of practice. Design and setting An anonymous survey was carried out online between December 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022, at the Mannheim Medical Faculty and the W{\"u}rzburg Medical Faculty, Germany, after obtaining informed consent. Primary outcome measures were changes in anxiety and depression symptoms using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and changes in participants' current quality of life using the WHO Quality of Life BREF. Results The results show wave-like courses for perceived anxiety and burden overlapping with the course of the COVID-19 incidence. In comparison to men, women showed a significant higher increase in HADS (p = 0.005) and a reduced life quality (p = 0.007) after COVID-19. Both sexes showed different frequencies of the factors influencing quality of life, with the presence of a previous mental illness and mean anxiety having a significant higher negative impact in women. Conclusion Future and young female physicians reported a disproportionate higher burden during COVID-19 compared to their male colleges. These observations suggest an increased need for support and prevention efforts especially in this vulnerable population.}, language = {en} } @article{DuskeClausKroneetal.2024, author = {Duske, Helene and Claus, Heike and Krone, Manuel and L{\^a}m, Thi{\^e}n-Tr{\´i}}, title = {Prevalence of piperacillin/tazobactam resistance in invasive \(Haemophilus\) \(influenzae\) in Germany}, series = {JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance}, volume = {6}, journal = {JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance}, number = {1}, issn = {2632-1823}, doi = {10.1093/jacamr/dlad148}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350424}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) is a Gram-negative bacterium that may cause sepsis or meningitis, treatment of which mainly includes β-lactam antibiotics. Since 2019 EUCAST breakpoints for piperacillin/tazobactam have been available. Little is known about the prevalence and mechanisms of piperacillin/tazobactam resistance in Hi. Objectives To provide reliable prevalence data for piperacillin/tazobactam resistance in Hi in Germany, to evaluate different antibiotic susceptibility testing methods and to examine possible resistance mechanisms. Methods According to EUCAST breakpoints, the MIC for piperacillin/tazobactam resistance is >0.25 mg/L. All invasive Hi in Germany from 2019 were examined by gradient agar diffusion (GAD) for piperacillin/tazobactam susceptibility. Piperacillin/tazobactam broth microdilution (BMD), piperacillin GAD on tazobactam-containing agar [piperacillin GAD on Mueller-Hinton agar with horse blood (MH-F)/tazobactam) and piperacillin/tazobactam agar dilution (AD) were used for confirmation. Phenotypic testing was complemented by ftsI sequencing. Results Piperacillin/tazobactam GAD resulted in 2.9\% (21/726) resistant Hi. BMD did not confirm piperacillin/tazobactam resistance. Two strains were found resistant by AD, of which one was also resistant using piperacillin GAD on MH-F/tazobactam. Overall, we found two strains with a piperacillin/tazobactam MIC >0.25 mg/L in at least two different tests (0.3\%). Both were β-lactamase-producing amoxicillin/clavulanate-resistant with PBP3 mutations characterized as group III-like+. Relevant PBP3 mutations occurred in six strains without phenotypic piperacillin/tazobactam resistance. These mutations suggest a reduced efficacy of β-lactam antibiotics in these isolates. Conclusions Piperacillin/tazobactam resistance prevalence in invasive Hi is low in Germany. Reduced susceptibility was correlated with PBP3 mutations, in particular with group III mutations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MaierverhHartmann2024, author = {Maier [verh. Hartmann], Carina Ramona}, title = {Regulation of the Mevalonate Pathway by the Deubiquitinase USP28 in Squamous Cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34874}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348740}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The reprogramming of metabolic pathways is a hallmark of cancer: Tumour cells are dependent on the supply with metabolites and building blocks to fulfil their increased need as highly proliferating cells. Especially de novo synthesis pathways are upregulated when the cells of the growing tumours are not able to satisfy the required metabolic levels by uptake from the environment. De novo synthesis pathways are often under the control of master transcription factors which regulate the gene expression of enzymes involved in the synthesis process. The master regulators for de novo fatty acid synthesis and cholesterogenesis are sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs). While SREBP1 preferably controls the expression of enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis, SREBP2 regulates the transcription of the enzymes of the mevalonate pathway and downstream processes namely cholesterol, isoprenoids and building blocks for ubiquinone synthesis. SREBP activity is tightly regulated at different levels: The post-translational modification by ubiquitination decreases the stability of active SREBPs. The attachment of K48-linked ubiquitin chains marks the transcription factors for the proteasomal degradation. In tumour cells, high levels of active SREBPs are essential for the upregulation of the respective metabolic pathways. The increased stability and activity of SREBPs were investigated in this thesis. SREBPs are ubiquitinated by the E3 ligase Fbw7 which leads to the subsequential proteolysis of the transcription factors. The work conducted in this thesis identified the counteracting deubiquitination enzyme USP28 which removes the ubiquitin chains from SREBPs and prevents their proteasomal degradation. It further revealed that the stabilization of SREBP2 by USP28 plays an important role in the context of squamous cancers. Increased USP28 levels are associated with a poor survival in patients with squamous tumour subtypes. It was shown that reduced USP28 levels in cell lines and in vivo result in a decrease of SREBP2 activity and downregulation of the mevalonate pathway. This manipulation led to reduced proliferation and tumour growth. A direct comparison of adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas in lung cancer patients revealed an upregulation of USP28 as well as SREBP2 and its target genes. Targeting the USP28-SREBP2 regulatory axis in squamous cell lines by inhibitors also reduced cell viability and proliferation. In conclusion, this study reports evidence for the importance of the mevalonate pathway regulated by the USP28-SREBP2 axis in tumour initiation and progression of squamous cancer. The combinatorial inhibitor treatment of USP28 and HMGCR, the rate limiting enzyme of the mevalonate pathway, by statins opens the possibility for a targeted therapeutic treatment of squamous cancer patients.}, subject = {Ubiquitin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MeyerHeintze2024, author = {Meyer-Heintze, Simon}, title = {Holocene pedosedimentary sequences as archives for paleoenvironmental reconstructions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34909}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-349098}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Human-environment interaction has significantly altered the pedosphere since the Neolithic, if not since the early Holocene. In the course of clearance, agriculture, and (wood) pasture soils have been deeply modified or eroded. These types of land use practices but above all forms of sedentariness spread alongside floodplains and trajectories were oriented towards loess covered areas where fertile soils could develop. Besides this, also peripheral / marginal regions were settled due to population pressure or other factors. Evidence for landscape history and development can be found within archeological sites but also overbank deposits and anthropogenic slope deposits document vast transformation processes. The presented investigations took place within the natural region of the Windsheimer Bucht which is locat-ed in the district of Middle Franconia in northern Bavaria, Germany. In this area, Holocene soils predomi-nantly developed within mudstones of the Middle to Upper Triassic. The soil texture is extremely clay-rich which renders the soils problematic with regard to cultivation management. As a peculiarity, the gypsum underlying the mudstones is prone to karstification processes and resulting proceeding geomorphological processes shape the surface of the landscape. In the course of gypsum mining the karst forms are being exposed and archeological findings are being documented. The latter mainly date back to a span from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, but partly are of Younger Paleolithic origin. Especially subsidence sinkholes are capable of storing pedosediments of several meters in thickness. Despite the high clay content and connect-ed pedoturbation processes, the excavated sequences are stratigraphically and pedologically well-differentiated. The archives occur in the context of settlement structures such as pits and postholes; there-fore, they developed at the interface of natural developments and human impact on their surroundings. The main original research questions that were formulated within the general frame of a project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-projects Te295/15-1 and -2 and Fa390/9-1 and -2) focused on the attractors of the peripheral region for early settlers, the pedological conditions before land use, but also the impact of humans on soils and karst dynamics through time. In the course of the in hand study, the pedosedimentary archives have been approached with a multimethodological toolset which consisted of field analyses, soil morphological analyses from micro- to macro-scale, spectrophotometric (color), (laser) granulometric, and (iron-) pedochemical analyses. The numerical chronological frame was spanned by radiocarbon dating of different organic remains and bulk material if soil organic carbon was supposed-ly high. The result is a multi-dimensional data set that consists of analyses on different spatial scales but also on different levels of measurement. Thus, qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative data consti-tute the basis for discussion. While the grain-size analyses underline the general sedimentological differen-tiation of the records and further affirm the high clay content within the pedosedimentary layers, iron-pedochemical analyses indicate an interplay between oxidation of iron and its chemical reduction. This is also manifested within the spectrophotometric record. Especially the versatile pedogenic characteristics that have been identified by field analyses are confirmed within the thin sections and, by considering all different analyses, the polygenic character of the pedosediments is emphasized. After stressing the general pedological specificities among the different investigated sites within the re-search area, for the collected data, the research further branches into the subjects of general notions on pedogenesis in clayey material and the classification of the respective pedosediments according to paleo-pedological concepts but also recent schemes. Concerning the latter, it becomes evident that established principles cannot be applied to the studied pedosediments without major adaptions. This underlines the specific characteristics of the material. The basis for further interpretations is the evaluation of the multi-level data set for the single records with regard to profile development and pedogenic processes. Hereby, the main drivers of pedogenesis could be identified, which are karst dynamics, land use, and subtle changes in parent material due to the admixture of slope deposits that contain allochthonous eolian material. The latter underlines the importance of Pleis-tocene preconditioning for understanding Holocene landscape dynamics. At the same time, a differentia-tion between the mentioned factors and Holocene climate development is difficult. The following compila-tion of record and localities within the given time frame unveils synchronous as well as asynchronous de-velopments; however, a clear connection between phases of Holocene climate and pedogenesis within the pedosediments cannot be established. Instead, it becomes evident that site specific factors or those that act on the scale of the micro-catchment of the investigated records are decisive. The aforementioned main topics of the project are also considered in the in hand study from a soil-geographic perspective: it is possible that before land use, there was an insular or thin cover by loess sedi-ments or at least upper layers (according to the concept of periglacial cover beds) which constituted the parent material for Holocene soil formation. The according soils, which were superior for agricultural purposes compared to those developed on the autochthonous mudstones, were eroded which exposed the clayey Upper to Middle Triassic beds. Erosion was aggravated due to the impermeable mudstones which enhanced overland flow and interflow within the overlying silty (loessic) material. This is further support-ed by the notions on erodibility of the clayey material that are derived from the comparison of conven-tional and laser granulometric analyses: probably, the clayey pedosediments are capable of forming micro-aggregates that can easily be eroded during heavy rainfall events despite the general consent that material with heavy texture should be rather resistant. The study presents a comprehensive view on clay-rich pedosediments and the complex effects of human-environment interaction on pedogenic as well as sedimentary processes through time that have not been investigated in such detail before. In this context, the multi-level soil morphological analyses and their necessity for a genetic interpretation with regard to the influence of natural versus anthropogenic factors need to be emphasized. Based on quantitative laboratory analytical data only, a respective differentiation would not be possible. This underlines the importance of the chosen soil-geographic multi-methodological approach for answering questions with regard to human-environment interaction but also geoarcheology in general.}, subject = {Geoarch{\"a}ologie}, language = {en} } @article{WiesslerTalucciPiroetal.2024, author = {Wiessler, Anna-Lena and Talucci, Ivan and Piro, Inken and Seefried, Sabine and H{\"o}rlin, Verena and Baykan, Bet{\"u}l B. and T{\"u}z{\"u}n, Erdem and Schaefer, Natascha and Maric, Hans M. and Sommer, Claudia and Villmann, Carmen}, title = {Glycine receptor β-targeting autoantibodies contribute to the pathology of autoimmune diseases}, series = {Neurology: Neuroimmunology \& Neuroinflammation}, volume = {11}, journal = {Neurology: Neuroimmunology \& Neuroinflammation}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1212/NXI.0000000000200187}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-349958}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background and Objectives Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) and progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM) are rare neurologic disorders of the CNS. Until now, exclusive GlyRα subunit-binding autoantibodies with subsequent changes in function and surface numbers were reported. GlyR autoantibodies have also been described in patients with focal epilepsy. Autoimmune reactivity against the GlyRβ subunits has not yet been shown. Autoantibodies against GlyRα1 target the large extracellular N-terminal domain. This domain shares a high degree of sequence homology with GlyRβ making it not unlikely that GlyRβ-specific autoantibody (aAb) exist and contribute to the disease pathology. Methods In this study, we investigated serum samples from 58 patients for aAb specifically detecting GlyRβ. Studies in microarray format, cell-based assays, and primary spinal cord neurons and spinal cord tissue immunohistochemistry were performed to determine specific GlyRβ binding and define aAb binding to distinct protein regions. Preadsorption approaches of aAbs using living cells and the purified extracellular receptor domain were further used. Finally, functional consequences for inhibitory neurotransmission upon GlyRβ aAb binding were resolved by whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Results Among 58 samples investigated, cell-based assays, tissue analysis, and preadsorption approaches revealed 2 patients with high specificity for GlyRβ aAb. Quantitative protein cluster analysis demonstrated aAb binding to synaptic GlyRβ colocalized with the scaffold protein gephyrin independent of the presence of GlyRα1. At the functional level, binding of GlyRβ aAb from both patients to its target impair glycine efficacy. Discussion Our study establishes GlyRβ as novel target of aAb in patients with SPS/PERM. In contrast to exclusively GlyRα1-positive sera, which alter glycine potency, aAbs against GlyRβ impair receptor efficacy for the neurotransmitter glycine. Imaging and functional analyses showed that GlyRβ aAbs antagonize inhibitory neurotransmission by affecting receptor function rather than localization.}, language = {en} } @article{BreyerGruenerKleinetal.2024, author = {Breyer, Maximilian and Gr{\"u}ner, Julia and Klein, Alexandra and Finke, Laura and Klug, Katharina and Sauer, Markus and {\"U}{\c{c}}eyler, Nurcan}, title = {\(In\) \(vitro\) characterization of cells derived from a patient with the GLA variant c.376A>G (p.S126G) highlights a non-pathogenic role in Fabry disease}, series = {Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports}, volume = {38}, journal = {Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports}, issn = {22144269}, doi = {10.1016/j.ymgmr.2023.101029}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350295}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Highlights • The GLA variant S126G is not associated with Fabry symptoms in the presented case • S126G has no effect on α-GAL A activity or Gb3 levels in this patient • S126G sensory neurons show no electrophysiological abnormalities Abstract Fabry disease (FD) is a life-limiting disorder characterized by intracellular globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) accumulations. The underlying α-galactosidase A (α-GAL A) deficiency is caused by variants in the gene GLA. Variants of unknown significance (VUS) are frequently found in GLA and challenge clinical management. Here, we investigated a 49-year old man with cryptogenic lacunar cerebral stroke and the chance finding of the VUS S126G, who was sent to our center for diagnosis and initiation of a costly and life-long FD-specific treatment. We combined clinical examination with in vitro investigations of dermal fibroblasts (HDF), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), and iPSC-derived sensory neurons. We analyzed α-GAL A activity in iPSC, Gb3 accumulation in all three cell types, and action potential firing in sensory neurons. Neurological examination and small nerve fiber assessment was normal except for reduced distal skin innervation. S126G iPSC showed normal α-GAL A activity compared to controls and no Gb3 deposits were found in all three cell types. Baseline electrophysiological characteristics of S126G neurons showed no difference compared to healthy controls as investigated by patch-clamp recordings. We pioneer multi-level cellular characterization of the VUS S126G using three cell types derived from a patient and provide further evidence for the benign nature of S126G in GLA, which is of great importance in the management of such cases in clinical practice.}, language = {en} } @article{JaenschEvdokimovEgenolfetal.2024, author = {J{\"a}nsch, Sarah and Evdokimov, Dimitar and Egenolf, Nadine and Meyer zu Altenschildesche, Caren and Kreß, Luisa and {\"U}{\c{c}}eyler, Nurcan}, title = {Distinguishing fibromyalgia syndrome from small fiber neuropathy: a clinical guide}, series = {Pain Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Pain Reports}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1097/PR9.0000000000001136}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350306}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Introduction: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and small fiber neuropathy (SFN) are distinct pain conditions that share commonalities and may be challenging as for differential diagnosis. Objective: To comprehensively investigate clinical characteristics of women with FMS and SFN to determine clinically applicable parameters for differentiation. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed medical records of 158 women with FMS and 53 with SFN focusing on pain-specific medical and family history, accompanying symptoms, additional diseases, and treatment. We investigated data obtained using standardized pain, depression, and anxiety questionnaires. We further analyzed test results and findings obtained in standardized small fiber tests. Results: FMS patients were on average ten years younger at symptom onset, described higher pain intensities requiring frequent change of pharmaceutics, and reported generalized pain compared to SFN. Pain in FMS was accompanied by irritable bowel or sleep disturbances, and in SFN by paresthesias, numbness, and impaired glucose metabolism (P < 0.01 each). Family history was informative for chronic pain and affective disorders in FMS (P < 0.001) and for neurological disorders in SFN patients (P < 0.001). Small fiber pathology in terms of skin denervation and/or thermal sensory threshold elevation was present in 110/158 (69.7 \%) FMS patients and 39/53 (73.6 \%) SFN patients. FMS patients mainly showed proximally reduced skin innervation and higher corneal nerve branch densities (p<0.001) whereas SFN patients were characterized by reduced cold detection and prolonged electrical A-delta conduction latencies (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Our data show that FMS and SFN differ substantially. Detailed pain, drug and family history, investigating blood glucose metabolism, and applying differential small fiber tests may help to improve diagnostic differentiation and targeted therapy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seitzer2024, author = {Seitzer, Moritz}, title = {Quality and composition of anthelmintic medicines available in Eastern and Western Africa: an \({in-vitro}\) analysis of Albendazole, Mebendazole and Praziquantel}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35094}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350947}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Even though the international combat against Neglected Tropical Diseases such as schistosomiasis or soil-transmitted helminthiases depends on reliable therapeutics, anthelminthic pharmacovigilance has been neglected on many national African drug markets. Therefore, quality and composition of 88 different batches of Albendazole, Mebendazole and Praziquantel locally collected from randomly selected facilities in Western Burkina Faso, Southeast C{\^o}te d'Ivoire, Southwest Ghana and Northwest Tanzania were analysed. Visual examination of both packaging and samples was performed according to the WHO 'Be Aware' tool. Products were then screened with the GPHF Minilab, consisting of tests of mass uniformity, disintegration times and thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Confirmatory tests were performed according to international pharmacopoeiae, applying assays for dissolution profiles and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Despite minor irregularities, appearance of the products did not hint at falsified medicines. However, 19.6 \% of the brands collected in Ghana and Tanzania were not officially licensed for sale. Mass uniformity was confirmed in 53 out of 58 brands of tablets. 41 out of 56 products passed disintegration times; 10 out of the 15 failing products did not disintegrate at all. TLC results did not reveal any falsifications or pronounced dosing errors. HPLC findings confirmed the TLC results despite shifted specification limits: ten of the 83 tested batches contained less than 90 \%, none more than 110 \% label claim. However, no more than 46.3 \% (31 / 67) of the tablet batches assayed passed the respective criteria for dissolution. In the four study countries, no falsified anthelminthic medicine was encountered. The active pharmaceutical ingredient was not found to either exceed or distinctively fall below specification limits. Galenic characteristics as most critical criteria however, especially dissolution profiles, revealed substantial deficits.}, subject = {Wurmmittel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Andelovic2024, author = {Andelovic, Kristina}, title = {Characterization of arterial hemodynamics using mouse models of atherosclerosis and tissue-engineered artery models}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30360}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303601}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Within this thesis, three main approaches for the assessment and investigation of altered hemodynamics like wall shear stress, oscillatory shear index and the arterial pulse wave velocity in atherosclerosis development and progression were conducted: 1. The establishment of a fast method for the simultaneous assessment of 3D WSS and PWV in the complete murine aortic arch via high-resolution 4D-flow MRI 2. The utilization of serial in vivo measurements in atherosclerotic mouse models using high-resolution 4D-flow MRI, which were divided into studies describing altered hemodynamics in late and early atherosclerosis 3. The development of tissue-engineered artery models for the controllable application and variation of hemodynamic and biologic parameters, divided in native artery models and biofabricated artery models, aiming for the investigation of the relationship between atherogenesis and hemodynamics Chapter 2 describes the establishment of a method for the simultaneous measurement of 3D WSS and PWV in the murine aortic arch at, using ultra high-field MRI at 17.6T [16], based on the previously published method for fast, self-navigated wall shear stress measurements in the murine aortic arch using radial 4D-phase contrast MRI at 17.6 T [4]. This work is based on the collective work of Dr. Patrick Winter, who developed the method and the author of this thesis, Kristina Andelovic, who performed the experiments and statistical analyses. As the method described in this chapter is basis for the following in vivo studies and undividable into the sub-parts of the contributors without losing important information, this chapter was not split into the single parts to provide fundamental information about the measurement and analysis methods and therefore better understandability for the following studies. The main challenge in this chapter was to overcome the issue of the need for a high spatial resolution to determine the velocity gradients at the vascular wall for the WSS quantification and a high temporal resolution for the assessment of the PWV without prolonging the acquisition time due to the need for two separate measurements. Moreover, for a full coverage of the hemodynamics in the murine aortic arch, a 3D measurement is needed, which was achieved by utilization of retrospective navigation and radial trajectories, enabling a highly flexible reconstruction framework to either reconstruct images at lower spatial resolution and higher frame rates for the acquisition of the PWV or higher spatial resolution and lower frame rates for the acquisition of the 3D WSS in a reasonable measurement time of only 35 minutes. This enabled the in vivo assessment of all relevant hemodynamic parameters related to atherosclerosis development and progression in one experimental session. This method was validated in healthy wild type and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice, indicating no differences in robustness between pathological and healthy mice. The heterogeneous distribution of plaque development and arterial stiffening in atherosclerosis [10, 12], however, points out the importance of local PWV measurements. Therefore, future studies should focus on the 3D acquisition of the local PWV in the murine aortic arch based on the presented method, in order to enable spatially resolved correlations of local arterial stiffness with other hemodynamic parameters and plaque composition. In Chapter 3, the previously established methods were used for the investigation of changing aortic hemodynamics during ageing and atherosclerosis in healthy wild type and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice using the previously established methods [4, 16] based on high-resolution 4D-flow MRI. In this work, serial measurements of healthy and atherosclerotic mice were conducted to track all changes in hemodynamics in the complete aortic arch over time. Moreover, spatially resolved 2D projection maps of WSS and OSI of the complete aortic arch were generated. This important feature allowed for the pixel-wise statistical analysis of inter- and intragroup hemodynamic changes over time and most importantly - at a glance. The study revealed converse differences of local hemodynamic profiles in healthy WT and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice, with decreasing longWSS and increasing OSI, while showing constant PWV in healthy mice and increasing longWSS and decreasing OSI, while showing increased PWV in diseased mice. Moreover, spatially resolved correlations between WSS, PWV, plaque and vessel wall characteristics were enabled, giving detailed insights into coherences between hemodynamics and plaque composition. Here, the circWSS was identified as a potential marker of plaque size and composition in advanced atherosclerosis. Moreover, correlations with PWV values identified the maximum radStrain could serve as a potential marker for vascular elasticity. This study demonstrated the feasibility and utility of high-resolution 4D flow MRI to spatially resolve, visualize and analyze statistical differences in all relevant hemodynamic parameters over time and between healthy and diseased mice, which could significantly improve our understanding of plaque progression towards vulnerability. In future studies the relation of vascular elasticity and radial strain should be further investigated and validated with local PWV measurements and CFD. Moreover, the 2D histological datasets were not reflecting the 3D properties and regional characteristics of the atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, future studies will include 3D plaque volume and composition analysis like morphological measurements with MRI or light-sheet microscopy to further improve the analysis of the relationship between hemodynamics and atherosclerosis. Chapter 4 aimed at the description and investigation of hemodynamics in early stages of atherosclerosis. Moreover, this study included measurements of hemodynamics at baseline levels in healthy WT and atherosclerotic mouse models. Due to the lack of hemodynamic-related studies in Ldlr-/- mice, which are the most used mouse models in atherosclerosis research together with the Apoe-/- mouse model, this model was included in this study to describe changing hemodynamics in the aortic arch at baseline levels and during early atherosclerosis development and progression for the first time. In this study, distinct differences in aortic geometries of these mouse models at baseline levels were described for the first time, which result in significantly different flow- and WSS profiles in the Ldlr-/- mouse model. Further basal characterization of different parameters revealed only characteristic differences in lipid profiles, proving that the geometry is highly influencing the local WSS in these models. Most interestingly, calculation of the atherogenic index of plasma revealed a significantly higher risk in Ldlr-/- mice with ongoing atherosclerosis development, but significantly greater plaque areas in the aortic arch of Apoe-/- mice. Due to the given basal WSS and OSI profile in these two mouse models - two parameters highly influencing plaque development and progression - there is evidence that the regional plaque development differs between these mouse models during very early atherogenesis. Therefore, future studies should focus on the spatiotemporal evaluation of plaque development and composition in the three defined aortic regions using morphological measurements with MRI or 3D histological analyses like LSFM. Moreover, this study offers an excellent basis for future studies incorporating CFD simulations, analyzing the different measured parameter combinations (e.g., aortic geometry of the Ldlr-/- mouse with the lipid profile of the Apoe-/- mouse), simulating the resulting plaque development and composition. This could help to understand the complex interplay between altered hemodynamics, serum lipids and atherosclerosis and significantly improve our basic understanding of key factors initiating atherosclerosis development. Chapter 5 describes the establishment of a tissue-engineered artery model, which is based on native, decellularized porcine carotid artery scaffolds, cultured in a MRI-suitable bioreactor-system [23] for the investigation of hemodynamic-related atherosclerosis development in a controllable manner, using the previously established methods for WSS and PWV assessment [4, 16]. This in vitro artery model aimed for the reduction of animal experiments, while simultaneously offering a simplified, but completely controllable physical and biological environment. For this, a very fast and gentle decellularization protocol was established in a first step, which resulted in porcine carotid artery scaffolds showing complete acellularity while maintaining the extracellular matrix composition, overall ultrastructure and mechanical strength of native arteries. Moreover, a good cellular adhesion and proliferation was achieved, which was evaluated with isolated human blood outgrowth endothelial cells. Most importantly, an MRI-suitable artery chamber was designed for the simultaneous cultivation and assessment of high-resolution 4D hemodynamics in the described artery models. Using high-resolution 4D-flow MRI, the bioreactor system was proven to be suitable to quantify the volume flow, the two components of the WSS and the radStrain as well as the PWV in artery models, with obtained values being comparable to values found in literature for in vivo measurements. Moreover, the identification of first atherosclerotic processes like intimal thickening is achievable by three-dimensional assessment of the vessel wall morphology in the in vitro models. However, one limitation is the lack of a medial smooth muscle cell layer due to the dense ECM. Here, the utilization of the laser-cutting technology for the generation of holes and / or pits on a microscale, eventually enabling seeding of the media with SMCs showed promising results in a first try and should be further investigated in future studies. Therefore, the proposed artery model possesses all relevant components for the extension to an atherosclerosis model which may pave the way towards a significant improvement of our understanding of the key mechanisms in atherogenesis. Chapter 6 describes the development of an easy-to-prepare, low cost and fully customizable artery model based on biomaterials. Here, thermoresponsive sacrificial scaffolds, processed with the technique of MEW were used for the creation of variable, biomimetic shapes to mimic the geometric properties of the aortic arch, consisting of both, bifurcations and curvatures. After embedding the sacrificial scaffold into a gelatin-hydrogel containing SMCs, it was crosslinked with bacterial transglutaminase before dissolution and flushing of the sacrificial scaffold. The hereby generated channel was subsequently seeded with ECs, resulting in an easy-to-prepare, fast and low-cost artery model. In contrast to the native artery model, this model is therefore more variable in size and shape and offers the possibility to include smooth muscle cells from the beginning. Moreover, a custom-built and highly adaptable perfusion chamber was designed specifically for the scaffold structure, which enabled a one-step creation and simultaneously offering the possibility for dynamic cultivation of the artery models, making it an excellent basis for the development of in vitro disease test systems for e.g., flow-related atherosclerosis research. Due to time constraints, the extension to an atherosclerosis model could not be achieved within the scope of this thesis. Therefore, future studies will focus on the development and validation of an in vitro atherosclerosis model based on the proposed bi- and three-layered artery models. In conclusion, this thesis paved the way for a fast acquisition and detailed analyses of changing hemodynamics during atherosclerosis development and progression, including spatially resolved analyses of all relevant hemodynamic parameters over time and in between different groups. Moreover, to reduce animal experiments, while gaining control over various parameters influencing atherosclerosis development, promising artery models were established, which have the potential to serve as a new platform for basic atherosclerosis research.}, subject = {H{\"a}modynamik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{He2024, author = {He, Feng}, title = {Drug Discovery based on Oxidative Stress and HDAC6 for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25349}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253497}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Most antioxidants reported so far only achieved limited success in AD clinical trials. Growing evidences suggest that merely targeting oxidative stress will not be sufficient to fight AD. While multi-target directed ligands could synergistically modulate different steps in the neurodegenerative process, offering a promising potential for treatment of this complex disease. Fifteen target compounds have been designed by merging melatonin and ferulic acid into the cap group of a tertiary amide HDAC6 inhibitor. Compound 10b was screened as the best hybrid molecule exhibit potent HDAC6 inhibition and potent antioxidant capacity. Compound 10b also alleviated LPS-induced microglia inflammation and led to a switch from neurotoxic M1 to the neuroprotective M2 microglial phenotype. Moreover, compound 10b show pronounced attenuation of spatial working memory and long-term memory damage in an in vivo AD mouse model. Compound 10b can be a potentially effective drug candidate for treatment of AD and its druggability worth to be further studied. We have designed ten novel neuroprotectants by hybridizing with several common antioxidants, including ferulic acid, melatonin, lipoic acid, and trolox. The trolox hybrid compound exhibited the most potent neuroprotective effects in multiple neuroprotection assays. Besides, we identified the synergistic effects between trolox and vitamin K derivative, and our trolox hybrid compound showed comparable neuroprotection with the mixture of trolox and vitamin K derivative. We have designed and synthesized 24 quinone derivatives based on five kinds of different quinones including ubiquinone, 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, memoquin, thymoquinone, and anthraquinone. Trimethylbenzoquinone and thymoquinone derivatives showed more potent neuroprotection than other quinones in oxytosis assay. Therefore, trimethylbenzoquinone and thymoquinone derivatives can be used as lead compounds for further mechanism study and drug discovery for treatment of neurodegenerative disease. We designed a series of photoswitchable HDAC inhibitors, which could be effective molecular tools due to the high spatial and temporal resolution. In total 23 target compounds were synthesized and photophysicochemically characterized. Azoquinoline-based compounds possess more thermally stable cis-isomers in buffer solution, which were further tested in enzyme-based HDAC inhibition assay. However, none of those tested compounds show significant differences in activities between trans-isomers and corresponding cis-isomers.}, subject = {Alzheimerkrankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{XavierdeSouza2024, author = {Xavier de Souza, Aline}, title = {Ecophysiological adaptations of the cuticular water permeability within the Solanaceae family}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22539}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The cuticle, a complex lipidic layer synthesized by epidermal cells, covers and protects primary organs of all land plants. Its main function is to avoid plant desiccation by limiting non-stomatal water loss. The cuticular properties vary widely among plant species. So far, most of the cuticle-related studies have focused on a limited number of species, and studies addressing phylogenetically related plant species are rare. Moreover, comparative studies among organs from the same plant species are still scarce. Thus, this study focus on organ-specificities of the cuticle within and between plant species of the Solanaceae family. Twenty-seven plant species of ten genera, including cultivated and non- cultivated species, were investigated to identify potential cuticular similarities. Structural, chemical and functional traits of fully expanded leaves, inflated fruiting calyces, and ripe fruits were analyzed. The surface morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Leaves were mainly amphistomatic and covered by an epicuticular wax film. The diversity and distribution of trichomes varied among species. Only the leaves of S. grandiflora were glabrous. Plant species of the Leptostemonum subgenus had numerous prickles and non-glandular stellate trichomes. Fruits were stomata-free, except for S. muricatum, and a wax film covered their surface. Last, lenticel- like structures and remaining scars of broken trichomes were found on the surface of some Solanum fruits. Cuticular water permeability was used as indicators of the cuticular transpiration barrier efficiency. The water permeability differed among plant species, organs and fruit types with values ranging up to one hundred-fold. The minimum leaf conductance ranged from 0.35 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. grandiflora to 31.54 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. muricatum. Cuticular permeability of fruits ranged from 0.64 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. dulcamara (fleshy berry) to 34.98 × 10-5 m s-1 in N. tabacum (capsule). Generally, the cuticular water loss of dry fruits was about to 5-fold higher than that of fleshy fruits. Interestingly, comparisons between cultivated and non-cultivated species showed that wild species have the most efficient cuticular transpiration barrier in leaves and fruits. The average permeability of leaves and fruits of wild plant species was up to three-fold lower in comparison to the cultivated ones. Moreover, ripe fruits of P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana showed two-times lower cuticular transpiration when enclosed by the inflated fruiting calyx. The cuticular chemical composition was examined using gas chromatography. Very-long-chain aliphatic compounds primarily composed the cuticular waxes, being mostly dominated by n- alkanes (up to 80\% of the total wax load). Primary alkanols, alkanoic acids, alkyl esters and branched iso- and anteiso-alkanes were also frequently found. Although in minor amounts, sterols, pentacyclic triterpenoids, phenylmethyl esters, coumaric acid esters, and tocopherols were identified in the cuticular waxes. Cuticular wax coverages highly varied in solanaceous (62- fold variation). The cuticular wax load of fruits ranged from 0.55 μg cm-2 (Nicandra physalodes) to 33.99 μg cm-2 (S. pennellii), whereas the wax amount of leaves varied from 0.90 μg cm-2 (N. physalodes) to 28.42 μg cm-2 (S. burchellii). Finally, the wax load of inflated fruiting calyces ranged from 0.56 μg cm-2 in P. peruviana to 2.00 μg cm-2 in N. physalodes. For the first time, a comparative study on the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier in different plant organs of closely related plant species was conducted. Altogether, the cuticular chemical variability found in solanaceous species highlight species-, and organ-specific wax biosynthesis. These chemical variabilities might relate to the waterproofing properties of the plant cuticle, thereby influencing leaf and fruit performances. Additionally, the high cuticular water permeabilities of cultivated plant species suggest a potential existence of a trade-off between fruit organoleptic properties and the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier. Last, the high cuticular water loss of the solanaceous dry fruits might be a physiological adaptation favouring seed dispersion.}, subject = {Kutikula}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Neitz2024, author = {Neitz, Hermann}, title = {Hydrophobic recognition motifs in functionalized DNA}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34838}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348382}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In w{\"a}ssriger Umgebung spielen hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen eine wichtige Rolle f{\"u}r die DNA. Die Einf{\"u}hrung von Modifikationen, die auf hydrophoben aromatischen Einheiten basieren, kann die Erkennung und Reaktivit{\"a}t von funktionellen Gruppen in der DNA steuern. Modifikationen k{\"o}nnen durch ein k{\"u}nstliches R{\"u}ckgrat oder in Form einer Erweiterung der Nukleobasen eingebracht werden und so zu zus{\"a}tzlichen Eigenschaften der DNA f{\"u}hren. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Verwendung von hydrophoben Einheiten zur Funktionalisierung von DNA. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Tolanmotiv (Diphenylacetylen) in Kombination mit dem acyclischen R{\"u}ckgrat von GNA und BuNA verwendet, um Erkennungseinheiten im DNA-Kontext zu erzeugen. Die gezielte Fluorierung der aromatischen Ringe des Tolan-Bausteins bildete die Grundlage f{\"u}r eine supramolekulare Sprache, die auf Aren-Fluoroaren-Wechselwirkungen basiert. Die spezifische Erkennung wurde mittels thermodynamischer, kinetischer und NMR-spektroskopischer Methoden untersucht. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Desoxyuridin-Derivate mit einer hydrophoben aromatischen Modifikation hergestellt und in die DNA-Doppelhelix eingebaut. Die Bestrahlung mit UV-Licht f{\"u}hrte zu einer [2+2]-Cycloaddition zwischen zwei modifizierten Nukleosiden in der DNA. Das Reaktionsprodukt wurde strukturell charakterisiert und die Reaktion in verschiedenen biochemischen und nanotechnologischen DNA-Anwendungen eingesetzt.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nadernezhad2024, author = {Nadernezhad, Ali}, title = {Engineering approaches in biofabrication of vascularized structures}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34589}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345892}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Biofabrication technologies must address numerous parameters and conditions to reconstruct tissue complexity in vitro. A critical challenge is vascularization, especially for large constructs exceeding diffusion limits. This requires the creation of artificial vascular structures, a task demanding the convergence and integration of multiple engineering approaches. This doctoral dissertation aims to achieve two primary objectives: firstly, to implement and refine engineering methods for creating artificial microvascular structures using Melt Electrowriting (MEW)-assisted sacrificial templating, and secondly, to deepen the understanding of the critical factors influencing the printability of bioink formulations in 3D extrusion bioprinting. In the first part of this dissertation, two innovative sacrificial templating techniques using MEW are explored. Utilizing a carbohydrate glass as a fugitive material, a pioneering advancement in the processing of sugars with MEW with a resolution under 100 microns was made. Furthermore, by introducing the "print-and-fuse" strategy as a groundbreaking method, biomimetic branching microchannels embedded in hydrogel matrices were fabricated, which can then be endothelialized to mirror in vivo vascular conditions. The second part of the dissertation explores extrusion bioprinting. By introducing a simple binary bioink formulation, the correlation between physical properties and printability was showcased. In the next step, employing state-of-the-art machine-learning approaches revealed a deeper understanding of the correlations between bioink properties and printability in an extended library of hydrogel formulations. This dissertation offers in-depth insights into two key biofabrication technologies. Future work could merge these into hybrid methods for the fabrication of vascularized constructs, combining MEW's precision with fine-tuned bioink properties in automated extrusion bioprinting.}, subject = {3D-Druck}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weber2024, author = {Weber, Justus C.}, title = {Development and preclinical assessment of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells for the treatment of clear cell renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-310399}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Adoptive immunotherapy using chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells is an effective treatment for hematological malignancies that are refractory to conventional chemotherapy. To address a wider variety of cancer entities, there is a need to identify and characterize additional target antigens for CAR-T cell therapy. The two members of the receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor family, ROR1 and ROR2, have been found to be overexpressed on cancer cells and to correlate with aggressive cancer phenotypes. Recently, ROR1-specific CAR-T cells have entered testing in phase I clinical trials, encouraging us to assess the suitability of ROR2 as a novel target for CAR-T cell therapy. To study the therapeutic potential of targeting ROR2 in solid and hematological malignancies, we selected two representative cancer entities with high unmet medical need: renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma. Our data show that ROR2 is commonly expressed on primary samples and cell lines of clear cell renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma. To study the efficacy of ROR2-specific CAR T cell therapy, we designed two CAR constructs with 10-fold binding affinity differences for the same epitope of ROR2. We found both cell products to exhibit antigen-specific anti-tumor reactivity in vitro, including tumor cell lysis, secretion of the effector cytokines interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-gamma (IFNγ), and T cell proliferation. In vivo studies revealed ROR2 specific CAR-T cells to confer durable responses, significant survival benefits and long-term persistence of CAR-expressing T cells. Overall, there was a trend towards more potent anti-tumor efficacy upon treatment with T cells that expressed the CAR with higher affinity for ROR2, both in vitro and in vivo. We performed a preclinical safety and toxicology assessment comprising analyses of ROR2 expression in healthy human and murine tissues, cross-reactivity, and adoptive T cell transfer in immunodeficient mice. We found ROR2 expression to be conserved in mice, and low-level expression was detectable in the male and female reproductive system as well as parts of the gastrointestinal tract. CAR-T cells targeting human ROR2 were found to elicit similarly potent reactivity upon recognition of murine ROR2. In vivo analyses showed transient tissue-specific enrichment and activation of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells in organs with high blood circulation, such as lung, liver, or spleen, without evidence for clinical toxicity or tissue damage as determined by histological analyses. Furthermore, we humanized the CAR binding domain of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells to mitigate the risk of adverse immune reactions and concomitant CAR-T cell rejection. Functional analyses confirmed that humanized CARs retained their specificity and functionality against ROR2-positive tumor cells in vitro. In summary, we show that ROR2 is a prevalent target in RCC and MM, which can be addressed effectively with ROR2-specific CAR-T cells in preclinical models. Our preliminary toxicity studies suggest a favorable safety profile for ROR2-specific CAR-T cells. These findings support the potential to develop ROR2-specific CAR-T cells clinically to obtain cell products with broad utility.}, subject = {CAR-T-Zell-Therapie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pres2024, author = {Pres, Sebastian}, title = {Detection of a plasmon-polariton quantum wave packet by coherent 2D nanoscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34824}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348242}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Plasmonic nanostructures are considered promising candidates for essential components of integrated quantum technologies because of their ability to efficiently localize broad-band electromagnetic fields on the nanoscale. The resulting local near field can be understood as a spatial superposition of spectrally different plasmon-polariton modes due to the spectrally broad optical excitation, and thus can be described as a classical wave packet. Since plasmon polaritons, in turn, can transmit and receive non-classical light states, the exciting question arises to what extent they have to be described as quantum mechanical wave packets, i.e. as a superposition of different quantum states. But how to probe, characterize and eventually manipulate the quantum state of such plasmon polaritons? Up to now, probing at room temperatures relied completely on analyzing quantum optical properties of the corresponding in-going and out-going far-field photon modes. However, these methods so far only allow a rather indirect investigation of the plasmon-polariton quantum state by means of transfer into photons. Moreover, these indirect methods lack spatial resolution and therefore do not provide on-site access to the plasmon-polariton quantum state. However, since the spectroscopic method of coherent two-dimensional (2D) nanoscopy offers the capability to follow the plasmon- polariton quantum state both in Hilbert space and in space and time domain a complete characterization of the plasmon polariton is possible. In this thesis a versatile coherent 2D nanoscopy setup is presented combining spectral tunability and femtosecond time resolution with spatial resolution on the nanometer scale due to the detection of optically excited nonlinear emitted electrons via photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). Optical excitation by amplitude- and phase-shaped, systematically-modified and interferometric-stable multipulse sequences is realized, and characterized via Fourier-transform spectral interferometry (FTSI). This linear technique enables efficient data acquisition in parallel to a simultaneously performed experiment. The full electric-field reconstruction of every generated multipulse sequence is used to analyze the effect of non-ideal pulse sequences on the two-dimensional spectral data of population-based multidimensional spectroscopy methods like, e.g., the coherent 2D nanoscopy applied in this thesis. Investigation of the spatially-resolved nonlinear electron emission yield from plasmonic gold nanoresonators by coherent 2D nanoscopy requires a quasi-particle treatment of the addressed plasmon-polariton mode and development of a quantum model to adequately describe the plasmon-assisted multi-quantum electron emission from nanostructures. Good agreement between simulated and experimental data enables to connect certain spectral features to superpositions of non-adjacent plasmon-polariton quantum states, i.e, non-adjacent occupation-number states of the underlying quantized, harmonic oscillator, thus direct probing of the plasmon-polariton quantum wave packet at the location of the nanostructure. This is a necessary step to locally control and manipulate the plasmon-polariton quantum state and thus of general interest for the realization of nanoscale quantum optical devices.}, subject = {Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ibrahim2024, author = {Ibrahim, Eslam Samir Ragab}, title = {Unraveling the function of the old yellow enzyme OfrA in \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\) stress response}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28960}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Biological systems are in dynamic interaction. Many responses reside in the core concepts of biological systems interplay (competition and cooperation). In infection situation, the competition between a bacterial system and a host is shaped by many stressors at spatial and temporal determinants. Reactive chemical species are universal stressors against all biological systems since they potentially damage the basic requirements of these systems (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids). Either produced endogenously or exogenously, reactive chemical species affect the survival of pathogens including the gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Therefore, bacteria developed strategies to overcome the toxicity of reactive species. S. aureus is a widely found opportunistic pathogen. In its niche, S. aureus is in permanent contact with surrounding microbes and host factors. Deciphering the deterministic factors in these interactions could facilitate pinpointing novel bacterial targets. Identifying the aforementioned targets is crucial to develop new strategies not only to kill the pathogenic organisms but also to enhance the normal flora to minimize the pathogenicity and virulence of potential pathogens. Moreover, targeting S. aureus stress response can be used to overcome bacterial resistance against host-derived factors. In this study, I identify a novel S. aureus stress response factor against reactive electrophilic, oxygen, and hypochlorite species to better understand its resilience as a pathogen. Although bacterial stress response is an active research field, gene function is a current bottleneck in characterizing the understudied bacterial strategies to mediate stress conditions. I aimed at understanding the function of a novel protein family integrated in many defense systems of several biological systems. In bacteria, fungi, and plants, old yellow enzymes (OYEs) are widely found. Since the first isolation of the yellow flavoprotein, OYEs are used as biocatalysts for decades to reduce activated C=C bonds in α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The promiscuity of the enzymatic catalysis is advantageous for industrial applications. However, the physiological function of OYEs, especially in bacteria, is still puzzling. Moreover, the relevance of the OYEs in infection conditions remained enigmatic.   Here, I show that there are two groups of OYEs (OYE flavin oxidoreductase, OfrA and OfrB) that are encoded in staphylococci and some firmicutes. OfrA (SAUSA300_0859) is more conserved than OfrB (SAUSA300_0322) in staphylococci and is a part of the staphylococcal core genome. A reporter system was established to report for ofrA in S. aureus background. The results showed that ofrA is induced under electrophilic, oxidative, and hypochlorite stress. OfrA protects S. aureus against quinone, methylglyoxal, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorite stress. Additionally, the results provide evidence that OfrA supports thiol-dependent redox homeostasis. At the host-pathogen interface, OfrA promotes S. aureus fitness in murine macrophage cell line. In whole human blood, OfrA is involved in S. aureus survival indicating a potential clinical relevance to bacteraemia. In addition, ofrA mutation affects the production of the virulence factor staphyloxanthin via the upper mevalonate pathway. In summary, decoding OfrA function and its proposed mechanism of action in S. aureus shed the light on a conserved stress response within multiple organisms.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopic2024, author = {Kopic, Eva}, title = {On the physiological role of post-translational regulation of the \(Arabidopsis\) guard cell outward rectifying potassium channel GORK}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34880}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348806}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das streng regulierte Gleichgewicht zwischen CO2-Aufnahme und Transpiration ist f{\"u}r Pflanzen essentiell und h{\"a}ngt von kontrollierten Turgor{\"a}nderungen ab, die durch die Aktivit{\"a}t verschiedener Anionen- und Kationenkan{\"a}le verursacht werden. Diese Kan{\"a}le sind Teil von Signalkaskaden, die z. B. durch Phytohormone wie ABA (Abscisins{\"a}ure) und JA (Jasmonat) ausgel{\"o}st werden, die beide bei Trockenstress in den Schließzellen wirken. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist bekannt, dass JA an der Reaktion der Pflanze auf Pathogenbefall oder Verwundung beteiligt ist. GORK (guard cell outward rectifying K+ channel) ist der einzige bekannte, ausw{\"a}rts gleichrichtende K+-Kanal in Schließzellen und somit f{\"u}r den K+-Efflux beim Schließen der Stomata verantwortlich. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass GORK ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des JA-induzierten Stomatschlusses ist. Dies gilt f{\"u}r beide Ausl{\"o}ser, sowohl die Blattverwundung als auch die direkte Anwendung von JA. Patch-Clamp-Experimente an Protoplasten von Schließzellen untermauerten dieses Ergebnis, indem sie GORK-K+-Ausw{\"a}rtsstr{\"o}me als direktes Ziel von JA-Signalen entlarvten. Da bekannt ist, dass zytosolische Ca2+-Signale sowohl bei ABA- als auch bei JA-Signalen eine Rolle spielen, wurde die Interaktion von GORK mit Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngigen Kinasen untersucht. Eine antagonistische Regulation von GORK durch CIPK5-CBL1/9-Komplexe und ABI2 konnte durch DEVC (double electrode voltage clamp) sowie Protein-Protein-Interaktions-Experimente identifiziert und durch in-vitro Kinase-Assays untermauert werden. Patch-Clamp-Aufzeichnungen an Protoplasten von Schließzellen der cipk5-2 Funktions-Verlust-Mutante zeigten die Bedeutung von CIPK5 f{\"u}r den JA-induzierten Stomaschluss via Aktivierung von GORK. Die Interaktion verschiedener CDPKs (Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngige Proteinkinasen) mit GORK wurde ebenfalls untersucht. Neben der Ca2+-Signal{\"u}bertragung ist auch die Produktion von ROS (reaktive Sauerstoffspezies) f{\"u}r die ABA- und MeJA-Signal{\"u}bertragung von Bedeutung. In DEVC-Experimenten konnte ein reversibler Effekt von ROS auf die GORK-Kanalaktivit{\"a}t nachgewiesen werden, was ein Teil der Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r diese ROS-Effekte bei ABA- und MeJA-Signalen sein k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Spalt{\"o}ffnung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Triyasmono2024, author = {Triyasmono, Liling}, title = {Development and Application of Quantitative \(^1\)H NMR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Quality Determination of Red Fruit (\(Pandanus\) \(conoideus\), Lam.) Oil}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30272}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis, a new approach of a qNMR method has been investigated to demonstrate the reliability and importance of this method as an alternative solution for analyzing oil quality parameters, especially in RFO, which has particular characteristics (red color). This study also includes the chemometric evaluation of spectral data for authentication, visual grouping, and prediction of RFO quality based on the degree of unsaturation, FFA value, and unsaturated fatty acid content. The analytical measurement procedure of NMR spectroscopy begins with optimization of the analytical acquisition parameters, including effect of solvent, effect of sample concentration, selection of appropriate internal standards, determination of T1, and method validation. Furthermore, the results of the method development were interpreted to RFO samples evaluation, which began with determining the assignment of signal spectra for the determination of AV, SV, EV, and IV simultaneously with: the hydrolysis approach and standard addition of palmitic acid.}, subject = {NMR-Spektroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{HartmannsbergerScribaGuidolinetal.2024, author = {Hartmannsberger, Beate and Scriba, Sabrina and Guidolin, Carolina and Becker, Juliane and Mehling, Katharina and Doppler, Kathrin and Sommer, Claudia and Rittner, Heike L.}, title = {Transient immune activation without loss of intraepidermal innervation and associated Schwann cells in patients with complex regional pain syndrome}, series = {Journal of Neuroinflammation}, volume = {21}, journal = {Journal of Neuroinflammation}, doi = {10.1186/s12974-023-02969-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357164}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) develops after injury and is characterized by disproportionate pain, oedema, and functional loss. CRPS has clinical signs of neuropathy as well as neurogenic inflammation. Here, we asked whether skin biopsies could be used to differentiate the contribution of these two systems to ultimately guide therapy. To this end, the cutaneous sensory system including nerve fibres and the recently described nociceptive Schwann cells as well as the cutaneous immune system were analysed. Methods We systematically deep-phenotyped CRPS patients and immunolabelled glabrous skin biopsies from the affected ipsilateral and non-affected contralateral finger of 19 acute (< 12 months) and 6 chronic (> 12 months after trauma) CRPS patients as well as 25 sex- and age-matched healthy controls (HC). Murine foot pads harvested one week after sham or chronic constriction injury were immunolabelled to assess intraepidermal Schwann cells. Results Intraepidermal Schwann cells were detected in human skin of the finger—but their density was much lower compared to mice. Acute and chronic CRPS patients suffered from moderate to severe CRPS symptoms and corresponding pain. Most patients had CRPS type I in the warm category. Their cutaneous neuroglial complex was completely unaffected despite sensory plus signs, e.g. allodynia and hyperalgesia. Cutaneous innate sentinel immune cells, e.g. mast cells and Langerhans cells, infiltrated or proliferated ipsilaterally independently of each other—but only in acute CRPS. No additional adaptive immune cells, e.g. T cells and plasma cells, infiltrated the skin. Conclusions Diagnostic skin punch biopsies could be used to diagnose individual pathophysiology in a very heterogenous disease like acute CRPS to guide tailored treatment in the future. Since numbers of inflammatory cells and pain did not necessarily correlate, more in-depth analysis of individual patients is necessary.}, language = {en} } @article{MittermeierSeidelScheineretal.2024, author = {Mittermeier, Sabrina and Seidel, Alexandra and Scheiner, Christin and Kleindienst, Nikolaus and Romanos, Marcel and Buerger, Arne}, title = {Emotional dysregulation and its pathways to suicidality in a community-based sample of adolescents}, series = {Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health}, volume = {18}, journal = {Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health}, issn = {1753-2000}, doi = {10.1186/s13034-023-00699-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357501}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Objective Effective suicide prevention for adolescents is urgently needed but difficult, as suicide models lack a focus on age-specific influencing factors such as emotional dysregulation. Moreover, examined predictors often do not specifically consider the contribution to the severity of suicidality. To determine which adolescents are at high risk of more severe suicidality, we examined the association between emotional dysregulation and severity of suicidality directly as well as indirectly via depressiveness and nonsuicidal self-injury. Method Adolescents from 18 high schools in Bavaria were included in this cross-sectional and questionnaire-based study as part of a larger prevention study. Data were collected between November 2021 and March 2022 and were analyzed from January 2023 to April 2023. Students in the 6th or 7th grade of high school (11-14 years) were eligible to participate. A total of 2350 adolescents were surveyed and data from 2117 students were used for the analyses after excluding incomplete data sets. Our main outcome variable was severity of suicidality (Paykel Suicide Scale, PSS). Additionally, we assessed emotional dysregulation (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, DERS-SF), depressiveness (Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-9) and nonsuicidal self-injury (Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory, DSHI). Results In total, 2117 adolescents (51.6\% female; mean age, 12.31 years [standard deviation: 0.67]) were included in the structural equation model (SEM). Due to a clear gender-specific influence, the model was calculated separately for male and female adolescents. For male adolescents, there was a significant indirect association between emotional dysregulation and severity of suicidality, mediated by depressiveness (β = 0.15, SE = .03, p = .008). For female adolescents, there was a significant direct path from emotional dysregulation to severity of suicidality and also indirect paths via depressiveness (β = 0.12, SE = .05, p = 0.02) and NSSI (β = 0.18, SE = .04, p < .001). Conclusions Our results suggest that gender-related risk markers in 11-14-year-olds need to be included in future suicide models to increase their predictive power. According to our findings, early detection and prevention interventions based on emotion regulation skills might be enhanced by including gender-specific adjustments for the co-occurrence of emotional dysregulation, depressiveness, and nonsuicidal self-injury in girls and the co-occurrence of emotional dysregulation and depressiveness in boys.}, language = {en} } @misc{Schnermann2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Schnermann, Sophia Victoria}, title = {The impact of China's e-mobility development on German motor vehicle manufacturers}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35327}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-353276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Compared to other countries, China was particularly early in developing a comprehensive set of policies to promote electric mobility (e-mobility). The aim of this study is to examine how China's e-mobility development - through changes in formal institutions as well as market forces - has affected German passenger car manufacturers and their competitive environment and positions. The study is guided by two strands of research: new institutional economics and strategic management literature. A holistic multiple-case design is used to analyze five German case study firms. Qualitative interview data are collected through interviews and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The results show that the electric transformation in China has been shaped by changes in formal institutions at the macro, meso, and micro levels. Interestingly, the case study firms were affected not only by changes in China's formal institutions but also by disparities between institutions in China and Europe. Furthermore, the data suggest that German car manufacturers are facing an increasingly competitive environment in China: at least four forces in Porter's five-forces model seem to have intensified in recent years. The extent to which the case study firms have been affected by these developments may depend on the industry segments in which they are positioned. However, it can be argued that the electric transition has blurred the lines between traditional segments of the car industry to some extent. The interview data do not provide evidence that any of the German car brands have substantially changed their positioning, but they do suggest that some of the case study companies did not have an adequate offering for the Chinese market at the time of the interviews. In addition, the study finds that China's transition to e-mobility has led to changes in various parts of the German automakers' value chains, including production, sales, marketing, services, research and development, and procurement. Whether these changes will ultimately result in competitive advantage, parity, or disadvantage remains to be seen.}, subject = {Institutionen{\"o}konomie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Allgaier2024, author = {Allgaier, Johannes}, title = {Machine Learning Explainability on Multi-Modal Data using Ecological Momentary Assessments in the Medical Domain}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35118}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351189}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Introduction. Mobile health (mHealth) integrates mobile devices into healthcare, enabling remote monitoring, data collection, and personalized interventions. Machine Learning (ML), a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI), can use mHealth data to confirm or extend domain knowledge by finding associations within the data, i.e., with the goal of improving healthcare decisions. In this work, two data collection techniques were used for mHealth data fed into ML systems: Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS), which is a collaborative data gathering approach, and Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMA), which capture real-time individual experiences within the individual's common environments using questionnaires and sensors. We collected EMA and MCS data on tinnitus and COVID-19. About 15 \% of the world's population suffers from tinnitus. Materials \& Methods. This thesis investigates the challenges of ML systems when using MCS and EMA data. It asks: How can ML confirm or broad domain knowledge? Domain knowledge refers to expertise and understanding in a specific field, gained through experience and education. Are ML systems always superior to simple heuristics and if yes, how can one reach explainable AI (XAI) in the presence of mHealth data? An XAI method enables a human to understand why a model makes certain predictions. Finally, which guidelines can be beneficial for the use of ML within the mHealth domain? In tinnitus research, ML discerns gender, temperature, and season-related variations among patients. In the realm of COVID-19, we collaboratively designed a COVID-19 check app for public education, incorporating EMA data to offer informative feedback on COVID-19-related matters. This thesis uses seven EMA datasets with more than 250,000 assessments. Our analyses revealed a set of challenges: App user over-representation, time gaps, identity ambiguity, and operating system specific rounding errors, among others. Our systematic review of 450 medical studies assessed prior utilization of XAI methods. Results. ML models predict gender and tinnitus perception, validating gender-linked tinnitus disparities. Using season and temperature to predict tinnitus shows the association of these variables with tinnitus. Multiple assessments of one app user can constitute a group. Neglecting these groups in data sets leads to model overfitting. In select instances, heuristics outperform ML models, highlighting the need for domain expert consultation to unveil hidden groups or find simple heuristics. Conclusion. This thesis suggests guidelines for mHealth related data analyses and improves estimates for ML performance. Close communication with medical domain experts to identify latent user subsets and incremental benefits of ML is essential.}, subject = {Maschinelles Lernen}, language = {en} } @article{StanglPoppReisetal.2024, author = {Stangl, Stephanie and Popp, Maria and Reis, Stefanie and Sitter, Magdalena and Saal-Bauernschubert, Lena and Schießer, Selina and Kranke, Peter and Choorapoikayil, Suma and Weibel, Stephanie and Meybohm, Patrick}, title = {Reported outcomes in patients with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia undergoing major surgery: a systematic review of outcomes}, series = {Systematic Reviews}, volume = {13}, journal = {Systematic Reviews}, doi = {10.1186/s13643-023-02431-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357213}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background Iron deficiency (ID) is the leading cause of anemia worldwide. The prevalence of preoperative ID ranges from 23 to 33\%. Preoperative anemia is associated with worse outcomes, making it important to diagnose and treat ID before elective surgery. Several studies indicated the effectiveness of intravenous iron supplementation in iron deficiency with or without anemia (ID(A)). However, it remains challenging to establish reliable evidence due to heterogeneity in utilized study outcomes. The development of a core outcome set (COS) can help to reduce this heterogeneity by proposing a minimal set of meaningful and standardized outcomes. The aim of our systematic review was to identify and assess outcomes reported in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies investigating iron supplementation in iron-deficient patients with or without anemia. Methods We searched MEDLINE, CENTRAL, and ClinicalTrials.gov systematically from 2000 to April 1, 2022. RCTs and observational studies investigating iron supplementation in patients with a preoperative diagnosis of ID(A), were included. Study characteristics and reported outcomes were extracted. Outcomes were categorized according to an established outcome taxonomy. Quality of outcome reporting was assessed with a pre-specified tool. Reported clinically relevant differences for sample size calculation were extracted. Results Out of 2898 records, 346 underwent full-text screening and 13 studies (five RCTs, eight observational studies) with sufficient diagnostic inclusion criteria for iron deficiency with or without anemia (ID(A)) were eligible. It is noteworthy to mention that 49 studies were excluded due to no confirmed diagnosis of ID(A). Overall, 111 outcomes were structured into five core areas including nine domains. Most studies (92\%) reported outcomes within the 'blood and lymphatic system' domain, followed by "adverse event" (77\%) and "need for further resources" (77\%). All of the latter reported on the need for blood transfusion. Reported outcomes were heterogeneous in measures and timing. Merely, two (33\%) of six prospective studies were registered prospectively of which one (17\%) showed no signs of selective outcome reporting. Conclusion This systematic review comprehensively depicts the heterogeneity of reported outcomes in studies investigating iron supplementation in ID(A) patients regarding exact definitions and timing. Our analysis provides a systematic base for consenting to a minimal COS. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42020214247}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bayer2024, author = {Bayer, Florian}, title = {Investigating electromagnetic properties of topological surface states in mercury telluride}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35212}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352127}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This doctoral thesis investigates magneto-optical properties of mercury telluride layers grown tensile strained on cadmium telluride substrates. Here, layer thicknesses start above the usual quantum well thickness of about 20 nm and have a upper boundary around 100 nm due to lattice relaxation effects. This kind of layer system has been attributed to the material class of three-dimensional topological insulators in numerous publications. This class stands out due to intrinsic boundary states which cross the energetic band gap of the layer's bulk. In order to investigate the band structure properties in a narrow region around the Fermi edge, including possible boundary states, the method of highly precise time-domain Terahertz polarimetry is used. In the beginning, the state of the art of Teraherz technology at the start of this project is discussed, moving on to a detailed description and characterization of the self-built measurement setup. Typical standard deviation of a polarization rotation or ellipticity measurement are on the order of 10 to 100 millidegrees, according to the transmission strength through investigated samples. A range of polarization spectra, depending on external magnetic fields up to 10 Tesla, can be extracted from the time-domain signal via Fourier transformation. The identification of the actual band structure is done by modeling possible band structures by means of the envelope function approximation within the framework of the k·p method. First the bands are calculated based on well-established model parameters and from them the possible optical transitions and expected ellipticity spectra, all depending on external magnetic fields and the layer's charge carrier concentration. By comparing expected with measured spectra, the validity of k·p models with varying depths of detail is analyzed throughout this thesis. The rich information encoded in the ellipitcity spectra delivers key information for the attribution of single optical transitions, which are not part of pure absorption spectroscopy. For example, the sign of the ellipticity signals is linked to the mix of Landau levels which contribute to an optical transition, which shows direct evidence for bulk inversion asymmetry effects in the measured spectra. Throughout the thesis, the results are compared repeatedly with existing publications on the topic. It is shown that the models used there are often insufficient or, in worst case, plainly incorrect. Wherever meaningful and possible without greater detours, the differences to the conclusions that can be drawn from the k·p model are discussed. The analysis ends with a detailed look on remaining differences between model and measurement. It contains the quality of model parameters as well as different approaches to integrate electrostatic potentials that exist in the structures into the model. An outlook on possible future developments of the mercury cadmium telluride layer systems, as well as the application of the methods shown here onto further research questions concludes the thesis.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Endres2024, author = {Endres, Leo Maximilian}, title = {Development of multicellular \(in\) \(vitro\) models of the meningeal blood-CSF barrier to study \(Neisseria\) \(meningitidis\) infection}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34621}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346216}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Neisseria meningitidis (the meningococcus) is one of the major causes of bacterial meningitis, a life-threatening inflammation of the meninges. Traversal of the meningeal blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (mBCSFB), which is composed of highly specialized brain endothelial cells (BECs), and subsequent interaction with leptomeningeal cells (LMCs) are critical for disease progression. Due to the human-exclusive tropism of N. meningitidis, research on this complex host-pathogen interaction is mostly limited to in vitro studies. Previous studies have primarily used peripheral or immortalized BECs alone, which do not retain relevant barrier phenotypes in culture. To study meningococcal interaction with the mBCSFB in a physiologically more accurate context, BEC-LMC co-culture models were developed in this project using BEC-like cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iBECs) or hCMEC/D3 cells in combination with LMCs derived from tumor biopsies. Distinct BEC and LMC layers as well as characteristic expression of cellular markers were observed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunofluorescence staining. Clear junctional expression of brain endothelial tight and adherens junction proteins was detected in the iBEC layer. LMC co-culture increased iBEC barrier tightness and stability over a period of seven days, as determined by sodium fluorescein (NaF) permeability and transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER). Infection experiments demonstrated comparable meningococcal adhesion and invasion of the BEC layer in all models tested, consistent with previously published data. While only few bacteria crossed the iBEC-LMC barrier initially, transmigration rates increased substantially over 24 hours, despite constant high TEER. After 24 hours of infection, deterioration of the barrier properties was observed including loss of TEER and altered expression of tight and adherens junction components. Reduced mRNA levels of ZO-1, claudin-5, and VE-cadherin were detected in BECs from all models. qPCR and siRNA knockdown data suggested that transcriptional downregulation of these genes was potentially but not solely mediated by Snail1. Immunofluorescence staining showed reduced junctional coverage of occludin, indicating N. meningitidis-induced post-transcriptional modulation of this protein, as previous studies have suggested. Together, these results suggest a potential combination of transcellular and paracellular meningococcal traversal of the mBCSFB, with the more accessible paracellular route becoming available upon barrier disruption after prolonged N. meningitidis infection. Finally, N. meningitidis induced cellular expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines such as IL-8 in all mBCSFB models. Overall, the work described in this thesis highlights the usefulness of advanced in vitro models of the mBCSFB that mimic native physiology and exhibit relevant barrier properties to study infection with meningeal pathogens such as N. meningitidis.}, subject = {Bakterielle Hirnhautentz{\"u}ndung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmid2024, author = {Schmid, Kerstin}, title = {Integrative, three-dimensional \(in\) \(silico\) modeling of gas exchange in the human alveolus}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35182}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351823}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Lunge erf{\"u}llt durch den Austausch von Atemgasen eine {\"u}berlebenswichtige Aufgabe. Der Gasaustausch erfolgt durch einen einfachen, aber entscheidenden passiven Diffusionsprozess. Dieser findet in den Alveolen statt, ballonartigen Strukturen, die an die peripheren Atemwege grenzen. Alveolen sind von einem dichten Netz aus kleinen Kapillaren umgeben. Hier kommt die eingeatmete Luft in unmittelbare N{\"a}he zu dem vom Herzen kommenden sauerstoffarmen Blut und erm{\"o}glicht den Austausch von Sauerstoff und Kohlenstoffdioxid {\"u}ber deren Konzentrationsgradienten. Die Effizienz des Gasaustauschs kann anhand von Indikatoren wie der Sauerstoffdiffusionskapazit{\"a}t der Lunge und der Reaktionshalbzeit gemessen werden. Beim Menschen besteht eine betr{\"a}chtliche Diskrepanz zwischen physiologischen Sch{\"a}tzungen der Diffusionskapazit{\"a}t und der theoretischen Maximalkapazit{\"a}t unter optimalen strukturellen Bedingungen (der morphologischen Sch{\"a}tzung). Diese Diskrepanz wird durch eine Reihe ineinandergreifender Faktoren beeinflusst, darunter strukturelle Elemente wie die Oberfl{\"a}che und die Dicke der Diffusionsbarriere sowie physiologische Faktoren wie die Blutflussdynamik. Um die verschiedenen Rollen dieser Faktoren zu entschl{\"u}sseln, untersuchten wir, wie die morphologischen und physiologischen Eigenschaften der menschlichen alveol{\"a}ren Mikroumgebung kollektiv und individuell den Prozess des Gasaustauschs beeinflussen. Zu diesem Zweck entwickelten wir einen integrativen in silico Ansatz, der 3D morphologische Modellierung und Simulation von Blutfluss und Sauerstofftransport kombiniert. Im Mittelpunkt unseres Ansatzes steht die Simulationssoftware Alvin, die als interaktive Plattform f{\"u}r das zugrundeliegende mathematische Modell des Sauerstofftransports in der Alveole dient. Unser r{\"a}umlich-zeitliches Modell wurde durch die Integration und Erweiterung bestehender mathematischer Modelle entwickelt und liefert Ergebnisse, die mit experimentellen Daten im Einklang stehen. Alvin erm{\"o}glicht eine immersive Auseinandersetzung mit dem simulierten Gasaustausch, indem sie Parameter{\"a}nderungen in Echtzeit und die Ausf{\"u}hrung mehrerer Simulationsinstanzen gleichzeitig erm{\"o}glicht w{\"a}hrend sie ein detailliertes quantitatives Feedback liefert. Die beteiligten morphologischen und physiologischen Parameter wurden mit einem Fokus auf der Mikrovaskulatur weiter untersucht. Durch die Zusammenstellung stereologischer Daten aus der Literatur und geometrischer 3D-Modellierung erstellten wir ein "sheet-flow" Modell als realistische Darstellung des menschlichen alveol{\"a}ren Kapillarnetzwerks. Blutfluss wurde mit Hilfe numerischer Str{\"o}mungsdynamik simuliert. Unsere Ergebnisse stimmen mit fr{\"u}heren Sch{\"a}tzungen {\"u}berein und unterstreichen die entscheidende Rolle von Viskosit{\"a}tsmodellen bei der Vorhersage des Druckabfalls in der Mikrovaskulatur. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigten wir, wie unser Ansatz genutzt werden kann, um strukturelle Details wie die Konnektivit{\"a}t des alveol{\"a}ren Kapillarnetzes mit dem Gef{\"a}ßbaum anhand von Blutflussindizes zu untersuchen. Es ist wichtig zu betonen, dass wir uns bislang auf verschiedene Datenquellen st{\"u}tzten und dass f{\"u}r weitere Fortschritte eine experimentelle Vailidierung erforderlich ist. Die Integration unserer Ergebnisse in Alvin erm{\"o}glichte die Quantifizierung des simulierten Gasaustauschprozesses {\"u}ber die Sauerstoffdiffusionskapazit{\"a}t und die Reaktionshalbzeit. Neben der Bewertung der kollektiven Einfl{\"u}sse der morphologischen und physiologischen Eigenschaften erleichterte unsere interaktive Software auch die Bewertung einzelner Parameter{\"a}nderungen. Die Betrachtung des Blutvolumens und der f{\"u}r den Gasaustausch zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Oberfl{\"a}che ergab lineare Korrelationen mit der Diffusionskapazit{\"a}t. Die Blutflussgeschwindigkeit hatte einen positiven, nichtlinearen Effekt auf die Diffusionskapazit{\"a}t. Die Reaktionshalbzeit best{\"a}tigte, dass der Gasaustauschprozess in der Regel nicht diffusionslimitiert ist. Insgesamt lieferte unser Alveolenmodell einen Wert f{\"u}r die Diffusionskapazit{\"a}t, der in der Mitte der fr{\"u}heren physiologischen und morphologischen Sch{\"a}tzung lag. Daraus l{\"a}sst sich schließen, dass Ph{\"a}nomene auf Alveolarebene zu 50\% der Limitierung der Diffusionskapazit{\"a}t beitragen, die in vivo eintreten. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass unser integrativer in silico Ansatz verschiedene strukturelle und funktionelle Einfl{\"u}sse auf den alveol{\"a}ren Gasaustausch aufschl{\"u}sselt und damit die traditionelle Forschung in der Atemwegsforschung erg{\"a}nzt. Zus{\"a}tzlich zeigen wir seinen Nutzen in der Lehre oder bei der Interpretation ver{\"o}ffentlichter Daten auf. Um unser Verst{\"a}ndnis zu verbessern, sollten k{\"u}nftige Arbeiten vorrangig darauf ausgerichtet sein, einen zusammenh{\"a}ngenden experimentellen Datensatz zu erhalten und ein geeignetes Viskosit{\"a}tsmodell f{\"u}r Blutflusssimulationen zu finden.}, subject = {Gasaustausch}, language = {en} } @unpublished{OdenwaldGabiattiBrauneetal.2024, author = {Odenwald, Johanna and Gabiatti, Bernardo and Braune, Silke and Shen, Siqi and Zoltner, Martin and Kramer, Susanne}, title = {Beyond BioID: Streptavidin outcompetes antibody fluorescence signals in protein localization and readily visualises targets evading immunofluorescence detection}, series = {eLife}, journal = {eLife}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.95028.1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360704}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Immunofluorescence is a common method to localise proteins within their cellular context via fluorophore labelled antibodies and for some applications without alternative. However, some protein targets evade detection due to low protein abundance or accessibility issues. In addition, some imaging methods require a massive reduction in antigen density thus impeding detection of even medium-abundant proteins.Here, we show that the fusion of the target protein to TurboID, a biotin ligase labelling lysine residues in close proximity, and subsequent detection of biotinylation by fluorescent streptavidin offers an "all in one" solution to the above-mentioned restrictions. For a wide range of target proteins tested, the streptavidin signal was significantly stronger than an antibody signal, markedly improving the imaging sensitivity in expansion microscopy and correlative light and electron microscopy, with no loss in resolution. Importantly, proteins within phase-separated regions, such as the central channel of the nuclear pores, the nucleolus or RNA granules, were readily detected with streptavidin, while most antibodies fail to label proteins in these environments. When TurboID is used in tandem with an HA epitope tag, co-probing with streptavidin and anti-HA can be used to map antibody-accessibility to certain cellular regions. As a proof of principle, we mapped antibody access to all trypanosome nuclear pore proteins (NUPs) and found restricted antibody labelling of all FG NUPs of the central channel that are known to be phase-separated, while most non-FG Nups could be labelled. Lastly, we show that streptavidin imaging can resolve dynamic, temporally and spatially distinct sub-complexes and, in specific cases, reveal a history of dynamic protein interaction.In conclusion, streptavidin imaging has major advantages for the detection of lowly abundant or inaccessible proteins and in addition, can provide information on protein interactions and biophysical environment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuerger2024, author = {Sch{\"u}rger, Peter}, title = {Information-Theoretical Studies on Time-Dependent Quantum Systems}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35221}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352215}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis, we apply the information-theoretic approach in the context of quantum dynamics and wave packet motion: Information-theoretic measures are calculated from position and momentum densities, which are obtained from time-dependent quantum wave functions. The aim of this thesis is to benchmark, analyze and interpret these quantities and relate their features to the wave packet dynamics. Firstly, this is done for the harmonic oscillator (HO) with and without static disorder. In the unperturbed HO, the analytical study of coherent and squeezed states reveals time-dependent entropy expressions related to the localization of the wave function. In the disordered HO, entropies from classical and quantum dynamics are compared for short and long times. In the quantum case, imprints of wave packet revivals are found in the entropy. Then, the energy dependence of the entropy for very long times is discussed. Secondly, this is donefor correlated electron-nuclear motion. Here, entropies derived from the total, electronic and nuclear density, respectively, are calculated in position and momentum space for weak and strong adiabatic electronic coupling. The correlation between electron and nucleus is investigated using different correlation measures, where some of these functions are sensitive to the nodal structure of the wave function. An analytic ansatz to interpret the information-theoretical quantities is applied as well.}, subject = {St{\"o}rungstheorie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Trinks2024, author = {Trinks, Nora Isabel}, title = {Super-resolution fluorescence microscopic visualization and analysis of interactions between human immune cells and \(Aspergillus\) \(fumigatus\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26640}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266407}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The mold Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) is known as human pathogen and can cause life-threatening infections in humans with a weakened immune system. This is a known complication in patients receiving glucocorticoids, e.g. after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or solid organ transplantation. Although research in the field of immune cell/fungus interaction has discovered key strategies how immune cells fight against infectious fungi, our knowledge is still incomplete. In order to develop effective treatment options against fungal infections, a detailed understanding of their interactions is crucial. Thus, visualization of immune cell and fungus is an excellent approach to gain further knowledge. For a detailed view of such interaction processes, a high optical resolution on nanometer scale is required. There is a variety of super resolution microscopy techniques, enabling fluorescence imaging beyond the diffraction limit. This work combines the use of three complementary super resolution microscopy techniques, in order to study immune cell/fungus interaction from different points of view. Aim of this work is the introduction of the recently invented imaging technique named expansion microscopy (ExM) for the study of immune cell/fungus interactions. The core aspect of this method is the physical magnification of the specimen, which increases the distance between protein structures that are close to each other and which can therefore be imaged separately. The simultaneous magnification of primary human natural killer (NK) cells and A. fumigatus hyphae was established in this work using ExM. Reorganization of cytoskeletal components of interacting NK cells was demonstrated here, by expansion of the immunological synapse (IS), formed between NK cells and A. fumigatus. In addition, reorganization of the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) towards fungal hyphae and an accumulation of actin at the IS has been observed. Furthermore, ExM has been used to visualize lytic granules of NK cells after degranulation. After magnification of the specimen, lysosome associated protein 1 (LAMP1) was shown to surround perforin. In absence of the plasma membrane-exposed degranulation marker LAMP1, a "ring-shaped" structure was often observed for fluorescently labeled perforin. Volume calculation of lytic granules demonstrated the benefit of ExM. Compared to pre-expansion images, analyses of post-expansion images showed two volume distributions for degranulated and non-degranulated NK cells. In addition, this work emphasizes the importance of determining the expansion factor for a structure in each species, as variations of expansion factors have been observed. This factor, as well as possible sample distortions should be considered, when ExM is used in order to analyze the interaction between two species. A second focus of this work is the visualization of a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), targeting an epitope on the cell wall of A. fumigatus. Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) revealed that the CAR is part of the immunological synapse of primary human CAR T cells and CAR-NK-92 cells. At the interaction site, an accumulation of the CAR was observed, as well as the presence of perforin. CAR accumulation at fungal hyphae was further demonstrated by automated live cell imaging of interacting CAR-NK-92 cells, expressing a fluorescent fusion protein. Additionally, the use of direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) gave first insights in CAR expression levels on the basal membrane of CAR-NK-92 cells, with single molecule sensitivity. CAR cluster analyses displayed a heterogeneous CAR density on the basal membrane of transfected NK 92 cells. In summary, this work provides insights into the application of ExM for studying the interaction of primary human NK cells and A. fumigatus for the first time. Furthermore, this thesis presents first insights regarding the characterization of an A. fumigatus-targeting CAR, by applying super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, like SIM and dSTORM.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{MeinertJessenHufnageletal.2024, author = {Meinert, Madlen and Jessen, Christina and Hufnagel, Anita and Kreß, Julia Katharina Charlotte and Burnworth, Mychal and D{\"a}ubler, Theo and Gallasch, Till and Da Xavier Silva, Thamara Nishida and Dos Santos, Anc{\´e}ly Ferreira and Ade, Carsten Patrick and Schmitz, Werner and Kneitz, Susanne and Friedmann Angeli, Jos{\´e} Pedro and Meierjohann, Svenja}, title = {Thiol starvation triggers melanoma state switching in an ATF4 and NRF2-dependent manner}, series = {Redox Biology}, volume = {70}, journal = {Redox Biology}, doi = {10.1016/j.redox.2023.103011}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350328}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The cystine/glutamate antiporter xCT is an important source of cysteine for cancer cells. Once taken up, cystine is reduced to cysteine and serves as a building block for the synthesis of glutathione, which efficiently protects cells from oxidative damage and prevents ferroptosis. As melanomas are particularly exposed to several sources of oxidative stress, we investigated the biological role of cysteine and glutathione supply by xCT in melanoma. xCT activity was abolished by genetic depletion in the Tyr::CreER; Braf\(^{CA}\); Pten\(^{lox/+}\) melanoma model and by acute cystine withdrawal in melanoma cell lines. Both interventions profoundly impacted melanoma glutathione levels, but they were surprisingly well tolerated by murine melanomas in vivo and by most human melanoma cell lines in vitro. RNA sequencing of human melanoma cells revealed a strong adaptive upregulation of NRF2 and ATF4 pathways, which orchestrated the compensatory upregulation of genes involved in antioxidant defence and de novo cysteine biosynthesis. In addition, the joint activation of ATF4 and NRF2 triggered a phenotypic switch characterized by a reduction of differentiation genes and induction of pro-invasive features, which was also observed after erastin treatment or the inhibition of glutathione synthesis. NRF2 alone was capable of inducing the phenotypic switch in a transient manner. Together, our data show that cystine or glutathione levels regulate the phenotypic plasticity of melanoma cells by elevating ATF4 and NRF2.}, language = {en} } @article{NollWuerthner2024, author = {Noll, Niklas and W{\"u}rthner, Frank}, title = {Bioinspired water preorganization in confined space for efficient water oxidation catalysis in metallosupramolecular ruthenium architectures}, series = {Accounts of Chemical Research}, volume = {57}, journal = {Accounts of Chemical Research}, number = {10}, issn = {0001-4842}, doi = {10.1021/acs.accounts.4c00148}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361232}, pages = {1538-1549}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Conspectus Nature has established a sustainable way to maintain aerobic life on earth by inventing one of the most sophisticated biological processes, namely, natural photosynthesis, which delivers us with organic matter and molecular oxygen derived from the two abundant resources sunlight and water. The thermodynamically demanding photosynthetic water splitting is catalyzed by the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II (OEC-PSII), which comprises a distorted tetramanganese-calcium cluster (CaMn\(_4\)O\(_5\)) as catalytic core. As an ubiquitous concept for fine-tuning and regulating the reactivity of the active site of metalloenzymes, the surrounding protein domain creates a sophisticated environment that promotes substrate preorganization through secondary, noncovalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding or electrostatic interactions. Based on the high-resolution X-ray structure of PSII, several water channels were identified near the active site, which are filled with extensive hydrogen-bonding networks of preorganized water molecules, connecting the OEC with the protein surface. As an integral part of the outer coordination sphere of natural metalloenzymes, these channels control the substrate and product delivery, carefully regulate the proton flow by promoting pivotal proton-coupled electron transfer processes, and simultaneously stabilize short-lived oxidized intermediates, thus highlighting the importance of an ordered water network for the remarkable efficiency of the natural OEC. Transferring this concept from nature to the engineering of artificial metal catalysts for fuel production has fostered the fascinating field of metallosupramolecular chemistry by generating defined cavities that conceptually mimic enzymatic pockets. However, the application of supramolecular approaches to generate artificial water oxidation catalysts remained scarce prior to our initial reports, since such molecular design strategies for efficient activation of substrate water molecules in confined nanoenvironments were lacking. In this Account, we describe our research efforts on combining the state-of-the art Ru(bda) catalytic framework with structurally programmed ditopic ligands to guide the water oxidation process in defined metallosupramolecular assemblies in spatial proximity. We will elucidate the governing factors that control the quality of hydrogen-bonding water networks in multinuclear cavities of varying sizes and geometries to obtain high-performance, state-of-the-art water oxidation catalysts. Pushing the boundaries of artificial catalyst design, embedding a single catalytic Ru center into a well-defined molecular pocket enabled sophisticated water preorganization in front of the active site through an encoded basic recognition site, resulting in high catalytic rates comparable to those of the natural counterpart OEC-PSII. To fully explore their potential for solar fuel devices, the suitability of our metallosupramolecular assemblies was demonstrated under (electro)chemical and photocatalytic water oxidation conditions. In addition, testing the limits of structural diversity allowed the fabrication of self-assembled linear coordination oligomers as novel photocatalytic materials and long-range ordered covalent organic framework (COF) materials as recyclable and long-term stable solid-state materials for future applications.}, language = {en} } @article{KirchnerSchrammIvanovaetal.2024, author = {Kirchner, Philipp H. and Schramm, Louis and Ivanova, Svetlana and Shoyama, Kazutaka and W{\"u}rthner, Frank and Beuerle, Florian}, title = {A water-stable boronate ester cage}, series = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, volume = {146}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, number = {8}, issn = {0002-7863}, doi = {10.1021/jacs.3c12002}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361245}, pages = {5305-5315}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The reversible condensation of catechols and boronic acids to boronate esters is a paradigm reaction in dynamic covalent chemistry. However, facile backward hydrolysis is detrimental for stability and has so far prevented applications for boronate-based materials. Here, we introduce cubic boronate ester cages 6 derived from hexahydroxy tribenzotriquinacenes and phenylene diboronic acids with ortho-t-butyl substituents. Due to steric shielding, dynamic exchange at the Lewis acidic boron sites is feasible only under acid or base catalysis but fully prevented at neutral conditions. For the first time, boronate ester cages 6 tolerate substantial amounts of water or alcohols both in solution and solid state. The unprecedented applicability of these materials under ambient and aqueous conditions is showcased by efficient encapsulation and on-demand release of β-carotene dyes and heterogeneous water oxidation catalysis after the encapsulation of ruthenium catalysts.}, language = {en} } @misc{Werner2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Werner, Lennart}, title = {Terrain Mapping for Autonomous Navigation of Lunar Rovers}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35826}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358268}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Autonomous mobile robots operating in unknown terrain have to guide their drive decisions through local perception. Local mapping and traversability analysis is essential for safe rover operation and low level locomotion. This thesis deals with the challenge of building a local, robot centric map from ultra short baseline stereo imagery for height and traversability estimation. Several grid-based, incremental mapping algorithms are compared and evaluated in a multi size, multi resolution framework. A new, covariance based mapping update is introduced, which is capable of detecting sub- cellsize obstacles and abstracts the terrain of one cell as a first order surface. The presented mapping setup is capable of producing reliable ter- rain and traversability estimates under the conditions expected for the Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploreration (CADRE) mission. Algorithmic- and software architecture design targets high reliability and efficiency for meeting the tight constraints implied by CADRE's small on-board embedded CPU. Extensive evaluations are conducted to find possible edge-case scenar- ios in the operating envelope of the map and to confirm performance parameters. The research in this thesis targets the CADRE mission, but is applicable to any form of mobile robotics which require height- and traversability mapping.}, subject = {Mondfahrzeug}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bieniussa2024, author = {Bieniussa, Linda Ilse}, title = {Different effects of conditional Knock-Out of Stat3 on the sensory epithelium of the Organ of Corti}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35143}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351434}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Cochlea von S{\"a}ugetieren nimmt Schall als Reaktion auf Vibrationen an frequenzabh{\"a}ngigen Positionen entlang des Cochlea-Kanals wahr. Die sensorischen {\"a}ußeren Haarzellen, die von St{\"u}tzzellen umgeben sind, wirken als Signalverst{\"a}rker, indem sie ihre Zelll{\"a}nge ver{\"a}ndern k{\"o}nnen. Dies wird als Elektromotilit{\"a}t bezeichnet. Um eine korrekte elektrische {\"U}bertragung bei mechanischen Kr{\"a}ften zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, ist ein gewisser Widerstand des sensorischen Epithels eine Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die fehlerfreie Weiterleitung von H{\"o}rinformationen. Dieser Widerstand wird durch Mikrotubuli und deren posttranslationalen Modifikationen in den St{\"u}tzzellen des sensorischen Epithels der Cochlea gew{\"a}hrleistet. Stat3 ist ein Transkriptionsfaktor, der an verschiedenen Phosphorylierungsstellen, sowie je nach Zelltyp und aktiviertem Signalweg an vielen zellul{\"a}ren Prozessen wie Differenzierung, Entz{\"u}ndung, Zell{\"u}berleben und Mikrotubuli-Dynamik beteiligt ist. W{\"a}hrend Stat3 ein breites Spektrum an intrazellul{\"a}ren Funktionen hat, stellte sich die Frage, wie und ob Stat3 in den Zellen des Cortischen Organ einen Einfluss auf den H{\"o}rprozess hat. Um dies zu testen, wurde das Cre/loxp-System verwendet, um Stat3 in den {\"a}ußeren Haarzellen oder den St{\"u}tzzellen entweder vor oder nach H{\"o}rbeginn von M{\"a}usen konditional auszuschalten. Um das H{\"o}rverm{\"o}gen zu erfassen, wurden DPOAE- und ABR-Messungen durchgef{\"u}hrt, w{\"a}hrend molekulare und morphologische Untersuchungen mittels Sequenzierung und Immunhistochemie durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Eine konditioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 vor und nach dem Beginn des H{\"o}rens in {\"a}ußeren Haarzellen f{\"u}hrt zu leichten H{\"o}rsch{\"a}den, w{\"a}hrend Synapsen, Nervenfasern und Mitochondrien nicht betroffen waren. Die Analyse der Sequenzierung von {\"a}ußeren Haarzellen aus M{\"a}usen mit konditionellem Knock-Out vor dem Beginn des H{\"o}rens ergab eine St{\"o}rung der zellul{\"a}ren Hom{\"o}ostase und der extrazellul{\"a}ren Signale. Ein konditioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 in den {\"a}ußeren Haarzellen nach Beginn des H{\"o}rens f{\"u}hrte zu einem fr{\"u}h-entz{\"u}ndlichen Signalweg mit erh{\"o}hter Zytokinproduktion und der Hochregulierung des NF-κB-Wegs. In den St{\"u}tzzellen f{\"u}hrte ein kondioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 nur nach dem Beginn des H{\"o}rens zu einer H{\"o}rbeeintr{\"a}chtigung. Synapsen, Nervensoma und -fasern waren jedoch von einem konditionellen Knock-Out von Stat3 in St{\"u}tzzellen nicht betroffen. Dennoch war die detyronisierte Modifikation der Mikrotubuli ver{\"a}ndert, was zu einer Instabilit{\"a}t der St{\"u}tzzellen, insbesondere der Phalangealforts{\"a}tze, f{\"u}hrte, was wiederum zu einer Instabilit{\"a}t des Epithels w{\"a}hrend des H{\"o}rvorgangs f{\"u}hrte. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass ein konditioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 in Zellen des Cortischen Organs zu einer H{\"o}rst{\"o}rung f{\"u}hrte. W{\"a}hrend ein konditioneller Knock-Out in {\"a}ußeren Haarzellen eine erh{\"o}hte Zytokinproduktion zur Folge hatte, verloren die St{\"u}tzzellen ihre Zellstabilit{\"a}t aufgrund einer verminderten detyronisierten Modifikation der Mikrotubuli. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Stat3 ein wichtiges Protein f{\"u}r die H{\"o}rleistung ist. Es sind jedoch weitere Untersuchungen des molekularen Mechanismus erforderlich, um die Rolle von Stat3 in den Zellen des Corti-Organs zu verstehen.}, subject = {Audiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{WagenhaeusergebVonhausen2024, author = {Wagenh{\"a}user [geb. Vonhausen], Yvonne}, title = {Thermodynamic Investigations on the Dimerization and Anti-Cooperative Self-Assembly of Dipolar Merocyanines}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35211}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352111}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Dipolar merocyanines are very attractive supramolecular building blocks, as they combine interesting functional properties with strong, directional intermolecular interactions. The pyridine dioxocyano-pyridine (PYOP) chromophore (Chapter 2.2), used in this thesis, stands out because of its exceptionally high ground state dipole moment (g ~ 17 D), in combination with the option to retain good solubility also in unpolar solvents, by decoration with solubilizing groups. The reliable binding motif of anti-parallel -stacking due to dipole-dipole interactions has allowed the design of molecular building blocks that form assemblies of predictable geometry. The intense unstructured charge transfer UV/Vis absorption band (eg ~ 10.7 D) is a result of the dominant contribution of the zwitterionic resonance structure which brings the PYOP chromophore just beyond the cyanine limit in solvents of low polarity (c2 = 0.60, 1,4 dioxane). The high sensitivity of the S0 - S1 UV/Vis absorption band to the environment manifests itself in a pronounced negative solvatochromism and strong H-type exciton coupling within -stacked PYOP assemblies. In accordance with the classical molecular exciton theory, an increasing hypsochromic shift of the dominant absorption band of these H aggregates can be observed as the stack size increases up to about six chromophores, where it levels out at about max ~ 440 nm (CHCl3). This allows a uniquely simple estimation of the number of interacting chromophores within the self-assembled structure from a single UV/Vis absorption spectrum of an aggregate. The defined and well investigated PYOP dimer formation was employed in this thesis to probe the applicability and limitations of concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent self-assembly studies (Chapter 3). Straightforward theoretical models to evaluate datasets of concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent UV/Vis absorption by nonlinear regression analysis were derived for the case of dimer formation (Chapter 2.1). Although the dimer model is well known and widely applied in literature, this detailed derivation is helpful to understand assumptions and potential problems of the different approaches for the determination of thermodynamic parameters. This helps to decide on the most appropriate method to analyse a system of interest. In this regard it should be noted that covering a large portion of the self-assembly process with the experimental data is a prerequisite for the accuracy of the analysis. Additionally, many of the insights can also be transferred to other self-assembly systems like supramolecular polymerization or host-guest interactions. The concentration-dependent analysis is the most straightforward method to investigate self-assembly equilibria. No additional assumptions, besides mass balance and mass action law, are required. Since it includes the least number of parameters (only K, if M/D are known), it is the most, or even only, reliable method, to elucidate the self-assembly mechanism of an unknown system by model comparison. To cover a large concentration range, however, the compound must be soluble enough and generally sample amounts at least in the low mg scale must be available. The temperature-dependent analysis has the advantage that all thermodynamic parameters G0, H0 and S0 can be obtained from a single sample in one automated measurement. However, the accessible temperature-range is experimentally often quite limited and dependent on the solvent. For systems which do not show the transition from monomer to aggregate in a narrow temperature range, as given for, e.g., cooperative aggregation or processes with a high entropy contribution, often not the entire self-assembly process can be monitored. Furthermore, the assumptions of temperature-independent extinction coefficients of the individual species as well as temperature-independent H0 and S0 must be met. Monte Carlo simulations of data sets demonstrated that even minor changes in experimental data can significantly impact the optimized values for H0 and S0. This is due to the redundancy of these two parameters within the model framework and even small thermochromic effects can significantly influence the results. The G0 value, calculated from H0 and S0, is, however, still rather reliable. Solvent-dependent studies can often cover the entire self-assembly process from monomeric (agg = 0) to the fully aggregated state (agg = 1). However, for dyes with strong solvatochromic effects, such as the dipolar merocyanines investigated in this thesis, the results are affected. Also, the assumption of a linear relation of the binding energy G0 and the fraction of denaturating solvent f, which is based on linear free energy relationships between G0 and the solvent polarity, can lead to errors. Especially when specific solvent effects are involved. For the evaluation of experimental data by nonlinear regression, general data analysis software can be used, where user-defined fit models and known parameters can be implemented as desired. Alternatively, multiple specialized programs for analysing self-assembly data are available online. While the latter programs are usually more user-friendly, they have the disadvantage of being a "black box" where only pre-implemented models can be used without the option for the user to adapt models or parameters for a specific system. In Chapter 3 comprehensive UV/Vis absorption datasets are presented for the dimerization of merocyanine derivative 1 in 1,4-dioxane, which allowed for the first time a direct comparison of the results derived from concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent self-assembly studies. The results for the binding constant K and corresponding G0 from the concentration- and temperature-dependent analysis were in very good agreement, also in comparison to the results from ITC. For the temperature-dependent analysis, though, multiple datasets of samples with different concentration had to be evaluated simultaneously to cover a meaningful part of the self-assembly process. Furthermore, a significant dependence of the optimized parameters H0 and S0 on the wavelength chosen for the analysis was observed. This can be rationalized by the small thermochromic shifts of both the monomer and the dimer UV/Vis absorption band. The results from the solvent-dependent evaluation showed the largest deviation, as expected for the highly solvatochromic merocyanine dye. However, even here by evaluation at 491 and 549 nm the deviation for G0 was only 2.5 kJ mol1 (9\%) with respect to the results from the concentration-dependent analysis (G0 = 29.1 kJ mol1). Thus, despite the strong solvatochromism of the dipolar chromophore, it can still be considered a reliable method for estimating the binding strength. Furthermore, multiple repetitions of the concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent studies provided insight into the reproducibility of the results and possible sources of experimental errors. In all cases, the deviations of the results were small (G0 < 0.4 kJ mol1) and within the same range as the fit error from the nonlinear regression analysis. The insights from these studies were an important basis for the in-depth investigation of a more complex supramolecular system in Chapter 4, as a single method is often not enough to capture the full picture of a more complicated self-assembly process. To elucidate the anti-cooperative self-assembly of the chiral merocyanine 2, a combination of multiple techniques had to be applied. Solvent-dependent UV/Vis absorption studies in CH2Cl2/MCH mixtures showed the step-wise assembly of the merocyanine monomer (max(M) = 549 nm, CH2Cl2) to first a dimer (max(D) = 498 nm, CH2Cl2/MCH 15:85) by dipole-dipole interactions, and then a -stacked higher aggregate (max(H) = 477 nm, MCH), with pronounced H-type coupling. The thermodynamic evaluation of this data, however, suffered from the severe solvatochromism, especially of the monomeric species (max(M, CH2Cl2) = 549 nm, max(M, MCH) = 596 nm). Therefore, concentration-dependent studies were performed at three different temperatures (298, 323, 353 K) to elucidate the self-assembly mechanism and determine reliable thermodynamic parameters. The studies at elevated temperatures were hereby necessary, to obtain experimental data over a larger agg--range. Due to the pronounced difference in the thermodynamic driving force for dimerization and higher aggregate formation (KD/K5 = 6500) a concentration range exists in MCH where almost exclusively the dimer species of 2 is present, before further self-assembly by dispersion interactions occurs. Therefore, the data could be evaluated independently for the two self-assembly steps. The self-assembly of dimers into the higher aggregate could not be described by the isodesmic model but was fitted satisfactorily to a pentamer model. This rather small size of about ten -stacked PYOP chromophores was, furthermore, consistently indicated by AFM, VPO and DOSY NMR measurements. Based on 1D and 2D NMR data as well as the strong bisignate CD signal of the higher aggregate in combination with TD-DFT calculations, a P-helical stack is proposed as its structure. The small size can be rationalized by the anti-cooperative self-assembly mechanism and the sterical demand of the solubilizing trialkoxyphenyl and the chiral tetralin substituents. Additionally, the aliphatic shell formed by the solubilizing chains around the polar chromophore stack, can account for the exceptionally high solubility of 2 in MCH (> 15 mg mL1). These combined studies of the self-assembly process enabled the identification of suitable conditions for the investigation of fluorescence properties of the individual aggregate species. Aggregation-induced emission enhancement was observed for the almost non-emissive monomer (Fl(M) = 0.23\%), which can be rationalized by the increasing rigidification within the dimer (Fl(D) = 2.3\%) and the higher aggregate (Fl(H) = 4.5\%). The helical chirality of the PYOP decamer stack, furthermore, gave rise to a strong CPL signal with a large glum value of 0.011. The important conclusion of this thesis is that the temperature- and solvent-dependent analyses are valid alternatives to the classical concentration-dependent analysis to determine thermodynamic parameters of self-assembly equilibria. Although, for a specific supramolecular system, one approach might be favourable over the others for a variety of reasons. The experimental limitations often demand a combination of techniques to fully elucidate a self-assembly process and to gain insights in the aggregate structure. The anti-cooperative merocyanine self-assembly, which was described here for the first time for the PYOP merocyanine 2, is no exception. Besides the interest in the merocyanine assemblies from a structural and functional point of view, the insights gained from the presented studies can also be transferred to other self-assembly systems and be a guide to find the most appropriate analysis technique.}, subject = {Merocyanine}, language = {en} }