@article{HommersGoers2016, author = {Hommers, Wilfried and G{\"o}rs, Marijke}, title = {Information integration of Kohlbergian thoughts about consensual sex}, series = {Universitas Psychologica}, volume = {15}, journal = {Universitas Psychologica}, number = {3}, doi = {10.11144/Javeriana.upsy15-3.iikt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168487}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The unification of two major approaches to moral judgment is the purpose of the present approach. Kohlberg's well-known stage theory assumes a sequence of discrete stages that underlie all moral judgment. Stage theory recognizes the problem of integrating considerations but gives no way to solve such integration, even with information from any one stage. And, of course, the stage concept denies any significant integration from different stages. Thus, research on moral judgment needs to study the integration problem which can be tested within Anderson's theory of information integration. The main purpose of the present study was to extend this unificationist approach to the issue of sexual morality. A novel task presents information from two very different stages. The results showed that in contrast to discreteness the stage informers were positively correlated in punishment judgments of both genders about consensual sex of juveniles. Furthermore, the subjects integrated considerations from those very different stages also in contrast to the hypothesis that only a single stage was operative at any time.}, language = {en} } @article{HommersLewandEhrmann2012, author = {Hommers, Wilfried and Lewand, Martin and Ehrmann, Dominic}, title = {Testing the moral algebra of two Kohlbergian informers}, series = {Ps{\´i}cologica}, volume = {33}, journal = {Ps{\´i}cologica}, number = {3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133917}, pages = {515-532}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This paper seeks to unify two major theories of moral judgment: Kohlberg's stage theory and Anderson's moral information integration theory. Subjects were told about thoughts of actors in Kohlberg's classic altruistic Heinz dilemma and in a new egoistical dilemma. These actors's thoughts represented Kohlberg's stages I (Personal Risk) and IV (Societal Risk) and had three levels, High, Medium, and Low. They were presented singly and in a 3 x 3 integration design. Subjects judged how many months of prison the actor deserved. The data supported the averaging model of moral integration theory, whereas Kohlberg's theory has no way to handle the integration problem. Following this, subjects ranked statements related to Kohlberg's first four stages in a procedure similar to that of Rest (1975). Higher score went with larger effect of Societal Risk as predicted by Kohlberg's theory. But contrary to Kohlberg's theory, no age trends were found. Also strongly contrary to Kohlberg's theory, effects of Personal Risk (Stage I) and Societal Risk (Stage IV) correlated positively.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Hommers1991, author = {Hommers, Wilfried}, title = {Zum Gegenstand der Rechtspsychologie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87014}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1991}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Rechtspsychologie}, language = {de} } @article{Hommers1989, author = {Hommers, Wilfried}, title = {Zur Validierung von Konfigurationstypen generalisierter Kontroll{\"u}berzeugungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69686}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Die Ergebnisse einer publizierten Arbeit zur Validierung von acht Konfigurationen generalisierter Kontroll{\"u}berzeugungen werden durch drei weitere Auswertungsschritte erg{\"a}nzt. Die Anwendung der Interaktionsstrukturanalyse f{\"u}hrt zu einer Hervorhebung von zwei Konfigurationen als Typen und zur Aufstellung einer 5-Gruppen-Hypothese {\"u}ber die Bildung einer Restgruppe aus den Neutral-Konfigurationen. Die Betrachtung der Unterschiede in den FPI-Mittelwerten der urspr{\"u}nglichen acht Gruppen best{\"a}tigt die 5-Gruppen-Hypothese. Mit einer multidimensionalen geometrischen Darstellung der Profildistanzen wird in einem dritten Schritt versucht, neben der "Restgruppe" und den beiden "Typen"-Gruppen auch die Eigenst{\"a}ndigkeit der beiden verbleibenden "Anti-Typen"-Gruppen zu validieren.}, subject = {Validierung}, language = {de} } @article{HommersBohnert1989, author = {Hommers, Wilfried and Bohnert, Renate}, title = {Das Urteil Geistigbehinderter {\"u}ber die Entschuldigung oder die Dritt-Entsch{\"a}digung f{\"u}r einen Diebstahl}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69678}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Two groups of mentally retarded individuals whose averagemental age was either seven orten years, although being chronologically at least 18 years old, judged how bad "thefts" of two amounts of bon-bons appeared to them. The scimulus stories also informed the subjects whether the thief did or did not apologize afterwards or whether a third party did or did not compensate for tbe losses. Apology affecred tbe moral judgments twice as much as third-pany compensation, independeotly of the mental age of the subjects. Thus, with the mental age variation the age trend found in a prior srudy with normally gifted was not replicated. lnstead, even with an average mental age of seven years the retarded judged similarly to the adults and 10-year-olds of the prior study. However, the retarded were like the preschool children of the prior study as their judgments about the intended taking of cookies did not differ from their judgments about inadvenantly taking cookies.}, subject = {Geistig Behinderter}, language = {de} } @article{HommersLee2010, author = {Hommers, Wilfried and Lee, Wha-Yong}, title = {Unifying Kohlberg with Information Integration: The Moral Algebra of Recompense and of Kohlbergian Moral Informers}, series = {Psicol{\´o}gica}, journal = {Psicol{\´o}gica}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85875}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In order to unify two major theories of moral judgment, a novel task is employed which combines elements of Kohlberg´s stage theory and of the theory of information integration. In contrast to the format of Kohlberg´s moral judgment interview, a nonverbal and quantitative response which makes low demands on verbal facility was used . Moral informers differing in value, i.e. high and low, are presented. The differences in effect of those two pieces of information should be substantial for a person at that specific moral stage, but small for a person at a different stage. Hence, these differences may diagnose the person's moral stage in the simplest possible way as the two levels of each of the thoughts were about typical content of the four Kohlbergian preconventional and conventional stages. The novel task allowed additionally to measure the influence of another moral concept which was about the non-Kohlbergian moral concept of recompense. After a training phase, pairs of those thoughts were presented to allow for the study of integration and individual differences. German and Korean children, 8, 10, and 12 years in age, judged deserved punishment. The patterns of means, correlations and factor loadings showed that elements of both theories can be unified, but produced unexpected results also. Additive integration of each of the two pairs of moral informers appeared, either with two Kohlbergian moral informers or with another Kohlbergian moral informer in combination with information about recompense. Also cultural independence as well as dependence, developmental changes between 8 and 10 years, and an outstanding moral impact of recompense in size and distinctiveness were observed.}, language = {en} } @incollection{LanglotzHommers1978, author = {Langlotz, Maren and Hommers, Wilfried}, title = {Ziele, Aufbau und Durchf{\"u}hrung des MURT}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73113}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1978}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {MURT}, language = {de} } @article{Hommers1988, author = {Hommers, Wilfried}, title = {Implicit psychological theories in legal thought on sentencing and liability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47093}, year = {1988}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Haftung}, language = {en} } @misc{Hommers1988, author = {Hommers, Wilfried}, title = {Review of "Roskam, E.E., \& Suck, R. (Eds.): Progress in mathematical psychology. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987, pp. 538."}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-43525}, year = {1988}, abstract = {No abstract available}, language = {en} } @article{HommersSteller1977, author = {Hommers, Wilfried and Steller, Max}, title = {Zur Diagnose der Therapiemotivation durch konfigurale Klassifikation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-43416}, year = {1977}, abstract = {Es wird ein konfigural-analytisches Verfahren zur Erfassung von f{\"u}nf Variablen der Therapiemotivation (Leidensdruck, Unzufriedenheit, {\"A}nderungswunsch, Hilfewunsch und Erfolgserwartung) beschrieben. Die Methode besteht aus einer Kombination der Auswahl zutreffender Selbstbeschreibungen ("Probleme") und der Beantwortung motivationsbezogener Zusatzfragen. Jeder Pb wird so zu seinen spezifischen Problemen hinsichtlich der Auspr{\"a}gung therapierelevanter motivationaler Variablen befragt. Aus der Beantwortung der Zusatzfragen k{\"o}nnen verschiedene Therapiemotivations- Syndrome (TMS) gebildet werden. Die statistische Absicherung des individuellen Vorkommens eines TMS in den Zusatzbefragungen erfolgt {\"u}ber die Multinominalverteilung. Dabei wird von der H{\"a}ufigkeit ausgew{\"a}hlter Probleme eines Pb abstrahiert. Die Erprobung des Verfahrens wurde an 211 Inhaftierten einer Jugendstrafanstalt als potentieller Klienten-Population vorgenommen. Als Kontrollgruppe dienten 207 Berufssch{\"u}ler vergleichbaren Alters. W{\"a}hrend bei den Berufssch{\"u}lern die H{\"a}ufigkeit bei der Klassifikation in verschiedene TMS-Gruppen immer im zuf{\"a}lligen Bereich lagen, konnten bei den Delinquenten {\"u}berzuf{\"a}llig h{\"a}ufig besetzte Gruppenst{\"a}rken gefunden werden. In der Diskussion wurde auf den Unterschied des hier benutzten Klassifikationsverfahrens zur Konfigurations-Frequenzanalyse und zu Maßen Externaler-Internaler-Kontrolle eingegangen. Außerdem wurden Implikationen der Diagnose von Klienten-Therapiemotivation ftir die Entwicklung therapeutischer Verfahren aufgezeigt.}, subject = {Psychologische Diagnostik / Psychologie / Differentielle Psychologie / Zeitschrift}, language = {de} }