@article{TackeWuttkeHenke1992, author = {Tacke, Reinhold and Wuttke, F. and Henke, H.}, title = {Zur Stereochemie der mikrobiellen Reduktion von rac-Acetyl( t-butyl)methylphenylsilan mit Trigonopsis variabilis (DSM 70714) und Corynebacterium dioxydans (ATCC 21766): Aufkl{\"a}rung der absoluten Konfiguration der Biotransformationsprodukte (SiR,CR)- und ( SiS ,CR)-t-Butyl( 1-hydroxyethyl)methylphenylsilan}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64176}, year = {1992}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Anorganische Chemie}, language = {en} } @article{WaelbroeckCamusTastenoyetal.1992, author = {Waelbroeck, M. and Camus, J. and Tastenoy, M. and Mutschler, E. and Strohmann, C. and Tacke, Reinhold and Schjelderup, L. and Aasen, A. and Lambrecht, G. and Christophe, J.}, title = {Stereoselective interaction of procyclidine, hexahydro-difenidol, hexbutinol and oxyphencyclimine, and of related antagonists, with four muscarinic receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64237}, year = {1992}, abstract = {Wc invcstigatcd thc binding properlies of thc (R)- and (Sl-cnantiomcrs of thc muscarinic antagonists trihcxyphcnidyl, procyclidinc, hcxahydro-difcnidol. p-fluoro-hcxahydro-difcnidol. hcxbutinol, p-fluoro-hcxbutinnl. and thcir corrcsponding methiodidcs at muscarinic M\(_1\), M\(_2\)• M\(_3\) and M\(_4\) receptor subtypes. In addition. binding properlies of thc (R)- and (S)-cnantiomcrs of oxyphcncycliminc wcrc studicd. The {R)- cnantiomcrs (cutomcrs} of all the compounds had a grcatcr affinity than the (S)-isomcrs for thc four muscarinic rcccptor subtypcs. Thc binding pattcrns of thc (R)- and (S)-enantiomers wcrc gcncrally different. We did not obscrvc any gcncral corrclation hctwccn thc potcncy of thc high-affinity enantiomer and Lhc affinity ratio (cudismic ratio) of the two cnantiomcrs. Thc rcsuhs arc discusscd in tcrms of a 'four suhsitcs' binding modcl.}, subject = {Anorganische Chemie}, language = {en} } @article{TackeBeckerBergetal.1992, author = {Tacke, Reinhold and Becker, B. and Berg, D. and Brandes, W. and Dutzmann, S. and Schaller, S.}, title = {Bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl-methyl)germane, a germanium analogue of the agricultural fungicide flusilazole: synthesis and biological properties}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64224}, year = {1992}, abstract = {Bis( 4-fluorophenyl)methyl(l H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl-methyl)germane (2), a germanium analogue of the agricultural fungicide flusilazole (1), has been synthesized from Cl\(_3\)GeCH\(_2\)CI (3) by both a three-step and a four-step synthesis (3-> (p-F-C\(_6\)H\(_4\))\(_2\)Ge(CH\(_2\)Cl)Br (4)-> (p-F-C\(_6\)H\(_4\))\(_2\)Ge(CH\(_2\)CI)CH\(_3\) (S)-> 2; S ~ (p-F-C\(_6\)H\(_4\))\(_2\)Ge(CH\(_2\)I)CH\(_3\) (6)-> l). The fungicidal properties of l have been compared with those of the parent silicon compound 1 (studies on Si/Ge bioisosterism). In various test systems, the SijGe analogues 1 and 2 showed comparable fungicidal properlies (in activity against plant pathogenic fungi: in agar plate diffusion tests and greenhause evaluations; in activity against human pathogenic fungi: in serial dilution tests). In addition, 1 and 2 displayed comparable potencies in respect of sterol biosynthesis inhibition in Sacclulromycopsis {\"u}polytica and Pyricularia oryzae, the mode of action being primarily an inhtbition of oxidative C14-demethylation.}, subject = {Anorganische Chemie}, language = {en} } @article{BungardtVockertFeifeletal.1992, author = {Bungardt, E. and Vockert, E. and Feifel, R. and Moser, U. and Tacke, Reinhold and Mutschler, E. and Lambrecht, G. and Suprenant, A.}, title = {Characterization of muscarinic receptors mediating vasodilation in guinea-pig ileum submucosal arterioles by the use of computer-assisted videomicroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64206}, year = {1992}, abstract = {Muscarinic receptors of rcsistance vessels (submucosal artcrioles, outside diametcr 50-75 J,Lm) from the guinea-pig small intestinc were invcstigatcd in vitro using a computcr-assisted vidcomicroscopy system (Diamtrak <~t ). The muscarinic receptor which mediates vasodilation of prccontractcd [U-46619 (300 nM) or (- )-noradrcnaline (1 0 J.L M)] artcriolcs was characterized with scveral muscarinic agonists and subtypc-sclectivc antagonists. Thc following agonists all produccd cquivalent maximum vasodilation (given in rank ordcr of potency): acctylcholinc = arccaidinc propargyl cstcr (APE) > oxotremorine = ( ± )-muscarinc = ( ± )-mcthacholinc > carbachol > 4-[[N-{4-chlorophenyl)carbamoyl]oxy]-2-hutynyltrimcthylammonium iodide (4-CI-McN-A- 343). 4-([N-(3-ChlorophcnyD-carbamoyl)oxy]-2-butynyltrimcthylammonium chloride (McN-A-343) and N-ethyl-guvacinc propargyl ester (NEN-APE) produccd minimal or no artcriolar vasodilation. Thc muscarinic antagonists pircnzcpinc, ( ± )-5,11-dihydro-11- [[[2-[2-((dipropylamino)methyl}-1-pipcridinyl]ethyl]amino ]-carbonyi]-6H-pyrido(2,3-h)( 1 ,4)-benzodiazcpin-6-onc (AF-DX 384 ), 11- [[ 4-[4-(dicthylamino)butyl]-1-piperidinyl]acetyl]-5, ll-dihydro-6H-pyrido(2.3-h)( 1,4 )-bcnzodiazepin-6-onc (AQ-RA 741 ), p-fluorohexahydro- sila-difcnidol (p-F-HHSiD), 4-diphcnylacetoxy-N-methylpipcridine mcthiodidc (4-DAMP) and (R)- and (S)hexahydro- difcnidol [(R)-HHD, (S)-HHD] shifted thc muscarinc, mcthacholinc or carbachol dosc-rcsponsc curve to the right in a compctitive manner. Schildanalysis of the data yicldcd pA\(_2\) valucs for pircnzcpinc (6.74/6.9), AF-DX 384 (6.72), AQ-RA 741 (6.58), p-F-HHSiD (7.53/7.57), 4-DAMP (9.06), (R)-HHD (7.88/8.32) and (S)-HHD (5.52/5.88). Thus, it can he concluded that submucosal arteriolcs posscss only the M\(_3\) functional muscarinic reccptor, the activation of which causcs hlood vcsscl dilation. The preparation dcscribcd is considcrcd to be a valuable now bioassay for pharmacological investigations of drug actions at muscarinic receptors in the peripheral vascular system.}, subject = {Anorganische Chemie}, language = {en} }