@article{Nabi2022, author = {Nabi, Haifaa}, title = {La Naus{\´e}e : Salut par l'art ou par les autres ?}, series = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, volume = {8}, journal = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, issn = {2364-6705}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-329799}, pages = {145-163}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this article dedicated to Jean-Paul Sartre's first novel La Naus{\´e}e, we analyze how the idea of conversion to art grows in the imagination of the hero, Antoine Roquentin. Furthermore we show that all the narrative actions in the novel are based on the hero's communicational interaction with the other characters. This lonely person who complains in his diary about social exclusion, yet he converts to art not through his reflections, but through communica-ting with the other characters. Also, many critical studies on La Naus{\´e}e have considered jazz music that the hero listens to in a caf{\´e} as the critical moment of his conversion. In our opinion this reflects juste one phase of a connected sequence of events through which the hero passes from a state of relational negativity and existential alienation to a state of openness, achieved again mainly by the virtue of other characters.}, language = {fr} } @book{Alpermann2022, author = {Alpermann, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {Le Xinjiang - la Chine et les Ou{\"i}ghours}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-190-7}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-190-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-283044}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {X, 251}, year = {2022}, abstract = {La situation au Xinjiang, r{\´e}gion du Nord-Ouest de la Chine, a ces derni{\`e}res ann{\´e}es suscit{\´e} une attention internationale croissante. Les rapports sur les internements massifs de Ou{\"i}ghours et d'autres groupes ethniques dans des camps de r{\´e}{\´e}ducation, le travail forc{\´e}, les st{\´e}rilisations forc{\´e}es et autres atteintes aux droits humains font la une de l'actualit{\´e} et affectent les relations entre la Chine et ceux qui la critiquent. Le gouvernement chinois, en revanche, justifie sa mani{\`e}re d'agir par la lutte contre le terrorisme, l'extr{\´e}misme islamique et le s{\´e}paratisme ethnique. << Le Xinjiang - la Chine et les Ou{\"i}ghours >> pr{\´e}sente pour la premi{\`e}re fois en fran{\c{c}}ais une analyse scientifique plus approfondie de ce sujet tr{\`e}s controvers{\´e}. La premi{\`e}re partie du livre constitue une introduction pr{\´e}gnante, claire et vivante de l'histoire complexe de la r{\´e}gion. La deuxi{\`e}me partie pr{\´e}sente l'{\´e}volution au XXIe si{\`e}cle, dressant un tableau {\`a} multiples facettes du d{\´e}veloppement {\´e}conomique, de l'identit{\´e} ethnique et de la politique linguistique et religieuse. La troisi{\`e}me partie remet en question les interpr{\´e}tations courantes du conflit au Xinjiang, analyse les protestations et les actes de terrorisme de m{\^e}me que les mesures de r{\´e}pression de l'{\´E}tat et la dimension internationale du conflit. Proche des sources, bas{\´e} sur les r{\´e}sultats de la recherche la plus r{\´e}cente et avec un souci constant de neutralit{\´e}, << Le Xinjiang - la Chine et les Ou{\"i}ghours >> offre une image {\´e}quilibr{\´e}e des conflits actuels.}, subject = {Sinkiang}, language = {fr} } @article{KochFroehlich2020, author = {Koch-Fr{\"o}hlich, Melanie}, title = {S'inventer {\`a} partir de l'autre : Les Origines d'Amin Maalouf}, series = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, volume = {6}, journal = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244268}, pages = {69-84}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The present article examines the narrative modes in which Lebanese author Amin Maalouf investigates his roots in Origines a hybrid work which stands in contrast with his previous essays and fictions as to its (auto)biographical dimension. Resembling what Dominique Viart and Bruno Vercier in their analysis of predominant themes and narrative strategies in contemporary French literature name «r{\´e}cit de filiation», Maalouf's quest for his familial past explores the concept of intergenerational transmission of memory. However, despite this individual postmemorial approach, Maalouf's intimate writing is intrinsically linked with the complex history of the Ottoman Empire and therefore with collective narratives of war, diasporic identities, and migration relating to the present time or the recent past.}, language = {fr} } @article{Kiesler2013, author = {Kiesler, Reinhard}, title = {Pour une typologie des phrases complexes}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r romanische Philologie}, volume = {129}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r romanische Philologie}, number = {3}, issn = {1865-9063}, doi = {10.1515/zrp-2013-0064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-195562}, pages = {608 -- 628}, year = {2013}, abstract = {AbstractUne tradition grammaticale largement r{\´e}pandue distingue trois types de relations entre propositions, donc trois types de phrases complexes: les propositions juxtapos{\´e}es, les propositions coordonn{\´e}es et les phrases hypotaxiques. Riegel et al. (2009) ajoutent en outre les phrases avec incise ou incidente comme quatri{\`e}me type. Les grammaires et trait{\´e}s d{\´e}crivent les diff{\´e}rentes sortes de coordination (copulative, disjonctive, adversative, causale et cons{\´e}cutive) et de subordination (compl{\´e}tive, relative et circonstancielle). Pourtant, jusqu'{\`a} pr{\´e}sent il n'existe pas, {\`a} ce qu'il semble, de description plus d{\´e}taill{\´e}e, ni des divers degr{\´e}s de l'hypotaxe et de la parataxe d'une part, ni des diff{\´e}rentes combinaisons de structures hypotaxiques et parataxiques d'autre part. Le but de cet article est donc de proposer une typologie plus compl{\`e}te des phrases complexes sur la base d'un petit corpus de r{\´e}f{\´e}rence. Cette typologie distinguera, d'un c{\^o}t{\´e}, divers degr{\´e}s de phrases parataxiques homog{\`e}nes et de phrases parataxiques h{\´e}t{\´e}rog{\`e}nes et, de l'autre c{\^o}t{\´e}, des phrases hypotaxiques simples et des phrases hypotaxiques multiples.}, language = {fr} } @techreport{Samb2020, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Samb, Aminata}, title = {De la biofiction {\`a} l'exofiction dans «Allah n'est pas oblig{\´e}» d'Ahmadou Kourouma et «Les soldats de Salamine» de Javier Cercas}, issn = {2199-4315}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20301}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203013}, pages = {57}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Ce pr{\´e}sent m{\´e}moire se donne pour objectif d'analyser le champ d'application et d'{\´e}tude des concepts de biofiction et d'exofiction qui, {\`a} travers le brouillage entre la r{\´e}alit{\´e} la fiction, passeraient pour des r{\´e}cits de vie dans le roman postmoderne. Pour cela, nous avons {\´e}tudi{\´e} les relations entre la fiction et l'(auto)biographie, la fiction et la r{\´e}alit{\´e} ax{\´e}e sur les apports des strat{\´e}gies linguistiques et conceptuelles, entre autres. Gr{\^a}ce {\`a} une m{\´e}thode qualitative se fondant sur une approche hypoth{\´e}tico-d{\´e}ductive pour montrer comment l'(auto)biographie a {\´e}t{\´e} retravaill{\´e}e dans les deux textes, mais aussi de montrer le potentiel fictionnel, dont regorge notre sujet, {\`a} travers le r{\´e}cit de vie. Outre l'int{\´e}r{\^e}t que nous avons port{\´e} aux travaux de Lejeune, Vincent Colonna et Fran{\c{c}}ois Dosse dans leurs textes respectifs Le pacte autobiographique, L'autofiction : essai sur la fictionnalisation de soi en litt{\´e}rature et Le pari biographique pour souligner la connexion avec notre sujet, nous avons {\´e}galement fait appel au concept clefs du domaine, tels que th{\´e}oris{\´e}s par Alexandre Gefen et Alain Buisine (1991).}, subject = {Postmoderne}, language = {fr} } @article{Mounga2017, author = {Mounga, Bauvarie}, title = {Strat{\´e}gies narratives et violence dans le roman post-colonial africain : le cas de la technique du fragmentaire dans Le Pleurer-rire d'Henri Lop{\`e}s}, series = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, volume = {3}, journal = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, issn = {2510-2613}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172916}, pages = {149-162}, year = {2017}, abstract = {After independence, in the sixties, sub-Saharan Africa including Francophone, saw moving to the head of his governments, dictatorial powers. Henri Lop{\`e}s translated this in his work by a formal violence. We will study in this paper, the violence employed by the Congolese novelist in Le Pleurer-rire (1982): the technique of fragmentary. Our work is structured in three parts: the presentation of formal violence in Le Pleurer-rire, manifestations of postcolonial political system in this novel and the operation of the technique of fragmentary.}, language = {fr} } @article{Ibrahim2017, author = {Ibrahim, Amira}, title = {L'orientalisme fran{\c{c}}ais : d{\´e}finition et histoire}, series = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, volume = {3}, journal = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, issn = {2510-2613}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172899}, pages = {127-145}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The history of intellectual and cultural contact between West and East is very complicated and contradictory. A long time ago, eastern culture attracted the attention of many writers, orientalists and researchers, who headed east not only to study and describe the fascinating eastern civilizations, but also to analyze their different literary, historical and scientific aspects. The new mysterious but exciting environment inspired the orientalists to record and describe what they experienced regarding the architecture, the nature and the people. The attractive eastern natural views which are distinguishable from the monotonous western environment - especially after the industrial revolution - helped them to find new prospects. The East has been coming into focus since the middle ages, when the church campaigns started to study Islam as the prevalent religion in this area. The orientalist motivations were not only religious, but also followed economic, colonial and scientific agenda, which lead to a plethora of specialized research, stories, novels and analytical studies. A close look at the orientalists' works will provide us with an overview of eastern civilization. Therefore, their works are considered as a mirror reflecting their point of view to the east and the north of Africa, especially to pharaonic Egypt. The orientalists who travelled to the east and expressed their passion to this old civilization in their writings influenced the literary movement deeply. But what do we mean by the term orientalism? Edward Sa{\"i}d has defined this term in different ways. Sa{\"i}d presented and interpreted it as a way of thinking, a historical phenomenon. Defining orientalism has become a problem indeed, and now it is carrying a number of meanings which do not match. Therefore, the aim of the study is to bring into focus the most important definitions of the term orientalism from the late 17th to the mid-20th century.}, language = {fr} } @article{ApostolidisGkarpousisKoch2017, author = {Apostolidis -Gkarpousis, Alexandros and Koch, Christian}, title = {Convergences et divergences dans les articles «Langage» de Louis de Jaucourt et «Langue» de Nicolas Beauz{\´e}e. Une comparaison de deux articles de l'Encyclop{\´e}die de Diderot et D'Alembert}, series = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, volume = {3}, journal = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, issn = {2510-2613}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172843}, pages = {19-36}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The two articles of «Langage» and «Langue», published in 1765 in the 9th volume of the great French Encyclop{\´e}die by Diderot and D'Alembert, treat some essential philosophical questions on the human ability of communication with linguistic signs. Nevertheless, as the two authors Jaucourt and Beauz{\´e}e did not share completely identic points of view, the comparative lecture of both articles reveals a complementary perspective, particularly relating to the origin of language as a divine gift or humans' creation for communicative needs. A further aspect of divergence concerns the textual composition of the article « Langage » as a structured informative text, and the article « Langue » as a long and freely composed writing including personal remarks by the author. The following article deals with the potential of approaches to the Encyclop{\´e}die in modern linguistics, concretely demonstrated in the comparative analysis of these two articles.}, language = {fr} } @article{IsselDombertWiedersLoheac2016, author = {Issel-Dombert, Sandra and Wieders-Loh{\´e}ac, Aline}, title = {«Nous multiplierons les chansons, les concerts, les spectacles». L'argumentation de Fran{\c{c}}ois Hollande face aux attaques terroristes du 13 novembre}, series = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, volume = {2}, journal = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, issn = {2510-2613}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161637}, pages = {123-151}, year = {2016}, abstract = {After the terrorist attacks on November 13th, the French public, the whole of Europe and many parts of the world were waiting for president Fran{\c{c}}ois Hollande to address his fellow "citoyens". Being the most important political figure - both by constitution and by influence on public discourse - the president's words bear great importance for the subsequent debate and interpretation of the events. Therefore, the question arises: How did the president shape the debate in the hours and days after the attacks? To answer this question, we have identified typical structures in Hollande's rhetorical reaction to the attacks, performing a topos as well as a keyword analysis of the speeches the president held within two weeks after November 13th. In a contrastive analysis we have compared Hollande's speeches to the Europarl Corpus. Using the software programme sketch engine, we have filtered out the 100 most frequent keywords and classified them into semantic fields (data-driven approach). All in all, terrorism, action and nation/identity are the three predominant semantic fields, whereas references to victimhood barely appear. These findings are congruent with the results of our topos analysis that reveals a predominance of argumentative structures that form a strong main topos of resilience, emphasising the greatness of France and its people and culture, calling to action and avoiding any tendencies of resignation.}, subject = {Hollande, Fran{\c{c}}ois}, language = {fr} } @article{Fliege2016, author = {Fliege, Daniel}, title = {Le d{\´e}go{\^u}t du cadavre. Une comparaison entre la repr{\´e}sentation du corps mort dans le De Miseria Condicionis Humane d'Innocent III et dans son adaptation fran{\c{c}}aise Double lay de fragilit{\´e} humaine d'Eustache Deschamps}, series = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, volume = {2}, journal = {promptus - W{\"u}rzburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Romanistik}, issn = {2510-2613}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161616}, pages = {77-97}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The study uses the category of disgust in order to analyse the representation of the human body and the corpse in one of the most influential medieval treatises, the De Miseria Condicionis Humanae (1195) written by Pope Innocent III, and its little known old French adaptation Double lay de fragilit{\´e} humaine (1383) by Eustache Deschamps. Analysing how both use disgust as an aesthetic means, which appeals to emotions and turns off reason, helps to point out the pedagogical and moral function of the texts. The comparison between them shows that Deschamps stays faithful to his Latin model, but that he nevertheless has to make certain modifications in order to adapt the prose text into a lyrical form. Furthermore, this approach clearly elucidates what differences there are between the conceptions of the human body and death in the two texts, revealing at the same time divergent theological points of view.}, subject = {Ekel}, language = {fr} }