@phdthesis{Mody2003, author = {Mody, Karsten}, title = {Patterns of arthropod distribution and determinants of arthropod assemblage composition in a natural West African savannah}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This study investigated patterns of arthropod community organisation and the processes structuring these communities on a range of different tree species in a natural West African savannah (Como{\´e} National Park, C{\^o}te d'Ivoire). It described and analysed patterns of arthropod distribution on the level of whole communities, on the level of multiple-species interactions, and on the level of individual insect species. Community samples were obtained by applying (i) canopy fogging for mature individuals of three tree species (Anogeissus leiocarpa, Burkea africana, Crossopteryx febrifuga) and (ii) a modified beating technique allowing to sample the complete arthropod communities of the respective study plants for medium-sized (up to 3 m) individuals of two other species (Combretum fragrans, Pseudocedrela kotschyi). General information on ant-plant interactions was retrieved from ant community comparisons of the mature savannah trees. In addition, ant-ant, ant-plant and ant-herbivore interactions were studied in more detail considering the ant assemblages on the myrmecophilic tree Pseudocedrela kotschyi. Herbivore-plant interactions were investigated on a multiple-species level (interrelationships between herbivores and Pseudocedrela trees) and on a species level (detailed studies of interrelationships between herbivorous beetles and caterpillars and the host tree Combretum fragrans). The studies on individual herbivore species were complemented by a study on an abundant ant species, clarifying not only the relationship between host plant and associated animal but allowing also to look at interactive (competitive) aspects of community organisation. The study demonstrated for the first time that (i) the structure of beetle communities on tropical trees can be strongly dependent on the host tree species, (ii) individual trees can host specific arthropod communities whose characteristic structure is stable over years and is strongly determined by the individual tree's attributes, (iii) ants can express a pronounced fidelity to single leaves as foraging area and can thereby determine distribution patterns of other ants, (iv) intraspecifically variable palatability of plants for insect herbivores can be stable over years and can influence the distribution of herbivores that can distinguish between individual hosts according to palatability and (v) intraspecific host plant change can positively affect fitness of herbivores if host plant quality is variable. In general, the present study contributes to our knowledge of anthropogenically unaltered processes affecting community assembly in a natural environment. The fundamental understanding of these processes is crucial for the identification of anthropogenic alterations and the establishment of sustainable management measures. The study points out the important role local factors can play for the distribution of organisms and thereby for community organisation. It emphasises the relevance of small scale heterogeneity of the abiotic and biotic environment to biodiversity and the need to consider these factors for development of effective conservation and restoration strategies.}, subject = {Savanne}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reintjes2004, author = {Reintjes, Norbert}, title = {Taxonomy, faunistics and life-history traits of Dytiscidae and Noteridae (Coleoptera) in a West African savannah}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10287}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The studies inventoried the species of the families Dytiscidae and Noteridae (Coleoptera) in Como{\´e} National Park in northern Ivory Coast, West Africa and investigated the ecological role of temporary and permanent water bodies for the aestivation of these aquatic beetles. The ecological studies focused on the question how the beetles cope with the temporary loss of their aquatic habitats during dry season. The climate in the study area is characterised by a pronounced dry season from about November to March/April, in which the temporary ponds and creeks in the savannah entirely desiccate. The only available water bodies during dry season in Como{\´e} National Park are the Como{\´e} River, pools in some of its tributaries, and a few of the large savannah ponds. The taxonomic and faunistic analysis revealed a high species richness in the study area and yielded a total of twelve species of Noteridae in four genera and 95 species of Dytiscidae in 22 genera. Thirty of these species had not yet been reported from the Ivory Coast. A description of a new species in the genus Laccophilus is given, named L. comoensis in honour of the National Park. Strong incidences exist that the material includes more species yet unknown to science. Concerning the mode of aestivation, observations in pilot studies led to the working hypothesis that the beetles pass the dry season as adults in aquatic habitats. Consequently, presence of adults in aquatic habitats throughout the dry season and cyclic migration of adults between temporary and permanent water bodies was expected. Regular sampling of water bodies throughout the dry season and beginning rainy season yielded 33,705 individuals in 72 species and 26 genera. In all the sample periods Noteridae and / or Dytiscidae were recorded. The number of species per period was between 36 and 58. It is concluded that in Como{\´e} National Park a) at least parts of the populations of the recorded species pass the dry season as adults and b) aquatic habitats serve as a refuge for aestivation of these adult beetles. In a rocky area in the riverbed of the permanent Como{\´e} River four sets of studies were performed during dry and beginning rainy season. According to the working hypothesis beetles should be searching for adequate aquatic habitats as long as temporary savannah waters are becoming inhospitable and are falling dry. Seven rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River were artificially filled and thus offered for colonization at the peak of the dry season (end of January). After five days the rock pools were quantitatively sampled by completely emptying them. All the rock pools were colonized by Dytiscidae and / or Noteridae and with a total of 1,507 individuals in 26 species abundance and diversity were high. Habitats for aestivation are needed most, when the majority of the savannah waters are fallen dry. Little precipitation on February 18th 1999 had filled rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River but no pools in the savannah, where the rain was immediately absorbed by the very dry soil. An inventory of beetles was performed in 21 naturally filled rock pools five to 20 days after this precipitation. The sampling yielded 8,456 individuals in 41 species. Except the smallest, all rock pools contained beetles. The result showed that Dytiscidae and Noteridae utilise the rock pools as aquatic habitat during dry season. Beetles adapted to a highly seasonal environment like the aquatic system in the study area should be good colonizers. Sampling of four, respectively five rock pools at two occasions within 24 hours after the start of precipitation examined the potential of colonizers at that period (March). Prior to these precipitations the pools had been completely dry. Dytiscidae were already present in all rock pools and a total of 434 Dytiscidae in 14 species was found. The working hypothesis of cyclic migration suggests that the beetles should leave the rock pools at the onset of the rainy season when precipitation had filled temporary water bodies in the savannah. After several precipitation events an inventory of 13 rock pools of the Como{\´e} River in May controlled for adult beetles. Only four species with 126 individuals were still found, of which Yolina chopardi contributed 81.7\%. This species seems to differ from the other recorded species in the use of habitats, since it was never recorded in the savannah. In general, however, diversity and abundance of Dytiscidae and Noteridae in the rock pools, as expected, was low after the onset of the rainy season. During the entire study of the rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River 10,523 individuals in 44 species and 18 genera were collected. Thus, more than half of the species recorded in Como{\´e} National Park were found in the rock pools. The results suggest that the Como{\´e} River and the rock pools in the riverbed serve as aquatic retreat for adult Dytiscidae and Noteridae during dry season when temporary water bodies in the savannah are desiccated. The suggested cyclic migration between water bodies predicts that newly formed savannah waters are recolonized by the beetles at the onset of the rainy season. This colonization should be a) by adults and b) airborne. Two artificial ponds in the open savannah were offered only for aerial colonization at the beginning of the rainy season. The ponds were controlled for adult Noteridae and Dytiscidae daily during one continuous phase of eleven and a second one of 16 days (end of March to end of April). On every sampling date Noteridae or Dytiscidae were recorded. In the entire study 2,744 individuals in 44 species and 16 genera were collected. After precipitation, abundance and species richness increased. Thirty-five of the encountered species had been recorded in rock pools of the Como{\´e} River before. The principal species in the artificial savannah ponds had been principal species in samplings of the rock pools as well. The results support the hypothesis of cyclic migration: most species of Dytiscidae and Noteridae of the Como{\´e} National Park fly from desiccating savannah waters to permanent water bodies or water bodies holding water for extended times during dry season. They pass the dry season in these waters and fly back into the savannah after precipitation at the onset of the rainy season. Exceptions from this general rule are discussed.}, subject = {Schwimmk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunz2008, author = {Kunz, Britta K.}, title = {Frugivory and Seed Dispersal: Ecological Interactions between Baboons, Plants, and Dung Beetles in the Savanna-Forest Mosaic of West Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37519}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Das Guinea-Savanne-Wald-Mosaik Westafrikas weist einen hohen Reichtum an Pflanzenarten auf, deren Samen durch Frugivore ausgebreitet werden. Afrikanische Savannen beherbergen zudem die artenreichste Dungk{\"a}ferfauna weltweit. Dennoch wurden Interaktionen zwischen Fruchtpflanzen, Primaten und Dungk{\"a}fern in Savannen{\"o}kosysteme bisher kaum erforscht. Meine Untersuchungen am Anubispavian (Papio anubis Lesson 1827, Cercopithecinae) im Como{\´e} Nationalpark (CNP), im NO der Elfenbeink{\"u}ste, zeigten, dass sich westafrikanische Pavianpopulationen in verschiedener Hinsicht von Populationen in Ostafrika unterscheiden. Paviane werden zumeist vornehmlich als Pr{\"a}datoren der Samen ihrer Nahrungspflanzen angesehen. Im Savannen-Wald-Mosaik Westafrikas ern{\"a}hren sie sich jedoch {\"u}berwiegend frugivor und sind bedeutende Samenausbreiter einer Vielzahl von Geh{\"o}lzpflanzenarten mit unterschiedlichen Fruchttypen und Samengr{\"o}ßen. Sie breiten intakte Samen von mind. 22\% der regionalen Geh{\"o}lzpflanzenarten aus. Ihr "Ausbreitungspotential" bzgl. Samenzahl und Samengr{\"o}ße ist mit dem der großen Menschenaffen vergleichbar. Der Anteil der Baumarten im Nahrungsspektrum der Paviane ist signifikant h{\"o}her als es aufgrund des Anteils im regionalen Artenpool der Geh{\"o}lzpflanzen zu erwarten w{\"a}re. Fruchtarten, die von Pavianen gefressen wurden, waren signifikant gr{\"o}ßer als nicht konsumierte Arten. Von verschiedenen morphologischen Fruchtmerkmalen eignen sich Fruchttyp und Farbe am besten, um vorherzusagen, ob die Fr{\"u}chte einer Art Nahrungsbestandteil der Paviane im CNP sind. Fruchttyp und Samengr{\"o}ße wiederum sind am besten geeignet, um auf die Art der Nutzung (Samenausbreitung bzw. -pr{\"a}dation) zu schließen. Die Samengr{\"o}ße einer Pflanze ist ein wichtiges Fitnessmerkmal, das verschiedene Abschnitte von der Fruchtentwicklung bis zur Etablierung des Keimlings beeinflussen kann. Sie weist bei vielen Pflanzenarten erhebliche intraspezifische Schwankungen auf. Primaten k{\"o}nnten aus unterschiedlichen Gr{\"u}nden Fr{\"u}chte mit bestimmter Samengr{\"o}ße ausw{\"a}hlen, zum Beispiel um unverdaulichen Ballast zu reduzieren oder um den Fruchtfleischgewinn pro Frucht zu optimieren. Bei acht von zehn untersuchten Pflanzenarten, die sich in Fruchttyp, Samenzahl und Samengr{\"o}ße unterscheiden, erwiesen sich die Paviane als selektiv in Bezug auf die Samengr{\"o}ße. F{\"u}r die intraspezifische Fruchtauswahl der Paviane scheint unter anderem das je nach Frucht- und Samenform unterschiedlich variierende Verh{\"a}ltnis von Fruchtfleisch zu Samen eine Rolle zu spielen. Als Habitatgeneralisten (mit einer Pr{\"a}ferenz f{\"u}r Waldhabitate), die relativ große Gebiete durchstreifen, scheinen Paviane besonders wichtig f{\"u}r den genetischen Austausch der Pflanzen zwischen entfernten Waldinseln. Da die meisten Geh{\"o}lzpflanzenarten im Savannen-Wald-Mosaik des CNP mittelgroße bis große Fr{\"u}chte und Samen haben, kommt den Pavianen eine herausragende Rolle bei der Samenausbreitung und nat{\"u}rlichen Regeneration dieses {\"O}kosystems zu. Die Bedeutung der Paviane f{\"u}r die Samenausbreitung von Pflanzenarten mit kleinen Fr{\"u}chten sollte jedoch nicht untersch{\"a}tzt werden. Meine Untersuchungen an typischen "vogelausgebreiteten" Baumarten, von denen V{\"o}gel fast ausschließlich unreife Fr{\"u}chte fraßen, weisen darauf hin, dass eine qualitative und quantitative Beurteilung verschiedener Frugivorengruppen allein aufgrund der Fruchtsyndrome nicht immer zuverl{\"a}ssig ist. Anubispaviane breiten in der Regel mehrere Pflanzensamen in einzelnen F{\"a}zes aus was {\"u}blicherweise als ung{\"u}nstig f{\"u}r die Pflanze angesehen wird. Die Samen aller Pflanzenarten, die in Pavianf{\"a}zes im CNP w{\"a}hrend Zeiten saisonal hoher Dungk{\"a}feraktivit{\"a}t zu finden waren, k{\"o}nnen jedoch potentiell von Dungk{\"a}fern ausgebreitet werden. Die Dungk{\"a}fer-Aktivit{\"a}t im Untersuchungsgebiet an Pavianf{\"a}zes war hoch, es wurden 99 Arten aus 26 Gattungen nachgewiesen. Sowohl die Wahrscheinlichkeit sekund{\"a}rer Samenausbreitung durch Dungk{\"a}fer als auch das sekund{\"a}re r{\"a}umliche Ausbreitungsmuster h{\"a}ngen von der Struktur und Zusammensetzung der Dungk{\"a}fergemeinschaft am Ort der prim{\"a}ren Ausbreitung ab. Die Dungk{\"a}fergemeinschaft wiederum scheint stark von der Vegetation beeinflusst zu sein. Im Savannen-Wald-Mosaik Westafrikas erwartete ich daher deutliche Unterschiede in der sekund{\"a}ren Ausbreitung zwischen Samen, die von Pavianen in die Savanne bzw. in den Wald ausgebreitet werden. Experimente ergaben, dass Samen, die von Pavianen in die Savanne ausgebreitet werden, eine h{\"o}here Wahrscheinlichkeit haben (a) {\"u}berhaupt sekund{\"a}r durch Dungk{\"a}fer ausgebreitet zu werden, (b) horizontal von Telekopriden vom Ort der prim{\"a}ren Ausbreitung wegbewegt zu werden, (c) relativ schnell aus den F{\"a}zes entfernt zu werden und (d) {\"u}ber relativ gr{\"o}ßere Distanzen ausgebreitet zu werden als Samen im Wald. Generell sollten Savannenpflanzen und Habitatgeneralisten unter den Pflanzenarten, deren Samen von Pavianen in die Savanne ausgebreitet werden, am ehesten von sekund{\"a}rer Ausbreitung durch Dungk{\"a}fer profitieren.}, subject = {Anubispavian}, language = {en} }