@phdthesis{Weiss2020, author = {Weiß, Martin}, title = {The neural principles of behavior modification using socioemotional facial feedback cues in economic decision-making}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208654}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The present dissertation aims to shed light on different mechanisms of socio-emotional feedback in social decision-making situations. The objective is to evaluate emotional facial expressions as feedback stimuli, i.e., responses of interaction partners to certain social decisions. In addition to human faces, artificial emojis are also examined due to their relevance for modern digital communication. Previous research on the influence of emotional feedback suggests that a person's behavior can be effectively reinforced by rewarding stimuli. In the context of this dissertation, the differences in the feedback processing of human photographs and emojis, but also the evaluation of socially expected versus socially unexpected feedback were examined in detail in four studies. In addition to behavioral data, we used the electroencephalogram (EEG) in all studies to investigate neural correlates of social decision-making and emotional feedback. As the central paradigm, all studies were based on a modified ultimatum game. The game is structured as follows: there is a so-called proposer who holds a specific amount of money (e.g., 10 cents) and offers the responder a certain amount (e.g., 3 cents). The responder then decides whether to accept or reject the offer. In the version of the ultimatum game presented here, different types of proposers are introduced. After the participants have accepted or rejected in the role of the responder, the different proposers react to the participant's decision with specific emotional facial expressions. Different feedback patterns are used for the individual experiments conducted in the course of this dissertation. In the first study, we investigated the influence of emotional feedback on decision-making in the modified version of the ultimatum game. We were able to show that a proposer who responds to the acceptance of an offer with a smiling face achieves more accepted offers overall than a control proposer who responds to both accepted and rejected offers with a neutral facial expression. Consequently, the smile served as a positive reinforcement. Similarly, a sad expression in response to a rejected offer also resulted in higher acceptance rates as compared to the control identity, which could be considered an expression of compassion for that proposer. On a neuronal level, we could show that there are differences between simply looking at negative emotional stimuli (i.e., sad and angry faces) and their appearance as feedback stimuli after rejected offers in the modified ultimatum game. The so-called feedback-related negativity was reduced (i.e., more positive) when negative emotions appeared as feedback from the proposers. We argued that these findings might show that the participants wanted to punish the proposers by rejecting an offer for its unfairness and therefore the negative feedback met their expectations. The altered processing of negative emotional facial expressions in the ultimatum game could therefore indicate that the punishment is interpreted as successful. This includes the expectation that the interaction partner will change his behavior in the future and eventually make fairer offers. In the second study we wanted to show that smiling and sad emojis as feedback stimuli in the modified ultimatum game can also lead to increased acceptance rates. Contrary to our assumptions, this effect could not be observed. At the neural level as well, the findings did not correspond to our assumptions and differed strongly from those of the first study. One finding, however, was that the neural P3 component showed how the use of emojis as feedback stimuli particularly characterizes certain types of proposers. This is supported by the fact that the P3 is increased for the proposer who rewards an acceptance with a smile as well as for the proposer who reacts to rejection with a sad emoji compared to the neutral control proposer. The third study examined the discrepancy between the findings of the first and second study. Accordingly, both humans and emojis representing the different proposers were presented in the ultimatum game. In addition, emojis were selected that showed a higher similarity to known emojis from common messenger services compared to the second study. We were able to replicate that the proposers in the ultimatum game, who reward an acceptance of the offer with a smile, led to an increased acceptance rate compared to the neutral control proposers. This difference is independent of whether the proposers are represented by emojis or human faces. With regard to the neural correlates, we were able to demonstrate that emojis and human faces differ strongly in their neural processing. Emojis showed stronger activation than human faces in the face-processing N170 component, the feedback-related negativity and the P3 component. We concluded that the results of the N170 and feedback-related negativity could indicate a signal for missing social information of emojis compared to faces. The increased P3 amplitude for emojis might imply that emojis appear unexpectedly as reward stimuli in a social decision task compared to human faces. The last study of this project dealt with socially unexpected feedback. In comparison to the first three studies, new proposer identities were implemented. In particular, the focus was on a proposer who reacted to the rejection of an offer unexpectedly with a smile and to the acceptance with a neutral facial expression. According to the results, participants approach this unexpected smile through increased rejection, although it is accompanied by financial loss. In addition, as reported in studies one and three, we were able to show that proposers who respond to the acceptance of an offer with a smiling face and thus meet the expectations of the participants have higher offer acceptance rates than the control proposer. At the neuronal level, especially the feedback from the socially unexpected proposer led to an increased P3 amplitude, which indicates that smiling after rejection is attributed a special subjective importance. The experiments provide new insights into the social influence through emotional feedback and the processing of relevant social cues. Due to the conceptual similarity of the studies, it was possible to differentiate between stable findings and potentially stimulus-dependent deviations, thus creating a well-founded contribution to the current research. Therefore, the novel paradigm presented here, and the knowledge gained from it could also play an important role in the future for clinical questions dealing with limited social competencies.}, subject = {Entscheidungsverhalten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Topolinski2009, author = {Topolinski, Sascha}, title = {A fluency-affect intuition model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-38807}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The present approach highlights a procedural account of intuitive judgments. In intuitions of hidden semantic coherence, people can intuitively detect whether a word triad has a common remote associate (coherent) or not (incoherent) before, and independently from actually retrieving the common associate. The present fluency-affect intuition model (FAIM) maintains that semantic coherence increases the processing fluency for coherent compared to incoherent triads, and that this increased fluency triggers brief and subtle positive affect, which is the experiential basis of these intuitions. Published work concerning 25 experiments is reviewed that gathered empirical support for this model. Furthermore, the impact of fluency and affect was also generalized to intuitions of visual coherence, and intuitions of grammaticality in an artificial grammar learning paradigm.}, subject = {Intuition}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidts2021, author = {Schmidts, Constantin}, title = {Affective regulation of cognitive conflict}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21989}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219897}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Kognitive Kontrolle beschreibt Prozesse die n{\"o}tig sind um zielgerichtetes Handeln im Angesicht von internen oder externen Widerst{\"a}nden zu erm{\"o}glichen. Wenn wir aus eigenen St{\"u}cken oder inspiriert durch unsere Umwelt Handlungen vorbereiten die unseren aktuellen Zielen entgegen stehen, kommt es zu Konflikten. Solche Konflikte k{\"o}nnen sich auf nachfolgendes Erleben und Verhalten auswirken. Aversive Konsequenzen von Konflikt k{\"o}nnten in einem Konflikt{\"u}berwachungsmodul registriert werden, welches anschließend Aufmerksamkeits{\"a}nderungen und Handlungstendenzen zur Reduzierung dieses negativen Affektes in Gang setzt. Wenn das der Fall w{\"a}re, k{\"o}nnten die vielfach beobachteten Verhaltensanpassungen an kognitiven Konflikt ein Ausdruck von Emotionsregulation sein. Ein theoretischer Eckpfeiler der gegenw{\"a}rtigen Forschung zur Emotionsregulation ist das Prozessmodell der Emotionsregulation, das aus den Regulationsstrategien Situationsauswahl, Situationsmodifikation, Aufmerksamkeitslenkung, kognitiven Ver{\"a}nderungen und Reaktionsmodulation besteht. Unter der Annahme, dass Konfliktanpassung und Affektregulation auf gemeinsamen Mechanismen fußen, habe ich aus dem Prozessmodell der Emotionsregulation Vorhersagen zur kognitiven Kontrolle abgeleitet und diese in elf Experimenten getestet (N = 509). Die Versuchsteilnehmer zeigten Situationsauswahl in Bezug auf Konflikte, allerdings nur dann, wenn sie ausdr{\"u}cklich auf Handlungs- und Ergebniskontingenzen hingewiesen wurden (Experimente 1 bis 3). Ich fand Anzeichen f{\"u}r einen Mechanismus, der der Situationsmodifikation {\"a}hnelt, aber keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung von Affekt (Experimente 4 bis 10). Eine {\"A}nderung der Konfliktbewertung hatte keinen Einfluss auf das Ausmaß der Konfliktadaptation (Experiment 11). Insgesamt gab es Hinweise auf eine explizite Aversivit{\"a}t kognitiver Konflikte, jedoch weniger auf implizite Aversivit{\"a}t, was darauf hindeutet, dass Konflikte vor allem dann Affektregulationsprozesse ausl{\"o}sen, wenn Menschen explizit Affektregulationsziele vor Augen haben.}, subject = {Affekt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RamirezPasos2019, author = {Ramirez Pasos, Uri Eduardo}, title = {Subthalamic Nucleus Neural Synchronization and Connectivity during Limbic Processing of Emotional Pictures: Evidence from Invasive Recordings in Patients with Parkinson's Disease}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16985}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169850}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In addition to bradykinesia and tremor, patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) are known to exhibit non-motor symptoms such as apathy and hypomimia but also impulsivity in response to dopaminergic replacement therapy. Moreover, a plethora of studies observe differences in electrocortical and autonomic responses to both visual and acoustic affective stimuli in PD subjects compared to healthy controls. This suggests that the basal ganglia (BG), as well as the hyperdirect pathway and BG thalamocortical circuits, are involved in affective processing. Recent studies have shown valence and dopamine-dependent changes in synchronization in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in PD patients during affective tasks. This thesis investigates the role of dopamine, valence, and laterality in STN electrophysiology by analyzing event-related potentials (ERP), synchronization, and inter-hemispheric STN connectivity. STN recordings were obtained from PD patients with chronically implanted electrodes for deep brain stimulation during a passive affective picture presentation task. The STN exhibited valence-dependent ERP latencies and lateralized 'high beta' (28-40 Hz) event-related desynchronization. This thesis also examines the role of dopamine, valence, and laterality on STN functional connectivity with the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the amygdala. The activity of these limbic structures was reconstructed using simultaneously recorded electroencephalographic signals. While the STN was found to establish early coupling with both structures, STN-ACC coupling in the 'alpha' range (7-11 Hz) and uncoupling in the 'low beta' range (14-21 Hz) were lateralized. Lateralization was also observed at the level of synchrony in both reconstructed sources and for ACC ERP amplitude, whereas dopamine modulated ERP latency in the amygdala. These results may deepen our current understanding of the STN as a limbic node within larger emotional-motor networks in the brain.
}, subject = {Nucleus subthalamicus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muenchow2016, author = {M{\"u}nchow, Hannes}, title = {I feel, therefore I learn - Effectiveness of affect induction interventions and possible covariates on learning outcomes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148432}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Affective states in the context of learning and achievement can influence the learning process essentially. The impact of affective states can be both directly on the learning performance and indirectly mediated via, for example, motivational processes. Positive activating affect is often associated with increased memory skills as well as advantages in creative problem solving. Negative activating affect on the other hand is regarded to impair learning outcomes because of promoting task-irrelevant thinking. While these relationships were found to be relatively stable in correlation studies, causal relationships have been examined rarely so far. This dissertation aims to investigate the effects of positive and negative affective states in multimedia learning settings and to identify potential moderating factors. Therefore, three experimental empirical studies on university students were conducted. In Experiment 1, N = 57 university students were randomly allocated to either a positive or negative affect induction group. Affects were elicited using short film clips. After a 20-minute learning phase in a hypertext-based multimedia learning environment on "functional neuroanatomy" the learners' knowledge as well as transfer performance were measured. It was assumed that inducing positive activating affect should enhance learning performance. Eliciting negative activating affect on the other hand should impair learning performance. However, it was found that the induction of negative activating affect prior to the learning phase resulted in slight deteriorations in knowledge. Contrary to the assumptions, inducing positive activating affect before the learning phase did not improve learning performance. Experiment 2 induced positive activating affect directly during learning. To induce affective states during the entire duration of the learning phase, Experiment 2 used an emotional design paradigm. Therefore, N = 111 university students were randomly assigned to learn either in an affect inducing multimedia learning environment (use of warm colours and round shapes) or an affectively neutral counterpart (using shades of grey and angular shapes) on the same topic as in Experiment 1. Again, knowledge as well as transfer performance were measured after learning for 20 minutes. In addition, positive and negative affective states were measured before and after learning. Complex interaction patterns between the treatment and initial affective states were found. Specifically, learners with high levels of positive affect before learning showed better transfer performance when they learned in the affect inducing learning environment. Regarding knowledge, those participants who reported high levels of negative activating affect prior to the learning period performed worse. However, the effect on knowledge did not occur for those students learning in the affect inducing learning environment. For knowledge, the treatment therefore protected against poorer performance due to high levels of negative affective states. Results of Experiment 2 showed that the induction of positive activating affect influenced learning performance positively when taking into account affective states prior to the learning phase. In order to confirm these interaction effects, a conceptual replication of the previous experiment was conducted in Experiment 3. Experiment 3 largely retained the former study design, but changed the learning materials and tests used. Analogous to Experiment 2, N = 145 university students learning for 20 minutes in either an affect inducing or an affectively neutral multimedia learning environment on "eukaryotic cell". To strengthen the treatment, Experiment 3 also used anthropomorphic design elements to induce affective states next to warm colours and round shapes. Moreover, in order to assess the change in affective states more exactly, an additional measurement of positive and negative affective states after half of the learning time was inserted. Knowledge and transfer were assessed again to measure learning performance. The learners' memory skills were used as an additional learning outcome. To control the influence of potential confounding variables, the participants' general and current achievement motivation as well as interest, and emotion regulation skills were measured. Contrary to the assumptions, Experiment 3 could not confirm the interaction effects of Experiment 2. Instead, there was a significant impact of positive activating affect prior to the learning phase on transfer, irrespective of the learners' group affiliation. This effect was further independent of the control variables that were measured. Nevertheless, the results of Experiment 3 fit into the picture of findings regarding "emotional design" in hypermedia learning settings. To date, the few publications that have used this approach propose heterogeneous results, even when using identical materials and procedures.}, subject = {Affekt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoefling2008, author = {H{\"o}fling, Atilla}, title = {Beggars cannot be choosers - The influence of food deprivation on food related disgust}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34609}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The main goals of the present thesis were to investigate how food deprivation influences food related disgust and to identify mental mechanisms that might underlie alterations in food related disgust. For this purpose, 9 studies were conducted that employed direct and indirect measures of attitudes, biological measures of affect as well as measures of real eating behavior and food choice, and compared responses of deprived and non deprived subjects on each of these measures. Spontaneous facial reactions were assessed via EMG and revealed that food deprived subjects showed weaker disgust reactions than satiated participants when being confronted with photographs of disgusting foods. Interestingly, deprived and non deprived subjects evaluated disgusting foods equally negative on a conscious level of information processing, indicating that food deprivation has the potential to attenuate food related disgust irrespective of conscious evaluations. Furthermore, it was found that food deprived participants readily consumed disgust related foods ("genetically modified foods"), while satiated participants rejected those foods. Again, no difference emerged between deprived and non deprived subjects in respect to their conscious evaluations of genetically modified foods (that were negative in both experimental groups). The dissociation between conscious evaluations and actual eating behavior that was observed amongst food deprived participants resembles the dissociation between conscious evaluations and facial reactions, thereby corroborating the assumption that alterations in food related disgust might directly influence eating behavior without changing conscious evaluations of foods. The assumption that a shift in automatic attitudes towards disgusting foods might be responsible for these effects received only partial support. That is, there was only a non significant tendency for food deprived subjects to evaluate disgusting foods more positive than satiated subjects on an automatic level of information processing. Instead, the results of the present thesis suggest that food deprived subjects exhibit a stronger motivation than satiated subjects to approach disgusting foods immediately. More precisely, food deprived participants exhibited strong approach motivational tendencies towards both, palatable and disgusting foods in an "Approach- Avoidance Task" whereas satiated participants only approached palatable (but not disgusting) foods on an automatic level of information processing. Moreover, food deprivation seems to change the subjective weighting of hedonic and functional food attributes in the context of more elaborated decisions about which foods to pick for consumption and which foods to reject. It was found that individual taste preferences were of minor importance for food deprived subjects but very important for satiated subjects when actually choosing between several food alternatives. In contrast, functional food attributes (e.g., immediate availability of a given food, large portion size) were more important selection criteria for food deprived subjects than for satiated subjects. Thus, food deprived participants were less picky than satiated participants, but showed a clear preference for those food alternatives that were functional in ending a state of food deprivation quickly - even if this meant choosing a food that was not considered tasty. Taken together, the present thesis shows that physiological need states (e.g., food deprivation) are tightly linked to the affective and motivational processing of need relevant cues. This link is so strong that food deprivation even modulates affective and motivational reactions as well as eating behavior and choice behavior towards disgusting (but need relevant) foods.}, subject = {Ekel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Epstude2005, author = {Epstude, Kai}, title = {What you get is what you see? Comparisons influence the social induction of affect}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14961}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The present research is concerned with the topic of socially induced affect. In previous research the focus was mainly on affective convergence. A prominent topic in that context was "emotional contagion" (Hatfield, Cacioppo, \& Rapson, 1994). Affective divergence has been also been found. However, its influence on the theoretical debate remained weak. Besides research on emotions also social comparison research attended to the topic. In order to explain affective divergence and convergence an integrative model based on social comparison processes is proposed here. Based on the selective accessibility model (Mussweiler, 2003) it is assumed that affective convergence can be seen as assimilation to a comparison standard (the observed model). Therefore, the basic assumption is that a comparison between an observer and the model takes place. Affective divergence corresponds to an affective contrast from that standard. Which of these two phenomena occurs depends on the type of comparison processes that took place. Six experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1 it was shown that comparisons intensify the social induction of affect. The influence of the comparison focus was studied in Experiments 2 and 3. If the perceiver searches for similarities between the self and the model, affective convergence occurs. If differences are searched for, affective divergence is found. The latter is mainly found under special circumstances, e.g. if the model belongs to another social group (Experiment 3). In Experiment 1-3 it was shown comparisons influence the social induction of affect. In Experiment 4-6 the underlying processes were explored. The selective accessibility model (Mussweiler, 2003) attributes a central role to the selective activation of self-knowledge in order to explain judgmental assimilation and contrast. In Experiments 4 and 5 the role of the self was explored more thoroughly. Evidence for socially induced affect (affective convergence) has only been found when the self has been previously activated. When the self was not activated no such effect was found. The assumption that the activation of specific self-knowledge is the basis for socially induced affect was tested in Experiment 5. Results supported the assumption. The present experiments give rise to the assumption that social comparisons are a key element in the social induction of affect. Affective convergence and divergence are explained and processes for the affect induction are defined. The findings also have implications for research on automatic behaviour and especially to explain automatic contrast. In addition implications for social comparison research can be derived.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AlvarezLoeblich2018, author = {Alvarez Loeblich, Paul Sebastian}, title = {Not Here, Not Now!
 - Situational Appropriateness, Negative Affect and the Experience of (Remote) Embarrassment. A Process Model.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161354}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Fremdsch{\"a}men or Fremdscham, a negative emotion which arises while observing someone behave inappropriately, comes to fame after the turn of the millennium in german speaking countries. There, they name it literally „other's shame" and it becomes obvious that this emotion happens most commonly while watching TV: reality shows, talent shows and bad comedies. The word even makes it to the dictionaries starting 2009, as its use increases unstoppably in everyday language, starting to get used in more and more situations, seemingly as a synonym of embarrassing or shameful. Still, a look in the emotional research on the subject returns exactly zero results as of 2011, leaving open the question as of what this emotion might be, and what it is not. The present wort aims at explaining not only the phenomenon of Fremdsch{\"a}men, but also the Emotion behind it - Embarrassment -, at a process level.}, subject = {Sozialpsychologie}, language = {en} }