@phdthesis{Ruchty2010, author = {Ruchty, Markus}, title = {Sensory basis of thermal orientation in leaf-cutting ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48906}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Leaf-cutting ants have a highly developed thermal sense which the insects use to regulate the own body temperature and also to optimize brood and fungus development. Apart from the already described temperature guided behaviors inside the nest it is unknown to what extent the ants may use their thermal sense outside the nest. As part of the present thesis, the question was addressed whether leaf-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri) are able to learn the position of a warm object as landmark for orientation during foraging. Using absolute conditioning, it was shown that ten training trials are sufficient to elicit the association be-tween food reward and the temperature stimulus. In the test situation (without reward) a significantly higher amount of ants preferred the heated site compared to the unheated con-trol. Importantly, thermal radiation alone was sufficient to establish the learned association and served as orientation cue during the test situation (chapter IV). Based on the experi-mental design used in the previous chapter, the localization of thermosensitive neurons, which detect the underlying thermal stimuli, is restricted to the head or the antennae of the ants. The antennal sensillum coeloconicum is a potential candidate to detect the thermal stimuli during the orientation behavior. In chapter V the sensillum coeloconicum of Atta vollenweideri was investigated concerning its gross morphology, fine-structure and the phy-siology of the associated thermosensitive neuron. The sensillum is predominantly located on the apical antennal segment (antennal tip) where around 12 sensilla are clustered, and it has a peg-in-pit morphology with a double walled, multiporous peg. The sensory peg is deeply embedded in a cuticular pit, connected to the environment only by a tiny aperture. The sen-sillum houses three receptor neurons of which one is thermosensitive whereas the sensory modality of the other two neurons remains to be shown. Upon stimulation with a drop in temperature, the thermosensitve neuron responds with a phasic-tonic increase in neuronal activity (cold-sensitive neuron) and shows rapid adaptation to prolonged stimulation. In ad-dition, it is shown that thermal radiation is an effective stimulus for the thermosensitive neuron. This is the first evidence that sensilla coeloconica play an important role during the thermal orientation behavior described in chapter IV. During the test situation of the classic-al conditioning paradigm, the ants showed rapid antennal movements, indicating that they scan their environment in order to detect the heated object. Rapid antennal movements will result in rapid discontinuities of thermal radiation that re-quire thermosensitive neurons with outstanding sensitivity and high temporal resolution. In Chapter VI the question was addressed whether the thermosensitive neuron of the sensilla coeloconica fulfils these preconditions. Extracellular recordings revealed that the neuron is extremely sensitive to temperature transients and that, due to the response dynamics, an estimated stimulus frequency of up to 5 Hz can be resolved by the neuron. Already a tem-perature increase of only 0.005 °C leads to a pronounced response of the thermosensitive neuron. Through sensory adaptation, the sensitivity to temperature transients is maintained over a wide range of ambient temperatures. The discovered extreme sensitivity, the high temporal resolution and the pronounced adaptation abilities are further evidence support-ing the idea that sensilla coeloconica receive information of the thermal environment, which the ants may use for orientation. In order to understand how the ants use their thermal environment for orientation, it is ne-cessary to know where and how thermal information is processed in their central nervous system. In Chapter VII the question is addressed where in the brain the thermal information, specifically received by the thermosensitive neuron of sensilla coeloconica, is represented. By selectively staining single sensilla coeloconica, the axons of the receptor neurons could be tracked into the antennal lobe of Atta vollenweideri workers. Each of the three axons termi-nated in a single functional unit (glomerulus) of the antennal lobe. Two of the innervated glomeruli were adjacent to each other and are located lateral, while the third one was clear-ly separate and located medial in the antennal lobe. Using two-photon Ca2+ imaging of an-tennal lobe projection neurons, the general representation of thermal information in the antennal lobe was studied. In 11 investigated antennal lobes up to six different glomeruli responded to temperature stimulation in a single specimen. Both, warm- and cold-sensitive glomeruli could be identified. All thermosensitive glomeruli were located in the medial half of the antennal lobe. Based on the correlative evidence of the general representation of thermal information and the results from the single sensilla stainings, it is assumed that thermal information received by sensilla coeloconica is processed in the medial of the three target glomeruli. This part of the thesis shows the important role of the antennal lobe in temperature processing and links one specific thermosensitive neuron to its target region (a single glomerulus). In chapter V it was shown that the sensilla coeloconica are clustered at the antennal tip and have an extraordinary peg-in-pit morphology. In the last chapter of this thesis (Chapter VIII) the question is addressed whether the morphology of the sensilla coeloconica predicts the receptive field of the thermosensitive neuron during the detection of thermal radiation. The sensory pegs of all sensilla coeloconica in the apical cluster have a similar orientation, which was not constraint by the shape of the antennal tip where the cluster is located. This finding indicates that the sensilla coeloconica function as a single unit. Finally the hypothesis was tested whether a single sensillum could be direction sensitive to thermal radiation based on its eye-catching morphology. By stimulating the thermosensitive neuron from various angles around the sensillum this indeed could be shown. This is the last and most significant evi-dence that the sensilla coeloconica may be adapted to detect spatially distributed heated objects in the environment during the thermal landmark orientation of ants.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kleineidam1999, author = {Kleineidam, Christoph}, title = {Sensory Ecology of Carbon Dioxide Perception in Leaf-cutting Ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The study examines the sensory ecology of CO2 perception in leaf-cutting ants. It begins with the ecological role of CO2 for leaf-cutting ants. Inside the subterranean nests of Atta vollenweideri large amounts of CO2 are produced by the ants and their symbiotic fungus. Measurements in field nest at different depths revealed that CO2 concentrations do not exceed 2 per cent in mature nests. These findings indicate effective ventilation even at depths of 2 m. Small colonies often face the situation of reduced ventilation when they close their nest openings as a measure against flooding. A simulation of this situation in the field as well as in the laboratory revealed increasing CO2 concentrations causing reduced colony respiration which ultimately might limit colony success. Wind-induced ventilation is the predominant ventilation mechanism of the nests of Atta vollenweideri, shown by an analysis of external wind and airflow in the channels. The mound architecture promotes nest ventilation. Outflow channels have their openings in the upper, central region and inflow channels had their openings in the lower, peripheral region of the nest mound. Air is sucked out through the central channels, followed by a delayed inflow of air through the peripheral channels. The findings support the idea that the nest ventilation mechanism used by Atta vollenweideri resembles the use of Bernoulli's principle in Venturi Tubes and Viscous Entrainment. CO2 is important in a second context besides microclimatic control. A laboratory experiment with Atta sexdens demonstrated that leaf-cutting ants are able to orientate in a CO2 gradient. Foragers chose places with higher CO2 concentration when returning to the nest. This effect was found in all homing foragers, but it was pronounced for workers carrying leaf fragments compared to workers without leaf fragments. The findings support the hypothesis that CO2 gradients are used as orientation cue inside the (dark) nest to find suited fungus chambers for unloading of the leaf fragments. After the importance of CO2 in the natural history of the ants has thus been demonstrated, the study identifies for the first time in Hymenoptera type and location of the sensory organ for CO2 perception. In Atta sexdens a single neuron associated with the sensilla ampullacea was found to respond to CO2. Since it is the only neuron of this sensillum, the sensillum characters can be assumed to be adapted for CO2 perception. A detailed description of the morphology and the ultrastructure allows a comparison with sensilla for CO2 perception found in other insects and provides more information about sensillum characters and their functional relevance. The CO2 receptor cells respond to increased CO2 with increased neural activity. The frequency of action potentials generated by the receptor cell shows a phasic-tonic time course during CO2 stimulation and a reduced activity after stimulation. Phasic response accomplished with a reduced activity after stimulation results in contrast enhancement and the ability to track fast fluctuations in CO2 concentration. The neurons have a working range of 0 to 10 per cent CO2 and thus are able to respond to the highest concentrations the ants might encounter in their natural environment. The most exciting finding concerning the receptor cells is that the CO2 neurons of the leaf-cutting ants do not adapt to continuous stimulation. This enables the ants to continuously monitor the actual CO2 concentration of their surroundings. Thus, the sensilla ampullacea provide the ants with the information necessary to orientate in a CO2 gradient (tracking of fluctuations) as well as with the necessary information for microclimatic control (measuring of absolute concentrations).}, subject = {Blattschneiderameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spaethe2001, author = {Spaethe, Johannes}, title = {Sensory Ecology of Foraging in Bumblebees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1179692}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Pollinating insects exhibit a complex behavior while foraging for nectar and pollen. Many studies have focused on ultimate mechanisms of this behavior, however, the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain such behavior have rarely been considered. In the present study I used bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), an important pollinating insect, to investigate possible sensory constraints on foraging behavior. Additionally, I survey inter-individual variation in the sensory capabilities and behavior of bumblebees caused by the pronounced size polymorphism among members of a single colony. In the first chapter I have focused on the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain the search for flowers. I measured search time for artificial flowers of various sizes and colors, a key variable defining the value of a prey type in optimal foraging theory. When flowers were large, search times correlate well with the color contrast of the targets with their green foliage-type background, as predicted by a model of color opponent coding using inputs from the bee's UV, blue, and green receptors. Targets which made poor color contrast with their backdrop, such as white, UV-reflecting ones, or red flowers, take longest to detect, even though brightness contrast with the background is pronounced. When searching for small targets, bumblebees change their strategy in several ways. They fly significantly slower and closer to the ground, so increasing the minimum detectable area subtended by an object on the ground. In addition they use a different neuronal channel for flower detection: instead of color contrast, they now employ only the green receptor signal for detection. I related these findings to temporal and spatial limitations of different neuronal channels involved in stimulus detection and recognition. Bumblebees do not only possess species-specific sensory capacities but they also exhibit inter-individual differences due to size. Therefore, in the next two chapters I have examined size-related effects on the visual and olfactory system of Bombus terrestris. Chapter two deals with the effect of scaling on eye architecture and spatial resolving power of workers. Foraging efficiency in bees is strongly affected by proficiency of detecting flowers. Both floral display size and bee spatial vision limit flower detection. In chapter one I have shown that search times for flowers strongly increases with decreasing floral display size. The second factor, bee spatial vision, is mainly limited by two properties of compound eyes: (a) the interommatidial angle {\c{C}}{\aa} and (b) the ommatidial acceptance angle {\c{C}}{\´a}. When a pollinator strives to increase the resolving power of its eyes, it is forced to increase both features simultaneously. Bumblebees show a large variation in body size. I found that larger workers with larger eyes possess more ommatidia and larger facet diameters. Large workers with twice the size of small workers (thorax width) have about 50 per cent more ommatidia, and a 1.5 fold enlarged facet diameter. In a behavioral test, large and small workers were trained to detect the presence of a colored stimulus in a Y-maze apparatus. The stimulus was associated with a sucrose reward and was presented in one arm, the other arm contained neither stimulus nor reward. The minimum visual angle a bee is able to detect was estimated by testing the bee at different stimuli sizes subtending angles between 30° and 3° on the bee's eye. Minimum visual detection angles range from 3.4° to 7.0° among tested workers. Larger bumblebees are able to detect objects subtending smaller visual angles, i.e. they are able to detect smaller objects than their small conspecifics. Thus morphological and behavioral findings indicate an improved visual system in larger bees. Beside vision, olfaction is the most important sensory modality while foraging in bees. Bumblebees utilize species-specific odors for detecting and identifying nectar and pollen rich flowers. In chapter three I have investigated the olfactory system of Bombus terrestris and the effect of scaling on antennal olfactory sensilla and the first olfactory neuropil in the bumblebee brain, the antennal lobes. I found that the pronounced size polymorphism exhibited by bumblebees also effects their olfactory system. Sensilla number (I measured the most common olfactory sensilla type, s. placodea), sensilla density, volume of antennal lobe neuropil and volume of single identified glomeruli correlate significantly with worker's size. The enlarged volume of the first olfactory neuropil in large individuals is caused by an increase in glomeruli volume and coarse neuropil volume. Additionally, beside an overall increase of brain volume with scaling I found that the olfactory neuropil increases disproportionately compared to a higher order neuropil, the central body. The data predict a higher odor sensitivity in larger bumblebee workers. In the last chapter I have addressed the question if scaling alters foraging behavior and rate in freely foraging bumblebees. I observed two freely foraging B. terrestris colonies and measured i) trip number, ii) trip time, iii) proportion of nectar trips, and iv) nectar foraging rate of different sized foragers. In all observation periods large foragers exhibit a significantly higher foraging rate than small foragers. None of the other three foraging parameters is affected by workers' size. Thus, large foragers contribute disproportionately more to the current nectar influx of their colony. To summarize, this study shows that understanding the mechanisms of visual information processing and additionally comprising inter-individual differences of sensory capabilities is crucial to interpret foraging behavior of bees.}, subject = {Hummeln}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ContarAdolfi2017, author = {Contar Adolfi, Mateus}, title = {Sex determination and meiosis in medaka: The role of retinoic acid}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136335}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Sex determination (SD) is a complex and diverse developmental process that leads to the decision whether the bipotential gonad anlage will become a testis or an ovary. This mechanism is regulated by gene cascades, networks and/or chromosomal systems, and can be influenced by fluctuations of extrinsic factors like temperature, exposure to hormones and pollution. Within vertebrates, the group of fish show the widest variety of sex determination mechanism. This whole diversity of processes and mechanisms converges to the formation of two different gametes, the eggs and the sperm, the first bigger and static, and the second smaller and motile. Meiosis is crucial for the formation of both types of gametes, and the timing of meiosis entry is one of the first recognizable differences between male and female in vertebrates. The germ cells go into meiosis first in female than in male, and in mammals, this event has been shown to be regulated by retinoic acid (RA). This small polar molecule induces in the germ cells the expression of the pre-meiotic marker Stra8 (stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8), which is necessary for meiosis initiation. Interestingly, genome analyzes have shown that the majority of fish (including medaka) lack the stra8 gene, adding a question mark to the role of RA in meiosis induction in this group. Since a role of RA in entry of meiosis and sexual development of fish is still far from being understood, I investigated in medaka (Oryzias latipes) a possible signaling function of RA during the SD period in embryos and in reproductively active gonads of adults. I generated a transgenic medaka line that reports responsiveness to RA in vivo. With this tool, I compared RA responsiveness with the expression of the main gene involved in the synthesis of RA. My results show that there is a de-correlation between the action of RA with its source. In adults, expression of the RA metabolizing enzymes show sexually dimorphic RA levels, with aldh1a2 levels being higher in testis, and cyp26a1 stronger in female gonad. In ovary, the responsiveness is restricted to the early meiotic oocytes. In testis, RA is acting directly in the pre-meiotic cells, but also in Sertoli and Leydig cells. Treatment experiments on testis organ culture showed that RA pathway activation leads to a decrease in meiosis markers expression levels. During the development, RA responsiveness in the germ cells was observed in both sexes much earlier than the first female meiosis entry. Treatments with RA-synthesis inhibitor show a decrease in meiosis markers expression levels only after the sex differentiation period in female. Expression analyzes of embryos treated with exogenous RA showed induction of dmrt1a at the gonad levels and an increase of amh levels. Both genes are not only involved in male formation, but also in the regulation of germ cell proliferation and differentiation. RA is important in meiosis induction and gametogenesis in adult medaka. However, there is no evidence for a similar role of RA in initiating the first meiosis in female germ cells at the SD stage. Moreover, contrary to common expectation, RA seems to induce sex related genes that are involved indirectly in meiosis inhibition. In this thesis, I showed for the first time that RA can be involved in both induction and inhibition of meiosis entry, depending on the sex and the developmental stage in a stra8-independent model organism.}, subject = {Japank{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ostner2002, author = {Ostner, Julia}, title = {Sex-specific reproductive strategies in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus, Primates, Lemuridae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5011}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The number of males in animal groups is an essential determinant of male and female reproductive strategies. Females may benefit from living with several males, whereas males generally strive to monopolize a group of females. Due to male intrasexual competition, the sex ratio of groups of anthropoid primates is generally female-biased. Gregarious Malagasy lemurs deviate from theoretical expectations derived from sexual selection theory and from patterns found among anthropoids because they live in relatively small groups with an even or male-biased adult sex ratio and lack sexual dimorphism. The aim of this thesis was to investigate sex-specific reproductive strategies relating to the unusual group composition of redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) by combining behavioral, demographic and endocrinological data. In the first of a set of four studies I investigated the applicability of non-invasive endocrine measurements for monitoring ovarian function in wild redfronted lemur females in order to evaluate the degree of estrus synchrony. Further, I tested the prediction that males living in multi-male groups rely on indirect mechanisms of intrasexual competition, such as physiological suppression of testicular function. Several possible benefits gained from living with many males have been proposed and the hypothesis that additional males improve social thermoregulation was tested in the third study. Finally, I examined the proximate determinants of the unusual sex ratio within groups, the variation in the adult sex ratio as well as possible social benefits of the high number of males for both sexes. The study was conducted in Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, between April 1999 and July 2000. I recorded >3000 hours of focal animal data on social and sexual behavior of all adult members of five groups. Additionally, >2200 fecal samples of males and females were collected for subsequent hormone analysis using enzymeimmunoassay (EIA). Further, I analyzed demographic data from seven Eulemur fulvus rufus groups collected between 1996 and 2002. The analyses of fecal estrogen and progestogen excretion in wild and captive females revealed that monitoring ovarian function is principally possible in redfronted lemurs, as demonstrated by the analysis of samples from captive females. Characterization of ovarian cycles in wild females, however, was not possible, because of a high day-to-day variability in excreted hormones. Nevertheless, the study provided reliable information on gestation and cycle length as well as endocrine changes associated with gestation. Additionally, I established a method for prenatal sex determination using maternal fecal samples collected during late gestation. The excretion pattern of androgens in samples of males revealed no differences between dominant and subordinate males, indicating that dominant males did not suppress the endocrine function of subordinate rivals. High frequencies of matings in combination with large testes size suggest that male reproductive competition relies at least partly on sperm competition. Females did not benefit from the high number of males in their groups in terms of improved thermoregulation because surplus males did not participate frequently in huddling groups with females. Analysis of the demographic data revealed that birth and mortality rates were not sex-biased and that males migrated considerably more frequently than females, providing no proximate explanation for the unusual sex ratio. Females in this study may proximately regulate group composition by synchronizing their fertile periods, which were inferred indirectly from the temporal distribution of births within groups. Both males and females benefit from the high number of co-resident males because reduced male group size seemed to be the main predictor of take-over rate, and thus, infanticide risk. The results of these studies suggest that certain life history traits (fast maturation, short inter-birth intervals) may ultimately determine the high number of males and the lack of single-male groups seen in redfronted lemurs. An accelerated male life history may facilitate joint group transfers and take-overs of male coalitions without a transitional time outside bisexual groups. Because males and females both benefit from a high number of males the conflict of interests between the sexes is considerably defused.}, subject = {Rotstirnmaki}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Streinzer2013, author = {Streinzer, Martin}, title = {Sexual dimorphism of the sensory systems in bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) and the evolution of sex-specific adaptations in the context of mating behavior}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78689}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Bees have had an intimate relationship with humans for millennia, as pollinators of fruit, vegetable and other crops and suppliers of honey, wax and other products. This relationship has led to an extensive understanding of their ecology and behavior. One of the most comprehensively understood species is the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera. Our understanding of sex-specific investment in other bees, however, has remained superficial. Signals and cues employed in bee foraging and mating behavior are reasonably well understood in only a handful of species and functional adaptations are described in some species. I explored the variety of sensory adaptations in three model systems within the bees. Females share a similar ecology and similar functional morphologies are to be expected. Males, engage mainly in mating behavior. A variety of male mating strategies has been described which differ in their spatiotemporal features and in the signals and cues involved, and thus selection pressures. As a consequence, males' sensory systems are more diverse than those of females. In the first part I studied adaptations of the visual system in honeybees. I compared sex and caste-specific eye morphology among 5 species (Apis andreniformis, A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, A. mellifera). I found a strong correlation between body size and eye size in both female castes. Queens have a relatively reduced visual system which is in line with the reduced role of visual perception in their life history. Workers differed in eye size and functional morphology, which corresponds to known foraging differences among species. In males, the eyes are conspicuously enlarged in all species, but a disproportionate enlargement was found in two species (A. dorsata, A. florea). I further demonstrate a correlation between male visual parameters and mating flight time, and propose that light intensities play an important role in the species-specific timing of mating flights. In the second study I investigated eye morphology differences among two phenotypes of drones in the Western honeybee. Besides normal-sized drones, smaller drones are reared in the colony, and suffer from reduced reproductive success. My results suggest that the smaller phenotype does not differ in spatial resolution of its visual system, but suffers from reduced light and contrast sensitivity which may exacerbate the reduction in reproductive success caused by other factors. In the third study I investigated the morphology of the visual system in bumblebees. I explored the association between male eye size and mating behavior and investigated the diversity of compound eye morphology among workers, queens and males in 11 species. I identified adaptations of workers that correlate with distinct foraging differences among species. Bumblebee queens must, in contrast to honeybees, fulfill similar tasks as workers in the first part of their life, and correspondingly visual parameters are similar among both female castes. Enlarged male eyes are found in several subgenera and have evolved several times independently within the genus, which I demonstrate using phylogenetic informed statistics. Males of these species engage in visually guided mating behavior. I find similarities in the functional eye morphology among large-eyed males in four subgenera, suggesting convergent evolution as adaptation to similar visual tasks. In the remaining species, males do not differ significantly from workers in their eye morphology. In the fourth study I investigated the sexual dimorphism of the visual system in a solitary bee species. Males of Eucera berlandi patrol nesting sites and compete for first access to virgin females. Males have enlarged eyes and better spatial resolution in their frontal eye region. In a behavioral study, I tested the effect of target size and speed on male mate catching success. 3-D reconstructions of the chasing flights revealed that angular target size is an important parameter in male chasing behavior. I discuss similarities to other insects that face similar problems in visual target detection. In the fifth study I examined the olfactory system of E. berlandi. Males have extremely long antennae. To investigate the anatomical grounds of this elongation I studied antennal morphology in detail in the periphery and follow the sexual dimorphism into the brain. Functional adaptations were found in males (e.g. longer antennae, a multiplication of olfactory sensilla and receptor neurons, hypertrophied macroglomeruli, a numerical reduction of glomeruli in males and sexually dimorphic investment in higher order processing regions in the brain), which were similar to those observed in honeybee drones. The similarities and differences are discussed in the context of solitary vs. eusocial lifestyle and the corresponding consequences for selection acting on males.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feldmann2002, author = {Feldmann, Kristina}, title = {Signal transduction of transforming growth factor-Beta in cytotoxic T cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4912}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Transforming-Growth-Factor-beta1 (TGF-b1) ist ein multifunktionelles Zytokin, welches insbesondere Zellwachstum und Zelldifferenzierung koordiniert. TGF-b ist vor allem daf{\"u}r bekannt, Zellen des Immunsystems zu beeinflussen. TGF-b steuert zum Beispiel die Differenzierung von T-Zellen und und deren Effektorfunktionen. Die Signaltransduktion von TGF-b wird vermittelt durch die Phosphorylierung von Rezeptor-assoziierten Smad-Proteinen (R-Smads). R-Smads werden vom Typ I Rezeptor aktiviert, der seinerseits vom hochaffinen Typ II Rezeptor phosphoryliert wird, sobald der Ligand bindet. Die phosphorylierten RSmads assoziieren darauf mit Co-Smads. Heterooligomere von R-Smads und Co-Smads wandern dann in den Zellkern, wo sie im Zusammenspiel mit Transkriptionsfaktoren wie CBP/p300 oder AP-1 die Transkription TGF-b-spezifischer Zielgene koordinieren. Neue Erkenntnisse lassen vermuten, daß die pleiotropen Effekte von TGF-b durch das Interagieren mit anderen Signalkaskaden entstehen, zum Beispiel mit dem MAP-Kinase-Weg oder der STAT-Kaskade. Wir beschreiben hier den Effekt von TGF-b auf die Effektorfunktionen unterschiedlich stimulierter prim{\"a}rer Maus-Milzzellen und aufgereinigten zytotoxischen CD8+ Maus-TZellen. Langzeitbehandlung mit TGF-b resultierte in der Unf{\"a}higkeit der Zellen, Smad2 ligandeninduziert zu phosphorylieren. Entweder wurde {\"u}berhaupt keine Phosphorylierung beobachtet, oder eine anhaltende Phosphorylierung von Smad2 unabh{\"a}ngig vom Vorhandensein des Liganden. Des weiteren stellten wir einen Zusammenhang zwischen anhaltender Smad2-Phosphorylierung und der Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b induzierter Wachstumshemmung fest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen Zellen, die sensitiv sind gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumshemmung, keine Smad2-Phosphorylierung mehr. Bez{\"u}glich ihrer zytotoxische Aktivt{\"a}t waren allerdings beide Ph{\"a}notypen nicht mehr lytisch wirksam, unabh{\"a}ngig von der jeweiligen Smad2-Phosphorylierung. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir auch die Notwendigkeit eines funktionalen MEK-1-Signalweges auf, der unabdingbar ist, damit TZellen keine Wachstumsinhibierung durch TGF-b mehr erfahren. Das Blockieren dieses Signalweges f{\"u}hrt dar{\"u}berhinaus bei diesen Zellen ebenfalls zu einem ver{\"a}nderten Smad2- Phosphorylierungsmuster. Bez{\"u}glich des JNK-Signalweges konnten wir feststellen, daß ein funktional aktiver JNK-Signalweg mit der Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumsinhibierung einhergeht. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die Zugabe von IFNg und/oder aCD28- Antik{\"o}rper nicht zu einer ver{\"a}nderten Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b. Im Gegensatz zuprim{\"a}ren Zellen k{\"o}nnen die beschriebenen Zusammenh{\"a}nge in Zellkulturen vom humanen und murinen T Zellen nicht beobachtet werden, und sind somit spezifisch f{\"u}r primare TZellen. Wir beschreiben auch die Klonierung eines chim{\"a}ren dominant-negativen Typ II Rezeptors, der an eine Kinase gekoppelt ist, die bei Aktivierung Zelltod ausl{\"o}st. Damit soll es in Zukunft m{\"o}glich sein, T-Zellen gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b Resistenz zu verleihen. Die hier geschilderten Ergebnisse vertiefen die Kenntnisse {\"u}ber molekulare Mechanismen der Wirkung von TGF-b auf T-Zellen und k{\"o}nnen vielleicht dazu beitragen, negative Effekte von TGF-b, zum Beispiel in der Tumortherapie, gezielt abzuwenden.}, subject = {T-Lymphozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hassel2005, author = {Haßel, Sylke}, title = {Signal transduction via multiple BMP receptor complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13353}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {BMPs influence a variety of cellular processes. They have been shown to regulate proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis and thus play central roles during developmental processes and tissue homeostasis. Ligand mediated signal transduction is transmitted via BMP type I and BMP type II receptors, both members of the serine/threonine kinase superfamily. The BMP receptor mediated signal transduction is not explored in detail. Therefore our aim was to address different aspects of BMP mediated signal transduction with main focus on BRII and its regulation. Due to the existence of two alternative splice variants, a long and a short form, the function of the two variants and the impact of the C-terminal extension are of general interest. Moreover, mutations in the BMPR2 gene were identified to be responsible for PPH, a autosomal dominant lung disease. In this thesis, BRII phosphorylation and signalling mediated by different receptor oligomers were investigated and multiple BRII associated proteins were identified. We could show that the oligomerization pattern of BMP receptors exhibits a higher degree of flexibility compared to other receptors of that superfamily. In the present work the BMP2 mediated signal transduction should be examined, depending on the receptor oligomerization pattern. Using kinase-deficient mutants, it could be demonstrated, that signalling via preformed BMP receptor complexes is mediated by the well characterized Smad1/5/8 pathway, whereas signalling initiated by BMP2 induced recruitment of the receptors activates the p38 pathway and leads to Alkaline Phosphatase production. To further study signalling events triggered directly from the BRII a proteomics-based screen for BRII associated proteins was performed. 53 associated proteins were found, the majority being signal transducing molecules, but in addition metabolic proteins, transcriptional regulators and others were identified. These proteins enable to gain a deeper insight in BMP mediated signalling. One of the interactors, the receptor tyrosine kinase c-kit, was characterized in more detail. It could be demonstrated, that BRII and c-kit form a complex in vitro and in vivo, and the interaction is enhanced upon BMP2 stimulation. 2D phosphopeptid mapping showed that BRII is phosphorylated at S757 upon activation of c-kit by SCF. Moreover, c-kit and its ligand SCF are modulating BMP2 pathways, by enhancing Smad1/5 phosphorylation, Smad-transcriptional activity, Alkaline Phosphatase production and expression of Cbfa1. All these pathways hint towards modulation of the osteoblast development via c-kit. Thus, we were able to develop a novel paradigm for the BMP2 meditated signalling. One of the initial triggers for BRII is the auto-phosphorylation of BRII. Here we analyze ligand-independent as well as ligand-dependent phosphorylation of BRII. Some phosphorylation sites in BRII were identified. The general phosphorylation occurs mostly on serines. S815, S818 and Y825 are identified targets of phosphorylation whose function is still unclear. However phosphorylation of S336 is demonstrated to be essential for BRII activation. The elucidation of BMP receptor phosphorylation and oligomerization as well as the impact of a number of BRII associated proteins (such as c-kit), demonstrated in this thesis that BMP signalling has to be regulated precisely on multiple levels. This can be useful for the development of selective signalling inhibitors for basic research and therapeutic approaches of PPH and other diseases.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Meiser2023, author = {Meiser, Elisabeth}, title = {Single-molecule dynamics at a bottleneck: a systematic study of the narrow escape problem in a disc}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31965}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-319650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Diffusion facilitates numerous reactions within the biological context of a cell. It is remarkable how the cost-efficient random process of Brownian motion promotes fast reactions. From the narrow escape theory, it is possible to determine the mean first passage time of such processes based on their reaction space and diffusion coefficient. The narrow escape theory of Brownian particles is characterized by a confining domain with reflective boundaries and a small reaction site. In this thesis, the mean first passage time was systematically tested in a disc as a function of the escape opening size in vitro and in silico. For the in vitro experiments, a model system of patterned supported-lipid bilayers (SLB) was established. Such a model is prepared by a combined colloid metalization approach, where a gold scaffold on glass facilitates assembly of SLB patches of distinct sizes through vesicle fusion. The model setup was evaluated and found to match all necessary requirements to test the nar- row escape problem in vitro. In particular, the reflectivity of the boundaries, the unhindered, free diffusion of the tracer lipids, and the distinct area were assessed. Observed results of the mean first passage time agreed with the theory of the narrow escape problem. There was excellent agreement in both absolute values and across a range of small escape opening sizes. Additionally, I developed a straightforward method, a correction factor, to calculate the mean first passage time from incomplete experimental traces. By re-scaling the mean first passage time to the fraction of particles that escaped, I was able to overcome the lifetime limitations of fluorescent probes. Previously inaccessible measurements of the mean first passage time relying on fluorescent probes will be made possible through this approach. The in vitro experiments were complemented with various in silico experiments. The latter were based on random walk simulations in discs, mimicking the in vitro situation with its uncertainties. The lifetime of single particles was either set sufficiently long to allow all particles to escape, or was adjusted to meet the lifetime limitations observed in the in vitro experiments. A comparison of the mean first passage time from lifetime-unlimited particles to the corrected, lifetime-limited particles did support the use of the correction factor. In agreement with the narrow escape theory, it was experimentally found that the mean first passage time is independent of the start point of the particle within the domain. This is when the particle adheres to a minimum distance to the escape site. In general, the presented random walk simulations do accurately represent the in vitro experiments in this study. The required hardware for the establishment of an astigmatism-based 3D system was installed in the existing microscope. The first attempts to analyze the obtained 3D imaging data gave insight into the potential of the method to investigate molecule dynamics in living trypanosome cells. The full functionality will be realized with the ongoing improvement of image analysis outside of this thesis.}, subject = {Freies Molek{\"u}l}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glogger2018, author = {Glogger, Marius}, title = {Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy in live \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) and model membranes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169222}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der eukaryotische Parasit Trypanosoma brucei hat komplexe Strategien entwickelt um der Immunantwort eines Wirtes zu entkommen und eine persistente Infektion innerhalb dessen aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein zentrales Element seiner Verteidigungsstrategie st{\"u}tzt sich auf die Schutzfunktion seines Proteinmantels auf der Zelloberfl{\"a}che. Dieser Mantel besteht aus einer dichten Schicht aus identischen, Glykosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-verankerten variablen Oberfl{\"a}chenglykoproteinen (VSG). Der VSG Mantel verhindert die Erkennung der darunterliegenden, invarianten Epitope durch das Immunsystem. Obwohl es notwendig ist die Funktionsweise des VSG Mantels zu verstehen, vor allem um ihn als m{\"o}gliches Angriffsziel gegen den Parasiten zu verwenden, sind seine biophysikalischen Eigenschaften bisher nur unzureichend verstanden. Dies ist vor allem der Tatsache geschuldet, dass die hohe Motilit{\"a}t der Parasiten mikroskopische Studien in lebenden Zellen bisher weitestgehend verhinderten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nun hochmoderne Einzelmolek{\"u}l-Fluoreszenzmikroskopie (EMFM) als M{\"o}glichkeit f{\"u}r mikroskopische Untersuchungen im Forschungsbereich der Trypanosomen vorgestellt. Die Arbeit umfasst Untersuchungen der VSG Dynamik unter definierten Bedingungen k{\"u}nstlicher Membransysteme. Es wurde zuerst der Einfluss der lateralen Proteindichte auf die VSG Diffusion untersucht. Experimente mittels Fluoreszenz- Wiederkehr nach irreversiblem Photobleichen und komplement{\"a}re Einzelmolek{\"u}l- Verfolgungs Experimente offenbarten, dass ein molekularer Diffusionsschwellenwert existiert. {\"U}ber diesem Schwellenwert wurde eine dichteabh{\"a}nige Reduzierung des Diffusionskoeffizienten gemessen. Eine relative Quantifizierung der rekonstituierten VSGs verdeutlichte, dass der Oberfl{\"a}chenmantel der Trypanosomen sehr nahe an diesem Schwellenwert agiert. Der VSG Mantel ist optimiert um eine hohe Proteindichte bei gleichzeitiger hoher Mobilit{\"a}t der VSGs zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Des Weiteren wurde der Einfluss der VSG N-Glykosylierung auf die Diffusion des Proteins quantitativ untersucht. Die Messungen ergaben, dass die N-Glykosylierung dazu beitr{\"a}gt eine hohe Mobilit{\"a}t bei hohen Proteindichten aufrechtzuerhalten. Eine detaillierte Analyse von VSG Trajektorien offenbarte, dass zwei unterschiedliche Populationen frei diffundierender VSGs in der k{\"u}nstlichen Membran vorlagen. K{\"u}rzlich wurde entdeckt, dass VSGs zwei strukturell unterschiedliche Konformationen annehmen k{\"o}nnen. Die Messungen in der Arbeit stimmen mit diesen Beschreibungen {\"u}berein. Die Ergebnisse der EMFM in k{\"u}nstlichen Membranen wurden durch VSG Einzelmolek{\"u}l- Verfolgungs Experimente auf lebenden Zellen erg{\"a}nzt. Es wurde eine hohe Mobilit{\"a}t und Dynamik einzelner VSGs gemessen, was die allgemein dynamische Natur des VSG Mantels verdeutlicht. Dies f{\"u}hrte zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass der VSG Mantel auf lebenden Trypanosomen ein dichter und dennoch dynamischer Schutzmantel ist. Die F{\"a}higkeit der VSGs ihre Konformation flexibel anzupassen, unterst{\"u}tzt das Erhalten der Fluidit{\"a}t bei variablen Dichten. Diese Eigenschaften des VSG Mantels sind elementar f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung einer presistenden Infektion eines Wirtes. In dieser Arbeit werden des Weiteren verschiedene, auf Hydrogel basierende Einbettungsmethoden vorgestellt. Diese erm{\"o}glichten die Zellimmobilisierung und erlaubten EMFM in lebenden Trypanosomen. Die Hydrogele wiesen eine hohe Zytokompatibilit{\"a}t auf. Die Zellen {\"u}berlebten in den Gelen f{\"u}r eine Stunde nach Beginn der Immobilisierung. Die Hydrogele erf{\"u}llten die Anforderungen der Superresolution Mikroskopie (SRM) da sie eine geringe Autofluoreszenz im Spektralbereich der verwendeten Fluorophore besaßen. Mittels SRM konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Hydrogele die Zellen effizient immobilisierten. Als erstes Anwendungsbeispiel der Methode wurde die Organisation der Plasmamembran in lebenden Trypanosomen untersucht. Die Untersuchung eines fluoreszenten Tracers in der inneren Membranschicht ergab, dass dessen Verteilung nicht homogen war. Es wurden spezifische Membrandom{\"a}nen gefunden, in denen das Molek{\"u}l entweder vermehrt oder vermindert auftrat. Dies f{\"u}hrte zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass diese Verteilung durch eine Interaktion des Tracers mit Proteinen des zellul{\"a}ren Zytoskeletts zustande kam. Die in dieser Arbeit pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass EMFM erfolgreich f{\"u}r verschiedene biologische Untersuchungen im Forschungsfeld der Trypanosomen angewendet werden kann. Dies gilt zum Beispiel f{\"u}r die Untersuchung von der VSG Dynamik in k{\"u}nstlichen Membransystemen, aber auch f{\"u}r Studien in lebenden Zellen unter Verwendung der auf Hydrogelen basierenden Zelleinbettung.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wolter2014, author = {Wolter, Steve}, title = {Single-molecule localization algorithms in super-resolution microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-109370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Lokalisationsmikroskopie ist eine Methodenklasse der superaufl{\"o}senden Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, deren Methoden sich durch stochastische zeitliche Isolation der Fluoreszenzemission auszeichnen. Das Blinkverhalten von Fluorophoren wird so ver{\"a}ndert, dass gleichzeitige Aktivierung von einander nahen Fluorophoren unwahrscheinlich ist. Bekannte okalisationsmikroskopische Methoden umfassen dSTORM, STORM, PALM, FPALM, oder GSDIM. Lokalisationsmikroskopie ist von hohem biologischem Interesse, weil sie die Aufl{\"o}sung des Fluoreszenzmikroskops bei minimalem technischem Aufwand um eine Gr{\"o}ßenordnung verbessert. Der verbundene Rechenaufwand ist allerdings erheblich, da Millionen von Fluoreszenzemissionen einzeln mit Nanometergenauigkeit lokalisiert werden m{\"u}ssen. Der Rechen- und Implementationsaufwand dieser Auswertung hat die Verbreitung der superaufl{\"o}senden Mikroskopie lange verz{\"o}gert. Diese Arbeit beschreibt meine algorithmische Grundstruktur f{\"u}r die Auswertung lokalisationsmikroskopischer Daten. Die Echtzeitf{\"a}higkeit, d.h. eine Auswertegeschwindigkeit oberhalb der Datenaufnahmegeschwindigkeit an normalen Messaufbauten, meines neuartigen und quelloffenen Programms wird demonstriert. Die Geschwindigkeit wird auf verbrauchermarktg{\"a}ngigen Prozessoren erreicht und dadurch spezialisierte Rechenzentren oder der Einsatz von Grafikkarten vermieden. Die Berechnung wird mit dem allgemein anerkannten Gaussschen Punktantwortmodell und einem Rauschmodell auf Basis der gr{\"o}ßten Poissonschen Wahrscheinlichkeit durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die algorithmische Grundstruktur wird erweitert, um robuste und optimale Zweifarbenauswertung zu realisieren und damit korrelative Mikroskopie zwischen verschiedenen Proteinen und Strukturen zu erm{\"o}glichen. Durch den Einsatz von kubischen Basissplines wird die Auswertung von dreidimensionalen Proben vereinfacht und stabilisiert, um pr{\"a}zisem Abbilden von mikrometerdicken Proben n{\"a}her zu kommen. Das Grenzverhalten von Lokalisationsalgorithmen bei hohen Emissionsdichten wird untersucht. Abschließend werden Algorithmen f{\"u}r die Anwendung der Lokalisationsmikroskopie auf verbreitete Probleme der Biologie aufgezeigt. Zellul{\"a}re Bewegung und Motilit{\"a}t werden anhand der in vitro Bewegung von Myosin-Aktin-Filamenten studiert. Lebendzellbildgebung mit hellen und stabilen organischen Fluorophoren wird mittels SNAP-tag-Fusionsproteinen realisiert. Die Analyse des Aufbaus von Proteinklumpen zeigt, wie Lokalisationsmikroskopie neue quantitative Ans{\"a}tze jenseits reiner Bildgebung bietet.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klepsch2020, author = {Klepsch, Maximilian Andreas}, title = {Small RNA-binding complexes in Chlamydia trachomatis identified by Next-Generation Sequencing techniques}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199741}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Chlamydia infect millions worldwide and cause infertility and blinding trachoma. Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is an obligate intracellular gram-negative pathogen with a significantly reduced genome. This bacterium shares a unique biphasic lifecycle in which it alternates between the infectious, metabolically inert elementary bodies (EB) and the non-infections, metabolically active replicative reticular bodies (RB). One of the challenges of working with Chlamydia is its difficult genetic accessibility. In the present work, the high-throughput method TagRNA-seq was used to differentially label transcriptional start sites (TSS) and processing sites (PSS) to gain new insights into the transcriptional landscape of C. trachomatis in a coverage that has never been achieved before. Altogether, 679 TSSs and 1067 PSSs were detected indicating its high transcriptional activity and the need for transcriptional regulation. Furthermore, the analysis of the data revealed potentially new non-coding ribonucleic acids (ncRNA) and a map of transcriptional processing events. Using the upstream sequences, the previously identified σ66 binding motif was detected. In addition, Grad-seq for C. trachomatis was established to obtain a global interactome of the RNAs and proteins of this intracellular organism. The Grad-Seq data suggest that many of the newly annotated RNAs from the TagRNA-seq approach are present in complexes. Although Chlamydia lack the known RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), e.g. Hfq and ProQ, observations in this work reveal the presence of a previously unknown RBP. Interestingly, in the gradient analysis it was found that the σ66 factor forms a complex with the RNA polymerase (RNAP). On the other hand, the σ28 factor is unbound. This is in line with results from previous studies showing that most of the genes are under control of σ66. The ncRNA IhtA is known to function via direct base pairing to its target RNA of HctB, and by doing so is influencing the chromatin condensation in Chlamydia. This study confirmed that lhtA is in no complex. On the other hand, the ncRNA ctrR0332 was found to interact with the SNF2 protein ctl0077, a putative helicase. Both molecules co-sedimented in the gradient and were intact after an aptamer-based RNA pull-down. The SWI2/SNF2 class of proteins are nucleosome remodeling complexes. The prokaryotic RapA from E. coli functions as transcription regulator by stimulating the RNAP recycling. This view might imply that the small ncRNA (sRNA) ctrR0332 is part of the global regulation network in C. trachomatis controlling the transition between EBs and RBs via interaction with the SNF2 protein ctl0077. The present work is the first study describing a global interactome of RNAs and proteins in C. trachomatis providing the basis for future interaction studies in the field of this pathogen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berghoff2002, author = {Berghoff, Stefanie M.}, title = {Sociobiology of the hypogaeic army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus Fr. Smith}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Originally renowned for their spectacular epigaeic raids, army ants have captured scientific attention for almost two centuries. They now belong to one of the best studied group of ants. However, most of our knowledge about army ants was derived from the study of the minority of specialized, epigaeicly active species. These species evolved probably rather recently from hypogaeic ancestors. The majority of army ant species still leads a hypogaeic life and is almost completely unknown in its entire sociobiology. It thus remained speculative, whether the assumed 'general' characteristics of army ants represent an adaptation to epigaeic activity or apply also to the majority of hypogaeic species. Based on the recent observation that the hypogaeic Asian army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus recruits predictably to palm oil baits, I developed and tested an oil-baiting method for the study of hypogaeic (army)ants. Prior to my study, nothing was known about the sociobiology of the assumed rare D. laevigatus. Throughout my work, I showed D. laevigatus to be very common and abundant in a wide range of habitats in West-Malaysia and on Borneo. Investigating its foraging behavior, I revealed D. laevigatus to differ from epigaeicly active species in several ways. Never demonstrated for any of the epigaeic species, D. laevigatus established stable trunk trail systems. Such a trail system contradicted the perception of army ant foraging, which was believed to be characterized by raids with constantly alternating trail directions. The trunk trail system further enabled a near omnipresence of D. laevigatus within its foraging area, which was also believed to be atypical for an army ant. Raids differed in structure and composition of participating workers from those of epigaeic species. Also, bulky food sources could be exploited over long periods of time. The foraging system of D. laevigatus resembled in several ways that of e.g. leaf-cutter and harvester ants. Likewise contrary to the assumptions, D. laevigatus had a wide food spectrum and showed only little effect on local arthropod communities, even falling itself prey to other ants. Strong aggressive behavior was observed only towards ant species with similar lifestyles, enabling me to provide the first detailed documentation of interspecific fights between two sympatric Dorylus species. Similar to foraging habits or ecological impact, nothing was known about colony size and composition, nesting habits, or worker polymorphism for D. laevigatus or any other hypogaeic Dorylus species prior to my work. By observing and eventually excavating a colony, I showed D. laevigatus to have a much smaller colony size and to lack the large sized workers of epigaeic Dorylus species. Similar to epigaeic Dorylinae, I showed D. laevigatus to have a non-phasic brood production, to emigrate rarely, and to alter its nest form along with habitat conditions. Detailed morphological and geographical descriptions give an impression of the Asian Dorylus species and are expected to aid other researchers in the difficult species identification. The genetic analysis of a male collected at a light trap demonstrated its relation to D. laevigatus. Confirming the male and queen associations, D. laevigatus is now one of five Dorylus species (out of a total of 61), for which all castes are known. In cooperation with D. Kistner, I provide a morphological and taxonomical description of nine Coleopteran beetles associated with D. laevigatus. Behavioral observations indicated the degree of their integration into the colony. The taxonomic position of the beetles further indicated that D. laevigatus emigrated from Africa to Asia, and was accompanied by the majority of associated beetles. The diversity of D. laevigatus guests, which included a number of unidentified mites, was rather low compared to that of epigaeic species. Overall, I demonstrated the developed baiting containers to effectively enable the study of hypogaeic ants. I showed several other hypogaeic ant species to be undersampled by other methods. Furthermore, the method enabled me to documented a second hypogaeic Dorylus species on Borneo. A detailed description of this species' morphology, ecology, and interactions with D. laevigatus is provided. My study indicated D. laevigatus to be an ecologically important species, able to influence soil structure and organisms of tropical regions in many ways. Relating the observed traits of D. laevigatus to epigaeicly active species, I conclude that our assumption of 'general' army ant behavior is erroneous in several aspects and needs to be changed. The oil-baiting method finally provides a tool enabling the location and study of hypogaeic (army)ant species. This opens a broad field for future studies on this cryptic but nonetheless important group of ants.}, subject = {Borneo}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aydinli2021, author = {Aydinli, Muharrem}, title = {Software unterst{\"u}tzte Analyse von regulatorischen Elementen in Promotoren mittels AIModules}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24802}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248025}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Regulation der Genexpression steht am Anfang vieler zellbiologischer Prozesse wie beispielsweise dem Zellwachstum oder der Differenzierung. Gene werden an Promotoren transkribiert, wobei ein Promotor selbst aus vielen logischen Einheiten aufgebaut ist, den Transkriptionsfaktorbindestellen (TFBSs). Diese k{\"o}nnen sehr nah beieinander liegen, aber auch weit entfernt voneinander sein. Sie werden spezifisch von Transkriptionsfaktoren (TFs) gebunden, die die Transkritptionsrate z.B. verst{\"a}rken (Enhancer) oder schw{\"a}chen (Silencer) k{\"o}nnen. Zwei oder mehr dieser TFBSs mit bestimmtem Abstand werden als "Module" zusammengefasst, die {\"u}ber Spezies hinweg konserviert sein k{\"o}nnen. Typischerweise findet man Module in Zellen mit einem Zellkern. Spezies mit gemeinsamen Modulen k{\"o}nnen ein Hinweis auf die gemeinsame phylogenetische Abstammung darstellen, aber auch gemeinsame Funktionsmechanismen von TFs {\"u}ber Gene hinweg aufdecken. Heutzutage sind verschiedene Anwendungen verf{\"u}gbar, mit denen nach TFBSs in DNA gesucht werden kann. Zum Zeitpunkt des Verfassens dieser Arbeit sind aber nur zwei kommerzielle Produkte bekannt, die nicht nur TFBSs, sondern auch Module erkennen. Deshalb stellen wir hier die freie und quelloffene L{\"o}sung "AIModules" vor, die diese L{\"u}cke f{\"u}llt und einen Webservice zur Verf{\"u}gung stellt, der es erlaubt nach TFBSs sowie nach Modulen auf DNA- und auf RNA-Abschnitten zu suchen. F{\"u}r die Motivesuche werden entweder Matrizen aus der Jaspar Datenbank oder Matrizen vom Anwender verwendet. Dar{\"u}berhinaus zeigen wir, dass unser Tool f{\"u}r die TF Suche nur Sekunden ben{\"o}tigt, wohingegen conTraV3 mindestens eine Stunde f{\"u}r dieselbe Analyse braucht. Zus{\"a}tzlich kann der Anwender bei unserem Tool den Grad der Konserviertheit f{\"u}r TFs mit angeben und wir zeigen, dass wir mit unserer L{\"o}sung, die die Jaspar Datenbank heranzieht, mehr Module finden, als ein kommerziell verf{\"u}gbares Produkt. Weiterhin kann mit unserer L{\"o}sung auch auf RNA-Sequenzen nach regulatorischen Motiven gesucht werden, wenn der Anwender die daf{\"u}r n{\"o}tigen Matrizen liefert. Wir zeigen dies am Beispiel von Polyadenylierungsstellen. Zusammenfassend stellen wir ein Werkzeug vor, das erstens frei und quelloffen ist und zweitens entweder auf Servern ver{\"o}ffentlicht werden kann oder On-Site auf einem Notebook l{\"a}uft. Unser Tool erlaubt es Promotoren zu analysieren und nach konservierten Modulen sowie TFBSs in Genfamilien sowie nach regulatorischen Elementen in mRNA wie z.B. Polyadenylierungsstellen oder andere regulatorische Elemente wie beispielsweise Enhancern oder Silencern in genomischer DNA zu suchen.}, subject = {Genregulation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bruttel2015, author = {Bruttel, Valentin Stefan}, title = {Soluble HLA-G binds to dendritic cells which likely suppresses anti-tumour immune responses in regional lymph nodes in ovarian carcinoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127252}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung Einleitung HLA-G, ein nicht-klassisches HLA bzw. MHC Klasse Ib Molek{\"u}l, kann sowohl als membrangebundenes als auch als l{\"o}sliches Molek{\"u}l verschiedenste Immunzellpopulationen effektiv inhibieren. Unter physiologischen Bedingungen wird HLA-G vor allem in der Plazenta exprimiert, wo es dazu beitr{\"a}gt den semiallogenen Embryo vor einer Abstoßung durch das m{\"u}tterliche Immunsystem zu besch{\"u}tzen. Außerdem wird HLA-G in einer Vielzahl von Tumoren wie zum Beispiel in Ovarialkarzinomen {\"u}berexprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es besonders die Rolle von l{\"o}slichem HLA-G im Ovarialkarzinom und die Expression von HLA-G in verschiedenen Subtypen des Ovarialkarzinoms genauer zu untersuchen. Ergebnisse Anhand eines Tissue Microarrays wurde best{\"a}tigt dass HLA-G unter physiologischen Bedingungen nur in sehr wenigen Geweben wie Plazenta oder Testes exprimiert wird. Außerdem wurden erstmals auch im Nebennierenmark hohe Expressionslevel detektiert. Im Gegensatz zur physiologischen Expression wurde HLA-G in ser{\"o}sen, muzin{\"o}sen, endometrioiden und Klarzellkarzinomen und somit in Tumoren aller untersuchten Subtypen des Ovarialkarzinoms detektiert. Am h{\"a}ufigsten war HLA-G in hochgradigen ser{\"o}sen Karzinomen {\"u}berexprimiert. Hier konnte gezeigt werden dass auf Genexpressionslevel in Ovarialkarzinomen die Expression des immunsuppressiven HLA-G mit der Expression von klassischen MHC Molek{\"u}len wie HLA-A, -B oder -C hochsignifikant korreliert. Außerdem konnte in Aszitesproben von Patientinnen mit Ovarialkarzinomen hohe Konzentrationen von l{\"o}slichem HLA-G nachgewiesen werden. Auch auf metastasierten Tumorzellen in regionalen Lymphknoten war HLA-G nachweisbar. {\"U}berraschenderweise wurde aber besonders viel HLA-G auf Dendritischen Zellen in Lymphknoten detektiert. Da in Monozyten und Dendritischen Zellen von gesunden Spendern durch IL-4 oder IL-10 im Gegensatz zu Literatur keine Expression von HLA-G induzierbar war, untersuchten wir ob Dendritische Zellen l{\"o}sliches HLA-G binden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass besonders Dendritische Zellen die in Gegenwart von IL-4, IL-10 und GM-CSF aus Monozyten generiert wurden (DC-10) effektiv l{\"o}sliches HLA-G {\"u}ber ILT Rezeptoren binden. In Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von ihrer Beladung mit HLA-G hemmen auch fixierte DC-10 Zellen noch die Proliferation von zytotoxischen CD8+ T Zellen. Zudem wurden regulatorische T Zellen induziert. Schlussfolgerungen Besonders in den am h{\"a}ufigsten diagnostizierten hochgradigen ser{\"o}sen Ovarialkarzinomen ist HLA-G in den meisten F{\"a}llen {\"u}berexprimiert. Durch die Expression immunsuppressiver MHC Klasse Ib Molek{\"u}le wie HLA-G k{\"o}nnen wahrscheinlich auch Tumore wachsen, die noch klassische MHC Molek{\"u}le exprimieren und aufgrund ihrer Mutationslast eigentlich vom Immunsystem erkannt und eliminiert werden m{\"u}ssten. L{\"o}sliches HLA-G k{\"o}nnte zudem lokal Immunantworten gegen Tumorantigene unterdr{\"u}cken indem es an Dendritische Zellen in regionalen Lymphknoten bindet. Diese Zellen pr{\"a}sentieren nomalerweise zytotoxischen T Zellen Tumorantigene und spielen daher eine entscheidende Rolle in der Entstehung von protektiven Immunantworten. Mit l{\"o}slichem HLA-G beladene Dendritische Zellen hemmen jedoch die Proliferation von CD8+ T Zellen und induzieren regulatorische T Zellen. Dadurch k{\"o}nnten Ovarialkarzinome "aus der Ferne" auch in metastasenfreien Lymphknoten die Entstehung von gegen den Tumor gerichteten Immunantworten unterdr{\"u}cken. Dieser erstmals beschriebene Mechanismus k{\"o}nnte auch in anderen malignen Erkrankungen eine Rolle spielen, da l{\"o}sliches HLA-G in einer Vielzahl von Tumorindikationen nachgewiesen wurde.}, subject = {HLA-G}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koenig2016, author = {K{\"o}nig, Sebastian}, title = {Spatially selective visual attention in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134452}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Finding the right behavior at the right time is one of the major tasks of brains. In a natural scenery there is often an abundance of stimuli present and the brain has to separate the relevant from the irrelevant ones. Selective visual attention (SVA) is a property of higher visual systems that achieves this separation, as it allows to '[…] focus on one source of sensory input to the exclusion of others' (Luck and Mangun, 1996). There are probably several forms of SVA depending upon the criteria used for the separation, such as salience, color, location in space, novelty, or motion. Many studies have investigated SVA in humans and non-human primates. However, complex functions like attention were initially not expected to be already implemented in the brains of simple organisms like Drosophila. After a first demonstration of selective attention in the fly (Wolf and Heisenberg, 1980), it took some time until other studies included attentional mechanisms in their argumentation to explain certain behaviors of Drosophila. However, their definition and characterization of attention differed and often was ambiguous. Here, one particular form, spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila is investigated. It has been shown earlier that the fly spontaneously may restrict its behavioral responses in stationary flight to the visual stimuli on one side of the visual field. On the basis of experiments of Sareen et al., (2011) it has been conjectured that the fly has a focus of attention (FoA) and that the fly responds to the visual stimuli within this area of the visual field. Whether the FoA is the adequate concept for this spatial property of SVA in the fly needs to be further discussed and is a subject also of the present study. At this stage, the concept will be used in the description of the new results expanding the characterization of SVA. This study continued the investigation of SVA during tethered flight with variable but controlled visual input and an automated primary data evaluation. This standardized paradigm allowed for analysis of wild-type behavior as well as for a comparison of several mutant and pharmacologically manipulated strains to the wild-type. Some properties of human SVA like the occurrence of externally as well as internally caused shifts of attention were found in Drosophila and it could be shown, that SVA in the fly can be externally guided and has an attention span. Additionally, a neurotransmitter and proteins, which play a significant role in SVA were discovered. Based on this, the genetic tools available for Drosophila provided the means to a first examination of cells and circuits involved in SVA. Finally, the free walk behavior of flies that had been shown to have compromised SVA was characterized. The results suggested that the observed phenotypes of SVA were not behavior specific. Covert shifts of the FoA were investigated. The FoA can be externally guided by visual cues to one or the other side of the visual field and even after the cue has disappeared it remains there for <4s. An intriguing finding of this study is the fact, that the quality of the cue determines whether it is attractive or repellent. For example a cue can be changed from being repellent (negative) to being attractive (positive) by changing its oscillation amplitude from 4° to 2°. Testing the effectiveness of cues in the upper and lower visual field separately, revealed that the perception of a cue by the fly is not exclusively based on a sum of its specifications. Because positive cueing did not have an after-effect in each of the two half-fields alone, but did so if the cue was shown in both, the fly seems to evaluate the cue for each combination of parameters specifically. Whether this evaluation of the cue changed on a trial-to-trial basis or if the cue in some cases failed to shift the FoA can at this point not be determined. Looking at the responses of the fly to the displacement of a black vertical stripe showed that they can be categorized as no responses, syn-directional responses (following the direction of motion of the stripe) and anti-directional responses (in the opposite direction of the motion of the stripe). The yaw-torque patterns of the latter bared similarities with spontaneous body saccades and they most likely represented escape attempts of the fly. Syn-directional responses, however, were genuine object responses, distinguishable by a longer latency until they were elicited and a larger amplitude. These properties as well as the distribution of response polarities were not influenced by the presence or absence of a cue. When two stripes were displaced simultaneously in opposite directions the rate of no responses increased in comparison to the displacement of a single stripe. If one of the stripes was cued, both, the responses towards and away from the side of cue resembled the syn-directional responses. Significant progress was made with the elucidation of the neuronal underpinnings of SVA. Ablation of the mushroom bodies (MB) demonstrated their requirement for SVA. Furthermore, it was shown that dopamine signaling has to be balanced between too much and too little. Either inhibiting the synthesis of dopamine or its re-uptake at the synapse via the dDAT impaired the flies' susceptibility to cueing. Using the Gal4/UAS system, cell specific expression or knockdown of the dDAT was used to scrutinize the role of MB sub-compartments in SVA. The αβ-lobes turned out to be necessary and sufficient to maintain SVA. The Gal4-line c708a labels only a subset of Kenyon cells (KC) within the αβ-lobes, αβposterior. These cells stand out, because of (A) the mesh-like arrangement of their fibers within the lobes and (B) the fact that unlike the other KCs they bypass the calyx and thereby the main source of olfactory input to the MBs, forming connections only in the posterior accessory calyx (Tanaka et al., 2008). This structure receives no or only marginal olfactory input, suggesting for it a role in tasks other than olfaction. This study shows their requirement in a visual task by demonstrating that they are necessary to uphold SVA. Restoring dDAT function in these approximately only 90 cells was probably insufficient to lower the dopamine concentration at the relevant synapses and hence a rescue failed. Alternatively, the processes mediating SVA at the αβ-lobes might require an interplay between all of their KCs. In conclusion, the results provide an initial point for future research to fully understand the localization of and circuitry required for SVA in the brain. In the experiments described so far, attention has been externally guided. However, flies are also able to internally shift their FoA without any cues from the outside world. In a set of 60 consecutive simultaneous displacements of two stripes, they were more likely to produce a response with the same polarity as the preceding one than a random polarity selection predicted. This suggested a dwelling of the FoA on one side of the visual field. Assuming that each response was influenced by the previous one in a way that the probability to repeat the response polarity was increased by a certain factor (dwelling factor, df), a random selection of response type including a df was computed. Implementation of the df removed the difference between observed probability of polarity repetition and the one suggested by random selection. When the interval between displacements was iteratively increased to 5s, no significant df could be detected anymore for pauses longer than 4s. In conclusion, Drosophila has an attention span of approximately 4s. Flies with a mutation in the radish gene expressed no after-effect of cueing and had a shortened attention span of about 1s. The dDAT inhibitor methylphenidate is able to rescue the first, but does not affect the latter phenotype. Probably, radish is differently involved in the two mechanisms. This study showed, that endogenous (covert) shifts of spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila can be internally and externally guided. The variables determining the quality of a cue turned out to be multifaceted and a more systematic approach is needed for a better understanding of what property or feature of the cue changes the way it is evaluated by the fly. A first step has been made to demonstrate that SVA is a fundamental process and compromising it can influence the characteristics of other behaviors like walking. The existence of an attention span, the dependence of SVA on dopamine as well as the susceptibility to pharmacological manipulations, which in humans are used to treat respective diseases, point towards striking similarities between SVA in humans and Drosophila.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schul2013, author = {Schul, Daniela}, title = {Spatio-temporal investigation and quantitative analysis of the BMP signaling pathway}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-84224}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are key regulators for a lot of diverse cellular processes. During embryonic development these proteins act as morphogens and play a crucial role particularly in organogenesis. BMPs have a direct impact on distinct cellular fates by means of concentration-gradients in the developing embryos. Using the diverse signaling input information within the embryo due to the gradient, the cells transduce the varying extracellular information into distinct gene expression profiles and cell fate decisions. Furthermore, BMP proteins bear important functions in adult organisms like tissue homeostasis or regeneration. In contrast to TGF-ß signaling, currently only little is known about how cells decode and quantify incoming BMP signals. There is poor knowledge about the quantitative relationships between signal input, transducing molecules, their states and location, and finally their ability to incorporate graded systemic inputs and produce qualitative responses. A key requirement for efficient pathway modulation is the complete comprehension of this signaling network on a quantitative level as the BMP signaling pathway, just like many other signaling pathways, is a major target for medicative interference. I therefore at first studied the subcellular distribution of Smad1, which is the main signal transducing protein of the BMP signaling pathway, in a quantitative manner and in response to various types and levels of stimuli in murine c2c12 cells. Results indicate that the subcellular localization of Smad1 is not dependent on the initial BMP input. Surprisingly, only the phospho-Smad1 level is proportionally associated to ligand concentration. Furthermore, the activated transducer proteins were entirely located in the nucleus. Besides the subcellular localization of Smad1, I have analyzed the gene expression profile induced by BMP signaling. Therefore, I examined two endogenous immediate early BMP targets as well as the expression of the stably transgenic Gaussia Luciferase. Interestingly, the results of these independent experimental setups and read-outs suggest oscillating target gene expression. The amplitudes of the oscillations showed a precise concentration-dependence for continuous and transient stimulation. Additionally, even short-time stimulation of 15' activates oscillating gene-expression pulses that are detectable for at least 30h post-stimulation. Only treatment with a BMP type I receptor kinase inhibitor leads to the complete abolishment of the target gene expression. This indicated that target gene expression oscillations depend directly on BMP type I receptor kinase activity.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niehoerster2022, author = {Nieh{\"o}rster, Thomas}, title = {Spektral aufgel{\"o}ste Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie mit vielen Farben}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29657}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296573}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Fluoreszenzmikroskopie ist eine vielseitig einsetzbare Untersuchungsmethode f{\"u}r biologische Proben, bei der Biomolek{\"u}le selektiv mit Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen markiert werden, um sie dann mit sehr gutem Kontrast abzubilden. Dies ist auch mit mehreren verschiedenartigen Zielmolek{\"u}len gleichzeitig m{\"o}glich, wobei {\"u}blicherweise verschiedene Farbstoffe eingesetzt werden, die {\"u}ber ihre Spektren unterschieden werden k{\"o}nnen. Um die Anzahl gleichzeitig verwendbarer F{\"a}rbungen zu maximieren, wird in dieser Arbeit zus{\"a}tzlich zur spektralen Information auch das zeitliche Abklingverhalten der Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe mittels spektral aufgel{\"o}ster Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie (spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, sFLIM) vermessen. Dazu wird die Probe in einem Konfokalmikroskop von drei abwechselnd gepulsten Lasern mit Wellenl{\"a}ngen von 485 nm, 532nm und 640nm angeregt. Die Detektion des Fluoreszenzlichtes erfolgt mit einer hohen spektralen Aufl{\"o}sung von 32 Kan{\"a}len und gleichzeitig mit sehr hoher zeitlicher Aufl{\"o}sung von einigen Picosekunden. Damit wird zu jedem detektierten Fluoreszenzphoton der Anregungslaser, der spektrale Kanal und die Ankunftszeit registriert. Diese detaillierte multidimensionale Information wird von einem Pattern-Matching-Algorithmus ausgewertet, der das Fluoreszenzsignal mit zuvor erstellten Referenzpattern der einzelnen Farbstoffe vergleicht. Der Algorithmus bestimmt so f{\"u}r jedes Pixel die Beitr{\"a}ge der einzelnen Farbstoffe. Mit dieser Technik konnten pro Anregungslaser f{\"u}nf verschiedene F{\"a}rbungen gleichzeitig dargestellt werden, also theoretisch insgesamt 15 F{\"a}rbungen. In der Praxis konnten mit allen drei Lasern zusammen insgesamt neun F{\"a}rbungen abgebildet werden, wobei die Anzahl der Farben vor allem durch die anspruchsvolle Probenvorbereitung limitiert war. In anderen Versuchen konnte die sehr hohe Sensitivit{\"a}t des sFLIM-Systems genutzt werden, um verschiedene Zielmolek{\"u}le voneinander zu unterscheiden, obwohl sie alle mit demselben Farbstoff markiert waren. Dies war m{\"o}glich, weil sich die Fluoreszenzeigenschaften eines Farbstoffmolek{\"u}ls geringf{\"u}gig in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von seiner Umgebung {\"a}ndern. Weiterhin konnte die sFLIM-Technik mit der hochaufl{\"o}senden STED-Mikroskopie (STED: stimulated emission depletion) kombiniert werden, um so hochaufgel{\"o}ste zweifarbige Bilder zu erzeugen, wobei nur ein einziger gemeinsamer STED-Laser ben{\"o}tigt wurde. Die gleichzeitige Erfassung von mehreren photophysikalischen Messgr{\"o}ßen sowie deren Auswertung durch den Pattern-Matching-Algorithmus erm{\"o}glichten somit die Entwicklung von neuen Methoden der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie f{\"u}r Mehrfachf{\"a}rbungen.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Knaf2012, author = {Knaf, Tobias}, title = {Spezifische Bindung von Aluminium und Eisen an den kationenselektiven Kanal MppA von Microthrix parvicella}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77011}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Schwermetallsalze wie beispielsweise Aluminium- oder Eisensalze werden in der Abwasserbehandlung zur Pr{\"a}vention und Bek{\"a}mpfung von Bl{\"a}hschlamm, Schwimmschlamm und Schaumbildung verwendet. Dadurch kann eine Verbesserung der Schlammabsetzeigenschaften im Nachkl{\"a}rbecken erreicht werden. {\"U}berm{\"a}ßiges Wachstum des grampositiven Bakteriums Microthrix parvicella gilt dabei als Hauptursache von Schlammabsetzproblemen und kann ebenfalls durch die Dosierung von schwermetallhaltigen Flockungs- und F{\"a}llungsmitteln vermieden werden. Da diese Verbindungen in Wasser gel{\"o}st sind, m{\"u}ssen sie die Außenmembran bestimmter Bakterien passieren. Nur der Einbau von wassergef{\"u}llten Kan{\"a}len erlaubt den gel{\"o}sten Salzen das Passieren der durch hydrophobe Fetts{\"a}uren aufgebauten zus{\"a}tzlichen Permeabilit{\"a}tsbarriere. In dieser Arbeit wurden wassergef{\"u}llten Kan{\"a}le von Microthrix parvicella isoliert, aufgereinigt und mit Hilfe der Black-Lipid-Bilayer-Technik charakterisiert. Erg{\"a}nzend wurde der Einfluss und der Durchlass der Flockungs- und F{\"a}llungsmittel in Titrationsexperimenten untersucht. Dabei konnte ein wassergef{\"u}llter Kanal, der die Bezeichnung MppA erhielt, gefunden werden, welcher eine Leitf{\"a}higkeit von 600 pS in 1 M Kaliumchlorid und eine Bindestelle f{\"u}r mehrwertige Kationen wie Eisen oder Aluminium zeigte. Die Bindung dieser mehrwertigen Kationen f{\"u}hrte zu einer {\"A}nderung der Ionenselektivit{\"a}t. Ohne Bindung mehrwertiger Kationen zeigte der Kanal eine leichte Kationenselektivit{\"a}t. Nach der Bindung wechselte die Ionenselektivit{\"a}t zu einer Anionenselektivit{\"a}t, was auf eine spezifische Ladungsverteilung im Kanal hinweist. Der Kanal MppA zeigte gleichwertige Bindekonstanten f{\"u}r Aluminium und Eisen. Beide Metalle werden als F{\"a}llungs- und Flockungsmittel in Kl{\"a}ranlagen zum Verhindern von Schwimm- und Bl{\"a}hschlamm verwendet. Fr{\"u}here Arbeiten offenbarten bereits, dass haupts{\"a}chlich der Aluminiumanteil entscheidend f{\"u}r die Wirkung dieser Mittel ist. Diese Beobachtungen in Verbindung mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit f{\"u}hrten zu der Annahme, dass Eisen und Aluminium eine kompetitive Bindung an der Bindestelle im Kanalinneren zeigen k{\"o}nnten. So k{\"o}nnte in manchen F{\"a}llen Aluminium anstelle des sonst als Spurenelement ben{\"o}tigten Eisens durch den Kanal transportiert werden und in Enzym-Substrat-Komplexen eingebaut werden. Dadurch k{\"o}nnten toxische Effekte auftreten, die letztlich ein Absterben des Organismus zur Folge h{\"a}tten. F{\"u}r die Bindung der Metallsalze konnte zus{\"a}tzlich eine pH-Abh{\"a}ngigkeit beobachtet werden. Nur eine Zugabe von Metalll{\"o}sungen mit einem pH-Wert kleiner 6 f{\"u}hrte zu einer Bindung im Kanal. Die Zugabe von Metalll{\"o}sungen mit einem pH-Wert gr{\"o}ßer 6 zeigte keinen Effekt auf die Leitf{\"a}higkeit des Kanals. Diese Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigen die auf Kl{\"a}ranlagen und in vorherigen Arbeiten get{\"a}tigte Beobachtung, dass der pH-Wert f{\"u}r die Wirksamkeit der Verbindungen entscheidend ist. In dieser Arbeit konnte jedoch erstmals gezeigt werden, dass der pH-Wert direkt die Bindung der Metallsalze beeinflusst.}, subject = {Aluminium}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stolzenberger2000, author = {Stolzenberger, Sascha}, title = {Spezifische Hemmung der allergieassoziierten Interleukin-4 Signaltransduktion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2375}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Das Cytokin Interleukin-4 (IL-4) ist ein essentieller Faktor bei der Entstehung von Sofort-Typ Allergien. Die Bindung von IL-4 an seinen Rezeptor und die anschließende Phosphorylierung des IL-4 aktivierten Transkriptionsfaktors Stat6 ist ein Schl{\"u}sselereignis bei der allergischen Immunantwort. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Ergebnisse zur Hemmung der Stat6 vermittelten Signaltransduktion des IL-4 Rezeptors vorgestellt. Dazu wurde ein Vektorsystem etabliert, bei dem ein von dem Drosophila-Transkriptionsfaktor Antennapedia abgeleitetes 16 AS langes Peptid benutzt wird. Dieses Antennapediapeptid kann Plasmamembranen lebender Zellen energie- und rezeptorunabh{\"a}ngig durchqueren und dabei andere hydrophile Molek{\"u}le mittransportieren. Stat6 bindet {\"u}ber eine SH2 Dom{\"a}ne an phosphorylierte Reste von IL4Ra und bildet, nachdem es selbst phosphoryliert ist, mit anderen Stat6-Molek{\"u}len aktive Dimere. Ein aus der Stat6-Bindestelle des IL-4Ra abgeleitetes phosphoryliertes Peptid (Stat6BP) wurde mit Hilfe des Antennapediapeptids in verschiedene humane und murine Zellinien transportiert. F{\"u}r Stat6BP konnte mit Hilfe von spezifischer Immunpr{\"a}zipitation und Western-Blot gezeigt werden, dass es IL-4 induzierte Phosphorylierung und Aktivierung von Stat6 transient hemmen kann. Durch zus{\"a}tzliche Applikation des Tyrosinphosphataseinhibitors Natriumpervanadat gelang es, die hemmende Wirkung von Stat6BP zu verl{\"a}ngern. Unter gleichen Bedingungen konnte auch gezeigt werden, dass Stat6BP spezifisch die Aktivierung von Stat6 hemmt, da die durch IL-4 oder IL-3 induzierte Phosphorylierung des eng verwandten Stat5 v{\"o}llig unbeeintr{\"a}chtigt bleibt. Ferner wurde durch das Peptid die Expression eines Stat6 kontrollierten Reportergens gehemmt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde außerdem die Rolle der Src-Typ Kinasen p56lck und p59fyn in der IL-4 Signaltransduktion in unterschiedlichen T-Zellinien untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass die Aktivierung der beide Kinasen stark von der getesteten Zellinie abh{\"a}ngt. In einigen T-Zellinien aktiviert IL-4 eher p56lck, in anderen eher p59fyn.}, subject = {Interleukin 4}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hagen2017, author = {Hagen, Franziska}, title = {Sphingolipids in gonococcal infection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153852}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea, has the potential to spread in the human host and cause a severe complication called disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI). The expression of the major outer membrane porin PorBIA is a characteristic of most gonococci associated with DGI. PorBIA binds to the scavenger receptor expressed on endothelial cells (SREC-I), which mediates the so-called low phosphate-dependent invasion (LPDI). This uptake mechanism enables N. gonorrhoeae to rapidly invade epithelial and endothelial cells in a phosphate-sensitive manner. We recently demonstrated that the neutral sphingomyelinase, which catalyses the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin to ceramide and phosphorylcholine, is required for the LPDI of gonococci in non-phagocytic cells. Neutral sphingomyelinase 2 (NSM2) plays a key role in the early PorBIA signaling by recruiting the PI3 kinase to caveolin. The following activation of the PI3 kinase-dependent downstream signaling leads to the engulfment of the bacteria. As a part of this work, I could confirm the involvement of the NSM2. The role of the enzyme was further elucidated by the generation of antibodies directed against NSM2 and the construction of an epithelium-based NSM2 knockout cell line using CRISPR/Cas9. The knockout of the NSM2 strongly inhibits the LPDI. The invasion could be, however, restored by the complementation of the knockout using an NSM2-GFP construct. However, the results could not be reproduced. In this work, I could show the involvement of further members of the sphingolipid pathway in the PorBIA-mediated invasion. Lipidome analysis revealed an increase of the bioactive molecules ceramide and sphingosine due to gonococcal infection. Both molecules do not only affect the host cell, but seem to influence the bacteria as well: while ceramide seems to be incorporated by the gonococci, sphingosine is toxic for the bacteria. Furthermore, the sphingosine kinase 2 (SPHK2) plays an important role in invasion, since the inhibition and knockdown of the enzyme revealed a negative effect on gonococcal invasion. To elucidate the role of the sphingosine kinases in invasion in more detail, an activity assay was established in this study. Additionally, the impact of the sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase (S1PL) on invasion was investigated. Inhibitor studies and infection experiments conducted with a CRISPR/Cas9 HeLa S1PL knockout cell line revealed a role of the enzyme not only in the PorBIA-mediated invasion, but also in the Opa50/HSPG-mediated gonococcal invasion. The signaling experiments allowed the categorization of the SPHK and S1PL activation in the context of infection. Like the NSM2, both enzymes play a role in the early PorBIA signaling events leading to the uptake of the bacteria. All those findings indicate an important role of sphingolipids in the invasion and survival of N. gonorrhoeae. In the last part of this work, the role of the NSM2 in the inhibition of apoptosis in neutrophils due to gonococcal infection was investigated. It could be demonstrated that the delayed onset of apoptosis is independent of neisserial porin and Opa proteins. Furthermore, the influence of neisserial peptidoglycan on PMN apoptosis was analysed using mutant strains, but no connection could be determined. Since the NSM2 is the most prominent sphingomyelinase in PMNs, fulfils manifold cell physiological functions and has already been connected to apoptosis, the impact of the enzyme on apoptosis inhibition due to gonococcal infection was investigated using inhibitors, with no positive results.}, subject = {gonococcal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Panzer2022, author = {Panzer, Sabine}, title = {Spotlight on Fungal Rhodopsins: A Microscopic and Electrophysiological Study}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27185}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-271859}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Microbial rhodopsins are abundant membrane proteins often capable of ion transport and are found in all three domains of life. Thus, many fungi, especially phyto-associated or phyto-pathogenic ones, contain these green-light-sensing photoreceptors. Proteins that perceive other wavelengths are often well characterized in terms of their impact on fungal biology whereas little is known about the function of fungal rhodopsins. In this work, five fungal rhodopsins, UmOps1 and UmOps2 from the corn smut Ustilago maydis as well as ApOps1, ApOps2 and ApOps3 from the black yeast Aureobasidium pullulans, were characterized electrophysiologically using mammalian expression systems and the patch-clamp technique to explore their ion transport properties. The latter three were modified using a membrane trafficking cassette, termed "2.0" that consists of the lucy rho motif, two Kir2.1 Golgi apparatus trafficking signals and a Kir2.1 endoplasmic reticulum export signal, what resulted in better plasma membrane localization. Rhodopsin mutants were created to identify amino acid residues that are key players in the ion transport process. Current enhancement in the presence of weak organic acids, that was already described before for the fungal rhodopsin CarO from Fusarium fujikuroi (Garc{\´i}a-Mart{\´i}nez et al., 2015; Adam et al., 2018), was investigated for the U. maydis rhodopsins as well as for ApOps2 by supplementing acetate in the patch-clamp electrolyte solutions. All five rhodopsins were found to be proton pumps unidirectionally transporting protons out of the cytosol upon green-light exposure with every rhodopsin exhibiting special features or unique characteristics in terms of the photocurrents. To name just a few, UmOps1, for example, showed a striking pH-dependency with massive enhancement of pump currents in the presence of extracellular acidic pH. Moreover, especially ApOps2 and ApOps3 showed very high current densities, however, the ones of ApOps3 were impaired when exchanging intracellular sodium to cesium. Concerning the mutations, it was found, that the electron releasing group in UmOps1 seems to be involved in the striking pH effect and that the mutation of the proton donor site resulted in almost unfunctional proteins. Moreover, a conserved arginine inside ApOps2 was mutated to turn the proton pump into a channel. Regarding the effect of weak organic acids, acetate was able to induce enhanced pump currents in UmOps1 and ApOps2, but not in UmOps2. Due to the capability of current production upon light illumination, microbial rhodopsins are used in the research field of optogenetics that aims to control neuronal activity by light. ApOps2 was used to test its functionality in differentiated NG108-15 cells addressing the question whether it is a promising candidate that can be used as an optogenetic tool. Indeed, this rhodopsin could be functionally expressed in this experimental system. Furthermore, microscopic studies were done to elucidate the localization of selected rhodopsins in fungal cells. Therefore, conventional (confocal laser scanning or structured illumination microscopy) as well as novel super-resolution techniques (expansion or correlated light and electron microscopy) were used. This was done on U. maydis sporidia, the yeast-like form of this fungus, via eGFP-tagged UmOps1 or UmOps2 expressing strains. Moreover, CarO-eYFP expressing F. fujikuroi was imaged microscopically to confirm the plasma membrane and tonoplast localization (Garc{\´i}a-Mart{\´i}nez et al., 2015) with the help of counterstaining experiments. UmOps1 was found to reside in the plasma membrane, UmOps2 localized to the tonoplast and CarO was indeed found in both of these localizations. This work gains further insight into rhodopsin functions and paves the way for further research in terms of the biological role of rhodopsins in fungal life cycles.}, subject = {Opsin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ankenbrand2018, author = {Ankenbrand, Markus Johannes}, title = {Squeezing more information out of biological data - development and application of bioinformatic tools for ecology, evolution and genomics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156344}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {New experimental methods have drastically accelerated the pace and quantity at which biological data is generated. High-throughput DNA sequencing is one of the pivotal new technologies. It offers a number of novel applications in various fields of biology, including ecology, evolution, and genomics. However, together with those opportunities many new challenges arise. Specialized algorithms and software are required to cope with the amount of data, often requiring substantial training in bioinformatic methods. Another way to make those data accessible to non-bioinformaticians is the development of programs with intuitive user interfaces. In my thesis I developed analyses and programs to tackle current problems with high-throughput data in biology. In the field of ecology this covers the establishment of the bioinformatic workflow for pollen DNA meta-barcoding. Furthermore, I developed an application that facilitates the analysis of ecological communities in the context of their traits. Information from multiple public databases have been aggregated and can now be mapped automatically to existing community tables for interactive inspection. In evolution the new data are used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees from multiple genes. I developed the tool bcgTree to automate this process for bacteria. Many plant genomes have been sequenced in current years. Sequencing reads of those projects also contain data from the chloroplasts. The tool chloroExtractor supports the targeted extraction and analysis of the chloroplast genome. To compare the structure of multiple genomes specialized software is required for calculation and visualization of the relationships. I developed AliTV to address this. In contrast to existing programs for this task it allows interactive adjustments of produced graphics. Thus, facilitating the discovery of biologically relevant information. Another application I developed helps to analyze transcriptomes even if no reference genome is present. This is achieved by aggregating the different pieces of information, like functional annotation and expression level, for each transcript in a web platform. Scientists can then search, filter, subset, and visualize the transcriptome. Together the methods and tools expedite insights into biological systems that were not possible before.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RamosTirado2015, author = {Ramos Tirado, Mario}, title = {Stammzellbasierte Behandlungsstrategien zur Stimmlippenaugmentation und laryngealen Defektrekonstruktion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117528}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Kehlkopf ist ein stimmerzeugendes knorpelhaltiges Organ und spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Atemfunktion und beim aspirationsfreien Schluckakt. Funktionsst{\"o}rungen des Kehlkopfs wie Stimmbandl{\"a}hmungen werden durch Sch{\"a}digungen des Kehlkopfnervs nach operativen Eingriffen und Halsverletzungen hervorgerufen. Des Weiteren f{\"u}hren durch Traumen, Teil- und komplette Resektionen verursachte Substanzdefekte des Kehlkopfs zu Funktionsverlusten. Die hierf{\"u}r notwendigen und komplexen Rekonstruktionen werden durch das schlechte Regenerationspotential von Knorpelgewebe eingeschr{\"a}nkt und k{\"o}nnen nur bedingt durch synthetische Ersatzmaterialen oder k{\"o}rpereigenes Ersatzgewebe bewerkstelligt werden. Ist es m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares Knorpelersatzgewebe herzustellen, welches zur dauerhaften Wiederherstellung der Kehlkopffunktionen eingesetzt werden kann? Die zus{\"a}tzliche Markierung von Stammzellen mit superparamagnetischen Eisenoxidnanopartikeln (VSOP) als Zellmarker bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit der Detektion und der Verfolgung der Zellen mittels nicht-invasiver Nachweismethoden nach deren Implantation. Ist die Verwendung dieser Nanopartikel ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r die Stammzellen m{\"o}glich und sind diese f{\"u}r den Einsatz in der Laryngologie geeignet? Fettgewebsstammzellen (ASC) wurden aus humanem Liposuktionsmaterial und Kaninchen-Nackenfett isoliert und expandiert. Die Zellen wurden in Hydrogelkombinationen aus Kollagen Typ-I, Agarose, Fibrin und Hyalurons{\"a}ure eingebettet und mit den chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren TGF-β3, BMP-6 und IGF-I {\"u}ber 14 Tage differenziert. Anschließend wurden diese Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte bez{\"u}glich Morphologie, extrazellul{\"a}rer Matrixanreicherung und knorpelspezifischer Genexpression histologisch, immunhistochemisch und molekularbiologisch analysiert. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden die Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in natives Knorpelgewebe sowie die Defektdeckung in einem in vitro- und einem in vivo-Knorpeldefektmodell mit vor- und nicht-vordifferenzierten Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten untersucht. Die Analyse m{\"o}glicher zyto- und genotoxischer Effekte von VSOP sowie des Einflusses der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential erfolgte nach der Markierung der Zellen mit unterschiedlichen VSOP-Konzentrationen. Außerdem wurden VSOP-markierte ASC in Kaninchenstimmlippen injiziert und die Nachweisbarkeit dieser Zellen im Injektionsareal histologisch und mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht. Nach 14-t{\"a}giger chondrogener Differenzierung wurde in den Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten eine knorpel{\"a}hnliche Morphologie, die Anreicherung knorpelspezifischer Matrixproteine und die Expression chondrogener Markergene nachgewiesen. Die Kombination der chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren zeigte keinen verst{\"a}rkenden Einfluss auf die Chondrogenese von ASC. Hydrogele aus Kollagen Typ I und Hyalurons{\"a}ure wiesen die st{\"a}rkste extrazellul{\"a}re Matrixanreicherung auf. Bei den agarosefreien Hydrogelen war eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Gelschrumpfung auff{\"a}llig. In den beiden Knorpeldefektmodellen konnte weder eine Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in den Nativknorpel noch eine vollst{\"a}ndige Defektdeckung nachgewiesen werden. Nach der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP zeigte sich bei der h{\"o}chsten Konzentration von 1,5 mM eine genotoxische Wirkung. Zytotoxische Effekte sowie Einfl{\"u}sse der Markierung auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential von ASC waren nicht nachweisbar. VSOP-markierte ASC konnten nach deren Injektion in Kaninchenstimmlippen im Injektionsareal nur vereinzelt mittels MRT und histologisch nachgewiesen werden. Es ist m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares knorpel{\"a}hnliches Gewebe herzustellen. Dabei beg{\"u}nstigen agarosefreie Tr{\"a}germaterialien die chondrogene Differenzierung von ASC. Diese k{\"o}nnte durch die jeweilige Erh{\"o}hung der Zelldichte und Wachstumsfaktorkonzentrationen sowie die Verl{\"a}ngerung der Induktionszeit verst{\"a}rkt werden. Eine m{\"o}gliche klinische Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe in der Laryngologie ist jedoch durch deren Schrumpfung wie auch mangelnde Integration und Defektdeckung noch weit entfernt. Aufgrund ihrer genotoxischen Wirkung kann eine Verwendung von VSOP als Zellmarker auch unterhalb von 1,5 mM ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r den Organismus nicht sicher ausgeschlossen werden. Der inhomogene Gewebekontrast im Kehlkopf, die schlechte Aufl{\"o}sung im MRT und die geringe Gr{\"o}ße von VSOP erschweren die Nachweisbarkeit und Verfolgung markierter Zellen mittels MRT. Daher sind andere nicht-invasive Nachweismethoden f{\"u}r die Verwendung von VSOP im Kehlkopf zu evaluieren. Der m{\"o}glichen Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe und VSOP in der rekonstruktiven Laryngologie muss eine erfolgreiche Optimierung und ausf{\"u}hrliche positive Validierung in klinischen Tests vorausgehen.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fleischmann2019, author = {Fleischmann, Pauline Nikola}, title = {Starting foraging life: Early calibration and daily use of the navigational system in \(Cataglyphis\) ants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15995}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159951}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cataglyphis ants are famous for their navigational abilities. They live in hostile habitats where they forage as solitary scavengers covering distances of more than hundred thousand times their body lengths. To return to their nest with a prey item - mainly other dead insects that did not survive the heat - Cataglyphis ants constantly keep track of their directions and distances travelled. The navigational strategy is called path integration, and it enables an ant to return to the nest in a straight line using its home vector. Cataglyphis ants mainly rely on celestial compass cues, like the position of the sun or the UV polarization pattern, to determine directions, and they use an idiothetic step counter and optic flow to measure distances. In addition, they acquire information about visual, olfactory and tactile landmarks, and the wind direction to increase their chances of returning to the nest safe and sound. Cataglyphis' navigational performance becomes even more impressive if one considers their life style. Most time of their lives, the ants stay underground and perform tasks within the colony. When they start their foraging careers outside the nest, they have to calibrate their compass systems and acquire all information necessary for navigation during subsequent foraging. This navigational toolkit is not instantaneously available, but has to be filled with experience. For that reason, Cataglyphis ants perform a striking behavior for up to three days before actually foraging. These so-called learning walks are crucial for the success as foragers later on. In the present thesis, both the ontogeny and the fine-structure of learning walks has been investigated. Here I show with displacement experiments that Cataglyphis ants need enough space and enough time to perform learning walks. Spatially restricted novices, i. e. na{\"i}ve ants, could not find back to the nest when tested as foragers later on. Furthermore, ants have to perform several learning walks over 1-3 days to gain landmark information for successful homing as foragers. An increasing number of feeder visits also increases the importance of landmark information, whereas in the beginning ants fully rely on their path-integration vector. Learning walks are well-structured. High-speed video analysis revealed that Cataglyphis ants include species-specific rotational elements in their learning walks. Greek Cataglyphis ants (C. noda and C. aenescens) inhabiting a cluttered pine forest perform voltes, small walked circles, and pirouettes, tight turns about the body axis with frequent stopping phases. During the longest stopping phases, the ants gaze back to their nest entrance. The Tunisian Cataglyphis fortis ants inhabiting featureless saltpans only perform voltes without directed gazes. The function of voltes has not yet been revealed. In contrast, the fine structure of pirouettes suggests that the ants take snapshots of the panorama towards their homing direction to memorize the nest's surroundings. The most likely hypothesis was that Cataglyphis ants align the gaze directions using their path integrator, which gets directional input from celestial cues during foraging. To test this hypothesis, a manipulation experiment was performed changing the celestial cues above the nest entrance (no sun, no natural polarization pattern, no UV light). The accurately directed gazes to the nest entrance offer an easily quantifiable readout suitable to ask the ants where they expect their nest entrance. Unexpectedly, all novices performing learning walks under artificial sky conditions looked back to the nest entrance. This was especially surprising, because neuronal changes in the mushroom bodies and the central complex receiving visual input could only be induced with the natural sky when comparing test animals with interior workers. The behavioral findings indicated that Cataglyphis ants use another directional reference system to align their gaze directions during the longest stopping phases of learning walk pirouettes. One possibility was the earth's magnetic field. Indeed, already disarraying the geomagnetic field at the nest entrance with an electromagnetic flat coil indicated that the ants use magnetic information to align their looks back to the nest entrance. To investigate this finding further, ants were confronted with a controlled magnetic field using a Helmholtz coil. Elimination of the horizontal field component led to undirected gaze directions like the disarray did. Rotating the magnetic field about 90°, 180° or -90° shifted the ants' gaze directions in a predictable manner. Therefore, the earth's magnetic field is a necessary and sufficient reference system for aligning nest-centered gazes during learning-walk pirouettes. Whether it is additionally used for other navigational purposes, e. g. for calibrating the solar ephemeris, remains to be tested. Maybe the voltes performed by all Cataglyphis ant species investigated so far can help to answer this question..}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Costea2016, author = {Costea, Paul Igor}, title = {Stratification and variation of the human gut microbiota}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139649}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The microbial communities that live inside the human gastrointestinal tract -the human gut microbiome- are important for host health and wellbeing. Characterizing this new "organ", made up of as many cells as the human body itself, has recently become possible through technological advances. Metagenomics, the high-throughput sequencing of DNA directly from microbial communities, enables us to take genomic snapshots of thousands of microbes living together in this complex ecosystem, without the need for isolating and growing them. Quantifying the composition of the human gut microbiome allows us to investigate its properties and connect it to host physiology and disease. The wealth of such connections was unexpected and is probably still underestimated. Due to the fact that most of our dietary as well as medicinal intake affects the microbiome and that the microbiome itself interacts with our immune system through a multitude of pathways, many mechanisms have been proposed to explain the observed correlations, though most have yet to be understood in depth. An obvious prerequisite to characterizing the microbiome and its interactions with the host is the accurate quantification of its composition, i.e. determining which microbes are present and in what numbers they occur. Historically, standard practices have existed for sample handling, DNA extraction and data analysis for many years. However, these were generally developed for single microbe cultures and it is not always feasible to implement them in large scale metagenomic studies. Partly because of this and partly because of the excitement that new technology brings about, the first metagenomic studies each took the liberty to define their own approach and protocols. From early meta-analysis of these studies it became clear that the differences in sample handling, as well as differences in computational approaches, made comparisons across studies very difficult. This restricts our ability to cross-validate findings of individual studies and to pool samples from larger cohorts. To address the pressing need for standardization, we undertook an extensive comparison of 21 different DNA extraction methods as well as a series of other sample manipulations that affect quantification. We developed a number of criteria for determining the measurement quality in the absence of a mock community and used these to propose best practices for sampling, DNA extraction and library preparation. If these were to be accepted as standards in the field, it would greatly improve comparability across studies, which would dramatically increase the power of our inferences and our ability to draw general conclusions about the microbiome. Most metagenomics studies involve comparisons between microbial communities, for example between fecal samples from cases and controls. A multitude of approaches have been proposed to calculate community dissimilarities (beta diversity) and they are often combined with various preprocessing techniques. Direct metagenomics quantification usually counts sequencing reads mapped to specific taxonomic units, which can be species, genera, etc. Due to technology-inherent differences in sampling depth, normalizing counts is necessary, for instance by dividing each count by the sum of all counts in a sample (i.e. total sum scaling), or by subsampling. To derive a single value for community (dis-)similarity, multiple distance measures have been proposed. Although it is theoretically difficult to benchmark these approaches, we developed a biologically motivated framework in which distance measures can be evaluated. This highlights the importance of data transformations and their impact on the measured distances. Building on our experience with accurate abundance estimation and data preprocessing techniques, we can now try and understand some of the basic properties of microbial communities. In 2011, it was proposed that the space of genus level variation of the human gut microbial community is structured into three basic types, termed enterotypes. These were described in a multi-country cohort, so as to be independent of geography, age and other host properties. Operationally defined through a clustering approach, they are "densely populated areas in a multidimensional space of community composition"(source) and were proposed as a general stratifier for the human population. Later studies that applied this concept to other datasets raised concerns about the optimum number of clusters and robustness of the clustering approach. This heralded a long standing debate about the existence of structure and the best ways to determine and capture it. Here, we reconsider the concept of enterotypes, in the context of the vastly increased amounts of available data. We propose a refined framework in which the different types should be thought of as weak attractors in compositional space and we try to implement an approach to determining which attractor a sample is closest to. To this end, we train a classifier on a reference dataset to assign membership to new samples. This way, enterotypes assignment is no longer dataset dependent and effects due to biased sampling are minimized. Using a model in which we assume the existence of three enterotypes characterized by the same driver genera, as originally postulated, we show the relevance of this stratification and propose it to be used in a clinical setting as a potential marker for disease development. Moreover, we believe that these attractors underline different rules of community assembly and we recommend they be accounted for when analyzing gut microbiome samples. While enterotypes describe structure in the community at genus level, metagenomic sequencing can in principle achieve single-nucleotide resolution, allowing us to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other genomic variants in the gut microbiome. Analysis methodology for this level of resolution has only recently been developed and little exploration has been done to date. Assessing SNPs in a large, multinational cohort, we discovered that the landscape of genomic variation seems highly structured even beyond species resolution, indicating that clearly distinguishable subspecies are prevalent among gut microbes. In several cases, these subspecies exhibit geo-stratification, with some subspecies only found in the Chinese population. Generally however, they present only minor dispersion limitations and are seen across most of our study populations. Within one individual, one subspecies is commonly found to dominate and only rarely are several subspecies observed to co-occur in the same ecosystem. Analysis of longitudinal data indicates that the dominant subspecies remains stable over periods of more than three years. When interrogating their functional properties we find many differences, with specific ones appearing relevant to the host. For example, we identify a subspecies of E. rectale that is lacking the flagellum operon and find its presence to be significantly associated with lower body mass index and lower insulin resistance of their hosts; it also correlates with higher microbial community diversity. These associations could not be seen at the species level (where multiple subspecies are convoluted), which illustrates the importance of this increased resolution for a more comprehensive understanding of microbial interactions within the microbiome and with the host. Taken together, our results provide a rigorous basis for performing comparative metagenomics of the human gut, encompassing recommendations for both experimental sample processing and computational analysis. We furthermore refine the concept of community stratification into enterotypes, develop a reference-based approach for enterotype assignment and provide compelling evidence for their relevance. Lastly, by harnessing the full resolution of metagenomics, we discover a highly structured genomic variation landscape below the microbial species level and identify common subspecies of the human gut microbiome. By developing these high-precision metagenomics analysis tools, we thus hope to contribute to a greatly improved understanding of the properties and dynamics of the human gut microbiome.}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Milenkovic2006, author = {Milenkovic, Vladimir M.}, title = {Structural and functional analysis of bestrophin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Morbus Best (OMIM 153700), auch als vitelliforme Makuladystrophie Typ 2 (VMD2) bezeichnet, ist eine autosomal dominant vererbte Makuladystrophie mit juvenilem Beginn. Die Erkrankung geht einher mit einer Ansammlung von Lipofuscin-{\"a}hnlichem Material im sowie unterhalb des retinalen Pigmentepithels (RPE). Das bei Morbus Best mutierte VMD2- Gen kodiert f{\"u}r ein 585 Aminos{\"a}uren langes Transmembranprotein, genannt Bestrophin, und wird vorwiegend im RPE exprimiert. Das Protein hat eine komplexe Membrantopologie mit 4-6 putativen Transmembrandom{\"a}nen (TMD) und ist vermutlich in den Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngigen Transport von Chloridionen durch die Plasmamembran involviert. Die {\"u}berwiegende Mehrheit der krankheitsassoziierten Ver{\"a}nderungen bei M. Best Patienten sind Missense-Mutationen, die innerhalb der hochkonservierten N-terminalen H{\"a}lfte des Proteins nahe der mutmaßlichen Transmembrandom{\"a}nen akkumulieren. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Pathologie und identifizierter Mutationen bzw. der Chloridkanal- Funktion von Bestrophin-1 ist noch unklar. Um die biologische Funktion von Bestrohin-1 weiter aufzukl{\"a}ren und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen der BMD besser zu verstehen, wurde mit Hilfe des GAL4-basierenden Hefe-Zwei-Hybridsystems (Y2H) nach interagierenden Partnern von Bestrophin-1 gesucht. Ein Screen in einer bovinen RPE cDNABank mit verschiedenen verk{\"u}rzten Fragmenten von Bestrophin-1 ergab 53 m{\"o}gliche interagierende Partner. Allerdings schlossen anschließende Verifikationsexperimente die Kandidatengene aus. Somit deuten die Resultate dieser umfangreichen YH2-Studie daraufhin, dass Bestrophin f{\"u}r das herk{\"o}mmliche Zwei-Hybrid-System nicht geeignet ist. Zum einen k{\"o}nnte dies daran liegen, dass das Protein ein integraler Bestandteil der Membran ist und zum anderen, dass m{\"o}glicherweise der Transport der gew{\"a}hlten Bestrophin-Fragmente zum Nukleus nicht stattfindet. Dies gilt jedoch als Grundvoraussetzung f{\"u}r eine Proteininteraktion im Hefe-2-Hybridsystem. Bestrophin geh{\"o}rt zu einer großen Familie von integralen Membranproteinen, von der bis heute bereits {\"u}ber 100 Mitglieder bei verschiedenen Organismengruppen wie denS{\"a}ugern, Insekten und W{\"u}rmern identifiziert werden konnten. Als auff{\"a}lligste Besonderheit in der Familie der Bestrophine zeigt sich neben einer nicht-variablen RFP-Dom{\"a}ne (Arginin- Phenylalanin-Prolin) eine evolution{\"a}r hochkonservierte N-terminale Region. Um die phylogenetische Beziehung der Bestrophine zu untersuchen sowie den Aufbau und die Funktion von konservierten Motiven innerhalb der Familienmitglieder zu identifizieren, wurde diese konservierte N-terminale Region sowohl bioinformatisch wie auch Chapter Two: Zusammenfassung 4 phylogenetisch weiter untersucht. Die phylogenetische Analyse der Bestrophin Homologen brachte vier evolution{\"a}r konservierte Familienmitglieder in S{\"a}ugern hervor, die jeweils eine starke Homologie zu den Proteinen VMD2, VMD2-L1 bis VMD2-L3 des Menschen zeigen. Die signifikante {\"A}hnlichkeit der Proteinsequenz innerhalb der vier Familienmitglieder l{\"a}sst die Schlussfolgerungen zu, dass zum einen jedes einzelne Familienmitglied ihre eigene evolution{\"a}r konservierte Funktion hat und zum anderen dass die Divergenz des Bestrophins in verschiedene Familienmitglieder zeitlich vor der Divergenz der verschiedenen S{\"a}ugerspezien erfolgt sein muss.}, subject = {Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bartossek2018, author = {Bartossek, Thomas}, title = {Structural and functional analysis of the trypanosomal variant surface glycoprotein using x-ray scattering techniques and fluorescence microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144775}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Trypanosoma brucei is an obligate parasite and causative agent of severe diseases affecting humans and livestock. The protist lives extracellularly in the bloodstream of the mammalian host, where it is prone to attacks by the host immune system. As a sophisticated means of defence against the immune response, the parasite's surface is coated in a dense layer of the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), that reduces identification of invariant epitopes on the cell surface by the immune system to levels that prevent host immunity. The VSG has to form a coat that is both dense and mobile, to shield invariant surface proteins from detection and to allow quick recycling of the protective coat during immune evasion. This coat effectively protects the parasite from the harsh environment that is the mammalian bloodstream and leads to a persistent parasitemia if the infection remains untreated. The available treatment against African Trypanosomiasis involves the use of drugs that are themselves severely toxic and that can lead to the death of the patient. Most of the drugs used as treatment were developed in the early-to-mid 20th century, and while developments continue, they still represent the best medical means to fight the parasite. The discovery of a fluorescent VSG gave rise to speculations about a potential interaction between the VSG coat and components of the surrounding medium, that could also lead to a new approach in the treatment of African Trypanosomiasis that involves the VSG coat. The initially observed fluorescence signal was specific for a combination of a VSG called VSG'Y' and the triphenylmethane (TPM) dye phenol red. Exchanging this TPM to a bromo-derivative led to the observation of another fluorescence effect termed trypanicidal effect which killed the parasite independent of the expressed VSG and suggests a structurally conserved feature between VSGs that could function as a specific drug target against T. b. brucei. The work of this thesis aims to identify the mechanisms that govern the unique VSG'Y' fluorescence and the trypanocidal effect. Fluorescence experiments and protein mutagenesis of VSG'Y' as well as crystallographic trials with a range of different VSGs were utilized in the endeavour to identify the binding mechanisms between TPM compounds and VSGs, to find potentially conserved structural features between VSGs and to identify the working mechanisms of VSG fluorescence and the trypanocidal effect. These trials have the potential to lead to the formulation of highly specific drugs that target the parasites VSG coat. During the crystallographic trials of this thesis, the complete structure of a VSG was solved experimentally for the first time. This complete structure is a key component in furthering the understanding of the mechanisms governing VSG coat formation. X-ray scattering techniques, involving x-ray crystallography and small angle x-ray scattering were applied to elucidate the first complete VSG structures, which reveal high flexibility of the protein and supplies insight into the importance of this flexibility in the formation of a densely packed but highly mobile surface coat.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Noskov2003, author = {Noskov, Andrey}, title = {Structural and functional studies of the Interleukin-5 receptor system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {The aim of current work was contribution to the long-term ongoing project on developing human IL-5 agonists/antagonists that intervene with or inhibit IL-5 numerous functions in cell culture and/or in animal disease models. To facilitate design of an IL-5 antagonist variant or low-molecular weight mimetics only capable of binding to the specific receptor alpha chain, but would lack the ability to attract the receptor common \&\#946;-chain and thus initiate receptor complex activation it is necessary to gain the information on minimal structural and functional epitopes. Such a strategy was successfully adopted in our group on example of Interleukin 4. To precisely localize minimal structural epitope it is essential to have structure of the ligand in its bound form and especially informative would be structure of complex of the ligand and its specific receptor alpha chain. For this purpose large quantities (tens of milligrams), retaining full biological activity IL-5 and extracellular domain of IL-5 specific receptor \&\#945;-chain were expressed in a bacterial expression system (E.coli). After successful refolding proteins were purified to 95-99\% Stable and soluble receptor:ligand complex was prepared. Each established purification and refolding procedures were subjected to optimization targeting maximal yields and purity. Produced receptor:ligand complex was applied to crystallization experiments. Microcrystals were initially obtained with a flexible sparse matrix screening methodology. Crystal quality was subsequently improved by fine-tuning of the crystallization conditions. At this stage crystals of about 800x150x30µm in size can be obtained. They possess desirable visible characteristics of crystals including optical clarity, smooth facecs and sharp edges. Crystals rotate plane polarized light reflecting their well internal organization. Unfortunately relative slimness and sometimes cluster nature of the produced crystals complicates acquisition of high-resolution dataset and resolution of the structure. With some of obtained crystals diffraction to a resolution up to 4{\AA} was observed.}, subject = {Interleukin 5}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bollmann2013, author = {Bollmann, Stefan}, title = {Structural Dynamics of Oligopeptides determined by Fluorescence Quenching of Organic Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-92191}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {For determination of structures and structural dynamics of proteins organic fluorophores are a standard instrument. Intra- and intermolecular contact of biomolecular structures are determined in time-resolved and stationary fluorescence microscopy experiments by quenching of organic fluorophores due to Photoinduced Electron Transfer (PET) and dimerization interactions. Using PET we show in this work that end-to-end contact dynamics of serine-glycine peptides are slowed down by glycosylation. This slow down is due to a change in reaction enthalpy for end-to-end contact and is partly compensated by entropic effects. In a second step we test how dimerization of MR121 fluorophore pairs reports on end-to-end contact dynamics. We show that in aqueous solutions containing strong denaturants MR121 dimerization reports advantageously on contact dynamics for glycine-serine oligopeptides compared to the previously used MR121/tryptophane PET reporters. Then we analyze dimer interactions and quenching properties of different commercially available fluorophores being standards in F{\"o}rster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) measurements. Distances in biomolecules are determinable using FRET, but for very flexible biomolecules the analysis of masurement data can be distorted if contact of the two FRET fluorophores is likely. We quantify how strong the quenching of fluorophore pairs with two different or two identical fluorophores is. Dimer spectra and association constants are quantified to estimate if fluophores are applicable in various applications, e.g. in FRET measurements with unstructured peptides and proteins.}, subject = {Fluorophore}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwebs2024, author = {Schwebs, Marie}, title = {Structure and dynamics of the plasma membrane: a single-molecule study in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27569}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-275699}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The unicellular, flagellated parasite Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness and nagana in livestock. In the last decades, it has become an established eukaryotic model organism in the field of biology, as well as in the interdisciplinary field of biophysics. For instance, the dense variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat offers the possibility to study the dynamics of GPI-anchored proteins in the plasma membrane of living cells. The fluidity of the VSG coat is not only an interesting object of study for its own sake, but is critically important for the survival of the parasite in the mammalian host. In order to maintain the integrity of the coat, the entire VSG coat is recycled within a few minutes. This is surprisingly fast for a purely diffusive process with the flagellar pocket (FP) as the sole site for endo- and exocytosis. Previous studies characterising VSG dynamics using FRAP reported diffusion coefficients that were not sufficient to to enable fast turnover based on passive VSG randomisation on the trypanosome surface. In this thesis, live-cell single-molecule fluorescence microscopy (SMFM) was employed to elucidate whether VSG diffusion coefficients were priorly underestimated or whether directed forces could be involved to bias VSGs towards the entrance of the FP. Embedding the highly motile trypanosomes in thermo-stable hydrogels facilitated the investigation of VSG dynamics on living trypanosomes at the mammalian host's temperature of 37°C. To allow for a spatial correlation of the VSG dynamics to the FP entrance, a cell line was employed harbouring a fluorescently labelled structure as a reference. Sequential two-colour SMFM was then established to allow for recording and registration of the dynamic and static single-molecule information. In order to characterise VSG dynamics, an algorithm to obtain reliable information from short trajectories was adapted (shortTrAn). It allowed for the quantification of the local dynamics in two distinct scenarios: diffusion and directed motion. The adaptation of the algorithm to the VSG data sets required the introduction of an additional projection filter. The algorithm was further extended to take into account the localisation errors inherent to single-particle tracking. The results of the quantification of diffusion and directed motion were presented in maps of the trypanosome surface, including an outline generated from a super-resolved static structure as a reference. Information on diffusion was displayed in one map, an ellipse plot. The colour code represented the local diffusion coefficient, while the shape of the ellipses provided an indication of the diffusion behaviour (aniso- or isotropic diffusion). The eccentricity of the ellipses was used to quantify deviations from isotropic diffusion. Information on directed motion was shown in three maps: A velocity map, representing the amplitude of the local velocities in a colour code. A quiver plot, illustrating the orientation of directed motion, and a third map which indicated the relative standard error of the local velocities colour-coded. Finally, a guideline based on random walk simulations was used to identify which of the two motion scenarios dominated locally. Application of the guideline to the VSG dynamics analysed by shortTrAn yielded supermaps that showed the locally dominant motion mode colour-coded. I found that VSG dynamics are dominated by diffusion, but several times faster than previously determined. The diffusion behaviour was additionally characterised by spatial heterogeneity. Moreover, isolated regions exhibiting the characteristics of round and elongated traps were observed on the cell surface. Additionally, VSG dynamics were studied with respect to the entrance of the FP. VSG dynamics in this region displayed similar characteristics compared to the remainder of the cell surface and forces biasing VSGs into the FP were not found. Furthermore, I investigated a potential interference of the attachment of the cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane with the dynamics of VSGs which are anchored to the outer leaflet of the membrane. Preliminary experiments were conducted on osmotically swollen trypanosomes and trypanosomes depleted for a microtubule-associated protein anchoring the subpellicular microtubule cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. The measurements revealed a trend that detachment of the cytoskeleton could be associated with a reduction in the VSG diffusion coefficient and a loss of elongated traps. The latter could be an indication that these isolated regions were caused by underlying structures associated with the cytoskeleton. The measurements on cells with an intact cytoskeleton were complemented by random walk simulations of VSG dynamics with the newly determined diffusion coefficient on long time scales not accessible in experiments. Simulations showed that passive VSG randomisation is fast enough to allow for a turnover of the full VSG coat within a few minutes. According to an estimate based on the known rate of endocytosis and the newly determined VSG diffusion coefficient, the majority of exocytosed VSGs could escape from the FP to the cell surface without being immediately re-endocytosed.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Keller2004, author = {Keller, Sascha}, title = {Struktur- und Funktionsanalysen an BMP Ligand-Rezeptor-Komplexen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12467}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {F{\"u}r BMPs wie auch die anderen Mitglieder der TGF-beta-Superfamilie beginnt der Signalweg mit der Bindung des Liganden an zwei Typen transmembran{\"a}rer Rezeptoren. Die Ligand-Rezeptor Interaktionen sind dabei durch unterschiedliche Affinit{\"a}t und Spezifit{\"a}t gekennzeichnet und bilden wahrscheinlich die Grundlage f{\"u}r das breite Spektrum biologischer Funktionen. In dieser Arbeit wurde mittels einer Struktur- und Funktionsanalyse von BMP Ligand-Rezeptor Komplexen die molekulare Basis f{\"u}r die Affinit{\"a}t und Spezifit{\"a}t dieser Wechselwirkungen untersucht. Hierf{\"u}r wurde die Kristallstruktur des BMP-2 : BR-IAec Ligand-Rezeptor Komplexes bei einer Aufl{\"o}sung von 1,9{\AA} ermittelt. Mit der h{\"o}heren Aufl{\"o}sung war die Charakterisierung der geometrischen Parameter eines Netzwerks von zehn Wasserstoff-Br{\"u}ckenbindungen in der Interaktionsfl{\"a}che zwischen BMP-2 und BR-IAec m{\"o}glich. Deren zentrale Bedeutung f{\"u}r dieWechselwirkung konnte auch durch funktionelle Analyse best{\"a}tigt werden. So stellen die im Zentrum der Bindungsfl{\"a}che liegenden Wasserstoff-Br{\"u}ckenbindungen BMP-2 Leu51 (N) : BR-IAec Gln86 (OE1) und BMP-2 Leu51 (O) : BR-IAec Gln86 (NE1), sowie die BMP-2 Asp53 (N) : BR-IAec Cys77 (O) H-Br{\"u}cke die Hauptdeterminanten der Ligand-Rezeptor Bindung dar. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ließ sich aus der strukturellen Analyse des "wrist"-Epitops von BMP-2 eine besondere Bedeutung der Pr{\"a}-Helix Schleife L2, sowie der im Kontakt eingeschlossenen Wassermolek{\"u}le f{\"u}r die Anpassung der Bindungsfl{\"a}che an unterschiedliche Interaktionspartner ableiten. Diese Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage f{\"u}r ein neues Modell zur Beschreibung von Affinit{\"a}t und Spezifit{\"a}t der hochaffinen BMP-Typ I Rezeptor Interaktion. Dabei stellen die Wasserstoff-Br{\"u}ckenbindungen den Hauptanteil zur Bindungsenergie, w{\"a}hrend die hydrophobe Umgebung in der Interaktionsfl{\"a}che die Bildung von Wasserstoff-Br{\"u}ckenbindungen energetisch beg{\"u}nstigen und hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen nur geringf{\"u}gigen Einfluss auf die Affinit{\"a}t nehmen. Die vorliegenden Arbeit beschreibt zudem die Pr{\"a}paration und Kristallisation von bin{\"a}ren Ligand-Typ I Rezeptor Komplexen f{\"u}r BMP-2, BMP-6 und GDF-5, sowie die der tern{\"a}ren Komplexe von BMP-2, BR-IAec und ActR-IIec bzw. BR-IIec. Die extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}nen der hierf{\"u}r verwendeten Rezeptoren wurden durch Expression in E.coli oder Sf-9 Insektenzellen erhalten. Ihre funktionelle Charakterisierung erfolgte durch BIAcore Interaktionsanalyse an immobilisierten Liganden, wobei in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Ligand-Rezeptor Komplex unterschiedliche Affinit{\"a}ten ermittelt werden konnten. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den hierbei erhaltenen Daten wurden die Ligand-BMP Typ IB Rezeptor Komplexe f{\"u}r BMP-2, BMP-6 und GDF-5, sowie der GDF-5 : BR-IAec Ligand-Rezeptor Komplex pr{\"a}pariert. Des Weiteren konnte die Bildung des tern{\"a}ren BMP-2 : BR-IAec : ActR-IIec Ligand-Rezeptor Komplexes in L{\"o}sung nachgewiesen werden. F{\"u}r all diese Komplexe konnten Kristallisationsbedingungen ermittelt werden. Trotz Optimierung dieser Bedingungen reichte die Qualit{\"a}t der erhaltenen Kristalle nicht f{\"u}r eine Aufkl{\"a}rung der Struktur aus. F{\"u}r eine detailliertes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Mechanismen der Rezeptoraktivierung muss die strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung von BMP Ligand-Rezeptor Komplexen fortgef{\"u}hrt werden. Die pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass {\"u}ber die Kenntnis der einzelnen Affinit{\"a}ten und die gezielte Modifikation der Interaktionspartner eine erfolgreiche Strukturanalyse dieser Ligand-Rezeptor Komplexe m{\"o}glich ist.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kraich2008, author = {Kraich, Michael}, title = {Strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchungen der Interaktion zwischen Ligand und Rezeptor im Interleukin-4- und Interleukin-13-System}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27655}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Interleukin-4 (IL-4) und Interleukin-13 (IL-13) sind bedeutende Regulatorproteine des Immunsystems. Sie spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entstehung und dem Verlauf von allergischen Erkrankungen, wie z.B. Asthma. Um ihre Signale in die Zielzelle zu transduzieren, kann von beiden Zytokinen der gleiche Zelloberfl{\"a}chenrezeptor verwendet werden, wodurch sich die {\"u}berlappenden, biologischen Funktionen erkl{\"a}ren lassen. Dieser gemeinsam genutzte Rezeptor ist aus den beiden Untereinheiten IL-4Ralpha; und IL-13Ralpha1 aufgebaut. Da IL-4 und IL-13 auf Aminos{\"a}ureebene nur etwa 25\% Sequenzidentit{\"a}t besitzen und stark unterschiedliche Affinit{\"a}ten zu den beiden Rezeptorketten besitzen, stellt sich die Frage, durch welchen molekularen Erkennungsmechanismus, die Affinit{\"a}t und die Spezifit{\"a}t der Ligand-Rezeptor-Interaktion unabh{\"a}ngig voneinander reguliert werden kann. In dieser Arbeit gelang es, rekombinante Expressions- und Aufreinigungsstrategien f{\"u}r IL-13 und die extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}nen der Rezeptorketten IL-13Ralpha1 und IL-13Ralpha2 zu entwickeln. Dadurch war es m{\"o}gliche, eine breite Mutations-/Interaktionsanalyse der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette durchzuf{\"u}hren.Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die N-terminale FnIII-{\"a}hnliche Dom{\"a}ne von IL-13Ralpha1 sowohl an der Bindung von IL-13 als auch an der Interaktion mit IL-4 beteiligt ist. Im funktionellen Bindeepitop der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette wurden die Aminos{\"a}urereste Arg84, Phe253 und Tyr321 als Hauptbindungsdeterminanten f{\"u}r die Interaktion mit IL-13 identifiziert. Durch die Interaktionsstudien der IL-13Ralpha1-Varianten mit IL-4 wurde gezeigt, dass diese Hauptbindungsdeterminanten auch f{\"u}r die niederaffine Bindung von IL-4 von gr{\"o}ßter Bedeutung sind. Die funktionellen Bindeepitope f{\"u}r IL-4 und IL-13 auf der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette sind nahezu identisch und {\"u}berlappen in einem großen Bereich. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse aus der Mutagenesestudie war es m{\"o}glich, ein Strukturmodell der extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}ne der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette zu erstellen. Darin wird eine neuartige Orientierung der N-terminalen FnIII-Dom{\"a}ne und deren Beteiligung an der Ligandeninteraktion dargestellt. Mit Hilfe des Strukturmodells gelang es, neue Aminos{\"a}urerest auf der Oberfl{\"a}che von IL-13 zu identifizieren, die an der Bindung zu IL-13Ralpha1 beteiligt sind, was die Relevanz des Strukturmodells weiter unterstreicht. In einem weiteren Teil dieser Arbeit wurde versucht, den molekularen Mechanismus aufzukl{\"a}ren, durch den es den superagonistischen IL-4-Varianten T13D und F82D gelingt, mit dreifach h{\"o}herer Affinit{\"a}t an die IL-4Ralpha-Kette zu binden, als wildtypischer Ligand. Durch strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchungen wurde gezeigt, dass der Affinit{\"a}tssteigerung ein indirekter Mechanismus zugrunde liegt, bei dem eine Konformations{\"a}nderung und die Fixierung der Arg85-Seitenkette von IL-4 zur Ausbildung von zus{\"a}tzlichen Ligand-Rezeptor-Interaktionen f{\"u}hrt. Das Bindeepitop zwischen IL-4 und der IL-4Ralpha-Kette besitzt eine modulare Architektur aus drei unabh{\"a}ngig voneinander agierenden Interaktionsclustern. Bei der Interaktion von wildtypischem IL-4 mit IL-4Ralpha tragen nur zwei dieser Cluster in signifikanter Weise zur freien Bindeenergie bei. Im Falle der superagonistischen IL-4-Varianten ist jedoch auch das dritte Cluster an der Generierung von zus{\"a}tzlicher, freier Bindeenergie beteiligt, wodurch die Affinit{\"a}t zwischen Ligand und Rezeptor erh{\"o}ht wird. Damit stellt der modulare Aufbau der Interaktionsfl{\"a}che zwischen IL-4 und der IL-4Ralpha-Kette m{\"o}glicherweise einen Mechanismus dar, {\"u}ber den Proteine die Affinit{\"a}t von Wechselwirkungen {\"u}ber einen großen Bereicht variieren k{\"o}nnen, ohne dabei Spezifit{\"a}t einzub{\"u}ssen. Da IL-4 und IL-13 als interessante Zielmolek{\"u}le f{\"u}r die Therapie von allergischen und asthmatischen Erkrankungen erkannt worden sind, k{\"o}nnen die in der vorliegenden Arbeit gewonnenen Informationen {\"u}ber den Bindemechanismus und die Einblicke in den molekularen Charakter der Interaktion zwischen den beiden Zytokinen und ihren spezifischen Rezeptorketten dabei helfen, neuartige und hoch spezifische, inhibitorische Molek{\"u}le zu entwickeln.}, subject = {Renaturierung }, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Polleichtner2006, author = {Polleichtner, Johann Georg}, title = {Studies of structure-function relationship of components of multidrug efflux pumps and type I secretion systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This work deals with channel-tunnel dependent multidrug efflux pumps and type I secretion systems, more concrete with the improved classification of the adaptor protein family, the characterization of the TolC-homologue protein HI1462 of Haemophilus influenzae, and the molecular characterization of the interaction between TolC and AcrA of Escherichia coli.}, subject = {Gram-negative Bakterien}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stegmeier2006, author = {Stegmeier, Johannes Friedrich}, title = {Study of Omp85 Family Proteins YaeT and YtfM and Multidrug Export Machineries in Escherichia coli}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18171}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this study the Omp85 family proteins YaeT and YtfM of Escherichia coli were investigated by using biochemical and electrophysiological methods as well as bioinformatical and structural analysis. In addition, knock-out strains were constructed to further study the relevance of these proteins in vivo. The prediction that Omp85 proteins are composed of two domains, a periplasmic amino-terminal POTRA (polypeptide translocation associated) domain and a carboxy-terminal domain anchoring these proteins in the outer membrane, was confirmed by the construction of mutants. It could be shown that the carboxy-terminal part of the proteins is able to insert into the outer bacterial membrane, even if the POTRA domain is removed. Furthermore, pore-forming activity in the black-lipid bilayer was observed for both full-length proteins as well as their carboxy-terminal membrane located parts. The channels formed by both proteins in the black lipid bilayer showed variable single channel conductance states rather than a defined value for conductance. In 1M KCl, e.g. YaeT forms pores with a channel conductance of 100 to 600 pS containing a most abundant value at 400 pS. This variability is at least reasonable for YaeT due to a prerequisite flexibility of its channel for OMP insertion. YaeT was identified to form a cation selective, YtfM an anion selective channel, which is less pH dependent than YaeT. Another feature of the YaeT channel is that its selectivity and conductance is influenced by charged detergent molecules indicating an accumulation of these molecules in hydrophobic pockets inside the compact channel. YaeT revealed heat-modifiable mobility in SDS-PAGE which is characteristic for \&\#946;-barrel OMPs, whereas YtfM did not show this behaviour. This result could be explained by sequence alignment and structural comparison of YaeT and YtfM via CD and FTIR spectra displaying much higher \&\#946;-strand content for the carboxy-terminal part of YaeT compared to YtfM. Since the carboxy-terminal parts were shown to have pore forming ability and are inserted in the OM in vivo, the substitution of the essential protein YaeT by its carboxy-terminal mutant was attempted in a yaeT knock-out strain. The carboxy-terminal half of YaeT was not sufficient to compensate depletion of the full-length protein indicating an important role of the amino-terminus for cell viability. In contrary, YtfM is shown to be a non-essential protein and lack of YtfM had no effects on the composition and integrity of the OM. However, chromosomal deletion of ytfM remarkably reduced the growth rate of cells. This study provides the first detailed investigation of the structure of YaeT and describes its electrophysiological behaviour, which could be a basis for further studies of YaeT and its substrate proteins. Furthermore, YtfM was characterised and its in vivo function was investigated revealing YtfM as the second Omp85 family protein of importance in E. coli. In a second part of this study assembly and function of multidrug efflux pumps were investigated. Drug efflux pumps are tripartite export machineries in the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria conferring multidrug resistance and therefore causing severe problems for medical treatment of diseases. Protein structures of all three efflux pump components are solved, but the exact interaction sites are still unknown. Assembly of a hybrid exporter system composed of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa channel tunnel OprM, the E. coli adaptor protein AcrA and its associated transporter AcrB could be shown by chemical cross-linking, even though this efflux pump is not functional. Exchange of the hairpin domain of AcrA by the corresponding hairpin from the adaptor protein MexA of P. aeruginosa restored functionality tested by antibiotic sensitivity assays. This shows the importance of the MexA hairpin domain for functional interaction with the OprM channel tunnel. Interestingly, the hybrid protein was also able to assemble with TolC as outer membrane component to form a functional efflux pump indicating a higher flexibility of TolC compared to OprM concerning interaction partners. Based on these results, an interaction model of the hairpin domain and the channel tunnel on molecular level for AcrA and TolC as well as MexA and OprM, respectively, is presented. This model provides a basis for directed mutagenesis to reveal the exact contact sites of the hairpin of the adapter protein and the outer membrane component}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Barth2008, author = {Barth, Enrico}, title = {Study of the properties of channel-forming proteins of the cell walls of different Corynebacteriae}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-36325}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die Gattung Corynebacterium geh{\"o}rt, neben Mycobacterium, Nocardia, Rhodococcus und weiteren nahverwandten Gattungen, dem unverwechselbaren, gattungs{\"u}bergreifenden Taxon Mycolata an. Viele Spezies aus dieser heterogenen Gruppe Mycols{\"a}ure-haltiger Actinomyceten sind entweder aufgrund ihrer medizinischen oder ihrer biotechnologischen Bedeutung bekannt. Beispielsweise z{\"a}hlen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae und Nocardia farcinica, welche weltweit Verursacher besonders gef{\"a}hrlicher bakterieller Infektionskrankheiten sind, zu dieser ungew{\"o}hnlichen Gruppe Gram-positiver Bakterien. Ebenso bedeutsam sind einige apathogene Mycolata-Arten, die industrielle Anwendung finden. Corynebacterium glutamicum und Corynebacterium efficiens sind leistungsf{\"a}hige Bakterien, die zum Beispiel in der Produktion des Geschmacksverst{\"a}rkers Glutamat und des Tierfuttermittelzusatzes Lysin eingesetzt werden, w{\"a}hrend verschiedene Rhodococcus Spezies Anwendung bei der Herstellung von Acryls{\"a}uren finden. Die Zellwand der Mycolata zeigt, verglichen mit der klassischer Gram-positiver Bakterien, eine außergew{\"o}hnliche Zusammensetzung und Struktur auf. Abgesehen von einem Arabinogalactan-Peptidoglycan-Komplex enth{\"a}lt die Zellwand der meisten Actinomyceten einen hohen Anteil an Mycols{\"a}uren. Diese langkettigen, verzweigten Fetts{\"a}uren formen eine, mit der {\"a}ußeren Membran Gram-negativer Bakterien vergleichbare, stark undurchl{\"a}ssige, hydrophobe {\"a}ußere H{\"u}lle, welche die Grundlage der außergew{\"o}hnlichen Medikamentenresistenz bei den Mycolata bildet. Wie die {\"a}ußere Membran Gram-negativer Bakterien enth{\"a}lt die Zellwand der Mycolata porenformende Proteine, die den Durchlass hydrophiler Substanzen gestatten. Indem sie eine Verbindung zwischen dem Zellinneren und der Umwelt, in der das Bakterium lebt, schaffen und einen kontrollierten Austausch zwischen beiden erm{\"o}glichen, tragen die Kanalproteine entscheidend zur Funktion der bakteriellen Zellh{\"u}lle bei. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war das Wissen {\"u}ber Zellwandkan{\"a}le in Corynebakterien zu erweitern. Deshalb untersuchten wir PorA und PorH Proteine, die basierend auf fr{\"u}heren Studien Zellwandkan{\"a}len in C. glutamicum, C. efficiens und Corynebacterium callunae zugeordnet werden, um ungekl{\"a}rten Fragen nachzugehen und um Wissen {\"u}ber deren Struktur zu erlangen. Ferner inspizierten wir Zellw{\"a}nde pathogener Corynebakterien, genauer gesagt von Corynebacterium diphtheriae und Corynebacterium jeikeium, um herauszufinden, ob diese Spezies wie ihre harmlosen Verwandten Kanalproteine besitzen. In dieser Arbeit wiesen wir mit C. diphtheriae und C. jeikeium in zwei weiteren Corynebacterium-Arten offene, mit Wasser gef{\"u}llte Zellwandkan{\"a}le nach. Des Weiteren stellten wir fest, dass sich die Zellwandkan{\"a}le von C. glutamicum, C. efficiens und C. diphtheriae aus zwei Proteinen zusammensetzen, einem zugeh{\"o}rig zu der Gruppe der PorH Proteine und einem weiteren aus der Gruppe der PorA Proteine. Diese heteromere Struktur von Zellwandkan{\"a}len bei Corynebakterien stellt ein Novum f{\"u}r Zellwandkan{\"a}le bei den Mycolata dar. Indessen besteht der Zellwandkanal von C. jeikeium aus nur einem Protein, CjPorA, angeordnet zu einem Oligomer. Obgleich das Molekulargewicht dieses Proteins (4 kDa) mit dem von PorH und PorA Proteinen vergleichbar ist (5-7 kDa), weißt seine Prim{\"a}rsequenz keine eindeutige Homologie zu diesen auf. Dennoch deutet vieles auf eine Verwandtschaft zwischen CjPorA und PorH/PorA Proteinen hin, da das Gen jk0268, welches f{\"u}r CjPorA kodiert, sich in einer Region des C. jeikeium Chromosoms befindet, die der Genomregion entspricht in welcher die porH/porA Gene der anderen Corynebakterien lokalisiert sind. Dies l{\"a}sst vermuten, dass jk0268 (welches f{\"u}r den homomeren Zellwandkanal in C. jeikeium kodiert) und die porH/porA Gene von C. glutamicum, C. efficiens und C. diphtheriae (die einen heteromeren Zellwandkanal kodieren) wahrscheinlich Nachkommen eines gemeinsamen Vorl{\"a}ufergens sind. Phylogenetische Analysen der Gattung Corynebacterium unterst{\"u}tzen diese Annahme. Desweitern legen sie nahe, dass die hier untersuchten Zellwandkan{\"a}le innerhalb dieser Gattung wahrscheinlich weit verbreitet sind. Ein umfassendes Wissen {\"u}ber Zellwandkan{\"a}le, denen beim Transport gel{\"o}ster Stoffe {\"u}ber die {\"a}ußere Membran in Corynebakterien und anderen Mitgliedern der Mycolata eine entscheidende Rolle zukommt, k{\"o}nnte von großem wirtschaftlichem und medizinischem Nutzen sein.}, subject = {Zellwand}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{DeğirmencineePoelloth2023, author = {Değirmenci [n{\´e}e P{\"o}lloth], Laura}, title = {Sugar perception and sugar receptor function in the honeybee (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\))}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32187}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the eusocial insect honeybee (Apis mellifera), many sterile worker bees live together with a reproductive queen in a colony. All tasks of the colony are performed by the workers, undergoing age-dependent division of labor. Beginning as hive bees, they take on tasks inside the hive such as cleaning or the producing of larval food, later developing into foragers. With that, the perception of sweetness plays a crucial role for all honeybees whether they are sitting on the honey stores in the hive or foraging for food. Their ability to sense sweetness is undoubtedly necessary to develop and evaluate food sources. Many of the behavioral decisions in honeybees are based on sugar perception, either on an individual level for ingestion, or for social behavior such as the impulse to collect or process nectar. In this context, honeybees show a complex spectrum of abilities to perceive sweetness on many levels. They are able to perceive at least seven types of sugars and decide to collect them for the colony. Further, they seem to distinguish between these sugars or at least show clear preferences when collecting them. Additionally, the perception of sugar is not rigid in honeybees. For instance, their responsiveness towards sugar changes during the transition from in-hive bees (e.g. nurses) to foraging and is linked to the division of labor. Other direct or immediate factors changing responsiveness to sugars are stress, starvation or underlying factors, such as genotype. Interestingly, the complexity in their sugar perception is in stark contrast to the fact that honeybees seem to have only three predicted sugar receptors. In this work, we were able to characterize the three known sugar receptors (AmGr1, AmGr2 and AmGr3) of the honeybee fully and comprehensively in oocytes (Manuscript II, Chapter 3 and Manuscript III, Chapter 4). We could show that AmGr1 is a broad sugar receptor reacting to sucrose, glucose, maltose, melezitose and trehalose (which is the honeybees' main blood sugar), but not fructose. AmGr2 acts as its co-receptor altering AmGr1's specificity, AmGr3 is a specific fructose receptor and we proved the heterodimerization of all receptors. With my studies, I was able to reproduce and compare the ligand specificity of the sugar receptors in vivo by generating receptor mutants with CRISPR/Cas9. With this thesis, I was able to define AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the honeybees' basis receptors already capable to detect all sugars of its known taste spectrum. In the expression analysis of my doctoral thesis (Manuscript I, Chapter 2) I demonstrated that both basis receptors are expressed in the antennae and the brain of nurse bees and foragers. This thesis assumes that AmGr3 (like the Drosophila homologue) functions as a sensor for fructose, which might be the satiety signal, while AmGr1 can sense trehalose as the main blood sugar in the brain. Both receptors show a reduced expression in the brain of foragers when compared with nurse bees. These results may reflect the higher concentrated diet of nurse bees in the hive. The higher number of receptors in the brain may allow nurse bees to perceive hunger earlier and to consume the food their sitting on. Forager bees have to be more persistent to hunger, when they are foraging, and food is not so accessible. The findings of reduced expression of the fructose receptor AmGr3 in the antennae of nurse bees are congruent with my other result that nurse bees are also less responsive to fructose at the antennae when compared to foragers (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). This is possible, since nurse bees sit more likely on ripe honey which contains not only higher levels of sugars but also monosaccharides (such as fructose), while foragers have to evaluate less-concentrated nectar. My investigations of the expression of AmGr1 in the antennae of honeybees found no differences between nurse bees and foragers, although foragers are more responsive to the respective sugar sucrose (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). Considering my finding that AmGr2 is the co-receptor of AmGr1, it can be assumed that AmGr1 and the mediated sucrose taste might not be directly controlled by its expression, but indirectly by its co-receptor. My thesis therefore clearly shows that sugar perception is associated with division of labor in honeybees and appears to be directly or indirectly regulated via expression. The comparison with a characterization study using other bee breeds and thus an alternative protein sequence of AmGr1 shows that co-expression of different AmGr1 versions with AmGr2 alters the sugar response differently. Therefore, this thesis provides first important indications that alternative splicing could also represent an important regulatory mechanism for sugar perception in honeybees. Further, I found out that the bitter compound quinine lowers the reward quality in learning experiments for honeybees (Manuscript IV, Chapter 5). So far, no bitter receptor has been found in the genome of honeybees and this thesis strongly assumes that bitter substances such as quinine inhibit sugar receptors in honeybees. With this finding, my work includes other molecules as possible regulatory mechanism in the honeybee sugar perception as well. We showed that the inhibitory effect is lower for fructose compared to sucrose. Considering that sugar signals might be processed as differently attractive in honeybees, this thesis concludes that the sugar receptor inhibition via quinine in honeybees might depend on the receptor (or its co-receptor), is concentration-dependent and based on the salience or attractiveness and concentration of the sugar present. With my thesis, I was able to expand the knowledge on honeybee's sugar perception and formulate a complex, comprehensive overview. Thereby, I demonstrated the multidimensional mechanism that regulates the sugar receptors and thus the sugar perception of honeybees. With this work, I defined AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the basis of sugar perception and enlarged these components to the co-receptor AmGr2 and the possible splice variants of AmGr1. I further demonstrated how those sugar receptor components function, interact and that they are clearly involved in the division of labor in honeybees. In summary, my thesis describes the mechanisms that enable honeybees to perceive sugar in a complex way, even though they inhere a limited number of sugar receptors. My data strongly suggest that honeybees overall might not only differentiate sugars and their diet by their general sweetness (as expected with only one main sugar receptor). The found sugar receptor mechanisms and their interplay further suggest that honeybees might be able to discriminate directly between monosaccharides and disaccharides or sugar molecules and with that their diet (honey and nectar).}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thum2006, author = {Thum, Andreas Stephan}, title = {Sugar reward learning in Drosophila : neuronal circuits in Drosophila associative olfactory learning}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17930}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Genetic intervention in the fly Drosophila melanogaster has provided strong evidence that the mushroom bodies of the insect brain act as the seat of memory traces for aversive and appetitive olfactory learning (reviewed in Heisenberg, 2003). In flies, electroshock is mainly used as negative reinforcer. Unfortunately this fact complicates a comparative consideration with other inscets as most studies use sugar as positive reinforcer. For example, several lines of evidence from honeybee and moth have suggested another site, the antennal lobe, to house neuronal plasticity underlying appetitive olfactory memory (reviewed in Menzel, 2001; Daly et al., 2004). Because of this I focused my work mainly on appetitive olfactory learning. In the first part of my thesis, I used a novel genetic tool, the TARGET system (McGuire et al., 2003), which allows the temporally controlled expression of a given effector gene in a defined set of cells. Comparing effector genes which either block neurotransmission or ablate cells showed important differences, revealing that selection of the appropriate effector gene is critical for evaluating the function of neural circuits. In the second part, a new engram of olfactory memory in the Drosophila projection neurons is described by restoring Rutabaga adenlylate cyclase (rut-AC) activity specifically in these cells. Expression of wild-type rutabaga in the projection neurons fully rescued the defect in sugar reward memory, but not in aversive electric shock memory. No difference was found in the stability of the appetitive memories rescued either in projection neurons or Kenyon cells. In the third part of the thesis I tried to understand how the reinforcing signals for sugar reward are internally represented. In the bee Hammer (1993) described a single octopaminergic neuron - called VUMmx1 - that mediates the sugar stimulus in associative olfactory reward learning. Analysis of single VUM neurons in the fly (Selcho, 2006) identified a neuron with a similar morphology as the VUMmx1 neuron. As there is a mutant in Drosophila lacking the last enzymatic step in octopamine synthesis (Monastirioti et al., 1996), Tyramine beta Hydroxylase, I was able to show that local Tyramine beta Hydroxylase expression successfully rescued sugar reward learning. This allows to conclude that about 250 cells including the VUM cluster are sufficient for mediating the sugar reinforcement signal in the fly. The description of a VUMmx1 similar neuron and the involvement of the VUM cluster in mediating the octopaminergic sugar stimulus are the first steps in establishing a neuronal map for US processing in Drosophila. Based on this work several experiments are contrivable to reach this ultimate goal in the fly. Taken together, the described similiarities between Drosophila and honeybee regarding the memory organisation in MBs and PNs and the proposed internal representation of the sugar reward suggest an evolutionarily conserved mechanism for appetitive olfactory learning in insects.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nayak2007, author = {Nayak, Arnab}, title = {Sumoylation Modulates NFATc1-mediated Lymphokine Gene Expression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24722}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Die Aktivit{\"a}t von Transkriptionsfaktoren kann durch die Modifikation mit SUMO positiv oder negativ beeinflusst werden, indem Protein-Protein-Interaktionen als auch die subzellul{\"a}re bzw. subnukle{\"a}re Lokalisation ver{\"a}ndert werden. In T-Zellen spielt die Familie der NFAT (Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells)-Transkriptionsfaktoren eine wichtige Rolle bei der Zytokingenregulation. NFATc1 wird durch die Verwendung zwei verschiedener Promotoren (P1 \& P2) bzw. Polyadenylierungsstellen (pA1 \& pA2) und alternativen Spleißens in sechs Isoformen exprimiert. Sie werden als NFATc1/alphaA, betaA, alphaB, betaB, alphaC und betaC bezeichnet, wobei alpha und beta sich auf die beiden unterschiedlichen 1. Exons und A, B, C sich auf die differentiell gespleißten und unterschiedlich langen C-Termini beziehen. Die NFATc1/A-Isoformen umfassen einen relativ kurzen C-Terminus, w{\"a}hrend die langen Isoformen B und C extra-C-terminale Peptide von 128 bzw. 246 Aminos{\"a}uren aufweisen. Um die spezifischen, biologischen Effekte der NFATc1-Isoformen zu untersuchen, wurde ein sog. ‚Yeast two Hybrid screen' mit einer humanen Milz-cDNA-Bibliothek und dem NFATc1/C-spezifischen C-Terminus durchgef{\"u}hrt. Am Ende wurden Ubc9 und PIAS1, Proteine, die an der Sumoylierung beteiligt sind, am h{\"a}ufigsten dedektiert. Anschließend konnte gezeigt werden, dass NFATc1 tats{\"a}chlich sumoyliert wird. Das Ausmaß an Sumoylierung ist Isoformen abh{\"a}ngig. W{\"a}hrend NFATc1/A, das eine einzige Sumoylierungsstelle besitzt, nur eine geringe Sumoylierung aufweist, f{\"u}hren die beiden zus{\"a}tzlichen Stellen in NFATc1/C zu einer effizienten Modifikation mit SUMO. Diese C-terminale Modifikation dirigiert NFATc1/C in SUMO-1-K{\"o}rperchen, die mit PML-nbs kolokalisieren. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus rekrutiert sumoyliertes NFATc1/C die transkriptionellen Korepressoren HDAC (sowohl Klasse I wie Klasse II HDACs), was zu einer signifikanten Verringerung der Histonazetylierung am IL-2-Promotor, eines wichtigen NFATc1-Zielgens, f{\"u}hrt. Konsequenterweise wurde eine Verminderung der IL-2-Produktion beobachtet, w{\"a}hrend NFATc1/C, das wegen Mutation der entscheidenden Lysine nicht mehr sumoyliert werden kann, ein dramatisch erh{\"o}htes Transaktivierungspotential am IL-2-Promotor aufwies. Das unterst{\"u}tzt unsere Daten, die mit einem IL-2-Promotor getriebenen Reporterassay gewonnen wurden und zeigen, dass das Transaktivierungspotential von NFATc1/C durch Sumoylierung herabgesetzt wird. Demzufolge {\"u}bt Sumoylierung einen negativen Effekt auf die transkriptionelle NFATc1-Aktivit{\"a}t aus. Immunfluoreszenzversuche zeigten, dass die Modifikation mit SUMO außerdem zur Relokalisation von NFATc1/C in transkriptionell inaktive, heterochromatische Regionen f{\"u}hrt, was durch die F{\"a}rbung von trimethyliertem Histon mit anti-H3K9 m3 nachgewiesen wurde. Interessanterweise war in Abwesenheit von Sumoylierung NFATc1 teilweise mit transkriptionellen Hotspots im Kern lokalisiert. Das mag zu dem h{\"o}heren Transkriptionspotential des nicht-sumoylierten NFATc1 beitragen. Es ist wichtig zu erw{\"a}hnen, dass die transkriptionelle Aktivit{\"a}t auf andere NFATc1-Zielgene durch die Sumoylierung von NFATc1 positiv verst{\"a}rkt war. Dies deutet auf einen nicht-universalen Effekt der Sumoylierung auf die NFATc1/C-Funktion hin. Demzufolge dirigiert Sumoylierung NFATc1 in Kernk{\"o}rperchen, wo es mit transkriptionellen Korepressoren interagiert und selbst ans Heterochromatin relokalisiert, was zu einer Repression der NFATc1/C vermittelten Transkription f{\"u}hrt. Als sehr wichtig erscheint, dass der Effekt der NFATc1/C-Sumoylierung Promotor spezifisch ist. Zusammengenommen ver{\"a}ndet die Modifikation mit SUMO die NFATc1-Funktion von einem Transaktivator zu einem DNA-Bindungsstellen spezifischen Repressor. Daher wird hier ein neuer regulatorischer Mechanismus aufgezeigt, der die Isoform spezifische NFAT-Funktion kontrolliert.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eiring2021, author = {Eiring, Patrick}, title = {Super-resolution microscopy of plasma membrane receptors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250048}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Plasma membrane receptors are the most crucial and most commonly studied components of cells, since they not only ensure communication between the extracellular space and cells, but are also responsible for the regulation of cell cycle and cell division. The composition of the surface receptors, the so-called "Receptome", differs and is characteristic for certain cell types. Due to their significance, receptors have been important target structures for diagnostic and therapy in cancer medicine and often show aberrant expression patterns in various cancers compared to healthy cells. However, these aberrations can also be exploited and targeted by different medical approaches, as in the case of personalized immunotherapy. In addition, advances in modern fluorescence microscopy by so-called single molecule techniques allow for unprecedented sensitive visualization and quantification of molecules with an attainable spatial resolution of 10-20 nm, allowing for the detection of both stoichiometric and expression density differences. In this work, the single molecule sensitive method dSTORM was applied to quantify the receptor composition of various cell lines as well as in primary samples obtained from patients with hematologic malignancies. The focus of this work lies on artefact free quantification, stoichiometric analyses of oligomerization states and co localization analyses of membrane receptors. Basic requirements for the quantification of receptors are dyes with good photoswitching properties and labels that specifically mark the target structure without generating background through non-specific binding. To ensure this, antibodies with a predefined DOL (degree of labeling) were used, which are also standard in flow cytometry. First background reduction protocols were established on cell lines prior analyses in primary patient samples. Quantitative analyses showed clear expression differences between the cell lines and the patient cells, but also between individual patients. An important component of this work is the ability to detect the oligomerization states of receptors, which enables a more accurate quantification of membrane receptor densities compared to standard flow cytometry. It also provides information about the activation of a certain receptor, for example of FLT3, a tyrosine kinase, dimerizing upon activation. For this purpose, different well-known monomers and dimers were compared to distinguish the typical localization statistics of single bound antibodies from two or more antibodies that are in proximity. Further experiments as well as co localization analyses proved that antibodies can bind to closely adjacent epitopes despite their size. These analytical methods were subsequently applied for quantification and visualization of receptors in two clinically relevant examples. Firstly, various therapeutically relevant receptors such as CD38, BCMA and SLAMF7 for multiple myeloma, a malignant disease of plasma cells, were analyzed and quantified on patient cells. Furthermore, the influence of TP53 and KRAS mutations on receptor expression levels was investigated using the multiple myeloma cell lines OPM2 and AMO1, showing clear differences in certain receptor quantities. Secondly, FLT3 which is a therapeutic target receptor for acute myeloid leukemia, was quantified and stoichiometrically analyzed on both cell lines and patient cells. In addition, cells that have developed resistance against midostaurin were compared with cells that still respond to this type I tyrosine-kinase-inhibitor for their FLT3 receptor expression and oligomerization state.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goetz2020, author = {G{\"o}tz, Ralph}, title = {Super-resolution microscopy of plasma membrane receptors and intracellular pathogens}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20716}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Humans tend to believe in what they can see with their own eyes. Hence, visualization methods like microscopy have always been extremely popular since their invention in the 17th century. With the advent of super-resolution microscopy, the diffraction limit of ~200 - 250 nm could be overcome to enable more detailed insights into biological samples. Especially the single molecule localization microscopy method dSTORM offers the possibility of quantitative bioimaging. Hereby, the repetitive photoswitching of organic dyes in the presence of thiols is exploited to enable a lateral resolution of 20 nm. Another, recently introduced super-resolution method is expansion microscopy (ExM) which physically expands the sample to increase the resolution by the expansion factor from four to even twenty. To enable this, the sample is embedded into a hydrogel, homogenized using an unspecific proteinase and expanded in distilled water. Within this thesis, both methods were used to shed light on plasma membrane receptor distributions and different bacterial and fungal pathogens. In the first part of this thesis dSTORM was used to elucidate the "Receptome", the entirety of all membrane receptors, of the cell line Jurkat T-cells and primary T-cells. Within this project we could successfully visualize and quantify the distribution of the plasma membrane receptors CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD7, CD11a, CD20, CD28, CD45, CD69 and CD105 with receptor densities ranging from 0.8 cluster/µm² in case of CD20 and 81.4 cluster/µm² for the highly abundant CD45 in activated primary T-cells at the basal membrane. Hereby, we could also demonstrate a homogeneous distribution of most receptors, while only few were clustered. In the case of CD3-clusters were detected in Jurkat T-cells and in primary activated T-cells, but not in na{\"i}ve ones, demonstrating the activation of this receptor. This was followed by the application of dSTORM to three different clinical projects involving the receptors CD38, BCMA and CD20 which are immunotherapeutic targets by monoclonal antibodies and CAR T-cells. In the first two projects dSTORM was applied to determine the receptor upregulation upon exposure of various drugs to MM1.S cells or primary multiple myeloma patient cells. This increase in membrane receptor expression can subsequently enhance the efficacy of therapies directed against these receptors. Within the CD20-project, the superior sensitivity of dSTORM compared to flow cytometry could be demonstrated. Hereby, a substantially higher fraction of CD20-positive patient cells was detected by dSTORM than by flow cytometry. In addition, we could show that by dSTORM CD20-positive evaluated cells were eradicated by immunotherapeutic CAR T-cell treatment. These studies were followed by whole cell super-resolution imaging using both LLS-3D dSTORM and 10x ExM to exclude any artifacts caused by interactions with the glass surface. In 10x ExM signal amplification via biotinylated primary antibodies and streptavidin ATTO 643 was essential to detect even single antibodies directed against the heterodimer CD11a with standard confocal microscopes. Albeit probably not quantitative due to the process of gelation, digestion and expansion during the ExM protocol, even some putative dimers of the receptor CD2 could be visualized using 10x ExM-SIM, similar to dSTORM experiments. Within the second part of this thesis, expansion microscopy was established in bacterial and fungal pathogens. ExM enabled not only an isotropic fourfold expansion of Chlamydia trachomatis, but also allowed the discrimination between the two developmental forms by the chlamydial size after expansion into reticulate and elementary bodies. Hereafter, a new α-NH2-ω-N3-C6-ceramide was introduced enabling an efficient fixation and for the first time the use of lipids in both, 4x and 10x ExM, termed sphingolipid ExM. This compound was used to investigate the ceramide uptake and incorporation into the cell membrane of Chlamydia trachomatis and Simkania negevensis. For Chlamydia trachomatis the combined resolution power of 10x ExM and SIM even allowed the visualization of both bacterial membranes within a distance of ~30 nm. Finally, ExM was applied to the three different fungi Ustilago maydis, Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus fumigatus after enzymatic removal of the fungal cell wall. In case of Ustilago maydis sporidia this digestion could be applied to both, living cells resulting in protoplasts and to fixed cells, preserving the fungal morphology. This new protocol could be demonstrated for immunostainings and fluorescent proteins of the three different fungi.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aufmkolk2018, author = {Aufmkolk, Sarah}, title = {Super-Resolution Microscopy of Synaptic Proteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151976}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {X, 97}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The interaction of synaptic proteins orchestrate the function of one of the most complex organs, the brain. The multitude of molecular elements influencing neurological correlations makes imaging processes complicated since conventional fluorescence microscopy methods are unable to resolve structures beyond the diffraction-limit. The implementation of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy into the field of neuroscience allows the visualisation of the fine details of neural connectivity. The key element of my thesis is the super-resolution technique dSTORM (direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) and its optimisation as a multi-colour approach. Capturing more than one target, I aim to unravel the distribution of synaptic proteins with nanometer precision and set them into a structural and quantitative context with one another. Therefore dSTORM specific protocols are optimized to serve the peculiarities of particular neural samples. In one project the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is investigated in primary, hippocampal neurons. With a precision beyond 15 nm, preand post-synaptic sites can be identified by staining the active zone proteins bassoon and homer. As a result, hallmarks of mature synapses can be exhibited. The single molecule sensitivity of dSTORM enables the measurement of endogenous BDNF and locates BDNF granules aligned with glutamatergic pre-synapses. This data proofs that hippocampal neurons are capable of enriching BDNF within the mature glutamatergic pre-synapse, possibly influencing synaptic plasticity. The distribution of the metabotropic glutamate receptor mGlu4 is investigated in physiological brain slices enabling the analysis of the receptor in its natural environment. With dual-colour dSTORM, the spatial arrangement of the mGlu4 receptor in the pre-synaptic sites of parallel fibres in the molecular layer of the mouse cerebellum is visualized, as well as a four to six-fold increase in the density of the receptor in the active zone compared to the nearby environment. Prior functional measurements show that metabotropic glutamate receptors influence voltage-gated calcium channels and proteins that are involved in synaptic vesicle priming. Corresponding dSTORM data indeed suggests that a subset of the mGlu4 receptor is correlated with the voltage-gated calcium channel Cav2.1 on distances around 60 nm. These results are based on the improvement of the direct analysis of localisation data. Tools like coordinated based correlation analysis and nearest neighbour analysis of clusters centroids are used complementary to map protein connections of the synapse. Limits and possible improvements of these tools are discussed to foster the quantitative analysis of single molecule localisation microscopy data. Performing super-resolution microscopy on complex samples like brain slices benefits from a maximised field of view in combination with the visualisation of more than two targets to set the protein of interest in a cellular context. This challenge served as a motivation to establish a workflow for correlated structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and dSTORM. The development of the visualisation software coSIdSTORM promotes the combination of these powerful super-resolution techniques even on separated setups. As an example, synapses in the cerebellum that are affiliated to the parallel fibres and the dendrites of the Purkinje cells are identified by SIM and the protein bassoon of those pre-synapses is visualised threedimensionally with nanoscopic precision by dSTORM. In this work I placed emphasis on the improvement of multi-colour super-resolution imaging and its analysing tools to enable the investigation of synaptic proteins. The unravelling of the structural arrangement of investigated proteins supports the building of a synapse model and therefore helps to understand the relation between structure and function in neural transmission processes.}, subject = {Hochaufl{\"o}sende Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Waeldchen2020, author = {W{\"a}ldchen, Sina}, title = {Super-Resolution-Mikroskopie zur Visualisierung und Quantifizierung von Glutamatrezeptoren und ADHS-assoziierten Proteinen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192834}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung hochaufl{\"o}sender Fluoreszenzmikroskopiemethoden hat die Lichtmikroskopie revolutioniert. Einerseits erm{\"o}glicht die h{\"o}here erzielte r{\"a}umliche Aufl{\"o}sung die Abbildung von Strukturen, die deutlich unterhalb der beugungsbedingten Aufl{\"o}sungsgrenze liegen. Andererseits erh{\"a}lt man durch Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopiemethoden wie dSTORM (Direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) Informationen, welche man f{\"u}r quantitative Analysen heranziehen kann. Aufgrund der sich dadurch bietenden neuen M{\"o}glichkeiten, hat sich die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie rasant entwickelt und kommt mittlerweile zur Untersuchung einer Vielzahl biologischer und medizinischer Fragestellungen zum Einsatz. Trotz dieses Erfolgs ist jedoch nicht zu verleugnen, dass auch diese neuen Methoden ihre Nachteile haben. Dazu z{\"a}hlt die Notwendigkeit relativ hoher Laserleistungen, welche Voraussetzung f{\"u}r hohe Aufl{\"o}sung ist und bei lebenden Proben zur Photosch{\"a}digung f{\"u}hren kann. Diese Arbeit widmet sich sowohl dem Thema der Photosch{\"a}digung durch Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopie, als auch der Anwendung von dSTORM und SIM (Structured Illumination Microscopy) zur Untersuchung neurobiologischer Fragestellungen auf Proteinebene. Zur Ermittlung der Photosch{\"a}digung wurden lebende Zellen unter typischen Bedingungen bestrahlt und anschließend f{\"u}r 20-24 h beobachtet. Als quantitatives Maß f{\"u}r den Grad der Photosch{\"a}digung wurde der Anteil sterbender Zellen bestimmt. Neben der zu erwartenden Intensit{\"a}ts- und Wellenl{\"a}ngenabh{\"a}ngigkeit, zeigte sich, dass die Schwere der Photosch{\"a}digung auch von vielen weiteren Faktoren abh{\"a}ngt und dass sich Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopie bei Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse durchaus mit Lebendzellexperimenten vereinbaren l{\"a}sst. Ein weiteres Projekt diente der Untersuchung der A- und B-Typ-Glutamatrezeptoren an der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse von Drosophila melanogaster mittels dSTORM. Dabei konnte eine ver{\"a}nderte Anordnung beider Rezeptortypen infolge synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t beobachtet, sowie eine absolute Quantifizierung des A-Typ-Rezeptors durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Im Mittelpunkt eines dritten Projekts standen Cadherin-13 (CDH13) sowie der Glucosetransporter Typ 3 (GluT3), welche beide mit der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung in Verbindung gebracht werden. CDH13 konnte mittels SIM in serotonergen Neuronen, sowie radi{\"a}ren Gliazellen der dorsalen Raphekerne des embryonalen Mausgehirns nachgewiesen werden. Die Rolle von GluT3 wurde in aus induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen differenzierten Neuronen analysiert, welche verschiedene Kopienzahlvariation des f{\"u}r GluT3-codierenden SLC2A3-Gens aufwiesen. Die Proteine GluT3, Bassoon und Homer wurden mittels dSTORM relativ quantifiziert. W{\"a}hrend die Deletion des Gens zu einer erwartenden Verminderung von GluT3 auf Proteinebene f{\"u}hrte, hatte die Duplikation keinen Effekt auf die GluT3-Menge. F{\"u}r Bassoon und Homer zeigte sich weder durch die Deletion noch die Duplikation eine signifikante Ver{\"a}nderung.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Georgiev2021, author = {Georgiev, Kostadin}, title = {Sustainable management of naturally disturbed forests}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24285}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242854}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Owing to climate change, natural forest disturbances and consecutive salvage logging are drastically increasing worldwide, consequently increasing the importance of understanding how these disturbances would affect biodiversity conservation and provision of ecosystem services. In chapter II, I used long-term water monitoring data and mid-term data on α-diversity of twelve species groups to quantify the effects of natural disturbances (windthrow and bark beetle) and salvage logging on concentrations of nitrate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in streamwater and α-diversity. I found that natural disturbances led to a temporal increase of nitrate concentrations in streamwater, but these concentrations remained within the health limits recommended by the World Health Organization for drinking water. Salvage logging did not exert any additional impact on nitrate and DOC concentrations, and hence did not affect streamwater quality. Thus, neither natural forest disturbances in watersheds nor associated salvage logging have a harmful effect on the quality of the streamwater used for drinking water. Natural disturbances increased the α-diversity in eight out of twelve species groups. Salvage logging additionally increased the α-diversity of five species groups related to open habitats, but decreased the biodiversity of three deadwood-dependent species groups. In chapter III, I investigated whether salvage logging following natural disturbances (wildfire and windthrow) altered the natural successional trajectories of bird communities. I compiled data on breeding bird assemblages from nine study areas in North America, Europe and Asia, over a period of 17 years and tested whether bird community dissimilarities changed over time for taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity when rare, common and dominant species were weighted differently. I found that salvage logging led to significantly larger dissimilarities than expected by chance and that these dissimilarities persisted over time for rare, common and dominant species, evolutionary lineages, and for rare functional groups. Dissimilarities were highest for rare, followed by common and dominant species. In chapter IV, I investigated how β-diversity of 13 taxonomic groups would differ in intact, undisturbed forests, disturbed, unlogged forests and salvage-logged forests 11 years after a windthrow and salvage logging. The study suggests that both windthrow and salvage logging drive changes in between-treatment β-diversity, whereas windthrow alone seems to drive changes in within-treatment β-diversity. Over a decade after the windthrow at the studied site, the effect of subsequent salvage logging on within-treatment β-diversity was no longer detectable but the effect on between-treatment β-diversity persisted, with more prominent changes in saproxylic groups and rare species than in non-saproxylic groups or common and dominant species. Based on these results, I suggest that salvage logging needs to be carefully weighed against its long-lasting impact on communities of rare species. Also, setting aside patches of naturally disturbed areas is a valuable management alternative as these patches would enable post-disturbance succession of bird communities in unmanaged patches and would promote the conservation of deadwood-dependent species, without posing health risks to drinking water sources.}, subject = {species richness}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Subota2011, author = {Subota, Ines}, title = {Switches in trypanosome differentiation: ALBA proteins acting on post-transcriptional mRNA control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85707}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Trypanosoma brucei is a digenetic eukaryotic parasite that develops in different tissues of a mammalian host and a tsetse fly. It is responsible for sleeping sickness in sub-saharan Africa. The parasite cycle involves more than nine developmental stages that can be clearly distinguished by their general morphology, their metabolism and the relative positioning of their DNA-containing organelles. During their development, trypanosomes remain exclusively extracellular and encounter changing environments with different physico-chemical properties (nutritional availability, viscosity, temperature, etc.). It has been proposed that trypanosomes use their flagellum as a sensing organelle, in agreement with the established role of structurally-related cilia in metazoa and ciliates. Recognition of environmental triggers is presumed to be at the initiation of differentiation events, leading to the parasite stage that is the best suited to the new environment. These changes are achieved by the modification of gene expression programmes, mostly underlying post-transcriptional control of mRNA transcripts. We first demonstrate that the RNA-binding proteins ALBA3/4 are involved in specific differentiation processes during the parasite development in the fly. They are cytosolic and expressed throughout the parasite cycle with the exception of the stages found in the tsetse fly proventriculus, as shown by both immunofluorescence and live cell analysis upon endogenous tagging with YFP. Knock-down of both proteins in the developmental stage preceding these forms leads to striking modifications: cell elongation, cell cycle arrest and relocalization of the nucleus in a posterior position, all typical of processes acting in parasites found in the proventriculus region. When ALBA3 is over-expressed from an exogenous copy during infection, it interferes with the relocalization of the nucleus in proventricular parasites. This is not observed for ALBA4 over-expression that does not visibly impede differentiation. Both ALBA3/4 proteins react to starvation conditions by accumulating in cytoplasmic stress granules together with DHH1, a recognized RNA-binding protein. ALBA3/4 proteins also partially colocalize with granules formed by polyA+ RNA in these conditions. We propose that ALBA are involved in trypanosome differentiation processes where they control a subset of developmentally regulated transcripts. These processes involving ALBA3/4 are likely to result from the specific activation of sensing pathways. In the second part of the thesis, we identify novel flagellar proteins that could act in sensing mechanisms. Several protein candidates were selected from a proteomic analysis of intact flagella performed in the host laboratory. This work validates their flagellar localization with high success (85\% of the proteins examined) and defines multiple different patterns of protein distribution in the flagellum. Two proteins are analyzed during development, one of them showing down-regulation in proventricular stages. The functional analysis of one novel flagellar membrane protein reveals its rapid dynamics within the flagellum but does not yield a visible phenotype in culture. This is coherent with sensory function that might not be needed in stable culture conditions, but could be required in natural conditions during development. In conclusion, this work adds new pieces to the puzzle of identifying molecular switches involved in developmental mRNA control and environmental sensing in trypanosome stages in the tsetse fly.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schramm2011, author = {Schramm, Sabine}, title = {SYCE3, ein neues Synaptonemalkomplexprotein: Expression, funktionelle Analyse und Bindungspartner}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70903}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Der Synaptonemalkomplex ist eine evolution{\"a}r hoch konservierte Struktur. Er wird spezifisch w{\"a}hrend der Prophase I der Meiose ausgebildet und ist essentiell f{\"u}r die Segregation der homologen Chromosomen w{\"a}hrend der Meiose und auch f{\"u}r die Entstehung genetischer Vielfalt. Der Synaptonemalkomplex ist eine protein{\"o}se Struktur, deren Aufbau dem einer Leiter {\"a}hnelt. Dabei werden die Leiterholme als Lateralelemente bezeichnet. Sie bestehen unter anderem aus den Proteinen SYCP2 und SYCP3 und assoziieren mit dem Chromatin der homologen Chromosomen. Die Stufen der Leiter bestehen hingegen aus Transversalfilamenten, deren Hauptkomponente parallele Homodimere des meiosespezifische Proteins SYCP1 sind. Dabei wird ein SYCP1 Dimer mit seinem C-Terminus in den Lateralelementen verankert und kann {\"u}ber seine N-terminale Dom{\"a}ne eine schwache Interaktion mit der N-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne eines gegen{\"u}berliegenden SYCP1 Dimers eingehen. Um diese Bindung zu stabilisieren werden Proteine des Zentralelements des Synaptonemalkomplexes ben{\"o}tigt: W{\"a}hrend SYCE1 durch seine Interaktion mit SYCP1 die N-terminale Assoziation zweier gegen{\"u}berliegender SYCP1 Dimere stabilisiert, verkn{\"u}pfen die zwei anderen zentralelementspezifischen Proteine SYCE2 und Tex12 lateral benachbarte SYCP1 Filamente und breiten so das SYCP1 Netzwerk entlang der chromosomalen Achsen aus. Dieser Prozess wird als Synapse bezeichnet und stellt eines der Schl{\"u}sselereignisse der Meiose dar. Fehler w{\"a}hrend dieses Prozesses f{\"u}hren meist zu Aneuploidie der entstehenden Gameten oder zum Abbruch der Meiose und somit zu Infertilit{\"a}t des betroffenen Organismus. In dieser Arbeit wurde mit SYCE3 ein neues Protein des murinen Synaptonemalkomplexes charakterisiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass SYCE3 meiosespezifisch in M{\"a}nnchen und Weibchen exprimiert wird und Bestandteil des Zentralelements des Synaptonemalkomplexes ist. Hierbei zeigt es dasselbe Verteilungsmuster wie SYCP1 und SYCE1 und kann mit beiden Proteinen interagieren. Eine zus{\"a}tzliche Interaktion konnte zwischen SYCE3 und SYCE2 nachgewiesen werden. Durch Untersuchungen an entsprechenden Knockout Mausmodellen konnte in dieser Arbeit außerdem gezeigt werden, dass SYCE3 in Abwesenheit von SYCP1 nicht an die chromosomalen Achsen rekrutiert werden kann. Die Ausbildung der Lateralelemente und auch die Anwesenheit der anderen zentralelementspezifischen Proteine SYCE1 und SYCE2 sind hingegen f{\"u}r die Anlagerung von SYCE3 an die chromosomalen Achsen nicht essentiell. Somit steht SYCE3 hinsichtlich seiner Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Paarung und die Synapse der homologen Chromosomen hierarchisch offenbar {\"u}ber den bisher beschriebenen Zentralelementproteinen SYCE1, SYCE2 und Tex12. Die funktionelle Bedeutung von SYCE3 f{\"u}r die Synapse der homologen Chromosomen und f{\"u}r den korrekten Ablauf der homologen Rekombination wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durch die Herstellung und die Charakterisierung einer Syce3-/- Maus detailliert untersucht: Dabei f{\"u}hrte der Knockout von SYCE3 zur Infertilit{\"a}t in beiden Geschlechtern, die gleichzeitig mit einer signifikanten Reduktion der Gr{\"o}ße der entsprechenden Hoden und Ovarien im Vergleich zum Wildtyp einherging. Weitere Untersuchungen ergaben zudem, dass es in Syce3 defizienten Tieren zu einem Abbruch der Meiose kommt. Dabei hatte das Fehlen von SYCE3 keinen Einfluss auf die Ausbildung der Axialelemente. Die Initiation der Synapse hingegen war sowohl in Oocyten als auch in Spermatocyten in Abwesenheit von SYCE3 stark gest{\"o}rt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit nachgewiesen werden, dass das Fehlen von SYCE3 Einfluss auf die homologe Rekombination nimmt: Zwar k{\"o}nnen sich fr{\"u}he (DNA Doppelstrangbr{\"u}che) und intermedi{\"a}re (Transitionsknoten) Rekombinationsereignisse in der Abwesenheit von SYCE3 ausbilden, die Prozessierung zu sp{\"a}ten Rekombinationsstrukturen (Rekombinationsknoten) und die damit einhergehende Ausbildung von Crossing-over Strukturen fand jedoch nicht statt. Zusammengefasst wurde in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass das neue Synaptonemalkomplexprotein SYCE3 essentiell f{\"u}r die Fertilit{\"a}t von M{\"a}usen ist. Durch den Knockout von Syce3 kann die Synapse zwischen den Homoligen nicht initiiert werden und es findet kein Crossing-over statt. Im Assembly Prozess des Synaptonemalkomplexes agiert SYCE3 oberhalb der anderen zentralelementspezifischen Proteine und unterhalb von SYCP1.}, subject = {Meiose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Knapek2010, author = {Knapek, Stephan}, title = {Synapsin and Bruchpilot, two synaptic proteins underlying specific phases of olfactory aversive memory in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Memory is dynamic: shortly after acquisition it is susceptible to amnesic treatments, gets gradually consolidated, and becomes resistant to retrograde amnesia (McGaugh, 2000). Associative olfactory memory of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also shows these features. After a single associative training where an odor is paired with electric shock (Quinn et al., 1974; Tully and Quinn, 1985), flies form an aversive odor memory that lasts for several hours, consisting of qualitatively different components. These components can be dissociated by mutations, their underlying neuronal circuitry and susceptibility to amnesic treatments (Dubnau and Tully, 1998; Isabel et al., 2004; Keene and Waddell, 2007; Masek and Heisenberg, 2008; Xia and Tully, 2007). A component that is susceptible to an amnesic treatment, i.e. anesthesia-sensitive memory (ASM), dominates early memory, but decays rapidly (Margulies et al., 2005; Quinn and Dudai, 1976). A consolidated anesthesia-resistant memory component (ARM) is built gradually within the following hours and lasts significantly longer (Margulies et al., 2005; Quinn and Dudai, 1976). I showed here that the establishment of ARM requires less intensity of shock reinforcement than ASM. ARM and ASM rely on different molecular and/or neuronal processes: ARM is selectively impaired in the radish mutant, whereas for example the amnesiac and rutabaga genes are specifically required for ASM (Dudai et al., 1988; Folkers et al., 1993; Isabel et al., 2004; Quinn and Dudai, 1976; Schwaerzel et al., 2007; Tully et al., 1994). The latter comprise the cAMP signaling pathway in the fly, with the PKA being its supposed major target (Levin et al., 1992). Here I showed that a synapsin null-mutant encoding the evolutionary conserved phosphoprotein Synapsin is selectively impaired in the labile ASM. Further experiments suggested Synapsin as a potential downstream effector of the cAMP/PKA cascade. Similar to my results, Synapsin plays a role for different learning tasks in vertebrates (Gitler et al., 2004; Silva et al., 1996). Also in Aplysia, PKA-dependent phosphorylation of Synapsin has been proposed to be involved in regulation of neurotransmitter release and short-term plasticity (Angers et al., 2002; Fiumara et al., 2004). Synapsin is associated with a reserve pool of vesicles at the presynapse and is required to maintain vesicle release specifically under sustained high frequency nerve stimulation (Akbergenova and Bykhovskaia, 2007; Li et al., 1995; Pieribone et al., 1995; Sun et al., 2006). In contrast, the requirement of Bruchpilot, which is homologous to the mammalian active zone proteins ELKS/CAST (Wagh et al., 2006), is most pronounced in immediate vesicle release (Kittel et al., 2006). Under repeated stimulation of a bruchpilot mutant motor neuron, immediate vesicle release is severely impaired whereas the following steady-state release is still possible (Kittel et al., 2006). In line with that, knockdown of the Bruchpilot protein causes impairment in clustering of Ca2+ channels to the active zones and a lack of electron-dense projections at presynaptic terminals (T-bars). Thus, less synaptic vesicles of the readily-releasable pool are accumulated to the release sites and their release probability is severely impaired (Kittel et al., 2006; Wagh et al., 2006). First, I showed that Bruchpilot is required for aversive olfactory memory and localized the requirement of Bruchpilot to the Kenyon cells of the mushroom body, the second-order olfactory interneurons in Drosophila. Furthermore, I demonstrated that Bruchpilot selectively functions for the consolidated anesthesia-resistant memory. Since Synapsin is specifically required for the labile anesthesia sensitive memory, different synaptic proteins can dissociate consolidated and labile components of olfactory memory and two different modes of neurotransmission (high- vs. low frequency dependent) might differentiate ASM and ARM.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hieke2019, author = {Hieke, Marie}, title = {Synaptic arrangements and potential communication partners of \(Drosophila's\) PDF-containing clock neurons within the accessory medulla}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175988}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Endogenous clocks regulate physiological as well as behavioral rhythms within all organisms. They are well investigated in D. melanogaster on a molecular as well as anatomical level. The neuronal clock network within the brain represents the center for rhythmic activity control. One neuronal clock subgroup, the pigment dispersing factor (PDF) neurons, stands out for its importance in regulating rhythmic behavior. These neurons express the neuropeptide PDF (pigment dispersing factor). A small neuropil at the medulla's edge, the accessory medulla (AME), is of special interest, as it has been determined as the main center for clock control. It is not only highly innervated by the PDF neurons but also by terminals of all other clock neuron subgroups. Furthermore, terminals of the photoreceptors provide light information to the AME. Many different types of neurons converge within the AME and afterward spread to their next target. Thereby the AME is supplied with information from a variety of brain regions. Among these neurons are the aminergic ones whose receptors' are expressed in the PDF neurons. The present study sheds light onto putative synaptic partners and anatomical arrangements within the neuronal clock network, especially within the AME, as such knowledge is a prerequisite to understand circadian behavior. The aminergic neurons' conspicuous vicinity to the PDF neurons suggests synaptic communication among them. Thus, based on former anatomical studies regarding this issue detailed light microscopic studies have been performed. Double immunolabellings, analyses of the spatial relation of pre- and postsynaptic sites of the individual neuron populations with respect to each other and the identification of putative synaptic partners using GRASP reenforce the hypothesis of synaptic interactions within the AME between dopaminergic/ serotonergic neurons and the PDF neurons. To shed light on the synaptic partners I performed first steps in array tomography, as it allows terrific informative analyses of fluorescent signals on an ultrastructural level. Therefore, I tested different ways of sample preparation in order to achieve and optimize fluorescent signals on 100 nm thin tissue sections and I made overlays with electron microscopic images. Furthermore, I made assumptions about synaptic modulations within the neuronal clock network via glial cells. I detected their cell bodies in close vicinity to the AME and PDFcontaining clock neurons. It has already been shown that glial cells modulate the release of PDF from s-LNvs' terminals within the dorsal brain. On an anatomical level this modulation appears to exist also within the AME, as synaptic contacts that involve PDF-positive dendritic terminals are embedded into glial fibers. Intriguingly, these postsynaptic PDF fibers are often VIIAbstract part of dyadic or even multiple-contact sites in opposite to prolonged presynaptic active zonesimplicating complex neuronal interactions within the AME. To unravel possible mechanisms of such synaptic arrangements, I tried to localize the ABC transporter White. Its presence within glial cells would indicate a recycling mechanism of transmitted amines which allows their fast re-provision. Taken together, synapses accompanied by glial cells appear to be a common arrangement within the AME to regulate circadian behavior. The complexity of mechanisms that contribute in modulation of circadian information is reflected by the complex diversity of synaptic arrangements that involves obviously several types of neuron populations}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{EngelhardtgebChristiansen2013, author = {Engelhardt [geb. Christiansen], Frauke}, title = {Synaptic Connectivity in the Mushroom Body Calyx of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85058}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Learning and memory is considered to require synaptic plasticity at presynaptic specializations of neurons. Kenyon cells are the intrinsic neurons of the primary olfactory learning center in the brain of arthropods - the mushroom body neuropils. An olfactory mushroom body memory trace is supposed to be located at the presynapses of Kenyon cells. In the calyx, a sub-compartment of the mushroom bodies, Kenyon cell dendrites receive olfactory input provided via projection neurons. Their output synapses, however, were thought to reside exclusively along their axonal projections outside the calyx, in the mushroom body lobes. By means of high-resolution imaging and with novel transgenic tools, we showed that the calyx of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also comprised Kenyon cell presynapses. At these presynapses, synaptic vesicles were present, which were capable of neurotransmitter release upon stimulation. In addition, the newly identified Kenyon cell presynapses shared similarities with most other presynapses: their active zones, the sites of vesicle fusion, contained the proteins Bruchpilot and Syd-1. These proteins are part of the cytomatrix at the active zone, a scaffold controlling synaptic vesicle endo- and exocytosis. Kenyon cell presynapses were present in γ- and α/β-type KCs but not in α/β-type Kenyon cells. The newly identified Kenyon cell derived presynapses in the calyx are candidate sites for an olfactory associative memory trace. We hypothesize that, as in mammals, recurrent neuronal activity might operate for memory retrieval in the fly olfactory system. Moreover, we present evidence for structural synaptic plasticity in the mushroom body calyx. This is the first demonstration of synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster. The volume of the mushroom body calyx can change according to changes in the environment. Also size and numbers of microglomeruli - sub-structures of the calyx, at which projection neurons contact Kenyon cells - can change. We investigated the synapses within the microglomeruli in detail by using new transgenic tools for visualizing presynaptic active zones and postsynaptic densities. Here, we could show, by disruption of the projection neuron - Kenyon cell circuit, that synapses of microglomeruli were subject to activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. Projection neurons that could not generate action potentials compensated their functional limitation by increasing the number of active zones per microglomerulus. Moreover, they built more and enlarged microglomeruli. Our data provide clear evidence for an activity-induced, structural synaptic plasticity as well as for the activity-induced reorganization of the olfactory circuitry in the mushroom body calyx.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stieb2011, author = {Stieb, Sara Mae}, title = {Synaptic plasticity in visual and olfactory brain centers of the desert ant Cataglyphis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85584}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {W{\"u}stenameisen der Gattung Cataglyphis wurden zu Modellsystemen bei der Erforschung der Navigationsmechanismen der Insekten. Ein altersabh{\"a}ngiger Polyethismus trennt deren Kolonien in Innendienst-Arbeiterinnen und kurzlebige lichtausgesetzte Fourageure. Nachdem die Ameisen in strukturlosem oder strukturiertem Gel{\"a}nde bis zu mehrere hundert Meter weite Distanzen zur{\"u}ckgelegt haben, k{\"o}nnen sie pr{\"a}zise zu ihrer oft unauff{\"a}lligen Nest{\"o}ffnung zur{\"u}ckzukehren. Um diese enorme Navigationsleistung zu vollbringen, bedienen sich die Ameisen der sogenannten Pfadintegration, welche die Informationen aus einem Polarisationskompass und einem Entfernungsmesser verrechnet; des Weiteren orientieren sie sich an Landmarken und nutzen olfaktorische Signale. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht C. fortis, welche in Salzpfannen des westlichen Nordafrikas endemisch ist - einem Gebiet, welches vollst{\"a}ndig von anderen Cataglyphis Arten gemieden wird. Die Tatsache, dass Cataglyphis eine hohe Verhaltensflexibilit{\"a}t aufweist, welche mit sich drastisch {\"a}ndernden sensorischen Anforderungen verbunden ist, macht diese Ameisen zu besonders interessanten Studienobjekten bei der Erforschung synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t visueller und olfaktorischer Gehirnzentren. Diese Arbeit fokussiert auf plastische {\"A}nderungen in den Pilzk{\"o}rpern (PK) - sensorischen Integrationszentren, die mutmaßlich an Lern- und Erinnerungsprozessen, und auch vermutlich am Prozess des Landmarkenlernens beteiligt sind - und auf plastische {\"A}nderungen in den synaptischen Komplexen des Lateralen Akzessorischen Lobus (LAL) - einer bekannten Relaisstation in der Polarisations-Leitungsbahn. Um die strukturelle synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t der PK in C. fortis zu quantifizieren, wurden mithilfe immunozytochemischer F{\"a}rbungen die pr{\"a}- und postsynaptischen Profile klar ausgepr{\"a}gter synaptischer Komplexe (Mikroglomeruli, MG) der visuellen Region (Kragen) und der olfaktorischen Region (Lippe) der PK-Kelche visualisiert. Die Ergebnisse legen dar, dass eine Volumenzunahme der PK-Kelche w{\"a}hrend des {\"U}bergangs von Innendiensttieren zu Fourageuren von einer Abnahme der MG-Anzahl im Kragen und, mit einem geringeren Anteil, in der Lippe - dieser Effekt wird als Pruning bezeichnet - und einem gleichzeitigen Auswachsen an Dendriten PK-intrinsischer Kenyonzellen begleitet wird. Im Dunkeln gehaltene Tiere unterschiedlichen Alters zeigen nach Lichtaussetzung den gleichen Effekt und im Dunkel gehaltene, den Fourageuren altersm{\"a}ßig angepasste Tiere weisen eine vergleichbare MG-Anzahl im Kragen auf wie Innendiensttiere. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die immense strukturelle synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t in der Kragenregion der PK-Kelche haupts{\"a}chlich durch visuelle Erfahrungen ausgel{\"o}st wird und nicht ausschließlich mit Hilfe eines internen Programms abgespielt wird. Ameisen, welche unter Laborbedingungen bis zu einem Jahr alt wurden, zeigen eine vergleichbare Plastizit{\"a}t. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass das System {\"u}ber die ganze Lebensspanne eines Individuums flexibel bleibt. Erfahrene Fourageure wurden in Dunkelheit zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt, um zu untersuchen, ob die lichtausgel{\"o}ste synaptische Umstrukturierung reversibel ist, doch ihre PK zeigen nur einige die Zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hrung widerspiegelnde Plastizit{\"a}tsauspr{\"a}gungen, besonders eine {\"A}nderung der pr{\"a}synaptischen Synapsinexprimierung. Mithilfe immunozytochemischer F{\"a}rbungen, konfokaler Mikroskopie und 3D-Rekonstruktionen wurden die pr{\"a}- und postsynaptischen Strukturen synaptischer Komplexe des LAL in C. fortis analysiert und potentielle strukturelle {\"A}nderungen bei Innendiensttieren und Fourageuren quantifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Komplexe aus postsynaptischen, in einer zentralen Region angeordneten Forts{\"a}tzen bestehen, welche umringt sind von einem pr{\"a}synaptischen kelchartigen Profil. Eingehende und ausgehende Trakte wurden durch Farbstoffinjektionen identifiziert: Projektionsneurone des Anterioren Optischen Tuberkels kontaktieren Neurone, welche in den Zentralkomplex ziehen. Der Verhaltens{\"u}bergang wird von einer Zunahme an synaptischen Komplexen um ~13\% begleitet. Dieser Zuwachs suggeriert eine Art Kalibrierungsprozess in diesen potentiell kr{\"a}ftigen synaptischen Kontakten, welche vermutlich eine schnelle und belastbare Signal{\"u}bertragung in der Polarisationsbahn liefern. Die Analyse von im Freiland aufgenommener Verhaltenweisen von C. fortis enth{\"u}llen, dass die Ameisen, bevor sie mit ihrer Fouragiert{\"a}tigkeit anfangen, bis zu zwei Tage lang in unmittelbarer N{\"a}he des Nestes Entdeckungsl{\"a}ufe unternehmen, welche Pirouetten {\"a}hnliche Drehungen beinhalten. W{\"a}hrend dieser Entdeckungsl{\"a}ufe sammeln die Ameisen Lichterfahrung und assoziieren m{\"o}glicherweise den Nesteingang mit spezifischen Landmarken oder werden anderen visuellen Informationen, wie denen des Polarisationsmusters, ausgesetzt und adaptieren begleitend ihre neuronalen Netzwerke an die bevorstehende Herausforderung. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnten die Pirouetten einer Stimulation der an der Polarisationsbahn beteiligten neuronalen Netzwerke dienen. Videoanalysen legen dar, dass Lichtaussetzung nach drei Tagen die Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}t der Ameisen heraufsetzt. Die Tatsache, dass die neuronale Umstrukturierung in visuellen Zentren wie auch die Ver{\"a}nderungen im Verhalten im selben Zeitrahmen ablaufen, deutet darauf hin, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen struktureller synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t und dem Verhaltens{\"u}bergang von der Innendienst- zur Fouragierphase bestehen k{\"o}nnte. Cataglyphis besitzen hervorragende visuelle Navigationsf{\"a}higkeiten, doch sie nutzen zudem olfaktorische Signale, um das Nest oder die Futterquelle aufzusp{\"u}ren. Mithilfe konfokaler Mikroskopie und 3D-Rekonstruktionen wurden potentielle Anpassungen der prim{\"a}ren olfaktorischen Gehirnzentren untersucht, indem die Anzahl, Gr{\"o}ße und r{\"a}umliche Anordnung olfaktorischer Glomeruli im Antennallobus von C. fortis, C. albicans, C. bicolor, C. rubra, und C. noda verglichen wurde. Arbeiterinnen aller Cataglyphis-Arten haben eine geringere Glomeruli-Anzahl im Vergleich zu denen der mehr olfaktorisch-orientierten Formica Arten - einer Gattung nah verwandt mit Cataglyphis - und denen schon bekannter olfaktorisch-orientierter Ameisenarten. C. fortis hat die geringste Anzahl an Glomeruli im Vergleich zu allen anderen Cataglyphis-Arten und besitzt einen vergr{\"o}ßerten Glomerulus, der nahe dem Eingang des Antennennerves lokalisiert ist. C. fortis M{\"a}nnchen besitzen eine signifikant geringere Glomeruli-Anzahl im Vergleich zu Arbeiterinnen und K{\"o}niginnen und haben einen hervorstechenden M{\"a}nnchen-spezifischen Makroglomerulus, welcher wahrscheinlich an der Pheromon-Kommunikation beteiligt ist. Die Verhaltensrelevanz des vergr{\"o}ßerten Glomerulus der Arbeiterinnen bleibt schwer fassbar. Die Tatsache, dass C. fortis Mikrohabitate bewohnt, welche von allen anderen Cataglyphis Arten gemieden werden, legt nahe, dass extreme {\"o}kologische Bedingungen nicht nur zu Anpassungen der visuellen F{\"a}higkeiten, sondern auch des olfaktorischen Systems gef{\"u}hrt haben. Die vorliegende Arbeit veranschaulicht, dass Cataglyphis ein exzellenter Kandidat ist bei der Erforschung neuronaler Mechanismen, welche Navigationsfunktionalit{\"a}ten zugrundeliegen, und bei der Erforschung neuronaler Plastizit{\"a}t, welche verkn{\"u}pft ist mit der lebenslangen Flexibilit{\"a}t eines individuellen Verhaltensrepertoires.}, subject = {Neuroethologie}, language = {en} }