@phdthesis{Thakar2006, author = {Thakar, Juilee}, title = {Computational models for the study of responses to infections}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17266}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In diesem Jahrhundert haben neue experimentelle Techniken und Computer-Verfahren enorme Mengen an Information erzeugt, die bereits viele biologische R{\"a}tsel enth{\"u}llt haben. Doch die Komplexit{\"a}t biologischer Systeme wirft immer weitere neue Fragen auf. Um ein System zu verstehen, bestand der Hauptansatz bis jetzt darin, es in Komponenten zu zerlegen, die untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen. Ein neues Paradigma verkn{\"u}pft die einzelnen Informationsteile, um sie auf globaler Ebene verstehen zu k{\"o}nnen. In der vorgelegten Doktorarbeit habe ich deshalb versucht, infekti{\"o}se Krankheiten mit globalen Methoden („Systembiologie") bioinformatisch zu untersuchen. Im ersten Teil wird der Apoptose-Signalweg analysiert. Apoptose (Programmierter Zelltod) wird bei verschiedenen Infektionen, zum Beispiel bei Viruserkrankungen, als Abwehrmaßnahme eingesetzt. Die Interaktionen zwischen Proteinen, die ‚death' Dom{\"a}nen beinhalten, wurden untersucht, um folgende Fragen zu kl{\"a}ren: i) wie wird die Spezifit{\"a}t der Interaktionen erzielt? -sie wird durch Adapter erreicht, ii) wie werden Proliferation/ {\"U}berlebenssignale w{\"a}hrend der Aktivierung der Apoptose eingeleitet? - wir fanden Hinweise f{\"u}r eine entscheidende Rolle des RIP Proteins (Rezeptor-Interagierende Serine/Threonine-Proteinkinase 1). Das Modell erlaubte uns, die Interaktions-Oberfl{\"a}chen von RIP vorherzusagen. Der Signalweg wurde anschließend auf globaler Ebene mit Simulationen f{\"u}r verschiedene Zeitpunkte analysiert, um die Evolution der Aktivatoren und Inhibitoren des Signalwegs und seine Struktur besser zu verstehen. Weiterhin wird die Signalverarbeitung f{\"u}r Apoptosis-Signalwege in der Maus detailliert modelliert, um den Konzentrationsverlauf der Effektor-Kaspasen vorherzusagen. Weitere experimentelle Messungen von Kaspase-3 und die {\"U}berlebenskurven von Zellen best{\"a}tigen das Modell. Der zweite Teil der Resultate konzentriert sich auf das Phagosom, eine Organelle, die eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Eliminierung von Krankheitserregern spielt. Dies wird am Beispiel von M. tuberculosis veranschaulicht. Die Fragestellung wird wiederum in zwei Aspekten behandelt: i) Um die Prozesse, die durch M. tuberculosis inhibiert werden zu verstehen, haben wir uns auf das Phospholipid-Netzwerk konzentriert, das bei der Unterdr{\"u}ckung oder Aktivierung der Aktin-Polymerisation eine große Rolle spielt. Wir haben f{\"u}r diese Netzwerkanalyse eine Simulation f{\"u}r verschiedene Zeitpunkte {\"a}hnlich wie in Teil eins angewandt. ii) Es wird vermutet, dass Aktin-Polymere bei der Fusion des Phagosoms mit dem Lysosom eine Rolle spielen. Um diese Hypothese zu untersuchen, wurde ein in silico Modell von uns entwickelt. Wir fanden heraus, dass in der Anwesenheit von Aktin-Polymeren die Suchzeit f{\"u}r das Lysosom um das F{\"u}nffache reduziert wurde. Weiterhin wurden die Effekte der L{\"a}nge der Aktin-Polymere, die Gr{\"o}ße der Lysosomen sowie der Phagosomen und etliche andere Modellparameter analysiert. Nach der Untersuchung eines Signalwegs und einer Organelle f{\"u}hrte der n{\"a}chste Schritt zur Untersuchung eines komplexen biologischen Systems der Infektabwehr. Dies wurde am Beispiel der Wirt-Pathogen Interaktion bei Bordetella pertussis und Bordetella bronchiseptica dargestellt. Die geringe Menge verf{\"u}gbarer quantitativer Daten war der ausschlaggebende Faktor bei unserer Modellwahl. F{\"u}r die dynamische Simulation wurde ein selbst entwickeltes Bool'sches Modell verwendet. Die Ergebnisse sagen wichtige Faktoren bei der Pathologie von Bordetellen hervor, besonders die Bedeutung der Th1 assoziierten Antworten und dagegen nicht der Th2 assoziierten Antworten f{\"u}r die Eliminierung des Pathogens. Einige der quantitativen Vorhersagen wurden durch Experimente wie die Untersuchung des Verlaufs einer Infektion in verschiedenen Mutanten und Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die begrenzte Verf{\"u}gbarkeit kinetischer Daten war der kritische Faktor bei der Auswahl der computer-gest{\"u}tzten Modelle. Der Erfolg unserer Modelle konnte durch den Vergleich mit experimentellen Beobachtungen belegt werden. Die vergleichenden Modelle in Kapitel 6 und 9 k{\"o}nnen zur Untersuchung neuer Wirt-Pathogen Interaktionen verwendet werden. Beispielsweise f{\"u}hrt in Kapitel 6 die Analyse von Inhibitoren und inhibitorischer Signalwege aus drei Organismen zur Identifikation wichtiger regulatorischer Zentren in komplexen Organismen und in Kapitel 9 erm{\"o}glicht die Identifikation von drei Phasen in B. bronchiseptica und der Inhibition von IFN-\&\#947; durch den Faktor TTSS die Untersuchung {\"a}hnlicher Phasen und die Inhibition von IFN-\&\#947; in B. pertussis. Eine weitere wichtige Bedeutung bekommen diese Modelle durch die m{\"o}gliche Identifikation neuer, essentieller Komponenten in Wirt-Pathogen Interaktionen. In silico Modelle der Effekte von Deletionen zeigen solche Komponenten auf, die anschließend durch experimentelle Mutationen weiter untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Bordetella pertussis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2005, author = {Schneider, Gy{\"o}rgy}, title = {Studies on the architecture and on transferability of pathogenicity islands of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 536}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14231}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The establishment of genomic approaches including the sequence determination of complete bacterial genomes started a new era in microbiological research. Since then more than two hundred prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes have been completely sequenced, and there are additional complete genome projects including different bacterial species and strains in progress (http://www.tigr.org, http://www.sanger.ac.uk). The continously growing amount of bacterial DNA sequence information gives us also the possibility to gain deeper insight into bacterial pathogenesis. With the help of comparative genomics, microbiological research can focus on those DNA sequences that are present in pathogenic bacteria but are absent in non-pathogenic strains. With this knowledge and with the help of molecular biological methods such as PCR,DNA-chip technology, subtractive hybridisation, transcriptomics and proteomics we can analyse in detail what makes a particular bacterial strain pathogenic. This knowledge also gives us the possibility to develop new vaccines, therapeutic approaches or diagnostic tools. The aim of this work was the structural and functional analysis of DNA regions of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 536 that belong to the flexible E. coli gene pool. The first part of this thesis focused on the identification and structural characterisation of pathogenicity island V of strain 536 (PAI V536). PAI V536 is integrated at the pheV tRNA gene at 64 minutes of the E. coli K-12 chromosome. In addition to the intact pheV tRNA gene, a truncated copy ('pheV) that represents the last 22 bp of this gene's 3'-end was identified 49 kb downstream of pheV on PAI V536. The analysis of the DNA sequence flanked by pheV and 'pheV revealed characteristics that are typical of PAIs. This DNA region exhibits homology to IS-elements and prophages and also comprises determinants coding for the Pix fimbriae, a phosphoglycerate transport system, an autotransporter, as well as for hypothetical proteins. Downstream of 'pheV, the K15 capsule determinant (kpsK15) of this strain is located. Structural analysis of the 20-kb kpsK15 locus revealed a so far unknown genetic organisation indicative of recombination events between a group 2 and group 3 capsule gene cluster. Downstream of the capsule determinant, the genes encoding a type II secretion system (general secretion pathway -GSP) are located on PAI V536. The K15 capsule locus was functionally characterized. Specific inactivation of each of the regions 1 to 3 of the kpsK15 gene cluster, and the use of a K15 capsule-specific antiserum demonstrated that this determinant is the functional K15 capsule locus of strain 536. It has been shown in an experimental murine model of ascending urinary tract infection with suckling mice that the K15 capsule contributes to urovirulence. Interestingly, the K15 capsule is not involved in serum resistance of strain 536. Inactivation of the PAI V536-encoded type II secretion system excluded a role of this general secretion pathway for capsule biosynthesis and virulence of strain 536 in the murine ascending urinary tract infection model. In the second part of the thesis, the transferability of PAIs was further investigated. Using PAI II536 as a model, mobilisation of this island from strain 536 into suitable recipient strains was investigated. For this purpose, an antibiotic resistance cassette, the R6K origin of replication as well as plasmid pGP704 carrying the mobilisation region of plasmid RP4 have been inserted into PAI II536. Transformation with the helper plasmid RP4, resulted a derivative of strain 536 that was used as a donor for conjugation experiments, while for recipient the pir + laboratory strain SY327 was used. After deletion the circularised PAI II536 was mobilised with the help of the conjugative helper plasmid (RP4) into the recipient laboratory strain SY327. The frequency of this event was about 10-8. It was also demonstrated that in the transconjugant strains the mobilized PAI II536 could be permanently present as a circular form and also can be integrated into the chromosome at the same chromosomal insertion site (leuX) as in the donor strain 536. Furthermore, after mobilisation and chromosomal integration of PAI II536 it was possible to remobilise this PAI back to a PAI II536-negative derivative of strain 536. The results obtained in this thesis increase our knowledge of the structure and function of a pathogenicity island of uropathogenic E. coli strain 536 and shed some light on the mechanisms contributing to genome plasticity and evolution of pathogenic E. coli variants.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Peters2021, author = {Peters, Simon}, title = {The impact of sphingolipids on \(Neisseria\) \(meningitidis\) and their role in meningococcal pathogenicity}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22623}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-226233}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The obligate human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis is a major cause of sepsis and meningitis worldwide. It affects mainly toddlers and infants and is responsible for thousands of deaths each year. In this study, different aspects of the importance of sphingolipids in meningococcal pathogenicity were investigated. In a first step, the acid sphingomyelinase (ASM), which degrades membrane sphingomyelin to ceramide, was studied in the context of meningococcal infection. A requirement for ASM surface activity is its translocation from the lysosomal compartment to the cell surface, a process that is currently poorly understood. This study used various approaches, including classical invasion and adherence assays, flow cytometry, and classical and super resolution immunofluorescence microscopy (dSTORM). The results showed that the live, highly piliated N. meningitidis strain 8013/12 induced calcium-dependent ASM translocation in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC). Furthermore, it promoted the formation of ceramide-rich platforms (CRPs). In addition, ASM translocation and CRP formation were observed after treating the cells with pili-enriched fractions derived from the same strain. The importance for N. meningitidis to utilize this pathway was shown by the inhibition of the calcium-dependent ASM translocation, which greatly decreased the number of invasive bacteria. I also investigated the importance of the glycosphingolipids GM1 and Gb3. The results showed that GM1, but not Gb3, plays an important role in the ability of N. meningitidis to invade HBMEC. By combining dSTORM imaging and microbiological approaches, we demonstrated that GM1 accumulated prolifically around bacteria during the infection, and that this interaction seemed essential for meningococcal invasion. Sphingolipids are not only known for their beneficial effect on pathogens. Sphingoid bases, including sphingosine, are known for their antimicrobial activity. In the last part of this study, a novel correlative light and electron microscopy approach was established in the combination with click chemistry to precisely localize azido-functionalized sphingolipids in N. meningitidis. The result showed a distinct concentration-dependent localization in either the outer membrane (low concentration) or accumulated in the cytosol (high concentration). This pattern was confirmed by mass spectrometry on separated membrane fractions. Our data provide a first insight into the underlying mechanism of antimicrobial sphingolipids.}, subject = {Neisseria meningitidis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maeurer2006, author = {M{\"a}urer, Andr{\´e} Germar Paul}, title = {Analysis of the Chlamydophila pneumoniae and host transcriptome in the acute and iron depletion-mediated persistent infection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21415}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The obligate intracellular gram-negative bacterium, Chlamydophila pneumoniae (Cpn), has a significant impact as an acute and chronic disease-causing pathogen. Its potential to undergo persistent infections has been linked to chronic diseases. Several in vitro cell culture models are used to study persistent conditions, mainly IFN_ stimulation, treatment with antibiotics and iron depletion. Little is known about changes in the Cpn transcriptome during the acute and persistent infection. Therefore, the Cpn transcriptome during its acute developmental cycle and iron depletion-mediated persistence was examined in this study. Based on expression profiles, genes with similar expression changes formed 12 clusters using the self-organizing map algorithm. While other studies define genes based on their onset of transcription, here the important feature for clustering was the expression profile. This turned out to be more appropriate for comparing the time specific relevance of a certain cluster of genes to their proposed functions in the cycle. The Cpn clusters were grouped into the 'Early', 'Mid' and 'Late' classes as described for Ctr. Additionally, a new gene expression class containing genes with steadily increasing expression at the end of the developmental cycle was defined and termed 'Tardy' class. Comparison of the Cpn clusters to published proteomics data showed that genes encoding elementary body (EB) proteins peaked in the 'Late' gene cluster. This indicated that genes of the 'Late' and 'Tardy' class have different roles in RB to EB re-differentiation. Moreover, using lexical comparison the EB mRNA profile was significantly linked to the 'Tardy' cluster class. This provided evidence that initial translation in the cycle might be directed from stable transcripts present in the infectious EB form. Based on these criteria the novel 'Tardy' class was separated from the 'Late' class. The gene ontologies were used to identify specific pathways and physiological functions active during the different phases of development. Additionally, the transcriptome of Cpn in the persistent stage was compared to that of the acute developmental cycle. The Cpn transcriptome was altered in the iron-depletion mediated persistence. Genes upregulated were linked to clusters at the beginning of the developmental cycle, and genes down-regulated were linked to clusters at the end of the developmental cycle. These data provided strong evidence that the Cpn transcriptome during persistence is a gene expression arrest in mid-development. In early acute infection convergently or divergently oriented gene pairs preferentially had an antagonistic expression profile, whereas tandemly oriented gene pairs showed a correlated expression profile. This suggests that the Cpn genome is organized mainly in tandemly arranged operons and in convergently or divergently oriented genes with favored antagonistic profiles. The microarray studies done with the Cpn strain CWL029 also showed expression signals for several genes annotated only for the Cpn strains AR39 and J138. BLAST comparison verified that these genes are also coded in the CWL029 genome. Several of these genes were convergently arranged with their neighboring gene and shared overlapping genome information. Among these were parB, involved in DNA segregation and rpsD, an alternative sigma factor responsible for the transcription at late stages of the developmental cycle. Both genes have been described to have major roles in the chlamydial cycle. These genes had an antagonistic expression profile at the beginning of the acute developmental cycle and in persistence, as described before to be predominant for convergently oriented genes. Real time RT-PCR analysis showed that full-length rpsD mRNA transcripts were down-regulated, whereas short-length rpsD mRNA transcripts were up-regulated during the persistent infection. This demonstrated that the rpsD promoter is activated during the persistent infection and that because of the collision of the RNA polymerases full length transcripts were down-regulated. This sigma factor-independent mechanism is known as 'Transcriptional Interference'. This is the first description on how the alternative sigma factor rpsD might be down-regulated during persistent infections. Finally, the host cell transcriptome was analyzed in the acute and persistent infection mediated by the depletion of iron. Cpn infection triggered the upregulation of relB, involved in an alternative NF-KB signaling pathway. Several genes coding for cell cycle proteins were triggered, including cyclin G2 and cyclin D1 and inhibitors of CDK4. Taken together, this work provides insights into the modulation of the pathogen and the host transcriptome during the acute infection and the iron mediated persistent infection.}, subject = {Chlamydia pneumoniae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JanzenMaaser2023, author = {Janzen-Maaser, Anita}, title = {Prevalence of Strongyloides infection and other intestinal parasites in paediatric patients in a referral hospital in Northern Tanzania}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29702}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297023}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The StrongPaed study in the paediatric ward of a referral hospital in Mwanza in the lake region of Tanzania showed the prevalence of S. stercoralis, G. lamblia, E. histolytica and E. dispar as well as of other intestinal parasites with various diagnostic methods. The prevalence of S. stercoralis was 2-10 \% depending on the diagnostic methods used. There were no symptomatic infections but only carriage of the nematode. The positive results differed greatly depending on the performed diagnostic methods. None of the diagnostics showed satisfying results, neither in sensitivity and specificity nor in feasibility for this population in an endemic region in sub-Saharan Africa. PCR and microscopy were limited by the low amount of examined stool samples and by the resulting lack of sensitivity. Stool cultures were limited by time-consuming procedures and mainly by the problem of differentiation from hookworm and the resulting lack of specificity. ELISA was limited by the need of blood samples and also by poor specificity in the ELISA used. The prevalence of G. lamblia was high, but mostly only carriage and not symptomatic infections was seen. No E. histolytica was detected, but 8.5 \% samples were positive for E. dispar. Among the performed diagnostics, the rapid test showed sufficient results. It showed better sensitivity than microscopy and is cheaper and more feasible than PCR. Differentiation between E. histolytica and E. dispar was only possible with qPCR performed in Germany. More children were positive for intestinal parasites from rural than from urban areas. The profession of the parents working as farmers was a risk factor for intestinal parasitic infections. Hygienic living conditions such as access to tap water and flush toilets at home were preventive for intestinal parasitic infections in children.}, subject = {Strongyloides}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hertlein2014, author = {Hertlein, Tobias}, title = {Visualization of Staphylococcus aureus infections and antibiotic therapy by bioluminescence and 19F magnetic resonance imaging with perfluorocarbon emulsions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-105349}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is a major threat to public health systems all over the globe. This second most cause of nosocomial infections is able to provoke a wide variety of different types of infection in humans and animals, ranging from superficial skin and skin structure infections to invasive disease like sepsis or pneumonia. But not enough, this pathogen is also notorious in acquiring and/or developing resistance to antimicrobial compounds, thus limiting available treatment options severely. Therefore, development of new compounds and strategies to fight S. aureus is of paramount importance. But since only 1 out of 5 compounds, which entered clinical trials, becomes a drug, the preclinical evaluation of promising compounds has to be reconsidered, too. The aim of this thesis was to address both sides of this problem: first, to improve preclinical testing by incorporating in vivo imaging technologies to the preclinical testing procedure in order to acquire additional and clearer data about efficacy of promising compounds and second, by evaluating lysostaphin, which is a promising, new option to fight S. aureus infections. The first aim of this thesis focused on the establishment of a dual modality in vivo imaging platform, consisting of Bioluminescence Imaging (BLI) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), to offer detailed insights into the course and gravity of S. aureus infection in the murine thigh infection model. Since luciferase-expressing S. aureus strains were generated in former studies and enabled thus bioluminescence imaging of bacterial infection, this technology should be implemented into the compound evaluation platform in order to non-invasively track the bacterial burden over time. MRI, in contrast, was only rarely used in earlier studies to visualize and measure the course of infection or efficacy of anti-bacterial therapy. Thus, the first set of experiments was performed to identify benefits and drawbacks of visualizing S. aureus infections in the mouse model by different MR methods. Native, proton-based MR imaging showed in this regard increased T2 relaxation times in the infected thigh muscles, but it was not possible to define a clear border between infected and uninfected tissue. Iron oxide nanoparticles and perfluorocarbon emulsions, two MR contrast agents or tracer, in contrast, offered this distinction. Iron oxide particles were detected in this regard by their distortion of 1H signal in proton-based MRI, while perfluorocarbon emulsion was identified by 19F MRI. Mammals do not harbor sufficient intrinsic amounts of 19F to deliver specific signal and therefore, 19F MR imaging visualizes only the signal of administered perfluorocarbon emulsion. The in vivo accumulation of perfluorocarbon emulsion can be imaged by 19F MRI and overlayed on a simultaneously acquired 1H MR image, which shows the anatomical context in clear detail. Since this is advantageous compared to contrast agent based MR methods like iron oxide particle-based MRI, further experiments were performed with perfluorocarbon emulsions and 19F MRI. Experimental studies to elucidate the accumulation of perfluorocarbon emulsion at the site of infection showed robust 19F MR signals after administration between day 2 and at least day 8 p.i.. Perfluorocarbon emulsion accumulated in all investigated mice in the shape of a 'hollow sphere' at the rim of the abscess area and the signal remained stable as long as the infection prevailed. In order to identify the mechanism of accumulation, flow cytometry, cell sorting and histology studies were performed. Flow cytometry and cell sorting analysis of immune cells at the site of infection showed that neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells carried contrast media at the site of infection with neutrophils accounting for the overwhelming portion of perfluorocarbon signal. In general, most of the signal was associated with immune cells, thus indicating specific immune cell dependent accumulation. Histology supported this observation since perfluorocarbon emulsion related fluorescence could only be visualized in close proximity to immune cell nuclei. After establishing and testing of 19F MRI with perfluorocarbon emulsions as infection imaging modality, the effects of antibiotic therapy upon MR signal was investigated in order to evaluate the capability of this modality for preclinical testing procedure. Thus, the efficacy of vancomycin and linezolid, two clinically highly relevant anti - S. aureus compounds, were tested in the murine thigh infection model. Both of them showed reduction of the colony forming units and bioluminescence signal, but also of perfluorocarbon emulsion accumulation strength and volume at the site of infection, which was visualized and quantified by 19F MRI. The efficacy pattern with linezolid being more efficient in clearing bacterial infection was shown similarly by all three methods. In consequence, 19F MRI with perfluorocarbon emulsion as MR tracer proved to be capable to visualize antibacterial therapy in preclinical testing models. The next step was consequently to evaluate a promising new compound against S. aureus infections. Thus, lysostaphin, an endo-peptidase that cleaves the cell wall of S. aureus, was tested in different concentrations alone or in combination with oxacillin for efficacy in murine thigh and catheter associated infection models. Lysostaphin only in the concentration of 5 mg/kg body weight or combined with oxacillin in the concentration of 2 mg/kg showed strong reduction of bacterial burden by colony forming unit determination and bioluminescence imaging in both models. The perfluorocarbon accumulation was investigated in the thigh infection model by 19F MRI and was strongly reduced in terms of volume and signal strength in both above-mentioned groups. In general, lysostaphin showed comparable or superior efficacy than vancomycin or oxacillin alone. Therefore, further development of lysostaphin for the treatment of S. aureus infections is recommended by these experiments. Overall, the antibiotic efficacy pattern of all applied antibiotic regimens was similar with all three applied methods, demonstrating the usefulness of MRI for antibiotic efficacy testing. Importantly, treatment with oxacillin either alone or in combination with lysostaphin resulted in stronger perfluorocarbon emulsion accumulation at the site of infection than expected compared to the results from bioluminescence imaging and colony forming unit determination. This might be an indication for immunomodulatory properties of oxacillin. Further murine infection experiments demonstrated in this context a differential release of cytokine and chemokines in the infected thigh muscle in dependence of the applied antibacterial therapy. Especially treatment with oxacillin, but to a less degree with minocycline or linezolid, too, exhibited high levels of various cytokines and chemokines, although they reduced the bacterial burden efficiently. In consequence, possible immunomodulatory effects of antibacterial compounds have to be taken into account for future applications of imaging platforms relying on the visualization of the immune response. However, this observation opens a new field for these imaging modalities since it might be extraordinary interesting to study the immunomodulatory effects of compounds or even bacterial factors in vivo. And finally, a two modality imaging platform which combines methods to visualize on the one hand the bacterial burden and on the other hand the immune response offers an innovative, new platform to study host-pathogen interaction in vivo in a non-invasive fashion. In summary, it could be shown that perfluorocarbon emulsions accumulate in immune cells at the site of infection in the murine S. aureus thigh infection model. The accumulation pattern shapes a 'hollow sphere' at the rim of the abscess area and its size and perfluorocarbon content is dependent on the severity of disease and/or efficacy of antibiotic therapy. Thus, 19F MRI with perfluorocarbon emulsions is a useful imaging modality to visualize sites and course of infection as well as to evaluate promising antibacterial drug candidates. Furthermore, since the accumulation of tracer depends on immune cells, it might be additionally interesting for studies regarding the immune response to infections, auto-immune diseases or cancer, but also to investigate the efficacy of immunomodulatory compounds and immunization.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Daeullary2024, author = {D{\"a}ullary, Thomas}, title = {Establishment of an infection model of the human intestinal epithelium to study host and pathogen determinants during the \(Salmonella\) Typhimurium infection process}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311548}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {According to the WHO, foodborne derived enteric infections are a global disease burden and often manifest in diseases that can potentially reach life threatening levels, especially in developing countries. These diseases are caused by a variety of enteric pathogens and affect the gastrointestinal tract, from the gastric to the intestinal to the rectal tissue. Although the complex mucosal structure of these organs is usually well prepared to defend the body against harmful agents, specialised pathogens such as Salmonella enterica can overcome the intestinal defence mechanism. After ingestion, Salmonella are capable of colonising the gut and establishing their proliferative niche, thereby leading to inflammatory processes and tissue damage of the host epithelium. In order to understand these processes, the scientific community in the last decades mostly used cell line based in vitro approaches or in vivo animal studies. Although these approaches provide fundamental insights into the interactions between bacteria and host cells, they have limited applicability to human pathology. Therefore, tissue engineered primary based approaches are important for modern infection research. They exhibit the human complexity better than traditional cell lines and can mimic human-obligate processes in contrast to animal studies. Therefore, in this study a tissue engineered human primary model of the small intestinal epithelium was established for the application of enteric infection research with the exemplary pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium. To this purpose, adult stem cell derived intestinal organoids were used as a primary human cell source to generate monolayers on biological or synthetic scaffolds in a Transwell®-like setting. These tissue models of the intestinal epithelium were examined for their comparability to the native tissue in terms of morphology, morphometry and barrier function. Further, the gene expression profiles of organotypical mucins, tight junction-associated proteins and claudins were investigated. Overall, the biological scaffold-based tissue models showed higher similarity to the native tissue - among others in morphometry and polarisation. Therefore, these models were further characterised on cellular and structural level. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated the establishment of characteristic microvilli and tight-junction connections between individual epithelial cells. Furthermore, the expression pattern of typical intestinal epithelial protein was addressed and showed in vivo-like localisation. Interested in the cell type composition, single cell transcriptomic profiling revealed distinct cell types including proliferative cells and stem cells, progenitors, cellular entities of the absorptive lineage, Enterocytes and Microfold-like cells. Cells of the secretory lineage were also annotated, but without distinct canonical gene expression patterns. With the organotypical polarisation, protein expression, structural features and the heterogeneous cell composition including the rare Microfold-like cells, the biological scaffold-based tissue model of the intestinal epithelium demonstrates key requisites needed for infection studies with Salmonella. In a second part of this study, a suitable infection protocol of the epithelial tissue model with Salmonella Typhimurium was established, followed by the examination of key features of the infection process. Salmonella adhered to the epithelial microvilli and induced typical membrane ruffling during invasion; interestingly the individual steps of invasion could be observed. After invasion, time course analysis showed that Salmonella resided and proliferated intracellularly, while simultaneously migrating from the apical to the basolateral side of the infected cell. Furthermore, the bacterial morphology changed to a filamentous phenotype; especially when the models have been analysed at late time points after infection. The epithelial cells on the other side released the cytokines Interleukin 8 and Tumour Necrosis Factor α upon bacterial infection in a time-dependent manner. Taken together, Salmonella infection of the intestinal epithelial tissue model recapitulates important steps of the infection process as described in the literature, and hence demonstrates a valid in vitro platform for the investigation of the Salmonella infection process in the human context. During the infection process, intracellular Salmonella populations varied in their bacterial number, which could be attributed to increased intracellular proliferation and demonstrated thereby a heterogeneous behaviour of Salmonella in individual cells. Furthermore, by the application of single cell transcriptomic profiling, the upregulation of Olfactomedin-4 (OLFM4) gene expression was detected; OLFM4 is a protein involved in various functions including cell immunity as well as proliferating signalling pathways and is often used as intestinal stem cell marker. This OLFM4 upregulation was time-dependent, restricted to Salmonella infected cells and seemed to increase with bacterial mass. Investigating the OLFM4 regulatory mechanism, nuclear factor κB induced upregulation could be excluded, whereas inhibition of the Notch signalling led to a decrease of OLFM4 gene and protein expression. Furthermore, Notch inhibition resulted in decreased filamentous Salmonella formation. Taken together, by the use of the introduced primary epithelial tissue model, a heterogeneous intracellular bacterial behaviour was observed and a so far overlooked host cell response - the expression of OLFM4 by individual infected cells - could be identified; although Salmonella Typhimurium is one of the best-studied enteric pathogenic bacteria. This proves the applicability of the introduced tissue model in enteric infection research as well as the importance of new approaches in order to decipher host-pathogen interactions with higher relevance to the host.}, subject = {Salmonella typhimurium}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CruzdeCasas2024, author = {Cruz de Casas, Paulina}, title = {Sphingolipids as modulators of T cell function}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35969}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359698}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The immune system is responsible for the preservation of homeostasis whenever a given organism is exposed to distinct kinds of perturbations. Given the complexity of certain organisms like mammals, and the diverse types of challenges that they encounter (e.g. infection or disease), the immune system evolved to harbor a great variety of distinct immune cell populations with specialized functions. For instance, the family of T cells is sub-divided into conventional (Tconv) and unconventional T cells (UTCs). Tconv form part of the adaptive arm of the immune system and are comprised of αβ CD4+ or CD8+ cells that differentiate from na{\"i}ve to effector and memory populations upon activation and are essential during infection and cancer. Furthermore, UTCs, which include γδ T cells, NKT and MAIT, are involved in innate and adaptive immune responses, due to their dual mode of activation, through cytokines (innate-like) or TCR (adaptive), and function. Despite our understanding of the basic functions of T cells in several contexts, a great number of open questions related to their basic biology remain. For instance, the mechanism behind the differentiation of na{\"i}ve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells into effector and memory populations is not fully understood. Moreover, the exact function and relevance of distinct UTC subpopulations in a physiological context have not been fully clarified. Here, we investigated the factors mediating na{\"i}ve CD8+ T cell differentiation into effector and memory cells. By using flow cytometry, mass spectrometry, enzymatic assays, and transgenic mouse models, we found that the membrane bound enzyme sphingomyelin-phosphodiesterase acid-like 3b (Smpdl3b) is crucial for the maintenance of memory CD8+ T cells. Our data show that the absence of Smpdl3b leads to diminished CD8+ T cell memory, and a loss of stem-like memory populations due to an aggravated contraction. Our scRNA-seq data suggest that Smpdl3b could be involved in clathrinmediated endocytosis through modulation of Huntingtin interacting protein 1 (Hip1) levels, likely regulating TCR-independent signaling events. Furthermore, in this study we explored the role of UTCs in lymph node-specific immune responses. By using transgenic mouse models for photolabeling, lymph node transplantation models, infection models and flow cytometry, we demonstrate that S1P regulates the migration of tissue-derived UTC from tissues to draining lymph nodes, resulting in heterogeneous immune responses mounted by lymph nodes draining different tissues. Moreover, our unbiased scRNAseq and single lineage-deficient mouse models analysis revealed that all UTC lineages (γδ T cells, NKT and MAIT) are organized in functional units, based on transcriptional homogeneity, shared microanatomical location and migratory behavior, and numerical and functional redundancy. Taken together, our studies describe additional cell intrinsic (Smpdl3b) and extrinsic (S1Pmediated migration) functions of sphingolipid metabolism modulating T cell biology. We propose the S1P/S1PR1/5 signaling axis as the potential survival pathway for Smpdl3b+ memory CD8+ T cells and UTCs, mainly in lymph nodes. Possibly, Smpdl3b regulates S1P/S1PR signaling by balancing ligandreceptor endocytosis, while UTCs migrate to lymph nodes during homeostasis to be exposed to specific levels of S1P that assure their maintenance. Our results are clinically relevant, since several drugs modulating the S1P/S1PR signaling axis or the levels of Smpdl3b are currently used to treat human diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and B cell-mediated diseases. We hope that our discoveries will inspire future studies focusing on sphingolipid metabolism in immune cell biology.}, subject = {T-Lymphozyt}, language = {en} }