@phdthesis{Spohn1999, author = {Spohn, Gunther}, title = {The transcriptional control of virulence gene expression in Helicobacter pylori}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The Gram-negative, spiral-shaped, microaerophilic bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the causative agent of various disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract, such as chronic superficial gastritis, chronic active gastritis, peptic ulceration and adenocarcinoma. Although many of the bacterial factors associated with disease development have been analysed in some detail in the recent years, very few studies have focused so far on the mechanisms that regulate expression of these factors at the molecular level. In an attempt to obtain an overview of the basic mechanisms of virulence gene expression in H. pylori, three important virulence factors of this pathogen, representative of different pathogenic mechanisms and different phases of the infectious process, are investigated in detail in the present thesis regarding their transcriptional regulation. As an essential factor for the early phase of infection, including the colonisation of the gastric mucosa, the flagella are analysed; the chaperones including the putative adhesion factors GroEL and DnaK are investigated as representatives of the phase of adherence to the gastric epithelium and persistence in the mucus layer; and finally the cytotoxin associated antigen CagA is analysed as representative of the cag pathogenicity island, which is supposed to account for the phenomena of chronic inflammation and tissue damage observed in the later phases of infection. RNA analyses and in vitro transcription demonstrate that a single promoter regulates expression of cagA, while two promoters are responsible for expression of the upstream divergently transcribed cagB gene. All three promoters are shown to be recognised by RNA polymerase containing the vegetative sigma factor sigma 80. Promoter deletion analyses establish that full activation of the cagA promoter requires sequences up to -70 and binding of the C-terminal portion of the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase to an UP-like element located between -40 and -60, while full activation of the major cagB promoter requires sequences upstream of -96 which overlap with the cagA promoter. These data suggest that the promoters of the pathogenicity island represent a class of minimum promoters, that ensure a basic level of transcription, while full activation requires regulatory elements or structural DNA binding proteins that provide a suitable DNA context. Regarding flagellar biosynthesis, a master transcriptional factor is identified that regulates expression of a series of flagellar basal body and hook genes in concert with the alternative sigma factor sigma 54. Evidence is provided that this regulator, designated FlgR (for flagellar regulatory protein), is necessary for motility and transcription of five promoters for seven basal body and hook genes. In addition, FlgR is shown to act as a repressor of transcription of the sigma 28-regulated promoter of the flaA gene, while changes in DNA topology are shown to affect transcription of the sigma 54-regulated flaB promoter. These data indicate that the regulatory network that governs flagellar gene expression in H. pylori shows similarities to the systems of both Salmonella spp. and Caulobacter crescentus. In contrast to the flagellar genes which are regulated by three different sigma factors, the three operons encoding the major chaperones of H. pylori are shown to be transcribed by RNA polymerase containing the vegetative sigma factor sigma 80. Expression of these operons is shown to be regulated negatively by the transcriptional repressor HspR, a homologue of a repressor protein of Streptomyces spp., known to be involved in negative regulation of heat shock genes. In vitro studies with purified recombinant HspR establish that the protein represses transcription by binding to large DNA regions centered around the transcription initiation site in the case of one promoter, and around -85 and -120 in the case of the the other two promoters. In contrast to the situation in Streptomyces, where transcription of HspR-regulated genes is induced in response to heat shock, transcription of the HspR-dependent genes in H. pylori is not inducible with thermal stimuli. Transcription of two of the three chaperone encoding operons is induced by osmotic shock, while transcription of the third operon, although HspR-dependent, is not affected by salt treatment. Taken together, the analyses carried out indicate that H. pylori has reduced its repertoire of specific regulatory proteins to a basic level that may ensure coordinate regulation of those factors that are necessary during the initial phase of infection including the passage through the gastric lumen and the colonisation of the gastric mucosa. The importance of DNA topology and/or context for transcription of many virulence gene promoters may on the other hand indicate, that a sophisticated global regulatory network is present in H. pylori, which influences transcription of specific subsets of virulence genes in response to changes in the microenvironment.}, subject = {Helicobacter-pylori-Infektion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spindler2020, author = {Spindler, Marie-Christin}, title = {Molecular architecture of meiotic multiprotein complexes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21210}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212105}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Sexually reproducing organisms depend on meiosis for the generation of haploid, genetically diverse gametes to maintain genome stability and the potential to adapt to changing environments. Haploidization is achieved through two successive rounds of cell division after a single initial pre-meiotic DNA replication. Meiosis I segregates the homologous chromosomes, followed by the segregation of the sister chromatids in meiosis II. Genetic diversity is achieved through the process of recombination that de-scribes the exchange of genetic material between the maternal and paternal homolog. Recombination and the initial steps of haploidization are executed already early on in prophase I. Both essential processes depend on a variety of multiprotein complexes, such as the linker of nucleo- and cytoplasm (LINC) complex and the synaptonemal complex (SC). The structure of multiprotein complexes is adjusted according to their function, environment, and the forces they are subjected to. Coiled-coil domains typical in load-bearing proteins characterize the meiotic mechanotransducing LINC complexes. SCs resemble ladder-like structures that are highly conserved amongst eukaryotes, while the primary sequence of the proteins that form the complex display very little if any sequence homology. Despite the apparent significance of the structure to their function, little quantitative and topological data existed on the LINC complexes and the SC within their morphological context prior to the present work. Here, the molecular architecture of the meiotic telomere attachment site where LINC complexes reside and the SC have been analyzed in depth, mainly on the basis of electron microscope tomography derived 3D models complemented by super-resolution light microscopic acquisitions of the respective protein components.}, subject = {Meiose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spall2004, author = {Spall, Thomas}, title = {Optische Visualisierung neuronaler Aktivit{\"a}t : Etablierung des in-vivo Calcium-Imaging mit dem genetisch codierten Sensor Yellow Cameleon 2.1 und Untersuchung der olfaktorischen Codierung im Gehirn von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11575}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die Messung der r{\"a}umlich aufgel{\"o}sten Aktivit{\"a}t von neuronalen Zellverb{\"a}nden ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug, um die Funktionsweise von Gehirnen zu verstehen. F{\"u}r diese Arbeit diente die Fruchtfliege Drosophila melanogaster mit ihrer gut beschriebenen Genetik und Neurobiologie als Untersuchungsobjekt. Bei der vorgelegten Arbeit lag eine zweigeteilte Aufgabenstellung vor: Zum einen wurde die Technik des in - vivo Calcium - Imagings mit Hilfe des genetisch codierten Sensors Yellow Cameleon 2.1 am Lehrstuhl komplett neu etabliert, zum anderen wurde mit der neuen Technik das Zusammenspiel der funktionellen Elemente neuronaler Systeme anhand der Fliegenolfaktorik untersucht. Sowohl die Experimente zur Depolarisation durch KCl, als auch die Experimente zur olfaktorischen Codierung, wurden mit dem Calciumsensor Yellow Cameleon 2.1 durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es wurde ausgehend von der Vorg{\"a}ngerversion Yellow Cameleon 2.0 durch gezielte Mutagenese von S{\"o}ren Diegelmann erstellt. Eine Photomultiplier - basierte in - vitro Funktionsanalyse des rekombinanten Sensorproteins ergab eine Zunahme der Ratio EYFP / ECFP mit steigender Calciumkonzentration. Dabei konnte auch der ratiometrische FRET - Effekt des Cameleons verdeutlicht werden: Mit steigender Calciumkonzentration verschiebt sich das Verh{\"a}ltnis von EYFP - Fluoreszenz zu ECFP - Fluoreszenz zu h{\"o}heren Ratiowerten. Durch Zugabe des Calciumchelators EGTA konnte außerdem die reversible Arbeitsweise des Sensors nachgewiesen werden. Das in die Fliege eingebrachte Yellow Cameleon 2.1 - Konstrukt wurde mittels der GAL4 - UAS - Technik in verschiedenen olfaktorischen Gehirnzentren exprimiert. Von besonderer Relevanz f{\"u}r die Experimente zur olfaktorischen Codierung war dabei die GAL4 - Treiberlinie GH146. Mit ihrer Hilfe konnte das Fusionsprotein in den olfaktorischen Projektionsneuronen des Fliegengehirns exprimiert, und so die Duftrepr{\"a}sentation im postsynaptischen Neuropil der Antennalloben bzw. in den pr{\"a}synaptischen Neuropilen der Calyces und des lateralen Protocerbrums untersucht werden: Die Stimulation von 3 individuellen Fliegen mit den D{\"u}ften Benzaldehyd, Isoamylacetat und Octanol liefert duftspezifische neuronale Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster im Antenallobus. Die auf die Duftstimuli mit Calciumsignalen reagierenden Areale haben eine Gr{\"o}ße von 10 - 30 µm, liegen also in der Gr{\"o}ßenordnung von individuellen Glomeruli. Die Duftrepr{\"a}sentation in den Antennalloben zeigt außerdem einen kombinatorischen Aspekt: Jeder Duft evoziert ein charakteristisches Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster bestehend aus einem oder mehreren Glomeruli. Die Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster verschiedener D{\"u}fte k{\"o}nnen sich {\"u}berlagern, d.h. individuelle Glomeruli k{\"o}nnen durch verschiedene D{\"u}fte aktiviert werden, das gesamte Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster, d.h. die Summe der aktivierten Glomeruli eines bestimmten Duftes, ist jedoch charakteristisch. Die Duftrepr{\"a}sentation in den Antennalloben von Drososophila geschieht also in Form eines glomerul{\"a}ren Codes, ein Prinzip der Duftverarbeitung, das auch in anderen Insekten und Vertebraten nachgewiesen werden konnte. F{\"u}r den Calyx des Pilzk{\"o}rpers ergaben sich innerhalb eines Individuums, bei wiederholter Stimulation mit demselben Duft, ebenfalls duftspezifische Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster. Dabei waren die auf den Duftstimulus hin antwortenden neuronalen Areale diskret {\"u}ber den Calyx hinweg verteilt. Insgesamt zeigt das hohe Maß an Reproduzierbarkeit der Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster f{\"u}r einen gegebenen Duft, dass im Calyx, wie in den Antennalloben, eine duftspezifische r{\"a}umliche Repr{\"a}sentation vorliegt. Der kombinatorische Aspekt der Codierung konnte auch hier beobachtet werden. Die einzelnen Spots der im Calyx gemessenen Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster liegen in der Gr{\"o}ßenordnung von 5 +/- 2 µm und entsprechen somit in ihrer Gr{\"o}ße den elektronenmikroskopisch beschriebenen Microglomeruli. Durch die Calcium - Imaging Experimente am lateralen Protocerebrum konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Erh{\"o}hung der Duftkonzentration eine r{\"a}umliche Ausdehnung des aktivierten Neuropils zur Folge hat. Die EYFP -, ECFP - und Ratio - Intensit{\"a}ten, die aus einer "Region of Interest" im anterioren Bereich des lateralen Protocerebrums berechnet wurden, zeigen weiterhin, dass mit steigender Duftkonzentration auch die St{\"a}rke des Calciumsignals zunimmt. Dabei gibt es zwischen den 4 getesteten D{\"u}ften statistisch signifikante Unterschiede: Methylcyclohexanol evoziert {\"u}ber den gesamten Verd{\"u}nnungsbereich hinweg die schw{\"a}chste neuronale Aktivit{\"a}t, Isoamylacetat evoziert in den Verd{\"u}nnungsstufen 10-3 und 10-1 die st{\"a}rkste neuronale Aktivit{\"a}t. D.h. neben der r{\"a}umlichen Ausdehnung des Signals, f{\"u}hrt die Konzentrationserh{\"o}hung auch zu einer gesteigerten Intensit{\"a}t des Calciumsignals, wobei sich die Signalintensit{\"a}ten f{\"u}r verschiedene D{\"u}fte und Verd{\"u}nnungsstufen unterscheiden k{\"o}nnen. Mit der verwendeten Versuchsanordnung und Datenauswertung, war es jedoch bislang nicht m{\"o}glich eine r{\"a}umliche Repr{\"a}sentation der D{\"u}fte im lateralen Protocerebrum nachzuweisen.}, subject = {Terpyridinderivate <2}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Spaethe2001, author = {Spaethe, Johannes}, title = {Sensory Ecology of Foraging in Bumblebees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1179692}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Pollinating insects exhibit a complex behavior while foraging for nectar and pollen. Many studies have focused on ultimate mechanisms of this behavior, however, the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain such behavior have rarely been considered. In the present study I used bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), an important pollinating insect, to investigate possible sensory constraints on foraging behavior. Additionally, I survey inter-individual variation in the sensory capabilities and behavior of bumblebees caused by the pronounced size polymorphism among members of a single colony. In the first chapter I have focused on the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain the search for flowers. I measured search time for artificial flowers of various sizes and colors, a key variable defining the value of a prey type in optimal foraging theory. When flowers were large, search times correlate well with the color contrast of the targets with their green foliage-type background, as predicted by a model of color opponent coding using inputs from the bee's UV, blue, and green receptors. Targets which made poor color contrast with their backdrop, such as white, UV-reflecting ones, or red flowers, take longest to detect, even though brightness contrast with the background is pronounced. When searching for small targets, bumblebees change their strategy in several ways. They fly significantly slower and closer to the ground, so increasing the minimum detectable area subtended by an object on the ground. In addition they use a different neuronal channel for flower detection: instead of color contrast, they now employ only the green receptor signal for detection. I related these findings to temporal and spatial limitations of different neuronal channels involved in stimulus detection and recognition. Bumblebees do not only possess species-specific sensory capacities but they also exhibit inter-individual differences due to size. Therefore, in the next two chapters I have examined size-related effects on the visual and olfactory system of Bombus terrestris. Chapter two deals with the effect of scaling on eye architecture and spatial resolving power of workers. Foraging efficiency in bees is strongly affected by proficiency of detecting flowers. Both floral display size and bee spatial vision limit flower detection. In chapter one I have shown that search times for flowers strongly increases with decreasing floral display size. The second factor, bee spatial vision, is mainly limited by two properties of compound eyes: (a) the interommatidial angle {\c{C}}{\aa} and (b) the ommatidial acceptance angle {\c{C}}{\´a}. When a pollinator strives to increase the resolving power of its eyes, it is forced to increase both features simultaneously. Bumblebees show a large variation in body size. I found that larger workers with larger eyes possess more ommatidia and larger facet diameters. Large workers with twice the size of small workers (thorax width) have about 50 per cent more ommatidia, and a 1.5 fold enlarged facet diameter. In a behavioral test, large and small workers were trained to detect the presence of a colored stimulus in a Y-maze apparatus. The stimulus was associated with a sucrose reward and was presented in one arm, the other arm contained neither stimulus nor reward. The minimum visual angle a bee is able to detect was estimated by testing the bee at different stimuli sizes subtending angles between 30° and 3° on the bee's eye. Minimum visual detection angles range from 3.4° to 7.0° among tested workers. Larger bumblebees are able to detect objects subtending smaller visual angles, i.e. they are able to detect smaller objects than their small conspecifics. Thus morphological and behavioral findings indicate an improved visual system in larger bees. Beside vision, olfaction is the most important sensory modality while foraging in bees. Bumblebees utilize species-specific odors for detecting and identifying nectar and pollen rich flowers. In chapter three I have investigated the olfactory system of Bombus terrestris and the effect of scaling on antennal olfactory sensilla and the first olfactory neuropil in the bumblebee brain, the antennal lobes. I found that the pronounced size polymorphism exhibited by bumblebees also effects their olfactory system. Sensilla number (I measured the most common olfactory sensilla type, s. placodea), sensilla density, volume of antennal lobe neuropil and volume of single identified glomeruli correlate significantly with worker's size. The enlarged volume of the first olfactory neuropil in large individuals is caused by an increase in glomeruli volume and coarse neuropil volume. Additionally, beside an overall increase of brain volume with scaling I found that the olfactory neuropil increases disproportionately compared to a higher order neuropil, the central body. The data predict a higher odor sensitivity in larger bumblebee workers. In the last chapter I have addressed the question if scaling alters foraging behavior and rate in freely foraging bumblebees. I observed two freely foraging B. terrestris colonies and measured i) trip number, ii) trip time, iii) proportion of nectar trips, and iv) nectar foraging rate of different sized foragers. In all observation periods large foragers exhibit a significantly higher foraging rate than small foragers. None of the other three foraging parameters is affected by workers' size. Thus, large foragers contribute disproportionately more to the current nectar influx of their colony. To summarize, this study shows that understanding the mechanisms of visual information processing and additionally comprising inter-individual differences of sensory capabilities is crucial to interpret foraging behavior of bees.}, subject = {Hummeln}, language = {en} } @article{SommervilleScheer1982, author = {Sommerville, John and Scheer, Ulrich}, title = {Transcription of complementary repeat sequences in amphibian oocytes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-33915}, year = {1982}, abstract = {Repeat sequences are transcribed in the germinal vesicles of amphibian oocytes. In the hnRNA population both complements of the repeats are found and can be readily detected because they form intermolecular duplex structures. The structure and formation of duplex regions have been studied in the hnRNA of Xenopus laevis, Triturus cristatus, Amphiuma means and Necturus maculosus, a series of amphibians of increasing genome size (C-value). In T. cristatus, the duplex structures are mostly 600- 1200 bp in length, whereas in X. laevis they are shorter and in N. maculosus they tend to be longer. Although the proportion of RNA sequence capable of rapidly forming duplex structures is different in different organisms, this property bears no relationship to C-value. However the sequence complexity of complementary repeats, as estimated from the rate of duplex formation, does show an increasing trend with C-value. The complementary repeats found in oocyte hnRNA are transcribed from families of DNA sequence that are each represented in the genome by thousands of copies. The extent of cross-species hybridization is low, indicating that the repeat sequences transcribed in different amphibian genera are not the same. In situ hybridization experiments indicate that the repeat sequences are spread throughout the genome. The evolution and possible function of complementary repeats are considered.}, language = {en} } @article{SommerlandtSpaetheRoessleretal.2016, author = {Sommerlandt, Frank M. J. and Spaethe, Johannes and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang and Dyer, Adrian G.}, title = {Does Fine Color Discrimination Learning in Free-Flying Honeybees Change Mushroom-Body Calyx Neuroarchitecture?}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0164386}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147932}, pages = {e0164386}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Honeybees learn color information of rewarding flowers and recall these memories in future decisions. For fine color discrimination, bees require differential conditioning with a concurrent presentation of target and distractor stimuli to form a long-term memory. Here we investigated whether the long-term storage of color information shapes the neural network of microglomeruli in the mushroom body calyces and if this depends on the type of conditioning. Free-flying honeybees were individually trained to a pair of perceptually similar colors in either absolute conditioning towards one of the colors or in differential conditioning with both colors. Subsequently, bees of either conditioning groups were tested in non-rewarded discrimination tests with the two colors. Only bees trained with differential conditioning preferred the previously learned color, whereas bees of the absolute conditioning group, and a stimuli-na{\"i}ve group, chose randomly among color stimuli. All bees were then kept individually for three days in the dark to allow for complete long-term memory formation. Whole-mount immunostaining was subsequently used to quantify variation of microglomeruli number and density in the mushroom-body lip and collar. We found no significant differences among groups in neuropil volumes and total microglomeruli numbers, but learning performance was negatively correlated with microglomeruli density in the absolute conditioning group. Based on these findings we aim to promote future research approaches combining behaviorally relevant color learning tests in honeybees under free-flight conditions with neuroimaging analysis; we also discuss possible limitations of this approach.q}, language = {en} } @article{SommerlandtHuberSpaethe2014, author = {Sommerlandt, F. M. J. and Huber, W. and Spaethe, J.}, title = {Social Information in the Stingless Bee, Trigona corvina Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apidae): The Use of Visual and Olfactory Cues at the Food Site}, series = {Sociobiology}, volume = {61}, journal = {Sociobiology}, number = {4}, doi = {10.13102/sociobiology.v61i4.401-406}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118120}, year = {2014}, abstract = {For social insects, colony performance is largely dependent on the quantity and quality of food intake and thus on the efficiency of its foragers. In addition to innate preferences and previous experience, foragers can use social information to decide when and where to forage. In some stingless bee (Meliponini) species, individual foraging decisions are shown to be influenced by the presence of social information at resource sites. In dual choice tests, we studied whether visual and/or olfactory cues affect individual decision-making in rigona corvina Cockerell and if this information is species-specific. We found that T. corvina foragers possess local enhancement: they are attracted by olfactory and visual cues released by conspecifics but avoid feeders associated with heterospecific individuals of the species Tetragona ziegleri (Friese). Overall, olfactory cues seem to be more important than visual cues, but information by visual cues alone is sufficient for discrimination.}, language = {en} } @article{SommerfeldSenfBumaetal.2018, author = {Sommerfeld, Andreas and Senf, Cornelius and Buma, Brian and D'Amato, Anthony W. and Despr{\´e}s, Tiphaine and D{\´i}az-Hormaz{\´a}bal, Ignacio and Fraver, Shawn and Frelich, Lee E. and Guti{\´e}rrez, {\´A}lvaro G. and Hart, Sarah J. and Harvey, Brian J. and He, Hong S. and Hl{\´a}sny, Tom{\´a}š and Holz, Andr{\´e}s and Kitzberger, Thomas and Kulakowski, Dominik and Lindenmayer, David and Mori, Akira S. and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Paritsis, Juan and Perry, George L. W. and Stephens, Scott L. and Svoboda, Miroslav and Turner, Monica G. and Veblen, Thomas T. and Seidl, Rupert}, title = {Patterns and drivers of recent disturbances across the temperate forest biome}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {9}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-018-06788-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239157}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Increasing evidence indicates that forest disturbances are changing in response to global change, yet local variability in disturbance remains high. We quantified this considerable variability and analyzed whether recent disturbance episodes around the globe were consistently driven by climate, and if human influence modulates patterns of forest disturbance. We combined remote sensing data on recent (2001-2014) disturbances with in-depth local information for 50 protected landscapes and their surroundings across the temperate biome. Disturbance patterns are highly variable, and shaped by variation in disturbance agents and traits of prevailing tree species. However, high disturbance activity is consistently linked to warmer and drier than average conditions across the globe. Disturbances in protected areas are smaller and more complex in shape compared to their surroundings affected by human land use. This signal disappears in areas with high recent natural disturbance activity, underlining the potential of climate-mediated disturbance to transform forest landscapes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Solvie2023, author = {Solvie, Daniel Alexander}, title = {Molecular Mechanisms of MYC as Stress Resilience Factor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30539}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305398}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The underlying tumorigenesis is driven by the accumulation of alterations in the genome, eventually disabling tumor suppressors and activating proto-oncogenes. The MYC family of proto-oncogenes shows a strong deregulation in the majority of tumor entities. However, the exact mechanisms that contribute to MYC-driven oncogenesis remain largely unknown. Over the past decades, the influence of the MYC protein on transcription became increasingly apparent and was thoroughly investigated. Additionally, in recent years several publications provided evidence for so far unreported functions of MYC that are independent of a mere regulation of target genes. These findings suggest an additional role of MYC in the maintenance of genomic stability and this role is strengthened by key findings presented in this thesis. In the first part, I present data revealing a pathway that allows MYC to couple transcription elongation and DNA double-strand break repair, preventing genomic instability of MYC-driven tumor cells. This pathway is driven by a rapid transfer of the PAF1 complex from MYC onto RNAPII, a process that is mediated by HUWE1. The transfer controls MYC-dependent transcription elongation and, simultaneously, the remodeling of chromatin structure by ubiquitylation of histone H2B. These regions of open chromatin favor not only elongation but also DNA double-strand break repair. In the second part, I analyze the ability of MYC proteins to form multimeric structures in response to perturbation of transcription and replication. The process of multimerization is also referred to as phase transition. The observed multimeric structures are located proximal to stalled replication forks and recruit factors of the DNA-damage response and transcription termination machinery. Further, I identified the HUWE1-dependent ubiquitylation of MYC as an essential step in this phase transition. Cells lacking the ability to form multimers display genomic instability and ultimately undergo apoptosis in response to replication stress. Both mechanisms present MYC as a stress resilience factor under conditions that are characterized by a high level of transcriptional and replicational stress. This increased resilience ensures oncogenic proliferation. Therefore, targeting MYC's ability to limit genomic instability by uncoupling transcription elongation and DNA repair or disrupting its ability to multimerize presents a therapeutic window in MYC-dependent tumors.}, subject = {MYC}, language = {en} } @article{SolgerKunzFinketal.2020, author = {Solger, Franziska and Kunz, Tobias C. and Fink, Julian and Paprotka, Kerstin and Pfister, Pauline and Hagen, Franziska and Schumacher, Fabian and Kleuser, Burkhard and Seibel, J{\"u}rgen and Rudel, Thomas}, title = {A Role of Sphingosine in the Intracellular Survival of Neisseria gonorrhoeae}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, issn = {2235-2988}, doi = {10.3389/fcimb.2020.00215}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204111}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Obligate human pathogenic Neisseria gonorrhoeae are the second most frequent bacterial cause of sexually transmitted diseases. These bacteria invade different mucosal tissues and occasionally disseminate into the bloodstream. Invasion into epithelial cells requires the activation of host cell receptors by the formation of ceramide-rich platforms. Here, we investigated the role of sphingosine in the invasion and intracellular survival of gonococci. Sphingosine exhibited an anti-gonococcal activity in vitro. We used specific sphingosine analogs and click chemistry to visualize sphingosine in infected cells. Sphingosine localized to the membrane of intracellular gonococci. Inhibitor studies and the application of a sphingosine derivative indicated that increased sphingosine levels reduced the intracellular survival of gonococci. We demonstrate here, that sphingosine can target intracellular bacteria and may therefore exert a direct bactericidal effect inside cells.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Solger2021, author = {Solger, Franziska}, title = {Central role of sphingolipids on the intracellular survival of \(Neisseria\) \(gonorrhoeae\) in epithelial cells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24753}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae are Gram-negative bacteria with diplococcal shape. As an obligate human pathogen, it is the causative agent of gonorrhoea, a sexually transmitted disease. Gonococci colonize a variety of mucosal tissues, mainly the urogenital tract in men and women. Occasionally N. gonorrhoeae invades the bloodstream, leading to disseminated gonococcal infection. These bacteria possess a repertoire of virulence factors, which expression patterns can be adapted to the environmental conditions of the host. Through the accumulation of antibiotic resistances and in absence of vaccines, some neisserial strains have the potential to spread globally and represent a major public health threat. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the exact molecular mechanisms underlying the successful infection and progression of gonococci within their host. This deeper understanding of neisserial infection and survival mechanisms is needed for the development of new therapeutic agents. In this work, the role of host-cell sphingolipids on the intracellular survival of N. gonorrhoeae was investigated. It was shown that different classes of sphingolipids strongly interact with invasive gonococci in epithelial cells. Therefore, novel and highly specific clickable sphingolipid analogues were applied to study these interactions with this pathogen. The formation of intra- and extracellular sphingosine vesicles, which were able to target gonococci, was observed. This direct interaction led to the uptake and incorporation of sphingosine into the neisserial membrane. Together with in vitro results, sphingosine was identified as a potential bactericidal reagent as part of the host cell defence. By using different classes of sphingolipids and their clickable analogues, essential structural features, which seem to trigger the bacterial uptake, were detected. Furthermore, effects of key enzymes of the sphingolipid signalling pathway were tested in a neutrophil infection model. In conclusion, the combination of click chemistry and infection biology made it possible to shed some light on the dynamic interplay between cellular sphingosine and N. gonorrhoeae. Thereby, a possible "catch-and-kill" mechanism could have been observed.}, subject = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae}, language = {en} } @article{SnaebjornssonSchulze2018, author = {Snaebjornsson, Marteinn T and Schulze, Almut}, title = {Non-canonical functions of enzymes facilitate cross-talk between cell metabolic and regulatory pathways}, series = {Experimental \& Molecular Medicine}, volume = {50}, journal = {Experimental \& Molecular Medicine}, doi = {10.1038/s12276-018-0065-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238763}, pages = {1-16}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The metabolic rewiring that occurs during cell transformation is a hallmark of cancer. It is diverse in different cancers as it reflects different combinations of oncogenic drivers, tumor suppressors, and the microenvironment. Metabolic rewiring is essential to cancer as it enables uncontrolled proliferation and adaptation to the fluctuating availability of nutrients and oxygen caused by poor access to the vasculature due to tumor growth and a foreign microenvironment encountered during metastasis. Increasing evidence now indicates that the metabolic state in cancer cells also plays a causal role in tumor growth and metastasis, for example through the action of oncometabolites, which modulate cell signaling and epigenetic pathways to promote malignancy. In addition to altering the metabolic state in cancer cells, some multifunctional enzymes possess non-metabolic functions that also contribute to cell transformation. Some multifunctional enzymes that are highly expressed in cancer, such as pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2), have non-canonical functions that are co-opted by oncogenic signaling to drive proliferation and inhibit apoptosis. Other multifunctional enzymes that are frequently downregulated in cancer, such as fructose-bisphosphatase 1 (FBP1), are tumor suppressors, directly opposing mitogenic signaling via their non-canonical functions. In some cases, the enzymatic and non-canonical roles of these enzymes are functionally linked, making the modulation of non-metabolic cellular processes dependent on the metabolic state of the cell.}, language = {en} } @article{SivarajanKessieOberwinkleretal.2021, author = {Sivarajan, Rinu and Kessie, David Komla and Oberwinkler, Heike and Pallmann, Niklas and Walles, Thorsten and Scherzad, Agmal and Hackenberg, Stephan and Steinke, Maria}, title = {Susceptibility of Human Airway Tissue Models Derived From Different Anatomical Sites to Bordetella pertussis and Its Virulence Factor Adenylate Cyclase Toxin}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, volume = {11}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, issn = {2235-2988}, doi = {10.3389/fcimb.2021.797491}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253302}, year = {2021}, abstract = {To study the interaction of human pathogens with their host target structures, human tissue models based on primary cells are considered suitable. Complex tissue models of the human airways have been used as infection models for various viral and bacterial pathogens. The Gram-negative bacterium Bordetella pertussis is of relevant clinical interest since whooping cough has developed into a resurgent infectious disease. In the present study, we created three-dimensional tissue models of the human ciliated nasal and tracheo-bronchial mucosa. We compared the innate immune response of these models towards the B. pertussis virulence factor adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) and its enzymatically inactive but fully pore-forming toxoid CyaA-AC\(^-\). Applying molecular biological, histological, and microbiological assays, we found that 1 µg/ml CyaA elevated the intracellular cAMP level but did not disturb the epithelial barrier integrity of nasal and tracheo-bronchial airway mucosa tissue models. Interestingly, CyaA significantly increased interleukin 6, interleukin 8, and human beta defensin 2 secretion in nasal tissue models, whereas tracheo-bronchial tissue models were not significantly affected compared to the controls. Subsequently, we investigated the interaction of B. pertussis with both differentiated primary nasal and tracheo-bronchial tissue models and demonstrated bacterial adherence and invasion without observing host cell type-specific significant differences. Even though the nasal and the tracheo-bronchial mucosa appear similar from a histological perspective, they are differentially susceptible to B. pertussis CyaA in vitro. Our finding that nasal tissue models showed an increased innate immune response towards the B. pertussis virulence factor CyaA compared to tracheo-bronchial tissue models may reflect the key role of the nasal airway mucosa as the first line of defense against airborne pathogens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sisario2022, author = {Sisario, Dmitri Jonas}, title = {Bildbasierte Analyse von S{\"a}ugetierzellen unter dem Einfluss von osmotischem Stress, {\"u}berkritischen elektrischen Feldern und ionisierender Strahlung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24677}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246772}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Im ersten Teil dieser Doktorarbeit wurde die kurz nach Elektroporation eintretende h{\"a}molytische Zellbewegung von humanen Erythrozyten erstmals quantitativ untersucht, um den zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismus aufzukl{\"a}ren. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Bewegung aus dem Ausstoß von unter Druck stehendem Zytosol resultierte. Durch weitere Experimente wurde die Beteiligung des Nicht-Muskel-Myosins NMIIA am Aufbau des zytosolischen {\"U}berdrucks nachgewiesen. Ausgehend von diesen Ergebnissen wurde ein molekular-mechanischer bisher unbekannter NMII-basierter Mechanismus der rapiden Ghostbildung beschrieben. Diese Erkenntnis k{\"o}nnte biomedizinische Relevanz besitzen, da der Abbau von Erythrozyten in der Milz die Transformation zu Hb-armen Ghosts voraussetzt. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit dem Hirntumor Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), dessen Rezidiv haupts{\"a}chlich auf Strahlenresistenz und Zellinvasion zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. Deshalb wurde mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender Fluoreszenzmikroskopie (dSTORM) die Nanostruktur des DSB-Markers Histon γH2AX und des DNA-Reparaturfaktors DNA-PKcs in bestrahlten GBM-Zellen analysiert. Anhand von dSTORM-Rekonstruktionen wurde erstmals gezeigt, dass die beiden Proteine kaum Kolokalisation im Nanometerbereich aufweisen. Zunehmend wird die anomale Expression von Membrantransportern aus der SLC-Familie mit der Migration von Krebszellen in Verbindung gebracht. Der finale Abschnitt befasste sich daher mit der subzellul{\"a}ren Lokalisierung der Transporterproteine SLC5A1 und SLC5A3 in GBM-Zellen, um ihre Beteiligung an der Zellmigration nachzuweisen. Dabei wurde erstmals gezeigt, dass der Leitsaum der untersuchten GBM-Zellen deutliches SLC5A1- und SLC5A3-Signal aufwies. Basierend auf diesen Befunden wurden den Transportern unterschiedliche Aufgaben bei der zellmigrativen lokalen Volumenregulation zugeschrieben. Somit erg{\"a}nzen SLC5A1 und SLC5A3 das migrationsassoziierte Krebszell-Transportom.}, subject = {Erythrozyt}, language = {de} } @article{SinghVermaAkhoonetal.2016, author = {Singh, Krishna P. and Verma, Neeraj and Akhoon, Bashir A . and Bhatt, Vishal and Gupta, Shishir K. and Gupta, Shailendra K. and Smita, Suchi}, title = {Sequence-based approach for rapid identification of cross-clade CD8+ T-cell vaccine candidates from all high-risk HPV strains}, series = {3 Biotech}, volume = {6}, journal = {3 Biotech}, doi = {10.1007/s13205-015-0352-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191056}, pages = {10}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the primary etiological agent responsible for cervical cancer in women. Although in total 16 high-risk HPV strains have been identified so far. Currently available commercial vaccines are designed by targeting mainly HPV16 and HPV18 viral strains as these are the most common strains associated with cervical cancer. Because of the high level of antigenic specificity of HPV capsid antigens, the currently available vaccines are not suitable to provide cross-protection from all other high-risk HPV strains. Due to increasing reports of cervical cancer cases from other HPV high-risk strains other than HPV16 and 18, it is crucial to design vaccine that generate reasonable CD8+ T-cell responses for possibly all the high-risk strains. With this aim, we have developed a computational workflow to identify conserved cross-clade CD8+ T-cell HPV vaccine candidates by considering E1, E2, E6 and E7 proteins from all the high-risk HPV strains. We have identified a set of 14 immunogenic conserved peptide fragments that are supposed to provide protection against infection from any of the high-risk HPV strains across globe.}, language = {en} } @article{SinghKingstonGuptaetal.2015, author = {Singh, Amit K. and Kingston, Joseph J. and Gupta, Shishir K. and Batra, Harsh V.}, title = {Recombinant Bivalent Fusion Protein rVE Induces CD4+ and CD8+ T-Cell Mediated Memory Immune Response for Protection Against Yersinia enterocolitica Infection}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, number = {1407}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2015.01407}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136114}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Studies investigating the correlates of immune protection against Yersinia infection have established that both humoral and cell mediated immune responses are required for the comprehensive protection. In our previous study, we established that the bivalent fusion protein (rVE) comprising immunologically active regions of Y pestis LcrV (100-270 aa) and YopE (50-213 aa) proteins conferred complete passive and active protection against lethal Y enterocolitica 8081 challenge. In the present study, cohort of BALB/c mice immunized with rVE or its component proteins rV, rE were assessed for cell mediated immune responses and memory immune protection against Y enterocolitica 8081 rVE immunization resulted in extensive proliferation of both CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets; significantly high antibody titer with balanced IgG1: IgG2a/IgG2b isotypes (1:1 ratio) and up regulation of both Th1 (INF-\(\alpha\), IFN-\(\gamma\), IL 2, and IL 12) and Th2 (IL 4) cytokines. On the other hand, rV immunization resulted in Th2 biased IgG response (11:1 ratio) and proliferation of CD4+ T-cell; rE group of mice exhibited considerably lower serum antibody titer with predominant Th1 response (1:3 ratio) and CD8+ T-cell proliferation. Comprehensive protection with superior survival (100\%) was observed among rVE immunized mice when compared to the significantly lower survival rates among rE (37.5\%) and rV (25\%) groups when IP challenged with Y enterocolitica 8081 after 120 days of immunization. Findings in this and our earlier studies define the bivalent fusion protein rVE as a potent candidate vaccine molecule with the capability to concurrently stimulate humoral and cell mediated immune responses and a proof of concept for developing efficient subunit vaccines against Gram negative facultative intracellular bacterial pathogens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simon2019, author = {Simon, Katja}, title = {Identifying the role of Myb-MuvB in gene expression and proliferation of lung cancer cells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16181}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161814}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The evolutionary conserved Myb-MuvB (MMB) multiprotein complex is a transcriptional master regulator of mitotic gene expression. The MMB subunits B-MYB, FOXM1 as well as target genes of MMB are often overexpressed in different cancer types. Elevated expression of these genes correlates with an advanced tumor state and a poor prognosis for patients. Furthermore, it has been reported that pathways, which are involved in regulating the mitotic machinery are attractive for a potential treatment of cancers harbouring Ras mutations (Luo et al., 2009). This suggest that the MMB complex could be required for tumorigenesis by mediating overactivity of mitotic genes and that the MMB could be a useful target for lung cancer treatment. However, although MMB has been characterized biochemically, the contribution of MMB to tumorigenesis is largely unknown in particular in vivo. In this thesis, it was demonstrated that the MMB complex is required for lung tumorigenesis in vivo in a mouse model of non small cell lung cancer. Elevated levels of B-MYB, NUSAP1 or CENPF in advanced tumors as opposed to low levels of these proteins levels in grade 1 or 2 tumors support the possible contribution of MMB to lung tumorigenesis and the oncogenic potential of B-MYB.The tumor growth promoting function of B-MYB was illustrated by a lower fraction of KI-67 positive cells in vivo and a significantly high impairment in proliferation after loss of B-Myb in vitro. Defects in cytokinesis and an abnormal cell cycle profile after loss of B-Myb underscore the impact of B-MYB on proliferation of lung cancer cell lines. The incomplete recombination of B-Myb in murine lung tumors and in the tumor derived primary cell lines illustrates the selection pressure against the complete loss of B-Myb and further demonstrats that B-Myb is a tumor-essential gene. In the last part of this thesis, the contribution of MMB to the proliferation of human lung cancer cells was demonstrated by the RNAi-mediated depletion of B-Myb. Detection of elevated B-MYB levels in human adenocarcinoma and a reduced proliferation, cytokinesis defects and abnormal cell cycle profile after loss of B-MYB in human lung cancer cell lines underlines the potential of B-MYB to serve as a clinical marker.}, subject = {Lungenkrebs}, language = {en} } @article{SimonRauskolbGunnersenetal.2015, author = {Simon, Christian M. and Rauskolb, Stefanie and Gunnersen, Jennifer M. and Holtmann, Bettina and Drepper, Carsten and Dombert, Benjamin and Braga, Massimiliano and Wiese, Stefan and Jablonka, Sibylle and P{\"u}hringer, Dirk and Zielasek, J{\"u}rgen and Hoeflich, Andreas and Silani, Vincenzo and Wolf, Eckhard and Kneitz, Susanne and Sommer, Claudia and Toyka, Klaus V. and Sendtner, Michael}, title = {Dysregulated IGFBP5 expression causes axon degeneration and motoneuron loss in diabetic neuropathy}, series = {Acta Neuropathologica}, volume = {130}, journal = {Acta Neuropathologica}, doi = {10.1007/s00401-015-1446-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154569}, pages = {373 -- 387}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Diabetic neuropathy (DNP), afflicting sensory and motor nerve fibers, is a major complication in diabetes.The underlying cellular mechanisms of axon degeneration are poorly understood. IGFBP5, an inhibitory binding protein for insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) is highly up-regulated in nerve biopsies of patients with DNP. We investigated the pathogenic relevance of this finding in transgenic mice overexpressing IGFBP5 in motor axons and sensory nerve fibers. These mice develop motor axonopathy and sensory deficits similar to those seen in DNP. Motor axon degeneration was also observed in mice in which the IGF1 receptor(IGF1R) was conditionally depleted in motoneurons, indicating that reduced activity of IGF1 on IGF1R in motoneurons is responsible for the observed effect. These data provide evidence that elevated expression of IGFBP5 in diabetic nerves reduces the availability of IGF1 for IGF1R on motor axons, thus leading to progressive neurodegeneration. Inhibition of IGFBP5 could thus offer novel treatment strategies for DNP.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simann2015, author = {Simann, Meike}, title = {Aufkl{\"a}rung der Effekte von Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktor 1 und 2 auf die Adipogenese und Osteogenese von prim{\"a}ren humanen Knochenmark-Stroma-Zellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119322}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Regulating and reverting the adipo-osteogenic lineage decision of trabecular human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs) represents a promising approach for osteoporosis therapy and prevention. Fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) and its subfamily member FGF2 were scored as lead candidates to exercise control over lineage switching processes (conversion) in favor of osteogenesis previously. However, their impact on differentiation events is controversially discussed in literature. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of these FGFs on the adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation and conversion of primary hBMSCs. Moreover, involved downstream signaling mechanisms should be elucidated and, finally, the results should be evaluated with regard to the possible therapeutic approach. This study clearly revealed that culture in the presence of FGF1 strongly prevented the adipogenic differentiation of hBMSCs as well as the adipogenic conversion of pre-differentiated osteoblastic cells. Lipid droplet formation was completely inhibited by a concentration of 25 ng/µL. Meanwhile, the expression of genetic markers for adipogenic initiation, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 2 (PPARg2) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPa), as well as subsequent adipocyte maturation, fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL), were significantly downregulated. Yet, the genetic markers of osteogenic commitment and differentiation were not upregulated during adipogenic differentiation and conversion under FGF supplementation, not supporting an event of osteogenic lineage switching. Moreover, when examining the effects on the osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs and the osteogenic conversion of pre-differentiated adipocytic cells, culture in the presence of FGF1 markedly decreased extracellular matrix (ECM) mineralization. Additionally, the gene expression of the osteogenic marker alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was significantly reduced and ALP enzyme activity was decreased. Furthermore, genetic markers of osteogenic commitment, like the master regulator runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4), as well as markers of osteogenic differentiation and ECM formation, like collagen 1 A1 (COL1A1) and integrin-binding sialoprotein (IBSP), were downregulated. In contrast, genes known to inhibit ECM mineralization, like ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator (ANKH) and osteopontin (OPN), were upregulated. ANKH inhibition revealed that its transcriptional elevation was not crucial for the reduced matrix mineralization, perhaps due to decreased expression of ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (ENPP1) that likely annulled ANKH upregulation. Like FGF1, also the culture in the presence of FGF2 displayed a marked anti-adipogenic and anti-osteogenic effect. The FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) was found to be crucial for mediating the described FGF effects in adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation and conversion. Yet, adipogenic conversion displayed a lower involvement of the FGFR1. For adipogenic differentiation and osteogenic differentiation/conversion, downstream signal transduction involved the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/ERK kinases 1 and 2 (MEK1/2), probably via the phosphorylation of FGFR docking protein FGFR substrate 2a (FRS2a) and its effector Ras/MAPK. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38-MAPK, and protein kinase C (PKC) were not crucial for the signal transduction, yet were in part responsible for the rate of adipogenic and/or osteogenic differentiation itself, in line with current literature. Taken together, to the best of our knowledge, our study was the first to describe the strong impact of FGF1 and FGF2 on both the adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation and conversion processes of primary hBMSCs in parallel. It clearly revealed that although both FGFs were not able to promote the differentiation and lineage switching towards the osteogenic fate, they strongly prevented adipogenic differentiation and lineage switching, which seem to be elevated during osteoporosis. Our findings indicate that FGF1 and FGF2 entrapped hBMSCs in a pre-committed state. In conclusion, these agents could be applied to potently prevent unwanted adipogenesis in vitro. Moreover, our results might aid in unraveling a pharmacological control point to eliminate the increased adipogenic differentiation and conversion as potential cause of adipose tissue accumulation and decreased osteoblastogenesis in bone marrow during aging and especially in osteoporosis.}, subject = {Mesenchymzelle}, language = {en} } @article{SilvaVilchesPletinckxLohnertetal.2017, author = {Silva-Vilches, Cinthia and Pletinckx, Katrien and Lohnert, Miriam and Pavlovic, Vladimir and Ashour, Diyaaeldin and John, Vini and Vendelova, Emilia and Kneitz, Susanne and Zhou, Jie and Chen, Rena and Reinheckel, Thomas and Mueller, Thomas D. and Bodem, Jochen and Lutz, Manfred B.}, title = {Low doses of cholera toxin and its mediator cAMP induce CTLA-2 secretion by dendritic cells to enhance regulatory T cell conversion}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0178114}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158244}, pages = {e0178114}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Immature or semi-mature dendritic cells (DCs) represent tolerogenic maturation stages that can convert naive T cells into Foxp3\(^{+}\) induced regulatory T cells (iTreg). Here we found that murine bone marrow-derived DCs (BM-DCs) treated with cholera toxin (CT) matured by up-regulating MHC-II and costimulatory molecules using either high or low doses of CT (CT\(^{hi}\), CT\(^{lo}\)) or with cAMP, a known mediator CT signals. However, all three conditions also induced mRNA of both isoforms of the tolerogenic molecule cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 2 (CTLA-2α and CTLA-2β). Only DCs matured under CT\(^{hi}\) conditions secreted IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-23 leading to the instruction of Th17 cell polarization. In contrast, CT\(^{lo}\)- or cAMP-DCs resembled semi-mature DCs and enhanced TGF-β-dependent Foxp3\(^{+}\) iTreg conversion. iTreg conversion could be reduced using siRNA blocking of CTLA-2 and reversely, addition of recombinant CTLA-2α increased iTreg conversion in vitro. Injection of CT\(^{lo}\)- or cAMP-DCs exerted MOG peptide-specific protective effects in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by inducing Foxp3\(^{+}\) Tregs and reducing Th17 responses. Together, we identified CTLA-2 production by DCs as a novel tolerogenic mediator of TGF-β-mediated iTreg induction in vitro and in vivo. The CT-induced and cAMP-mediated up-regulation of CTLA-2 also may point to a novel immune evasion mechanism of Vibrio cholerae.}, language = {en} } @article{SieversBilligGottschalketal.2010, author = {Sievers, Claudia and Billig, Gwendolyn and Gottschalk, Kathleen and Rudel, Thomas}, title = {Prohibitins Are Required for Cancer Cell Proliferation and Adhesion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68548}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Prohibitin 1 (PHB1) is a highly conserved protein that together with its homologue prohibitin 2 (PHB2) mainly localizes to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Although it was originally identified by its ability to inhibit G1/S progression in human fibroblasts, its role as tumor suppressor is debated. To determine the function of prohibitins in maintaining cell homeostasis, we generated cancer cell lines expressing prohibitin-directed shRNAs. We show that prohibitin proteins are necessary for the proliferation of cancer cells. Down-regulation of prohibitin expression drastically reduced the rate of cell division. Furthermore, mitochondrial morphology was not affected, but loss of prohibitins did lead to the degradation of the fusion protein OPA1 and, in certain cancer cell lines, to a reduced capability to exhibit anchorage-independent growth. These cancer cells also exhibited reduced adhesion to the extracellular matrix. Taken together, these observations suggest prohibitins play a crucial role in adhesion processes in the cell and thereby sustaining cancer cell propagation and survival.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @article{SieglPrustyKarunakaranetal.2014, author = {Siegl, Christine and Prusty, Bhupesh K. and Karunakaran, Karthika and Wischhusen, J{\"o}rg and Rudel, Thomas}, title = {Tumor Suppressor p53 Alters Host Cell Metabolism to Limit Chlamydia trachomatis Infection}, series = {Cell Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Cell Reports}, number = {3}, issn = {2211-1247}, doi = {10.1016/j.celrep.2014.10.004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118200}, pages = {918-929}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Obligate intracellular bacteria depend entirely on nutrients from the host cell for their reproduction. Here, we show that obligate intracellular Chlamydia downregulate the central tumor suppressor p53 in human cells. This reduction of p53 levels is mediated by the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, activation of HDM2, and subsequent proteasomal degradation of p53. The stabilization of p53 in human cells severely impaired chlamydial development and caused the loss of infectious particle formation. DNA-damage-induced p53 interfered with chlamydial development through downregulation of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). Increased expression of the PPP key enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase rescued the inhibition of chlamydial growth induced by DNA damage or stabilized p53. Thus, downregulation of p53 is a key event in the chlamydial life cycle that reprograms the host cell to create a metabolic environment supportive of chlamydial growth.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Siegl2014, author = {Siegl, Christine}, title = {Degradation of Tumour Suppressor p53 during Chlamydia trachomatis Infections}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108679}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The intracellular pathogen Chlamydia is the causative agent of millions of new infections per year transmitting diseases like trachoma, pelvic inflammatory disease or lymphogranuloma venereum. Undetected or recurrent infections caused by chlamydial persistence are especially likely to provoke severe pathologies. To ensure host cell survival and to facilitate long term infections Chlamydia induces anti-apoptotic pathways, mainly at the level of mitochondria, and restrains activity of pro-apoptotic proteins. Additionally, the pathogen seizes host energy, carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids and nucleotides to facilitate propagation of bacterial progeny and growth of the chlamydial inclusion. At the beginning of this study, Chlamydia-mediated apoptosis resistance to DNA damage induced by the topoisomerase inhibitor etoposide was investigated. In the course of this, a central cellular protein crucial for etoposide-mediated apoptosis, the tumour suppressor p53, was found to be downregulated during Chlamydia infections. Subsequently, different chlamydial strains and serovars were examined and p53 downregulation was ascertained to be a general feature during Chlamydia infections of human cells. Reduction of p53 protein level was established to be mediated by the PI3K-Akt signalling pathway, activation of the E3-ubiquitin ligase HDM2 and final degradation by the proteasome. Additionally, an intriguing discrepancy between infections of human and mouse cells was detected. Both activation of the PI3K-Akt pathway as well as degradation of p53 could not be observed in Chlamydia-infected mouse cells. Recently, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and damage to host cell DNA was reported to occur during Chlamydia infection. Thus, degradation of p53 strongly contributes to the anti-apoptotic environment crucial for chlamydial infection. To verify the importance of p53 degradation for chlamydial growth and development, p53 was stabilised and activated by the HDM2-inhibiting drug nutlin-3 and the DNA damage-inducing compound etoposide. Unexpectedly, chlamydial development was severely impaired and inclusion formation was defective. Completion of the chlamydial developmental cycle was prevented resulting in loss of infectivity. Intriguingly, removal of the p53 activating stimulus allowed formation of the bacterial inclusion and recovery of infectivity. A similar observation of growth recovery was made in infected cell lines deficient for p53. As bacterial growth and inclusion formation was strongly delayed in the presence of activated p53, p53-mediated inhibitory regulation of cellular metabolism was suspected to contribute to chlamydial growth defects. To verify this, glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways were analysed revealing the importance of a functioning PPP for chlamydial growth. In addition, increased expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase rescued chlamydial growth inhibition induced by activated p53. The rescuing effect was even more pronounced in p53-deficient cells treated with etoposide or nutlin-3 revealing additional p53-independent aspects of Chlamydia inhibition. Removal of ROS by anti-oxidant compounds was not sufficient to rescue chlamydial infectivity. Apparently, not only the anti-oxidant capacities of the PPP but also provision of precursors for nucleotide synthesis as well as contribution to DNA repair are important for successful chlamydial growth. Modulation of host cell signalling was previously reported for a number of pathogens. As formation of ROS and DNA damage are likely to occur during infections of intracellular bacteria, several strategies to manipulate the host and to inhibit induction of apoptosis were invented. Downregulation of the tumour suppressor p53 is a crucial point during development of Chlamydia, ensuring both host cell survival and metabolic support conducive to chlamydial growth.}, subject = {Chlamydia-trachomatis-Infektion}, language = {en} } @article{SiegerHovestadt2020, author = {Sieger, Charlotte Sophie and Hovestadt, Thomas}, title = {The degree of spatial variation relative to temporal variation influences evolution of dispersal}, series = {Oikos}, volume = {129}, journal = {Oikos}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1111/oik.07567}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239049}, pages = {1611 -- 1622}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In the face of ongoing global climate and land use change, organisms have multiple possibilities to cope with the modification of their environment. The two main possibilities are to either adapt locally or disperse to a more suitable habitat. The evolution of both local adaptation and dispersal interacts and can be influenced by the spatial and temporal variation (of e.g. temperature or precipitation). In an individual based model (IBM), we explore evolution of phenotypes in landscapes with varying degree of spatial relative to global temporal variation in order to examine its influence on the evolution of dispersal, niche optimum and niche width. The relationship between temporal and spatial variation did neither influence the evolution of local adaptation in the niche optimum nor of niche widths. Dispersal probability is highly influenced by the spatio-temporal relationship: with increasing spatial variation, dispersal probability decreases. Additionally, the shape of the distribution of the trait values over patch attributes switches from hump- to U-shaped. At low spatial variance more individuals emigrate from average habitats, at high spatial variance more from extreme habitats. The comparatively high dispersal probability in extreme patches of landscapes with a high spatial variation can be explained by evolutionary succession of two kinds of adaptive response. Early in the simulations, extreme patches in landscapes with a high spatial variability act as sink habitats, where population persistence depends on highly dispersive individuals with a wide niche. With ongoing evolution, local adaptation of the remaining individuals takes over, but simultaneously a possible bet-hedging strategy promotes higher dispersal probabilities in those habitats. Here, in generations that experience extreme shifts from the temporal mean of the patch attribute, the expected fitness becomes higher for dispersing individuals than for philopatric individuals. This means that under certain circumstances, both local adaptation and high dispersal probability can be selected for for coping with the projected environmental changes in the future.}, language = {en} } @article{SickelAnkenbrandGrimmeretal.2015, author = {Sickel, Wiebke and Ankenbrand, Markus J. and Grimmer, Gudrun and Holzschuh, Andrea and H{\"a}rtel, Stephan and Lanzen, Jonathan and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Keller, Alexander}, title = {Increased efficiency in identifying mixed pollen samples by meta-barcoding with a dual-indexing approach}, series = {BMC Ecology}, volume = {15}, journal = {BMC Ecology}, number = {20}, doi = {10.1186/s12898-015-0051-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125730}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background Meta-barcoding of mixed pollen samples constitutes a suitable alternative to conventional pollen identification via light microscopy. Current approaches however have limitations in practicability due to low sample throughput and/or inefficient processing methods, e.g. separate steps for amplification and sample indexing. Results We thus developed a new primer-adapter design for high throughput sequencing with the Illumina technology that remedies these issues. It uses a dual-indexing strategy, where sample-specific combinations of forward and reverse identifiers attached to the barcode marker allow high sample throughput with a single sequencing run. It does not require further adapter ligation steps after amplification. We applied this protocol to 384 pollen samples collected by solitary bees and sequenced all samples together on a single Illumina MiSeq v2 flow cell. According to rarefaction curves, 2,000-3,000 high quality reads per sample were sufficient to assess the complete diversity of 95\% of the samples. We were able to detect 650 different plant taxa in total, of which 95\% were classified at the species level. Together with the laboratory protocol, we also present an update of the reference database used by the classifier software, which increases the total number of covered global plant species included in the database from 37,403 to 72,325 (93\% increase). Conclusions This study thus offers improvements for the laboratory and bioinformatical workflow to existing approaches regarding data quantity and quality as well as processing effort and cost-effectiveness. Although only tested for pollen samples, it is furthermore applicable to other research questions requiring plant identification in mixed and challenging samples.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sickel2016, author = {Sickel, Wiebke}, title = {High-throughput biodiversity assessment - Powers and limitations of meta-barcoding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144573}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Traditional species identification based on morphological characters is laborious and requires expert knowledge. It is further complicated in the case of species assemblages or degraded and processed material. DNA-barcoding, species identification based on genetic data, has become a suitable alternative, yet species assemblages are still difficult to study. In the past decade meta-barcoding has widely been adopted for the study of species communities, due to technological advances in modern sequencing platforms and because manual separation of individual specimen is not required. Here, meta-barcoding is put into context and applied to the study of bee-collected pollen as well as bacterial communities. These studies provide the basis for a critical evaluation of the powers and limitations of meta-barcoding. Advantages identified include species identification without the need for expert knowledge as well as the high throughput of samples and sequences. In microbiology, meta-barcoding can facilitate directed cultivation of taxa of interest identified with meta-barcoding data. Disadvantages include insufficient species resolution due to short read lengths and incomplete reference databases, as well as limitations in abundance estimation of taxa and functional profiling. Despite these, meta-barcoding is a powerful method for the analysis of species communities and holds high potential especially for automated biomonitoring.}, subject = {Biodiversit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sibilski2014, author = {Sibilski, Claudia}, title = {Identification and characterization of the novel mKSR1 phosphorylation site Tyr728 and its role in MAPK signaling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114672}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In mammals, KSR1 functions as an essential scaffold that coordinates the assembly of RAF/MEK/ERK complexes and regulates intracellular signal transduction upon extracellular stimulation. Aberrant activation of the equivalent MAPK signaling pathway has been implicated in multiple human cancers and some developmental disorders. The mechanism of KSR1 regulation is highly complex and involves several phosphorylation/dephosphorylation steps. In the present study, a number of novel in vivo phosphorylation sites were detected in mKSR1 by use of mass spectrometry analysis. Among others, Tyr728 was identified as a unique regulatory residue phosphorylated by LCK, a Src kinase family member. To understand how phosphorylation of Tyr728 may regulate the function of KSR1 in signal transduction and cellular processes, structural modeling and biochemical studies were integrated in this work. Computational modeling of the mKSR1(KD) protein structure revealed strong hydrogen bonding between phospho-Tyr728 and the residues surrounding Arg649. Remarkably, this pattern was altered when Tyr728 was non-phosphorylated or substituted. As confirmed by biochemical analysis, Arg649 may serve as a major anchor point for phospho-Tyr728 in order to stabilize internal structures of KSR1. In line with the protein modeling results, mutational studies revealed that substitution of Tyr728 by phenylalanine leads to a less compact interaction between KSR1 and MEK, a facilitated KSR1/B-RAF binding and an increased phosphorylation of MEK in complex with KSR1. From these findings it can be concluded that phospho-Tyr728 is involved in tightening the KSR1/MEK interaction interface and in regulating the phosphorylation of KSR1-bound MEK by either RAF or KSR1 kinases. Beside the Tyr728, Ser722 was identified as a novel regulatory phosphorylation site. Amino acid exchanges at the relevant position demonstrated that Ser722 regulates KSR1-bound MEK phosphorylation without affecting KSR1/MEK binding per se. Due to its localization, Ser722 might consequently control the catalytic activity of KSR1 by interfering with the access of substrate (possibly MEK) to the active site of KSR1 kinase. Together with Ser722, phosphorylated Tyr728 may further positively affect the kinase activity of KSR1 as a consequence of its vicinity to the activation and catalytic loop in the KSR1(KD). As revealed by structural modeling, phospho-Tyr728 builds a hydrogen bond with the highly conserved Lys685. Consequently, phospho-Tyr728 has a stabilizing effect on internal structures involved in the catalytic reaction and possibly enhances the phosphate transfer within the catalytic cleft in KSR1. Considering these facts, it seems very likely that the LCK-dependent phosphorylation of Tyr728 plays a crucial role in the regulation of KSR1 catalytic activity. Results of fractionation and morphology analyses revealed that KSR1 recruits LCK to cytoskeleton for its phosphorylation at Tyr728 suggesting that this residue may regulate cytoskeleton dynamics and, consequently, cell motility. Beside that, phosphorylation of Tyr728 is involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, as shown by a significantly reduced population doubling time of KSR1-Y728F cells compared to cells expressing wild type KSR1. Taken together, tyrosine phosphorylation in KSR1 uncovers a new link between Src family kinases and MAPK signaling. Tyr728, the novel regulatory phosphorylation site in murine KSR1, may coordinate the transition between the scaffolding and the catalytic function of KSR1 serving as a control point used to fine-tune cellular responses.}, subject = {MAP-Kinase}, language = {en} } @article{ShityakovSkorbFoersteretal.2021, author = {Shityakov, Sergey and Skorb, Ekaterina V. and F{\"o}rster, Carola Y. and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Scaffold Searching of FDA and EMA-Approved Drugs Identifies Lead Candidates for Drug Repurposing in Alzheimer's Disease}, series = {Frontiers in Chemistry}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Chemistry}, issn = {2296-2646}, doi = {10.3389/fchem.2021.736509}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248703}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Clinical trials of novel therapeutics for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) have consumed a significant amount of time and resources with largely negative results. Repurposing drugs already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA), or Worldwide for another indication is a more rapid and less expensive option. Therefore, we apply the scaffold searching approach based on known amyloid-beta (Aβ) inhibitor tramiprosate to screen the DrugCentral database (n = 4,642) of clinically tested drugs. As a result, menadione bisulfite and camphotamide substances with protrombogenic and neurostimulation/cardioprotection effects were identified as promising Aβ inhibitors with an improved binding affinity (ΔGbind) and blood-brain barrier permeation (logBB). Finally, the data was also confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations using implicit solvation, in particular as Molecular Mechanics Generalized Born Surface Area (MM-GBSA) model. Overall, the proposed in silico pipeline can be implemented through the early stage rational drug design to nominate some lead candidates for AD, which will be further validated in vitro and in vivo, and, finally, in a clinical trial.}, language = {en} } @article{ShityakovFoersterRethwilmetal.2014, author = {Shityakov, Sergey and F{\"o}rster, Carola and Rethwilm, Axel and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Evaluation and Prediction of the HIV-1 Central Polypurine Tract Influence on Foamy Viral Vectors to Transduce Dividing and Growth-Arrested Cells}, doi = {10.1155/2014/487969}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112763}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Retroviral vectors are potent tools for gene delivery and various biomedical applications. To accomplish a gene transfer task successfully, retroviral vectors must effectively transduce diverse cell cultures at different phases of a cell cycle. However, very promising retroviral vectors based on the foamy viral (FV) backbone lack the capacity to efficiently transduce quiescent cells. It is hypothesized that this phenomenon might be explained as the inability of foamy viruses to form a pre-integration complex (PIC) with nuclear import activity in growth-arrested cells, which is the characteristic for lentiviruses (HIV-1). In this process, the HIV-1 central polypurine tract (cPPT) serves as a primer for plus-strand synthesis to produce a "flap" element and is believed to be crucial for the subsequent double-stranded cDNA formation of all retroviral RNA genomes. In this study, the effects of the lentiviral cPPT element on the FV transduction potential in dividing and growth-arrested (G1/S phase) adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial (A549) cells are investigated by experimental and theoretical methods. The results indicated that the HIV-1 cPPT element in a foamy viral vector background will lead to a significant reduction of the FV transduction and viral titre in growth-arrested cells due to the absence of PICs with nuclear import activity.}, subject = {Evaluation}, language = {en} } @article{ShityakovDandekarFoerster2015, author = {Shityakov, Sergey and Dandekar, Thomas and F{\"o}rster, Carola}, title = {Gene expression profiles and protein-protein interaction network analysis in AIDS patients with HIV-associated encephalitis and dementia}, series = {HIV/AIDS: Research and Palliative Care}, volume = {7}, journal = {HIV/AIDS: Research and Palliative Care}, doi = {10.2147/HIV.S88438}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149494}, pages = {265-276}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Central nervous system dysfunction is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and acquired immunodeficiency virus syndrome (AIDS). Patients with AIDS are usually affected by HIV-associated encephalitis (HIVE) with viral replication limited to cells of monocyte origin. To examine the molecular mechanisms underlying HIVE-induced dementia, the GSE4755 Affymetrix data were obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus database and the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the samples from AIDS patients with and without apparent features of HIVE-induced dementia were identified. In addition, protein-protein interaction networks were constructed by mapping DEGs into protein-protein interaction data to identify the pathways that these DEGs are involved in. The results revealed that the expression of 1,528 DEGs is mainly involved in the immune response, regulation of cell proliferation, cellular response to inflammation, signal transduction, and viral replication cycle. Heat-shock protein alpha, class A member 1 (HSP90AA1), and fibronectin 1 were detected as hub nodes with degree values >130. In conclusion, the results indicate that HSP90A and fibronectin 1 play important roles in HIVE pathogenesis.}, language = {en} } @article{ShityakovDandekar2010, author = {Shityakov, Sergey and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Lead expansion and virtual screening of Indinavir derivate HIV-1 protease inhibitors using pharmacophoric - shape similarity scoring function}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67824}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Indinavir (Crivaxan®) is a potent inhibitor of the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) protease. This enzyme has an important role in viral replication and is considered to be very attractive target for new antiretroviral drugs. However, it becomes less effective due to highly resistant new viral strains of HIV, which have multiple mutations in their proteases. For this reason, we used a lead expansion method to create a new set of compounds with a new mode of action to protease binding site. 1300 compounds chemically diverse from the initial hit were generated and screened to determine their ability to interact with protease and establish their QSAR properties. Further computational analyses revealed one unique compound with different protease binding ability from the initial hit and its role for possible new class of protease inhibitors is discussed in this report.}, subject = {Proteasen}, language = {en} } @article{ShityakovBencurovaFoersteretal.2020, author = {Shityakov, Sergey and Bencurova, Elena and F{\"o}rster, Carola and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Modeling of shotgun sequencing of DNA plasmids using experimental and theoretical approaches}, series = {BMC Bioinformatics}, volume = {2020}, journal = {BMC Bioinformatics}, doi = {10.1186/s12859-020-3461-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229169}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background Processing and analysis of DNA sequences obtained from next-generation sequencing (NGS) face some difficulties in terms of the correct prediction of DNA sequencing outcomes without the implementation of bioinformatics approaches. However, algorithms based on NGS perform inefficiently due to the generation of long DNA fragments, the difficulty of assembling them and the complexity of the used genomes. On the other hand, the Sanger DNA sequencing method is still considered to be the most reliable; it is a reliable choice for virtual modeling to build all possible consensus sequences from smaller DNA fragments. Results In silico and in vitro experiments were conducted: (1) to implement and test our novel sequencing algorithm, using the standard cloning vectors of different length and (2) to validate experimentally virtual shotgun sequencing using the PCR technique with the number of cycles from 1 to 9 for each reaction. Conclusions We applied a novel algorithm based on Sanger methodology to correctly predict and emphasize the performance of DNA sequencing techniques as well as in de novo DNA sequencing and its further application in synthetic biology. We demonstrate the statistical significance of our results.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shityakov2011, author = {Shityakov, Sergey}, title = {Molecular modelling and simulation of retroviral proteins and nanobiocomposites}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56960}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Molecular modelling and simulation are powerful methods in providing important in-formation on different biological systems to elucidate their structural and functional proper-ties, which cannot be determined in experiment. These methods are applied to analyse versa-tile biological systems: lipid membrane bilayers stabilized by an intercalated single wall carbon nanotube and retroviral proteins such as HIV protease and integrase. HIV-1 integrase has nuclear localization signals (NLS) which play a crucial role in nuclear import of viral preintegration complex (PIC). However, the detailed mechanisms of PIC formation and its nuclear transport are not known. Previously it was shown that NLSs bind to the cell transport machinery e.g. proteins of nuclear pore complex such as transportins. I investigated the interaction of this viral protein HIV-1 integrase with proteins of the nuclear pore complex such as transportin-SR2 (Shityakov et al., 2010). I showed that the transportin-SR2 in nuclear import is required due to its interaction with the HIV-1 integrase. I analyzed key domain interaction, and hydrogen bond formation in transportin-SR2. These results were discussed in comparison to other retroviral species such as foamy viruses to better understand this specific and efficient retroviral trafficking route. The retroviral nuclear import was next analyzed in experiments regarding the retroviral ability to infect nondividing cells. To accomplish the gene transfer task successfully, ret-roviruses must efficiently transduce different cell cultures at different phases of cell cycle. However, promising and safe foamy viral vectors used for gene transfer are unable to effi-ciently infect quiescent cells. This drawback was due to their inability to create a preintegra-tion complex (PIC) for nuclear import of retroviral DNA. On the contrary, the lentiviral vec-tors are not dependant on cell cycle. In the course of reverse transcription the polypurine tract (PPT) is believed to be crucial for PIC formation. In this thesis, I compared the transduction frequencies of PPT modified FV vectors with lentiviral vectors in nondividing and dividing alveolar basal epithelial cells from human adenocarcinoma (A549) by using molecular cloning, transfection and transduction techniques and several other methods. In contrast to lentiviral vectors, FV vectors were not able to effi-ciently transduce nondividing cell (Shityakov and Rethwilm, unpublished data). Despite the findings, which support the use of FV vectors as a safe and efficient alternative to lentiviral vectors, major limitation in terms of foamy-based retroviral vector gene transfer in quiescent cells still remains. Many attempts have been made recently to search for the potential molecules as pos-sible drug candidates to treat HIV infection for over decades now. These molecules can be retrieved from chemical libraries or can be designed on a computer screen and then synthe-sized in a laboratory. Most notably, one could use the computerized structure as a reference to determine the types of molecules that might block the enzyme. Such structure-based drug design strategies have the potential to save off years and millions of dollars compared to a more traditional trial-and-error drug development process. After the crystal structure of the HIV-encoded protease enzyme had been elucidated, computer-aided drug design played a pivotal role in the development of new compounds that inhibit this enzyme which is responsible for HIV maturation and infectivity. Promising repre-sentatives of these compounds have recently found their way to patients. Protease inhibitors show a powerful sustained suppression of HIV-1 replication, especially when used in combi-nation therapy regimens. However, these drugs are becoming less effective to more resistant HIV strains due to multiple mutations in the retroviral proteases. In computational drug design I used molecular modelling methods such as lead ex-pansion algorithm (Tripos®) to create a virtual library of compounds with different binding affinities to protease binding site. In addition, I heavily applied computer assisted combinato-rial chemistry approaches to design and optimize virtual libraries of protease inhibitors and performed in silico screening and pharmacophore-similarity scoring of these drug candidates. Further computational analyses revealed one unique compound with different protease bind-ing ability from the initial hit and its role for possible new class of protease inhibitors is dis-cussed (Shityakov and Dandekar, 2009). A number of atomistic models were developed to elucidate the nanotube behaviour in lipid bilayers. However, none of them provided useful information for CNT effect upon the lipid membrane bilayer for implementing all-atom models that will allow us to calculate the deviations of lipid molecules from CNT with atomistic precision. Unfortunately, the direct experimental investigation of nanotube behaviour in lipid bilayer remains quite a tricky prob-lem opening the door before the molecular simulation techniques. In this regard, more de-tailed multi-scale simulations are needed to clearly understand the stabilization characteristics of CNTs in hydrophobic environment. The phenomenon of an intercalated single-wall carbon nanotube in the center of lipid membrane was extensively studied and analyzed. The root mean square deviation and root mean square fluctuation functions were calculated in order to measure stability of lipid mem-branes. The results indicated that an intercalated carbon nanotube restrains the conformational freedom of adjacent lipids and hence has an impact on the membrane stabilization dynamics (Shityakov and Dandekar, 2011). On the other hand, different lipid membranes may have dissimilarities due to the differing abilities to create a bridge formation between the adherent lipid molecules. The results derived from this thesis will help to develop stable nanobiocom-posites for construction of novel biomaterials and delivery of various biomolecules for medi-cine and biology.}, subject = {Kohlenstoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shishkova2008, author = {Shishkova, Yoana}, title = {Investigations of Measles virus regulation on activation and function of antigen presenting cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28283}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Interaction with dendritic cells (DCs) is considered as central to immunosuppression induced by viruses, including measles virus (MV). Commonly, viral infection of DCs abrogates their ability to promote T cell expansion, yet underlying mechanisms at a cellular level are undefined. It appears that MV-WTF infection modulate DCs morphology and dynamic adhesion on extra cellular matrix proteins such as FN or ICAM-1. By morphological criteria, WTF-DCs resembled LPS-DCs, associated with their mature phenotype also adhered less efficiently to the FN or ICAM-1 support. Reduced adhesion could not be explained by a lack of \&\#61538;1-integrin expression or activation. Similarly, MV-DCs strongly resembled LPS-DCs in that levels of focal adhesion kinase phosphorylated at Y397 were high and not further enhanced upon FN ligation. Fascin, a downstream effector of integrin signaling was highly upregulated in LPS-DCs and moderately in WTF-DCs, and differences in its subcellular distribution were not observed between both cell cultures. Apparently, however, fascin associated less efficiently with PKC\&\#61537; in WTF-DCs then in LPS-DCs. In line with findings for murine DCs, high motility of mature human DCs was found to require expression of Rac-GTPases. Human LPS-DCs and more so, DC transfected to express constitutively active Rac1 were the most motile DC-species analysed, confirming that migration of human DC also involved Rac activity. The velocity of WTF-DCs on FN is below that of LPS-DCs, indicating that maturation induced by WTF may be insufficient to completely promote integrin signaling which leads to Rac activation. The organisation of MV-DC/T cell interfaces was consistent with that of functional immune synapses with regard to CD3 clustering, MHC class II surface recruitment and MTOC location. These analyses are based in the selection of stable conjugates. Subsequently, however, neither contacts nor calcium flux can be stabilised and sustained in the majority of MV-DC/T cell conjugates and only promoted abortive T cell activation. Formation of spatially organised IS in T cells requites, prolonged contact durations. Therefore, aberrant distribution patterns of CD3 in these structures, if occurring, are not likely to contribute to the type of contacts predominating for WTF-DC/T cell interactions. It is also likely that transient interactions of less than 2 minutes may if at all, not efficiently support viral transmission to T cells. Transient interactions are typically observed with immature DCs in the absence of antigen, but this is not likely to be relevant in our allogenic system, which includes SA-loaded WTF-DCs. Thus, MV-infected DCs retain activities required for initiating, but not sustaining T cell conjugation and activation. This is partially rescued if surface expression of the MV glycoproteins on DCs is abolished by infection with a recombinant MV encoding VSV G protein instead, indicating that these contribute directly to synapse destabilisation and thereby act as effectors of T cell inhibition.}, subject = {Masern}, language = {en} } @article{ShirakashiSisarioTabanetal.2023, author = {Shirakashi, Ryo and Sisario, Dmitri and Taban, Danush and Korsa, Tessa and Wanner, Sophia B. and Neubauer, Julia and Djuzenova, Cholpon S. and Zimmermann, Heiko and Sukhorukov, Vladimir L.}, title = {Contraction of the rigor actomyosin complex drives bulk hemoglobin expulsion from hemolyzing erythrocytes}, series = {Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology}, volume = {22}, journal = {Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1007/s10237-022-01654-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325107}, pages = {417-432}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Erythrocyte ghost formation via hemolysis is a key event in the physiological clearance of senescent red blood cells (RBCs) in the spleen. The turnover rate of millions of RBCs per second necessitates a rapid efflux of hemoglobin (Hb) from RBCs by a not yet identified mechanism. Using high-speed video-microscopy of isolated RBCs, we show that electroporation-induced efflux of cytosolic ATP and other small solutes leads to transient cell shrinkage and echinocytosis, followed by osmotic swelling to the critical hemolytic volume. The onset of hemolysis coincided with a sudden self-propelled cell motion, accompanied by cell contraction and Hb-jet ejection. Our biomechanical model, which relates the Hb-jet-driven cell motion to the cytosolic pressure generation via elastic contraction of the RBC membrane, showed that the contributions of the bilayer and the bilayer-anchored spectrin cytoskeleton to the hemolytic cell motion are negligible. Consistent with the biomechanical analysis, our biochemical experiments, involving extracellular ATP and the myosin inhibitor blebbistatin, identify the low abundant non-muscle myosin 2A (NM2A) as the key contributor to the Hb-jet emission and fast hemolytic cell motion. Thus, our data reveal a rapid myosin-based mechanism of hemolysis, as opposed to a much slower diffusive Hb efflux.}, language = {en} } @article{ShenChalopinGarciaetal.2016, author = {Shen, Yingjia and Chalopin, Domitille and Garcia, Tzintzuni and Boswell, Mikki and Boswell, William and Shiryev, Sergey A. and Agarwala, Richa and Volff, Jean-Nicolas and Postlethwait, John H. and Schartl, Manfred and Minx, Patrick and Warren, Wesley C. and Walter, Ronald B.}, title = {X. couchianus and X. hellerii genome models provide genomic variation insight among Xiphophorus species}, series = {BMC Genomics}, volume = {17}, journal = {BMC Genomics}, doi = {10.1186/s12864-015-2361-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164582}, pages = {37}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Xiphophorus fishes are represented by 26 live-bearing species of tropical fish that express many attributes (e.g., viviparity, genetic and phenotypic variation, ecological adaptation, varied sexual developmental mechanisms, ability to produce fertile interspecies hybrids) that have made attractive research models for over 85 years. Use of various interspecies hybrids to investigate the genetics underlying spontaneous and induced tumorigenesis has resulted in the development and maintenance of pedigreed Xiphophorus lines specifically bred for research. The recent availability of the X. maculatus reference genome assembly now provides unprecedented opportunities for novel and exciting comparative research studies among Xiphophorus species. Results We present sequencing, assembly and annotation of two new genomes representing Xiphophorus couchianus and Xiphophorus hellerii. The final X. couchianus and X. hellerii assemblies have total sizes of 708 Mb and 734 Mb and correspond to 98 \% and 102 \% of the X. maculatus Jp 163 A genome size, respectively. The rates of single nucleotide change range from 1 per 52 bp to 1 per 69 bp among the three genomes and the impact of putatively damaging variants are presented. In addition, a survey of transposable elements allowed us to deduce an ancestral TE landscape, uncovered potential active TEs and document a recent burst of TEs during evolution of this genus. Conclusions Two new Xiphophorus genomes and their corresponding transcriptomes were efficiently assembled, the former using a novel guided assembly approach. Three assembled genome sequences within this single vertebrate order of new world live-bearing fishes will accelerate our understanding of relationship between environmental adaptation and genome evolution. In addition, these genome resources provide capability to determine allele specific gene regulation among interspecies hybrids produced by crossing any of the three species that are known to produce progeny predisposed to tumor development.}, language = {en} } @article{ShannonHein2013, author = {Shannon, Graver and Hein, Melanie}, title = {Tumor cell response to bevacizumab single agent therapy in vitro}, series = {Cancer Cell International}, journal = {Cancer Cell International}, doi = {10.1186/1475-2867-13-94}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97185}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background Angiogenesis represents a highly multi-factorial and multi-cellular complex (patho-) physiologic event involving endothelial cells, tumor cells in malignant conditions, as well as bone marrow derived cells and stromal cells. One main driver is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA), which is known to interact with endothelial cells as a survival and mitogenic signal. The role of VEGFA on tumor cells and /or tumor stromal cell interaction is less clear. Condition specific (e.g. hypoxia) or tumor specific expression of VEGFA, VEGF receptors and co-receptors on tumor cells has been reported, in addition to the expression on the endothelium. This suggests a potential paracrine/autocrine loop that could affect changes specific to tumor cells. Methods We used the monoclonal antibody against VEGFA, bevacizumab, in various in vitro experiments using cell lines derived from different tumor entities (non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), colorectal cancer (CRC), breast cancer (BC) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC)) in order to determine if potential VEGFA signaling could be blocked in tumor cells. The experiments were done under hypoxia, a major inducer of VEGFA and angiogenesis, in an attempt to mimic the physiological tumor condition. Known VEGFA induced endothelial biological responses such as proliferation, migration, survival and gene expression changes were evaluated. Results Our study was able to demonstrate expression of VEGF receptors on tumor cells as well as hypoxia regulated angiogenic gene expression. In addition, there was a cell line specific effect in tumor cells by VEGFA blockade with bevacizumab in terms of proliferation; however overall, there was a limited measurable consequence of bevacizumab therapy detected by migration and survival. Conclusion The present study showed in a variety of in vitro experiments with several tumor cell lines from different tumor origins, that by blocking VEGFA with bevacizumab, there was a limited autocrine or cell-autonomous function of VEGFA signaling in tumor cells, when evaluating VEGFA induced downstream outputs known in endothelial cells.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seubert2010, author = {Seubert, Carolin}, title = {Onkolytische Virotherapie : Virus-vermittelte Expression von MCP-1 oder ß-Galaktosidase in Vaccinia-Virus-kolonisierten Tumoren f{\"u}hrt zu einer erh{\"o}hten Tumorregression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48083}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Ungeachtet der enormen Entwicklung in Krebsdiagnostik und -Therapie in den letzten Jahren, sind vollst{\"a}ndige Heilungsaussichten weiterhin gering und die aktuellen Behandlungsmethoden oftmals mit schwerwiegenden Nebeneffekten verbunden. Aufgrund dessen sind alternative Behandlungsmethoden unbedingt erforderlich und f{\"u}hrten zu einer zunehmenden Bedeutung des Vaccinia-Virus als onkolytisches Virus in der Krebstherapie. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei m{\"o}gliche Therapieans{\"a}tze zur Verst{\"a}rkung der onkolytischen Effekte in humanen Tumormodellen untersucht. Die Kombination einer gene-directed enzyme prodrug Therapie (GDEPT) mit dem onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus GLV 1h68 sollte zur Selektivit{\"a}tssteigerung eines ß-Galaktosidase-aktivierbaren, cytotoxisch-aktiven Drugs f{\"u}hren. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus diente das f{\"u}r MCP-1 codierende Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h80, zielend auf eine Cytokin-vermittelten Immuntherapie, als Vektor zur spezifischen Beeinflussung des intratumoralen Chemokin-Netzwerks. Im Zuge der GDEPT wurde in dieser Arbeit ein, durch enzymatische Deglykosylierug aktivierbares Prodrug, basierend auf dem cytotoxischem Antibiotikum Duocarmycin SA verwendet. Durch eine Infektion mit GLV-1h68 und einer resultierenden Expression des aktivierenden Enzyms ß-Galaktosidase, sollte eine Umwandlung des Prodrugs in ein cytotoxisches Drug erfolgen. In vitro Infektionsstudien zeigten ein nahezu identisches Replikationsverhalten des Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 und des als Kontrollvirus dienenden rVACV GLV-1h43 in humanen GI-101A-Brustkrebszellen. Die Expression der beiden Reporter-Gene Ruc-GFP sowie ß-Galaktosidase konnten auf Protein-Ebene und mittels RT-PCR nach Infektion mit GLV-1h68 nachgewiesen werden. GLV-1h43-Infektion von GI-101A-Zellen f{\"u}hrte zu GFP-Expression, jedoch nicht zur Expression des Enzyms ß Galaktosidase. Untersuchung der Enzym-Aktivit{\"a}t in Zelllysaten und Zellkultur-{\"U}berst{\"a}nden zeigten nach Infektion mit GLV 1h68 steigende Menge zellul{\"a}r assoziierter und freier ß-Galaktosidase. Des Weiteren wurde durch Koinkubation von GI-101A-Zellen mit Virus-freien, ß Galaktosidase-haltigen Zelllysaten bzw. -{\"u}berst{\"a}nden und Prodrug eine Aktivierung des Prodrugs durch das Virus codierte Enzym nachgewiesen. Diese Koinkubation f{\"u}hrte zur Abt{\"o}tung der Zellen. Nach Inkubation mit Proben mock- oder GLV 1h43-infizierter Zellen konnte keiner Ver{\"a}nderung der Proliferationsrate von GI-101A-Zellen gefunden werden. Kombinierte Behandlung von GI 101A-Zellen mit Viren des Stammes GLV 1h68 und Prodrug f{\"u}hrte zu starken Synergieeffekten bei der Abt{\"o}tung der Zellen und wies einen Bystander Effekt der Kombinationstherapie nach. Dieser konnte in 4 weiteren humanen und 2 Hunde-Brustkrebszellen best{\"a}tigt werden. Der erzielte Bystander-Effekt zeigt, dass es nach Virus-induzierter ß-Galaktosidase-Expression in GLV 1h68-infizierten Zellen zu einer enzymatischen Spaltung des Prodrugs in das cytotoxische seco-Analogon des Antibiotikums Duocarmycin SA kommt. Durch die Membrang{\"a}ngigkeit des Drugs konnte auch in angrenzenden uninfizierten Zellen eine Wirkung erzielt werden. Anhand von Expressionsanalysen an Apoptose-assoziierten Proteinen, wie PARP und Caspasen, wurde eine Wirkung des Prodrugs {\"u}ber den intrinsischen Apoptose-Signalweg nachgewiesen. In athymischen Nude-M{\"a}usen durchgef{\"u}hrte Replikationsanalysen und X-Gal-F{\"a}rbungen GLV 1h68 infizierter Tumore nach Prodrug-Behandlung zeigten, dass GLV-1h68 ungeachtet der simultanen Behandlung mit Prodrug im Tumorgewebe repliziert und es nicht zur Anreicherung lacZ-negativer Virusmutanten kommt. Es konnten, durch Prodrug-Behandlung und einer simultanen Expression aktiver ß Galaktosidase, starke synergistische Effekte und eine signifikante Steigerung der Tumorregression erzielt werden. Da die Kombinationstherapie zu keinerlei Unterschieden in Gewicht und Gesundheitszustand behandelter Versuchstiere f{\"u}hrte, konnte eine systemische Toxizit{\"a}t außerhalb des Tumorgewebes ausgeschlossen werden. Verschiedene Zelllinien weisen Unterschiede in ihrer Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber der onkolytischen Aktivit{\"a}t von Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 auf. W{\"a}hrend einige Zelllinien trotz Virus-Behandlung unver{\"a}ndertes Proliferationsverhalten zeigen (non- oder poor-responder), f{\"u}hrt diese Behandlung in anderen Zelllinien zu einer vollst{\"a}ndigen Tumorregression (responder). In Anbetracht dieser Unterschiede wurden in dieser Arbeit die Effekte einer induzierten Expression des murinen Chemokins MCP-1 in GI-101A-Tumoren (responder) und HT29-CBG-Tumoren (poor-responder) untersucht. MCP-1 zeichnet sich durch seine chemotaktischen Eigenschaften gegen{\"u}ber mononukle{\"a}rer Zellen aus und f{\"u}hrt zu pleiotropen Tumor-Effekten. Replikationsstudien am Virus GLV-1h80 und des als Kontrollvirus dienenden rVACV GLV-1h68 zeigten, dass aus der Expression des Fremd-Gens mcp-1 sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo keinerlei negativen Effekte auf das Replikationsverhalten in humanen GI-101A- und HT29-CBG-Zellen resultieren. Durch Real-time Monitoring der GFP-Expression im Tumorgewebe lebender Tiere konnte zun{\"a}chst eine mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende Signalst{\"a}rke beobachtet werden, welche dann 42 dpi an Intensit{\"a}t verlor. Toxizit{\"a}t und sch{\"a}dliche Nebeneffekte durch Infektion mit den beiden rVACV konnten anhand der viralen Titer in den Organen der Maus ausgeschlossen werden. Die Titer wiesen auf eine ausschließlich auf das Tumorgewebe begrenzte Replikation der Viren nach Injektion in Tumor-tragende Tiere hin. Die Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 wurde sowohl auf transkriptioneller als auch auf translationeller Ebene in GLV-1h80-inifzierten Zellen und im Tumorgewebe GLV 1h80-injizierter M{\"a}use nachgewiesen. Nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80 konnte eine mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende MCP-1-Expression gezeigt werden. Dabei wurde zudem deutlich, dass nicht nur eine GLV-1h80-Infektion in vivo zu einer Zunahme der intratumoralen MCP-1-Expression f{\"u}hrte, sondern eine Vaccinia-Virus-Infektion allein einen Anstieg des Chemokins zu bewirken vermag. Eine Quantifizierung durch ELISA machte Konzentrationsunterschiede von MCP-1 zwischen den Tumormodellen GI-101A und HT29-CBG deutlich. Sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo f{\"u}hrte ein GLV-1h80-Infektion zu deutlich niedrigeren Konzentrationen im HT29-CBG-Kolon-Adenokarzinommodell. Ein Nachweis murinen MCP-1 in Blutseren Tumor-tragender Tiere zeigte eine f{\"u}r therapeutische Effekte erw{\"u}nschte systemische Freisetzung des intratumoral durch die Infektion mit GLV-1h80 gebildeten Chemokins MCP-1. Durch immunhistologische Untersuchungen GLV-1h80-infizierter Zellen und Tumoren konnte diese, mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende MCP-1-Expression best{\"a}tigt werden. Die funktionelle Aktivit{\"a}t des rekombinanten Proteins wurde anhand TNF-\&\#945;-spezifischer ELISA-Analysen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dabei zeigte sich eine erh{\"o}hte Expression dieses proinflammatorischen Cytokins in GI-101A-Tumoren nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80. Dagegen konnte keine Steigerung der Expression im HT29-CBG-Tumorgewebe nachgewiesen werden. Ein Nachweis des durch proinflammatorische Immunzellen exprimierten Oberlfl{\"a}chenproteins CD14 zeigte ebenfalls einen Anstieg nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80. Auch diese ver{\"a}nderte Expression blieb im poor-Responder-Modell HT29-CBG aus. Die steigende intratumorale Expression der beiden Proteine in GI-101A-Tumoren nach GLV 1h80-Infektion l{\"a}sst auf eine Zunahme pro-inflammatorischer Immunzellen, basierend auf einer Virus-induzierten MCP-1-Expression schließen. Ein Monitoring der Tumorprogression nach Implantation von GI 101A-Zellen und Injektion der rVACV GLV-1h80 und GLV-1h68 bzw. einer PBS-Injektion f{\"u}hrte nach einer anf{\"a}nglichen Zunahme des Tumorwachstums schließlich bei beiden Viren zu einer Tumorregression. Jedoch konnte durch die GLV-1h80-vermittelte MCP-1-Expression eine Verst{\"a}rkung der onkolytischen Effekte erzielt werden, welche sich durch eine signifikante Abnahme des Tumorvolumens zeigte. Im HT29-CBG-Modell f{\"u}hrten die therapeutischen Effekte durch rVACV GLV-1h80 zwar zu keiner Regression des Tumors, jedoch zeigte sich auch in diesem humanen Tumormodell eine Verst{\"a}rkung der onkolytischen Effekte nach GLV-1h80-Infektion im Vergleich zu einer GLV 1h68-Behandlung. Durch die GLV-1h80-induzierte Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 konnte somit eine Hemmung des Tumorwachstums auch im poor-Responder-Modell HT29-CBG erzielt werden. Sowohl die Verwendung eines ß-Galaktosidase-aktivierbaren Prodrugs im Zuge einer GDEPT, als auch die Beeinflussung des intratumoralen Chemokin-Netzwerks durch Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 f{\"u}hrten in dieser Arbeit zu positiven Synergismus-Effekten in der onkolytischen Virustherapie. Durch k{\"u}nftige Konstruktion eines rVACV, welches sowohl die Expression des Chemokins MCP-1, als auch des prodrug-aktivierenden Enzyms ß-Galaktosidase im Tumorgewebe induziert, k{\"o}nnte in Kombination mit einer Prodrug-Behandlung eine zus{\"a}tzliche Verst{\"a}rkung der Effekte erzielt und m{\"o}glicherweise eine erfolgreiche Virustherapie in bisher schwach ansprechenden poor- bzw. non-Responder-Modellen erm{\"o}glicht werden.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {de} } @article{SerenGrimmFitzetal.2016, author = {Seren, {\"U}mit and Grimm, Dominik and Fitz, Joffrey and Weigel, Detlef and Nordborg, Magnus and Borgwardt, Karsten and Korte, Arthur}, title = {AraPheno: a public database for Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypes}, series = {Nucleic Acids Research}, volume = {45}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, number = {D1}, doi = {10.1093/nar/gkw986}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147909}, pages = {D1054-D1059}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Natural genetic variation makes it possible to discover evolutionary changes that have been maintained in a population because they are advantageous. To understand genotype-phenotype relationships and to investigate trait architecture, the existence of both high-resolution genotypic and phenotypic data is necessary. Arabidopsis thaliana is a prime model for these purposes. This herb naturally occurs across much of the Eurasian continent and North America. Thus, it is exposed to a wide range of environmental factors and has been subject to natural selection under distinct conditions. Full genome sequencing data for more than 1000 different natural inbred lines are available, and this has encouraged the distributed generation of many types of phenotypic data. To leverage these data for meta analyses, AraPheno (https://arapheno.1001genomes.org) provide a central repository of population-scale phenotypes for A. thaliana inbred lines. AraPheno includes various features to easily access, download and visualize the phenotypic data. This will facilitate a comparative analysis of the many different types of phenotypic data, which is the base to further enhance our understanding of the genotype-phenotype map.}, language = {en} } @article{SenthilanHelfrichFoerster2016, author = {Senthilan, Pingkalai R. and Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, Charlotte}, title = {Rhodopsin 7-The unusual Rhodopsin in Drosophila}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {4}, journal = {PeerJ}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.2427}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177998}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rhodopsins are the major photopigments in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila express six well-characterized Rhodopsins (Rh1-Rh6) with distinct absorption maxima and expression pattern. In 2000, when the Drosophila genome was published, a novel Rhodopsin gene was discovered: Rhodopsin 7 (Rh7). Rh7 is highly conserved among the Drosophila genus and is also found in other arthropods. Phylogenetic trees based on protein sequences suggest that the seven Drosophila Rhodopsins cluster in three different groups. While Rh1, Rh2 and Rh6 form a "vertebrate-melanopsin-type"-cluster, and Rh3, Rh4 and Rh5 form an "insect-type"-Rhodopsin cluster, Rh7 seem to form its own cluster. Although Rh7 has nearly all important features of a functional Rhodopsin, it differs from other Rhodopsins in its genomic and structural properties, suggesting it might have an overall different role than other known Rhodopsins.}, language = {en} } @article{SenecalIsabelleFritzleretal.2014, author = {Senecal, Jean-Luc and Isabelle, Catherine and Fritzler, Marvin J. and Targoff, Ira N. and Goldstein, Rose and Gagne, Michel and Raynauld, Jean-Pierre and Joyal, France and Troyanov, Yves and Dabauvalle, Marie-Christine}, title = {An Autoimmune Myositis-Overlap Syndrome Associated With Autoantibodies to Nuclear Pore Complexes Description and Long-Term Follow-up of the Anti-Nup Syndrome}, series = {Medicine}, volume = {93}, journal = {Medicine}, number = {24}, issn = {0025-7974}, doi = {10.1097/MD.0000000000000223}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114829}, pages = {361-372}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Autoimmune myositis encompasses various myositis-overlap syndromes, each being identified by the presence of serum marker autoantibodies. We describe a novel myositis-overlap syndrome in 4 patients characterized by the presence of a unique immunologic marker, autoantibodies to nuclear pore complexes. The clinical phenotype was characterized by prominent myositis in association with erosive, anti-CCP, and rheumatoid factor-positive arthritis, trigeminal neuralgia, mild interstitial lung disease, Raynaud phenomenon, and weight loss. The myositis was typically chronic, relapsing, and refractory to corticosteroids alone, but remitted with the addition of a second immuno-modulating drug. There was no clinical or laboratory evidence for liver disease. The prognosis was good with 100\% long-term survival (mean follow-up 19.5 yr). By indirect immunofluorescence on HEp-2 cells, sera from all 4 patients displayed a high titer of antinuclear autoantibodies (ANA) with a distinct punctate peripheral (rim) fluorescent pattern of the nuclear envelope characteristic of nuclear pore complexes. Reactivity with nuclear pore complexes was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. In a cohort of 100 French Canadian patients with autoimmune myositis, the nuclear pore complex fluorescent ANA pattern was restricted to these 4 patients (4\%). It was not observed in sera from 393 adult patients with systemic sclerosis (n = 112), mixed connective tissue disease (n = 35), systemic lupus (n = 94), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 45), or other rheumatic diseases (n = 107), nor was it observed in 62 normal adults. Autoantibodies to nuclear pore complexes were predominantly of IgG isotype. No other IgG autoantibody markers for defined connective tissue diseases or overlap syndromes were present, indicating a selective and highly focused immune response. In 3 patients, anti-nuclear pore complex autoantibody titers varied in parallel with myositis activity, suggesting a pathogenic link to pathophysiology. The nuclear pore complex proteins, that is, nucleoporins (nup), recognized by these sera were heterogeneous and included Nup358/RanBP2 (n = 2 patients), Nup90 (n = 1), Nup62 (n = 1), and gp210 (n = 1). Taken together the data suggest that nup autoantigens themselves drive the anti-nup autoimmune response. Immunogenetically, the 4 patients shared the DQA1*0501 allele associated with an increased risk for autoimmune myositis. In conclusion, we report an apparent novel subset of autoimmune myositis in our population of French Canadian patients with connective tissue diseases. This syndrome is recognized by the presence of a unique immunologic marker, autoantibodies to nuclear pore complexes that react with nups, consistent with an "anti-nupsyndrome.''}, language = {en} } @article{SelkrigMohammadNgetal.2018, author = {Selkrig, Joel and Mohammad, Farhan and Ng, Soon Hwee and Chua, Jia Yi and Tumkaya, Tayfun and Ho, Joses and Chiang, Yin Ning and Rieger, Dirk and Pettersson, Sven and Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, Charlotte and Yew, Joanne Y. and Claridge-Chang, Adam}, title = {The Drosophila microbiome has a limited influence on sleep, activity, and courtship behaviors}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {8}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-28764-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235891}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In animals, commensal microbes modulate various physiological functions, including behavior. While microbiota exposure is required for normal behavior in mammals, it is not known how widely this dependency is present in other animal species. We proposed the hypothesis that the microbiome has a major influence on the behavior of the vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster), a major invertebrate model organism. Several assays were used to test the contribution of the microbiome on some well-characterized behaviors: defensive behavior, sleep, locomotion, and courtship in microbe-bearing, control flies and two generations of germ-free animals. None of the behaviors were largely influenced by the absence of a microbiome, and the small or moderate effects were not generalizable between replicates and/or generations. These results refute the hypothesis, indicating that the Drosophila microbiome does not have a major influence over several behaviors fundamental to the animal's survival and reproduction. The impact of commensal microbes on animal behaviour may not be broadly conserved.}, language = {en} } @misc{Selig2007, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Selig, Christian}, title = {The ITS2 Database - Application and Extension}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23895}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Der internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) des ribosomalen Genrepeats ist ein zunehmend wichtiger phylogenetischer Marker, dessen RNA-Sekund{\"a}rstruktur innerhalb vieler eukaryontischer Organismen konserviert ist. Die ITS2-Datenbank hat zum Ziel, eine umfangreiche Ressource f{\"u}r ITS2-Sequenzen und -Sekund{\"a}rstrukturen auf Basis direkter thermodynamischer als auch homologiemodellierter RNA-Faltung zu sein. Ergebnisse: (a) Eine komplette Neufassung der urspr{\"u}nglichen die ITS2-Datenbank generierenden Skripte, angewandt auf einen aktuellen NCBI-Datensatz, deckte mehr als 65.000 ITS2-Strukturen auf. Dies verdoppelt den Inhalt der urspr{\"u}nglichen Datenbank und verdreifacht ihn, wenn partielle Strukturen mit einbezogen werden. (b) Die Endbenutzer-Schnittstelle wurde neu geschrieben, erweitert und ist jetzt in der Lage, benutzerdefinierte Homologiemodellierungen durchzuf{\"u}hren. (c) Andere m{\"o}glichen RNA-Strukturaufkl{\"a}rungsmethoden (suboptimales und formenbasiertes Falten) sind hilfreich, k{\"o}nnen aber Homologiemodellierung nicht ersetzen. (d) Ein Anwendungsfall der ITS2-Datenbank in Zusammenhang mit anderen am Lehrstuhl entwickelten Werkzeugen gab Einblick in die Verwendung von ITS2 f{\"u}r molekulare Phylogenie.}, subject = {Phylogenie}, language = {en} } @article{SelchoMillanPalaciosMunozetal.2017, author = {Selcho, Mareike and Mill{\´a}n, Carola and Palacios-Mu{\~n}oz, Angelina and Ruf, Franziska and Ubillo, Lilian and Chen, Jiangtian and Bergmann, Gregor and Ito, Chihiro and Silva, Valeria and Wegener, Christian and Ewer, John}, title = {Central and peripheral clocks are coupled by a neuropeptide pathway in Drosophila}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {8}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {15563}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms15563}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170831}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Animal circadian clocks consist of central and peripheral pacemakers, which are coordinated to produce daily rhythms in physiology and behaviour. Despite its importance for optimal performance and health, the mechanism of clock coordination is poorly understood. Here we dissect the pathway through which the circadian clock of Drosophila imposes daily rhythmicity to the pattern of adult emergence. Rhythmicity depends on the coupling between the brain clock and a peripheral clock in the prothoracic gland (PG), which produces the steroid hormone, ecdysone. Time information from the central clock is transmitted via the neuropeptide, sNPF, to non-clock neurons that produce the neuropeptide, PTTH. These secretory neurons then forward time information to the PG clock. We also show that the central clock exerts a dominant role on the peripheral clock. This use of two coupled clocks could serve as a paradigm to understand how daily steroid hormone rhythms are generated in animals.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seitz2007, author = {Seitz, Sabine}, title = {Identifikation und Charakterisierung von autoreaktiven humanen T-Zell-Rezeptor Molek{\"u}len}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22511}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Die Multiple Sklerose und die entz{\"u}ndlichen Muskelerkrankungen Polymyositis und Einschlussk{\"o}rperchenmyositis sind Autoimmunerkrankungen, in denen T-Lymphozyten in das Gehirn bzw. den Muskel eindringen und dort k{\"o}rpereigenes Gewebe zerst{\"o}ren. Die Pathogenese dieser Krankheiten ist bis jetzt noch nicht bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die ins Zielgewebe eingedrungenen autoaggressiven T-Lymphozyten aus gefrorenem Biopsiegewebe zu isolieren, ihren ab-T-Zell-Rezeptor zu analysieren und diesen rekombinant zu exprimieren. Folgeversuche mit den TZR-Transfektanten sollten erste Hinweise auf ein m{\"o}gliches Antigen liefern. Um autoaggressive T-Zellen von irrelevanten zu unterscheiden, konzentrierten wir uns auf Zellen, die zum einen im Zielgewebe klonal expandiert vorlagen, zum anderen einen direkten morphologischen Kontakt mit der Zielzelle aufwiesen. Wir untersuchten das T-Zell-Repertoire verschiedener Patienten auf klonal expandierte Populationen durch CDR3-Spektratyping und isolierten positiv gef{\"a}rbte Kandidatenzellen durch Lasermikrodissektion aus dem Gewebe. Anschließend wurden die T-Zell-Rezeptoren mit einer speziellen, im Rahmen der Arbeit entwickelten Einzelzell-Muliplex-RT-PCR analysiert. Bisher war es nicht m{\"o}glich, die a- und b-Kette desselben T-Zell-Rezeptors aus Biopsiematerial zu identifizieren. Dies lag an der geringen Anzahl verf{\"u}gbarer anti-a-Ketten-Antik{\"o}rper sowie an der wesentlich h{\"o}heren Variabilit{\"a}t der a-Ketten-Gene. Aus dem Biopsiegewebe eines Patienten isolierten wir 23 ab-TZR-P{\"a}rchen, welche alle die identische expandierte TZR-b-Kette zeigten. 20 der 23 Zellen wiesen eine identische a-Kette auf. Die Dominanz des TZR ist ein Hinweis auf die pathogene Relevanz dieses T-Zell-Klons. Die anderen drei Zellen zeigten drei unterschiedliche funktionelle a-Ketten. Aus der Biopsie eines zweiten Patienten isolierten wir zwei weitere ab-TZR-P{\"a}rchen. Die vier Rezeptoren des ersten Patienten wurden in einer T-Zell Hybridom Zellinie exprimiert. Vorl{\"a}ufige Versuche, ein m{\"o}gliches Antigen zu detektieren, zeigten, dass es sich wahrscheinlich weder um ein muskelspezifisches Antigen noch um ein ubiquit{\"a}r exprimiertes Selbst-Antigen handelt. Die hier beschriebene Methode der Isolierung und Analyse von autoaggressiven T-Lymphozyten kann man nicht nur zur Untersuchung des TZR-ab-Repertoires von Myositis- oder MS-Patienten einsetzen. Sie ist ebenfalls geeignet, andere Autoimmunerkrankungen sowie Tumor- oder Infektionserkrankungen zu untersuchen.}, subject = {Autoaggressionskrankheit}, language = {de} } @article{SeitzvanEngelsdorpLeonhardt2020, author = {Seitz, Nicola and vanEngelsdorp, Dennis and Leonhardt, Sara D.}, title = {Are native and non-native pollinator friendly plants equally valuable for native wild bee communities?}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {10}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, number = {23}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.6826}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218439}, pages = {12838-12850}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Bees rely on floral pollen and nectar for food. Therefore, pollinator friendly plantings are often used to enrich habitats in bee conservation efforts. As part of these plantings, non-native plants may provide valuable floral resources, but their effects on native bee communities have not been assessed in direct comparison with native pollinator friendly plantings. In this study, we performed a common garden experiment by seeding mixes of 20 native and 20 non-native pollinator friendly plant species at separate neighboring plots at three sites in Maryland, USA, and recorded flower visitors for 2 years. A total of 3,744 bees (120 species) were collected. Bee abundance and species richness were either similar across plant types (midseason and for abundance also late season) or lower at native than at non-native plots (early season and for richness also late season). The overall bee community composition differed significantly between native and non-native plots, with 11 and 23 bee species being found exclusively at one plot type or the other, respectively. Additionally, some species were more abundant at native plant plots, while others were more abundant at non-natives. Native plants hosted more specialized plant-bee visitation networks than non-native plants. Three species out of the five most abundant bee species were more specialized when foraging on native plants than on non-native plants. Overall, visitation networks were more specialized in the early season than in late seasons. Our findings suggest that non-native plants can benefit native pollinators, but may alter foraging patterns, bee community assemblage, and bee-plant network structures.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seitz2020, author = {Seitz, Nicola}, title = {Bee demise and bee rise: From honey bee colony losses to finding measures for advancing entire bee communities}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18418}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184180}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {My dissertation comprises three studies: (1) an assessment of honey bee colony losses in the USA between 2014 and 2015, (2) an exploration of the potential of reclaimed sand mines as bee habitat, and (3) an evaluation of native and non-native pollinator friendly plants in regard to their attraction to bees. While the first study focuses on honey bees, the latter two studies primarily take wild bees or entire bee communities in focus. The study on honey bee colony losses was conducted within the framework of the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP, beeinformed.org) and aligns with the annual colony loss surveys which have been conducted in the USA since the winter of 2006/2007. It was the fourth year for which summer and annual losses were calculated in addition to winter losses. Among participants, backyard beekeepers were the largest group (n = 5690), although sideline (n = 169) and commercial (n = 78) beekeepers managed the majority (91.7 \%) of the 414 267 surveyed colonies. Overall, 15.1 \% of the estimated 2.74 million managed colonies in the USA were included in the study. Total honey bee colony losses (based on the entirety of included colonies) were higher in summer (25.3 \%) than in winter (22.3 \%) and amounted to 40.6 \% for the entire 2014/2015 beekeeping year. Average colony losses per beekeeper or operation were higher in winter (43.7 \%) than in summer (14.7 \%) and amounted to 49 \% for the entire 2014/2015 beekeeping year. Due to the dominance of backyard beekeepers among participants, average losses per operation (or unweighted loss) stronger reflected this smaller type of beekeeper. Backyard beekeepers mainly named colony management issues (e.g., starvation, weak colony in the fall) as causes for mortality, while sideline and commercial beekeepers stronger emphasized parasites or factors outside their control (e.g., varroa, nosema, queen failure). The second study took place at reclaimed sand mines. Sand mines represent anthropogenically impacted habitats found worldwide, which bear potential for bee conservation. Although floral resources can be limited at these habitats, vegetation free patches of open sandy soils and embankments may offer good nesting possibilities for sand restricted and other bees. We compared bee communities as found in three reclaimed sand mines and at adjacent roadside meadows in Maryland, USA, over two years. Both sand mines and roadsides hosted diverse bee communities with 111 and 88 bee species, respectively. Bee abundances as well as richness and Shannon diversity of bee species were higher in sand mines than at roadsides and negatively correlated with the percentage of vegetational ground cover. Species composition also differed significantly between habitats. Sand mines hosted a higher proportion of ground nesters, more uncommon and more 'sand loving' bees similar to natural sandy areas of Maryland. Despite the destruction of the original pre-mining habitat, sand mines thus appear to represent a unique habitat for wild bees, particularly when natural vegetation and open sand spots are encouraged. Considering habitat loss, the lack of natural disturbance regimes, and ongoing declines of wild bees, sand mines could add promising opportunities for bee conservation which has hitherto mainly focused on agricultural and urban habitats. The third study was an experimental field study on pollinator friendly plants. Bees rely on the pollen and nectar of plants as their food source. Therefore, pollinator friendly plantings are often used for habitat enhancements in bee conservation. Non-native pollinator friendly plants may aid in bee conservation efforts, but have not been tested and compared with native pollinator friendly plants in a common garden experiment. In this study, we seeded mixes of 20 native and 20 non-native pollinator friendly plants in two separate plots at three sites in Maryland, USA. For two years, we recorded flower visitors to the plants throughout the blooming period and additionally sampled bees with pan traps. A total of 3744 bees (120 species) were sampled in the study. Of these, 1708 bees (72 species) were hand netted directly from flowers for comparisons between native and non-native plants. Depending on the season, bee abundance and species richness was either similar or lower (early season and for richness also late season) at native plots compared to non-native plots. Additionally, the overall bee community composition differed significantly between native and non-native plots. Furthermore, native plants were associated with more specialized plant-bee visitation networks compared to non-native plants. In general, visitation networks were more specialized in the early season than the later seasons. Four species (Bombus impatiens, Halictus poeyi/ligatus, Lasioglossum pilosum, and Xylocopa virginica) out of the five most abundant bee species (also including Apis mellifera) foraged more specialized on native than non-native plants. Our study showed that non-native plants were well accepted by a diverse bee community and had a similar to higher attraction for bees compared to native plants. However, we also demonstrated alterations in foraging behavior, bee community assemblage, and visitation networks. As long as used with caution, non-native plants can be a useful addition to native pollinator friendly plantings. This study gives a first example of a direct comparison between native and non-native pollinator friendly plants.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seida2012, author = {Seida, Ahmed Adel}, title = {The Immunomodulatory Role of Endogenous Glucocorticoids in Ovarian Cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73901}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Ovarian cancer currently causes ~6,000 deaths per year in Germany alone. Since only palliative treatment is available for ovarian carcinomas that have developed resistance against platinum-based chemotherapy and paclitaxel, there is a pressing medical need for the development of new therapeutic approaches. As survival is strongly influenced by immunological parameters, immunotherapeutic strategies appear promising. The research of our group thus aims at overcoming tumour immune escape by counteracting immunosuppressive mechanisms in the tumour microenvironment. In this context, we found that tumour-infiltrating myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) or tumour associated macrophages (TAM) which are abundant in ovarian cancer express high levels of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase1 (11-HSD1). This oxido-reductase enzyme is essential for the conversion of biologically inactive cortisone into active cortisol. In line with this observation, high endogenous cortisol levels could be detected in serum, ascitic fluid and tumour exudates from ovarian cancer patients. Considering that cortisol exerts strong anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects on immune cells, it appears likely that high endogenous cortisol levels contribute to immune escape in ovarian cancer. We thus hypothesised that local activation of endogenous glucocorticoids could suppress beneficial immune responses in the tumour microenvironment and thereby prevent a successful immunotherapy. To investigate the in vivo relevance of this postulated immune escape mechanism, irradiated PTENloxP/loxP loxP-Stop-loxP-krasG12D mice were reconstituted with hematopoietic stem cells from either glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expressing mice (GRloxP/loxP) or from mice with a T cell-specific glucocorticoid receptor knock-out (lck-Cre GRloxP/loxP) mice. In the host mice, the combination of a conditional PTEN knock-out with a latent oncogenic kras leads to tumour development when a Cre-encoding adenovirus is injected into the ovarian bursa. Using this model, mice that had been reconstituted with GC-insensitive T cells showed better intratumoural T cell infiltration than control mice that had received functionally unaltered GRloxP/loxP cells via adoptive transfer. However, tumour-infiltrating T cells mostly assumed a Foxp3+ (regulatory) phenotype and survival was even shortened in mice with cortisol-insensitive T cells. Thus, endogenous cortisol seems to inhibit immune cell infiltration in ovarian cancer, but productive anti-tumour immune responses might still be prevented by further factors from the tumour microenvironment. Thus, our data did not provide a sufficiently strong rationale to further pursue the antagonisation of glucocorticoid signalling in ovarian cancer patients, Moreover, glucocorticoids are frequently administered to cancer patients to reduce inflammation and swelling and to prevent chemotherapy-related toxic side effects like nausea or hypersensitivity reactions associated with paclitaxel therapy. Thus, we decided to address the question whether specific signalling pathways in innate immune cells, preferentially in NK cells, could still be activated even in the presence of GC. A careful investigation of the various activating NK cell receptors (i.e. NKp30, NKp44, NKp46), DNAM-1 and NKG2D) was thus performed which revealed that NKp30, NKp44 and NKG2D are all down-regulated by cortisol whereas NKp46 is actually induced by cortisol. Interestingly, NKp46 is the only known receptor that is strictly confined to NK cells. Its activation via crosslinking leads to cytokine release and activation of cytotoxic activity. Stimulation of NK cells via NKp46 may contribute to immune-mediated tumour destruction by triggering the lysis of tumour cells and by altering the cytokine pattern in the tumour microenvironment, thereby generating more favourable conditions for the recruitment of antigen-specific immune cells. Accordingly, our observation that even cortisol-treated NK cells can still be activated via NKp46 and CD2 might become valuable for the design of immunotherapies that can still be applied in the presence of endogenous or therapeutically administered glucocorticoids.}, subject = {Cortison}, language = {en} } @article{SeiboldHothornGossneretal.2021, author = {Seibold, Sebastian and Hothorn, Torsten and Gossner, Martin M. and Simons, Nadja K. and Bl{\"u}thgen, Nico and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Ambarl{\i}, Didem and Ammer, Christian and Bauhus, J{\"u}rgen and Fischer, Markus and Habel, Jan C. and Penone, Caterina and Schall, Peter and Schulze, Ernst-Detlef and Weisser, Wolfgang W.}, title = {Insights from regional and short-term biodiversity monitoring datasets are valuable: a reply to Daskalova et al. 2021}, series = {Insect Conservation and Diversity}, volume = {14}, journal = {Insect Conservation and Diversity}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1111/icad.12467}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228309}, pages = {144 -- 148}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Reports of major losses in insect biodiversity have stimulated an increasing interest in temporal population changes. Existing datasets are often limited to a small number of study sites, few points in time, a narrow range of land-use intensities and only some taxonomic groups, or they lack standardised sampling. While new monitoring programs have been initiated, they still cover rather short time periods. Daskalova et al. 2021 (Insect Conservation and Diversity, 14, 1-18) argue that temporal trends of insect populations derived from short time series are biased towards extreme trends, while their own analysis of an assembly of shorter- and longer-term time series does not support an overall insect decline. With respect to the results of Seibold et al. 2019 (Nature, 574, 671-674) based on a 10-year multi-site time series, they claim that the analysis suffers from not accounting for temporal pseudoreplication. Here, we explain why the criticism of missing statistical rigour in the analysis of Seibold et al. (2019) is not warranted. Models that include 'year' as random effect, as suggested by Daskalova et al. (2021), fail to detect non-linear trends and assume that consecutive years are independent samples which is questionable for insect time-series data. We agree with Daskalova et al. (2021) that the assembly and analysis of larger datasets is urgently needed, but it will take time until such datasets are available. Thus, short-term datasets are highly valuable, should be extended and analysed continually to provide a more detailed understanding of insect population changes under the influence of global change, and to trigger immediate conservation actions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seibold2020, author = {Seibold, Marcel}, title = {Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Ras family small GTP binding protein RAL im Multiplen Myelom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20800}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208003}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die monoklonale Proliferation maligner Plasmazellen im Knochenmark ist charakteristisch f{\"u}r das multiple Myelom (MM) und kann bei Erkrankten zu St{\"o}rungen in der H{\"a}matopoese sowie zu Knochenl{\"a}sionen und Niereninsuffizienz f{\"u}hren. Die Weiterentwicklung und der Einsatz neuer Therapieoptionen konnten das {\"U}berleben von MM-Patienten zwar erheblich verbessern, jedoch gilt diese Krankheit weiterhin als unheilbar. Onkogene Mutationen und das Knochenmarkmikromilieu f{\"u}hren in MM-Zellen zur Entstehung eines onkogenen Signalnetzwerks, das das Wachstum und {\"U}berleben der Zellen aufrechterh{\"a}lt. Mutationen der GTPase RAS treten bei bis zu 50 \% der MM-Patienten auf und tragen zum {\"U}berleben von MM-Zellen bei. Trotz der H{\"a}ufigkeit und Bedeutsamkeit von onkogenem RAS, auch in anderen Tumorentit{\"a}ten, ist die GTPase nach wie vor therapeutisch nicht angreifbar. Die GTPase RAL aus der Familie der RAS-GTPasen wird als Downstream-Effektor von RAS angesehen, der damit ebenfalls zur Aufrechterhaltung des Tumorzell{\"u}berlebens beitragen k{\"o}nnte. In einigen Tumorentit{\"a}ten konnte bisher gezeigt werden, dass eine {\"U}berexpression von RAL in den Tumorzellen vorliegt und die Proliferation und Apoptose von Tumorzellen durch RAL beeinflusst wird. Daher stellte sich die Frage, ob RAL im MM ebenfalls das {\"U}berleben von Tumorzellen beeinflusst und ob eine direkte Verbindung zwischen onkogenem RAS und RAL besteht. In dieser Arbeit wurde die funktionelle Rolle von RAL sowie dessen Zusammenhang mit onkogenem RAS im MM untersucht. Hierbei konnte eine {\"U}berexpression von RAL in MM-Zellen im Vergleich zu MGUS oder normalen Plasmazellen beobachtet werden. In Knockdown-Analysen wurde gezeigt, dass RAL {\"u}berlebensnotwendig f{\"u}r MM-Zellen ist. Dabei wurde in Western Blot-Analysen festgestellt, dass diese {\"U}berlebenseffekte unabh{\"a}ngig von MAPK/ERK-Signaling vermittelt werden. Es konnte teilweise jedoch eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der AKT-Aktivit{\"a}t beobachtet werden. Da RAL-Knockdown Einfluss auf das {\"U}berleben von MM-Zellen hat, wurde eine pharmakologische Inhibition von RAL durch den Inhibitor RBC8 untersucht. RBC8 zeigte in h{\"o}heren Dosen nur bei einem Teil der MM-Zelllinien eine Wirkung auf das Zell{\"u}berleben sowie auf die RAL-Aktivierung. Die Weiterentwicklung potenter RAL-Inhibitoren ist daher f{\"u}r eine klinische Translation einer RAL-Inhibition von großer Bedeutung. Zur Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen onkogenem RAS und der RAL-Aktivierung wurden RAL-Pulldown-Analysen nach Knockdown von onkogenem RAS durchgef{\"u}hrt. In diesen Experimenten wurde keine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der RAL-Aktivierung von onkogenem RAS festgestellt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigten Genexpressionsanalysen nach RAS- bzw. RAL-Knockdown unterschiedliche Genexpressionsprofile. In Massenspektrometrie-Analysen wurden m{\"o}gliche Effektoren, die mit RAL an der Beeinflussung des Zell{\"u}berlebens beteiligt sein k{\"o}nnten, untersucht. Hierbei wurden die Komponenten des Exozyst-Komplexes EXO84 und SEC5 als Interaktionspartner von RAL identifiziert. Nachdem gezeigt wurde, dass RAL ausschlaggebend f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben von MM-Zellen ist, wurde eine Kombination von RAL-Knockdown mit klinisch relevanten Wirkstoffen analysiert. Diese zeigte bei der Kombination mit PI3K oder AKT-Inhibitoren verst{\"a}rkte Effekte auf das Zell{\"u}berleben der MM-Zellen. Zusammenfassend wurde die Bedeutung von RAL f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben von Tumorzellen im MM gezeigt und RAL als potentielles therapeutisches Target im MM beschrieben, welches unabh{\"a}ngig von onkogenem RAS reguliert wird.}, subject = {Kleine GTP-bindende Proteine}, language = {de} }