@phdthesis{Pelz2015, author = {Pelz, Jann-Patrick}, title = {Strukturbiologische Untersuchungen zur Chaperone-vermittelten Zusammenlagerung spleißosomaler U-snRNPs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116973}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Durch die Spleißreaktion werden nicht-kodierende Sequenzelemente (Introns) aus eukaryotischen Vorl{\"a}ufer-mRNAs entfernt und die kodierenden Sequenzelemente (Exons) miteinander zu einem offenen Leserahmen verbunden. Dieser zentrale Prozessierungsschritt w{\"a}hrend der eukaryotischen Genexpression wird durch das Spleißosom katalysiert, das aus den vier kleinen nukle{\"a}ren Ribonucleoproteinpartikeln (snRNPs) U1, U2, U4/U6 und U5, sowie einer Vielzahl weiterer Proteinfaktoren gebildet wird. Alle snRNPs besitzen eine gemeinsame ringf{\"o}rmige Kernstruktur, die aus sieben gemeinsamen Sm-Proteinen (SmB/B'-D1-D2-D3-E-F-G) besteht, die ein einzelstr{\"a}ngiges Sequenzmotiv auf der snRNAs binden. W{\"a}hrend sich diese, als Sm-Core-Dom{\"a}ne bezeichnete Struktur in vitro spontan ausbilden kann, erfolgt die Zusammenlagerung in vivo in einem assistierten und hochregulierten Prozess. Dieser ist abh{\"a}ngig von insgesamt mindestens 12 trans-agierenden Faktoren, die in den PRMT5- und SMN-Komplexen organisiert sind. Der PRMT5-Komplex agiert in der fr{\"u}hen Phase der Zusammenlagerung, indem er die Sm-Proteine durch die Untereinheit pICln rekrutiert und die symmetrische Methylierung von Argininresten in den C terminalen Schw{\"a}nzen von SmB/B', SmD1 und SmD3 katalysiert. Als Resultat dieser fr{\"u}hen Phase befinden sich die Sm-Proteine SmD1-D2-E-F-G und SmB/B'-D3 in zwei getrennten und durch pICln organisierten Komplexen. W{\"a}hrend SmB/B'-D3-pICln am PRMT5-Komplex gebunden bleibt, existiert der zweite Komplex als freies Intermediat mit einem Sedimentationskoeffizienten von 6S. Diese Intermediate k{\"o}nnen nicht mit RNA assoziieren, sodass f{\"u}r die Fortsetzung des Zusammenlagerungsprozesses die Interaktion der Sm-Proteine mit pICln aufgel{\"o}st werden muss. Dies geschieht in der sp{\"a}ten Phase der Sm-Core-Zusammenlagerung, in der die Sm-Proteine vom SMN-Komplex (bestehend aus SMN, Gemin2-8 und unrip) {\"u}bernommen werden und pICln dissoziiert wird. Dadurch werden die Sm-Proteine f{\"u}r ihre Interaktion mit der snRNA aktiviert und k{\"o}nnen auf die Sm-Bindestelle transferiert werden, wodurch die Formierung des Sm-Core abgeschlossen wird. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten mit Hilfe einer Kombination r{\"o}ntgenkristallographischer und elektronenmikroskopischer Methoden zwei wichtige Intermediate dieses Zusammenlagerungs-prozesses strukturbiologisch charakterisiert werden. Bei diesen Intermediaten handelt es sich um den 6S-Komplex, sowie um ein Sm-Protein-Transferintermediat mit einem Sedimentations-koeffizienten von 8S. In diesem ist der 6S-Komplex an zwei zentrale Untereinheiten des SMN-Komplexes (SMN und Gemin2) gebunden, w{\"a}hrend pICln den Komplex noch nicht verlassen hat. Der 8S-Komplex stellt daher ein „gefangenes" Intermediat zwischen der fr{\"u}hen und sp{\"a}ten Phase der Zusammenlagerung dar. Zun{\"a}chst gelang es eine erste Kristallform des rekombinant hergestellten 8S-Komplexes zu erhalten, die jedoch keine Strukturl{\"o}sung erlaubte. Durch eine kombinierte Optimierung der Kristallisationsbedingung und der verwendeten Proteine wurde eine weitere {\"a}hnliche Kristallform erhalten, mit der die Kristallstruktur des 8S-Komplexes gel{\"o}st werden konnte. Die Kristallisation des 6S-Komplexes gelang im Anschluss auf Basis der Hypothese, dass Kristalle beider Komplexe aufgrund der kompositionellen Verwandtschaft zwischen 6S und 8S auch {\"A}hnlichkeiten in der Architektur ihrer Kristallgitter aufweisen k{\"o}nnten. Daher wurden innerhalb von pICln gezielt Aminos{\"a}uren substituiert, die sich innerhalb von Kristallkontakten der 8S-Kristalle befanden und konformationell eingeschr{\"a}nkt waren. Mit entsprechend rekonstituierten 6S-Pr{\"a}parationen konnten dann zwei Kristallformen erzeugt werden, die eine Strukturl{\"o}sung des 6S-Komplexes erm{\"o}glichten. Durch die Kristallstruktur des 6S-Komplexes konnte f{\"u}r pICln eine strukturelle Mimikry der Sm-Proteine identifiziert werden. Diese erm{\"o}glicht eine Bindung der Sm-Proteine und eine fr{\"u}hzeitige topologische Organisation des Sm-Pentamers D1-D2-F-E-G in einer geschlossenen hexameren Ringstruktur. Die Kristallstruktur des 8S-Komplexes zeigt, wie der SMN-Komplex {\"u}ber Gemin2 an das Sm-Pentamer bindet. In Kombination mit einer EM-Struktur des 8S-Komplexes gelang es weiterhin, einen plausiblen Mechanismus f{\"u}r die Elimination von pICln und die Aktivierung der Sm-Proteine f{\"u}r die snRNA-Bindung zu formulieren. Somit konnten diese Arbeiten zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis der Funktionen von trans-agierenden Faktoren bei Zusammenlagerung von RNA-Protein-Komplexen in vivo beitragen.}, subject = {Spleißosom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Neuenkirchen2012, author = {Neuenkirchen, Nils}, title = {An in vitro system for the biogenesis of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71300}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Most protein-encoding genes in Eukaryotes are separated into alternating coding and non-coding sequences (exons and introns). Following the transcription of the DNA into pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) in the nucleus, a macromolecular complex termed spliceosome removes the introns and joins the exons to generate mature mRNA that is exported to the cytoplasm. There, it can be interpreted by ribosomes to generate proteins. The spliceosome consists of five small nuclear ribonucleic acids (snRNAs) and more than 150 proteins. Integral components of this complex are RNA-protein particles (RNPs) composed of one or two snRNAs, seven common (Sm) and a various number of snRNP-specific proteins. The Sm proteins form a ring-structure around a conserved site of the snRNA called Sm site. In vitro, Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F, G) and snRNA readily assemble to form snRNPs. In the context of the cell, however, two macromolecular trans-acting factors, the PRMT5 (protein arginine methyltransferases type 5) and the SMN (survival motor neuron) complex, are needed to enable this process. Initially, the Sm proteins in the form of heterooligomers D1/D2, D3/B and F/E/G are sequestered by the type II methyltransferase PRMT5. pICln, a component of the PRMT5 complex, readily interacts with Sm proteins to form two distinct complexes. Whereas the first one comprises pICln and D3/B the second one forms a ring consisting of pICln, D1/D2 and F/E/G (6S). It has been found that pICln prevents the premature interaction of snRNAs with the Sm proteins in these complexes and thus functions as an assembly chaperone imposing a kinetic trap upon the further assembly of snRNPs. PRMT5 catalyzes the symmetrical dimethylation of arginine residues in B/B', D1 and D3 increasing their affinity towards the SMN complex. Finally, the SMN complex interacts with the pICln-Sm protein complexes, expels pICln and mediates snRNP assembly in an ATP-dependent reaction. So far, only little is known about the action of PRMT5 in the early phase of snRNP assembly and especially how the 6S complex is formed. Studies of this have so far been hampered by the unavailability of soluble and biologically active PRMT5 enzyme. The composition of the SMN complex and possible functions of individual subunits have been elucidated or hypothesized in recent years. Still, the exact mechanism of the entire machinery forming snRNPs is poorly understood. In vivo, reduced production of functional SMN protein results in the neurodegenerative disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). How specific SMN mutations that have been found in SMA patients cause the disease remains elusive, yet, are likely to interfere with either SMN complex stability or snRNP assembly. The aim of this work was to establish an in vitro system to recapitulate the cytoplasmic assembly of snRNPs. This was enabled by the recombinant production of all PRMT5 and SMN complex components as well as Sm proteins in a combination of bacterial and insect cell expression systems. Co-expression of human PRMT5 and its direct interaction partner WD45 (WD-repeat domain 45) in Sf21 (Spodoptera frugiperda 21) insect cells resulted for the first time in soluble and biologically active enzyme. Recombinant PRMT5/WD45 formed complexes with Sm protein heterooligomers as well as pICln-Sm protein complexes but not with F/E/G alone. Also, the enzyme exhibited a type II methyltransferase activity catalyzing the mono- (MMA) and symmetrical dimethylation (sDMA) of Sm proteins B, D1 and D3. Two experimental setups were devised to quantitatively analyze the overall methylation of substrates as well as to identify the type and relative abundance of specific methylation types. Methylation of Sm proteins followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Complex reconstitutions and competition of the methylation reaction indicate that 6S is formed in a step-wise manner on the PRMT5 complex. The analysis of the methylation type could be applied to deduce a model of sequential MMA and sDMA formation. It was found that large Sm protein substrate concentrations favored monomethylation. Following a distributive mechanism this leads to the conclusion that PRMT5 most likely confers partial methylation of several different substrate proteins instead of processing a single substrate iteratively until it is completely dimethylated. Finally, the human SMN complex was reconstituted from recombinant sources and was shown to be active in snRNP formation. The introduction of a modified SMN protein carrying a mutation (E134K) present in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) proved that mutated complexes can be generated in vitro and that these might be applied to elucidate the molecular etiology of this devastating disease.}, subject = {Biogenese}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chari2009, author = {Chari, Ashwin}, title = {The Reaction Mechanism of Cellular U snRNP Assembly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-40804}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Macromolecular complexes, also termed molecular machines, facilitate a large spectrum of biological reactions and tasks crucial to the survival of cells. These complexes are composed of either protein only, or proteins bound to nucleic acids (DNA or RNA). Prominent examples for each class are the proteosome, the nucleosome and the ribosome. How such units are assembled within the context of a living cell is a central question in molecular biology. Earlier studies had indicated that even very large complexes such as ribosomes could be reconstituted from purified constituents in vitro. The structural information required for the formation of macromolecular complexes, hence, lies within the subunits itself and, thus, allow for self- assembly. However, increasing evidence suggests that in vivo many macromolecular complexes do not form spontaneously but require assisting factors ("assembly chaperones") for their maturation. In this thesis the assembly of RNA-protein (RNP) complexes has been studied by a combination of biochemical and structural approaches. A resourceful model system to study this process is the biogenesis pathway of the uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (U snRNPs) of the spliceosome. This molecular machine catalyzes pre-mRNA splicing, i.e. the removal of non-coding introns and the joining of coding exons to functional mRNA. The composition and architecture of U snRNPs is well defined, also, the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport events enabling the formation of these particles in vivo have been analyzed in some detail. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that the formation of U snRNPs in vivo is mediated by an elaborate assembly machinery consisting of protein arginine methyltransferase (PRMT5)- and survival motor neuron (SMN)-complexes. The elucidation of the reaction mechanism of cellular U snRNP assembly would serve as a paradigm for our understanding of how RNA-protein complexes are formed in the cellular environment. The following key findings were obtained as part of this study: 1) Efforts were made to establish a full inventory of the subunits of the SMN-complex. This was achieved by the biochemical definition and characterization of an atypical component of this complex, the unrip protein. This protein is associated with the SMN-complex exclusively in the cytoplasm and influences its subcellular localization. 2) With a full inventory of the components in hand, the architecture of the SMN-complex was defined on the basis of an interaction map of all subunits. This study elucidated that the proteins SMN, Gemin7 and Gemin8 form a backbone, onto which the remaining subunits adhere in a modular manner. 3) The two studies mentioned above formed the basis to elucidate the reaction mechanism of cellular U snRNP assembly. Initially, an early phase in the SMN-assisted formation of U snRNPs was analyzed. Two subunits of the U7 snRNP (LSm10 and 11) were found to interact with the PRMT5-complex, without being methylated. This report suggests that the stimulatory role of the PRMT5-complex is independent of its methylation activity. 4) Key reaction intermediates in U snRNP assembly were found and characterized by a combination of biochemistry and structural studies. Initially, a precursor to U snRNPs with a sedimentation coefficient of 6S is formed by the pICln subunit of the PRMT5-complex and Sm proteins. This intermediate was shown to constitute a kinetic trap in the U snRNP assembly reaction. Progression towards the assembled U snRNP depends on the activity of the SMN-complex, which acts as a catalyst. The formation of U snRNPs is shown to be structurally similar to the way clamps are deposited onto DNA to tether poorly processive polymerases. 5) The human SMN-complex is composed of several subunits. However, it is unknown whether all subunits of this entity are essential for U snRNP assembly. A combination of bioinformatics and biochemistry was applied to tackle this question. By mining databases containing whole-genome assemblies, the SMN-Gemin2 heterodimer is recognized as the most ancestral form of the SMN-complex. Biochemical purification of the Drosophila melanogaster SMN-complex reveals that this complex is composed of the same two subunits. Furthermore, evidence is provided that the SMN-Gemin2 heterodimer is necessary and sufficient to promote faithful U snRNP assembly. Future studies will adress further details in the reaction mechanism of cellular U snRNP assembly. The results obtained in this thesis suggest that the SMN and Gemin2 subunits are sufficient to promote U snRNP formation. What then is the function of the remaining subunits of the SMN-complex? The reconstitution schemes established in this thesis will be instrumental to address this question. Furthermore, additional mechanistic insights into the U snRNP assembly reaction will require the elucidation of structures of the assembly machinery trapped at various states. The prerequisite for these structural studies, the capability to generate homogenous complexes in sufficient amounts, has been accomplished in this thesis.}, subject = {Small nuclear RNP}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eggert2005, author = {Eggert, Christian}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Biogenese spleißosomaler UsnRNPs und ihrer Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Pathogenese der SMA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die neurodegenerative Krankheit Spinale Muskelatrophie (SMA) wird durch den Mangel an funktionellem Survival Motor Neuron Protein (SMN) verursacht. Eine Funktion von SMN liegt in der Biogenese spleißosomaler UsnRNPs (U-rich small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles). Diese Arbeit zeigt in einem SMA-Modell in Hela-Zellkultur, dass der SMN-Mangel zu einer reduzierten de novo-Produktion der spleißosomalen UsnRNPs f{\"u}hrt. In einem Zebrafisch-Modell f{\"u}r SMA wurde nachgewiesen, dass die reduzierte UsnRNP-Produktion die Degenerationen von Axonen der Motoneuronen verursacht, einen Ph{\"a}notyp wie er bei SMA auftritt. Damit konnte erstmals eine direkte Verbindung zwischen einer zellul{\"a}ren Funktion von SMN und der Entstehung von SMA hergestellt werden.}, subject = {Spinale Muskelatrophie}, language = {de} }