@phdthesis{Pieczykolan2016, author = {Pieczykolan, Aleksandra}, title = {Cross-Modal Action Control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Multitasking als allgegenw{\"a}rtiges Ph{\"a}nomen wird heutzutage in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird Multitasking aus der Perspektive der kognitiven Verhaltenswissenschaften beleuchtet mit dem Fokus auf der Rolle von Konfliktl{\"o}sungs- prozessen bei der Verarbeitung von Mehrfacht{\"a}tigkeiten. Insbesondere liegt der Fokus auf kognitiven Mechanismen der crossmodalen Handlungskontrolle, d.h. der Kontrolle von zwei Handlungen in verschiedenen Effektorsystemen. Mit dem Ziel, den bisherigen Umfang derjenigen Handlungsmodalit{\"a}ten zu erweitern, die {\"u}blicherweise in Studien eingesetzt wurden, wurden okulomotorische Reaktionen (d.h. Sakkaden), die bisher als Handlungsmodalit{\"a}t in der Forschung vernachl{\"a}ssigt wurden, in Kombination mit Reaktionen in anderen Efffektorsystemen untersucht (d.h. mit manuellen und vokalen Reaktionen). Weiterhin wurde beabsichtigt, Mechanismen von Crosstalk zu spezifizieren, welches ein Erkl{\"a}rungskonzept darstellt, das sich auf den Aufgabeninhalt bezieht. Crosstalk erscheint besonders relevant f{\"u}r crossmodale Handlungen, da sich Handlungsmodalit{\"a}ten vor allem bez{\"u}glich ihrer Reaktionsmerkmale unterscheiden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden vier Studien berichtet, die auf jeweils zwei oder drei Experimenten beruhen. In Studie A wurden crossmodale Doppelreaktionen auf einen einzelnen Stimulus untersucht mit der Fragestellung, wie sich das Zusammenspiel des Vorhandenseins von Reaktionsalternativen und der Kompatibilit{\"a}t zwischen Reaktionen (also dem Crosstalkpotential) auswirkt. In drei Experimenten zeigte sich, dass Crosstalk in mehrere Komponenten dissoziiert werden kann, n{\"a}mlich eine Komponente, die auf der aktuellen Konfliktst{\"a}rke (Online-Crosstalk) basiert, und eine ged{\"a}chtnisbasierte Komponente, die entweder durch Restaktivit{\"a}t vergangener Handlungsanforderungen bestimmt wird (retrospektiver Crosstalk), oder durch Vorbereitung auf zuk{\"u}nftige Handlungsanforderungen (prospektiver Crosstalk). Studie B lieferte Evidenz daf{\"u}r, dass okulomotorische Reaktionen sowohl struktureller als auch inhaltsbasierte Interferenz unterliegen. In drei Experimenten wurde das Paradigma zeitlich {\"u}berlappender Aufgaben verwendet, bei dem zwei Stimuli mit zeitlichem Versatz pr{\"a}sentiert wurden, auf die jeweils mit einer okulomotorischen und einer manuellen Handlung reagiert werden musste. Dabei wurden sowohl Hinweise auf einen seriellen als auch auf einen parallelen Verarbeitungsmodus gefunden. Weiterhin deuteten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass abh{\"a}ngig von der Aufgabenkompatibilit{\"a}t zwischen diesen Verarbeitungsmodi gewechselt wurde, d.h. zu eher paralleler Verarbeitung bei kompatiblen Aufgabenanforderungen und zu eher serieller Verarbeitung bei inkompatiblen Aufgabenanforderungen. In Studie C wurden Verarbeitungspriorit{\"a}ten zwischen Effektorsystemen untersucht. In zwei Experimenten zeigte sich, dass das zuvor berichtete Verarbeitungsdominanzmuster repliziert werden konnte, bei der okulomotorische Reaktionen vokale Reaktionen dominieren und diese wiederum manuelle Reaktionen dominieren. Die relative St{\"a}rke der Dominanz konnte allerdings bei vorhandenem Reaktionskonflikt angepasst werden. Die Verarbeitungspriorit{\"a}ten wurden hierbei zum Teil in Richtung derjenigen Reaktion verschoben, in der bereits ein Konflikt im Bezug auf die Kompatibilit{\"a}t zwischen Stimulus und Reaktion gel{\"o}st werden musste. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass Verarbeitungspriorit{\"a}ten flexibel an die spezifischen Handlungsanforderungen angepasst werden k{\"o}nnen. Studie D besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit einem bisher weitgehend vernachl{\"a}ssigten Bereich innerhalb der Doppelaufgabenforschung, n{\"a}mlich der Kontrolle der zeitlichen Reaktionsreihenfolge. In einer drei Experimente umfassenden Untersuchung wurden mehrere Faktoren variiert, die sich in fr{\"u}heren Studien bereits als relevant f{\"u}r Mechanismen der Doppelaufgabeninterferenz gezeigt haben. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde gezeigt, dass die finale Reaktionsreihenfolge in einem Handlungsdurchgang das Ergebnis eines kontinuierlichen Anpassungsprozesses ist, welcher auf dem Zusammenspiel mehrerer top-down-Faktoren, z.B. der Antizipation von Reaktionsmerkmalen, und mehrerer bottom-up-Faktoren, wie z.B. der Stimulusreihenfolge oder der Aufgabenkompatibilit{\"a}t, basiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Fortschritt des Verst{\"a}ndnisses der Verarbeitung komplexer Handlungsanforderungen aus der Perspektive crossmodaler Handlungen. Insbesondere wurden Spezifikationen f{\"u}r Mechanismen der Effektorpriorisierung und der Kontrolle der Reaktionsreihenfolge als auch eine neuartige Taxonomie von Crosstalk vorgestellt, welche als umfassende Rahmenvorstellung zur Erkl{\"a}rung von Interferenzmechanismen bei Kontrollprozessen von Mehrfachanforderungen dienlich sein kann.}, subject = {Kognition}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kastner2015, author = {Kastner, Anna Katharina}, title = {Attention mechanisms in contextual anxiety and cued fear and their influence on processing of social cues}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123747}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Anxiety is an affective state characterized by a sustained, long-lasting defensive response, induced by unpredictable, diffuse threat. In comparison, fear is a phasic response to predictable threat. Fear can be experimentally modeled with the help of cue conditioning. Context conditioning, in which the context serves as the best predictor of a threat due to the absence of any conditioned cues, is seen as an operationalization of sustained anxiety. This thesis used a differential context conditioning paradigm to examine sustained attention processes in a threat context compared to a safety context for the first time. In three studies, the attention mechanisms during the processing of contextual anxiety were examined by measuring heart rate responses and steady-state-visually evoked potentials (ssVEPs). An additional focus was set on the processing of social cues (i.e. faces) and the influence of contextual information on these cues. In a last step, the correlates of sustained anxiety were compared to evoked responses by phasic fear, which was realized in a previously established paradigm combining predictable and unpredictable threat. In the first study, a contextual stimulus was associated with an aversive loud noise, while a second context remained unpaired. This conditioning paradigm created an anxiety context (CTX+) and a safety context (CTX-). After acquisition, a social agent vs. an object was presented as a distractor in both contexts. Heart rate and cortical responses, with ssVEPs by using frequency tagging, to the contexts and the distractors were assessed. Results revealed enhanced ssVEP amplitudes for the CTX+ compared to the CTX- during acquisition and during presentation of distractor stimuli. Additionally, the heart rate was accelerated in the acquisition phase, followed by a heart rate deceleration as a psychophysiological marker of contextual anxiety. Study 2 used the same context conditioning paradigm as Study 1. In contrast to the first study, persons with different emotional facial expressions were presented in the anxiety and safety contexts in order to compare the differential processing of these cues within periods of threat and safety. A similar anxiety response was found in the second study, although only participants who Abstract VIII were aware of the contingency between contexts and aversive event showed a sensory amplification of the threat context, indicated by heart rate response and ssVEP activation. All faces irrespective of their emotional expression received increased attentional resources when presented within the anxiety context, which suggests a general hypervigilance in anxiety contexts. In the third study, the differentiation of predictable and unpredictable threat as an operationalization of fear and anxiety was examined on a cortical and physiological level. In the predictable condition, a social cue was paired with an aversive event, while in the unpredictable condition the aversive event remained unpaired with the respective cue. A fear response to the predictable cue was found, indicated by increased oscillatory response and accelerated heart rate. Both predictable and unpredictable threat yielded increased ssVEP amplitudes evoked by the context stimuli, while the response in the unpredictable context showed longer-lasting ssVEP activation to the threat context. To sum up, all three studies endorsed anxiety as a long-lasting defensive response. Due to the unpredictability of the aversive events, the individuals reacted with hypervigilance in the anxiety context, reflected in a facilitated processing of sensory information and an orienting response. This hypervigilance had an impact on the processing of novel cues, which appeared in the anxiety context. Considering the compared stimuli categories, the stimuli perceived in a state of anxiety received increased attentional resources, irrespective of the emotional arousal conveyed by the facial expression. Both predictable and unpredictable threat elicited sensory amplification of the contexts, while the response in the unpredictable context showed longer-lasting sensory facilitation of the threat context.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @article{HerbertMuthPollatosetal.2012, author = {Herbert, Beate M. and Muth, Eric R. and Pollatos, Olga and Herbert, Cornelia}, title = {Interoception across Modalities: On the Relationship between Cardiac Awareness and the Sensitivity for Gastric Functions}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {7}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0036646}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130733}, pages = {e36646}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The individual sensitivity for ones internal bodily signals ("interoceptive awareness") has been shown to be of relevance for a broad range of cognitive and affective functions. Interoceptive awareness has been primarily assessed via measuring the sensitivity for ones cardiac signals ("cardiac awareness") which can be non-invasively measured by heartbeat perception tasks. It is an open question whether cardiac awareness is related to the sensitivity for other bodily, visceral functions. This study investigated the relationship between cardiac awareness and the sensitivity for gastric functions in healthy female persons by using non-invasive methods. Heartbeat perception as a measure for cardiac awareness was assessed by a heartbeat tracking task and gastric sensitivity was assessed by a water load test. Gastric myoelectrical activity was measured by electrogastrography (EGG) and subjective feelings of fullness, valence, arousal and nausea were assessed. The results show that cardiac awareness was inversely correlated with ingested water volume and with normogastric activity after water load. However, persons with good and poor cardiac awareness did not differ in their subjective ratings of fullness, nausea and affective feelings after drinking. This suggests that good heartbeat perceivers ingested less water because they subjectively felt more intense signals of fullness during this lower amount of water intake compared to poor heartbeat perceivers who ingested more water until feeling the same signs of fullness. These findings demonstrate that cardiac awareness is related to greater sensitivity for gastric functions, suggesting that there is a general sensitivity for interoceptive processes across the gastric and cardiac modality.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ulrich2016, author = {Ulrich, Natalie}, title = {Processing of Near Outcomes and Outcome Sequences in Gambling: Implications for the Biopsychological Basis of Problem Gambling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139612}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Gambling is a popular activity in Germany, with 40\% of a representative sample reporting having gambled at least once in the past year (Bundeszentrale f{\"u}r gesundheitliche Aufkl{\"a}rung, 2014). While the majority of gamblers show harmless gambling behavior, a subset develops serious problems due to their gambling, affecting their psychological well-being, social life and work. According to recent estimates, up to 0.8\% of the German population are affected by such pathological gambling. People in general and pathological gamblers in particular show several cognitive distortions, that is, misconceptions about the chances of winning and skill involvement, in gambling. The current work aimed at elucidating the biopsychological basis of two such kinds of cognitive distortions, the illusion of control and the gambler's and hot hand fallacies, and their modulation by gambling problems. Therefore, four studies were conducted assessing the processing of near outcomes (used as a proxy for the illusion of control) and outcome sequences (used as a proxy for the gambler's and hot hand fallacies) in samples of varying degrees of gambling problems, using a multimethod approach. The first study analyzed the processing and evaluation of near outcomes as well as choice behavior in a wheel of fortune paradigm using electroencephalography (EEG). To assess the influence of gambling problems, a group of problem gamblers was compared to a group of controls. The results showed that there were no differences in the processing of near outcomes between the two groups. Near compared to full outcomes elicited smaller P300 amplitudes. Furthermore, at a trend level, the choice behavior of participants showed signs of a pattern opposite to the gambler's fallacy, with longer runs of an outcome color leading to increased probabilities of choosing this color again on the subsequent trial. Finally, problem gamblers showed smaller feedback-related negativity (FRN) amplitudes relative to controls. The second study also targeted the processing of near outcomes in a wheel of fortune paradigm, this time using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a group of participants with varying degrees of gambling problems. The results showed increased activity in the bilateral superior parietal cortex following near compared to full outcomes. The third study examined the peripheral physiology reactions to near outcomes in the wheel of fortune. Heart period and skin conductance were measured while participants with varying degrees of gambling problems played on the wheel of fortune. Near compared to full outcomes led to increased heart period duration shortly after the outcome. Furthermore, heart period reactions and skin conductance responses (SCRs) were modulated by gambling problems. Participants with high relative to low levels of gambling problems showed increased SCRs to near outcomes and similar heart period reactions to near outcomes and full wins. The fourth study analyzed choice behavior and sequence effects in the processing of outcomes in a coin toss paradigm using EEG in a group of problem gamblers and controls. Again, problem gamblers showed generally smaller FRN amplitudes compared to controls. There were no differences between groups in the processing of outcome sequences. The break of an outcome streak led to increased power in the theta frequency band. Furthermore, the P300 amplitude was increased after a sequence of previous wins. Finally, problem gamblers compared to controls showed a trend of switching the outcome symbol relative to the previous outcome symbol more often. In sum, the results point towards differences in the processing of near compared to full outcomes in brain areas and measures implicated in attentional and salience processes. The processing of outcome sequences involves processes of salience attribution and violation of expectations. Furthermore, problem gamblers seem to process near outcomes as more win-like compared to controls. The results and their implications for problem gambling as well as further possible lines of research are discussed.}, subject = {Spielsucht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Winkler2014, author = {Winkler, Markus Heinrich}, title = {Motivational properties of reward associated stimuli - Conditioning studies with smoke and monetary reinforcement}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121794}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Abstract Tobacco addiction is considered as a chronic relapsing disorder, characterized by compul-sive drug seeking and intake. Learning processes are stressed to account for the situational-specific expression of core features of the disorder, e.g., craving for drug, tolerance and ex-cessive consumption. According to incentive theories, smoke conditioned stimuli are hy-pothesized to be appetitive in nature, promoting craving, approach and consummatory be-havior. Commonly, smoking cues are treated as simple excitatory conditioned stimuli formed by a close and reliable overlap with the drug effect. However, the smoking ritual comprises a multitude of stimuli which may give rise to different forms of learning and con-ditioned responses partially opposing each other. Previous research suggests the predictive content and the temporal proximity of smoking stimuli to the drug effect as important de-terminants of cue reactivity. In contrast to stimuli related to the preparatory stage of smok-ing and the start of consumption (BEGIN stimuli), stimuli from the terminal stage of smok-ing (END stimuli) apparently lack high cue reactivity. Several lines of evidence suggest the poor cue properties of terminal stimuli to be related to their signaling of poor smoke availa-bility. Indeed, cue reactivity is commonly decreased when smoking appears to be unavaila-ble. Moreover, the learning literature suggests that stimuli predictive for the non-availability of reward may acquire the capacity to modulate or oppose the responses of ex-citatory conditioned stimuli. Therefore, the aim of the present thesis was to enhance our knowledge of stimulus control in human drug addiction and incentive motivation by running a series of conditioning studies with smoke intake and monetary reward as reinforcer. Sub-jective report and physiological measures of motivational valence and consummatory re-sponse tendencies were used as dependent variables. The first experiment of this thesis used a differential conditioning paradigm to reveal evi-dence for the conditioning of preparatory and consummatory responses to a CS+ for smok-ing. Neutral pictograms served as CSs and single puffs on a cigarette as US. In line with the predictions of incentive theories, the excitatory CS+ for smoking acquired the ability to evoke an appetitive conditioned response, as indicated by enhanced activity of the M. zy-gomaticus major. Moreover, anticipation of puffing on the cigarette increased the activity of the M. orbicularis oris (lip muscle), indicating the activation of consummatory response tendencies. Finally, the CS+ evoked stronger skin conductance responses, indicative of in-creased autonomic arousal and orienting in preparation for action. In contrast, the rating data were apparently unaffected by the experimental contingency. In sum, the physiological data provide support for the notion that excitatory smoke conditioning gives rise to appeti-tive and consummatory conditioned responses, which may at least partially contribute to the maintenance of tobacco addiction. The second experiment of this thesis adapted the conditioning protocol of the first study to probe the functional significance of terminal stimuli in the control of addictive behavior. This study manipulated the predictive relationship of BEGIN and END stimuli to smoke rein-forcement to provide further support for the differential reactivity to both stimuli and the retarded (i.e., delayed) conditioning of END stimuli. Overall, the results of the first study of this thesis were conceptually replicated as the association of a BEGIN stimulus with smoke intake resulted in the acquisition of appetitive and consummatory physiological responses. Importantly, the results revealed evidence for a retarded excitatory conditioning of END stimuli. Thus, pairing of an END stimulus with smoke intake failed to produce a conditioned discrimination in terms of motivational valence and autonomic arousal, as indicated by the activity of the M. corrugator supercilii and the skin conductance data. These results provide further support for the notion that END stimuli may be weak cues for smoking. Moreover, in light of the results of the first study of this thesis, the retarded excitatory conditioning of terminal stimuli may be suggestive of an inhibitory response component, which may be re-lated to their signaling of poor smoke availability. In sum, these results add to a growing body of data, which suggest that the expression of cue reactivity may be modulated by the temporal proximity and the availability of the drug effect. The aim of the third study of this thesis was to provide "proof of concept" for an inhibi-tory conditioning notion of terminal stimuli. In this analog study BEGIN and END stimuli were emulated as discriminative SD and S for monetary reward. During an acquisition phase conditioned inhibition was established to the S predictive of the non-availability of re-ward. Subsequently a retardation test was used to substantiate conditioned inhibition. In this test, excitatory conditioning of the previous S was compared to the excitatory condi-tioning of a novel control stimulus. Importantly, the results revealed evidence for reward conditioned inhibition as indicated by the retarded acquisition of subjective (pleasure and reward expectancy) and physiological (skin conductance and activity of the M. orbicularis oculi) responses. In sum, these results provide support for the notion that stimuli predictive for the non-availability of reward may acquire the capacity to oppose the responses of ex-citatory conditioned stimuli. Thus, future research may benefit from the consideration of inhibitory conditioning processes in drug addiction, which may be of theoretical, methodo-logical and clinical importance. In sum, the present thesis revealed evidence for 1) an appetitive nature of excitatory condi-tioned smoking cues, 2) the dependency of this learning process on the temporal position of the conditioned stimuli in the intake ritual and 3) the acquisition of conditioned inhibition by a stimulus predictive for the non-availability of reward, as evident in retarded excitatory conditioning. Overall, these studies made a novel contribution to the field of human drug addiction and incentive motivation and provided valuable suggestions for further research.}, subject = {Rauchen}, language = {en} } @article{ConzelmannReifJacobetal.2012, author = {Conzelmann, Annette and Reif, Andreas and Jacob, Christian and Weyers, Peter and Lesch, Klaus-Peter and Lutz, Beat and Pauli, Paul}, title = {A polymorphism in the gene of the endocannabinoid-degrading enzyme FAAH (FAAH C385A) is associated with emotional-motivational reactivity}, series = {Psychopharmacology}, volume = {224}, journal = {Psychopharmacology}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1007/s00213-012-2785-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126845}, pages = {573-579}, year = {2012}, abstract = {RATIONALE: The endocannabinoid (eCB) system is implicated in several psychiatric disorders. Investigating emotional-motivational dysfunctions as underlying mechanisms, a study in humans revealed that in the C385A polymorphism of the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the degrading enzyme of the eCB anandamide (AEA), A carriers, who are characterized by increased signaling of AEA as compared to C/C carriers, exhibited reduced brain reactivity towards unpleasant faces and enhanced reactivity towards reward. However, the association of eCB system with emotional-motivational reactivity is complex and bidirectional due to upcoming compensatory processes. OBJECTIVES: Therefore, we further investigated the relationship of the FAAH polymorphism and emotional-motivational reactivity in humans. METHODS: We assessed the affect-modulated startle, and ratings of valence and arousal in response to higher arousing pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant pictures in 67 FAAH C385A C/C carriers and 45 A carriers. RESULTS: Contrarily to the previous functional MRI study, A carriers compared to C/C carriers exhibited an increased startle potentiation and therefore emotional responsiveness towards unpleasant picture stimuli and reduced startle inhibition indicating reduced emotional reactivity in response to pleasant pictures, while both groups did not differ in ratings of arousal and valence. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings emphasize the bidirectionality and thorough examination of the eCB system's impact on emotional reactivity as a central endophenotype underlying various psychiatric disorders.}, language = {en} } @article{HalderHammerKleihetal.2013, author = {Halder, Sebastian and Hammer, Eva Maria and Kleih, Sonja Claudia and Bogdan, Martin and Rosenstiel, Wolfgang and Birbaumer, Niels and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {Prediction of Auditory and Visual P300 Brain-Computer Interface Aptitude}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {8}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130327}, pages = {e53513}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Objective Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a non-muscular communication channel for patients with late-stage motoneuron disease (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) or otherwise motor impaired people and are also used for motor rehabilitation in chronic stroke. Differences in the ability to use a BCI vary from person to person and from session to session. A reliable predictor of aptitude would allow for the selection of suitable BCI paradigms. For this reason, we investigated whether P300 BCI aptitude could be predicted from a short experiment with a standard auditory oddball. Methods Forty healthy participants performed an electroencephalography (EEG) based visual and auditory P300-BCI spelling task in a single session. In addition, prior to each session an auditory oddball was presented. Features extracted from the auditory oddball were analyzed with respect to predictive power for BCI aptitude. Results Correlation between auditory oddball response and P300 BCI accuracy revealed a strong relationship between accuracy and N2 amplitude and the amplitude of a late ERP component between 400 and 600 ms. Interestingly, the P3 amplitude of the auditory oddball response was not correlated with accuracy. Conclusions Event-related potentials recorded during a standard auditory oddball session moderately predict aptitude in an audiory and highly in a visual P300 BCI. The predictor will allow for faster paradigm selection. Significance Our method will reduce strain on patients because unsuccessful training may be avoided, provided the results can be generalized to the patient population.}, language = {en} } @article{EderRothermundDeHouwer2013, author = {Eder, Andreas B. and Rothermund, Klaus and De Houwer, Jan}, title = {Affective Compatibility between Stimuli and Response Goals: A Primer for a New Implicit Measure of Attitudes}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {8}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0079210}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129872}, pages = {e79210}, year = {2013}, abstract = {We examined whether a voluntary response becomes associated with the (affective) meaning of intended response effects. Four experiments revealed that coupling a keypress with positive or negative consequences produces affective compatibility effects when the keypress has to be executed in response to positively or negatively evaluated stimulus categories. In Experiment 1, positive words were evaluated faster with a keypress that turned the words ON (versus OFF), whereas negative words were evaluated faster with a keypress that turned the words OFF (versus ON). Experiment 2 showed that this compatibility effect is reversed if an aversive tone is turned ON and OFF with keypresses. Experiment 3 revealed that keypresses acquire an affective meaning even when the association between the responses and their effects is variable and intentionally reconfigured before each trial. Experiment 4 used affective response effects to assess implicit ingroup favoritism, showing that the measure is sensitive to the valence of categories and not to the valence of exemplars. Results support the hypothesis that behavioral reactions become associated with the affective meaning of the intended response goal, which has important implications for the understanding and construction of implicit attitude measures.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaethner2015, author = {K{\"a}thner, Ivo R. J.}, title = {Auditory and visual brain-computer interfaces as communication aids for persons with severe paralysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135477}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) could provide a muscle-independent communication channel to persons with severe paralysis by translating brain activity into device commands. As a means of communication, in particular BCIs based on event-related potentials (ERPs) as control signal have been researched. Most of these BCIs rely on visual stimulation and have been investigated with healthy participants in controlled laboratory environments. In proof-of-principle studies targeted end users gained control over BCI systems; however, these systems are not yet established as an assistive technology for persons who would most benefit from them. The main aim of this thesis is to advance the usability of ERP-BCIs for target users. To this end, five studies with BCIs have been conducted that enabled users to communicate by focusing their attention on external stimuli. Two studies were conducted in order to demonstrate the advantages and to further improve the practical application of visual BCIs. In the first study, mental workload was experimentally manipulated during prolonged BCI operation. The study showed the robustness of the visual ERP-BCI since users maintained a satisfactory level of control despite constant distraction in the form of background noise. Moreover, neurophysiological markers that could potentially serve as indicators of high mental workload or fatigue were revealed. This is a first step towards future applications in which the BCI could adapt to the mental state of the user (e.g. pauses if high mental workload is detected to prevent false selections). In the second study, a head-mounted display (HMD), which assures that stimuli are presented in the field of view of the user, was evaluated. High accuracies and information transfer rates, similar to a conventional display, were achieved by healthy participants during a spelling task. Furthermore, a person in the locked-in state (LIS) gained control over the BCI using the HMD. The HMD might be particularly suited for initial communication attempts with persons in the LIS in situations, where mounting a conventional monitor is difficult or not feasible. Visual ERP-BCIs could prove valuable for persons with residual control over eye muscles and sufficient vision. However, since a substantial number of target users have limited control over eye movements and/or visual impairments, BCIs based on non-visual modalities are required. Therefore, a main aspect of this thesis was to improve an auditory paradigm that should enable motor impaired users to spell by focusing attention on different tones. The two conducted studies revealed that healthy participants were able to achieve high spelling performance with the BCI already in the first session and stress the importance of the choice of the stimulus material. The employed natural tones resulted in an increase in performance compared to a previous study that used artificial tones as stimuli. Furthermore, three out of five users with a varying degree of motor impairments could gain control over the system within the five conducted sessions. Their performance increased significantly from the first to the fifth session - an effect not previously observed for visual ERP-BCIs. Hence, training is particularly important when testing auditory multiclass BCIs with potential users. A prerequisite for user satisfaction is that the BCI technology matches user requirements. In this context, it is important to compare BCIs with already established assistive technology. Thus, the fifth study of this dissertation evaluated gaze dependent methods (EOG, eye tracking) as possible control signals for assistive technology and a binary auditory BCI with a person in the locked-in state. The study participant gained control over all tested systems and rated the ease of use of the BCI as the highest among the tested alternatives, but also rated it as the most tiring due to the high amount of attention that was needed for a simple selection. Further efforts are necessary to simplify operation of the BCI. The involvement of end users in all steps of the design and development process of BCIs will increase the likelihood that they can eventually be used as assistive technology in daily life. The work presented in this thesis is a substantial contribution towards the goal of re-enabling communication to users who cannot rely on motor activity to convey their thoughts.}, subject = {Gehirn-Computer Schnittstelle}, language = {en} } @article{MusselGoeritzHewig2013, author = {Mussel, Patrick and G{\"o}ritz, Anja S. and Hewig, Johannes}, title = {The value of a smile: Facial expression affects ultimatum-game responses}, series = {Judgment and Decision Making}, volume = {8}, journal = {Judgment and Decision Making}, number = {3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129639}, pages = {381-385}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In social interaction, the facial expression of an opponent contains information that may influence the interaction. We asked whether facial expression affects decision-making in the ultimatum game. In this two-person game, the proposer divides a sum of money into two parts, one for each player, and then the responder decides whether to accept the offer or reject it. Rejection means that neither player gets any money. Results of a large-sample study support our hypothesis that offers from proposers with a smiling facial expression are more often accepted, compared to a neutral facial expression. Moreover, we found lower acceptance rates for offers from proposers with an angry facial expression.}, language = {en} } @article{KleihKuebler2013, author = {Kleih, Sonja C. and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {Empathy, motivation, and P300-BCI performance}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, number = {642}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2013.00642}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130559}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Motivation moderately influences brain-computer interface (BCI) performance in healthy subjects when monetary reward is used to manipulate extrinsic motivation. However, the motivation of severely paralyzed patients, who are potentially in need for BCI, could mainly be internal and thus, an intrinsic motivator may be more powerful. Also healthy subjects who participate in BCI studies could be internally motivated as they may wish to contribute to research and thus extrinsic motivation by monetary reward would be less important than the content of the study. In this respect, motivation could be defined as "motivation-to-help." The aim of this study was to investigate, whether subjects with high motivation for helping and who are highly empathic would perform better with a BCI controlled by event-related potentials (P300-BCI). We included N = 20 healthy young participants na{\"i}ve to BCI and grouped them according to their motivation for participating in a BCI study in a low and highly motivated group. Motivation was further manipulated with interesting or boring presentations about BCI and the possibility to help patients. Motivation for helping did neither influence BCI performance nor the P300 amplitude. Post hoc, subjects were re-grouped according to their ability for perspective taking. We found significantly higher P300 amplitudes on parietal electrodes in participants with a low ability for perspective taking and therefore, lower empathy, as compared to participants with higher empathy. The lack of an effect of motivation on BCI performance contradicts previous findings and thus, requires further investigation. We speculate that subjects with higher empathy who are good perspective takers with regards to patients in potential need of BCI, may be more emotionally involved and therefore, less able to allocate attention on the BCI task at hand.}, language = {en} } @article{AndreattaMuehlbergerGlotzbachSchoonetal.2013, author = {Andreatta, Marta and M{\"u}hlberger, Andreas and Glotzbach-Schoon, Evelyn and Pauli, Paul}, title = {Pain predictability reverses valence ratings of a relief-associated stimulus}, series = {Front in Systems Neuroscience}, volume = {7}, journal = {Front in Systems Neuroscience}, number = {53}, doi = {10.3389/fnsys.2013.00053}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129275}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Relief from pain is positively valenced and entails reward-like properties. Notably, stimuli that became associated with pain relief elicit reward-like implicit responses too, but are explicitly evaluated by humans as aversive. Since the unpredictability of pain makes pain more aversive, this study examined the hypotheses that the predictability of pain also modulates the valence of relief-associated stimuli. In two studies, we presented one conditioned stimulus \((_{FORWARD}CS+)\) before a painful unconditioned stimulus (US), another stimulus \((_{BACKWARD}CS+)\) after the painful US, and a third stimulus (CS-) was never associated with the US. In Study 1, \(_{FORWARD}CS+\) predicted half of the USs while the other half was delivered unwarned and followed by \(_{BACKWARD}CS+\). In Study 2, all USs were predicted by \(_{FORWARD}CS+\) and followed by \(_{BACKWARD}CS+\). In Study 1 both \(_{FORWARD}CS+\) and \(_{BACKWARD}CS+\) were rated as negatively valenced and high arousing after conditioning, while \(_{BACKWARD}CS+\) in Study 2 acquired positive valence and low arousal. Startle amplitude was significantly attenuated to \(_{BACKWARD}CS+\) compared to \(_{FORWARD}CS+\) in Study 2, but did not differ among CSs in Study 1. In summary, predictability of aversive events reverses the explicit valence of a relief-associated stimulus.}, language = {en} } @article{SchwarzWieserGerdesetal.2013, author = {Schwarz, Katharina A. and Wieser, Matthias J. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and M{\"u}hlberger, Andreas and Pauli, Paul}, title = {Why are you looking like that? How the context influences evaluation and processing of human faces}, series = {Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1093/scan/nss013}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132126}, pages = {438-445}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Perception and evaluation of facial expressions are known to be heavily modulated by emotional features of contextual information. Such contextual effects, however, might also be driven by non-emotional aspects of contextual information, an interaction of emotional and non-emotional factors, and by the observers' inherent traits. Therefore, we sought to assess whether contextual information about self-reference in addition to information about valence influences the evaluation and neural processing of neutral faces. Furthermore, we investigated whether social anxiety moderates these effects. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, participants viewed neutral facial expressions preceded by a contextual sentence conveying either positive or negative evaluations about the participant or about somebody else. Contextual influences were reflected in rating and fMRI measures, with strong effects of self-reference on brain activity in the medial prefrontal cortex and right fusiform gyrus. Additionally, social anxiety strongly affected the response to faces conveying negative, self-related evaluations as revealed by the participants' rating patterns and brain activity in cortical midline structures and regions of interest in the left and right middle frontal gyrus. These results suggest that face perception and processing are highly individual processes influenced by emotional and non-emotional aspects of contextual information and further modulated by individual personality traits.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sollfrank2015, author = {Sollfrank, Teresa}, title = {Feedback efficiency and training effects during alpha band modulation over the sensorimotor cortex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131769}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Neural oscillations can be measured by electroencephalography (EEG) and these oscillations can be characterized by their frequency, amplitude and phase. The mechanistic properties of neural oscillations and their synchronization are able to explain various aspects of many cognitive functions such as motor control, memory, attention, information transfer across brain regions, segmentation of the sensory input and perception (Arnal and Giraud, 2012). The alpha band frequency is the dominant oscillation in the human brain. This oscillatory activity is found in the scalp EEG at frequencies around 8-13 Hz in all healthy adults (Makeig et al., 2002) and considerable interest has been generated in exploring EEG alpha oscillations with regard to their role in cognitive (Klimesch et al., 1993; Hanselmayr et al., 2005), sensorimotor (Birbaumer, 2006; Sauseng et al., 2009) and physiological (Lehmann, 1971; Niedermeyer, 1997; Kiyatkin, 2010) aspects of human life. The ability to voluntarily regulate the alpha amplitude can be learned with neurofeedback training and offers the possibility to control a brain-computer interface (BCI), a muscle independent interaction channel. BCI research is predominantly focused on the signal processing, the classification and the algorithms necessary to translate brain signals into control commands than on the person interacting with the technical system. The end-user must be properly trained to be able to successfully use the BCI and factors such as task instructions, training, and especially feedback can therefore play an important role in learning to control a BCI (Neumann and K{\"u}bler, 2003; Pfurtscheller et al., 2006, 2007; Allison and Neuper, 2010; Friedrich et al., 2012; Kaufmann et al., 2013; Lotte et al., 2013). The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate how end-users can efficiently be trained to perform alpha band modulation recorded over their sensorimotor cortex. The herein presented work comprises three studies with healthy participants and participants with schizophrenia focusing on the effects of feedback and training time on cortical activation patterns and performance. In the first study, the application of a realistic visual feedback to support end-users in developing a concrete feeling of kinesthetic motor imagery was tested in 2D and 3D visualization modality during a single training session. Participants were able to elicit the typical event-related desynchronisation responses over sensorimotor cortex in both conditions but the most significant decrease in the alpha band power was obtained following the three-dimensional realistic visualization. The second study strengthen the hypothesis that an enriched visual feedback with information about the quality of the input signal supports an easier approach for motor imagery based BCI control and can help to enhance performance. Significantly better performance levels were measurable during five online training sessions in the groups with enriched feedback as compared to a conventional simple visual feedback group, without significant differences in performance between the unimodal (visual) and multimodal (auditory-visual) feedback modality. Furthermore, the last study, in which people with schizophrenia participated in multiple sessions with simple feedback, demonstrated that these patients can learn to voluntarily regulate their alpha band. Compared to the healthy group they required longer training times and could not achieve performance levels as high as the control group. Nonetheless, alpha neurofeedback training lead to a constant increase of the alpha resting power across all 20 training session. To date only little is known about the effects of feedback and training time on BCI performance and cortical activation patterns. The presented work contributes to the evidence that healthy individuals can benefit from enriched feedback: A realistic presentation can support participants in getting a concrete feeling of motor imagery and enriched feedback, which instructs participants about the quality of their input signal can give support while learning to control the BCI. This thesis demonstrates that people with schizophrenia can learn to gain control of their alpha oscillations recorded over the sensorimotor cortex when participating in sufficient training sessions. In conclusion, this thesis improved current motor imagery BCI feedback protocols and enhanced our understanding of the interplay between feedback and BCI performance.}, subject = {Neurofeedback}, language = {en} } @article{FischerPlessowKiesel2013, author = {Fischer, Rico and Plessow, Franziska and Kiesel, Andrea}, title = {The effects of alerting signals in masked priming}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, number = {448}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00448}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122581}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Alerting signals often serve to reduce temporal uncertainty by predicting the time of stimulus onset. The resulting response time benefits have often been explained by facilitated translation of stimulus codes into response codes on the basis of established stimulus-response (S-R) links. In paradigms of masked S-R priming alerting signals also modulate response activation processes triggered by subliminally presented prime stimuli. In the present study we tested whether facilitation of visuo-motor translation processes due to alerting signals critically depends on established S-R links. Alerting signals resulted in significantly enhanced masked priming effects for masked prime stimuli that included and that did not include established S-R links fi.e., target vs. novel primes). Yet, the alerting-priming interaction was more pronounced for target than for novel primes. These results suggest that effects of alerting signals on masked priming are especially evident when S-R links between prime and target exist. At the same time, an alerting-priming interaction also for novel primes suggests that alerting signals also facilitate stimulus-response translation processes when masked prime stimuli provide action-trigger conditions in terms of programmed S-R links.}, language = {en} } @article{MeuleKueblerBlechert2013, author = {Meule, Adrian and K{\"u}bler, Andrea and Blechert, Jens}, title = {Time course of electrocortical food-cue responses during cognitive regulation of craving}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, number = {669}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00669}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122566}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In our current obesogenic environment, exposure to visual food-cues can easily lead to craving and overeating because short-term, pleasurable effects of food intake dominate over the anticipated long-term adverse effects such as weight gain and associated health problems. Here we contrasted these two conditions during food-cue presentation while acquiring event-related potentials (ERPs) and subjective craving ratings. Female participants (n = 25) were presented with either high-calorie (HC) or low-calorie (LC) food images under instructions to imagine either immediate (NOW) or long-term effects (LATER) of consumption. On subjective ratings for HC foods, the LATER perspective reduced cravings as compared to the NOW perspective. For LC foods, by contrast, craving increased under the LATER perspective. Early ERPs (occipital N1, 150-200 ms) were sensitive to food type but not to perspective. Late ERPs (late positive potential, LPP, 350-550 ms) were larger in the HC-LATER condition than in all other conditions, possibly indicating that a cognitive focus on negative long-term consequences induced negative arousal. This enhancement for HC-LATER attenuated to the level of the LC conditions during the later slow wave (550-3000 ms), but amplitude in the HC-NOW condition was larger than in all other conditions, possibly due to a delayed appetitive response. Across all conditions, LPP amplitudes were positively correlated with self-reported emotional eating. In sum, results reveal that regulation effects are secondary to an early attentional analysis of food type and dynamically evolve over time. Adopting a long-term perspective on eating might promote a healthier food choice across a range of food types.}, language = {en} } @article{EhrenfeldHerbortButz2013, author = {Ehrenfeld, Stephan and Herbort, Oliver and Butz, Martin V.}, title = {Modular neuron-based body estimation: maintaining consistency over different limbs, modalities, and frames of reference}, series = {Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience}, number = {148}, doi = {10.3389/fncom.2013.00148}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122253}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This paper addresses the question of how the brain maintains a probabilistic body state estimate over time from a modeling perspective. The neural Modular Modality Frame (nMMF) model simulates such a body state estimation process by continuously integrating redundant, multimodal body state information sources. The body state estimate itself is distributed over separate, but bidirectionally interacting modules. nMMF compares the incoming sensory and present body state information across the interacting modules and fuses the information sources accordingly. At the same time, nMMF enforces body state estimation consistency across the modules. nMMF is able to detect conflicting sensory information and to consequently decrease the influence of implausible sensor sources on the fly. In contrast to the previously published Modular Modality Frame (MMF) model, nMMF offers a biologically plausible neural implementation based on distributed, probabilistic population codes. Besides its neural plausibility, the neural encoding has the advantage of enabling (a) additional probabilistic information flow across the separate body state estimation modules and (b) the representation of arbitrary probability distributions of a body state. The results show that the neural estimates can detect and decrease the impact of false sensory information, can propagate conflicting information across modules, and can improve overall estimation accuracy due to additional module interactions. Even bodily illusions, such as the rubber hand illusion, can be simulated with nMMF. We conclude with an outlook on the potential of modeling human data and of invoking goal-directed behavioral control.}, language = {en} } @article{Meule2014, author = {Meule, Adrian}, title = {Are certain foods addictive?}, series = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, number = {38}, issn = {1664-0640}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120257}, year = {2014}, abstract = {A commentary on Lifestyle medicine: the importance of firmgrounding on evidence by Rippe JM. Am J Lifestyle Med (2014) doi:10.1177/ 1559827613520527}, language = {en} } @article{SollfrankHartGoodselletal.2015, author = {Sollfrank, Teresa and Hart, Daniel and Goodsell, Rachel and Foster, Jonathan and Tan, Tele}, title = {3D visualization of movements can amplify motor cortex activation during subsequent motor imagery}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, number = {463}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2015.00463}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126058}, year = {2015}, abstract = {A repetitive movement practice by motor imagery (MI) can influence motor cortical excitability in the electroencephalogram (EEG). This study investigated if a realistic visualization in 3D of upper and lower limb movements can amplify motor related potentials during subsequent MI. We hypothesized that a richer sensory visualization might be more effective during instrumental conditioning, resulting in a more pronounced event related desynchronization (ERD) of the upper alpha band (10-12 Hz) over the sensorimotor cortices thereby potentially improving MI based brain-computer interface (BCI) protocols for motor rehabilitation. The results show a strong increase of the characteristic patterns of ERD of the upper alpha band components for left and right limb MI present over the sensorimotor areas in both visualization conditions. Overall, significant differences were observed as a function of visualization modality (VM; 2D vs. 3D). The largest upper alpha band power decrease was obtained during MI after a 3-dimensional visualization. In total in 12 out of 20 tasks the end-user of the 3D visualization group showed an enhanced upper alpha ERD relative to 2D VM group, with statistical significance in nine tasks.With a realistic visualization of the limb movements, we tried to increase motor cortex activation during subsequent MI. The feedback and the feedback environment should be inherently motivating and relevant for the learner and should have an appeal of novelty, real-world relevance or aesthetic value (Ryan and Deci, 2000; Merrill, 2007). Realistic visual feedback, consistent with the participant's MI, might be helpful for accomplishing successful MI and the use of such feedback may assist in making BCI a more natural interface for MI based BCI rehabilitation.}, language = {en} } @article{KoernerTopolinskiStrack2015, author = {K{\"o}rner, Anita and Topolinski, Sascha and Strack, Fritz}, title = {Routes to Embodiment}, series = {Frontiers of Psychology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers of Psychology}, number = {940}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00940}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125960}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Research on embodiment is rich in impressive demonstrations but somewhat poor in comprehensive explanations. Although some moderators and driving mechanisms have been identified, a comprehensive conceptual account of how bodily states or dynamics influence behavior is still missing. Here, we attempt to integrate current knowledge by describing three basic psychological mechanisms: direct state induction, which influences how humans feel or process information, unmediated by any other cognitive mechanism; modal priming, which changes the accessibility of concepts associated with a bodily state; sensorimotor simulation, which affects the ease with which congruent and incongruent actions are performed. We argue that the joint impact of these mechanisms can account for most existing embodiment effects. Additionally, we summarize empirical tests for distinguishing these mechanisms and suggest a guideline for future research about the mechanisms underlying embodiment effects.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Holz2015, author = {Holz, Elisa Mira}, title = {Systematic evaluation of non-invasive brain-computer interfaces as assistive devices for persons with severe motor impairment based on a user-centred approach - in controlled settings and independent use}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are devices that translate signals from the brain into control commands for applications. Within the last twenty years, BCI applications have been developed for communication, environmental control, entertainment, and substitution of motor functions. Since BCIs provide muscle independent communication and control of the environment by circumventing motor pathways, they are considered as assistive technologies for persons with neurological and neurodegenerative diseases leading to motor paralysis, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy and stroke (K{\"u}bler, Kotchoubey, Kaiser, Wolpaw, \& Birbaumer, 2001). Although most researcher mention persons with severe motor impairment as target group for their BCI systems, most studies include healthy participants and studies including potential BCI end-users are sparse. Thus, there is a substantial lack of studies that investigate whether results obtained in healthy participants can be transferred to patients with neurodegenerative diseases. This clearly shows that BCI research faces a translational gap between intense BCI research and bringing BCI applications to end-users outside the lab (K{\"u}bler, Mattia, Rupp, \& Tangermann, 2013). Translational studies are needed that investigate whether BCIs can be successfully used by severely disabled end-users and whether those end-users would accept BCIs as assistive devices. Another obvious discrepancy exists between a plethora of short-term studies and a sparse number of long-term studies. BCI research thus also faces a reliability gap (K{\"u}bler, Mattia, et al., 2013). Most studies present only one BCI session, however the few studies that include several testing sessions indicate high inter- and intra-individual variance in the end-users' performance due to non-stationarity of signals. Long-term studies, however, are needed to demonstrate whether a BCI can be reliably used as assistive device over a longer period of time in the daily-life of a person. Therefore there is also a great need for reliability studies. The purpose of the present thesis was to address these research gaps and to bring BCIs closer to end-users in need, especially into their daily-lives, following a user-centred design (UCD). The UCD was suggested as theoretical framework for bringing BCIs to end-users by K{\"u}bler and colleagues (K{\"u}bler et al., 2014; Zickler et al., 2011). This approach aims at the close and iterative interaction between BCI developers and end-users with the final goal to develop BCI systems that are accepted as assistive devices by end-users. The UCD focuses on usability, that is, how well a BCI technology matches the purpose and meets the needs and requirements of the targeted end-users and was standardized with the ISO 9241-210. Within the UCD framework, usability of a device can be defined with regard to its effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. These aspects were operationalized by K{\"u}bler and colleagues to evaluate BCI-controlled applications. As suggested by Vaughan and colleagues, the number of BCI sessions, the total usage duration and the impact of the BCI on the life of the person can be considered as indicators of usefulness of the BCI in long-term daily-life use (Vaughan, Sellers, \& Wolpaw, 2012). These definitions and metrics for usability and usefulness were applied for evaluating BCI applications as assistive devices in controlled settings and independent use. Three different BCI applications were tested and evaluated by in total N=10 end-users: In study 1 a motor-imagery (MI) based BCI for gaming was tested by four end-users with severe motor impairment. In study 2, a hybrid P300 event-related (ERP) based BCI for communication was tested by four severely motor restricted end-users with severe motor impairment. Study 1 and 2 are short-term studies conducted in a controlled-setting. In study 3 a P300-ERP BCI for creative expression was installed for long-term independent use at the homes of two end-users in the locked-in state. Both end-users are artists who had gradually lost the ability to paint after being diagnosed with ALS. Results reveal that BCI controlled devices are accepted as assistive devices. Main obstacles for daily-life use were the not very aesthetic design of the EEG-cap and electrodes (cap is eye-catching and looks medical), low comfort (cables disturb, immobility, electrodes press against head if lying on a head cushion), complicated and time-consuming adjustment, low efficiency and low effectiveness, and not very high reliability (many influencing factors). While effectiveness and efficiency in the MI based BCI were lower compared to applications using the P300-ERP as input channel, the MI controlled gaming application was nevertheless better accepted by the end-users and end-users would rather like to use it compared to the communication applications. Thus, malfunctioning and errors, low speed, and the EEG cap are rather tolerated in gaming applications, compared to communication devices. Since communication is essential for daily-life, it has to be fast and reliable. BCIs for communication, at the current state of the art, are not considered competitive with other assistive devices, if other devices, such as eye-gaze, are still an option. However BCIs might be an option when controlling an application for entertainment in daily-life, if communication is still available. Results demonstrate that BCI is adopted in daily-life if it matches the end-users needs and requirements. Brain Painting serves as best representative, as it matches the artists' need for creative expression. Caveats such as uncomfortable cap, dependence on others for set-up, and experienced low control are tolerated and do not prevent BCI use on a daily basis. Also end-users in real need of means for communication, such as persons in the locked-in state with unreliable eye-movement or no means for independent communication, do accept obstacles of the BCI, as it is the last or only solution to communicate or control devices. Thus, these aspects are "no real obstacles" but rather "challenges" that do not prevent end-users to use the BCI in their daily-lives. For instance, one end-user, who uses a BCI in her daily-life, stated: "I don't care about aesthetic design of EEG cap and electrodes nor amplifier". Thus, the question is not which system is superior to the other, but which system is best for an individual user with specific symptoms, needs, requirements, existing assistive solutions, support by caregivers/family etc.; it is thereby a question of indication. These factors seem to be better "predictors" for adoption of a BCI in daily-life, than common usability criterions such as effectiveness or efficiency. The face valid measures of daily-life demonstrate that BCI-controlled applications can be used in daily-life for more than 3 years, with high satisfaction for the end-users, without experts being present and despite a decrease in the amplitude of the P300 signal. Brain Painting re-enabled both artists to be creatively active in their home environment and thus improved their feelings of happiness, usefulness, self-esteem, well-being, and consequently quality of life and supports social inclusion. This thesis suggests that BCIs are valuable tools for people in the locked-in state.}, subject = {Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reicherts2013, author = {Reicherts, Philipp}, title = {Cognitive and Emotional Influences on Placebo Analgesia and Nocebo Hyperalgesia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The perception of pain can be modulated by a variety of factors such as biological/pharmacological treatments as well as potent cognitive and emotional manipulations. Placebo and nocebo effects are among the most prominent examples for such manipulations. Placebo and nocebo manipulations cause reliable psychological and physiological changes, although the administered agent or treatment is inert. The present dissertation aimed at investigating the role of cognitive and emotional influences in the generation of placebo and nocebo effects on pain perception. In addition, the feasibility of solely psychological placebo manipulations to alter the perception of pain was tested. Two commonly discussed preconditions for the generation of placebo and nocebo effects are prior experiences (i.e., past encounter of drug effects) and expectations (i.e., positive or negative attitudes towards an intervention). So far, research on placebo and nocebo effects relied on the administration of sham interventions, which resembled medical treatments like inert pills, creams or injections. However, such experimental procedures deal with confounds due to earlier experiences and expectations resulting from the individual's history with medical interventions. Accordingly, the implementation of a placebo manipulation that is completely new to an individual, seems necessary to disentangle the contribution of experience and expectation for the induction of placebo and nocebo effects. To this end, in Experiment 1 the level of experience and expectation regarding a placebo-nocebo treatment was stepwise manipulated across three different experimental groups. To avoid any resemblances to earlier experiences and individual expectations, a mere psychological placebo-nocebo treatment was chosen that was new to all participants. They were instructed that visual black and white stripe patterns had been found to reliably alter the perception of pain. One group of participants received only the placebo-nocebo instruction (expectation), a second group experienced a placebo-nocebo treatment within a conditioning phase (experience) but no instruction, and a third group received the combination of both that is a placebo-nocebo instruction and a placebo-nocebo conditioning (experience + expectation). It was shown that only the experience + expectation group revealed significantly higher pain ratings and physiological responses during nocebo, compared to placebo trials of the succeeding test phase. These findings demonstrate that the induction of a mere psychological placebo-nocebo effect on pain is in principle possible. Most important, results indicate that such effects most likely rely on both, a positive treatment experience, due to the encounter of an effective intervention (placebo conditioning), and a positive expectation about the intervention (placebo instruction).Besides experience and expectation, the current mood state has been shown to modulate pain and to impact the induction of placebo and nocebo effects. In this vein it has been demonstrated that placebo effects come along with positive affect, while nocebo effects often occur together with elevated feelings of anxiety. To clarify the interaction of emotions and placebo-nocebo manipulations on pain perception, in Experiment 2 the paradigm of Experiment 1 was modified. Instead of black and white stripe patterns, positive and negative emotional pictures were presented, which either cued pain increase (nocebo) or pain decrease (placebo). Two experimental groups were compared, which differed with regard to the instructed contingency of positive pictures serving as placebo and negative pictures serving as nocebo cues or vice versa (congruent vs. incongruent). Results indicate that the differentiation of placebo and nocebo trials (behaviorally and physiologically) was more pronounced for the congruent compared to the incongruent group. However, in the incongruent group, affective pain ratings were also significantly higher for nocebo (positive pictures) than placebo (negative pictures) trials, similar to the congruent group. These findings demonstrate that a placebo-nocebo manipulation is capable to dampen and even reverse the originally pain augmenting effect of negative emotions. The results of Experiment 2 were further corroborated in Experiment 3, when the design was adapted to the fMRI scanner, and again a congruent and an incongruent experimental group were compared. Behavioral, physiological and neurophysiological markers of pain processing revealed a differentiation between nocebo and placebo conditions that was present irrespective of the experimental group. In addition, the fMRI analysis revealed an increased engagement of prefrontal areas for the incongruent group only, supposedly reflecting the reinterpretation or appraisal process when positive pictures were cueing negative outcomes. Taken together, the results of the present studies showed (a) that it is possible to induce a placebo-nocebo effect on pain solely by a psychological manipulation, (b) that both, prior experiences and positive expectation, are necessary preconditions for this placebo-nocebo effect, (c) that the impact of negative emotion on pain can be dampened and even reversed by placebo-nocebo manipulations, and (d) that most likely a cognitive top-down process is crucial for the induction of (psychological) placebo-nocebo effects. These results significantly enhance our understanding of psychological mechanisms involved in the induction of placebo-nocebo effects. Further, a fruitful foundation for future studies is provided, which will need to determine the contributions of primarily nocebo or placebo responses mediating the effects as demonstrated in the present studies. In a long-term perspective, the present findings may also help to exploit placebo effects and prevent from nocebo effect in clinical contexts by further elucidating crucial psychological factors that contribute to the placebo and nocebo response.}, subject = {Placebo}, language = {en} } @article{SimonKaethnerRufetal.2015, author = {Simon, Nadine and K{\"a}thner, Ivo and Ruf, Carolin A. and Pasqualotto, Emanuele and K{\"u}bler, Andrea and Halder, Sebastian}, title = {An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, number = {1039}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2014.01039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126450}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can serve as muscle independent communication aids. Persons, who are unable to control their eye muscles (e.g., in the completely locked-in state) or have severe visual impairments for other reasons, need BCI systems that do not rely on the visual modality. For this reason, BCIs that employ auditory stimuli were suggested. In this study, a multiclass BCI spelling system was implemented that uses animal voices with directional cues to code rows and columns of a letter matrix. To reveal possible training effects with the system, 11 healthy participants performed spelling tasks on 2 consecutive days. In a second step, the system was tested by a participant with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in two sessions. In the first session, healthy participants spelled with an average accuracy of 76\% (3.29 bits/min) that increased to 90\% (4.23 bits/min) on the second day. Spelling accuracy by the participant with ALS was 20\% in the first and 47\% in the second session. The results indicate a strong training effect for both the healthy participants and the participant with ALS. While healthy participants reached high accuracies in the first session and second session, accuracies for the participant with ALS were not sufficient for satisfactory communication in both sessions. More training sessions might be needed to improve spelling accuracies. The study demonstrated the feasibility of the auditory BCI with healthy users and stresses the importance of training with auditory multiclass BCIs, especially for potential end-users of BCI with disease.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiemer2015, author = {Wiemer, Julian}, title = {Maintaining factors of fear-relevant illusory correlations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116960}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Biased cognitive processes are very likely involved in the maintenance of fears and anxiety. One of such cognitive processes is the perceived relationship between fear-relevant stimuli and aversive consequences. If this relationship is perceived although objective contingencies have been random, it is called an (a posteriori) illusory correlation. If this relationship is overestimated before objective contingencies are experienced, it is called an (a priori) expectancy bias. Previous investigations showed that fear-relevant illusory correlations exist, but very few is known about how and why this cognitive bias develops. In the present dissertation thesis, a model is proposed based on a review of the literature on fear-relevant illusory correlations. This model describes how psychological factors might have an influence on fear and illusory correlations. Several critical implications of the model were tested in four experiments. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that people do not only overestimate the proportion of aversive consequences (startle sounds) following emotionally negative stimuli (pictures of mutilations) relative to neutral stimuli (pictures of household objects), but also following highly arousing positive stimuli (pictures of erotic scenes), because arousal might be an important determinant of illusory correlations. The result was a significant expectancy bias for negative stimuli and a much smaller expectancy bias for positive stimuli. Unexpectedly, expectancy bias was restricted to women. An a posteriori illusory correlation was not found overall, but only in those participants who perceived the aversive consequences following negative stimuli as particularly aversive. Experiment 2 tested the same hypothesis as experiment 1 using a paradigm that evoked distinct basic emotions (pictures inducing fear, anger, disgust or happiness). Only negative emotions resulted in illusory correlations with aversive outcomes (startle sounds), especially the emotions of fear and disgust. As in experiment 1, the extent of these illusory correlations was correlated with the perceived aversiveness of aversive outcomes. Moreover, only women overestimated the proportion of aversive outcomes during pictures that evoked fear, anger or disgust. Experiment 3 used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to measure biased brain activity in female spider phobics during an illusory correlation paradigm. Both spider phobics and healthy controls expected more aversive outcomes (painful electrical shocks) following pictures of spiders than following neutral control stimuli (pictures of mushrooms). Spider phobics but not healthy controls overestimated the proportion of aversive outcomes following pictures of spiders in a trial-by-trial memory task. This a posteriori illusory correlation was correlated with enhanced shock aversiveness and activity in primary sensory-motor cortex in phobic participants. Moreover, spider phobics' brain activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was elevated in response to spider images. This activity also predicted the extent of the illusory correlation, which supports the theory that executive and attentional resources play an important role in the maintenance of illusory correlations. Experiment 4 tested the hypothesis that the enhanced aversiveness of some outcomes would be sufficient to causally induce an illusory correlation. Neutral images (colored geometric figures) were paired with differently aversive outcomes (three startle sounds varying in intensity). Participants developed an illusory correlation between those images, which predicted the most aversive sound and this sound, which means that this association was overestimated relative to the other associations. The extent of the illusory correlation was positively correlated with participants' self-reported anxiety. The results imply that the previously found relationship between illusory correlations and outcome aversiveness might reflect a causal impact of outcome aversiveness or salience on illusory correlations. In sum, the conducted experiments indicate that illusory correlations between fear-relevant stimuli and aversive consequences might persist - among other factors - because of an enhanced aversiveness or salience of aversive consequences following feared stimuli. This assumption is based on correlational findings, a neural measure of outcome perception and a causal influence of outcome aversiveness on illusory correlations. Implications of these findings were integrated into a model of fear-relevant illusory correlations and potential implications are discussed. Future investigations should further elucidate the role of executive functions and gender effects. Moreover, the trial-by-trial assessment of illusory correlations is recommended to increase reliability of the concept. From a clinical perspective, the down-regulation of aversive experiences and the allocation of attention to non-aversive experiences might help to cure anxiety and cognitive bias.}, subject = {Verzerrte Kognition}, language = {en} } @article{ReussPohlKieseletal.2015, author = {Reuss, Heiko and Pohl, Carsten and Kiesel, Andrea and Kunde, Wilfried}, title = {Instructed illiteracy reveals expertise-effects on unconscious processing}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, number = {239}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00239}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125332}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We used a new methodological approach to investigate whether top-down influences like expertise determine the extent of unconscious processing. This approach does not rely on preexisting differences between experts and novices, but instructs essentially the same task in a way that either addresses a domain of expertise or not. Participants either were instructed to perform a lexical decision task (expert task) or to respond to a combination of single features of word and non-word stimuli (novel task). The stimuli and importantly also the mapping of responses to those stimuli, however, were exactly the same in both groups. We analyzed congruency effects of masked primes depending on the instructed task. Participants performing the expert task responded faster and less error prone when the prime was response congruent rather than incongruent. This effect was significantly reduced in the novel task, and even reversed when excluding identical prime-target pairs. This indicates that the primes in the novel task had an effect on a perceptual level, but were not able to impact on response activation. Overall, these results demonstrate an expertise-based top-down modulation of unconscious processing that cannot be explained by confounds that are otherwise inherent in comparisons between novices and experts.}, language = {en} } @article{EderDeutsch2015, author = {Eder, Andreas B. and Deutsch, Roland}, title = {Watch the target! Effects in the affective misattribution procedure become weaker (but not eliminated) when participants are motivated to provide accurate responses to the target}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01442}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125982}, pages = {1442}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Previous research showed that priming effects in the affective misattribution procedure (AMP) are unaffected by direct warnings to avoid an influence of the primes. The present research examined whether a priming influence is diminished by task procedures that encourage accurate judgments of the targets. Participants were motivated to categorize the affective meaning of nonsense targets accurately by being made to believe that a true word was presented in each trial and by providing feedback on (allegedly) incorrect responses. This condition produced robust priming effects. Priming was however reduced and less reliable relative to more typical AMP conditions in which participants guessed the meaning of openly presented nonsense targets. Affective judgments of nonsense targets were not affected by advance knowledge of the response mapping during the priming phase, which argues against a response-priming explanation of AMP effects. These findings show that affective primes influence evaluative judgments even in conditions in which the motivation to provide accurate responses is high and a priming of motor responses is not possible. Priming effects were however weaker with high accuracy motivation, suggesting that a focus on accurate judgments is an effective strategy to control for an unwanted priming influence in the AMP.}, language = {en} } @article{KleihHerwegKaufmannetal.2015, author = {Kleih, Sonja C. and Herweg, Andreas and Kaufmann, Tobias and Staiger-S{\"a}lzer, Pit and Gerstner, Natascha and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {The WIN-speller: a new intuitive auditory brain-computer interface spelling application}, series = {Frontiers in Neuroscience}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnins.2015.00346}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125972}, pages = {346}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The objective of this study was to test the usability of a new auditory Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) application for communication. We introduce a word based, intuitive auditory spelling paradigm the WIN-speller. In the WIN-speller letters are grouped by words, such as the word KLANG representing the letters A, G, K, L, and N. Thereby, the decoding step between perceiving a code and translating it to the stimuli it represents becomes superfluous. We tested 11 healthy volunteers and four end-users with motor impairment in the copy spelling mode. Spelling was successful with an average accuracy of 84\% in the healthy sample. Three of the end-users communicated with average accuracies of 80\% or higher while one user was not able to communicate reliably. Even though further evaluation is required, the WIN-speller represents a potential alternative for BCI based communication in end-users.}, language = {en} } @article{WieserMoscovitch2015, author = {Wieser, Matthias J. and Moscovitch, David A.}, title = {The effect of affective context on visuocortical processing of neutral faces in social anxiety - An ERP study}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01824}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125148}, pages = {1824}, year = {2015}, abstract = {It has been demonstrated that verbal context information alters the neural processing of ambiguous faces such as faces with no apparent facial expression. In social anxiety, neutral faces may be implicitly threatening for socially anxious individuals due to their ambiguous nature, but even more so if these neutral faces are put in self-referential negative contexts. Therefore, we measured event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in response to neutral faces which were preceded by affective verbal information (negative, neutral, positive). Participants with low social anxiety (LSA; n = 23) and high social anxiety (HSA; n = 21) were asked to watch and rate valence and arousal of the respective faces while continuous EEG was recorded. ERP analysis revealed that HSA showed elevated P100 amplitudes in response to faces, but reduced structural encoding of faces as indexed by reduced N170 amplitudes. In general, affective context led to an enhanced early posterior negativity (EPN) for negative compared to neutral facial expressions. Moreover, HSA compared to LSA showed enhanced late positive potentials (LPP) to negatively contextualized faces, whereas in LSA this effect was found for faces in positive contexts. Also, HSA rated faces in negative contexts as more negative compared to LSA. These results point at enhanced vigilance for neutral faces regardless of context in HSA, while structural encoding seems to be diminished (avoidance). Interestingly, later components of sustained processing (LPP) indicate that LSA show enhanced visuocortical processing for faces in positive contexts (happy bias), whereas this seems to be the case for negatively contextualized faces in HSA (threat bias). Finally, our results add further new evidence that top-down information in interaction with individual anxiety levels can influence early-stage aspects of visual perception.}, language = {en} } @article{StippekohlWinklerWalteretal.2012, author = {Stippekohl, Bastian and Winkler, Markus H. and Walter, Bertram and Kagerer, Sabine and Mucha, Ronald F. and Pauli, Paul and Vaitl, Dieter and Stark, Rudolf}, title = {Neural Responses to Smoking Stimuli Are Influenced by Smokers' Attitudes towards Their Own Smoking Behaviour}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {7}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0046782}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124393}, year = {2012}, abstract = {An important feature of addiction is the high drug craving that may promote the continuation of consumption. Environmental stimuli classically conditioned to drug-intake have a strong motivational power for addicts and can elicit craving. However, addicts differ in the attitudes towards their own consumption behavior: some are content with drug taking (consonant users) whereas others are discontent (dissonant users). Such differences may be important for clinical practice because the experience of dissonance might enhance the likelihood to consider treatment. This fMRI study investigated in smokers whether these different attitudes influence subjective and neural responses to smoking stimuli. Based on self-characterization, smokers were divided into consonant and dissonant smokers. These two groups were presented smoking stimuli and neutral stimuli. Former studies have suggested differences in the impact of smoking stimuli depending on the temporal stage of the smoking ritual they are associated with. Therefore, we used stimuli associated with the beginning (BEGIN-smoking-stimuli) and stimuli associated with the terminal stage (END-smoking-stimuli) of the smoking ritual as distinct stimulus categories. Stimulus ratings did not differ between both groups. Brain data showed that BEGIN-smoking-stimuli led to enhanced mesolimbic responses (amygdala, hippocampus, insula) in dissonant compared to consonant smokers. In response to END-smoking-stimuli, dissonant smokers showed reduced mesocortical responses (orbitofrontal cortex, subcallosal cortex) compared to consonant smokers. These results suggest that smoking stimuli with a high incentive value (BEGIN-smoking-stimuli) are more appetitive for dissonant than consonant smokers at least on the neural level. To the contrary, smoking stimuli with low incentive value (END-smoking-stimuli) seem to be less appetitive for dissonant smokers than consonant smokers. These differences might be one reason why dissonant smokers experience difficulties in translating their attitudes into an actual behavior change.}, language = {en} } @article{SuetterlinPaapBabicetal.2012, author = {S{\"u}tterlin, Stefan and Paap, Muirne C. S. and Babic, Stana and K{\"u}bler, Andrea and V{\"o}gele, Claus}, title = {Rumination and Age: Some Things Get Better}, series = {Journal of Aging Research}, volume = {2012}, journal = {Journal of Aging Research}, number = {267327}, doi = {10.1155/2012/267327}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124356}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Rumination has been defined as a mode of responding to distress that involves passively focusing one's attention on symptoms of distress without taking action. This dysfunctional response style intensifies depressed mood, impairs interpersonal problem solving, and leads to more pessimistic future perspectives and less social support. As most of these results were obtained from younger people, it remains unclear how age affects ruminative thinking. Three hundred members of the general public ranging in age from 15 to 87 years were asked about their ruminative styles using the Response Styles Questionnaire (RSQ), depression and satisfaction with life. A Mokken Scale analysis confirmed the two-factor structure of the RSQ with brooding and reflective pondering as subcomponents of rumination. Older participants (63 years and older) reported less ruminative thinking than other age groups. Life satisfaction was associated with brooding and highest for the earlier and latest life stages investigated in this study.}, language = {en} } @article{ReussKieselKundeetal.2012, author = {Reuss, Heiko and Kiesel, Andrea and Kunde, Wilfried and W{\"u}hr, Peter}, title = {A cue from the unconscious - masked symbols prompt spatial anticipation}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {3}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123971}, pages = {397}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Anticipating where an event will occur enables us to instantaneously respond to events that occur at the expected location. Here we investigated if such spatial anticipations can be triggered by symbolic information that participants cannot consciously see. In two experiments involving a Posner cueing task and a visual search task, a central cue informed participants about the likely location of the next target stimulus. In half of the trials, this cue was rendered invisible by pattern masking. In both experiments, visible cues led to cueing effects, that is, faster responses after valid compared to invalid cues. Importantly, even masked cues caused cueing effects, though to a lesser extent. Additionally, we analyzed effects on attention that persist from one trial to the subsequent trial. We found that spatial anticipations are able to interfere with newly formed spatial anticipations and influence orienting of attention in the subsequent trial. When the preceding cue was visible, the corresponding spatial anticipation persisted to an extent that prevented a noticeable effect of masked cues. The effects of visible cues were likewise modulated by previous spatial anticipations, but were strong enough to also exert an impact on attention themselves. Altogether, the results suggest that spatial anticipations can be formed on the basis of unconscious stimuli, but that interfering influences like still active spatial anticipations can suppress this effect.}, language = {en} } @article{MeuleKuebler2012, author = {Meule, Adrian and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {The translation of substance dependence criteria to food-related behaviors: different views and interpretations.}, series = {Frontiers in psychiatry}, journal = {Frontiers in psychiatry}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123092}, year = {2012}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Campbell2015, author = {Campbell, Marlen Jamie-Lee}, title = {Organizational cultures' impact on employees' corruption}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123251}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {197}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Although many researchers refer to organizational culture as the key to explain employees' organizational corruption (= corruption on behalf of the organization), literature lacks systematic empirical evidence. Through a mixed-method approach this research tries to shed some first lights on this issue with the questions: what characteristics describe an organizational culture that promotes employees' corruption? Does a certain type of organizational culture shape a positive attitude towards organizational corruption? Does organizational culture differ in its impact on different types of corruption? Does organizational culture interact with employees' sex to promote employees' corruption? And, is there a main effect of sex on corruption? A qualitative study investigates the characteristics of a corrupt organizational culture in both general and in particular for managers and employees (Study 1). 14 experts of different occupations were asked about underlying assumptions, values, and norms of a corrupt organizational culture coding the frequency and relationship of their answers. The results showed specific underlying assumptions, values, and norms that were shared by the interviewees and provide first insights into their interrelatedness. In addition, the quantitative field survey (Study 2) analyzed if a corrupt organizational culture shapes a positive attitude towards organizational corruption and if both tangible rewards and lax control mechanism mediate this impact. 131 participants answered questionnaires about their perceived competition in their industry, tangible rewards, lax control mechanism, and their attitude towards both gifting and bribery. Results showed that lax control mechanism (and for gifting also tangible rewards) mediated the positive impact of a corrupt organizational culture on organizational corruption. In addition, men and women did not differ in their attitude towards organizational corruption in a corrupt organizational culture. Finally a web-based experiment investigates if organizational culture shapes employees' corruption (Study 3). In addition this approach also covers if the impact of organizational culture on corruption depends on the type of corruption (organizational corruption vs. counterproductive), and if employees' sex influence corruption and if there is an interaction of organizational culture and sex on employees' corruption. 563 participants had to decide whether they engage in corruption. Although a corrupt organizational culture raises both types of corruption, there was neither a notable main effect of sex nor a high impact interaction effect of both on both types of corruption. Thus, aspects of a corrupt organizational culture seem to influence employees' corruption.}, subject = {Korruption}, language = {en} } @article{WoelkSuetterlinKochetal.2014, author = {W{\"o}lk, Julian and S{\"u}tterlin, Stefan and Koch, Stefan and V{\"o}gele, Claus and Schulz, Stefan M.}, title = {Enhanced cardiac perception predicts impaired performance in the Iowa Gambling Task in patients with panic disorder}, series = {Brain and Behavior}, volume = {4}, journal = {Brain and Behavior}, number = {2}, issn = {2162-3279}, doi = {10.1002/brb3.206}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119865}, pages = {238-46}, year = {2014}, abstract = {OBJECTIVE: Somatic marker theory predicts that somatic cues serve intuitive decision making; however, cardiovascular symptoms are threat cues for patients with panic disorder (PD). Therefore, enhanced cardiac perception may aid intuitive decision making only in healthy individuals, but impair intuitive decision making in PD patients. METHODS: PD patients and age-and sex-matched volunteers without a psychiatric diagnosis (n=17, respectively) completed the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) as a measure of intuitive decision making. Interindividual differences in cardiac perception were assessed with a common mental-tracking task. RESULTS: In line with our hypothesis, we found a pattern of opposing associations (Fisher's Z=1.78, P=0.04) of high cardiac perception with improved IGT-performance in matched control-participants (r=0.36, n=14) but impaired IGT-performance in PD patients (r=-0.38, n=13). CONCLUSION: Interoceptive skills, typically assumed to aid intuitive decision making, can have the opposite effect in PD patients who experience interoceptive cues as threatening, and tend to avoid them. This may explain why PD patients frequently have problems with decision making in everyday life. Screening of cardiac perception may help identifying patients who benefit from specifically tailored interventions.}, language = {en} } @article{MeuleLutzKrawietzetal.2014, author = {Meule, Adrian and Lutz, Annika P. C. and Krawietz, Vera and St{\"u}tzer, Judith and V{\"o}gele, Claus and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {Food-cue affected motor response inhibition and self-reported dieting success: a pictorial affective shifting task}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00216}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119840}, pages = {216}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Behavioral inhibition is one of the basic facets of executive functioning and is closely related to self-regulation. Impulsive reactions, that is, low inhibitory control, have been associated with higher body mass index (BMI), binge eating, and other problem behaviors (e.g., substance abuse, pathological gambling, etc.). Nevertheless, studies which investigated the direct influence of food-cues on behavioral inhibition have been fairly inconsistent. In the current studies, we investigated food-cue affected behavioral inhibition in young women. For this purpose, we used a go/no-go task with pictorial food and neutral stimuli in which stimulus-response mapping is reversed after every other block (affective shifting task). In study 1, hungry participants showed faster reaction times to and omitted fewer food than neutral targets. Low dieting success and higher BMI were associated with behavioral disinhibition in food relative to neutral blocks. In study 2, both hungry and satiated individuals were investigated. Satiation did not influence overall task performance, but modulated associations of task performance with dieting success and self-reported impulsivity. When satiated, increased food craving during the task was associated with low dieting success, possibly indicating a preload-disinhibition effect following food intake. Food-cues elicited automatic action and approach tendencies regardless of dieting success, self-reported impulsivity, or current hunger levels. Yet, associations between dieting success, impulsivity, and behavioral food-cue responses were modulated by hunger and satiation. Future research investigating clinical samples and including other salient non-food stimuli as control category is warranted.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Erlbeck2015, author = {Erlbeck, Helena}, title = {The event-related potentials Mismatch Negativity, P300, and N400: Effects of attentional modulation and application in patients with disorders of consciousness}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121041}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The present work comprises four studies dealing with the investigation of the auditory event-related potentials (ERP) Mismatch Negativity (MMN), P300, and N400 under different attentional instructions, and with their application in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC) to assess residual cognitive functioning. In guided interviews (study 1), practitioners working with DOC patients stated their general interest in and an objective need for the complementation of current diagnostic procedures by reliable and valid ERP-based methods. Subsequently, in study 2, simple oddball and semantic paradigms were applied to 19 behaviorally non-responsive DOC patients revealing the presence of at least one ERP in eight patients investigated. In the third and fourth study, specific attentional effects on ERPs were investigated in healthy participants to define optimal instructions and stimulus parameters. In study 3, MMN and N400 amplitudes were assessed in 18 participants, and in study 4, MMN and P300 amplitudes were assessed in 32 participants. Both studies included an ignore task (attention on simultaneous visual stimuli), a passive task, and a focused task and revealed distinct attentional effects on P300 and N400 with largest amplitudes in the focused task, smaller ones in the passive task and no ERP in the ignore task. An MMN was elicited in all tasks, but still, amplitudes differed as a function of task. In addition, study 4 included oddball paradigms comprising several deviants in different dimensions. Higher amplitudes were found in this multifeature paradigm compared to traditional oddball paradigms and larger amplitudes were elicited by deviants highly different from standards. It is concluded that ERPs represent a promising tool to complement clinical assessment of DOC patients. Application of ERP paradigms should include focused instructions, especially when using semantic material. Furthermore, multifeature paradigms have been proven especially useful eliciting large amplitudes and allowing for the investigation of several dimensions of deviants at the same time.}, subject = {Bewusstseinsst{\"o}rung}, language = {en} } @article{HoehneHolzStaigerSaelzeretal.2014, author = {H{\"o}hne, Johannes and Holz, Elisa and Staiger-S{\"a}lzer, Pit and M{\"u}ller, Klaus-Robert and K{\"u}bler, Andrea and Tangermann, Michael}, title = {Motor Imagery for Severely Motor-Impaired Patients: Evidence for Brain-Computer Interfacing as Superior Control Solution}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {9}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0104854}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119331}, pages = {e104854}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) strive to decode brain signals into control commands for severely handicapped people with no means of muscular control. These potential users of noninvasive BCIs display a large range of physical and mental conditions. Prior studies have shown the general applicability of BCI with patients, with the conflict of either using many training sessions or studying only moderately restricted patients. We present a BCI system designed to establish external control for severely motor-impaired patients within a very short time. Within only six experimental sessions, three out of four patients were able to gain significant control over the BCI, which was based on motor imagery or attempted execution. For the most affected patient, we found evidence that the BCI could outperform the best assistive technology (AT) of the patient in terms of control accuracy, reaction time and information transfer rate. We credit this success to the applied user-centered design approach and to a highly flexible technical setup. State-of-the art machine learning methods allowed the exploitation and combination of multiple relevant features contained in the EEG, which rapidly enabled the patients to gain substantial BCI control. Thus, we could show the feasibility of a flexible and tailorable BCI application in severely disabled users. This can be considered a significant success for two reasons: Firstly, the results were obtained within a short period of time, matching the tight clinical requirements. Secondly, the participating patients showed, compared to most other studies, very severe communication deficits. They were dependent on everyday use of AT and two patients were in a locked-in state. For the most affected patient a reliable communication was rarely possible with existing AT.}, language = {en} } @article{MeuleGearhard2014, author = {Meule, Adrian and Gearhard, Ashley N.}, title = {Food Addiction in the Light of DSM-5}, series = {Nutrients}, volume = {6}, journal = {Nutrients}, number = {9}, issn = {2072-6643}, doi = {10.3390/nu6093653}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119279}, pages = {3653-71}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The idea that specific kind of foods may have an addiction potential and that some forms of overeating may represent an addicted behavior has been discussed for decades. In recent years, the interest in food addiction is growing and research on this topic lead to more precise definitions and assessment methods. For example, the Yale Food Addiction Scale has been developed for the measurement of addiction-like eating behavior based on the diagnostic criteria for substance dependence of the fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). In 2013, diagnostic criteria for substance abuse and-dependence were merged, thereby increasing the number of symptoms for substance use disorders (SUDs) in the DSM-5. Moreover, gambling disorder is now included along SUDs as a behavioral addiction. Although a plethora of review articles exist that discuss the applicability of the DSM-IV substance dependence criteria to eating behavior, the transferability of the newly added criteria to eating is unknown. Thus, the current article discusses if and how these new criteria may be translated to overeating. Furthermore, it is examined if the new SUD criteria will impact future research on food addiction, for example, if "diagnosing" food addiction should also be adapted by considering all of the new symptoms. Given the critical response to the revisions in DSM-5, we also discuss if the recent approach of Research Domain Criteria can be helpful in evaluating the concept of food addiction.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zuern2015, author = {Z{\"u}rn, Michael}, title = {The Dual Nature of Utility - Categorical and Comparative Evaluations in Economic Decisions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120141}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Utility is perhaps the most central concept in modern economic theorizing. However, the behaviorist reduction to Revealed Preference not only removed the psychological content of utility but experimental investigations also exposed numerous anomalies in this theory. This program of research focused on the psychological processes by which utility judgments are generated. For this purpose, the standard assumption of a homogeneous concept is substituted by the Utilitarian Duality Hypothesis. In particular, judgments concerning categorical utility (uCat) infer an object's category based on its attributes which may subsequently allow the transfer of evaluative information like feelings or attitudes. In contrast, comparative utility (uCom) depends on the distance to a reference value on a specific dimension of comparison. Importantly, dimensions of comparison are manifold and context dependent. In a series of experiments, we show that the resulting Dual Utility Model is able to explain several known anomalies in a parsimonious fashion. Moreover, we identify central factors determining the relative weight assigned to both utility components. Finally, we discuss the implications of the Utilitarian Duality for both, the experimental practice in economics as well as the consequences for economic theorizing. In sum, we propose that the Dual Utility Model can serve as an integrative framework for both the rational model and its anomalies.}, subject = {Nutzen}, language = {en} } @article{WieserGerdesReichertsetal.2014, author = {Wieser, Matthias J. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Reicherts, Philipp and Pauli, Paul}, title = {Mutual influences of pain and emotional face processing}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01160}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118446}, pages = {1160}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The perception of unpleasant stimuli enhances whereas the perception of pleasant stimuli decreases pain perception. In contrast, the effects of pain on the processing of emotional stimuli are much less known. Especially given the recent interest in facial expressions of pain as a special category of emotional stimuli, a main topic in this research line is the mutual influence of pain and facial expression processing. Therefore, in this mini-review we selectively summarize research on the effects of emotional stimuli on pain, but more extensively turn to the opposite direction namely how pain influences concurrent processing of affective stimuli such as facial expressions. Based on the motivational priming theory one may hypothesize that the perception of pain enhances the processing of unpleasant stimuli and decreases the processing of pleasant stimuli. This review reveals that the literature is only partly consistent with this assumption: pain reduces the processing of pleasant pictures and happy facial expressions, but does not - or only partly - affect processing of unpleasant pictures. However, it was demonstrated that pain selectively enhances the processing of facial expressions if these are pain-related (i.e., facial expressions of pain). Extending a mere affective modulation theory, the latter results suggest pain-specific effects which may be explained by the perception-action model of empathy. Together, these results underscore the important mutual influence of pain and emotional face processing.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wu2013, author = {Wu, Lingdan}, title = {Emotion Regulation in Addicted Smokers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85471}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: Nicotine addiction is the most prevalent type of drug addiction that has been described as a cycle of spiraling dysregulation of the brain reward systems. Imaging studies have shown that nicotine addiction is associated with abnormal function in prefrontal brain regions that are important for cognitive emotion regulation. It was assumed that addicts may perform less well than healthy nonsmokers in cognitive emotion regulation tasks. The primary aims of this thesis were to investigate emotional responses to natural rewards among smokers and nonsmokers and to determine whether smokers differ from nonsmokers in cognitive regulation of positive and negative emotions. To address these aims, two forms of appraisal paradigms (i.e., appraisal frame and reappraisal) were applied to compare changes in emotional responses of smokers with that of nonsmokers as a function of appraisal strategies. Experiment 1: The aim of the first experiment was to evaluate whether and how appraisal frames preceding positive and negative picture stimuli affect emotional experience and facial expression of individuals. Twenty participants were exposed to 125 pairs of auditory appraisal frames (either neutral or emotional) followed by picture stimuli reflecting five conditions: unpleasant-negative, unpleasant-neutral, pleasant-positive, pleasant-neutral and neutral-neutral. Ratings of valence and arousal as well as facial EMG activity over the corrugator supercilii and the zygomaticus major were measured simultaneously. The results indicated that appraisal frames could alter both subjective emotional experience and facial expressions, irrespective of the valence of the pictorial stimuli. These results suggest and support that appraisal frame is an efficient paradigm in regulation of multi-level emotional responses. 8 Experiment 2: The second experiment applied the appraisal frame paradigm to investigate how smokers differ from nonsmokers on cognitive emotion regulation. Sixty participants (22 nonsmokers, 19 nondeprived smokers and 19 12-h deprived smokers) completed emotion regulation tasks as described in Experiment 1 while emotional responses were concurrently recorded as reflected by self-ratings and psychophysiological measures (i.e., facial EMG and EEG). The results indicated that there was no group difference on emotional responses to natural rewards. Moreover, nondeprived smokers and deprived smokers performed as well as nonsmokers on the emotion regulation task. The lack of group differences in multiple emotional responses (i.e., self-reports, facial EMG activity and brain EEG activity) suggests that nicotine addicts have no deficit in cognitive emotion regulation of natural rewards via appraisal frames. Experiment 3: The third experiment aimed to further evaluate smokers' emotion regulation ability by comparing performances of smokers and nonsmokers in a more challenging cognitive task (i.e., reappraisal task). Sixty-five participants (23 nonsmokers, 22 nondeprived smokers and 20 12-h deprived smokers) were instructed to regulate emotions by imagining that the depicted negative or positive scenario would become less negative or less positive over time, respectively. The results showed that nondeprived smokers and deprived smokers responded similarly to emotional pictures and performed as well as nonsmokers in down-regulating positive and negative emotions via the reappraisal strategy. These results indicated that nicotine addicts do not have deficit in emotion regulation using cognitive appraisal strategies. In sum, the three studies consistently revealed that addicted smokers were capable to regulate emotions via appraisal strategies. This thesis establishes the groundwork for therapeutic use of appraisal instructions to cope with potential self-regulation failures in nicotine addicts.}, subject = {Gef{\"u}hl}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bakhtiari2015, author = {Bakhtiari, Giti}, title = {The Role of Fluency in Oral Approach and Avoidance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Names of, for instance, children or companies are often chosen very carefully. They should sound and feel good. Therefore, many companies try to choose artificially created names that can easily be pronounced in various languages. A wide range of psychological research has demonstrated that easy processing (high processing fluency) is intrinsically experienced as positive. Due to this positive feeling, easy processing can have profound influences on preferences for names. Topolinski, Maschmann, Pecher, and Winkielman (2014) have introduced a different mechanism that influences the perception of words. Across several experiments they found that words featuring consonantal inward wanderings (inward words) were preferred over words featuring consonantal outward wanderings (outward words). They argued that this was due to the fact that approach and avoidance motivations are activated by articulating inward and outward words, because the pronunciation resembles approach and avoidance behaviors of swallowing and spitting, respectively. They suggested this close link as an underlying mechanism for the so-called in-out effect, but did not test this assumption directly. In the current work, I tested an alternative fluency account of the in-out effect. Specifically, I hypothesized that processing fluency might play a critical role instead of motivational states of approach and avoidance being necessarily activated. In Chapter 1, I introduce the general topic of my dissertation, followed by a detailed introduction of the research area of approach and avoidance motivations in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, I narrow the topic down to orally induced approach and avoidance motivations, which is the main topic of my dissertation. In Chapter 4, I introduce the research area of ecological influences on psychological processes. This chapter builds the base for the idea that human language might serve as a source of processing fluency in the in-out effect. In the following Chapter 5, I elaborate the research area of processing fluency, for which I examined whether it plays a role in the in-out effect. After an overview of my empirical work in Chapter 6, the empirical part starts with Study 1a and Study 1b (Chapter 7) that aimed to show that two languages (Eng. \& Ger.) in which the in-out effect has originally been found might feature a source of higher processing fluency for inward over outward words. The results showed that higher frequencies of inward dynamics compared to outward dynamics were found in both languages. This can lead to higher pronunciation fluency for inward compared to outward words which might in turn lay the ground for higher preferences found for inward over outward words. In Chapter 8, the assumption that inward compared to outward dynamics might be more efficient to process was tested directly in experiments that examined objective as well as subjective processing fluency of artificially constructed non-words featuring pure inward or outward dynamics. Studies 2a-4b found an objective as well as subjective processing advantage for inward over outward words. In Chapter 9, the causal role of objective and subjective pronunciation fluency in the in-out effect was examined. In Study 5 mediational analyses on item-level and across studies were conducted using objective and subjective fluency as possible mediating variables. In Study 6 mediation analyses were conducted with data on subject- and trial-level from a within-subject design. Overall, the data of the item-based, subject-based and trial-based mediation analyses provide rather mixed results. Therefore, an experimental manipulation of fluency was implemented in the last two studies. In Chapter 10, Study 7 and Study 8 demonstrate that manipulating fluency experimentally does indeed modulate the attitudinal impact of consonantal articulation direction. Articulation ease was induced by letting participants train inward or outward kinematics before the actual evaluation phase. Additionally, the simulation training was intensified in Study 8 in order to examine whether a stronger modulation of the in-out effect could be found. Training outward words led to an attenuation and, after more extensive training, even to a reversal of the in-out effect, whereas training inward words led to an enhancement of the in-out effect. This hints at my overall hypothesis that the explicit preferences of inward and outward words are, at least partially, driven by processing fluency. Almost all studies of my dissertation, except for one analysis of the item-based mediation study, speak in favor of the hypothesis that inward words compared to outward words are objectively and subjectively easier to articulate. This possibly contributes partially to a higher preference of inward over outward words. The results are discussed in Chapter 11 with respect to processing fluency and to the role of language as an ecological factor. Finally, future research ideas are elaborated.}, subject = {Sozialpsychologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rittger2015, author = {Rittger, Lena}, title = {Driving Behaviour and Driver Assistance at Traffic Light Intersections}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117646}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The increasing importance of environmental friendly and efficient transportation guides the interest of researchers and car manufacturers towards the development of technologies that support an efficient driving style. This thesis presents the development of a traffic light assistance system with the focus on human factors. The system aims on supporting drivers in approaching traffic light intersections efficiently. In three driving simulator studies, the content related research covered the investigation of the unassisted driving task, the influence of the system on the driver's perception of the interaction with other road users and the information strategy of the human machine interface. When the traffic light phase changes or when visibility is limited, drivers prepare driving behaviour that is not appropriate for the traffic light phase at arrival at the intersection. These situations offer the greatest potential for the assistance system. The traffic light assistant is able to change driving behaviour. However, the expectation of other road user's emotional reactions influences driver compliance. In situations in which drivers expected to bother others with their driving behaviour, compliance to the traffic light assistant was low. Further, the deviations of driver behaviour from the target strategy of the traffic light assistant are lowest when the HMI includes the two information units target speed and action recommendations. Traffic light phase information in the HMI is a subjectively important information for drivers. The results point towards the presentation of all three information units. The method related research covered the development of a method for measuring drivers' information demand for dynamic stimuli. While driving, specific stimuli are action relevant for drivers, i.e. they need to be processed in order to decide on the appropriate driving behaviour. Eye tracking has been the standard method for measuring information demand while driving. The novel MARS (Masking Action Relevant Stimuli) method measures information demand by masking the dynamic action relevant stimulus in the driving environment or in the vehicle. To unmask the stimulus for a fixed interval, drivers press a button at the steering wheel. In the present thesis, two driving simulator studies evaluated the MARS method. They included measuring information demand for the traffic light phasing and the in-vehicle display of the traffic light assistant. The analyses demonstrate that variations in the experimental conditions influence the information demand measured with the MARS method qualitatively similar to the influences on fixations measured by eye tracking. Due to its simple application, the MARS method represents a promising tool for transportation research.}, subject = {Fahrerassistenzsystem}, language = {en} } @article{PetrasekProkopovaSladeketal.2014, author = {Petrasek, Tomas and Prokopova, Iva and Sladek, Martin and Weissova, Kamila and Vojtechova, Iveta and Bahnik, Stepan and Zemanova, Anna and Sch{\"o}nig, Kai and Berger, Stefan and Tews, Bjoern and Bartsch, Dusan and Schwab, Martin E. and Sumova, Alena and Stuchlik, Ales}, title = {Nogo-A-deficient transgenic rats show deficits in higher cognitive functions, decreased anxiety, and altered circadian activity patterns}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, number = {90}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00090}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117073}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Decreased levels of Nogo-A-dependent signaling have been shown to affect behavior and cognitive functions. In Nogo-A knockout and knockdown laboratory rodents, behavioral alterations were observed, possibly corresponding with human neuropsychiatric diseases of neurodevelopmental origin, particularly schizophrenia. This study offers further insight into behavioral manifestations of Nogo-A knockdown in laboratory rats, focusing on spatial and non-spatial cognition, anxiety levels, circadian rhythmicity, and activity patterns. Demonstrated is an impairment of cognitive functions and behavioral flexibility in a spatial active avoidance task, while non-spatial memory in a step-through avoidance task was spared. No signs of anhedonia, typical for schizophrenic patients, were observed in the animals. Some measures indicated lower anxiety levels in the Nogo-A-deficient group. Circadian rhythmicity in locomotor activity was preserved in the Nogo-A knockout rats and their circadian period (tau) did not differ from controls. However, daily activity patterns were slightly altered in the knockdown animals. We conclude that a reduction of Nogo-A levels induces changes in CNS development, manifested as subtle alterations in cognitive functions, emotionality, and activity patterns.}, language = {en} } @article{EwaldGlotzbachSchoonGerdesetal.2014, author = {Ewald, Heike and Glotzbach-Schoon, Evelyn and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Andreatta, Marta and M{\"u}ller, Mathias and M{\"u}hlberger, Andreas and Pauli, Paul}, title = {Delay and trace fear conditioning in a complex virtual learning environment - neural substrates of extinction}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, number = {323}, issn = {1662-5161}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2014.00323}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116230}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Extinction is an important mechanism to inhibit initially acquired fear responses. There is growing evidence that the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) inhibits the amygdala and therefore plays an important role in the extinction of delay fear conditioning. To our knowledge, there is no evidence on the role of the prefrontal cortex in the extinction of trace conditioning up to now. Thus, we compared brain structures involved in the extinction of human delay and trace fear conditioning in a between-subjects-design in an fMRI study. Participants were passively guided through a virtual environment during learning and extinction of conditioned fear. Two different lights served as conditioned stimuli (CS); as unconditioned stimulus (US) a mildly painful electric stimulus was delivered. In the delay conditioning group (DCG) the US was administered with offset of one light (CS+), whereas in the trace conditioning group (TCG) the US was presented 4s after CS+ offset. Both groups showed insular and striatal activation during early extinction, but differed in their prefrontal activation. The vmPFC was mainly activated in the DCG, whereas the TCG showed activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) during extinction. These results point to different extinction processes in delay and trace conditioning. VmPFC activation during extinction of delay conditioning might reflect the inhibition of the fear response. In contrast, dlPFC activation during extinction of trace conditioning may reflect modulation of working memory processes which are involved in bridging the trace interval and hold information in short term memory.}, language = {en} } @article{BlechertMeuleBuschetal.2014, author = {Blechert, Jens and Meule, Adrian and Busch, Niko A. and Ohla, Kathrin}, title = {Food-pics: an image database for experimental research on eating and appetite}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00617}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115987}, pages = {617}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Our current environment is characterized by the omnipresence of food cues. The sight and smell of real foods, but also graphically depictions of appetizing foods, can guide our eating behavior, for example, by eliciting food craving and influencing food choice. The relevance of visual food cues on human information processing has been demonstrated by a growing body of studies employing food images across the disciplines of psychology, medicine, and neuroscience. However, currently used food image sets vary considerably across laboratories and image characteristics (contrast, brightness, etc.) and food composition (calories, macronutrients, etc.) are often unspecified. These factors might have contributed to some of the inconsistencies of this research. To remedy this, we developed food-pics, a picture database comprising 568 food images and 315 non-food images along with detailed meta-data. A total of N = 1988 individuals with large variance in age and weight from German speaking countries and North America provided normative ratings of valence, arousal, palatability, desire to eat, recognizability and visual complexity. Furthermore, data on macronutrients (g), energy density (kcal), and physical image characteristics (color composition, contrast, brightness, size, complexity) are provided. The food-pics image database is freely available under the creative commons license with the hope that the set will facilitate standardization and comparability across studies and advance experimental research on the determinants of eating behavior. Read F}, language = {en} } @article{HuesteggeRohrssenvanErmingenMarbachetal.2014, author = {Huestegge, Lynn and Rohrßen, Julia and van Ermingen-Marbach, Muna and Pape-Neumann, Julia and Heim, Stefan}, title = {Devil in the details ? Developmental dyslexia and visual long-term memory for details}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, number = {686}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00686}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115887}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Cognitive theories on causes of developmental dyslexia can be divided into language-specific and general accounts. While the former assume that words are special in that associated processing problems are rooted in language-related cognition (e.g., phonology) deficits, the latter propose that dyslexia is rather rooted in a general impairment of cognitive (e.g., visual and/or auditory) processing streams. In the present study, we examined to what extent dyslexia (typically characterized by poor orthographic representations) may be associated with a general deficit in visual long-term memory (LTM) for details. We compared object- and detail-related visual LTM performance (and phonological skills) between dyslexic primary school children and IQ-, age-, and gender-matched controls. The results revealed that while the overall amount of LTM errors was comparable between groups, dyslexic children exhibited a greater portion of detail-related errors. The results suggest that not only phonological, but also general visual resolution deficits in LTM may play an important role in developmental dyslexia.}, language = {en} } @article{ErlbeckKueblerKotchoubeyetal.2014, author = {Erlbeck, Helena and K{\"u}bler, Andrea and Kotchoubey, Boris and Veser, Sandra}, title = {Task instructions modulate the attentional mode affecting the auditory MMN and the semantic N400}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, number = {654}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2014.00654}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115553}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Event-related potentials (ERPs) have been proven to be a useful tool to complement clinical assessment and to detect residual cognitive functions in patients with disorders of consciousness. These ERPs are of ten recorded using passive or unspecific instructions. Patient data obtained this way are then compared to data from healthy participants, which are usually recorded using active instructions. The present study investigates the effect of attentive modulations and particularly the effect of activevs. passive instruction on the ERP components mismatch negativity (MMN) and N400. A sample of 18 healthy participants listened to three auditory paradigms: anoddball, aword priming, and a sentence paradigm. Each paradigm was presented three times with different instructions: ignoring auditory stimuli, passive listening, and focused attention on the auditory stimuli. After each task, the participants indicated their subjective effort. The N400 decreased from the focused task to the passive task, and was extinct in the ignore task. The MMN exhibited higher amplitudes in the focused and passive task compared to the ignore task. The data indicate an effect of attention on the supratemporal component of the MMN. Subjective effort was equally high in the passive and focused tasks but reduced in the ignore task. We conclude that passive listening during EEG recording is stressful and attenuates ERPs, which renders the interpretation of the results obtained in such conditions difficult.}, language = {en} } @article{MartensBenschHalderetal.2014, author = {Martens, Suzanne and Bensch, Michael and Halder, Sebastian and Hill, Jeremy and Nijboer, Femke and Ramos-Murguialday, Ander and Schoelkopf, Bernhard and Birbaumer, Niels and Gharabaghi, Alireza}, title = {Epidural electrocorticography for monitoring of arousal in locked-in state}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2014.00861}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114863}, pages = {861}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Electroencephalography (EEG) often fails to assess both the level (i.e., arousal) and the content (i.e., awareness) of pathologically altered consciousness in patients without motor responsiveness. This might be related to a decline of awareness, to episodes of low arousal and disturbed sleep patterns, and/or to distorting and attenuating effects of the skull and intermediate tissue on the recorded brain signals. Novel approaches are required to overcome these limitations. We introduced epidural electrocorticography (ECoG) for monitoring of cortical physiology in a late-stage amytrophic lateral sclerosis patient in completely locked-in state (CLIS) Despite long-term application for a period of six months, no implant related complications occurred. Recordings from the left frontal cortex were sufficient to identify three arousal states. Spectral analysis of the intrinsic oscillatory activity enabled us to extract state-dependent dominant frequencies at <4, similar to 7 and similar to 20 Hz, representing sleep-like periods, and phases of low and elevated arousal, respectively. In the absence of other biomarkers, ECoG proved to be a reliable tool for monitoring circadian rhythmicity, i.e., avoiding interference with the patient when he was sleeping and exploiting time windows of responsiveness. Moreover, the effects of interventions addressing the patient's arousal, e.g., amantadine medication, could be evaluated objectively on the basis of physiological markers, even in the absence of behavioral parameters. Epidural ECoG constitutes a feasible trade-off between surgical risk and quality of recorded brain signals to gain information on the patient's present level of arousal. This approach enables us to optimize the timing of interactions and medical interventions, all of which should take place when the patient is in a phase of high arousal. Furthermore, avoiding low responsiveness periods will facilitate measures to implement alternative communication pathways involving brain-computer interfaces (BCI).}, language = {en} } @article{GerdesWieserAlpers2014, author = {Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Wieser, Matthias J. and Alpers, Georg W.}, title = {Emotional pictures and sounds: a review of multimodal interactions of emotion cues in multiple domains}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01351}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114548}, pages = {1351}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In everyday life, multiple sensory channels jointly trigger emotional experiences and one channel may alter processing in another channel. For example, seeing an emotional facial expression and hearing the voice's emotional tone will jointly create the emotional experience. This example, where auditory and visual input is related to social communication, has gained considerable attention by researchers. However, interactions of visual and auditory emotional information are not limited to social communication but can extend to much broader contexts including human, animal, and environmental cues. In this article, we review current research on audiovisual emotion processing beyond face-voice stimuli to develop a broader perspective on multimodal interactions in emotion processing. We argue that current concepts of multimodality should be extended in considering an ecologically valid variety of stimuli in audiovisual emotion processing. Therefore, we provide an overview of studies in which emotional sounds and interactions with complex pictures of scenes were investigated. In addition to behavioral studies, we focus on neuroimaging, electro- and peripher-physiological findings. Furthermore, we integrate these findings and identify similarities or differences. We conclude with suggestions for future research.}, language = {en} }