@phdthesis{Fischer2010, author = {Fischer, Martina}, title = {Erythropoietin-Resistenz bei Dialysepatienten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-50866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Hintergrund Sowohl die Anzahl der Patienten, die an Diabetes mellitus Typ II erkrankten als auch die Zahl der Patienten, die sich einer Dialysetherapie unterziehen mussten, stiegen in den letzten Jahren stetig an. Im Vergleich zur Normalbe-v{\"o}lkerung ist die Mortalit{\"a}t bei Dialysepatienten um ein Vielfaches erh{\"o}ht. Da mit dem Verlust der Nierenfunktion nicht nur die exkretorischen sondern auch die inkretorischen Aufgaben der Nieren, wie beispielsweise die Aussch{\"u}ttung des Hormons Erythropoie-tin, nicht mehr geleistet werden k{\"o}nnen, sind diese Patienten auf eine Substitution angewiesen. Einige Dialyse-Patienten ben{\"o}tigen allerdings {\"u}berdurchschnittlich viel Erythropoietin um den Ziel Hb-Wert zu erreichen und zu halten. Man spricht hier von EPO-Resistenz. Zwei kleine observationelle Studien haben im letzten Jahr suggeriert, dass die Gabe von Atorvastatin eine Verbesserung der EPO Resistenz bewirken k{\"o}nnte. Auch ein Zusam-menhang des erreichten H{\"a}moglobinwertes und Inflammation mit einer EPO Resistenz wurde diskutiert10,11 Diese Studien waren allerdings weder verblindet noch an einem ausreichend großen Patienten-Klientel getestet. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung lag daher darin, den Einfluss von Statinen auf die EPO-Resistenz in einer großen ran-domisierten Studie zu untersuchen. Des Weiteren wurden Zusammenh{\"a}nge von EPO-Resistenz mit klinischen Parametern und Endpunkten evaluiert. Methoden Den Untersuchungen lagen die Daten der 4D-Studie („Die Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie"), einer multizentrischen, randomisierten, prospektiven Doppelblind-Studie mit 1255 an Diabetes mellitus erkrankten Dialysepatienten zu Grunde. Die Patienten wur-den in dieser Studie randomisiert, entweder 20 mg Atorvastatin pro Tag oder das ent-sprechende Placebo {\"u}ber einen mittleren Beobachtungszeitraum von 4 Jahren zu erhalten. 10 Alle Patienten wurden weniger als 2 Jahre dialysiert und waren im Alter zwischen 18 und 80 Jahren alt. Nach einer Anlaufperiode von 4 Wochen erfolgte die Randomisierung: 619 Studienteilnehmer wurden auf Atorvastatin- und 636 auf Placebo randomisiert. Der prim{\"a}re Endpunkt der 4D-Studie bestand aus Tod aufgrund kardialer Ursa-chen, t{\"o}dlichem oder nicht t{\"o}dlichem Schlaganfall und nicht t{\"o}dlichem Myokardinfarkt. Die sekund{\"a}ren Endpunkte waren definiert als Tod durch spezifische kardiale und zerebrovaskul{\"a}re Ereignisse, sowie Tod infolge anderer Ursachen. In regelm{\"a}ßigen Abst{\"a}nden wurden die Teilnehmer unter Anderem auf Komedikation, K{\"o}rpergewicht, Blutdruck, Puls und diverse h{\"a}matologische und biochemische Laborparameter untersucht. Im Speziellen wurde getestet, ob eine Wirkung von Atorvastatin 20 mg auf die EPO Resistenz bei Dialysepatienten mit Diabetes mellitus besteht. Daf{\"u}r wurden die durch-schnittlichen H{\"a}moglobinwerte, die mittlere EPO-Dosis und der mittlere EPO Resistenz Index f{\"u}r beide Patienten Gruppen {\"u}ber den gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum der Studie dokumentiert und miteinander verglichen. Weiterhin waren die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen EPO Dosis in Kombination mit Hb-Wert bezogen auf die Gesamtmortalit{\"a}t, kardiovaskul{\"a}re Ereignisse, pl{\"o}tzlichem Herztod, Schlaganfall und Myokardinfarkt ein Hauptpunkt der Analyse. Des Weiteren wurde die Assoziation von Hb-Variabilit{\"a}t zu den klinischen Endpunkten und die Beziehung zwischen Inflammation und EPO- Resis-tenz in der 4D-Studie evaluiert. Ergebnisse Obwohl eine deutliche Senkung der Lipidparameter durch Atorvastatin auch in dieser Studie nachgewiesen werden konnte (Atorvastatin-Gruppe von 121 mg/dl auf 72 mg/dl in vier Wochen, Placebo-Gruppe weitgehend unver{\"a}ndert), zeigte sich in der Prim{\"a}rstu-die keine signifikante Reduktion des prim{\"a}ren Endpunktes. In den speziellen Analysen zur EPO Resistenz in der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte im Rahmen einer Post-hoc Auswertung der 4D Studiendaten gezeigt werden, dass Statine die EPO Resistenz, sowie EPO-Dosis und Hb-Wert von Dialysepatienten nicht signifikant beeinflussen. In der Atorvastatin-Behandlungsgruppe war gegen{\"u}ber der Placebo-Gruppe keine Verbesserung dieser 3 Parameter w{\"a}hrend der 4 j{\"a}hrigen Beobachtungszeit zu verzeichnen. Hohe EPO Dosierungen, insbesondere in Zusammenhang mit nied-rigem Hb waren mit erh{\"o}hter Mortalit{\"a}t, kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Endpunkten und pl{\"o}tzlichem Herztod assoziiert. Die EPO-Resistenz, repr{\"a}sentiert durch den EPO-Resistenz-Index ging mit erh{\"o}hten Inflammationswerten einher. Die H{\"a}moglobin-Variabilit{\"a}t {\"u}ber ein Jahr zeigte in unserer Studie allerdings keinen Einfluss auf klinische Endpunkte. Schlussfolgerung Es gilt wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit kleinen Fallzahlen und observationellem Charak-ter durch randomisierte große Studien kritisch zu beurteilen. Die erh{\"o}hte Mortalit{\"a}t und die gesteigerte Rate kardialer Ereignisse und Schlaganf{\"a}lle bei EPO resistenten Patienten geben Anlass zu erh{\"o}hter Vorsicht bei der Gabe hoher EPO-Dosen an Dialysepatienten. Statine {\"u}ben keinen beweisbaren klinisch bedeutsa-men g{\"u}nstigen Effekt auf die EPO-Resistenz bei diesen Patienten aus. Angesichts des Zusammenhanges zwischen EPO-Resistenz und Inflammation ist der antiinflammatorische Beitrag von Statinen -gemessen an anderen EPO-Resistenz bedingenden Faktoren- m{\"o}glicherweise relativ zu klein, um sich klinisch bemerkbar zu machen. Weitere Studien zur Erforschung von Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r eine EPO-Resistenz sind daher zwingend notwendig, um weitere Zusammenh{\"a}nge beleuchten und neue Therapiestrategien etablieren zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Diabetes mellitus}, language = {de} } @article{BetzSchneiderKressetal.2012, author = {Betz, Boris and Schneider, Reinhard and Kress, Tobias and Schick, Martin Alexander and Wanner, Christoph and Sauvant, Christoph}, title = {Rosiglitazone Affects Nitric Oxide Synthases and Improves Renal Outcome in a Rat Model of Severe Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury}, series = {PPAR Research}, volume = {2012}, journal = {PPAR Research}, number = {Article ID 219319}, doi = {10.1155/2012/219319}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130872}, pages = {12}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background. Nitric oxide (NO)-signal transduction plays an important role in renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. NO produced by endothelial NO-synthase (eNOS) has protective functions whereas NO from inducible NO-synthase (iNOS) induces impairment. Rosiglitazone (RGZ), a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma agonist exerted beneficial effects after renal I/R injury, so we investigated whether this might be causally linked with NOS imbalance. Methods. RGZ (5 mg/kg) was administered i.p. to SD-rats (f) subjected to bilateral renal ischemia (60 min). Following 24 h of reperfusion, inulin-and PAH-clearance as well as PAH-net secretion were determined. Morphological alterations were graded by histopathological scoring. Plasma NOx-production was measured. eNOS and iNOS expression was analyzed by qPCR. Cleaved caspase 3 (CC3) was determined as an apoptosis indicator and ED1 as a marker of macrophage infiltration in renal tissue. Results. RGZ improves renal function after renal I/R injury (PAH-/inulin-clearance, PAH-net secretion) and reduces histomorphological injury. Additionally, RGZ reduces NOx plasma levels, ED-1 positive cell infiltration and CC3 expression. iNOS-mRNA is reduced whereas eNOS-mRNA is increased by RGZ. Conclusion. RGZ has protective properties after severe renal I/R injury. Alterations of the NO pathway regarding eNOS and iNOS could be an explanation of the underlying mechanism of RGZ protection in renal I/R injury.}, language = {en} } @article{WeidemannSanchezNinoPoliteietal.2013, author = {Weidemann, Frank and Sanchez-Nino, Maria D. and Politei, Juan and Oliveira, Jo{\~a}o-Paulo and Wanner, Christoph and Warnock, David G. and Oritz, Alberto}, title = {Fibrosis: a key feature of Fabry disease with potential therapeutic implications}, series = {Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases}, volume = {8}, journal = {Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases}, number = {116}, issn = {1750-1172}, doi = {10.1186/1750-1172-8-116}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124773}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Fabry disease is a rare X-linked hereditary disease caused by mutations in the AGAL gene encoding the lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the current cornerstone of Fabry disease management. Involvement of kidney, heart and the central nervous system shortens life span, and fibrosis of these organs is a hallmark of the disease. Fibrosis was initially thought to result from tissue ischemia secondary to endothelial accumulation of glycosphingolipids in the microvasculature. However, despite ready clearance of endothelial deposits, ERT is less effective in patients who have already developed fibrosis. Several potential explanations of this clinical observation may impact on the future management of Fabry disease. Alternative molecular pathways linking glycosphingolipids and fibrosis may be operative; tissue injury may recruit secondary molecular mediators of fibrosis that are unresponsive to ERT, or fibrosis may represent irreversible tissue injury that limits the therapeutic response to ERT. We provide an overview of Fabry disease, with a focus on the assessment of fibrosis, the clinical consequences of fibrosis, and recent advances in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of fibrosis that may suggest novel therapeutic approaches to Fabry disease.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartmann2014, author = {Hartmann, Sonja}, title = {Relevance of antibodies targeting the beta1-adrenergic receptor for renal function}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106285}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Functionally active (conformational) autoantibodies directed against the β1-adrenergic receptor (β1-AR) are supposed to have a pathogenic relevance in human heart failure, particularly in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Prevalence of anti-β1-autoantibodies (anti-β1-aabs) in the healthy population is almost negligible, whereas it amounts to up to 30\% in heart failure patients with idiopathic DCM. As β1-ARs are not restricted to the heart and are also highly expressed in particular segments of the nephron, it is conceivable that such autoantibodies might also affect kidney function to some extent through the activation of renal β1-ARs. In the kidney, β1-ARs are highly abundant in the juxtaglomerular apparatus, the distal convoluted tubules, the collecting duct, and the renal arteries. However, the functional significance of β1-ARs at these particular sites along the nephron is poorly understood, as are the effects of conformational stimulating anti-β1-aabs on renal β1-ARs. From the available literature, it is well known that the β1-adrenergic system is involved in, e.g., the regulation of renin-secretion from juxtaglomerular cells. In addition, the β1-adrenergic system is thought to be involved in the regulation of the urine pH via type B-intercalated cells in the collecting duct. In contrast, the regulation of salt- and fluid-secretion in the medullary collecting duct appears to occur independently from the SNS. As a consequence, the present work aimed to unravel the potential pathophysiological links between renal function, alterations in the cardiovascular system, and circulating agonist-like anti- β1-abs. We analyzed possible renal effects of anti-β1-abs in a human-analogous rat model. After immunization with a GST-fusion protein containing the second extracellular loop (β1-ECII) of the human β1-AR, Lewis-rats develop functionally active, stimulating, conformational anti-β1-ECII-abs. Within the first 6 months, anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive animals develop a hypertensive phenotype, which after 9 months evolves into a DCM phenotype. In n=40 GST/ β1-ECII-immunized Lewis rats and n=40 age-matched, 0.9\% NaCl-injected control animals, we sequentially (i.e. at months 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 after start of immunization) analyzed the changes in renal function on a molecular, functional, and structural level. We could show that the presence of stimulating anti-β1-ECII-abs - even though having detrimental effects on the heart - has only a minor impact on kidney function and structure. Within the first 3 months after induction of anti-β1-ECII-abs, the levels and activity of renin were significantly increased in immunized compared to corresponding control animals, which was confirmed by experiments on isolated perfused kidneys, in which anti-β1-ECII-abs were able to directly induce the liberation of renin. However, within several weeks the initial anti-β1-ECII-ab-mediated RAAS activation was counter-regulated by auto-regulatory mechanisms activated in the kidney. Similarly, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal blood flow (RBF) were initially decreased in the presence of the stimulating anti-β1-ECII-abs, but returned to control values within 3 months after immunization of the animals. Although expression of several pro-fibrotic markers was significantly up-regulated in anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive rats, no significant differences were noted on a histomorphological level with regard to the occurrence of renal fibrosis, glomerular damage, tubular damage, and perivascular fibrosis. Only a mild decrease in glomerular filtration function was observed in the kidneys of anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive animals from immunization-month 12 on, apparent by increased levels of urinary protein. Even though anti-β1-ECII-abs were able to induce mild changes in renal function, their effects were not strong enough to critically damage the kidneys in our rat-model. Differences between immunized anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive and corresponding control rats at later time-points (that is, from immunization-month 12 on) are most likely secondary to the progressive heart failure phenotype that immunized animals develop in the course of the experiment. The present study is the first to focus on the effects of stimulating anti-β1-ECII-abs on the kidney, and on the prevalence of these effects for the heart (referred to as cardio-renal crosstalk). Although our results were obtained in a rat model, they might contribute to better understand the situation in anti-β1-AR-aab-positive human patients. Following the results of our experiments, treatment of such patients should focus on direct and specific neutralization/elimination of stimulating anti-β1-ECII-aab or at least comprise therapeutic strategies that counteract the anti-β1-ECII-aab-effects on the heart by standard treatment for heart failure (i.e. ACE inhibitors, AT1-receptor blockers, and β-blockers) according to current guidelines.}, subject = {Nierenfunktion}, language = {en} } @article{AssfalgSeligTolksdorfetal.2020, author = {Assfalg, Volker and Selig, Katharina and Tolksdorf, Johanna and van Meel, Marieke and de Vries, Erwin and Ramsoebhag, Anne-Marie and Rahmel, Axel and Renders, Lutz and Novotny, Alexander and Matevossian, Edouard and Schneeberger, Stefan and Rosenkranz, Alexander R. and Berlakovich, Gabriela and Ysebaert, Dirk and Knops, No{\"e}l and Kuypers, Dirk and Weekers, Laurent and Muehlfeld, Anja and Rump, Lars-Christian and Hauser, Ingeborg and Pisarski, Przemyslaw and Weimer, Rolf and Fornara, Paolo and Fischer, Lutz and Kliem, Volker and Sester, Urban and Stippel, Dirk and Arns, Wolfgang and Hau, Hans-Michael and Nitschke, Martin and Hoyer, Joachim and Thorban, Stefan and Weinmann-Menke, Julia and Heller, Katharina and Banas, Bernhard and Schwenger, Vedat and Nadalin, Silvio and Lopau, Kai and H{\"u}ser, Norbert and Heemann, Uwe}, title = {Repeated kidney re-transplantation—the Eurotransplant experience: a retrospective multicenter outcome analysis}, series = {Transplant International}, volume = {33}, journal = {Transplant International}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/tri.13569}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214161}, pages = {617 -- 631}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In Eurotransplant kidney allocation system (ETKAS), candidates can be considered unlimitedly for repeated re-transplantation. Data on outcome and benefit are indeterminate. We performed a retrospective 15-year patient and graft outcome data analysis from 1464 recipients of a third or fourth or higher sequential deceased donor renal transplantation (DDRT) from 42 transplant centers. Repeated re-DDRT recipients were younger (mean 43.0 vs. 50.2 years) compared to first DDRT recipients. They received grafts with more favorable HLA matches (89.0\% vs. 84.5\%) but thereby no statistically significant improvement of patient and graft outcome was found as comparatively demonstrated in 1st DDRT. In the multivariate modeling accounting for confounding factors, mortality and graft loss after 3rd and ≥4th DDRT (P < 0.001 each) and death with functioning graft (DwFG) after 3rd DDRT (P = 0.001) were higher as compared to 1st DDRT. The incidence of primary nonfunction (PNF) was also significantly higher in re-DDRT (12.7\%) than in 1st DDRT (7.1\%; P < 0.001). Facing organ shortage, increasing waiting time, and considerable mortality on dialysis, we question the current policy of repeated re-DDRT. The data from this survey propose better HLA matching in first DDRT and second DDRT and careful selection of candidates, especially for ≥4th DDRT.}, language = {en} }