@phdthesis{Vidal2013, author = {Vidal, Marie}, title = {b-adrenergic receptors and Erk1/2-mediated cardiac hypertrophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Chronische Aktivierung von b-Adrenorezeptoren (b-ARs) durch Katecholamine ist ein Stimulus f{\"u}r kardiale Hypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz. Ebenso f{\"u}hrt die Expression von b1-ARs oder Gas-Proteinen in genetisch modifizierten M{\"a}usen zu Hypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die direkte Aktivierung dem Gas nachgeschalteten Komponenten des b-adrenergen Signalwegs wie z.B. die Aktivierung der Adenylylcyclase (AC) oder der Proteinkinase A (PKA) nicht im signifikanten Ausmaß zur Herzhypertrophie. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass zus{\"a}tzlich zu dem klassischen Signalweg, auch weitere durch Gas-Proteine aktivierte Komponenten in die b-adrenerg vermittelte Hypertrophieentwicklung involviert sind. Interessanterweise wurde vor kurzem ein hypertropher Signalweg beschrieben, der eine direkte Involvierung von Gbg-Untereinheiten bei der Induktion von Herzhypertrophie durch die extrazellul{\"a}r-regulierten Kinasen 1 und 2 (ERK1/2) zeigt: Nach Aktivierung Gaq-gekoppelter Rezeptoren binden Gbg-Untereinheiten an die aktivierte Raf/Mek/Erk Kaskade. Die Bindung der freigesetzten Gbg-Untereinheiten an Erk1/2 f{\"u}hrt zu einer Autophosphorylierung von Erk1/2 an Threonin 188 (bzw. Thr208 in Erk1; im folgenden ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung genannt), welche f{\"u}r die Vermittlung kardialer Hypertrophie verantwortlich ist. In dieser Arbeit konnte nun gezeigt werden, dass auch die Aktivierung von b-ARs in M{\"a}usen sowie von isolierten Kardiomyozyten zur Induktion von ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung f{\"u}hrt. Dar{\"u}berhinaus f{\"u}hrte die {\"U}berexpression von Erk2 Mutanten (Erk2T188S und Erk2T188A), die nicht an Threonin 188 phosphoryliert werden k{\"o}nnen, zu einer deutlich reduzierten Hypertrophieantwort von Kardiomyozyten auf Isoproterenol. Auch die kardiale Expression der Erk2T188S Mutante im M{\"a}usen verminderte die Hypertrophieantwort auf eine 2-w{\"o}chige Isoproterenol-Behandlung deutlich: Die linksventrikul{\"a}re Wanddicke, aber auch interstitielle Fibrose und Herzinsuffizienzmarker wie z.B. BNP waren signifikant reduziert. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass tats{\"a}chlich ein Zusammenspiel von Ga und Gbg-vermittelten Signalen zur Induktion von ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung und damit zur Induktion von b-adrenerg vermittelter Hypertrophie notwendig ist. W{\"a}hrend die Hemmung von Gbg-Signalen mit dem C-Terminus der GRK2 oder die Hemmung von Adenylylzyklase eine ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung und eine Hypertrophieantwort nach Isoprenalingabe effektiv reduzierten, f{\"u}hrt die alleinige Aktivierung von Adenylylzyklase nicht zu einer Hypertrophieantwort. Diese Ergebnisse k{\"o}nnten bei der Entwicklung neuer m{\"o}glicher therapeutischen Strategien zur Therapie b-adrenerg induzierter Herzhypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz helfen.}, subject = {Adrenerger Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruff2013, author = {Ruff, Andreas}, title = {On the importance of electronic correlations in potassium-doped organic semiconductors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83635}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The present thesis is concerned with the impact of alkali metal-doping on the electronic structure of semiconducting organic thin films. The organic molecular systems which have been studied are the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons picene, pentacene, and coronene. Motivated by reports about exceptional behavior like superconductivity and electronic correlations of their alkali metal-doped compounds, high quality films fabricated from the above named molecules have been studied. The electronic structure of the pristine materials and their doped compounds has been investigated using photoelectron spectroscopy. Core level and valence band studies of undoped films yield excellent photoemission spectra agreeing with or even outperforming previously reported data from the literature. Alkali metal-doping manifests itself in a uniform manner in the electronic structure for all probed samples: Opposed to reports from the literature about metallicity and even superconductivity in alkali metal-doped picene, pentacene, and coronene, all films exhibit insulating nature with an energy gap of the order of one electron-volt. Remarkably, this is independent of the doping concentration and the type of dopant, i.e., potassium, cesium, or sodium. Based on the interplay between narrow bandwidths in organic semiconductors and sufficiently high on-molecule Coulomb repulsion, the non-metallicity is attributed to the strong influence of electronic correlations leading to the formation of a Mott insulator. In the case of picene, this is consolidated by calculations using a combination of density functional theory and dynamical mean-field theory. Beyond the extensive considerations regarding electronic correlations, further intriguing aspects have been observed. The deposition of thin picene films leads to the formation of a non-equilibrium situation between substrate and film surface. Here, the establishment of a homogeneous chemical potential is hampered due to the only weak van der Waals-interactions between the molecular layers in the films. Consequently, spectral weight is measurable above the reference chemical potential in photoemission. Furthermore, it has been found that the acceptance of additional electrons in pentacene is limited. While picene and coronene are able to host up to three extra electrons, in pentacene the limit is already reached for one electron. Finally, further extrinsic effects, coming along with alkali metal-doping, have been scrutinized. The oxidation of potassium atoms induced by the reaction with molecular oxygen in the residual gas of the ultra-high vacuum system turned out to significantly influence the electronic structure of alkali metal-doped picene and coronene. Moreover, also the applied X-ray and UV irradiation caused a certain impact on the photoemission spectra. Surprisingly, both effects did not play a role in the studies of potassium-doped pentacene.}, subject = {Organischer Halbleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Devine2013, author = {Devine, Eric}, title = {Increased removal of protein bound uremic toxins through reversible modification of the ionic strength during hemodiafiltration}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83583}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A large number of metabolic waste products accumulate in the blood of patients with renal failure. Since these solutes have deleterious effects on the biological functions, they are called uremic toxins and have been classified in three groups: 1) small water soluble solutes (MW < 500 Da), 2) small solutes with known protein binding (MW < 500 Da), and 3) middle molecules (500 Da < MW < 60 kDa). Protein bound uremic toxins are poorly removed by conventional hemodialysis treatments because of their high protein binding and high distribution volume. The prototypical protein bound uremic toxins indoxyl sulfate (IS) and p-cresyl sulfate (pCS) are associated with the progression of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality of patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Furthermore, these two compounds are bound to albumin, the main plasma protein, via electrostatic and/or Van-der-Waals forces. The aim of the present thesis was to develop a dialysis strategy, based on the reversible modification of the ionic strength in the blood stream by increasing the sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration, in order to enhance the removal of protein bound substances, such as IS and pCS, with the ultimate goal to improve clinical patient outcomes. Enhancing the NaCl concentration ([NaCl]) in both human normal and uremic plasma was efficient to reduce the protein bound fraction of both IS and pCS by reducing their binding affinity to albumin. Increasing the ionic strength was feasible during modified pre-dilution hemodiafiltration (HDF) by increasing the [NaCl] in the substitution fluid. The NaCl excess was adequately removed within the hemodialyzer. This method was effective to increase the removal rate of both protein bound uremic toxins. Its ex vivo hemocompatibility, however, was limited by the osmotic shock induced by the high [NaCl] in the substituate. Therefore, modified pre-dilution HDF was further iterated by introducing a second serial cartridge, named the serial dialyzers (SDial) setup. This setting was validated for feasibility, hemocompatibility, and toxin removal efficiency. A better hemocompatibility at similar efficacy was obtained with the SDial setup compared with the modified pre-dilution HDF. Both methods were finally tested in an animal sheep model of dialysis to verify biocompatibility. Low hemolysis and no activation of both the complement and the coagulation systems were observed when increasing the [NaCl] in blood up to 0.45 and 0.60 M with the modified pre-dilution HDF and the SDial setup, respectively. In conclusion, the two dialysis methods developed to transitory enhance the ionic strength in blood demonstrated adequate biocompatibility and improved the removal of protein bound uremic toxins by decreasing their protein bound fraction. The concepts require follow-on clinical trials to assess their in vivo efficacy and their impact on long-term clinical outcomes.}, subject = {H{\"a}modiafiltration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ngwa2013, author = {Ngwa, Che Julius}, title = {The mosquito midgut-specific stages of the malaria parasite as targets for transmission blocking interventions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83594}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die Tropenkrankheit Malaria, wird durch eine Infektion mit einzelligen Parasiten der Gattung Plasmodium verursacht und durch den Stich der weiblichen Anopheles-M{\"u}cke von Mensch zu Mensch verbreitet. Dabei kann eine erfolgreiche {\"U}bertragung des Parasiten auf den Menschen nur dann stattfinden, wenn der Parasit seine sexuelle Entwicklungsphase im Mitteldarm der M{\"u}cke erfolgreich durchl{\"a}uft. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, die Wechselwirkungen des Malariaparasiten im Mitteldarm der M{\"u}cke in Hinblick auf die Identifizierung m{\"o}glicher neuer transmissionsblockierender Strategien zu untersuchen. Der Zweck von transmissionsblockierende Strategien ist es, der Verbreitung der Malaria durch die M{\"u}cke entgegenzuwirken, indem die Entwicklung des Parasiten in der M{\"u}cke unterbunden und dadurch der Lebenszyklus des Parasiten unterbrochen wird. Der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit lag auf insgesamt drei Aspekten. Der erste Aspekt der Arbeit befasste sich mit der Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Para-siten und der mikrobiellen Darmflora der M{\"u}cke. Dabei sollte der m{\"o}gliche Einfluss des Parasiten auf die Darmflora untersucht werden und weiterf{\"u}hrend die potentielle Verwendung von Darmbakterien als Vehikel f{\"u}r die Herstellung paratransgener M{\"u}cken erforscht werden. Vergleichende16S-rRNA- und DGGE-Analysen an der Darmflora des asiatischen Malariavektors Anopheles stephensi zeigten eine deutliche Reduktion der mikrobiellen Diversit{\"a}t w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung vom Ei zur adulten M{\"u}cke. Zudem konnte das gram-negative Bakterium Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, das sich stadien- und generations{\"u}bergreifend verbreitet, als dominante Darmspezies bei im Labor aufgezogenen weiblichen und m{\"a}nnlichen An. stephensi festgestellt werden. Die Dominanz von E. meningoseptica wurde zudem nicht durch die Aufnahme von infiziertem Blut oder einer ver{\"a}nderten Nahrung beeinflusst. F{\"u}r die Studien wurde sowohl der humanpathogene Parasit P. falciparum als auch der Nagermalariaerreger P. berghei verwendet. Weiterf{\"u}hrende Versuche zeigten, dass Extrakte von E. meningoseptica antibakterielle, antifungale und antiplasmodiale Aktivit{\"a}ten aufwiesen, die ein m{\"o}glicher Grund f{\"u}r die Dominanz dieser Spezies im Mitteldarm des Vektors waren. Isolate von E. meningoseptica sind im Labor kultivierbar; dadurch stellt das Bakterium einen potentiellen Kandidaten zur Generierung von paratransgenen Anopheles-M{\"u}cken dar. Ein zweites Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, m{\"o}gliche Unterschiede in der Genexpression von P. falciparum darzustellen, die in den ersten 30 Minuten nach dessen {\"U}bertragung auf die M{\"u}cke erfolgen. Dies hatte zum einen zum Zweck, die durch den Wirtswechsel hervorgerufenen Genregulationen besser zu verstehen, und bot zum anderen die M{\"o}glichkeit, neue Proteine zu identifizieren, die als potentielle transmissionsblockierende Ziele genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Mittels supression substractive hybridization (SSH) konnten insgesamt 126 Gene identifiziert werden, deren Expression sich w{\"a}hrend der Gametogenese ver{\"a}ndert. Die identifizierten Gene konnten einer Vielzahl von putativen Funktionen wie zum Beispiel in der Signaltransduktion (17,5\%), im Zellzyklus (14,3\%) oder im Zytoskelett (8,7\%) zugeordnet werden. Des Weiteren wurden 7,9\% der Gene eine Funktion in der Proteastase und 6,4\% in metabolischen Prozessen zugeordnet. 12,7\% der Gene kodierten f{\"u}r zelloberfl{\"a}chenassoziierte Proteine. 11,9\% der Gene hatten anderen Funktionen, w{\"a}hrend 20\% der Gene keine putative Funktion zugeordnet werden konnte. Etwa 40\% der identifizierten Genprodukte waren bisher nicht in Proteomstudien nachgewiesen worden. In weiterf{\"u}hrenden Analysen wurden 34 Gene aus jeder ontologischen Gruppe ausgew{\"a}hlt und deren Expressionsver{\"a}nderung per quantitativer real time RT-PCR im Detail untersucht. F{\"u}r 29 Gene konnte dabei eine Transkriptexpression in Gametozyten nachgewiesen werden. Zudem wiesen 20 Gene eine erh{\"o}hte Expression in Gametozyten im Vergleich asexuellen Stadien auf. Insgesamt zeigten 8 Gene besonders hohe Transkriptlevel in aktivierten Gametozyten, was auf eine Funktion dieser Proteine w{\"a}hrend der {\"U}bertragung des Parasiten auf die M{\"u}cke hindeutet und diese somit potentielle Angriffspunkte f{\"u}r transmissionsblockierende Strategien darstellen k{\"o}nnten. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit stand die Untersuchung verschiedener antimikrobieller Substanzen in Bezug auf ihre transmissionsblockierenden Eigenschaften im Vordergrund. Die Substanzen waren entweder direkt aus der H{\"a}molymphe verschiedener Insekten isoliert oder rekombinant in transgenem Tabak exprimiert worden. Dabei wurden die rekombinanten Peptide so ausgew{\"a}hlt, dass sie entweder gegen die Mitteldarmstadien des Parasiten wirken oder m{\"u}ckenspezifische Rezeptoren blockieren, die der Parasit f{\"u}r seine weitere Entwicklung ben{\"o}tigt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass das antimikrobielle Molek{\"u}l Harmonin, ein Abwehrmolek{\"u}l aus der H{\"a}molymphe des asiatischen Marienk{\"a}fers Harmonia axyridis, antiplasmodiale als auch transmissions-blockierende Eigenschaften besitzt. Harmonin stellt daher eine potentielle Leitstruktur f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer Malariawirkstoffe dar}, subject = {Malariam{\"u}cke}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaufmann2013, author = {Kaufmann, Tobias}, title = {Brain-computer interfaces based on event-related potentials: toward fast, reliable and easy-to-use communication systems for people with neurodegenerative disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83441}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Objective: Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) provide a muscle independent interaction channel making them particularly valuable for individuals with severe motor impairment. Thus, different BCI systems and applications have been proposed as assistive technology (AT) solutions for such patients. The most prominent system for communication utilizes event-related potentials (ERP) obtained from the electroencephalogram (EEG) to allow for communication on a character-by-character basis. Yet in their current state of technology, daily life use cases of such systems are rare. In addition to the high EEG preparation effort, one of the main reasons is the low information throughput compared to other existing AT solutions. Furthermore, when testing BCI systems in patients, a performance drop is usually observed compared to healthy users. Patients often display a low signal-to-noise ratio of the recorded EEG and detection of brain responses may be aggravated due to internally (e.g. spasm) or externally induced artifacts (e.g. from ventilation devices). Consequently, practical BCI systems need to cope with mani-fold inter-individual differences. Whilst these high demands lead to increasing complexity of the technology, daily life use of BCI systems requires straightforward setup including an easy-to-use graphical user interface that nonprofessionals can handle without expert support. Research questions of this thesis: This dissertation project aimed at bringing forward BCI technology toward a possible integration into end-users' daily life. Four basic research questions were addressed: (1) Can we identify performance predictors so that we can provide users with individual BCI solutions without the need of multiple, demanding testing sessions? (2) Can we provide complex BCI technology in an automated, user-friendly and easy-to-use manner, so that BCIs can be used without expert support at end-users' homes? (3) How can we account for and improve the low information transfer rates as compared to other existing assistive technology solutions? (4) How can we prevent the performance drop often seen when bringing BCI technology that was tested in healthy users to those with severe motor impairment? Results and discussion: (1) Heart rate variability (HRV) as an index of inhibitory control (i.e. the ability to allocate attention resources and inhibit distracting stimuli) was significantly related to ERP-BCI performance and accounted for almost 26\% of variance. HRV is easy to assess from short heartbeat recordings and may thus serve as a performance predictor for ERP-BCIs. Due to missing software solutions for appropriate processing of artifacts in heartbeat data (electrocardiogram and inter-beat interval data), our own tool was developed that is available free of charge. To date, more than 100 researchers worldwide have requested the tool. Recently, a new version was developed and released together with a website (www.artiifact.de). (2) Furthermore, a study of this thesis demonstrated that BCI technology can be incorporated into easy-to-use software, including auto-calibration and predictive text entry. Na{\"i}ve, healthy nonprofessionals were able to control the software without expert support and successfully spelled words using the auto-calibrated BCI. They reported that software handling was straightforward and that they would be able to explain the system to others. However, future research is required to study transfer of the results to patient samples. (3) The commonly used ERP-BCI paradigm was significantly improved. Instead of simply highlighting visually displayed characters as is usually done, pictures of famous faces were used as stimulus material. As a result, specific brain potentials involved in face recognition and face processing were elicited. The event-related EEG thus displayed an increased signal-to-noise ratio, which facilitated the detection of ERPs extremely well. Consequently, BCI performance was significantly increased. (4) The good results of this new face-flashing paradigm achieved with healthy participants transferred well to users with neurodegenerative disease. Using a face paradigm boosted information throughput. Importantly, two users who were highly inefficient with the commonly used paradigm displayed high accuracy when exposed to the face paradigm. The increased signal-to-noise ratio of the recorded EEG thus helped them to overcome their BCI inefficiency. Significance: The presented work at hand (1) successfully identified a physiological predictor of ERP-BCI performance, (2) proved the technology ready to be operated by na{\"i}ve nonprofessionals without expert support, (3) significantly improved the commonly used spelling paradigm and (4) thereby displayed a way to effectively prevent BCI inefficiency in patients with neurodegenerative disease. Additionally, missing software solutions for appropriate handling of artifacts in heartbeat data encouraged development of our own software tool that is available to the research community free of charge. In sum, this thesis significantly improved current BCI technology and enhanced our understanding of physiological correlates of BCI performance.}, subject = {Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Link2013, author = {Link, Jana}, title = {The role of meiotic nuclear envelope components in chromosome dynamics and meiotic progression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83540}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Meiosis is the specialised cell division which produces haploid germ cells, capable of developing into fertile gametes, from diploid progenitor cells. During meiosis, chromosomes undergo strictly regulated and strongly conserved dynamic processes, at the beginning of which the telomeres are actively tethered and intimately attached to the nuclear envelope (NE). The attached telomeres are then moved within the NE through cytoskeletal forces to cluster within a restricted region, forming the highly conserved bouquet stage. Subsequently, the bouquet is released simultaneously to the completion of the synaptonemal complex assembly tightly linking homologous chromosome pairs together. In combination these processes are essential for the successful completion of meiosis. Because the meiotic NE serves as a platform for telomere attachment and movement it can be assumed to be critically involved in these events crucial for fertility. However, the precise roles of many meiotic NE proteins in the attachment and movement of telomeres still remain elusive. Therefore, it was the aim of this thesis to investigate the functions of two mammalian meiotic NE components in telomere attachment and dynamics. The first part of this thesis is concerned with the meiosis-specific lamin C2. Lamin C2 is the only A-type lamin expressed during meiosis and has in previous studies shown to feature altered meiosis-specific properties, clearly distinguishing it from somatic lamins. Because lamin C2 is enriched at sites of telomere attachment, exhibits a high mobility within the nuclear lamina and influences NE integrity, it has been postulated that it may locally increase NE flexibility to allow efficient meiotic telomere movement. Therefore, possible functions of lamin C2 in the movement of attached telomeres were investigated in this thesis by studying the bouquet formation and release of pubertal mice specifically lacking lamin C2. This revealed that lamin C2 deficient mice show a delayed bouquet release, leading to severe defects in the synaptic pairing of homologous chromosomes, which in turn results in infertility of the males. Therefore, the efficient repositioning of attached meiotic telomeres, facilitated by lamin C2, seems essential for completing meiosis. The second part of this thesis focuses on the protein complex responsible for the attachment of meiotic telomeres to the NE and their coupling to the cytoskeleton. The so-called LINC complex is composed of SUN domain proteins in the inner nuclear membrane interacting with KASH domain proteins of the outer nuclear membrane. In previous studies it had been shown that SUN1, SUN2 and KASH5 localise to the attached meiotic telomeres. Regarding the meiotic role of SUN2, however, contradicting results have recently been discussed, showing the need for further investigations. Using an available SUN1 deficient mouse strain, this thesis was able to show that SUN2 is sufficient for telomere attachment per se although telomere attachment is impaired in SUN1 deficient mice leading to infertility. It is also demonstrated that SUN2 forms a functional LINC complex together with KASH5 to mediate this telomere attachment. This LINC complex in the absence of SUN1 is able to move attached telomeres into a bouquet-like cluster formation. Therefore, this demonstrates that SUN2 is involved in the functional attachment and movement of meiotic telomeres. In summary, this thesis has shown SUN2 and the meiotic nuclear lamina to be directly involved in or essential for the highly conserved attachment and movement of telomeres, making them critical for a successful meiosis. The meiotic NE is therefore in this thesis demonstrated to be a determinant of mammalian fertility.}, subject = {Meiose}, language = {en} } @misc{Forster2013, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Forster, Johannes}, title = {Mathematical Modeling of Complex Fluids}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83533}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This thesis gives an overview over mathematical modeling of complex fluids with the discussion of underlying mechanical principles, the introduction of the energetic variational framework, and examples and applications. The purpose is to present a formal energetic variational treatment of energies corresponding to the models of physical phenomena and to derive PDEs for the complex fluid systems. The advantages of this approach over force-based modeling are, e.g., that for complex systems energy terms can be established in a relatively easy way, that force components within a system are not counted twice, and that this approach can naturally combine effects on different scales. We follow a lecture of Professor Dr. Chun Liu from Penn State University, USA, on complex fluids which he gave at the University of Wuerzburg during his Giovanni Prodi professorship in summer 2012. We elaborate on this lecture and consider also parts of his work and publications, and substantially extend the lecture by own calculations and arguments (for papers including an overview over the energetic variational treatment see [HKL10], [Liu11] and references therein).}, subject = {Variationsrechnung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Araragi2013, author = {Araragi, Naozumi}, title = {Electrophysiological investigation of two animal models for emotional disorders - serotonin transporter knockout mice and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 knockout mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Serotonin (5-HT) has been implicated in the regulation of emotions as well as in its pathological states, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Mice with targeted deletion of genes encoding various mediators of central serotonergic neurotransmission therefore provides a powerful tool in understanding contributions of such mediators to homeostatic mechanisms as well as to the development of human emotional disorders. Within this thesis a battery of electrophysiological recordings were conducted in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) and the hippocampus of two murine knockout lines with deficient serotonergic systems. Serotonin transporter knockout mice (5-Htt KO), which lack protein responsible for reuptake of 5-HT from the extracellular space and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 knockout (Tph2 KO) mice, which lack the gene encoding the neuronal 5-HT-synthesising enzyme. First, 5-HT1A receptor-mediated autoinhibition of serotonergic neuron firing in the DRN was assessed using the loose-seal cell-attached configuration. Stimulation of 5-HT1A receptors by a selective agonist, R-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (R-8-OH-DPAT), showed a mild sensitisation and a marked desensitisation of these receptors in Tph2 KO and 5-Htt KO mice, respectively. While application of tryptophan, a precursor of 5-HT and a substrate of Tph2, did not cause autoinhibition in Tph2 KO mice due to the lack of endogenously produced 5-HT, data from 5-Htt KO mice as well as heterozygous mice of both KO mice lines demonstrated the presence of autoinhibitory mechanisms as normal as seen in wildtype (WT) controls. When the Tph2-dependent step in the 5-HT synthesis pathway was bypassed by application of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), serotonergic neurons of both Tph2 KO and 5-Htt KO mice showed decrease in firing rates at lower concentrations of 5-HTP than in WT controls. Elevated responsiveness of serotonergic neurons from Tph2 KO mice correspond to mild sensitisation of 5-HT1A receptors, while responses from 5-Htt KO mice suggest that excess levels of extracellular 5-HT, created by the lack of 5-Htt, stimulates 5-HT1A receptors strong enough to overcome desensitisation of these receptors. Second, the whole-cell patch clamp recording data from serotonergic neurons in the DRN showed no differences in basic electrophysiological properties between Tph2 KO and WT mice, except lower membrane resistances of neurons from KO mice. Moreover, the whole-cell patch clamp recording from CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus of 5-Htt KO mice showed increased conductance both at a steady state and at action potential generation. Lastly, magnitude of long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by the Schaffer collateral/commissural pathway stimulation in the ventral hippocampus showed no differences among Tph2 KO, 5-Htt KO, and WT counterparts. Taken together, lack and excess of extracellular 5-HT caused sensitisation and desensitisation of autoinhibitory 5-HT1A receptors, respectively. However, this may not directly translate to the level of autoinhibitory regulation of serotonergic neuron firing when these receptors are stimulated by endogenously synthesised 5-HT. In general, KO mice studied here showed an astonishing level of resilience to genetic manipulations of the central serotonergic system, maintaining overall electrophysiological properties and normal LTP inducibility. This may further suggest existence of as-yet-unknown compensatory mechanisms buffering potential alterations induced by genetic manipulations.}, subject = {Serotonin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dreykluft2013, author = {Dreykluft, Angela}, title = {The PD-1/B7-H1 Pathway in a Transgenic Mouse Model for Spontaneous Autoimmune Neuroinflammation: Immunological Studies on Devic B7-H1-/- Mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83288}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system characterized by inflammatory, demyelinating lesions and neuronal death. Formerly regarded as a variant of MS, neuromyelitis optica (NMO)/Devic's disease is now recognized as a distinct neurological disorder exhibiting characteristic inflammatory and demyelinated foci in the optic nerves and the spinal cord sparing the brain. With the introduction of the double-transgenic "Devic mouse" model featuring spontaneous, adjuvant-free incidence of autoimmune neuroinflammation due to the interaction of transgenic MOG-specific T and B cells, a promising tool was found for the analysis of factors triggering or preventing autoimmunity. The co-inhibitory molecule B7-H1 has been proposed to contribute to the maintenance of peripheral tolerance and to confine autoimmune inflammatory damage via the PD-1/B7-H1 pathway. Compared to Devic B7-H1+/+ mice, Devic B7-H1-/- mice developed clinical symptoms with a remarkably higher incidence rate and faster kinetics emphasized by deteriorated disease courses and a nearly quadrupled mortality rate. Remarkably enlarged immune-cell accumulation in the CNS of Devic B7-H1-/- mice, in particular of activated MOG-specific CD4+ T cells, correlated with the more severe clinical features. Our studies showed that the CNS not only was the major site of myelin-specific CD4+ T-cell activation but also that B7-H1 expression within the target organ significantly influenced T-cell activation and differentiation levels. Analysis at disease maximum revealed augmented accumulation of MOG-specific CD4+ T cells in the peripheral lymphoid organs of Devic B7-H1-/- mice partly due to increased T-cell proliferation rates. Transgenic MOG-specific B cells of Devic B7-H1-/- mice activated MOG-specific CD4+ T cells more efficiently than B cells of Devic B7-H1+/+ mice. This observation indicated a relevant immune-modulating role of B7-H1 on APCs (antigen-presenting cells) in this mouse model. We also assumed altered thymic selection processes to be involved in increased peripheral CD4+ T-cell numbers of Devic B7-H1-/- mice as we found more thymocytes expressing the transgenic MOG-specific T-cell receptor (TCR). Moreover, preliminary in vitro experiments hinted on an enhanced survival of TCRMOG-transgenic CD4+ T cells of Devic B7-H1-/- mice; a mechanism that might as well have led to higher peripheral T-cell accumulation. Elevated levels of MOG-specific CD4+ T cells in the periphery of Devic B7-H1-/- mice could have entailed the higher quantities in the CNS. However, mechanisms such as CNS-specific proliferation and/or apoptosis/survival could also have contributed. This should be addressed in future investigations. Judging from in vitro migration assays and adoptive transfer experiments on RAG-1-/- recipient mice, migratory behavior of MOG-specific CD4+ T cells of Devic B7-H1+/+ and Devic B7-H1-/- mice seemed not to differ. However, enhanced expression of the transmigration-relevant integrin LFA-1 on CD4+ T cells in young symptom-free Devic B7-H1-/- mice might hint on temporally differently pronounced transmigration capacities during the disease course. Moreover, we attributed the earlier conversion of CD4+ T cells into Th1 effector cells in Devic B7-H1-/- mice during the initiation phase to the lack of co-inhibitory signaling via PD-1/B7-H1 possibly leading to an accelerated disease onset. Full blown autoimmune inflammatory processes could have masked these slight effects of B7-H1 in the clinical phase. Accordingly, at peak of the disease, Th1 and Th17 effector functions of peripheral CD4+ T cells were comparable in both mouse groups. Moreover, judging from titers of MOG-specific IgG1 and IgM antibodies, alterations in humoral immunity were not detected. Therefore, clinical differences could not be explained by altered T-cell or B-cell effector functions at disease maximum. B7-H1 rather seemed to take inhibitory effect in the periphery during the initiation phase only and consistently within the target organ by parenchymal expression. Our observations indicate that B7-H1 plays a relevant role in the regulation of T-cell responses in this mouse model for spontaneous CNS autoimmunity. By exerting immune-modulating effects in the preclinical as well as the clinical phase of the disease, B7-H1 contributed to the confinement of the immunopathological tissue damage in Devic B7-H1+/+ mice mirrored by later disease onsets and lower disease scores. As a model for spontaneous autoimmunity featuring a close to 100 \% incidence rate, the Devic B7-H1-/- mouse may prove instrumental in clarifying disease-triggering and -limiting factors and in validating novel therapeutic approaches in the field of autoimmune neuroinflammation, in particular the human Devic's disease.}, subject = {Autoimmunit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dunkel2013, author = {Dunkel, Nico}, title = {Regulation of virulence-associated traits of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans by nitrogen availability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83076}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Nitrogen-regulated pathogenesis describes the expression of virulence attributes as direct response to the quantity and quality of an available nitrogen source. As consequence of nitrogen availability, the opportunistic human fungal pathogen Candida albicans changes its morphology and secretes aspartic proteases [SAPs], both well characterized virulence attributes. C. albicans, contrarily to its normally non-pathogenic relative Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is able to utilize proteins, which are considered as abundant and important nitrogen source within the human host. To assimilate complex proteinaceous matter, extracellular proteolysis is followed by uptake of the degradation products through dedicated peptide transporters (di-/tripeptide transporters [PTRs] and oligopeptide transporters [OPTs]). The expression of both traits is transcriptionally controlled by Stp1 - the global regulator of protein utilization - in C. albicans. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the regulation of virulence attributes of the pathogenic fungus C. albicans by nitrogen availability in more detail. Within a genome wide binding profile of Stp1, during growth with proteins, more than 600 Stp1 target genes were identified, thereby confirming its role in the usage of proteins, but also other nitrogenous compounds as nitrogen source. Moreover, the revealed targets suggest an involvement of Stp1 in the general adaption to nutrient availability as well as in the environmental stress response. With the focus on protein utilization and nitrogen-regulated pathogenesis, the regulation of the major secreted aspartic protease Sap2 - additionally one of the prime examples of allelic heterogeneity in C. albicans - was investigated in detail. Thereby, the heterogezygous SAP2 promoter helped to identify an unintended genomic alteration as the true cause of a growth defect of a C. albicans mutant. Additionally, the promoter region, which was responsible for the differential activation of the SAP2 alleles, was delimited. Furthermore, general Sap2 induction was demonstrated to be mediated by distinct cis-acting elements that are required for a high or a low activity of SAP2 expression. For the utilization of proteins as nitrogen source it is also crucial to take up the peptides that are produced by extracellular proteolysis. Therefore, the function and importance of specific peptide transporters was investigated in C. albicans mutants, unable to use peptides as nitrogen source (opt1Δ/Δ opt2Δ/Δ opt3Δ/Δ opt4Δ/Δ opt5Δ/Δ ptr2Δ/Δ ptr22Δ/Δ septuple null mutants). The overexpression of individual transporters in these mutants revealed differential substrate specificities and expanded the specificity of the OPTs to dipeptides, a completely new facet of these transporters. The peptide-uptake deficient mutants were further used to elucidate, whether indeed proteins and peptides are an important in vivo nitrogen source for C. albicans. It was found that during competitive colonization of the mouse intestine these mutants exhibited wild-type fitness, indicating that neither proteins nor peptides are primary nitrogen sources required to efficiently support growth of C. albicans in the mouse gut. Adequate availability of the preferred nitrogen source ammonium represses the utilization of proteins and other alternative nitrogen sources, but also the expression of virulence attributes, like Sap secretion and nitrogen-starvation induced filamentation. In order to discriminate, whether ammonium availability is externally sensed or determined inside the cell by C. albicans, the response to exterior ammonium concentrations of ammonium-uptake deficient mutants (mep1Δ/Δ mep2Δ/Δ null mutants) was investigated. This study showed that presence of an otherwise suppressing ammonium concentration did not inhibit Sap2 proteases secretion and arginine-induced filamentation in these mutants. Conclusively, ammonium availability is primarily determined inside the cell in order to control the expression of virulence traits. In sum, the present work contributes to the current understanding of how C. albicans regulates expression of virulence-associated traits in response to the presence of available nitrogen sources - especially proteins and peptides - in order to adapt its lifestyle within a human host.}, subject = {Candida albicans}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bach2013, author = {Bach, Fabian}, title = {Charged Current Top Quark Couplings at the LHC}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-82358}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The top quark plays an important role in current particle physics, from a theoretical point of view because of its uniquely large mass, but also experimentally because of the large number of top events recorded by the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS, which makes it possible to directly measure the properties of this particle, for example its couplings to the other particles of the standard model (SM), with previously unknown precision. In this thesis, an effective field theory approach is employed to introduce a minimal and consistent parametrization of all anomalous top couplings to the SM gauge bosons and fermions which are compatible with the SM symmetries. In addition, several aspects and consequences of the underlying effective operator relations for these couplings are discussed. The resulting set of couplings has been implemented in the parton level Monte Carlo event generator WHIZARD in order to provide a tool for the quantitative assessment of the phenomenological implications at present and future colliders such as the LHC or a planned international linear collider. The phenomenological part of this thesis is focused on the charged current couplings of the top quark, namely anomalous contributions to the trilinear tbW coupling as well as quartic four-fermion contact interactions of the form tbff, both affecting single top production as well as top decays at the LHC. The study includes various aspects of inclusive cross section measurements as well as differential distributions of single tops produced in the t channel, bq → tq', and in the s channel, ud → tb. We discuss the parton level modelling of these processes as well as detector effects, and finally present the prospected LHC reach for setting limits on these couplings with 10 resp. 100 fb-1 of data recorded at √s = 14 TeV.}, subject = {LHC}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Regneri2013, author = {Regneri, Janine}, title = {Transcriptional regulation of cancer genes in the Xiphophorus melanoma system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-82319}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The Xiphophorus melanoma system is a useful animal model for the study of the genetic basis of tumor formation. The development of hereditary melanomas in interspecific hybrids of Xiphophorus is connected to pigment cell specific overexpression of the mutationally activated receptor tyrosine kinase Xmrk. In purebred fish the oncogenic function of xmrk is suppressed by the molecularly still unidentified locus R. The xmrk oncogene was generated by a gene duplication event from the Xiphophorus egfrb gene and thereby has acquired a new 5' regulatory sequence, which has probably altered the transcriptional control of the oncogene. So far, the xmrk promoter region was still poorly characterized and the molecular mechanism by which R controls xmrk-induced melanoma formation in Xiphophorus still remained to be elucidated. To test the hypothesis that R controls melanoma development in Xiphophorus on the transcriptional level, the first aim of the thesis was to gain a deeper insight into the transcriptional regulation of the xmrk oncogene. To this end, a quantitative analysis of xmrk transcript levels in different Xiphophorus genotypes carrying either the highly tumorigenic xmrkB or the non-tumorigenic xmrkA allele was performed. I was able to demonstrate that expression of the tumorigenic xmrkB allele is strongly increased in malignant melanomas of R-free backcross hybrids compared to benign lesions, macromelanophore spots, and healthy skin. The expression level of the non-tumorigenic xmrkA allele, in contrast, is not influenced by the presence or absence of R. These findings strongly indicate that differential transcriptional regulation of the xmrk promoter triggers the tumorigenic potential of these xmrk alleles. To functionally characterize the xmrk promoter region, I established a luciferase assay using BAC clones containing the genomic regions where xmrk and egfrb are located for generation of reporter constructs. This approach showed for the first time a melanoma cell specific transcriptional activation of xmrkB by its flanking regions, thereby providing the first functional evidence that the xmrk oncogene is controlled by a pigment cell specific promoter region. Subsequent analysis of different deletion constructs of the xmrkB BAC reporter construct strongly indicated that the regulatory elements responsible for the tumor-inducing overexpression of xmrkB in melanoma cells are located within 67 kb upstream of the xmrk oncogene. Taken together, these data indicate that melanoma formation in Xiphophorus is regulated by a tight transcriptional control of the xmrk oncogene and that the R locus acts through this mechanism. As the identification of the R-encoded gene(s) is necessary to fully understand how melanoma formation in Xiphophorus is regulated, I furthermore searched for alternative R candidate genes in this study. To this end, three genes, which are located in the genomic region where R has been mapped, were evaluated for their potential to be a crucial constituent of the regulator locus R. Among these genes, I identified pdcd4a, the ortholog of the human tumor suppressor gene PDCD4, as promising new candidate, because this gene showed the expression pattern expected from the crucial tumor suppressor gene encoded at the R locus.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kullmann2013, author = {Kullmann, Martin Armin}, title = {Tracing Excited-State Photochemistry by Multidimensional Electronic Spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Light-induced excitation of matter proceeds within femtoseconds, resulting in excited states. Originating from these states chemical reaction mechanisms, like isomerization or bond formation, set in. Photophysical mechanisms like energy distribution and excitonic delocalization also occur. Thus, the reaction scheme has to be disentangled by assessing the importance of each process. Spectroscopic methods based on fs laser pulses have emerged as a versatile tool to study these reactions. Within this thesis time-resolved experiments with fs laser pulses on various molecular systems were performed. Novel photosystems, with possible applications ranging from ultrathin molecular wires to molecular switches, were extensively characterized. To resolve the complex kinetics of the investigated systems, time-resolved techniques had to be newly developed. By combining a visible excitation pulse pair with an additional pulse and a continuum probe electronic triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy (TE2D) was demonstrated for the first time. This goal was accomplished by combining a three-color transient-absorption setup with a pulse shaper. Hence, 2D spectroscopy with a continuum probe was also implemented. Using these methods two different molecular systems in solution were characterized in a comprehensive manner. (ZnTPP)2, a directly beta,beta'-linked Zn-metallated bisporphyrin, and a spiropyran-merocyanine photosystem, 6,8-dinitro BIPS, were characterized. (ZnTPP)2 is a homodimer, featuring strong excitonic effects. These manifest themselves in a twofold splitting of the Soret band (S2). 6,8-Dinitro BIPS exists in one of two possible conformations. The ring closed spiropyran absorbs only in the UV, while the ring open merocyanine also absorbs in the visible. For both molecular systems photodynamics upon illumination were monitored using transient-absorption. However, the obtained results were ambiguous, necessitating more complex methods. In the case of (ZnTPP)2 first the monomeric building block was characterized. There, population transfer from the S2 state into S1 within 2 ps was identified. Afterwards, intersystem crossing proceeds within 2 ns. For (ZnTPP)2 similar pathways were found, albeit the relaxation is faster. The intersystem crossing with 1.5 ns was not only indirectly deduced but directly measured by probing in the NIR spectral range. The excitonic influence of was investigated by coherent 2D spectroscopy in the Soret band. Population transfer within S2 was directly visualized on a time-scale of 100 fs. Calculation of the 2D spectra of a simple homodimer confirmed the results. After this analysis of the distinct excitonic character, this molecule may serve as a building block for larger porphyrin arrays with applications ranging from asymmetric catalysis over biomimicry of electron-transfer to organic optical devices. The second photosystem was the molecular switch 6,8-dinitro BIPS, existing in two conformations. Merocyanine is the more stable form in thermal equilibrium. Transient-absorption measurements uncovered that the sample consisted of a mixture of two merocyanine isomers, referred to as TTC and TTT. However, both isomers are capable of ring-closure forming spiropyran. The remaining excited molecules return to the ground state radiatively. Conducting 2D measurements utilizing a continuum probe the differing photochemistry of both isomers was examined in a single measurement. No isomerization between these conformations was detected. Therefore, 6,8-dinitro BIPS performs a concerted switching without long-living intermediates. This was confirmed by a pump-repump-probe scan. 6,8-DinitroBIPS can be closed by visible and opened by UV pulses using subsequent pulses and vice versa. These mechanisms via singlet pathways satisfy an important criterion for a unimolecular switching device. A second pump-repump-probe experiment showed that the sample is ionized, resulting in a merocyanine radical cation, when the first excited state is resonantly excited. Furthermore, by implementing TE2Dspectroscopy, it was elucidated that only TTC was ionized. Taking all this into account new techniques were developed and complex molecular systems were characterized within this thesis. Deeper insight into the photodynamics of (ZnTPP)2and 6,8-dinitro BIPS was gained by adapting transient absorption for the NIR spectral range, constructing a 2D setup in pump-probe geometry, and combining it with multipulse excitation to coherent TE2D. All techniques solved the questions for which they were constructed, but they are not limited to these cases. Especially TE2D opens new roads in photochemistry. By connecting reactant, product and the corresponding intermediates, a chemical reaction can be tracked through all stages, making unambiguous identification of the reactive states feasible. Thus, fundamental insight into the photochemistry of molecular compounds is gained.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sperlich2013, author = {Sperlich, Andreas}, title = {Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Conjugated Polymers and Fullerenes for Organic Photovoltaics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81244}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In the presented thesis, the various excited states encountered in conjugated organic semiconductors are investigated with respect to their utilization in organic thin-film solar cells. Most of these states are spin-baring and can therefore be addressed by means of magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The primary singlet excitation (spin 0), as well as positive and negative polaronic charge carriers (spin 1/2) are discussed. Additionally, triplet excitons (spin 1) and charge transfer complexes are examined, focussing on their differing spin-spin interaction strength. For the investigation of these spin-baring states especially methods of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) are best suited. Therefore according experimental methods were implemented in the course of this work to study conjugated polymers, fullerenes and their blends with continuous wave as well as time-resolved EPR and optically detected magnetic resonance.}, subject = {Organische Solarzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gsaenger2013, author = {Gs{\"a}nger, Marcel}, title = {Organic Thin-Film Transistors Based on Dipolar Squaraine Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80588}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In summary, it can be stated that the herein studied set of acceptor-substituted squaraine dyes can be seen as potent candidates for OTFTs. Furthermore, their transistor performance can be easily tuned to obtain hole mobilities up to 0.45 cm2/Vs from solution and 1.3 cm2/Vs from sublimation by choosing adequate deposition techniques. In the end, a probable structural model derived from studies of the thin-film morphology by methods such as optical spectroscopy, AFM and X-ray even facilitated the clarification of the observed charge transport behavior.}, subject = {Organische Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mandel2013, author = {Mandel, Karl}, title = {Synthesis and Characterisation of Superparamagnetic Nanocomposite Particles for Water Purification and Resources Recovery}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81208}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Superparamagnetic nanocomposite microparticles, compromised of magnetite nanoparticles in a silica matrix, have been synthesised and surface-modified to act as adsorbers for substances (e.g. toxic heavy metals or valuable resources) dissolved in fluids like water. The particles can be used for a magnetic-extraction-assisted separation process of these target substances which thereby can be recovered from the fluid.}, subject = {Magnetisches Trennverfahren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Geissler2013, author = {Geissler, Julia Maria}, title = {Neuropsychological Endophenotypes of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79221}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) endophenotypes as a link between phenotype and genotype were the focus of the present work. Candidate endophenotypes were investigated via neuropsychological tasks during the simultaneous recording of a 21-channel electroencephalogram. Since endophenotypes are assumed to more closely reflect genetic variation, the influence of ADHD-associated genes Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT), the dopamine transporter (DAT, SLC6A3) and Latrophilin-3 (LPHN3) was analysed. Response inhibition was assessed with a cued Continuous Performance Test, for working memory we used an n-back task, sensory gating was measured via the paired clicks paradigm and response time variability (RTV) was quantified by the standard deviation of reaction times. The sample comprised medicated (N=36) and unmedicated (N=42) ADHD patients and matched control children and adolescents (N=41). The electrophysiological correlate of response inhibition was the centroid location during response execution and inhibition, and the degree of anteriorization (NGA). Sensory gating reflects the attenuation of the P50 response to the second of two auditory stimuli presented in short succession. Working memory was examined during target and non-target trials, reflecting specific information processing stages: early sensory processing (P100 and N100), selection of material (P150), memory retrieval (N300), event categorization (P300) and updating of working memory content (P450). Performance was quantified in terms of omission errors reflecting inattention and false alarms reflecting impulsivity, as well as speed and variability of reactions. Unmedicated ADHD patients had more omission errors and more variable reaction times, pointing to difficulties with attention and state regulation. NGA did not prove an optimal endophenotype candidate, since it was not yet developed in approximately half of the examined children and adolescents. It was independent of diagnosis; however ADHD risk alleles for DAT conferred lower NGA as well as more variable reaction times across groups. DAT genotype interacted with diagnosis on the level of centroid location, however, it did not manifest in performance deficits. In the case of sensory gating, homozygosity for the DAT allele associated with ADHD (10R) conferred impairment. ADHD was only relevant in participants without genetic risk, where patients without medication struggled most with suppression. In the working memory task, DAT modulated the timing of material selection in interaction with cognitive load and diagnosis: under high load unmedicated patients showed delayed responses, while under low load risk carriers on medication had faster responses than controls. Early processing and event-categorization were stronger in unmedicated ADHD with risk genotype, but dampened without risk. An interesting trend emerged for LPHN3, where carrying all risk variants was associated with higher NGA in ADHD patients irrespective of medication. This warrants further study, as the haplotype also exerts a positive influence on sensory gating specifically in patients. At the same time within the genetic risk group, unmedicated patients had the weakest NGA. However, the LPHN3 risk haplotype effected more posterior Go centroids, putatively facilitating response execution, which is supported by a higher number of false alarms. When inhibition was required, the risk variants led to more posterior centroids in unmedicated compared to medicated patients as well as controls, speaking to differences in inhibition-related brain activation. While as expected the risk haplotype led to compromised gating in unmedicated ADHD, this was reversed in healthy controls where the haplotype was acting in a protective manner with enhanced filtering. During working memory operations, the risk haplotype showed stronger N300 responses suggesting investment of more resources. While COMT did not exert an influence on NGA directly, carriers of the risk allele (met) had more posterior centroids both during response execution and inhibition, and displayed more variable responses in addition to being more prone to false alarms. Unmedicated patients produced smaller P300 during successful execution of responses than controls in absence of the risk allele, while with risk they had shorter latencies and presumably tend towards premature reactions. Additionally, it brought out impairments in sensory gating, thus making unmedicated patients less able to filter out irrelevant information, while they were able to compensate with the protective genotype. The influence of COMT on sensory gating seems to be specific for ADHD, as this gene was of no consequence in healthy controls. In the working memory task, met was beneficial for updating as reflected by P450 amplitude. In ADHD irrespective of medication COMT did not change P450 strength, but for controls this effect was observed.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit-Syndrom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niemann2013, author = {Niemann, Sylvia}, title = {Seed Coat Permeability of Active Ingredients}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79585}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The seed coat is the barrier controlling exchange of solutes between the plant embryo and its environment. This exchange is of importance for example in the uptake of germination inhibitors or in the uptake of agrochemicals applied as seed treatment. A thorough understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying solute permeation across the seed coat would help to improve the effectiveness of seed treatment formulations. In seed treatment formulations, additives can be used to enhance or decrease mobility or uptake of the active ingredient (AI). In the present study the seed coat barrier properties and the seed coat permeation process was examined with the model species Pisum sativum and with a set of model solutes. The lipophilic fraction of the seed coat was analysed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and it was found that the total lipophilic compartment of the seed coat represents 0.61 \% of the weight of a swollen seed coat. The seed is covered by a lipophilic cuticle. The seed coat coverage with cuticular waxes is ten to 18-fold lower than wax coverage of pea leaves, though. In order to examine sorption of solutes in the small lipophilic compartment of the seed coat, seed coat/water partition coefficients were determined. These cover a much smaller range than the corresponding n-octanol/water partition coefficients. The lipophilic sorption compartment as calculated from the seed coat/water partition coefficient data is smaller than the analysed total lipophilic compartment of the seed coat since not all of the lipid components can act as sorption compartment. During seed swelling, the pea seed nearly doubles its weight. The uptake of water is driven by the very low water potential of the dry seed and controlled by the seed coat hydraulic conductivity both of which increase during seed swelling. Depending on the available form of water, water uptake can take place by diffusion from air humidity or by mass flow from liquid water. Water uptake by a seed in moist sand takes place by a combination of both uptake mechanisms. The basic transport mechanism underlying solute permeation of seed coats was analysed by steady-state experiments with a newly devised experimental setup. The permeance P for permeation of the set of model compounds across isolated seed coat halves ranged from 3.34 x 10-8 m s-1 for abamectin to 18.9 x 10-8 m s-1 for caffeine. It was found that solute permeation across the seed coat takes aqueous pathways. This was concluded from the facts that molar volume instead of lipophilicity of the solutes determine permeation and that the temperature effect on permeation is very small. This is in contrast to typical leaf and fruit cuticular uptake where lipophilic pathways dominate. Solute uptake across the seed coat can take place by two different mechanisms both of which take aqueous pathways. Uptake can be by diffusion and in the presence of a bulk flow of water driven by a water potential difference also by solvent drag. The presence of the solvent drag uptake mechanism shows that the aqueous pathways form an aqueous continuum across the seed coat. These findings indicate that the seed coat covering cuticle does not form a continuous barrier enclosing the seed. In order to examine solute uptake across the seed coat under conditions close to a situation taking place in the field, the process of uptake of a seed treatment AI in the field was simulated. In the situation of a treated seed in the field, the seed treatment residue dissolves and then the AI can move either into the surrounding soil or across the seed coat into the seed. Uptake across the seed coat can take place either by diffusion or during seed swelling by the solvent drag mechanism. Since the seed treatment residue depletes over time, non-steady-state uptake takes place. To simulate these processes, laboratory scale seed treatment methods were established to produce treated seeds and isolated treated seed coat halves. Experimental setups for non-steady-state uptake experiments were established with whole treated seeds and with isolated treated seed coat halves as simplified screening tool. By modelling of the AI uptake as a first-order process the rate constant k and the final relative uptake amount Mt→∞ M0-1 were obtained. With k and Mt→∞ M0-1 a quantification and comparison of the uptake curves was possible. Both in the experiments with whole treated seeds and with isolated treated seed coats, uptake of metalaxyl-M was much faster than uptake of sedaxane. In the uptake of a seed treatment AI, not only the solute's molar volume but also its water solubility determine uptake. The solute's water solubility is important for dissolution of the AI from the seed treatment residue and thus determines availability of the AI for uptake. Water solubility also controls the possible concentration in solution and thus the driving force for diffusive uptake. Furthermore, the AI amount taken up by solvent drag is determined by concentration in the inflowing water and thus by water solubility. In the experiments with whole treated seeds the additive effects on uptake were smaller than in the experiments with isolated treated seed coats or not significant. Adigor functions as an emulsifier and can lead to a slight increase of AI mobilisation from the seed treatment residue. NeoCryl A-2099 can cause a slowed down release of the AI from the seed treatment residue. The effects of both additives were smaller than the effect caused by different AI physico-chemical properties. Therefore, the most important factor determining uptake of a seed treatment AI are the AI's physico-chemical properties, especially its water solubility.}, subject = {Samenschale}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Solanki2013, author = {Solanki, Narendra}, title = {Novelty choice in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78377}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This study explores novelty choice, a behavioral paradigm for the investigation of visual pattern recognition and learning of the fly Drosophila melanogaster in the flight simulator. Pattern recognition in novelty choice differs significantly from pattern recognition studied by heat conditioning, although both paradigms use the same test. Out of the four pattern parameters that the flies can learn in heat conditioning, novelty choice can be shown for height (horizontal bars differing in height), size and vertical compactness but not for oblique bars oriented at +/- 45°. Upright and inverted Ts [differing in their centers of gravity (CsOG) by 13°] that have been extensively used for heat conditioning experiments, do not elicit novelty choice. In contrast, horizontal bars differing in their CsOG by 13° do elicit novelty choice; so do the Ts after increasing their CsOG difference from 13° to 23°. This indicates that in the Ts the heights of the CsOG are not the only pattern parameters that matter for the novelty choice behavior. The novelty choice and heat conditioning paradigms are further differentiated using the gene rutabaga (rut) coding for a type 1 adenylyl cyclase. This protein had been shown to be involved in memory formation in the heat conditioning paradigm. Novelty choice is not affected by mutations in the rut gene. This is in line with the finding that dopamine, which in olfactory learning is known to regulate Rutabaga via the dopamine receptor Dumb in the mushroom bodies, is dispensable for novelty choice. It is concluded that in novelty choice the Rut cAMP pathway is not involved. Novelty choice requires short term working memory, as has been described in spatial orientation during locomotion. The protein S6KII that has been shown to be involved in visual orientation memory in walking flies is found here to be also required for novelty choice. As in heat conditioning the central complex plays a major role in novelty choice. The S6KII mutant phenotype for height can be rescued in some subsets of the ring neurons of the ellipsoid body. In addition the finding that the ellipsoid body mutants ebo678 and eboKS263 also show a mutant phenotype for height confirm the importance of ellipsoid body for height novelty choice. Interestingly some neurons in the F1 layer of the fan-shaped body are necessary for height novelty choice. Furthermore, different novelty choice phenotypes for different pattern parameters are found with and without mushroom bodies. Mushroom bodies are required in novelty choice for size but they are dispensable for height and vertical compactness. This special circuit requirement for the size parameter in novelty choice is found using various means of interference with mushroom body function during development or adulthood.}, subject = {Drosophila melanogaster}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pielstroem2013, author = {Pielstr{\"o}m, Steffen}, title = {On the Role of Local Information in the Spatial Organisation of Collective Nest Digging in the Leaf-Cutting Ant Atta vollenweideri (Forel, 1893)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79118}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Many ant species excavate underground nests. One of the most impressive examples is the Chaco leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri from the Gran Chaco region in South America. The nests excavated by the workers of that species are among the largest insect-built structures on the planet. They are ecavated over years possibly involving millions of working individuals. However, the mechanisms underlying the organisation of collective nest digging in ants remain largely unknown. Considering the sheer dimensions of the nest in comparison to the size and presumably limited perceptual and cognitive abilities of the single worker, the assumption can be made that organising mechanisms are mostly based on responses of individuals to local stimuli within their perceptual range. Among these local stimuli that guide nest digging we can expect environmental variables, stimuli that relate to the requirements of the colony, and stimuli related to the spatial coordination of collective effort. The present thesis investigates the role of local stimuli from these three categories in the organisation of collective digging behaviour in the Chaco leaf-cutting ant. It describes experiments on (1) how workers respond in the context of digging to differences in soil moisture, which comprises an important environmental variable; (2) how available nest space influences nest enlargement; (3) and how the spatial coordination of excavating workers is implemented by responding to stimuli arising from nest mates while engaged in digging behaviour. The experiments on soil water content show that workers prefer to dig in moist materials that allow for fast excavation and transport rates. Accordingly, an unequal distribution of water in the soil around a nest can influence how the nest shape develops. On the other hand, results also indicate that workers strongly avoid excavating in extremely moist materials. Regarding the abundant occurrence of flooding events in the Gran Chaco region, the latter can be interpreted as an adaptation to avoid water inflow into the nest. In the experiments on the effect of nest space, the ants excavated less when presented with larger nests. When a large amount of space was suddenly added to the nest during the digging process, excavation rates decreased according to the new volume. These observations confirm the hypothesis that digging activity is regulated according to space requirements, possibly because crowding conditions inside the nest influence excavation behaviour. However, observations also indicate an intrinsic decrease of digging motivation with time. Moreover, excavation rates correlate with nest size only when comparing nests of similar shape. Distributing a similar nest volume to three smaller chambers, instead of one, resulted in drastically decreased digging rates. A possible explanation for that observation lies in the distribution of workers inside the nest that may vary according to nest geometry: a different distribution of individuals can lead to in different local crowding conditions in similar nest volumes. Furthermore, two different stimuli are described that are used in the spatial coordination of collective digging effort. First, fresh soil pellets deposited close to the digging site on their way from the surface increase the probability that arriving workers join excavation efforts at the same site. The deposition of pellets on the way is a consequence of sequential task partitioning during soil transport. The pellets are carried in transport chains that closely resemble the modalities of leaf transport observed at the surface. Second, workers stridulate while digging. The short-ranged vibrational signals produced thereby also attract nest mates to excavate at the same location. Accordingly, two mutually complementing mechanisms are described that allow to concentrate excavators at one location. In both cases, a local stimulus that is generated by current close-by excavation activity increases the probability of the stimulus receiver to dig close to other excavators. In an environment otherwise poor in digging stimuli, these mechanisms can be especially important to give collective digging efforts a common direction. As a consequence it can be argued that the spatial organisation of collective digging is based on choice copying. Individuals copy nest mate decisions on where to excavate by responding to local stimuli provided by nest mate digging activity. Taken together, responses to local stimuli can determine the direction of nest growth, aid in preventing the inflow of surface water into the nest, guide the adjustment of nest size to colony requirements and spatially coordinate collective digging efforts. Even though it cannot be ruled out that digging responses based e.g. on spatial memory or long-term experience exist, the results presented here clearly demonstrate that responses to local information account for many important aspects of nest development.}, subject = {Blattschneiderameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herrmann2013, author = {Herrmann, Christian}, title = {Robotic Motion Compensation for Applications in Radiation Oncology}, isbn = {978-3-923959-88-4}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-6727}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79045}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Aufgrund vieler Verbesserungen der Behandlungsmethoden im Laufe der letzten 60 Jahre, erlaubt die Strahlentherapie heutzutage pr{\"a}zise Behandlungen von statischen Tumoren. Jedoch birgt die Bestrahlung von sich bewegenden Tumoren noch große Herausforderungen in sich, da bewegliche Tumore oft den Behandlungsstrahl verlassen. Dabei reduziert sich die Strahlendosis im Tumor w{\"a}hrend sich diese im umliegenden gesunden Gewebe erh{\"o}ht. Diese Forschungsarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Grenzen der Strahlentherapie zu erweitern, um pr{\"a}zise Behandlungen von beweglichen Tumoren zu erm{\"o}glichen. Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt auf der Erstellung eines Echtzeitsystems zur aktiven Kompensation von Tumorbewegungen durch robotergest{\"u}tzte Methoden. W{\"a}hrend Behandlungen befinden sich Patienten auf einer Patientenliege, mit der statische Lagerungsfehler vor Beginn einer Behandlung korrigiert werden. Die in dieser Arbeit verwendete Patientenliege "HexaPOD" ist ein paralleler Manipulator mit sechs Freiheitsgraden, der große Lasten innerhalb eines eingeschr{\"a}nkten Arbeitsbereichs pr{\"a}zise positionieren kann. Obwohl der HexaPOD urspr{\"u}nglich nicht f{\"u}r dynamische Anwendungen konzipiert wurde, wird dieser f{\"u}r eine dauerhafte Bewegungskompensation eingesetzt, in dem Patienten so bewegt werden, dass Tumore pr{\"a}zise im Zentralstrahl w{\"a}hrend der Dauer einer gesamten Behandlung verbleiben. Um ein echtzeitf{\"a}higes Kompensationssystem auf Basis des HexaPODs zu realisieren, muss eine Reihe an Herausforderungen bew{\"a}ltigt werden. Echtzeitaspekte werden einerseits durch die Verwendung eines harten Echtzeitbetriebssystems abgedeckt, andererseits durch die Messung und Sch{\"a}tzung von Latenzzeiten aller physikalischen Gr{\"o}ßen im System, z.B. Messungen der Tumor- und Atemposition. Neben der konsistenten und durchg{\"a}ngigen Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von akkuraten Zeitinformation, werden alle software-induzierten Latenzen adaptiv ausgeglichen. Dies erfordert Vorhersagen der Tumorposition in die nahe Zukunft. Zahlreiche Pr{\"a}diktoren zur Atem- und Tumorpositionsvorhersage werden vorgeschlagen und anhand verschiedenster Metriken evaluiert. Erweiterungen der Pr{\"a}diktionsalgorithmen werden eingef{\"u}hrt, die sowohl Atem- als auch Tumorpositionsinformationen fusionieren, um Vorhersagen ohne explizites Korrelationsmodell zu erm{\"o}glichen. Die Vorhersagen bestimmen den zuk{\"u}nftigen Bewegungspfad des HexaPODs, um Tumorbewegungen zu kompensieren. Dazu werden verschiedene Regler entwickelt, die eine Trajektorienverfolgung mit dem HexaPOD erm{\"o}glichen. Auf der Basis von linearer und nicht-linearer dynamischer Modellierung des HexaPODs mit Methoden der Systemidentifikation, wird zun{\"a}chst ein modellpr{\"a}diktiver Regler entwickelt. Ein zweiter Regler wird auf Basis einer Annahme {\"u}ber das Arbeitsprinzip des internen Reglers im HexaPOD entworfen. Schließlich wird ein dritter Regler vorgeschlagen, der beide vorhergehenden Regler miteinander kombiniert. F{\"u}r jeden dieser Regler werden vergleichende Ergebnisse aus Experimenten mit realer Hardware und menschlichen Versuchspersonen pr{\"a}sentiert und diskutiert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wird die geeignete Wahl von freien Parametern in den Reglern vorgestellt. Neben einer pr{\"a}zisen Verfolgung der Referenztrajektorie spielt der Patientenkomfort eine entscheidende Rolle f{\"u}r die Akzeptanz des Systems. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Regler glatte Trajektorien realisieren k{\"o}nnen, um zu garantieren, dass sich Patienten wohl f{\"u}hlen w{\"a}hrend ihre Tumorbewegung mit Genauigkeiten im Submillimeterbereich ausgeglichen wird. Gesamtfehler werden im Kompensationssystem analysiert, in dem diese zu Trajektorienverfolgungsfehlern und Pr{\"a}diktionsfehlern in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Durch Ausnutzung von Eigenschaften verschiedener Pr{\"a}diktoren wird gezeigt, dass die Startzeit des Systems bis die Verfolgung der Referenztrajektorie erreicht ist, wenige Sekunden betr{\"a}gt. Dies gilt insbesondere f{\"u}r den Fall eines initial ruhenden HexaPODs und ohne Vorwissen {\"u}ber Tumorbewegungen. Dies zeigt die Eignung des Systems f{\"u}r die sehr kurz fraktionierten Behandlungen von Lungentumoren. Das Tumorkompensationssystem wurde ausschließlich auf Basis von klinischer Standard-Hardware entwickelt, die in vielen Behandlungsr{\"a}umen zu finden ist. Durch ein einfaches und flexibles Design k{\"o}nnen Behandlungsr{\"a}ume in kosteneffizienter Weise um M{\"o}glichkeiten der Bewegungskompensation erg{\"a}nzt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden aktuelle Behandlungsmethoden wie intensit{\"a}tsmodulierte Strahlentherapie oder Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in keiner Weise eingeschr{\"a}nkt. Aufgrund der Unterst{\"u}tzung verschiedener Kompensationsmodi kann das System auf alle beweglichen Tumore angewendet werden, unabh{\"a}ngig davon ob die Bewegungen vorhersagbar (Lungentumore) oder nicht vorhersagbar (Prostatatumore) sind. Durch Integration von geeigneten Methoden zur Tumorpositionsbestimmung kann das System auf einfache Weise zur Kompensation von anderen Tumoren erweitert werden.}, subject = {Robotik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Paasche2013, author = {Paasche, Alexander}, title = {Mechanistic Insights into SARS Coronavirus Main Protease by Computational Chemistry Methods}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79029}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The SARS virus is the etiological agent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome, a deadly disease that caused more than 700 causalities in 2003. One of its viral proteins, the SARS coronavirus main protease, is considered as a potential drug target and represents an important model system for other coronaviruses. Despite extensive knowledge about this enzyme, it still lacks an effective anti-viral drug. Furthermore, it possesses some unusual features related to its active-site region. This work gives atomistic insights into the SARS coronavirus main protease and tries to reveal mechanistic aspects that control catalysis and inhibition. Thereby, it applies state-of-the-art computational methods to develop models for this enzyme that are capable to reproduce and interpreting the experimental observations. The theoretical investigations are elaborated over four main fields that assess the accuracy of the used methods, and employ them to understand the function of the active-site region, the inhibition mechanism, and the ligand binding. The testing of different quantum chemical methods reveals that their performance depends partly on the employed model. This can be a gas phase description, a continuum solvent model, or a hybrid QM/MM approach. The latter represents the preferred method for the atomistic modeling of biochemical reactions. A benchmarking uncovers some serious problems for semi-empirical methods when applied in proton transfer reactions. To understand substrate cleavage and inhibition of SARS coronavirus main protease, proton transfer reactions between the Cys/His catalytic dyad are calculated. Results show that the switching between neutral and zwitterionic state plays a central role for both mechanisms. It is demonstrated that this electrostatic trigger is remarkably influenced by substrate binding. Whereas the occupation of the active-site by the substrate leads to a fostered zwitterion formation, the inhibitor binding does not mimic this effect for the employed example. The underlying reason is related to the coverage of the active-site by the ligand, which gives new implications for rational improvements of inhibitors. More detailed insights into reversible and irreversible inhibition are derived from in silico screenings for the class of Michael acceptors that follow a conjugated addition reaction. From the comparison of several substitution patterns it becomes obvious that different inhibitor warheads follow different mechanisms. Nevertheless, the initial formation of a zwitterionic catalytic dyad is found as a common precondition for all inhibition reactions. Finally, non-covalent inhibitor binding is investigated for the case of SARS coranavirus main protease in complex with the inhibitor TS174. A novel workflow is developed that includes an interplay between theory and experiment in terms of molecular dynamic simulation, tabu search, and X-ray structure refinement. The results show that inhibitor binding is possible for multiple poses and stereoisomers of TS174.}, subject = {SARS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Groh2013, author = {Groh, Janos Michael}, title = {Pathogenic impact of immune cells in mouse models of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77684}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are fatal neurodegenerative disorders in which the visual system is affected in early stages of disease. A typical accompanying feature is neuroinflammation, the pathogenic impact of which is presently unknown. In this study, the role of inflammatory cells in the pathogenesis was investigated in Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1-deficient (Ppt1-/-) and Ceroidlipofuscinosis, neuronal 3-deficient (Cln3-/-) mice, models of the infantile and juvenile forms of NCL, respectively. Focusing predominantly on the visual system, an infiltration of CD8+ cytotoxic Tlymphocytes and an activation of microglia/macrophage-like cells was observed early in disease. To analyze the pathogenic impact of lymphocytes, Ppt1-/- mice were crossbred with mice lacking lymphocytes (Rag1-/-) and axonal transport, perturbation and neuronal survival were scored. Lack of lymphocytes led to a significant amelioration of neuronal disease and reconstitution experiments revealed a crucial role of CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. Lack of lymphocytes also caused an improved clinical phenotype and extended longevity. To investigate the impact of microglia/macrophage-like cells, Ppt1-/- and Cln3-/- mice were crossbred with mice lacking sialoadhesin (Sn-/-), a monocyte lineage-restricted cell adhesion molecule important for interactions between macrophage-like cells and lymphocytes. Similar to the lack of lymphocytes, absence of sialoadhesin significantly ameliorated the disease in Ppt1-/- and Cln3-/- mice. Taken together, both T-lymphocytes and microglia/macrophage-like cells were identified as pathogenic mediators in two distinct forms of fatal inherited neurodegenerative storage disorders. These studies expand the concept of secondary inflammation as a common pathomechanistic feature in some neurological diseases and provide novel insights that may be crucial for developing treatment strategies for different forms of NCL.}, subject = {Nervendegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zeeb2013, author = {Zeeb, Steffen}, title = {Chaos Synchronization in Time-Delayed Coupled Networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78966}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung verschiedener Aspekte der Chaos Synchronisation von Netzwerken mit zeitverz{\"o}gerten Kopplungen. Ein Netzwerk aus identischen chaotischen Einheiten kann vollst{\"a}ndig und isochron synchronisieren, auch wenn der Signalaustausch einer starken Zeitverz{\"o}gerung unterliegt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Systeme mit mehreren Zeitverz{\"o}gerungen betrachtet. Dabei erstrecken sich die verschiedenen Zeitverz{\"o}gerungen jeweils {\"u}ber einen weiten Bereich an Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Zeitverz{\"o}gerungen im Lyapunov Spektrum des Systems auftreten; verschiedene Teile des Spektrums skalieren jeweils mit einer der Zeitverz{\"o}gerungen. Anhand des Skalierungsverhaltens des maximalen Lyapunov Exponenten k{\"o}nnen verschiedene Arten von Chaos definiert werden. Diese bestimmen die Synchronisationseigenschaften eines Netzwerkes und werden insbesondere wichtig bei hierarchischen Netzwerken, d.h. bei Netzwerken bestehend aus Unternetzwerken, bei welchen Signale innerhalb des Unternetzwerkes auf einer anderen Zeitskala ausgetauscht werden als zwischen verschiedenen Unternetzwerken. F{\"u}r ein solches System kann sowohl vollst{\"a}ndige als auch Unternetzwerksynchronisation auftreten. Skaliert der maximale Lyapunov Exponent mit der k{\"u}rzeren Zeitverz{\"o}gerung des Unternetzwerkes dann k{\"o}nnen nur die Elemente des Unternetzwerkes synchronisieren. Skaliert der maximale Lyapunov Exponent allerdings mit der l{\"a}ngeren Zeitverz{\"o}gerung kann das komplette Netzwerk vollst{\"a}ndig synchronisieren. Dies wird analytisch f{\"u}r die Bernoulli Abbildung und numerisch f{\"u}r die Zelt Abbildung gezeigt. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit der Attraktordimension und ihrer {\"A}nderung am {\"U}bergang zur vollst{\"a}ndiger Chaos Synchronisation. Aus dem Lyapunov Spektrum des Systems wird die Kaplan-Yorke Dimension berechnet und es wird gezeigt, dass diese am Synchronisations{\"u}bergang aus physikalischen Gr{\"u}nden einen Sprung haben muss. Aus der Zeitreihe der Dynamik des Systems wird die Korrelationsdimension bestimmt und anschließend mit der Kaplan-Yorke Dimension verglichen. F{\"u}r Bernoulli Systeme finden wir in der Tat eine Diskontinuit{\"a}t in der Korrelationsdimension. Die St{\"a}rke des Sprungs der Kaplan-Yorke Dimension wird f{\"u}r ein Netzwerk aus Bernoulli Einheiten als Funktion der Netzwerkgr{\"o}ße berechnet. Desweiteren wird das Skalierungsverhalten der Kaplan-Yorke Dimension sowie der Kolmogoroventropie in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Systemgr{\"o}ße und der Zeitverz{\"o}gerung untersucht. Zu guter Letzt wird eine Verstimmung der Einheiten, d.h., ein "parameter mismatch", eingef{\"u}hrt und analysiert wie diese das Verhalten der Attraktordimension {\"a}ndert. Im dritten und letzten Teil wird die lineare Antwort eines synchronisierten chaotischen Systems auf eine kleine externe St{\"o}rung untersucht. Diese St{\"o}rung bewirkt eine Abweichung der Einheiten vom perfekt synchronisierten Zustand. Die Verteilung der Abst{\"a}nde zwischen zwei Einheiten dient als Maß f{\"u}r die lineare Antwort des Systems. Diese Verteilung sowie ihre Momente werden numerisch und f{\"u}r Spezialf{\"a}lle auch analytisch berechnet. Wir finden, dass im synchronisierten Zustand, in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Parameter des Systems, Verteilungen auftreten k{\"o}nnen die einem Potenzgesetz gehorchen und dessen Momente divergieren. Als weiteres Maß f{\"u}r die lineare Antwort wird die Bit Error Rate einer {\"u}bermittelten bin{\"a}ren Nachricht verwendet. The Bit Error Rate ist durch ein Integral {\"u}ber die Verteilung der Abst{\"a}nde gegeben. In dieser Arbeit wird sie vorwiegend numerisch untersucht und wir finden ein komplexes, nicht monotones Verhalten als Funktion der Kopplungsst{\"a}rke. F{\"u}r Spezialf{\"a}lle weist die Bit Error Rate eine "devil's staircase" auf, welche mit einer fraktalen Struktur in der Verteilung der Abst{\"a}nde verkn{\"u}pft ist. Die lineare Antwort des Systems auf eine harmonische St{\"o}rung wird ebenfalls untersucht. Es treten Resonanzen auf, welche in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Zeitverz{\"o}gerung unterdr{\"u}ckt oder verst{\"a}rkt werden. Eine bi-direktional gekoppelte Kette aus drei Einheiten kann eine St{\"o}rung vollst{\"a}ndig heraus filtern, so dass die Bit Error Rate und auch das zweite Moment verschwinden.}, subject = {Chaostheorie}, language = {en} } @article{Truswell2013, author = {Truswell, Arthur Stewart}, title = {Medical history of obesity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78910}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This paper contains the following sections, in approximate chronological order: Early years, Scientific research on energy metabolism, Clinical teaching, Evidence on health risks, Slow recognition of obesity in diabetes, Depression and war, some Obesity research continued in the 1950s and 1960s, New approaches to management, a Universal standard weight for height, Luxuskonsumption, Calories (incompletely) replaced by Joules, Food intakes of obese people, Genetics, unexpected Surge of obesity from 1980, Diabetes, Scarcity of effective, safe drugs for obesity, Leptin and Ghrelin stimulate basic research, Why has the obesity epidemic happened? What is the best weight-reducing diet? Bariatric surgery}, subject = {Fettsucht}, language = {en} } @article{KlementFrobelAlbersetal.2013, author = {Klement, Rainer Johannes and Frobel, Thomas and Albers, Torsten and Fikenzer, Sven and Prinzhausen, Jan and K{\"a}mmerer, Ulrike}, title = {A pilot case study on the impact of a self-prescribed ketogenic diet on biochemical parameters and running performance in healthy and physically active individuals}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78901}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: Ketogenic diets (KDs) have gained some popularity not only as effective weight-loss diets and treatment options for several diseases, but also among healthy and physically active individuals for various reasons. However, data on the effects of ketosis in the latter group of individuals are scarce. We therefore collected pilot data on the physiological response to a self-prescribed ketogenic diet lasting 5-7 weeks in a small cohort of healthy and physically active individuals. Methods: Twelve subjects (7 males, 5 females, age 24-60 years) who followed moderate to intensive exercise routines underwent blood testing, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and spiroergometry during an incremental treadmill test. On the next day, they went on a self-prescribed KD for a median of 38 days (range 35-50 days), after which the same tests were performed again. Ketosis was self-monitored by urinary ketone strips. Subjective feeling during the diet was assessed by a questionnaire after the intervention. Due to the small and heterogenous sample, the results are interpreted in the context of the already existing literature. Results: The KDs were tolerated well by the majority of individuals. Impaired recovery from exercise remained the most frequently reported side effect until the end of the study. Most blood parameters remained stable during the intervention. However, there were significant elevations of total and LDL cholesterol concentrations (p<0.01) and a trend towards increased HDL-cholesterol (p=0.05). The drastic reduction of carbohydrates had no statistically significant influence on running performance judged by the time to exhaustion, VO2max and respiratory compensation points. BIA measurements showed significant increases in phase angle (p=0.01) indicating improvements of body composition with an estimated decrease of 3.4 kg of fat mass (p=0.002) and gain of 1.3 kg of fat free mass. We discuss the validity of these estimates taking into account a possibly altered hydration status due to the KD. Conclusions: Active healthy individuals will probably experience no major problems during a short term KD lasting several weeks. The drastically reduced carbohydrate content of the diet seems to be no limiting factor for running performance. In addition, improvements in body composition can be expected. While most biochemical parameters are not influenced by the diet, there seems to be an impact on the blood lipid profile that could be considered problematic with respect to cardiovascular disease risk. However, the predictive role of cholesterol levels alone in individuals undergoing regular physical activity remains to be elucidated.}, subject = {Fettgehalt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pawlik2013, author = {Pawlik, Marie-Christin}, title = {Gene expression in the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis: Adaptation to serum exposure and zinc limitation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Neisseria meningitidis is a facultative human pathogen that occasionally shows strong resistance against serum complement exposure. Previously described factors that mediate meningococcal serum resistance are for example the capsule, LPS sialylation, and expression of the factor H binding protein. I aimed for identification of novel serum resistance factors, thereby following two approaches, i) the analysis of the impact of global regulators of gene expression on serum resistance; and ii) a comparative analysis of closely related strains differing in serum resistance. (i) Of six meningococcal global regulators of gene expression studied, only mutation of the zinc uptake regulator Zur reduced complement deposition on meningococci. Little was known about meningococcal Zur and regulatory processes in response to zinc. I therefore elucidated the yet unidentified meningococcal Zur regulon comparing the transcriptional response of the N. meningitidis strain MC58 under zinc-rich and zinc-deficient conditions using a common reference design of microarray analysis. The meningococcal Zur regulon comprises 17 genes, of which 15 genes were repressed and two genes were activated at high zinc condition. Amongst the Zur-repressed genes were genes involved in zinc uptake, tRNA modification, and ribosomal assembly. A 23 bp meningococcal consensus Zur binding motif (Zur box) with a conserved central palindrome was established (TGTTATDNHATAACA) and detected in the promoter region of all regulated transcriptional units (genes/operons). In vitro binding of meningococcal Zur to the Zur box of three selected genes was shown for the first time using EMSAs. Binding of meningococcal Zur to DNA depended specifically on zinc, and mutations in the palindromic sequence constrained Zur binding to the DNA motif. ii) Three closely related strains of ST-41/44 cc from invasive disease and carriage which differed in their resistance to serum complement exposure were analysed to identify novel mediators of serum resistance. I compared the strains' gene content by microarray analysis which revealed six genes being present in both carrier isolates, but absent in the invasive isolate. Four of them are part of two Islands of horizontally transferred DNA, i.e. IHT-B and -C. The working group furthermore applied a comprehensive screening assay, a transcriptome and a proteome analysis leading to identification of three target proteins. I contributed to establish the role of these three proteins in serum resistance: The adhesin Opc mediates serum resistance by binding of vitronectin, a negative regulator of the complement system; the hypothetical protein NMB0865 slightly contributes to serum resistance by a yet unknown mechanism; and NspA, recently identified to bind the negative complement regulator factor H, led to considerable reduced complement-mediated killing.}, subject = {Komplement }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sen2013, author = {Sen, Surath}, title = {Character Analysis and Numerical Computations of Standard M.I. Probability Distributions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78623}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Development and character analysis of software programs, which compute minimum information probability distributions.}, subject = {Newton-Verfahren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Streinzer2013, author = {Streinzer, Martin}, title = {Sexual dimorphism of the sensory systems in bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) and the evolution of sex-specific adaptations in the context of mating behavior}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78689}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Bees have had an intimate relationship with humans for millennia, as pollinators of fruit, vegetable and other crops and suppliers of honey, wax and other products. This relationship has led to an extensive understanding of their ecology and behavior. One of the most comprehensively understood species is the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera. Our understanding of sex-specific investment in other bees, however, has remained superficial. Signals and cues employed in bee foraging and mating behavior are reasonably well understood in only a handful of species and functional adaptations are described in some species. I explored the variety of sensory adaptations in three model systems within the bees. Females share a similar ecology and similar functional morphologies are to be expected. Males, engage mainly in mating behavior. A variety of male mating strategies has been described which differ in their spatiotemporal features and in the signals and cues involved, and thus selection pressures. As a consequence, males' sensory systems are more diverse than those of females. In the first part I studied adaptations of the visual system in honeybees. I compared sex and caste-specific eye morphology among 5 species (Apis andreniformis, A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, A. mellifera). I found a strong correlation between body size and eye size in both female castes. Queens have a relatively reduced visual system which is in line with the reduced role of visual perception in their life history. Workers differed in eye size and functional morphology, which corresponds to known foraging differences among species. In males, the eyes are conspicuously enlarged in all species, but a disproportionate enlargement was found in two species (A. dorsata, A. florea). I further demonstrate a correlation between male visual parameters and mating flight time, and propose that light intensities play an important role in the species-specific timing of mating flights. In the second study I investigated eye morphology differences among two phenotypes of drones in the Western honeybee. Besides normal-sized drones, smaller drones are reared in the colony, and suffer from reduced reproductive success. My results suggest that the smaller phenotype does not differ in spatial resolution of its visual system, but suffers from reduced light and contrast sensitivity which may exacerbate the reduction in reproductive success caused by other factors. In the third study I investigated the morphology of the visual system in bumblebees. I explored the association between male eye size and mating behavior and investigated the diversity of compound eye morphology among workers, queens and males in 11 species. I identified adaptations of workers that correlate with distinct foraging differences among species. Bumblebee queens must, in contrast to honeybees, fulfill similar tasks as workers in the first part of their life, and correspondingly visual parameters are similar among both female castes. Enlarged male eyes are found in several subgenera and have evolved several times independently within the genus, which I demonstrate using phylogenetic informed statistics. Males of these species engage in visually guided mating behavior. I find similarities in the functional eye morphology among large-eyed males in four subgenera, suggesting convergent evolution as adaptation to similar visual tasks. In the remaining species, males do not differ significantly from workers in their eye morphology. In the fourth study I investigated the sexual dimorphism of the visual system in a solitary bee species. Males of Eucera berlandi patrol nesting sites and compete for first access to virgin females. Males have enlarged eyes and better spatial resolution in their frontal eye region. In a behavioral study, I tested the effect of target size and speed on male mate catching success. 3-D reconstructions of the chasing flights revealed that angular target size is an important parameter in male chasing behavior. I discuss similarities to other insects that face similar problems in visual target detection. In the fifth study I examined the olfactory system of E. berlandi. Males have extremely long antennae. To investigate the anatomical grounds of this elongation I studied antennal morphology in detail in the periphery and follow the sexual dimorphism into the brain. Functional adaptations were found in males (e.g. longer antennae, a multiplication of olfactory sensilla and receptor neurons, hypertrophied macroglomeruli, a numerical reduction of glomeruli in males and sexually dimorphic investment in higher order processing regions in the brain), which were similar to those observed in honeybee drones. The similarities and differences are discussed in the context of solitary vs. eusocial lifestyle and the corresponding consequences for selection acting on males.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @unpublished{GeiselhartGielenLazaretal.2013, author = {Geiselhart, Roman and Gielen, Rob H. and Lazar, Mircea and Wirth, Fabian R.}, title = {An Alternative Converse Lyapunov Theorem for Discrete-Time Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78512}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This paper presents an alternative approach for obtaining a converse Lyapunov theorem for discrete-time systems. The proposed approach is constructive, as it provides an explicit Lyapunov function. The developed converse theorem establishes existence of global Lyapunov functions for globally exponentially stable (GES) systems and semi-global practical Lyapunov functions for globally asymptotically stable systems. Furthermore, for specific classes of sys- tems, the developed converse theorem can be used to establish non-conservatism of a particular type of Lyapunov functions. Most notably, a proof that conewise linear Lyapunov functions are non-conservative for GES conewise linear systems is given and, as a by-product, tractable construction of polyhedral Lyapunov functions for linear systems is attained.}, subject = {Ljapunov-Funktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2013, author = {Schmidt, Tobias}, title = {Biotransformation of trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78579}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The novel refrigerant 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) as well as the novel foam blowing and precision cleaning agent trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (trans-HCFO-1233zd) are both chlorofluorocarbon replacements with low GWPs and a short atmospheric life time. Whereas the hydrofluoroolefin HFO-1234yf has no negative effect on stratospheric ozone due to the lack of chlorine in its structure, the hydrochlorofluoroolefine trans-HCFO-1233zd exhibits a very low potential for ozone depletion (ODP). This is approximately 100 times lower than the ozone depletion potential of precursor compounds such as 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113). Principle aims of this thesis were to investigate the unknown metabolism of the new solvent trans-HCFO-1233zd and to further investigate a possible biotransformation based toxicity of HFO-1234yf observed in rabbits. Therefore study specimens of different in vitro and in vivo studies with trans-HCFO-1233zd and HFO-1234yf were analyzed for metabolites using 19FNMR spectroscopy, LC-MS/MS spectrometry and GC/MS spectrometry. Metabolites were identified by comparison with purchased or synthesized standard substances. Excretion kinetics of the predominant metabolites were determined by LC-MS/MS quantification,inorganic fluoride was determined by potentiometry. Moreover cytochrome P-450 2E1 and 3A4 liver enzyme activities were measured in a multi-exposure study with HFO-1234yf. ...}, subject = {Propenderivate}, language = {en} } @article{HerbertKueblerVoegele2013, author = {Herbert, Cornelia and K{\"u}bler, Andrea and V{\"o}gele, Klaus}, title = {Risk for Eating Disorders Modulates Startle-Responses to Body Words}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78140}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Body image disturbances are core symptoms of eating disorders (EDs). Recent evidence suggests that changes in body image may occur prior to ED onset and are not restricted to in-vivo exposure (e.g. mirror image), but also evident during presentation of abstract cues such as body shape and weight-related words. In the present study startle modulation, heart rate and subjective evaluations were examined during reading of body words and neutral words in 41 student female volunteers screened for risk of EDs. The aim was to determine if responses to body words are attributable to a general negativity bias regardless of ED risk or if activated, ED relevant negative body schemas facilitate priming of defensive responses. Heart rate and word ratings differed between body words and neutral words in the whole female sample, supporting a general processing bias for body weight and shape-related concepts in young women regardless of ED risk. Startle modulation was specifically related to eating disorder symptoms, as was indicated by significant positive correlations with self-reported body dissatisfaction. These results emphasize the relevance of examining body schema representations as a function of ED risk across different levels of responding. Peripheral-physiological measures such as the startle reflex could possibly be used as predictors of females' risk for developing EDs in the future.}, subject = {Psychologie}, language = {en} } @article{HalderHammerKleihetal.2013, author = {Halder, Sebastian and Hammer, Eva Maria and Kleih, Sonja Claudia and Bogdan, Martin and Rosenstiel, Wolfgang and Birbaumer, Nils and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {Prediction of Auditory and Visual P300 Brain-Computer Interface Aptitude}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77992}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Objective: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a non-muscular communication channel for patients with late-stage motoneuron disease (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) or otherwise motor impaired people and are also used for motor rehabilitation in chronic stroke. Differences in the ability to use a BCI vary from person to person and from session to session. A reliable predictor of aptitude would allow for the selection of suitable BCI paradigms. For this reason, we investigated whether P300 BCI aptitude could be predicted from a short experiment with a standard auditory oddball. Methods: Forty healthy participants performed an electroencephalography (EEG) based visual and auditory P300-BCI spelling task in a single session. In addition, prior to each session an auditory oddball was presented. Features extracted from the auditory oddball were analyzed with respect to predictive power for BCI aptitude. Results: Correlation between auditory oddball response and P300 BCI accuracy revealed a strong relationship between accuracy and N2 amplitude and the amplitude of a late ERP component between 400 and 600 ms. Interestingly, the P3 amplitude of the auditory oddball response was not correlated with accuracy. Conclusions: Event-related potentials recorded during a standard auditory oddball session moderately predict aptitude in an audiory and highly in a visual P300 BCI. The predictor will allow for faster paradigm selection. Significance: Our method will reduce strain on patients because unsuccessful training may be avoided, provided the results can be generalized to the patient population.}, subject = {Psychologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Riedel2013, author = {Riedel, Simone Stefanie}, title = {Characterization of the fluorescence protein FP635 for in vivo imaging and establishment of a murine multiple myeloma model for non-invasive imaging of disease progression and response to therapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77894}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Optical in vivo imaging methods have advanced the fields of stem cell transplantation, graft-versus-host disease and graft-versus-tumor responses. Two well known optical methods, based on the transmission of light through the test animal are bioluminescence imaging (BLI) and fluorescence imaging (FLI). Both methods allow whole body in vivo imaging of the same animal over an extended time span where the cell distribution and proliferation can be visualized. BLI has the advantages of producing almost no unspecific background signals and no necessity for external excitation light. Hence, BLI is a highly sensitive and reliable detection method. Yet, the BLI reporter luciferase is not applicable with common microscopy techniques, therefore abolishing this method for cellular resolution imaging. FLI in turn, presents the appealing possibility to use one fluorescent reporter for whole body imaging as well as cellular resolution applying microscopy techniques. The absorption of light occurs mainly due to melanin and hemoglobin in wavelengths up to 650 nm. Therefore, the wavelength range beyond 650 nm may allow sensitive optical imaging even in deep tissues. For this reason, significant efforts are undertaken to isolate or develop genetically enhanced fluorescent proteins (FP) in this spectral range. "Katushka" also called FP635 has an emission close to this favorable spectrum and is reported as one of the brightest far-red FPs. Our experiments also clearly showed the superiority of BLI for whole body imaging over FLI. Based on these results we applied the superior BLI technique for the establishment of a pre-clinical multiple myeloma (MM) mouse model. MM is a B-cell disease, where malignant plasma cells clonally expand in the bone marrow (BM) of older people, causing significant morbidity and mortality. Chromosomal abnormalities, considered a hallmark of MM, are present in nearly all patients and may accumulate or change during disease progression. The diagnosis of MM is based on clinical symptoms, including the CRAB criteria: increased serum calcium levels, renal insufficiency, anemia, and bone lesions (osteolytic lesions or osteoporosis with compression fractures). Other clinical symptoms include hyperviscosity, amyloidosis, and recurrent bacterial infections. Additionally, patients commonly exhibit more than 30\% clonal BM plasma cells and the presence of monoclonal protein is detected in serum and/or urine. With current standard therapies, MM remains incurable and patients diagnosed with MM between 2001 and 2007 had a 5-year relative survival rate of only 41\%. Therefore, the development of new drugs or immune cell-based therapies is desirable and necessary. To this end we developed the MOPC-315 cell line based syngeneic MM mouse model. MOPC-315 cells were labeled with luciferase for in vivo detection by BLI. We validated the non-invasively obtained BLI data with histopathology, measurement of idiotype IgA serum levels and flow cytometry. All methods affirmed the reliability of the in vivo BLI data for this model. We found that this orthotopic MM model reflects several key features of the human disease. MOPC-315 cells homed efficiently to the BM compartment including subsequent proliferation. Additionally, cells disseminated to distant skeletal parts, leading to the typical multifocal MM growth. Osteolytic lesions and bone remodeling was also detected. We found evidence that the cell line had retained plasticity seen by dynamic receptor expression regulation in different compartments such as the BM and the spleen.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzproteine}, language = {en} } @article{RiedelMofoloAvotaetal.2013, author = {Riedel, Alice and Mofolo, Boitumelo and Avota, Elita and Schneider-Schaulies, Sibylle and Meintjes, Ayton and Mulder, Nicola and Kneitz, Susanne}, title = {Accumulation of Splice Variants and Transcripts in Response to PI3K Inhibition in T Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77917}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: Measles virus (MV) causes T cell suppression by interference with phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) activation. We previously found that this interference affected the activity of splice regulatory proteins and a T cell inhibitory protein isoform was produced from an alternatively spliced pre-mRNA. Hypothesis: Differentially regulated and alternatively splice variant transcripts accumulating in response to PI3K abrogation in T cells potentially encode proteins involved in T cell silencing. Methods: To test this hypothesis at the cellular level, we performed a Human Exon 1.0 ST Array on RNAs isolated from T cells stimulated only or stimulated after PI3K inhibition. We developed a simple algorithm based on a splicing index to detect genes that undergo alternative splicing (AS) or are differentially regulated (RG) upon T cell suppression. Results: Applying our algorithm to the data, 9\% of the genes were assigned as AS, while only 3\% were attributed to RG. Though there are overlaps, AS and RG genes differed with regard to functional regulation, and were found to be enriched in different functional groups. AS genes targeted extracellular matrix (ECM)-receptor interaction and focal adhesion pathways, while RG genes were mainly enriched in cytokine-receptor interaction and Jak-STAT. When combined, AS/RG dependent alterations targeted pathways essential for T cell receptor signaling, cytoskeletal dynamics and cell cycle entry. Conclusions: PI3K abrogation interferes with key T cell activation processes through both differential expression and alternative splicing, which together actively contribute to T cell suppression.}, subject = {Biologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JosephNedumparambil2013, author = {Joseph Nedumparambil, George}, title = {A Search of the Roots of Syro-Malabar Church in Kerala}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77747}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A Search of the Roots of Syro-Malabar Church in Kerala}, subject = {Syro-Malabarische Kirche}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Meyer2013, author = {Meyer, Sebastian}, title = {Model System for Correlation Phenomena in Reduced Dimensions - Gold-induced Atomic Chains on Germanium}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77723}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Atomic chains, often called nanowires, form in a self-organized process after the adsorption of metal atoms. These wires are spatially well confined representing a close approach of a true one-dimensional structure. The low-dimensional architecture thereby often leads to anisotropic electronic states with vanishing interchain interaction. In the presence of weak coupling to the substrate a one-dimensional metal can experience a phase transition according to Peierls into an insulating ground state upon temperature, which is accompanied by a periodic lattice distortion. Without any coupling a strict onedimensional regime is reached, where the common Fermi liquid description breaks down with the quasi-particles being replaced by collective excitations of spin and charge. This state is referred to as a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL), which has been observed so far only in anisotropic bulk materials. An experimental fingerprint for both phenomena can be obtained from the electronic states close to the chemical potential, i.e. the Fermi energy. Using a semiconducting substrate provides the best observation conditions since any bulk projection onto the interesting bands is avoided. In case of Au/Ge(001) the growth of gold-induced chains is guided by the dimerized bare Ge (2×1) reconstruction yielding two different domains of wires rotated by 90° going from one terrace to the next by a single height step. The superior wetting capabilities of gold on germanium enables a complete coverage of the Ge(001) surface with longrange ordered wires. Their length scale and defect density is limited by the underlying substrate, for which a cleaning procedure is introduced based on wet-chemical etching followed by thermal dry oxidation. The band structure of Au/Ge(001) is investigated by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy as a function of temperature. Two states are observed: a two-dimensional metallic state with hole-like dispersion and a one-dimensional electron pocket, whose band-integrated spectral function does not show the typical Fermi distribution at the chemical potential. Instead, a decrease of spectral weight applies following a power-law. This behavior can be well explained within the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory which replaces the Fermi-Landau formalism in strictly one-dimensional systems. To enable theoretical modeling, a structural analysis was performed on the basis of surface x-ray diffraction (SXRD). From the in-plane scattering data a Patterson-map could be extracted leading to in-plane distances between gold atoms in the unit cell. This provides the first step towards a complete structural model and therefore towards a band structure calculation. First successful attempts have been made to manipulate the system by controlled adsorption of potassium. Here, an n-type doping effect is observed for submonolayer coverage whereas slightly increased coverages in combination with thermal energy lead to a new surface reconstruction.}, subject = {Nanodraht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KannenCardoso2013, author = {Kannen Cardoso, Vinicius}, title = {The role of Fluoxetine against preneoplastic lesions and tumors in colon tissue}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77589}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Introduction: Colon cancer is one of the major human malignancies worldwide, and much effort has been applied to understand the process of colon carcinogenesis, as well as the role of potential treatments and co-therapeutical agents against it. A growing body of evidence suggests that the use of fluoxetine (FLX), an antidepressant belonging to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may be associated with a reduced colon cancer risk. However, controversial opinions have been published and an identification of the mechanisms of the activity of FLX on colon cells would help in the clarification of this controversy. Objectives: Using several in vitro and in vivo-based methods and analyses, we aimed to verify whether FLX has antioxidant, pro-oxidant or DNA-damaging potential in standard toxicological assays; to check whether and how FLX could prevent and reduce colon preneoplastic lesions; to ascertain whether FLX has any oncostatic potential against colon tumors; and, to investigate whether FLX activity could be comparable with a known and current applied chemotherapeutic agent against colon cancer. Results: FLX did not have any antioxidant potential in our experiments. Although it did not induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation or DNA-damage in fibroblast and colon tumor cell lines, FLX reduced dysplasia and proliferation in two different carcinogen models. Further, a significant decrease in colon stromal reactivity and angiogenesis was found in both carcinogen-induced preneoplasia models. In a xenograft model of colon cancer, FLX shrank tumors, reduced tumor proliferation, arrested cancer cells at the G0/G1 cell-cycle phase, and took ROS generation under control. Such effects were detected together with an intracellular acidification and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential in FLX-treated cells. Modulating mitochondrial respiratory chain, HIF-1 expression and Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, FLX was found to reduce colon tumors similar to the widely used chemotherapeutic agent 5-Fluoracil activity. Conclusion: Our collective data suggest that FLX is a remarkable chemopreventive and oncostatic agent against colon preneoplastic lesions and tumors, acting without DNA-damage or ROS generation.}, subject = {Fluoxetin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ThangarajSelvaraj2013, author = {Thangaraj Selvaraj, Bhuvaneish}, title = {Role of CNTF-STAT3 signaling for microtubule dynamics inaxon growth and maintenance: Implications in motoneuron diseases}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76889}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Neurotrophic factor signaling modulates differentiation, axon growth and maintenance, synaptic plasticity and regeneration of neurons after injury. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), a Schwann cell derived neurotrophic factor, has an exclusive role in axon maintenance, sprouting and synaptic preservation. CNTF, but not GDNF, has been shown to alleviate motoneuron degeneration in pmn mutant mice carrying a missense mutation in Tbce gene, a model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This current study elucidates the distinct signaling mechanism by which CNTF rescues the axonal degeneration in pmn mutant mice. ...}, subject = {Ciliary neurotrophic factor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niederlechner2013, author = {Niederlechner, Stefanie}, title = {Assessment of the basic molecular mechanisms underlying L-glutamine's cytoprotective effects after intestinal injury}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77399}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Critical illness like sepsis, shock, and intestinal bowel disease are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the US and around the world. At present, studies to define new therapeutic interventions that can protect tissues and cells against injury and attenuate inflammation are fields of intense investigation. While research over the past decade has clearly identified GLN as a vital stress substrate facilitating cellular survival following injury, the initiation steps in GLN's cytoprotective molecular mechanism still remain elusive. Previously published work suggested that stabilization of ECM proteins and activation of ECM receptor osmosignaling may play a central role in the orchestration of many cellular pathways following stress. Thus, I hypothesized that preservation of ECM protein and EGFR levels as well as ECM receptor signaling play key roles in the molecular mechanisms underlying GLN's protection against thermal injury in the intestine. I was able to confirm via Western blotting and by using silencing RNA against FN, Ntn-1, EGFR, and their negative controls, that GLN-mediated preservation of FN, Ntn-1, and EGFR levels is critical in GLN's protection against hyperthermia in IEC-6 cells. By using a selective FN-Integrin interaction inhibitor GRGDSP, its negative control peptide GRGESP, and Src-kinase inhibitor PP2, I showed that FN-Integrin signaling and Src-kinase activation are essential in GLN-mediated protection in the intestine. This applied to EGFR signaling as demonstrated using the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG1478. In addition to GRGDSP and AG1478, ERK1/2 inhibitors PD98059 and UO126 as well as the p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580 revealed that GLN is protective by activating ERK1/2 and dephosphorylating p38MAPK via FN-Integrin and EGFR signaling. However, GLN-mediated PI3-K/Akt/Hsp70 activation seems to occur independently of FN-Integrin and EGFR signaling as indicated by Western blots as well as experiments using the PI3-K inhibitor LY294002, GRGDSP, and AG1478. The results showed that GLN activates cell survival signaling pathways via integrins as well as EGFRs after hyperthermia. Moreover, I found that GLN-mediated preservation of FN expression after HS is regulated via PI3-K signaling. Whether GLN-mediated PI3-K signaling happens simultaneously to FN-Integrin and EGFR signaling or whether PI3-K signaling coordinates FN-Integrin and EGFR signaling needs to be investigated in future studies. Further, experiments with PD98059 and GRGDSP revealed that ERK1/2 assists in mediating transactivation of HSF-1 following HS. This leads to increases in Hsp70 expression via FN-Integrin signaling, which is known to attenuate apoptosis after thermal injury. Fluorescence microscopy results indicated that HS and GLN regulate cell are size changes and the morphology of F-actin via FN-Integrin signaling. Experiments using GRGDSP and GRGESP showed that GLN enhances cellular survival via FN-Integrin signaling in a manner that does not require increased intracellular GLN concentrations (as quantified using LC-MS/MS). In summary, my thesis work gives new and potentially clinically relevant mechanistic insights into GLN-mediated molecular cell survival pathways. These results warrant clinical translation to assess if clinical outcome of critically ill patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases can be improved by GLN treatment and/or by targeting the molecular pathways found in my studies.}, subject = {Glutamin}, language = {en} } @article{Hoegger2013, author = {H{\"o}gger, Petra}, title = {Nutrition-derived bioactive metabolites produced by gut microbiota and their potential impact on human health}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77349}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The functional role of human gut microbiota has attracted substantial interest and recent research has uncovered various aspects of the interplay between the complex communities of microorganisms colonizing the intestine and their hosts' health. The present review focuses on nutrition-derived bioactive metabolites produced by gut microbiota with potential beneficial effects upon human health. Thereby, the emphasis is on newly generated bacterial metabolites that are not concomitantly present at higher amounts in dietary sources and that have been previously detected in human blood samples. Since a multitude of different substances is generated by gut microbes primarily those metabolites which exert a more pronounced activity than their immediate precursor compound are discussed here. Specifically, the in vitro and in vivo nutridynamics as well as the nutrikinetics of equol, enterolactone / enterodiol, urolithins, 8-prenylnaringenin, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and 5-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-g-valerolactone, the short-chain fatty acids butyrate, propionate and acetate, and indole-3-propionic acid are reviewed. Though the metabolites' mechanism of action and the influence of health conditions on metabolite production are not always fully understood yet, there are many reasons to direct the attention to "gut health". It could offer new options for preventing or treating a variety of disease states and nutrition-derived microbial products might inspire future drug development.}, subject = {Kohlenhydrate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reuss2013, author = {Reuß, Heiko}, title = {The interplay of unconscious processing and cognitive control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The aim of this study was both to investigate the influence of cognitive control on unconscious processing, and to investigate the influence of unconscious processing on cognitive control. At first, different mechanisms and accounts to explain unconscious priming are presented. Here, perceptual and motor processes, as well as stimulus-response learning, semantic categorization, and the action trigger account as theories to explain motor priming are discussed. Then, the issue of the potential limits of unconscious processing is presented. Findings that indicate that active current intentions and expertise modulate unconscious processing are illustrated. Subsequently, results that imply an influence of unconsciously presented stimuli that goes beyond motor processes are discussed, with a special focus on inhibition processes, orienting of attention, task set activation, and conflict adaptation. Then I present the results of my own empirical work. Experiment 1 shows that the effective processing of unconsciously presented stimuli depends on expertise, even when potentially confounding difference between the expert and novice groups are controlled. The results of Experiments 2 and 3 indicate that the intention to use particular stimuli is a crucial factor for the effectiveness of these stimuli when they are presented unconsciously. Additionally, these findings show that shifts of attention can be triggered by centrally presented masked arrow cues. Experiments 4 and 5 broaden these results to cue stimuli that are not inherently associated with a spatial meaning. The finding corroborate that typically endogenously controlled shifts of attention can also be induced by unconscious stimuli. Experiments 6 and 7 demonstrate that even a central cognitive control process like task set activation is not contingent on conscious awareness, but can in contrast be triggered through unconscious stimulation. Finally, these results are integrated and I discuss how the concept of cognitive control and the limits of unconscious processing may have to be reconsidered. Furthermore, potential future research possibilities in this field are presented.}, subject = {Bewusstsein}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shiban2013, author = {Shiban, Youssef}, title = {Attenuating Renewal following Exposure Therapy : Mechanisms of Exposure in Multiple Contexts and its Influence on the Renewal of Fear: Studies in Virtual Reality}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {„Renewal" bezeichnet das Wiederauftreten von Angst nach erfolgreicher Expositionstherapie in Folge einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem phobischen Stimulus in einem neuen, sich vom Expositionskontext unterscheidenden Kontext. Bouton (1994) zufolge deutet diese Angstr{\"u}ckkehr durch einen Kontextwechsel darauf hin, dass die Angst nicht gel{\"o}scht wurde. Stattdessen wurde w{\"a}hrend der Expositionssitzung eine neue Assoziation gelernt, die das gef{\"u}rchtete Objekt mit „keiner Angst", also den konditionierten Reiz (conditioned stimulus, CS) mit „keinem unkonditionierten Reiz" (no unconditioned stimulus, no US), verbindet. Bouton argumentiert weiter, dass diese Assoziation kontextabh{\"a}ngig ist, wodurch Effekte wie Angst-Renewal erkl{\"a}rt werden k{\"o}nnen. Da in einem neuen Kontext die CS-no US-Assoziation nicht aktiviert wird, wird die Angst auch nicht gehemmt. Die Kontextabh{\"a}ngigkeit der CS-no US-Assoziation wurde in mehreren Studien belegt (Balooch \& Neumann, 2011; Siavash Bandarian Balooch, Neumann, \& Boschen, 2012; Culver, Stoyanova, \& Craske, 2011; Kim \& Richardson, 2009; Neumann \& Kitlertsirivatana, 2010). Aktuell konzentriert sich die Forschung zur Therapie von Angstst{\"o}rungen auf die Frage, wie Angst reduziert und gleichzeitig ein R{\"u}ckfall verhindert werden kann. Hierzu werden verschiedene Expositionsprotokolle untersucht, wie zum Beispiel (1) Exposition in mehreren Kontexten (multiple contexts exposure, MCE), um Renewal zu reduzieren (z.B. Balooch \& Neumann, 2011); (2) verl{\"a}ngerte Exposition (prolonged exposure, PE), um die hemmende Assoziation w{\"a}hrend des Extinktionslernes zu st{\"a}rken (z.B. Thomas, Vurbic, \& Novak, 2009) und (3) Rekonsolidierungs-Updates (reconsolidation update, RU), die den Rekonsolidierungsprozess durch eine kurze Exposition des CS+ vor der eigentlichen Exposition aktualisieren sollen (Schiller et al., 2010). Bisher liegen jedoch nur sehr wenige Studien vor, die diese neuen Expositionsprotokolle an klinischen Stichproben untersucht haben, und - soweit bekannt - keine Studie, welche die Wirkmechanismen dieser Protokolle an einer klinischen Stichprobe erforscht. Die vorliegende Dissertation hat drei Ziele. Das erste Ziel besteht darin zu pr{\"u}fen, ob Expositionstherapie in multiplen Kontexten die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Renewal reduziert. Das zweite Ziel ist die Untersuchung der Mechanismen, die dem Effekt der Exposition in multiplen Kontexten zugrunde liegen und das dritte ist den Kontext im Zusammenhang mit Konditionierung und Extinktion zu konzeptualisieren. Insgesamt wurden drei Studien durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die erste Studie untersuchte den Effekt von Exposition in multiplen Kontexten auf Renewal, die zweite und dritte Studie die Wirkmechanismen von MCE. In der ersten Studie wurden spinnenphobische Probanden (N = 30) viermal mit einer virtuellen Spinne konfrontiert. Die Expositionstrials wurden entweder in einem gleichbleibenden Kontext oder in vier verschiedenen Kontexten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Am Ende der Sitzung absolvierten alle Teilnehmer einen virtuellen Renewaltest, bei dem die virtuelle Spinne in einem neuen Kontext gezeigt wurde, und einen in vivo Verhaltensvermeidungstest (behavioral avoidance test, BAT) mit einer echten Spinne. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Probanden, welche die vier Expositionstrials in unterschiedlichen Kontexten erfuhren, weniger Angst, sowohl im virtuellen Renewaltest als auch im BAT, erlebten. In dieser Studie konnte die Wirksamkeit von MCE f{\"u}r die Reduktion von Renewal erfolgreich nachgewiesen werden. Studie 2 (N = 35) untersuchte die Wirkmechanismen von MCE in einem differentiellen Konditionierungsparadigma. Die Extinktion wurde in multiplen Kontexten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei war das Ziel, eine {\"a}hnliche Verminderung von Renewal wie in Studie 1 nachzuweisen. Der Extinktion folgten zwei Tests, mit dem Ziel m{\"o}gliche hemmende Effekte des Kontexts, die w{\"a}hrend der Extinktionsphase erworben wurden, aufzudecken. Bez{\"u}glich des Effektes von MCE wurden drei Hypothesen aufgestellt: (1) Der Extinktionskontext wird mit der Exposition assoziiert, fungiert folglich w{\"a}hrend der Extinktion als Sicherheitssignal und konkurriert daher mit dem Sicherheitslernen des CS. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einem verminderten Extinktionseffekt auf den CS, wenn die Extinktion nur in einem Kontext durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. (2) Die Elemente im Extinktionskontext (z.B. Raumfarbe, M{\"o}bel) stehen im Zusammenhang mit der CS-no US-Assoziation und erinnern daher an die Extinktion, was zu einer gr{\"o}ßeren Angsthemmung f{\"u}hrt, wenn sie w{\"a}hrend eines Tests gezeigt werden. (3) Nach der emotionalen Prozesstheorie (emotional process theory; Bouton, 1994; Foa et al., 1996) bestimmen die Therapieprozessfaktoren die St{\"a}rke des Renewals. Beispielsweise korrelieren initiale Angstaktivierung, Aktivierung in und zwischen den Sitzungen mit der St{\"a}rke des Renewals. Jedoch waren in dieser Studie keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen im Renewaltest zu beobachten, weswegen die Ergebnisse der zwei Nachtests nicht zu interpretieren sind. Das Ziel von Studie 3 (N = 61) war es, das Konzept des Kontexts im Rahmen von Konditionierung und Exposition zu definieren. In Studie 3 wurde das Auftreten der Generalisierungsabnahme (generalization decrement) genutzt, bei der eine konditionierte Reaktion infolge eines Kontextwechsels nur reduziert auftritt. Auf diesem Weg kann Kontext{\"a}hnlichkeit quantifiziert werden. Nach einer Akquisitonsphase in einem Kontext wurden die Teilnehmer in einem von drei verschiedenen Kontexten getestet. Zwei dieser Kontexte unterschieden sich nur in einer Dimension (Anordnung der Objekte vs. Objekteigenschaften). Die dritte Gruppe wurde im Akquisitonskontext getestet und diente als Kontrollgruppe. Es fanden sich jedoch keine Unteschiede zwischen den Gruppen in den Testphasen. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung ist die Neuartigkeit des Testkontextes. Teilnehmer, die nach der Extinktion einem neuen Kontext ausgesetzt waren, erwarteten in einem anderen Kontext eine zweite Extinktionsphase und zeigten daher mehr statt weniger Angst als erwartet.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lehrieder2013, author = {Lehrieder, Frank}, title = {Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Content Distribution using Overlay Networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-6420}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76018}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The work presents a performance evaluation and optimization of so-called overlay networks for content distribution in the Internet. Chapter 1 describes the importance which have such networks in today's Internet, for example, for the transmission of video content. The focus of this work is on overlay networks based on the peer-to-peer principle. These are characterized by the fact that users who download content, also contribute to the distribution process by sharing parts of the data to other users. This enables efficient content distribution because each user not only consumes resources in the system, but also provides its own resources. Chapter 2 of the monograph contains a detailed description of the functionality of today's most popular overlay network BitTorrent. It explains the various components and their interaction. This is followed by an illustration of why such overlay networks for Internet service providers (ISPs) are problematic. The reason lies in the large amount of inter-ISP traffic that is produced by these overlay networks. Since this inter-ISP traffic leads to high costs for ISPs, they try to reduce it by improved mechanisms for overlay networks. One optimization approach is the use of topology awareness within the overlay networks. It provides users of the overlay networks with information about the underlying physical network topology. This allows them to avoid inter-ISP traffic by exchanging data preferrentially with other users that are connected to the same ISP. Another approach to save inter-ISP traffic is caching. In this case the ISP provides additional computers in its network, called caches, which store copies of popular content. The users of this ISP can then obtain such content from the cache. This prevents that the content must be retrieved from locations outside of the ISP's network, and saves costly inter-ISP traffic in this way. In the third chapter of the thesis, the results of a comprehensive measurement study of overlay networks, which can be found in today's Internet, are presented. After a short description of the measurement methodology, the results of the measurements are described. These results contain data on a variety of characteristics of current P2P overlay networks in the Internet. These include the popularity of content, i.e., how many users are interested in specific content, the evolution of the popularity and the size of the files. The distribution of users within the Internet is investigated in detail. Special attention is given to the number of users that exchange a particular file within the same ISP. On the basis of these measurement results, an estimation of the traffic savings that can achieved by topology awareness is derived. This new estimation is of scientific and practical importance, since it is not limited to individual ISPs and files, but considers the whole Internet and the total amount of data exchanged in overlay networks. Finally, the characteristics of regional content are considered, in which the popularity is limited to certain parts of the Internet. This is for example the case of videos in German, Italian or French language. Chapter 4 of the thesis is devoted to the optimization of overlay networks for content distribution through caching. It presents a deterministic flow model that describes the influence of caches. On the basis of this model, it derives an estimate of the inter-ISP traffic that is generated by an overlay network, and which part can be saved by caches. The results show that the influence of the cache depends on the structure of the overlay networks, and that caches can also lead to an increase in inter-ISP traffic under certain circumstances. The described model is thus an important tool for ISPs to decide for which overlay networks caches are useful and to dimension them. Chapter 5 summarizes the content of the work and emphasizes the importance of the findings. In addition, it explains how the findings can be applied to the optimization of future overlay networks. Special attention is given to the growing importance of video-on-demand and real-time video transmissions.}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Onyenali2013, author = {Onyenali, Rowland}, title = {The Trilogy of Parables in Mt 21:28-22:14 from a Matthean Perspective}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74971}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The parables of Jesus have undergone different transmutations in the long history of their transmission. The events surrounding his death and resurrection as well as the new situations his followers were confronted with after these events, led to the parables being given new accentuation according to the needs of the reflecting community. This is evident in Matthew's treatment of the parable trilogy of Mt 21:28-22:14. The work tries to show how Matthew has used the dominical parables and sayings found in his tradition to serve the needs of his community, especially in her struggles with the official Jewish leaders of his time. Through these parables, which he presented as a three-pronged attack against the Jewish leaders, he shows his community as the true Israel, called to produce the fruits of righteousness.}, subject = {Matth{\"a}usevangelium 21}, language = {en} } @article{SchreierBinnsHoeggeretal.2013, author = {Schreier, Peter and Binns, Colin and H{\"o}gger, Petra and Wu, Dayong}, title = {It began with citrus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74918}, year = {2013}, abstract = {First Editorial of Open Access Journal "Nutrition and Medicine (NUME)" published by W{\"u}rzburg University Press: http://nume.de}, subject = {Ern{\"a}hrung}, language = {en} }