@phdthesis{Funk2003, author = {Funk, Natalja}, title = {Das Sap47-Gen aus Drosophila melanogaster : Gezielte Mutagenisierung und Suche nach Interaktionspartnern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7667}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {SAP47 ist ein Synapsenassoziiertes Protein von 47 kDa aus Drosophila melanogaster, das zu einer neuen Proteinfamilie geh{\"o}rt. Um eine Sap47 Mutante zu erzeugen wurden drei Methoden eingesetzt: Gezielte Mutagenese durch homologe Rekombination, RNA interference (RNAi) und Transposon Remobilisierung. Um einen Interaktionspartner f{\"u}r das SAP47 Protein zu identifizieren wurden ein Yeast-Two-Hybrid System und das "CytoTrap" Verfahren eingesetzt.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Leibold2003, author = {Leibold, Christian}, title = {Das Cystein String Protein von Drosophila melanogaster - Invivo-Funktionsanalyse verschiedener Proteindom{\"a}nen am Modellsystem der larvalen neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7481}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Cystein String Proteine (CSPs) wurden als synaptische Vesikelproteine entdeckt. In Drosophila werden sie in den funktionellen Synapsen und sekretorischen Organellen aller Entwicklungsstufen exprimiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass CSPs an der regulierten Neurotransmitteraussch{\"u}ttung beteiligt sind und mehrere, von Insekten bis zum Menschen konservierte Dom{\"a}nen besitzen: eine N-terminale Phosphorylierungsstelle der Protein Kinase A (PKA), eine J-Dom{\"a}ne mit 50\%iger Homologie zum bakteriellen Chaperone-Protein DnaJ, eine Linker-Dom{\"a}ne, einen Cystein String aus elf aufeinander folgenden Cysteinen, die durch zwei Cystein-Paare flankiert werden und einen variableren C-Terminus. Es wurden Interaktionen mit den Proteinen HSC70, SGT, Syntaxin, Synaptobrevin/VAMP, verschiedenen Untereinheiten von G-Proteinen, Synaptotagmin, sowie spannungsabh{\"a}ngigen Ca2+-Kan{\"a}len beschrieben. csp-Nullmutanten CspU1 von Drosophila melanogaster zeigen einen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp, in dem adulte Fliegen von CspU1 reversibel bei 37°C innerhalb von drei Minuten paralysieren. An der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse dritter Larven von CspU1 kann bei nicht-permissiver Temperatur von 32°C eine reversible Blockade der synaptischen Transmission beobachtet werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten mit Hilfe des larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}parats dritter Larven elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen an verschiedenen csp-Mutanten durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Hierdurch sollte die Bedeutung der einzelnen Dom{\"a}nen f{\"u}r die Funktion von csp weiter aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Am larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}parat von Drosophila ist eine Arbeit auf Einzel-Zell-Niveau m{\"o}glich. Die Segmentierung, die wiederkehrende Anordnung von Muskeln und innervierenden Motoneuronen, sowie das Vorkommen vieler auch im Gehirn von Drosophila lokalisierter synaptischer Proteine machen die larvale neuromuskul{\"a}re Synapse f{\"u}r die vorliegenden Fragestellungen. Wie in vielen anderen Arbeiten, wurden elektrophysiologische Messungen an dem Longitudinalmuskel 6 durchgef{\"u}hrt. Alle Messungen evozierter Muskelpotentiale (EJP) wurden, wenn nicht anders erw{\"a}hnt, mit 0,2Hz Stimulusfrequenz durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Reiz-Intensit{\"a}t wurde an jedes Pr{\"a}parat individuell angepasst und betrug das 2 ½ -fache des Initial-Schwellenwertes, bei dem ein vollst{\"a}ndiges EJP ausgel{\"o}st wurde. Zun{\"a}chst konnte der in der Literatur beschriebene larvale Block der synaptischen Transmitteraussch{\"u}ttung bei erh{\"o}hter Temperatur nicht reproduziert, jedoch durch R{\"u}ckkreuzungen der Nullmutante CspU1 gegen den Wildtyp w1118 wiederhergestellt werden. Das „Rescue"-Konstrukt scDNA1, welches die Grundlage f{\"u}r alle weiteren mutierten Formen von csp darstellt, rettete den larvalen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp im csp-Nullmutantenhintergrund von CspU1 vollst{\"a}ndig. Larvale Mutanten der Linie SSP, bei denen der Cystein String durch einen Serin String ausgetauscht worden war (Serine-string protein), zeigten in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den adulten Fliegen den bekannten temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp. Larvale Mutanten der Linie CLP (Cysteine-less protein) zeigten im Gegensatz zu adulten Tieren dieser Linie keinen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp, sondern ein wildtypisches Verhalten. F{\"u}r die Mutante L\&\#8710;8, die im Nullmutantenhintergrund von CspU1 roc ein in der Linker-Dom{\"a}ne um acht Aminos{\"a}uren verk{\"u}rztes CSP-Protein exprimiert, wurden verschiedene elektrophysiologische Ph{\"a}notypen beobachtet: Larven der X-chromosomalen Linie zeigten den bekannten temperaturabh{\"a}ngigen Block der synaptischen Transmission. Larven der Insertionslinie f{\"u}r das 3. Chromosom zeigten keine Temperatursensitivit{\"a}t, sondern wildtypisches Verhalten. In immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen konnte f{\"u}r die X-chromosomale Linie eine deutlich schw{\"a}chere Expression des L\&\#8710;8-Proteins beobachtet werden. Larven der Linie C\&\#8710;27, die ein im C-terminalen Bereich von CSP um 27 Aminos{\"a}uren verk{\"u}rztes CSP-Protein exprimieren, im Nullmutantenhintergrund CspU1 roc konnten anhand des Ph{\"a}notyps in zwei Gruppen unterteilt werden. Unabh{\"a}ngig vom Insertionsort zeigte eine Gruppe den bekannten larvalen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp. Die zweite Gruppe zeigte auch bei erh{\"o}hter Temperatur wildtypisches Verhalten. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde versucht, eine neue Deletionsmutante f{\"u}r csp durch Remobilisierung einer P-Insertion (P\#1617, flybase, Bloomington) im ersten Exon zu erzeugen, da in der Nullmutante CspU1 m{\"o}glicherweise auch benachbarte Gene betroffen sind. Nach {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der erzeugten Mutanten durch Western und Southern Blot, immunhistochemische Experimente und elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen am Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}parat 3. Larven konnte keine Deletionsmutante mit temperaturabh{\"a}ngigem Ph{\"a}notyp isoliert werden, die ausschließlich csp betraf.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Huber2003, author = {Huber, Saskia}, title = {Charakterisierung von SAP47 in Drosophila melanogaster und der dazugeh{\"o}rigen Proteinfamilie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7777}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {In der Arbeit wird ein synapsenassoziiertes Protein, das SAP47 und seine zugeh{\"o}rige Proteinfamilie charakterisiert.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wagh2005, author = {Wagh, Dhananjay Anil}, title = {"Bruchpilot" -molecular and functional characterization of a novel active zone protein at the Drosophila synapse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14989}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Chemical neurotransmission is a complex process of central importance for nervous system function. It is thought to be mediated by the orchestration of hundreds of proteins for its successful execution. Several synaptic proteins have been shown to be relevant for neurotransmission and many of them are highly conserved during evolution- suggesting a universal mechanism for neurotransmission. This process has checkpoints at various places like, neurotransmitter uptake into the vesicles, relocation of the vesicles to the vicinity of calcium channels in order to facilitate Ca2+ induced release thereby modulating the fusion probability, formation of a fusion pore to release the neurotransmitter and finally reuptake of the vesicles by endocytosis. Each of these checkpoints has now become a special area of study and maintains its own importance for the understanding of the overall process. Ca2+ induced release occurs at specialized membrane structures at the synapse known as the active zones. These are highly ordered electron dense grids and are composed of several proteins which assist the synaptic vesicles in relocating in the vicinity of Ca2+ channels thereby increasing their fusion probability and then bringing about the vesicular fusion itself. All the protein modules needed for these processes are thought to be held in tight arrays at the active zones, and the functions of a few have been characterized so far at the vertebrate active zones. Our group is primarily interested in characterizing the molecular architecture of the Drosophila synapse. Due to its powerful genetics and well-established behavioural assays Drosophila is an excellent system to investigate neuronal functioning. Monoclonal antibodies (MABs) from a hybridoma library against Drosophila brain are routinely used to detect novel proteins in the brain in a reverse genetic approach. Upon identification of the protein its encoding genetic locus is characterized and a detailed investigation of its function is initiated. This approach has been particularly useful to detect synaptic proteins, which may go undetected in a forward genetic approach due to lack of an observable phenotype. Proteins like CSP, Synapsin and Sap47 have been identified and characterized using this approach so far. MAB nc82 has been one of the shortlisted antibodies from the same library and is widely used as a general neuropil marker due to the relative transparency of immunohistochemical whole mount staining obtained with this antibody. A careful observation of double stainings at the larval neuromuscular junctions with MAB nc82 and other pre and post-synaptic markers strongly suggested an active zone localization of the nc82 antigen. Synaptic architecture is well characterized in Drosophila at the ultrastructural level. However, molecular details for many synaptic components and especially for the active zone are almost entirely unknown. A possible localization at the active zone for the nc82 antigen served as the motivation to initiate its biochemical characterization and the identification of the encoding gene. In the present thesis it is shown by 2-D gel analysis and mass spectrometry that the nc82 antigen is a novel active zone protein encoded by a complex genetic locus on chromosome 2R. By RT-PCR exons from three open reading frames previously annotated as separate genes are demonstrated to give rise to a transcript of at least 5.5 kb. Northern blots produce a prominent signal of 11 kb and a weak signal of 2 kb. The protein encoded by the 5.5 kb transcript is highly conserved amongst insects and has at its N-terminus significant homology to the previously described vertebrate active zone protein ELKS/ERC/CAST. Bioinformatic analysis predicts coiled-coil domains spread all over the sequence and strongly suggest a function involved in organizing or maintaining the structure of the active zone. The large C-terminal region is highly conserved amongst the insects but has no clear homologues in veretebrates. For a functional analysis of this protein transgenic flies expressing RNAi constructs under the control of the Gal4 regulated enhancer UAS were kindly provided by the collaborating group of S.Sigrist (G\&\#1616;ttingen). A strong pan-neuronal knockdown of the nc82 antigen by transgenic RNAi expression leads to embryonic lethality. A relatively weaker RNAi expression results in behavioural deficits in adult flies including unstable flight and impaired walking behavior. Due to this peculiar phenotype as observed in the first knockdown studies the gene was named "bruchpilot" (brp) encoding the protein "Bruchpilot (BRP)" (German for crash pilot). A pan-neuronal as well as retina specific downregulation of this protein results in loss of ON and OFF transients in ERG recordings indicating dysfunctional synapses. Retina specific downregulation also shows severely impaired optomotor behaviour. Finally, at an ultrastructural level BRP downregulation seems to impair the formation of the characteristic T-shaped synaptic ribbons at the active zones without significantly altering the overall synaptic architecture (in collaboration with E.Asan). Vertebrate active zone protein Bassoon is known to be involved in attaching the synaptic ribbons to the active zones as an adapter between active zone proteins RIBEYE and ERC/CAST. A mutation in Bassoon results in a floating synaptic ribbon phenotype. No protein homologous to Bassoon has been observed in Drosophila. BRP downregulation also results in absence of attached synaptic ribbons at the active zones. This invites the speculation of an adapter like function for BRP in Drosophila. However, while Bassoon mutant mice are viable, BRP deficit in addition to the structural phenotype also results in severe behavioural and physiological anomalies and even stronger downregulation causes embryonic lethality. This therefore suggests an additional and even more important role for BRP in development and normal functioning of synapses in Drosophila and also in other insects. However, how BRP regulates synaptic transmission and which other proteins are involved in this BRP dependant pathway remains to be investigated. Such studies certainly will attract prominent attention in the future.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jauch2010, author = {Jauch, Mandy}, title = {Die Serin/Arginin Proteinkinase 79D (SRPK79D) von Drosophila melanogaster und ihre Rolle bei der Bildung Aktiver Zonen von Synapsen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53974}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Synapsen als Stellen der Kommunikation zwischen Neuronen besitzen spezialisierte Bereiche - Aktive Zonen (AZs) genannt -, die aus einem hoch komplexen Netzwerk von Proteinen aufgebaut sind und die Maschinerie f{\"u}r den Prozess der Neurotransmitter-Aussch{\"u}ttung und das Vesikel-Recycling beinhalten. In Drosophila ist das Protein Bruchpilot (BRP) ein wichtiger Baustein f{\"u}r die T-f{\"o}rmigen B{\"a}nder („T-Bars") der pr{\"a}synaptischen Aktiven Zonen. BRP ist notwendig f{\"u}r eine intakte Struktur der Aktiven Zone und eine normale Exocytose von Neurotransmitter-Vesikeln. Auf der Suche nach Mutationen, welche die Verteilung von Bruchpilot im Gewebe beeintr{\"a}chtigen, wurde eine P-Element-Insertion im Gen CG11489 an der Position 79D identifiziert, welches eine Kinase kodiert, die einen hohen Grad an Homologie zur Familie der SR Proteinkinasen (SRPKs) von S{\"a}ugern aufweist. Die Mitglieder dieser Familie zeichnen sich durch eine evolution{\"a}r hoch konservierte zweigeteilte Kinasedom{\"a}ne aus, die durch eine nicht konservierte Spacer-Sequenz unterbrochen ist. SRPKs phosphorylieren SR-Proteine, die zu einer evolution{\"a}r hoch konservierten Familie Serin/Arginin-reicher Spleißfaktoren geh{\"o}ren und konstitutive sowie alternative Spleißprozesse steuern und damit auf post-transkriptioneller Ebene die Genexpression regulieren. Mutation des Srpk79D-Gens durch die P-Element-Insertion (Srpk79DP1) oder eine Deletion im Gen (Srpk79DVN Nullmutante) f{\"u}hrt zu auff{\"a}lligen BRP-Akkumulationen in larvalen und adulten Nerven. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass diese BRP-Akkumulationen auf Ultrastruktur-Ebene ausgedehnten axonalen Agglomeraten elektronendichter B{\"a}nder entsprechen und von klaren Vesikeln umgeben sind. Charakterisierung durch Immuno-Elektronenmikroskopie ergab, dass diese Strukturen BRP-immunoreaktiv sind. Um die Bildung BRP-enthaltender Agglomerate in Axonen zu verhindern und damit eine intakte Gehirnfunktion zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, scheint die SRPK79D nur auf niedrigem Niveau exprimiert zu werden, da die endogene Kinase mit verschiedenen Antik{\"o}rpern nicht nachweisbar war. Wie in anderen Arbeiten gezeigt werden konnte, ist die Expression der PB-, PC- oder PF-Isoform der vier m{\"o}glichen SRPK79D-Varianten, die durch alternativen Transkriptionsstart in Exon eins beziehungsweise drei und alternatives Spleißen von Exon sieben zustande kommen, zur Rettung des Ph{\"a}notyps der BRP-Akkumulation im Srpk79DVN Nullmutanten-Hintergrund ausreichend. Zur Charakterisierung der Rescue-Eigenschaften der SRPK79D-PE-Isoform wurde mit der Klonierung der cDNA in einen UAS-Vektor begonnen. Offenbar beruht die Bildung der axonalen BRP-Agglomerate nicht auf einer {\"U}berexpression von BRP in den betroffenen Neuronen, denn auch bei reduzierter Expression des BRP-Proteins im Srpk79DVN Nullmutanten-Hintergrund entstehen die BRP-Agglomerate. In K{\"o}pfen der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante ist die Gesamtmenge an Bruchpilot-Protein im Vergleich zum Wildtyp nicht deutlich ver{\"a}ndert. Auch die auf Protein-Ebene untersuchte Expression der verschiedenen Isoformen der pr{\"a}synaptischen Proteine Synapsin, Sap47 und CSP weicht in der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante nicht wesentlich von der Wildtyp-Situation ab, sodass sich keine Hinweise auf ver{\"a}ndertes Spleißen der entsprechenden pr{\"a}-mRNAs ergeben. Jedes der sieben bekannten SR-Proteine von Drosophila ist ein potentielles Zielprotein der SRPK79D. Knock-down-Experimente f{\"u}r die drei hier untersuchten SR-Proteine SC35, X16/9G8 und B52/SRp55 im gesamten Nervensystem durch RNA-Interferenz zeigten allerdings keinen Effekt auf die Verteilung von BRP im Gewebe. Hinsichtlich der Flugf{\"a}higkeit der Tiere hat die Srpk79DVN Nullmutation keinen additiven Effekt zum Knock-down des BRP-Proteins, denn die Doppelmutanten zeigten bei der Bestimmung des Anteils an flugunf{\"a}higen Tieren vergleichbare Werte wie die Einzelmutanten, die entweder die Nullmutation im Srpk79D-Gen trugen, oder BRP reduziert exprimierten. Vermutlich sind Bruchpilot und die SR Proteinkinase 79D somit Teil desselben Signalwegs. Durch Doppelf{\"a}rbungen mit Antik{\"o}rpern gegen BRP und CAPA-Peptide wurde abschließend entdeckt, dass Bruchpilot auch im Median- und Transvers-Nervensystem (MeN/TVN) von Drosophila zu finden ist, welche die Neuroh{\"a}mal-Organe beherbergen. Aufgabe dieser Organe ist die Speicherung und Aussch{\"u}ttung von Neuropeptid-Hormonen. Daher ist zu vermuten, dass das BRP-Protein neben Funktionen bei der Neurotransmitter-Exocytose m{\"o}glicherweise eine Rolle bei der Aussch{\"u}ttung von Neuropeptiden spielt. Anders als in den Axonen der larvalen Segmental- und Intersegmentalnerven der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante, die charakteristische BRP-Agglomerate aufweisen, hat die Mutation des Srpk79D-Gens in den Axonen der Va-Neurone, die das MeN/TVN-System bilden, keinen sichtbaren Effekt auf die Verteilung von Brp, denn das Muster bei F{\"a}rbung gegen BRP weist keine deutlichen Ver{\"a}nderungen zum Wildtyp auf.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Halder2011, author = {Halder, Partho}, title = {Identification and characterization of synaptic proteins of Drosophila melanogaster using monoclonal antibodies of the Wuerzburg Hybridoma Library}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67325}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {For a large fraction of the proteins expressed in the human brain only the primary structure is known from the genome project. Proteins conserved in evolution can be studied in genetic models such as Drosophila. In this doctoral thesis monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from the Wuerzburg Hybridoma library are produced and characterized with the aim to identify the target antigen. The mAb ab52 was found to be an IgM which recognized a cytosolic protein of Mr ~110 kDa on Western blots. The antigen was resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) as a single distinct spot. Mass spectrometric analysis of this spot revealed EPS-15 (epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate clone 15) to be a strong candidate. Another mAb from the library, aa2, was already found to recognize EPS-15, and comparison of the signal of both mAbs on Western blots of 1D and 2D electrophoretic separations revealed similar patterns, hence indicating that both antigens could represent the same protein. Finally absence of the wild-type signal in homozygous Eps15 mutants in a Western blot with ab52 confirmed the ab52 antigen to be EPS-15. Thus both the mAbs aa2 and ab52 recognize the Drosophila homologue of EPS-15. The mAb aa2, being an IgG, is more suitable for applications like immunoprecipitation (IP). It has already been submitted to the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) to be easily available for the entire research community. The mAb na21 was also found to be an IgM. It recognizes a membrane associated antigen of Mr ~10 kDa on Western blots. Due to the membrane associated nature of the protein, it was not possible to resolve it by 2DE and due to the IgM nature of the mAb it was not possible to enrich the antigen by IP. Preliminary attempts to biochemically purify the endogenously expressed protein from the tissue, gave promising results but could not be completed due to lack of time. Thus biochemical purification of the protein seems possible in order to facilitate its identification by mass spectrometry. Several other mAbs were studied for their staining pattern on cryosections and whole mounts of Drosophila brains. However, many of these mAbs stained very few structures in the brain, which indicated that only a very limited amount of protein would be available as starting material. Because these antibodies did not produce signals on Western blots, which made it impossible to enrich the antigens by electrophoretic methods, we did not attempt their purification. However, the specific localization of these proteins makes them highly interesting and calls for their further characterization, as they may play a highly specialized role in the development and/or function of the neural circuits they are present in. The purification and identification of such low expression proteins would need novel methods of enrichment of the stained structures.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schleyer2012, author = {Schleyer, Michael}, title = {Integrating past, present and future: mechanisms of a simple decision in larval Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78923}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Is behaviour response or action? In this Thesis I study this question regarding a rather simple organism, the larva of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Despite its numerically simple brain and limited behavioural repertoire, it is nevertheless capable to accomplish surprisingly complex tasks. After association of an odour and a rewarding or punishing reinforcement signal, the learnt odour is able to retrieve the formed memory trace. However, the activated memory trace is not automatically turned into learned behaviour: Appetitive memory traces are behaviourally expressed only in absence of the rewarding tastant whereas aversive memory traces are behaviourally expressed in the presence of the punishing tastant. The 'decision' whether to behaviourally express a memory trace or not relies on a quantitive comparison between memory trace and current situation: only if the memory trace (after odour-sugar training) predicts a stronger sugar reward than currently present, animals show appetitive conditioned behaviour. Learned appetitive behaviour is best seen as active search for food - being pointless in the presence of (enough) food. Learned aversive behaviour, in turn, can be seen as escape from a punishment - being pointless in absence of punishment. Importantly, appetitive and aversive memory traces can be formed and retrieved independent from each other but also can, under appriate circumstances, summate to jointly organise conditioned behaviour. In contrast to learned behaviour, innate olfactory behaviour is not influenced by gustatory processing and vice versa. Thus, innate olfactory and gustatory behaviour is rather rigid and reflexive in nature, being executed almost regardless of other environmental cues. I suggest a behavioural circuit-model of chemosensory behaviour and the 'decision' process whether to behaviourally express a memory trace or not. This model reflects known components of the larval chemobehavioural circuit and provides clear hypotheses about the kinds of architecture to look for in the currently unknown parts of this circuit. The second chapter deals with gustatory perception and processing (especially of bitter substances). Quinine, the bitter tastant in tonic water and bitter lemon, is aversive for larvae, suppresses feeding behaviour and can act as aversive reinforcer in learning experiments. However, all three examined behaviours differ in their dose-effect dynamics, suggesting different molecular and cellular processing streams at some level. Innate choice behaviour, thought to be relatively reflexive and hard-wired, nevertheless can be influenced by the gustatory context. That is, attraction toward sweet tastants is decreased in presence of bitter tastants. The extent of this inhibitory effect depends on the concentration of both sweet and bitter tastant. Importantly, sweet tastants differ in their sensitivity to bitter interference, indicating a stimulus-specific mechanism. The molecular and cellular processes underlying the inhibitory effect of bitter tastants are unknown, but the behavioural results presented here provide a framework to further investigate interactions of gustatory processing streams.}, subject = {Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ljaschenko2013, author = {Ljaschenko, Dmitrij}, title = {Hebbian plasticity at neuromuscular synapses of Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90465}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Synaptic plasticity determines the development of functional neural circuits. It is widely accepted as the mechanism behind learning and memory. Among different forms of synaptic plasticity, Hebbian plasticity describes an activity-induced change in synaptic strength, caused by correlated pre- and postsynaptic activity. Additionally, Hebbian plasticity is characterised by input specificity, which means it takes place only at synapses, which participate in activity. Because of its correlative nature, Hebbian plasticity suggests itself as a mechanism behind associative learning. Although it is commonly assumed that synaptic plasticity is closely linked to synaptic activity during development, the mechanistic understanding of this coupling is far from complete. In the present study channelrhodopsin-2 was used to evoke activity in vivo, at the glutamatergic Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Remarkably, correlated pre- and postsynaptic stimulation led to increased incorporation of GluR-IIA-type glutamate receptors into postsynaptic receptor fields, thus boosting postsynaptic sensitivity. This phenomenon is input-specific. Conversely, GluR-IIA was rapidly removed from synapses at which neurotransmitter release failed to evoke substantial postsynaptic depolarisation. This mechanism might be responsible to tame uncontrolled receptor field growth. Combining these results with developmental GluR-IIA dynamics leads to a comprehensive physiological concept, where Hebbian plasticity guides growth of postsynaptic receptor fields and sparse transmitter release stabilises receptor fields by preventing overgrowth. Additionally, a novel mechanism of retrograde signaling was discovered, where direct postsynaptic channelrhodopsin-2 based stimulation, without involvement of presynaptic neurotransmitter release, leads to presynaptic depression. This phenomenon is reminiscent of a known retrograde homeostatic mechanism, of inverted polarity, where neurotransmitter release is upregulated, upon reduction of postsynaptic sensitivity.}, subject = {Synapse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scholz2017, author = {Scholz, Nicole}, title = {Genetic analyses of sensory and motoneuron physiology in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123249}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {During my PhD I studied two principal biological aspects employing Drosophila melanogaster. Therefore, this study is divided into Part I and II. Part I: Bruchpilot and Complexin interact to regulate synaptic vesicle tethering to the active zone cytomatrix At the presynaptic active zone (AZ) synaptic vesicles (SVs) are often physically linked to an electron-dense cytomatrix - a process referred to as "SV tethering". This process serves to concentrate SVs in close proximity to their release sites before contacting the SNARE complex for subsequent fusion (Hallermann and Silver, 2013). In Drosophila, the AZ protein Bruchpilot (BRP) is part of the proteinous cytomatrix at which SVs accumulate (Kittel et al., 2006b; Wagh et al., 2006; Fouquet et al., 2009). Intriguingly, truncation of only 1\% of the C-terminal region of BRP results in a severe defect in SV tethering to this AZ scaffold (hence named brpnude; Hallermann et al., 2010b). Consistent with these findings, cell-specific overexpression of a C-terminal BRP fragment, named mBRPC-tip (corresponds to 1\% absent in brpnude; m = mobile) phenocopied the brpnude mutant in behavioral and functional experiments. These data indicate that mBRPC-tip suffices to saturate putative SV binding sites, which induced a functional tethering deficit at motoneuronal AZs. However, the molecular identity of the BRP complement to tether SVs to the presynaptic AZ scaffold remains unknown. Moreover, within larval motoneurons membrane-attached C-terminal portions of BRP were sufficient to tether SVs to sites outside of the AZ. Based on this finding a genetic screen was designed to identify BRP interactors in vivo. This screen identified Complexin (CPX), which is known to inhibit spontaneous SV fusion and to enhance stimulus evoked SV release (Huntwork and Littleton, 2007; Cho et al., 2010; Martin et al., 2011). However, so far CPX has not been associated with a function upstream of priming/docking and release of SVs. This work provides morphological and functional evidence, which suggests that CPX promotes recruitment of SVs to the AZ and thereby curtails synaptic short-term depression. Together, the presented findings indicate a functional interaction between BRP and CPX at Drosophila AZs. Part II: The Adhesion-GPCR Latrophilin/CIRL shapes mechanosensation The calcium independent receptor of α-latrotoxin (CIRL), also named Latrophilin, represents a prototypic Adhesion class G-protein coupled-receptor (aGPCR). Initially, Latrophilin was identified based on its capacity to bind the α-component of latrotoxin (α-LTX; Davletov et al., 1996; Krasnoperov et al., 1996), which triggers massive exocytotic activity from neurons of the peripheral nervous system (Scheer et al., 1984; Umbach et al., 1998; Orlova et al., 2000). As a result Latrophilin is considered to play a role in synaptic transmission. Later on, Latrophilins have been associated with other biological processes including tissue polarity (Langenhan et al., 2009), fertility (Pr{\"o}mel et al., 2012) and synaptogenesis (Silva et al., 2011). However, thus far its subcellular localization and the identity of endogenous ligands, two aspects crucial for the comprehension of Latrophilin's in vivo function, remain enigmatic. Drosophila contains only one latrophilin homolog, named dCirl, whose function has not been investigated thus far. This study demonstrates abundant dCirl expression throughout the nervous system of Drosophila larvae. dCirlKO animals are viable and display no defects in development and neuronal differentiation. However, dCirl appears to influence the dimension of the postsynaptic sub-synaptic reticulum (SSR), which was accompanied by an increase in the postsynaptic Discs-large abundance (DLG). In contrast, morphological and functional properties of presynaptic motoneurons were not compromised by the removal of dCirl. Instead, dCirl is required for the perception of mechanical challenges (acoustic-, tactile- and proprioceptive stimuli) through specialized mechanosensory devices, chordotonal organs (Eberl, 1999). The data indicate that dCirl modulates the sensitivity of chordotonal neurons towards mechanical stimulation and thereby adjusts their input-output relation. Genetic interaction analyses suggest that adaption of the molecular mechanotransduction machinery by dCirl may underlie this process. Together, these results uncover an unexpected function of Latrophilin/dCIRL in mechanosensation and imply general modulatory roles of aGPCR in mechanoception.}, subject = {Drosophila}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Markert2021, author = {Markert, Sebastian Matthias}, title = {Enriching the understanding of synaptic architecture from single synapses to networks with advanced imaging techniques}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18993}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189935}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Because of its complexity and intricacy, studying the nervous system is often challenging. Fortunately, the small nematode roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans is well established as a model system for basic neurobiological research. The C. elegans model is also the only organism with a supposedly complete connectome, an organism-wide map of synaptic connectivity resolved by electron microscopy, which provides some understanding of how the nervous system works as a whole. However, the number of available data-sets is small and the connectome contains errors and gaps. One example of this concerns electrical synapses. Electrical synapses are formed by gap junctions and difficult to map due to their often ambiguous morphology in electron micrographs, leading to misclassification or omission. On the other hand, chemical synapses are more easily mapped, but many aspects of their mode of operation remain elusive and their role in the C. elegans connectome is oversimplified. A comprehensive understanding of signal transduction of neurons between each other and other cells will be indispensable for a comprehensive understanding of the nervous system. In this thesis, I approach these challenges with a combination of advanced light and electron microscopy techniques. First, this thesis describes a strategy to increase synaptic specificity in connectomics. Specifically, I classify gap junctions with a high degree of confidence. To achieve this, I utilized array tomography (AT). In this thesis, AT is adapted for high-pressure freezing to optimize for structure preservation and for super-resolution light microscopy; in this manner, I aim to bridge the gap between light and electron microscopy resolutions. I call this adaptation super-resolution array tomography (srAT). The srAT approach made it possible to clearly identify and map gap junctions with high precision and accuracy. The results from this study showcased the feasibility of incorporating electrical synapses into connectomes in a systematic manner, and subsequent studies have used srAT for other models and questions. As mentioned above, the C. elegans connectomic model suffers from a shortage of datasets. For most larval stages, including the special dauer larval stage, connectome data is completely missing up to now. To obtain the first partial connectome data-set of the C. elegans dauer larva, we used focused ion-beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM). This technique offers an excellent axial resolution and is useful for acquiring large volumes for connectomics. Together with our collaborators, I acquired several data-sets which enable the analysis of dauer stage-specific "re-wiring" of the nervous system and thus offer valuable insights into connectome plasticity/variability. While chemical synapses are easy to map relative to electrical synapses, signal transduction via chemical transmitters requires a large number of different proteins and molecular processes acting in conjunction in a highly constricted space. Because of the small spatial scale of the synapse, investigating protein function requires very high resolution, which electron tomography provides. I analyzed electron tomograms of a worm-line with a mutant synaptic protein, the serine/threonine kinase SAD-1, and found remarkable alterations in several architectural features. My results confirm and re-contextualize previous findings and provide new insight into the functions of this protein at the chemical synapse. Finally, I investigated the effectiveness of our methods on "malfunctioning," synapses, using an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) model. In the putative synaptopathy ALS, the mechanisms of motor neuron death are mostly unknown. However, mutations in the gene FUS (Fused in Sarcoma) are one known cause of the disease. The expression of the mutated human FUS in C. elegans was recently shown to produce an ALS-like phenotype in the worms, rendering C. elegans an attractive disease model for ALS. Together with our collaboration partners, I applied both srAT and electron tomography methods to "ALS worms" and found effects on vesicle docking. These findings help to explain electrophysiological recordings that revealed a decrease in frequency of mini excitatory synaptic currents, but not amplitudes, in ALS worms compared to controls. In addition, synaptic endosomes appeared larger and contained electron-dense filaments in our tomograms. These results substantiate the idea that mutated FUS impairs vesicle docking and also offer new insights into further molecular mechanisms of disease development in FUS-dependent ALS. Furthermore, we demonstrated the broader applicability of our methods by successfully using them on cultured mouse motor neurons. Overall, using the C. elegans model and a combination of light and electron microscopy methods, this thesis helps to elucidate the structure and function of neuronal synapses, towards the aim of obtaining a comprehensive model of the nervous system.}, subject = {Caenorhabditis elegans}, language = {en} }