@phdthesis{Bauernfeind2023, author = {Bauernfeind, Maximilian Josef Xaver}, title = {Epitaxy and Spectroscopy of Two-Dimensional Adatom Systems: the Elemental Topological Insulator Indenene on SiC}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31166}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311662}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators are a new class of materials with properties that are promising for potential future applications in quantum computers. For example, stanene represents a possible candidate for a topological insulator made of Sn atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. However, it has a relatively fragile low-energy spectrum and sensitive topology. Therefore, to experimentally realize stanene in the topologically non-trivial phase, a suitable substrate that accommodates stanene without compromising these topological properties must be found. A heterostructure consisting of a SiC substrate with a buffer layer of adsorbed group-III elements constitutes a possible solution for this problem. In this work, 2D adatom systems of Al and In were grown epitaxially on SiC(0001) and then investigated structurally and spectroscopically by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and photoelectron spectroscopy. Al films in the high coverage regime \( (\Theta_{ML}\approx2\) ML\( ) \) exhibit unusually large, triangular- and rectangular-shaped surface unit cells. Here, the low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) pattern is brought into accordance with the surface topography derived from STM. Another Al reconstruction, the quasi-one-dimensional (1D) Al phase, exhibits a striped surface corrugation, which could be the result of the strain imprinted by the overlayer-substrate lattice mismatch. It is suggested that Al atoms in different surface areas can occupy hexagonal close-packed and face-centered cubic lattice sites, respectively, which in turn lead to close-packed transition regions forming the stripe-like corrugations. On the basis of the well-known herringbone reconstruction from Au(111), a first structural model is proposed, which fits well to the structural data from STM. Ultimately, however, thermal treatments of the sample could not generate lower coverage phases, i.e. in particular, a buffer layer structure. Strong metallic signatures are found for In high coverage films \( (\Theta_{ML}\approx3\) to \(2\) ML\() \) by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), which form a \( (7\times7) \), \( (6\times4\sqrt{3}) \), and \( (4\sqrt{3}\times4\sqrt{3}) \) surface reconstruction. In all these In phases electrons follow the nearly-free electron model. Similar to the Al films, thermal treatments could not obtain the buffer layer system. Surprisingly, in the course of this investigation a triangular In lattice featuring a \( (1\times1) \) periodicity is observed to host massive Dirac-like bands at \( K/K^{\prime} \) in ARPES. Based on this strong electronic similarity with graphene at the Brillouin zone boundary, this new structure is referred to as \textit{indenene}. An extensive theoretical analysis uncovers the emergence of an electronic honeycomb network based on triangularly arranged In \textit{p} orbitals. Due to strong atomic spin-orbit coupling and a comparably small substrate-induced in-plane inversion symmetry breaking this material system is rendered topologically non-trivial. In indenene, the topology is intimately linked to a bulk observable, i.e., the energy-dependent charge accumulation sequence within the surface unit cell, which is experimentally exploited in STS to confirm the non-trivial topological character. The band gap at \( K/K^{\prime} \), a signature of massive Dirac fermions, is estimated by ARPES to approximately 125 meV. Further investigations by X-ray standing wave, STM, and LEED confirm the structural properties of indenene. Thus, this thesis presents the growth and characterization of the novel quantum spin Hall insulator material indenene.}, subject = {Dreiecksgitter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tcakaev2023, author = {Tcakaev, Abdul-Vakhab}, title = {Soft X-ray Spectroscopic Study of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Topological Insulators}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30378}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303786}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {After the discovery of three-dimensional topological insulators (TIs), such as tetradymite chalcogenides Bi\$_2\$Se\$_3\$, Bi\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and Sb\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ - a new class of quantum materials characterized by their unique surface electronic properties - the solid state community got focused on topological states that are driven by strong electronic correlations and magnetism. An important material class is the magnetic TI (MTI) exhibiting the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect, i.e. a dissipationless quantized edge-state transport in the absence of external magnetic field, originating from the interplay between ferromagnetism and a topologically non-trivial band structure. The unprecedented opportunities offered by these new exotic materials open a new avenue for the development of low-dissipation electronics, spintronics, and quantum computation. However, the major concern with QAH effect is its extremely low onset temperature, limiting its practical application. To resolve this problem, a comprehensive understanding of the microscopic origin of the underlying ferromagnetism is necessary. V- and Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ are the two prototypical systems that have been widely studied as realizations of the QAH state. Finding microscopic differences between the strongly correlated V and Cr impurities would help finding a relevant model of ferromagnetic coupling and eventually provide better control of the QAH effect in these systems. Therefore, this thesis first focuses on the V- and Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ systems, to better understand these differences. Exploiting the unique capabilities of x-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic circular dichroism (XAS/XMCD), combined with advanced modeling based on multiplet ligand-field theory (MLFT), we provide a detailed microscopic insight into the local electronic and magnetic properties of these systems and determine microscopic parameters crucial for the comparison with theoretical models, which include the \$d\$-shell filling, spin and orbital magnetic moments. We find a strongly covalent ground state, dominated by the superposition of one and two Te-ligand-hole configurations, with a negligible contribution from a purely ionic 3+ configuration. Our findings indicate the importance of the Te \$5p\$ states for the ferromagnetism in (Bi, Sb)\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and favor magnetic coupling mechanisms involving \$pd\$-exchange. Using state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations in combination with XMCD and resonant photoelectron spectroscopy (resPES), we reveal the important role of the \$3d\$ impurity states in mediating magnetic exchange coupling. Our calculations illustrate that the kind and strength of the exchange coupling varies with the impurity \$3d\$-shell occupation. We find a weakening of ferromagnetic properties upon the increase of doping concentration, as well as with the substitution of Bi at the Sb site. Finally, we qualitatively describe the origin of the induced magnetic moments at the Te and Sb sites in the host lattice and discuss their role in mediating a robust ferromagnetism based on a \$pd\$-exchange interaction scenario. Our findings reveal important clues to designing higher \$T_{\text{C}}\$ MTIs. Rare-earth ions typically exhibit larger magnetic moments than transition-metal ions and thus promise the opening of a wider exchange gap in the Dirac surface states of TIs, which is favorable for the realization of the high-temperature QAH effect. Therefore, we have further focused on Eu-doped Bi\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and scrutinized whether the conditions for formation of a substantial gap in this system are present by combining spectroscopic and bulk characterization methods with theoretical calculations. For all studied Eu doping concentrations, our atomic multiplet analysis of the \$M_{4,5}\$ x-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectra reveals a Eu\$^{2+}\$ valence, unlike most other rare earth elements, and confirms a large magnetic moment. At temperatures below 10 K, bulk magnetometry indicates the onset of antiferromagnetic ordering. This is in good agreement with DFT results, which predict AFM interactions between the Eu impurities due to the direct overlap of the impurity wave functions. Our results support the notion of antiferromagnetism coexisting with topological surface states in rare-earth doped Bi\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and corroborate the potential of such doping to result in an antiferromagnetic TI with exotic quantum properties. The doping with impurities introduces disorder detrimental for the QAH effect, which may be avoided in stoichiometric, well-ordered magnetic compounds. In the last part of the thesis we have investigated the recently discovered intrinsic magnetic TI (IMTI) MnBi\$_6\$Te\$_{10}\$, where we have uncovered robust ferromagnetism with \$T_{\text{C}} \approx 12\$ K and connected its origin to the Mn/Bi intermixing. Our measurements reveal a magnetically intact surface with a large moment, and with FM properties similar to the bulk, which makes MnBi\$_6\$Te\$_{10}\$ a promising candidate for the QAH effect at elevated temperatures. Moreover, using an advanced ab initio MLFT approach we have determined the ground-state properties of Mn and revealed a predominant contribution of the \$d^5\$ configuration to the ground state, resulting in a \$d\$-shell electron occupation \$n_d = 5.31\$ and a large magnetic moment, in excellent agreement with our DFT calculations and the bulk magnetometry data. Our results together with first principle calculations based on the DFT-GGA\$+U\$, performed by our collaborators, suggest that carefully engineered intermixing plays a crucial role in achieving a robust long-range FM order and therefore could be the key for achieving enhanced QAH effect properties. We expect our findings to aid better understanding of MTIs, which is essential to help increasing the temperature of the QAH effect, thus facilitating the realization of low-power electronics in the future.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jung2023, author = {Jung, Johannes}, title = {Wechselwirkungen zwischen Kantenzust{\"a}nden auf dem topologisch kristallinen Isolator Pb\(_{1-x}\)Sn\(_x\)Se}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29861}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298616}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Einerseits besteht die einfachste M{\"o}glichkeit zum Ladungs- und Informationstransport zwischen zwei Punkten in deren direkter Verbindung durch eindimensionale Kan{\"a}le. Andererseits besitzen topologische Materialien exotische und {\"a}ußerst vorteilhafte Eigenschaften, weshalb es nahe liegt, dass schon bald neue Anwendungen aus ihnen realisiert werden. Wenn diese beiden Entwicklungen zusammenkommen, dann ist ein grundlegendes Verst{\"a}ndnis von Quanteninterferenz oder Hybridisierungseffekten in eindimensionalen, topologischen Kan{\"a}len von fundamentaler Wichtigkeit. Deshalb werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Wechselwirkungen von eindimensionalen, topologisch gesch{\"u}tzten Kantenzust{\"a}nden, die an ungeradzahligen Stufenkanten auf der (001)-Oberfl{\"a}che von Pb1-xSnxSe auftreten, untersucht. Aufgrund der lateralen Lokalisierung auf wenige Nanometer um eine Stufenkante herum und der Notwendigkeit zwischen gerad- und ungeradzahligen Stufenkantenh{\"o}hen zu unterscheiden, bieten sich die Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie als Methoden an. Die neu entdeckten Kopplungs- bzw. Wechselwirkungseffekte zwischen benachbarten Kantenzust{\"a}nden treten auf, sobald der Stufe zu Stufe Abstand einen kritischen Wert von dkri ≈ 25nm unterschreitet. Dieses Kriterium kann durch verschiedene r{\"a}umliche Anordnungen von Stufenkanten erf{\"u}llt werden. Infolgedessen werden sich kreuzende, parallel verlaufende und zusammenlaufende Stufenkanten genauer untersucht. Bei letzteren ver{\"a}ndert sich entlang der Struktur kontinuierlich der Abstand und damit die Kopplungsst{\"a}rke zwischen den beiden Randkan{\"a}len. Infolgedessen wurden drei Koppelungsregime identifiziert. (I) Ausgehend von einer schwachen Wechselwirkung zeigt der f{\"u}r die Kantenzust{\"a}nde charakteristische Peak im Spektrum zun{\"a}chst eine Verbreiterung und Verminderung der Intensit{\"a}t. (II) Mit weiter zunehmender Wechselwirkung beginnt sich der Zustand in zwei Peaks aufzuspalten, sodass ab dkri ≈ 15nm an beiden Stufenkanten durchgehen eine Doppelpeak zu beobachten ist . Mit weiter abnehmendem Abstand erreicht die Aufspaltung Werte von einigen 10 meV, w{\"a}hrend sich die Intensit{\"a}t weiter reduziert. (III) Sobald zwei Stufenkanten weniger als etwa 5nm voneinander getrennt sind, konvergieren aufgrund der schwindenden Intensit{\"a}t und des sinkenden energetischen Abstands der beiden Peaks zu den van Hove Singularit{\"a}ten die Spektren an den Stufenkanten gegen das Spektrum {\"u}ber einer Terrasse. i Die Aufspaltung verl{\"a}uft in den Bereichen I und II asymmetrisch, d. h. ein Peak verbleibt ungef{\"a}hr bei der Ausgangsenergie, w{\"a}hrend der andere mit zunehmender Kopplung immer weiter weg schiebt. Bez{\"u}glich der Asymmetrie kann kein Unterschied festgestellt werden, ob die zusammenlaufenden Stufenkanten eine Insel oder Fehlstelleninsel bilden oder ob die Stufenkanten sogar g{\"a}nzlich parallel verlaufen. Es zeigt sich keine Pr{\"a}ferenz, ob zun{\"a}chst der niederenergetische oder der hochenergetische Peak schiebt. Erst im Regime starker Kopplung (III) kann beobachtet werden, dass beide Peaks die Ausgangsenergie deutlich verlassen. Im Gegensatz dazu kann bei sich kreuzenden Stufen ein erheblicher Einfluss der Geometrie, in Form des eingeschlossenen Winkels, auf das Spektrum beobachtet werden. Unabh{\"a}ngig vom Winkel existiert am Kreuzungspunkt selbst kein Kantenzustand mehr. Die Zust{\"a}nde an den vier Stufen beginnen, abh{\"a}ngig vom Winkel, etwa 10-15nm vor dem Kreuzungspunkt abzuklingen. {\"U}berraschenderweise zeigt sich dabei, dass im Fall rechtwinkliger Stufen gar keine Aufspaltung zu beobachten ist, w{\"a}hrend bei allen anderen Winkeln ein Doppelpeak festgestellt werden kann. Diese Entdeckung deutet auf Orthogonalit{\"a}t bez{\"u}glich einer Quantenzahl bei den beteiligten Kantenzust{\"a}nde hin. Neben einer nur theoretisch vorhergesagten Spinpolarisation kann dieser Effekt auch von dem orbitalem Charakter der beteiligten Dirac-Kegel verursacht sein. Da der topologische Schutz in Pb1-xSnxSe durch Kristallsymmetrien garantiert ist, wird als letzter intrinsischer Effekt der Einfluss von eindimensionalen Defekten auf die Kantenzust{\"a}nde untersucht. Ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden dabei ein nicht n{\"a}her klassifizierbarer, oberfl{\"a}chennaher Defekt und Schraubversetzungen. In beiden F{\"a}llen kann ebenfalls eine Aufspaltung des Kantenzustands in einen Doppelpeak gezeigt werden. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit werden die Grundlagen f{\"u}r eine Wiederverwendung von (Pb,Sn)Se-Oberfl{\"a}chen bei zuk{\"u}nftige Experimenten mit (magnetischen) Adatomen geschaffen. Durch Kombination von Inoenzerst{\"a}ubung und Tempern wird dabei nicht nur eine gereinigte Oberfl{\"a}che erzeugt, sondern es kann auch das Ferminiveau gezielt erh{\"o}ht oder gesenkt werden. Dieser Effekt beruht auf eine Modifikation der Sn- Konzentration und der von ihr kontrollierten Anzahl an Defektelektronen. Als letztes sind erste Messungen an Cu- und Fe-dotierte Proben gezeigt. Durch die Adatome tritt eine n-Dotierung auf, welche den Dirac-Punkt des Systems in Richtung des Ferminiveaus verschiebt. Sobald er dieses erreicht hat kommt es zu Wechselwirkungsph{\"a}nomenen an freistehenden Stufenkanten. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einer Doppelpeakstruktur mit einer feinen Aufspaltung von wenigen meV. Das Ph{\"a}nomen ist auf ein schmales Energiefenster beschr{\"a}nkt, bei dem die Lage des Dirac-Punkts nur etwa 5 meV (in beide Richtungen) von der des Ferminiveaus abweichen darf.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{CrespoVidal2023, author = {Crespo Vidal, Can Raphael}, title = {Spectroscopic investigation of the three-dimensional topological insulators (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))(Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))\(_n\) and HgTe: band structure, orbital symmetries, and influence of the cation \(d\)-states}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31293}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312931}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis examines the electronic properties of two materials that promise the realization and observation of novel exotic quantum phenomena. For this purpose, angle-resolved photoemission forms the experimental basis for the investigation of the electronic properties. Furthermore, the magnetic order is investigated utilizing X-ray dichroism measurements. First, the bulk and surface electronic structure of epitaxially grown HgTe in its three-dimensional topological insulator phase is investigated. In this study, synchrotron radiation is used to address the three-dimensional band structure and orbital composition of the bulk states by employing photon-energy-dependent and polarization-dependent measurements, respectively. In addition, the topological surface state is examined on in situ grown samples using a laboratory photon source. The resulting data provide a means to experimentally localize the bulk band inversion in momentum space and to evidence the momentum-dependent change in the orbital character of the inverted bulk states. Furthermore, a rather new series of van der Waals compounds, (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))(Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))\(_n\), is investigated. First, the magnetic properties of the first two members of the series, MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\) and MnBi\(_4\)Te\(_7\), are studied via X-ray absorption-based techniques. The topological surface state on the two terminations of MnBi\(_4\)Te\(_7\) is analyzed using circular dichroic, photon-energy-dependent, and spin-resolved photoemission. The topological state on the (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))-layer termination shows a free-standing Dirac cone with its Dirac point located in the bulk band gap. In contrast, on the (Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))-layer termination the surface state hybridizes with the bulk valences states, forming a spectral weight gap, and exhibits a Dirac point that is buried within the bulk continuum. Lastly, the lack of unambiguous evidence in the literature showing a temperature-dependent mass gap opening in these magnetic topological insulators is discussed through MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\).}, subject = {ARPES}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stuehler2023, author = {St{\"u}hler, Rudolf Raul Albert}, title = {Growth and Spectroscopy of the Two-dimensional Topological Insulator Bismuthene on SiC(0001)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32008}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-320084}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {A plethora of novel material concepts are currently being investigated in the condensed matter research community. Some of them hold promise to shape our everyday world in a way that silicon-based semiconductor materials and the related development of semiconductor devices have done in the past. In this regard, the last decades have witnessed an explosion of studies concerned with so called ''quantum materials'' with emerging novel functionalities. These could eventually lead to new generations of electronic and/or spintronic devices. One particular material class, the so called topological materials, play a central role. As far as their technological applicability is concerned, however, they are still facing outstanding challenges to date. Predicted for the first time in 2005 and experimentally verified in 2007, two-dimensional topological insulators (2D TIs) (a.k.a. quantum spin Hall insulators) exhibit the outstanding property of hosting spin-polarized metallic states along the boundaries of the insulating 2D bulk material, which are protected from elastic single-particle backscattering and give rise to the quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE). Owing to these peculiar properties the QSHE holds promise for dissipationless charge and/or spin transport. However, also in today's best 2D TIs the observation of the QSHE is still limited to cryogenic temperatures of maximum 100 K. Here, the discovery of bismuthene on SiC(0001) has marked a milestone towards a possible realization of the QSHE at or beyond room-temperature owing to the massively increased electronic bulk energy gap on the order of 1 eV. This thesis is devoted to and motivated by the goal of advancing its synthesis and to build a deeper understanding of its one-particle and two-particle electronic properties that goes beyond prior work. Regarding the aspect of material synthesis, an improved growth procedure for bismuthene is elaborated that increases the domain size of the material considerably (by a factor of ≈ 3.2 - 6.5 compared to prior work). The improved film quality is an important step towards any future device application of bismuthene, but also facilitates all further basic studies of this material. Moreover, the deposition of magnetic transition metals (Mn and Co) on bismuthene is investigated. Thereby, the formation of ordered magnetic Bi-Mn/Co alloys is realized, their structure is resolved with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and their pristine electronic properties are resolved with scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and photoemission spectroscopy (PES). It is proposed that these ordered magnetic Bi-Mn/Co-alloys offer the potential to study the interplay between magnetism and topology in bismuthene in the future. In this thesis, a wide variety of spectroscopic techniques are employed that aim to build an understanding of the single-particle, as well as two-particle level of description of bismuthene's electronic structure. The techniques involve STS and angle-resolved PES (ARPES) on the one hand, but also optical spectroscopy and time-resolved ARPES (trARPES), on the other hand. Moreover, these experiments are accompanied by advanced numerical modelling in form of GW and Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations provided by our theoretical colleagues. Notably, by merging many experimental and theoretical techniques, this work sets a benchmark for electronic structure investigations of 2D materials in general. Based on the STS studies, electronic quasi-particle interferences in quasi-1D line defects in bismuthene that are reminiscent of Fabry-P{\´e}rot states are discovered. It is shown that they point to a hybridization of two pairs of helical boundary modes across the line defect, which is accompanied by a (partial) lifting of their topological protection against elastic single-particle backscattering. Optical spectroscopy is used to reveal bismuthene's two-particle elecronic structure. Despite its monolayer thickness, a strong optical (two-particle) response due to enhanced electron-hole Coulomb interactions is observed. The presented combined experimental and theoretical approach (including GW and Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations) allows to conclude that two prominent optical transitions can be associated with excitonic transitions derived from the Rashba-split valence bands of bismuthene. On a broader scope this discovery might promote further experiments to elucidate links of excitonic and topological physics. Finally, the excited conduction band states of bismuthene are mapped in energy and momentum space employing trARPES on bismuthene for the first time. The direct and indirect band gaps are succesfully extracted and the effect of excited charge carrier induced gap-renormalization is observed. In addition, an exceptionally fast excited charge carrier relaxation is identified which is explained by the presence of a quasi-metallic density of states from coupled topological boundary states of domain boundaries.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Imhof2023, author = {Imhof, Stefan Michael}, title = {The effects of non-Hermiticity and non-linearity on topological phenomena investigated in electric networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32332}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Topological phenomena known from solid state physics have been transferred to a variety of other classical and quantum systems. Due to the equivalence of the Hamiltonian matrix describing tight binding models and the grounded circuit Laplacian describing an electrical circuit we can investigate such phenomena in circuits. By implementing different Hermitian topological models general suggestions on designing those types of circuit are worked out with the aim of minimizing unwanted coupling effects and parasitic admittances in the circuit. Here the existence and the spatial profile of topological states as well as the band structure of the model can be determined. Due to the complex nature of electric admittance the investigations can be directly expanded to systems with broken Hermiticity. The particular advantages of the experimental investigation of non-exclusively topological phenomena by means of electric circuits come to light in the realization of non-Hermitian and non-linear models. Here we find limitation of the Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence principle, purely real eigenvalues in non-Hermitian PT-symmetrical systems and edge localization of all eigenstates in non-Hermitian and non-reciprocal systems, which in literature is termed the non-Hermitian skin effect. When systems obeying non-linear equations are studied, the grounded circuit Laplacian based on the Fourier-transform cannot be applied anymore. By combination of the connectivity of a topological system together with non-linear van der Pol oscillators self-activated and self-sustained topological edge oscillations can be found. These robust high frequency sinusoidal edge oscillations differ significantly from low frequency relaxation oscillations, which can be found in the bulk of the system.}, subject = {Metamaterial}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reis2022, author = {Reis, Felix}, title = {Realization and Spectroscopy of the Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Bismuthene on Silicon Carbide}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25825}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258250}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Topological matter is one of the most vibrant research fields of contemporary solid state physics since the theoretical prediction of the quantum spin Hall effect in graphene in 2005. Quantum spin Hall insulators possess a vanishing bulk conductivity but symmetry-protected, helical edge states that give rise to dissipationless charge transport. The experimental verification of this exotic state of matter in 2007 lead to a boost of research activity in this field, inspired by possible ground-breaking future applications. However, the use of the quantum spin Hall materials available to date is limited to cryogenic temperatures owing to their comparably small bulk band gaps. In this thesis, we follow a novel approach to realize a quantum spin Hall material with a large energy gap and epitaxially grow bismuthene, i.e., Bi atoms adopting a honeycomb lattice, in a \((\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3})\) reconstruction on the semiconductor SiC(0001). In this way, we profit both from the honeycomb symmetry as well as the large spin-orbit coupling of Bi, which, in combination, give rise to a topologically non-trivial band gap on the order of one electronvolt. An in-depth theoretical analysis demonstrates that the covalent bond between the Si and Bi atoms is not only stabilizing the Bi film but is pivotal to attain the quantum spin Hall phase. The preparation of high-quality, unreconstructed SiC(0001) substrates sets the basis for the formation of bismuthene and requires an extensive procedure in ultra-pure dry H\(_2\) gas. Scanning tunneling microscopy measurements unveil the (\(1\times1\)) surface periodicity and smooth terrace planes, which are suitable for the growth of single Bi layers by means of molecular beam epitaxy. The chemical configuration of the resulting Bi film and its oxidation upon exposure to ambient atmosphere are inspected with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy reveals the excellent agreement of probed and calculated band structure. In particular, it evidences a characteristic Rashba-splitting of the valence bands at the K point. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy probes signatures of this splitting, as well, and allows to determine the full band gap with a magnitude of \(E_\text{gap}\approx0.8\,\text{eV}\). Constant-current images and local-density-of-state maps confirm the presence of a planar honeycomb lattice, which forms several domains due to different, yet equivalent, nucleation sites of the (\(\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}\))-Bi reconstruction. Differential conductivity measurements demonstrate that bismuthene edge states evolve at atomic steps of the SiC substrate. The probed, metallic local density of states is in agreement with the density of states expected from the edge state's energy dispersion found in density functional theory calculations - besides a pronounced dip at the Fermi level. By means of temperature- and energy-dependent tunneling spectroscopy it is shown that the spectral properties of this suppressed density of states are successfully captured in the framework of the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory and most likely originate from enhanced electronic correlations in the edge channel.}, subject = {Zweidimensionales Material}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mahler2022, author = {Mahler, David}, title = {Surface states in the topological material HgTe}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25398}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253982}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The motivation for this work has been contributing a step to the advancement of technology. A next leap in technology would be the realization of a scalable quantum computer. One potential route is via topological quantum computing. A profound understanding of topological materials is thus essential. My work contributes by the investigation of the exemplary topological material HgTe. The focus lies on the understanding of the topological surface states (TSS) and new possibilities to manipulate them appropriately. Traditionally top gate electrodes are used to adjust the carrier density in such semi-conductor materials. We found that the electric field of the top gate can further alter the properties of the HgTe layer. The formation of additional massive Volkov-Pankratov states limits the accessibility of the TSS. The understanding of these states and their interplay with the TSS is necessary to appropriately design devices and to ensure their desired properties. Similarly, I observed the existence and stability of TSSs even without a bandgap in the bulk band structure in the inversion induced Dirac semi-metal phase of compressively strained HgTe. The finding of topological surface states in inversion-induced Dirac semi-metals provides a consistent and simple explanation for the observation reported for \(\text{Cd}_3\text{As}_2\). These observations have only been possible due to the high quality of the MBE grown HgTe layers and the access of different phases of HgTe via strain engineering. As a starting point I performed Magneto-transport measurements on 67 nm thick tensilely strained HgTe layers grown on a CdTe substrate. We observed multiple transport channels in this three-dimensional topological insulator and successfully identified them. Not only do the expected topological surface states exist, but also additional massive surface states have been observed. These additional massive surface states are formed due to the electrical field applied at the top gate, which is routinely used to vary the carrier density in the HgTe layer. The additional massive surface states are called Volkov-Pankratov states after B. A. Volkov and O. A. Pankratov. They predicted the existence of similar massive surface states at the interface of materials with mutually inverted bands. We first found indications for such massive Volkov-Pankratov states in high-frequency compressibility measurements for very high electron densities in a fruitful collaboration with LPA in Paris. Magneto-transport measurements and \(k \cdot p\) calculations revealed that such Volkov-Pankratov states are also responsible for the observed whole transport. We also found indications for similar massive VPS in the electron regime, which coexist with the topological surface states. The topological surface states exist over the full investigated gate range including a regime of pure topological insulator transport. To increase the variability of the topological surface states we introduced a modulation doping layer in the buffer layer. This modulation doping layer also enabled us to separate and identify the top and bottom topological surface states. We used the variability of the bulk band structure of HgTe with strain to engineer the band structure of choice using virtual substrates. The virtual substrates enable us to grow compressively strained HgTe layers that do not possess a bandgap, but instead linear crossing points. These layers are predicted to beDirac semi-metals. Indeed I observed also topological surface states and massive Volkov-Pankratov states in the compressively strained Dirac semi-metal phase. The observation of topological surfaces states also in the Dirac semi-metal phase has two consequences: First, it highlights that no bulk bandgap is necessary to observe topological surface states. Second, the observation of TSS also in the Dirac semi-metal phase emphasizes the importance of the underlying band inversion in this phase. I could not find any clear signatures of the predicted disjoint topological surface states, which are typically called Fermi-arcs. The presence of topological surface states and massive Volkov-Pankratov states offer a simple explanation for the observed quantum Hall effect and other two-dimensional transport phenomena in the class of inversion induced Dirac semi-metals, as \(\text{Cd}_3\text{As}_2\). This emphasizes the importance of the inherent bulk band inversion of different topological materials and provides a consistent and elegant explanation for the observed phenomena in these materials. Additionally, it offers a route to design further experiments, devices, and thus the foundation for the induction of superconductivity and thus topological quantum computing. Another possible path towards quantum computing has been proposed based on the chiral anomaly. The chiral anomaly is an apparent transport anomaly that manifests itself as an additional magnetic field-driven current in three-dimensional topological semimetals with a linear crossing point in their bulk band structure. I observed the chiral anomaly in compressively strained HgTe samples and performed multiple control experiments to identify the observed reduction of the magnetoresistance with the chiral anomaly. First, the dependence of the so-called negative magnetoresistance on the angle and strength of the magnetic field has been shown to fit the expectation for the chiral anomaly. Second, extrinsic effects as scattering could be excluded as a source for the observed negative MR using samples with different mobilities and thus impurity concentrations. Third, the necessity of the linear crossing point has been shown by shifting the electrochemical potential away from the linear crossing points, which diminished the negative magnetoresistance. Fourth, I could not observe a negative magnetoresistance in the three-dimensional topological insulator phase of HgTe. These observations together prove the existence of the chiral anomaly and verify compressively strained HgTe as Dirac semi-metal. Surprisingly, the chiral anomaly is also present in unstrained HgTe samples, which constitute a semi-metal with a quadratic band touching point. This observation reveals the relevance of the Zeeman effect for the chiral anomaly due to the lifting of the spin-degeneracy in these samples. Additionally to the chiral anomaly, the Dirac semi-metal phase of compressively strained HgTe showed other interesting effects. For low magnetic fields, a strong weak-antilocalization has been observed. Such a strong weak-anti-localization correction in a three-dimensional layer is surprising and interesting. Additionally, non-trivial magnetic field strength and direction dependencies have been observed. These include a strong positive magnetoresistance for high magnetic fields, which could indicate a metal-insulator transition. On a more device-oriented note, the semi-metal phase of unstrained HgTe constitutes the lower limit of the by strain engineering adjustable minimal carrier density of the topological surface states and thus of very high mobility. To sum up, topological surface states have been observed in the three-dimensional topological insulator phase and the Dirac semi-metal phase of HgTe. The existence and accessibility of topological surface states are thus independent of the existence of a bandgap in the bulk band structure. The topological surface states can be accompanied by massive Volkov-Pankratov states. These VPS are created by electric fields, which are routinely applied to adjust the carrier density in semiconductor devices. The theoretical predicted chiral anomaly has been observed in the Dirac semi-metal phase of HgTe. In contrast to theoretical predictions, no indications for the Fermi-arc called disjoint surface states have been observed, but instead the topological and massive Volkov-Pankratov surface states have been found. These states are thus expected for all inversion-induced topological materials.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Strunz2022, author = {Strunz, Jonas}, title = {Quantum point contacts in HgTe quantum wells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27459}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274594}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Quantenpunktkontakte (englisch: quantum point contacts, QPCs) sind eindimensionale Engstellen in einem ansonsten zweidimensionalen Elektronen- oder Lochsystem. Seit der erstmaligen Realisierung in GaAs-basierten zweidimensionalen Elektronengasen sind QPCs sukzessive zu einem Grundbestandteil mesoskopischer Physik geworden und erfahren in einer Vielzahl von Experimenten Anwendung. Jedoch ist es bis zur Anfertigung der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht gelungen, QPCs in der neuen Materialklasse der zweidimensionalen topologischen Isolatoren zu realisieren. In diesen Materialien tritt der sogenannte Quanten-Spin-Hall-Effekt (QSH-Effekt) auf, welcher sich durch die Ausbildung von leitf{\"a}higen, eindimensionalen sowie gleichermaßen spinpolarisierten Zust{\"a}nden an der Bauteilkante auszeichnet, w{\"a}hrend die restlichen Bereiche der Probe isolierend sind. Ein in einem zweidimensionalen topologischen Isolator realisierter QPC kann demgem{\"a}ß daf{\"u}r benutzt werden, die sich stets an der Bauteilkante befindlichen QSH-Randkan{\"a}le einander r{\"a}umlich anzun{\"a}hern, was beispielsweise die Untersuchung potentieller Wechselwirkungseffekte zwischen ebenjenen Randkan{\"a}len erm{\"o}glicht. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die erstmalig erfolgreich durchgef{\"u}hrte Implementierung einer QPC-Technologie in einem QSH-System. {\"U}berdies werden die neuartigen Bauteile experimentell charakterisiert sowie analysiert. Nach einer in Kapitel 1 erfolgten Einleitung der Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich das nachfolgende Kapitel 2 zun{\"a}chst mit der besonderen Bandstruktur von HgTe. In diesem Kontext wird die Ausbildung der QSH-Phase f{\"u}r HgTe-Quantentr{\"o}ge mit einer invertierten Bandstruktur erl{\"a}utert, welche f{\"u}r deren Auftreten eine Mindesttrogdicke von d_QW > d_c = 6.3 nm aufweisen m{\"u}ssen. Im Anschluss wird das Konzept eines QPCs allgemein eingef{\"u}hrt sowie das zugeh{\"o}rige Transportverhalten analytisch beschrieben. {\"U}berdies werden die Einschr{\"a}nkungen und Randbedingungen diskutiert, welche bei der Realisierung eines QPCs in einem QSH-System Ber{\"u}cksichtigung finden m{\"u}ssen. Darauf folgt die Pr{\"a}sentation des eigens zur QPC-Herstellung entwickelten Lithographieprozesses, welcher auf einer mehrstufigen Anwendung eines f{\"u}r HgTe-Quantentrogstrukturen geeigneten nasschemischen {\"A}tzverfahrens beruht. Die im Nachgang diskutierten Transportmessungen exemplarischer Proben zeigen die erwartete Leitwertquantisierung in Schritten von ΔG ≈ 2e^2/h im Bereich des Leitungsbandes -- sowohl f{\"u}r eine topologische als auch f{\"u}r eine triviale (d_QW < d_c) QPC-Probe. Mit dem Erreichen der Bandl{\"u}cke saturiert der Leitwert f{\"u}r den topologischen QPC um G_QSH ≈ 2e^2/h, wohingegen ebenjener f{\"u}r den Fall des trivialen Bauteils auf G ≈ 0 abf{\"a}llt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus belegen durchgef{\"u}hrte Messungen des differentiellen Leitwertes einer invertierten QPC-Probe in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit einer Biasspannung die stabile Koexistenz von topologischen und trivialen Transportmoden. Gegenstand von Kapitel 3 ist die Beschreibung der Ausbildung eines QSH-Interferometers in QPCs mit geringer Weite, welche unter Verwendung von Quantentr{\"o}gen mit einer Trogdicke von d_QW = 7 nm hergestellt werden. Die Diskussion von Bandstrukturrechnungen legt dar, dass die r{\"a}umliche Ausdehnung der Randkan{\"a}le von der jeweiligen Position der Fermi-Energie im Bereich der Bandl{\"u}cke abh{\"a}ngt. Hieraus resultiert eine Transportsituation, in welcher -- unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen -- Reservoir-Elektronen mit randomisiertem Spin an beide QSH-Randkan{\"a}le mit gleicher Wahrscheinlichkeit koppeln, was in der Ausbildung eines QSH-Rings resultiert. Diese Ringbildung wird im Rahmen eines durch Plausibilit{\"a}ts{\"u}berpr{\"u}fung getesteten Modells erkl{\"a}rt und spezifiziert. Danach erfolgt eine theoretische Einf{\"u}hrung von drei relevanten Quantenphasen, deren Akkumulation in der Folge f{\"u}r mehrere geeignete QPC-Proben nachgewiesen wird. Es handelt sich hierbei um die Aharonov-Bohm-Phase, um die dynamische Aharonov-Casher-Phase sowie um eine Spin-Bahn-Berry-Phase mit einem Wert von π. Diese experimentellen Ergebnisse stehen dar{\"u}ber hinaus im Einklang mit analytischen Modellbetrachtungen. Das anschließende Kapitel 4 stellt den letzten Teil der Arbeit dar und besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Beobachtung einer anomalen Leitwertsignatur, welche f{\"u}r QPC-Proben basierend auf einer Quantentrogdicke von d_QW = 10.5 nm auftritt. Diese Proben zeigen neben der durch die QSH-Phase bedingten Leitwertquantisierung von G_QSH ≈ 2e^2/h ein weiteres Leitwertplateau mit einem Wert von G ≈ e^2/h = 0.5 x G_QSH. Diese sogenannte 0.5-Anomalie ist nur f{\"u}r ein kleines Intervall von QPC-Weiten beobachtbar und wird mit zunehmender Bauteilweite abgeschw{\"a}cht. Weiterf{\"u}hrende Untersuchungen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Temperatur sowie einer angelegten Biasspannung deuten dar{\"u}ber hinaus darauf hin, dass das Auftreten der 0.5-Anomalie mit einem modifizierten topologischen Zustand einhergeht. {\"U}berdies wird eine zus{\"a}tzliche sowie vervollst{\"a}ndigende Charakterisierung dieses Transportregimes durch die Realisierung eines neuartigen Bauteilkonzeptes m{\"o}glich, welches einen QPC in eine standardisierte Hall-Bar-Geometrie integriert. Das Ergebnis der experimentellen Analyse einer solchen Probe verkn{\"u}pft das Auftreten der 0.5-Anomalie mit der R{\"u}ckstreuung eines QSH-Randkanals. Demgem{\"a}ß wird aus Sicht des Einteilchenbildes geschlussfolgert, dass im Kontext der 0.5-Anomalie lediglich ein Randkanal transmittiert wird. Zudem werden zwei theoretische Modelle basierend auf Elektron-Elektron-Wechselwirkungen diskutiert, welche beide jeweils als urs{\"a}chlicher Mechanismus f{\"u}r das Auftreten der 0.5-Anomalie in Frage kommen. Abschließend ist zu deduzieren, dass die Implementierung einer QPC-Technologie in einem QSH-System eine bedeutende Entwicklung im Bereich der Erforschung von zweidimensionalen topologischen Isolatoren darstellt, welche eine Vielzahl zuk{\"u}nftiger Experimente erm{\"o}glicht. So existieren beispielsweise theoretische Vorhersagen, dass QPCs in einem QSH-System die Detektion von Majorana- sowie Para-Fermionen erm{\"o}glichen. {\"U}berdies ist die nachgewiesene Ausbildung eines QSH-Interferometers in geeigneten QPC-Proben eine Beobachtung von großer Folgewirkung. So erm{\"o}glicht die beobachtete dynamische Aharonov-Casher-Phase im QSH-Regime die kontrollierbare Modulation des topologischen Leitwertes, was die konzeptionelle Grundlage eines topologischen Transistors darstellt. Eine weitere Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeit wird durch die Widerstandsf{\"a}higkeit geometrischer Phasen gegen{\"u}ber Dephasierung er{\"o}ffnet, wodurch die nachgewiesene Spin-Bahn-Berry-Phase mit einem Wert von π im Kontext potentieller Quantencomputerkonzepte von Interesse ist. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist die Transmission von nur einem QSH-Randkanal im Zuge des Auftretens der 0.5-Anomalie {\"a}quivalent zu 100 \% Spinpolarisierung, was einen Faktor essentieller Relevanz f{\"u}r die Realisierung spintronischer Anwendungen darstellt. Demgem{\"a}ß beinhaltet die vorliegende Arbeit den experimentellen Nachweis von drei unterschiedlichen Effekten, von welchen jedem einzelnen eine fundamentale Rolle im Rahmen der Entwicklung neuer Generationen logischer Bauelemente zukommen kann -- erm{\"o}glicht durch die Realisierung von QPCs in topologischen HgTe-Quantentr{\"o}gen.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2022, author = {Schmitt, Fabian Bernhard}, title = {Transport properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator mercury telluride}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29173}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-291731}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The subject of this thesis is the investigation of the transport properties of topological and massive surface states in the three-dimensional topological insulator Hg(Mn)Te. These surface states give rise to a variety of extraordinary transport phenomena, making this material system of great interest for research and technological applications. In this connection, many physical properties of the topological insulator Hg(Mn)Te still require in-depth exploration. The overall aim of this thesis is to analyze the quantum transport of HgTe-based devices ranging from hundreds of micrometers (macroscopic) down to a few micrometers in size (microscopic) in order to extend the overall understanding of surface states and the possibilities of their manipulation. In order to exploit the full potential of our high-quality heterostructures, it was necessary to revise and improve the existing lithographic fabrication process of macroscopic three-dimensional Hg(Mn)Te samples. A novel lithographic standard recipe for the fabrication of the HgTe-based macrostructures was developed. This recipe includes the use of an optimized Hall bar design and wet etching instead of etching with high-energy \(\mathrm{{Ar^{+}}}\)-ions, which can damage the samples. Further, a hafnium oxide insulator is applied replacing the SiO\(_{2}\)/Si\(_{3}\)N\(_{4}\) dielectric in order to reduce thermal load. Moreover, the devices are metallized under an alternating angle to avoid discontinuities of the metal layers over the mesa edges. It was revealed that the application of gate-dielectric and top-gate metals results in n-type doping of the devices. This phenomenon could be attributed to quasi-free electrons tunneling from the trap states, which form at the interface cap layer/insulator, through the cap into the active layer. This finding led to the development of a new procedure to characterize wafer materials. It was found that the optimized lithographic processing steps do not unintentionally react chemically with our heterostructures, thus avoiding a degradation of the quality of the Hg(Mn)Te layer. The implementation of new contact structures Ti/Au, In/Ti/Au, and Al/Ti/Au did not result in any improvement compared to the standard structure AuGe/Au. However, a novel sample recipe could be developed, resulting in an intermixing of the contact metals (AuGe and Au) and fingering of metal into the mesa. The extent of the quality of the ohmic contacts obtained through this process has yet to be fully established. This thesis further deals with the lithographic realization of three-dimensional HgTe-based microstructures measuring only a few micrometer in size. Thus, these structures are in the order of the mean free path and the spin relaxation length of topological surface state electrons. A lithographic process was developed enabling the fabrication of nearly any desired microscopic device structure. In this context, two techniques suitable for etching microscopic samples were realized, namely wet etching and the newly established inductively coupled plasma etching. While wet etching was found to preserve the crystal quality of the active layer best, inductively coupled plasma etching is characterized by high reproducibility and excellent structural fidelity. Hence, the etching technique employed depends on the envisaged type of experiment. Magneto-transport measurements were carried out on the macroscopic HgTe-based devices fabricated by means of improved lithographic processing with respect to the transport properties of topological and massive surface states. It was revealed that due to the low charge carrier density present in the leads to the ohmic contacts, these regions can exhibit an insulating behavior at high magnetic fields and extremely low temperatures. As soon as the filling factor of the lowest Landau levels dropped below a critical value (\(\nu_{\mathrm{{c}}}\approx0.8\)), the conductance of the leads decreased significantly. It was demonstrated that the carrier density in the leads can be increased by the growth of modulation doping layers, a back-gate-electrode, light-emitting diode illumination, and by the application of an overlapping top-gate layout. This overlapping top-gate and a back-gate made it possible to manipulate the carrier density of the surface states on both sides of the Hg(Mn)Te layer independently. With this setup, it was identified that topological and massive surface states contribute to transport simultaneously in 3D Hg(Mn)Te. A model could be developed allowing the charge carrier systems populated in the sample to be determined unambiguously. Based on this model, the process of the re-entrant quantum Hall effect observed for the first time in three-dimensional topological insulators could be explained by an interplay of n-type topological and p-type massive surface states. A well-pronounced \(\nu=-1\rightarrow\nu=-2\rightarrow\nu=-1\) sequence of quantum Hall plateaus was found in manganese-doped HgTe-based samples. It is postulated that this is the condensed-matter realization of the parity anomaly in three-dimensional topological insulators. The actual nature of this phenomenon can be the subject of further research. In addition, the measurements have shown that inter-scattering occurs between counter-propagating quantum Hall edge states. The good quantization of the Hall conductance despite this inter-scattering indicates that only the unpaired edge states determine the transport properties of the system as a whole. The underlying inter-scattering mechanism is the topic of a publication in preparation. Furthermore, three-dimensional HgTe-based microstructures shaped like the capital letter "H" were investigated regarding spin transport phenomena. The non-local voltage signals occurring in the measurements could be attributed to a current-induced spin polarization of the topological surface states due to electrons obeying spin-momentum locking. It was shown that the strength of this non-local signal is directly connected to the magnitude of the spin polarization and can be manipulated by the applied top-gate voltage. It was found that in these microstructures, the massive surface and bulk states, unlike the topological surface states, cannot contribute to this spin-associated phenomenon. On the contrary, it was demonstrated that the population of massive states results in a reduction of the spin polarization, either due to the possible inter-scattering of massive and topological surface states or due to the addition of an unpolarized electron background. The evidence of spin transport controllable by a top-gate-electrode makes the three-dimensional material system mercury telluride a promising candidate for further research in the field of spintronics.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fijalkowski2022, author = {Fijalkowski, Kajetan Maciej}, title = {Electronic Transport in a Magnetic Topological Insulator (V,Bi,Sb)\(_2\)Te\(_3\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28230}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282303}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This thesis focuses on investigating magneto-transport properties of a ferromagnetic topological insulator (V,Bi,Sb)2Te3. This material is most famously known for exhibiting the quantum anomalous Hall effect, a novel quantum state of matter that has opened up possibilities for potential applications in quantum metrology as a quantum standard of resistance, as well as for academic investigations into unusual magnetic properties and axion electrodynamics. All of those aspects are investigated in the thesis.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2022, author = {M{\"u}ller, Valentin Leander}, title = {Transport signatures of topological and trivial states in the three-dimensional topological insulator HgTe}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25952}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259521}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The thesis at hand is concerned with improving our understanding of and our control over transport properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator HgTe. Topological insulators are characterized by an insulating bulk and symmetry-protected metallic surface states. These topological surface states hold great promise for research and technology; at the same time, many properties of experimentally accessible topological insulator materials still need to be explored thoroughly. The overall aim of this thesis was to experimentally investigate micrometer-sized HgTe transport devices to observe the ballistic transport regime as well as intercarrier scattering and possibly identify special properties of the topological surface states. Part I of the thesis presents lithographic developments concerned with etching small HgTe devices. The aim was to replace existing processes which relied on dry etching with high-energy \(\text{Ar}^+\) ions and an organic etch mask. This etching method is known to degrade the HgTe crystal quality. In addition, the etch mask turned out to be not durable for long etching processes and difficult to remove completely after etching. First, \(\text{BaF}_2\) was introduced as a new etch mask for dry etching to replace the organic etch mask. With common surface characterization techniques like SEM and XPS it was shown that \(\text{BaF}_2\) etch masks are easy to deposit, highly durable in common dry etching processes for \(\text{Hg}_{1-x}\text{Cd}_x\text{Te}\), and easy to remove in deionized water. Transport results of HgTe devices fabricated with the new etch mask are comparable to results obtained with the old process. At the same time, the new etch mask can withstand longer etching times and does not cause problems due to incomplete removal. Second, a new inductively coupled plasma dry etching process based on \(\text{CH}_4\) and Ar was introduced. This etching process is compatible with \(\text{BaF}_2\) etch masks and yields highly reproducible results. Transport results indicate that the new etching process does not degrade the crystal quality and is suitable to produce high-quality transport devices even in the micrometer range. A comparison with wet-etched samples shows that inductively coupled plasma etching introduces a pronounced edge roughness. This - usually undesirable - property is actually beneficial for some of the experiments in this study and mostly irrelevant for others. Therefore, most samples appearing in this thesis were fabricated with the new process. Part II of the thesis details the advancements made in identifying topological and trivial states which contribute to transport in HgTe three-dimensional topological insulators. To this end, macroscopic Hall bar samples were fabricated from high-quality tensilely strained HgTe layers by means of the improved lithographic processes. All samples were equipped with a top gate electrode, and some also with a modulation doping layer or a back gate electrode to modify the carrier density of the surface states on both sides of the HgTe layer. Due to the high sample quality, Landau levels could be well-resolved in standard transport measurements down to magnetic fields of less than 0.5T. High-resolution measurements of the Landau level dispersion with gate voltage and magnetic field allowed disentangling different transport channels. The main result here is that the upper (electron) branches of the two topological surface states contribute to transport in all experimentally relevant density regimes, while the hole branch is not accessible. Far in n-regime bulk conduction band states give a minor contribution to transport. More importantly, trivial bulk valence band holes come into play close to the charge neutrality point. Further in p-regime, the strong applied gate voltage leads to the formation of two-dimensional, massive hole states at the HgTe surface. The interplay of different states gives rise to rich physics: Top gate-back gate maps revealed that an anticrossing of Landau levels from the two topological surface states occurs at equal filling. A possible explanation for this effect is a weak hybridization of the surface states; however, future studies need to further clarify this point. Furthermore, the superposition of n-type topological and p-type trivial surface states leads to an intriguing Landau level dispersion. The good quantization of the Hall conductance in this situation indicates that the counterpropagating edge states interact with each other. The nature of this interaction will be the topic of further research. Part III of the thesis is focused on HgTe microstructures. These "channel samples" have a typical width of 0.5 to 4µm and a typical length of 5 to 80µm. The quality of these devices benefits particularly from the improved lithographic processes. As a result, the impurity mean free path of the topological surface state electrons is on the order of the device width and transport becomes semiballistic. This was verified by measuring the channel resistance in small magnetic fields in n-regime. The deflection of carriers towards the dissipative channel walls results in a pronounced peak in the magnetoresistance, which scales in a predictable manner with the channel width. To investigate transport effects due to mutual scattering of charge carriers, the differential resistance of channel samples was measured as a function of carrier temperature. Selective heating of the charge carriers - but not the lattice - was achieved by passing a heating current through the channel. Increasing the carrier temperature has two pronounced effects when the Fermi level is situated in proximity to the bulk valence band maximum where the density of states is large. First, when both topological surface state electrons and bulk holes are present, electron-hole scattering leads to a pronounced increase in resistance with increasing carrier temperature. Second, a thermally induced increase of the electron and hole carrier densities reduces the resistance again at higher temperatures. A model considering these two effects was developed, which can well reproduce the experimental results. Current heating experiments in zero-gap HgTe quantum wells and compressively strained HgTe layers are consistent with this model. These observations raise the question as to how electron-hole scattering may affect other transport properties of HgTe-based three-dimensional topological insulators, which is briefly discussed in the outlook.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hajer2022, author = {Hajer, Jan}, title = {Mercury Telluride Nanowires for Topological Quantum Transport}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29322}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-293222}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Novel appraches to the molecular beam epitaxy of core-shell nanowires in the group II telluride material system were explored in this work. Significant advances in growth spurred the development of a flexible and reliable platform for a charge transport characterization of the topological insulator HgTe in a tubular nanowire geometry. The transport results presented provide an important basis for the design of future studies that strive for the experimental realization of topological charge transport in the quantum wire limit.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{EliasdosSantos2021, author = {Elias dos Santos, Graciely}, title = {Spin-Orbit Torques and Galvanomagnetic Effects Generated by the 3D Topological Insulator HgTe}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24797}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247971}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In meiner Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigte ich mich mit der Frage, ob der 3D topologische Isolator Quecksilbertellurid (3D TI HgTe) ein geeignetes Material f{\"u}r Spintronik-Anwendungen ist. Wir untersuchten Spin-Bahn-Drehmomente, die auf Elektronen beim Tunneln zwischen HgTe und einem angrenzenden Ferromagneten (Permalloy) einwirken. Zun{\"a}chst setzten wir die Methode der Ferromagnetresonanz (SOT-FMR) f{\"u}r diese Untersuchungen ein. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation werden die Leser in die mathematische Beschreibung von Spin- Bahn-Drehmomenten in einem Hybridsystem bestehend aus topologischem Isolator (TI) und Ferromagnet (FM) eingef{\"u}hrt. Des Weiteren werden die Probenherstellung und der Messaufbau f{\"u}r SOT-FMR Messungen besprochen. Unsere SOT-FMR Messungen ergaben, dass bei tiefen Temperaturen (T = 4.2 K) die Normalkomponente (bezogen auf der TI-Oberfl{\"a}che) des Drehmoments groß war. Bei Raumtemperatur konnten im Signal beide Komponenten (parallel und normal zur TI-Oberfl{\"a}che) beobachtet werden. Aus der Symmetrie der Mixing-Spannung (Abbildungen 3.14 und 3.15) schlossen wir, dass 3D TI HgTe ein Spin-Bahn-Drehmoment auf das Elektronensystem des Permalloys {\"u}bertr{\"a}gt. Unsere Untersuchungen zeigten dar{\"u}ber hinaus, dass die Effizienz dieser {\"U}bertragung mit der anderer vorhandener topologischen Isolatoren vergleichbar ist (siehe Abb. 3.17). Abschließend wurden parasit{\"a}re Effekte bei der Absch{\"a}tzung des Spin-Bahn-Drehmoments bzw. andere Interpretationen des Messsignals und seiner Komponenten (z.B., Thermospannungen) ausf{\"u}hrlich diskutiert. Obwohl die hier gezeigten Ergebnisse vermehrt darauf hinweisen, dass der 3D TI HgTe m{\"o}glicherweise effizient f{\"u}r die Anwendung von Spin-Drehmomenten in angrezenden Ferromagneten ist [1], wird dem Leser weiderholt klargemacht, dass parasit{\"a}re Effekte eventuelle das korrekte Schreiben und Lesen der Information in Ferromagneten verunreignigt. Diese sollten auch bei der Interpretation von publizierten Resultaten besonders hohen Spin-Bahn-Drehmoment{\"u}bertragungen in der Literatur ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden [1-3]. Die Nachteile der SOT-FMR-Messmethode f{\"u}hrten zu einerWeiterentwicklung unseres Messkonzepts, bei dem der Ferromagnet durch eine Spin-Valve-Struktur ersetzt wurde. In dieser Messanordnung ist der Stromfluss durch den 3D TI im Gegensatz zu den vorangegangenen Messungen bekannt und die Widerstands{\"a}nderung der Spin-Valve-Struktur kann durch den GMR-Effekt ausgelesen werden. Die Ausrichtung der Magnetisierung des Ferromagneten in den SOT-FMR-Experimenten erforderte es, ein magnetisches Feld von bis zu 300 mT parallel zur TI-Oberfl{\"a}che anzulegen. Motiviert durch diesen Umstand, untersuchten wir den Einfluss eines parallelen Magnetfelds auf den Magnetowiderstand in 3D TI HgTe. Die {\"u}berraschenden Resultate dieser Messungen werden im zweiten Teil der Dissertation beschrieben. Obwohl nichtmagnetisches Quecksilbertellurid untersucht wurde, oszillierte der transversale Magnetowiderstand (Rxy) mit dem Winkel � zwischen der Magnetfeldrichtung (parallel zur Oberfl{\"a}che) und der elektrischen Stromflussrichtung im topologischen Isolator. Dieser Effekt ist eine typische Eigenschaft von ferromagnetischen Materialien und wird planarer Hall-Effekt (PHE) genannt[4, 5]. Magnetowiderstands- (MR-)Oszillationen wurden ebenfalls sowohl im L{\"a}ngswiderstand (Rxx) und im transversalen Widerstand (Rxy) {\"u}ber einen weiten Bereich von magnetischen Feldst{\"a}rken und Ladungstr{\"a}gerdichten des topologischen Isolators beobachtet. Der PHE wurde bereits zuvor in einem anderen TI-Material (Bi2-xSbxTe3) beschrieben [6]. Als physikalischer Mechanismus wurde von den Autoren Elektronenstreuung an magnetisch polarisierten Streuzentren vorgeschlagen. Wir diskutierten sowohl diesen Erkl{\"a}rungsansatz als auch andere Theorievorschl{\"a}ge in der Literatur [7, 8] kritisch. In dieser Doktorarbeit haben wir versucht, der PHE des 3D TI HgTe durch die Asymmetrie in der Bandstruktur dieses Materials zu erkl{\"a}ren. In k.p Bandstrukturrechnungen mit einer 6-Orbital-Basis zeigten wir, dass das Zwischenspiel von Rashba- und Dresselhaus-Spin-Bahn- Wechselwirkung mit dem magnetischen Feld parallel zur TI-Oberfl{\"a}che zu einer Verformung der Fermikontur des Valenzbands von 3D TI-HgTe f{\"u}hrt, welche ihrerseits eine Anisotropie des Leitf{\"a}higkeit bedingt. Die ben{\"o}tigten Magnetfeldst{\"a}rken in diesem Modell waren mit bis zu 40 T jedoch etwa eine Gr{\"o}ßenordnung gr{\"o}ßer als jene in unseren Experimenten. Des Weiteren lieferte eine direkte Berechnung der Zustandsdichten f{\"u}r Bin k I und Bin ? I bisher keine klaren Resultate. Die komplizierte Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Rashba-Spin-Bahn-Kopplung f{\"u}r p-leitendes HgTe [9] machte es außerdem schwierig, diesen Term in die Bandstrukturrechnung zu inkludieren. Trotz umfangreicher Bem{\"u}hungen, den Ursprung der galvanomagnetischen Effekte im 3D TI HgTe zu verstehen, konnte in dieser Arbeit der Mechanismus des PHE und der MR-Oszillationen nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden. Es gelang jedoch, einige aus der Literatur bekannte Theorien f{\"u}r den PHE und die MR-Oszillationseffekte in topologischen Isolatoren auszuschließen. Die Herausforderung, eine vollst{\"a}ndige theoretische Beschreibung zu entwickeln, die allen experimentellen Aspekten (PHE, Gatespannungsabh{\"a}ngigkeit und MR-Oszillationen) gerecht wird, bleibt weiter bestehen. Abschließend m{\"o}chte die Autorin ihre Hoffnung ausdr{\"u}cken, den Lesern die Komplexit{\"a}t der Fragestellung n{\"a}her gebracht zu haben und sie in die Kunst elektrischer Messungen an topologischen Isolatoren bei angelegtem parallelem Magnetfeld initiiert zu haben.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bathon2021, author = {Bathon, Thomas}, title = {Gezielte Manipulation Topologischer Isolatoren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23920}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239204}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Neue physikalische Erkenntnisse vervollst{\"a}ndigen die Sicht auf die Welt und erschließen gleichzeitig Wege f{\"u}r Folgeexperimente und technische Anwendungen. Das letzte Jahrzehnt der Festk{\"o}rperforschung war vom zunehmenden Fokus der theoretischen und experimentellen Erkundung topologischer Materialien gepr{\"a}gt. Eine fundamentale Eigenschaft ist ihre Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber solchen St{\"o}rungen, welche spezielle physikalische Symmetrien nicht verletzen. Insbesondere die Topologischen Isolatoren - Halbleiter mit isolierenden Volumen- sowie gleichzeitig leitenden und spinpolarisierten Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nden - sind vielversprechende Kandidaten zur Realisierung breitgef{\"a}cherter spintronischer Einsatzgebiete. Bis zur Verwirklichung von Quantencomputern und anderer, heute noch exotisch anmutender Konzepte bedarf es allerdings ein umfassenderes Verst{\"a}ndnis der grundlegenden, physikalischen Zusammenh{\"a}nge. Diese kommen vor allem an Grenzfl{\"a}chen zum Tragen, weshalb oberfl{\"a}chensensitive Methoden bei der Entdeckung der Topologischen Isolatoren eine wichtige Rolle spielten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden daher strukturelle, elektronische und magnetische Eigenschaften Topologischer Isolatoren mittels Tieftemperatur-Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie sowie begleitenden Methoden untersucht. Die Ver{\"a}nderung der Element-Ausgangskonzentration w{\"a}hrend dem Wachstum des prototypischen Topologischen Isolators Bi2Te3 f{\"u}hrt zur Realisierung eines topologischen p-n {\"U}bergangs innerhalb des Kristalls. Bei einem spezifischen Verh{\"a}ltnis von Bi zu Te in der Schmelze kommt es aufgrund unterschiedlicher Erstarrungstemperaturen der Komponenten zu einer Ansammlung von Bi- und Te-reichen Gegenden an den gegen{\"u}berliegenden Enden des Kristalls. In diesen bildet sich infolge des jeweiligen Element{\"u}berschusses durch Kristallersetzungen und -fehlstellen eine Dotierung des Materials aus. Daraus resultiert die Existenz eines {\"U}bergangsbereiches, welcher durch Transportmessungen verifiziert werden kann. Mit der r{\"a}umlich aufl{\"o}senden Rastertunnelmikroskopie wird diese Gegend lokalisiert und strukturell sowie elektronisch untersucht. Innerhalb des {\"U}bergangsbereiches treten charakteristische Kristalldefekte beider Arten auf - eine Defektunterdr{\"u}ckung bleibt folglich aus. Dennoch ist dort der Beitrag der Defekte zum Stromtransport aufgrund ihres gegens{\"a}tzlichen Dotiercharakters vernachl{\"a}ssigbar, sodass der topologische Oberfl{\"a}chenzustand die maßgeblichen physikalischen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus tritt der {\"U}bergangsbereich in energetischen und r{\"a}umlichen Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen auf, die Anwendungen bei Raumtemperatur denkbar machen. Neben der Ver{\"a}nderung Topologischer Isolatoren durch den gezielten Einsatz intrinsischer Kristalldefekte bieten magnetische St{\"o}rungen die M{\"o}glichkeit zur Pr{\"u}fung des topologischen Oberfl{\"a}chenzustandes auf dessen Widerstandsf{\"a}higkeit sowie der gegenseitigen Wechselwirkungen. Die Zeitumkehrinvarianz ist urs{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r den topologischen Schutz des Oberfl{\"a}chenzustandes, weshalb magnetische Oberfl{\"a}chen- und Volumendotierung diese Symmetrie brechen und zu neuartigem Verhalten f{\"u}hren kann. Die Oberfl{\"a}chendotierung Topologischer Isolatoren kann zu einer starken Bandverbiegung und einer energetischen Verschiebung des Fermi-Niveaus f{\"u}hren. Bei einer wohldosierten Menge der Adatome auf p-dotiertem Bi2Te3 kommt die Fermi-Energie innerhalb der Volumenzustands-Bandl{\"u}cke zum Liegen. Folglich wird bei Energien rund um das Fermi-Niveau lediglich der topologische Oberfl{\"a}chenzustand bev{\"o}lkert, welcher eine Wechselwirkung zwischen den Adatomen vermitteln kann. F{\"u}r Mn-Adatome kann R{\"u}ckstreuung beobachtet werden, die aufgrund der Zeitumkehrinvarianz in undotierten Topologischen Isolatoren verboten ist. Die {\"u}berraschenderweise starken und fokussierten Streuintensit{\"a}ten {\"u}ber mesoskopische Distanzen hinweg resultieren aus der ferromagnetischen Kopplung nahegelegener Adsorbate, was durch theoretische Berechnungen und R{\"o}ntgendichroismus-Untersuchungen best{\"a}tigt wird. Gleichwohl wird f{\"u}r die Proben ein superparamagnetisches Verhalten beobachtet. Im Gegensatz dazu f{\"u}hrt die ausreichende Volumendotierung von Sb2Te3 mit V-Atomen zu einem weitreichend ferromagnetischen Verhalten. Erstaunlicherweise kann trotz der weitl{\"a}ufig verbreiteten Theorie Zeitumkehrinvarianz-gebrochener Dirac-Zust{\"a}nde und der experimentellen Entdeckung des Anormalen Quanten-Hall-Effektes in {\"a}hnlichen Probensystemen keinerlei Anzeichen einer spektroskopischen Bandl{\"u}cke beobachtet werden. Dies ist eine direkte Auswirkung der dualen Natur der magnetischen Adatome: W{\"a}hrend sie einerseits eine magnetisch induzierte Bandl{\"u}cke {\"o}ffnen, besetzen sie diese durch St{\"o}rstellenresonanzen wieder. Ihr stark lokaler Charakter kann durch die Aufnahme ihrer r{\"a}umlichen Verteilung aufgezeichnet werden und f{\"u}hrt zu einer Mobilit{\"a}ts-Bandl{\"u}cke, deren Indizien durch vergleichende Untersuchungen an undotiertem und dotiertem Sb2Te3 best{\"a}tigt werden.}, subject = {Rastertunnelmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Winnerlein2020, author = {Winnerlein, Martin}, title = {Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Characterization of the Magnetic Topological Insulator (V,Bi,Sb)\(_2\)Te\(_3\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21166}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The subject of this thesis is the fabrication and characterization of magnetic topological insulator layers of (V,Bi,Sb)\(_2\)Te\(_3\) exhibiting the quantum anomalous Hall effect. A major task was the experimental realization of the quantum anomalous Hall effect, which is only observed in layers with very specific structural, electronic and magnetic properties. These properties and their influence on the quantum anomalous Hall effect are analyzed in detail. First, the optimal conditions for the growth of pure Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\) and Sb\(_2\)Te\(_3\) crystal layers and the resulting structural quality are studied. The crystalline quality of Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\) improves significantly at higher growth temperatures resulting in a small mosaicity-tilt and reduced twinning defects. The optimal growth temperature is determined as 260\(^{\circ}\)C, low enough to avoid desorption while maintaining a high crystalline quality. The crystalline quality of Sb\(_2\)Te\(_3\) is less dependent on the growth temperature. Temperatures below 230\(^{\circ}\)C are necessary to avoid significant material desorption, though. Especially for the nucleation on Si(111)-H, a low sticking coefficient is observed preventing the coalescence of islands into a homogeneous layer. The influence of the substrate type, miscut and annealing sequence on the growth of Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\) layers is investigated. The alignment of the layer changes depending on the miscut angle and annealing sequence: Typically, layer planes align parallel to the Si(111) planes. This can enhance the twin suppression due to transfer of the stacking order from the substrate to the layer at step edges, but results in a step bunched layer morphology. For specific substrate preparations, however, the layer planes are observed to align parallel to the surface plane. This alignment avoids displacement at the step edges, which would cause anti-phase domains. This results in narrow Bragg peaks in XRD rocking curve scans due to long-range order in the absence of anti-phase domains. Furthermore, the use of rough Fe:InP(111):B substrates leads to a strong reduction of twinning defects and a significantly reduced mosaicity-twist due to the smaller lattice mismatch. Next, the magnetically doped mixed compound V\(_z\)(Bi\(_{1-x}\)Sb\(_x\))\(_{2-z}\)Te\(_3\) is studied in order to realize the quantum anomalous Hall effect. The addition of V and Bi to Sb\(_2\)Te\(_3\) leads to efficient nucleation on the Si(111)-H surface and a closed, homogeneous layer. Magneto-transport measurements of layers reveal a finite anomalous Hall resistivity significantly below the von Klitzing constant. The observation of the quantum anomalous Hall effect requires the complete suppression of parasitic bulklike conduction due to defect induced carriers. This can be achieved by optimizing the thickness, composition and growth conditions of the layers. The growth temperature is observed to strongly influence the structural quality. Elevated temperatures result in bigger islands, improved crystallographic orientation and reduced twinning. On the other hand, desorption of primarily Sb is observed, affecting the thickness, composition and reproducibility of the layers. At 190\(^{\circ}\)C, desorption is avoided enabling precise control of layer thickness and composition of the quaternary compound while maintaining a high structural quality. It is especially important to optimize the Bi/Sb ratio in the (V,Bi,Sb)\(_2\)Te\(_3\) layers, since by alloying n-type Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\) and p-type Sb\(_2\)Te\(_3\) charge neutrality is achieved at a specific mixing ratio. This is necessary to shift the Fermi level into the magnetic exchange gap and fully suppress the bulk conduction. The Sb content x furthermore influences the in-plane lattice constant a significantly. This is utilized to accurately determine x even for thin films below 10 nm thickness required for the quantum anomalous Hall effect. Furthermore, x strongly influences the surface morphology: with increasing x the island size decreases and the RMS roughness increases by up to a factor of 4 between x = 0 and x = 1. A series of samples with x varied between 0.56-0.95 is grown, while carefully maintaining a constant thickness of 9 nm and a doping concentration of 2 at.\% V. Magneto-transport measurements reveal the charge neutral point around x = 0.86 at 4.2 K. The maximum of the anomalous Hall resistivity of 0.44 h/e\(^2\) is observed at x = 0.77 close to charge neutrality. Reducing the measurement temperature to 50 mK significantly increases the anomalous Hall resistivity. Several samples in a narrow range of x between 0.76-0.79 show the quantum anomalous Hall effect with the Hall resistivity reaching the von Klitzing constant and a vanishing longitudinal resistivity. Having realized the quantum anomalous Hall effect as the first group in Europe, this breakthrough enabled us to study the electronic and magnetic properties of the samples in close collaborations with other groups. In collaboration with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt high-precision measurements were conducted with detailed error analysis yielding a relative de- viation from the von Klitzing constant of (0.17 \(\pm\) 0.25) * 10\(^{-6}\). This is published as the smallest, most precise value at that time, proving the high quality of the provided samples. This result paves the way for the application of magnetic topological insulators as zero-field resistance standards. Non-local magneto-transport measurements were conducted at 15 mK in close collaboration with the transport group in EP3. The results prove that transport happens through chiral edge channels. The detailed analysis of small anomalies in transport measurements reveals instabilities in the magnetic phase even at 15 mK. Their time dependent nature indicates the presence of superparamagnetic contributions in the nominally ferromagnetic phase. Next, the influence of the capping layer and the substrate type on structural properties and the impact on the quantum anomalous Hall effect is investigated. To this end, a layer was grown on a semi-insulating Fe:InP(111)B substrate using the previously optimized growth conditions. The crystalline quality is improved significantly with the mosaicity twist reduced from 5.4\(^{\circ}\) to 1.0\(^{\circ}\). Furthermore, a layer without protective capping layer was grown on Si and studied after providing sufficient time for degradation. The uncapped layer on Si shows perfect quantization, while the layer on InP deviates by about 5\%. This may be caused by the higher crystalline quality, but variations in e.g. Sb content cannot be ruled out as the cause. Overall, the quantum anomalous Hall effect seems robust against changes in substrate and capping layer with only little deviations. Furthermore, the dependence of the quantum anomalous Hall effect on the thickness of the layers is investigated. Between 5-8 nm thickness the material typically transitions from a 2D topological insulator with hybridized top and bottom surface states to a 3D topological insulator. A set of samples with 6 nm, 8 nm, and 9 nm thickness exhibits the quantum anomalous Hall effect, while 5 nm and 15 nm thick layers show significant bulk contributions. The analysis of the longitudinal and Hall conductivity during the reversal of magnetization reveals distinct differences between different thicknesses. The 6 nm thick layer shows scaling consistent with the integer quantum Hall effect, while the 9 nm thick layer shows scaling expected for the topological surface states of a 3D topological insulator. The unique scaling of the 9 nm thick layer is of particular interest as it may be a result of axion electrodynamics in a 3D topological insulator. Subsequently, the influence of V doping on the structural and magnetic properties of the host material is studied systematically. Similarly to Bi alloying, increased V doping seems to flatten the layer surface significantly. With increasing V content, Te bonding partners are observed to increase simultaneously in a 2:3 ratio as expected for V incorporation on group-V sites. The linear contraction of the in-plane and out-of-plane lattice constants with increasing V doping is quantitatively consistent with the incorporation of V\(^{3+}\) ions, possibly mixed with V\(^{4+}\) ions, at the group-V sites. This is consistent with SQUID measurements showing a magnetization of 1.3 \(\mu_B\) per V ion. Finally, magnetically doped topological insulator heterostructures are fabricated and studied in magneto-transport. Trilayer heterostructures with a non-magnetic (Bi,Sb)\(_2\)Te\(_3\) layer sandwiched between two magnetically doped layers are predicted to host the axion insulator state if the two magnetic layers are decoupled and in antiparallel configuration. Magneto-transport measurements of such a trilayer heterostructure with 7 nm undoped (Bi,Sb)\(_2\)Te\(_3\) between 2 nm thick layers doped with 1.5 at.\% V exhibit a zero Hall plateau representing an insulating state. Similar results in the literature were interpreted as axion insulator state, but in the absence of a measurement showing the antiparallel magnetic orientation other explanations for the insulating state cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, heterostructures including a 2 nm thin, highly V doped layer region show an anomalous Hall effect of opposite sign compared to previous samples. A dependency on the thickness and position of the doped layer region is observed, which indicates that scattering at the interfaces causes contributions to the anomalous Hall effect of opposite sign compared to bulk scattering effects. Many interesting phenomena in quantum anomalous Hall insulators as well as axion insulators are still not unambiguously observed. This includes Majorana bound states in quantum anomalous Hall insulator/superconductor hybrid systems and the topological magneto-electric effect in axion insulators. The limited observation temperature of the quantum anomalous Hall effect of below 1 K could be increased in 3D topological insulator/magnetic insulator heterostructures which utilize the magnetic proximity effect. The main achievement of this thesis is the reproducible growth and characterization of (V,Bi,Sb)2Te3 layers exhibiting the quantum anomalous Hall effect. The detailed study of the structural requirements of the quantum anomalous Hall effect and the observation of the unique axionic scaling behavior in 3D magnetic topological insulator layers leads to a better understanding of the nature of this new quantum state. The high-precision measurements of the quantum anomalous Hall effect reporting the smallest deviation from the von Klitzing constant are an important step towards the realization of a zero-field quantum resistance standard.}, subject = {Bismutverbindungen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knebl2019, author = {Knebl, Georg}, title = {Epitaktisches Wachstum und Transportuntersuchung topologisch isolierender Materialien: GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilme und Bi\(_2\)Se\(_3\) Nanostrukturen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19147}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191471}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Topologische Isolatoren geh{\"o}ren zu einer Klasse von Materialien, an deren Realisation im Rahmen der zweiten quantenmechanischen Revolution gearbeitet wird. Einerseits sind zahlreiche Fragestellungen zu diesen Materialen und deren Nutzbarmachung noch nicht beantwortet, andererseits treiben vielversprechende Anwendungen im Feld der Quantencomputer und Spintronik die L{\"o}sung dieser Fragen voran. Topologische Rand- bzw. Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde wurden f{\"u}r unterschiedlichste Materialien und Strukturen theoretisch vorhergesagt, so auch f{\"u}r GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilme und Bi2Se3. Trotz intensiver Forschungsarbeiten und großer Fortschritte bed{\"u}rfen viele Prozesse v. a. im Bereich der Probenherstellung und Verarbeitung noch der Optimierung. Die vorliegende Arbeit pr{\"a}sentiert Ergebnisse zur Molekularstahlepitaxie, zur Probenfertigung sowie zu elektro-optisch modulierter Transportuntersuchung von GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilmen und der epitaktischen Fertigung von Bi2Se3 Nanostrukturen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden die Parameter zur Molekularstrahlepitaxie sowie die Anpassung der Probenfertigung von GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilmen an material- und untersuchungsbedingte Notwendigkeiten beschrieben. Dieser verbesserte Prozess erm{\"o}glicht die Fertigung quantitativ vergleichbarer Probenserien. Anschließend werden Ergebnisse f{\"u}r Strukturen mit variabler InAs Schichtdicke unter elektrostatischer Kontrolle mit einem Frontgate pr{\"a}sentiert. Auch mit verbessertem Prozess zeigten sich Leckstr{\"o}me zum Substrat. Diese erschweren eine elektrostatische Kontrolle {\"u}ber Backgates. Die erstmals durch optische Anregung pr{\"a}sentierte Manipulation der Ladungstr{\"a}gerart sowie des Phasenzustandes in GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilmen bietet eine Alternative zu problembehafteten elektrostatisch betriebenen Gates. Im zweiten Teil wird die epitaktische Herstellung von Bi2Se3 Nanostrukturen gezeigt. Mit dem Ziel, Vorteile aus dem erh{\"o}hten Oberfl{\"a}che-zu-Volumen Verh{\"a}ltnis zu ziehen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals Bi2Se3 Nanodr{\"a}hte und -flocken mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie f{\"u}r die Verwendung als topologischer Isolator hergestellt. Ein Quantensprung - Kapitel 1 f{\"u}hrt {\"u}ber die umgangssprachliche Wortbedeutung des Quantensprungs und des damit verbundenen Modells der Quantenmechanik in das Thema. Die Anwendung dieses Modells auf Quanten-Ensembles und dessen technische Realisation wird heute als erste Quantenmechanische Revolution bezeichnet und ist aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Im Rahmen der zweiten Quantenmechanischen Revolution soll nun die Anwendung auf einzelne Zust{\"a}nde realisiert und technisch nutzbar gemacht werden. Hierbei sind topologische Isolatoren ein vielversprechender Baustein. Es werden das Konzept des topologischen Isolators sowie die Eigenschaften der beiden in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Systeme beschrieben: GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilme und Bi2Se3 Nanostrukturen. GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilme Kapitel 2 beschreibt die notwendigen physikalischen und technischen Grundlagen. Ausgehend von der Entdeckung des Hall-Effekts 1879 werden die Quanten-Hall-Effekte eingef{\"u}hrt. Quanten-Spin-Hall-Isolatoren oder allgemeiner topologische Isolatoren sind Materialien mit einem isolierenden Inneren, weisen an der Oberfl{\"a}che aber topologisch gesch{\"u}tzte Zust{\"a}nde auf. Doppelquantenfilme aus GaSb/InAs, die in AlSb gebettet werden, weisen - abh{\"a}ngig vom Aufbau der Heterostruktur - eine typische invertierte Bandstruktur auf und sind ein vielversprechender Kandidat f{\"u}r die Nutzbarmachung der topologischen Isolatoren. GaSb, InAs und AlSb geh{\"o}ren zur 6,1 {\AA}ngstr{\"o}m-Familie, welche f{\"u}r ihre opto-elektronischen Eigenschaften bekannt ist und h{\"a}ufig verwendet wird. Die Eigenschaften sowie die technologischen Grundlagen der epitaktischen Fertigung von Heterostrukturen aus den Materialien der 6,1 {\AA}ngstr{\"o}m-Familie mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie werden besprochen. Abschließend folgen die Charakterisierungs- und Messmethoden. Ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Literatur zu GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilmen in Bezug auf topologische Isolatoren rundet dieses Kapitel ab. Zu Beginn dieser Arbeit stellten Kurzschlusskan{\"a}le eine Herausforderung f{\"u}r die Detektion der topologischen Randkan{\"a}le dar. Kapitel 3 behandelt L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze hierf{\"u}r und beschreibt die Verbesserung der Herstellung von GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilm-Strukturen mit Blick auf die zuk{\"u}nftige Realisation topologischer Randkan{\"a}le. In Abschnitt 3.1 werden numerische Simulationen pr{\"a}sentiert, die sich mit der Inversion der elektronischen Niveaus in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der GaSb und InAs Schichtdicken dGaSb und dInAs besch{\"a}ftigen. Ein geeigneter Schichtaufbau f{\"u}r Strukturen mit invertierter Bandordnung liegt im Parameterraum von 8 nm ≾ dInAs ≾ 12 nm und 8 nm ≾ dGaSb ≾ 10 nm. Abschnitt 3.2 beschreibt die epitaktische Herstellung von GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilmen mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie. Die Fertigung eines GaSb Quasisubstrats auf ein GaAs Substrat wird pr{\"a}sentiert und anschließend der Wechsel auf native GaSb Substrate mit einer reduzierten Defektdichte sowie reproduzierbar hoher Probenqualit{\"a}t begr{\"u}ndet. Ein Wechseln von bin{\"a}rem AlSb auf gitterangepasstes AlAsSb erlaubt die Verwendung dickerer Barrieren. Versuche, eine hinl{\"a}ngliche Isolation des Backgates durch das Einbringen einer dickeren unteren Barriere zu erreichen, werden in diesem Abschnitt diskutiert. In Abschnitt 3.3 wird die Optimierung der Probenprozessierung gezeigt. Die Kombination zweier angepasster {\"A}tzprozesse - eines trockenchemischen und eines sukzessive folgenden nasschemischen Schrittes - liefert zusammen mit der Entfernung von Oberfl{\"a}chenoxiden reproduzierbar gute Ergebnisse. Ein materialselektiver {\"A}tzprozess mit darauffolgender direkter Kontaktierung des InAs Quantenfilmes liefert gute Kontaktwiderst{\"a}nde, ohne Kurzschlusskan{\"a}le zu erzeugen. Abschnitt 3.4 gibt einen kompakten {\"U}berblick, {\"u}ber den im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit verwendeten „best practice" Prozess. Mit diesem verbesserten Prozess wurden Proben mit variabler InAs Schichtdicke gefertigt und bei 4,2 K auf ihre Transporteigenschaften hin untersucht. Dies ist in Kapitel 4 pr{\"a}sentiert und diskutiert. Abschnitt 4.1 beschreibt die Serie aus drei Proben mit GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilm in AlSb Matrix mit einer variablen InAs Schichtdicke. Die InAs Schichtdicke wurde {\"u}ber numerische Simulationen so gew{\"a}hlt, dass je eine Probe im trivialen Regime, eine im invertierten Regime und eine am {\"U}bergang liegt. Gezeigt werden in Kapitel 4.2 Magnetotransportmessungen f{\"u}r konstante Frontgatespannungen sowie Messungen mit konstantem Magnetfeld gegen die Frontgatespannung. Die Messungen best{\"a}tigen eine Fertigung quantitativ vergleichbarer Proben, zeigen aber auch, dass keine der Proben im topologischen Regime liegt. Hierf{\"u}r kommen mehrere Ursachen in Betracht: Eine {\"U}bersch{\"a}tzung der Hybridisierung durch die numerische Simulation, zu geringe InAs Schichtdicken in der Fertigung oder ein asymmetrisches Verschieben mit nur einem Gate (Kapitel 4.3). Zur Reduktion der Volumenleitf{\"a}higkeit wurden Al-haltigen Schichten am GaSb/InAs {\"U}bergang eingebracht. Die erwartete Widerstandssteigerung konnte in ersten Versuchen nicht gezeigt werde. Die in Kapitel 5 gezeigte optische Manipulation des dominanten Ladungstr{\"a}gertyps der InAs/GaSb-Doppelquantent{\"o}pfe gibt eine zus{\"a}tzliche Kontrollm{\"o}glichkeit im Phasendiagramm. Optische Anregung erm{\"o}glicht den Wechsel der Majorit{\"a}tsladungstr{\"a}ger von Elektronen zu L{\"o}chern. Dabei wird ein Regime durchlaufen, in dem beide Ladungstr{\"a}ger koexistieren. Dies weist stark auf eine Elektron-Loch-Hybridisierung mit nichttrivialer topologischer Phase hin. Dabei spielen zwei unterschiedliche physikalische Prozesse eine Rolle, die analog eines Frontgates bzw. eines Backgates wirken. Der Frontgate Effekt beruht auf der negativ persistenten Photoleitf{\"a}higkeit, der Backgate Effekt fußt auf der Akkumulation von Elektronen auf der Substratseite. Das hier gezeigte optisch kontrollierte Verschieben der Zust{\"a}nde belegt die Realisation von opto-elektronischem Schalten zwischen unterschiedlichen topologischen Phasen. Dies zeigt die M{\"o}glichkeit einer optischen Kontrolle des Phasendiagramms der topologischen Zust{\"a}nde in GaSb/InAs Doppelquantenfilmen. In Abschnitt 5.1 wird die optische Verstimmung von GaSb/InAs Quantenfilmen gezeigt und erkl{\"a}rt. Sie wird in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Temperatur, der Anregungswellenl{\"a}nge sowie der Anregungsintensit{\"a}t untersucht. Kontrollversuche an Proben mit einem unterschiedlichen Strukturaufbau zeigen, dass das Vorhandensein eines {\"U}bergitters auf der Substratseite der Quantenfilmstruktur essentiell f{\"u}r die Entstehung der Backgate-Wirkung ist (Abschnitt 5.2). Abschließend werden in Abschnitt 5.3 die Erkenntnisse zur optischen Kontrolle zusammengefasst und deren M{\"o}glichkeiten, wie optisch definierte topologischen Phasen-Grenzfl{\"a}chen, diskutiert. Bi2Se3 Nanostrukturen Mit Blick auf die Vorteile eines erh{\"o}hten Oberfl{\"a}che-zu-Volumen Verh{\"a}ltnisses ist die Verwendung von Nanostrukturen f{\"u}r das Anwendungsgebiet der dreidimensionalen topologischen Isolatoren effizient. Mit dem Ziel, diesen Effekt f{\"u}r die Realisation des topologischen Isolators in Bi2Se3 auszunutzen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmalig das Wachstum von Bi2Se3 Nanodr{\"a}hten und -flocken mit Molekularstrahlepitaxie realisiert. In Kapitel 6 werden technische und physikalische Grundlagen hierzu erl{\"a}utert (Abschnitt 6.1). Ausgehend von einer Einf{\"u}hrung in dreidimensionale topologische Isolatoren werden die Eigenschaften des topologischen Zustandes in Bi2Se3 gezeigt. Darauf folgen die Kristalleigenschaften von Bi2Se3 sowie die Erkl{\"a}rung des epitaktischen Wachstums von Nanostrukturen mit Molekularstrahlepitaxie. In Abschnitt 6.2 schließt sich die Beschreibung der epitaktischen Herstellung an. Die Kristallstruktur wurde mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender R{\"o}ntgendiffraktometrie und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie als Bi2Se3 identifiziert. Rasterelektronenmikroskopie-Aufnahmen zeigen Nanodr{\"a}hte und Nanoflocken auf mit Gold vorbehandelten bzw. nicht mit Gold vorbehandelten Proben. Der Wachstumsmechanismus f{\"u}r Nanodr{\"a}hte kann nicht zweifelsfrei definiert werden. Das Fehlen von Goldtr{\"o}pfchen an der Drahtspitze legt einen wurzelbasierten Wachstumsmechanismus nahe (Abschnitt 6.3).}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wilfert2019, author = {Wilfert, Stefan}, title = {Rastertunnelmikroskopische und -spektroskopische Untersuchung von Supraleitern und topologischen Supraleitern}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18059}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180597}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Quantencomputer k{\"o}nnen manche Probleme deutlich effizienter l{\"o}sen als klassische Rechner. Bisherige Umsetzungen leiden jedoch an einer zu geringen Dekoh{\"a}renzzeit, weshalb die Lebenszeit der Quantenzust{\"a}nde einen limitierenden Faktor darstellt. Topologisch gesch{\"u}tzte Anregungen, wie Majorana-Fermionen, k{\"o}nnten hingegen dieses Hindernis {\"u}berwinden. Diese lassen sich beispielsweise in topologischen Supraleitern realisieren. Bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt existieren nur wenige Materialien, die dieses Ph{\"a}nomen aufweisen. Daher ist das Verst{\"a}ndnis der elektronischen Eigenschaften f{\"u}r solche Verbindungen von großer Bedeutung. In dieser Dissertation wird die Koexistenz von Supraleitung an der Probenoberfl{\"a}che und topologischem Oberfl{\"a}chenzustand (engl. topological surface state, TSS) auf potentiellen topologischen Supraleitern {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Diese beiden Bedingungen sind essentiell zur Ausbildung von topologischer Supraleitung in zeitumkehrgesch{\"u}tzten Systemen. Hierzu wird mittels Landaulevelspektroskopie und Quasiteilcheninterferenz das Vorhandensein des TSS am Ferminiveau auf Tl\$_{x}\$Bi\$_{2}\$Te\$_{3}\$ und Nb\$_{x}\$Bi\$_{2}\$Se\$_{3}\$ verifiziert, die mittels Transportmessungen als supraleitend identifiziert wurden. Anschließend folgen hochaufgel{\"o}ste Spektroskopien an der Fermienergie, um die supraleitenden Eigenschaften zu analysieren. Zur Interpretation der analysierten Eigenschaften wird zu Beginn der Ni-haltige Schwere-Fermion-Supraleiter TlNi\$_{2}\$Se\$_{2}\$ untersucht, der eine vergleichbare {\"U}bergangstemperatur besitzt. Anhand diesem werden die g{\"a}ngigen Messmethoden der Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie f{\"u}r supraleitende Proben vorgestellt und die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit der Messapparatur demonstriert. Im Einklang mit der Literatur zeigt sich ein \$s\$-Wellencharakter des Paarungsmechanismus sowie die Formation eines f{\"u}r Typ~II-Supraleiter typischen Abrikosov-Gitters in schwachen externen Magnetfeldern. Im folgenden Teil werden die potentiellen topologischen Supraleiter Tl\$_{x}\$Bi\$_{2}\$Te\$_{3}\$ und Nb\$_{x}\$Bi\$_{2}\$Se\$_{3}\$ begutachtet, f{\"u}r die eindeutig ein TSS best{\"a}tigt wird. Allerdings weisen beide Materialien keine Oberfl{\"a}chensupraleitung auf, was vermutlich durch eine Entkopplung der Oberfl{\"a}che vom Volumen durch Bandverbiegung zu erkl{\"a}ren ist. Unbeabsichtigte Kollisionen der Spitze mit der Probe f{\"u}hren jedoch zu supraleitenden Spitzen, die wesentlich erh{\"o}hte Werte f{\"u}r die kritische Temperatur und das kritische Feld zeigen. Der letzte Abschnitt widmet sich dem supraleitenden Substrat Nb(110), f{\"u}r den der Reinigungsprozess erl{\"a}utert wird. Hierbei sind kurze Heizschritte bis nahe des Schmelzpunktes n{\"o}tig, um die bei Umgebungsbedingungen entstehende Sauerstoffrekonstruktion effektiv zu entfernen. Des Weiteren werden die elektronischen Eigenschaften untersucht, die eine Oberfl{\"a}chenresonanz zum Vorschein bringen. Hochaufgel{\"o}ste Messungen lassen eine durch die BCS-Theorie gut repr{\"a}sentierte Struktur der supraleitenden Energiel{\"u}cke erkennen. Magnetfeldabh{\"a}ngige Experimente offenbaren zudem eine mit der Kristallstruktur vereinbare Anisotropie des Paarungspotentials. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen kann Nb(110) zuk{\"u}nftig als Ausgang f{\"u}r das Wachstum von topologischen Supraleitern herangezogen werden.}, subject = {Supraleitung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wiedenmann2018, author = {Wiedenmann, Jonas}, title = {Induced topological superconductivity in HgTe based nanostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162782}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This thesis describes the studies of topological superconductivity, which is predicted to emerge when pair correlations are induced into the surface states of 2D and 3D topolog- ical insulators (TIs). In this regard, experiments have been designed to investigate the theoretical ideas first pioneered by Fu and Kane that in such system Majorana bound states occur at vortices or edges of the system [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 096407 (2008), Phys. Rev. B 79, 161408 (2009)]. These states are of great interest as they constitute a new quasiparticle which is its own antiparticle and can be used as building blocks for fault tolerant topological quantum computing. After an introduction in chapter 1, chapter 2 of the thesis lays the foundation for the understanding of the field of topology in the context of condensed matter physics with a focus on topological band insulators and topological superconductors. Starting from a Chern insulator, the concepts of topological band theory and the bulk boundary corre- spondence are explained. It is then shown that the low energy Hamiltonian of mercury telluride (HgTe) quantum wells of an appropriate thickness can be written as two time reversal symmetric copies of a Chern insulator. This leads to the quantum spin Hall effect. In such a system, spin-polarized one dimensional conducting states form at the edges of the material, while the bulk is insulating. This concept is extended to 3D topological insulators with conducting 2D surface states. As a preliminary step to treating topological superconductivity, a short review of the microscopic theory of superconductivity, i.e. the theory of Bardeen, Cooper, and Shrieffer (BCS theory) is presented. The presence of Majorana end modes in a one dimensional superconducting chain is explained using the Kitaev model. Finally, topological band insulators and conventional superconductivity are combined to effectively engineer p-wave superconductivity. One way to investigate these states is by measuring the periodicity of the phase of the Josephson supercurrent in a topological Josephson junction. The signature is a 4π-periodicity compared to the 2π-periodicity in conventional Josephson junctions. The proof of the presence of this effect in HgTe based Josephson junction is the main goal of this thesis and is discussed in chapters 3 to 6. Chapter 3 describes in detail the transport of a 3D topological insulator based weak link under radio-frequency radiation. The chapter starts with a review of the state of research of (i) strained HgTe as 3D topological insulator and (ii) the progress of induc- ing superconducting correlations into the topological surface states and the theoretical predictions of 3D TI based Josephson junctions. Josephson junctions based on strained HgTe are successfully fabricated. Before studying the ac driven Josephson junctions, the dc transport of the devices is analysed. The critical current as a function of temperature is measured and it is possible to determine the induced superconducting gap. Under rf illumination Shapiro steps form in the current voltage characteristic. A missing first step at low frequencies and low powers is found in our devices. This is a signature of a 4π-periodic supercurrent. By studying the device in a wide parameter range - as a 147148 SUMMARY function of frequency, power, device geometry and magnetic field - it is shown that the results are in agreement with the presence of a single gapless Andreev doublet and several conventional modes. Chapter 4 gives results of the numerical modelling of the I -V dynamics in a Josephson junction where both a 2π- and a 4π-periodic supercurrents are present. This is done in the framework of an equivalent circuit representation, namely the resistively shunted Josephson junction model (RSJ-model). The numerical modelling is in agreement with the experimental results in chapter 3. First, the missing of odd Shapiro steps can be understood by a small 4π-periodic supercurrent contribution and a large number of modes which have a conventional 2π-periodicity. Second, the missing of odd Shapiro steps occurs at low frequency and low rf power. Third, it is shown that stochastic processes like Landau Zener tunnelling are most probably not responsible for the 4π contribution. In a next step the periodicity of Josephson junctions based on quantum spin Hall insulators using are investigated in chapter 5. A fabrication process of Josephson junctions based on inverted HgTe quantum wells was successfully developed. In order to achieve a good proximity effect the barrier material was removed and the superconductor deposited without exposing the structure to air. In a next step a gate electrode was fabricated which allows the chemical potential of the quantum well to be tuned. The measurement of the diffraction pattern of the critical current Ic due to a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the sample plane was conducted. In the vicinity to the expected quantum spin Hall phase, the pattern resembles that of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). This shows that the current flows predominantly on the edges of the mesa. This observation is taken as a proof of the presence of edge currents. By irradiating the sample with rf, missing odd Shapiro steps up to step index n = 9 have been observed. This evidences the presence of a 4π-periodic contribution to the supercurrent. The experiment is repeated using a weak link based on a non-inverted HgTe quantum well. This material is expected to be a normal band insulator without helical edge channels. In this device, all the expected Shapiro steps are observed even at low frequencies and over the whole gate voltage range. This shows that the observed phenomena are directly connected to the topological band structure. Both features, namely the missing of odd Shapiro steps and the SQUID like diffraction pattern, appear strongest towards the quantum spin Hall regime, and thus provide evidence for induced topological superconductivity in the helical edge states. A more direct way to probe the periodicity of the Josephson supercurrent than using Shapiro steps is the measurement of the emitted radiation of a weak link. This experiment is presented in chapter 6. A conventional Josephson junction converts a dc bias V to an ac current with a characteristic Josephson frequency fJ = eV /h. In a topological Josephson junction a frequency at half the Josephson frequency fJ /2 is expected. A new measurement setup was developed in order to measure the emitted spectrum of a single Josephson junction. With this setup the spectrum of a HgTe quantum well based Josephson junction was measured and the emission at half the Josephson frequency fJ /2 was detected. In addition, fJ emission is also detected depending on the gate voltage and detection frequency. The spectrum is again dominated by half the Josephson emission at low voltages while the conventional emission is determines the spectrum at high voltages. A non-inverted quantum well shows only conventional emission over the whole gateSUMMARY 149 voltage and frequency range. The linewidth of the detected frequencies gives a measure on the lifetime of the bound states: From there, a coherence time of 0.3-4ns for the fJ /2 line has been deduced. This is generally shorter than for the fJ line (3-4ns). The last part of the thesis, chapter 7, reports on the induced superconducting state in a strained HgTe layer investigated by point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy. For the experiment, a HgTe mesa was fabricated with a small constriction. The diameter of the orifice was chosen to be smaller than the mean free path estimated from magne- totransport measurements. Thus one gets a ballistic point-contact which allows energy resolved spectroscopy. One part of the mesa is covered with a superconductor which induces superconducting correlations into the surface states of the topological insulator. This experiment therefore probes a single superconductor normal interface. In contrast to the Josephson junctions studied previously, the geometry allows the acquisition of energy resolved information of the induced superconducting state through the measurement of the differential conductance dI/dV as a function of applied dc bias for various gate voltages, temperatures and magnetic fields. An induced superconducting order parame- ter of about 70µeV was extracted but also signatures of the niobium gap at the expected value around Δ Nb ≈ 1.1meV have been found. Simulations using the theory developed by Blonder, Tinkham and Klapwijk and an extended model taking the topological surface states into account were used to fit the data. The simulations are in agreement with a small barrier at the topological insulator-induced topological superconductor interface and a high barrier at the Nb to topological insulator interface. To understand the full con- ductance curve as a function of applied voltage, a non-equilibrium driven transformation is suggested. The induced superconductivity is suppressed at a certain bias value due to local electron population. In accordance with this suppression, the relevant scattering regions change spatially as a function of applied bias. To conclude, it is emphasized that the experiments conducted in this thesis found clear signatures of induced topological superconductivity in HgTe based quantum well and bulk devices and opens up the avenue to many experiments. It would be interesting to apply the developed concepts to other topological matter-superconductor hybrid systems. The direct spectroscopy and manipulation of the Andreev bound states using circuit quantum electrodynamic techniques should be the next steps for HgTe based samples. This was already achieved in superconducting atomic break junctions by the group in Saclay [Science 2015, 349, 1199-1202 (2015)]. Another possible development would be the on-chip detection of the emitted spectrum as a function of the phase φ through the junction. In this connection, the topological junction needs to be shunted by a parallel ancillary junction. Such a setup would allow the current phase relation I(φ) directly and the lifetime of the bound states to be measured directly. By coupling this system to a spectrometer, which can be another Josephson junction, the energy dependence of the Andreev bound states E(φ) could be obtained. The experiments on the Andreev reflection spectroscopy described in this thesis could easily be extended to two dimensional topological insulators and to more complex geometries, like a phase bias loop or a tunable barrier at the point-contact. This work might also be useful for answering the question how and why Majorana bound states can be localized in quantum spin Hall systems.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grauer2018, author = {Grauer, Stefan}, title = {Transport Phenomena in Bi\(_2\)Se\(_3\) and Related Compounds}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH}, isbn = {978-3-8439-3481-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {One of the most significant technological advances in history was driven by the utilization of a new material class: semiconductors. Its most important application being the transistor, which is indispensable in our everyday life. The technological advance in the semiconductor industry, however, is about to slow down. Making transistors ever smaller to increase the performance and trying to reduce and deal with the dissipative heat will soon reach the limits dictated by quantum mechanics with Moore himself, predicting the death of his famous law in the next decade. A possible successor for semiconductor transistors is the recently discovered material class of topological insulators. A material which in its bulk is insulating but has topological protected metallic surface states or edge states at its boundary. Their electrical transport characteristics include forbidden backscattering and spin-momentum-locking with the spin of the electron being perpendicular to its momentum. Topological insulators therefore offer an opportunity for high performance devices with low dissipation, and applications in spintronic where data is stored and processed at the same point. The topological insulator Bi\(_2\)Se\(_3\) and related compounds offer relatively high energy band gaps and a rather simple band structure with a single dirac cone at the gamma point of the Brillouin zone. These characteritics make them ideal candidates to study the topological surface state in electrical transport experiments and explore its physics.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bendias2018, author = {Bendias, Michel Kalle}, title = {Quantum Spin Hall Effect - A new generation of microstructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168214}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The presented thesis summarizes the results from four and a half years of intense lithography development on (Cd,Hg)Te/HgTe/(Cd,Hg)Te quantum well structures. The effort was motivated by the unique properties of this topological insulator. Previous work from Molenkamp at al.\ has proven that the transport through such a 2D TI is carried by electrons with opposite spin, counter-propagating in 1D channels along the sample edge. However, up to this thesis, the length of quantized spin Hall channels has never been reported to exceed 4 µm. Therefore, the main focus was put on a reproducible and easy-to-handle fabrication process that reveals the intrinsic material parameters. Every single lithography step in macro as well as microscopic sample fabrication has been re-evaluated. In the Development, the process changes have been presented along SEM pictures, microgaphs and, whenever possible, measurement responses. We have proven the conventional ion milling etch method to damage the remaining mesa and result in drastically lower electron mobilities in samples of microscopic size. The novel KI:I2:HBr wet etch method for macro and microstructure mesa fabrication has been shown to leave the crystalline structure intact and result in unprecedented mobilities, as high as in macroscopic characterization Hall bars. Difficulties, such as an irregular etch start and slower etching of the conductive QW have been overcome by concentration, design and etch flow adaptations. In consideration of the diffusive regime, a frame around the EBL write field electrically decouples the structure mesa from the outside wafer. As the smallest structure, the frame is etched first and guarantees a non-different etching of the conductive layer during the redox reaction. A tube-pump method assures reproducible etch results with mesa heights below 300 nm. The PMMA etch mask is easy to strip and leaves a clean mesa with no redeposition. From the very first attempts, to the final etch process, the reader has been provided with the characteristics and design requirements necessary to enable the fabrication of nearly any mesa shape within an EBL write field of 200 µm. Magneto resistance measurement of feed-back samples have been presented along the development chronology of wet etch method and subsequent lithography steps. With increasing feature quality, more and more physics has been revealed enabling detailed evaluation of smallest disturbances. The following lithography improvements have been implemented. They represent a tool-box for high quality macro and microstructure fabrication on (CdHg)Te/HgTe of almost any kind. The optical positive resist ECI 3027 can be used as wet and as dry etch mask for structure sizes larger than 1 µm. It serves to etch mesa structures larger than the EBL write field. The double layer PMMA is used for ohmic contact fabrication within the EBL write field. Its thickness allows to first dry etch the (Cd,Hg)Te cap layer and then evaporate the AuGe contact, in situ and self-aligned. Because of an undercut, up to 300 nm can be metalized without any sidewalls after the lift-off. An edge channel mismatch within the contact leads can be avoided, if the ohmic contacts are designed to reach close to the sample and beneath the later gate electrode. The MIBK cleaning step prior to the gate application removes PMMA residuals and thereby improves gate and potential homogeneity. The novel low HfO2-ALD process enables insulator growth into optical and EBL lift-off masks of any resolvable shape. Directly metalized after the insulator growth, the self-aligned method results in thin and homogeneous gate electrode reproducibly withholding gate voltages to +-10 V. The optical negative resist ARN 4340 exhibits an undercut when developed. Usable as dry etch mask and lift-off resist, it enables an in-situ application of ohmic contacts first etching close to the QW, then metalizing AuGe. Up to 500 nm thickness, the undercut guarantees an a clean lift-off with no sidewalls. The undertaken efforts have led to micro Hall bar measurements with Hall plateaus and SdH-oszillations in up to now unseen levels of detail. The gap resistance of several micro Hall bars with a clear QSH signal have been presented in Quantum Spin Hall. The first to exhibit longitudinal resistances close to the expected h/2e2 since years, they reveal unprecedented details in features and characteristics. It has been shown that their protection against backscattering through time reversal symmetry is not as rigid as previously claimed. Values below and above 12.9 kΩ been explained, introducing backscattering within the Landauer-B{\"u}ttiker formalism of edge channel transport. Possible reasons have been discussed. Kondo, interaction and Rashba-backscattering arising from density inhomogeneities close to the edge are most plausible to explain features on and deviations from a quantized value. Interaction, tunneling and dephasing mechanisms as well as puddle size, density of states and Rashba Fields are gate voltage dependent. Therefore, features in the QSH signal are fingerprints of the characteristic potential landscape. Stable up to 11 K, two distinct but clear power laws have been found in the higher temperature dependence of the QSH in two samples. However, with ΔR = Tα, α = ¼ in one (QC0285) and α = 2 in the other (Q2745), none of the predicted dependencies could be confirmed. Whereas, the gap resistances of QC0285 remains QSH channel dominated up to 3.9 T and thereby confirmed the calculated lifting of the band inversion in magnetic field. The gate-dependent oscillating features in the QSH signal of Q2745 immediately increase in magnetic field. The distinct field dependencies allowed the assumption of two different dominant backscattering mechanisms. Resulting in undisturbed magneto transport and unprecedented QSH measurements The Novel Micro Hall Bar Process has proven to enable the fabrication of a new generation of microstructures.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AlBaidhani2018, author = {Al-Baidhani, Mohammed}, title = {Spectroscopy as a tool to investigate the high energy optical properties of nanostructured magnetically doped topological insulator}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157221}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this dissertation the electronic and high-energy optical properties of thin nanoscale films of the magnetic topological insulator (MTI) (V,Cr)y(BixSb1-x)2-yTe3 are studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). Magnetic topological insulators are presently of broad interest as the combination of ferromagnetism and spin-orbit coupling in these materials leads to a new topological phase, the quantum anomalous Hall state (QAHS), with dissipation less conduction channels. Determining and controlling the physical properties of these complex materials is therefore desirable for a fundamental understanding of the QAHS and for their possible application in spintronics. EELS can directly probe the electron energy-loss function of a material from which one can obtain the complex dynamic dielectric function by means of the Kramers-Kronig transformation and the Drude-Lindhard model of plasmon oscillations. The XPS core-level spectra in (V,Cr)y(BixSb1-x)2-yTe3 are analyzed in detail with regards to inelastic background contributions. It is shown that the spectra can be accurately described based on the electron energy-loss function obtained from an independent EELS measurement. This allows for a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the XPS data, which will facilitate future core-level spectroscopy studies in this class of topological materials. From the EELS data, furthermore, the bulk and surface optical properties were estimated, and compared to ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) performed in the GW approximation for Sb2Te3. The experimental results show a good agreement with the calculated complex dielectric function and the calculated energy-loss function. The positions of the main plasmon modes reported here are expected to be generally similar in other materials in this class of nanoscale TI films. Hence, the present work introduces EELS as a powerful method to access the high-energy optical properties of TI thin films. Based on the presented results it will be interesting to explore more systematically the effects of stoichiometry, magnetic doping, film thickness and surface morphology on the electron-loss function, potentially leading to a better understanding of the complex interplay of structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties in MTI nanostructures.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leubner2017, author = {Leubner, Philipp}, title = {Strain-engineering of the Topological Insulator HgTe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152446}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The subject of this thesis is the control of strain in HgTe thin-film crystals. Such systems are members of the new class of topological insulator materials and therefore of special research interest. A major task was the experimental control of the strain in the HgTe films. This was achieved by a new epitaxial approach and confirmed by cristallographic analysis and magneto-transport measurements. In this work, strain was induced in thin films by means of coherent epitaxy on substrate crystals. This means that the film adopts the lattice constant of the substrate in the plane of the substrate-epilayer interface. The level of strain is determined by the difference between the strain-free lattice constants of the substrate and epilayer material (the so-called lattice mismatch). The film responds to an in-plane strain with a change of its lattice constant perpendicular to the interface. This relationship is crucial for both the correct interpretation of high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) measurements, and the precise determination of the band dispersion. The lattice constant of HgTe is smaller than the lattice constant of CdTe. Therefore, strain in HgTe is tensile if it is grown on a CdTe substrate. In principle, compressive strain can be achieved by using an appropriate \(\text{Cd}_{1-x}\text{Zn}_{x}\text{Te}\) substrate. This concept was modified and applied in this work. Epilayers have been fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The growth of thick buffer layers of CdTe on GaAs:Si was established as an alternative to commercial CdTe and \(text{Cd}_{0.96}\text{Zn}_{0.04}\text{Te}\) substrates. The growth conditions have been optimized by an analysis of atomic force microscopy and HRXRD studies. HRXRD measurements reveal a power-law increase of the crystal quality with increasing thickness. Residual strain was found in the buffer layers, and was attributed to a combination of finite layer thickness and mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients of CdTe and GaAs. In order to control the strain in HgTe epilayers, we have developed a new type of substrate with freely adjustable lattice constant. CdTe-\(\text{Cd}_{0.5}\text{Zn}_{0.5}\text{Te}\) strained-layer-superlattices have been grown by a combination of MBE and atomic-layer epitaxy (ALE), and have been analyzed by HRXRD. ALE of the \(\text{Cd}_{0.5}\text{Zn}_{0.5}\text{Te}\) layer is self-limiting to one monolayer, and the effective lattice constant can be controlled reproducibly and straightforward by adjusting the CdTe layer thickness. The crystal quality has been found to degrade with increasing Zn-fraction. However, the effect is less drastic compared to single layer \(\text{Cd}_{1-x}\text{Zn}_{x}\text{Te}\) solid solutions. HgTe quantum wells (QWs) sandwiched in between CdHgTe barriers have been fabricated in a similar fashion on superlattices and conventional CdTe and \(\text{Cd}_{0.96}\text{Zn}_{0.04}\text{Te}\) substrates. The lower critical thickness of the CdHgTe barrier material grown on superlattice substrates had to be considered regarding the sample design. The electronic properties of the QWs depend on the strain and thickness of the QW. We have determined the QW thickness with an accuracy of \(\pm\)0.5 nm by an analysis of the beating patterns in the thickness fringes of HRXRD measurements and X-ray reflectometry measurements. We have, for the first time, induced compressive strain in HgTe QWs by an epitaxial technique (i.e. the effective lattice constant of the superlattice is lower compared to the lattice constant of HgTe). The problem of the lattice mismatch between superlattice and barriers has been circumvented by using CdHgTe-ZnHgTe superlattices instead of CdHgTe as a barrier material. Furthermore, the growth of compressively strained HgTe bulk layers (with a thickness of at least 50 nm) was demonstrated as well. The control of the state of strain adds a new degree of freedom to the design of HgTe epilayers, which has a major influence on the band structure of QWs and bulk layers. Strain in bulk layers lifts the degeneracy of the \(\Gamma_8\) bands at \(\mathbf{k}=0\). Tensile strain opens an energy gap, compressive strain shifts the touching points of the valence- and conduction band to positions in the Brillouin zone with finite \(\mathbf{k}\). Such a situation has been realized for the first time in the course of this work. For QWs in the inverted regime, it is demonstrated that compressive strain can be used to significantly enhance the thermal energy gap of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). In addition, semi-metallic and semiconducting behavior is expected in wide QWs, depending on the state of strain. An examination of the temperature dependence of the subband ordering in QWs revealed that the band gap is only temperature-stable for appropriate sample parameters and temperature regimes. The band inversion is always lifted for sufficiently high temperatures. A large number of models investigate the influence of the band gap on the stability of the quantum-spin-Hall (QSH) effect. An enhancement of the stability of QSH edge state conductance is expected for enlarged band gaps. Furthermore, experimental studies on the temperature dependence of the QSH conductance are in contradiction to theoretical predictions. Systematic studies of these aspects have become feasible based on the new flexibility of the sample design. Detailed low-temperature magnetotransport studies have been carried out on QWs and bulk layers. For this purpose, devices have been fabricated lithographically, which consist of two Hall-bar geometries with different dimensions. This allows to discriminate between conductance at the plane of the 2DEG and the edge of the sample. The Fermi energy in the 2DEG has been adjusted by means of a top gate electrode. The strain-induced transition from semi-metallic to semiconducting characteristics in wide QWs was shown. The magnitude of the semi-metallic overlap of valence- and conduction band was determined by an analysis of the two-carrier conductance and is in agreement with band structure calculations. The band gap of the semiconducting sample was determined by measurements of the temperature dependence of the conductance at the charge-neutrality point. Agreement with the value expected from theory has been achieved for the first time in this work. The influence of the band gap on the stability of QSH edge state conductance has been investigated on a set of six samples. The band gap of the set spans a range of 10 to 55 meV. The latter value has been achieved in a highly compressively strained QW, has been confirmed by temperature-dependent conductance measurements, and is the highest ever reported in the inverted regime. Studies of the carrier mobility reveal a degradation of the sample quality with increasing Zn-fraction in the superlattice, in agreement with HRXRD observations. The enhanced band gap does not suppress scattering mechanisms in QSH edge channels, but lowers the conductance in the plane of the 2DEG. Hence, edge state conductance is the dominant conducting process even at elevated temperatures. An increase in conductance with increasing temperature has been found, in agreement with reports from other groups. The increase follows a power-law dependency, the underlying physical mechanism remains open. A cause for the lack of an increase of the QSH edge state conductance with increasing energy gap has been discussed. Possibly, the sample remains insulating even at finite carrier densities, due to localization effects. The measurement does not probe the QSH edge state conductance at the situation where the Fermi energy is located in the center of the energy gap, but in the regime of maximized puddle-driven scattering. In a first set of measurements, it has been shown that the QSH edge state conductance can be influenced by hysteretic charging effects of trapped states in the insulating dielectric. A maximized conductance of \(1.6\ \text{e}^2/\text{h}\) was obtained in a \(58\ \mu\text{m}\) edge channel. Finally, measurements on three dimensional samples have been discussed. Recent theoretical works assign compressively strained HgTe bulk layers to the Weyl semi-metal class of materials. Such layers have been synthesized and studied in magnetotransport experiments for the first time. Pronounced quantum-Hall- and Shubnikov-de-Haas features in the Hall- and longitudinal resistance indicate two-dimensional conductance on the sample surface. However, this conductance cannot be assigned definitely to Weyl surface states, due to the inversion of \(\Gamma_6\) and \(\Gamma_8\) bands. If a magnetic field is aligned parallel to the current in the device, a decrease in the longitudinal resistance is observed with increasing magnetic field. This is a signature of the chiral anomaly, which is expected in Weyl semi-metals.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schreyeck2016, author = {Schreyeck, Steffen}, title = {Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Characterization of Bi-Based V\(_2\)VI\(_3\) Topological Insulators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145812}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The present thesis is addressed to the growth and characterization of Bi-based V2VI3 topological insulators (TIs). The TIs were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on differently passivated Si(111) substrates, as well as InP(111) substrates. This allows the study of the influence of the substrate on the structural and electrical properties of the TIs. The Bi2Se3 layers show a change of mosaicity-tilt and -twist for growth on the differently prepared Si(111) substrates, as well as a significant increase of crystalline quality for growth on the lateral nearly lattice matched InP(111). The rocking curve FWHMs observed for thick layers grown on InP are comparable to these of common zincblende layers, which are close to the resolution limit of standard high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) setups. The unexpected high structural crystalline quality achieved in this material system is remarkable due to the presence of weak van der Waals bonds between every block of five atomic layers, i.e. a quintuple layer (QL), in growth direction. In addition to the mosaicity also twin domains, present in films of the V2VI3 material system, are studied. The twin defects are observed in Bi2Se3 layers grown on Si(111) and lattice matched InP(111) suggesting that the two dimensional surface lattice of the substrates can not determine the stacking order ABCABC... or ACBACB... in locally separated growth seeds. Therefore the growth on misoriented and rough InP(111) is analyzed. The rough InP(111) with its facets within a hollow exceeding the height of a QL is able to provide its stacking information to the five atomic layers within a QL. By varying the roughness of the InP substrate surface, due to thermal annealing, the influence on the twinning within the layer is confirmed resulting in a complete suppression of twin domains on rough InP(111). Focusing on the electrical properties of the Bi2Se3 films, the increased structural quality for films grown on lattice matched flat InP(111)B results in a marginal reduction of carrier density by about 10\% compared to the layers grown on H-passivated Si(111), whereas the suppression of twin domains for growth on rough InP(111)B resulted in a reduction of carrier density by an order of magnitude. This implies, that the twin domains are a main crystal defect responsible for the high carrier density in the presented Bi2Se3 thin films. Besides the binary Bi2Se3 also alloys with Sb and Te are fabricated to examine the influence of the compound specific point defects on the carrier density. Therefore growth series of the ternary materials Bi2Te(3-y)Se(y), Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Se3, and Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Te3, as well as the quaternary Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Te(3-y)Se(y) are studied. To further reduce the carrier density of twin free Bi2Se3 layers grown on InP(111)B:Fe a series of Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Se3 alloys were grown under comparable growth conditions. This results in a reduction of the carrier density with a minimum in the composition range of about x=0.9-1.0. The Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Te3 alloys exhibit a pn-transition, due to the dominating n-type and p-type point defects in its binary compounds, which is determined to reduce the bulk carrier density enabling the study the TI surface states. This pn-transition plays a significant role in realizing predicted applications and exotic effects, such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect. The magnetic doping of topological insulators with transition metals is studied by incorporating Cr and V in the alloy Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Te3 by codeposition. The preferential incorporation of Cr on group-V sites is confirmed by EDX and XRD, whereas the incorporation of Cr reduces the crystalline quality of the layer. Magnetotransport measurements of the Cr-doped TIs display an anomalous Hall effect confirming the realization of a magnetic TI thin film. The quantum anomalous Hall effect is observed in V-doped Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Te3, where the V-doping results in higher Curie temperatures, as well as higher coercive fields compared to the Cr-doping of the TIs. Moreover the present thesis contributes to the understanding of the role of the substrate concerning the crystalline quality of van der Waals bonded layers, such as the V2VI3 TIs, MoS2 and WoTe2. Furthermore, the fabrication of the thin film TIs Bi(2-x)Sb(x)Te(3-y)Se(y) in high crystalline quality serves as basis to explore the physics of topological insulators.}, subject = {Bismutverbindungen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kessel2016, author = {Kessel, Maximilian}, title = {HgTe shells on CdTe nanowires: A low-dimensional topological insulator from crystal growth to quantum transport}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149069}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A novel growth method has been developed, allowing for the growth of strained HgTe shells on CdTe nanowires (NWs). The growth of CdTe-HgTe core-shell NWs required high attention in controlling basic parameters like substrate temperature and the intensity of supplied material fluxes. The difficulties in finding optimized growth conditions have been successfully overcome in this work. We found the lateral redistribution of liquid growth seeds with a ZnTe growth start to be crucial to trigger vertical CdTe NW growth. Single crystalline zinc blende CdTe NWs grew, oriented along [111]B. The substrate temperature was the most critical parameter to achieve straight and long wires. In order to adjust it, the growth was monitored by reflection high-energy electron diffraction, which was used for fine tuning of the temperature over time in each growth run individually. For optimized growth conditions, a periodic diffraction pattern allowed for the detailed analysis of atomic arrangement on the surfaces and in the bulk. The ability to do so reflected the high crystal quality and ensemble uniformity of our CdTe NWs. The NW sides were formed by twelve stable, low-index crystalline facets. We observed two types stepped and polar sides, separated by in total six flat and non-polar facets. The high crystalline quality of the cores allowed to grow epitaxial HgTe shells around. We reported on two different heterostructure geometries. In the first one, the CdTe NWs exhibit a closed HgTe shell, while for the second one, the CdTe NWs are overgrown mainly on one side. Scanning electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy confirmed, that many of the core-shell NWs are single crystalline zinc blende and have a high uniformity. The symmetry of the zinc blende unit cell was reduced by residual lattice strain. We used high-resolution X-ray diffraction to reveal the strain level caused by the small lattice mismatch in the heterostructures. Shear strain has been induced by the stepped hetero-interface, thereby stretching the lattice of the HgTe shell by 0.06 \% along a direction oriented with an angle of 35 ° to the interface. The different heterostructures obtained, were the base for further investigation of quasi-one-dimensional crystallites of HgTe. We therefore developed methods to reliably manipulate, align, localize and contact individual NWs, in order to characterize the charge transport in our samples. Bare CdTe cores were insulating, while the HgTe shells were conducting. At low temperature we found the mean free path of charge carriers to be smaller, but the phase coherence length to be larger than the sample size of several hundred nanometers. We observed universal conductance fluctuations and therefore drew the conclusion, that the trajectories of charge carriers are defined by elastic backscattering at randomly distributed scattering sites. When contacted with superconducting leads, we saw induced superconductivity, multiple Andreev reflections and the associated excess current. Thus, we achieved HgTe/superconductor interfaces with high interfacial transparency. In addition, we reported on the appearance of peaks in differential resistance at Delta/e for HgTe-NW/superconductor and 2*Delta/e for superconductor/HgTe-NW/superconductor junctions, which is possibly related to unconventional pairing at the HgTe/superconductor interface. We noticed that the great advantage of our self-organized growth is the possibility to employ the metallic droplet, formerly seeding the NW growth, as a superconducting contact. The insulating wire cores with a metallic droplet at the tip have been overgrown with HgTe in a fully in-situ process. A very high interface quality was achieved in this case.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seibel2016, author = {Seibel, Christoph}, title = {Elektronische Struktur von Halbleiteroberfl{\"a}chen mit starker Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung: Topologie, Spinpolarisation und Robustheit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140418}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber elektronische Eigenschaften von Festk{\"o}rpern legen den Grundstein f{\"u}r innovative Anwendungen der Zukunft. Von zentraler Bedeutung sind insbesondere die Eigenschaften der Elektronenspins. Um diese besser zu verstehen, befasst sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der experimentellen Analyse der elektronischen Struktur von topologischen Isolatoren (Sb\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ , Bi\$_2\$Se\$_x\$Te\$_{3-x}\$, Bi\$_{1.5}\$Sb\$_{0.5}\$Te\$_{1.8}\$Se\$_{1.2} und Bi\$_{1.4}\$Sb\$_{1.1}\$Te\$_{2.2}\$S\$_{0.3}\$) und Kristallen mit starker Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung (BiTeI) mittels Photoelektronenspektroskopie. Zu Beginn werden die zum Verst{\"a}ndnis dieser Arbeit ben{\"o}tigten Grundlagen erkl{\"a}rt sowie die unterschiedlichen zum Einsatz kommenden Techniken eingef{\"u}hrt. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit teilt sich in drei Forschungsschwerpunkte. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit den elektronischen Eigenschaften der Valenzbandstruktur von Sb2Te3 und den auftretenden Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nden. Durch gezielte Variation der Energie der anregenden Strahlung wird der Charakter der Wellenfunktion des topologischen Oberfl{\"a}chenzustands und dessen Wechselwirkung mit Valenzzust{\"a}nden erforscht. Dabei spielt die Topologie der Volumenbandstruktur eine grundlegende Rolle. Der zus{\"a}tzliche Vergleich zu Photoemissionsrechnungen erm{\"o}glicht detaillierte Einblicke in die Wechselwirkung zwischen Oberfl{\"a}chen- und Volumenzust{\"a}nden und gibt Aufschluss dar{\"u}ber, wie diese vermittelt werden. Im zweiten Abschnitt wird durch die Analyse des gemessenen Photoelektronenspins das Zusammenspiel der Spintextur des Grundzustands und Endzust{\"a}nden in Bi2Te3 untersucht. Dabei treten, im Gegensatz zu Grundzustandsrechnungen, Radialkomponenten des Polarisationsvektors in nichtsymmetrischer Messgeometrie auf. Sowohl deren Energieabh{\"a}ngigkeit als auch deren Auftreten in Photoemissionsrechnungen (1-Schritt-Modell) deutet darauf hin, dass diese ihren Ursprung in {\"U}bergangsmatrixelementen des Photoemissionsprozesses haben. Dieses Ergebnis wird mit Spinpolarisationsmessungen am Oberfl{\"a}chenzustand des nicht-topologischen Schichtsystems BiTeI verglichen. Im dritten Teil werden Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Manipulationen der untersuchten Materialien auf deren elektronische Eigenschaften beschrieben. Die Adsorption von Bruchteilen einer monoatomaren Lage des Alkalimetalls Caesium auf die Oberfl{\"a}che des topologischen Isolators Sb2Te3 wird systematisch untersucht. Dadurch kann dessen intrinsische p-Dotierung teilweise abgebaut werden, wobei die Valenzbandstruktur trotz der Reaktivit{\"a}t des Adsorbats intakt bleibt. Des Weiteren werden Auswirkungen von {\"A}nderungen der Kristallst{\"o}chiometrie durch Volumendotierung vergleichend diskutiert. Ausblickend befasst sich das Kapitel mit dem Verhalten geringer Mengen ferromagnetischer Materialen (Fe, Ni) auf den Oberfl{\"a}chen der topologischen Isolatoren. F{\"u}r die verschiedenen Adsorbate werden Trends aufgezeigt, die von Temperatur und Zusammensetzung des Substratkristalls abh{\"a}ngen.}, subject = {Elektronenstruktur}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Storz2016, author = {Storz, Oliver}, title = {Aufbau eines Rastertunnelmikroskops f{\"u}r Landau Level - Spektroskopie auf topologischen Isolator - Oberfl{\"a}chen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139525}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Rastertunnelmikroskop (STM) f{\"u}r Messungen bei tiefen Temperaturen und hohen Magnetfeldern konzipiert und aufgebaut. Die Probentemperatur kann dabei auf bis zu 1.4\,Kelvin reduziert werden, was spektroskopische Messungen mit extrem hoher Energieaufl{\"o}sung erm{\"o}glicht. Die thermische Verbreiterung spektroskopischer Merkmale liegt somit im Bereich eines Milli-Elektronenvolts, wie durch den Fit der Bandl{\"u}cke eines supraleitenden Materials demonstriert wird. Ein linearer Bewegungsmechanismus erm{\"o}glicht die Positionierung des STM-K{\"o}rpers innerhalb einer supraleitenden Spule, in der Magnetfelder von bis zu 12.5\,Tesla senkrecht zur Probenoberfl{\"a}che erzeugt werden k{\"o}nnen. Das System erlaubt des Weiteren den Wechsel von Spitzen und Proben innerhalb des Kryostaten sowie das Aufdampfen von Einzelatomen auf die kalte Probenoberfl{\"a}che ohne die Probe aus dem STM zu entfernen. Um den Einfluss mechanischer Vibrationen zu minimieren wurde ein innovatives Feder-D{\"a}mpfungssystem entwickelt, dass eine Stabilit{\"a}t des Tunnelkontakts von bis zu einem Pikometer gew{\"a}hrleistet. \\ \noindent Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit pr{\"a}sentiert die Ergebnisse von STM-Messungen auf Antimon-Tellurid (Sb_{2}Te_{3}). Sb_{2}Te_{3}\, geh{\"o}rt zur relativ neu entdeckten Materialklasse der Topologischen Isolatoren (TI). Diese Verbindungen besitzen auf ihren Oberfl{\"a}chen Zust{\"a}nde mit linearer Dispersion, die durch die Zeitumkehr-Invarianz gesch{\"u}tzt werden. Fokus unserer Messungen ist dabei der Einfluss eines magnetischen Feldes auf die Eigenschaften eines derartigen unkonventionellen 2D-Elektronengases. Dazu wurde die Entstehung von Landau Level (LL) innerhalb eines Magnetfelds genau untersucht. Die zwei in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Hauptaspekte sind: \medskip \noindent(i) Die energetische Verbreiterung, die R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die Lebensdauer zul{\"a}sst\\ (ii) Die {\"o}rtliche Fluktuation. \medskip \noindent Erstaunlicherweise kann die gemessene Verbreiterung der Landau Resonanzen nicht mit g{\"a}ngigen Mechanismen der Lebenszeit-Verbreiterung erkl{\"a}rt werden. Aus diesem Grund wird eine alternative Interpretation basierend auf der Heissenbergschen Unsch{\"a}rferelation vorgestellt, die im guten Einklang mit den von uns gewonnenen Daten steht. Des Weiteren zeigen {\"o}rtlich aufgel{\"o}ste Messungen systematische Abweichungen in der Dirac-Geschwindigkeit positiver und negativer Landau Resonanzen. Diese Fluktuationen stehen dabei in direktem Zusammenhang mit {\"A}nderungen im lokalen chemischen Potential. Da die physikalischen Ursachen dieser Abweichung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht zweifelsfrei gekl{\"a}rt werden konnten, werden im letzten Teil die zugrundeliegenden Messergebnisse vorgestellt und m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rungen des Verhaltens pr{\"a}sentiert.}, subject = {Rastertunnelmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ames2015, author = {Ames, Christopher}, title = {Molecular Beam Epitaxy of 2D and 3D HgTe, a Topological Insulator}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151136}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In the present thesis the MBE growth and sample characterization of HgTe structures is investigated and discussed. Due to the first experimental discovery of the quantum Spin Hall effect (QSHE) in HgTe quantum wells, this material system attains a huge interest in the spintronics society. Because of the long history of growing Hg-based heterostructures here at the Experimentelle Physik III in W{\"u}rzburg, there are very good requirements to analyze this material system more precisely and in new directions. Since in former days only doped HgTe quantum wells were grown, this thesis deals with the MBE growth in the (001) direction of undoped HgTe quantum wells, surface located quantum wells and three dimensional bulk layers. All Hg-based layers were grown on CdTe substrates which generate strain in the layer stack and provide therefore new physical effects. In the same time, the (001) CdTe growth was investigated on n-doped (001) GaAs:Si because the Japanese supplier of CdTe substrates had a supply bottleneck due to the Tohoku earthquake and its aftermath in 2011. After a short introduction of the material system, the experimental techniques were demonstrated and explained explicitly. After that, the experimental part of this thesis is displayed. So, the investigation of the (001) CdTe growth on (001) GaAs:Si is discussed in chapter 4. Firstly, the surface preparation of GaAs:Si by oxide desorption is explored and analyzed. Here, rapid thermal desorption of the GaAs oxide with following cool down in Zn atmosphere provides the best results for the CdTe due to small holes at the surface, while e.g. an atomic flat GaAs buffer deteriorates the CdTe growth quality. The following ZnTe layer supplies the (001) growth direction of the CdTe and exhibits best end results of the CdTe for 30 seconds growth time at a flux ratio of Zn/Te ~ 1/1.2. Without this ZnTe layer, CdTe will grow in the (111) direction. However, the main investigation is here the optimization of the MBE growth of CdTe. The substrate temperature, Cd/Te flux ratio and the growth time has to be adjusted systematically. Therefore, a complex growth process is developed and established. This optimized CdTe growth process results in a RMS roughness of around 2.5 nm and a FWHM value of the HRXRD w-scan of 150 arcsec. Compared to the literature, there is no lower FWHM value traceable for this growth direction. Furthermore, etch pit density measurements show that the surface crystallinity is matchable with the commercial CdTe substrates (around 1x10^4 cm^(-2)). However, this whole process is not completely perfect and offers still room for improvements. The growth of undoped HgTe quantum wells was also a new direction in research in contrast to the previous n-doped grown HgTe quantum wells. Here in chapter 5, the goal of very low carrier densities was achieved and therefore it is now possible to do transport experiments in the n - and p - region by tuning the gate voltage. To achieve this high sample quality, very precise growth of symmetric HgTe QWs and their HRXRD characterization is examined. Here, the quantum well thickness can now determined accurate to under 0.3 nm. Furthermore, the transport analysis of different quantum well thicknesses shows that the carrier density and mobility increase with rising HgTe layer thickness. However, it is found out that the band gap of the HgTe QW closes indirectly at a thickness of 11.6 nm. This is caused by the tensile strained growth on CdTe substrates. Moreover, surface quantum wells are studied. These quantum wells exhibit no or a very thin HgCdTe cap. Though, oxidization and contamination of the surface reduces here the carrier mobility immensely and a HgCdTe layer of around 5 nm provides the pleasing results for transport experiments with superconductors connected to the topological insulator [119]. A completely new achievement is the realization of MBE growth of HgTe quantum wells on CdTe/GaAs:Si substrates. This is attended by the optimization of the CdTe growth on GaAs:Si. It exposes that HgTe quantum wells grown in-situ on optimized CdTe/GaAs:Si show very nice transport data with clear Hall plateaus, SdH oscillations, low carrier densities and carrier mobilities up to 500 000 cm^2/Vs. Furthermore, a new oxide etching process is developed and analyzed which should serve as an alternative to the standard HCl process which generates volcano defects at some time. However, during the testing time the result does not differ in Nomarski, HRXRD, AFM and transport measurements. Here, long-time tests or etching and mounting in nitrogen atmosphere may provide new elaborate results. The main focus of this thesis is on the MBE growth and standard characterization of HgTe bulk layers and is discussed in chapter 6. Due to the tensile strained growth on lattice mismatched CdTe, HgTe bulk opens up a band gap of around 22 meV at the G-point and exhibits therefore its topological surface states. The analysis of surface condition, roughness, crystalline quality, carrier density and mobility via Nomarski, AFM, XPS, HRXRD and transport measurements is therefore included in this work. Layer thickness dependence of carrier density and mobility is identified for bulk layer grown directly on CdTe substrates. So, there is no clear correlation visible between HgTe layer thickness and carrier density or mobility. So, the carrier density is almost constant around 1x10^11 cm^(-2) at 0 V gate voltage. The carrier mobility of these bulk samples however scatters between 5 000 and 60 000 cm^2/Vs almost randomly. Further experiments should be made for a clearer understanding and therefore the avoidance of unusable bad samples.But, other topological insulator materials show much higher carrier densities and lower mobility values. For example, Bi2Se3 exhibits just density values around 1019 cm^(-2) and mobility values clearly below 5000 cm2/Vs. The carrier density however depends much on lithography and surface treatment after growth. Furthermore, the relaxation behavior and critical thickness of HgTe grown on CdTe is determined and is in very good agreement with theoretical prediction (d_c = 155 nm). The embedding of the HgTe bulk layer between HgCdTe layers created a further huge improvement. Similar to the quantum well structures the carrier mobility increases immensely while the carrier density levels at around 1x10^11 cm^(-2) at 0 V gate voltage as well. Additionally, the relaxation behavior and critical thickness of these barrier layers has to be determined. HgCdTe grown on commercial CdTe shows a behavior as predicted except the critical thickness which is slightly higher than expected (d_c = 850 nm). Otherwise, the relaxation of HgCdTe grown on CdTe/GaAs:Si occurs in two parts. The layer is fully strained up to 250 nm. Between 250 nm and 725 nm the HgCdTe film starts to relax randomly up to 10 \%. The relaxation behavior for thicknesses larger than 725 nm occurs than linearly to the inverse layer thickness. A explanation is given due to rough interface conditions and crystalline defects of the CdTe/GaAs:Si compared to the commercial CdTe substrate. HRXRD and AFM data support this statement. Another point is that the HgCdTe barriers protect the active HgTe layer and because of the high carrier mobilities the Hall measurements provide new transport data which have to be interpreted more in detail in the future. In addition, HgTe bulk samples show very interesting transport data by gating the sample from the top and the back. It is now possible to manipulate the carrier densities of the top and bottom surface states almost separately. The back gate consisting of the n-doped GaAs substrate and the thick insulating CdTe buffer can tune the carrier density for Delta(n) ~ 3x10^11 cm^(-2). This is sufficient to tune the Fermi energy from the p-type into the n-type region [138]. In this thesis it is shown that strained HgTe bulk layers exhibit superior transport data by embedding between HgCdTe barrier layers. The n-doped GaAs can here serve as a back gate. Furthermore, MBE growth of high crystalline, undoped HgTe quantum wells shows also new and extended transport output. Finally, it is notable that due to the investigated CdTe growth on GaAs the Hg-based heterostructure MBE growth is partially independent from commercial suppliers.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thienel2015, author = {Thienel, Cornelius}, title = {Exploring the transport properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator material HgTe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122031}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden die Transporteigenschaften von verspannten HgTe-Volumenkristallen untersucht. Verspanntes HgTe stellt einen dreidimensionalen topologischen Isolator dar und ist zur Erkundung von topologischen Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nden von speziellem Interesse, da es mit Hilfe von Molekularstrahlepitaxie in hoher Kristallqualit{\"a}t gewachsen werden kann. Die niedrige Defektdichte f{\"u}hrt zu beachtlichen Ladungstr{\"a}gerbeweglichkeiten, die deutlich {\"u}ber denen anderer topologischer Isolatoren liegen. Verspanntes HgTe hat jedoch eine kleine Energiel{\"u}cke von ca. 20 meV. Deshalb ist es f{\"u}r eine m{\"o}gliche Verwendung des Materials ein wichtiger Aspekt, in welchem Parameterbereich Oberfl{\"a}chentransport stattfindet. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, werden die HgTe-Proben bei tiefen Temperaturen (T < 100 mK) und unter dem Einfluss hoher Magnetfelder in verschiedenen Orientierungen untersucht. Der Einfluss von Gate-Elektroden ober- und unterhalb der Struktur sowie von Deckschichten, die die Oberfl{\"a}chen sch{\"u}tzen, wird diskutiert. Basierend auf einer Analyse des Quanten-Hall-Effekts wird gezeigt, dass der Transport in diesem Material von topologischen Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nden dominiert ist. Die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der topologischen Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde von der Gate-Spannung wird dargestellt. Durch diese Abh{\"a}ngigkeit ist es zum ersten Mal m{\"o}glich, eine ungerade ganzzahlige Quanten-Hall-Plateau Sequenz nachzuweisen, die von den Oberfl{\"a}chen senkrecht zum Magnetfeld stammt. Des Weiteren wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit in Proben hoher Oberfl{\"a}chenqualit{\"a}t zum ersten Mal f{\"u}r einen 3D TI der p-Typ QHE der Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde beobachtet. Aus der Gate-Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Messungen wird geschlossen, dass das Abschirmverhalten in 3D TIs nicht trivial ist. Die Transportdaten werden mit Hilfe von intuitiven theoretischen Modellen auf qualitative Weise analysiert.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maier2015, author = {Maier, Luis}, title = {Induced superconductivity in the topological insulator mercury telluride}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119405}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The combination of a topological insulator (TI) and a superconductor (S), which together form a TI/S interface, is expected to influence the possible surface states in the TI. It is of special interest, if the theoretical prediction of zero energy Majorana states in this system is verifiable. This thesis presents the experimental realization of such an interface between the TI strained bulk HgTe and the S Nb and studies if the afore mentioned expectations are met. As these types of interfaces were produced for the first time the initial step was to develop a new lithographic process. Optimization of the S deposition technique as well as the application of cleaning processes allowed for reproducible fabrication of structures. In parallel the measurement setup was upgraded to be able to execute the sensitive measurements at low energy. Furthermore several filters have been implemented into the system to reduce high frequency noise and the magnetic field control unit was additionally replaced to achieve the needed resolution in the μT range. Two kinds of basic geometries have been studied: Josephson junctions (JJs) and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). A JJ consists of two Nb contacts with a small separation on a HgTe layer. These S/TI/S junctions are one of the most basic structures possible and are studied via transport measurements. The transport through this geometry is strongly influenced by the behavior at the two S/TI interfaces. In voltage dependent differential resistance measurements it was possible to detect multiple Andreev reflections in the JJ, indicating that electrons and holes are able to traverse the HgTe gap between both interfaces multiple times while keeping phase coherence. Additionally using BTK theory it was possible to extract the interface transparency of several junctions. This allowed iterative optimization for the highest transparency via lithographic improvements at these interfaces. The increased transparency and thus the increased coupling of the Nb's superconductivity to the HgTe results in a deeper penetration of the induced superconductivity into the HgTe. Due to this strong coupling it was possible to enter the regime, where a supercurrent is carried through the complete HgTe layer. For the first time the passing of an induced supercurrent through strained bulk HgTe was achieved and thus opened the area for detailed studies. The magnetic dependence of the supercurrent in the JJ was recorded, which is also known as a Fraunhofer pattern. The periodicity of this pattern in magnetic field compared to the JJ geometry allowed to conclude how the junction depends on the phase difference between both superconducting contacts. Theoretical calculations predicted a phase periodicity of 4p instead of 2p, if a TI is used as weak link material between the contacts, due to the presence of Majorana modes. It could clearly be shown that despite the usage of a TI the phase still was 2p periodic. By varying further influencing factors, like number of modes and phase coherence length in the junction, it might still be possible to reach the 4p regime with bound Majorana states in the future. A good candidate for further experiments was found in capped HgTe samples, but here the fabrication process still has to be developed to the same quality as for the uncapped HgTe samples. The second type of geometry studied in this thesis was a DC-SQUID, which consists of two parallel JJs and can also be described as an interference device between two JJs. The DC-SQUID devices were produced in two configurations: The symmetric SQUID, where both JJs were identical, and the asymmetric SQUID, where one JJ was not linear, but instead has a 90° bent. These configurations allow to test, if the predicted uniformity of the superconducting band gap for induced superconductivity in a TI is valid. While the phase of the symmetric SQUID is not influenced by the shape of the band gap, the asymmetric SQUID would be in phase with the symmetric SQUID in case of an uniform band gap and out of phase if p- or d-wave superconductivity is dominating the transport, due to the 90° junction. As both devices are measured one after another, the problem of drift in the coil used to create the magnetic field has to be overcome in order to decide if the oscillations of both types of SQUIDs are in phase. With an oscillation period of 0.5 mT and a drift rate in the range of 5.5 μT/h the measurements on both configurations have to be conducted in a few hours. Only then the total shift is small enough to compare them with each other. For this to be possible a novel measurement system based on a real time micro controller was programmed, which allows a much faster extraction of the critical current of a device. The measurement times were reduced from days to hours, circumventing the drift problems and enabling the wanted comparison. After the final system optimizations it has been shown that the comparison should now be possible. Initial measurements with the old system hinted that both types of SQUIDs are in phase and thus the expected uniform band gap is more likely. With all needed optimizations in place it is now up to the successors of this project to conclusively prove this last point. This thesis has proven that it is possible to induce superconductivity in strained bulk HgTe. It has thus realized the most basic sample geometry proposed by Fu and Kane in 2008 for the appearance of Majorana bound states. Based on this work it is now possible to further explore induced superconductivity in strained bulk HgTe to finally reach a regime, where the Majorana states are both stable and detectable.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muehlbauer2015, author = {M{\"u}hlbauer, Mathias Josef}, title = {Nanolithography on Mercury Telluride}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137152}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Topological insulators belong to a new quantum state of matter that is currently one of the most recognized research fields in condensed matter physics. Strained bulk HgTe and HgTe/HgCdTe quantum well structures are currently one of few topological insulator material systems suitable to be studied in transport experiments. In addition HgTe quantum wells provide excellent requirements for the conduction of spintronic experiments. A fundamental requirement for most experiments, however, is to reliably pattern these heterostructures into advanced nano-devices. Nano-lithography on this material system proves to be challenging because of inherent temperature limitations, its high reactivity with various metals and due to its properties as a topological insulator. The current work gives an insight into why many established semiconductor lithography processes cannot be easily transferred to HgTe while providing alternative solutions. The presented developments include novel ohmic contacts, the prevention of metal sidewalls and redeposition fences in combination with low temperature (80 °C) lithography and an adapted hardmask lithography process utilizing a sacrificial layer. In addition we demonstrate high resolution low energy (2.5 kV) electron beam lithography and present an alternative airbridge gating technique. The feasibility of nano-structures on HgTe quantum wells is exemplarily verified in two separate transport experiments. We are first to realize physically etched quantum point contacts in HgTe/HgCdTe high mobility 2DEGs and to prove their controllability via external top-gate electrodes. So far quantum point contacts have not been reported in TI materials. However, these constrictions are part of many proposals to probe the nature of the helical quantum spin Hall edge channels and are suggested as injector and detector devices for spin polarized currents. To confirm their functionality we performed four-terminal measurements of the point contact conductance as a function of external gate voltage. Our measurements clearly exhibit quantized conductance steps in 2e2/h, which is a fundamental characteristic of quantum point contacts. Furthermore we conducted measurements on the formation and control of collimated electron beams, a key feature to realize an all electrical spin-optic device. In a second study several of the newly developed lithography techniques were implemented to produce arrays of nano-wires on inverted and non-inverted HgTe quantum well samples. These devices were used in order to probe and compare the weak antilocalization (WAL) in these structures as a function of magnetic field and temperature. Our measurements reveal that the WAL is almost an order of magnitude larger in inverted samples. This observation is attributed to the Dirac-like dispersion of the energy bands in HgTe quantum wells. The described lithography has already been successfully implemented and adapted in several published studies. All processes have been optimized to guarantee a minimum effect on the heterostructure's properties and the sample surface, which is especially important for probing the topological surface states of strained HgTe bulk layers. Our developments therefore serve as a base for continuous progress to further establish HgTe as a topological insulator and give access to new experiments.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} }