@phdthesis{Roeding2018, author = {R{\"o}ding, Sebastian}, title = {Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams and Liquids Using Incoherent Observables}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Umsetzung einer experimentellen Herangehensweise, welche die koh{\"a}rente zweidimensionale (2D) Spektroskopie an Proben in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden erm{\"o}glicht. Hierzu wurde zun{\"a}chst ein Aufbau f{\"u}r fl{\"u}ssige Proben realisiert, in welchem die emittierte Fluoreszenz als Messsignal zur Aufnahme der 2D Spektren genutzt wird. Im Gegensatz zu dieser bereits etablierten Methode in der fl{\"u}ssigen Phase stellt die in dieser Arbeit außerdem vorgestellte 2D Spektroskopie an gasf{\"o}rmigen Proben in einem Molekularstrahl einen neuen Ansatz dar. Hierbei werden zum ersten Mal Kationen mittels eines Flugzeitmassenspektrometers als Signal verwendet und somit ionen-spezifische 2D Spektren isolierter Molek{\"u}le erhalten. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den experimentellen Entwicklungen wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neues Konzept zur Datenerfassung in der 2D Spektroskopie entworfen, welches mit Hilfe einer optimierten Signalabtastung und eines Compressed-Sensing Rekonstruktionsalgorithmus die Aufnahmezeit der Daten deutlich reduziert. Charakteristisch f{\"u}r die in dieser Arbeit eingesetzte Variante der 2D Spektroskopie ist die Verwendung einer phasenkoh{\"a}renten Sequenz bestehend aus vier Laserimpulsen in einer kollinearen Laserstrahlgeometrie zur Anregung der Probe. Diese Impulssequenz wurde durch einen Laserimpulsformer erzeugt, der durch {\"A}nderung der relevanten Laserimpulsparameter mit der Wiederholrate des Lasers eine schnelle Datenerfassung erm{\"o}glicht. Die Antwort der Probe auf diese Anregung wurde durch inkoh{\"a}rente Observablen gemessen, welche proportional zur Population des angeregten Zustandes sind, wie zum Beispiel Fluoreszenz oder Ionen. Um aus diesem Signal w{\"a}hrend der Datenanalyse die gew{\"u}nschten nichtlinearen Beitr{\"a}ge zu extrahieren, wurde die Messung mit verschiedenen Kombinationen der relativen Phase zwischen den Laserimpulsen wiederholt ("Phase Cycling"). Der Aufbau zur 2D Spektroskopie in fl{\"u}ssiger Phase mit Fluoreszenz-Detektion wurde an Hand von 2D Spektren des Laserfarbstoffes Cresyl Violett charakterisiert. Hierbei wurden Oszillationen in verschiedenen Bereichen des 2D Spektrums beobachtet, welche durch vibronische Koh{\"a}renzen hervorgerufen werden und mit fr{\"u}heren Beobachtungen in der Literatur {\"u}bereinstimmen. Mit dem gleichen Datensatz wurde im n{\"a}chsten Schritt das neue Konzept zur optimierten Datenerfassung demonstriert. Um ein optimiertes Schema f{\"u}r die Signalabtastung zu finden, wurde ein genetischer Algorithmus implementiert, wobei nur ein Viertel der eigentlichen Datenpunkte zur Messwerterfassung verwendet werden sollte. Dies reduziert die Zeitdauer der Datenerfassung auf ein Viertel der urspr{\"u}nglichen Messzeit. Die Rekonstruktion des vollst{\"a}ndigen Signales erfolgte mit Hilfe einer neuartigen, kompakten Darstellung von 2D Spektren basierend auf der von Neumann Basis. Diese Herangehensweise ben{\"o}tigte im Vergleich zur {\"u}blicherweise verwendeten Fourier Basis nur ein Sechstel der Koeffizienten um das Signal vollst{\"a}ndig darzustellen und erm{\"o}glichte so die erfolgreiche Rekonstruktion der Oszillationen in Cresyl Violett aus einem reduzierten Datensatz. Mit Hilfe der neuartigen koh{\"a}renten 2D Spektroskopie an Molekularstrahlen wurden {\"U}berg{\"a}nge von hoch angeregten Rydberg-Zust{\"a}nden ins ionische Kontinuum in Stickstoffdioxid untersucht. Als dominierender Beitrag stellte sich hierbei der {\"U}bergang in auto-ionisierende Zust{\"a}nde heraus. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil der Datenerfassung {\"u}ber ein Flugzeitmassenspektrometer ist die M{\"o}glichkeit der gleichzeitigen Aufnahme von 2D Spektren der Edukte und Produkte einer chemischen Reaktion. Dies wurde in Experimenten zur Mehrphotonenionisation gezeigt, in denen deutliche Unterschiede in den 2D Spektren des Stickstoffdioxid-Kations und des Stickstoffmonoxid-Fragmentes sichtbar wurden, welche auf unterschiedliche Antwortfunktionen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten experimentellen Techniken erm{\"o}glichen die schnelle Aufnahme von 2D Spektren f{\"u}r Proben in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden und erlauben einen zuverl{\"a}ssigen, direkten Vergleich der Ergebnisse. Sie sind deshalb ein Wegbereiter f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Untersuchungen der Eigenschaften quantenmechanischer Koh{\"a}renzen in photophysikalischen Prozessen oder w{\"a}hrend photochemischer Reaktionen in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Moigno2001, author = {Moigno, Damien}, title = {Study of the ligand effects on the metal-ligand bond in some new organometallic complexes using FT-Raman and -IR spectroscopy, isotopic substitution and density functional theory techniques}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3101}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The present studies which have been performed in the work-group C-2 (Prof. W. Kiefer) within the program of the Sonderforschungsbereichs 347, deal with the FT-Raman and -IR spectroscopy on new organometallic complexes, synthesized in the work-groups B-2 (Prof. W. Malisch), B-3 (Prof. W. A. Schenk), D-1 (Prof. H. Werner) and D-4 (Prof. D. Stalke). The FT-Raman spectra recorded at 1064 nm led to very useful and interesting information. Furthermore, the DFT calculations which are known to offer promise of obtaining accurate vibrational wavenumbers, were successfully used for the assignment of the vibrational spectra. For the first time it has been possible to ascribe exactly the n(RhC) stretching mode in the vinylidene rhodium(I) complex trans-[RhF(=C=CH2)(PiPr3)2] by using isotopic substitution, in conjunction with theoretical calculations. This is also true for the complexes trans-[RhF(CO)(PiPr3)2], trans-[RhF(C2H4)(PiPr3)2], trans-[RhX(=C=CHPh)(PiPr3)2] (X = F, Cl, Br, I, Me, PhCºC) and trans-[RhX(CN-2,6-xylyl)(PiPr3)2] (X = F, Cl, Br, I, CºCPh). In addition, the comparison between the n(RhC) wavenumbers of the complexes trans-[RhF(=13C=13CH2)(PiPr3)2] and trans-[RhF(CO)(PiPr3)2], containing the isoelectronic ligands 13C=13CH2 and CO, which have the same reduced mass, indicated that the Rh-C bond is stronger in the carbonyl than in the vinylidene complex. Besides, the n(RhF) stretching mode, which has been observed at higher wavenumbers in the FT-Raman and -IR spectra of trans-[RhF(CO)(PiPr3)2], showed that the carbonyl ligand is a better p-acceptor and a less effective s-donor than the vinylidene one. Moreover, the comparison of the n(CºC) and n(Rh-C) modes from the FT-Raman spectrum of the complexes trans-[Rh(CºCPh)(L)(PiPr3)2] (L = C=CHPh, CO, CN-2,6-xylyl) point out that the p-acceptor ability of the ligand trans to CºCPh should rise in the order C=CH2 < CO < CN-2,6-xylyl \pounds C=CHPh. The investigated sensitivity of the n(RhC), n(CC), n(CO) and n(CN) vibrational modes to the electronic modifications occuring in the vinylidene, carbonyl, ethylene and isonitrile complexes, should allow in the future the examination of the p-acceptor or p-donor properties of further ligands. Likewise, we were able to characterize the influence of various X ligands on the RhC bond by using the n(RhC) stretching mode as a probe for the weakening of this. The calculated wavenumbers of the n(RhC) for the vinylidene complexes trans-[RhX(=C=CHR)(PiPr3)2], where R = H or Ph, suggested that the strength of the Rh=C bond increases along the sequence X = CºCPh < CH3 < I < Br < Cl < F. For the series of carbonyl compounds trans-[RhX(CO)(PiPr3)2], where X = F, Cl, Br and I, analogous results have been obtained and confirmed from the model compounds trans-[RhX(CO)(PMe3)2]. Since, the calculated vibrational modes for the ethylene complex trans-[RhF(C2H4)(PiPr3)2] were in good agreement with the experimental results and supported the description of this complex as a metallacyclopropane, we were interested in getting more information upon this class of compounds. In this context, we have recorded the FT-Raman and -IR spectra of the thioaldehyde complexes mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CH2)] and mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CD2)] which have been synthezised by B-3. The positions of the different WL vibrational modes anticipated by the DFT calculations, were consistent with the experimental results. Indeed, the analysis of the band shifts in the FT-Raman and -IR spectra of the isotopomer mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CD2)] confirmed our assignment. The different stereoisomers of complex mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CH2)] were investigated too, since RMN and IR-data have shown that complex mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CH2)] lead in solution to an equilibrium. Since the information on the vibrational spectra of the molybdenum and tungsten complexes Cp(CO)2M-PR2-X (M = Mo, W; R = Me, tBu, Ph; X = S, Se) is very scarce, we extended our research work to this class of compounds. We have tried to elucidate the bonding properties in these chalcogenoheterocycle complexes by taking advantage of the mass effect on the different metal atoms (W vs. Mo). Thus, the observed band shifts allowed to assign most of the ML fundamental modes of these complexes. This project and the following one were a cooperation within the work-group B-2. The Raman and IR spectra of the matrix isolated photoproducts expected by the UV irradiation of the iron silyl complex Cp(CO)2FeSiH2CH3 have been already reported by Claudia Fickert and Volker Nagel in their PhD-thesis. Since no exact assignment was feasible for these spectra, we were interested in the study of the reaction products created by irradiation of the carbonyl iron silyl complex Cp(CO)2FeCH2SiH3. Although the calculated characteristic vibrational modes of the metal ligand unit for the various photoproducts are significantly different in constitution, they are very similar in wavenumbers, which did not simplify their identification. However, the theoretical results have been found to be consistent with the earlier experimental results. Finally, the last part of this thesis has been devoted to the (2-Py)2E- anions which exhibit a high selectivity toward metal-coordination. All di(2-pyridyl) amides and -phosphides which were synthesized by D-4, coordinate the R2Al+ fragment via both ring nitrogen atoms. This already suggests that the charge density in the anions is coupled into the rings and accumulated at the ring nitrogen atoms, but the Lewis basicity of the central nitrogen atom in Et2Al(2-Py)2N is still high enough to coordinate a second equivalent AlEt3 to form the Lewis acid base adduct Et2Al(2-Py)2NAlEt3. Due to the higher electronegativity of the central nitrogen atom in Me2Al(2-Py)2N, Et2Al(2-Py)2N and Et2Al(2-Py)2NAlEt3, compared to the bridging two coordinated phosphorus atom in Me2Al(2-Py)2P and Et2Al(2-Py)2P, the di(2-pyridyl)amide is the hardest Lewis base. In the phosphides merely all charge density couples into the rings leaving the central phosphorus atom only attractive for soft metals. These results were confirmed by using DFT and MP2 calculations. Moreover, a similar behaviour has been observed and described for the benzothiazolyl complex [Me2Al{Py(Bth)P}], where complementary investigations are to be continued. The DFT calculations carried out on the model compounds analysed in these studies supply very accurate wavenumbers and molecular geometries, these being in excellent agreement with the experimental results obtained from the corresponding isolated complexes.}, subject = {{\"U}bergangsmetallkomplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Langhojer2009, author = {Langhojer, Florian}, title = {New techniques in liquid-phase ultrafast spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39337}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Contents List of Publications 1 Introduction 2 Basic concepts and instrumentation 2.1 Mathematical description of femtosecond laser pulses 2.2 Optical quantities and measurements 2.2.1 Intensity 2.2.2 Absorbance and Beer-Lambert law 2.3 Laser system 2.4 General software framework for scientific data acquisition and simulation 2.4.1 Core components 2.4.2 Program for executing a single measurement sequence 2.4.3 Scan program 2.4.4 Evolutionary algorithm optimization program 2.4.5 Applications of the software framework 2.5 Summary 3 Generation of ultrabroadband femtosecond pulses in the visible 3.1 Nonlinear optics 3.1.1 Nonlinear polarization and frequency conversion 3.1.2 Phase matching 3.2 Optical parametric amplification 3.3 Noncollinear optical parametric amplifier 3.4 Considerations and experimental design of NOPA 3.4.1 Options for broadening the NOPA bandwidth 3.4.2 Experimental setup 3.5 NOPA pulse characterization 3.5.1 Second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating 3.5.2 Transient grating frequency-resolved optical gating 3.6 Compression and shaping methods for NOPA pulses 3.6.1 Grating compressor 3.6.2 Prism compressor 3.6.3 Chirped mirrors 3.6.4 Detuned zero dispersion compressor 3.6.5 Deformable mirror pulse shaper 3.6.6 Liquid crystal pulse shaper 3.7 Liquid crystal pulse shaper 3.7.1 Femtosecond pulse shapers 3.7.2 Experimental design and parameters 3.7.3 Optical setup of the LC pulse shaper 3.7.4 Calibrations of the pulse shaper 3.8 Adaptive pulse compression 3.8.1 Closed loop pulse compression 3.8.2 Open loop pulse compression 3.9 Conclusions 4 Coherent optical two-dimensional spectroscopy 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theory of third order nonlinear optical spectroscopies 4.2.1 Response function, electric fields, and signal field 4.2.2 Signal detection with spectral interferometry 4.2.3 Evaluation of two-dimensional spectra and phasing 4.2.4 Selection and classification of terms in induced nonlinear polarization 4.2.5 Oscillatory character of measured signal 4.3 Previous experimental implementations 4.4 Inherently phase-stable setup using conventional optics only 4.4.1 Manipulation of pulse pairs as a basis for stability 4.4.2 Experimental setup 4.4.3 Measurement procedure 4.4.4 Data evaluation 4.5 First experimental results 4.5.1 Demonstration of phase stability 4.5.2 2D spectrum of Nile Blue at room temperature 4.6 Summary and outlook 5 Product accumulation for ultrasensitive femtochemistry 5.1 The problem of sensitivity in femtochemistry 5.2 Accumulation for increased sensitivity 5.2.1 Comparison of conventional and accumulative sensitivity 5.2.2 Schematics and illustrative example 5.3 Experimental setup 5.4 Calibration and modeling of accumulation 5.5 Experiments on indocyanine green 5.5.1 Calibration of the setup 5.5.2 Chirped pulse excitation 5.5.3 Adaptive pulse shaping 5.6 Conclusions 6 Ultrafast photoconversion of the green fluorescent protein 6.1 Green fluorescent protein 6.2 Experimental setup for photoconversion of GFP 6.3 Calibration of the setup for GFP 6.3.1 Model for concentration dynamics of involved GFP species 6.3.2 Estimate of sensitivity 6.4 Excitation power study 6.5 Time-resolved two-color experiment 6.6 Time-delayed unshaped 400 nm - shaped 800 nm pulse excitation 6.6.1 Inducing photoconversion with chirped pulses 6.6.2 Photoconversion using third order phase pulses 6.7 Conclusions 7 Applications of the accumulative method to chiral systems 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Chiral asymmetric photochemistry 7.2.1 Continuous-wave circularly polarized light 7.2.2 Controlled asymmetric photochemistry using femtosecond laser pulses 7.3 Sensitive and fast polarimeter 7.3.1 Polarimeter setup 7.3.2 Detected signal I(t) 7.3.3 Angular amplification 7.3.4 Performance of the polarimeter 7.4 Molecular systems and mechanisms for enantioselective quantum control 7.4.1 Binaphthalene derivatives 7.4.2 Photochemical helicene formation 7.4.3 Spiropyran/merocyanine chiroptical molecular switches 7.5 Summary 8 Summary Zusammenfassung Bibliography Acknowledgements}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harder2022, author = {Harder, Tristan H.}, title = {Topological Modes and Flatbands in Microcavity Exciton-Polariton Lattices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25900}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The fascination of microcavity exciton-polaritons (polaritons) rests upon the combination of advanced technological control over both the III-V semiconductor material platform as well as the precise spectroscopic access to polaritonic states, which provide access to the investigation of open questions and complex phenomena due to the inherent nonlinearity and direct spectroscopic observables such as energy-resolved real and Fourier space information, pseudospin and coherence. The focus of this work was to advance the research area of polariton lattice simulators with a particular emphasis on their lasing properties. Following the brief introduction into the fundamental physics of polariton lattices in chapter 2, important aspects of the sample fabrication as well as the Fourier spectroscopy techniques used to investigate various features of these lattices were summarized in chapter 3. Here, the implementation of a spatial light modulator for advanced excitation schemes was presented. At the foundation of this work is the capability to confine polaritons into micropillars or microtraps resulting in discrete energy levels. By arranging these pillars or traps into various lattice geometries and ensuring coupling between neighbouring sites, polaritonic band structures were engineered. In chapter 4, the formation of a band structure was visualised in detail by investigating ribbons of honeycomb lattices. Here, the transition of the discrete energy levels of a single chain of microtraps to the fully developed band structure of a honeycomb lattice was observed. This study allows to design the size of individual domains in more complicated lattice geometries such that a description using band structures becomes feasible, as it revealed that a width of just six unit cells is sufficient to reproduce all characteristic features of the S band of a honeycomb lattice. In particular in the context of potential technological applications in the realms of lasing, the laser-like, coherent emission from polariton microcavities that can be achieved through the excitation of polariton condensates is intriguing. The condensation process is significantly altered in a lattice potential environment when compared to a planar microcavity. Therefore, an investigation of the polariton condensation process in a lattice with respect to the characteristics of the excitation laser, the exciton-photon detuning as well as the reduced trap distance that represents a key design parameter for polaritonic lattices was performed. Based on the demonstration of polariton condensation into multiple bands, the preferred condensation into a desired band was achieved by selecting the appropriate detuning. Additionally, a decreased condensation threshold in confined systems compared to a planar microcavity was revealed. In chapter 5, the influence of the peculiar feature of flatbands arising in certain lattice geometries, such as the Lieb and Kagome lattices, on polaritons and polariton condensates was investigated. Deviations from a lattice simulator described by a tight binding model that is solely based on nearest neighbour coupling cause a remaining dispersiveness of the flatbands along certain directions of the Brillouin zone. Therefore, the influence of the reduced trap distance on the dispersiveness of the flatbands was investigated and precise technological control over the flatbands was demonstrated. As next-nearest neighbour coupling is reduced drastically by increasing the distance between the corresponding traps, increasing the reduced trap distance enables to tune the S flatbands of both Lieb and Kagome lattices from dispersive bands to flatbands with a bandwidth on the order of the polariton linewidth. Additionally to technological control over the band structures, the controlled excitation of large condensates, single compact localized state (CLS) condensates as well as the resonant excitation of polaritons in a Lieb flatband were demonstrated. Furthermore, selective condensation into flatbands was realised. This combination of technological and spectroscopic control illustrates the capabilities of polariton lattice simulators and was used to study the coherence of flatband polariton condensates. Here, the ability to tune the dispersiveness from a dispersive band to an almost perfect flatband in combination with the selectivity of the excitation is particularly valuable. By exciting large flatband condensates, the increasing degree of localisation to a CLS with decreasing dispersiveness was demonstrated by measurements of first order spatial coherence. Furthermore, the first order temporal coherence of CLS condensates was increased from τ = 68 ps for a dispersive flatband, a value typically achieved in high-quality microcavity samples, to a remarkable τ = 459 ps in a flatband with a dispersiveness below the polarion linewidth. Corresponding to this drastic increase of the first order coherence time, a decrease of the second order temporal coherence function from g(2)(τ =0) = 1.062 to g(2)(0) = 1.035 was observed. Next to laser-like, coherent emission, polariton condensates can form vortex lattices. In this work, two distinct vortex lattices that can form in polariton condensates in Kagome flatbands were revealed. Furthermore, chiral, superfluid edge transport was realised by breaking the spatial symmetry through a localised excitation spot. This chirality was related to a change in the vortex orientation at the edge of the lattice and thus opens the path towards further investigations of symmetry breaking and chiral superfluid transport in Kagome lattices. Arguably the most influential concept in solid-state physics of the recent decades is the idea of topological order that has also provided a new degree of freedom to control the propagation of light. Therefore, in chapter 6, the interplay of topologically non-trivial band structures with polaritons, polariton condensates and lasing was emphasised. Firstly, a two-dimensional exciton-polariton topological insulator based on a honeycomb lattice was realised. Here, a topologically non-trivial band gap was opened at the Dirac points through a combination of TE-TM splitting of the photonic mode and Zeeman splitting of the excitonic mode. While the band gap is too small compared to the linewidth to be observed in the linear regime, the excitation of polariton condensates allowed to observe the characteristic, topologically protected, chiral edge modes that are robust against scattering at defects as well as lattice corners. This result represents a valuable step towards the investigation of non-linear and non-Hermitian topological physics, based on the inherent gain and loss of microcavities as well as the ability of polaritons to interact with each other. Apart from fundamental interest, the field of topological photonics is driven by the search of potential technological applications, where one direction is to advance the development of lasers. In this work, the starting point towards studying topological lasing was the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, since it combines a simple and well-understood geometry with a large topological gap. The coherence properties of the topological edge defect of an SSH chain was studied in detail, revealing a promising degree of second order temporal coherence of g(2)(0) = 1.07 for a microlaser with a diameter of only d = 3.5 µm. In the context of topological lasing, the idea of using a propagating, topologically protected mode to ensure coherent coupling of laser arrays is particularly promising. Here, a topologically non-trivial interface mode between the two distinct domains of the crystalline topological insulator (CTI) was realised. After establishing selective lasing from this mode, the coherence properties were studied and coherence of a full, hexagonal interface comprised of 30 vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) was demonstrated. This result thus represents the first demonstration of a topological insulator VCSEL array, combining the compact size and convenient light collection of vertically emitting lasers with an in-plane topological protection. Finally, in chapter 7, an approach towards engineering the band structures of Lieb and honeycomb lattices by unbalancing the eigenenergies of the sites within each unit cell was presented. For Lieb lattices, this technique opens up a path towards controlling the coupling of a flatband to dispersive bands and could enable a detailed study of the influence of this coupling on the polariton flatband states. In an unbalanced honeycomb lattice, a quantum valley Hall boundary mode between two distinct, unbalanced honeycomb domains with permuted sites in the unit cells was demonstrated. This boundary mode could serve as the foundation for the realisation of a polariton quantum valley Hall effect with a truly topologically protected spin based on vortex charges. Modifying polariton lattices by unbalancing the eigenenergies of the sites that comprise a unit cell was thus identified as an additional, promising path for the future development of polariton lattice simulators.}, subject = {Exziton-Polariton}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goetz2019, author = {G{\"o}tz, Sebastian Reinhold}, title = {Nonlinear spectroscopy at the diffraction limit: probing ultrafast dynamics with shaped few-cycle laser pulses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19213}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192138}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {An experimental setup for probing ultrafast dynamics at the diffraction limit was developed, characterized and demonstrated in the scope of the thesis, aiming for optical investigations while simultaneously approaching the physical limits on the length and timescale. An overview of this experimental setup was given in Chapter 2, as well as the considerations that led to the selection of the individual components. Broadband laser pulses with a length of 9.3 fs, close to the transform limit of 7.6 fs, were focused in a NA = 1.4 immersion oil objective, to the diffraction limit of below 300 nm (FWHM). The spatial focus shape was characterized with off-resonance gold nanorod scatterers scanned through the focal volume. For further insights into the functionality and limitations of the pulse shaper, its calibration procedure was reviewed. The deviations between designed and experimental pulse shapes were attributed to pulse-shaper artifacts, including voltage-dependent inter-layer as well as intra-layer LCD-pixel crosstalk, Fabry-P{\´e}rot-type reflections in the LCD layers, and space-time coupling. A pixel-dependent correction was experimentally carried out, which can be seen as an extension of the initial calibration to all possible voltage combinations of the two LCD layers. The capabilities of the experimental setup were demonstrated in two types of experiments, targeting the nonlinearity of gold (Chapter 3) as well as two-dimensional spectroscopy at micro-structured surfaces (Chapter 4). Investigating thin films, an upper bound for the absolute value for the imaginary part of the nonlinear refractive index of gold could be set to |n′′ 2 (Au)| < 0.6·10-16 m2/W, together with |n′ 2 (Au)| < 1.2·10-16 m2/W as an upper bound for the absolute value of the real part. Finite-difference time-domain simulations on y-shaped gold nanostructures indicated that a phase change of ∆Φ ≥ 0.07 rad between two plasmonic modes would induce a sufficient change in the spatial contrast of emission to the far-field to be visible in the experiment. As the latter could not be observed, this value of ∆Φ was determined as the upper bound for the experimentally induced phase change. An upper bound of 52 GW/cm2 was found for the damage threshold. In Chapter 4, a novel method for nonlinear spectroscopy on surfaces was presented. Termed coherent two-dimensional fluorescence micro-spectroscopy, it is capable of exploring ultrafast dynamics in nanostructures and molecular systems at the diffraction limit. Two-dimensional spectra of spatially isolated hotspots in structured thin films of fluorinated zinc phthalocyanine (F16ZnPc) dye were taken with a 27-step phase-cycling scheme. Observed artifacts in the 2D maps were identified as a consequence from deviations between the desired and the experimental pulse shapes. The optimization procedures described in Chapter 2 successfully suppressed the deviations to a level where the separation from the nonlinear sample response was feasible. The experimental setup and methods developed and presented in the scope of this thesis demonstrate its flexibility and capability to study microscopic systems on surfaces. The systems exemplarily shown are consisting of metal-organic dyes and metallic nanostructures, represent samples currently under research in the growing fields of organic semiconductors and plasmonics.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} }