@phdthesis{Steinbacher2015, author = {Steinbacher, Andreas Edgar}, title = {Circular dichroism and accumulative polarimetry of chiral femtochemistry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116500}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This work brings forward successful implementations of ultrafast chirality-sensitive spectroscopic techniques by probing circular dichroism (CD) or optical rotation dispersion (ORD). Furthermore, also first steps towards chiral quantum control, i.e., the selective variation of the chiral properties of molecules with the help of coherent light, are presented. In the case of CD probing, a setup capable of mirroring an arbitrary polarization state of an ultrashort laser pulse was developed. Hence, by passing a left-circularly polarized laser pulse through this setup a right-circularly polarized laser pulse is generated. These two pulse enantiomers can be utilized as probe pulses in a pump--probe CD experiment. Besides CD spectroscopy, it can be utilized for anisotropy or ellipsometry spectroscopy also. Within this thesis, the approach is used to elucidate the photochemistry of hemoglobin, the oxygen transporting protein in mammalian blood. The oxygen loss can be triggered with laser pulses as well, and the results of the time-resolved CD experiment suggest a cascade-like relaxation, probably through different spin states, of the metallo-porphyrins in hemoglobin. The ORD probing was realized via the combination of common-path optical heterodyne interferometric polarimetry and accumulative femtosecond spectroscopy. Within this setup, on the one hand the applicability of this approach for ultrafast studies was demonstrated explicitly. On the other hand, the discrimination between an achiral and a racemic solution without prior spatial separation was realized. This was achieved by inducing an enantiomeric excess via polarized femtosecond laser pulses and following its evolution with the developed polarimeter. Hence, chiral selectivity was already achieved with this method which can be turned into chiral control if the polarized laser pulses are optimized to steer an enhancement of the enantiomeric excess. Furthermore, within this thesis, theoretical prerequisites for anisotropy-free pump--probe experiments with arbitrary polarized laser pulses were derived. Due to the small magnitude of optical chirality-sensitve signals, these results are important for any pump--probe chiral spectroscopy, like the CD probing presented in this thesis. Moreover, since for chiral quantum control the variation of the molecular structure is necessary, the knowledge about rearrangement reactions triggered by photons is necessary. Hence, within this thesis the ultrafast Wolff rearrangement of an α-diazocarbonyl was investigated via ultrafast photofragment ion spectroscopy in the gas phase. Though the compound is not chiral, the knowledge about the exact reaction mechanism is beneficial for future studies of chiral compounds.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Selby2022, author = {Selby, Joshua}, title = {Design and Chiroptical Properties of Chirally Substituted Indolenine Squaraine Mono-, Oligo-, and Polymers}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28206}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282067}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A series of monomeric chirally substituted indolenine squaraine monomers were successfully synthesized and utilized for the construction of various oligo- and polymers, in order to study their chiroptical properties in terms of exciton chirality. The quaternary carbon atom at the 3-position of the indolenine subunit, as well as the alkyl side chain attached to the indolenine nitrogen were selected as the most suitable site for chiral functionalization. For the C(3)-chiral derivatives, two synthetic routes depending on the desired substitution at the stereogenic center were established. The chiral side chains were prepared via Evans asymmetric alkylation where the resulting branching point at the 2 position constituted the chiral center. While the chiral substitution only had minor effects on the linear optical properties and geometric structure of the chromophore, all compounds exhibited a distinct and measurable CD signal that correlated with the distance of the chiral center to the central chromophore. Polymers bearing chiral side chains exhibited a solvent- and temperature-dependent helix-coil equilibrium, which was influenced by the type of side chain used. CD spectroscopy revealed the helical conformation to possess a preferred twist sense, and temperature-dependent measurements showed the degree of homohelicity to be nearly complete in certain cases. Furthermore, a CPL signal was able to be obtained for the helical conformer of one polymer. Various (co)oligo- and polymers comprising the C(3)-chiral monomers only displayed a solvent-independent J-type absorption behavior and thus did not form helical conformations in solution. CD spectroscopy revealed a solvent-dependent adoption of quasi-enantiomeric conformers, which was elucidated by quantum chemical TDDFT calculations.}, subject = {Squaraine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sapotta2021, author = {Sapotta, Meike}, title = {Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes: Recognition of Alkaloids, Aggregation Behavior in Aqueous Environment and Guest-Mediated Chirality Transfer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20002}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200028}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Inspired by the fact that sufficient solubility in aqueous media can be achieved by functional substitution of perylene bisimides (PBIs) with polar groups, one of the essential aims of this thesis was the design and successful synthesis of the new water-soluble PBI cyclophanes [2PBI]-1m and [2PBI]-1p, which are appended with branched, hydrophilic oligoethylene glycol (OEG) chains. Subsequently, the focus was set on the elucidation of properties of PBI cyclophane hosts which are also of relevance for recognition processes in biological systems. The performance of the new amphiphilic PBI cyclophane [2PBI]-1p as synthetic receptors for various natural aromatic alkaloids in aqueous media was thoroughly investigated. Alkaloids represent a prominent class of ubiquitous nitrogen containing natural compounds with a great structural variety and diverse biological activity. As of yet, no chromophore host acting as a molecular probe for a range of alkaloids such as harmine or harmaline is known. In addition, the self-association behavior of cyclophane host [2PBI]-1m and its reference monomer in water was studied in order to gain insights into the thermodynamic driving forces affecting the self-assembly process of these two PBI systems in aqueous environment. Moreover, the chirality transfer upon guest binding previously observed for a PBI cyclophane was investigated further. The assignment of the underlying mechanism of guest recognition to either the induced fit or conformational selection model was of particular interest.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mahlmeister2023, author = {Mahlmeister, Bernhard}, title = {Twisted Rylene Bisimides for Organic Solar Cells and Strong Chiroptical Response in the Near Infrared}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34610}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346106}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The chirality of the interlocked bay-arylated perylene motif is investigated upon its material prospect and the enhancement of its chiroptical response to the NIR spectral region. A considerable molecular library of inherently chiral perylene bisimides (PBIs) was utilized as acceptors in organic solar cells to provide decent device performances and insights into the structure-property relationship of PBI materials within a polymer blend. For the first time in the family of core-twisted PBIs, the effects of enantiopurity on the device performance was thoroughly investigated. The extraordinary structural sensitivity of CD spectroscopy served as crucial analytical tool to bridge the highly challenging gap between molecular properties and device analytics by proving the excitonic chirality of a helical PBI dimer. The chirality of this perylene motif could be further enhanced on a molecular level by both the expansion and the enhanced twisting of the π-scaffold to achieve a desirable strong chiroptical NIR response introducing a new family of twisted QBI-based nanoribbons. These achievements could be substantially further developed by expanding this molecular concept to a supramolecular level. The geometrically demanding supramolecular arrangement necessary for the efficient excitonic coupling was carefully encoded into the molecular design. Accordingly, the QBIs could form the first J-type aggregate constituting a fourfold-stranded superhelix of a rylene bisimide with strong excitonic chirality. Therefore, this thesis has highlighted the mutual corroboration of experimental and theoretical data from the molecular to the supramolecular level. It has demonstrated that for rylene bisimide dyes, the excitonic contribution to the overall chiroptical response can be designed and rationalized. This can help to pave the way for new organic functional materials to be used for chiral sensing or chiral organic light-emitting devices.}, subject = {Molek{\"u}l}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kramer2017, author = {Kramer, Christian}, title = {Investigation of Nanostructure-Induced Localized Light Phenomena Using Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In recent years, the interaction of light with subwavelength structures, i.e., structures that are smaller than the optical wavelength, became more and more interesting to scientific research, since it provides the opportunity to manipulate light-induced dynamics below the optical diffraction limit. Specifically designed nanomaterials can be utilized to tailor the temporal evolution of electromagnetic fields at the nanoscale. For the investigation of strongly localized processes, it is essential to resolve both their spatial and their temporal behavior. The aim of this thesis was to study and/or control the temporal evolution of three nanostructure-induced localized light phenomena by using ultrafast laser spectroscopy with high spatial resolution. In Chapter 4, the absorption of near-infrared light in thin-film a-Si:H solar cells was investigated. Using nanotextured instead of smooth interfaces for such devices leads to an increase of absorption from < 20\% to more than 50\% in the near-infrared regime. Time-resolved experiments with femtosecond laser pulses were performed to clarify the reason for this enhancement. The coherent backscattered radiation from nanotextured solar cell devices was measured as a function of the sample position and evaluated via spectral interferometry. Spatially varying resonance peaks in the recorded spectra indicated the formation of localized photonic modes within the nanotextured absorber layers. In order to identify the modes separately from each other, coherent two-dimensional (2D) nanoscopy was utilized, providing a high spatial resolution < 40 nm. In a nanoscopy measurement on a modified device with an exposed nanotextured a-Si:H absorber layer, hot-spot electron emission was observed and confirmed the presence of localized modes. Fitting the local 2D nanospectra at the hot-spot positions enabled the determination of the resonance frequencies and coherence lifetimes of the modes. The obtained lifetime values varied between 50 fs and 130 fs. Using a thermionic emission model allowed the calculation of the locally absorbed energy density and, with this, an estimation of the localization length of the photonic modes (≈1 μm). The localization could be classified by means of the estimated localization length and additional data evaluation of the backscattered spectra as strong localization ─ the so-called Anderson localization. Based on the experimental results, it was concluded that the enhanced absorption of near-infrared light in thin-film silicon solar cells with nanotextured interfaces is caused by the formation of strongly localized photonic modes within the disordered absorber layers. The incoming near-infrared light is trapped in these long-living modes until absorption occurs. In Chapter 5, a novel hybridized plasmonic device was introduced and investigated in both theory and experiment. It consists of two widely separated whispering gallery mode (WGM) nanoantennas located in an elliptical plasmonic cavity. The goal was to realize a periodic long-range energy transfer between the nanoantennas. In finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations, the device was first optimized with respect to strong coupling between the localized antenna modes and the spatially-extended cavity mode. The geometrical parameters of the antennas and the cavity were adjusted separately so that the m="0" antenna mode and the cavity mode were resonant at λ="800 nm" . A high spatial overlap of the modes was achieved by positioning the two antennas in the focal spots of the cavity, leading to a distance between the antenna centers of more than twice the resonant wavelength of the modes. The spectral response of the optimized device revealed an energy splitting of the antenna and the cavity mode into three separated hybridized eigenmodes within an energy range of about 90 meV due to strong coupling. It could be well reproduced by a simple model of three coupled Lorentzian oscillators. In the time domain, an oscillatory energy transfer between both antennas with a period of 86 fs and an energy transfer efficiency of about 7\% was observed for single-pulse excitation. For the experiments, devices with cavities and antennas of varying size were fabricated by means of focused-ion-beam (FIB) milling. Time-resolved correlation measurements were performed with high spatial and temporal resolution by using sequences of two femtosecond laser pulses for excitation and photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) for detection. Local correlation traces at antennas in resonant devices, i.e., devices with enhanced electron emission at both antenna positions, were investigated and reconstructed by means of the coupled-oscillator model. The corresponding spectral response revealed separated peaks, confirming the formation of hybridized eigenmodes due to strong coupling. In a subsequent simulation for single-pulse excitation, one back-and-forth energy transfer between both antennas with an energy transfer efficiency of about 10\% was observed. Based on the theoretical and experimental results, it was demonstrated that in the presented plasmonic device a periodic long-range energy transfer between the two nanoantennas is possible. Furthermore, the coupled-oscillator model enables one to study in depth how specific device properties impact the temporal electric-field dynamics within the device. This can be exploited to further optimize energy transfer efficiency of the device. Future applications are envisioned in ultrafast plasmonic nanocircuitry. Moreover, the presented device can be employed to realize efficient SPP-mediated strong coupling between widely separated quantum emitters. In Chapter 6, it was investigated in theory how the local optical chirality enhancement in the near field of plasmonic nanostructures can be optimized by tuning the far-field polarization of the incident light. An analytic expression was derived that enables the calculation of the optimal far-field polarizations, i.e., the two far-field polarizations which lead to the highest positive and negative local optical chirality, for any given nanostructure geometry. The two optimal far-field polarizations depend on the local optical response of the respective nanostructure and thus are functions of both the frequency ω and the position r. Their ellipticities differ only in their sign, i.e., in their direction of rotation in the time domain, and the angle between their orientations, i.e., the angle between the principal axes of their ellipses, is ±π/"2" . The handedness of optimal local optical chirality can be switched by switching between the optimal far-field polarizations. In numerical simulations, it was exemplarily shown for two specific nanostructure assemblies that the optimal local optical chirality can significantly exceed the optical chirality values of circularly polarized light in free space ─ the highest possible values in free space. The corresponding optimal far-field polarizations were different from linear and circular and varied with frequency. Using femtosecond polarization pulse shaping provides the opportunity to coherently control local optical chirality over a continuous frequency range. Furthermore, symmetry properties of nanostructures can be exploited to determine which far-field polarization is optimal. The theoretical findings can have impact on future experimental studies about local optical chirality enhancement. Tuning the far-field polarization of the incident light offers a promising tool to enhance chirally specific interactions of local electromagnetic fields with molecular and other quantum systems in the vicinity of plasmonic nanostructures. The presented approach can be utilized for applications in chiral sensing of adsorbed molecules, time-resolved chirality-sensitive spectroscopy, and chiral quantum control. In conclusion, each of the localized light phenomena that were investigated in this thesis ─ the enhanced local absorption of near-infrared light due to the formation of localized photonic modes, the periodic long-range energy transfer between two nanoantennas within an elliptical plasmonic cavity, and the optimization of local optical chirality enhancement by tuning the far-field polarization of the incident light ─ can open up new perspectives for a variety of future applications. .}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buback2011, author = {Buback, Johannes}, title = {Femtochemistry of Pericyclic Reactions and Advances towards Chiral Control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66484}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Pericyclic reactions possess changed reactivities in the excited state compared to the ground state which complement each other, as can be shown by simple frontier molecular orbital analysis. Hence, most molecules that undergo pericyclic reactions feature two different photochemical pathways. In this thesis an investigation of the first nanoseconds after excitation of Diazo Meldrum's acid (DMA) is presented. The time-resolved absorption change in the mid-infrared spectral region revealed indeed two reaction pathways after excitation of DMA with at least one of them being a pericyclic reaction (a sigmatropic rearrangement). These two pathways most probably start from different electronic states and make the spectroscopy of DMA especially interesting. Femtochemistry also allows the spectroscopy of very short-lived intermediates, which is discussed in context of the sequential mechanism of the Wolff rearrangement of DMA. An interesting application of pericyclic reactions are also molecular photoswitches, i.e. molecules that can be switched by light between two stable states. This work presents a photoswitch on the basis of a 6-pi-electrocyclic reaction, whose reaction dynamics after excitation are unravelled with transient-absorption spectroscopy for both switching directions. The 6-pi-electrocyclic reaction is especially attractive, because of the huge electronic changes and subsequent absorption changes upon switching between the ring-open and ring-closed form. Fulgides, diarlyethenes, maleimides as well as spiropyrans belong to this class of switches. Despite the popularity of spiropyrans, the femtochemistry of the ring-open form ("merocyanine") is still unknown to a great extent. The experiments in this thesis on this system combined with special modeling algorithms allowed to determine the quantum efficiencies of all reaction pathways of the system, including the ring-closure pathway. With the knowledge of the reaction dynamics, a multipulse control experiment showed that bidirectional full-cycle switching between the two stable states on an ultrafast time scale is possible. Such a controlled ultrafast switching is a process which is inaccessible with conventional light sources and may allow faster switching electronics in the future. Theoretical calculations suggest an enantioselective photochemistry, i.e. to influence the chirality of the emerging molecule with the chirality of the light, a field called "chiral control". The challenges that need to be overcome to prove a successful chiral control are extremely hard, since enantiosensitive signals, such as circular dichroism, are inherently very small. Hence, chiral control calls for a very sensitive detection as well as an experiment that cancels all effects that may influence the enantiosensitive signal. The first challenge, the sensitive detection, is solved with a polarimeter, which is optimized to be combined with femtosecond spectroscopy. This polarimeter will be an attractive tool for future chiral-control experiments due to its extreme sensitivity. The second challenge, the design of an artefact-free experiment, gives rise to a variety of new questions. The polarization state of the light is the decisive property in such an experiment, because on the one hand the polarization carries the chiral information of the excitation and on the other hand the change of the polarization or the intensity change dependent on the polarization is used as the enantiosensitive probing signal. A new theoretical model presented in this thesis allows to calculate the anisotropic distribution of any given pump-probe experiment in which any pulse can have any polarization state. This allows the design of arbitrary experiments for example polarization shaped pump-probe experiments. Furthermore a setup is presented and simulated that allows the shot-to-shot switching between mirror-images of light polarization states. It can be used either for control experiments in which the sample is excited with mirror-images of the pump polarization or for spectroscopy purposes, such as transient circular dichroism or transient optical rotatory dispersion. The spectroscopic results of this thesis may serve as a basis for these experiments. The parallel and sequential photochemical pathways of DMA and the feasibility of the bidirectional switching of 6,8-dinitro BIPS in a pump-repump experiment on the one hand offer a playground to test the relation of the anisotropy with the polarization of the pump, repump and probe pulse. On the other hand control experiments with varying pump and repump polarization may be able to take influence on the dynamics after excitation. Especially interesting is the combination of the 6,8-dinitro BIPS with the polarization-mirroring setup, because the closed form (spiropyran) is chiral. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to prove a cumulative circular-dichroism effect or even a chiral control with this system.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} }