@phdthesis{Solanki2013, author = {Solanki, Narendra}, title = {Novelty choice in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103219}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This study explores novelty choice, a behavioral paradigm for the investigation of visual pattern recognition and learning of the fly Drosophila melanogaster in the flight simulator. Pattern recognition in novelty choice differs significantly from pattern recognition studied by heat conditioning, although both paradigms use the same test. Out of the four pattern parameters that the flies can learn in heat conditioning, novelty choice can be shown for height (horizontal bars differing in height), size and vertical compactness but not for oblique bars oriented at +/- 45°. Upright and inverted Ts [differing in their centers of gravity (CsOG) by 13°] that have been extensively used for heat conditioning experiments, do not elicit novelty choice. In contrast, horizontal bars differing in their CsOG by 13° do elicit novelty choice; so do the Ts after increasing their CsOG difference from 13° to 23°. This indicates that in the Ts the heights of the CsOG are not the only pattern parameters that matter for the novelty choice behavior. The novelty choice and heat conditioning paradigms are further differentiated using the gene rutabaga (rut) coding for a type 1 adenylyl cyclase. This protein had been shown to be involved in memory formation in the heat conditioning paradigm. Novelty choice is not affected by mutations in the rut gene. This is in line with the finding that dopamine, which in olfactory learning is known to regulate Rutabaga via the dopamine receptor Dumb in the mushroom bodies, is dispensable for novelty choice. It is concluded that in novelty choice the Rut cAMP pathway is not involved. Novelty choice requires short term working memory, as has been described in spatial orientation during locomotion. The protein S6KII that has been shown to be involved in visual orientation memory in walking flies is found here to be also required for novelty choice. As in heat conditioning the central complex plays a major role in novelty choice. The S6KII mutant phenotype for height can be rescued in some subsets of the ring neurons of the ellipsoid body. In addition the finding that the ellipsoid body mutants ebo678 and eboKS263 also show a mutant phenotype for height confirm the importance of ellipsoid body for height novelty choice. Interestingly some neurons in the F1 layer of the fan-shaped body are necessary for height novelty choice. Furthermore, different novelty choice phenotypes for different pattern parameters are found with and without mushroom bodies. Mushroom bodies are required in novelty choice for size but they are dispensable for height and vertical compactness. This special circuit requirement for the size parameter in novelty choice is found using various means of interference with mushroom body function during development or adulthood.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmalz2023, author = {Schmalz, Fabian Dominik}, title = {Processing of behaviorally relevant stimuli at different levels in the bee brain}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28882}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288824}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The behavior of honeybees and bumblebees relies on a constant sensory integration of abiotic or biotic stimuli. As eusocial insects, a sophisticated intraspecific communication as well as the processing of multisensory cues during foraging is of utter importance. To tackle the arising challenges, both honeybees and bumblebees have evolved a sophisticated olfactory and visual processing system. In both organisms, olfactory reception starts at the antennae, where olfactory sensilla cover the antennal surface in a sex-specific manner. These sensilla house olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) that express olfactory receptors. ORNs send their axons via four tracts to the antennal lobe (AL), the prime olfactory processing center in the bee brain. Here, ORNs specifically innervate spheroidal structures, so-called glomeruli, in which they form synapses with local interneurons and projection neurons (PN). PNs subsequently project the olfactory information via two distinct tracts, the medial and the lateral antennal-lobe tract, to the mushroom body (MB), the main center of sensory integration and memory formation. In the honeybee calyx, the sensory input region of the MB, PNs synapse on Kenyon cells (KC), the principal neuron type of the MB. Olfactory PNs mainly innervate the lip and basal ring layer of the calyx. In addition, the basal ring receives input from visual PNs, making it the first site of integration of visual and olfactory information. Visual PNs, carrying sensory information from the optic lobes, send their terminals not only to the to the basal ring compartment but also to the collar of the calyx. Receiving olfactory or visual input, KCs send their axons along the MB peduncle and terminate in the main output regions of the MB, the medial and the vertical lobe (VL) in a layer-specific manner. In the MB lobes, KCs synapse onto mushroom body output neurons (MBON). In so far barely understood processes, multimodal information is integrated by the MBONs and then relayed further into the protocerebral lobes, the contralateral brain hemisphere, or the central brain among others. This dissertation comprises a dichotomous structure that (i) aims to gain more insight into the olfactory processing in bumblebees and (ii) sets out to broaden our understanding of visual processing in honeybee MBONs. The first manuscript examines the olfactory processing of Bombus terrestris and specifically investigates sex-specific differences. We used behavioral (absolute conditioning) and electrophysiological approaches to elaborate the processing of ecologically relevant odors (components of plant odors and pheromones) at three distinct levels, in the periphery, in the AL and during olfactory conditioning. We found both sexes to form robust memories after absolute conditioning and to generalize towards the carbon chain length of the presented odors. On the contrary, electroantennographic (EAG) activity showed distinct stimulus and sex-specific activity, e.g. reduced activity towards citronellol in drones. Interestingly, extracellular multi-unit recordings in the AL confirmed stimulus and sex-specific differences in olfactory processing, but did not reflect the differences previously found in the EAG. Here, farnesol and 2,3-dihydrofarnesol, components of sex-specific pheromones, show a distinct representation, especially in workers, corroborating the results of a previous study. This explicitly different representation suggests that the peripheral stimulus representation is an imperfect indication for neuronal representation in high-order neuropils and ecological importance of a specific odor. The second manuscript investigates MBONs in honeybees to gain more insights into visual processing in the VL. Honeybee MBONs can be categorized into visually responsive, olfactory responsive and multimodal. To clarify which visual features are represented at this high-order integration center, we used extracellular multi-unit recordings in combination with visual and olfactory stimulation. We show for the first time that information about brightness and wavelength is preserved in the VL. Furthermore, we defined three specific classes of visual MBONs that distinctly encode the intensity, identity or simply the onset of a stimulus. The identity-subgroup exhibits a specific tuning towards UV light. These results support the view of the MB as the center of multimodal integration that categorizes sensory input and subsequently channels this information into specific MBON populations. Finally, I discuss differences between the peripheral representations of stimuli and their distinct processing in high-order neuropils. The unique activity of farnesol in manuscript 1 or the representation of UV light in manuscript 2 suggest that the peripheral representation of a stimulus is insufficient as a sole indicator for its neural activity in subsequent neuropils or its putative behavioral importance. In addition, I discuss the influence of hard-wired concepts or plasticity induced changes in the sensory pathways on the processing of such key stimuli in the peripheral reception as well as in high-order centers like the AL or the MB. The MB as the center of multisensory integration has been broadly examined for its olfactory processing capabilities and receives increasing interest about its visual coding properties. To further unravel its role of sensory integration and to include neglected modalities, future studies need to combine additional approaches and gain more insights on the multimodal aspects in both the input and output region.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} }