@article{ReuterJaeckelsKneitzetal.2019, author = {Reuter, Isabel and J{\"a}ckels, Jana and Kneitz, Susanne and Kuper, Jochen and Lesch, Klaus-Peter and Lillesaar, Christina}, title = {Fgf3 is crucial for the generation of monoaminergic cerebrospinal fluid contacting cells in zebrafish}, series = {Biology Open}, volume = {8}, journal = {Biology Open}, doi = {10.1242/bio.040683}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200749}, pages = {bio040683}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In most vertebrates, including zebrafish, the hypothalamic serotonergic cerebrospinal fluid-contacting (CSF-c) cells constitute a prominent population. In contrast to the hindbrain serotonergic neurons, little is known about the development and function of these cells. Here, we identify fibroblast growth factor (Fgf)3 as the main Fgf ligand controlling the ontogeny of serotonergic CSF-c cells. We show that fgf3 positively regulates the number of serotonergic CSF-c cells, as well as a subset of dopaminergic and neuroendocrine cells in the posterior hypothalamus via control of proliferation and cell survival. Further, expression of the ETS-domain transcription factor etv5b is downregulated after fgf3 impairment. Previous findings identified etv5b as critical for the proliferation of serotonergic progenitors in the hypothalamus, and therefore we now suggest that Fgf3 acts via etv5b during early development to ultimately control the number of mature serotonergic CSF-c cells. Moreover, our analysis of the developing hypothalamic transcriptome shows that the expression of fgf3 is upregulated upon fgf3 loss-of-function, suggesting activation of a self-compensatory mechanism. Together, these results highlight Fgf3 in a novel context as part of a signalling pathway of critical importance for hypothalamic development.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aso2010, author = {Aso, Yoshinori}, title = {Dissecting the neuronal circuit for olfactory learning in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55483}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis consists of three major chapters, each of which has been separately published or under the process for publication. The first chapter is about anatomical characterization of the mushroom body of adult Drosophila melanogaster. The mushroom body is the center for olfactory learning and many other functions in the insect brains. The functions of the mushroom body have been studied by utilizing the GAL4/UAS gene expression system. The present study characterized the expression patterns of the commonly used GAL4 drivers for the mushroom body intrinsic neurons, Kenyon cells. Thereby, we revealed the numerical composition of the different types of Kenyon cells and found one subtype of the Kenyon cells that have not been described. The second and third chapters together demonstrate that the multiple types of dopaminergic neurons mediate the aversive reinforcement signals to the mushroom body. They induce the parallel memory traces that constitute the different temporal domains of the aversive odor memory. In prior to these chapters, "General introduction and discussion" section reviews and discuss about the current understanding of neuronal circuit for olfactory learning in Drosophila.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuwal2010, author = {Nuwal, Nidhi}, title = {Optogenetic investigation of nervous system functions using walking behavior and genome wide transcript analysis of Synapsin and Sap47 mutants of Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51694}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {PART I Animals need to constantly evaluate their external environment in order to survive. In some cases the internal state of the animal changes to cope with it's surrounding. In our study we wanted to investigate the role of amines in modulating internal states of Drosophila. We have designed a behavioral paradigm where the flies are fixed in space but can walk on a small styrofoam ball suspended by a gentle stream of air. The walking activity of flies was used as behavioral readout. PART I Animals need to constantly evaluate their external environment in order to survive. In some cases the internal state of the animal changes to cope with it's surrounding. In our study we wanted to investigate the role of amines in modulating internal states of Drosophila. We have designed a behavioral paradigm where the flies are fixed in space but can walk on a small styrofoam ball suspended by a gentle stream of air. The walking activity of flies was used as behavioral readout. An operant training paradigm was established by coupling one of the walking directions to incidence of heat punishment. We observed that animals quickly realized the contingency of punishment with walking direction and avoided walking in the punished direction in the presence of punishment, but did not continue walking in the unpunished direction in the absence of the punishment. This would indicate that the flies do not form a memory for the punished direction or rapidly erase it under new conditions. On having established the paradigm with heat punishment we have attempted to activate selected subsets of neuronal populations of Drosophila while they were walking on the ball. The selective activation of neurons was achieved by expressing the light-activated ion channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) using the Gal4-UAS system and coupling the unidirectional walking of the animals on the ball with the incidence of blue light required to activate the channels and depolarize the neurons. The feasibility of this approach was tested by light-activating sugar sensitive gustatory receptor neurons expressing ChR2, we found that when the light was actuated the flies preferred to turn in one direction the optically "rewarded" direction. Next we similarly activated different subsets of aminergic neurons. We observed that in our setup animals avoided to turn in the direction which was coupled to activation of dopaminergic neurons indicating that release of dopamine is disliked by the animals. This is in accordance with associative learning experiments where dopamine is believed to underlie the formation of an association between a neutral conditioned stimulus with the aversive unconditioned stimulus. However, when we activated tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons we did not observe any directional preference. The activation of dopaminergic and tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons led to arousal of the animals indicating that we were indeed successful in activating those neurons. Also, the activation of serotonergic neurons did not have any effect on directional preference of the animals. With this newly established paradigm it will be interesting to find out if in insects like in mammals a reward mediating system exists and to test subsets of aminergic or peptidergic neurons that could possibly be involved in a reward signaling system which has not been detected in our study. Also, it would be interesting to localize neuropile regions that would be involved in mediating choice behavior in our paradigm. PART II In collaboration with S. Kneitz (IZKF Wuerzburg) and T. Nuwal we performed genome-wide expression analysis of two pre-synaptic mutants - Synapsin (Syn97) and Synapse associated protein of 47 kDa (Sap47156). The rationale behind these experiments was to identify genes that were up- or down-regulated due to these mutations. The microarray experiments provided us with several candidate genes some of which we have verified by qPCR. From our qPCR analysis we can conclude that out of the verified genes only Cirl transcripts seem to be reproducibly down regulated in Synapsin mutants. The Cirl gene codes for a calcium independent receptor for latrotoxin. Further qPCR experiments need to be performed to verify other candidate genes. The molecular interactions between CIRL and SYN or their genes should now be investigated in detail.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Riemensperger2006, author = {Riemensperger, Thomas}, title = {Untersuchung pr{\"a}diktiver Eigenschaften des dopaminergen Systems von Drosophila melanogaster mittels genetisch kodierter Calcium Sensoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19041}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die Technik des optischen Imaging unter Verwendung DNA-codierter Sensoren erm{\"o}glicht es, Messungen neuraler Aktivit{\"a}ten in genetisch definierten Populationen von Neuronen durchzuf{\"u}hren. In der Vielzahl der verschiedenen entwickelten Sensoren konnten die Calciumsensoren bisher das beste Verh{\"a}ltnis zwischen Signal und Rauschen und die beste zeitliche Aufl{\"o}sung aufzeigen. Hierbei handelt es sich in erster Linie um zwei Typen von Sensoren, zum einen ratiometrische Sensoren, deren Signal auf einem Fluoreszenz Resonanz Energie Transfer (FRET) basiert, und zum anderen um zirkul{\"a}r permutierte Sensoren, die auf einem modifizierten GFP-Molek{\"u}l basieren, wobei das Signal auf einer ver{\"a}nderten Protonierung des Chromophors beruht. Beide Arten dieser Sensoren wurden schon erfolgreich zum Messen neuraler Aktivit{\"a}ten in Nervensystemen verschiedener Tierarten verwendet. Ein Teil dieser Arbeit bestand darin, zu untersuchen, welche Sensoren sich f{\"u}r die Messung an einem lebenden Organismus am besten eignen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden die Eigenschaften von vier verschiedenen FRET basierten Sensoren und zwei der zyklisch permutierten Sensoren nach Expression im zentralen Nervensystem von Drosophila charakterisiert. Die Sensoren wurden in Neuronen zweiter und dritter Ordnung des olfaktorischen Signalwegs exprimiert und ihre Antworten auf physiologische Duftstimulation oder artifiziell induzierte Depolarisation des Gehirns untersucht. W{\"a}hrend die calciumabh{\"a}ngigen Signale der zyklisch permutierten Sensoren in der Regel gr{\"o}ßer waren als die der FRET basierten Sensoren, zeichneten sich letztere durch ein besseres Signal zu Rausch-Verh{\"a}ltnis aus, wenn Bewegungen der fluoreszierenden Strukturen nicht zu vermeiden waren. Dies war auch der ausschlaggebende Grund f{\"u}r die Verwendung eines FRET basierten Sensors im anschließenden Teil der Arbeit. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde der Effekt untersucht, den die Paarung eines neutralen Stimulus mit einem bestrafenden Stimulus auf dopaminerge Neurone hat. Eine solche Paarung kann zu einer klassischen Konditionierung f{\"u}hren, einer einfachen Form des Lernens, in welcher das Tier einem urspr{\"u}nglich neutralen Stimulus einen Wert zuordnet, und dadurch sein Verhalten dem Stimulus gegen{\"u}ber {\"a}ndert. Die olfaktorische klassische Konditionierung in Drosophila wird seit vielen Jahren intensiv untersucht, um die molekularen und neuronalen Grundlagen von Lernen und Ged{\"a}chtnis zu charakterisieren. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass besonders die Pilzk{\"o}rper von essentieller Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Ausbildung eines olfaktorischen Ged{\"a}chtnisses sind. W{\"a}hrend das olfactorische System bei Insekten bereits detailiert analysiert wurde, ist {\"u}ber die Neurone, die den bestrafenden Stimulus vermitteln, nur sehr wenig bekannt. Unter Anwendung des funktionellen optischen Calcium Imaging konnte im Rahmen der Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass die Projektionen von dopaminergen Neuronen im Bereich der Loben der Pilzk{\"o}rper schwach auf die Pr{\"a}sentation eines Duftes, jedoch sehr stark auf eine Stimulation durch einen Elektroschock antworten. Nach mehrmaliger Paarung eines Duftes mit einem Elektroschock w{\"a}hrend eines Trainings, verl{\"a}ngert sich die Aktivit{\"a}t dieser dopaminergen Neurone auf den bestraften Duft hin im Test ohne Elektroschock drastisch, w{\"a}hrend die Antwort auf den Kontrollduft keine signifikanten Ver{\"a}nderungen aufweist. W{\"a}hrend bei S{\"a}ugetieren belohnende Reize bei appetitiven Lernvorg{\"a}ngen {\"u}ber dopaminerge Neurone vermittelt werden, spielen bei Drosophila diese Neurone offensichtlich eine Rolle bei der aversiven Konditionierung. Jedoch blieb, auch wenn sich die Rolle des Dopamins im Laufe der Evolution ge{\"a}ndert zu haben scheint, die F{\"a}higkeit dieses Neuronentyps, nicht nur auf einen eintreffenden verst{\"a}rkenden Stimulus zu reagieren, sondern diesen auch vorhersagen zu k{\"o}nnen, zwischen S{\"a}ugern und Drosophila erhalten.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} }