@phdthesis{Strehl2005, author = {Strehl, Christoph-Peter}, title = {Evolution of colony characteristics in the harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14324}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die Gattung Pogonomyrmex ist besonders gut geeignet, um die Evolution der Charakteristika von Ameisenkolonien allgemein zu untersuchen, und insbesondere deren soziogenetische Struktur, da die Biologie f{\"u}r einige ihrer Arten sehr gut bekannt ist, und eine Diversit{\"a}t an Paarungsh{\"a}ufigkeiten und K{\"o}nniginnenzahlen vorkommt. Diese Variation in der soziogenetischen Struktur der Kolonien erzeugt eine hohe Varianz an Verwandschaftsgraden innerhalb von Kolonien, und kann eine Hauptkomponente darstellen, welche die Evolution verschiedenster Koloniecharakteristika vorantreibt. Um die Variabilit{\"a}t intrakolonialer Verwandschaftsgrade innerhalb der Gattung Pogonomyrmex genau zu bestimmen, wurde f{\"u}r ausgew{\"a}hlte Mitglieder der Gattung, n{\"a}mlich f{\"u}r P. (sensu stricto) rugosus, P. (sensu stricto) badius and P. (Ephebomyrmex) pima, mit Hilfe der Technik des DNA-Fingerabdruckes die Anzahl an Matrilinien und Patrilinien bestimmt. Es wurde versucht die Evolution dieser Koloniecharakteristika vor dem Hintergrund einer Phylogenie zu erkl{\"a}ren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Gen-Stammbaum f{\"u}r 39 Arten der Gattung Pogonomyrmex erstellt. Die Artabdeckung betrug 83\% bei den Nord-Amerikanischen, und 43\% bei den S{\"u}d-Amerikanischen Arten. Effektive Mehrfachpaarung von K{\"o}niginnen wurde f{\"u}r P. rugosus (me=4.1) und P. badius (me=6.7) best{\"a}tigt. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde gezeigt, dass beide Arten monogyn sind. Diese Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigen Verhaltensbeobachtungen von Mehrfachpaarungen in diesen Arten. Mittlerweile ist Mehrfachpaarung in 9 Pogonomyrmex Arten bekannt (bei 3 Arten durch Verhaltensbeobachtungen - bei 6 Arten durch genetischen Nachweis). In P. (E.) pima hingegen waren alle der untersuchten K{\"o}niginnen einfach gepaart (me=1.0). Daher k{\"o}nnte es sein, dass Mehrfachpaarung entweder fr{\"u}h in der Evolution der Gattung Pogonomyrmex entstand und nachtr{\"a}glich in der Untergattung Ephebomyrmex verloren wurde (Plesiomorphie-Hypothese), oder sie entstand zum ersten mal in der Untergattung Pogonomyrmex sensu stricto (Apomorphie-Hypothese). In P. huachucanus, einer Art, die basal zu dem Nord-Amerikanischen sensu stricto Komplex ist, k{\"o}nnten die im Vergleich zu ihren sensu stricto Verwandten geringeren effektiven Paarungsh{\"a}ufigkeiten der K{\"o}niginnen (J. Gadau and C.-P. Strehl, unver{\"o}ffentlicht) einen Wechsel von Monandrie zu Polyandrie im Verlauf der Entstehung der fortschrittlicheren sensu stricto Arten widerspiegeln, was die Apomorphie-Hypothese unterst{\"u}tzen w{\"u}rde. Die intrakolonialen Verwandtschaftsgrade sind dennoch in P. (E.) pima niedrig. Dies ist m{\"o}glicherweise auf mehrere reproduktive K{\"o}niginnen (Polygynie) zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Polygynie ist ebenfalls dokumentiert f{\"u}r mindestens vier weitere Arten der Untergattung Ephebomyrmex, mit genetischer Evidenz allerdings bisher nur f{\"u}r P. (E.) pima. Es k{\"o}nnte sein, dass es einen evolution{\"a}ren Ausgleich (trade-off) zwischen Polyandrie und Polygynie innerhalb der Untergattung Ephebomyrmex gab, und daher beide Untergattungen eine hohe genetische Vielfalt innerhalb der Kolonien behielten. Diese hohe genetische Vielfalt k{\"o}nnte einer der Gr{\"u}nde sein f{\"u}r den Erfolg und die Radiation der Gattung Pogonomyrmex in Trockengebieten. Evolution k{\"o}nnte eine hohe genetische Vielfalt von Pogonomyrmex Kolonien beg{\"u}nstigt haben, da sie den Kolonien hilft die Organisation der Kolonie und die Effizienz mit der externe Aufgaben ausgef{\"u}hrt werden zu verbessern. Wenigstens in P. badius konnte eine Verkn{\"u}pfung zwischen Patrilinien und physischem Polyethismus gefunden werden, was auf eine Verbesserung der Kolonieorganisation mit Hilfe von Polyandrie hindeutet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnten die dargelegten extremen Polyandrie- Werte den P. badius-Weibchen helfen die M{\"o}glichkeit der Inzucht aufgrund eingeschr{\"a}nkter Ausbreitung zu bew{\"a}ltigen. Eine eingeschr{\"a}nkte Ausbreitung wird auch in P. (E.) pima durch fl{\"u}gellose, intermorphe K{\"o}niginnen beobachtet. Jedoch wird bei P. (E.) pima die Inzucht durch Auskreuzen mittels M{\"a}nnchen m{\"o}glicherweise verhindert, da keine signifikante Inzucht gefunden wurde. In den vorliegenden Gen-Stammb{\"a}umen war die Untergattung Pogonomyrmex Ephebomyrmex von der Untergattung Pogonomyrmex sensu stricto getrennt. Daher k{\"o}nnte es sein, dass P. Ephebomyrmex in den Status einer Gattung erhoben wird, auch aufgrund distinkter morphologischer und lebensgeschichtlicher Charaktere. F{\"u}r eine pr{\"a}zise taxonomische Revision m{\"u}sste allerdings eine breite Erg{\"a}nzung an Arten vorgenommen werden. Es wurde in P. rugosus Kolonien normalerweise eine geringe Anzahl von unverwandten Arbeiterinnen vorgefunden, die m{\"o}glicherweise aus Brutraub ausgewachsener Kolonien auf G{\"u}ndungs-Kolonien stammen. Es ist allseits bekannt, dass die meisten Gr{\"u}ndungskolonien von benachbarten, ausgewachsenen Kolonien der eigenen Art zerst{\"o}rt werden, aber es wurde bisher angenommen, dass die Brut dieser Kolonien ebenfalls zerst{\"o}rt wurde. Dieser oft vernachl{\"a}ssigte Aspekt k{\"o}nnte einen wichtigen St{\"a}rke-Bonus f{\"u}r ausgewachsene Kolonien darstellen.}, subject = {Pogonomyrmex}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huenten2005, author = {H{\"u}nten, Peter}, title = {Channel-forming proteins in the cell wall of amino acid-producing Corynebacteria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Corynebacterium glutamicum is together with C. callunae and C. efficiens a member of the diverse group of mycolic-acid containing actinomycetes, the mycolata. These bacteria are potent producer of glutamate, lysine and other amino acids on industrial scale. The cell walls of most actinomycetes contain besides an arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex large amounts of mycolic acids. This three-layer envelope is called MAP (mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan) complex and it represents a second permeability barrier beside the cytoplasmic membrane similar to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. In analogy to the situation in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, channels are present in the mycolic acid layer of the mycobacterial cell wall for the passage of hydrophilic solutes. Molecular studies have provided far-reaching findings on the amino acid flux and its balance in C. glutamicum in general, but the L-glutamate export still remains unknown. The properties of the outer layers, typical of mycolata, seem to be of major importance in this process, and diffusion seems to play a key role for this part of the cell wall. The major aim of this thesis was to identify and study novel channel-forming proteins of the amino acid producers C. glutamicum, C. callunae and C. efficiens. Cell wall extracts of the organisms were investigated and a novel pore-forming protein, named PorH, that is homologue in all three organisms, was detected and characterized. PorHC.glut was isolated from C. glutamicum cells cultivated in minimal medium. The protein was identified in lipid bilayer experiments and purified to homogeneity by fast-protein liquid chromatography across a HiTrap-Q column. The purified protein forms cation-selective channels with a diameter of about 2.2 nm and an average single-channel conductance of about 2.5 nS in 1 M KCl in the lipid bilayer assay. Organic solvent extracts were used to study the permeability properties of the cell wall of C. callunae and C.efficiens. The cell extracts contained channel-forming activity, the corresponding proteins were purified to homogeneity by fast-protein liquid chromatography across a HiTrap-Q column and named PorHC.call and PorHC.eff. Channels formed by PorHC.call are cation-selective with a diameter of about 2.2 nm and an average single-channel conductance of 3 nS, whereas PorHC.eff forms slightly anion selective channels with an average single-channel conductance of 2.3 nS in 1 M KCl in the lipid bilayer assay. The PorH proteins were partially sequenced and the corresponding genes, which were designated as porH, were identified in the published genome sequence of C. glutamicum and C. efficiens. The chromosome of C. callunae is not sequenced, but PorHC.call shows a high homology to PorHC.eff and PorHC.glut. The proteins have no N-terminal extension, only the inducer methionine, which suggests that secretion of the proteins could be very similar to that of PorAC.glut of C. glutamicum. PorHC.glut is coded in the bacterial chromosome by a gene that is localized in the vincinity of the porAC.glut gene, within a putative operon formed by 13 genes that are encoded by the minus strand. Both porins are cotranscribed and coexist in the cell wall, which was demonstrated in RT-PCR and immunological detection experiments. The arrangement of porHC.glut and porAC.glut on the chromosome is similar to that of porBC.glut and porCC.glut and it was found that PorAC.glut, PorHC.glut, PorBC.glut and PorCC.glut coexist in the cell wall of C. glutamicum. The molecular mass of about 6 kDa of the PorH channel forming proteins is rather small and suggests that the cell wall channels are formed by oligomers. A possibly hexameric form was demonstrated for PorHC.glut in Western blot analysis with anti- PorHC.glut antibodies. Secondary structure predictions for PorHC.glut, PorHC.call and PorHC.eff predict that a stretch of about 42 amino acids of PorHC.glut and 28 amino acids of PorHC.call and PorHC.eff forms amphipathic \&\#61537;-helices with a total length of 6.3 nm and 4.2 nm respectively. This should be sufficient to cross the mycolic acid layer. Another objective of this work was to establish an heterologous expression system for corynebacterial channel-forming proteins, to investigate the channel-forming properties of the up to now only hypothetical porins PorA, PorB, PorC from C. efficiens and PorC from C. glutamicum. We could demonstrate with recombinant expression experiments in E. coli that porBC.eff and porCC.eff encode for channel-forming proteins. They are, like PorBC.glut, anion-selective with a similar single-channel conductance of 1 nS in 1 M KCl.}, subject = {Corynebacterium callunae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FernandezMora2005, author = {Fern{\´a}ndez-Mora, Eugenia}, title = {Analysis of the maturation of Rhodococcus equi-containing vacuoles in macrophages}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Rhodococcus equi is a Gram-positive intracellular pathogen which can cause severe bronchopneumonia in foals. In recent years, the role of this bacterium as human pathogen has been noted, as R.equi infections in humans have increase in frequency. This increase is associated with the rise in immunosupressed individuals, specially AIDS patients, where infection leads to symptoms and pathology similar to those seen in foals with a high mortality rate. Due to its capability to survive and multiply in murine and equine macrophages, R.equi has been classified as a facultative intracellular bacterium. R.equi is found frequently in macrophages in alveolar infiltrate from infected animals. The pathogenicity of R.equi depends on its ability to exist and multiply inside macrophages and has been associated with the presence of virulence plasmids. It has been observed that, inside foal alveolar macrophages, R.equi-containing vacuoles (RCVs) do not mature into phagolysosomes. However, most of the intracellular events during R.equi infection have not been investigated in detail. The aim of this study was to elucidate the intracellular compartmentation of R.equi and the mechanism by which the bacteria avoid destruction in host macrophages. The importance of the virulence-associated plasmids of R.equi for the establishment of RCVs was also evaluated. Furthermore, the intracellular fate of viable and non-viable R.equi was compared in order to study whether viability of R.equi influeciantes the establishment of RCVs. In this study, the RCV was characterized by using a variety of endocytic markers to follow the path of the bacteria trhough murine macropages. Transmission electron microscopy-base analysis showed that R.equi was found equally frequently in phagosomes with loosely or thightly apposed membranes, and RCV often contains numerous membranous vesicles. Laser scanning microscopy of infected macrophages showed that the majority of phagosomes containing R.equi acquired transiently the early endosomal markers Rab5, Ptlns3P, and EEA-1, suggesting initially undisturbed phagosome maturation. Although the RCV acquired some late endosomal markers, such as Rab7, LAMP-1, and Lamp-2, they did not acquired vATPase, did not interact with pre-labeled lysosomes, and failed to acidify. These data clearly suggest that the RCV is a compartment which has left vacuoles that resemble multivesicular body compartments (MVB), which are transport intermediates between early and late endosomes and display internal vesicles very similar to the ones observed within RCVs. Analyisis of several R.equi strains containing either VapA- or VapB-expressing plasmids or neither demonstrated that the possession of the virulence-associated plasmids does not affect phagosome trafficking over a two hour period of infection. The finding that non-viable R.equi was still able to inhibit phagosome maturation (although not to the same extent as viable R.equi did) suggests that heat-insensitive factors, such as cell periphery lipids, may play a major role in inhibition of phagosome maturation, although heat-sensitive factors may also be involved.}, subject = {Rhodococcus equi}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhou2005, author = {Zhou, Qingchun}, title = {Molecular analysis of the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome in the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {A large variety of sex determination systems have been described in fish. However, almost no information is available about sex determination in the classical fish models, the zebrafish Danio rerio and the pufferfish Takifugu rubripes. A DNA-binding protein gene called dmrt1bY (or DMY) has been recently described as an outstanding candidate for the primary sex-determining gene in the medaka fish Oryzias latipes. But this gene is not the universal master sex-determining gene in teleost fish, since dmrt1bY is not found in most other fishes. Hence, other fish models need to be examined including the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus. Xiphophorus maculatus has three types of sex chromosomes (X, Y and W; females are XX, WX or WY; males are XY or YY). Its gonosomes are at an early stage of differentiation. The sex-determining locus on the sex chromosomes is flanked by two receptor tyrosine kinase genes, the Xmrk oncogene and its protooncogenic progenitor gene egfrb, which both delimit a region of about 0.6 centiMorgans. This situation should allow the positional cloning of the sex-determining gene (SD) of the platyfish. For this purpose, Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) contigs were assembled from a BAC library of XY males constructed in our laboratory, using the oncogene Xmrk, egfrb, as well as a Y-specific pseudogene called ps-criptY as starting points. The ps-criptY sequence was found to be closely linked to the SD gene, since no recombination was observed between SD and ps-criptY in more than 400 individuals tested. Two major BAC contigs for the X chromosome (about 2.5 Mb) and three major BAC contigs for the Y chromosome (about 3.5 Mb) were built up and analyzed by strategic sequencing. These are some of the largest contigs ever assembled for the sex chromosomes of a non-mammalian vertebrate species. The molecular analysis of the ps-criptY contig was the major objective of this work. The Y-specific ps-criptY contig has been extended over 1 Mb in this work with 58 identified molecular markers. Approximatively 700 kb of non-redundant sequences has been obtained from this contig by strategic sequencing. Numerous Y-linked markers from the contig including ps-criptY were also detected on the X chromosome. Nevertheless, major structural differences were observed between the X and Y chromosomes. Particularly, a large region, which is present at one copy on the X chromosome and contains several candidate genes, was found to be duplicated on the Y chromosome. Evidence for an inversion in the sex-determining region and for the Y-specific accumulation of a repeated sequence called XIR was also obtained. Such events might correspond to an initiation of differentiation between both types of gonosomes. Accumulation of transposable elements was also observed in the ps-criptY contig. A DNA transposable element, helitron, was isolated from the sex-determining region of X. maculatus. Three copies of helitron are located on the ps-criptY contig and one copy on the X-linked contig (helitron has roughly 15 copies per haploid genome). No in-frame stop codon, truncation or intron was found in these four copies, which present high nucleotide identities to each other. This suggests that helitron elements might be active or have been recently active in X. maculatus. A consensus open reading frame of helitron was also assembled from medaka (Oryzias latipes) genomic sequences. Two candidate genes from the ps-criptY contig are also located on the W chromosome in the X. maculatus Usumacinta strain (heterogamety). These markers show the relationship between the different types of gonosomes and allow to compare the male and female heterogameties in the platyfish. Several gene candidates were identified in the ps-criptY contig. However, some of them such as msh2, cript, igd and acr probably correspond to pseudogenes. Interestingly, a novel gene, called swimy, is exclusively expressed in spermatogonia of the adult testis. Swimy is a gene encoding a DNA-binding protein with several putative DNA-binding domains. The data suggest that swimy is a very promising candidate for the master SD gene. Another novel gene, which is called fredi and encodes a novel helix-turn-helix protein, is predominately expressed in the adult testis and currently under scrutiny. There is no doubt that the master SD gene of X. maculatus will be identified by positional cloning. Further molecular analysis of the contigs built in this work will shed new light on the molecular mechanism of sex determination and the evolution of sex chromosomes in fish.}, subject = {Platy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stojic2005, author = {Stojic, Jelena}, title = {Cloning and functional characterization of novel genes expressed preferentially in the human retina}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13746}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The human retina is a multi-layered neuronal tissue specialized for the reception and processing of visual information. The retina is composed of a great diversity of neuronal cell types including rod and cone photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, amacrine cells, horizontal cells and M{\"u}ller glia. In response to light, a coordinated series of molecular events, the so-called phototransduction cascade, is triggered in photoreceptor cells and the signals from the photoreceptors are further processed by the bipolar and ganglion cells to the higher centers of the brain. The retina as highly complex system may be greatly susceptible to genetic defects which can lead to a wide range of disease phenotypes. Therefore, isolation and characterisation of the genes active in the human retina will facilitate our deeper understanding of retinal physiology and mechanisms underlying retinal degeneration and provide novel candidates for the retinal disease genes. To identify novel genes that are specifically or predominantly expressed in the human retina, a cDNA library enriched for retina specific transcripts was generated using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique. In total, 1113 clones were randomly isolated from the retina SSH cDNA library and partially sequenced. On the basis of BLASTN algorithm analysis these clones were classified into four categories including those with I) significant homology to known human genes (766/1113), II) significant homology to partial transcripts and hypothetical gene predictions (162/1113), III) no homology to known mRNAs (149/1113), and IV) vector sequences and clones derived from mitochondrial genes (36/1113). After correcting for redundancy, category I represented 234 known human genes and category II a total of 92unknown transcripts. Clones from category I, were selected for expression analysis by RT-PCR in a great number of human tissues. This resulted in the identification of 16 genes which were expressed exclusively in the retina, 13 which were highly expressed in the retina compared to other tissues, 12 genes which were specifically expressed in neuronal tissues and 48 ubiquitously expressed genes. Thus, our expression analysis resulted in the identification of 29 genes exclusively or abundantly transcribed in the human retina. Of those, retina specific genes L25,L33, L35, L37, L38 and L40 were selected for further analysis. To characterize the complete mRNA sequences of these transcripts a full-length human retina cDNA library was constructed. The analysis of the L25 gene revealed three splicing variants of the ABCC5 gene, consequently named ABCC5_SV1 (SV1), ABCC5_SV2 (SV2) and ABCC5_SV3 (SV3).These isoforms comprise the first five exons of ABCC5 and additional novel exons named 5a, 5b and 5c, generated by differential exon usage. The determined lengths of the three transcripts are 2039 bp, 1962 bp, and 1887 bp in size, respectively. RT-PCR, real-time PCR and Northern blot analysis of ABCC5 as well as the isoforms SV1, SV2 and SV3demonstrated high levels of expression for all transcripts in the retina compared to other tissues. Analysis of their nucleotide sequences revealed that inclusion of exon 5a in splicing variant SV1 produced a frame shift and premature termination codon (PTC). Our data show that this splice variant is the target of nonsense mediated mRNA decay (NMD). This was shown by inhibition of protein synthesis with antibiotics puromycin and anisomycin in human cell lines A-RPE 19 and Y79. Our analysis resulted in an increase of the PTC containing transcript and a decrease of the ABCC5 transcript. Conversely, the amount of both transcripts (SV1 and ABCC5) returned to pre-treatment levels after removal of the inhibitors. Together, our results suggest that alternative splicing of the ubiquitously expressed ABCC5 gene in addition to NMD is involved in retina-specific transcriptional regulation of the mRNA level of ABCC5. In contrast, additional experiments demonstrated that the levels of expression ofSV2 and SV3 isoforms do not appear to influence ABCC5 transcription. Several of the cloned genes were selected for additional genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in order to construct their SNP maps which are going to be used for future association studies of complex disease AMD. Thus, identification of novel retinal genes and their functional characterization will further our elucidation of retinal physiology in general and in the diseased state in particular, by providing candidate retinal disease genes.}, subject = {Netzhaut}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hassel2005, author = {Haßel, Sylke}, title = {Signal transduction via multiple BMP receptor complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13353}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {BMPs influence a variety of cellular processes. They have been shown to regulate proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis and thus play central roles during developmental processes and tissue homeostasis. Ligand mediated signal transduction is transmitted via BMP type I and BMP type II receptors, both members of the serine/threonine kinase superfamily. The BMP receptor mediated signal transduction is not explored in detail. Therefore our aim was to address different aspects of BMP mediated signal transduction with main focus on BRII and its regulation. Due to the existence of two alternative splice variants, a long and a short form, the function of the two variants and the impact of the C-terminal extension are of general interest. Moreover, mutations in the BMPR2 gene were identified to be responsible for PPH, a autosomal dominant lung disease. In this thesis, BRII phosphorylation and signalling mediated by different receptor oligomers were investigated and multiple BRII associated proteins were identified. We could show that the oligomerization pattern of BMP receptors exhibits a higher degree of flexibility compared to other receptors of that superfamily. In the present work the BMP2 mediated signal transduction should be examined, depending on the receptor oligomerization pattern. Using kinase-deficient mutants, it could be demonstrated, that signalling via preformed BMP receptor complexes is mediated by the well characterized Smad1/5/8 pathway, whereas signalling initiated by BMP2 induced recruitment of the receptors activates the p38 pathway and leads to Alkaline Phosphatase production. To further study signalling events triggered directly from the BRII a proteomics-based screen for BRII associated proteins was performed. 53 associated proteins were found, the majority being signal transducing molecules, but in addition metabolic proteins, transcriptional regulators and others were identified. These proteins enable to gain a deeper insight in BMP mediated signalling. One of the interactors, the receptor tyrosine kinase c-kit, was characterized in more detail. It could be demonstrated, that BRII and c-kit form a complex in vitro and in vivo, and the interaction is enhanced upon BMP2 stimulation. 2D phosphopeptid mapping showed that BRII is phosphorylated at S757 upon activation of c-kit by SCF. Moreover, c-kit and its ligand SCF are modulating BMP2 pathways, by enhancing Smad1/5 phosphorylation, Smad-transcriptional activity, Alkaline Phosphatase production and expression of Cbfa1. All these pathways hint towards modulation of the osteoblast development via c-kit. Thus, we were able to develop a novel paradigm for the BMP2 meditated signalling. One of the initial triggers for BRII is the auto-phosphorylation of BRII. Here we analyze ligand-independent as well as ligand-dependent phosphorylation of BRII. Some phosphorylation sites in BRII were identified. The general phosphorylation occurs mostly on serines. S815, S818 and Y825 are identified targets of phosphorylation whose function is still unclear. However phosphorylation of S336 is demonstrated to be essential for BRII activation. The elucidation of BMP receptor phosphorylation and oligomerization as well as the impact of a number of BRII associated proteins (such as c-kit), demonstrated in this thesis that BMP signalling has to be regulated precisely on multiple levels. This can be useful for the development of selective signalling inhibitors for basic research and therapeutic approaches of PPH and other diseases.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muellner2004, author = {M{\"u}llner, Antje}, title = {Breeding ecology and related life-history traits of the hoatzin, Opisthocomus hoazin, in a primary rainforest habitat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is an enigmatic bird that lives in the riparian lowlands of northern South America. Among its peculiar attributes are 1) microbial foregut fermentation, unique in birds, to convert plant cellulose in the foliage which it consumes into simple sugars, 2) an ongoing debate about the puzzling taxonomic position, although a relationship to the Cuculiformes appears likely, 3) adaptive wing claws in the young which are used for climbing, and 4) co-operative breeding behaviour. Despite the information available on digestive mode and taxonomy little has been published on its breeding biology and behaviour and until now almost all knowledge was based on a study in the savannah of Venezuela. This is the first detailed study of the hoatzin's nesting ecology in a rainforest habitat. From 1995-1998 and in 2000 I monitored a hoatzin population which consisted of approximately 700 individuals in an Amazonian rainforest in Ecuador situated in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve (between 0°02' N, 76°0' W, 0°03' S, and 76°14' W). The area is composed of various black water lagoons and small rivers, flooded forests and terra firme forest. Primarily, I examined group composition and breeding pattern and success related to traits such as clutch and egg size, offspring sex ratio and the number of parents involved in a common breeding attempt. Apart from standardised observations and monitoring I took blood samples from chicks, which were later used for molecular sexing and for DNA fingerprints. Food plants were collected and determined and a rough habitat mapping was conducted. Since the impacts of boat tourism in the area became apparent I investigated the interactions of adult and young hoatzins with tourists and measured the plasma concentration of the hormone corticosterone in chicks as an indicator of stress. Each chapter has its own introduction to the specific topic and can be read independently. The main findings of this study are: The reproduction of the hoatzin was timed strictly following the bimodal rainy pattern in the area. There was only one breeding attempt per year. Only 18\% of breeding attempts ended successfully with at least one fledgling. Incubation started with the first egg laid and led to hatching asynchrony. In most cases only the A-chick survived and there is evidence for a brood reduction strategy. I observed egg size variation patterns both within the clutches and between the clutches. Approximately 80\% of breeding attempts were carried out with auxiliaries. Units with alloparentals had a higher breeding success than single pairs. The results indicate a trade-off between helping and group size. DNA band-sharing comparisons revealed the existence of joint-nests, where several females laid their eggs in one single nest. The clutches of these joint-nests suffered severe egg loss during all stages of incubation. Breeding success did not differ between single- and joint-nests. The primary offspring sex ratio was biased towards daughters. There was no differential mortality between the sexes until fledging. Individual breeding units employed an adaptive production of offspring of each sex according to their current group size. Rainforest tourism negatively influenced the survival and growth of young, not yet fledged hoatzins. In addition tourist-exposed young showed a stronger hormonal stress response than their conspecifics from undisturbed sites. In contrast, breeding adults appear to have habituated to tourist boats and exposure to observers.}, subject = {Hoatzins}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berkane2005, author = {Berkane, Emir}, title = {Etude de l'interaction entre GpJ, une prot{\´e}ine du bact{\´e}riophage Lambda, et LamB, une prot{\´e}ine de la membrane externe des bact{\´e}ries gram-n{\´e}gatives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12889}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {La fixation du bact{\´e}riophage Lambda sur son r{\´e}cepteur cellulaire, LamB, est d{\^u}e {\`a} une prot{\´e}ine de sa queue appel{\´e}e GpJ. Le but des travaux est d'{\´e}tudier l'int{\´e}raction entre le bact{\´e}riophage Lambda et LamB {\`a} travers l'{\´e}tude du complexe entre LamB et GpJ exprim{\´e}e en prot{\´e}ine de fusion. Pour ce faire, deux prot{\´e}ines de fusion sont utilis{\´e}es : MBP-gpJ et HisgpJ. MBP-gpJ est une prot{\´e}ine de fusion entre la Maltose Binding Prot{\´e}ine et l'extr{\^e}mit{\´e} Cterminale de la prot{\´e}ine GpJ (r{\´e}sidu 684 {\`a} 1132), gr{\^a}cieusement fournie par le Pr. Charbit (Paris, France). Gr{\^a}ce {\`a} la Technique du Film Noir (BLM), il a {\´e}t{\´e} permis d'observer que MBP-gpJ, apr{\`e}s expression dans E.coli et purification, int{\´e}ragit gr{\^a}ce au fragment de GpJ avec l'extr{\^e}mit{\´e} extracellulaire de LamB. Cette int{\´e}raction se traduit par un blocage complet et r{\´e}versible des canaux de LamB sauvage, mais {\´e}galement de mutants: LamB de Shigella sonnei, LamB Y118G et LamB D4+D6+D9v. Afin d'obtenir des informations sur la liaison de LamB avec uniquement le fragment de GpJ sans la partie MBP, une autre prot{\´e}ine de fusion a {\´e}t{\´e} r{\´e}alis{\´e}e: His-GpJ. His-gpJ repr{\´e}sente l'extr{\^e}mit{\´e} C-terminale de GpJ (684-1132) en fusion avec un 6×Histidine-tag. Cette prot{\´e}ine est exprim{\´e}e sous forme de corps d'inclusion dans E.coli. Apr{\`e}s purification et renaturation, une prot{\´e}ine de nouveau soluble peut {\^e}tre obtenue. Lors d'exp{\´e}riences de Film Noir, His-gpJ int{\´e}ragit certes avec LamB, mais n'induit pas le blocage des canaux comme pr{\´e}cedemment observ{\´e} apr{\`e}s ajout de MBP-gpJ. En parall{\`e}le, la formation d'un complexe entre His-gpJ et LamB sauvage, ainsi que de mutants a pu {\^e}tre confirm{\´e}e au travers de travaux de SDS-PAGE et d'immunod{\´e}tection par la pr{\´e}sence de bandes de masse mol{\´e}culaire {\´e}lev{\´e}e. L'utilisation de mutants de LamB a par ailleurs permis d'essayer d'identifier la partie de LamB impliqu{\´e}e dans l'interaction avec le fragment C-terminal de GpJ, qui se r{\´e}v{\`e}le {\^e}tre diff{\´e}rente de celle de GpJ dans la queue du bact{\´e}riophage Lambda. Mots cl{\´e}s: bact{\´e}riophage Lambda, gpJ, LamB, technique du film noir (BLM), immunod{\´e}tection.}, subject = {Bakteriophage Lambda}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beck2005, author = {Beck, Jan}, title = {The macroecology of Southeast-Asian hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13001}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {This study investigates the abundance and geographic distribution of the hawkmoth species (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Southeast-Asia and analyses the resulting patterns of biodiversity, biogeography and macroecology. Data on the distribution of species were retrieved from published and unpublished faunal lists and museum collections (in close cooperation with the Natural History Museum, London). Over 34,500 records of the global distribution of the 380 species that occur in Southeast-Asia (including New Guinea and the Solomon Islands) were used for a GIS-supported estimate of distributional ranges, which can be accessed at http://www.sphingidae-sea.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de, an Internet site that also provides pictures of the species and checklists for 114 islands of the Malesian region. The abundance of species in local assemblages was assessed from nightly collections at artificial light sources. Using a compilation of own samples as well as published and unpublished data from other sources, local abundance data on 93 sites were used for analysis, covering 159 species or 17,676 specimens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Akimzhanov2005, author = {Akimzhanov, Askar M.}, title = {Epigenetic repression of the NFATc1 transcription factor in human lymphomas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12921}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {We examined the regulation of NFATc1 in different lymphomas and observed an inversed correlation between the methylation status and expression of NFATc1. Our data demonstrate that aberrant DNA methylation associated with chromatin remodeling within nfatc1 locus is a major mechanism for the repression of NFATc1 expression, suggesting that the DNA methylation-mediated transcriptional silencing of NFATc1 may be a critical event in the tumorogenesis of ALCLs and cHLs. Furthermore, the DNA methylation of human nfatc1 promoter region could be used as a novel biomarker of tumor progression. Our results indicate a close link between the loss of immunoreceptor signaling and NFATc1 expression in human lymphomas. For both ALCLs and cHLs, defects in immunoreceptor signaling have been described which result in a loss of receptor-mediated gene expression programs (Schwering et al., 2003; Bonzheim et al., 2004; Marafioti et al., 2004). In T cells, one indicator gene of these programs appears to be the nfatc1 gene whose expression is controlled by TCR signals (Chuvpilo et al., 2002a). In contrast, in T cells NFATc1 expression is unaffected by TCR signals, and NFATc2 was found to be expressed at normal levels in ALCLs and cHLs (L.K., unpubl. data). Moreover, the activity of NF-kappaB factors which can bind to certain NFAT binding sites and share a distantly-related DNA binding domain with NFATs is strongly elevated in cHL cells (Bargou et al., 1997; Hinz et al., 2001; Hinz et al., 2002) suggesting that NFATs and NF-kappaBs exert very different effects on generation and maintenance of Hodgkin's lymhomas. However, it should be mentioned that in Burkitt's and further B cell lymphomas in which NFATc1 proteins are strongly expressed and controlled by receptor signals (Kondo et al., 2003), they could exert a promoting function in tumor development. The genes of p53 family members p63 and p73 are prominent examples for mammalian genes whose products can act both as oncoproteins and tumor suppressor genes (Hibi et al., 2000; Stiewe and Putzer, 2002), and it is likely that more genes exist which encode both tumor suppressors and oncoproteins. It remains to be shown whether the nfatc1 gene is one of them.}, subject = {Lymphom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herzner2004, author = {Herzner, Gudrun}, title = {Evolution of the pheromone communication system in the European Beewolf Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11651}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Darwin's theory of sexual selection explains the evolution of flamboyant male traits through female choice. It does not, however, address the question why males typically court and females choose. This asymmetry is now thought to be the result of the dichotomy in reproductive expenditures: Females invest primarily in parental care and males invest predominantly in mate attraction or competition. Based on this view, several hypotheses for the origin and maintenance of female preferences have been proposed. They include the classical sexual selection models, i.e. female choice for direct and indirect benefits as well as the more recent concepts of female choice for genetic compatibility and receiver bias models. The complementary choice scenario assumes that females choose mates with regard to genetic compatibility. The receiver bias concept views male traits and female preferences within the framework of communication theory and encompasses various more or less distinct models, two of which are sensory exploitation and sensory trap. Both models postulate that male signals evolved in response to pre-existing perceptual biases of females. The sensory trap hypothesis additionally emphasizes that pre-existing female preferences for certain cues evolved in non-sexual contexts, like e.g. foraging. Males that mimic these cues and elicit a favourable out-of-context response by females may increase their reproductive success. This thesis examines the evolution of the pheromone communication in the European Beewolf Philanthus triangulum. Beewolf females are specialized hunters of honeybees and provision their progeny with paralyzed prey. Male beewolves establish and scent mark territories with a pheromone from a head gland to court females. The concordant occurrence of the otherwise rare alcohol (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol in the male pheromone and in the alarm pheromone of honeybees, the exclusive prey of the females, suggests a sensory trap process as an explanation for the evolution of the male pheromone in P. triangulum. According to this hypothesis, we tested three predictions: First, foraging honeybees should emit eicosenol. Via chemical analysis we could show that honeybee workers in fact smell of eicosenol during foraging. The occurrence of eicosenol on the cuticle and in the headspace of honeybees is a new finding. Second, beewolf females should use eicosenol as a cue for prey detection or identification. Using behavioural assays, we demonstrated that prey recognition in beewolf females is accomplished by olfactory cues and that eicosenol is an essential cue in this process. The sensory sensitivity of beewolf females to eicosenol must be extremely high, since they perceive the trace amounts present in the head space of honeybees. This sensitivity may be due to specialized olfactory receptors on the antennae of beewolf females. An inventory of the flagellar sensilla of both sexes showed that females carry one type of sensillum that is missing in males, the large sensillum basiconicum. This chemo-sensitive sensillum most likely plays a role in prey recognition. The third prediction is that beewolf males incorporate bee-like substances, including eicosenol, into their pheromone, and possibly catch females in a sensory trap. A reanalysis of the male pheromone revealed, among others, eicosenol and several alkanes and alkenes as pheromonal compounds. Our own analyses of the chemical profiles of honeybee workers and beewolf pheromone disclosed a surprisingly strong resemblance between the two. Eight of the eleven substances of the male pheromone are also present on the cuticle and in the headspace of honeybees. Notwithstanding this similarity, the male pheromone does not function as a sensory trap for females. Nevertheless, the extensive congruence between the odour bouquets of the females' prey and the male pheromone strongly suggests that the male signal evolved to exploit a pre-existing female sensory bias towards bee odour, and, thus represents a case of sensory exploitation. In addition to the above described scenario concerning mostly the 'design' of the male pheromone, we addressed possible indirect benefits female beewolves may gain by basing their mating decisions on signal 'content'. We show that the pheromone of male beewolves varies between families and may, thus, contain information about the degree of relatedness between the female and a potential mate. Females could use this information to choose genetically complementary males to avoid inbreeding and the production of infertile diploid sons. Collectively, our results provide strong evidence for a receiver bias process in the evolution of the male pheromone of P. triangulum. They further indicate that the pheromone composition may subsequently have been influenced by other natural or sexual selection pressures, like e.g. complementary female choice.}, subject = {Philantus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2004, author = {Schmitt, Thomas}, title = {Communication in the hymenoptera : chemistry, ecology and evolution}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11267}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Insects exhibit complex systems of communication with chemical signalling being the most important mode. Although there are many studies on chemical communication in insects, the evolution of chemical signals is not well understood. Due to the conflict of interests between individuals, different selective pressures might act on sender and receiver. In this thesis I investigate different types of communication where either the sender, the receiver or both parties yield benefits. These studies were conducted with one digger wasp species, honeybees, one chrysidid wasp, and three ant species. Senders might benefit by exploiting existing preferences of receivers. Such sensory exploitation might influence the evolution of male signals that are designed to attract females. The sex pheromone of male European beewolves Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) might have evolved according to the sensory exploitation hypothesis. A three-step scenario is supported by our studies. First, a major component of the honeybee alarm pheromone, (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol, is also found on the cuticles and in the air surrounding foraging honeybees. Second, it could be shown, that (Z)-11- eicosen-1-ol plays a crucial role as kairomone for prey identification of honeybees by beewolf females. Third, a reanalysis of the beewolf male sex pheromone shows a remarkable similarity of compounds between the pheromone and the honeybee cuticle, besides the co-occurrence of (Z)-11-eisosen-ol. The majority of the cuticular hydrocarbons of honeybees occur also in the headspace of foraging workers. These results strongly support the hypothesis that beewolf males evolved a pheromone that exploits the females' pre-existing sensory sensitivity. In addition, the male sex pheromone shows a significantly higher similarity among brothers than among non-related individuals, which might enable beewolf females to discriminate against brothers and avoid detrimental effects of breeding. Together with the studies on the possible sensory exploitation this result shows that both, male and female beewolves probably gain more benefits than costs from the pheromone communication and, thus, the communication system as a whole can be regarded as cooperative. To maintain the reproductive division of labour in eusocial colonies, queens have to signal their presence and fecundity. In the ant Camponotus floridanus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) queens mark their own eggs with a distinctive pattern of cuticular hydrocarbons. Two different hypotheses have been developed. One suggests a form of worker manipulation by the queen. The alternative hypothesis assumes a cooperative signal that provides information on the condition of the queen. The results of our investigation clearly favour the latter hypothesis. Chemical mimicry is a form of non-cooperative communication that benefits predominantly the sender. We provided conclusive evidence that the cockoo wasp, Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), the primary brood parasitoid of Philanthus triangulum, evades recognition by beewolf females most probably by chemical mimicry of the odour of its host. Furthermore, the adaptation of the chemical signature in the social ant parasite Protomognathus americanus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) to its Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) hosts was investigated. Although this parasite is principally adapted to its hosts' cuticular hydrocarbon profile, there are still pronounced differences between the profiles of parasites and hosts. This might be explained by the trade-off, which the parasites faces when confronted locally with two host species with different cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. Non-cooperative communication in the sense that only receivers benefit was discovered in the exploitation of honeybees volatile cuticular hydrocarbons by beewolf females. By using emitted (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol as a kairomone, the receiver, the beewolf female, yields the benefits and the sender, the honeybee prey, bears all the costs. The results of these studies contribute to the understanding of the evolution of cooperative and non-cooperative communication with chemical signals taking into account differential benefits for sender and/or receiver.}, subject = {Hautfl{\"u}gler}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Luo2004, author = {Luo, Qin}, title = {Essential features of a PrfA-dependent : promoter of Listeria monocytogenes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The gram-positive, facultative intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is the causal agent of listeriosis. Most of well-known virulence genes are controlled by PrfA that belongs to the Crp-Fnr family of transcriptional activators. A PrfA-mediated transcription initiating at a virulence gene promoter, inlC promoter (PinlC) that regulates the expression of the small, secreted internalin C, was in-depth characterized by an in vitro transcription system to unravel the essential features of a PrfA-dependent promoter in this study. The obtained results indicate a dual promoter for inlC that leads to PrfA-dependent and -independent transcription in vitro and in vivo. The PrfA-dependent transcription requires, as expected, the PrfA-box, a conserved 14 bp sequence of dyad symmetry located about 40 bp upstream of the transcriptional start site of each PrfA-regulated gene. Another important structural feature for this PrfA-dependent promoter is the distance between the 3´-end of the PrfA-box and the 5´-end of the SigA-recognized -10 box fixed to 22 or 23 bp, which is observed in the interspace regions of the other known PrfA-dependent promoters, e.g. PactA, PplcA, Phly and Pmpl. The -35 box of PinlC is not necessary for PrfA-dependent transcription. The -10 box of PinlC and also that of the other PrfA-dependent promoters of L. monocytogenes closely resemble SigA-recognized -10 promoter sequences of the well-characterized gram-positive bacterium B. subtilis. Even the extended -10 motif (5´-TRTG-3´) considered to be a basic element for many SigA-recognized promoters in B. subtilis is present in PinlC. Primer extension studies reveal that both the PrfA-dependent and the independent promoter share the same -10 box. The PrfA-independent transcription of inlC depends on a -35 box located directly downstream of the PrfA-box, and the close proximity of the two sites inhibits strongly the transcription activity of the PrfA-independent promoter when the PrfA-RNA polymerase complex binds to the PrfA-box. Deletion of the PrfA-box results in PrfA-independent transcription from PinlC, which is no longer inhibited by PrfA. High concentration of GTP appears to be necessary for PrfA-dependent transcription initiated at the inlC promoter and at other PrfA-dependent promoters. Based on transcriptome analysis, Milohanic and his co-workers identified three groups of genes that were regulated differently by PrfA. Some of these genes containing putative PrfA-boxes in their 5´-upstream regulatory regions were selected for analysis of their transcriptional dependency on PrfA using again the in vitro transcription system. The data show that among these "PrfA-regulated" promoters tested, only the promoter of the hpt gene belonging to group I is clearly activated by PrfA. This promoter is also the only one that exhibited all essential features of a typical PrfA-dependent promoter as described above. In vitro transcription starting at most of the other promoters was neither positively nor negatively affected by PrfA. Transcription initiated at some of the promoters of group III genes (lmo0596 and lmo2067) is rather inefficient with SigA-loaded RNA polymerase, but is highly activated with RNA polymerase loaded with purified SigB. Addition of purified PrfA protein has no effect on the SigB-dependent transcription. These in vitro transcription results indicate that the in vivo observed PrfA effect on the expression of most of the new genes is either indirect or PrfA-mediated transcription of these genes requires - in contrast to the PrfA-dependent transcription of the known virulence genes (including hpt) - additional factors not present in the in vitro transcription assay. In addition to these new genes described by Milohanic, the promoters of two genes (lmo2420 and lmo2840) that contain putative PrfA-boxes with only a single mismatch in their upstream regulatory regions were analyzed in this study. However, transcription of none of these genes is regulated by PrfA, suggesting that these genes are either not truly regulated by PrfA or regulated by other global transcription activators that interact with PrfA by yet unknown mechanisms. By exchanging corresponding sequences between a functionally inactive promoter ParoAP2 and a typical PrfA-dependent promoter PplcA, it is found that PrfA-dependent in vitro transcription can be initiated from the hybrid promoter containing the putative PrfA-box and the SigA-recognized -10 box (TTTAAT) from the putative PrfA-dependent aroAP2 promoter, but it is inhibited strongly by the interspace sequence between these two sites apparently due to an additional RNA polymerase binding site [the -10 box (TAATAT) for the PrfA-independent transcription of ParoAP1)] within this region. Furthermore, a symmetric sequence downstream of the -10 box (TTTAAT) is also shown to be a strongly inhibitory for PrfA-dependent transcription from the putative PrfA-dependent aroAP2 promoter.}, subject = {Listeria monocytogenes}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reintjes2004, author = {Reintjes, Norbert}, title = {Taxonomy, faunistics and life-history traits of Dytiscidae and Noteridae (Coleoptera) in a West African savannah}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10287}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The studies inventoried the species of the families Dytiscidae and Noteridae (Coleoptera) in Como{\´e} National Park in northern Ivory Coast, West Africa and investigated the ecological role of temporary and permanent water bodies for the aestivation of these aquatic beetles. The ecological studies focused on the question how the beetles cope with the temporary loss of their aquatic habitats during dry season. The climate in the study area is characterised by a pronounced dry season from about November to March/April, in which the temporary ponds and creeks in the savannah entirely desiccate. The only available water bodies during dry season in Como{\´e} National Park are the Como{\´e} River, pools in some of its tributaries, and a few of the large savannah ponds. The taxonomic and faunistic analysis revealed a high species richness in the study area and yielded a total of twelve species of Noteridae in four genera and 95 species of Dytiscidae in 22 genera. Thirty of these species had not yet been reported from the Ivory Coast. A description of a new species in the genus Laccophilus is given, named L. comoensis in honour of the National Park. Strong incidences exist that the material includes more species yet unknown to science. Concerning the mode of aestivation, observations in pilot studies led to the working hypothesis that the beetles pass the dry season as adults in aquatic habitats. Consequently, presence of adults in aquatic habitats throughout the dry season and cyclic migration of adults between temporary and permanent water bodies was expected. Regular sampling of water bodies throughout the dry season and beginning rainy season yielded 33,705 individuals in 72 species and 26 genera. In all the sample periods Noteridae and / or Dytiscidae were recorded. The number of species per period was between 36 and 58. It is concluded that in Como{\´e} National Park a) at least parts of the populations of the recorded species pass the dry season as adults and b) aquatic habitats serve as a refuge for aestivation of these adult beetles. In a rocky area in the riverbed of the permanent Como{\´e} River four sets of studies were performed during dry and beginning rainy season. According to the working hypothesis beetles should be searching for adequate aquatic habitats as long as temporary savannah waters are becoming inhospitable and are falling dry. Seven rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River were artificially filled and thus offered for colonization at the peak of the dry season (end of January). After five days the rock pools were quantitatively sampled by completely emptying them. All the rock pools were colonized by Dytiscidae and / or Noteridae and with a total of 1,507 individuals in 26 species abundance and diversity were high. Habitats for aestivation are needed most, when the majority of the savannah waters are fallen dry. Little precipitation on February 18th 1999 had filled rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River but no pools in the savannah, where the rain was immediately absorbed by the very dry soil. An inventory of beetles was performed in 21 naturally filled rock pools five to 20 days after this precipitation. The sampling yielded 8,456 individuals in 41 species. Except the smallest, all rock pools contained beetles. The result showed that Dytiscidae and Noteridae utilise the rock pools as aquatic habitat during dry season. Beetles adapted to a highly seasonal environment like the aquatic system in the study area should be good colonizers. Sampling of four, respectively five rock pools at two occasions within 24 hours after the start of precipitation examined the potential of colonizers at that period (March). Prior to these precipitations the pools had been completely dry. Dytiscidae were already present in all rock pools and a total of 434 Dytiscidae in 14 species was found. The working hypothesis of cyclic migration suggests that the beetles should leave the rock pools at the onset of the rainy season when precipitation had filled temporary water bodies in the savannah. After several precipitation events an inventory of 13 rock pools of the Como{\´e} River in May controlled for adult beetles. Only four species with 126 individuals were still found, of which Yolina chopardi contributed 81.7\%. This species seems to differ from the other recorded species in the use of habitats, since it was never recorded in the savannah. In general, however, diversity and abundance of Dytiscidae and Noteridae in the rock pools, as expected, was low after the onset of the rainy season. During the entire study of the rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River 10,523 individuals in 44 species and 18 genera were collected. Thus, more than half of the species recorded in Como{\´e} National Park were found in the rock pools. The results suggest that the Como{\´e} River and the rock pools in the riverbed serve as aquatic retreat for adult Dytiscidae and Noteridae during dry season when temporary water bodies in the savannah are desiccated. The suggested cyclic migration between water bodies predicts that newly formed savannah waters are recolonized by the beetles at the onset of the rainy season. This colonization should be a) by adults and b) airborne. Two artificial ponds in the open savannah were offered only for aerial colonization at the beginning of the rainy season. The ponds were controlled for adult Noteridae and Dytiscidae daily during one continuous phase of eleven and a second one of 16 days (end of March to end of April). On every sampling date Noteridae or Dytiscidae were recorded. In the entire study 2,744 individuals in 44 species and 16 genera were collected. After precipitation, abundance and species richness increased. Thirty-five of the encountered species had been recorded in rock pools of the Como{\´e} River before. The principal species in the artificial savannah ponds had been principal species in samplings of the rock pools as well. The results support the hypothesis of cyclic migration: most species of Dytiscidae and Noteridae of the Como{\´e} National Park fly from desiccating savannah waters to permanent water bodies or water bodies holding water for extended times during dry season. They pass the dry season in these waters and fly back into the savannah after precipitation at the onset of the rainy season. Exceptions from this general rule are discussed.}, subject = {Schwimmk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hein2004, author = {Hein, Silke}, title = {The survival of grasshoppers and bush crickets in habitats variable in space and time}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9140}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die zunehmende Nutzung von Landschaften f{\"u}hrt zu einer steigenden Fragmentierung sch{\"u}tzenswerter Fl{\"a}chen. Damit verbunden ist eine Zerschneidung von großen Populationen in Metapopulationen. In solchen F{\"a}llen bestimmt das Gleichgewicht zwischen Aussterben und Besiedlung von Habitaten die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von Arten. Um diese bestimmen, braucht man ein gutes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Habitatanspr{\"u}che der Arten, sowie Informationen {\"u}ber ihr Ausbreitungsverhalten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, geeignete Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer Landschaft identifizieren zu k{\"o}nnen, sowie einen Beitrag zur Quantifizierung der Erreichbarkeit einzelner Fl{\"a}chen durch Individuen zu leisten. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Quantifizierung der Habitateignung von Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken. Dazu habe ich statistische Habitateignungsmodelle mittels logistischer Regression erstellt, evaluiert und validiert. Es zeigte sich, dass die Habitatwahl der Heuschrecken auf einer mittleren r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebene erfolgt. Dies steht mit der beobachteten Ausbreitungsdistanz der Tiere im Einklang. Neben dem nur grob klassifizierten Landschaftsfaktor „Biotoptyp" korrelieren vor allem strukturelle Faktoren sowie abiotische Faktoren mit dem Vorkommen der Heuschreckenarten. Bei der Bestimmung eines gemeinsamen Models f{\"u}r alle drei Heuschreckenarten erwies sich das Model der Art S. lineatus mit den Parametern Biotoptyp und Vegetationsh{\"o}he als am besten geeignet zur Vorhersage der Vorkommen der anderen Heuschreckenarten. Um zu testen, ob auch die Vorkommen von Arten unterschiedlicher Tiergruppen mittels eines gemeinsamen Modells vorhergesagt werden k{\"o}nnen, habe ich sowohl die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose von Faltervorkommen getestet, als auch Modelle f{\"u}r Falter auf Heuschrecken {\"u}bertragen. Dabei erwiesen sich die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose der anderen Arten weniger geeignet als das Modell f{\"u}r das Widderchen Z. carniolica in das der Anteil an geeignetem Habitat sowie die Vorkommen der beiden Saugpflanzen C. jacea und S. columbaria einfließen. Diese Art wird als standorttreu eingestuft und repr{\"a}sentiert damit auch die anderen Arten, die typisch f{\"u}r S{\"a}ume und Halbtrockenrasen sind. Die erh{\"o}hte Mobilit{\"a}t von Z. carniolica im Vergleich zu den Heuschrecken garantiert gleichzeitig auch die Erreichbarkeit aller geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen im Gebiet und damit ein Modell, das nur unwesentlich durch Zufallseffekte bei der Besiedlung beeinflusst wird. Neben der Habitatqualit{\"a}t/-quantit{\"a}t spielt vor allem der Austausch zwischen Fl{\"a}chen eine entscheidende Rolle f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben der Metapopulation. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich mich sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch, mit dem Ausbreitungsverhalten von Heuschrecken besch{\"a}ftigt. In Freilandexperimenten konnte ich zeigen, dass die Annahme eines dichotomen Bewegungsverhaltens f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer realen Landschaft nicht zutrifft. Vielmehr wird die Bewegung in einer Fl{\"a}che besser als Kontinuum beschrieben das durch strukturelle Resistenz, Temperatur, Mortalit{\"a}tsrisiko und Ressourcenverf{\"u}gbarkeit bestimmt wird. Die jeweilige Kombination dieser Parameter veranlasst die Tiere dann zu einem entsprechenden Bewegungsmuster, das sich zwischen den beiden Extremen gerichteter und zuf{\"a}lliger Lauf bewegt. In Experimenten zum Grenzverhalten von Heuschrecken best{\"a}tigte sich dieses Ergebnis. F{\"u}r verschiedene Grenzstrukturen konnte ich unterschiedliche {\"U}bertrittswahrscheinlichkeiten nachweisen. Weiterhin konnte ich feststellen, dass Heuschrecken geeignete Habitate aus einer gewissen Entfernung detektieren k{\"o}nnen. Da das Ausbreitungsverhalten von Tieren in theoretischen Modellen eine wichtige Rolle spielt, k{\"o}nnen diese empirischen Daten zur Parametrisierung dieser Modelle verwendet werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich zum Einfluss des Laufmusters der Tiere auf die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Habitate, zeigte sich in den von mir durchgef{\"u}hrten Simulationsstudien deutlich, dass der landschaftliche Kontext, in dem die Ausbreitung stattfindet, die Erreichbarkeit einzelner Habitate beeinflusst. Dieser Effekt ist zus{\"a}tzlich abh{\"a}ngig von der Mortalit{\"a}tsrate beim Ausbreitungsvorgang. Mit den Ergebnissen aus den Untersuchungen zur Habitateignung lassen sich die f{\"u}r Heuschrecken geeigneten Habitate in einer Landschaft identifizieren. Somit l{\"a}sst sich die potentielle Eignung einer Fl{\"a}che als Habitat, basierend auf Vorhersagen {\"u}ber die {\"A}nderung des Biotoptyps durch ein Managementverfahren, vorhersagen. Diese Information allein reicht aber nicht aus, um die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit einer Art bestimmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Meine Untersuchungen zum Ausbreitungsverhalten zeigen deutlich, dass die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Fl{\"a}chen von der r{\"a}umlichen Anordnung der Habitate und der Struktur der Fl{\"a}chen, die zwischen Habitaten liegen, abh{\"a}ngt. Zus{\"a}tzlich spielen individuenspezifische Faktoren wie Motivation und physiologische Faktoren eine ausschlaggebende Rolle f{\"u}r die Erreichbarkeit von geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen.}, subject = {Naturschutzgebiet Hohe Wann}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hart2004, author = {Hart, Stefan}, title = {Characterisation of the molecular mechanisms of EGFR signal transactivation in human cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10067}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In a variety of established tumour cell lines, but also in primary mammary epithelial cells metalloprotease-dependent transactivation of the EGFR, and EGFR characteristic downstream signalling events were observed in response to stimulation with physiological concentrations of GPCR agonists such as the mitogens LPA and S1P as well as therapeutically relevant concentrations of cannabinoids. Moreover, this study reveals ADAM17 and HB-EGF as the main effectors of this mechanism in most of the cancer cell lines investigated. However, depending on the cellular context and GPCR agonist, various different members of the ADAM family are selectively recruited for specific ectodomain shedding of proAR and/or proHB-EGF and subsequent EGFR activation. Furthermore, biological responses induced by LPA or S1P such as migration in breast cancer and HNSCC cells, depend on ADAM17 and proHB-EGF/proAR function, respectively, suggesting that highly abundant GPCR ligands may play a role in tumour development and progression. Moreover, EGFR signal transactivation could be identified as the mechanistic link between cannabinoid receptors and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) ERK1/2 as well as pro-survival Akt/PKB signalling. Depending on the cellular context, cannabinoid-induced signal cross-communication was mediated by shedding of proAmphiregulin and/or proHB-EGF by ADAM17. Most importantly, our data show that concentrations of THC comparable to those detected in the serum of patients after THC administration accelerate proliferation of cancer cells instead of apoptosis and thereby may contribute to cancer progression in patients.}, subject = {Epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rapp2004, author = {Rapp, Ulrike}, title = {Achieving protective immunitity against intracellular bacterial pathogens : a study on the efficiency of Gp96 as a vaccine carrier}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9096}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Protective vaccination against intracellular pathogens using HSP fusion proteins in the listeria model.}, subject = {Listeria monocytogenes}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Noskov2003, author = {Noskov, Andrey}, title = {Structural and functional studies of the Interleukin-5 receptor system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {The aim of current work was contribution to the long-term ongoing project on developing human IL-5 agonists/antagonists that intervene with or inhibit IL-5 numerous functions in cell culture and/or in animal disease models. To facilitate design of an IL-5 antagonist variant or low-molecular weight mimetics only capable of binding to the specific receptor alpha chain, but would lack the ability to attract the receptor common \&\#946;-chain and thus initiate receptor complex activation it is necessary to gain the information on minimal structural and functional epitopes. Such a strategy was successfully adopted in our group on example of Interleukin 4. To precisely localize minimal structural epitope it is essential to have structure of the ligand in its bound form and especially informative would be structure of complex of the ligand and its specific receptor alpha chain. For this purpose large quantities (tens of milligrams), retaining full biological activity IL-5 and extracellular domain of IL-5 specific receptor \&\#945;-chain were expressed in a bacterial expression system (E.coli). After successful refolding proteins were purified to 95-99\% Stable and soluble receptor:ligand complex was prepared. Each established purification and refolding procedures were subjected to optimization targeting maximal yields and purity. Produced receptor:ligand complex was applied to crystallization experiments. Microcrystals were initially obtained with a flexible sparse matrix screening methodology. Crystal quality was subsequently improved by fine-tuning of the crystallization conditions. At this stage crystals of about 800x150x30µm in size can be obtained. They possess desirable visible characteristics of crystals including optical clarity, smooth facecs and sharp edges. Crystals rotate plane polarized light reflecting their well internal organization. Unfortunately relative slimness and sometimes cluster nature of the produced crystals complicates acquisition of high-resolution dataset and resolution of the structure. With some of obtained crystals diffraction to a resolution up to 4{\AA} was observed.}, subject = {Interleukin 5}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roth2003, author = {Roth, Martin}, title = {Functional and developmental characterisation of matrix binding sites in decapentaplegic}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {In the last years it became evident that many cytokines do not only bind to their specific cell surface receptors but also interact with components of the extracellular matrix. Mainly in Drosophila, several enzymes were identified, that are involved in glycosaminoglycan synthesis. Mutations in these enzymes mostly result in disturbances of several signaling pathways like hedgehog, wingless, FGF or dpp. In most cases it was, due to these pleiotropic effects, not possible to examine the relevance of matrix interactions for single pathways. The aim of this work was to examine the relevance of matrix interactions for the TGF-ß superfamily member DPP. Based on the fact that DPP is highly homologous to human BMP-2, the basic N-terminus of mature DPP was mutated, which has been shown to contain a heparin-binding site in BMP-2. Thus, a wildtype variant (D-MYC), a deletion variant (D-DEL), which lacked the whole basic part of the N-terminus and a duplication variant (D-DUP), which contained a second copy of the basic core moitiv, were generated. In order to characterise the variants biochemically, they were expressed in E.coli and refolded in a bioactive form. In chicken limbbud assay, the deletion variant was much more active than the wildtype variant, comparable to data of BMP-2. By means of biacore mesurements with the immobilised ectodomain of the high affinity type I receptor thick veins, it could be demonstrated, that the variants differ only in matrix binding and not in their receptor affinity. Different matrix binding was shown by Heparin FPLC. The biological relevance of the matrix interaction of DPP was examined in transgenic flies. To allow expression of the different variants under the control of various Gal4 driver lines, they were cloned behind an UAS-promoter site. In early tracheal development, a strong dependence of DPP signaling on matrix binding was observed. While ectopic expression of the deletion variant caused only minor defects, the branching pattern was strongly disturbed by overexpression of wildtype and duplication variant. Ubiquitous expression of the variants in the wing imaginal disc caused overproliferation of the disc and expansion of the omb target gene expression. The extent of phenotypes correlated with the matrix binding ability of the variants. Corresponding disturbances of the wing vein pattern was observed in adult flies. By the crossing of different dpp allels, transheterozygous animals were created, that lack dpp only in imaginal discs. Expression of the variants under the control of a suitable dpp-Gal4 driver line revealed insights into the biological relevance of matrix binding on DPP gradient formation and specific target gene activation in wing imaginal discs. It was shown, that all variants were able to generate a functional DPP gradient with correct expression of the target genes omb and spalt. Again a correlation between extent of target gene domains and matrix binding ability of the corresponding variants was found. Thus by mutating the N-terminus of DPP, it could be shown that this is responsible for DPP`s matrix interaction. Also the relevance of matrix binding of DPP in different tissues was examined. It turned out, that the reorganisation of tracheal branching by DPP strongly depends on matrix interactions wheras the establishing of a gradient in wing imaginal discs depends only gradually on matrix interactions. Based on these data a model for the action of DPP/TGFßs as morphogens was established. While a deletion of matrix binding leads to a decrease in specific bioactivity of the cytokine, the latter is increased by additional matrix binding sites.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kilic2002, author = {Kilic, Mehtap}, title = {Formation of caspase activating complexes and activation of caspase-12 during apoptosis in AKR-2B mouse fibroblasts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Der Zelltod kann in Dichte-arretierten AKR-2B Mausfibroblasten durch Entzug des Serums oder Behandlung mit Anisomycin induziert werden. Der Zelltod zeigt zwar die f{\"u}r die Apoptose typischen morphologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zelle wie Zellfragmentierung und Chromatinkondensation jedoch fehlen andere apoptotische Charakteristika, wie die oligonukleosomale Fragmentierung der DNA oder {\"A}nderung des Membranpotentials der Mitochondria. W{\"a}hrend der Apoptose wurde eine beachtliche DEVDase Aktivit{\"a}t nach- gewiesen, die einem einzelnen Enzym zugeordnet werden konnte. Dieses Enzym hatte typische Eigenschaften von Effektor-Caspasen, wie die der Caspase-3, besaß jedoch einen ungew{\"o}hnlich hohen KM Wert von 100 µM, und die Molmasse der großen Untereinheit betrug 19 kDa anstelle der erwarteten 17 kDa. Mit Hilfe des rekombinanten mCaspase-3 Proteins wurde dieses Enzym in der vorliegenden Untersuchung als Caspase-3 identifiziert. Die N-terminale Sequenzierung des mCaspase-3 Proteins ergab, daß sich die Spaltstelle seiner Prodom{\"a}ne von der des humanen homologen Proteins unterschied (Asp-9 von Asp-28). Somit betrug die Molmasse der großen Untereinheit der aktiven Caspase-3 19 kDa. Dar{\"u}berhinaus stimmte der KM-Wert der rekombinanter mCaspase-3 von ~100 µM mit der {\"u}berein, die in Zellextrakten bestimmt wurde. Die Affinit{\"a}tmarkierung in Kombination mit einer 2D-Gelelektrophorese best{\"a}tigte, daß tats{\"a}chlich Caspase-3 als Haupt-Effektor-Caspase in AKR-2B-Zellen w{\"a}hrend der Apoptose aktiviert wird. Im Folgenden wurde untersucht, welcher Signalwege in AKR-2B-Zellen, denen Serum aus dem N{\"a}hrmedia entzogen wurden war oder die mit Anisomycin behandelt worden waren, zur Aktivierung der Caspase-3 f{\"u}hrt. Da eine Beteiligunug des Rezeptor-vermittelte Signalweges bereits zuvor ausgeschlossen worden war,wurde {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, ob der mitochondrial vermittelte Signalweg bei der Aktivierung von Caspase-3 ein Rolle spielt. Gelfiltrations- experimente ergaben, daß Caspase-3 als freies Enzym und nur in geringen Mengen innerhalb unterschiedlich große Komplexe der Molmassen 600 kDa und 250 kDa eluiert wird. Obwohl die apparenten Molmassen der Caspase-3-haltigen Komplexe mit k{\"u}rzlich ver{\"o}ffentlichten Daten {\"u}bereinstimmten, enthielten sie weder Apaf-1 noch Caspase-9. Dies deutet daraufhin, daß der mitochondrial-vermittelte Signalweg ebenfalls nicht an der Caspase-3 Aktivierung beteiligt ist. Dar{\"u}berhinaus wurde ein neuer Caspase-6 enthaltender Komplex (450 kDa) nach Serumentzug in AKR-2B-Zellen gefunden, der sich deutlich von Caspase-3 haltigen Komplexen unterscheidet. Caspase-3 ist f{\"u}r die meisten morphologische Ver{\"a}nderungen w{\"a}hrend der Apoptose verantwortlich. Wahrend der Apoptose in der AKR-2B-Zellen zwar Caspase-3 als Haupt-Effektor-Caspase identifiziert worden war, jedoch keine intranukleosomale Fragmentierung nachgeweisen werden konnen, da bei wurde die intrazellul{\"a}re Lokalisation der Caspase-3 untersucht. Durch {\"U}berexpression eines Caspase-3-GFP Fusionskonstruktes in AKR-2B Zellen wurde die Procaspase-3 im Cytoplasma lokalisiert, w{\"a}hrend die aktive Caspase-3 vorwiegend in membranumh{\"u}llten Vesikeln und zum Teil im Cytoplasma aktiviert wurde. Ebenfalls wurde eine m{\"o}gliche Beteiligung von Caspase-12 und eine ER-Streß vermittelte Signalleitung an der Apoptose in AKR-2B-Zellen untersucht. Kinetische Untersuchungen zeigten, daß Caspase-12 im Fall von Serumentzug oder Behandlung mit Anisomycin zeitgleich mit Caspase-3 aktiviert wurde, was zur Bildung von zwei Spaltprodukte der Molmassen 47 kDa und 35 kDa f{\"u}hrte. Gelfiltrationsexperimente ergaben, daß Caspase-12 als freies Enzym w{\"a}hrend der Apoptose auftritt. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde in allen Publikationen beschrieben, daß Caspase-12 in Folge von ER-Streß aktiviert wird. Nach Serumentzug oder Zugabe von Anisomycin zu AKR-2B-Zellen wurde jedoch kein Anstieg der Synthese des Chaperon-Proteins Grp78, einem Marker f{\"u}r ER-Streß, beobachtet. Dies zeigt, daß beide Behandlungen nicht zur ER-Streß f{\"u}hren. Im Gegensatz dazu erzeugten bekannte Indikatoren von ER Streß wie Thapsigargin und A23187 (ionophor) ER-Streß in AKR-2B-Zellen, was zu unspezifischem Abbau der Caspase-12 f{\"u}hrte. Darum ist es unwahrscheinlich, daß in AKR-2B- Zellen Caspase-12 bei ER-Streß aktiviert wird. Zusammenfassend zeigten diese Daten, daß Caspase-12 in AKR-2B-Zellen {\"u}ber Signalwegen aktiviert wird, die ER stress un- abh{\"a}ngig sind und zeigen daß Caspase-3 bei der Aktivierung von Caspase-12 beteiligt ist somit liefern die vorliegenden Untersuchungen einen Hinweis darauf daß neben den klassischen Signalwege weitere Signalwege existieren, die zur Apoptose f{\"u}hrten.}, subject = {Apoptosis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AbdelRahman2003, author = {Abdel Rahman, Faisal Mirghani}, title = {Systematic analysis of genes expressed in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and identification of candidates for genetic susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration (AMD)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7053}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment in the elderly and the major cause of blindness in the developed world. To date, the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease are not well understood although in recent years a primary involvement of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) has become evident. The aim of the present study is to systematically analyse genes which are differentially expressed in the RPE, and to assess their possible association with mechanisms and pathways likely to be related to retinal disease, in particular AMD. Towards this goal, 2379 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were established from an inhouse generated RPE cDNA library. This library was constructed by using the suppression subtraction hybridization (SSH) technique which normalises redundant sequences and ensures enrichment of rare transcripts. In a first phase, 1002 ESTs were sequenced and subjected to comprehensive alignment with public nucleotide and protein databases. A search of the 1002 ESTs against the human genome draft sequence yielded 168 known genes, 51 predicted genes, 15 unknown transcripts and 41 clones with no significant similarity. Reverse Northern blot hybridization was performed for 318 EST clusters to identify abundantly expressed genes in the RPE and to prioritize subsequent analyses. Representative clones were spotted onto a nylon membrane and hybridized with cDNA probes of driver (heart and liver) and tester (RPE) used in the cDNA library construction. Subsequently, 107 EST clusters were subjected to Northern blot hybridizations. These analyses identified 7 RPE-specific, 3 retina-specific, 7 RPE/retina-specific, and 7 tissue restricted transcripts, while 29 EST clusters were ubiquitously expressed, and evaluation was not possible for another 54 EST clusters. Of the 24 transcripts with specific or restricted expression, 16 clones were selected for further characterization. The predicted gene MGC2477 and 2 novel isoforms of the human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 3 (TRPM3) were cloned and further described in detail. In addition, polymorphic variations for these 2 genes as well as for the human MT-Protocadherin gene were determined. For MGC2477, 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified, with 13 having a frequency of the minor allele greater than 20\%. 10 of the 15 SNPs have not been reported in so far in public SNP repertoires. Partial assessment of the TRPM3 gene yielded 35 SNPs. Of these, 30 (85.7\%) were highly frequent (0.17-0.5\%), and 14 (40\%) were novel. The MT-Protocadherin gene revealed 35 SNPs, including 28 (80\%) with high frequency of the minor allele. 23 (65.7\%) were novel SNPs. These SNPs will be used to construct the most common haplotypes. These will be used in case/control association studies in 400 AMD patients and 200 ethnically and aged matched controls to assess a possible contribution of these genes in the etiology of AMD.}, subject = {Senile Makuladegeneration / Pigmentepithel / Genexpression}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nedvetsky2003, author = {Nedvetsky, Pavel I.}, title = {Regulation of the nitric oxide receptor, soluble guanylyl cyclase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is the best established receptor for nitric oxide (NO) and regulates a great number of important physiological functions. Surprisingly, despite the wellappreciated roles of this enzyme in regulation of vascular tone, smooth muscle cell proliferation, platelet aggregation, renal sodium secretion, synaptic plasticity, and other functions, extremely little is known about the regulation of sGC activity and protein levels. To date, the only well-proven physiologically relevant sGC regulator is NO. In the present study, some additional possibilities for sGC regulation were shown. Firstly, we evaluated the ability of different NO donors to stimulate sGC. Significant differences in the sGC stimulation by SNP and DEA/NO were found. DEA/NO stimulated sGC much stronger than did SNP. Interestingly, no correlation between the sGC protein and maximal activity distribution was found in rat brain regions tested, suggesting the existence of some additional regulatory mechanisms for sGC. The failure of SNP to stimulate sGC maximally might be one of the reasons why the lack of correlation between the distribution of sGC activity and proteins in brain was not detected earlier. Prolonged exposure of endothelial cells to NO donors produced desensitization of the cGMP response. This desensitization cannot be explained by increased PDE activity, since PDE inhibitors were not able to prevent the NO donor-induced decrease of the maximal cGMP response in endothelial cells. The failure of SH-reducing agents to improve the cGMP response after its desensitization by NO suggests that a SH-independent mechanism mediates NO effects. Demonstration that the potency of the recently described activator of oxidized (heme-free) sGC, BAY58-2667, to stimulate sGC increases after prolonged exposure of the cells to an NO donor, DETA/NO, suggests that oxidation of heme may be a reason for NOinduced desensitization of sGC and decrease in sGC protein level. Indeed, the well-known heme-oxidizing agent ODQ produces a dramatic decrease in sGC protein levels in endothelial cells and BAY58-2667 prevents this effect. Although the mechanism of sGC activation and stabilization by BAY58-2667 is unknown, this substance is an interesting candidate to modulate sGC under conditions where sGC heme iron is oxidized. Very little is known about regulation of sGC by intracellular localization or translocation between different intracellular compartments. In the present study, an increase in sGC sensitivity to NO under membrane association was demonstrated. Treatment of isolated lung with VEGF markedly increased sGC in membrane fractions of endothelial cells. Failure of VEGF to stimulate sGC membrane association in cultured endothelial cells allows us to propose a complex mechanism of regulation of sGC membrane association and/or a transient character of sGC membrane attachment. A very likely mechanism for the attachment of sGC to membranes is via sGCinteracting proteins. These proteins may participate also in other aspects of sGC regulation. The role of the recently described sGC interaction partner, Hsp90, was investigated. Shortterm treatment of endothelial cells with an Hsp90 inhibitor does not affect NO donor or calcium ionophore-stimulated cGMP accumulation in the cells. However, inhibition of Hsp90 results in a rapid and dramatic decrease in sGC protein levels in endothelial cells. These effects were unrelated to changes in sGC transcription, since inhibition of transcription had much slower effect on sGC protein levels. In contrast, inhibitors of proteasomes abolished the reduction in sGC protein levels produced by an Hsp90 inhibitor, suggesting involvement of proteolytic degradation of sGC proteins during inhibition of Hsp90. All these data together suggest that Hsp90 is required to maintain mature sGC proteins. In conclusion, in the present study it was demonstrated that multiple mechanisms are involved in the regulation of sGC activity and its sensitivity to NO. Oxidation of sGC heme by NO seems to be one of the mechanisms for negative regulation of sGC in the presence of high or prolonged stimulation with NO. Another possible means of regulating sGC sensitivity to NO is via the intracellular translocation of the enzyme. It has been also demonstrated here that attachment of sGC to the membrane fraction results in an apparent increase in the enzyme sensitivity to NO. Additionally, Hsp90 was required to maintain sGC protein in endothelial and other cell types. However, we could not find any acute affect of Hsp90 on sGC activity, as reported recently. All these findings demonstrate that the regulation of sGC activity and protein level is a much more complex process than had been assumed earlier.}, subject = {Guanylatcyclase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FadlElMola2003, author = {Fadl El Mola, Faisal Mohamed}, title = {Bioinformatic and molecular approaches for the analysis of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) transcriptome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6877}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {There is substantial interest in the identification of genes underlying susceptibility to complex human diseases because of the potential utility of such genes in disease prediction and therapy. The complex age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent cause of legal blindness in industrialized countries and predominantly affects the elderly population over 75 years of age. Although vision loss in AMD results from photoreceptor cell death in the central retina, the initial pathogenesis likely involves processes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (Liang and Godley, 2003). The goal of the current study was to identify and characterize genes specifically or abundantly expressed in the RPE in order to determine more comprehensively the transcriptome of the RPE. In addition, our aim was to assess the role of these genes in AMD pathogenesis. Towards this end, a bovine cDNA library enriched for RPE transcripts was constructed in-house using a PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique (Diatchenko et al., 1996, 1999), which normalizes for sequence abundance and achieves high enrichment for differentially expressed genes. CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) was used to assemble the high quality sequences of all the 2379 ESTs into clusters or singletons. 1.2\% of the 2379 RPE-ESTs contains vector sequences and was excluded from further analysis. 5\% of the RPE-ESTs showed homology to multipe chromosomes and were not included in further assembly process. The rest of the ESTs (2245) were assembled into 175 contigs and 509 singletons, which revealed approximately 684 unique genes in the dataset. Out of the 684, 343 bovine RPE transcripts did not align to their human orthologues. A large fraction of clones were shown to include a considerable 3´untranslated regions of the gene that are not conserved between bovine and human. It is the coding regions that can be conserved between bovine and human and not the 3' UTR (Sharma et al., 2002). Therefore, more sequencing from the cDNA library with reclustering of those 343 ESTs together with continuous blasting might reveal their human orthologoues. To handle the large volume of data that the RPE cDNA library project has generated a highly efficient and user-friendly RDBMS was designed. Using RDBMS data storage can be managed efficiently and flexibly. The RDBMS allows displaying the results in query-based form and report format with additional annotations, links and search functions. Out of the 341 known and predicted genes identified in this study, 2 were further analyzed. The RPE or/and retina specificity of these two clones were further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis in adult human tissues. Construction of a single nucleotide polymphism (SNP) map was initiated as a first step in future case/control association studies. SNP genotyping was carried out for one of these two clones (RPE01-D2, now known as RDH12). 12 SNPs were identified from direct sequencing of the 23.4-kb region, of which 5 are of high frequency. In a next step, comparison of allele frequencies between AMD patients and healthy controls is required. Completion of the expression analysis for other predicted genes identified during this study is in progress using real time RT-PCR and will provide additional candidate genes for further analyses. This study is expected to contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of RPE function and to clarify the role of the RPE-expressed genes in the predisposition to AMD. It may also help reveal the mechanisms and pathways that are involved in the development of AMD or other retinal dystrophies.}, subject = {Senile Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jovcic2002, author = {Jovcic, Alexander}, title = {Applications of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the fields of biological degradation of contaminants and biological wastewater treatment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6702}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In the work here presented four distinctly different problems were investigated. The first problem was an investigation into the degradation of Dichloroethylene (DCE) and 1,1-bis (p-Chlorophenyl)-2-dichloroethylene (DDE) utilising pure bacterial cultures. The second investigation dealt with the degradation of DDE and polychlorinated Biphenyl's (PCB's) utilising anaerobic sediments and soils from New Zealand. The third investigation worked on the Granulation of anaerobic River-sediments in Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactors. The last investigation describes the commissioning of an industrial aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Implementation of biological Nitrogen- and Phosphate removal in this Wastewater Treatment Plant. Since the chemical Structure of DCE and DDE have certain similarities, Bacteria that were capable of degrading DCE, were tested here, whether they would also be able to degrade DDE utilising a co-metabolic pathway. In the experiments the aerobic bacteria Methylosinus trichosporium and Mycobacterium vaccae and the anaerobic bacteria Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium butyricum were used. Approximately 60\% of the added DCE was degraded by M. vaccae, while M. trichosporium degraded approximately 50\%. A. woodii and C. butyricum degraded 40\% and 30\% respectively of the added DCE. Further experiments with these cultures and DDE lead to a microbial degradation of DDE to an extent of 34.6\% for M. vaccae, 14.1\% for C. butyricum, 2.2\% for A. woodii and 10.5\% for M. trichosporium. Additional experiments, utilising [14C]-DDE, showed that the DDE had not been degraded but were attached to the bacterial cells. The second investigation utilised anaerobic soils and sediments from New Zealand to study the anaerobic co-metabolic degradation of DDE and PCB's. The soils and sediments originated from the River Waikato, from Wastewater Ponds in Kinleith, Marine-Sediments from Mapua, and a variety of soils comtaminated with Pentachlorophenyl (PCP). The cultures from these soils and sediments were raised on a variety of Carbon- and Energy-sources. Beside DDE, Aroclor 1260, and a mix of four pure PCB-Congeneres (one Tetra-, one Hexa, one Hepta- and one Deca-Chlorobiphenyl) were used to test for the reductive dechlorination. The cultivation process of the baceria lasted six months. Samples of the cultures were taken after zero, three and six months. These samples were tested for the increase of cell-protein, the degradation of carbon- and energy-sources, and the removal of the added polychlorinated chemicals. The organochlorines were analysed using reversed phase HPLC and FID-GC. When a change in the Chromatogram was detected the respective cultures were further analysed using ECD-GC and GC-MS. The results showed that the culutres grew under these conditions, but no degradation of DDE and the PCB-Mix could be detected, and only small changes in the composition/chromatograms of Aroclor 1260 were found. The third investigation worked on the Granulation of River-Sediments in UASB-Reactors. Sediments from the River Waikato in New Zealand and the River Saale in Germany were used. In both cases the Granulation process was successful, which was demonstrated by microscopic comparisons of the Sediments and the resulting Granules. The two main bacterial cultures detected were Methanosarcina- and Methanothrix-like cultures. The main carbon- and energy-source was Lactic Acid, which was used at a concentration of 21,8 g COD/L. The Granulation-Process was a combination of using high a COD-Concentration combined with a low Volumetric Loading-Rate. Comparisons of the specific degradation-rates of a variety of carbon- and energy-sources between the Sediments and the Granules, showed no increased degradation rates in regard to the same cell-mass, but the increased bio-mass in the Granules allowed for higher degradation-rates within the UASB-reactors. The fourth investigation describes the commissioning of an industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant for a Dairy-Site in Edendale, Southland, New Zealand. This Plant consists of a DAF-Unit (Dissolved Air Flotation), two Extended Aeration Lagoons with Activated Sludge and two Clarifiers, one for the Activated Sludge and the second for the dosing of Aluminium-Sulphate and the removal of Phosphat-Sulphate. Biological processes for the removal of carbon- and energy-sources were optimised and biological processes for the reduction of Nitrogen- and Phosphate-Concentrations within the wastewater were implemented and optimised. Bilogical removal rates for COD of 95\% and above, for Nitrogen of 85-92\% and Phosphate of 64-83\% were achieved.}, subject = {Biologische Abwasserreinigung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gross2002, author = {Groß, Michaela}, title = {Genomic changes in Fanconi anemia: implications for diagnosis, pathogenesis and prognosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6579}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically and phenotypically heterogenous autoso- mal recessive disease associated with chromosomal instability, progressive bone marrow failure, typical birth defects and predisposition to neoplasia. The clinical phenotype is similar in all known complementation groups (FA-A, FA-B, FA-C,FA-D1, FA-D2, FA-E, FA-F and FA-G). The cellular phenotype is characterized by hypersensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents (MMC,DEB), which is exploited as a diagnostic tool. Alltogether, the FA proteins constitute a multiprotein pathway whose precise biochemical function(s) remain unknown. FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF and FANCG interact in a nuclear complex upstream of FANCD2. Complementation group FA-D1 was recently shown to be due to biallelic mutations in the human breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2). After DNA damage, the nuclear complex regulates monoubiquitylation of FANCD2, result- ing in targeting of this protein into nuclear foci together with BRCA1 and other DNA damage response proteins. The close connection resp. identity of the FA genes and known players of the DSB repair pathways (BRCA1, BRCA2, Rad51) firmly establishs an important role of the FA gene family in the maintenance of genome integrity. The chapter 1 provides a general introduction to the thesis describing the current knowledge and unsolved problems of Fanconi anemia. The following chapters represent papers submitted or published in scientific literature. They are succeeded by a short general discussion (chapter 7). Mutation analysis in the Fanconi anemia genes revealed gene specific mutation spectra as well as different distributions throughout the genes. These results are described in chapter 1 and chapter 2 with main attention to the first genes identified, namely FANCC, FANCA and FANCG. In chapter 2 we provide general background on mutation analysis and we report all mutations published for FANCA, FANCC and FANCG as well as our own unpublished mutations until the year 2000. In chapter 3 we report a shift of the mutation spectrum previously reported for FANCC after examining ten FA-patients belonging to complementation group C. Seven of those patients carried at least one previously unknown mutation, whereas the other three patients carried five alleles with the Dutch founder mu- tation 65delG and one allele with the Ashkenazi founder mutation IVS4+4A>T, albeit without any known Ashkenazi ancestry. We also describe the first large deletion in FANCC. The newly detected alterations include two missense mu- tations (L423P and T529P) in the 3´-area of the FANCC gene. Since the only previously described missense mutation L554P is also located in this area, a case can be made for the existence of functional domain(s) in that region of the gene. In chapter 4 we report the spectrum of mutations found in the FANCG gene com- piled by several laboratories working on FA. As with other FA genes, most muta- tions have been found only once, however, the truncating mutation, E105X, was identified as a German founder mutation after haplotype analysis. Direct compar- ison of the murine and the human protein sequences revealed two leucine zipper motifs. In one of these the only identified missense mutation was located at a conserved residue, suggesting the leucine zipper providing an essential protein-protein interaction required for FANCG function. With regard to genotype-phenotype correlations, two patients carrying a homozygous E105X mutation were seen to have an early onset of the hematological disorder, whereas the missense mutation seems to lead to a disease with later onset and milder clinical course. In chapter 5 we explore the phenomenon of revertant mosaicism which emerges quite frequently in peripheral blood cells of patients suffering from FA. We de- scribe the types of reversion found in five mosaic FA-patients belonging to com- plementation groups FA-A and FA-C. For our single FA-C-patient intragenic crossover could be proven as the mechanism of self-correction. In the remaining four patients (all of them being compound heterozygous in FANCA), either the paternal or maternal allele has reverted back to WT sequence. We also describe a first example of in vitro phenotypic reversion via the emergence of a compensat- ing missense mutation 15 amino acids downstream of the constitutional mutation explaining the MMC-resistance of the lymphoblastoid cell line of this patient. In chapter 6 we report two FA-A mosaic patients where it could be shown that the spontaneous reversion had taken place in a single hematopoietic stem cell. This has been done by separating blood cells from both patients and searching for the reverted mutation in their granulocytes, monocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes as well as in skin fibroblasts. In both patients, all hematopoietic lineages, but not the fibroblasts, carried the reversion, and comparison to their increase in erythrocyte and platelet counts over time demonstrated that reversion must have taken place in a single hematopoietic stem cell. This corrected stem cell then has been able to undergo self-renewal and also to create a corrected progeny, which over time repopulated all hematopoietic lineages. The pancytopenia of these patients has been cured due to the strong selective growth advantage of the corrected cells in vivo and the increased apoptosis of the mutant hematopoietic cells.}, subject = {Fanconi-An{\"a}mie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mody2003, author = {Mody, Karsten}, title = {Patterns of arthropod distribution and determinants of arthropod assemblage composition in a natural West African savannah}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This study investigated patterns of arthropod community organisation and the processes structuring these communities on a range of different tree species in a natural West African savannah (Como{\´e} National Park, C{\^o}te d'Ivoire). It described and analysed patterns of arthropod distribution on the level of whole communities, on the level of multiple-species interactions, and on the level of individual insect species. Community samples were obtained by applying (i) canopy fogging for mature individuals of three tree species (Anogeissus leiocarpa, Burkea africana, Crossopteryx febrifuga) and (ii) a modified beating technique allowing to sample the complete arthropod communities of the respective study plants for medium-sized (up to 3 m) individuals of two other species (Combretum fragrans, Pseudocedrela kotschyi). General information on ant-plant interactions was retrieved from ant community comparisons of the mature savannah trees. In addition, ant-ant, ant-plant and ant-herbivore interactions were studied in more detail considering the ant assemblages on the myrmecophilic tree Pseudocedrela kotschyi. Herbivore-plant interactions were investigated on a multiple-species level (interrelationships between herbivores and Pseudocedrela trees) and on a species level (detailed studies of interrelationships between herbivorous beetles and caterpillars and the host tree Combretum fragrans). The studies on individual herbivore species were complemented by a study on an abundant ant species, clarifying not only the relationship between host plant and associated animal but allowing also to look at interactive (competitive) aspects of community organisation. The study demonstrated for the first time that (i) the structure of beetle communities on tropical trees can be strongly dependent on the host tree species, (ii) individual trees can host specific arthropod communities whose characteristic structure is stable over years and is strongly determined by the individual tree's attributes, (iii) ants can express a pronounced fidelity to single leaves as foraging area and can thereby determine distribution patterns of other ants, (iv) intraspecifically variable palatability of plants for insect herbivores can be stable over years and can influence the distribution of herbivores that can distinguish between individual hosts according to palatability and (v) intraspecific host plant change can positively affect fitness of herbivores if host plant quality is variable. In general, the present study contributes to our knowledge of anthropogenically unaltered processes affecting community assembly in a natural environment. The fundamental understanding of these processes is crucial for the identification of anthropogenic alterations and the establishment of sustainable management measures. The study points out the important role local factors can play for the distribution of organisms and thereby for community organisation. It emphasises the relevance of small scale heterogeneity of the abiotic and biotic environment to biodiversity and the need to consider these factors for development of effective conservation and restoration strategies.}, subject = {Savanne}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Visan2003, author = {Visan, Ion Lucian}, title = {P0 specific T-cell repertoire in wild-type and P0 deficient mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung Das Myelinprotein P0 stellt eine zentrale Komponente f{\"u}r die Stabilit{\"a}t und Funktionalit{\"a}t der Myelinscheiden des peripheren Nervensystems dar. Mutationen des P0-Proteins f{\"u}hren zu verschiedenen, schwer behindernden peripheren Neuropathien wie der Charcot-Marie-Tooth- oder der Dejerine-Sotas-Erkrankung. Wir haben das Tiermodell der P0-Knock-Out-M{\"a}use verwendet, um im Vergleich zu den C57BL/6-Wildtyp-Tieren Selektionsmechanismen des P0-spezifischen T-Zell-Repertoires zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde eine Reihe von {\"u}berlappenden 20-mer-Peptiden benutzt, die die gesamte Aminos{\"a}uresequenz von P0 abdeckten. Mit Hilfe dieser Peptide wurde ein sog. „Epitop-Mapping" der H2-Ab-restringierten T-Zell-Antwort durchgef{\"u}hrt. Auf diese Weise konnte das P0-Peptid 5 (Aminos{\"a}ure 41-60) in der extrazellul{\"a}ren P0-Dom{\"a}ne als immunogene Determinante identifiziert werden. Dieses immunogene Peptid wurde dann f{\"u}r Untersuchungen der Toleranzmechanismen verwendet und zeigte, dass in P0-Knock-Out-M{\"a}usen ein hochreaktives P0-spezifisches T-Zell-Repertoire vorliegt, w{\"a}hrend es in Wildtyp-Tieren inaktiviert ist und so Selbsttoleranz erzeugt wird. Die Toleranzerzeugung in Wildtyp- und heterozygoten P0 +/- M{\"a}usen h{\"a}ngt nicht von der Gen-Dosis ab. P0 ist ein gewebespezifisches Antigen, dessen Expression normalerweise auf myelinisierende Schwann-Zellen beschr{\"a}nkt ist. Die klassischen Vorstellungen zu Toleranzmechanismen gegen{\"u}ber gewebsspezifischen Antigenen schrieben diese vor allem peripheren Immunmechanismen zu. Durch den erstmaligen Nachweis von intrathymischer Expression gewebsspezifischer Antigene wie P0 konnten wir best{\"a}tigen, dass f{\"u}r P0 offensichtlich die Expression deutlich weiter verbreitet ist, insbesondere auch auf Thymus-Stroma-Zellen. Unter Verwendung von Knochenmarkschim{\"a}ren haben wir weitere Untersuchungen durchgef{\"u}hrt, wie Knochenmarks-abstammende Zellen im Vergleich zu nicht-h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen Toleranz gegen{\"u}ber P0 erzeugen k{\"o}nnen. Unsere Befunde zeigen, dass Knochenmarks-abh{\"a}ngige Zellen nicht ausreichen, um v{\"o}llige Toleranz zu erzeugen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde eine P0-Expression auf anderen Geweben wie dem Thymus ben{\"o}tigt, um komplette Toleranz zu erhalten. Wir identifizierten ein kryptisches P0-Peptid 8 und zwei subdominante P0-Peptide 1 und 3. W{\"a}hrend das Peptid 8 sowohl in Wildtyp- als auch Knock-Out-M{\"a}usen erkannt wurde, wurden die Peptide 1 und 3 in Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen nicht als Immunogen erkannt. Die genannten Peptide wurden verwendet, um eine experimentelle autoimmune Neuritis (EAN) zu erzeugen. Mit keinem der experimentellen Ans{\"a}tze konnten wir klinische Zeichen einer EAN generieren, allerdings mit dem Peptid 3 doch Entz{\"u}ndung im peripheren Nerven beobachten. Es werden zuk{\"u}nftig weitere Untersuchungen ben{\"o}tigt, um P0-spezifische T-Zell-Linien zu etablieren und so mit h{\"o}herer Effizienz eine EAN zu erzeugen. Unsere Untersuchungen sprechen daf{\"u}r, dass bei gentherapeutischen Ans{\"a}tzen bei erblichen Neuropathien vorsichtig und schrittweise vorgegangen werden muss, da mit sekund{\"a}rer Autoimmunit{\"a}t und damit Inflammation im peripheren Nerven zu rechnen ist.}, subject = {Myelin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kraemer2003, author = {Kr{\"a}mer, Franziska}, title = {Molecular and Biochemical Investigations into VMD2, the gene associated with Best Disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5761}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Best disease (OMIM 153700) is an early-onset, autosomal dominant maculopathy characterized by egg yolk-like lesions in the central retina. The disease gene, the vitelliform macular dystrophy gene type 2 (VMD2), encodes a 585-aa VMD2 transmembrane protein, termed bestrophin. The protein is predominantly expressed on the basolateral side of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and is thought to be involved in the transport of chloride ions. Bestrophin as well as three closely related VMD2-like proteins (VMD2L1-L3) contain multiple putative transmembrane (TM) domains and an invariant tripeptide (RFP) motif in the N-terminal half of the protein. This and the tissue-restricted expression to polarized epithelial cells are typical features of the VMD2 RFP-TM family. Best disease is predominantly caused by missense mutations, clustering in four distinct „hotspots" in the evolutionary highly conserved N-terminal region of the protein. To further augment the spectrum of mutations and to gain novel insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms, we screened VMD2 in a large cohort of affected patients. In total, nine novel VMD2 mutations were identified, raising the total number of known Best disease-related mutations from 83 to 92. Eight out of nine novel mutations are hotspot-specific missense mutations, underscoring their functional/structural significance and corroborating the dominant-negative nature of the mutations. Of special interest is a one-basepair deletion (Pro260fsX288) encoding a truncated protein with a deletion of an important functional domain (TM domain four) as well as the entire C-terminal half of bestrophin. For the first time, a nonsense mutation leading to a 50 \% non-functional protein has been identified suggesting that on rare occassions Best disease may be caused by haploinsufficiency. Molecular diagnostics strongly requires a reliable classification of VMD2 sequence changes into pathogenic and non-pathogenic types. Since the molecular pathomechanism is unclear at present, the pathogenicity of novel sequence changes of VMD2 are currently assessed in light of known mutations. We therefore initiated a publicly accessible VMD2 mutation database (http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/humangenetics/vmd2.html) and are collecting and administrating the growing number of mutations, rare sequence variants and common polymorphisms. Missense mutations may disrupt the function of proteins in numerous ways. To evaluate the functional consequences of VMD2 mutations in respect to intracellular mislocalization and/or protein elimination, a set of molecular tools were generated. These included the establishment of an in vitro COS7 heterologous expression assay, the generation of numerous VMD2 mutations by site-directed mutagenesis as well as the development of bestrophin-specific antibodies. Surprisingly, membrane fractionation/Western blot experiments revealed no significant quantitative differences between intact and mutant bestrophin. Irrelevant of the type or location of mutation, incorporation of mutant bestrophin to the membraneous fraction was observed. Thus, impaired membrane integration may be ruled out as causative pathomechanism of Best disease consistent with a dominant-negative effect of the mutations. In a different approach, efforts were directed towards identifying and characterizing the VMD2 RFP-TM protein family in mouse. While clarification of the genomic organization of murine Vmd2 was required as basis to generate Vmd2-targeted animals (see below), the study of closely related proteins (Vmd2L1, Vmd2L2 and Vmd2L3) may provide further clues as to the function of bestrophin. For this, biocomputational as well as RT PCR analyses were performed. Moreover, the novel genes were analyzed by real time quantitative RT PCR, displaying predominant expression in testis, colon and skeletal muscle of Vmd2, Vmd2L1 and Vmd2L3 transcripts, respectively as well as in eye tissue. Interestingly, neither an ORF was determined for murine Vmd2L2 nor was the transcript present in a panel of 12 mouse tissues, suggesting that murine Vmd2L2 may represent a functionally inactive pseudogene. The murine Vmd2L3 gene, as its human counterpart, is a highly differentially spliced transcript. Finally, generating mouse models of Best disease will provide essential tools to investigate the pathophysiology of bestrophin in vivo. We have initiated the generation of two different mouse lineages, one deficient of Vmd2 (knock-out) and the other carrying a human disease-related mutation (Tyr227Asn) in the orthologous murine gene (knock-in). Genetic engineering of both constructs has been achieved and presently, four ES clones harboring the homologous recombination event (Vmd2+/-) have been isolated and are ready for the subsequent steps to generate chimeric animals. The resulting mouse lineages will represent two key models to elucidate the functional role of bestrophin in Best disease, in RPE development and physiology.}, subject = {Best-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herold2003, author = {Herold, Andrea}, title = {The role of human and Drosophila NXF proteins in nuclear mRNA export}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5601}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {A distinguishing feature of eukaryotic cells is the spatial separation of the site of mRNA synthesis (nucleus) from the site of mRNA function (cytoplasm) by the nuclear envelope. As a consequence, mRNAs need to be actively exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. At the time when this study was initiated, both human TAP and yeast Mex67p had been proposed to play a role in this process. Work presented in this thesis (section 2.1) revealed that TAP and Mex67p belong to an evolutionarily conserved family of proteins which are characterized by a conserved modular domain organization. This family was termed nuclear export factor (NXF) family. While the yeast genome encodes only one NXF protein (Mex67p), the genomes of higher eukaryotes encode several NXF proteins. There are two nxf genes in C. elegans and A. gambiae, four in D. melanogaster, and at least four in H. sapiens and M. musculus. It was unclear whether, apart from TAP and Mex67p, other members of this family would also be involved in mRNA export. In the first part of this thesis (2.1), several human NXF members were tested for a possible function in nuclear mRNA export. They were analyzed for their interaction with RNA, nucleoporins and other known TAP partners in vitro, and tested for their ability to promote nuclear export of a reporter mRNA in vivo. Using these assays, human NXF2, NXF3 and NXF5 were all shown to interact with the known NXF partner p15. NXF2 and NXF5 were also found to bind directly to RNA, but only NXF2 was able to bind directly to nucleoporins and to promote the nuclear export of an (untethered) reporter mRNA. Thus NXF2 possesses many and NXF3 and NXF5 possess some of the features required to serve as an export receptor for cellular mRNAs. As NXF2 and NXF3 transcripts were mainly found in testis, and the closest orthologue of NXF5 in mouse has the highest levels of expression in brain, these NXF members could potentially serve as tissue-specific mRNA export receptors. In the second part of this work (2.2), the role of different Drosophila NXF proteins and other export factors in mRNA export was investigated using double-stranded RNA interference (RNAi) in Drosophila Schneider cells. Three of the four predicted Drosophila NXF members (NXF1-3) were found to be expressed in this cell line and could be targeted by RNAi. Depletion of endogenous NXF1 inhibited growth and resulted in the nuclear accumulation of polyadenylated RNA. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that export of both heat shock and non-heat shock mRNAs, including intron-containing and intronless mRNAs, was inhibited. Depleting endogenous NXF2 or NXF3 had no apparent phenotype. These results suggested that NXF1 (but not NXF2-NXF4) mediates the export of bulk mRNA in Drosophila cells. We and others have shown that human NXF proteins function as heterodimers bound to the small protein p15. Accordingly, silencing of Drosophila p15 resulted in a block of mRNA export which was indistinguishable from the export inhibition seen after targeting NXF1. These observations indicated that neither NXF1 nor p15 can promote export in the absence of the other subunit of the heterodimer. NXF1:p15 heterodimers are implicated in late steps of mRNA export, i.e. in the translocation of mRNP export cargoes across the nuclear pore complex. The mechanism by which NXF1:p15 dimers are recruited to the mRNA is unclear. A protein that is thought to play a role in this process is the putative RNA helicase UAP56. Similar to NXF1 and p15, UAP56 was shown to be essential for mRNA export in Drosophila. UAP56 is recruited cotranscriptionally to nascent transcripts and was suggested to facilitate the interaction of NXF1:p15 with mRNPs. Even though both NXF1:p15 heterodimers and UAP56 had been implicated in general mRNA export, it was unclear whether there are classes of mRNAs that require NXF1:p15, but not UAP56 or vice versa. It was also unclear what fraction of cellular mRNAs is exported by NXF1:p15 dimers and UAP56, and whether mRNAs exist that reach the cytoplasm through alternative routes, i.e. by recruiting other export receptors. To address these issues we performed a genome-wide analysis of nuclear mRNA export pathways using microarray technology (2.2.2). We analyzed the relative abundance of nearly half of the Drosophila transcriptome in the cytoplasm of Drosophila Schneider cells depleted of different export factors by RNAi. We showed that the vast majority of transcripts were underrepresented in the cytoplasm of cells depleted of NXF1, p15 or UAP56 as compared to control cells. Only a small number of mRNAs were apparently not affected by the depletions. These observations, together with the wide and similar effects on mRNA levels caused by the depletion of NXF1, p15 or UAP56, indicate that these proteins define the major mRNA export pathway in these cells. We also identified a small subset of mRNAs which appeared to be exported by NXF1:p15 dimers independently of UAP56. In contrast, no significant changes in mRNA expression profiles were observed in cells depleted of NXF2 or NXF3, suggesting that neither NXF2 nor NXF3 play an essential role in mRNA export in Drosophila Schneider cells. Crm1 is a transport receptor implicated in the export of a variety of non-mRNA and protein cargoes. In addition, human Crm1 has been suggested to be involved in the export of a specific mRNA species, serving as a "specialized" mRNA export receptor. A role of human Crm1 in the export of bulk mRNA is considered unlikely. We analyzed the role of Drosophila Crm1 in mRNA export by inhibiting Crm1 with the drug leptomycin B in Schneider cells. Subsequent microarray analysis demonstrated that the inactivation of Crm1 resulted in decreased cytoplasmic levels of less than 1\% of all mRNAs, indicating that Crm1 is indeed not a major mRNA export receptor. The genome-wide analysis also revealed a feedback loop by which a block to mRNA export triggers the upregulation of genes involved in this process. This thesis also includes two sections describing projects in which I participated during my Ph.D., but which were not the main focus of this thesis. In section 2.3, the role of the different TAP/NXF1 domains in nuclear mRNA export is discussed. Section 2.4 describes results that were obtained as part of a collaboration using the RNAi technique in Schneider cells to study the function of Cdc37.}, subject = {Zellkern}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wolf2002, author = {Wolf, Katarina}, title = {Migration of tumor cells and leukocytes in extracellular matrix : proteolytic and nonproteolytic strategies for overcoming tissue barriers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5670}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The extracellular matrix within connective tissues represents a structural scaffold as well as a barrier for motile cells, such as invading tumor cells or passenger leukocytes. It remains unclear how different cell types utilize matrix-degrading enzymes for proteolytic migration strategies and, on the other hand, non-proteolytic strategies to overcome 3D fibrillar matrix networks. To monitor cell migration, a 3D collagen model in vitro or the mouse dermis in vivo were used, in combination with time-lapse video-, confocal- or intravital multiphoton-microscopy, and computer-assisted cell tracking. Expression of proteases, including several MMPs, ADAMs, serine proteases and cathepsins, was shown by flow cytometry, Western blot, zymography, and RT-PCR. Protease activity by migrating HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells resulting in collagenolysis in situ and generation of tube-like matrix defects was detected by three newly developed techniques:(i) quantitative FITC-release from FITC-labelled collagen, (ii) structural alteration of the pyhsical matrix structure (macroscopically and microscopically), and (iii) the visualization of focal in situ cleavage of individual collagen fibers. The results show that highly invasive ollagenolytic cells utilized a spindle-shaped "mesenchymal" migration strategy, which involved beta1 integrindependent interaction with fibers, coclustering of beta1 integrins and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) at fiber bundling sites, and the proteolytic generation of a tube-like matrix-defect by MMPs and additional proteases. In contrast to tumor cells, activated T cells migrated through the collagen fiber network by flexible "amoeboid" crawling including a roundish, elliptoid shape and morphological adaptation along collagen fibers, which was independent of collagenase function and fiber degradation. Abrogation of collagenolysis in tumor cells was achieved by a cocktail of broad-spectrum protease inhibitors at non-toxic conditions blocking collagenolysis by up to 95\%. While in T cells protease inhibition induced neither morphodynamic changes nor reduced migration rates, in tumor cells a time-dependent conversion was obtained from proteolytic mesenchymal to non-proteolytic amoeboid migration in collagen lattices in vitro as well as the mouse dermis in vivo monitored by intravital microscopy. Tumor cells vigorously squeezed through matrix gaps and formed constriction rings in regions of narrow space, while the matrix structure remained intact. MMPs were excluded from fiber binding sites and beta1 integrin distribution was non-clustered linear. Besides for fibrosarcoma cells, this mesenchymal-toameboid transition (MAT) was confirmed for epithelial MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cells. In conclusion, cells of different origin exhibit significant diversity as well as plasticity of protease function in migration. In tumor cells, MAT could respresent a functionally important cellular and molecular escape pathway in tumor invasion and migration.}, subject = {Zellmigration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwaerzel2003, author = {Schw{\"a}rzel, Martin}, title = {Localizing engrams of olfactory memories in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Zars and co-workers were able to localize an engram of aversive olfactory memory to the mushroom bodies of Drosophila (Zars et al., 2000). In this thesis, I followed up on this finding in two ways. Inspired by Zars et al. (2000), I first focused on the whether it would also be possible to localize memory extinction.While memory extinction is well established behaviorally, little is known about the underlying circuitry and molecular mechanisms. In extension to the findings by Zars et al (2000), I show that aversive olfactory memories remain localized to a subset of mushroom body Kenyon cells for up to 3 hours. Extinction localizes to the same set of Kenyon cells. This common localization suggests a model in which unreinforced presentations of a previously learned odorant intracellularly antagonizes the signaling cascades underlying memory formation. The second part also targets memory localization, but addresses appetitive memory. I show that memories for the same olfactory cue can be established through either sugar or electric shock reinforcement. Importantly, these memories localize to the same set of neurons within the mushroom body. Thus, the question becomes apparent how the same signal can be associated with different events. It is shown that two different monoamines are specificaly necessary for formation of either of these memories, dopamine in case of electric shock and octopamine in case of sugar memory, respectively. Taking the representation of the olfactory cue within the mushroom bodies into account, the data suggest that the two memory traces are located in the same Kenyon cells, but in separate subcellular domains, one modulated by dopamine, the other by octopamine. Taken together, this study takes two further steps in the search for the engram. (1) The result that in Drosophila olfactory learning several memories are organized within the same set of Kenyon cells is in contrast to the pessimism expressed by Lashley that is might not be possible to localize an engram. (2) Beyond localization, a possibible mechanism how several engrams about the same stimulus can be localized within the same neurons might be suggested by the models of subcellular organisation, as postulated in case of appetitive and aversive memory on the one hand and acquisition and extinction of aversive memory on the other hand.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuelke2002, author = {Sch{\"u}lke, Oliver}, title = {Living apart together}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5029}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Cohesiveness between members of a social unit is a defining characteristic of animal social organization. Dispersed social organizations, where members of a social unit spend the main part of their activity period apart, have only recently been distinguished from cohesive social organizations and are still poorly understood with respect to their ecological basis and reproductive consequences. The general goal of this dissertation was to study the three components of the social system of fork-marked lemurs (Phaner furcifer), a small nocturnal primate from Madagascar living in dispersed pairs. First, I characterise their social organization, focusing on behavioural mechanisms of cohesion between pair partners. Second, through application of van Schaik's ecological model, I investigate predictions about the ecological basis of female intra-sexual avoidance, male-female social relationships and the determinants of differential female reproductive success. Finally, I analyse behavioural and genetic aspects of the mating system to test a recent hypothesis that proposes high extra-pair paternity in dispersed primate pairs resulting from constraints on male mate guarding. The study was conducted in Kirindy Forest in Madagascar between September 1998 and April 2001 during three field seasons for a total of 20 months. During more than 1400 hours of focal animal protocols, I sampled year-round data on space use, feeding ecology, time budgets, and social behaviour of all adults and three subadults of 8 families, complemented by simultaneous focal follows of both pair partners, year-round information on sleeping site use, measures on food abundance in each territory, morphological measurements, and DNA-microsatellite data for seven newly discovered polymorphic loci. Across eight social units and three breeding seasons, pairs were the prevailing grouping pattern (18 of 21 family years). Most pairs were stable for more than three mating seasons and used well defined stable territories. Although both pair partners used the same territory in a fairly similar fashion, average distance between pair partners was 100m, which was far considering that many territories measure only 200m in diameter. Pair partners spent only about 20\% of activity time in less than 25m distance of each other and shared a sleeping site on average only every third day. Females were found to be dominant over their partner as well as over neighbouring males in all behavioural contexts. Most important food resources were exudates of a small number of tree species. Major food resources were distributed in small, defendable patches characterized by fast depletion and rapid renewal. In accordance with the ecological model, this led to strong within-group contest and scramble competition and weak between-group contest competition over food, as indicated by a positive dominance effect and a negative group size effect on female physical condition. Female reproductive success was determined mainly by family size. Paternity likelihood and exclusion analyses revealed that four out of seven offspring were most likely sired by an extra-pair male. Behaviour during the mating season implied that females as well as males take an active part in obtaining extra-pair copulations and that males try to guard their mates. Dispersed social organization in itself, i.e. low cohesion between pair partners, cannot explain high extra-pair paternity. I propose instead that several other factors common to most primates living in dispersed pairs constrain mate guarding and lead to high EPP. The ecological settings determine the mode of food competition and have shaped the social system of fork-marked lemurs in several ways. Intense within-group competition for food may have ultimately led to female intra-sexual avoidance and range exclusivity which represents an evolutionary precursor of pair-living. Although it remains elusive why females ultimately associated with single males, patterns of within-group contest competition for food explain why pair partners avoid each other during nocturnal activity. The limited number of food resources that is used in repetitive fashion and incomplete knowledge about the pair partners position explain why pair partners meet relatively often and why most encounters involve agonistic conflict. Rigid feeding itineraries characteristic of exudate feeders are likely to pose high costs to offspring dispersing to unfamiliar areas. Feeding ecology can, therefore, explain why parents tolerate delayed natal dispersal despite a negative effect on actual female reproductive success. In conclusion, the present study successfully applied existing socio-ecological theory to a new area of research, refined a recent evolutionary model and contributed important comparative data to our understanding of dispersed pairs in particular and primate and animal societies in general.}, subject = {Gabelstreifiger Katzenmaki}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berghoff2002, author = {Berghoff, Stefanie M.}, title = {Sociobiology of the hypogaeic army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus Fr. Smith}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Originally renowned for their spectacular epigaeic raids, army ants have captured scientific attention for almost two centuries. They now belong to one of the best studied group of ants. However, most of our knowledge about army ants was derived from the study of the minority of specialized, epigaeicly active species. These species evolved probably rather recently from hypogaeic ancestors. The majority of army ant species still leads a hypogaeic life and is almost completely unknown in its entire sociobiology. It thus remained speculative, whether the assumed 'general' characteristics of army ants represent an adaptation to epigaeic activity or apply also to the majority of hypogaeic species. Based on the recent observation that the hypogaeic Asian army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus recruits predictably to palm oil baits, I developed and tested an oil-baiting method for the study of hypogaeic (army)ants. Prior to my study, nothing was known about the sociobiology of the assumed rare D. laevigatus. Throughout my work, I showed D. laevigatus to be very common and abundant in a wide range of habitats in West-Malaysia and on Borneo. Investigating its foraging behavior, I revealed D. laevigatus to differ from epigaeicly active species in several ways. Never demonstrated for any of the epigaeic species, D. laevigatus established stable trunk trail systems. Such a trail system contradicted the perception of army ant foraging, which was believed to be characterized by raids with constantly alternating trail directions. The trunk trail system further enabled a near omnipresence of D. laevigatus within its foraging area, which was also believed to be atypical for an army ant. Raids differed in structure and composition of participating workers from those of epigaeic species. Also, bulky food sources could be exploited over long periods of time. The foraging system of D. laevigatus resembled in several ways that of e.g. leaf-cutter and harvester ants. Likewise contrary to the assumptions, D. laevigatus had a wide food spectrum and showed only little effect on local arthropod communities, even falling itself prey to other ants. Strong aggressive behavior was observed only towards ant species with similar lifestyles, enabling me to provide the first detailed documentation of interspecific fights between two sympatric Dorylus species. Similar to foraging habits or ecological impact, nothing was known about colony size and composition, nesting habits, or worker polymorphism for D. laevigatus or any other hypogaeic Dorylus species prior to my work. By observing and eventually excavating a colony, I showed D. laevigatus to have a much smaller colony size and to lack the large sized workers of epigaeic Dorylus species. Similar to epigaeic Dorylinae, I showed D. laevigatus to have a non-phasic brood production, to emigrate rarely, and to alter its nest form along with habitat conditions. Detailed morphological and geographical descriptions give an impression of the Asian Dorylus species and are expected to aid other researchers in the difficult species identification. The genetic analysis of a male collected at a light trap demonstrated its relation to D. laevigatus. Confirming the male and queen associations, D. laevigatus is now one of five Dorylus species (out of a total of 61), for which all castes are known. In cooperation with D. Kistner, I provide a morphological and taxonomical description of nine Coleopteran beetles associated with D. laevigatus. Behavioral observations indicated the degree of their integration into the colony. The taxonomic position of the beetles further indicated that D. laevigatus emigrated from Africa to Asia, and was accompanied by the majority of associated beetles. The diversity of D. laevigatus guests, which included a number of unidentified mites, was rather low compared to that of epigaeic species. Overall, I demonstrated the developed baiting containers to effectively enable the study of hypogaeic ants. I showed several other hypogaeic ant species to be undersampled by other methods. Furthermore, the method enabled me to documented a second hypogaeic Dorylus species on Borneo. A detailed description of this species' morphology, ecology, and interactions with D. laevigatus is provided. My study indicated D. laevigatus to be an ecologically important species, able to influence soil structure and organisms of tropical regions in many ways. Relating the observed traits of D. laevigatus to epigaeicly active species, I conclude that our assumption of 'general' army ant behavior is erroneous in several aspects and needs to be changed. The oil-baiting method finally provides a tool enabling the location and study of hypogaeic (army)ant species. This opens a broad field for future studies on this cryptic but nonetheless important group of ants.}, subject = {Borneo}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ostner2002, author = {Ostner, Julia}, title = {Sex-specific reproductive strategies in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus, Primates, Lemuridae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5011}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The number of males in animal groups is an essential determinant of male and female reproductive strategies. Females may benefit from living with several males, whereas males generally strive to monopolize a group of females. Due to male intrasexual competition, the sex ratio of groups of anthropoid primates is generally female-biased. Gregarious Malagasy lemurs deviate from theoretical expectations derived from sexual selection theory and from patterns found among anthropoids because they live in relatively small groups with an even or male-biased adult sex ratio and lack sexual dimorphism. The aim of this thesis was to investigate sex-specific reproductive strategies relating to the unusual group composition of redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) by combining behavioral, demographic and endocrinological data. In the first of a set of four studies I investigated the applicability of non-invasive endocrine measurements for monitoring ovarian function in wild redfronted lemur females in order to evaluate the degree of estrus synchrony. Further, I tested the prediction that males living in multi-male groups rely on indirect mechanisms of intrasexual competition, such as physiological suppression of testicular function. Several possible benefits gained from living with many males have been proposed and the hypothesis that additional males improve social thermoregulation was tested in the third study. Finally, I examined the proximate determinants of the unusual sex ratio within groups, the variation in the adult sex ratio as well as possible social benefits of the high number of males for both sexes. The study was conducted in Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, between April 1999 and July 2000. I recorded >3000 hours of focal animal data on social and sexual behavior of all adult members of five groups. Additionally, >2200 fecal samples of males and females were collected for subsequent hormone analysis using enzymeimmunoassay (EIA). Further, I analyzed demographic data from seven Eulemur fulvus rufus groups collected between 1996 and 2002. The analyses of fecal estrogen and progestogen excretion in wild and captive females revealed that monitoring ovarian function is principally possible in redfronted lemurs, as demonstrated by the analysis of samples from captive females. Characterization of ovarian cycles in wild females, however, was not possible, because of a high day-to-day variability in excreted hormones. Nevertheless, the study provided reliable information on gestation and cycle length as well as endocrine changes associated with gestation. Additionally, I established a method for prenatal sex determination using maternal fecal samples collected during late gestation. The excretion pattern of androgens in samples of males revealed no differences between dominant and subordinate males, indicating that dominant males did not suppress the endocrine function of subordinate rivals. High frequencies of matings in combination with large testes size suggest that male reproductive competition relies at least partly on sperm competition. Females did not benefit from the high number of males in their groups in terms of improved thermoregulation because surplus males did not participate frequently in huddling groups with females. Analysis of the demographic data revealed that birth and mortality rates were not sex-biased and that males migrated considerably more frequently than females, providing no proximate explanation for the unusual sex ratio. Females in this study may proximately regulate group composition by synchronizing their fertile periods, which were inferred indirectly from the temporal distribution of births within groups. Both males and females benefit from the high number of co-resident males because reduced male group size seemed to be the main predictor of take-over rate, and thus, infanticide risk. The results of these studies suggest that certain life history traits (fast maturation, short inter-birth intervals) may ultimately determine the high number of males and the lack of single-male groups seen in redfronted lemurs. An accelerated male life history may facilitate joint group transfers and take-overs of male coalitions without a transitional time outside bisexual groups. Because males and females both benefit from a high number of males the conflict of interests between the sexes is considerably defused.}, subject = {Rotstirnmaki}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Christensen2003, author = {Christensen, Morten Overby}, title = {Dynamics of human DNA Topoisomerases I and II}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4927}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {The first goal of this study was to develop cell lines with a stable expression of bio-fluorescent topo II and topo I. This was successfully achieved using a bicistronic vector system. Control experiments showed that proteins of expected size were expressed, and that GFP-tagged topos I, IIa, and IIb were active in the cells and fully integrated in the endogenous pools of the enzymes. These cell-lines provided a novel tool for investigating the cell biology of human DNA topoisomerases. Our most important finding was, that both types of mammalian topoisomerases are entirely mobile proteins that are in continuous and rapid flux between all compartments of the nucleus and between the cytososl and the chromosomes of mitotic cells. This was particularly surprising with regard to topo II, which is considered to be a structural component of the nuclear matrix and the chromosome scaffold. We must conclude that if this was the case, then these architectural structures appear to be much more dynamic than believed until now. In this context it should also be mentioned, that the alignment of topo II with the central axes of the chromosome arms, which has until now been considered a hall-mark of the enzyme's association with the chromosomal scaffold, is not seen in vivo and can be demonstrated to be to some extent an artefact of immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, we show that the two isoforms of topo II (a and b) have a different localisation during mitotic cell division, supporting the general concept that topo II functions at mitosis are exclusively assigned to the a-form, whereas at interphase the two isoenzymes work in concert. Despite unrestricted mobility within the entire nuclear space, topoisomerases I and II impose as mostly nucleolar proteins. We show that this is due to the fact that in the nucleoli they are moving slower than in the nucleoplasm. The decreased nucleolar mobility cannot be due to DNA-interactions, because compounds that fix topoisomerases to the DNA deplete them from the nucleoli. Interestingly, the subnucleolar distribution of topoisomerases I and II was complementary. The type II enzyme filled the entire nucleolar space, but excluded the fibrial centers, whereas topo I accumulated at the fibrial centers, an allocation directed by the enzyme's N-terminus. During mitosis, it also mediates association with the nucleolar organising regions of the acrocentric chromosomes. Thus, topo I stays associated with the rDNA during the entire cell-cycle and consistently colocalizes there with RNA-polymerase I. Finally, we show that certain cancer drugs believed to act by stabilising covalent catalytic DNA-intermediates of topoisomerases, do indeed immobilize the enzymes in living cells. Interestingly, these drugs do not target topoisomerases in the nucleoli but only in the nucleoplasm.}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feldmann2002, author = {Feldmann, Kristina}, title = {Signal transduction of transforming growth factor-Beta in cytotoxic T cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4912}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Transforming-Growth-Factor-beta1 (TGF-b1) ist ein multifunktionelles Zytokin, welches insbesondere Zellwachstum und Zelldifferenzierung koordiniert. TGF-b ist vor allem daf{\"u}r bekannt, Zellen des Immunsystems zu beeinflussen. TGF-b steuert zum Beispiel die Differenzierung von T-Zellen und und deren Effektorfunktionen. Die Signaltransduktion von TGF-b wird vermittelt durch die Phosphorylierung von Rezeptor-assoziierten Smad-Proteinen (R-Smads). R-Smads werden vom Typ I Rezeptor aktiviert, der seinerseits vom hochaffinen Typ II Rezeptor phosphoryliert wird, sobald der Ligand bindet. Die phosphorylierten RSmads assoziieren darauf mit Co-Smads. Heterooligomere von R-Smads und Co-Smads wandern dann in den Zellkern, wo sie im Zusammenspiel mit Transkriptionsfaktoren wie CBP/p300 oder AP-1 die Transkription TGF-b-spezifischer Zielgene koordinieren. Neue Erkenntnisse lassen vermuten, daß die pleiotropen Effekte von TGF-b durch das Interagieren mit anderen Signalkaskaden entstehen, zum Beispiel mit dem MAP-Kinase-Weg oder der STAT-Kaskade. Wir beschreiben hier den Effekt von TGF-b auf die Effektorfunktionen unterschiedlich stimulierter prim{\"a}rer Maus-Milzzellen und aufgereinigten zytotoxischen CD8+ Maus-TZellen. Langzeitbehandlung mit TGF-b resultierte in der Unf{\"a}higkeit der Zellen, Smad2 ligandeninduziert zu phosphorylieren. Entweder wurde {\"u}berhaupt keine Phosphorylierung beobachtet, oder eine anhaltende Phosphorylierung von Smad2 unabh{\"a}ngig vom Vorhandensein des Liganden. Des weiteren stellten wir einen Zusammenhang zwischen anhaltender Smad2-Phosphorylierung und der Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b induzierter Wachstumshemmung fest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen Zellen, die sensitiv sind gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumshemmung, keine Smad2-Phosphorylierung mehr. Bez{\"u}glich ihrer zytotoxische Aktivt{\"a}t waren allerdings beide Ph{\"a}notypen nicht mehr lytisch wirksam, unabh{\"a}ngig von der jeweiligen Smad2-Phosphorylierung. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir auch die Notwendigkeit eines funktionalen MEK-1-Signalweges auf, der unabdingbar ist, damit TZellen keine Wachstumsinhibierung durch TGF-b mehr erfahren. Das Blockieren dieses Signalweges f{\"u}hrt dar{\"u}berhinaus bei diesen Zellen ebenfalls zu einem ver{\"a}nderten Smad2- Phosphorylierungsmuster. Bez{\"u}glich des JNK-Signalweges konnten wir feststellen, daß ein funktional aktiver JNK-Signalweg mit der Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumsinhibierung einhergeht. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die Zugabe von IFNg und/oder aCD28- Antik{\"o}rper nicht zu einer ver{\"a}nderten Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b. Im Gegensatz zuprim{\"a}ren Zellen k{\"o}nnen die beschriebenen Zusammenh{\"a}nge in Zellkulturen vom humanen und murinen T Zellen nicht beobachtet werden, und sind somit spezifisch f{\"u}r primare TZellen. Wir beschreiben auch die Klonierung eines chim{\"a}ren dominant-negativen Typ II Rezeptors, der an eine Kinase gekoppelt ist, die bei Aktivierung Zelltod ausl{\"o}st. Damit soll es in Zukunft m{\"o}glich sein, T-Zellen gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b Resistenz zu verleihen. Die hier geschilderten Ergebnisse vertiefen die Kenntnisse {\"u}ber molekulare Mechanismen der Wirkung von TGF-b auf T-Zellen und k{\"o}nnen vielleicht dazu beitragen, negative Effekte von TGF-b, zum Beispiel in der Tumortherapie, gezielt abzuwenden.}, subject = {T-Lymphozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lutz2002, author = {Lutz, Marion}, title = {Effects of nerve growth factor on TGF-Beta,Smad signal transduction in PC12 cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) is a multifunctional cytokine that is engaged in regulating versatile cellular processes that are pivotal for development and homeostasis of most tissues in multicellular organisms. TGF-ß signal transduction is initially propagated by binding of TGF-ß to transmembrane serine/threonine kinase receptors, designated TßRI and TßRII. Upon activation, the receptors phosphorylate Smad proteins which serve as downstream mediators that enter the nucleus and finally trigger transcriptional responses of specific genes. During the past years, it became evident that signaling cascades do not proceed in a linear fashion but rather represent a complex network of numerous pathways that mutually influence each other. Along these lines, members of the TGF-ß superfamily are attributed to synergize with neurotrophins. Together, they mediate neurotrophic effects in different populations of the nervous system, suggesting that an interdependence exists between TGF-ßs on the one hand and neurotrophins on the other. In the present work, the crosstalk of NGF and TGF-ß/Smad signaling pathways is characterized in rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12) which are frequently used as a model system for neuronal differentiation. PC12 cells were found to be unresponsive to TGF-ß due to limiting levels of TßRII. However, stimulation with NGF results in initiation of Smad-mediated transcription independent of TGF-ß. Binding of NGF to functional TrkA receptors triggers activation of Smad3. This NGF-dependent Smad activation occurs by a mechanism which is different from being induced by TGF-ß receptors in that it provokes a different phosphorylation pattern of R-Smads. Together with an inferior role of TßRI, Smad3 is proposed to serve as a substrate for cellular kinases other than TßRI. Based on the presented involvement of components of both, the MAPK/Erk and the TAK1/MKK6 cascade, signal mediators of these pathways rank as candidates to mediate direct activation of Smad3. Smad3 is subsequently translocated to the nucleus and activates transcription in a Smad4-dependent manner. Negative regulation is provided by Smad7 which was found to act as a potent inhibitor of Smad signaling not only in TGF-ß- but also in NGF-mediated cascades. The potential of NGF to activate the Smad pathway independent of TGF-ß might be of special importance in regulating expression of genes that are essential for the development and function of neuronal cells or of other NGF-sensitive cells, in particular those which are TGF-ß-resistant.}, subject = {Transforming growth factor beta}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Putz2002, author = {Putz, Gabriele}, title = {Characterization of memories and ignorant (S6KII) mutants in operant conditioning in the heat-box}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Learning and memory processes of operant conditioning in the heat-box were analysed. Age, sex, and larval desity were not critical parameters influencing memory, while low or high activity levels of flies were negatively correlated with their performance. In a search for conditioning parameters leading to high retention scores, intermittent training was shown to give better results than continuous training. As the memory test is the immediate continuation of the conditioning phase just omitting reinforcement, we obtain a memory which consists of two components: a spatial preference for one side of the chamber and a stay-where-you-are effect in which the side preference is contaminated by the persistence of heat avoidance. Intermittent training strengthens the latter. In the next part, memory retention was investigated. Flies were trained in one chamber and tested in a second one after a brief reminder training. With this direct transfer, memory scores reflect an associative learning process in the first chamber. To investigate memory retention after extended time periods, indirect transfer experiments were performed. The fly was transferred to a different environment between training and test phases. With this procedure an after-effect of the training was still observed two hours later. Surprisingly, exposure to the chamber without conditioning also lead to a memory effect in the indirect transfer experiment. This exposure effect revealed a dispositional change that facilitates operant learning during the reminder training. The various memory effects are independent of the mushroom bodies. The transfer experiments and yoked controls proved that the heat-box records an associative memory. Even two hours after the operant conditioning procedure, the fly remembers that its position in the chamber controls temperature. The cAMP signaling cascade is involved in heat-box learning. Thus, amnesiac, rutabaga, and dunce mutants have an impaired learning / memory. Searching for, yet unknown, genes and signaling cascades involved in operant conditioning, a Drosophila melanogaster mutant screen with 1221 viable X-chromosome P-element lines was performed. 29 lines with consistently reduced heat avoidance/ learning or memory scores were isolated. Among those, three lines have the p[lacW] located in the amnesiac ORF, confirming that with the chosen candidate criteria the heat-box is a useful tool to screen for learning and /or memory mutants. The mutant line ignP1 (8522), which is defective in the gene encoding p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (S6KII), was investigated. The P-insertion of line ignP1 is the first Drosophila mutation in the ignorant (S6KII) gene. It has the transposon inserted in the first exon. Mutant males are characterized by low training performance, while females perform well in the standard experiment. Several deletion mutants of the ignorant gene have been generated. In precise jumpouts the phenotype was reverted. Imprecise jumpouts with a partial loss of the coding region were defective in operant conditioning. Surprisingly, null mutants showed wild-type behavior. This might indicate an indirect effect of the mutated ignorant gene on learning processes. In classical odor avoidance conditioning, ignorant null mutants showed a defect in the 3-min, 30-min, and 3-hr memory, while the precise jumpout of the transposon resulted in a reversion of the behavioral phenotype. Deviating results from operant and classical conditioning indicate different roles for S6KII in the two types of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chan2002, author = {Chan, Gordon}, title = {The Role of Vav-1, Vav-2 and Lsc in NK T cell development and NK cell cytotoxicity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3645}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The hematopoietic-specific Rho-family GTP exchange factor (GEF) Vav-1 is a regulator of lymphocyte antigen receptor signaling and mediates normal maturation and activation of B and T cells. Recent findings suggest that Vav-1 also forms part of signaling pathways required for natural and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) of human NK cells. In this study, I show that Vav-1 is also expressed in murine NK cells. Vav-1-/- mice had normal numbers of splenic NK cells, and these displayed a similar expression profile of NK cell receptors as cells from wild type mice. Unexpectedly, IL-2-activated Vav-1-/- NK cells retained normal ADCC. Fc-receptor mediated activation of ERK, JNK, and p38 was also normal. In contrast, Vav-1-/- NK cells exhibited reduced natural cytotoxicity against EL4, C4.4.25, RMA and RMA/S. Together, these results demonstrate that Vav-1 is dispensable for mainstream NK cell development, but is required for NK cell natural cytotoxicity. Vav-2, a protein homologous to Vav-1 has also been implicated in NK cell functions. However, NK cells from Vav-2-/- mice have normal cytotoxic activities and NK cells that lack both Vav-1 and Vav-2 exhibit similar defect as Vav-1-/- cells. Thus Vav-2 has no apparent function in the development and the activation of NK cells. Although NK cell development is normal in Vav-1-/- mice, their numbers of NKT cells were dramatically diminished. Furthermore, NKT cells from Vav-1 mutant mice failed to produce IL-4 and IFNg following in vivo CD3 stimulation. A similar loss of NKT cells was observed in Vav-1-/-Vav-2-/- mice, but not in Vav-2-/- mice, suggesting that only Vav-1, and not Vav-2, is an essential regulator of NKT cell development and NK cell cytotoxicity. Similar to Vav-1, Lsc is a Rho GEF that is expressed specifically in the hematopoietic system. It contains a regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) domain which negatively regulates the Ga12 and Ga13 subunits of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). This study shows that NK and NKT cell development are normal in Lsc-/- mice. However, NK cells from mutant mice display enhanced cytotoxic responses towards a panel of tumor cells. These data implicate for the first time a RGS-containing Rho GEF in cytotoxic responses and suggest that Lsc down-modulate NK cell activation.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Porsch2002, author = {Porsch, Matthias}, title = {OMB and ORG-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3614}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Members of the T-box gene family encode transcription factors that play key roles during embryonic development and organogenesis of invertebrates and vertebrates. The defining feature of T-box proteins is an about 200 aa large, conserved DNA binding motif, the T domain. Their importance for proper development is highlighted by the dramatic phenotypes of T-box mutant animals. My thesis was mainly focused on two Drosophila T-box genes, optomotor-blind (omb) and optomotor-blind related 1 (org-1), and included (i) a genetic analysis of org-1 and (ii) the identification of molecular determinants within OMB and ORG-1 that confer functional specificity. (i) Genetic analysis of org-1 initially based on a behavioral Drosophila mutant, C31. C31 is a X-linked, recessive mutant and was mapped to 7E-F, the cytological region of org-1. This pleiotropic mutant is manifested in walking defects, structural aberrations in the central brain, and "held-out" wings. Molecular analysis revealed that C31 contains an insertion of a 5' truncated I retrotransposon within the 3' untranslated transcript of org-1, suggesting that C31 might represent the first org-1 mutant. Based on this hypothesis, we screened 44.500 F1 female offspring of EMS mutagenized males and C31 females for the "held-out" phenotype, but failed to isolate any C31 or org-1 mutant, although this mutagenesis was functional per se. Since we could not exclude the possibility that our failure is due to an idiosyncracy of C31, we intended not to rely on C31 in further genetic experiments and followed a reverse genetic strategy . All P element lines cytologically mapping to 7E-7F were characterized for their precise insertion sites. 13 of the 19 analyzed lines had P element insertions within a hot-spot 37 kb downstream of org-1. No P element insertions within org-1 could be identified, but several P element insertions were determined on either side of org-1. The org-1 nearest insertions were used for local-hop experiments, in which we associated 6 new genes with P insertions, but failed to target org-1. The closest P elements are still 10 kb away from org-1. Subsequently, we employed org-1 flanking P elements to induce precise deletions in 7E-F spanning org-1. Two org-1 flanking P elements were brought together on a recombinant chromosome. Remobilization of P elements in cis configuration frequently results in deletions with the P element insertion sites as deficiency endpoints. In a first attempt, we expected to identify deficiencies by screening for C31 alleles. 8 new C31 alleles could be isolated. The new C31 chromosomes, however, did not carry the desired deletion. Molecular analysis indicated that C31 is not caused by aberrations in org-1, but by mutations in a distal locus. We repeated the P element remobilization and screened for the absence of P element markers. 4 lethal chromosomes could be isolated with a deletion of the org-1 locus. (ii) The consequences of ectopic org-1 were analyzed using UAS-org-1 transgenic flies and a number of different Gal4 driver lines. Misexpression of org-1 during imaginal development interfered with the normal development of many organs and resulted in flies with a plethora of phenotypes. These include a homeotic transformation of distal antenna (flagellum) into distal leg structures, a strong size reduction of the legs along their proximo-distal axis, and stunted wings. Like ectopic org-1, ectopic omb leads to dramatic changes of normal developmental pathways in Drosophila as well. dpp-Gal4/ UAS-omb flies are late pupal lethal and show an ectopic pair of wings and largely reduced eyes. GMR-Gal4 driven ectopic omb expression in the developing eye causes a degeneration of the photoreceptor cells, while GMR-Gal4/ UAS-org-1 flies have intact eyes. Hence, ectopic org-1 and omb induce profound phenotypes that are qualitatively different for these homologous genes. To begin to address the question where within OMB and ORG-1 the specificity determinants reside, we conceptionally subdivided both proteins into three domains and tested the relevance ofthese domains for functional specificity in vivo. The single domains were cloned and used as modules to assemble all possible omb-org-1 chimeric trans- genes. A method was developed to determine the relative expression strength of different UAS-transgenes, allowing to compare the various transgenic constructs for qualitative differences only, excluding different transgene quantities. Analysis of chimeric omb-org-1 transgenes with the GMR-Gal4 driver revealed that all three OMB domains contribute to functional specificity.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thom2002, author = {Thom, Corinna}, title = {Dynamics and Communication Structures of Nectar Foraging in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3601}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In this thesis, I examined honey bee nectar foraging with emphasis on the communication system. To document how a honey bee colony adjusts its daily nectar foraging effort, I observed a random sample of individually marked workers during the entire day, and then estimated the number and activity of all nectar foragers in the colony. The total number of active nectar foragers in a colony changed frequently between days. Foraging activity did not usually change between days. A honey bee colony adjusts its daily foraging effort by changing the number of its nectar foragers rather than their activity. I tested whether volatiles produced by a foraging colony activated nectar foragers of a non-foraging colony by connecting with a glass tube two colonies. Each colony had access to a different green house. In 50\% of all experiments, volatile substances from the foraging colony stimulated nectar foragers of the non-foraging colony to fly to an empty feeder. The results of this study show that honey bees can produce a chemical signal or cue that activates nectar foragers. However, more experiments are needed to establish the significance of the activating volatiles for the foraging communication system. The brief piping signal of nectar foragers inhibits forager recruitment by stopping waggle dances (Nieh 1993, Kirchner 1993). However, I observed that many piping signals (approximately 43\%) were produced off the dance floor, a restricted area in the hive where most waggle dances are performed. If the inhibition of waggle dances would be the only function of the brief piping signal, tremble dancers should produce piping signals mainly on the dance floor, where the probability to encounter waggle dancers is highest. To therefore investigate the piping signal in more detail, I experimentally established the foraging context of the brief piping signal, characterized its acoustic properties, and documented for the first time the unique behavior of piping nectar foragers by observing foragers throughout their entire stay in the hive. Piping nectar foragers usually began to tremble dance immediately upon their return into the hive, spent more time in the hive, more time dancing, had longer unloading latencies, and were the only foragers that sometimes unloaded their nectar directly into cells instead of giving it to a nectar receiver bee. Most of the brief piping signals (approximately 99\%) were produced by tremble dancers, yet not all tremble dancers (approximately 48\%) piped. This suggests that piping and tremble dancing have related, but not identical functions in the foraging system. Thus, the brief piping signals may not only inhibit forager recruitment, but have an additional function both on and off the dance floor. In particular, the piping signal might function 1. to stop the recruitment of additional nectar foragers, and 2. as a modulatory signal to alter the response threshold of signal receivers to the tremble dance. The observation that piping tremble dancers often did not experience long unloading delays before they started to dance gave rise to a question. A forager's unloading delay provides reliable information about the relative work capacities of nectar foragers and nectar receivers, because each returning forager unloads her nectar to a nectar receiver before she takes off for the next foraging trip. Queuing delays for either foragers or receivers lower foraging efficiency and can be eliminated by recruiting workers to the group in shortage. Short unloading delays indicate to the nectar forager a shortage of foragers and stimulate waggle dancing which recruits nectar foragers. Long unloading delays indicate a shortage of nectar receivers and stimulate tremble dancing which recruits nectar receivers (Seeley 1992, Seeley et al. 1996). Because the short unloading delays of piping tremble dancers indicated that tremble dancing can be elicited by other factors than long unloading delays, I tested whether a hive-external stimulus, the density of foragers at the food source, stimulated tremble dancing directly. The experiments show that tremble dancing can be caused directly by a high density of foragers at the food source and suggest that tremble dancing can be elicited by a decrease of foraging efficiency either inside (e.g. shortage of receiver bees) or outside (e.g. difficulty of loading nectar) the hive. Tremble dancing as a reaction to hive-external stimuli seems to occur under natural conditions and can thus be expected to have some adaptive significance. The results imply that if the hive-external factors that elicit tremble dancing do not indicate a shortage of nectar receiver bees in the hive, the function of the tremble dance may not be restricted to the recruitment of additional nectar receivers, but might be the inhibition or re-organization of nectar foraging.}, subject = {Bienen }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dornhaus2002, author = {Dornhaus, Anna}, title = {The role of communication in the foraging process of social bees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In the various groups of social bees, different systems of communication about food sources occur. These communication systems are different solutions to a common problem of social insects: efficiently allocating the necessary number of workers first to the task of foraging and second to the most profitable food sources. The solution chosen by each species depends on the particular ecological circumstances as well as the evolutionary history of that species. For example, the outstanding difference between the bumble bee and the honey bee system is that honey bees can communicate the location of profitable food sources to nestmates, which bumble bees cannot. To identify possible selection pressures that could explain this difference, I have quantified the benefits of communicating location in honey bees. I show that these strongly depend on the habitat, and that communicating location might not benefit bees in temperate habitats. This could be due to the differing spatial distributions of resources in different habitats, in particular between temperate and tropical regions. These distributions may be the reason why the mostly temperate-living bumble bees have never evolved a communication system that allows them to transfer information on location of food sources, whereas most tropical social bees (all honey bees and many stingless bees) are able to recruit nestmates to specific points in their foraging range. Nevertheless, I show that in bumble bees the allocation of workers to foraging is also regulated by communication. Successful foragers distribute in the nest a pheromone which alerts other bees to the presence of food. This pheromone stems from a tergite gland, the function of which had not been identified previously. Usage of a pheromone in the nest to alert other individuals to forage has not been described in other social insects, and might constitute a new mode of communicating about food sources. The signal might be modulated depending on the quality of the food source. Bees in the nest sample the nectar that has been brought into the nest. Their decision whether to go out and forage depends not only on the pheromone signal, but also on the quality of the nectar they have sampled. In this way, foraging activity of a bumble bee colony is adjusted to foraging conditions, which means most bees are allocated to foraging only if high-quality food sources are available. In addition, foraging activity is adjusted to the amount of food already stored. In a colony with full honeypots, no new bees are allocated to foraging. These results help us understand how the allocation of workers to the task of food collection is regulated according to external and internal nest conditions in bumble bees.}, subject = {Hummel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wietek2001, author = {Wietek, Irina}, title = {Human Interleukin-4 binding protein epitope involved in high-affinity binding of interleukin-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goldau2002, author = {Goldau, Rainer}, title = {Clinical evaluation of novel methods to determine dialysis parameters using conductivity cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3125}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {During the last two decades an ongoing discussion about the necessary dose of dialysis brought the result that the urea based Kt/V value is significantly correlated to morbidity of the end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. Even if it is not completely accepted, it seems to be more and more agreement of the nephrological community that for good dialysis practice Kt/V should be kept above 1.2 to 1.3 in the usual 3X4 hours per week dialysis schedule for patients without own residual clearance to assure long term quality of life, low morbidity and mortality. K is the clearance of urea the dialysis system can apply, t is the treatment time and V is the urea distribution volume of the patient, which is nearly equal to total body water. Kt/V has the unit of a drug dose (ml of drug per ml of patient volume) and therefore sometimes is called dialysis 'dose', even if this is subject of discussion because it implies that the dose can be described with only one urea related number. This work does not participate in this discussion. The premise of this work is more technical: Whatever the final result of the above discussion will be, a patient-friendly, precise cost-neutral and handy technical solution should be given to the hand of the interested nephrologist to continuously supervise the urea based Kt/V that is applied to the patient. Of course this is combined with the hope that the long term mortality can be decreased if a covering online dialysis success control is facilitated. The technical solution that has been chosen is based on the equivalence of the diffusion coefficients of sodium chloride and urea. It is central subject of the investigation if the diffusive behaviour of sodium is equal to that of urea crossing the dialysis filter membrane. The advantage that makes the principle so handy is that sodium can be measured very precise by standard conductivity cells as they are implemented in dialysis machines in large numbers. The only necessary hardware modification is a second conductivity cell downstream the dialyser to be able to measure the mass balance over the filter. This is more complicated with urea that can only be measured undergoing an enzymatic conversion to ammonium ions. The ammonium ions induce a membrane potential, which is measured with very sensitive amplifiers. A cooling chain for the enzyme must be maintained. To find and approve the conductivity based technical solution two in-vivo studies have been conducted. In the first study a conductivity step profile, varying the conductivity in static levels in a baseline - 7 min high - 7min low- baseline shape, was applied that can be utilised to measure the urea clearance very accurate. This principle has been described in 1982 in a patent application. In a sequence of 206 computer recorded dialysis sessions with 22 patients it was found that urea clearance could be electrolytically measured with a mean error+/-standard deviation of -1.46+/-4.75\% , n=494. The measurement of Kt/V according to a single pool model was of similar accuracy: 2.88+/-4.15\% . Although in accordance with other studies these findings at an average confirmed the high correlation of ionic and urea based clearance measurements, an effect was found that was not consistent with the theory that was existent so far. It was found in the first study that the accuracy of the step profile measurements were dependent of the size of the patient, in particular of the urea distribution volume. Moreover it was of relevance which part of the step profile was used: the high-low states, the baseline- low or the baseline-high states. This was a theoretical lack. Careful analysis led to the result that sodium transfer from and into the patient was the reason for the dependence. This led to the enhancement of the theory that seems to correctly describe the nature of the effect. A new demand now was to minimise the sodium transfer. This was limited using static step profiles because in the time it needs to become stable sodium is shifted. In consequence non-stable, dynamic short conductivity boli were developed that allowed to minimise the amount of sodium to be shifted to the limits of the technical resolution of the measurement systems. Also the associated mathematical tools to evaluate the boli had to be suited to the problem. After termination of this process a second study was conducted to approve the new method found. In this study with 10 patients and 93 sessions, 264 step profile measurements and 173 bolus ionic dialysance measurements it was found that the bolus measurements matched their related blood side urea clearance references with the outstanding accuracy of (error+/-SD) 0.06+/-4.76\%. The result was not significantly different (p=0.87) from the reference by student's t-test for paired data. The Kt/V reference according to the single pool variable volume urea kinetic model (sPVVUKM) was found to be matched by the bolus principle with 5.32+/-3.9\% accuracy and a correlation of 0.98. The remaining difference of 5.32\% can be attributed to the neglect of the urea generation rate. Also the step profile was found to be very precise here. The error versus sPVVUKM was 0.05\%+/-5\%, r=0.96. However it did not image the neglect of urea generation correctly. Also a two pool modelling that comprises an internal compartimentation of the fluid pools of the patient was applied to the continuously recorded data. This two pool urea kinetic model (2PUKM) is regarded to be a more precise theoretical approach and now includes the urea generation. It found the bolus principle to deviate -3.04 +/- 14.3\%, n.s., p=0.13. The high standard deviation is due to the complexity of the model. Further from the developed theory a simplified method to roughly measure the sodium distribution volume could be derived. This method was tested in-vitro versus a container with dialysate of known volume and in-vivo versus the urea distribution volume. The in-vitro results were -19.9+/-34\%, r=0.92, n.s, p=0.916. In-vivo they were found to be -7.4+/-23.2\%, r=0.71, n.s., p=0.39. Due to dilution theory the sodium and urea distribution volumes virtually appear to be very similar using this method, although they absolutely differ significantly. Facing the strong simplifications that were made before applying this theory these results seem to be very encouraging that it could be possible to develop a principle to measure not only K but also V electrolytically. This would allow a true Kt/V measurement. The empirical urea distribution volume measurement using anthropometrical formulas has been compared to analytical methods. It has been found that the use Watson's formula with a -13\% correction gives good results. The correction should be applied with great care because it increases Kt/V just on a arithmetical base to the disadvantage of the patient. Also electrolytical plasma sodium measurement was evaluated and can be measured using a mixed analytic-empirical formula with an accuracy of 4.3+/-1.2\%. In summary, conductivity based methods seem to be a convenient method to measure several dialysis parameters of some clinical interest without effort. The results of this work meanwhile are implemented with substantial numbers into commonly available dialysis machines and the experience of the first time shows that the principle is well accepted by the clinicians.}, subject = {H{\"a}modialyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wong2001, author = {Wong, Amanda}, title = {Implications of Advanced Glycation Endproducts in Oxidative Stress and Neurodegenerative Disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2537}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The reactions of reducing sugars with primary amino groups are the most common nonenzymatic modifications of proteins. Subsequent rearrangements, oxidations, and dehydrations yield a heterogeneous group of mostly colored and fluorescent compounds, termed "Maillard products" or advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGE formation has been observed on long-lived proteins such as collagen, eye lens crystalline, and in pathological protein deposits in Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) and dialysis-related amyloidosis. AGE-modified proteins are also involved in the complications of diabetes. AGEs accumulate in the the ß-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) associated with AD and in the Lewy bodies characteristic of PD. Increasing evidence supports a role for oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disorders such as AD and PD. AGEs have been shown to contribute towards oxidative damage and chronic inflammation, whereby activated microglia secrete cytokines and free radicals, including nitric oxide (NO). Roles proposed for NO in the pathophysiology of the central nervous system are increasingly diverse and range from intercellular signaling, through necrosis of cells and invading pathogens, to the involvement of NO in apoptosis. Using in vitro experiments, it was shown that AGE-modified bovine serum albumin (BSA-AGE) and AGE-modified ß-amyloid, but not their unmodified proteins, induce NO production in N-11 murine microglia cells. This was mediated by the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) and upregulation of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). AGE-induced enzyme activation and NO production could be blocked by intracellular-acting antioxidants: Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761, the estrogen derivative, 17ß-estradiol, R-(+)-thioctic acid, and a nitrone-based free radical trap, N-tert.-butyl-*-phenylnitrone (PBN). Methylglyoxal (MG) and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG), common precursors in the Maillard reaction, were also tested for their ability to induce the production of NO in N-11 microglia. However, no significant changes in nitrite levels were detected in the cell culture medium. The significance of these findings was supported by in vivo immunostaining of AD brains. Single and double immunostaining of cryostat sections of normal aged and AD brains was performed with polyclonal antibodies to AGEs and iNOS and monoclonal antibodies to Aß and PHF-1 (marker for NFT) and reactive microglia. In aged normal individuals as well as early stage AD brains (i.e. no pathological findings in isocortical areas), a few astrocytes showed co-localisation of AGE and iNOS in the upper neuronal layers of the temporal (Area 22) and entorhinal (Area 28, 34) cortices compared with no astrocytes detected in young controls. In late AD brains, there was a much denser accumulation of astrocytes co-localised with AGE and iNOS in the deeper and particularly upper neuronal layers. Also, numerous neurons with diffuse AGE but not iNOS reactivity and some AGE and iNOS-positive microglia were demonstrated, compared with only a few AGE-reactive neurons and no microglia in controls. Finally, astrocytes co-localised with AGE and iNOS as well as AGE and ß-amyloid were found surrounding mature but not diffuse ß-amyloid plaques in the AD brain. Parts of NFT were AGE-immunoreactive. Immunohistochemical staining of cryostat sections of normal aged and PD brains was performed with polyclonal antibodies to AGEs. The sections were counterstained with monoclonal antibodies to neurofilament components and a-synuclein. AGEs and a-synuclein were colocalized in very early Lewy bodies in the substantia nigra of cases with incidental Lewy body disease. These results support an AGE-induced oxidative damage due to the action of free radicals, such as NO, occurring in the AD and PD brains. Furthermore, the involvement of astrocytes and microglia in this pathological process was confirmed immunohistochemically in the AD brain. It is suggested that oxidative stress and AGEs participate in the very early steps of Lewy body formation and resulting cell death in PD. Since the iNOS gene can be regulated by redox-sensitive transcription factors, the use of membrane permeable antioxidants could be a promising strategy for the treatment and prevention of chronic inflammation in neurodegenerative disorders.}, subject = {Maillard-Reaktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidenmueller2001, author = {Weidenm{\"u}ller, Anja}, title = {From individual behavior to collective structure}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2448}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The social organization of insect colonies has long fascinated naturalists. One of the main features of colony organization is division of labor, whereby each member of the colony specializes in a subset of all tasks required for successful group functioning. The most striking aspect of division of labor is its plasticity: workers switch between tasks in response to external challenges and internal perturbations. The mechanisms underlying flexible division of labor are far from being understood. In order to comprehend how the behavior of individuals gives rise to flexible collective behavior, several questions need to be addressed: We need to know how individuals acquire information about their colony's current demand situation; how they then adjust their behavior according; and which mechanisms integrate dozens or thousands of insect into a higher-order unit. With these questions in mind I have examined two examples of collective and flexible behavior in social bees. First, I addressed the question how a honey bee colony controls its pollen collection. Pollen foraging in honey bees is precisely organized and carefully regulated according to the colony's needs. How this is achieved is unclear. I investigated how foragers acquire information about their colony's pollen need and how they then adjust their behavior. A detailed documentation of pollen foragers in the hive under different pollen need conditions revealed that individual foragers modulate their in-hive working tempo according to the actual pollen need of the colony: Pollen foragers slowed down and stayed in the hive longer when pollen need was low and spent less time in the hive between foraging trips when pollen need of their colony was high. The number of cells inspected before foragers unloaded their pollen load did not change and thus presumably did not serve as cue to pollen need. In contrast, the trophallactic experience of pollen foragers changed with pollen need conditions: trophallactic contacts were shorter when pollen need was high and the number and probability of having short trophallactic contacts increased when pollen need increased. Thus, my results have provided support for the hypothesis that trophallactic experience is one of the various information pathways used by pollen foragers to assess their colony's pollen need. The second example of collective behavior I have examined in this thesis is the control of nest climate in bumble bee colonies, a system differing from pollen collection in honey bees in that information about task need (nest climate parameters) is directly available to all workers. I have shown that an increase in CO2 concentration and temperature level elicits a fanning response whereas an increase in relative humidity does not. The fanning response to temperature and CO2 was graded; the number of fanning bees increased with stimulus intensity. Thus, my study has evidenced flexible colony level control of temperature and CO2. Further, I have shown that the proportion of total work force a colony invests into nest ventilation does not change with colony size. However, the dynamic of the colony response changes: larger colonies show a faster response to perturbations of their colony environment than smaller colonies. Thus, my study has revealed a size-dependent change in the flexible colony behavior underlying homeostasis. I have shown that the colony response to perturbations in nest climate is constituted by workers who differ in responsiveness. Following a brief review of current ideas and models of self-organization and response thresholds in insect colonies, I have presented the first detailed investigation of interindividual variability in the responsiveness of all workers involved in a collective behavior. My study has revealed that bumble bee workers evidence consistent responses to certain stimulus levels and differ in their response thresholds. Some consistently respond to low stimulus intensities, others consistently respond to high stimulus intensities. Workers are stimulus specialists rather than task specialists. Further, I have demonstrated that workers of a colony differ in two other parameters of responsiveness: response probability and fanning activity. Response threshold, response probability and fanning activity are independent parameters of individual behavior. Besides demonstrating and quantifying interindividual variability, my study has provided empirical support for the idea of specialization through reinforcement. Response thresholds of fanning bees decreased over successive trials. I have discussed the importance of interindividual variability for specialization and the collective control of nest climate and present a general discussion of self-organization and selection. This study contributes to our understanding of individual behavior and collective structure in social insects. A fascinating picture of social organization is beginning to emerge. In place of centralized systems of communication and information transmission, insect societies frequently employ mechanisms based upon self-organization. Self-organization promises to be an important and unifying principle in physical, chemical and biological systems.}, subject = {Hummeln}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spohn1999, author = {Spohn, Gunther}, title = {The transcriptional control of virulence gene expression in Helicobacter pylori}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The Gram-negative, spiral-shaped, microaerophilic bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the causative agent of various disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract, such as chronic superficial gastritis, chronic active gastritis, peptic ulceration and adenocarcinoma. Although many of the bacterial factors associated with disease development have been analysed in some detail in the recent years, very few studies have focused so far on the mechanisms that regulate expression of these factors at the molecular level. In an attempt to obtain an overview of the basic mechanisms of virulence gene expression in H. pylori, three important virulence factors of this pathogen, representative of different pathogenic mechanisms and different phases of the infectious process, are investigated in detail in the present thesis regarding their transcriptional regulation. As an essential factor for the early phase of infection, including the colonisation of the gastric mucosa, the flagella are analysed; the chaperones including the putative adhesion factors GroEL and DnaK are investigated as representatives of the phase of adherence to the gastric epithelium and persistence in the mucus layer; and finally the cytotoxin associated antigen CagA is analysed as representative of the cag pathogenicity island, which is supposed to account for the phenomena of chronic inflammation and tissue damage observed in the later phases of infection. RNA analyses and in vitro transcription demonstrate that a single promoter regulates expression of cagA, while two promoters are responsible for expression of the upstream divergently transcribed cagB gene. All three promoters are shown to be recognised by RNA polymerase containing the vegetative sigma factor sigma 80. Promoter deletion analyses establish that full activation of the cagA promoter requires sequences up to -70 and binding of the C-terminal portion of the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase to an UP-like element located between -40 and -60, while full activation of the major cagB promoter requires sequences upstream of -96 which overlap with the cagA promoter. These data suggest that the promoters of the pathogenicity island represent a class of minimum promoters, that ensure a basic level of transcription, while full activation requires regulatory elements or structural DNA binding proteins that provide a suitable DNA context. Regarding flagellar biosynthesis, a master transcriptional factor is identified that regulates expression of a series of flagellar basal body and hook genes in concert with the alternative sigma factor sigma 54. Evidence is provided that this regulator, designated FlgR (for flagellar regulatory protein), is necessary for motility and transcription of five promoters for seven basal body and hook genes. In addition, FlgR is shown to act as a repressor of transcription of the sigma 28-regulated promoter of the flaA gene, while changes in DNA topology are shown to affect transcription of the sigma 54-regulated flaB promoter. These data indicate that the regulatory network that governs flagellar gene expression in H. pylori shows similarities to the systems of both Salmonella spp. and Caulobacter crescentus. In contrast to the flagellar genes which are regulated by three different sigma factors, the three operons encoding the major chaperones of H. pylori are shown to be transcribed by RNA polymerase containing the vegetative sigma factor sigma 80. Expression of these operons is shown to be regulated negatively by the transcriptional repressor HspR, a homologue of a repressor protein of Streptomyces spp., known to be involved in negative regulation of heat shock genes. In vitro studies with purified recombinant HspR establish that the protein represses transcription by binding to large DNA regions centered around the transcription initiation site in the case of one promoter, and around -85 and -120 in the case of the the other two promoters. In contrast to the situation in Streptomyces, where transcription of HspR-regulated genes is induced in response to heat shock, transcription of the HspR-dependent genes in H. pylori is not inducible with thermal stimuli. Transcription of two of the three chaperone encoding operons is induced by osmotic shock, while transcription of the third operon, although HspR-dependent, is not affected by salt treatment. Taken together, the analyses carried out indicate that H. pylori has reduced its repertoire of specific regulatory proteins to a basic level that may ensure coordinate regulation of those factors that are necessary during the initial phase of infection including the passage through the gastric lumen and the colonisation of the gastric mucosa. The importance of DNA topology and/or context for transcription of many virulence gene promoters may on the other hand indicate, that a sophisticated global regulatory network is present in H. pylori, which influences transcription of specific subsets of virulence genes in response to changes in the microenvironment.}, subject = {Helicobacter-pylori-Infektion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spaethe2001, author = {Spaethe, Johannes}, title = {Sensory Ecology of Foraging in Bumblebees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1179692}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Pollinating insects exhibit a complex behavior while foraging for nectar and pollen. Many studies have focused on ultimate mechanisms of this behavior, however, the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain such behavior have rarely been considered. In the present study I used bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), an important pollinating insect, to investigate possible sensory constraints on foraging behavior. Additionally, I survey inter-individual variation in the sensory capabilities and behavior of bumblebees caused by the pronounced size polymorphism among members of a single colony. In the first chapter I have focused on the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain the search for flowers. I measured search time for artificial flowers of various sizes and colors, a key variable defining the value of a prey type in optimal foraging theory. When flowers were large, search times correlate well with the color contrast of the targets with their green foliage-type background, as predicted by a model of color opponent coding using inputs from the bee's UV, blue, and green receptors. Targets which made poor color contrast with their backdrop, such as white, UV-reflecting ones, or red flowers, take longest to detect, even though brightness contrast with the background is pronounced. When searching for small targets, bumblebees change their strategy in several ways. They fly significantly slower and closer to the ground, so increasing the minimum detectable area subtended by an object on the ground. In addition they use a different neuronal channel for flower detection: instead of color contrast, they now employ only the green receptor signal for detection. I related these findings to temporal and spatial limitations of different neuronal channels involved in stimulus detection and recognition. Bumblebees do not only possess species-specific sensory capacities but they also exhibit inter-individual differences due to size. Therefore, in the next two chapters I have examined size-related effects on the visual and olfactory system of Bombus terrestris. Chapter two deals with the effect of scaling on eye architecture and spatial resolving power of workers. Foraging efficiency in bees is strongly affected by proficiency of detecting flowers. Both floral display size and bee spatial vision limit flower detection. In chapter one I have shown that search times for flowers strongly increases with decreasing floral display size. The second factor, bee spatial vision, is mainly limited by two properties of compound eyes: (a) the interommatidial angle {\c{C}}{\aa} and (b) the ommatidial acceptance angle {\c{C}}{\´a}. When a pollinator strives to increase the resolving power of its eyes, it is forced to increase both features simultaneously. Bumblebees show a large variation in body size. I found that larger workers with larger eyes possess more ommatidia and larger facet diameters. Large workers with twice the size of small workers (thorax width) have about 50 per cent more ommatidia, and a 1.5 fold enlarged facet diameter. In a behavioral test, large and small workers were trained to detect the presence of a colored stimulus in a Y-maze apparatus. The stimulus was associated with a sucrose reward and was presented in one arm, the other arm contained neither stimulus nor reward. The minimum visual angle a bee is able to detect was estimated by testing the bee at different stimuli sizes subtending angles between 30° and 3° on the bee's eye. Minimum visual detection angles range from 3.4° to 7.0° among tested workers. Larger bumblebees are able to detect objects subtending smaller visual angles, i.e. they are able to detect smaller objects than their small conspecifics. Thus morphological and behavioral findings indicate an improved visual system in larger bees. Beside vision, olfaction is the most important sensory modality while foraging in bees. Bumblebees utilize species-specific odors for detecting and identifying nectar and pollen rich flowers. In chapter three I have investigated the olfactory system of Bombus terrestris and the effect of scaling on antennal olfactory sensilla and the first olfactory neuropil in the bumblebee brain, the antennal lobes. I found that the pronounced size polymorphism exhibited by bumblebees also effects their olfactory system. Sensilla number (I measured the most common olfactory sensilla type, s. placodea), sensilla density, volume of antennal lobe neuropil and volume of single identified glomeruli correlate significantly with worker's size. The enlarged volume of the first olfactory neuropil in large individuals is caused by an increase in glomeruli volume and coarse neuropil volume. Additionally, beside an overall increase of brain volume with scaling I found that the olfactory neuropil increases disproportionately compared to a higher order neuropil, the central body. The data predict a higher odor sensitivity in larger bumblebee workers. In the last chapter I have addressed the question if scaling alters foraging behavior and rate in freely foraging bumblebees. I observed two freely foraging B. terrestris colonies and measured i) trip number, ii) trip time, iii) proportion of nectar trips, and iv) nectar foraging rate of different sized foragers. In all observation periods large foragers exhibit a significantly higher foraging rate than small foragers. None of the other three foraging parameters is affected by workers' size. Thus, large foragers contribute disproportionately more to the current nectar influx of their colony. To summarize, this study shows that understanding the mechanisms of visual information processing and additionally comprising inter-individual differences of sensory capabilities is crucial to interpret foraging behavior of bees.}, subject = {Hummeln}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roeschard2002, author = {R{\"o}schard, Jacqueline}, title = {Cutter, carriers and bucket brigades ...}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {This study investigates the foraging behaviour of grass-cutting ants, Atta vollenweideri, with specific consideration of the following issues: (a) cutting behaviour and the determination of fragment size, (b) the effect of load size on transport economics, (c) division of labour and task-partitioning. Grass-cutting ants, Atta vollenweideri, harvest grass fragments that serve as substrate for the cultivation of a symbiotic fungus. Foragers were observed to cut grass fragments across the blade, thus resulting in longish, rectangular-shaped fragments in contrast to the semicircular fragments of leaf-cutting ants. Cutting was very time-consuming: In tough grasses like the typical grassland species Paspallum intermedium and Cyperus entrerrianus, cutting times lasted up to more than 20 minutes per fragment and roughly half of all initiated cutting attempts were given up by the ants. Foragers harvesting the softer grass Leersia hexandra were smaller than those foraging on the hard grasses. Fragment size determination and the extent of size-matching between ant body size and fragment size was investigated regarding possible effects of tissue toughness on decision-making and as a function of the distance from the nest. Tissue toughness affected decision-making such that fragment width correlated with ant body mass for the hard grass but not for the soft one, suggesting that when cutting is difficult, larger ants tend to select wider grasses to initiate cutting. The length of the fragments cut out of the two grass species differed statistically, but showed a large overlap in their distribution. Distance from the nest affected load size as well as the extent of size-matching: Fragments collected directly after cutting were significantly larger than those carried on the trail. This indicates that fragments were cut once again on their way to the nest. Size-matching depended on the trail sector considered, and was stronger in ants sampled closer to the nest, suggesting that carriers either cut fragments in sizes corresponding to their body mass prior transport, or transferred them to nestmates of different size after a short carrying distance. During transport, a worker takes a fragment with its mandibles at one end and carries it in a more or less vertical position. Thus, load length might particularly affect maneuverability, because of the marked displacement of the gravitational center. Conversely, based on the energetic of cutting, workers might maximise their individual harvesting rate by cutting long grass fragments, since the longer a grass fragment, the larger is the amount of material harvested per unit cutting effort. I therefore investigated the economics of load transport by focusing on the effects of load size (mass and length) on gross material transport rate to the nest. When controlling for fragment mass, both running speed of foragers and gross material transport rate was observed to be higher for short fragments. In contrast, if fragment mass was doubled and length maintained, running speed differed according to the mass of the loads, with the heavier fragments being transported at the lower pace. For the sizes tested, heavy fragments yielded a higher transport rate in spite of the lower speed of transport, as they did not slow down foragers so much that it counterbalanced the positive effects of fragment mass on material transport rate. The sizes of the fragments cut by grass-cutting ants under natural conditions therefore may represent the outcome of an evolutionary trade-off between maximising harvesting rate at the cutting site and minimising the effects of fragment size on material transport rates. I investigated division of labour and task partitioning during foraging by recording the behaviour of marked ants while cutting, and by monitoring the transport of fragments from the cutting until they reached the nest. A. vollenweideri foragers showed division of labour between cutting and carrying, with larger workers cutting the fragments, and smaller ones transporting them. This division was absent for food sources very close to the nest, when no physical trail was present. Along the trail, the transport of fragment was a partitioned task, i.e., workers formed bucket brigades composed of 2 to 5 carriers. This sequential load transport occurred more often on long than on short trails. The first carriers of a bucket brigade covered only short distances before dropping their fragments, turned back and continued foraging at the same food source. The last carriers covered the longest distance. There was no particular location on the trail for load dropping , i.e., fragments were not cached. I tested the predictions of two hypotheses about the causes of bucket brigades: First, bucket brigades might occur because of load-carriage effects: A load that is too big for an ant to be carried is dropped and carried further by nestmates. Second, fragments carried by bucket brigades might reach the nest quicker than if they are transported by a single carrier. Third, bucket brigades might enhance information flow among foragers: By transferring the load a worker may return earlier back to the foraging site and be able to reinforce the chemical trail, thus recruitment. In addition, the dropped fragment itself may contain information for unladen foragers about currently harvested sources and may enable them to choose between sources of different quality. I investigated load-carriage effects and possible time-saving by presenting ants with fragments of different but defined sizes. Load size did not affect frequency of load dropping nor the distance the first carrier covered before dropping, and transport time by bucket brigades was significantly longer than by single carriers. In order to study the information transfer hypothesis, I presented ants with fragments of different attractivity but constant size. Ants carrying high-quality fragments would be expected to drop them more often than workers transporting low-quality fragments, thus increasing the frequency of bucket brigades. My results show that increasing load quality increased the frequency of bucket brigades as well as it decreased the carrying distance of the first carrier. In other words, more attractive loads were dropped more frequently and after a shorter distance than less attractive ones with the first carriers returning to the foraging site to continue foraging. Summing up, neither load-carriage effects nor time-saving caused the occurrence of bucket brigades. Rather, the benefit might be found at colony level in an enhanced information flow.}, subject = {Atta}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dietemann2002, author = {Dietemann, Vincent}, title = {Differentiation in reproductive potential and chemical communication of reproductive status in workers and queens of the ant Myrmecia gulosa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Division of reproductive labour in societies represents a topic of interest in evolutionary biology at least since Darwin. The puzzle of how helpers can be selected for, in spite of their reduced fertility has found an explanation in the kin selection theory: workers can overcome the cost of helping and of forgiving direct reproduction by rearing sufficiently related individuals. However, in the Hymenoptera, little is known on the proximate mechanisms that regulate the division of labour in colonies. Our knowledge is based on several "primitive" ants from the subfamily Ponerinae and two highly eusocial Hymenoptera species. In the former, the dominance hierarchies allowing for the establishment of individuals as reproductives are well understood. In contrast, the pheromonal mechanisms that help maintain their reproductive status are not understood. Similarly in "higher" ants, pheromonal regulation mechanisms of worker reproduction by queens remain largely unknown. The aim of this study is to determine the modalities of production, distribution and action, as well as the identity of the queen pheromones affecting worker reproduction in the ant Myrmecia gulosa. This species belongs to the poorly studied subfamily Myrmeciinae, which is endemic to the Australian region. The subfamily represents, together with the Ponerinae, the most "primitive" ants: their morphology is close to that of the hypothetical ancestor of ants, and the specialisation of queens is weaker than that of "higher" ants. Simple regulation mechanisms were therefore expected to facilitate the investigation. The first step in this study was to characterise the morphological specialisation of queens and workers, and to determine the differences in reproductive potential associated with this specialisation. This study contributes to our understanding of the link between regulation of division of reproductive labour and social complexity. Furthermore, it will help shed light on the reproductive biology in the poorly known subfamily Myrmeciinae. Queens were recognised by workers on the basis of cuticular as well as gland extracts or products. What is the exact function of the multiple pheromones identified and how they interact remains to be determined. This could help understand why queen "signal" in a "primitive" ant with weakly specialised queens such as M. gulosa appears to be as complex as in highly eusocial species. Primer pheromones act on workers? physiology and have long-term effect. Whether workers of M. gulosa reproduce or not is determined by the detection of a queen pheromone of this type. Direct physical contact with the queen is necessary for workers to detect this pheromone. Thus, the colony size of M. gulosa is compatible with a simple system of pheromone perception by workers based on direct physical contact with the queen. When prevented from establishing physical contact with their queen, some workers start to reproduce and are policed by nestmates. The low volatility of the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), their repartition over the entire cuticle and the existence of queen and worker specific CHC profiles suggest that these chemicals constitute a queen pheromone. Importance of HC versus non-HC compounds was confirmed by bioassaying purified fraction of both classes of chemicals. This study demonstrates for the first time that purified HCs indeed are at the basis of the recognition of reproductive status. This supports the idea that they are also at the basis of the recognition of queens by their workers. As CHCs profiles of workers and queens become similar with acquisition of reproductive status, they represent honest fertility markers. These markers could be used as signals of the presence of reproductives in the colonies, and represent the basis of the regulation of division of reproductive labour.}, subject = {Myrmecia gulosa}, language = {en} }