@phdthesis{Hassouneh2003, author = {Hassouneh, Mohammed H.}, title = {Interpretation of Potential Fields by Modern Data Processing and 3-dimensional gravity Modeling of the Dead Sea Pull-Apart Basin / Jordan Rift Valley (JRV)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4834}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This work presents the analysis, 3D modeling and interpretation of gravity and aeromagnetic data of Jordan and Middle East. The potential field data delineate the location of the major faults, basins, swells, anticlines, synclines and domes in Jordan. The surface geology of Jordan and the immediate area east of the Rift is dominated by two large basins, the Al-Jafr basin in the south and the Al-Azraq-Wadi as Sirhan basin to the northeast. These two basins strike southeast-northwest and are separated by an anticlinal axis, the Kilwah-Bayir swell. The Karak Wadi El Fayha fault system occurs along the western flank of the swell. The Swaqa fault occurs on the southwest hinge of Al-Azraq basin and the Fuluq fault occurs on its northeast hinge. In the south west of Jordan, Wadi Utm-Quwaira and Disi-Mudawara fault zones are shown clearly in the aeromagnetic and gravity maps. The previous major faults are well correlated with the structural map of Jordan published by Bender (1968). 3D modeling of gravity data in the Dead Sea basin (DSB) was used together with existing geological and geophysical information to give a complete structural picture of the basin. The 3D models of the DSB show that the internal structure of the Dead Sea basin (DSB) is controlled by longitudinal faults and the basin is developed as a full graben bounded by sub-vertical faults along its long sides. In the northern planes of the 3D model, the accumulation of Quaternary (salt and marl) and Mesozoic (pre-rift) sediments are thinner than in the central and southern planes of the model. In the northern planes, the thickness of the Quaternary sediments is about 4 km, 5 km in the southern planes and it exceeds 8 km in the central planes of the DSR. The thickness of the pre-rift sediments reaches 10-12 km in the northern and southern planes and exceeds 15 km in the central planes of the DSR. The planes of the 3D models show that the depth to the crystalline basement under the eastern shoulders of the DSR is shallower than those beneath the western shoulders. It is about 3-5 km beneath the eastern shoulders and 7-9 km under the western shoulder of the DSR. The gravity anomaly maps of residual and first derivative gravity delineate the subsurface basins of widely varying size, shape, and depth along the Rift Valley. The basins are created by the combination of the lateral motion along a right-tending step over and normal faulting along the opposite sides. Al Bakura basin occupies the upper Jordanian River valley and extends into the southern Tiberias Lake. Bet Shean basin to the south of Al Bakura basin plunges asymmetrically toward the east. The Damia basin, comprising the central Jordan Valley and Jericho areas to the north of the Dead Sea is shallow basin (~600-800m deep). The Lisan basin is the deepest basin in the Rift. The 3D gravity models indicate a maximum of ~12 km of basin fill. Three basins are found in Wadi Araba area, Gharandal, Timna (Qa'-Taba) and Aqaba (Elat) basin. The three basins become successively wider and deeper to the south. The three regional gravity long E-W profiles (225 km) from the Mediterranean Sea crossing the Rift Valley to the east to the Saudi Arabia borders, show the positive correlation between topography and free air anomaly and strong negative Bouguer anomaly under the central part of the Dead Sea Basin (DSB) and normal regional Bouguer anomaly outside of the DSB in the transform valley. Depth to the top of the bedrock in the under ground of Jordan was calculated from potential field data. The basement crops out in the south west of Jordan and becomes deeper to northwards and eastwards to be about ~ 8 km below ground surface in the Risha area.}, subject = {Jordantal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GraetzgebDittmann2022, author = {Graetz [geb. Dittmann], Jonas}, title = {X-Ray Dark-Field Tensor Tomography : a Hitchhiker's Guide to Tomographic Reconstruction and Talbot Imaging}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28143}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281437}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {X-ray dark-field imaging allows to resolve the conflict between the demand for centimeter scaled fields of view and the spatial resolution required for the characterization of fibrous materials structured on the micrometer scale. It draws on the ability of X-ray Talbot interferometers to provide full field images of a sample's ultra small angle scattering properties, bridging a gap of multiple orders of magnitude between the imaging resolution and the contrasted structure scale. The correspondence between shape anisotropy and oriented scattering thereby allows to infer orientations within a sample's microstructure below the imaging resolution. First demonstrations have shown the general feasibility of doing so in a tomographic fashion, based on various heuristic signal models and reconstruction approaches. Here, both a verified model of the signal anisotropy and a reconstruction technique practicable for general imaging geometries and large tensor valued volumes is developed based on in-depth reviews of dark-field imaging and tomographic reconstruction techniques. To this end, a wide interdisciplinary field of imaging and reconstruction methodologies is revisited. To begin with, a novel introduction to the mathematical description of perspective projections provides essential insights into the relations between the tangible real space properties of cone beam imaging geometries and their technically relevant description in terms of homogeneous coordinates and projection matrices. Based on these fundamentals, a novel auto-calibration approach is developed, facilitating the practical determination of perspective imaging geometries with minimal experimental constraints. A corresponding generalized formulation of the widely employed Feldkamp algorithm is given, allowing fast and flexible volume reconstructions from arbitrary tomographic imaging geometries. Iterative reconstruction techniques are likewise introduced for general projection geometries, with a particular focus on the efficient evaluation of the forward problem associated with tomographic imaging. A highly performant 3D generalization of Joseph's classic linearly interpolating ray casting algorithm is developed to this end and compared to typical alternatives. With regard to the anisotropic imaging modality required for tensor tomography, X-ray dark-field contrast is extensively reviewed. Previous literature is brought into a joint context and nomenclature and supplemented by original work completing a consistent picture of the theory of dark-field origination. Key results are explicitly validated by experimental data with a special focus on tomography as well as the properties of anisotropic fibrous scatterers. In order to address the pronounced susceptibility of interferometric images to subtle mechanical imprecisions, an efficient optimization based evaluation strategy for the raw data provided by Talbot interferometers is developed. Finally, the fitness of linear tensor models with respect to the derived anisotropy properties of dark-field contrast is evaluated, and an iterative scheme for the reconstruction of tensor valued volumes from projection images is proposed. The derived methods are efficiently implemented and applied to fiber reinforced plastic samples, imaged at the ID19 imaging beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The results represent unprecedented demonstrations of X-ray dark-field tensor tomography at a field of view of 3-4cm, revealing local fiber orientations of both complex shaped and low-contrast samples at a spatial resolution of 0.1mm in 3D. The results are confirmed by an independent micro CT based fiber analysis.}, subject = {Dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bleier2023, author = {Bleier, Michael}, title = {Underwater Laser Scanning - Refractive Calibration, Self-calibration and Mapping for 3D Reconstruction}, isbn = {978-3-945459-45-4}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32269}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322693}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {There is great interest in affordable, precise and reliable metrology underwater: Archaeologists want to document artifacts in situ with high detail. In marine research, biologists require the tools to monitor coral growth and geologists need recordings to model sediment transport. Furthermore, for offshore construction projects, maintenance and inspection millimeter-accurate measurements of defects and offshore structures are essential. While the process of digitizing individual objects and complete sites on land is well understood and standard methods, such as Structure from Motion or terrestrial laser scanning, are regularly applied, precise underwater surveying with high resolution is still a complex and difficult task. Applying optical scanning techniques in water is challenging due to reduced visibility caused by turbidity and light absorption. However, optical underwater scanners provide significant advantages in terms of achievable resolution and accuracy compared to acoustic systems. This thesis proposes an underwater laser scanning system and the algorithms for creating dense and accurate 3D scans in water. It is based on laser triangulation and the main optical components are an underwater camera and a cross-line laser projector. The prototype is configured with a motorized yaw axis for capturing scans from a tripod. Alternatively, it is mounted to a moving platform for mobile mapping. The main focus lies on the refractive calibration of the underwater camera and laser projector, the image processing and 3D reconstruction. For highest accuracy, the refraction at the individual media interfaces must be taken into account. This is addressed by an optimization-based calibration framework using a physical-geometric camera model derived from an analytical formulation of a ray-tracing projection model. In addition to scanning underwater structures, this work presents the 3D acquisition of semi-submerged structures and the correction of refraction effects. As in-situ calibration in water is complex and time-consuming, the challenge of transferring an in-air scanner calibration to water without re-calibration is investigated, as well as self-calibration techniques for structured light. The system was successfully deployed in various configurations for both static scanning and mobile mapping. An evaluation of the calibration and 3D reconstruction using reference objects and a comparison of free-form surfaces in clear water demonstrate the high accuracy potential in the range of one millimeter to less than one centimeter, depending on the measurement distance. Mobile underwater mapping and motion compensation based on visual-inertial odometry is demonstrated using a new optical underwater scanner based on fringe projection. Continuous registration of individual scans allows the acquisition of 3D models from an underwater vehicle. RGB images captured in parallel are used to create 3D point clouds of underwater scenes in full color. 3D maps are useful to the operator during the remote control of underwater vehicles and provide the building blocks to enable offshore inspection and surveying tasks. The advancing automation of the measurement technology will allow non-experts to use it, significantly reduce acquisition time and increase accuracy, making underwater metrology more cost-effective.}, subject = {Selbstkalibrierung}, language = {en} }