@phdthesis{Mueller2022, author = {M{\"u}ller, Stefan}, title = {Coherent Multiple-Quantum Multidimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24411}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244113}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This thesis describes novel concepts for the measurement of the static and dynamic properties of the electronic structure of molecules and nanocrystals in the liquid phase by means of coherent fluorescence-detected spectroscopy in two and three frequency dimensions. These concepts are based on the systematic variation ("phase cycling") of a sequence of multiple time-delayed femtosecond excitation pulses in order to decode a multitude of novel nonlinear signals from the resulting phase-dependent fluorescence signal. These signals represent any permutation of correlations between zero-, one-, two-, and three-quantum coherences. To this end, two new phase-cycling schemes have been developed which can simultaneously resolve and discriminate several nonlinear signals of sixth order, including those of the fourth order of nonlinearity. By means of the sixth-order signals recorded in this work, static properties of highly excited electronic states in molecules such as their energies, transition dipole moments, and relative displacement of electronic potential surfaces, as well as dynamic properties in terms of their relaxation kinetics, can be ascertained. Furthermore, it was shown that these signals are suitable for the characterization of exciton-exciton correlations in colloidal quantum dots and for the measurement of ultrafast exciton-exciton annihilation in molecular aggregates. The experiments performed in this thesis mark an important step towards the complete characterization of the nonlinear response of quantum systems. In view of this, the concept of fluorescence-detected multiple-quantum coherence multidimensional spectroscopy introduced here offers a unified, systematic approach. In virtue of the technical advantages such as the use of a single excitation beam and the absence of nonresonant contributions, the measurement protocols developed here can be directly transferred to other incoherent observables and to sample systems in other states of matter. Furthermore, the approaches presented here can be systematically extended to higher frequency dimensions and higher orders of nonlinearity.}, subject = {Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roeding2018, author = {R{\"o}ding, Sebastian}, title = {Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams and Liquids Using Incoherent Observables}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Umsetzung einer experimentellen Herangehensweise, welche die koh{\"a}rente zweidimensionale (2D) Spektroskopie an Proben in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden erm{\"o}glicht. Hierzu wurde zun{\"a}chst ein Aufbau f{\"u}r fl{\"u}ssige Proben realisiert, in welchem die emittierte Fluoreszenz als Messsignal zur Aufnahme der 2D Spektren genutzt wird. Im Gegensatz zu dieser bereits etablierten Methode in der fl{\"u}ssigen Phase stellt die in dieser Arbeit außerdem vorgestellte 2D Spektroskopie an gasf{\"o}rmigen Proben in einem Molekularstrahl einen neuen Ansatz dar. Hierbei werden zum ersten Mal Kationen mittels eines Flugzeitmassenspektrometers als Signal verwendet und somit ionen-spezifische 2D Spektren isolierter Molek{\"u}le erhalten. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den experimentellen Entwicklungen wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neues Konzept zur Datenerfassung in der 2D Spektroskopie entworfen, welches mit Hilfe einer optimierten Signalabtastung und eines Compressed-Sensing Rekonstruktionsalgorithmus die Aufnahmezeit der Daten deutlich reduziert. Charakteristisch f{\"u}r die in dieser Arbeit eingesetzte Variante der 2D Spektroskopie ist die Verwendung einer phasenkoh{\"a}renten Sequenz bestehend aus vier Laserimpulsen in einer kollinearen Laserstrahlgeometrie zur Anregung der Probe. Diese Impulssequenz wurde durch einen Laserimpulsformer erzeugt, der durch {\"A}nderung der relevanten Laserimpulsparameter mit der Wiederholrate des Lasers eine schnelle Datenerfassung erm{\"o}glicht. Die Antwort der Probe auf diese Anregung wurde durch inkoh{\"a}rente Observablen gemessen, welche proportional zur Population des angeregten Zustandes sind, wie zum Beispiel Fluoreszenz oder Ionen. Um aus diesem Signal w{\"a}hrend der Datenanalyse die gew{\"u}nschten nichtlinearen Beitr{\"a}ge zu extrahieren, wurde die Messung mit verschiedenen Kombinationen der relativen Phase zwischen den Laserimpulsen wiederholt ("Phase Cycling"). Der Aufbau zur 2D Spektroskopie in fl{\"u}ssiger Phase mit Fluoreszenz-Detektion wurde an Hand von 2D Spektren des Laserfarbstoffes Cresyl Violett charakterisiert. Hierbei wurden Oszillationen in verschiedenen Bereichen des 2D Spektrums beobachtet, welche durch vibronische Koh{\"a}renzen hervorgerufen werden und mit fr{\"u}heren Beobachtungen in der Literatur {\"u}bereinstimmen. Mit dem gleichen Datensatz wurde im n{\"a}chsten Schritt das neue Konzept zur optimierten Datenerfassung demonstriert. Um ein optimiertes Schema f{\"u}r die Signalabtastung zu finden, wurde ein genetischer Algorithmus implementiert, wobei nur ein Viertel der eigentlichen Datenpunkte zur Messwerterfassung verwendet werden sollte. Dies reduziert die Zeitdauer der Datenerfassung auf ein Viertel der urspr{\"u}nglichen Messzeit. Die Rekonstruktion des vollst{\"a}ndigen Signales erfolgte mit Hilfe einer neuartigen, kompakten Darstellung von 2D Spektren basierend auf der von Neumann Basis. Diese Herangehensweise ben{\"o}tigte im Vergleich zur {\"u}blicherweise verwendeten Fourier Basis nur ein Sechstel der Koeffizienten um das Signal vollst{\"a}ndig darzustellen und erm{\"o}glichte so die erfolgreiche Rekonstruktion der Oszillationen in Cresyl Violett aus einem reduzierten Datensatz. Mit Hilfe der neuartigen koh{\"a}renten 2D Spektroskopie an Molekularstrahlen wurden {\"U}berg{\"a}nge von hoch angeregten Rydberg-Zust{\"a}nden ins ionische Kontinuum in Stickstoffdioxid untersucht. Als dominierender Beitrag stellte sich hierbei der {\"U}bergang in auto-ionisierende Zust{\"a}nde heraus. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil der Datenerfassung {\"u}ber ein Flugzeitmassenspektrometer ist die M{\"o}glichkeit der gleichzeitigen Aufnahme von 2D Spektren der Edukte und Produkte einer chemischen Reaktion. Dies wurde in Experimenten zur Mehrphotonenionisation gezeigt, in denen deutliche Unterschiede in den 2D Spektren des Stickstoffdioxid-Kations und des Stickstoffmonoxid-Fragmentes sichtbar wurden, welche auf unterschiedliche Antwortfunktionen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten experimentellen Techniken erm{\"o}glichen die schnelle Aufnahme von 2D Spektren f{\"u}r Proben in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden und erlauben einen zuverl{\"a}ssigen, direkten Vergleich der Ergebnisse. Sie sind deshalb ein Wegbereiter f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Untersuchungen der Eigenschaften quantenmechanischer Koh{\"a}renzen in photophysikalischen Prozessen oder w{\"a}hrend photochemischer Reaktionen in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Luettig2023, author = {L{\"u}ttig, Julian Konstantin}, title = {Coherent Higher-Order Spectroscopy: Investigating Multi-Exciton Interaction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29318}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-293182}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The goal of this thesis was the development and application of higher-order spectroscopic techniques. In contrast to ordinary pump-probe (PP) and two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy, higher-order coherently detected spectroscopic methods measure a polarization that has an order of nonlinearity higher than three. The key idea of the techniques in this thesis is to isolate the higher-order signals from the lower-order signals either by their excitation frequency or by their excitation intensity dependence. Due to the increased number of interactions in higher-order spectroscopy, highly excited states can be probed. For excitonic systems such as aggregates and polymers, the fifth-order signal allows one to directly measure exciton-exciton annihilation (EEA). In polymers and aggregates, the exciton transport is not connected to a change of the absorption and can therefore not be investigated with conventional third-order techniques. In contrast, EEA can be used as a probe to study exciton diffusion in these isonergetic systems. As a part of this thesis, anisotropy in fifth-order 2D spectroscopy was investigated and was used to study geometric properties in polymers. In 2D spectroscopy, the multi-quantum signals are separated from each other by their spectral position along the excitation axis. This concept can be extended systematically to higher signals. Another approach to isolate multi-quantum signals in PP spectroscopy utilizes the excitation intensity. The PP signal is measured at specific excitation intensities and linear combinations of these measurements result in different signal contributions. However, these signals do not correspond to clean nonlinear signals because the higher-order signals contaminate the lower-order multi-quantum signals. In this thesis, a correction protocol was derived that uses the isolated multiquantum signals, both from 2D spectroscopy and from PP spectroscopy, to remove the contamination of higher-order signals resulting in clean nonlinear signals. Using the correction on the third-order signal allows one to obtain annihilation-free signals at high excitation intensities, i.e., with high signal-to-noise ratio. Isolation and correction in PP and 2D spectroscopy were directly compared by measuring the clean third-order signals of squaraine oligomers at high excitation intensities. Furthermore, higher-order PP spectroscopy was used to isolate up to the 13th nonlinear order of squaraine polymers. The demonstrated spectroscopic techniques represent general procedures to isolate clean signals in terms of perturbation theory. The technique of higher-order PP spectroscopy needs only small modifications of ordinary PP setups which opens the field of higher-order spectroscopy to the broad scientific community. The technique to obtain clean nonlinear signals allows one to systematically increase the number of interacting (quasi)particles in a system and to characterize their interaction energies and dynamics.}, subject = {Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Babocsi2005, author = {Babocsi, Krisztina}, title = {Characterization of II-VI semiconductor nanostructures by low wavenumber raman- and four-wave-mixing spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12551}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Es ist bekannt, dass r{\"a}umlich eingeschr{\"a}nkte Ladungstr{\"a}ger in niederdimensionalen Halbleitern zur Verst{\"a}rkung optischer und elektronischer Eigenschaften solcher Nanostrukturen beitragen. Die Physik des "Quantum Confinements" ist trotz umfangreicher Nachforschungen noch immer nicht v{\"o}llig verstanden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet eine qualitative Studie quasi-nulldimensionaler II-VI Halbleiter Nanostrukturen. Es wurden handels{\"u}bliche und w{\"a}rmebehandelte CdSxSe1-x Quantenpunkte (QDs) mittels linearer und nicht-linearer Spektroskopie untersucht. Im Rahmen nicht-resonanter Raman Spektroskopie wurden Schl{\"u}sseleigenschaften der QDs, wie z.B. der Durchmesser und die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung, bestimmt. Die Anordnung der Energieniveaus in einer atom-{\"a}hnlichen Struktur hat die Verst{\"a}rkung der Intensit{\"a}t akustischer Phononen zur Folge, welche im Bulk nicht nachgewiesen werden k{\"o}nnen. In Nanokristallen sind nur zwei Sorten akustischer Vibrationen Raman-aktiv: Die kugelsymmetrischen (l = 0) und die quadrupolaren (l=2) Vibrationen, die durch linear polarisierte Laserpulse selektiv angeregt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Gr{\"o}ße der QDs wurde durch Ber{\"u}cksichtigen der Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Vibrationsfrequenz akustischer Phononen von dem Durchmesser des Nanokristalls berechnet. Die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung der QDs ist aus dem normalisierten FWHM ("full width at half maximum") der symmetrischen Vibration bestimmt worden. Die Relaxationsprozesse in Quantenpunkten finden auf einer Pikosekundenskala statt, zu deren Untersuchung ultraschnelle Spektroskopiemethoden mit Laserpulsen im Femtosekundenbereich notwendig sind. Es wurden in einer Glasmatrix eingebettete CdS0.6Se0.4 QDs von 9.1 nm Durchmesser mittels Fs-VWM- und Fs-PPT-Spektroskopie untersucht. In beiden F{\"a}llen wurden zirkular polarisierte Fs-Laserpulse eingesetzt. Es ist gezeigt worden, dass die Auswahlregeln f{\"u}r die Polarisation sehr stark von der Symmetrie der Nanokristalle abh{\"a}ngig sind. Es ist gezeigt worden, dass die angeregten Nanokristalle der Symmetriegruppe C2v oder niedriger angeh{\"o}ren und der Nachweis einer hexagonalen Struktur der Nanokristalle wurde erbracht. Die G{\"u}ltigkeit des Vier-Niveau-Modells wurde ebenfalls nachgewiesen. Dieses Modell enth{\"a}lt einen Grundzustand, zwei Exzitonzust{\"a}nde und einen Biexzitonenzustand. Das Entstehen der VWM- und PPT-Signale in verbotenen Polarisationsgeometrien wurde durch das Auftreten starker Coulomb-Wechselwirkung zwischen Exzitonen, die sich in demselben QD befinden, und durch die niedrige Symmetrie der QDs erkl{\"a}rt. Aufgrund der quadratischen Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Intensit{\"a}ten der VWM-Signale von der Intensit{\"a}t der PPT-Signale, konnten die Ergebnisse der VWM-Messungen durch PPT-Untersuchungen gepr{\"u}ft werden. Die Effizienz der Methode der zirkular polarisierten Fs-VWM-Spektroskopie wurde bei der Untersuchung von in einer Glasmatrix eingebetteten w{\"a}rmebehandelten CdSe Quantenpunkten noch einmal best{\"a}tigt. Die Aufmerksamkeit auf Nicht-Phonon-Relaxationsmechanismen des Grund- und angeregten Zustands des Exzitons gerichtet. Außerdem konnte die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Kristallasymmetrie von der Nanopartikelgr{\"o}ße und von den Wachstumsbedingungen abgesch{\"a}tzt werden. Es zeigte sich, dass qualitativ hochwertige Quantenpunkte am effizientesten durch lange Wachstumszeiten bei niedrigen Temperaturen hergestellt werden k{\"o}nnen. Dabei haben die Nanokristalle gen{\"u}gend Zeit f{\"u}r „Nukleation" und nehmen eine symmetrischere Form an. Außerdem ist es nachgewiesen worden, dass die Exzitonrelaxation sehr stark von den Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Ladungstr{\"a}gern abh{\"a}ngt. Die Relaxationsprozesse der Exzitonen werden sowohl durch die Auger Selbstionisation, als auch durch den anschließenden Einfang der Ladungstr{\"a}ger in tiefen Fallen (an der Quantenpunktoberfl{\"a}che und/oder in der dielektrischen Matrix) deutlich verlangsamt. Dadurch wird die Lebensdauer der Exzitonen deutlich verk{\"u}rzt und liegt im Pikosekundenbereich. Die Relaxation der Exzitonen von h{\"o}heren Energieniveaus in den Grundzustand erfolgt auch auf zwei Wegen: Am Anfang des Relaxationsprozesses (t31 ~ 200 fs) ist Auger-Thermalisierung der Ladungstr{\"a}ger f{\"u}r die Relaxation des Elektrons von seinem angeregten 1pe Zustand auf sein niedrigeres 1se Energieniveau verantwortlich. W{\"a}renddessen erfolgt die Relaxation des Lochs sehr schnell {\"u}ber sein dichtes Spektrum von Valenzbandzust{\"a}nden. Diesem Prozess folgt unmittelbar der Einfang der Ladungstr{\"a}ger in tiefen Fallen, die sich an der Nanokristall-Glasmatrix-Grenzfl{\"a}che befinden. Diese Fallen sind eine direkte Konsequenz der Asymmetrie des Nanokristalls: je zahlreicher und je tiefer die Fallen, desto h{\"o}her ist die Asymmetrie des Kristalls. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist eine komplette Charakterisierung der in einer Glas- matrix eingebetteten CdSSe-Quantenpunkte gelungen. Die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, wie z.B. die Gr{\"o}ße und die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung der Quantenpunkte, sind durch polarisierte Raman-Messungen bestimmt worden. Um ein komplettes Bild {\"u}ber die Nanokristalle zu bekommen, sind weitere nicht-lineare Spektroskopiemethoden eingesetzt worden. Polarisierte VWM Spektroskopie wurde zur Untersuchung verschiedener Quantenpunktensembles erfolgreich eingesetzt und daraus sind wertvolle Informationen {\"u}ber die Symmetrie der Nanokristalle gewonnen worden. Weiterhin sind die Exzitonrelaxationsmechanismen beschrieben worden, die die Verst{\"a}rkung der optischen nicht-linearen Eigenschaften und starke Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen zwischen Exzitonen erkl{\"a}ren. Durch die Untersuchung der Auswirkung verschiedener Wachstumsbedingungen auf die Symmetrie der QDs stellt diese Arbeit einen erg{\"a}nzenden Beitrag zu Herstellungsverfahren qualitativ hochwertiger Quantenpunkte dar.}, subject = {Zwei-Sechs-Halbleiter}, language = {en} } @article{AeschlimannBrixnerCinchettietal.2017, author = {Aeschlimann, Martin and Brixner, Tobias and Cinchetti, Mirko and Frisch, Benjamin and Hecht, Bert and Hensen, Matthias and Huber, Bernhard and Kramer, Christian and Krauss, Enno and Loeber, Thomas H. and Pfeiffer, Walter and Piecuch, Martin and Thielen, Philip}, title = {Cavity-assisted ultrafast long-range periodic energy transfer between plasmonic nanoantennas}, series = {Light: Science \& Applications}, volume = {6}, journal = {Light: Science \& Applications}, doi = {10.1038/lsa.2017.111}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173265}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Radiationless energy transfer is at the core of diverse phenomena, such as light harvesting in photosynthesis\(^1\), energy-transfer-based microspectroscopies\(^2\), nanoscale quantum entanglement\(^3\) and photonic-mode hybridization\(^4\). Typically, the transfer is efficient only for separations that are much shorter than the diffraction limit. This hampers its application in optical communication and quantum information processing, which require spatially selective addressing. Here, we demonstrate highly efficient radiationless coherent energy transfer over a distance of twice the excitation wavelength by combining localized and delocalized\(^5\) plasmonic modes. Analogous to the Tavis-Cummings model, two whispering-gallery-mode antennas\(^6\) placed in the foci of an elliptical plasmonic cavity\(^7\) fabricated from single-crystal gold plates act as a pair of oscillators coupled to a common cavity mode. Time-resolved two-photon photoemission electron microscopy (TR 2P-PEEM) reveals an ultrafast long-range periodic energy transfer in accordance with the simulations. Our observations open perspectives for the optimization and tailoring of mesoscopic energy transfer and long-range quantum emitter coupling.}, language = {en} } @article{RamlerPoaterHirschetal.2019, author = {Ramler, Jacqueline and Poater, Jordi and Hirsch, Florian and Ritschel, Benedikt and Fischer, Ingo and Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias and Lichtenberg, Crispin}, title = {Carbon monoxide insertion at a heavy p-block element: unprecedented formation of a cationic bismuth carbamoyl}, series = {Chemical Science}, volume = {10}, journal = {Chemical Science}, doi = {10.1039/C9SC00278B}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181627}, pages = {4169 - 4176}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Major advances in the chemistry of 5th and 6th row heavy p-block element compounds have recently uncovered intriguing reactivity patterns towards small molecules such as H\(_2\), CO\(_2\), and ethylene. However, well-defined, homogeneous insertion reactions with carbon monoxide, one of the benchmark substrates in this field, have not been reported to date. We demonstrate here, that a cationic bismuth amide undergoes facile insertion of CO into the Bi-N bond under mild conditions. This approach grants direct access to the first cationic bismuth carbamoyl species. Its characterization by NMR, IR, and UV/vis spectroscopy, elemental analysis, single-crystal X-ray analysis, cyclic voltammetry, and DFT calculations revealed intriguing properties, such as a reversible electron transfer at the bismuth center and an absorption feature at 353 nm ascribed to a transition involving σ- and π-type orbitals of the bismuth-carbamoyl functionality. A combined experimental and theoretical approach provided insight into the mechanism of CO insertion. The substrate scope could be extended to isonitriles.}, language = {en} } @article{SaalfrankFantuzziKupferetal.2020, author = {Saalfrank, Christian and Fantuzzi, Felipe and Kupfer, Thomas and Ritschel, Benedikt and Hammond, Kai and Krummenacher, Ivo and Bertermann, R{\"u}diger and Wirthensohn, Raphael and Finze, Maik and Schmid, Paul and Engel, Volker and Engels, Bernd and Braunschweig, Holger}, title = {cAAC-Stabilized 9,10-diboraanthracenes—Acenes with Open-Shell Singlet Biradical Ground States}, series = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, volume = {59}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, number = {43}, doi = {10.1002/anie.202008206}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217795}, pages = {19338 -- 19343}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Narrow HOMO-LUMO gaps and high charge-carrier mobilities make larger acenes potentially high-efficient materials for organic electronic applications. The performance of such molecules was shown to significantly increase with increasing number of fused benzene rings. Bulk quantities, however, can only be obtained reliably for acenes up to heptacene. Theoretically, (oligo)acenes and (poly)acenes are predicted to have open-shell singlet biradical and polyradical ground states, respectively, for which experimental evidence is still scarce. We have now been able to dramatically lower the HOMO-LUMO gap of acenes without the necessity of unfavorable elongation of their conjugated π system, by incorporating two boron atoms into the anthracene skeleton. Stabilizing the boron centers with cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbenes gives neutral 9,10-diboraanthracenes, which are shown to feature disjointed, open-shell singlet biradical ground states.}, language = {en} } @article{BruneckerMuessigArrowsmithetal.2020, author = {Brunecker, Carina and M{\"u}ssig, Jonas H. and Arrowsmith, Merle and Fantuzzi, Felipe and Stoy, Andreas and B{\"o}hnke, Julian and Hofmann, Alexander and Bertermann, R{\"u}diger and Engels, Bernd and Braunschweig, Holger}, title = {Boranediyl- and Diborane(4)-1,2-diyl-Bridged Platinum A-Frame Complexes}, series = {Chemistry - A European Journal}, volume = {26}, journal = {Chemistry - A European Journal}, number = {39}, doi = {10.1002/chem.202001168}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214707}, pages = {8518 -- 8523}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Diplatinum A-frame complexes with a bridging (di)boron unit in the apex position were synthesized in a single step by the double oxidative addition of dihalo(di)borane precursors at a bis(diphosphine)-bridged Pt\(^{0}\)\(_{2}\) complex. While structurally analogous to well-known μ-borylene complexes, in which delocalized dative three-center-two-electron M-B-M bonding prevails, theoretical investigations into the nature of Pt-B bonding in these A-frame complexes show them to be rare dimetalla(di)boranes displaying two electron-sharing Pt-B σ-bonds. This is experimentally reflected in the low kinetic stability of these compounds, which are prone to loss of the (di)boron bridgehead unit.}, language = {en} } @article{SchleierGerlachPratimMukhopadhyayetal.2022, author = {Schleier, Domenik and Gerlach, Marius and Pratim Mukhopadhyay, Deb and Karaev, Emil and Schaffner, Dorothee and Hemberger, Patrick and Fischer, Ingo}, title = {Ammonia Borane, NH\(_{3}\)BH\(_{3}\): A Threshold Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence Study of a Potential Hydrogen-Storage Material}, series = {Chemistry-A European Journal}, volume = {28}, journal = {Chemistry-A European Journal}, number = {42}, doi = {10.1002/chem.202201378}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318895}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We have investigated the photoionization of ammonia borane (AB) and determined adiabatic ionization energy to be 9.26±0.03 eV for the X\(^{+}\) \(^{2}\)E←X \(^{1}\)A\(_{1}\) transition. Although the threshold photoelectron spectrum appears at first glance to be similar to the one of the isosteric ethane, the electronic situation differs markedly, due to different orbital energies. In addition, an appearance energy AE\(_{0K}\)-(NH\(_{3}\)BH\(_{3}\), NH\(_{3}\)BH\(_{2}\)\(^{+}\))= 10.00±0.03 eV has been determined, corresponding to the loss of a hydrogen atom at the BH\(_{3}\)-site. From the data, a 0 K bond dissociation energy for the B-H bond in the cation of 71.5±3 kJ mol\(^{-1}\) was derived, whereas the one in the neutral compound has been estimated to be 419±10 kJ mol\(^{-1}\).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tuchscherer2012, author = {Tuchscherer, Philip}, title = {A Route to Optical Spectroscopy on the Nanoscale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Time-resolved optical spectroscopy has become an important tool to investigate the dynamics of quantum mechanical processes in matter. In typical applications, a first "pump" pulse excites the system under investigation from the thermal equilibrium to an excited state, and a second variable time-delayed "probe" pulse then maps the dynamics of the excited system. Although advanced nonlinear techniques have been developed to investigate, e.g., coherent quantum effects, all of these techniques are limited in their spatial resolution. The laser focus diameter has a lower bound given by Abbe's diffraction limit, which is roughly half the optical excitation wavelength—corresponding to about 400nm in the presented experiments. In the time-resolved experiments that have been suggested so far, averaging over the sample volume within this focus cannot be avoided. In this thesis, two approaches were developed to overcome the diffraction limit in optical spectroscopy and to enable the investigation of coherent processes on the nanoscale. In the first approach, analytic solutions were found to calculate optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that provide optical near-field pump-probe pulse sequences in the vicinity of a nanostructure. These near-field pulse sequences were designed to allow excitation of a quantum system at one specific position at a certain time and probing at a different position at a later time. In the second approach, the concept of coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy, which has had great impact on the investigation of coherent quantum effects in recent years, was combined with photoemission electron microscopy, which yields a spatial resolution well below the optical diffraction limit. Using the analytic solutions, optical near fields were investigated in terms of spectroscopic applications. Near fields that are excited with polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses in the vicinity of appropriate nanostructures feature two properties that are especially interesting in the view of spectroscopic applications: On the one hand, control of the spatial distribution of the optical fields is achieved on the order of nanometers. On the other hand, the temporal evolution of these fields can be adjusted on the order of femtoseconds. In this thesis, solutions were found to calculate the optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that control the near field in a general manner. The main idea to achieve this deterministic control was to disentangle the spatial and temporal near-field control. First, the spatial distribution of the optical near field was controlled by assigning the correct state of polarization for each frequency within the polarization-shaped laser pulse independently. The remaining total phase—not employed for spatial control—was then used for temporal near-field compression, which, in experimental applications, would lead to an enhancement of the nonlinear signal at the respective location. In contrast to the use of optical near fields, where pump-probe sequences themselves are localized below the diffraction limit and the detection does not have to provide the spatial resolution, a different approach was suggested in this thesis to gain spectroscopic information on the nanoscale. The new method was termed "Coherent two-dimensional (2D) nanoscopy" and transfers the concept of "conventional" coherent 2D spectroscopy to photoemission electron microscopy. The pulse sequences used for the investigation of quantum systems in this method are still limited by diffraction. However, the new key concept is to detect locally generated photoelectrons instead of optical signals. This yields a spatial resolution that is well below the optical diffraction limit. In "conventional" 2D spectroscopy a triple-pulse sequence initiates a four wave mixing process that creates a coherence. In a quantum mechanical process, this coherence is converted into a population by emission of an electric field, which is measured in the experiment. Contrarily, in the developed 2D nanoscopy, four-wave mixing is initiated by a quadruple-pulse sequence, which leaves the quantum system in an electronic population. This electronic population carries coherent information about the investigated quantum system and can be mapped with a spatial resolution down to a few nanometers given by the spatial resolution of the photoemission electron microscope. Hence, 2D nanoscopy can be considered a generalization of time-resolved photoemission experiments. In the future, it may be of similar beneficial value for the field of photoemission research as "conventional" 2D spectroscopy has proven to be for optical spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. In a first experimental implementation of coherent 2D nanoscopy coherent processes on a corrugated silver surface were measured and unexpected long coherence lifetimes could be determined.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{KnorrRudolfNuernberger2013, author = {Knorr, Johannes and Rudolf, Philipp and Nuernberger, Patrick}, title = {A comparative study on chirped-pulse upconversion and direct multichannel MCT detection}, doi = {10.1364/OE.21.030693}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111334}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A comparative study is carried out on two spectroscopic techniques employed to detect ultrafast absorption changes in the mid-infrared spectral range, namely direct multichannel detection via HgCdTe (MCT) photodiode arrays and the newly established technique of chirped-pulse upconversion (CPU). Whereas both methods are meanwhile individually used in a routine manner, we directly juxtapose their applicability in femtosecond pump-probe experiments based on 1 kHz shot-to-shot data acquisition. Additionally, we examine different phase-matching conditions in the CPU scheme for a given mid-infrared spectrum, thereby simultaneously detecting signals which are separated by more than 200 cm-1.}, language = {en} } @article{KanalKeiberEcketal.2014, author = {Kanal, Florian and Keiber, Sabine and Eck, Reiner and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {100-kHz shot-to-shot broadband data acquisition for high-repetition-rate pump-probe spectroscopy}, doi = {10.1364/OE.22.016965}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112853}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Shot-to-shot broadband detection is common in ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. Taking advantage of the intensity correlation of subsequent laser pulses improves the signal-to-noise ratio. Finite data readout times of CCD chips in the employed spectrometer and the maximum available speed of mechanical pump-beam choppers typically limit this approach to lasers with repetition rates of a few kHz. For high-repetition (≥ 100 kHz) systems, one typically averages over a larger number of laser shots leading to inferior signal-to-noise ratios or longer measurement times. Here we demonstrate broadband shot-to-shot detection in transient absorption spectroscopy with a 100-kHz femtosecond laser system. This is made possible using a home-built high-speed chopper with external laser synchronization and a fast CCD line camera. Shot-to-shot detection can reduce the data acquisition time by two orders of magnitude compared to few-kHz lasers while keeping the same signal-to-noise ratio.}, language = {en} }