@phdthesis{PradaSalcedo2018, author = {Prada Salcedo, Juan Pablo}, title = {Image Processing and other bioinformatic tools for Neurobiology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157721}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Neurobiology is widely supported by bioinformatics. Due to the big amount of data generated from the biological side a computational approach is required. This thesis presents four different cases of bioinformatic tools applied to the service of Neurobiology. The first two tools presented belong to the field of image processing. In the first case, we make use of an algorithm based on the wavelet transformation to assess calcium activity events in cultured neurons. We designed an open source tool to assist neurobiology researchers in the analysis of calcium imaging videos. Such analysis is usually done manually which is time consuming and highly subjective. Our tool speeds up the work and offers the possibility of an unbiased detection of the calcium events. Even more important is that our algorithm not only detects the neuron spiking activity but also local spontaneous activity which is normally discarded because it is considered irrelevant. We showed that this activity is determinant in the calcium dynamics in neurons and it is involved in important functions like signal modulation and memory and learning. The second project is a segmentation task. In our case we are interested in segmenting the neuron nuclei in electron microscopy images of c.elegans. Marking these structures is necessary in order to reconstruct the connectome of the organism. C.elegans is a great study case due to the simplicity of its nervous system (only 502 neurons). This worm, despite its simplicity has taught us a lot about neuronal mechanisms. There is still a lot of information we can extract from the c.elegans, therein lies the importance of reconstructing its connectome. There is a current version of the c.elegans connectome but it was done by hand and on a single subject which leaves a big room for errors. By automatizing the segmentation of the electron microscopy images we guarantee an unbiased approach and we will be able to verify the connectome on several subjects. For the third project we moved from image processing applications to biological modeling. Because of the high complexity of even small biological systems it is necessary to analyze them with the help of computational tools. The term in silico was coined to refer to such computational models of biological systems. We designed an in silico model of the TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) ligand and its two principal receptors. This biological system is of high relevance because it is involved in the inflammation process. Inflammation is of most importance as protection mechanism but it can also lead to complicated diseases (e.g. cancer). Chronic inflammation processes can be particularly dangerous in the brain. In order to better understand the dynamics that govern the TNF system we created a model using the BioNetGen language. This is a rule based language that allows one to simulate systems where multiple agents are governed by a single rule. Using our model we characterized the TNF system and hypothesized about the relation of the ligand with each of the two receptors. Our hypotheses can be later used to define drug targets in the system or possible treatments for chronic inflammation or lack of the inflammatory response. The final project deals with the protein folding problem. In our organism proteins are folded all the time, because only in their folded conformation are proteins capable of doing their job (with some very few exceptions). This folding process presents a great challenge for science because it has been shown to be an NP problem. NP means non deterministic Polynomial time problem. This basically means that this kind of problems cannot be efficiently solved. Nevertheless, somehow the body is capable of folding a protein in just milliseconds. This phenomenon puzzles not only biologists but also mathematicians. In mathematics NP problems have been studied for a long time and it is known that given the solution to one NP problem we could solve many of them (i.e. NP-complete problems). If we manage to understand how nature solves the protein folding problem then we might be able to apply this solution to many other problems. Our research intends to contribute to this discussion. Unfortunately, not to explain how nature solves the protein folding problem, but to explain that it does not solve the problem at all. This seems contradictory since I just mentioned that the body folds proteins all the time, but our hypothesis is that the organisms have learned to solve a simplified version of the NP problem. Nature does not solve the protein folding problem in its full complexity. It simply solves a small instance of the problem. An instance which is as simple as a convex optimization problem. We formulate the protein folding problem as an optimization problem to illustrate our claim and present some toy examples to illustrate the formulation. If our hypothesis is true, it means that protein folding is a simple problem. So we just need to understand and model the conditions of the vicinity inside the cell at the moment the folding process occurs. Once we understand this starting conformation and its influence in the folding process we will be able to design treatments for amyloid diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. In summary this thesis project contributes to the neurobiology research field from four different fronts. Two are practical contributions with immediate benefits, such as the calcium imaging video analysis tool and the TNF in silico model. The neuron nuclei segmentation is a contribution for the near future. A step towards the full annotation of the c.elegans connectome and later for the reconstruction of the connectome of other species. And finally, the protein folding project is a first impulse to change the way we conceive the protein folding process in nature. We try to point future research in a novel direction, where the amino code is not the most relevant characteristic of the process but the conditions within the cell.}, subject = {Bildverarbeitung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Andlauer2013, author = {Andlauer, Till Felix Malte}, title = {Structural and Functional Diversity of Synapses in the Drosophila CNS}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85018}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Large-scale anatomical and functional analyses of the connectivity in both invertebrate and mammalian brains have gained intense attention in recent years. At the same time, the understanding of synapses on a molecular level still lacks behind. We have only begun to unravel the basic mechanisms of how the most important synaptic proteins regulate release and reception of neurotransmitter molecules, as well as changes of synaptic strength. Furthermore, little is known regarding the stoichiometry of presynaptic proteins at different synapses within an organism. An assessment of these characteristics would certainly promote our comprehension of the properties of different synapse types. Presynaptic proteins directly influence, for example, the probability of neurotransmitter release as well as mechanisms for short-term plasticity. We have examined the strength of expression of several presynaptic proteins at different synapse types in the central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster using immunohistochemistry. Clear differences in the relative abundances of the proteins were obvious on different levels: variations in staining intensities appeared from the neuropil to the synaptic level. In order to quantify these differences, we have developed a ratiometric analysis of antibody stainings. By application of this ratiometric method, we could assign average ratios of presynaptic proteins to different synapse populations in two central relays of the olfactory pathway. In this manner, synapse types could be characterized by distinct fingerprints of presynaptic protein ratios. Subsequently, we used the method for the analysis of aberrant situations: we reduced levels of Bruchpilot, a major presynaptic protein, and ablated different synapse or cell types. Evoked changes of ratio fingerprints were proportional to the modifications we had induced in the system. Thus, such ratio signatures are well suited for the characterization of synapses. In order to contribute to our understanding of both the molecular composition and the function of synapses, we also characterized a novel synaptic protein. This protein, Drep-2, is a member of the Dff family of regulators of apoptosis. We generated drep-2 mutants, which did not show an obvious misregulation of apoptosis. By contrast, Drep-2 was found to be a neuronal protein, highly enriched for example at postsynaptic receptor fields of the input synapses of the major learning centre of insects, the mushroom bodies. Flies mutant for drep-2 were viable but lived shorter than wildtypes. Basic synaptic transmission at both peripheral and central synapses was in normal ranges. However, drep-2 mutants showed a number of deficiencies in adaptive behaviours: adult flies were locomotor hyperactive and hypersensitive towards ethanol-induced sedation. Moreover, the mutant animals were heavily impaired in associative learning. In aversive olfactory conditioning, drep-2 mutants formed neither short-term nor anaesthesia-sensitive memories. We could demonstrate that Drep-2 is required in mushroom body intrinsic neurons for normal olfactory learning. Furthermore, odour-evoked calcium transients in these neurons, a prerequisite for learning, were reduced in drep-2 mutants. The impairment of the mutants in olfactory learning could be fully rescued by pharmacological application of an agonist to metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Quantitative mass spectrometry of Drep-2 complexes revealed that the protein is associated with a large number of translational repressors, among them the fragile X mental retardation protein FMRP. FMRP inhibits mGluR-mediated protein synthesis. Lack of this protein causes the fragile X syndrome, which constitutes the most frequent monogenic cause of autism. Examination of the performance of drep-2 mutants in courtship conditioning showed that the animals were deficient in both short- and long-term memory. Drep-2 mutants share these phenotypes with fmrp and mGluR mutants. Interestingly, drep-2; fmrp double mutants exhibited normal memory. Thus, we propose a model in which Drep-2 antagonizes FMRP in the regulation of mGluR-dependent protein synthesis. Our hypothesis is supported by the observation that impairments in synaptic plasticity can arise if mGluR signalling is imbalanced in either direction. We suggest that Drep-2 helps in establishing this balance.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Streinzer2013, author = {Streinzer, Martin}, title = {Sexual dimorphism of the sensory systems in bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) and the evolution of sex-specific adaptations in the context of mating behavior}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78689}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Bees have had an intimate relationship with humans for millennia, as pollinators of fruit, vegetable and other crops and suppliers of honey, wax and other products. This relationship has led to an extensive understanding of their ecology and behavior. One of the most comprehensively understood species is the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera. Our understanding of sex-specific investment in other bees, however, has remained superficial. Signals and cues employed in bee foraging and mating behavior are reasonably well understood in only a handful of species and functional adaptations are described in some species. I explored the variety of sensory adaptations in three model systems within the bees. Females share a similar ecology and similar functional morphologies are to be expected. Males, engage mainly in mating behavior. A variety of male mating strategies has been described which differ in their spatiotemporal features and in the signals and cues involved, and thus selection pressures. As a consequence, males' sensory systems are more diverse than those of females. In the first part I studied adaptations of the visual system in honeybees. I compared sex and caste-specific eye morphology among 5 species (Apis andreniformis, A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, A. mellifera). I found a strong correlation between body size and eye size in both female castes. Queens have a relatively reduced visual system which is in line with the reduced role of visual perception in their life history. Workers differed in eye size and functional morphology, which corresponds to known foraging differences among species. In males, the eyes are conspicuously enlarged in all species, but a disproportionate enlargement was found in two species (A. dorsata, A. florea). I further demonstrate a correlation between male visual parameters and mating flight time, and propose that light intensities play an important role in the species-specific timing of mating flights. In the second study I investigated eye morphology differences among two phenotypes of drones in the Western honeybee. Besides normal-sized drones, smaller drones are reared in the colony, and suffer from reduced reproductive success. My results suggest that the smaller phenotype does not differ in spatial resolution of its visual system, but suffers from reduced light and contrast sensitivity which may exacerbate the reduction in reproductive success caused by other factors. In the third study I investigated the morphology of the visual system in bumblebees. I explored the association between male eye size and mating behavior and investigated the diversity of compound eye morphology among workers, queens and males in 11 species. I identified adaptations of workers that correlate with distinct foraging differences among species. Bumblebee queens must, in contrast to honeybees, fulfill similar tasks as workers in the first part of their life, and correspondingly visual parameters are similar among both female castes. Enlarged male eyes are found in several subgenera and have evolved several times independently within the genus, which I demonstrate using phylogenetic informed statistics. Males of these species engage in visually guided mating behavior. I find similarities in the functional eye morphology among large-eyed males in four subgenera, suggesting convergent evolution as adaptation to similar visual tasks. In the remaining species, males do not differ significantly from workers in their eye morphology. In the fourth study I investigated the sexual dimorphism of the visual system in a solitary bee species. Males of Eucera berlandi patrol nesting sites and compete for first access to virgin females. Males have enlarged eyes and better spatial resolution in their frontal eye region. In a behavioral study, I tested the effect of target size and speed on male mate catching success. 3-D reconstructions of the chasing flights revealed that angular target size is an important parameter in male chasing behavior. I discuss similarities to other insects that face similar problems in visual target detection. In the fifth study I examined the olfactory system of E. berlandi. Males have extremely long antennae. To investigate the anatomical grounds of this elongation I studied antennal morphology in detail in the periphery and follow the sexual dimorphism into the brain. Functional adaptations were found in males (e.g. longer antennae, a multiplication of olfactory sensilla and receptor neurons, hypertrophied macroglomeruli, a numerical reduction of glomeruli in males and sexually dimorphic investment in higher order processing regions in the brain), which were similar to those observed in honeybee drones. The similarities and differences are discussed in the context of solitary vs. eusocial lifestyle and the corresponding consequences for selection acting on males.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bartl2012, author = {Bartl, Jasmin}, title = {Impairment of insulin signaling pathway in Alzheimer's disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74197}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The neurodegenerative disorder Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the cause of approximately 60\% of the world's 35 million patients suffering from dementia. Current research focuses here are on association with other diseases such as diabetes type 2 (T2DM), possible genetic markers, specific signal transduction pathways within the brain and potential protein modification, because the pathogenesis and etiology of AD are still not fully understood. Specifically association of T2DM with AD came to the focus with the so-called "Rotterdam study" in 1999, indicating that T2DM doubles the risk of developing AD. In the meantime, it is known that the prevalence rate in patients with T2DM is 30\%. Drugs commonly used in the treatment of T2DM such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors gamma (PPARγ) agonists show improvement of the cognitive abilities in patients with early stage of dementia, with potential therapeutically relevance. Therefore it is important not only to investigate a link between these diseases, but also to investigate the insulin signaling pathway in the brain of AD patients. In order to investigate this complex issue in more details and demonstrate additional links between T2DM and AD, the present study used several basic biological methods to clarify the question: "Is impaired insulin signaling pathway within the brain crucial for the development of AD?" from several points of view. The methods used in this work have been i) an analysis of single nucleotide (SNP) polymorphism of the insulin-degrading enzyme gene (IDE) in relation to risk of AD and / or of T2DM, ii) post-mortem histochemical studies of brain tissue of patients with only AD, with AD combined with T2DM and with only T2DM compared with an age-matched control group, and iii.) investigations of neurochemical pathways and gene/protein expression changes of a human cell culture as a consequences of amyloid β (Aβ) treatment. After analysis of the IDE SNP polymorphism in the selected VITA (Vienna Trans Danube Aging) cohort disease-specific effects were discovered. The upstream polymorphism (IDE2) was found to influence AD risk in a protective manner, while the downstream polymorphism (IDE7) modified the T2DM risk. Based on the SNP results, the presented study delineate the model that IDE promoter and 3‟ untranslated region/downstream variation can have different effects on IDE expression, maybe a relevant endophenotype with disorder-specific effects on AD and T2DM susceptibility. Furthermore, the human post-mortem studies could show that both AD as well as T2DM patients had a significantly lower density of the insulin receptor (IR) in the hippocampus, whereas a significantly increased density of inactive phosphorylated PPARγ has been found and this persisted even in patients with both diseases. Summarizing the histological study, it was possible to reveal common histological features of AD and T2DM, but no direct connection between the two diseases. Although AD is nowadays not only characterized by amyloid-containing plaque deposits and by the hyperphosphorylation of tau protein, the excessive Aβ42 presence in the brains of AD patients is still playing a key role. Up to date it is still not entirely clear which physical form of Aβ42 is responsible for the development of AD. The present work investigated, what impact has the state of aggregation of Aβ42 on genes and proteins of the insulin signaling pathway and the amyloid cascade. It could be shown that the oligomeric variant enhanced specifically the gene and protein expression of glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) 3β and also the enzyme activity was significantly increased, but has in turn strongly inhibited the IR gene and protein expression. Additionally, the effect of Aβ42 on monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) was examined. An effect of both aggregated forms of Aβ42 had on enzyme activity was discovered. However, the fibrillar variants led to significantly increased activity of MAO-B while the oligomeric variants inhibited the enzyme activity. Several previous studies have demonstrated the involvement of increased MAO-B activity in AD, but the present work provides for the first time a direct link between the states of aggregation of Aβ42 to enzyme activity. Finally the results of the presented thesis can be summarized to following conclusion: Although AD and T2DM sharing some degrees of common features, still there is a lack of direct association, and therefore the diseases must be considered more independent rather than linked. But the impaired cerebral insulin signaling pathway seems to be another manifested hallmark of AD.}, subject = {Alzheimer-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @article{Siren1982, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Differences in central actions of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin F\(_{2\alpha}\) between spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63324}, year = {1982}, abstract = {Prostag1andin F\(_{2\alpha}\) (PGF\(_{2\alpha}\)) is one of the most common metabo1ites of arachidonic acid (M) in rat brain. When administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) to rats, both AA and PGFal exert dose-related hypertensive, tachycardic and hyperthermic effects. Metabolie alterations in the endogenaus formation of some prostaglandins in the brain-stem of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) have been reported. Therefore the central effects of AA and PGF \(_{2\alpha}\) on blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were studied both in SHR and nonootensive Wistar rats (NR) under urethane-anaesthesia. The hypertensive effect of AA i.c.v. (0.01-100 \(\mu\)g/rat) was larger in magni tude in SHR than in NR, but there was no significant difference in the M-induced changes of heart rate and body temperature between the groups. Pretreatment of NR wi th soditm1 :meclofenamate (1 mg/rat i.c.v.) antagonised the central effects of M indicating that these effects are not due to M itself but to its conversion to prostaglandins. Unlike the effects of AA, the central hypertensive, tachycardic and hyperthennic responses to PGF\(_{2\alpha}\) (0.5-50 l-lg/rat i.c.v .) were significantly attenuated in SHR. The present results obtained with M are conpatible with the previous assumption that the synthesis of prostaglandins in the brain of SHR might differ from that in NR. The results also demonstrate that the central effects of PGF\(_{2\alpha}\) are reduced in SHR.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{EimerlSirenFeuerstein1986, author = {Eimerl, J. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Systemic and regional hemodynamic effects of leukotrienes D\(_4\) and E\(_4\) in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63317}, year = {1986}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuersteinLabrooetal.1986, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G. and Labroo, V. M. and Coleen, L. A. and Lozovsky, D.}, title = {Effect of thyrotropin releasing hormone and some of its histidine analogs on the cardiovascular system and prolactin release in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63307}, year = {1986}, abstract = {The cardiovascular and endocrine activity of three analogs of thyrotropin releasing hor.mone (TRH), 4-nitro-imidazole TRH (4-nitroTRH), 2-trifluoro-methyl-imidazole TRH (2-TFM-TRH) and 4-trifluoromethyl- imidazole TRH (4-TFM-TRH), was compared to TRH in conscious rats. Injection of TRH or the three analogs (1 mg/kg or 5 mg/kg) into the arterial line induced increases in mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure and heart rate and raised plasma prolactin (PRL). None of the analogs were more potent than TRH in inducing cardiovascular changes. The 4-TFM-TRH was significantly less potent than the 2-TFM-TRH in increasing blood pressure, while the nitro-TRH was more potent than the 2-TFM-TRH in producing tachycardia. TRH induced a two-fold increase in PRL at the 5 mg/kg dose, while both the fluorinated analogs elici ted a 4 to 5 fold increase in PRL at the higher dose. The present results suggest that the receptors for TRH-elicited PRL release differ from TRH-receptors involved in its cardiovascular actions.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1986, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Effect of T-2 toxin on regional blood flow and vascular resistance in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63293}, year = {1986}, abstract = {The acute effect ofT-2 toxemia on local blood flow and vascular resistance in hindquarter. mesenteric. and renal vascular beds was continuously measured by the directional pulsed Doppler technique in conscious, male Sprague-Dawley rats. Intravenous injection ofT-2 toxin (I mg/kg) in the conscious rat reduced blood flow and increased vascular resistance in all blood vessels studied but had no significant effect on mean arterial pressure or heart rate. The blood flow in hindquarters gradually decreased to a minimum of -77 ± 9\% (mean ±SE) 6 hr after the toxin injection. The hindquarter vascular resistance concomitantly increased to a maximum value of + 323 ± 69\% above thc resistance before toxin administration. Mesenteric and renal blood flow initially increased (slightly) and then gradually decreased. The maximum drop of blood flow, -90 ± 13\% and -76 ± 13\% for the mesenteric and renal vascular beds, respectively, was achieved 4 hr after T-2 toxin injection and the blood flow values remained low for up to 6 hr. Simultaneously with the impairment of}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenPowellFeuerstein1986, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Powell, E. and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Thyrotropin releasing hormone in hypovolemia: a hemodynamic evaluation in the rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63288}, year = {1986}, abstract = {ln the present study the effects of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and its stable analogue, CG3703, on cardiac output (thermodilution, Cardiomax) and regional blood flow (BF; directional pulsed Doppler technique) were investigated in hypovolemic hypotension in the rat. In urethan-anesthetized rats TRH (0.5 or 2 mg/ kg ia) or CG3703 (0.05 or 0.5 mg/kg ia) reversed the bleeding (27\% of the blood volume)-induced decreases in mean arterial ...}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{PaakkariNurminenSiren1986, author = {Paakkari, I. and Nurminen, M-L. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Cardioventilatory effects of TRH in anesthetized rats: role of the brainstem}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63277}, year = {1986}, abstract = {Cardioventilator responses were studied in anaesthetized rats after injections of TRH into either the lateral (i.c.v. lat) or the fourth (i.c.v. IV) cerebral ventricles. TRH induced a morerapid hypertensive effect i.c.v. IV than i.c.v. lat. Blocking of the cerebral aqueduct abolished the hypertensive and tachypnoeic effects of TRH i.c.v. lat but not those of TRH i.c.v. IV. It is concluded that TRH increased blood pressure and ventilation rate via brain stem structures close to the fourtli ventricle.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @misc{FeuersteinSiren1987, author = {Feuerstein, G. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Opioid peptides: A role in hypertension? [Brief Review]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63262}, year = {1987}, abstract = {This review is an attempt to highlight evidence that may implicate the endogenaus opioid system in the pathogenesis of hypertension in humans. The evidence raised includes biochemical, physiological, pharmacological, and behavioral studies con~ucted in in vitro andin vivo systems, experimental models of hypertension, and hornans with essential hypertension. While the compelling biochemical and pharmacological evidence in experimental animals clearly shows the presence of opioid peptides and their receptors in strategic sites of cardiovascular control and potent cardiovascular response to opioid peptides, opioid antagonists show no consistent blockade or reversal of hypertension in experimental animals or humans. One possible explanation for this phenomenon could be the vast redundancy in systems regulating blood pressure (i.e., the blockade ofone system stillleaves many other systerils fully able to rapidly offset the eliminated system). Regarding the opioid system, the situation is much more complex, since some opioid receptors (\(\mu\)-type) niediate pressor responses, while other receptors (\(\kappa\)type) mediate depressor responses. Therefore, nonselective opioid receptor antagonists (e.g., naloxone), which block both types ofreceptors, can be devoid ofany cardiovascular activity, while a selective \(\mu\)-receptor antagonist or a selective arid potent \(\kappa\)-receptor agonist may produce the desired antihypertensive elfect. A combination of both actions (i.e., a drug that is both \(\mu\)antagonist and a \(\kappa\)antagonist) might be even more advantageous. Until such compounds are developed, this hypothesis will be hard to prove.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{LabrooCohenLozovskyetal.1987, author = {Labroo, V. M. and Cohen, L. A. and Lozovsky, D. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Dissociation of the cardiovascular and prolactin-releasing activities of TRH by histidine replacement}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63253}, year = {1987}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{FeuersteinLeaderSirenetal.1987, author = {Feuerstein, G. and Leader, P. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Braquet, P.}, title = {Protective effect of PAF-acether antagonist, BN 52021, in trichothecen toxicosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63244}, year = {1987}, abstract = {Trichothecenes are mycotoxins which produce Iethai toxicosis in humans and animals, yet no adequate therapeutic regimen has been developed. This study provides evidence that the selective platelet activating factor (PAF) antagonist, BN 52021 (5-15 mg/kg i.v.) can prolong the survival of conscious rats exposed to a highly Iethai T -2 toxicosis. These data also suggest that P AF is an important mediator of this unique toxicosis.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1988, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Cardiovascular effects of rat calcitonin gene-related peptide in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63236}, year = {1988}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{FeuersteinSiren1988, author = {Feuerstein, G. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Hypothalamic µ-receptors in the cardiovascular control: a review}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63228}, year = {1988}, abstract = {The endogenous opioid system includes three major families of peptides [22): dynorphins (derived from pre-proenkephalin B); endorphins (derived from pre-proopiomelanocortin) and enkephalins (derived from pre-proenkephalin A). Multiple species of opioid peptides are derived from these major precursors and many of them possess potent cardiovascular properties. Multiple forms of opioid receptors have been defined in the central nervous system. Although the relationship of these receptors to the multiple actions of the opioid systems is not weil understood, some predications can be made: in vitro the dynorphin-related peptidesbind preferentially to kappa-opioid receptors; the enkephalins bind preferentially to delta and JL-opioid receptors and while beta-endorphin binds to mu- and delta-, but not to kappa-opioid receptors. While littleis known on the roJe ofthe opioid system in normal cardiovascular regulation, it has become clear that cardiovascular stress situations substantially modify the activity ofthe endogenous opioid system. This review focuses on the mu-opioid system in the hypothalamus with special emphasis on its potential roJe in cardiovascular control of both normal and pathophysiologic states.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{Siren1988, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Cardiovascular pharmacology of thyrotropin releasing hormone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63214}, year = {1988}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{FeuersteinSiren1988, author = {Feuerstein, G. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Mesenteric vascular responses to i.v. administration of lipoxin A\(_4\) and lipoxin B\(_4\) in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63200}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Lipoxin A (LXA\(_4\)) and lipoxin B\(_4\)(LXB\(_4\)) are newly discovered lipoxygenase-interacting products of leukocytes which might have a role in cardiovascular events associated with anaphylaxis. We have tested this possibility by systemic administration of both LXA\(_4\) and LXB\(_4\) to the conscious rat while monitaring systemic and regional hemodynamic changes. LXA\(_4\) and' LXB\(_4\) (l-100 pg/kg) produced dose-dependent constriction of the mesenteric vessels, up to + 123±23\% and +50±9\% for LXA\(_4\)/B\(_4\) , respectively. Dose-related changes were not observed in arterial blood pressure, heart rate, renal (LXB\(_4\)) and hindquarter blood ftow. We suggest that LXA\(_4\) and LXB\(_4\) might affect selective vascular beds, such as the mesenteric vessels, and contribute to variations in blood flow in specific pathophysiological states.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenLettsFeuerstein1988, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Letts, G. and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {N-Acetyl-leukotriene E\(_4\) is a potent constrictor of rat mesenteric vessels}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63196}, year = {1988}, abstract = {N-Acetyl-leukotriene E\(_4\) administered to conscious freely moving rats produced a dose-dependent vasoconstriction in the mesenteric vessels which led to profound reduction of blood flow to the gut. Renal and hindquarter blood flow and vascular resistance were not affected even by high doses of N-acetyl-leukotriene E\(_4\) . N-Acetyl-leukotriene E\(_4\) was 10-fold more potent than the thromboxane analog U-46619 and 1000-fold more potent than prostaglandin F\(_{2a}\) but 2-5-fold less potent than leukotriene D\(_4\)/E\(_4\) to induce mesenteric vasoconstriction. These data indicatc that N-acetylleukotriene E\(_4\) is a biologically active metabolite of peptide leukotrienes, and might play a role in cardiovascular derangements mediated by leukotrienes.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenLakeFeuerstein1988, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Lake, C. R. and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Hemodynamic and neural mechanisms of action of thyrotropin releasing hormone in the rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63183}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Tbe mechanisms mediating the etl'ects ofthyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on the cardiovascular system were studied in the conscious rat. Intracerebroventricolar (i.c. v.) injection of TRH (8 pmol-80 nmollkg) induced dose-dependent lncreases in mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and cardiac index. Rindquarter blood Oow increased due to vasodilation, while an lncrease in renal and mesenteric vascular resistance caused a decrease in blood Oow in the respective organs. The plasma Ievels of norepinephrine a~d epinephrine were increased by TRH, while there was no change in plasma renin activity or vasopressin. Tbe cardiovascular actions of i.c. v. TRH were not in.fluenced by blockade of the renin-angiotensin system or vasopressin receptors. Tbe ganglion blocker chlorisondamine and the a 1- aod al-adrenoreceptor antagooist phentolamlne (2 mg/kg i.v.) abolished the increase in blood pressure and mesenteric vasoconstriction after i.c. v. TRH. Propranolol (2 mg/kg i. v.) blocked the TRH-ioduced increase in cardiac index, heart rate, and hindquarter blood flow. The hindquarter vasodllatlon lnduced by TRH was also blocked by the selective ß1-adrenocept9r antagonist ICI 188,551 (1 or 2 mg/kg i.v.), while tbe ,8,-adrenoceptor blocker practolol (10 mg/kg i.v.) had no eft'ect on the hindquarter vasodiJation produced by TRH but totally blocked the increase in cardiac Index. In adrenal demedullated rats, the systemic hemodynamic eft'ects ofi.c. v. TRH were dimlnished along with the decrease in renal blood flow and lncrease in renal vascular resistance; however, the iocrease in hfndquarter blood flow was attenuated only in adrenal demedullated rats pretreated with the sympathetlc blocker bretylium. The renal vasoconstriction induced by i.c. v. TRH was not abolished by renal denervation. In sinoaortic debufl'ered rats, the pressor, tachycardic, and mesenteric vasoconstrictor responses to centrally administered TRH were significantly potentiated. Taken together, these data soggest that the putative rieurotransmitter TRH may play a role in central regulation of cardiac functions and organ blood flow distribution through both tbe sympathetic nerves and the adrenal medulla. A pivotal roJe for ß1-adrenoceptors in mediation ofhindquarter vasodilation ls also demonstrated.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{FeuersteinLettsSiren1988, author = {Feuerstein, G. and Letts, G. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {N-Ac-Leukotriene E\(_4\): Unique vascular activity in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63171}, year = {1988}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1989, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Hemodynamic effects of endothelin after systemic and central nervous System administration in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63165}, year = {1989}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1989, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Thyrotropin releasing hormone-induced hindquarter vasodilation is mediated by \(\beta _2\)-adrenoceptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63155}, year = {1989}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1989, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Effect of PAF and BN 52021 on cardiac function and regional blood flow in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63145}, year = {1989}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenEimerlFeuerstein1989, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Eimerl, J. and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {L-649,923 : An antagonist of cardiac and vascular leukotriene D\(_4\) receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63134}, year = {1989}, abstract = {The capacity of L-649,923-sodium ( ßS, -yR * )-4-(3-( 4-acetyl-3-hydroxy-2-propylphenoxy)propylthio)-- y-hydroxy-ß-methylbenzene butanoate-to block vascular receptors of leukotriene D\(_4\) ( L TD\(_4\)) was examined in the conscious rat. Hindquarter (HQ), renal, and mesenteric blood flow and vascular resistance were evaluated in the conscious rat chronically equipped with miniaturized Doppler probes for organ blood flow measurement by directional pulsed Doppler technique. In addition, cardiac outpul was measured by thermodilution technique in conscious rats equipped with minithermistors in the ascending aorta. Systemic hemodynamic variables. mean arterial pressure, and heart rate were monitored through femoral catheters. L TD\(_4\) (I or 10 \(\mu\)g/kg) produced a marked dose dependent increase in the mesenteric vascular resistance associated with a marked decrease in blood flow whereas no consistent effects were demonstrated in the renal circulation. L TD\(_4\) • at I \(\mu\)g/kg. increased the HQ blood flow whereas the higher dose of LTD\(_4\) produced a biphasic response: an early increase followed by a decrease in blood flow. Infusion of L TD\(_4\) • 3 \(\mu\)g/kg per min over 10 min decreased cardiac output and increased total peripheral resistance. L-649,923 (10 or 30 mg/kg, i.v.) effectively blocked the L TD4-induced mesenteric constriction and the second I phase of HQ vasoconstriction but did not modify the , LTD\(_4\) induced HQ vasodilation. L-649,923 also effectively attenuated the cardiac effects of LTD\(_4\) infusion. I These studies suggest that L-649,923 could preserve cardiac and vascular functions in pathologic states mediated by cysteinylleukotrienes, such as traumatic or endotoxin shock. Key Words: Leukotriene D4 -Cardiovascular system- Leukotriene antagonist- Mesenteric blood tlow-Renal blood flow-Hindquarter blood flowAnaphylaxis.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenPaakkariGoldsteinetal.1989, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Paakkari, P. and Goldstein, D. S. and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Mechanism of central hemodynamic and sympathetic regulation by µ-opioid receptors: Effects of dermorphin in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63123}, year = {1989}, abstract = {The effects of i.c.v. administered dermorphin, a highly selective \(\mu\)-opioid agonist, on cardiac function and renal, mesenteric and hindquarter blood ftow were studied in conscious rats. Core temperature, blood gases, arterial plasma levels of norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) also were examined. Cardiac output was rneasured using a thermodilution technique and regional blood ftows using directional pulsed Doppler velocimetry. Dermorphin, at doses of 0.1-100 nmol/kg, increased blood pressure and hindquarter blood flow, renal and mesenteric resistance, and core temperature. Higher doses (1-5 \(\mu\)mol/kg) caused respiratory depression, acidosis, and shock despite profaund sympatho-adrenomedullary stimulation. Circulating Ieveis of catecholamines were significantly increased at the dermorphin doses of 0.1-1 00 nmol/kg. At the 100 nmol/kg dose, plasma levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, the dopamine metabellte dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and the catecholamine precursor 3,4,-dihydroxyphenylalanine were increased by 2-15-fold. The data indicate that mu opioid receptor Stimulation exerts potent effects on cardiorespiratory functions, activates the sympathoadrenomedullary system and produces a pattem of blood flow changes consistent with the stress-induced •detense· response (skeletal muscle vasodilation and splanchnic vasoconstriction). Excessive mu opioid receptor Stimulation Ieads to shock due to respiratory and hemodynamic collapse.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{PaakkariPaakkariSirenetal.1990, author = {Paakkari, P. and Paakkari, I. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Respiratory and locomotor stimulation by low doses of dermorphin - a Mu\(_1\)-receptor mediated effect}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63110}, year = {1990}, abstract = {The selective opioid mu receptor agonist dermorphin increased the locomotor activity of rats dose dependently at 1 0 to 1 00 pmol/kg i.c.v. Respiratory rate, relative tidal volume and respiratory minute volume also increased unrelated to changes in locomotor activity. Higher doses, on the other hand, produced catalepsy and respiratory depression. Pretreatment of the rats with the mu,-selective antagonist naloxonazine (10 mg/kg i.v.) blocked the stimulant locomotor and respiratory effects of low doses of dermorphin (1 0--1 00 pmol/kg), but potentiated the respiratory depressant effect of a high dose (1 0 nmol/kg) of dermorphin. The selective benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (5 mg/kg), which has been shown previously to antagonize catalepsy and respiratory depression produced by relatively high doses of dermorphin, did not antagonize the respiratory or locomotor stimulant effect of dermorphin. The data suggest that mu\(_1\)-opioid receptors are responsible for the low dose stimulant effects of dermorphin on locomotor activity and respiration whereas mu\(_2\) receptors mediate the respiratory depressant effect of dermorphin.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1990, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Cardiovascular effects of anatoxin-a in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63103}, year = {1990}, abstract = {Cardiovascular Effects of Anatoxin-A in the Conscious Rat. SJREN, A.-L., AND FEUERSTEIN, G. (1990). Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 102,91-100. The effects ofanatoxin-A on mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate, cardiac index (CI), and blood flow (BF) in hindquarter (HQ), renal (R). and mesenteric (M) vascular beds were studied after intravenous (iv) and intracerebroventricular (icv) administration in the conscious rat. The pharmacological profile of anatoxin-A was further compared to nicotine administered iv and icv. MAP and heart rate were measured from femoral artery, CI by thermodilution method, and blood flow by Doppler velocimetry. Anatoxin-A and nicotine (30, 100 and 300 1-!g/kg iv) produced an increase in MAP with concomitant bradycardia. The highest doses increased Cl. MBF and RBF decreased due to a vasoconstriction in M and R vasculature. These effects were attenuated by the ganglion blocker chlorisondamine (5 mg/kg, iv). Anatoxin-A ( 100 1-!g/k~ iv) increased plasma epinephrine Ievels by 2- fold with virtually no effect on norepinephrine whereas nicotine ( 100 ~oLg/kg, iv) increased plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine by 20- to 30-fold. Central administration of anatoxin-A and nicotine (30-100 ,ug/kg icv) increased MAP with no effect on heart rate and produced M and R vasoconstriction. In summary, the present study demonstrates that anatoxin-A acts as a nicotinic cholinergic agonist in the c.onscious rat after both systemic and centrat administration. Anatoxin-A and nicotine produced pressor and reno-splanchnic vasoconstrictor responses and at high doses increased cardiac output. These effects were mediated by activation ofthe nicotinic receptors in the adrenal medulla and sympathetic ganglia. However, marked differences were found in the potency ofanatoxin-A versus nicotine to stimulate the sympathoadrenomedullary axis.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenVonhofFeuerstein1991, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Vonhof, S. and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Hemodynamic defense response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone injected into medial preoptic nucleus in rats}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63099}, year = {1991}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{AdeyemoShapiraTombaccinietal.1991, author = {Adeyemo, O. M. and Shapira, S. and Tombaccini, D. and Pollard, H. and Feuerstein, G. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {A goldfish model for evaluation of the neurotoxicit of \(\omega\)-conotoxin GVIA and screening of monoclonal antibodies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63087}, year = {1991}, abstract = {A Goldfish Model for Evaluation of the Neurotaxicity of \(\omega\)-Conotoxin GVI A and Screening of Monoclonal Antibodies. ADEYEMO, 0. M .. SHAPIRA, S., TOMBACCINI, D., POLLARD, H. 8 .• FEUERSTEIN, G .. AND SIREN, A-L. ( 1991 ). Toxicol. App/. Pharmaco/. 108, 489-496. The neurotoxicity of \(\omega\)-conotoxin (\(\omega\)-CgTx), a potent neuronal voltage-sensitive calcium channel blocker, was measured using a new bioassay. \(\omega\)-CgTx was administered intraperitoneally (ip) to goldfish weighing approximately 1.6 g, and dose-related changes were observed over a 2-hr period. \(\omega\)CgTx induced time- and dose-dependent abnormal swimming behavior (ASB) and mortality. The antitoxin activity of the antiborlies was investigated in vivo by either ( l) preincubation of the antibody with w-CgTx at 4°C overnight, or (2) pretreatment with antibody, 30 min before \(\omega\)CgTx injection in a 10:1 antibody/\(\omega\)-CgTx molar ratio. The LD50 dose of \(\omega\)-CgTx in goldfish was 5 nmol/kg ip, and preincubation of monoclonal antibody (50 nmol/kg ip) with \(\omega\)-CgTx (5 nmol/kg ip) significantly (p < 0.05) reduced mortality. ASB, and toxicity time. The antitoxin activity of the monoclonal antiborlies evidenced in the goldfish bioassay was further tested in the conscious rat. In the rat, the increases in mean arterial pressure and heart rate induced by \(\omega\)-CgTx (0.03 nmol/rat icv) were significantly (p < 0.02 and p < 0.0 l, respectively) attenuated by preincubation of the toxin with the antibody (0.3 nmol/rat). We conclude that the goldfish bioassay provides a simple. accurate, and inexpensive in vivo model for the study of the toxicity of \(\omega\)CgTx}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{VonhofSirenFeuerstein1991, author = {Vonhof, S. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Central ventilatory effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63075}, year = {1991}, abstract = {Thyrotropin-releasing hormonewas shown to exert potent ventilatory effects after centrat administration. These data, however, were derived from studies using anesthetized animal preparations. Since TRH elicits strong arousal reactions, the observed ventilatory effects of TRH under anesthesia may have been due to nonspecific reduction in the anesthetic state of the animals. In order to clarify the extent to which the reversal of anesthesia may change ventilatory parameters after TRH application, we investigated the effect of TRH on Ventilation rate, relative tidal volume, relative respiratory minute volume, CO\(_2\) production CO\(_2\) consumption, and locomotor activity in the conscious, unrestrained rat. Intracerebroventricular application of TRH induced a dose-dependent, sustained increase in ventilation rate, relative tidal volume, and relative respiratory minute volume of maximally 128\%, 890\%, and 235\%, respectively. In addition, CO\(_2\) production and O\(_2\) consumption were elevated by 4.6 and 11.7 fold, whiJe no significant changes in locomotor activity were observed. The results suggest that TRH stimulates ventilation by a mechanism independent of its analeptic properties.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1991, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Hypothalamic opioid µ-receptors regulate discrete hemodynamic functions in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63069}, year = {1991}, abstract = {The effect of the selective \(\mu\)-opioid agonist o-Ala\(^2\)-Me-Phe\(^4\)-Gly-ol'-enkephalin (DAGO), injected into the medial preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus, on cardiac output and regional blood flow was studied in the conscious rat and the effect of DAGO on renal sympathetic nerve activity and renal blood flow was studied in anesthetized rats. In conscious rats, injections of DAGO (1 or 10 nmol) into the preoptic nucleus increased the blood pressure in a dose-related manner. The maximum rises of mean arterial pressure and pulse pressure after the larger dose were +23 ± 5 mmHg (mean ±SEM, P < 0.01) and + 17 ± 3 mmHg(P < 0.01), respectively. A small dose (0.1 nmol) increased heart rate ( +47 ± 13 bpm, P < 0.05); thc 1 nmol dosc produced bradycardia (- 39 ± 11 bpm, P < 0.05), while the 10 nmol dose initially decreased heart rate ( -68 ± 15 bpm (P < 0.01) and then gradually increased heart rate to a maximum of + 74 ± 13 bpm, (P < 0.0 1). A long-lasting increase in cardiac output was also elicited by DAGO, with maximum changes after 1 and 10 nmol of + 14 ± 6\% and +22 ± 7\% (P < 0.01), respectively. B1ood flow in the hindquarters increascd after DAGO but the mesenteric and renal blood ftow decreased in a dose-related manner. Significant responscs in hindquarter and mesenteric blood fl.ow after DAGO were independent of systemic hemodynamic responses at the dose ofO.l nmol. The vascular resistance in the hindquarters significantly decreased after a small dose of DAGO while the larger doses dose-dependently increased mesenteric and renal vascular resistance. A crucial role of the sympathetic nervous system in the hemodynamic effects of DAGO was demonstrated: (1) by the profound activation of renal sympathetic nerve activity after injections of DAGO (I nmol/100 nl) into the preoptic nucleus, (2) by blockade of the pressor, tachycardic and regional hemodynamic effects of DAGO (I nmol) by the ganglion blocker ch1orisondamine (5 mg/kg i.v.). The results suggest that the pressor effect of DAGO in preoptic nucleus is due primarily to an increase in cardiac output. The differential changes in blood ftow in organs further suggest that the opioid \(\mu\)-receptors in the preoptic nucleus might be involved in the integration of peripheral blood ftow in the hypothalamus during affective behavior.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{FeuersteinZerbeSiren1991, author = {Feuerstein, G. and Zerbe, R. L. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Supraoptic nuclei in vasopressin and hemodynamic responses to hemorrhage in rats}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63057}, year = {1991}, abstract = {CARDIOVASCULAR and vasopressin (A VP) responses to hcmorrhagc wcrc studicd in rats with lesions of the hypothalamic supraoptic nuclei (SONL). Bleeding caused hypotension and increase in heart rate (HR) and A VP. SONL rats failed to fully recover from bleeding as compared to normal rats. Plasma A VP in SONL rats was in the normal in basal conditions, but failed to increase to levels attained in normal rats throughout the post-hemorrhage period. These data suggcst that the supraoptic nuclei are the primary regulatory sitcs for A VP release in rcsponse to hemorrhage and that lack of adequate A VP release significantly retards blood pressure recovery after bleeding.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{DoronMcCarronHeldmanetal.1992, author = {Doron, D. A. and McCarron, D. M. and Heldman, E. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Spatz, M. and Feuerstein, G. and Pollard, H. B. and Hallenbeck, J. M.}, title = {Comparison of stimulated tissue factor expression by brain microvascular endothelial cells from normotensive (WKY) and hypertensive (SHR) rats}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63032}, year = {1992}, abstract = {The amounts of tissue factor (TF) expressed by brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were compared after stimulating the cells with different doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), thrombin, phorbol myristic acid (PMA), Ca\(^{2+}\)·ionophore (A23187), or tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin·l (IL.l). Treatment ofcultured BMECs fron. WKY and SHR with all of these factors dose·dependently increased their total amount of TF; no substantive differences in the Ieveis of enhanced TF expression were observed between WKY and SHR BMECs. We conclude that stimulated endothelium from rats with hypertension, a major stroke risk factor, is not hyperresponsive with respect to TF expression when compared to normotensive controls.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenFeuerstein1992, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {The Opioid System in circulatory control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63045}, year = {1992}, abstract = {Opioid peptidesandmultiple opioid receptors are found in brain cardiovascular nuclei, autonomic ganglia, the heart, and blood vessels, and opioids induce potent cardiovascular changes. The role of endogenaus opioids in normal cardiovascular homeostasis is unclear; however, current data suggest opioid involvement in stress.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{AdeyemoSiren1992, author = {Adeyemo, M. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Cardio-respiratory changes and mortality in the conscious rat induced by (+)- and (±)- anatoxin-a}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63027}, year = {1992}, abstract = {0. M. ADEYEMO and A.-L. SIREN. Cardio-respiratory changes and mortality in the conscious rat induced by ( + )- and ( ± )-anatoxin-a. Toxicon 30, 899-905, 1992.-Anatoxin-a (AnTx-a) isapotent nicotinic cholinergic receptor agonist. The relative potencies of the ( + )-AnTx-a and the racemic mixture ( ± )-AnTxa were investigated in the conscious rat by comparing their effects on mean arterial blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), blood oxygen and carbon dioxide pressures (p02 and pC02, respective1y), acid-base balance (pH) and mortality. The present experiments show that while both forms of AnTx-a produce dose-dependent increases in BP and decreases in HR, ( + )-AnTx-a is about IO-fo1d morepotent than the optically inactive isomer. ( + )-AnTx-a was also 6-fo1d more potent than ( ± )-AnTx-a in produclog severe hypoxemia, and more than 4-fold as potent as the (±}-AnTx-a in producing significant hypercapnia accompanied with severe acidosis. The approximate median Iethai dose (Ln so) of ( + )-AnTx-a was about 5-fold less than that of ( ± )-AnTx-a. We conclude that ( + )-AnTx-a is more potent than the ( ± )-AnTx-a racemic mixture in causing detrimental cardio-respiratory changes and therefore increased mortality in the rat.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{PaakkariPaakkariFeuersteinetal.1992, author = {Paakkari, P. and Paakkari, I. and Feuerstein, G. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Evidence for differential opioid µ\(_1\)- and µ\(_2\)-receptor regulation of heart rate in the conscious rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63017}, year = {1992}, abstract = {The possibility that \(\mu\)Opioid-induced tachycardia and bradycardia could be mediated by different subtypes of the \(\mu\)·receptor was studied in conscious Sprague-Dawley rats. The selective \(\mu\)·receptor agonist dermorphin and its analog, TAPS (Tyr-o-Arg-Phe-sarcosine), a putative \(\mu _1\)-receptor agonist, were given centrally. Tyr-o-Arg-Phe-sarcosine increased the heart rate, the response being inversely correlated to the dose (an increase of 71 ± 22, 49 ± 14 and 30 ± 17 beats/min at doses of 0.3, 3 and 30 pmol, respectively). Dermorphin induced less clear changes in heart rate (maximum increase of 39 ± 14 beats/min at the dose of 1 pmol). Aftertreatment with the Jl 1-selective antagonist naloxonazine (NAZ), TAPS 30 pmol and dennorphin I pmol decreased heart rate by -22 ± 10 and -24 ± 7 bpm, respectively. The bradycardic effect oflarger doses of dennorphin was potentiated by NAZ (from -25 ± 8 to -97 ± 22 bpm) but abolished by the non-selective antagonist naloxone. These data suggest that the high affinity \(\mu _1\)-opioid receptors mediate tachycardic responses and \(\mu _2\)-receptors mediate bradycardic responses.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{SirenMcCarronLiuetal.1993, author = {Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and McCarron, R. M. and Liu, Y. and Barone, F. and Spatz, M. and Feuerstein, G. and Hallenbeck, J. M.}, title = {Perivascular monocyte/macrophage interaction with endothelium as a mechanism through which stroke-risk factors operate to increase stroke likelihood. Research Initiatives in Vascular Disease; SPECIAL COMMUNICATION}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63006}, year = {1993}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{XuNaeveriFrerichsetal.1993, author = {Xu, K. and N{\"a}veri, L. and Frerichs, K. and Hallenbeck, J. M. and Feuerstein, G. and Davis, J. N. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Extracellular catecholamine levels in rat hippocampus after a selective alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist or a selective dopamnie uptake inhibitor: Evidence for dopamine release from local dopaminergic nerve terminals}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62997}, year = {1993}, abstract = {The effect of 6-chloro-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-3-methyi-1-H-3-benzazepine (SKF 86466), a selectlve nonimldazoline alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonlst, on hippocampal re1ease of norepinephrine and dopamlne in conscious rats was lnvestigated by /n vlvo mlcrodialysis and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Additionally, extracellular concentrations of hippocampal dopamine (DA) and norepinephrtne (NE), durtng Infusion of selective monoamine uptake Inhibitors, were determined in freely moving rats. The basal concentration of NE in the dialysate was 4.9 ± 0.3 pg/20 pl. lntravenous admlnistratlon of 5 or 10 mgJkg of SKF 86466 was associated wlth a transierlt inc:rease (30 min) of 2-fold (12 ± 1 pg/20 ,d; p < .05) and 8-fold (39 ± 3 pg/20 pl; p < .05), respectlvely, in dlalysate NE, whereas a 1-mgfkg dose had no effect. DA was not detected in basal dlalysates, but after the adminlstratlon of 5 or 10 mgJkg of SKF 86466, 3.9 ± 0.4 and 6.4 ± 0.6 pg/20 pl, respectlvely, was present in the dialysates. The rnaxlmum increase in dialysate DA was reached 60 to 90 min after SKF 86466. The DA was not derived from plasma because plasma NE was elevated after the 5 mgJkg dose of SKF 86466 whereas no plasma DA was detected. ln order to determlne whether DA was present in noradrenergic nerve termlnals, the dopamine ß-hydroxylase Inhibitor SKF 1 02698 was administered (50 mgJkg i.p.). The Inhibitor decreased dialysate NE but DA was stin not detected in the dialysate. When SKF 86466 (5 mgJkg t.v.) was adminlstered 4 hr after SKF 102698, DA appeared in the dialysate but there was no lncrease in dialysate NE. Administration through the dialysis probe of the DA uptake Inhibitor, GBR-12909 (0.1 and 1 pM), dose-dependently lnaeased DA Ieveis to 5.7 ± 1.2 and 9.6 ± 2.8 pg/20 pl, respectively. GBR-12909 had no effect on hippocampal NE. Desipramine (5 and 10 pM) lncreased dose-dependently dialysate NE and lncreased DA concentrations to detectable Ieveis (2.7 ± 0.5 and 3.5 ± 0.7 pg/20 ,d, respectively). These results suggest that the a/pha-2 adrenoceptors modulate both NE and DA release in the rat hlppocampus and that DA detected in the hlppocampal dialysate might be released from dopaminergic neurons.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{PaakkariPaakkariVonhofetal.1993, author = {Paakkari, P. and Paakkari, I. and Vonhof, S. and Feuerstein, G. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena}, title = {Dermorphin analog Tyr-D-Arg\(^2\)-Phe-sarcosine-induces opioid analgesia and respiratory stimulation - the role of Mu\(_1\)- receptors?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62984}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Tyr-o-Arg\(^2\)-Phe-sarcosine\(^4\) (TAPS), a mu-selective tetrapeptide analog of dermorphin, induced sustained antinociception and stimulated ventilatory minute volume (MV) at the doses of 3 to 100 pmol i.c.v. The doses of 30 and 100 pmol i.c.v. induced catalepsy. The effect of TAPS on MV was in negative correlation with the dose and the maximal response was achieved by the lowest (3 pmol) dose (+63 ± 23\%, P < .05). Morphine, an agonist at both mu\(_1\) and mu\(_2\) sites, at a dose of 150 nmol i.c.v. (equianalgetic to 100 pmol of TAPS decreased the MV by 30\%, due to a decrease in ventilatory tidal volume. The antinociceptive effect of TAPS was antagonized by naloxone and the mu, receptor antagonist, naloxonazine. Naloxonazine also attenuated the catalepsy produced by 1 00 pmol of TAPS i.c. v. and the respiratory Stimulation produced by 3 pmol of TAPS i.c.v. Pretreatment with 30 pmol of TAPS antagonized the respiratory depression induced by the mu opioid agonist dermorphin (changes in MV after dermorphin alone at 1 or 3 nmol were -22 ± 1 0\% and -60 ± 9\% and, after pretreatment with TAPS, +44 ± 11 \% and -18 ± 5\%, respectively). After combined pretreatment with naloxonazine and TAPS, 1 nmol of dermorphin had no significant effect on ventilation. In contrast, pretreatment with a low respiratory stimulant dose (10 pmol i.c.v.) of dermorphin did not modify the effect of 1 nmol of dermorphin. ln conclusion, the antinociceptive, cataleptic and respiratory stimulant effects of TAPS appear to be a related to its agonist action at the mu, opioid receptors. TAPS did not induce respiratory depression (a mu\(_2\) opioid effect) but antagonized the respiratory depressant effect of another mu agonist. Thus, in vivo TAPS appears to act as a mu\(_2\) receptor antagonist.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{PaakkariPaakkariLandesetal.1993, author = {Paakkari, P. and Paakkari, I. and Landes, P. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G.}, title = {Respiratory \(\mu\)-Opioid and benzodiazepine interactions in the understrained rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62974}, year = {1993}, abstract = {lnteractions of p-opioid receptors with the benzodiazepine system were studied by examining the modulatory effects of flumazenil (a benzodiazepine antagonist) and alprazolam (a benzodiazepine agonist) on the respiratory effects ofthe opioid peptide dermorphin. Dermorphin, 1-30 nmol administered i.c.v., to conscious, unrestrained rats decreased ventilation rate (VR) and minute volume (MV) dose-dependently. The ventilatory depression was antagonized by naloxone and by the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil. The benzodiazepine alprazolam potentiateri the respiratory inhibition of a small (I nmol) dose of dermorphin but antagonized that of a higher dos:~ (3 nmol). The results suggest that the benzodiazepine/GABA receptor complex modulates respiratory depression induced by centrat p-receptor Stimulation in the rat.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{McCarronWangSirenetal.1994, author = {McCarron, R. M. and Wang, L. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Spatz, M. and Hallenbeck, J. M.}, title = {Monocyte adhesion to cerebromicrovascular endothelial cells derived from hypertensive and normotensive rats}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62960}, year = {1994}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @techreport{WangSirenLiuetal.1994, author = {Wang, X. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Liu, Y. and Yue, T-L. and Barone, F. C. and Feuerstein, G. Z.}, title = {Upregulation of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) on brain microvascular endothelial cells in rat ischemic cortex [Research Report]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62952}, year = {1994}, abstract = {The expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) was studied in rat focal ischemic cortex. A significant increase in ICAM-1 mRNA expression in the ischemic cortex over Ievels in contralateral (nonischemic) site was observed by means of Northern blot analysis following either permanent or temporary occlusion with reperfusion of the middle cerebral artery (PMCAO or MCAO with reperfusion) in spontaneously hypertensive rats. In the ischemic cortex, Ievels of ICAM-1 mRNA increased significantly at 3 h (2.6-fold, n = 3, P < 0.05), peaked at 6 to 12 h (6.0-fold, P < 0.01) and remained elevated up to 5 days (2.5-fold, P < 0.05) after PMCAO. The profile of ICAM-1 mRNA expression in the ischemic cortex following MCAO with reperfusion was similar to that following PMCAO, except that ICAM-1 mRNA was significantly increased as early as 1 h (6.3-fold, n = 3, P < 0.05) and then gradually reached a peak at 12 h (12-fold, P < 0.01) after reperfusion. ICAM-1 mRNA expression in ischemic cortex following PMCAO was significantly greater in hypertensive rats than in two normotensive rat strains. Immunostaining using anti-ICAM-1 antiborlies indicated that upregulated ICAM-1 expressionwas localized to endotheIial cells of intraparenchymal blood vessels in the ischemic but not contralateral cortex. The data suggest that an upregulation of ICAM-1 mRNA and protein on brain capillary endothelium may play an important rote in leukocyte migration into ischemic brain tissue.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @techreport{McCarronDoronSirenetal.1994, author = {McCarron, R. M. and Doron, D. A. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, G. Z. and Heldman, E. and Pollard, H. B. and Spatz, M. and Hallenbeck, J. M.}, title = {Agonist-stimulated release of von Willebrand factor and procoagulant factor VIII in rats with and without risk factors for stroke [Research Report]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62945}, year = {1994}, abstract = {Lipopolysaccharidc (LPS)-induced (i.v. or i.c.v., 1.8 mg/kg) release of von Willebrand factor (vWF) ·was examined in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. SHR rats releascd significantly (P < 0.05) more vWF than WKY rats in response to LPS. LPS also inhibited factor VIII procoagulant activity (FVIII: c) which may indicate an increase in thrombin activity. Cultured cerebrovascular endothelial cells (EC) derived from both SHR and WKY rats, as weil as human umbilical vein EC (HUVEC) cultures constitutively released vWF. Treatment with agonists including LPS, thrombin and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa) did not affect the in vitro secretion of vWF by cerebrovascular EC cultures but significantly upregulated vWF release by HUVEC cultur~s. Preincubation of cerebrovascular EC cultures with interleukin-1 OL-l) ± TNFa or co-culturing in the presence of LPS-activated syngeneic monocytes had no effect on vWF secretion. The findings demoostrate that conditions of hypertension may affect endothelial cells and make them more responsive to agonist Stimulation and thereby increase secretion of vWF, an important factqr in hemostasis as weil as thrombosis. The capacity of LPS to significantly affect the in vivo secretion of vWF in SHR and WKY rats but not cultured cerebrovascular EC indicates that observed elevations in plasma vWF were not derived from cerebrovascular EC. lt is suggested that hypertension may function as a risk factor for thrombotic stroke by influencing factors involved in coagulation processes, such as vWF and factor VIII : c.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stock2011, author = {Stock, Patrick Maria}, title = {Binding site contribution in high resolution records of nicotinic receptor channel currents}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71769}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of skeletal muscle is one of the best-investigated synaptic proteins and often serves as model for the entire family of pentameric ligand gated ion channels (pLGICs). Receptors of this superfamily share a common architecture. After binding the agonist the characteristic C-loop structure closes around the ligand-binding site and triggers a wave of conformational changes that spread through the protein and finally result in the opening of the channel gate. As shown before, high-resolution single channel data can hardly be described by simple kinetic mechanisms (Parzefall et al., 1998, Hallermann et al., 2005). Recent advances in the field of kinetic modelling on receptor currents demonstrate that the introduction of additional short lived shut states in kinetic schemes enhances the quality of estimates of reaction rates. The additional shut states that immediately follow ligand bound states in the mechanism are suggested to resemble the closing movement of the C-loop (Lape et al., 2008; Mukhtasimova et al., 2009). It has not been described yet whether and how the structural differences of the 2 binding sites of the receptor influence the opening behaviour. To address this question, high-resolution single channel recordings, in combination with agonists that are known to exhibit different binding site selectivity, were performed. Thereby, a detailed description of the binding site dependent generation of channel currents is possible. At the embryonic mouse-muscle receptor used in this study the ligand binding sites are located at the α-γ and α-δ subunit interfaces. By allocation of opening characteristics to the α-δ and α-γ sites it is possible to show the binding site dependent activation of distinct kinetic states. Furthermore, it will be shown that the recently introduced short-lived shut states are sufficient to describe high-resolution single channel data. Finally an enhanced kinetic mechanism based on the 'primed states' model, published in 2009 by Mukhtasimova et al., will be presented. In this model the structurally diverse α-δ and α-γ binding sites elicit different kinetic channel characteristics. Thus the complex high-resolution kinetic characteristics of the embryonic receptor can be described coherently.}, subject = {Nicotinischer Acetylcholinrezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eschbach2011, author = {Eschbach, Claire}, title = {Classical and operant learning in the larvae of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70583}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit studiere ich einige psychologische Aspekte im Verhalten der Drosophila, insbesondere von Drosophila Larven. Nach einer Einleitung, in der ich den wissenschaftlichen Kontext darstelle und die Mechanismen der olfaktorischen Wahrnehmung sowie des klassichen und operanten Lernens beschreibe, stelle ich die verschiedenen Experimente meiner Doktorarbeit vor. Wahrnehmung Das zweite Kapitel behandelt die Art, in der adulte Drosophila zwischen Einzeld{\"u}ften und Duftgemischen generaliseren. Ich habe gefunden, daß die Fliegen eine Mischung aus zwei D{\"u}ften als gleich verschieden von ihren beiden Elementen wahrnehmen; und daß die Intensit{\"a}t sowie die chemisch-physikalische Natur der Elemente das Ausmass der Generalisierung zwischen der Mischung und ihren beiden Elementen beeinflusst. Diese Entdeckungen sollten f{\"u}r die weitere Forschung anregend sein, wie zum Beispiel zum functional imaging. Ged{\"a}chtnis Das dritte Kapitel stellt die Etablierung eines neuen Protokolls zur klassischen Konditionierung bei Drosophila Larven dar. Es handelt sich um Experimente, bei denen ein Duft mit einer mechanischen St{\"o}rung als Strafreiz verkn{\"u}pft wird. Das Protokoll wird einen Vergleich zwischen zwei Arten vom aversiven Ged{\"a}chtnissen (Geschmack vs. mechanische St{\"o}rung als Strafreize) erm{\"o}glichen, einschliesslich eines Vergleiches ihrer neurogenetischen Grundlagen; zudem kann nun geforscht werden, ob die jeweiligen Ged{\"a}chtnisse spezifisch f{\"u}r die Art des verwendeten Strafreizes sind. Selbstgestaltung Das vierte Kapitel umfasst unsere Versuche, operantes Ged{\"a}chtnis bei Drosophila Larven zu beobachten. Zumindest f{\"u}r die unmittelbar ersten Momente des Tests konnte ich zeigen, dass die Larven ihr Verhalten entsprechend dem Training ausrichten. Dieses Ged{\"a}chtnis scheint jedoch im Laufe des Tests schnell zu verschwinden. Es ist daher geraten, diese Ergebnisse {\"u}ber operantes Lernen zu wiederholen, eventuell das experimentelle Protokoll zu verbessern, um so eine systematische Analyse der Bedingungen und Mechanismen f{\"u}r das operante Lernen bei der Drosophila Larve zu erlauben. Im f{\"u}nften Kapitel verwende ich die im Rahmen des vierten Kapitels entwickelten Methoden f{\"u}r eine Analyse der Fortbewegung der Larven. Ich habe insbesondere die Wirkung des pflanzlichen ‚cognitive enhancers' Rhodiola rosea untersucht, sowie die Auswirkungen von Mutationen in den Genen, welche f{\"u}r Synapsin und SAP47 kodieren; schliesslich habe ich getestet, ob die Geschmacksqualit{\"a}t der Testsituation lokomotorische Parameter ver{\"a}ndert. Diese Dissertation erbringt also eine Reihe neuer Aspekte zur Psychologie der Drosophila und wird hoffentlich in diesem Bereich der Forschung neue Wege {\"o}ffnen.}, subject = {Lernen}, language = {en} } @article{SendtnerDittrichHughesetal.1994, author = {Sendtner, Michael and Dittrich, F. and Hughes, R. A. and Thoenen, H.}, title = {Actions of CNTF and neurotrophins on degenerating motoneurons : preclinical studies and clinical implications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62939}, year = {1994}, abstract = {Spinal motoneurons innervating skeletal muscle were amongst the first neurons shown to require the presence of their target cells to develop appropriately. Isolated embryonie chick and rat motoneurons have been used to identify neurotrophic factors and cytokines capable of supporting the survival of developing motoneurons. Such factors include ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), which is present physiologically in high amounts in myelinating Schwann cells of peripheral nerves, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is synthesized in skeletal muscle and, after peripheral nerve lesion. in Schwann cells. These factors have been further analyzed for their physiological significance in maintaining motoneuron function in vivo, and for their potential therapeutic usefulness in degenerative motoneuron disease. Both CNTF and BDNF are capable of rescuing injured facial motoneurons in newbom rats. Furthermore, CNTF prolongs survival and improves motor function of pmn mice, an animal model for degenerative motoneuron disease, by preventing degeneration of motoneuron axons and somata. Thus treatment of human motoneuron disease with neurotrophic factors should be possible, provided that rational means for application of these factors can be established considering also the appearance of potential side effects.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{ShuaibXuCrainetal.1990, author = {Shuaib, A. and Xu, K. and Crain, B. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, Giora and Hallenbeck, J. and Davis, JN}, title = {Assessment of damage from implantation of microdialysis probes in the rat hippocampus with silver degeneration staining}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47433}, year = {1990}, abstract = {We used a sensitive silver degeneration staining method to study the effects of insertion of microdialysis probes in rat dorsal hippocampus and neocortex. Nine animals were sacrificed 24 h, 3 days or 7 days after implantation of dialysis tubing. Although mild neuronal cell death and small petechial hemorrhages were seen in elose proximity to the implantation site, the striking finding was the presence of degenerating axons both adjacent to the implantation site and in remote sites such as the corpus callosum and contralateral hippocampus. The observed changes could alter brain function near or remote from the implantation site and should be considered in analysis of dialysis experiments.}, subject = {Neurophysiologie}, language = {en} } @article{VonhofSirenFeuerstein1990, author = {Vonhof, S. and Sir{\´e}n, Anna-Leena and Feuerstein, Giora}, title = {Volume-dependent spatial distribution of microinjected thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) into the medial preoptic nucleus of the rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47421}, year = {1990}, abstract = {The present study was performed to qua ntify the distribution of a peptide neurotransmitter after microinjection into the medial preoptic area (POM), using a technique suitable for conscious animal preparations. The results indicate that only 50-ni volumes of injected tracer were sufficiently localized with 77 ± 9\% recovery in the POM. Injections of higher volumes resulted in an increasing spread of tracer into distant anatomical regions and structures, including the needle tract and cerebral ventricles. The amount of tracer localized in the POM decreased to 38±4\% (200 nl) (P < 0.05) and 41 ±8\% (500 nl) (P <0.05), respectively. The data suggest that the volume of injection is critical for intraparenchymal injections into structures of a diameter of I mm or less, such as the POM and should not exceed 50 nl in conscious animal preparations.}, subject = {Neurophysiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hahn2010, author = {Hahn, Tim}, title = {Integrating neurobiological markers of depression: an fMRI-based pattern classification approach}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49962}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {While depressive disorders are, to date, diagnosed based on behavioral symptoms and course of illness, the interest in neurobiological markers of psychiatric disorders has grown substantially in recent years. However, current classification approaches are mainly based on data from a single biomarker, making it difficult to predict diseases such as depression which are characterized by a complex pattern of symptoms. Accordingly, none of the previously investigated single biomarkers has shown sufficient predictive power for practical application. In this work, we therefore propose an algorithm which integrates neuroimaging data associated with multiple, symptom-related neural processes relevant in depression to improve classification accuracy. First, we identified the core-symptoms of depression from standard classification systems. Then, we designed and conducted three experimental paradigms probing psychological processes known to be related to these symptoms using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In order to integrate the resulting 12 high-dimensional biomarkers, we developed a multi-source pattern recognition algorithm based on a combination of Gaussian Process Classifiers and decision trees. Applying this approach to a group of 30 healthy controls and 30 depressive in-patients who were on a variety of medications and displayed varying degrees of symptom-severity allowed for high-accuracy single-subject classification. Specifically, integrating biomarkers yielded an accuracy of 83\% while the best of the 12 single biomarkers alone classified a significantly lower number of subjects (72\%) correctly. Thus, integrated biomarker-based classification of a heterogeneous, real-life sample resulted in accuracy comparable to the highest ever achieved in previous single biomarker research. Furthermore, investigation of the final prediction model revealed that neural activation during the processing of neutral facial expressions, large rewards, and safety cues is most relevant for over-all classification. We conclude that combining brain activation related to the core-symptoms of depression using the multi-source pattern classification approach developed in this work substantially increases classification accuracy while providing a sparse relational biomarker-model for future prediction.}, subject = {Patientenklassifikation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruchty2010, author = {Ruchty, Markus}, title = {Sensory basis of thermal orientation in leaf-cutting ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48906}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Leaf-cutting ants have a highly developed thermal sense which the insects use to regulate the own body temperature and also to optimize brood and fungus development. Apart from the already described temperature guided behaviors inside the nest it is unknown to what extent the ants may use their thermal sense outside the nest. As part of the present thesis, the question was addressed whether leaf-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri) are able to learn the position of a warm object as landmark for orientation during foraging. Using absolute conditioning, it was shown that ten training trials are sufficient to elicit the association be-tween food reward and the temperature stimulus. In the test situation (without reward) a significantly higher amount of ants preferred the heated site compared to the unheated con-trol. Importantly, thermal radiation alone was sufficient to establish the learned association and served as orientation cue during the test situation (chapter IV). Based on the experi-mental design used in the previous chapter, the localization of thermosensitive neurons, which detect the underlying thermal stimuli, is restricted to the head or the antennae of the ants. The antennal sensillum coeloconicum is a potential candidate to detect the thermal stimuli during the orientation behavior. In chapter V the sensillum coeloconicum of Atta vollenweideri was investigated concerning its gross morphology, fine-structure and the phy-siology of the associated thermosensitive neuron. The sensillum is predominantly located on the apical antennal segment (antennal tip) where around 12 sensilla are clustered, and it has a peg-in-pit morphology with a double walled, multiporous peg. The sensory peg is deeply embedded in a cuticular pit, connected to the environment only by a tiny aperture. The sen-sillum houses three receptor neurons of which one is thermosensitive whereas the sensory modality of the other two neurons remains to be shown. Upon stimulation with a drop in temperature, the thermosensitve neuron responds with a phasic-tonic increase in neuronal activity (cold-sensitive neuron) and shows rapid adaptation to prolonged stimulation. In ad-dition, it is shown that thermal radiation is an effective stimulus for the thermosensitive neuron. This is the first evidence that sensilla coeloconica play an important role during the thermal orientation behavior described in chapter IV. During the test situation of the classic-al conditioning paradigm, the ants showed rapid antennal movements, indicating that they scan their environment in order to detect the heated object. Rapid antennal movements will result in rapid discontinuities of thermal radiation that re-quire thermosensitive neurons with outstanding sensitivity and high temporal resolution. In Chapter VI the question was addressed whether the thermosensitive neuron of the sensilla coeloconica fulfils these preconditions. Extracellular recordings revealed that the neuron is extremely sensitive to temperature transients and that, due to the response dynamics, an estimated stimulus frequency of up to 5 Hz can be resolved by the neuron. Already a tem-perature increase of only 0.005 °C leads to a pronounced response of the thermosensitive neuron. Through sensory adaptation, the sensitivity to temperature transients is maintained over a wide range of ambient temperatures. The discovered extreme sensitivity, the high temporal resolution and the pronounced adaptation abilities are further evidence support-ing the idea that sensilla coeloconica receive information of the thermal environment, which the ants may use for orientation. In order to understand how the ants use their thermal environment for orientation, it is ne-cessary to know where and how thermal information is processed in their central nervous system. In Chapter VII the question is addressed where in the brain the thermal information, specifically received by the thermosensitive neuron of sensilla coeloconica, is represented. By selectively staining single sensilla coeloconica, the axons of the receptor neurons could be tracked into the antennal lobe of Atta vollenweideri workers. Each of the three axons termi-nated in a single functional unit (glomerulus) of the antennal lobe. Two of the innervated glomeruli were adjacent to each other and are located lateral, while the third one was clear-ly separate and located medial in the antennal lobe. Using two-photon Ca2+ imaging of an-tennal lobe projection neurons, the general representation of thermal information in the antennal lobe was studied. In 11 investigated antennal lobes up to six different glomeruli responded to temperature stimulation in a single specimen. Both, warm- and cold-sensitive glomeruli could be identified. All thermosensitive glomeruli were located in the medial half of the antennal lobe. Based on the correlative evidence of the general representation of thermal information and the results from the single sensilla stainings, it is assumed that thermal information received by sensilla coeloconica is processed in the medial of the three target glomeruli. This part of the thesis shows the important role of the antennal lobe in temperature processing and links one specific thermosensitive neuron to its target region (a single glomerulus). In chapter V it was shown that the sensilla coeloconica are clustered at the antennal tip and have an extraordinary peg-in-pit morphology. In the last chapter of this thesis (Chapter VIII) the question is addressed whether the morphology of the sensilla coeloconica predicts the receptive field of the thermosensitive neuron during the detection of thermal radiation. The sensory pegs of all sensilla coeloconica in the apical cluster have a similar orientation, which was not constraint by the shape of the antennal tip where the cluster is located. This finding indicates that the sensilla coeloconica function as a single unit. Finally the hypothesis was tested whether a single sensillum could be direction sensitive to thermal radiation based on its eye-catching morphology. By stimulating the thermosensitive neuron from various angles around the sensillum this indeed could be shown. This is the last and most significant evi-dence that the sensilla coeloconica may be adapted to detect spatially distributed heated objects in the environment during the thermal landmark orientation of ants.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} }