@phdthesis{Kappenberger2024, author = {Kappenberger, Jeannette Sarah}, title = {Biochemical characterization of the TFIIH translocase XPB from \(Chaetomium\) \(thermophilum\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24409}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244096}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {DNA repair and gene expression are two major cellular processes that are fundamental for the maintenance of biological life. Both processes require the enzymatic activity of the super family 2 helicase XBP, which is an integral subunit of the general transcription factor TFIIH. During transcription initiation, XPB catalyzes the initial melting of promoter DNA enabling RNA polymerase II to engage with the coding DNA strand and start gene transcription. In nucleotide excision repair, XPB acts in concert with the other TFIIH helicase XPD causing strand separation around a lesion site. Mutations within the genes encoding XPB or other TFIIH subunits are associated with different cancer types as well as with the autosomal recessive disorders Xeroderma Pigmentosum and trichothiodystrophy and rarely combined features of Xeroderma Pigmentosum and Cockayne syndrome. In the last few years, great progress has been made towards unraveling the structure of TFIIH and its individual subunits including XPB. These structural insights tremendously improved our understandings with respect to the molecular interactions within this intriguing protein complex. However, the underlying regulation mechanisms that functionally control XPB during transcription and repair remained largely elusive. We thus executed the biochemical characterization of this protein to investigate the functional network that regulates XPB within the scaffold of TFIIH. Due to their enhanced stability compared to the human proteins, we utilized the proteins that originate from the thermophilic fungus Chaetomium thermophilum for this purpose as a model organism for eukaryotic TFIIH. The present work provides novel insights into the enzymatic function and regulation of XPB. We could show that both, DNA and the TFIIH subunit p52 stimulate XPB's ATPase activity and that the p52-mediated activity is further boosted by p8, another subunit within TFIIH. Surprisingly, DNA can activate XPB's ATPase activity to a greater extent than its TFIIH interaction partners p52/p8, but when both, i.e. p52/p8 and DNA are present at the same time, p52 dominates the activation and the enzymatic speed is maintained at the level observed through the sole activation of p52/p8. We thus defined p52 as the master regulator of XPB that simultaneously activates and represses XPB's enzymatic activity. Based on a correlative mutagenesis study of the main interface between p52 and XPB that was set into context with recent structural data, a model for the p52-mediated activation and speed limitation of XPB's ATPase was proposed. The research on XPB's ATPase was expanded with the investigation of the inhibition mechanism of XPB's ATPase via the natural compound Triptolide. Furthermore, we investigated XPB's DNA translocase function and could observe that XPB can only perform its translocase movement when it is fully incorporated into core TFIIH and this translocase movement is further enhanced by the nucleotide excision repair factor XPA. Fluorescence polarization measurements with nucleotide analogues revealed that XPB displays the highest affinity towards DNA in the ADP + Pi bound state and its binding is weakened when ADP is bound or the nucleotide is dissociated from the enzyme, suggesting a movement on the DNA during the distinct states of the ATPase cycle. Finally, the well-known and highly conserved RED motif was found to be the crucial element in XPB to enable this translocase movement. Combined, the data presented in this work provide novel insights into the intricate regulation network that controls XPB's enzymatic activity within TFIIH and furthermore show that XPB's enzymatic activity is tightly controlled by various factors.}, subject = {DNS-Reparatur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koelmel2020, author = {K{\"o}lmel, Wolfgang}, title = {Structural and functional characterization of TFIIH from \(Chaetomium\) \(thermophilum\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16176}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161769}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Gene expression and transfer of the genetic information to the next generation forms the basis of cellular life. These processes crucially rely on DNA, thus the preservation, transcription and translation of DNA is of fundamental importance for any living being. The general transcription factor TFIIH is a ten subunit protein complex, which consists of two subcomplexes: XPB, p62, p52, p44, p34, and p8 constitute the TFIIH core, CDK7, CyclinH, and MAT1 constitute the CAK. These two subcomplexes are connected via XPD. TFIIH is a crucial factor involved in both, DNA repair and transcription. The central role of TFIIH is underlined by three severe disorders linked to failure of TFIIH in these processes: xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy. Only limited structural and functional data of TFIIH are available so far. Here, the model organism Chaetomium thermophilum was utilized with the aim to structurally and functionally characterize TFIIH. By combining the expression and purification of single TFIIH subunits with the co-expression and co-purification of dual complexes, a unique and powerful modular system of the TFIIH core subunits could be established, encompassing all proteins in high quality and fully functional. This system permits the step-wise assembly of TFIIH core, thereby making it possible to assess the influence of the intricate interaction network within TFIIH core on the overall enzymatic activities of TFIIH, which has not been possible so far. Utilizing the single subunits and dual complexes, a detailed interaction network of TFIIH core was established, revealing the crucial role of the p34 subunit as a central scaffold of TFIIH by linking the two proteins p44 and p52. Our studies also suggest that p62 constitutes the central interface of TFIIH to the environment rather than acting as a scaffold. TFIIH core complexes were assembled and investigated via electron microscopy. Preliminary data indicate that TFIIH adopts different conformational states, which are important to fulfill its functions in transcription and DNA repair. Additionally, a shortened construct of p62 was used to develop an easy-to-use, low cost strategy to overcome the crystallographic phase problem via cesium derivatization.}, subject = {Transkriptionsfaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rohleder2014, author = {Rohleder, Florian}, title = {The Intricate Network of Replication-dependent Interstrand Crosslink DNA Repair}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113121}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway is a replication-dependent DNA repair mechanism which is essential for the removal of interstrand crosslink (ICL) DNA damages in higher eukaryotes (Moldovan and D'Andrea, 2009). Malfunctions in this highly regulated repair network lead to genome instability (Deans and West, 2011). Pathological phenotypes of the disease FA which is caused by mutations in the eponymous pathway are very heterogeneous, involving congenital abnormalities, bone-marrow failure, cancer predisposition and infertility (Auerbach, 2009). The FA pathway comprises a complex interaction network and to date 16 FA complementation groups and associated factors have been identified (Kottemann and Smogorzewska, 2013). Additionally, components of nucleotide excision repair (NER), homologous recombination repair (HRR), and translesion synthesis (TLS) are involved and coordinated by the FA proteins (Niedzwiedz et al., 2004; Knipscheer et al., 2009). One of the FA proteins is the DEAH helicase FANCM. In complex with its binding partners FAAP24 and MHF1/2 it binds the stalled replication fork and activates the FA damage response (Wang et al., 2013). However, the exact steps towards removal of the ICL damage still remain elusive. To decipher the underlying process of FA initiation by FANCM, this thesis mainly focuses on the archaeal FANCM homolog helicase-associated endonuclease for fork-structured DNA (Hef). Hef from the archaeal organism Thermoplasma acidophilum (taHef) differs from other archaeal Hef proteins and exclusively comprises an N-terminal helicase entity with two RecA and a thumb-like domain while others additionally contain a nuclease portion at the C-terminus. I solved the crystal structure of full-length taHef at a resolution of 2.43 {\AA}. In contrast to the crystal structure of the helicase domain of Hef from Pyrococcus furiosus (pfHef), taHef exhibits an extremely open conformation (Nishino et al., 2005b) which implies that a domain movement of the RecA-like helicase motor domains of 61° is possible thus highlighting the flexibility of helicases which is required to translocate along the DNA. However, small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements confirm an intermediate conformation of taHef in solution indicating that both crystal structures represent rather edge states. Most importantly, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was identified as an interaction partner of Hef. This interaction is mediated by a highly conserved canonical PCNA interacting peptide (PIP) motif. Intriguingly, the presence of PCNA does not alter the ATPase nor the helicase activity of taHef, thus suggesting that the interaction is entirely dedicated to recruit taHef to the replication fork to fulfill its function. Due to a high level of flexibility the taHef-taPCNA complex could not be crystallized and therefore SAXS was utilized to determine a low-resolution model of this quaternary structure. This newly discovered PCNA interaction could also be validated for the eukaryotic FANCM homolog Mph1 from the thermophilic fungus Chaetomium thermophilum (ctMph1). As the first step towards the characterization of this interaction I solved the crystal structure of PCNA from Chaetomium thermophilum (ctPCNA). Furthermore, it was possible to achieve preliminary results on the putative interaction between the human proteins FANCM and PCNA (hsFANCM, hsPCNA). In collaboration with Detlev Schindler (Human Genetics, W{\"u}rzburg) and Weidong Wang (National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, USA) co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) experiments were performed using hsFANCM and hsPCNA expressed in HEK293 cells. Although an interaction was reproducibly observed in hydroxyurea stimulated cells further experiments and optimization procedures are required and ongoing.}, subject = {DNS-Reparatur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roth2011, author = {Roth, Heide Marie}, title = {Nucleotide Excision Repair: From Recognition to Incision of damaged DNA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57098}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) pathway is able to remove a vast diversity of structurally unrelated DNA lesions and is the only repair mechanism in humans responsible for the excision of UV induced DNA damages. The NER mechanism raises two fundamental questions: 1) How is DNA damage recognition achieved discriminating damaged from non damaged DNA? 2) How is DNA incision regulated preventing endonucleases to cleave DNA non specifically but induce and ensure dual incision of damaged DNA? Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the mechanisms leading from recognition to incision of damaged DNA. To decipher the underlying process of damage recognition in a prokaryotic model system, the intention of the first part of this work was to co crystallize the helicase UvrB form Bacillus caldotenax together with a DNA substrate comprising a fluorescein adducted thymine as an NER substrate. Incision assays were performed to address the question whether UvrB in complex with the endonuclease UvrC is able to specifically incise damaged DNA employing DNA substrates with unpaired regions at different positions with respect to the DNA lesion. The results presented here indicate that the formation of a specific pre incision complex is independent of the damage sensor UvrA. The preference for 5' bubble substrate suggests that UvrB is able to slide along the DNA favorably in a 5' → 3' direction until it directly encounters a DNA damage on the translocating strand to then recruit the endonuclease UvrC. In the second part of this work, the novel endonuclease Bax1 from Thermoplasma acidophilum was characterized. Due to its close association to archaeal XPB, a potential involvement of Bax1 in archaeal NER has been postulated. Bax1 was shown to be a Mg2+ dependent, structure specific endonuclease incising 3' overhang substrates in the single stranded region close to the ssDNA/dsDNA junction. Site directed mutagenesis of conserved amino acids was employed to identify putative active site residues of Bax1. In complex with the helicase XPB, however, incision activity of Bax1 is altered regarding substrate specificity. The presence of two distinct XPB/Bax1 complexes with different endonuclease activities indicates that XPB regulates Bax1 incision activity providing insights into the physical and functional interactions of XPB and Bax1.}, subject = {DNS-Reparatur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schoenwetter2021, author = {Sch{\"o}nwetter, Elisabeth Sofie}, title = {Towards an understanding of the intricate interaction network of TFIIH}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16892}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168926}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The integrity of its DNA is fundamental for every living cell. However, DNA is constantly threatened by exogenous and endogenous damaging agents that can cause a variety of different DNA lesions. The severe consequences of an accumulation of DNA lesions are reflected in cancerogenesis and aging. Several DNA repair mechanisms ensure the repair of DNA lesions and thus maintain DNA integrity. One of these DNA repair mechanisms is nucleotide excision repair (NER), which is famous for its ability to address a large variety of structurally unrelated DNA lesions. A key component of eukaryotic NER is the transcription factor II H (TFIIH) complex, which is not only essential for DNA repair but also for transcription. The TFIIH complex is composed of ten subunits. How these subunits work together during NER to unwind the DNA around the lesion is, however, not yet fully understood. High-resolution structural data and biochemical insights into the function of every subunit are thus indispensable to understand the functional networks within TFIIH. The importance of an intact TFIIH complex is reflected in the severe consequences of patient mutations in the TFIIH subunits XPB, XPD or p8 leading to the hallmark diseases xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome and trichothiodystrophy. Defects in the NER pathway are further associated with several types of cancer including skin cancer. The herein described work focused on five TFIIH subunits derived from the thermophilic fungus Chaetomium thermophilum, the p34/p44 pair and the ternary XPB/p52/p8 complex. The interaction between p34 and p44 was characterized based on a high-resolution structure of the p34_vWA/p44_RING minimal complex. Biochemical studies of the p34/p44 interaction led to the disclosure of an additional interaction between the p34 and p44 subunits, which had not been characterized so far. The p34/p44 interaction was shown to be central to TFIIH, which justifies the presence of several redundant interfaces to safeguard the interaction between the two proteins and might explain why so far, no patient mutations in these subunits have been identified. The p52 subunit of TFIIH was known to be crucial to stimulate the ATPase activity of XPB, which is required during NER. This work presents the first entire atomic resolution structural characterization of p52, which was derived of several crystal structures of p52 variants and a p52/p8 variant thereby demonstrating the interaction between p52 and p8. The precise structural model of p52 offered the possibility to investigate interactions with other TFIIH subunits in more detail. The middle domain 2 of p52 and the N-terminal domain of XPB were shown to mediate the main interaction between the two subunits. An analysis of the p52 crystal structures within recently published cryo-electron microscopy structures of TFIIH provides a model of how p52 and p8 stimulate the ATPase activity of XPB, which is essential for NER and transcription. The structural and biochemical findings of this work provide an additional building block towards the uncovering of the architecture and function of this essential transcription factor.}, subject = {DNS-Reparatur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Solvie2023, author = {Solvie, Daniel Alexander}, title = {Molecular Mechanisms of MYC as Stress Resilience Factor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30539}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305398}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The underlying tumorigenesis is driven by the accumulation of alterations in the genome, eventually disabling tumor suppressors and activating proto-oncogenes. The MYC family of proto-oncogenes shows a strong deregulation in the majority of tumor entities. However, the exact mechanisms that contribute to MYC-driven oncogenesis remain largely unknown. Over the past decades, the influence of the MYC protein on transcription became increasingly apparent and was thoroughly investigated. Additionally, in recent years several publications provided evidence for so far unreported functions of MYC that are independent of a mere regulation of target genes. These findings suggest an additional role of MYC in the maintenance of genomic stability and this role is strengthened by key findings presented in this thesis. In the first part, I present data revealing a pathway that allows MYC to couple transcription elongation and DNA double-strand break repair, preventing genomic instability of MYC-driven tumor cells. This pathway is driven by a rapid transfer of the PAF1 complex from MYC onto RNAPII, a process that is mediated by HUWE1. The transfer controls MYC-dependent transcription elongation and, simultaneously, the remodeling of chromatin structure by ubiquitylation of histone H2B. These regions of open chromatin favor not only elongation but also DNA double-strand break repair. In the second part, I analyze the ability of MYC proteins to form multimeric structures in response to perturbation of transcription and replication. The process of multimerization is also referred to as phase transition. The observed multimeric structures are located proximal to stalled replication forks and recruit factors of the DNA-damage response and transcription termination machinery. Further, I identified the HUWE1-dependent ubiquitylation of MYC as an essential step in this phase transition. Cells lacking the ability to form multimers display genomic instability and ultimately undergo apoptosis in response to replication stress. Both mechanisms present MYC as a stress resilience factor under conditions that are characterized by a high level of transcriptional and replicational stress. This increased resilience ensures oncogenic proliferation. Therefore, targeting MYC's ability to limit genomic instability by uncoupling transcription elongation and DNA repair or disrupting its ability to multimerize presents a therapeutic window in MYC-dependent tumors.}, subject = {MYC}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wanzek2016, author = {Wanzek, Katharina}, title = {The investigation of the function of repair proteins at G-quadruplex structures in \(Saccharomyces\) \(cerevisiae\) revealed that Mms1 promotes genome stability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142547}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {G-quadruplex structures are highly stable alternative DNA structures that can, when not properly regulated, impede replication fork progression and cause genome instability (Castillo Bosch et al, 2014; Crabbe et al, 2004; Koole et al, 2014; Kruisselbrink et al, 2008; London et al, 2008; Lopes et al, 2011; Paeschke et al, 2013; Paeschke et al, 2011; Piazza et al, 2015; Piazza et al, 2010; Piazza et al, 2012; Ribeyre et al, 2009; Sabouri et al, 2014; Sarkies et al, 2012; Sarkies et al, 2010; Schiavone et al, 2014; Wu \& Spies, 2016; Zimmer et al, 2016). The aim of this thesis was to identify novel G-quadruplex interacting proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to unravel their regulatory function at these structures to maintain genome integrity. Mms1 and Rtt101 were identified as G-quadruplex binding proteins in vitro via a pull-down experiment with subsequent mass spectrometry analysis. Rtt101, Mms1 and Mms22, which are all components of an ubiquitin ligase (Rtt101Mms1/Mms22), are important for the progression of the replication fork following fork stalling (Luke et al, 2006; Vaisica et al, 2011; Zaidi et al, 2008). The in vivo binding of endogenously tagged Mms1 to its target regions was analyzed genome-wide using chromatin-immunoprecipitation followed by deep-sequencing. Interestingly, Mms1 bound independently of Mms22 and Rtt101 to G-rich regions that have the potential to form G-quadruplex structures. In vitro, formation of G-quadruplex structures could be shown for the G-rich regions Mms1 bound to. This binding was observed throughout the cell cycle. Furthermore, the deletion of MMS1 caused replication fork stalling as evidenced by increased association of DNA Polymerase 2 at Mms1 dependent sites. A gross chromosomal rearrangement assay revealed that deletion of MMS1 results in a significantly increased genome instability at G-quadruplex motifs compared to G-rich or non-G-rich regions. Additionally, binding of the helicase Pif1, which unwinds G4 structures in vitro (Paeschke et al, 2013; Ribeyre et al, 2009; Sanders, 2010; Wallgren et al, 2016), to Mms1 binding sites was reduced in mms1 cells. The data presented in this thesis, together with published data, suggests a novel mechanistic model in which Mms1 binds to G-quadruplex structures and enables Pif1 association. This allows for replication fork progression and genome integrity.}, subject = {Quadruplex-DNS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wolski2011, author = {Wolski, Stefanie Carola}, title = {Structural and functional characterization of nucleotide excision repair proteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67183}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {XPD is a 5'-3' helicase of the superfamily 2. As part of the transcription factor IIH it functions in transcription initiation and nucleotide excision repair. This work focus on the role of XPD in nucleotide excision repair. NER is a DNA repair pathway unique for its broad substrate range. In placental mammals NER is the only repair mechanism able to remove lesions induced by UV-light. NER can be divided into four different steps that are conserved between pro- and eukaryotes. Step 1 consists of the initial damage recognition, during step 2 the putative damage is verified, in step 3 the verified damage is excised and in the 4th and final step the resulting gap in the DNA is refilled. XPD was shown to be involved in the damage verification step. It was possible to solve the first apo XPD structure by a MAD approach using only the endogenous iron from the iron sulfur cluster. Based on the apo XPD structure several questions arise: where is DNA bound? Where is DNA separated? How is damage verification achieved? What is the role of the FeS cluster? These questions were addressed in this work. Hypothesis driven structure based functional mutagenesis was employed and combined with detailed biochemical characterization of the variants. The variants were analyzed by thermal unfolding studies to exclude the possibility that the overall stability could be affected by the point mutation. DNA binding assays, ATPase assays and helicase assays were performed to delineate amino acid residues important for DNA binding, helicase activity and damage recognition. A structure of XPD containing a four base pair DNA fragment was solved by molecular replacement. This structure displays the polarity of the translocated strand with respect to the helicase framework. Moreover the properties of the FeS cluster were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance to get insights into the role of the FeS cluster. Furthermore XPD from Ferroplasma acidarmanus was investigated since it was shown that it is stalled at CPD containing lesions. The data provide the first detailed insight into the translocation mechanism of a SF2B helicase and reveal how polarity is achieved. This provides a basis for further anlayses understanding the combined action of the helicase and the 4Fe4S cluster to accomplish damage verification within the NER cascade.}, subject = {DNS-Reparatur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xu2022, author = {Xu, Wenshan}, title = {Regulation of the DNA Damage Response by the Ubiquitin System}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16006}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-160064}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {DNA damage occurs frequently during normal cellular progresses or by environmental factors. To preserve the genome integrity, DNA damage response (DDR) has evolved to repair DNA and the non-properly repaired DNA induces human diseases like immune deficiency and cancer. Since a large number of proteins involved in DDR are enzymes of ubiquitin system, it is critical to investigate how the ubiquitin system regulates cellular response to DNA damage. Hereby, we reveal a novel mechanism for DDR regulation via activation of SCF ubiquitin ligase upon DNA damage. As an essential step for DNA damage-induced inhibition of DNA replication, Cdc25A degradation by the E3 ligase β-TrCP upon DNA damage requires the deubiquitinase Usp28. Usp28 deubiquitinates β-TrCP in response to DNA damage, thereby promotes its dimerization, which is required for its activity in substrate ubiquitination and degradation. Particularly, ubiquitination at a specific lysine on β-TrCP suppresses dimerization. The key mediator protein of DDR, 53BP1, forms oligomers and associates with β-TrCP to inhibit its activity in unstressed cells. Upon DNA damage, 53BP1 is degraded in the nucleoplasm, which requires oligomerization and is promoted by Usp28 in a β-TrCP-dependent manner. Consequently, 53BP1 destruction releases and activates β-TrCP during DNA damage response. Moreover, 53BP1 deletion and DNA damage promote β-TrCP dimerization and recruitment to chromatin sites that locate in the vicinity of putative replication origins. Subsequently, the chromatin-associated Cdc25A is degraded by β-TrCP at the origins. The stimulation of β-TrCP binding to the origins upon DNA damage is accompanied by unloading of Cdc45, a crucial component of pre-initiation complexes for replication. Loading of Cdc45 to origins is a key Cdk2-dependent step for DNA replication initiation, indicating that localized Cdc25A degradation by β-TrCP at origins inactivates Cdk2, thereby inhibits the initiation of DNA replication. Collectively, this study suggests a novel mechanism for the regulation of DNA replication upon DNA damage, which involves 53BP1- and Usp28-dependent activation of the SCF(β-TrCP) ligase in Cdc25A degradation.}, subject = {DNS-Sch{\"a}digung}, language = {en} }