@phdthesis{Denker2006, author = {Denker, Katrin}, title = {Isolation and characterization of channel-forming proteins in the outer membrane of E. coli and Borrelia species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-16955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this study pore forming proteins of the gram-negative bacteria B. burgdorferi, B. duttonii and E.coli were investigated. Therefore the study is subdivided into three parts. In the first part outer membrane preparation of three relapsing fever Borrelia were investigated. In the second part the putative TolC homologue BB0124 of B. burgdorferi, the Lyme borreliosis agent, was studied. In the last part the influence of point mutants within the greasy slide of the maltose specific porin (LamB) of E. coli were shown. In the first part of this study outer membrane preparations of three Borrelia relapsing fever strains have been studied for pore-forming activity in the black lipid bilayer assay. Histograms of conductance fluctuations were obtained from single-channel experiments with outer membrane preparations of B. hermsii, B. recurentis and B. duttonii. All strains had a different conductance fluctuation pattern with a broad range of single-channel conductance values varying from 0.5 nS - 11 nS. Common for all three strains was a high pore-forming activity at around 0.5 nS. Furthermore the proteins of the outer membrane of B. duttonii were separated by chromatographic methods. Some eluate fractions contained a channel-forming protein, which was forming stable channels with a single-channel conductance of 80 pS in 1 M KCl. Characterization of this channel showed that it is slightly anionic selective and voltage independent. The small single-channel conductance suggests that it is a specific pore. However, a substrate specificity could not be determined. In the second part, for the B. burgdorferi HB19 and p66 knock out strain HB19/K02, their outer membrane preparations were characterized in the black lipid bilayer assay. Comparing the histograms of single-channel conductions fluctuations of both strains showed no single-channel activity at 11.5 nS for the p66 knock out strain. This verifies earlier studies that P66 is a pore-forming protein in B. burgdorferi. Furthermore, one fraction obtained by anion exchange chromatography of the p66 knock out outer membrane protein preparation showed a uniform channel-forming activity with a single channel conductance of 300 pS. The electrophysically characterization of the 300 pS channel showed that it is not ionselective or voltage dependent. By mass spectrometry using peptide mass finger prints, BB0142 could be identified as the sole channel forming candidate in the active fraction. A BLAST search and a conserved domain search showed that BB0142 is a putative TolC homologue in B. burgdorferi. Furthermore the location of the bb0142 gene within the chromosome is in an operon encoding a multidrug efflux pump. In this study the expression of an outer membrane component of a putative drug efflux system of B. burgdorferi was shown for the first time. In the third part functional studies of the maltooligosaccharide-specific LamB channel were performed. The 3D-structure of LamB suggests that a number of aromatic residues (Y6, Y41, W74, F229, W358 and W420) within the channel lumen is involved in carbohydrate and ion transport. All aromatic residues were replaced by alanine (A) scanning mutagenesis. Furthermore, LamB mutants were created in which one, two, three, four and five aromatic residues were replaced to study their effects on ion and maltopentaose transport through LamB. The purified mutant proteins were reconstituted into lipid bilayer membranes and the single-channel conductance was studied. The results suggest that all aromatic residues provide some steric hindrance for ion transport through LamB. Highest impact is provided by Y6 and Y41, which are localized opposite to Y118, which forms the central constriction of the LamB channel. Stability constants for binding of maltopentaose to the mutant channels were measured using titration experiments with the carbohydrate. The mutation of one or several aromatic amino acids led to a substantial decrease of the stability constant of binding. The highest effect was observed when all aromatic amino acids were replaced by alanine because no binding of maltopentaose could be detected in this case. However, binding was again possible when Y118 was replaced by tryptophane (W). The carbohydrate-induced block of the channel function could also be used for the study of current noise through the different mutant LamB-channels. The analysis of the power density spectra of some of the mutants allowed the evaluation of the on- and off-rate constants (k1 and k-1) of carbohydrate binding to the binding-site inside the channels. The results suggest that both on- and off-rate constants were affected by the mutations. For most mutants k1 decreased and k-1 increased.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stegmeier2006, author = {Stegmeier, Johannes Friedrich}, title = {Study of Omp85 Family Proteins YaeT and YtfM and Multidrug Export Machineries in Escherichia coli}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18171}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this study the Omp85 family proteins YaeT and YtfM of Escherichia coli were investigated by using biochemical and electrophysiological methods as well as bioinformatical and structural analysis. In addition, knock-out strains were constructed to further study the relevance of these proteins in vivo. The prediction that Omp85 proteins are composed of two domains, a periplasmic amino-terminal POTRA (polypeptide translocation associated) domain and a carboxy-terminal domain anchoring these proteins in the outer membrane, was confirmed by the construction of mutants. It could be shown that the carboxy-terminal part of the proteins is able to insert into the outer bacterial membrane, even if the POTRA domain is removed. Furthermore, pore-forming activity in the black-lipid bilayer was observed for both full-length proteins as well as their carboxy-terminal membrane located parts. The channels formed by both proteins in the black lipid bilayer showed variable single channel conductance states rather than a defined value for conductance. In 1M KCl, e.g. YaeT forms pores with a channel conductance of 100 to 600 pS containing a most abundant value at 400 pS. This variability is at least reasonable for YaeT due to a prerequisite flexibility of its channel for OMP insertion. YaeT was identified to form a cation selective, YtfM an anion selective channel, which is less pH dependent than YaeT. Another feature of the YaeT channel is that its selectivity and conductance is influenced by charged detergent molecules indicating an accumulation of these molecules in hydrophobic pockets inside the compact channel. YaeT revealed heat-modifiable mobility in SDS-PAGE which is characteristic for \&\#946;-barrel OMPs, whereas YtfM did not show this behaviour. This result could be explained by sequence alignment and structural comparison of YaeT and YtfM via CD and FTIR spectra displaying much higher \&\#946;-strand content for the carboxy-terminal part of YaeT compared to YtfM. Since the carboxy-terminal parts were shown to have pore forming ability and are inserted in the OM in vivo, the substitution of the essential protein YaeT by its carboxy-terminal mutant was attempted in a yaeT knock-out strain. The carboxy-terminal half of YaeT was not sufficient to compensate depletion of the full-length protein indicating an important role of the amino-terminus for cell viability. In contrary, YtfM is shown to be a non-essential protein and lack of YtfM had no effects on the composition and integrity of the OM. However, chromosomal deletion of ytfM remarkably reduced the growth rate of cells. This study provides the first detailed investigation of the structure of YaeT and describes its electrophysiological behaviour, which could be a basis for further studies of YaeT and its substrate proteins. Furthermore, YtfM was characterised and its in vivo function was investigated revealing YtfM as the second Omp85 family protein of importance in E. coli. In a second part of this study assembly and function of multidrug efflux pumps were investigated. Drug efflux pumps are tripartite export machineries in the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria conferring multidrug resistance and therefore causing severe problems for medical treatment of diseases. Protein structures of all three efflux pump components are solved, but the exact interaction sites are still unknown. Assembly of a hybrid exporter system composed of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa channel tunnel OprM, the E. coli adaptor protein AcrA and its associated transporter AcrB could be shown by chemical cross-linking, even though this efflux pump is not functional. Exchange of the hairpin domain of AcrA by the corresponding hairpin from the adaptor protein MexA of P. aeruginosa restored functionality tested by antibiotic sensitivity assays. This shows the importance of the MexA hairpin domain for functional interaction with the OprM channel tunnel. Interestingly, the hybrid protein was also able to assemble with TolC as outer membrane component to form a functional efflux pump indicating a higher flexibility of TolC compared to OprM concerning interaction partners. Based on these results, an interaction model of the hairpin domain and the channel tunnel on molecular level for AcrA and TolC as well as MexA and OprM, respectively, is presented. This model provides a basis for directed mutagenesis to reveal the exact contact sites of the hairpin of the adapter protein and the outer membrane component}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brandes2010, author = {Brandes, Nicolas}, title = {Oxidative Thiol Modifications in Pro- and Eukaryotic Organisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Cystein spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Biochemie vieler Proteine. Aufgrund der Redox-Eigenschaften und der hohen Reaktivit{\"a}t der freien Thiol-Gruppe sowie dessen F{\"a}higkeit Metallionen zu koordinieren, ist Cystein oft Bestandteil von katalytischen Zentren vieler Enzyme. Zudem lassen sich Cysteine durch reaktive Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies leicht reversibel oxidativ modifizieren. In den letzten Jahren wurde gezeigt, dass Proteine redox-bedingte Thiol-Modifikationen nutzen, um Ver{\"a}nderungen ihrer Aktivit{\"a}t zu steuern. Diese redox-regulierten Proteine spielen eine zentrale Rolle in vielen physiologischen Prozessen. Das erste Ziel meiner Arbeit war die Identifizierung von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO)-sensitiven Proteinen in E. coli. Die redox-bedingten Funktions{\"a}nderungen solcher Proteine erkl{\"a}ren m{\"o}glicherweise die ver{\"a}nderte Physiologie von E. coli Zellen, die unter NO-Stress leiden. Um E. coli Proteine zu identifizieren, die unter Einwirkung von NO-Stress reversibel Thiol-modifiziert werden, wandte ich eine Kombination aus differentiellem Thiol-Trapping und 2D Gel-Elektrophorese an. Es wurden zehn Proteinen identifiziert, welche NO-sensitive Thiol-Gruppen enthalten. Genetische Studien ergaben, dass Modifikationen an AceF \& IlvC mitverantwortlich sind f{\"u}r die NO-induzierte Wachstumshemmung. Bemerkenswert ist es, dass die Mehrheit der identifizierten Proteine speziell nur gegen reaktive Stickstoffspezies empfindlich ist, welches an einem der identifizierten Stickstoffmonoxid-sensitiven Proteinen, der kleinen Untereinheit von Glutamate synthase, getestet wurde. In vivo und in vitro Aktivit{\"a}tsstudien zeigten, dass es zu einer schnellen Inaktivierung von Glutamate synthase nach NO-Behandlung kommt, das Protein aber resistent gegen{\"u}ber anderen Oxidationsmittel ist. Diese Resultate implizieren, dass reaktive Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies unterschiedliche physiologische Vorg{\"a}nge in Bakterien beeinflussen. Das zweite Ziel meiner Arbeit war es, redox-sensitive Proteine in S. cerevisiae zu identifizieren und deren Redox-Zustand als in vivo Read-Out zu verwenden, um die Rolle von oxidativen Stress w{\"a}hrend des Alterungsprozess eukaryotischer Zellen zu analysieren. Zun{\"a}chst bestimmte ich in Hefezellen mit Hilfe von OxICAT, einer hochsensiblen quantitativen Methode, die Thiol-Trapping mit Massenspektrometrie verbindet, den exakten in vivo Thiol-Status von fast 300 Proteinen. Diese Proteine lassen sich in vier Gruppen einteilen: 1) Proteine, deren Cysteinreste resistent gegen Oxidation sind; 2) Proteine, in denen Cysteinmodifikationen strukturelle Aufgaben {\"u}bernehmen; 3) Proteine mit oxidationsempfindlichen Cysteinen, die bereits eine gewisse Oxidation in exponentiell wachsenden Hefezellen aufweisen; 4) Proteine, die reduziert sind, aber redox-sensitive Cysteinreste enthalten, die die Funktion der Proteine bei Vorhandensein von oxidativen Stress beeinflussen. Die Sensitivit{\"a}t dieser Proteine gegen{\"u}ber oxidativen Stress wurde durch Exposition subletaler Konzentrationen von H2O2 oder Superoxid auf Hefezellen nachgewiesen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die wichtigsten zellul{\"a}ren Angriffspunkte von H2O2- und Superoxid-bedingtem Stress Proteine sind, die an Vorg{\"a}ngen der Translation, Glykolyse, des Citratzyklus und der Aminos{\"a}ure-Biosynthese beteiligt sind. Diese Zielproteine zeigen, dass Zellen f{\"u}r die Bek{\"a}mpfung von oxidativen Stress Metabolite schnell in Richtung des Pentosephosphatweges umleiten, um die Produktion des Reduktionsmittels NADPH sicherzustellen. Die hier pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse belegen, dass die quantitative Bestimmung des Oxidationsstatus von Proteinen eine wertvolle Methode ist, um redox-sensitive Cysteinreste zu identifizieren. Die OxICAT Technologie wurde dann verwendet, um das genaue Ausmaß und die Entstehung von oxidativen Stress in chronologisch alternden S. cerevisiae Zellen zu bestimmen. F{\"u}r diese Bestimmung wurde der Oxidationsstatus von Proteinen in alternden Hefezellen als physiologischer Read-Out verwendet. Ich zeigte, dass die zellul{\"a}re Redox-Hom{\"o}ostase in chronologisch alternden Hefezellen global zusammenbricht, wobei es sich dabei um einen Prozess handelt, der dem Zelltod vorausgeht. Der Beginn dieses Zusammenbruchs scheint mit der Lebensdauer der Hefezellen zu korrelieren, da Kalorienrestriktion die Lebensdauer der Hefezellen erh{\"o}ht und den Zusammenbruch des Redox-Gleichgewichts verz{\"o}gert. Die Oxidation einer kleinen Anzahl an Proteinen (z.B. Thioredoxin reductase) geht dem Redox-Zusammenbruch deutlich voraus, was maßgeblich zum Verlust der Redox-Hom{\"o}ostase beitragen k{\"o}nnte. Diese Studien an alternden Hefezellen erweitern unser Verst{\"a}ndnis, wie sich Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Redox-Hom{\"o}ostase auf die Lebensdauer von Hefezellen auswirken. Zudem best{\"a}tigen die hier pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse die Bedeutung von oxidativen Thiol-Modifikationen als eine der wichtigsten posttranslationalen Proteinmodifikationen in pro-und eukaryotischen Organismen}, subject = {Oxidativer Stress}, language = {en} }