@phdthesis{Yu2019, author = {Yu, Sung-Huan}, title = {Development and application of computational tools for RNA-Seq based transcriptome annotations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In order to understand the regulation of gene expression in organisms, precise genome annotation is essential. In recent years, RNA-Seq has become a potent method for generating and improving genome annotations. However, this Approach is time consuming and often inconsistently performed when done manually. In particular, the discovery of non-coding RNAs benefits strongly from the application of RNA-Seq data but requires significant amounts of expert knowledge and is labor-intensive. As a part of my doctoral study, I developed a modular tool called ANNOgesic that can detect numerous transcribed genomic features, including non-coding RNAs, based on RNA-Seq data in a precise and automatic fashion with a focus on bacterial and achaeal species. The software performs numerous analyses and generates several visualizations. It can generate annotations of high-Resolution that are hard to produce using traditional annotation tools that are based only on genome sequences. ANNOgesic can detect numerous novel genomic Features like UTR-derived small non-coding RNAs for which no other tool has been developed before. ANNOgesic is available under an open source license (ISCL) at https://github.com/Sung-Huan/ANNOgesic. My doctoral work not only includes the development of ANNOgesic but also its application to annotate the transcriptome of Staphylococcus aureus HG003 - a strain which has been a insightful model in infection biology. Despite its potential as a model, a complete genome sequence and annotations have been lacking for HG003. In order to fill this gap, the annotations of this strain, including sRNAs and their functions, were generated using ANNOgesic by analyzing differential RNA-Seq data from 14 different samples (two media conditions with seven time points), as well as RNA-Seq data generated after transcript fragmentation. ANNOgesic was also applied to annotate several bacterial and archaeal genomes, and as part of this its high performance was demonstrated. In summary, ANNOgesic is a powerful computational tool for RNA-Seq based annotations and has been successfully applied to several species.}, subject = {Genom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pernitzsch2021, author = {Pernitzsch, Sandy Ramona}, title = {Functional Characterization of the abundant and conserved small regulatory RNA RepG in Helicobacter pylori}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-12268}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122686}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Bacterial small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) play fundamental roles in controlling and finetuning gene expression in a wide variety of cellular processes, including stress responses, environmental signaling and virulence in pathogens. Despite the identification of hundreds of sRNA candidates in diverse bacteria by genomics approaches, the mechanisms and regulatory capabilities of these posttranscriptional regulators have most intensively been studied in Gram-negative Gammaproteobacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella. So far, almost nothing is known about sRNA-mediated regulation (riboregulation) in Epsilonproteobacteria, including the major human pathogen Helicobacter pylori. H. pylori was even thought to be deficient for riboregulation as none of the sRNAs known from enterobacteria are conserved in Helicobacter and since it lacks the major RNA chaperone Hfq, which is crucial for sRNA function as well as stability in many bacteria. Nonetheless, more than 60 cis- and trans-acting sRNA candidates were recently identified in H. pylori by a global RNA sequencing approach, indicating that this pathogen, in principle, has the capability to use riboregulation for its gene expression control. However, the functions and underlying mechanisms of H. pylori sRNAs remained unclear. This thesis focused on the first functional characterization and target gene identification of a trans-acting sRNA, RepG (Regulator of polymeric G-repeats), in H. pylori. Using in-vitro and in-vivo approaches, RepG was shown to directly base-pair with its C/Urich terminator loop to a variable homopolymeric G-repeat in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of the tlpB mRNA, thereby regulating expression of the chemotaxis receptor TlpB. While the RepG sRNA is highly conserved, the length of the G-repeat in the tlpB mRNA leader varies among different H. pylori isolates, resulting in a strain-specific tlpB regulation. The modification of the number of guanines within the G-stretch in H. pylori strain 26695 demonstrated that the length of the homopolymeric G-repeat determines the outcome of posttranscriptional control (repression or activation) of tlpB by RepG. This lengthdependent targeting of a simple sequence repeat by a trans-acting sRNA represents a new twist in sRNA-mediated regulation and a novel mechanism of gene expression control, since it uniquely links phase variation by simple sequence repeats to posttranscriptional regulation. In almost all sequenced H. pylori strains, tlpB is encoded in a two gene operon upstream of HP0102, a gene of previously unknown function. This study provided evidence that HP0102 encodes a glycosyltransferase involved in LPS O-chain and Lewis x antigen production. Accordingly, this glycosyltransferase was shown to be essential for mice colonization by H. pylori. The coordinated posttranscriptional regulation of the tlpB-HP0102 operon by antisense base-pairing of RepG to the phase-variable G-repeat in the 5' UTR of the tlpB mRNA allows for a gradual, rather than ON/OFF, control of HP0102 expression, thereby affecting LPS biosynthesis in H. pylori. This fine-tuning of O-chain and Lewis x antigen expression modulates H. pylori antibiotics sensitivity and thus, might be advantageous for Helicobacter colonization and persistence. Whole transcriptome analysis based on microarray and RNA sequencing was used to identify additional RepG target mRNAs and uncover the physiological role of this riboregulator in H. pylori. Altogether, repG deletion affected expression of more than 40 target gene candidates involved various cellular processes, including membrane transport and adhesion, LPS modification, amino acid metabolism, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and nucleic acid modification. The presence of homopolymeric G-repeats/G-rich sequences in almost all target mRNA candidates indicated that RepG hijacks a conserved motif to recognize and regulate multiple target mRNAs in H. pylori. Overall, this study demonstrates that H. pylori employs riboregulation in stress response and virulence control. In addition, this thesis has successfully established Helicobacter as a new model organism for investigating general concepts of gene expression control by Hfq-independent sRNAs and sRNAs in bacterial pathogens.}, subject = {Small RNA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Matera2022, author = {Matera, Gianluca}, title = {Global mapping of RNA-RNA interactions in \(Salmonella\) via RIL-seq}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26877}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268776}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {RNA represents one of the most abundant macromolecules in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Since the discovery that RNA could play important gene regulatory functions in the physiology of a cell, small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) have been at the center of molecular biology studies. Functional sRNAs can be independently transcribed or derived from processing of mRNAs and other non-coding regions and they often associate with RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Ever since the two major bacterial RBPs, Hfq and ProQ, were identified, the way we approach the identification and characterization of sRNAs has drastically changed. Initially, a single sRNA was annotated and its function studied with the use of low-throughput biochemical techniques. However, the development of RNA-seq techniques over the last decades allowed for a broader identification of sRNAs and their functions. The process of studying a sRNA mainly focuses on the characterization of its interacting RNA partner(s) and the consequences of this binding. By using RNA interaction by ligation and sequencing (RIL-seq), the present thesis aimed at a high-throughput mapping of the Hfq-mediated RNA-RNA network in the major human pathogen Salmonella enterica. RIL-seq was at first performed in early stationary phase growing bacteria, which enabled the identification of ~1,800 unique interactions. In- depth analysis of such complex network was performed with the aid of a newly implemented RIL-seq browser. The interactome revealed known and new interactions involving sRNAs and genes part of the envelope regulon. A deeper investigation led to the identification of a new RNA sponge of the MicF sRNA, namely OppX, involved in establishing a cross-talk between the permeability at the outer membrane and the transport capacity at the periplasm and the inner membrane. Additionally, RIL-seq was applied to Salmonella enterica grown in SPI-2 medium, a condition that mimicks the intracellular lifestyle of this pathogen, and finally extended to in vivo conditions during macrophage infection. Collectively, the results obtained in the present thesis helped unveiling the complexity of such RNA networks. This work set the basis for the discovery of new mechanisms of RNA-based regulation, for the identification of a new physiological role of RNA sponges and finally provided the first resource of RNA interactions during infection conditions in a major human pathogen.}, subject = {Small RNA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klepsch2020, author = {Klepsch, Maximilian Andreas}, title = {Small RNA-binding complexes in Chlamydia trachomatis identified by Next-Generation Sequencing techniques}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199741}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Chlamydia infect millions worldwide and cause infertility and blinding trachoma. Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is an obligate intracellular gram-negative pathogen with a significantly reduced genome. This bacterium shares a unique biphasic lifecycle in which it alternates between the infectious, metabolically inert elementary bodies (EB) and the non-infections, metabolically active replicative reticular bodies (RB). One of the challenges of working with Chlamydia is its difficult genetic accessibility. In the present work, the high-throughput method TagRNA-seq was used to differentially label transcriptional start sites (TSS) and processing sites (PSS) to gain new insights into the transcriptional landscape of C. trachomatis in a coverage that has never been achieved before. Altogether, 679 TSSs and 1067 PSSs were detected indicating its high transcriptional activity and the need for transcriptional regulation. Furthermore, the analysis of the data revealed potentially new non-coding ribonucleic acids (ncRNA) and a map of transcriptional processing events. Using the upstream sequences, the previously identified σ66 binding motif was detected. In addition, Grad-seq for C. trachomatis was established to obtain a global interactome of the RNAs and proteins of this intracellular organism. The Grad-Seq data suggest that many of the newly annotated RNAs from the TagRNA-seq approach are present in complexes. Although Chlamydia lack the known RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), e.g. Hfq and ProQ, observations in this work reveal the presence of a previously unknown RBP. Interestingly, in the gradient analysis it was found that the σ66 factor forms a complex with the RNA polymerase (RNAP). On the other hand, the σ28 factor is unbound. This is in line with results from previous studies showing that most of the genes are under control of σ66. The ncRNA IhtA is known to function via direct base pairing to its target RNA of HctB, and by doing so is influencing the chromatin condensation in Chlamydia. This study confirmed that lhtA is in no complex. On the other hand, the ncRNA ctrR0332 was found to interact with the SNF2 protein ctl0077, a putative helicase. Both molecules co-sedimented in the gradient and were intact after an aptamer-based RNA pull-down. The SWI2/SNF2 class of proteins are nucleosome remodeling complexes. The prokaryotic RapA from E. coli functions as transcription regulator by stimulating the RNAP recycling. This view might imply that the small ncRNA (sRNA) ctrR0332 is part of the global regulation network in C. trachomatis controlling the transition between EBs and RBs via interaction with the SNF2 protein ctl0077. The present work is the first study describing a global interactome of RNAs and proteins in C. trachomatis providing the basis for future interaction studies in the field of this pathogen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HockSiew2018, author = {Hock Siew, Tan}, title = {Functional characterization of an acid-regulated sRNA in \(Helicobacter\) \(pylori\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Low pH is the main environmental stress encountered by Helicobacter pylori in the human stomach. To ensure its survival under acidic conditions, this bacterium utilizes urease (encoded by the ureAB operon), a nickel-activated metalloenzyme, which cleaves urea into ammonia to buffer the periplasmic space. Expression of the ureAB operon is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level. Moreover, the urease activity is modulated post translationally via the activity of nickel-binding proteins such as HP1432 that act as nickel sponges to either sequester or release nickel depending on the pH. However, little is known how the levels of these nickel-binding proteins are regulated at the post-transcriptional level. Interestingly, more than 60 candidate small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) have been identified in a differential RNA-seq approach in H. pylori strain 26695, suggesting an uncharacterized layer of post-transcriptional riboregulation in this pathogen. sRNAs control their trans- or cis- encoded targets by direct binding. Many of the characterized sRNAs are expressed in response to specific environmental cues and are ideal candidates to confer post-transcriptional regulation under different growth conditions. This study demonstrates that a small RNA termed ArsZ (Acid Responsive sRNA Z) and its target HP1432 constitute yet another level of urease regulation. In-vitro and in-vivo experiments show that ArsZ interacts with the ribosome binding site (RBS) of HP1432 mRNA, effectively repressing translation of HP1432. During acid adaptation, the acid-responsive ArsRS two-component system represses expression of ArsZ. ArsRS and ArsZ work in tandem to regulate expression of HP1432 via a coherent feedforward loop (FFL). ArsZ acts as a delay mechanism in this feedforward loop to ensure that HP1432 protein levels do not abruptly change upon transient pH drops encountered by the bacteria. ArsZ "fine-tunes" the dynamics of urease activity after pH shift presumably by altering nickel availability through post transcriptional control of HP1432 expression. Interestingly, after adaptation to acid stress, ArsZ indirectly activates the transcription of HP1432 and forms an incoherent FFL with ArsRS to regulate HP1432. This study identified a non-standard FFL in which ArsZ can participate directly or indirectly in two different network configurations depending on the state of acid stress adaptation. The importance of ArsZ in the acid response of H. pylori is further supported by bioinformatics analysis showing that the evolution of ArsZ is closely related to the emergence of modern H. pylori strains that globally infect humans. No homologs of arsZ were found in the non-pylori species of Helicobacter. Moreover, this study also demonstrates that the physiological role of a sRNA can be elucidated without the artificial overexpression of the respective sRNA, a method commonly used to characterize sRNAs. Coupled with time-course experiments, this approach allows the kinetics of ArsZ regulation to be studied under more native conditions. ArsZ is the first example of a trans-acting sRNA that regulates a nickel storage protein to modulate apo-urease maturation. These findings may have important implications in understanding the details of urease activation and hence the colonization capability of H. pylori, the only bacterial class I carcinogen to date (WHO, 1994).}, subject = {Small RNA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuchs2023, author = {Fuchs, Manuela}, title = {Global discovery and functional characterization of Hfq-associated sRNA-target networks in \(C.\) \(difficile\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345982}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In this work, dRNA-seq (differential RNA sequencing) and RNAtag-seq were applied to first define the global transcriptome architecture of C. difficile, followed by Hfq RIP-seq (RNA immunoprecipitation followed by RNA-seq) and RIL-seq (RNA interaction by ligation and sequencing) to characterize the Hfq-mediated sRNA interactome on a transcriptome-wide scale. These approaches resulted in the annotation of > 60 novel sRNAs. Notably, it not only revealed 50 Hfq-bound sRNAs, but also > 1000 mRNA-sRNA interactions, confirming Hfq as a global RNA matchmaker in C. difficile. Similar to its function in Gram-negative species, deletion of Hfq resulted in decreased sRNA half-lives, providing evidence that Hfq affects sRNA stability in C. difficile. Finally, several sRNAs and their function in various infection relevant conditions were characterized. The sRNA nc085 directly interacts with the two-component response regulator eutV, resulting in regulation of ethanolamine utilization, an abundant intestinal carbon and nitrogen source known to impact C. difficile pathogenicity. Meanwhile, SpoY and SpoX regulate translation of the master regulator of sporulation spo0A in vivo, thereby affecting sporulation initiation. Furthermore, SpoY and SpoX deletion significantly impacts C. difficile gut colonization and spore burden in a mouse model of C. difficile infection.}, subject = {Clostridium difficile}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Froehlich2012, author = {Fr{\"o}hlich, Kathrin}, title = {Assigning functions to Hfq-dependent small RNAs in the model pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85488}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Non-coding RNAs constitute a major class of regulators involved in bacterial gene expression. A group of riboregulators of heterogeneous size and shape referred to as small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) control trans- or cis-encoded genes through direct base-pairing with their mRNAs. Although mostly inhibiting their target mRNAs, several sRNAs also induce gene expression. An important co-factor for sRNA activity is the RNA chaperone, Hfq, which is able to rearrange intramolecular secondary structures and to promote annealing of complementary RNA sequences. In addition, Hfq protects unpaired RNA from degradation by ribonucleases and thus increases sRNA stability. Co-immunoprecipitation of RNA with the Hfq protein, and further experimental as well as bioinformatical studies performed over the last decade suggested the presence of more than 150 different sRNAs in various Enterobacteria including Escherichia coli and Salmonellae. So-called core sRNAs are considered to fulfill central cellular activities as deduced from their high degree of conservation among different species. Approximately 25 core sRNAs have been implicated in gene regulation under a variety of environmental responses. However, for the majority of sRNAs, both the riboregulators' individual biological roles as well as modes of action remain to be elucidated. The current study aimed to define the cellular functions of the two highly conserved, Hfq-dependent sRNAs, SdsR and RydC, in the model pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium. SdsR had been known as one of the most abundant sRNAs during stationary growth phase in E. coli. Examination of the conservation patterns in the sdsR promoter region in combination with classic genetic analyses revealed SdsR as the first sRNA under direct transcriptional control of the alternative σ factor σS. In Salmonella, over-expression of SdsR down-regulates the synthesis of the major porin OmpD, and the interaction site in the ompD mRNA coding sequence was mapped by a 3'RACE-based approach. At the post-transcriptional level, expression of ompD is controlled by three additional sRNAs, but SdsR plays a specific role in porin regulation during the stringent response. Similarly, RydC, the second sRNA adressed in this study, was initially discovered in E. coli but appeared to be conserved in many related γ-proteobacteria. An interesting aspect of this Hfq-dependent sRNAs is its secondary structure involving a pseudo-knot configuration, while the 5' end remains single stranded. A transcriptomic approach combining RydC pulse-expression and scoring of global mRNA changes on microarrays was employed to identify the targets of this sRNA. RydC specifically activated expression of the longer of two versions of the cfa mRNA encoding for the phospholipid-modifying enzyme cyclopropane fatty acid synthase. Employing its conserved single-stranded 5' end, RydC acts as a positive regulator and masks a recognition site of the endoribonuclease, RNase E, in the cfa leader.}, subject = {Small RNA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Erbacher2023, author = {Erbacher, Christoph}, title = {Systemic and local mechanisms of small fiber pathology in female patients with fibromyalgia syndrome}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29020}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290203}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a largely heterogeneous chronic pain syndrome of unclear pathophysiology, which lacks objective diagnostics and specific treatment. An immune-related shift towards a pro-inflammatory profile is discussed at a systemic level. Small fiber pathology (SFP) and local participation of non-neuronal skin cells like keratinocytes in cutaneous nociception are potential peripheral contributors. Small RNAs, particularly microRNAs (miRs) and newly described tRNA fragments (tRFs) act as posttranscriptional key regulators of gene expression and may modulate systemic and peripheral cell pathways. On cellular level, the exact mechanisms of keratinocyte-intraepidermal nerve fiber (IENF) interaction in the skin are insufficiently understood. Via small RNA sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR, we investigated miR and tRF signatures in whole blood cells and skin biopsy-derived keratinocytes of female FMS patients versus healthy controls. We applied gene target prediction analysis to uncover underlying cellular pathways affected by dysregulated small RNAs. Altered FMS small RNAs from blood were compared with their expression in disease controls, i.e. Parkinson`s patients and patients with major depression and chronic pain. Association of SFP with small RNAs was investigated via correlation with clinical parameter. To explore keratinocyte-nerve fiber interactions with high relevance for SFP and cutaneous nociception, we adapted a super-resolution array tomography (srAT) approach and expansion microscopy (ExM) for human skin samples. Further, we created a fully human 2D co-culture model of primary keratinocytes and induced pluripotent stem cell derived sensory neurons. Blood miR deregulation indicated systemic modulation of immune processes exerted by CholinomiRs and by miRs targeting the FoxO signaling pathway. Short sized tRFs were associated with mRNA metabolism and splicing. This supports the hypothesis of an inflammatory/autoimmunity component in FMS. Expression of blood small RNAs in FMS were discriminative against disease controls, highlighting their potential as objective biomarker. Blood small RNAs were predominantly upregulated and correlations between miR and clinical parameter reflected rather pain in general than SFP. In FMS keratinocytes, a downregulation of miRs and tRFs was evident. Pathways for adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), adherens junction, and focal adhesion were predicted to be affected by miRs, while tRFs may influence proliferation, migration, and cell growth. Similar to blood miRs, altered miRs in keratinocytes correlated mostly with widespread pain and pain severity parameter. TRFs were partially associated with more severe IENF loss. Small RNAs in FMS keratinocytes may modulate pathways that define how keratinocytes interact with each other and with IENF. These interactions include nerve fiber ensheathment, a conserved epithelial mechanism, which we visualize in human epidermis and a fully human co-culture model. Additionally, we revealed plaques of connexin 43, a pore forming protein involved in intercellular communication, at keratinocyte- nerve fiber contact sites. Objective quantification of these morphological findings in FMS and other diseases with SFP may inherit diagnostic value similar to IENF density. We provide evidence for distinct miR and tRF signatures in FMS with implications for systemic immune regulation and local cell-cell interaction pathways. In the periphery we explored novel keratinocyte-nerve fiber interactions relevant for SFP and cutaneous nociception.}, subject = {Fibromyalgiesyndrom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Alzheimer2023, author = {Alzheimer, Mona}, title = {Development of tissue-engineered three-dimensional infection models to study pathogenesis of \(Campylobacter\) \(jejuni\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19344}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193440}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are one of the largest socioeconomic burdens today. Although infectious diseases have been studied for decades, in numerous cases, the precise mechanisms involved in the multifaceted interaction between pathogen and host continue to be elusive. Thus, it still remains a challenge for researchers worldwide to develop novel strategies to investigate the molecular context of infectious diseases in order to devise preventive or at least anti-infective measures. One of the major drawbacks in trying to obtain in-depth knowledge of how bacterial pathogens elicit disease is the lack of suitable infection models to authentically mimic the disease progression in humans. Numerous studies rely on animal models to emulate the complex temporal interactions between host and pathogen occurring in humans. While they have greatly contributed to shed light on these interactions, they require high maintenance costs, are afflicted with ethical drawbacks, and are not always predictive for the infection outcome in human patients. Alternatively, in-vitro two-dimensional (2D) cell culture systems have served for decades as representatives of human host environments to study infectious diseases. These cell line-based models have been essential in uncovering virulence-determining factors of diverse pathogens as well as host defense mechanisms upon infection. However, they lack the morphological and cellular complexity of intact human tissues, limiting the insights than can be gained from studying host-pathogen interactions in these systems. The focus of this thesis was to establish and innovate intestinal human cell culture models to obtain in-vitro reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) tissue that can faithfully mimic pathogenesis-determining processes of the zoonotic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni). Generally employed for reconstructive medicine, the field of tissue engineering provides excellent tools to generate organ-specific cell culture models in vitro, realistically recapitulating the distinctive architecture of human tissues. The models employed in this thesis are based on decellularized extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds of porcine intestinal origin. Reseeded with intestinal human cells, application of dynamic culture conditions promoted the formation of a highly polarized mucosal epithelium maintained by functional tight and adherens junctions. While most other in-vitro infection systems are limited to a flat monolayer, the tissue models developed in this thesis can display the characteristic 3D villi and crypt structure of human small intestine. First, experimental conditions were established for infection of a previously developed, statically cultivated intestinal tissue model with C. jejuni. This included successful isolation of bacterial colony forming units (CFUs), measurement of epithelial barrier function, as well as immunohistochemical and histological staining techniques. In this way, it became possible to follow the number of viable bacteria during the infection process as well as their translocation over the polarized epithelium of the tissue model. Upon infection with C. jejuni, disruption of tight and adherens junctions could be observed via confocal microscopy and permeability measurements of the epithelial barrier. Moreover, C. jejuni wildtype-specific colonization and barrier disruption became apparent in addition to niche-dependent bacterial localization within the 3D microarchitecture of the tissue model. Pathogenesis-related phenotypes of C. jejuni mutant strains in the 3D host environment deviated from those obtained with conventional in-vitro 2D monolayers but mimicked observations made in vivo. Furthermore, a genome-wide screen of a C. jejuni mutant library revealed significant differences for bacterial factors required or dispensable for interactions with unpolarized host cells or the highly prismatic epithelium provided by the intestinal tissue model. Elucidating the role of several previously uncharacterized factors specifically important for efficient colonization of a 3D human environment, promises to be an intriguing task for future research. At the frontline of the defense against invading pathogens is the protective, viscoelastic mucus layer overlying mucosal surfaces along the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The development of a mucus-producing 3D tissue model in this thesis was a vital step towards gaining a deeper understanding of the interdependency between bacterial pathogens and host-site specific mucins. The presence of a mucus layer conferred C. jejuni wildtype-specific protection against epithelial barrier disruption by the pathogen and prevented a high bacterial burden during the course of infection. Moreover, results obtained in this thesis provide evidence in vitro that the characteristic corkscrew morphology of C. jejuni indeed grants a distinct advantage in colonizing mucous surfaces. Overall, the results obtained within this thesis highlight the strength of the tissue models to combine crucial features of native human intestine into accessible in-vitro infection models. Translation of these systems into infection research demonstrated their ability to expose in-vivo like infection outcomes. While displaying complex organotypic architecture and highly prismatic cellular morphology, these tissue models still represent an imperfect reflection of human tissue. Future advancements towards inclusion of human primary and immune cells will strive for even more comprehensive model systems exhibiting intricate multicellular networks of in-vivo tissue. Nevertheless, the work presented in this thesis emphasizes the necessity to investigate host-pathogen interactions in infection models authentically mimicking the natural host environment, as they remain among the most vital parts in understanding and counteracting infectious diseases.}, subject = {Campylobacter jejuni}, language = {en} }