@phdthesis{Lutz2018, author = {Lutz, Peter}, title = {Surface and Interface Electronic Structure in Ferroelectric BaTiO\(_3\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159057}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Transition metal oxides (TMO) represent a highly interesting material class as they exhibit a variety of different emergent phenomena including multiferroicity and superconductivity. These effects result from a significant interplay of charge, spin and orbital degrees of freedom within the correlated d-electrons. Oxygen vacancies (OV) at the surface of certain d0 TMO release free charge carriers and prompt the formation of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Barium titanate (BaTiO3) is a prototypical and promising d0 TMO. It displays ferroelectricity at room temperature and features several structural phase transitions, from cubic over tetragonal (at room temperature) and orthorhombic to rhombohedral. The spontaneous electric polarization in BaTiO3 can be used to manipulate the physical properties of adjacent materials, e.g. in thin films. Although the macroscopic properties of BaTiO3 are studied in great detail, the microscopic electronic structure at the surface and interface of BaTiO3 is not sufficiently understood yet due to the complex interplay of correlation within the d states, oxygen vacancies at the surface, ferroelectricity in the bulk and the structural phase transitions in BaTiO3. This thesis investigates the electronic structure of different BaTiO3 systems by means of angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). The valence band of BaTiO3 single crystals is systematically characterized and compared to theoretical band structure calculations. A finite p-d hybridization of titanium and oxygen states was inferred at the high binding energy side of the valence band. In BaTiO3 thin films, the occurrence of spectral weight near the Fermi level could be linked to a certain amount of OV at the surface which effectively dopes the host system. By a systematic study of the metallic surface states as a function of temperature and partial oxygen pressure, a model was established which reflects the depletion and accumulation of charge carriers at the surface of BaTiO3. An instability at T ~ 285K assumes a volatile behavior of these surface states. The ferroelectricity in BaTiO3 allows a control of the electronic structure at the interface of BaTiO3-based heterostructures. Therefore, the interface electronic structure of Bi/BaTiO3 was studied with respect to the strongly spin-orit coupled states in Bi by also including a thickness dependent characterization. The ARPES results, indeed, confirm the presence of Rashba spin-split electronic states in the bulk band gap of the ferroelectric substrate. By varying the film thickness in Bi/BaTiO3, it was able to modify the energy position and the Fermi vector of the spin-split states. This observation is associated with the appearance of an interface state which was observed for very low film thickness. Both spectral findings suggest a significant coupling between the Bi films and BaTiO3.}, subject = {Bariumtitanat}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pakkayil2017, author = {Pakkayil, Shijin Babu}, title = {Towards ferromagnet/superconductor junctions on graphene}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153863}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This thesis reports a successful fabrication and characterisation of ferromagnetic/superconductor junction (F/S) on graphene. The thesis preposes a fabrication method to produce F/S junctions on graphene which make use of ALD grown Al2O3 as the tunnel barrier for the ferromagnetic contacts. Measurements done on F/G/S/G/F suggests that by injecting spin polarised current into the superconductor, a spin imbalance is created in the quasiparticle density of states of the superconductor which then diffuses through the graphene channel. The observed characteristic curves are similar to the ones which are already reported on metallic ferromagnet/superconductor junctions where the spin imbalance is created using Zeeman splitting. Further measurements also show that the curves loose their characteristic shapes when the temperature is increased above the critical temperature (Tc) or when the external magnetic field is higher then the critical field (Hc) of the superconducting contact. But to prove conclusively and doubtlessly the existence of spin imbalance in ferromagnet/superconductor junctions on graphene, more devices have to be made and characterised preferably in a dilution refrigerator.}, subject = {Graphen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Quast2017, author = {Quast, Jan-Henrik}, title = {Influence of Hot Carriers on Spin Diffusion in Gallium Arsenide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147611}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Since the late 20th century, spintroncis has become a very active field of research [ŽFS04]. The prospect of spin based information technology, featuring strongly decreased energy consumption and possibly quantum-computation capabilities, has fueled this interest. Standard materials, like bulk gallium arsenide (GaAs), have experienced new attention in this context by exhibiting extraordinarily long lifetimes for nonequilibrium spin information, which is an important requirement for efficient spin based information storage and transfer. Another important factor is the lengthscale over which spin information can be transported in a given material and the role of external influences. Both aspects have been studied experimentally with innovative optical methods since the late 1990s by the groups of D. D. AWSHALOM and S. A. CROOKER et al. [KA99, CS05, CFL+05]. Although the pioneering experimental approaches presented by these authors led to a variety of insights into spin propagation, some questions were raised as well. Most prominently, the classical Einstein relation, which connects the mobility and diffusivity of a given particle species, seemed to be violated for electron spins in a bulk semiconductor. In essence, nonequilibrium spins appeared to move (diffuse) faster than the electrons that actually carry the spin. However, this contradiction was masked by the fact, that the material of interest was n-type GaAs with a doping concentration directly at the transition between metallic and insulating behavior (MIT). In this regime, the electron mobility is difficult to determine experimentally. Consequently, it was not a priori obvious that the spin diffusion rates determined by the newly introduced optical methods were in contradiction with established electrical transport data. However, in an attempt to extend the available data of optical spin microscopy, another issue surfaced, concerning the mathematical drift-diffusion model that has been commonly used to evaluate lateral spin density measurements. Upon close investigation, this model appears to have a limited range of applicability, due to systematic discrepancies with the experimental data (chapter 4). These deviations are noticeable in original publications as well, and it is shown in the present work that they originate from the local heating of electrons in the process of optical spin pumping. Based on insights gained during the second half of the 20th century, it is recapitulated why conduction electrons are easily overheated at cryogenic temperatures. The main reason is the poor thermal coupling between electrons and the crystal lattice (chapter 3). Experiments in the present work showed that a significant thermal gradient exists in the conduction band under local optical excitation of electron-hole pairs. This information was used to develop a better mathematical model of spin diffusion, which allowed to derive the diffusivity of the undisturbed system, due to an effective consideration of electron overheating. In this way, spin diffusivities of n-GaAs were obtained as a function of temperature and doping density in the most interesting regime of the metal-insulator-transition. The experiments presented in this work were performed on a series of n-type bulk GaAs samples, which comprised the transition between metallic conductivity and electrical insulation at low temperatures. Local electron temperature gradients were measured by a hyperspectral photoluminescence imaging technique with subsequent evaluation of the electron-acceptor (e,A\$^0\$) line shape. The local density of nonequilibrium conduction electron spins was deduced from scanning magneto-optic Kerr effect microscopy. Numerical evaluations were performed using the finite elements method in combination with a least-squares fitting procedure. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to historical and recent research in the field of spintronics, as far as it is relevant for the understanding of the present work. Chapter 2 summarizes related physical concepts and experimental methods. Here, the main topics are semiconductor optics, relaxation of hot conduction electrons, and the dynamics of nonequilibrium electron spins in semiconductors. Chapter 3 discusses optical heating effects due to local laser excitation of electron-hole pairs. Experimental evaluations of the acceptor-bound-exciton triplet lines led to the conclusion that the crystal lattice is usually not overheated even at high excitation densities. Here, the heat is efficiently dissipated to the bath, due to the good thermal conductivity of the lattice. Furthermore, the heating of the lattice is inherently limited by the weak heat transfer from the electron system, which on the other hand is also the reason why conduction electrons are easily overheated at temperatures below ≈ 30 K. Spatio-spectral imaging of the electron-acceptor-luminescence line shape allowed to trace the thermal gradient within the conduction band under focused laser excitation. A heat-diffusion model was formulated, which reproduces the experimental electron-temperature trend nicely for low-doped GaAs samples of n- and p-type. For high-doped n-type GaAs samples, it could be shown that the lateral electron-temperature profile is well approximated by a Gaussian. This facilitated easy integration of hot electron influence into the mathematical model of spin diffusion. Chapter 4 deals with magneto-optical imaging of optically induced nonequilibrium conduction-electron spins in n-GaAs close to the MIT. First, the spectral dependence of the magneto-optic Kerr effect was examined in the vicinity of the fundamental band gap. Despite the marked differences among the investigated samples, the spectral shape of the Kerr rotation could be described in terms of a simple Lorentz-oscillator model in all cases. Based on this model, the linearity of the Kerr effect with respect to a nonequilibrium spin polarization is demonstrated, which is decisively important for further quantitative evaluations. Furthermore, chapter 4 presents an experimental survey of spin relaxation in n-GaAs at the MIT. Here, the dependence of the spin relaxation time on bath temperature and doping density was deduced from Hanle-MOKE measurements. While all observed trends agree with established literature, the presented results extend the current portfolio by adding a coherent set of data. Finally, diffusion of optically generated nonequilibrium conduction-electron spins was investigated by scanning MOKE microscopy. First, it is demonstrated that the standard diffusion model is inapplicable for data evaluation in certain situations. A systematic survey of the residual deviations between this model and the experimental data revealed that this situation unfortunately persisted in published works. Moreover, the temperature trend of the residual deviations suggests a close connection to the local overheating of conduction electrons. Consequently, a modified diffusion model was developed and evaluated, in order to compensate for the optical heating effect. From this model, much more reliable results were obtained, as compared to the standard diffusion model. Therefore, it was shown conclusively that the commonly reported anomalously large spin diffusivities were at least in parts caused by overheated conduction electrons. In addition to these new insights some experimental and technological enhancements were realized in the course of this work. First, the optical resolution of scanning MOKE microscopy was improved by implementing a novel scanning mechanism, which allows the application of a larger aperture objective than in the usual scheme. Secondly, imaging photoluminescence spectroscopy was employed for spatially resolved electron-temperature measurements. Here, two different implementations were developed: One for lattice-temperature measurements by acceptor-bound exciton luminescence and a second for conduction-electron temperature measurements via the analysis of the electron-acceptor luminescence line shape. It is shown in the present work that the originally stated anomalously high spin diffusivities were caused to a large extent by unwanted optical heating of the electron system. Although an efficient method was found to compensate for the influence of electron heating, it became also evident that the classical Einstein relation was nonetheless violated under the given experimental conditions. In this case however, it could be shown that this discrepancy did not originate from an experimental artifact, but was instead a manifestation of the fermionic nature of conduction electrons.}, subject = {Galliumarsenid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reinthaler2015, author = {Reinthaler, Rolf Walter}, title = {Charge and Spin Transport in Topological Insulator Heterojunctions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135611}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Over the last decade, the field of topological insulators has become one of the most vivid areas in solid state physics. This novel class of materials is characterized by an insulating bulk gap, which, in two-dimensional, time-reversal symmetric systems, is closed by helical edge states. The latter make topological insulators promising candidates for applications in high fidelity spintronics and topological quantum computing. This thesis contributes to bringing these fascinating concepts to life by analyzing transport through heterostructures formed by two-dimensional topological insulators in contact with metals or superconductors. To this end, analytical and numerical calculations are employed. Especially, a generalized wave matching approach is used to describe the edge and bulk states in finite size tunneling junctions on the same footing. The numerical study of non-superconducting systems focuses on two-terminal metal/topological insulator/metal junctions. Unexpectedly, the conductance signals originating from the bulk and the edge contributions are not additive. While for a long junction, the transport is determined purely by edge states, for a short junction, the conductance signal is built from both bulk and edge states in a ratio, which depends on the width of the sample. Further, short junctions show a non-monotonic conductance as a function of the sample length, which distinguishes the topologically non-trivial regime from the trivial one. Surprisingly, the non-monotonic conductance of the topological insulator can be traced to the formation of an effectively propagating solution, which is robust against scalar disorder. The analysis of the competition of edge and bulk contributions in nanostructures is extended to transport through topological insulator/superconductor/topological insulator tunneling junctions. If the dimensions of the superconductor are small enough, its evanescent bulk modes can couple edge states at opposite sample borders, generating significant and tunable crossed Andreev reflection. In experiments, the latter process is normally disguised by simultaneous electron transmission. However, the helical edge states enforce a spatial separation of both competing processes for each Kramers' partner, allowing to propose an all-electrical measurement of crossed Andreev reflection. Further, an analytical study of the hybrid system of helical edge states and conventional superconductors in finite magnetic fields leads to the novel superconducting quantum spin Hall effect. It is characterized by edge states. Both the helicity and the protection against scalar disorder of these edge states are unaffected by an in-plane magnetic field. At the same time its superconducting gap and its magnetotransport signals can be tuned in weak magnetic fields, because the combination of helical edge states and superconductivity results in a giant g-factor. This is manifested in a non-monotonic excess current and peak splitting of the dI/dV characteristics as a function of the magnetic field. In consequence, the superconducting quantum spin Hall effect is an effective generator and detector for spin currents. The research presented here deepens the understanding of the competition of bulk and edge transport in heterostructures based on topological insulators. Moreover it proposes feasible experiments to all-electrically measure crossed Andreev reflection and to test the spin polarization of helical edge states.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rothe2015, author = {Rothe, Dietrich Gernot}, title = {Spin Transport in Topological Insulators and Geometrical Spin Control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125628}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In the field of spintronics, spin manipulation and spin transport are the main principles that need to be implemented. The main focus of this thesis is to analyse semiconductor systems where high fidelity in these principles can be achieved. To this end, we use numerical methods for precise results, supplemented by simpler analytical models for interpretation. The material system of 2D topological insulators, HgTe/CdTe quantum wells, is interesting not only because it provides a topologically distinct phase of matter, physically manifested in its protected transport properties, but also since within this system, ballistic transport of high quality can be realized, with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and electron densities that are tunable by electrical gating. Extending the Bernvevig-Hughes-Zhang model for 2D topological insulators, we derive an effective four-band model including Rashba spin-orbit terms due to an applied potential that breaks the spatial inversion symmetry of the quantum well. Spin transport in this system shows interesting physics because the effects of Rashba spin-orbit terms and the intrinsic Dirac-like spin-orbit terms compete. We show that the resulting spin Hall signal can be dominated by the effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Based on spin splitting due to the latter, we propose a beam splitter setup for all-electrical generation and detection of spin currents. Its working principle is similar to optical birefringence. In this setup, we analyse spin current and spin polarization signals of different spin vector components and show that large in-plane spin polarization of the current can be obtained. Since spin is not a conserved quantity of the model, we first analyse the transport of helicity, a conserved quantity even in presence of Rashba spin-orbit terms. The polarization defined in terms of helicity is related to in-plane polarization of the physical spin. Further, we analyse thermoelectric transport in a setup showing the spin Hall effect. Due to spin-orbit coupling, an applied temperature gradient generates a transverse spin current, i.e. a spin Nernst effect, which is related to the spin Hall effect by a Mott-like relation. In the metallic energy regimes, the signals are qualitatively explained by simple analytic models. In the insulating regime, we observe a spin Nernst signal that originates from the finite-size induced overlap of edge states. In the part on methods, we discuss two complementary methods for construction of effective semiconductor models, the envelope function theory and the method of invariants. Further, we present elements of transport theory, with some emphasis on spin-dependent signals. We show the connections of the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics to the semiclassical theory of electronic transport and to the characterization of topological phases. Further, as application of the adiabatic theorem to a control problem, we show that universal control of a single spin in a heavy-hole quantum dot is experimentally realizable without breaking time reversal invariance, but using a quadrupole field which is adiabatically changed as control knob. For experimental realization, we propose a GaAs/GaAlAs quantum well system.}, subject = {Elektronischer Transport}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Henn2014, author = {Henn, Tobias}, title = {Hot spin carriers in cold semiconductors : Time and spatially resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy of optically induced electron spin dynamics in semiconductor heterostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-110265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The present thesis "Hot spin carriers in cold semiconductors" investigates hot carrier effects in low-temperature photoinduced magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) microscopy of electron spins in semiconductor heterostructures. Our studies reveal that the influence of hot photocarriers in magneto-optical pump-probe experiments is twofold. First, it is commonly assumed that a measurement of the local Kerr rotation using an arbitrary probe wavelength maps the local electron spin polarization. This is the fundamental assumption that underlies the widely used two-color MOKE microscopy technique. Our continuous-wave (cw) spectroscopy experiments demonstrate that this assumption is not correct. At low lattice temperatures the nonresonant spin excitation by the focused pump laser inevitably leads to a strong heating of the electron system. This heating, in turn, locally modifies the magneto-optical coefficient which links the experimentally observed Kerr rotation to the electron spin polarization. As a consequence, the spin-induced local Kerr rotation is augmented by spin-unrelated changes in the magneto-optical coefficient. A spatially resolved measurement of the Kerr rotation then does not correctly map the electron spin polarization profile. We demonstrate different ways to overcome this limitation and to correctly measure the electron spin profile. For cw spectroscopy we show how the true local electron spin polarization can be obtained from a quantitative analysis of the full excitonic Kerr rotation spectrum. Alternatively, picosecond MOKE microscopy using a spectrally broad probe laser pulse mitigates hot-carrier effects on the magneto-optical spin detection and allows to directly observe the time-resolved expansion of optically excited electron spin packets in real-space. Second, we show that hot photocarriers strongly modify the spin diffusion process. Owing to their high kinetic energy, hot carriers greatly enhance the electron spin diffusion coefficient with respect to the intrinsic value of the undisturbed system. Therefore, for steady-state excitation the spin diffusivity is strongly enhanced close to the pump spot center where hot electrons are present. Similarly, for short delays following pulsed excitation the high initial temperature of the electrons leads to a very fast initial expansion of the spin packet which gradually slows as the electrons cool down to the lattice temperature. While few previous publications have recognized the possible influence of hot carriers on the electron spin transport properties, the present work is the first to directly observe and quantify such hot carrier contributions. We develop models which for steady-state and pulsed excitation quantitatively describe the experimentally observed electron spin diffusion. These models are capable of separating the intrinsic spin diffusivity from the hot electron contribution, and allow to obtain spin transport parameters of the undisturbed system. We perform extensive cw and time-resolved spectroscopy studies of the lattice temperature dependence of the electron spin diffusion in bulk GaAs. Using our models we obtain a consistent set of parameters for the intrinsic temperature dependence of the electron spin diffusion coefficient and spin relaxation time and the hot carrier contributions which quantitatively describes all experimental observations. Our analysis unequivocally demonstrates that we have, as we believe for the first time, arrived at a coherent understanding of photoinduced low-temperature electron spin diffusion in bulk semiconductors.}, subject = {Galliumarsenid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Samiepour2014, author = {Samiepour, Marjan}, title = {Fabrication and characterization of CPP-GMR and spin-transfer torque induced magnetic switching}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102226}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Even though the unique magnetic behavior for ferromagnets has been known for thousands of years, explaining this interesting phenomenon only occurred in the 20th century. It was in 1920, with the discovery of electron spin, that a clear explanation of how ferromagnets achieve their unique magnetic properties came to light. The electron carries an intrinsic electric charge and intrinsic angular momentum. Use of this property in a device was achieved in 1998 when Fert and Gru¨nberg independently found that the resistance of FM/NM/FM trilayer depended on the angle between the magnetization of the two layers. This phenomena which is called giant magnetoresistance (GMR) brought spin transfer into mainstream. This new discovery created a brand new research fi called "spintronics" or "spin based electronics" which exploits the intrinsic spin of electron. As expected spintronics delivered a new generation of magnetic devices which are currently used in magnetic disk drives and magnetic random access memories (MRAM). The potential advantages of spintronics devices are non-volatility, higher speed, increased data density and low power consumption. GMR devices are already used in industry as magnetic memories and read heads. The quality of GMR devices can be increased by developing new magnetic materials and also by going down to nanoscale. The desired characteristic properties of these new materials are higher spin polarization, higher curie temperature and better spin filtering. Half-metals are a good candidate for these devices since they are expected to have high polarization. Some examples of half-metals are Half-Heusler alloy, full Heusler alloy and Perovskite or double Perovskite oxides. The devices discussed in this thesis have NiMnSb half-Heusler alloy and permalloy as the ferromagnetic layers separated by Cu as the nonmagnetic layer. This dissertation includes mainly two parts, fabrication and characterization of nan- opillars. The layer stack used for the fabrication is Ru/Py/Cu/NiMnSb which is grown on an InP substrate with an (In,Ga)As buff by molecule beam epitaxy (MBE). A new method of fabrication using metal mask which has a higher yield of working samples over the previous method (using the resist mask) used in our group is discussed in detail. Also, the advantages of this new method and draw backs of the old method are explained thoroughly (in chapter 3). The second part (chapters 4 and 5) is focused on electrical measurements and charac- terization of the nanopillar, specially with regard to GMR and spin-transfer torque (STT) measurements. In chapter 4, the results of current perpendicular the plane giant mag- netoresistance (CPP-GMR) measurements at various temperatures and in-plane magnetic fi are presented. The dependence of CPP-GMR on bias current and shape anisotropy of the device are investigated. Results of these measurements show that the device has strong shape anisotropy. The following chapter deals with spin-transfer torque induced magnetic switching measurements done on the device. Critical current densities are on the order of 106 A/cm2, which is one order of magnitude smaller than the current industry standards. Our results show that the two possible magnetic configurations of the nanopillar (parallel and anti-parallel) have a strong dependence on the applied in-plane magnetic fi Fi- nally, four magnetic fi regimes based on the stability of the magnetic configuration (P stable, AP stable, both P and AP stable, both P and AP unstable) are identified.}, subject = {Riesenmagnetowiderstand}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Naydenova2014, author = {Naydenova, Tsvetelina}, title = {A Study of Seebeck and Nernst effects in (Ga,Mn)As/normal semiconductor junctions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101981}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The discovery of the Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) effect in 1988 by Albert Fert [Baib 88] and Peter Gr{\"u}nberg [Bina 89] led to a rapid development of the field of spintronics and progress in the information technology. Semiconductor based spintronics, which appeared later, offered a possibility to combine storage and processing in a single monolithic device. A direct result is reduced heat dissipation. The observation of the spin Seebeck effect by Ushida [Uchi 08] in 2008 launched an increased interest and encouraged research in the field of spin caloritronics. Spintronics is about the coupling of charge and spin transport. Spin caloritronics studies the interaction between heat and spin currents. In contrast to spintronics and its variety of applications, a particular spin-caloritronic device has not yet been demonstrated. However, many of the novel phenomena in spin caloritronics can be detected in most spintronic devices. Moreover, thermoelectric effects might have a significant influence on spintronic device operation. This will be of particular interest for this work. Additional knowledge on the principle of coupling between heat and spin currents uncovers an alternative way to control heat dissipation and promises new device functionalities. This thesis aims to further extend the knowledge on thermoelectrics in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling, in this case the prototypical ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. The study is focused on the thermoelectric / thermomagnetic effects at the interface between a normal metal and the ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As. In such systems, the different interfaces provide a condition for minimal phonon drag contribution to the thermal effects. This suggests that only band contributions (a diffusion transport regime) to these effects will be measured. Chapter 2 begins with an introduction on the properties of the studied material system, and basics on thermoelectrics and spin caloritronics. The characteristic anisotropies of the (Ga,Mn)As density of states (DOS) and the corresponding magnetic properties are described. The DOS and magnetic anisotropies have an impact on the transport prop- erties of the material and that results in effects like tunneling anisotropic magnetores- istance (TAMR) [Goul 04]. Some of these effects will be used later as a reference to the results from thermoelectric / thermomagnetic measurements. The Fingerprint tech- nique [Papp 07a] is also described. The method gives an opportunity to easily study the anisotropies of materials in different device geometries. Chapter 3 continues with the experimental observation of the diffusion thermopower of (Ga,Mn)As / Si-doped GaAs tunnel junction. A device geometry for measuring the diffusion thermopower is proposed. It consists of a Si - doped GaAs heating channel with a Low Temperature (LT) GaAs / (Ga,Mn)As contact (junction) in the middle of the channel. A single Ti / Au contact is fabricated on the top of the junction. For transport characterization, the device is immersed in liquid He. A heating current technique is used to create a temperature difference by local heating of the electron system on the Si:GaAs side. An AC current at low frequency is sent through the channel and it heats the electron population in it, while the junction remains at liquid He temperature (experimentally con- firmed). A temperature difference arises between the heating channel and the (Ga,Mn)As contact. As a result, a thermal (Seebeck) voltage develops across the junction, which we call tunnelling anisotropic magneto thermopower (TAMT), similar to TAMR. TAMT is detected by means of a standard lock-in technique at double the heating current frequency (at 2f ). The Seebeck voltage is found to be linear with the temperature difference. That dependence suggests a diffusion transport regime. Lattice (phonon drag) contribution to the thermovoltage, which is usually highly nonlinear with temperature, is not observed. The value of the Seebeck coefficient of the junction at 4.2 K is estimated to be 0.5 µV/K. It is about three orders of magnitude smaller than the previously reported one [Pu 06]. Subsequently, the thermal voltage is studied in external magnetic fields. It is found that the thermopower is anisotropic with the magnetization direction. The anisotropy is explained with the anisotropies of the (Ga,Mn)As contact. Further, switching events are detected in the thermopower when the magnetic field is swept from negative to positive fields. The switchings remind of a spin valve signal and is similar to the results from previous experiments on spin injection using a (Ga,Mn)As contacts in a non-local detection scheme. That shows the importance of the thermoelectric effects and their possible contribution to the spin injection measurements. A polar plot of the collected switching fields for different magnetization angles reveals a biaxial anisotropy and resembles earlier TAMR measurements of (Ga,Mn)As tunnel junction. A simple cartoon model is introduced to describe and estimate the expected thermopower of the studied junction. The model yields a Fermi level inside of the (Ga,Mn)As valence band. Moreover, the model is found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. The Nernst effect of a (Ga,Mn)As / GaAs tunnel junction is studied in Chapter 4. A modified device geometry is introduced for this purpose. Instead of a single contact on the top of the square junction, four small contacts are fabricated to detect the Nernst signal. A temperature difference is maintained by means of a heating current technique described in Chapter 3. A magnetic field is applied parallel to the device plane. A voltage drop across two opposite contacts is detected at 2f. It appears that a simple cosine function with a parameter the angle between the magnetization and the [100] crystal direction in the (Ga,Mn)As layer manages to describe this signal which is attributed to the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) of the ferromagnetic contact. Its symmetry is different than the Seebeck effect of the junction. For the temperature range of the thermopower measurements the ANE coefficient has a linear dependence on the temperature difference (∆T). For higher ∆T, a nonlinear dependence is observed for the coefficient. The ANE coefficient is found to be several orders of magnitude smaller than any Nernst coefficient in the literature. Both the temperature difference and the size of the ANE coefficient require further studies and analysis. Switching events are present in the measured Nernst signal when the magnetic field is swept from positive to negative values. These switchings are related to the switching fields in the ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As. Usually, there are two states which are present in TAMR or AMR measurements - low and high resistance. Instead of that, the Nernst signal appears to have three states - high, middle and low thermomagnetic voltage. That behaviour is governed not only by the magnetization, but also by the characteristic of the Nernst geometry. Chapter 5 summarizes the main observations of this thesis and contains ideas for future work and experiments.}, subject = {Galliumarsenid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Frey2011, author = {Frey, Alexander}, title = {Spin-Dependent Tunneling and Heterovalent Heterointerface Effects in Diluted Magnetic II-VI Semiconductor Heterostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78133}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The contribution of the present thesis consists of three parts. They are centered around investigating certain semiconductor heterointerfaces relevant to spin injection, exploring novel, diluted magnetic single barrier tunneling structures, and further developing diluted magnetic II-VI resonant tunneling diodes.}, subject = {Zwei-Sechs-Halbleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rueth2011, author = {R{\"u}th, Michael}, title = {A Comprehensive Study of Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor Resonant Tunneling Diodes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71472}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We investigate transport measurements on all II-VI semiconductor resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs). Being very versatile, the dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) system (Zn,Be,Mn,Cd)Se is a perfect testbed for various spintronic device designs, as it allows for separate control of electrical and magnetic properties. In contrast to the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, doping ZnSe with Mn impurities does not alter the electrical properties of the semiconductor, as the magnetic dopant is isoelectric in the ZnSe host.}, subject = {Semimagnetischer Halbleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mark2011, author = {Mark, Stefan}, title = {A Magnetic Semiconductor based Non-Volatile Memory and Logic Element}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71223}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {For the realization of a programmable logic device, or indeed any nanoscale device, we need a reliable method to probe the magnetization direction of local domains. For this purpose we extend investigations on the previously discovered tunneling anisotropic magneto resistance effect (TAMR) by scaling the pillar size from 100 µm down to 260 nm. We start in chapter 4 with a theoretical description of the TAMR effect and show experimental data of miniaturized pillars in chapter 5. With such small TAMR probes we are able to locally sense the magnetization on the 100 nm scale. Sub-micron TAMR and anisotropic magneto resistance (AMR) measurements of sub-millimeter areas show that the behavior of macroscopic (Ga,Mn)As regions is not that of a true macrospin, but rather an ensemble average of the behavior of many nearly identical macrospins. This shows that the magnetic anisotropies of the local regions are consistent with the behavior extracted from macroscopic characterization. A fully electrically controllable read-write memory device out the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As is presented in chapter 6. The structure consists of four nanobars which are connected to a circular center region. The first part of the chapter describes the lithography realization of the device. We make use of the sub-micron TAMR probes to read-out the magnetization state of a 650 nm central disk. Four 200 nm wide nanobars are connected to the central disk and serve as source and drain of a spin-polarized current. With the spin-polarized current we are able to switch the magnetization of the central disk by means of current induced switching. Injecting polarized holes with a spin angular momentum into a magnetic region changes the magnetization direction of the region due to the p-d exchange interaction between localized Mn spins and itinerant holes. The magnetization of the central disk can be controlled fully electrically and it can serve as one bit memory element as part of a logic device. In chapter 7 we discuss the domain wall resistance in (Ga,Mn)As. At the transition from nanobars to central disk we are able to generate 90° and 180° domain walls and measure their resistance. The results presented from chapter 5 to 7 combined with the preexisting ultracompact (Ga,Mn)As-based memory cell of ref. [Papp 07c] are the building blocks needed to realize a fully functioning programmable logic device. The work of ref. [Papp 07c] makes use of lithographically engineered strain relaxation to produce a structure comprised of two nanobars with mutually orthogonal uniaxial easy axes, connected by a narrow constriction. Measurements showed that the resistance of the constriction depends on the relative orientation of the magnetization in the two bars. The programmable logic device consists of two central disks connected by a small constriction. The magnetization of the two central disks are used as the input bits and the constriction serves as the output during the logic operation. The concept is introduced in the end of chapter 6 and as an example for a logic operation an XOR gate is presented. The functionality of the programmable logic scheme presented here can be straightforwardly extended to produce multipurpose functional elements, where the given geometry can be used as various different computational elements depending on the number of input bits and the chosen electrical addressing. The realization of such a programmable logic device is shown in chapter 8, where we see that the constriction indeed can serve as a output of the logic operation because its resistance is dependent on the relative magnetization state of both disks. Contrary to ref. [Papp 07c], where the individual magnetic elements connected to the constriction only have two non-volatile magnetic states, each disk in our scheme connected to the constriction has four non-volatile magnetic states. Switching the magnetization of a central disk with an electrical current does not only change the TAMR read-out of the respective disk, it also changes the resistance of the constriction. The resistance polar plot of the constriction maps the relative magnetization states of the individual disks. The presented device design serves as an all-electrical, all-semiconductor logic element. It combines a memory cell and data processing in a single monolithic paradigm.}, subject = {Magnetischer Halbleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pappert2007, author = {Pappert, Katrin}, title = {Anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As - Measurement, Control and Application in Novel Devices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Ferromagnetic semiconductors (FS) promise the integration of magnetic memory functionalities and semiconductor information processing into the same material system. The prototypical FS (Ga,Mn)As has become the focus of semiconductor spintronics research over the past years. The spin-orbit mediated coupling of magnetic and semiconductor properties in this material gives rise to many novel transport-related phenomena which can be harnessed for device applications. In this thesis we address challenges faced in the development of an all-semiconductor memory architecture. A starting point for information storage in FS is the knowledge of their detailed magnetic anisotropy. The first part of this thesis concentrates on the investigation of the magnetization behaviour in compressively strained (Ga,Mn)As by electrical means. The angle between current and magnetization is monitored in magnetoresistance(MR) measurements along many in-plane directions using the Anisotropic MR(AMR) or Planar Hall effect(PHE). It is shown, that a full angular set of such measurements displayed in a color coded resistance polar plot can be used to identify and quantitatively determine the symmetry components of the magnetic anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As at 4 K. We compile such "anisotropy fingerprints" for many (Ga,Mn)As layers from Wuerzburg and other laboratories and find the presence of three symmetry terms in all layers. The biaxial anisotropy term with easy axes along the [100] and [010] crystal direction dominates the magnetic behaviour. An additional uniaxial term with an anisotropy constant of ~10\% of the biaxial one has its easy axis along either of the two <110> directions. A second contribution of uniaxial symmetry with easy axis along one of the biaxial easy axes has a strength of only ~1\% of the biaxial anisotropy and is therefore barely visible in standard SQUID measurements. An all-electrical writing scheme would be desirable for commercialization. We report on a current assisted magnetization manipulation experiment in a lateral (Ga,Mn)As nanodevice at 4 K (far below Tc). Reading out the large resistance signal from DW that are confined in nanoconstrictions, we demonstrate the current assisted magnetization switching of a small central island through a hole mediated spin transfer from the adjacent leads. One possible non-perturbative read-out scheme for FS memory devices could be the recently discovered Tunneling Anisotropic MagnetoResistance (TAMR) effect. Here we clarify the origin of the large amplification of the TAMR amplitude in a device with an epitaxial GaAs tunnel barrier at low temperatures. We prove with the help of density of states spectroscopy that a thin (Ga,Mn)As injector layer undergoes a metal insulator transition upon a change of the magnetization direction in the layer plane. The two states can be distinguished by their typical power law behaviour in the measured conductance vs voltage tunneling spectra. While all hereto demonstrated (Ga,Mn)As devices inherited their anisotropic magnetic properties from their parent FS layer, more sophisticated FS architectures will require locally defined FS elements of different magnetic anisotropy on the same wafer. We show that shape anisotropy is not applicable in FS because of their low volume magnetization. We present a method to lithographically engineer the magnetic anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As by submicron patterning. Anisotropic strain relaxation in submicron bar structures (nanobars) and the related deformation of the crystal lattice introduce a new uniaxial anisotropy term in the energy equation. We demonstrate by both SQUID and transport investigations that this lithographically induced uniaxial anisotropy overwrites the intrinsic biaxial anisotropy at all temperatures up to Tc. The final section of the thesis combines all the above into a novel device scheme. We use anisotropy engineering to fabricate two orthogonal, magnetically uniaxial, nanobars which are electrically connected through a constriction. We find that the constriction resistance depends on the relative orientation of the nanobar magnetizations, which can be written by an in-plane magnetic field. This effect can be explained with the AMR effect in connection with the field line patterns in the respective states. The device offers a novel non-volatile information storage scheme and a corresponding non-perturbative read-out method. The read out signal is shown to increase drastically in samples with partly depleted constriction region. This could be shown to originate in a magnetization direction driven metal insulator transition of the material in the constriction region.}, subject = {Anisotropie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Slobodskyy2006, author = {Slobodskyy, Taras}, title = {Semimagnetic heterostructures for spintronics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21011}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {F{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Technologien ist die Erforschung von der verwendeten Teilchen n{\"o}tig. Spintronik ist ein modernes Gebiet der Physik, welches neben der Ladung auch die Spineigenschaften als zus¨atzlichen Freiheitsgrad nutzbar macht. Der "conductivity mismatch" stellt ein fundamentales Problem f{\"u}r elektrische Spininjektion aus einem ferromagnetischem Metal in einen diffusiven Halbleiter dar. Daher m{\"u}ssen andere Methoden f{\"u}r die Injektion spin-polarisierter Ladungstr{\"a}ger benutzt werden. Mit einem Tunnelkontakt ist es m{\"o}glich, eine hoch spin-polarisierte, Raumtemperatur Tunnel-Injektion zu erzielen. Wir benutzten einen neuen Ansatz und verwendeten magnetische RTDs zur Spinmanipulation. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Eigenschaften von magnetischen, resonanten Tunneldioden (RTDs) aus rheinen II-VI-Halbleitern in ihrer Verwendung f{\"u}r die Spintronik beschrieben. Wachstumsbedingungen wurden optimiert, um das Peak-to-Valley-Verh{\"a}ltnis zu vergr{\"o}ßern. Das Design der RTDs wurde optimiert, um spinbezogene Transporteffekte beobachten zu k{\"o}nen. Mit einem externen Magnetfeld war Spinmanipulation m{\"o}glich. Selbstorganisierte CdSe Quanten-Strukturen wurden hergestelt und mit optischen Techniken untersucht. Sie w{\"u}rden in (Zn,Be)Se Tunnelbarrieren eingebettet, so dass ihre Eigenschaften durch resonantes Tunneln zug{\"a}nglich wurden.}, subject = {Heterostruktur-Bauelement}, language = {en} }