@inproceedings{FrankeScheerTrendelenburgetal.1978, author = {Franke, Werner W. and Scheer, Ulrich and Trendelenburg, Michael F. and Zentgraf, H. and Spring, H.}, title = {Morphology of transcriptionally active chromatin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-41097}, year = {1978}, abstract = {Some decades ago it was noted by cytologists that within the interphase nucleus large portions of the transcriptionally ("genetically," in their terms) inactive chromosomal material are contained in aggregates of condensed chromatin, the "chromocenters," whereas transcriptionally active regions of chromosomes appear in a more dispersed form and are less intensely stained with DNA-directed staining procedures (Heitz 1929, 1932, 1956; Bauer 1933). The hypothesis that condensed chromatin is usually characterized by very low or no transcriptional activity, and that transcription occurs in loosely packed forms of chromatin (including, in most cells, the nucleolar chromatin) has received support from studies of ultrathin sections in the electron microscope and from the numerous attempts to separate transcriptionally active from inactive chromatin biochemically (for references, see Anderson et al. 1975; Berkowitz and Doty 1975; Krieg and Wells 1976; Rickwood and Birnie 1976; Gottesfeld 1977). Electron microscopic autoradiography has revealed that sites of RNA synthesis are enriched in dispersed chromatin regions located at the margins of condensed chromatin (Fakan and Bernhard 1971, 1973; Bouteille et al. 1974; Bachellerie et al. 1975) and are characterized by the occurrence of distinct granular and fibrillar ribonucleoprotein (RNP) structures, such as perichromatin granules and fibrils. The discovery that, in most eukaryotic nuclei, major parts of the chromatin are organized in the form of nucleosomes (Olins and Olins 1974; Kornberg 1974; Baldwin et al. 1975) has raised the question whether the same nucleosomal packing of DNA is also present in transcriptionally active chromatin strands. Recent detailed examination of the morphology of active and inactive chromatin involving a diversity of electron microscopic methods, particularly the spreading technique by Miller and coworkers (Miller and Beatty 1969; Miller and Bakken 1972), has indicated that the DNA of some actively transcribed regions is not packed into nucleosomal particles but is present in a rather extended form within a relatively thin (4-7 nm) chromatin fiber.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FrankeZentgrafScheer1978, author = {Franke, Werner W. and Zentgraf, Hanswalter and Scheer, Ulrich}, title = {Supranucleosomal and non-nucleosomal chromatin configurations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39447}, year = {1978}, abstract = {A significant contribution to the understanding of chromatin organization was the d iscovery of the nucleosome as a globular repeating unit of the package of DNA (Hewish and Burgoyne, 1973; Woodcock, 1973; Kornberg, 1974; Olins and Olins, 1974; for review see Oudet et al., 1978 a) . In accord with the original definition and in ag reement with most workers in this field of research we identify a nucleosome as a spheric alor slightly oblate gr anular particle 10-13 nm in diameter, containing about 200 base pairs of DNA and two of each of the four his tones H2a, H2b, H3 and H4. It is this structure in which the bulk of the nuclear chroma tin is organized in most eukaryotic cells, with the exception of the dinofl age llates (Rae and Steele, 1977; dinofl agellate DNA, however, c an be packed into nucleosoma l structures in vitro by addition of the appropriate amounts of histones;the same reference). Although it seems clear from the work reported that condensed and transcriptiona lly inactive chroma tin is contained in nucleosomes as the principle for first order p acking of DNA there are two important questions onto which we are focusing in the present study: ( i ) What is the higher order of p a cking present in - and perhaps typical-of - the condensed sta te of chromatin, and (ii) what is the specific form of arrangement of transcriptionally a ctive chromatin?}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LutzSchlatter1978, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Extrapolation of carcinogenicity data to low doses with a dose-response study of the binding of benzo(a)pyrene to rat liver DNA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80157}, year = {1978}, abstract = {The binding of tritiated benzo(a)pyrene (BP) to liver DNA of 25 adult male rats (SIV 50) has been determined 50 h after a single intraperitoneal injection of doses between 40 ug/kg and 4; mg/kg. The dose-response relations~ ip is linear up to i mg/kg, shows a sigmoid step towards 2 mg/kg and a shallow linear. slope above that value. TlJe 0 bserved bin ding ranges from 1.7 to 180 nmoles BP per mole DNA phosphate. The non-linearity between 1 and 2 mg/kg could be explained 0):1 the basis of an induction of metabolizing enzymes. A pure1y mathematical extrapolation of therumour incidence from a carcinogenic dose (1 x 40mg/kg for a 20\% hepatoma incidence in newborn mice) to human exposure levels (aboilt 0.1 ug/kg per day) would never have followed a step like the on~ found in our experiments. Our dose-effect study therefore shows how carcinogenitity data could be extrapolated in a biologically founded way to low doses.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} }