@phdthesis{Zachary2021, author = {Zachary, Marie}, title = {Functional characterization of small non-coding RNAs of \(Neisseria\) \(gonorrhoeae\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24582}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245826}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {During infection, bacteria need to adapt to a changing environment and have to endure various stress conditions. Small non-coding RNAs are considered as important regulators of bacterial gene expression and so allow quick adaptations by altering expression of specific target genes. Regulation of gene expression in the human-restricted pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea, is only poorly understood. The present study aims a better understanding of gene regulation in N. gonorrhoeae by studying small non-coding RNAs. The discovery of antisense RNAs for all opa genes led to the hypothesis of asRNA-mediated degradation of out-of-frame opa transcripts. Analysis of asRNA expression revealed a very low abundance of the transcripts and inclusion of another phase-variable gene in the study indicates that the asRNAs are not involved in degradation of out-of-frame transcripts. This doctoral thesis focuses on the analysis of trans-acting sRNAs. The sibling sRNAs NgncR_162 and NgncR_163 were discovered as post-transcriptional regulators altering expression of genes involved in metabolic processes, amino acid uptake and transcriptional regulation. A more detailed analysis by in silico and transcriptomic approaches showed that the sRNAs regulate a broad variety of genes coding for proteins of central metabolism, amino acid biosynthesis and degradation and several transport processes. Expression levels of the sibling sRNAs depend on the growth phase of the bacteria and on the growth medium. This indicates that NgncR_162 and NgncR_163 are involved in the adaptation of the gonococcal metabolism to specific growth conditions. This work further initiates characterisation of the sRNA NgncR_237. An in silico analysis showed details on sequence conservation and a possible secondary structure. A combination of in silico target prediction and differential RNA sequencing resulted in the identification of several target genes involved in type IV pilus biogenesis and DNA recombination. However, it was not successful to find induction conditions for sRNA expression. Interestingly, a possible sibling sRNA could be identified that shares the target interaction sequence with NgncR_237 and could therefore target the same mRNAs. In conclusion, this thesis provides further insights in gene regulation by non-coding RNAs in N. gonorrhoeae by analysing two pairs of sibling sRNAs modulating bacterial metabolism or possibly type IV pilus biogenesis.}, subject = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zwettler2021, author = {Zwettler, Fabian Ulrich}, title = {Expansionsmikroskopie kombiniert mit hochaufl{\"o}sender Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21236}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212362}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Fluorescence microscopy is a form of light microscopy that has developed during the 20th century and is nowadays a standard tool in Molecular and Cell biology for studying the structure and function of biological molecules. High-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques, such as dSTORM (direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) allow the visualization of cellular structures at the nanometre scale (10-9 m). This has already made it possible to decipher the composition and function of various biopolymers, such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, up to the three-dimensional (3D) structure of entire organelles. In practice, however, it has been shown that these imaging methods and their further developments still face great challenges in order to achieve an effective resolution below ∼ 10 nm. This is mainly due to the nature of labelling biomolecules. For the detection of molecular structures, immunostaining is often performed as a standard method. Antibodies to which fluorescent molecules are coupled, recognize and bind specifcally and with high affnity to the molecular section of the target structure, also called epitope or antigen. The fluorescent molecules serve as reporter molecules which are imaged with the use of a fluorescence microscope. However, the size of these labels with a length of about 10-15 nm in the case of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, cause a detection of the fluorescent molecules shifted to the real position of the studied antigen. In dense regions where epitopes are located close to each other, steric hindrance between antibodies can also occur and leads to an insuffcient label density. Together with the shifted detection of fluorescent molecules, these factors can limit the achievable resolution of a microscopy technique. Expansion microscopy (ExM) is a recently developed technique that achieves a resolution improvement by physical expansion of an investigated object. Therefore, biological samples such as cultured cells, tissue sections, whole organs or isolated organelles are chemically anchored into a swellable polymer. By absorbing water, this so-called superabsorber increases its own volume and pulls the covalently bound biomolecules isotropically apart. Routinely, this method achieves a magnifcation of the sample by about four times its volume. But protocol variants have already been developed that result in higher expansion factors of up to 50-fold. Since the ExM technique includes in the frst instance only the sample treatment for anchoring and magnifcation of the sample, it can be combined with various standard methods of fluorescence microscopy. In theory, the resolution of the used imaging technique improves linearly with the expansion factor of the ExM treated sample. However, an insuffcient label density and the size of the antibodies can here again impair the effective achievable resolution. The combination of ExM with high-resolution fluorescence microscopy methods represents a promising strategy to increase the resolution of light microscopy. In this thesis, I will present several ExM variants I developed which show the combination of ExM with confocal microscopy, SIM (Structured Illumination Microscopy), STED (STimulated Emission Depletion) and dSTORM. I optimized existing ExM protocols and developed different expansion strategies, which allow the combination with the respective imaging technique. Thereby, I gained new structural insights of isolated centrioles from the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by combining ExM with STED and confocal microscopy. In another project, I combined 3D-SIM imaging with ExM and investigated the molecular structure of the so-called synaptonemal complex. This structure is formed during meiosis in eukaryotic cells and contributes to the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. Especially in combination with dSTORM, the ExM method showed its high potential to overcome the limitations of modern fluorescence microscopy techniques. In this project, I expanded microtubules in mammalian cells, a polymer of the cytoskeleton as well as isolated centrioles from C. reinhardtii. By labelling after expansion of the samples, I was able to signifcantly reduce the linkage error of the label and achieve an improved label density. In future, these advantages together with the single molecule sensitivity and high resolution obtained by the dSTORM method could pave the way for achieving molecular resolution in fluorescence microscopy}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} }