@phdthesis{Schaaf2017, author = {Schaaf, Lisa}, title = {Der Einfluss von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalierter Arzneistoffe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Arzneistofftransporter erm{\"o}glichen endogenen und exogenen Molek{\"u}len die {\"U}berwindung von Zellmembranen und tragen dadurch zur Aufnahme, Verteilung und Elimination von Arzneistoffen bei. Inhalativ applizierte Wirkstoffe, wie Vertreter aus der Gruppe der Beta-2-Sympathomimetika oder Anticholinergika, z{\"a}hlen zu den Substraten wichtiger, pulmonal exprimierter Arzneistofftransporter. Trotz intensivierter Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Transporter-Expression ist diese im humanen Lungengewebe bisher wenig untersucht und deren pharmakokinetische Auswirkungen auf pulmonal verabreichte Arzneistoffe sind kaum bekannt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte der Einfluss von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalierter Arzneistoffe untersucht und Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber deren Expressions-Profil im humanen Lungengewebe gewonnen werden. Pharmakokinetische Parameter des inhalativen Anticholinergikums Ipratropiumbromid wurden an einem ex vivo Modell der humanen Lunge untersucht. Nach vorheriger Applikation des kompetitiven OCTN1/2-Inhibitors L-Carnitin wurde keine signifikante Reduktion der absorbierten Wirkstoffmenge detektiert. Damit zeigten sich die beiden organischen Kationen/Carnitin-Transporter OCTN1 und OCTN2, anders als bisher vermutet, nicht als prim{\"a}r an der Absorption von Ipratropiumbromid beteiligte Transporter. Infolgedessen wurde die Beteiligung weiterer Transporter hypothetisiert. Erstmals wurden die am humanen Lungen-Perfusions-Modell gewonnenen pharmakokinetischen Daten zur pulmonalen Absorption in direkter Beziehung zur mRNA- und Protein-Expression von Arzneistofftransportern in den jeweiligen individuellen Gewebeproben betrachtet. Die pulmonale Genexpression des Multidrug Resistance-Related Protein MRP5 wies eine signifikante negative Korrelation mit der Area under the curve (AUC0 - 60 min) von Ipratropiumbromid auf (r = -0,699; p < 0,05), was die Beteiligung von MRP5 an den Umverteilungsprozessen von Ipratropiumbromid in der humanen Lunge nahelegte. Auf Protein-Ebene wurde eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Expression des organischen Kationentransporters OCT3 und der AUC0 - 60 min von Ipratropiumbromid ermittelt (r = 0,7499,p < 0,05), woraus sich eine potentielle Beteiligung von OCT3 an der Aufnahme von Ipratropiumbromid aus dem luminalen Lungenbereich ableiten ließ. Zur Untermauerung dieser Hypothese wurden Untersuchungen mit stabil transfizierten HEK293-Zellen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Sowohl der organische Kationentransporter OCT1 als auch OCT3 trugen dabei signifikant zu einer erh{\"o}hten zellul{\"a}ren Aufnahme der beiden Tritium-markierten Bronchodilatatoren Ipratropiumbromid und Salbutamol bei. Damit wurde f{\"u}r OCT3 zum ersten Mal eine Beteiligung an der zellul{\"a}ren Aufnahme dieser beiden Arzneistoffe nachgewiesen. Im Kontext der Gendermedizin sind geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Transporter-Expression von großem Interesse. Inwiefern die drei Sexualsteroidhormone Estradiol, Progesteron und Testosteron einen regulatorischen Effekt auf die mRNA-Expression von Membrantransportern haben, wurde erstmals durch in vitro Inkubationsversuche in physiologischen Hormonkonzentrationen mit der humanen Bronchialepithelzelllinie Calu-3 gepr{\"u}ft. Mittels intensiv optimierter und sorgf{\"a}ltig validierter RT-qPCR-Analytik konnten vor allem nach Inkubation mit weiblichen Sexualhormonen verglichen zu keiner Hormon-Zugabe statistisch signifikante Expressions-Unterschiede detektiert werden: Nach Behandlung mit Estradiol zeigten der Oligopeptid-Transporter PEPT2 (80,8 ± 15,6 \%) und OCTN2 (82,8 ± 4,2 \%) eine geringere Genexpression, das Multidrug Resistance-Related Protein MRP1 (111,6 ± 9,1 \%) sowie OCTN1 (112,9 ± 10,1 \%) waren nach Zugabe von Estradiol kombiniert mit Progesteron h{\"o}her exprimiert als ohne Hormon-Zusatz. Da Estradiol {\"u}berdies als Inhibitor des OCT1- und OCT3-vermittelten Transports gilt, wurde die Auswirkung des Hormons, unter anderem in physiologischer Konzentration, auf die Aufnahme von Tritium-markierten Ipratropiumbromid in stabil transfizierte HEK293-Zellen untersucht, wobei tats{\"a}chlich eine reduzierte zellul{\"a}re Ipratropiumbromid-Aufnahme beobachtet wurde. Somit k{\"o}nnte auch in vivo eine geschlechtsspezifische Inhibition der beiden Transporter stattfinden, wodurch deren Substrate einer geschlechtsspezifisch variierenden Pharmakokinetik unterliegen k{\"o}nnten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde in rund 80 humanen Lungengewebsproben die Genexpression von Arzneistofftransportern hinsichtlich geschlechts- und altersspezifischer Unterschiede {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. In unter 50-j{\"a}hrigen M{\"a}nnern war das Multidrug-Resistance Protein MDR1 signifikant h{\"o}her exprimiert verglichen zu M{\"a}nnern von 50 - 60 Jahren. OCT1 war in Patienten von 50 - 60 Jahren signifikant geringer exprimiert als in {\"u}ber 60-J{\"a}hrigen. Daneben lieferte die Analyse aller Gewebeproben das Genexpressions-Profil von Arzneistofftransportern im humanen Lungengewebe, wobei OCT3 das h{\"o}chste und OCT2 das geringste mRNA-Expressions-Niveau unter den untersuchten Transportern aufwies. Eine wesentliche Beteiligung von OCT3 an Transportvorg{\"a}ngen im humanen Lungengewebe erschien damit wahrscheinlich. Res{\"u}mierend konnte mit der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Beitrag zur Aufkl{\"a}rung des Einflusses von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalativ verabreichter Arzneistoffe geleistet werden. Dabei konnte OCT3 erstmals als maßgeblich an der zellul{\"a}ren Aufnahme von Ipratropiumbromid beteiligter Transporter in der humanen Lunge identifiziert werden, womit einerseits die Beteiligung von Arzneistofftransportern an pharmakokinetischen Prozessen in vivo und andererseits die Bedeutung von Arzneistofftransportern f{\"u}r die inhalative Arzneimitteltherapie deutlich wurde.}, subject = {Lunge}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{ScherfClavel2017, author = {Scherf-Clavel, Maike}, title = {Anwendung der Trockenblutanalytik zur vereinfachten {\"U}berwachung der Nierenfunktion und zur Blutspiegelbestimmung von Metformin und Sitagliptin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146930}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Die oralen Antidiabetika Metformin und Sitagliptin werden {\"u}berwiegend renal eliminiert, weshalb w{\"a}hrend der Therapie regelm{\"a}ßig die Nierenfunktion abgesch{\"a}tzt werden sollte. Dies geschieht mithilfe von Serumkreatinin-basierten Formeln, zum Beispiel der Gleichung nach Cockcroft-Gault. Mit dem Ziel, zuk{\"u}nftig eine M{\"o}glichkeit f{\"u}r eine vereinfachte Kontrolle der Therapie mit Metformin und/oder Sitagliptin in Kapillarblutproben zu haben, wurde eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Konzentration von Kreatinin, Metformin und Sitagliptin aus Trockenblutproben (Dried Blood Spots, DBS) entwickelt. Als Tr{\"a}ger zeigte Blotting Papier die besten Ergebnisse in Bezug auf die Handhabung und die Extraktionseffizienz. Aus einem einzelnen DBS gelang es, Metformin und Kreatinin mittels HPLC-UV und Sitagliptin mittels LC-MS/MS zu quantifizieren. Die fl{\"u}ssigchromatographischen Methoden wurden entsprechend der EMA- und FDA-Kriterien erfolgreich vollvalidiert. Die unteren Nachweisgrenzen (LLOQ) lagen bei 0,2 µg/mL f{\"u}r Metformin, 1,5 µg/mL f{\"u}r Kreatinin und 3 ng/mL f{\"u}r Sitagliptin. Da Referenzbereiche f{\"u}r Arzneistoffkonzentrationen in der Regel f{\"u}r Serum/Plasma angegeben werden, wurde das Verteilungsverhalten der beiden Antidiabetika zwischen Plasma (cP) und Blutzellen (cBZ) mittels in-vitro Inkubationsversuchen ermittelt. F{\"u}r Metformin betrug der Verteilungskoeffizient cP/cBZ 4,65 ± 0,73, f{\"u}r Sitagliptin 5,58 ± 0,98. Damit lagen beide Arzneistoffe mehr als 4-fach h{\"o}her im Plasma als in den Blutzellen vor. Erythrozyten waren zuvor schon als tiefes Kompartiment f{\"u}r Metformin beschrieben worden, f{\"u}r Sitagliptin waren dieses die ersten Daten die zeigten, dass der Arzneistoff ebenfalls eine relevante Verteilung in die Blutzellen zeigt. In Kooperation mit einer diabetologischen Schwerpunktpraxis wurde eine erste klinische Studie (Basisstudie) durchgef{\"u}hrt, die zum Ziel hatte, aus den DBS die Nierenfunktion abzusch{\"a}tzen. In DBS von 70 Patienten wurden Metformin, und/oder Sitagliptin sowie Kreatinin quantifiziert. Mit Hilfe der von der Praxis {\"u}bermittelten Serumkreatinin-konzentration konnte durch den Vergleich mit der Konzentration im Kapillarbut erstmalig ein Korrelationsfaktor bestimmt und verifiziert werden, um die Kapillarblut- in die Serumkonzentration des Kreatinins umzurechnen (F = cKapillarblut/cPlasma = 0,916 ± 0,088). So war es m{\"o}glich, die Nierenfunktion {\"u}ber die Formel nach Cockcroft und Gault abzusch{\"a}tzen. In der Basisstudie fiel auf, dass die Konzentration des Sitagliptins im Blut der Patienten signifikant mit steigendem H{\"a}matokrit korrelierte (Pearson R = 0,396; p < 0,05). Die n{\"a}here Untersuchung dieser Beobachtung mittels in-vitro Verteilungsversuchen zeigte eine sehr stark inter-individuell schwankende Verteilung des Sitagliptins zwischen Plasma und den Blutzellen und eine vom H{\"a}matokrit (Hct) linear abh{\"a}ngige Verteilung. In Blut mit einem h{\"o}heren Hct fand sich mehr Arzneistoff in den Blutzellen als in Blut mit niedrigerem Hct, was die h{\"o}heren Gesamtkonzentrationen an Sitagliptin im DBS erkl{\"a}rte. Dialyseversuche in-vitro best{\"a}tigten, dass die Eliminationszeit mit steigendem H{\"a}matokrit des Blutes anstieg. Damit konnte zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass die Blutzellen ein tiefes Kompartiment f{\"u}r Sitagliptin darstellen. Eine zweite klinische Studie (Feldstudie) wurde in Kooperation mit 14 {\"o}ffentlichen Apotheken mit dem Ziel, repr{\"a}sentative Konzentrationen f{\"u}r die Kapillarblutspiegel der beiden Medikamente unter Alltagsbedingungen zu ermitteln, durchgef{\"u}hrt. In DBS von 84 Patienten wurden wiederum Metformin, Sitagliptin und Kreatinin quantifiziert. Aus den Daten der beiden Studienpopulationen (n = 134) wurde f{\"u}r Metformin eine mittlere Konzentration von 2,22 ± 1,16 µg/mL und f{\"u}r Sitagliptin von 432,20 ± 268,79 ng/mL bestimmt. Mittels populationspharmakokinetischer Methoden konnten f{\"u}r beide Arzneistoffe zum ersten Mal Eliminationshalbwertszeiten (t1/2) aus Kapillarblut f{\"u}r Patienten mit einer Kreatininclearance gr{\"o}ßer und kleiner als 60 mL/min bestimmt werden. Erwartungsgem{\"a}ß waren die t1/2 bei besserer Nierenfunktion k{\"u}rzer, sowohl f{\"u}r Metformin (11,9 h versus 18,5 h) als auch f{\"u}r Sitagliptin (8,4 h versus 13,0 h). F{\"u}r Sitagliptin waren dies erstmalige klinische Belege f{\"u}r eine ansteigende Eliminationszeit mit sinkender Nierenfunktion. Die gewonnenen Daten boten zudem Gelegenheit, den literaturbekannten ung{\"u}nstigen Effekt einer kombinierten Einnahme von Diuretika, NSAIDs, ACE-Inhibitoren und/oder Angiotensinrezeptorantagonisten („target drugs") auf die Nierenfunktion („triple whammy") zu betrachten. Tats{\"a}chlich korrelierten die Anzahl der eingenommenen „target drugs" und auch die Dosis der Diuretika mit einer sinkenden Kreatininclearance der Patienten. Mit vorliegender Arbeit wurden zum einen neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Pharmakokinetik des Sitagliptins gewonnen, zum anderen wurde die Grundlage geschaffen, um aus einem DBS die Blutspiegel von Metformin und Sitagliptin im Zusammenhang mit der Nierenfunktion zu betrachten. In Zukunft k{\"o}nnte diese Methode f{\"u}r ein Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring der beiden Arzneistoffe eingesetzt werden um dieses f{\"u}r Patienten aufgrund der minimalinvasiven Blutabnahme wesentlich angenehmer zu gestalten.}, subject = {Pharmakotherapie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Steiger2017, author = {Steiger, Christoph}, title = {Drug delivery of therapeutic gases - strategies for controlled and local delivery of carbon monoxide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141054}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The isoenzyme heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) is a key element for maintaining cellular homeostasis. Upregulated in response to cellular stress, the HO-1 degrades heme into carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin, and Fe2+. By means of a local cell-protective feedback loop the enzyme triggers numerous effects including anti-oxidative, anti-apoptotic, and anti-inflammatory events associated with complex signalling patterns which are largely orchestrated by CO. Various approaches to mimic this physiological HO-1 / CO system aiming for a treatment of medical conditions have been described [1]. These preclinical studies commonly applied CO systemically via (i) inhalation or (ii) using CO-Releasing Molecules (CORMs) [2]. The clinical use of these approaches, however, is challenged by a lack of practicability and substantial safety issues associated with the toxicity of high systemic doses of CO that are required for triggering therapeutic effects. Therefore, one rational of this thesis is to describe and evaluate strategies for the local delivery of CO aiming for safe and effective CO therapeutics of tomorrow.}, subject = {Targeted drug delivery}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mohsen2017, author = {Mohsen, Amal Mahmoud Yassin}, title = {Structure Activity Relationships of Monomeric and Dimeric Strychnine Analogs as Ligands Targeting Glycine Receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The inhibitory glycine receptors are one of the major mediators of rapid synaptic inhibition in the mammalian brainstem, spinal cord and higher brain centres. They are ligand-gated ion channels that are mainly involved in the regulation of motor functions. Dysfunction of the receptor is associated with motor disorders such as hypereklepxia or some forms of spasticity. GlyR is composed of two glycosylated integral membrane proteins α and β and a peripheral membrane protein of gephyrin. Moreover, there are four known isoforms of the α-subunit (α1-4) of GlyR while there is a single β-subunit. Glycine receptors can be homomeric including α subunits only or heteromeric containing both α and β subunits. To date, strychnine is the ligand that has the highest affinity as glycine receptor ligand. It acts as a competitive antagonist of glycine that results in the inhibition of Cl- ions permeation and consequently reducing GlyR-mediated inhibition. For a long time, the details of the molecular mechanism of GlyRs inactivation by strychnine were insufficient due to the lack of high-resolution structures of the receptor. Only homology models based on structures of other cys-loop receptors have been available. Recently, 3.0 {\AA} X-ray structure of the human glycine receptor- α3 homopentamer in complex with strychnine, as well as electro cryo-microscopy structures of the zebra fish α1 GlyR in complex with strychnine and glycine were published. Such information provided detailed insight into the molecular recognition of agonists and antagonists and mechanisms of GlyR activation and inactivation. Very recently, a series of dimeric strychnine analogs obtained by diamide formation of two molecules of 2-aminostrychnine with diacids of different chain length was pharmacologically evaluated at human α1 and α1β glycine receptors. None of the dimeric analogs was superior to strychnine. The present work focused on the extension of the structure-activity relationships of strychnine derivatives at glycine receptors All the synthesized compounds were pharmacologically evaluated at human α1 and α1β glycine receptors in a functional FLIPRTM assay and the most potent analogs were pharmacologically evaluated in a whole cell patch-clamp assay and in [3H]strychnine binding studies. It was reported that 11-(E)-isonitrosostrychnine displayed a 2-times increased binding to both α1 and α1β glycine receptors which prompted us to choose the hydroxyl group as a suitable attachment point to connect two 11-(E)-isonitrosostrychnine molecules using a spacer. In order to explore the GlyR pocket tolerance for oxime extension, a series of oxime ethers with different spacer lengths and sterical/lipophilic properties were synthesized biologically evaluated. Among all the oxime ethers, methyl, allyl and propagyl oxime ethers were the most potent antagonists displaying IC50 values similar to that of strychnine. These findings indicated that strychnine binding site at GlyRs comprises an additional small lipophilic pocket located in close proximity to C11 of strychnine and the groups best accommodated in this pocket are (E)-allyl and (E)-propagyl oxime ethers. Moreover, 11-aminostrychnine, and the corresponding propionamide were prepared and pharmacologically evaluated to examine the amide function at C11 as potential linker. A series of dimeric strychnine analogs designed by linking two strychnine molecules through amino groups in position 11 with diacids were synthesized and tested in binding studies and functional assays at human α1 and α1β glycine receptors. The synthesized bivalent ligands were designed to bind simultaneously to two α-subunits of the pentameric glycine receptors causing a possibly stronger inhibition than the monomeric strychnine. However, all the bivalent derivatives showed no significant difference in potency compared to strychnine. When comparing the reference monomeric propionamide containing ethylene spacer to the dimeric ligand containing butylene spacer, a 3-fold increase in potency was observed. Since the dimer containing (CH2)10 spacer length was found to be equipotent to strychnine, it is assumed that one molecule of strychnine binds to the receptor and the 'additional' strychnine molecule in the dimer probably protrudes from the orthosteric binding sites of the receptor.}, subject = {Strychnin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Messerer2017, author = {Messerer, Regina}, title = {Synthesis of Dualsteric Ligands for Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Cholinesterase Inhibitors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149007}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The study is dealing with the synthesis and pharmacological investigation of newly designed dualsteric ligands of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors belonging to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. Such bipharmacophoric ligands combine the advantages of the orthosteric binding site (high-affinity) and of the topographically distinct allosteric binding site (subtype-selectivity) resulting in compounds with reduced side effects. This opens the way to a new therapeutic approach in the treatment of e.g. chronic pain, drug withdrawal, Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease. Furthermore, the newly synthesized dualsteric compounds were pharmacologically investigated in order to get a better understanding of the activation and signaling processes in muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, especially with regard to partial agonism. The development of the "dynamic ligand binding" concept offers new perspectives for ligand binding and signaling at G protein-coupled receptors. GPCRs are no longer considered as simple on/off switches. Dualsteric ligands can bind in a dualsteric pose, reflecting an active receptor state as well as in a purely allosteric binding pose, characterized by an inactive receptor state resulting in partial agonism. The degree of partial agonism depends on the ratio of active versus inactive receptor populations. On this basis, orthosteric/orthosteric hybrid ligands consisting of the antagonist atropine and scopolamine, respectively, as well as of the agonist iperoxo and isoxazole, respectively, linked via different alkyl chain length were synthesized in order to investigate partial agonism (Figure 1). Figure 1: Structures of the synthesized iperoxo/isoxazole-atropine/scopolamine-hybrids. Furthermore, different sets of quaternary and tertiary homodimers consisting either of two iperoxo or two acetylcholine units were synthesized in order to study their extent on partial agonism (Figure 2). The two agonists were connected by varying alkyl chain length. Binding studies on CHO-hM2 cells of the quaternary compounds revealed that dimerization of the agonist results in a loss of potency. The iperoxo-dimers reached higher maximum effects on the Gi- as well as on the Gs pathway in comparison to the acetylcholine-dimers. Besides the choice of the orthosteric building block (potency of the agonist), the alkyl chain length is also crucial for the degree of partial agonism. Figure 2: Structures of the synthesized quat./tert. iperoxo/acetylcholine-homodimers. Quinolone-based hybrids connected to the superagonist iperoxo and to the endogenous ligand acetylcholine, respectively, linked through an alkyl chain of different length were synthesized in order to develop further partial agonists (Figure 3). FRET studies confirmed M1 subtype-selectivity as well as linker dependent receptor response. The greatest positive FRET signal was observed with quinolone-C6-iper resulting from a positive cooperativity between the two separated moieties, alloster and orthoster. However, the corresponding hybrids with a longer linker led to an inverse FRET signal indicating a different binding mode, e.g. purely allosteric, in contrast to the shorter linked hybrids. Furthermore, the flexible alkyl spacer was replaced by a rigidified linker resulting in the hybrid quinolone-rigid-iperoxo (Figure 3). FRET studies on the M1 receptor showed reduced FRET kinetics, resulting from interactions between the bulky linker and the aromatic lid, located between the orthosteric and allosteric binding site. A bitopic binding mode of the rigidified hybrid is presumed. For further clarity, mutational studies are necessary. Figure 3: M1-selective hybrid compounds. Another aim of this work was the design and synthesis of new hybrid compounds, acting as agonists at the M1 and M2 receptor and as inhibitors for AChE and BChE in the context of M. Alzheimer. Several sets of hybrid compounds consisting of different pharmacophoric units (catalytic active site: phthalimide, naphthalimide, tacrine; peripheric anionic site: iperoxo, isoxazole) linked through a polymethylene chain of varying length were synthesized. Tac-C10-iper (Figure 4), consisting of tacrine and the superagonist iperoxo linked by a C10 polymethylene spacer, was found to have excellent anticholinesterase activity for both AChE (pIC50 = 9.81) and BChE (pIC50 = 8.75). Docking experiments provided a structural model to rationalize the inhibitory power towards AChE. Additionally, the tacrine related hybrids showed affinity to the M1 and M2 receptor. Such compounds, addressing more than one molecular target are favorable for multifactorial diseases such as Alzheimer. Figure 4: Structure of the most active compound regarding anticholinesterase activity. In summary, the choice of the pharmacophoric units, their connecting point as well as the nature, length, and flexibility of the linker play an important role for the activity of designed bivalent ligands. A shorter linker length cannot bridge both binding sites simultaneously in contrast to longer linker chains. On the other hand, too long linker chains can result in unwanted steric interactions. Further investigations with respect to structural variations of hybrid compounds, with or without quaternary ammonium groups, are necessary in the light of drug development.}, subject = {Cholinesteraseinhibitor}, language = {en} } @article{SchmidtSkafGavriletal.2017, author = {Schmidt, Marianne and Skaf, Josef and Gavril, Georgiana and Polednik, Christine and Roller, Jeanette and Kessler, Michael and Holzgrabe, Ulrike}, title = {The influence of Osmunda regalis root extract on head and neck cancer cell proliferation, invasion and gene expression}, series = {BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine}, volume = {17}, journal = {BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine}, number = {518}, doi = {10.1186/s12906-017-2009-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158704}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: According to only a handful of historical sources, Osmunda regalis, the royal fern, has been used already in the middle age as an anti-cancer remedy. To examine this ancient cancer cure, an ethanolic extract of the roots was prepared and analysed in vitro on its effectiveness against head and neck cancer cell lines. Methods: Proliferation inhibition was measured with the MTT assay. Invasion inhibition was tested in a spheroid-based 3-D migration assay on different extracellular matrix surfaces. Corresponding changes in gene expression were analysed by qRT-PCR array. Induction of apoptosis was measured by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) with the Annexin V binding method. The plant extract was analysed by preliminary phytochemical tests, liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Anti-angiogenetic activity was determined by the tube formation assay. Results: O. regalis extract revealed a growth inhibiting effect on the head and neck carcinoma cell lines HLaC78 and FaDu. The toxic effect seems to be partially modulated by p-glycoprotein, as the MDR-1 expressing HLaC79-Tax cells were less sensitive. O. regalis extract inhibited the invasion of cell lines on diverse extracellular matrix substrates significantly. Especially the dispersion of the highly motile cell line HlaC78 on laminin was almost completely abrogated. Motility inhibition on laminin was accompanied by differential gene regulation of a variety of genes involved in cell adhesion and metastasis. Furthermore, O. regalis extract triggered apoptosis in HNSCC cell lines and inhibited tube formation of endothelial cells. Preliminary phytochemical analysis proved the presence of tannins, glycosides, steroids and saponins. Liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) revealed a major peak of an unknown substance with a molecular mass of 864.15 Da, comprising about 50\% of the total extract. Thin layer chromatography identified ferulic acid to be present in the extract. Conclusion: The presented results justify the use of royal fern extracts as an anti-cancer remedy in history and imply a further analysis of ingredients.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Moench2017, author = {M{\"o}nch, Romana}, title = {The Growth Factor PDGF and its Signaling Pathways in Colorectal Cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139100}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {A successful therapy for colorectal cancer (CRC), one of the most common malignancies worldwide, requires the greatest possible research effort. Of critical importance is an understanding of the relevant intracellular networks of signaling cascades, their activation, and the resulting cellular changes that are a prerequisite for a more successful CRC therapy. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the appropriate VEGF receptors represent molecular targets that have already been successfully implemented in the clinic (i.e. using monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine kinase inhibitors). However, for platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and the relevant PDGF receptors, there are currently no clinically approved molecular therapeutics available. However, there are preliminary data to show that PDGF and its associated signaling pathways play an important role in CRC progression. In particular, the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is emerging as an important intracellular partner of PDGF with which to control proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis in tumor cells. Therefore it was the objective of this work to investigate the multifactorial influence of PDGF on proliferation and metabolism, depending on CRC mutation status. The intention was to identify new therapeutic targets for future cancer therapy through analyses of PDGF-induced intracellular changes. For this purpose two human colorectal cancer cell lines were analyzed at gene and/or protein level for components of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR and MAPK signaling pathway, c-Myc, p53, and HIF1α (hypoxia-inducible-factor 1α). Changes in proliferation and metabolism, either during stimulation with PDGF and/or PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibition, were also investigated. Experiments conducted at protein level during PDGF stimulation and/or PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibition revealed changes in signaling pathways and crosstalk. The influence of the tumor suppressors (retinoblastoma, Rb), oncogenes (c-Myc, p53mut), and HIF1α during stimulation with PDGF, and their interactions in the tumor cell with respect to proliferation and glycolysis warrant further examination in terms of clinical treatment options. Investigations at the gene level of ex vivo samples (UICC I-IV) complete the study with regards to the clinical relevance of PDGF. PDGF stimulation increases tumor cell proliferation in HT29 cells via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway rather than the MAPK pathway. However, if the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is pharmacologically blocked, PDGF stimulation is mediated by inhibitory crosstalk through the MAPK pathway. Further analyses revealed that specific Akt inhibition impedes tumor cell growth, while PI3K inhibition had little effect on proliferation. Inhibitory crosstalk was found to be responsible for these different effects. Careful intervention strategies are therefore required if future therapies intend to make use of these specific signaling pathways. One aim of future research should be to gain a better understanding of the crosstalk between these signaling pathways. In this fashion, "over-inhibition" of the signal pathways, which would result in additional clinical side effects for patients, could be prevented. In late stage UICC, more mutation events occur, with tumorigenicity promoted by an increased mutation rate. Given that PDGF is increasingly expressed in the late UICC stages, our data would indicate that PDGF's effects are amplified with increasing malignancy. The activating effect of PDGF on the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and subsequent changes in the activity of p53mut, Rb, c-Myc, and HIF1α, lead to an unfavorable prognosis for colon cancer patients. PDGF acts on colon cancer cells in an Akt-activating, glycolysis-dependent manner. PDGF increases glycolysis and the ability of CRC cells to adjust their energy metabolism. These activities should be taken as possible starting points with which to design therapeutic interventions for CRC therapy. PDGF, as another representative of the growth factor family, seems to play a similar role to VEGF in CRC. The data from this study underline the importance of the PDGF - PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway-axis and its potential as a possible target in colorectal cancer. Thus PDGF represents an attractive therapeutic target, besides the VEGF/EGFR-based therapies already used in CRC.}, subject = {Dickdarmkrebs}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LehmanngebHofmann2017, author = {Lehmann [geb. Hofmann], Anna}, title = {Entwicklung potenzieller Inhibitoren der Hitzeschockkomponenten HSF1 und HSP70 am Modell des Multiplen Myeloms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153477}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Krebs geh{\"o}rt zu einem der zentralen Leiden der 21. Jahrhunderts und ist in den einkommensstarken L{\"a}ndern die zweith{\"a}ufigste Todesursache. Die Erkrankung Multiples Myleom (MM) geh{\"o}rt mit 1.3 \% aller Krebserkrankungen zwar zu den seltenen Formen, verl{\"a}uft jedoch meist t{\"o}dlich und zeichnet sich durch eine unkontrollierte Entartung der monoklonaler Plasmazellen im Knochenmark aus. Da maligne Zellen dauerhaft internen und externen Stressfaktoren ausgesetzt sind und auf die Hitzeschutzantwort angewiesen sind, stellen die Komponenten des Hitzeschocksystems wie z.B. Chaperone HSP70 und HSP90 bzw. der Hitzeschockfaktor HSF1 ein attraktives therapeutisches Ziel dar. Nachweislich f{\"u}hrt die Inhibition des Chaperons HSP90 zur HSF1-vermittelten Hochregulation des Proteins HSP70, sodass die Hitzeschutzantwort der zytotoxischen Aktivit{\"a}t der Inhibitoren entgegenwirkt und die Therapieerfolgschancen mindert. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit, die im Rahmen der Klinischen Forschergruppe 216 (CRU216) ausgearbeitet wurde, befasste sich einerseits mit der Erweiterung der bereits vorhandenen Substanzbibliotheken sowohl zur Inhibition des Proteins HSP70 als auch des Transkriptionsfaktors HSF1. Hierdurch sollten detailliertere Struktur-Wirkungs-Bezeugungen evaluiert werden. Weiterhin wurden die kooperierenden Arbeitsgruppen des Forschungsprojektes durch die Entwicklung und Herstellung von Substanzen unterst{\"u}tzt, um mit Hilfe vielseitiger Methoden die exakten Wirkmechanismen beider Verbindungsklassen zu verstehen und aufzukl{\"a}ren. Die bereits bestehende Substanzbibliothek der 3,4-Dihydroisochinolin-1(2H)-on-Derivate aus der vorangehenden Arbeit wurde erfolgreich um neue Carbons{\"a}ure- ((±) 6a-j) und Carbons{\"a}ureamidverbindungen ((±) 7b-e) erweitert. Durch die Substitution phenolischer Seitengruppen der Isoquinolinone gelang es, S{\"a}urederivate herzustellen, die eine h{\"o}here Zytotoxizit{\"a}t auf den INA-6-Zellen als die Leitstruktur AH073t aufwiesen. Dabei handelt es sich um die monobromierte Verbindung (±) 6c (EC50 = 0.17 µM) oder das Derivat mit einem kurzem Bromoethoxylinker (±) 6j (EC50 = 0.18 µM). Parallel hierzu wurde festgestellt, dass die Substitution aromatischer Seitengruppen durch aliphatische Reste ((±) 6h-i) zum kompletten Aktivit{\"a}tsverlust f{\"u}hrte. Durch dir fortf{\"u}hrende Umsetzung zu den Amiden gelang die Herstellung des Derivates (±) 7c (EC50 = 0.47 µM), welches eine {\"a}hnliche Aktivit{\"a}t im Vergleich zu der Struktur AH122t ((±) 7a) zeigte. Weiterhin wurde Verbindung (±) 7d identifiziert, die eine sechsfach h{\"o}here Zytotoxizit{\"a}t von 34.8 nM im Vergleich zu der Leitstruktur (±) 7a (EC50 = 200 nM) aufwies. Die Trennung der trans-Enantiomere der Leitstruktur AH073t wurde erfolgreich mit Hilfe einer chiralen chromatographischen Methode durchgef{\"u}hrt und die Absolutkonfiguration mit Hilfe der Circulardichroismus-Spektroskopie (Arbeitskreis Bringmann) bestimmt. Durch die biologische Untersuchung an den MM-INA-6-Zellen (Arbeitskreis Chatterjee) wurde die enantiospezifische Aktivit{\"a}t des 3R,4R-Enantiomers best{\"a}tigt, wohingegen das 3S,4S-Isomer hingegen nicht aktiv war. Die angestrebte Amidierung zu enantiomerenreinen Substanzen f{\"u}hrte gegen die Erwartung zu einem Diastereomerengemisch, da aufgrund des aciden Protons am Kohlenstoff C-4 die Carbons{\"a}uren im Laufe der Synthese epimerisierten. Um die Epimerisierung an der aciden Position zu vermeiden, wurden neuartige Isochinolinoncarbons{\"a}ure-Derivate hergestellt, die erstmalig an dem Kohlenstoff C 4 substituiert wurden. Mit Hilfe einer Schutzgruppentechnik wurden in drei Syntheseschritten erfolgreich drei neue Derivate, n{\"a}mlich eine fluorierte ((±) 11), methylierte ((±) 15) und ethylierte Verbindung ((±) 16), erhalten. Die Bestimmung der Absolutkonfiguration der fluorierten und ethylierten Spezies gelang durch die R{\"o}ntgenstrukturanalyse der Einkristalle (Arbeitskreis Braunschweig). Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass die Alkylierungsreaktion stereospezifisch verliefen und ausschließlich cis-Derivate erhalten wurden. Die biologische Untersuchung dieser Substanzen best{\"a}tigte die Konfiguration, da alle drei Verbindungen keine Aktivit{\"a}t auf MM-INA-6-Zellen zeigten (EC50 >100 µM). Weiterhin wurde mit Hilfe einer UV-metrischen Messung die S{\"a}ttigungskonzentration der neuen Derivate untersucht. Hierbei wurde festgestellt, dass die Substitution am Kohlenstoff C-4 zur Senkung der L{\"o}slichkeit gef{\"u}hrt hat. Anhand der Proteinkristallstruktur des bHSC70 (C.Grimm) wurde ein TMAO-Molek{\"u}l in der N{\"a}he der der Interface-Oberfl{\"a}che identifiziert. Basierend auf diesem Ergebnis wurde eine Methode zur Herstellung eines TMAO-Isochinolinonhybrides entwickelt, welches sich an der Leitstruktur AH073t orientierte. W{\"a}hrend der Synthesesequenz ist es zu der Decarboxylierung des angestrebten 3,4-Dihydroisochinolin-1(2H)-on-Derivates gekommen, wodurch das neue Derivat 17 erhalten wurde. Nachdem die Reaktionsbedinungen variiert und die gew{\"u}nschte Verbindung nicht erhalten wurde, wurde 17 im darauffolgenden Syntheseschritt erfolgreich zum TMAO-Hybrid 18 umgesetzt. Der Szintillationsn{\"a}henachweis (SPA) ist eine etablierte Methode, um mit Hilfe von radioaktivmarkierten Liganden Bindungsstudien im Hochdurchsatzformat durchzuf{\"u}hren und hier die Bindungsposition der Isochinolinon-Derivate zu untersuchen. Die Substanz AH122t diente hierbei als Leitstruktur zur Entwicklung einer Methode zur Radioaktivmarkierung der potentiellen HSP70-Inhibitoren, sodass die aktivierte Stanylverbindung (±) 19 erhalten wurde. Diese Verbindung konnte in der Gegenwart von Chloramin T und des NaI-Salzes innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden zum Radioliganden (±) 7d* umgesetzt werden. Die Herstellung des Radioliganden wurde mittels einer entwickelten HPLC-Methode analysiert und validiert. Eine weitere M{\"o}glichkeit zur Evaluieren der potentiellen Bindungspartner der hergestellten Isochinolinon-Verbindungen bietet die Affinit{\"a}tschromatographie gekoppelt mit der proteomischen Analyse mittels quantitativer Massenspektrometrie (Arbeitskreis Schlosser). Es gelang die Herstellung der Biotin-markierter Liganden (±) 23, der sich an der Leitstruktur AH073t orientierte, und (±) 25, der sich an AH081t orientierte. Die ersten Analysen mittels Affinit{\"a}tschromatographie zeigten, dass mit dem Liganden (±) 23 {\"u}berraschenderweise keine Proteine signifikant angereichert wurden, w{\"a}hrend mit dem Liganden (±) 25 zwar keine HSP70-Proteine angereichert, aber einige Komponenten der Hitzeschutzantwort wie die Phosphatidylinositol-Kinasen DNA-PK und ATM, und die Untereinheiten des Chaperons HSP90 identifiziert werden konnten. Die bereits bestehende Substanzbibliothek der -Acylaminocarboxamide wurde erfolgreich mit Hilfe der Ugi-Multikomponentenreaktion um die Derivate (±) 38c-g erweitert. Die Evaluierung der biologischen Aktivit{\"a}t erfolgte semiquantitativ mittels Westernblot und quantitativ mittels ELISA-Assay (Arbeitskreis Chatterjee), wobei die Beurteilung indirekt anhand des HSF1-vermittelten Regulationslevels des Chaperons HSP72 erfolgte. Hierbei wurden neue Verbindungen (±) 38c und (±) 38g mit dem ,-ges{\"a}ttigten Carbonylsystem identifiziert, die eine vergleichbare inhibitorische Aktivit{\"a}t wie die bereits bekannten unges{\"a}ttigten Derivaten (±) 37l oder (±) 37m zeigten, was darauf hinweist, dass die inhibitorische Aktivit{\"a}t der  Acylaminocarboxamide nicht von der kovalenten Bindung des Michael-Systems verursacht wird. Um das Target der -Acylaminocarboxamide zu evaluieren, wurde auch hier die Durchf{\"u}hrung der Affinit{\"a}tschromatographie gekoppelt mit der Analyse mittels der quantitativer Massenspektrometrie angestrebt (Arbeitskreis Schlosser). In Anlehnung an die Synthesemethodik f{\"u}r die HSP70-Liganden wurden hierf{\"u}r die Biotin-markierten Liganden (±) 42, (±) 44 und (±) 46 erfolgreich hergestellt, die sich durch die Position des Biotinlinkers unterscheiden. Die proteomische Untersuchung wurde erfolgreich mit den Liganden (±) 44 und (±) 46 durchgef{\"u}hrt und es wurden 68 Proteine signifikant angereichert. Viele dieser Proteine tragen die sogenannte Armadillo-Dom{\"a}ne, die eine wichtige Rolle in der Protein-Protein-Interaktion spielt und eine hochkonservierte Bindungstasche aufweist. Unter den angereicherten Proteinen befanden sich mitunter der MICOS-Komplex, der CCR4-NOT-Komplex und die Kinasen des Phosphatidylinositol-Signalwegs. Von den letzteren konnten explizit die Kinasen DNA-PK, ATM, ATR und mTOR identifiziert werden, die m{\"o}glicherweise die HSF1-regulierte HSP70-Expression beeinflussen. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, dass die Position des Linkers die Bindung an zwei unterschiedliche Proteingruppen beeinflusst. W{\"a}hrend der Ligand (±) 44 ausschließlich mit den Proteinen des CCR4-NOT-Komplexes interagierte, wurden f{\"u}r den Liganden (±) 46 die Komponenten des COG Komplexes identifiziert.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {de} } @article{JessbergerHoeggerGenestetal.2017, author = {Jessberger, Steffen and H{\"o}gger, Petra and Genest, Franca and Salter, Donald M. and Seefried, Lothar}, title = {Cellular pharmacodynamic effects of Pycnogenol\(^{®}\) in patients with severe osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled pilot study}, series = {BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine}, volume = {17}, journal = {BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine}, number = {537}, doi = {10.1186/s12906-017-2044-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159532}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: The standardized maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol\(^{®}\)) has previously shown symptom alleviating effects in patients suffering from moderate forms of knee osteoarthritis (OA). The cellular mechanisms for this positive impact are so far unknown. The purpose of the present randomized pilot controlled study was to span the knowledge gap between the reported clinical effects of Pycnogenol\(^{®}\) and its in vivo mechanism of action in OA patients. Methods: Thirty three patients with severe OA scheduled for a knee arthroplasty either received 100 mg of Pycnogenol\(^{®}\) twice daily or no treatment (control group) three weeks before surgery. Cartilage, synovial fluid and serum samples were collected during surgical intervention. Relative gene expression of cartilage homeostasis markers were analyzed in the patients' chondrocytes. Inflammatory and cartilage metabolism mediators were investigated in serum and synovial fluid samples. Results: The oral intake of Pycnogenol\(^{®}\) downregulated the gene expression of various cartilage degradation markers in the patients' chondrocytes, the decrease of MMP3, MMP13 and the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL1B were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). Additionally, protein concentrations of ADAMTS-5 in serum were reduced significantly (p ≤ 0.05) after three weeks intake of the pine bark extract. Conclusions: This is the first report about positive cellular effects of a dietary supplement on key catabolic and inflammatory markers in patients with severe OA. The results provide a rational basis for understanding previously reported clinical effects of Pycnogenol\(^{®}\) on symptom scores of patients suffering from OA.}, language = {en} } @article{RitzerLuehmannRodeetal.2017, author = {Ritzer, J. and L{\"u}hmann, T. and Rode, C. and Pein-Hackelbusch, M. and Immohr, I. and Schedler, U. and Thiele, T. and St{\"u}binger, S. and Rechenberg, B.v. and Waser-Althaus, J. and Schlottig, F. and Merli, M. and Dawe, H. and Karp{\´i}šek, M. and Wyrwa, R. and Schnabelrauch, M. and Meinel, L.}, title = {Diagnosing peri-implant disease using the tongue as a 24/7 detector}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {8}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {264}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-017-00340-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170471}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Our ability of screening broad communities for clinically asymptomatic diseases critically drives population health. Sensory chewing gums are presented targeting the tongue as 24/7 detector allowing diagnosis by "anyone, anywhere, anytime". The chewing gum contains peptide sensors consisting of a protease cleavable linker in between a bitter substance and a microparticle. Matrix metalloproteinases in the oral cavity, as upregulated in peri-implant disease, specifically target the protease cleavable linker while chewing the gum, thereby generating bitterness for detection by the tongue. The peptide sensors prove significant success in discriminating saliva collected from patients with peri-implant disease versus clinically asymptomatic volunteers. Superior outcome is demonstrated over commercially available protease-based tests in saliva. "Anyone, anywhere, anytime" diagnostics are within reach for oral inflammation. Expanding this platform technology to other diseases in the future features this diagnostic as a massive screening tool potentially maximizing impact on population health.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mahdiani2017, author = {Mahdiani, Maryam}, title = {Quantitative analysis of fatty acids, cholesterol and oxidation products thereof in human breast adipose tissues}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156102}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The aim of the present work was to determine the breast adipose tissue composition regarding fatty acids, cholesterol and (aut)oxidation products of cholesterol in women without breast cancer and to identify associated variables. Thus the necessary methods were optimized and validated where required and the breast adipose tissues of women without breast cancer were collected and analyzed. The gas chromatography with flame ionization detection was optimized for detection and separation of 37 relevant fatty acids. Fifty breast adipose tissues were analyzed using the optimized method. 26 fatty acids were detected in breast adipose tissues. The median proportion of saturated (sum of 11 fatty acids), monounsaturated (sum of 5 fatty acids), polyunsaturated (sum of 9 fatty acids) and one trans fatty acid were 34.6\%, 53.2\%, 12.1\% and 0.3\% respectively. Moreover, absolute levels of pentadecanoic acid (median: 0.37 mg/g, range: 0.08 - 1.31 mg/g), elaidic acid (median: 0.50 mg/g, range: 0.09 - 1.92 mg/g), linolenic acid (median: 0.88 mg/g, range: 0.10 - 3.06 mg/g) and docosahexaenoic acid (median: 0.31 mg/g, range: 0.04 - 1.80 mg/g) were determined in breast adipose tissues for the first time. These four fatty acids are indicative for consumption of dairy products, processed fats, vegetable oils such as flax seed oil and fish respectively. Furthermore, for the investigation of cholesterol in breast adipose tissues a gas chromatography was optimized and validated. The accuracies of the method in three independent spiked samples with low, medium and high levels of cholesterol were 99.1 ± 10.1\%, 87.0 ± 11.2\%, and 103.4 ± 4.6\% with precisions of 2.1, 2.1, and 0.8\% respectively. Using external calibration with internal standard cholesterol was quantified in samples (median: 1.1 mg/g, range: 0.7 - 1.5 mg/g). In order to detect (aut)oxidation products of cholesterol, gas chromatography coupled triple quadrupole mass spectrometry was optimized and validated. The accuracy was between 81.6\% and 115.7\% and precisions for low, medium and high oxy-cholesterols levels were below 10.0\%. The quantitative determination of (aut)oxidation products of cholesterol was established using external calibration with an internal standard. The most abundant oxy-cholesterol was 5,6β-Epoxy- (median: 147.2 ng/g, range: 25.7 - 624.2 ng/g), followed by 5,6α-Epoxy- (median: 34.6 ng/g, range: 9.9 - 124.7 ng/g), 7-Keto- (median: 19.1 ng/g, range: 7.9 - 220.6 ng/g), 7α-Hydroxy- (median: 10.2 ng/g, range: 3.8 - 111.3 ng/g) and 7β-Hydroxy-Cholesterol (median: 3.5 ng/g, range: 1.0 - 45.6 ng/g) respectively. Median oxy-cholesterol/cholesterol ratios ranged from 0.0001 (5,6β-Epoxy-Cholesterol) to 0.000003 (7β-Hydroxy-Cholesterol). Finally the associations between fatty acids, cholesterol and oxy-cholesterol were investigated using Spearman's rank correlation. Absolute levels of elaidic acid were positively correlated with levels of linolenic and docosahexaenoic acid (R = 0.79, 0.68, p < 0.01). Absolute levels of linolenic acid were positively associated with levels of docosahexaenoic acid (R = 0.81, p < 0.01). Moreover, relative proportions of saturated fatty acids capric, myristic, palmitic and stearic acid were negatively correlated with oleic acid (R = -0.36, -0.71, -0.65, -0.39, p < 0.05). Tissue levels of cholesterol were not correlated with levels of 5,6α/β-Epoxy-Cholesterols but were negatively associated with that of 7α-Hydroxy-, 7β-Hydroxy- and 7-Keto-Cholesterol (R = -0.29, -0.32, -0.29 p = 0.04, 0.02, 0.04). Levels of 7-Keto- and 7-Hydoxy-Cholesterol were strongly correlated with each other (R = 0.81, 0.91, p < 0.01) and, weaker, with 5,6α/β-Epoxy-Cholesterols (R = 0.60-0.70, p < 0.01). 5,6α/β-Epoxy-Cholesterols were associated positively with each other (R = 0.90, P < 0.01). Total oxy-cholesterol, 7β-Hydroxy-Cholesterol, and 5,6β-Epoxy-Cholesterol levels were correlated with relative proportions of elaidic acid (R = 0.30, 0.30, and 0.31 respectively, p = 0.04, 0.03, 0.03, respectively), whereas no correlation was observed between levels of oxy-cholesterols and relative proportion of pentadecanoic acid, linolenic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Furthermore, Spearman's rank correlation was performed to investigate the relationship of fatty acids, cholesterol and oxy-cholesterol with age and body mass index. The relative proportions of total saturated fatty acids were negatively correlated with age (R = -0.47, p < 0.01) and body mass index (R = -0.29, p = 0.05). A positive significant correlation was observed between proportions of oleic acid and body mass index (R = 0.32, p = 0.02). There was no correlation between levels of cholesterol and body mass index or age. Likewise, no correlations of oxy-cholesterol levels with age or body mass index were observed. In sum, in this work the quantification methods of cholesterol and oxy-cholesterol were validated. The validation data met the criteria according to the FDA guideline. Using the validated methods the absolute levels of cholesterol and oxy-cholesterols were determined in breast adipose tissue of human females for the first time.}, subject = {Lebensmittelchemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Terveer2017, author = {Terveer, Nils}, title = {Springs and Parachutes - Development and Characterization of Novel Formulations for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154311}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Successful formulation development of novel, particularly organic APIs of low molecular weight as candidates for ground-breaking pharmaceutical products is a major challenge for the pharmaceutical industry because of the poor aqueous solubility of most of these compounds. The hit identification strategies of drug development in use today apply high throughput screening techniques for the investigation of thousands of substances. This approach led to a systematical increase in molecular weight and lipophilicity and a decrease of water solubility of lead compounds reaching market access. The high lipophilicity causes an excellent permeability of the compounds which favours the absorption process from the small intestine, but it causes a decrease of water-solubility. It becomes evident that an adequate aqueous solubility is necessary for absorption of the API from the gastrointestinal fluids into the systemic circulation and hence for efficacy of the pharmaceutical product. Only an dissolved API is getting absorbed and becomes efficacious. The precipitated proportion is resigned directly. Therefore, the development of an individual formulation aligning the physicochemical characteristics is necessary for every API to produce supersaturated solutions in the small intestine and to reach an adequate bioavailability after absorption into the systemic circulation. In this thesis a specific formulation development was investigated for two exemplary poorly water-soluble APIs to replace the empirical approach often used today. The basic tyrosine-kinase inhibitor imatinib and six different acetylated amino acids were transferred into ILs. As compared to the free base and the mesylate salt, which is marketed by Novartis AG as Gleevec®, the dissolution rate as well as the supersaturation time was increased significantly. By changing the mesylate anion with its potential genotoxic risks, the total toxicity of the drug product could be decreased. The amorphous ILs proved adequate stability under forcing conditions and there was no recrystallization of the free base observed. The amorphous character of the ILs caused an increased amount of water vapour sorption which can be compensated by special packaging materials. Taken together, the presentation of imatinib as an IL is intended for oral administration as a tablet and can cause a reduction of dose because of the increased solubility. Therefore, the occurrence of side effects can be reduced as compared to Gleevec®. If there is actually an increased bioavailability to observe, has to be proved by the execution of animal trials. The novel NOX inhibitor VAS3947 is intended for the treatment of endothelial dysfunctions causing diseases like heart failure and stroke. The compounds poor aqueous solubility hindered further clinical development so far and make the drug candidate to remain in a very early stage of the drug development process. Therefore, different formulation concepts were evaluated in this study: An amorphous solid dispersion prepared from VAS3947 and Eudragit® L100 by means of spray drying was able to increase the dissolution rate and solubility of the compound significantly, but with the accomplished kinetic solubility being in the low µM range it is not possible to reach therapeutic plasma concentrations. In contrast, the incorporation into cyclodextrins resulted in an 760-fold increased solubility. Different cyclodextrins were evaluated. Especially the lipophilic derivatives of the β-cyclodextrin showed to be the most adequate excipients. The incorporation of the API into the cyclodextrin cavity was proved by means of NMR spectroscopy. Additionally, a formulation of VAS3947 and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin was prepared. This formulation is intended for the intravenous application during animal trials, which have to be conducted to get to know the pharmacokinetics of VAS3947. This formulation reached a concentration of 1 mg/mL spending striking protection of VAS3947 against degradation. Presentation of VAS3947 as a microemulsion system led also to increase the aqueous solubility of the compound, but not in the same extent as the cyclodextrin formulation. Beside the formulation development a physicochemical characterization was performed to get to know important parameters such as log P and pKa values of VAS3947. An HPLC method was developed and validated to analyse the extent of solubility improvement. A major issue of the compound VAS3947 and all related triazolopyrimidine derivatives, developed by Vasopharm GmbH, is the insufficient chemical stability because of presence of a hemiaminal moiety in the chemical structure. Stability investigations and an extensive biopharmaceutical characterization confirm the hindering of further clinical development by insufficient drug stability and high cytotoxicity. Poor aqueous solubility is an additional disadvantage which can be handled by a concerted formulation development.}, language = {en} } @article{MuelekSeefriedGenestetal.2017, author = {M{\"u}lek, Melanie and Seefried, Lothar and Genest, Franca and H{\"o}gger, Petra}, title = {Distribution of constituents and metabolites of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol\(^{®}\)) into serum, blood cells, and synovial fluid of patients with severe osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial}, series = {Nutrients}, volume = {9}, journal = {Nutrients}, number = {5}, doi = {10.3390/nu9050443}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159862}, pages = {443}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The present randomized controlled study aimed to investigate the in vivo distribution of constituents or metabolites of the standardized maritime pine bark extract Pycnogenol\(^{®}\). Thirty-three patients with severe osteoarthritis scheduled for a knee arthroplasty were randomized to receive either 200 mg per day Pycnogenol\(^{®}\) (P+) or no treatment (Co) over three weeks before surgery. Serum, blood cells, and synovial fluid samples were analyzed using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (LC-ESI/MS/MS). Considerable interindividual differences were observed indicating pronounced variability of the polyphenol pharmacokinetics. Notably, the highest polyphenol concentrations were not detected in serum. Catechin and taxifolin primarily resided within the blood cells while the microbial catechin metabolite δ-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl)-γ-valerolactone, ferulic, and caffeic acid were mainly present in synovial fluid samples. Taxifolin was detected in serum and synovial fluid exclusively in the P+ group. Likewise, no ferulic acid was found in serum samples of the Co group. Calculating ratios of analyte distribution in individual patients revealed a simultaneous presence of some polyphenols in serum, blood cells, and/or synovial fluid only in the P+ group. This is the first evidence that polyphenols distribute into the synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis which supports rationalizing the results of clinical efficacy studies.}, language = {en} }