@article{OnoSonoyamaNemaetal.2014, author = {Ono, Mitsuaki and Sonoyama, Wataru and Nema, Kazuki and Hara, Emilio Satoshi and Oida, Yasutaka and Pham, Hai Thanh and Yamamoto, Katushi and Hirota, Kazuo and Sugama, Kazushige and Sebald, Walter and Kuboki, Takuo}, title = {Regeneration of calvarial defects with Escherichia coli-derived rhBMP-2 adsorbed in PLGA membrane}, series = {Cells Tissues Organs}, volume = {198}, journal = {Cells Tissues Organs}, number = {5}, issn = {1422-6405}, doi = {10.1159/000356947}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196680}, pages = {367 -- 376}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Objective: Escherichia coli-derived recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (E-BMP-2) has been shown to be as effective as mammalian cell-derived BMP-2. However, several in vitro and in vivo experiments are still necessary to validate the effectiveness of E-BMP-2 due to the difference in synthesis process, mainly related to protein nonglycosylation. The objective of this study was to investigate whether biodegradable polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) membrane is a suitable carrier for E-BMP-2 delivery for bone regeneration of critical-sized defects in rat calvaria. Materials and Methods: First, the osteoinductive effect of E-BMP-2 was confirmed in vitro in mouse bone marrow stromal cells by analysis of osteocalcin mRNA levels, and calcium deposition was detected by alizarin red staining. Before in vivo experiments, the release profile of E-BMP-2 from PLGA membranes was determined by ELISA. E-BMP-2 (0, 1, 5 and 10 μg/μl) was applied for ectopic and orthotopic bone formation and was analyzed by X-ray, micro-CT and histology. Results: Release-profile testing showed that PLGA membrane could retain 94\% of the initially applied E-BMP-2. Ectopic bone formation assay revealed that combination of E-BMP-2/PLGA membrane strongly induced bone formation. Stronger osteoinductivity with complete repair of critical-sized defects was observed only with PLGA membranes adsorbed with 5 and 10 μg/μl of E-BMP-2, whereas no bone formation was observed in the groups that received no membrane or 0-μg/μl dose of E-BMP-2. Conclusion: PLGA membrane was shown to be a suitable carrier for sustained release of E-BMP-2, and the E-BMP-2/PLGA membrane combination was demonstrated to be efficient in bone regeneration in a model of critical-sized defects.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwarze2014, author = {Schwarze, Simone}, title = {Untersuchung von Faltungs- und Funktionsdynamik isolierter Proteindom{\"a}nen mittels Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-107080}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Proteine bestehen aus einer spezifischen Sequenz verschiedener Aminos{\"a}uren, die ihre charakteristische Funktion bestimmt. Die große Variabilit{\"a}t an Aminos{\"a}uresequenzen erm{\"o}glichte die Evolution einer nahezu unbegrenzten Anzahl an Proteinen. Meistens nehmen diese Schl{\"u}sselpositionen ein, von robusten Baustoffen bis hin zu molekularen Maschinen. Daher kann eine Fehlfunktion gravierende Auswirkungen auf das Leben haben, z.B. Krankheiten wie Alzheimer oder Epilepsi. Um die Funktionen und Fehlfunktionen zu verstehen, ist eine umfassende Kenntnis der Proteinfaltung, der Protein-Protein Assoziation, sowie den Dynamiken innerhalb von Proteinen erforderlich. Diese Vorg{\"a}nge wurden in dieser Arbeit an drei isolierten Proteindom{\"a}nen durch die Anwendung der Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schmechanismen der H-Dimerbildung und des photoinduzierten Elektronentransfers untersucht. Der entfaltete Zustand der Bindungsdom{\"a}ne BBL, das Teil des 2-oxo-acid Dehydrogenasekomplexes ist, wurde unter physiologischen Bedingungen mit Zirkulardichroismus (CD) und einer Kombination aus photoinduziertem Elektronentransfer und Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie analysiert. Beide Methoden zeigten {\"u}bereinstimmend anhand von 20 in BBL einzeln eingef{\"u}gten konservativen Punktmutationen, dass Seitenketteninteraktionen keine Auswirkungen auf die Sekund{\"a}rstruktur des denaturierten Zustandes, den Ausgangspunkt der Faltung, haben. Mit Hilfe der Dekonvolation der CD-Spektren wurde zudem gezeigt, dass die Reststruktur im denaturierten Zustand der helikalen Proteindom{\"a}ne von β-Str{\"a}ngen und β-Kehren dominiert wird, die eine entscheidende Funktion bei der Faltung in den nativen Zustand haben k{\"o}nnten. Die N-terminale Dom{\"a}ne (NTD), der f{\"u}r die Materialforschung hochinteressanten Spinnen-seidenfaser, ist f{\"u}r die Polymerisation des Spinnenseidenfadens auf den pH-Wechsel von pH 7 auf pH 6 hin verantwortlich. Dieser f{\"u}r die Proteinfunktion wichtige Prozess wurde durch die Einbringung eines extrinsischen Fluoreszenzschalters, basierend auf der H-Dimerbildung, mit der Stopped-Flow-Technik untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die NTDs 104 mit einer Rate von 3 x 10^8 M-1 s-1 assoziieren und somit nahezu das Geschwindigkeitslimit der Protein-Protein Assoziation erreicht wird. Zwei geladenen Seitenketten, der D39 und D40, kommt eine entscheidende Funktion in dem Prozess zu, da eine Mutation dieser die Assoziation verhindert. Des Weiteren wurde gezeigt, dass sich die NTD auf eine Erh{\"o}hung der Ionenst{\"a}rke entgegengesetzt zu anderen Proteinen verh{\"a}lt: die Dissoziation wird beschleunigt, die Assoziation nicht beeinflusst. Gleiches Verhalten wurde auf den einzelnen Austausch der {\"u}brigen protonierbaren Aminos{\"a}ureseitenketten hin beobachtet, ausgenommen die Mutation der E119, welche die Dissoziation verlangsamt. Daher scheint der makromolekulare Dipol, der auf Grund der Ladungsverteilung in der NTD entsteht, die Assoziation maßgeblich zu beeinflussen. Glutamatrezeptoren sind an der schnellen synaptischen Signalweiterleitung im Nervensys-tem von Vertebraten beteiligt. Die Konformationen der Ligandenbindungsdom{\"a}ne (LBD) haben dabei entscheidende Auswirkungen auf die Funktion des Gesamtrezeptors. Diese wurden mit einer Kombination aus photoinduziertem Elektronentransfer und Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie untersucht. Mit dieser Methode wurde ein dynamisches Bild der gebundenen sowie ungebundenen Form der AMPA-spezifischen Glutamatrezeptor 2-LBD gezeigt. Es wurde zudem gezeigt, dass sich die Dynamiken in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Bindung von den Agonisten Glutamat und AMPA, dem partiellen Agonisten Kainate oder Cyclothiazid (CTZ), welches eine Dimerisierung der LBDs bewirkt, unterschiedlich ver{\"a}ndern. Dies k{\"o}nnte eine Auswirkung auf die Funktion der Rezeptoren haben. Die Anwendung der Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schmechanismen der H-Dimerbildung und des photoinduzierten Elektronentransfers in dieser Arbeit hat gezeigt, dass diese die M{\"o}glichkeit bieten, unterschiedlichste Fragestellungen zu beantworten und so Einblicke in dynamische Funktionsweisen von Proteinen er{\"o}ffnen. Kombiniert mit etablierten Fluoreszenzmethoden ist es so m{\"o}glich quantitativ Kinetiken auf unterschiedlichen Zeitskalen zu untersuchen.}, subject = {Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Classen2014, author = {Claßen, Alice}, title = {Diversity, traits and ecosystem services of pollinators along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Since more than two centuries naturalists are fascinated by the profound changes in biodiversity observed along climatic gradients. Although the theories explaining changes in the diversity and the shape of organisms along climatic gradients belong to the foundations of modern ecology, our picture on the spatial patterns and drivers of biodiversity is far from being complete. Ambiguities in theory and data are common and past work has been strongly concentrated on plants and vertebrates. In the last two decades, interest in the fundamental processes structuring diversity along climatic gradients gained new impetus as they are expected to improve our understanding about how ecosystems will respond to global environmental changes. Global temperatures are rising faster than ever before; natural habitats are transformed into agricultural land and existing land use systems get more and more intensified to meet the demands of growing human populations. The fundamental shifts in the abiotic and biotic environment are proclaimed to affect ecosystems all over the world; however, precise predictions about how ecosystems respond to global changes are still lacking. We investigated diversity, traits and ecosystem services of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania, East Africa). Wild bees play a major role in ecosystems, as they contribute to the reproduction and performance of wild and crop plants. Their responsiveness to environmental changes is therefore of high ecological and economic importance. Temperature and energy resources have often been suggested to be the main determinants of global and local species richness, but the mechanisms behind remain poorly understood. In the study described in chapter II we analyzed species richness patterns of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro and disentangled the factors explaining most of the changes in bee richness. We found that floral resources had a weak but significant effect on pollinator abundance, which in turn was positively related to species richness. However, temperature was the strongest predictor of species richness, affecting species richness both directly and indirectly by positively influencing bee abundances. We observed higher levels of bee-flower-interactions at higher temperatures, independently of flower and bee abundances. This suggests that temperature restricts species richness by constraining the exploitation of resources by ectotherms. Current land use did not negatively affect species richness. We conclude that the richness of bees is explained by both temperature and resource availability, whereas temperature plays the dominant role as it limits the access of ectotherms to floral resources and may accelerate ecological and evolutionary processes that drive the maintenance and origination of diversity. Not only species numbers, but also morphological traits like body size are expected to be shaped by both physiological and energetic constraints along elevational gradients. Paradoxically, Bergmann´s rule predicts increases of body sizes in cooler climates resulting from physiological constraints, while species-energy theory suggests declines in the mean body size of species caused by increased extinction probabilities for large-bodied species in low-energy habitats. In chapter III we confronted this ambiguity with field data by studying community-wide body size variation of wild bees on Mt. Kilimanjaro. We found that along a 3680 m elevational gradient bee individuals became on average larger within species, while large species were increasingly absent from high-elevational communities. This demonstrates, on the one hand, how well-established, but apparently contrasting ecological theories can be merged through the parallel consideration of different levels of biological organization. On the other hand it signals that the extinction risk in the course of environmental change is not equally distributed among species within a community. Land use intensification is known to threaten biodiversity, but the consequences for ecosystem services are still a matter of debate. In chapter IV, we experimentally tested the single and combined contributions of pest predators and pollinators to coffee production along a land use intensification gradient on Mount Kilimanjaro. We found that pest predation increased fruit set by on average 9\%, while pollination increased fruit weight of coffee by on average 7.4\%. Land use had no significant effect on both ecosystem services. However, we found that in coffee plantations with most intensified land use, pollination services were virtually exclusively provided by the honey bee (Apis mellifera). The reliance on a single pollinator species is risky, as possible declines of that species may directly lower pollination services, resulting in yield losses. In contrast, pollination services in structurally complex homegardens were found to be provided by a diverse pollinator community, increasing the stability of pollination services in a long term. We showed that on Mount Kilimanjaro pollinator communities changed along elevational gradients in terms of species richness (chapter II) and trait composition (chapter III). Temperature and the temperature-mediated accessibility of resources were identified as important predictors of these patterns, which contributes to our fundamental understanding about the factors that shape ectothermic insect communities along climatic gradients. The strong temperature-dependence of pollinators suggests that temperature shifts in the course of global change are likely to affect pollinator communities. Pollinators might either profit from rising temperatures, or shift to higher elevations, which could result in related biotic attrition in the lowland with consequences for the provision of ecosystem services in cropping systems. Up to now, land use intensification had no significant impact on the diversity of pollinator communities and their ecosystem services. Pollinators might profit from the strong landscape heterogeneity in the region and from the amount of flower resources in the understory of cropping systems. However,progressing homogenization of the landscape and the pronounced application of pesticides could result in reduced diversity and dominance of single species, as we already found in sun coffee plantations. Such shifts in community compositions could threaten the stability of ecosystem services within cropping and natural systems in a long term.}, subject = {Kilimandscharo}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kindeketa2014, author = {Kindeketa, William Joseph}, title = {Pollination in wild plant communities along altitudinal and land use gradients Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100136}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {1. Pollination of sexually reproducing plants requires pollen transfer agents, which can be biotic, abiotic or a combination of biotic and abiotic agents. The dominance of one of pollination system in wild plant communities depends on climatic factors and/or degrees of anthropogenic influences, which have effects on pollinator diversity and pollination function. Anthropogenic activities and climate change are also considered as main causes of ongoing invasion of invasive species into wild and managed habitats which can bring up competition for pollinators with possible negative consequences for the reproduction of co-occurring native plant species. 2. The study aimed to determine pollination systems and pollination limitation of invasive and native plant communities in natural savannah between 870 - 1130 m and semi-natural (managed) grassland between 1300 - 1750 m above sea level; effects of flower density and pollinator abundance on seed production of cross-pollinated and self-pollinated plants; and relationships of bee abundance and the proportion of cross- pollinated plants at the southern slope of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. 3. Pollinator-exclusion, open pollination and supplemental hand-pollination treatments were applied to 27 plant species in savannah and grassland habitats. Flowers were counted in each clusters based upon their species. Pollinators were sampled by using pan traps. Information-theory-based multi-model averaging and generalized linear mixed effects models were used to identify and analyze the effects of flower density, pollinator abundance, pollination treatments and habitat types on seed production. Regression models were used to determine relationships of altitude with bee abundance, and with proportion of cross-pollinated plants. 4. My results show that mean seed numbers of native plants were significantly lower in pollinator-exclusion treatments than in open-pollination treatments, indicating their reliance on pollinators for reproductive success. In contrast, seed numbers of invasive plants were similar in pollinator-exclusion and open-pollination treatments, demonstrating an ability of reproduction without pollinators. Despite of higher levels of self-pollination in invasive plants, supplemental hand-pollination treatments revealed pollen limitation in grassland and marginally in savannah habitats. There were no significant difference in seed numbers between supplemental hand pollination and open pollination treatments of native plant communities in savannah and grassland, which indicates no pollination limitation in the studied ecological system for native communities. Besides, grassland plants produced comparatively more seeds than savannah plants, however seeds in grasslands were lighter than those of the savannah which may be due to nutrient limitation in grassland. 5. I found 12 cross-pollinated and 15 self-pollinated plants along altitudinal gradient after comparing seeds from pollinator-excluded and open-pollinated experiments. I also found that proportions of cross-pollinated plants and bee abundance simultaneously decreased with increasing altitude. All cross-pollinated plants were native and grew in savannah habitats, with an exception of one species. 6. Neither effects of focal flower density nor a significant interaction between focal flower densities and bee abundance for self-pollinated plants were observed. However, there were effects of focal flower densities and interactions of flower density with bee abundance for cross-pollinated plants. Non-focal flower density has no significant effects on seed production of cross-pollinated and self-pollinated plants. 7. The results show that native plants depend more on cross-pollination than invasive plants, despite of most native plants in managed habitat (grassland) rely on self-pollination for reproduction. The tendency of having more cross-pollinated plants in natural savannah which are in low altitude coincides with other finding that the cross-pollinated plants and bee abundance simultaneously decrease with increasing altitude. Therefore, our findings support the hypotheses that self-fertilization of flowering plants increases with increasing altitude, and pollinator limitation is most pronounced in managed or disturbed habitats. Despite of reduction of pollinators in grassland, only invasive plants experience pollen limitation, which may be due to poor integration with available pollinator networks. 8. I also found bee abundance and flower density are not the main pollination factors required by self-pollinated plants during reproduction. However, focal flower density, which influences pollinator diversity, is more applicable to cross-pollinated plants. Climate change and anthropogenic activities in natural habitats are factors that influence pollinator abundance and functioning, which lead to a shift of mating systems in plant communities so as to assure their reproduction.}, subject = {Best{\"a}ubungs{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fackler2014, author = {Fackler, Marc}, title = {Biochemical characterization of GAS2L3, a target gene of the DREAM complex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103394}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {GAS2L3 was identified recently as a target gene of the DREAM complex (Reichert et al., 2010; Wolter et al., 2012). It was shown that GAS2L3 is expressed in a cell cycle specific manner and that depletion of the protein leads to defects in cytokinesis and genomic instability (Wolter et al., 2012). Major aim of this thesis was, to further characterize the biochemical properties and physiological function of GAS2L3. By in vitro co-sedimentation and bundling assays, GAS2L3 was identified as a cytoskeleton associated protein which bundles, binds and crosslinks F-actin and MTs. GST pulldown assays and co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that GAS2L3 interacts in vitro and in vivo with the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), a very important regulator of mitosis and cytokinesis, and that the interaction is mediated by the GAR domain of GAS2L3 and the C-terminal part of Borealin and the N-terminal part of Survivin. Kinase assays showed that GAS2L3 is not a substrate of the CPC but is strongly phosphorylated by CDK1 in vitro. Depletion of GAS2L3 by shRNA influenced protein stability and activity of the CPC. However pharmacological studies showed that the decreased CPC activity is not responsible for the observed cytokinesis defects upon GAS2L3 depletion. Immunofluorescence experiments revealed that GAS2L3 is localized to the constriction zone by the CPC in a GAR dependent manner and that the GAR domain is important for proper protein function. New interacting proteins of GAS2L3 were identified by stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) in combination with tandem affinity purification and subsequent mass spectrometrical analysis. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments further confirmed the obtained mass spectrometrical data. To address the physiological function of GAS2L3 in vivo, a conditional and a non-conditional knockout mouse strain was established. The non-conditional mouse strain showed a highly increased mortality rate before weaning age probably due to heart failure. The physiological function of GAS2L3 in vivo as well as the exact reason for the observed heart phenotype is not known at the moment.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Andronic2014, author = {Andronic, Joseph}, title = {Volumenregulatorische Transportwege von anorganischen und organischen Osmolyten in S{\"a}ugetierzellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103255}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die Aufrechterhaltung des Zellvolumens unter variablen osmotischen Bedingungen stellt f{\"u}r nahezu alle tierischen Zellen eine essenzielle Aufgabe dar. Um regulatorische Volumenanpassungen vorzunehmen besitzen sie daher effektive Mechanismen, mit deren Hilfe der zellul{\"a}re Gehalt an organischen und anorganischen Osmolyten erh{\"o}ht (= regulatorische Volumenzunahme; RVI) oder gesenkt (= regulatorische Volumenabnahme; RVD) werden kann. Trotz langj{\"a}hriger Forschung auf diesem Gebiet konnten die hieran beteiligten Transportwege f{\"u}r Osmolyte bisher nur unvollst{\"a}ndig aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Insbesondere bei T-Lymphozyten sind wichtige Zellfunktionen wie die Proliferation, Migration und die T-Zell-Aktivierung eng mit volumenregulatorischen Mechanismen verbunden. Bei all diesen Prozessen sind u. a. unterschiedliche Kaliumkan{\"a}le beteiligt, die insbesondere f{\"u}r die pharmakologische Manipulation von Immunsystemprozessen von wissenschaftlichem Interesse sind. Bisherige Modelle der hypotonen Volumenregulation von T-Lymphozyten ber{\"u}cksichtigen lediglich den spannungsabh{\"a}ngigen KV1.3 sowie den Ca2+-aktivierten IKCa1-Kanal, die zur Klasse der 6TM/P-K+-Kan{\"a}le geh{\"o}ren. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine potentielle Rolle von k{\"u}rzlich entdeckten Zwei-Poren Dom{\"a}nen Kaliumkan{\"a}len (K2P) am RVD von murinen und humanen prim{\"a}ren CD4+-T-Lymphozyten untersucht. In einem kombinierten genetischen und pharmakologischen Ansatz mittels knockout-Tiermodellen und dem Einsatz kanalspezifischer Inhibitoren konnte mithilfe zellvolumetrischer Analysen gezeigt werden, dass die K2P-Vertreter TASK1, TASK2, TASK3 und TRESK maßgeblich am schwellungsaktivierten Efflux von K+ beteiligt sind. Beurteilt an den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchung sind der spannungsabh{\"a}ngige TASK2- und der Ca2+-aktivierte TRESK-Kanal f{\"u}r die hypotone Volumenregulation in T-Zellen deutlich bedeutender als TASK1 und TASK3. Der Beitrag der Kan{\"a}le TASK2 und TRESK am RVD-Prozess war {\"u}ber dies vergleichbar mit dessen des bisher bekannten KV1.3-Kanals. In dieser Arbeit wurde damit erstmals eine Beteiligung der K2P-Kan{\"a}le am RVD muriner und humaner CD4+-Lymphozyten identifiziert. Aufgrund der engen Verbindung zwischen T-Zell-Funktion und der Volumenregulation k{\"o}nnen Zwei-Poren Dom{\"a}nen K+-Kan{\"a}le damit in den engeren Kreis potentieller immunmodulierende Angriffspunkte aufgefasst werden. Im zweiten und umfangreicheren Teil dieser Arbeit wurden dar{\"u}ber hinaus die schwellungsaktivierten Transportwege f{\"u}r organische Osmolyte (small organic osmolytes; SOOs) untersucht. SOOs stellen chemisch inerte Verbindungen dar, zu denen vor allem Polyole (Sorbitol, myo-Inositol), Methylamine (Betain, α-Glycerophosphocholin) sowie Aminos{\"a}uren (α- bzw. β-Alanin und Prolin) und deren Derivate (Taurin) z{\"a}hlen. Da SOOs weder die zellul{\"a}re Struktur noch die Funktion von Makromolek{\"u}len beeintr{\"a}chtigen, sind sie wichtige Instrumente der Volumenregulation, die sich in hohen Konzentrationen im Zytosol nahezu aller Zellen wiederfinden. Werden tierische Zellen mit hypotonen Bedingungen konfrontiert, dann ist bei nahezu allen Zellen die Freisetzung organischer Osmolyte zu beobachten, wodurch die zellul{\"a}re Osmolarit{\"a}t unabh{\"a}ngig von Elektrolyten angepasst werden kann. Trotz der wichtigen Funktion der SOOs in der Osmoregulation tierischer Zellen konnte die molekulare Identit{\"a}t beteiligter Effluxwege (Kan{\"a}le bzw. Transporter) bisher nicht aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Ungeachtet der molekularen Identit{\"a}t der SOO-Effluxwege war es aus zahlreichen biotechnologischen Anwendungen zu Beginn dieser Arbeit bekannt, dass die schwellungsaktivierten Transportwege f{\"u}r organische Osmolyte eine gr{\"o}ßenselektive Permeabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r eine Reihe monomerer Zucker und verwandter Verbindungen aufweisen. Um diese Gr{\"o}ßenselektivit{\"a}t n{\"a}her zu charakterisieren, wurde im ersten Schritt die schwellungsaktivierte Membranpermeabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r eine Reihe strukturell homogener Polyethylenglykole unterschiedlicher Polymerl{\"a}nge (PEG200-1500; hydrodynamische Radien zwischen ~0,5-1,5 nm) unter iso- und hypotonen Bedingungen in Jurkat-Lymphozyten untersucht. Unter milden hypotonen Bedingungen (200 mOsm) war die Plasmamembran der untersuchten Lymphozyten f{\"u}r PEG300-1500 undurchl{\"a}ssig, was aus der F{\"a}higkeit der Zellen zur hypotonen Volumenregulation geschlossen werden konnte. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde RVD in stark hypotonen L{\"o}sungen (100 mOsm) mit PEG600-1500 beobachtet, w{\"a}hrend PEG300-400 unter vergleichbaren osmotischen Bedingungen die Volumenregulation der Zellen inhibierten. Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass starkes hypotones Zellschwellen der Lymphozyten zur Permeabilisierung der Plasmamembran f{\"u}r PEG300-400, nicht jedoch f{\"u}r PEG600-1500, f{\"u}hrt. Anhand der hydrodynamischen Radien Rh der verwendeten PEGs konnte ein cutoff-Radius von ~0,74 nm f{\"u}r schwellungsaktivierte Transportwege organischer Osmolyte bestimmt werden. Da diese schwellungsaktivierten Transportwege vielf{\"a}ltig f{\"u}r Zellbeladungstechniken verwendet werden, k{\"o}nnte dieses Ergebnis f{\"u}r zahlreiche biotechnologische und biomedizinische Anwendungen von Interesse sein. Im zweiten Schritt wurde der Versuch unternommen, potentielle Transportwege f{\"u}r organische Osmolyte im RVD-Prozess molekular zu identifizieren. Da es grundlegend ungekl{\"a}rt war, wie viele unterschiedliche Transporter bzw. Kan{\"a}le am Efflux der zahlreichen organischen Osmolyte beteiligt sind, erfolgte zun{\"a}chst die vergleichende Analyse des schwellungsaktivierten Membrantransports strukturell verschiedener SOOs einschließlich der Aminosulfons{\"a}ure Taurin und des Polyols myo-Inositol. Hierbei wurde erstmals gezeigt, dass die schwellungsaktivierten Transportwege f{\"u}r Taurin und myo-Inositol deutlich unterschiedliche Aktivit{\"a}tsprofile aufweisen. W{\"a}hrend der Taurintransport bereits unter milden hypotonen Bedingungen, d.h. nach einer geringen Absenkung der Osmolalit{\"a}t von 300 auf ~230 mOsm, aktiviert wurde, erfolgte die Aktivierung der Membranpermeabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r myo-Inositol bei einer viel niedrigeren Osmolalit{\"a}t von ~150 mOsm. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wiesen die beiden Transportwege unter vergleichbarem hypotonen Stress von 100 mOsm deutlich unterschiedliche Aktivit{\"a}tsdauern auf (Transport von Taurin ~95 min und myo-Inositol ~40 min). Somit deuteten diese Ergebnisse erstmals auf substrat-spezifische Transportwege f{\"u}r SOOs hin, die voneinander stark abweichende osmotische Aktivierungsprofile besitzen. Als aussichtsreiche Kandidaten f{\"u}r diese Transportwege wurden zwei Mitglieder der Gruppe der Solute Carrier (SLC) untersucht, die klare {\"U}bereinstimmungen mit den gesuchten Transportern f{\"u}r SOOs aufweisen. Daher wurde im Weiteren eine RVD-Beteiligung dieser Transportergruppe mit einer Kombination aus molekularbiologischer und konventioneller bzw. hochaufgel{\"o}ster mikroskopischen Techniken {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die semiqantitativen RT-PCR-Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen dabei, dass die Gentranskription der potentiellen SOO-Transporter SLC5A3 und SLC6A6 in den untersuchten Zelllinien Jurkat, HEK wie auch HepG2-Zellen durch hypotone Bedingungen deutlich verst{\"a}rkt wird. Hierbei nimmt der zellul{\"a}re mRNA-Gehalt der Gene SLC5A3 zwischen 20-60\% und SLC6A6 um 30-100\% innerhalb von 10-20 min zu, was auf eine potentielle RVD-Beteiligung von SLC-Transportern hindeutet. Ausgehend von diesem Ergebnis wurde daraufhin die zellul{\"a}re Lokalisation des SLC5A3-Transporters unter isotonen und hypotonen Bedingungen mikroskopisch untersucht. Wie anhand der konfokalen lasermikroskopischen Untersuchung zu erkennen ist, findet unter hypotoner Stimulation eine zellul{\"a}re Umverteilung des mit EGFP fluoreszenzmarkierten Proteins SLC5A3 statt. Innerhalb von 10 min wird der Transporter dabei von intrazellul{\"a}ren Regionen in Richtung Plasmamembran verlagert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte mit Hilfe der hochaufl{\"o}senden Mikroskopie-Technik dSTORM gezeigt werden, dass der Transporter SLC5A3 unter hypotoner Stimulation verst{\"a}rkt mit der Plasmamembran assoziiert vorliegt. Diese verst{\"a}rkte Membranassoziation des SLC5A3-Proteins deutet damit auf einen schwellungsinduzierten exozytotischen Einbau des Transporters hin. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen damit erstmals, dass SLC-Transporter wie SLC5A3, SLC6A6 und vermutlich andere Vertreter der SLC-Superfamilie potentiell am Mechanismus der hypotonen Volumenregulation beteiligt sind. Da SLC-Transporter als wichtige Transportsysteme f{\"u}r Therapeutika angesehen werden und die Mechanismen der Volumenregulation bereits in zahlreichen biotechnologischen Anwendungen implementiert sind, k{\"o}nnte der hier aufgedeckte Zusammenhang einen Erkenntnisgewinn f{\"u}r zahlreiche biomedizinische Forschungsgebiete darstellen.}, subject = {S{\"a}ugetiere}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Loeschberger2014, author = {L{\"o}schberger, Anna}, title = {Biologische Referenzstrukturen und Protokolloptimierung in der hochaufl{\"o}senden Fluoreszenzmikroskopie mit dSTORM}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102630}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die Lokalisationsmikroskopie ist eine neue, vielversprechende Methode der hochaufl{\"o}senden Fluoreszenzmikroskopie. Sie erm{\"o}glicht detaillierte Einblicke in die Organisation und den strukturellen Aufbau von Zellen. Da die Vorbereitung der Proben und das Aufnehmen der Bilder im Vergleich zu herk{\"o}mmlichen Methoden h{\"o}here Anforderungen stellt, mussten ihr Potential und ihre Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit erst noch {\"u}berzeugend gezeigt werden. Bis vor kurzem wurde das Aufl{\"o}sungsverm{\"o}gen vor allem an Mikrotubuli gezeigt, deren filament{\"o}se Struktur allerdings schon in konfokalen Bildern zu erkennen ist. Deswegen wurde in dieser Dissertation der Kernporenkomplex (NPC), dessen Struktur in der konventionellen Fluoreszenzmikroskopie nicht aufl{\"o}sbar ist, als Modellstruktur f{\"u}r die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie eingef{\"u}hrt. Dazu wurden Kernporenkomplexe aus Kernh{\"u}llen von Xenopus laevis Oocyten mit dSTORM (direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy), einer Methode der Lokalisationsmikroskopie, hochaufgel{\"o}st. Damit konnte nun erstmals die Achtfachsymmetrie dieses Proteinkomplexes lichtmikroskopisch dargestellt werden. Desweiteren konnte der Zentralkanal mit einem Durchmesser von ca. 40 nm aufgel{\"o}st werden. Die Daten eigneten sich außerdem f{\"u}r eine automatisierte Bildanalyse nach dem sogenannten "particle averaging" - einer aus der Elektronenmikroskopie bekannten Methode, um eine Durchschnittsstruktur zu ermitteln. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden Zweifach-F{\"a}rbungen von NPCs benutzt, um verschiedene Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r Zweifarben-Aufnahmen mit dSTORM zu testen. Neben dem mittlerweile standardm{\"a}ßig benutzten, sequentiellen Ansatz mit zwei spektral getrennten Farbstoffen, wurde auch ein simultaner Ansatz mit zwei spektral {\"u}berlappenden Farbstoffen erfolgreich angewandt. Auch f{\"u}r 3D-Messungen mit den Ans{\"a}tzen Biplane und Astigmatismus eignete sich die Markierung der Kernh{\"u}lle. Hier wurden jedoch A6-Zellen benutzt und die Kr{\"u}mmung des Zellkerns {\"u}ber die gef{\"a}rbten Kernporen dargestellt. dSTORM-Messungen k{\"o}nnen nicht nur an fixierten, sondern auch in lebenden Zellen durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Hierzu eignen sich vor allem sehr immobile Proteine, wie H2B oder Lamin C. Anhand von SNAP-Tag- und Halo-Tag-Konstrukten konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich kommerziell erh{\"a}ltliche, organische Farbstoffe auch in endogener zellul{\"a}rer Umgebung schalten lassen, wodurch Lebendzell-Aufnahmen mit dSTORM m{\"o}glich sind. Ein weiterer Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit korrelativen Aufnahmen aus dSTORM und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (SEM). Hierzu wurden Xenopus laevis Kernh{\"u}llen zuerst mit dSTORM hochaufgel{\"o}st und danach f{\"u}r die EM pr{\"a}pariert. Anschließend wurden zugeh{\"o}rige Bereiche am Rasterelektronenmikroskop aufgenommen. Mit den erhaltenen korrelativen Bildern konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich dSTORM und SEM bei geeigneten Proben durchaus kombinieren lassen. Proteine k{\"o}nnen somit spezifisch markiert und im Rahmen ihrer strukturellen Umgebung mit nahezu molekularer Aufl{\"o}sung dargestellt werden. Da hochwertige Aufnahmen eine ausgereifte Probenpr{\"a}paration voraussetzen, darf deren Etablierung nicht zu kurz kommen. Unter dieser Pr{\"a}misse wurde ein optimiertes Markierungsprotokoll mit dem Namen ClickOx entwickelt. Mit ClickOx bleibt bei der kupferkatalysierten Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition die Feinstruktur von Aktinfilamenten, sowie die Fluoreszenz fluoreszierender Proteine, deutlich sichtbar erhalten. W{\"a}hrend bei den klassischen Click-Protokollen auf Grund der Entstehung von reaktiven Sauerstoff-Spezies (ROS) feine zellul{\"a}re Strukturen, wie Aktinfilamente, angegriffen oder zerst{\"o}rt werden, sch{\"u}tzt das neue Protokoll mit enzymatischem Sauerstoffentzug Proteine und somit Strukturen vor Reaktionen mit ROS. Das unterstreicht, wie wichtig es ist auch sogenannte "etablierte" Protokolle weiterzuentwickeln, denn bestimmte Nebeneffekte in Pr{\"a}parationen werden unter Umst{\"a}nden erstmals in der Hochaufl{\"o}sung sichtbar. Ein weiterer Aspekt war die Untersuchung des Einflusses von D1 auf die Chromatinorganisation. Mit verschiedenen mikroskopischen Methoden konnten Hinweise auf eine m{\"o}gliche DNA-Cross-Linking-F{\"a}higkeit dieses Proteins gesammelt werden. Hier wurde die Einzelmolek{\"u}linformation der dSTORM-Filme genutzt, um unterschiedliche Grade von DNA- bzw. Chromatin-Akkumulation zu vergleichen. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass wildtypisches D1 DNA vernetzen kann. Dies erfolgt {\"u}ber die sogenannten AT-Haken-Motive. Sobald diese alle durch Mutation funktionsunf{\"a}hig gemacht werden - wie bei der verwendeten R10xG-Mutante - l{\"a}sst sich keine Akkumulation der DNA mehr beobachten. Neben der Chromatinaggregation durch D1-Expression konnte in FRAP-Experimenten gezeigt werden, dass nur die "echten" AT-Haken eine hohe Affinit{\"a}t zum Chromatin aufweisen, die sogenannten "potentiellen" hingegen nicht.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ullrich2014, author = {Ullrich, Melanie}, title = {Identification of SPRED2 as a Novel Regulator of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activity and of Body Homeostasis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-107355}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {SPRED proteins are inhibitors of the Ras/ERK/MAPK signaling pathway, an evolutionary highly conserved and very widespread signaling cascade regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, and growth. To elucidate physiological consequences of SPRED2 deficiency, SPRED2 KO mice were generated by a gene trap approach. An initial phenotypical characterization of KO mice aged up to five months identified SPRED2 as a regulator of chondrocyte differentiation and bone growth. Here, the loss of SPRED2 leads to an augmented FGFR-dependent ERK activity, which in turn causes hypochondroplasia-like dwarfism. However, long term observations of older KO mice revealed a generally bad state of health and manifold further symptoms, including excessive grooming associated with severe self-inflicted wounds, an abnormally high water uptake, clear morphological signs of kidney deterioration, and a reduced survival due to sudden death. Based on these observations, the aim of this study was to discover an elicitor of this complex and versatile phenotype. The observed kidney degeneration in our SPRED2 KO mice was ascribed to hydronephrosis characterized by severe kidney atrophy and apoptosis of renal tubular cells. Kidney damage prompted us to analyze drinking behavior and routine serum parameters. Despite polydipsia, which was characterized by a nearly doubled daily water uptake, the significantly elevated Na+ and Cl- levels and the resulting serum hyperosmolality could not be compensated in SPRED2 KOs. Since salt and water balance is primarily under hormonal control of aldosterone and AVP, we analyzed both hormone levels. While serum AVP was similar in WTs and KOs, even after experimental water deprivation and an extreme loss of body fluid, serum aldosterone was doubled in SPRED2 KO mice. Systematic investigation of contributing upstream hormone axes demonstrated that hyperaldosteronism developed independently of an overactivated Renin-Angiotensin system as indicated by halved serum Ang II levels in KO mice. However, aldosterone synthase expression in the adrenal gland was substantially augmented. Serum corticosterone, which is like aldosterone released from the adrenal cortex, was more than doubled in SPRED2 KOs, too. Similar to corticosterone, the production of aldosterone is at least in part under control of pituitary ACTH, which is further regulated by upstream hypothalamic CRH release. In fact, stress hormone secretion from this complete hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis was upregulated because serum ACTH, the mid acting pituitary hormone, and hypothalamic CRH, the upstream hormonal inductor of HPA axis activity, were also elevated by 30\% in SPRED2 KO mice. This was accompanied by an upregulated ERK activity in paraventricular nucleus-containing hypothalamic brain regions and by augmented hypothalamic CRH mRNA levels in our SPRED2 KO mice. In vitro studies using the hypothalamic cell line mHypoE-44 further demonstrated that both SPRED1 and SPRED2 were able to downregulate CRH promoter activity, CRH secretion, and Ets factor-dependent CRH transcription. This was in line with the presence of various Ets factor binding sites in the CRH promoter region, especially for Ets1. Thus, this study shows for the first time that SPRED2-dependent inhibition of Ras/ERK/MAPK signaling by suppression of ERK activity leads to a downregulation of Ets1 factor-dependent transcription, which further results in inhibition of CRH promoter activity, CRH transcription, and CRH release from the hypothalamus. The consecutive hyperactivity of the complete HPA axis in our SPRED2 KO mice reflects an elevated endogenous stress response becoming manifest by excessive grooming behavior and self-inflicted skin lesions on the one hand; on the other hand, in combination with elevated aldosterone synthase expression, this upregulated HPA hormone release explains hyperaldosteronism and the associated salt and water imbalances. Both hyperaldosteronism and polydipsia very likely contribute further to the observed kidney damage. Taken together, this study initially demonstrates that SPRED2 is essential for the appropriate regulation of HPA axis activity and of body homeostasis. To further enlighten and compare consequences of SPRED2 deficiency in mice and particularly in humans, two follow-up studies investigating SPRED2 function especially in heart and brain, and a genetic screen to identify human SPRED2 loss-of-function mutations are already in progress.}, subject = {Renin-Angiotensin-System}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Riedinger2014, author = {Riedinger, Verena}, title = {Landscape-scale spillover of pollinators from oil-seed rape to crop and semi-natural habitats on different temporal scales}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-96844}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Organisms use different resources in different habitat types during their life cycle. Thereby, they connect habitats and provide ecosystem services or disservices in several habitat types. In agricultural landscapes, the spillover of organisms, i.e. movement of an organism and its function from one habitat to another, especially from semi-natural to managed habitats, is one of the most important processes that influence population dynamics and community composition. Importantly, spillover connects habitats not only spatially, but also on different temporal scales, because availability of resources changes over time in agricultural landscapes, e.g. by mass-flowering events of crops, harvesting or crop rotation. Most often, semi-natural habitats are seen as beneficial source of organisms, but also managed habitats can provide valuable resources, and thereby initiate spillover to other habitats. Mass-flowering crops, like oil-seed rape, are such valuable feeding resources for pollinators, and pollinators might spillover from oil-seed rape to other habitats which provide alternative foraging resources. The focus of this dissertation was to evaluate the influence of oil-seed rape on pollinators in agricultural landscapes by studying effects (1) on different temporal scales (from effects during the flowering period of oil-seed rape, Chapter II \& IV, to intermediate effects on a second mass-flowering crop, Chapter III, to spillover effects to the flowering period in the next year, Chapter IV), (2) semi-natural (Chapter II) and crop (Chapter III, IV) habitats, and (3) on various pollinator groups which differ in their life cycle (Chapter II, III, IV). In this dissertation effects from oil-seed rape on all temporal scales - in the short term during mass-flowering and in the long term on a late-flowering crop and even in the next year on oil-seed rape fields ─ were found. These effects might be important for crop and wild plant pollination, and pollinator conservation. Importantly, the effects on different temporal scales depend on the considered habitat (managed or different semi-natural habitats) and on the investigated pollinator group. The more pollinators match the flowering period of oil-seed rape in their activity period and the more dependent they are on flowering resources in their life cycle, the more pronounced are their responses. Effects were found for wild bees, but not for hoverflies and honey bees. Moreover, the availability of semi-natural habitats in the landscape is important and may modulate effects from oil-seed rape. The longevity of effects of oil-seed rape shows the importance of including several temporal scales into ecosystem-service studies, not only for pollinators, but also for other ecosystem-service providing species groups.}, subject = {Raps}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wende2014, author = {Wende, Beate}, title = {Diversity of saproxylic beetles and host tree specialisation in differently managed forests across Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-107049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Chapter I The gradual turnover of dead organic material into mineral nutrients is a key ecological function, linking decomposition and primary production, the essential parts of the nutrient-energy cycle. However, disturbances in terms of species or resource losses might impair the equilibrium between production and decomposition. Humanity has converted large proportions of natural landscapes and intensified land-use activity for food production. Globally, only very few areas are totally unaffected by human activity today. To ensure the maintenance of both essential ecosystem services, knowledge about the interplay of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning as well as effects of intensified management on both is crucial. The vast majority of terrestrial biomass production as well as decomposition take place in forest ecosystems. Though forestry has a long sustainable history in Europe, its intensification during the last century has caused severe impacts on forest features and, consequently, on the associated biota, especially deadwood dependent organisms. Among these, saproxylic beetles are the most diverse group in terms of species numbers and functional diversity, but also most endangered due to habitat loss. These features classify them as ideal research organisms to study effects of intensified forestry on ecosystem services. The BELONGDEAD project located in Germany aimed to investigate deadwood decay and functional consequences of diversity changes in the associated fauna on the decomposition process from the initialisation of deadwood decay to complete degradation. As part of the BeLongDead project, this dissertation focussed on saproxylic beetle species, thereby evaluating (1) regionally effects of tree species identity of fresh deadwood and (2) forest management of varying intensities on the diversity, abundance and community composition of saproxylic beetles (chapter II); (3) the specialisation degree of different trophic guilds of saproxylic beetles, and thus the stability and robustness of their interaction networks against disturbances (chapter III); (4) the impact of environmental features of local to regional spatial scales on species richness of saproxylic beetles differing in their habitat niche in terms of deadwood decay stages (chapter IV). Chapter II The vast majority of European forest ecosystems have been anthropogenically affected, leaving less than 1\% of the about 1 milliard hectare as natural forests. A long history of forestry and especially the technological progress during the last century have caused massive habitat fragmentation as well as substantial loss of essential resources in European forest ecosystems. Due to this, the substrate-dependent group of saproxylic beetles has experienced severe species losses. Thus, investigations concerning saproxylic diversity and deadwood volume were badly needed. However, the importance of different deadwood in terms of tree species identity for the colonization by saproxylic beetles under different local and regional management regimes is poorly understood. Therefore, we studied possible regional differences in colonization patterns of saproxylic beetle species in a total of 688 fresh deadwood logs of 13 tree species in 9 sites of managed conifer and beech forests, and unmanaged beech forests, respectively. We found that tree species identity was an important driver in determining saproxylic species composition and abundance within fresh deadwood. However, saproxylic species showed different colonization patterns of deadwood items of the same tree species among the study regions. Regionally consistent, conifer forests were most diverse. We attribute the latter result to the historically adaption of saproxylic beetle species to semi-open forests, which conditions are actually best reflected by conifer forests. To preserve a diverse local species pool of early successional saproxylic beetles, we suggest an equal high degree of deadwood diversity in a tree species context in due consideration of regional differences. Chapter III The extinction risk of a particular species corresponds with its species-specific requirements on resources and habitat conditions, in other words with the width of the species` ecological niche. Species with a narrow ecological niche are defined as specialists. Members of this group experience higher extinction risk by resource limitation than generalists, which are able to utilize a variety of resources. For the classification of species as specialists or generalists, thus evaluating possible extinction risks, ecologists use the concept of interaction networks. This method has often been applied for mutualistic or antagonistic plant-animal interactions, but information for networks of detritivores is scarce. Therefore, saproxylic beetle species sampled as described in chapter II were categorised according to their larval diet; additionally their interaction networks (N=108) with 13 dead host tree species were analysed. Specialisation degree was highest for wood-digesting beetles and decreased with increasing trophic level. Also the network indices evaluating robustness and generality indicated a higher susceptibility to species extinctions for xylophagous than for mycetophagous and predatory beetles. The specialisation of xylophagous species on specific tree species might be an adaption to tree species specific ingredients stored for defence against pathogens and pests. However, we conclude that the high specialisation degree of xylophages and thus their higher extinction risk by resource loss harbours certain dangers for ecosystem function and stability as species diversity is positively linked to both. Chapter IV Populations depend on individual emigration and immigration events to ensure genetic exchange. For successful migration it is of utmost importance that spatially separated populations are obtainable by specimen. Migratory success depends on the one hand on the species dispersal abilities and on the other on the availability of suitable habitats in the surrounding landscape in which the distinct host populations exist. However, consequences of intensive forest management correspond not only to severe reduction of local deadwood amount, but, among others, also a change in tree species composition and high levels of fragmentation in the surrounding forest area. Saproxylic beetle species differ in their dispersal behaviour according to the temporal availability of their preferred habitat. Generally, early successional saproxylic beetles are able to disperse over large distances, whereas beetles inhabiting advanced decayed wood often remain close to their larval habitat. Due to this, environmental factors might affect saproxylic beetle guilds differently. We classified the saproxylic beetles sampled as described in chapter II according to their calculated habitat niche as early, intermediate or late successional saproxylic beetles. For the different guilds the effects of 14 environmental factors on different spatial scales (stand factors at 0.1 km radius, landscape composition at 2 km radius, and regionally differing abiotic factors in 400 km to 700 km distance) were investigated. Consistently for all guilds, species richness decreased with fragmentation at local and landscape scale, and increased in warmer climate. However, we found contradictory results between the guilds to some extent. We relate this to guild specific habitat requirements of the saproxylic beetles. Therefore, for the development of appropriate conservation practices guild-specific requirements saproxylic beetles have to be considered not only locally but on larger spatial scales. Chapter V In conclusion, this dissertation identified main drivers of early successional saproxylic beetle species richness on various spatial scales. Our results emphasize the importance to develop management schemes meeting species-specific and guild-specific habitat requirements of the saproxylic beetle fauna at relevant spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, short-term actions suggested for sustainable forest management should be the focus on a diverse tree species composition consisting of indigenous tree species with respect to regional differences. Moreover, senescent trees, fallen and standing deadwood should remain in the forests, and some tree individuals should be allowed to grow old. Long-term actions should involve the reduction of forest fragmentation and the connection of spatial widely separated forest fragments. Furthermore, to fully understand the effects of forest management long-term research should be conducted to compare habitat requirements of intermediate and late successional beetles with the results presented in this dissertation.}, subject = {Saproxylophage}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kirscher2014, author = {Kirscher, Lorenz}, title = {Melanogene rekombinante Vaccinia-Viren als diagnostisches und therapeutisches Agenz zur Tumorbehandlung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112074}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die g{\"a}ngigen therapeutischen Behandlungsmethoden f{\"u}r die verschiedensten Krebserkrankungen zeigen nach wie vor M{\"a}ngel bez{\"u}glich der Effizienz sowie zahlreiche Nebenwirkungen w{\"a}hrend und nach der Behandlung. Maßgeblich f{\"u}r diese Defizite ist die teilweise geringe Sensitivit{\"a}t der meisten konventionellen diagnostischen Systeme und damit einhergehend die oftmals zu sp{\"a}te Identifikation entarteter Gewebsbereiche. Zur L{\"o}sung dieser Problematik bieten onkolytische Vaccinia-Viren einen Ansatz, sowohl die Effizienz der Therapie wie auch die Diagnostik zu verbessern. In beiden F{\"a}llen sind die Tumorzell-spezifische Vermehrung der Viren und die M{\"o}glichkeit entscheidend, die Viren als Vektorsystem zur Expression therapeutischer oder diagnostischer Fremdgenkassetten zu nutzen. Um ein auf Vaccinia-Virus-basierendes Reportersystem zum diagnostischen Nachweis von Krebszellen mittels Tiefengewebs-Tomographie bereit zu stellen, wurden die f{\"u}r die murine Tyrosinase (mTyr) und das Tyrosinase-Helferprotein 1 (Tyrp1) kodierenden Gene in das Genom eines onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus inseriert. Die Tyrosinase ist das Schl{\"u}sselenzym der Melaninsynthese. Bereits die solit{\"a}re Expression der Tyrosinase f{\"u}hrt in der transformierten Zelle zur Melaninproduktion. Das Tyrosinase-Helferprotein 1 ist an der Prozessierung und Stabilisierung der Tyrosinase beteiligt. Bereits in verschiedenen Studien konnte gezeigt werden, dass Melanin als Reportermolek{\"u}l f{\"u}r die Magnetresonanz sowie f{\"u}r die multispektrale optoakustische Tomographie einsetzbar ist. Es wurde deswegen angestrebt, die Kombination aus dem therapeutischen Potential des onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus und der diagnostischen Anwendung des Melanins als Reporter auszunutzen. S{\"a}mtliche in dieser Arbeit aufgef{\"u}hrten rekombinanten Vaccinia-Viren (rVACV) wurden von der Firma Genelux Corporation zur Verf{\"u}gung gestellt und in dieser Arbeit hinsichtlich der therapeutischen Effizienz und des diagnostischen Potentials untersucht. In ersten Zellkultur-Versuchen wurde anhand verschiedener konstitutiv melanogener rVACV-Konstrukte festgestellt, dass die Kombination aus dem Vaccinia-Virus-spezifischen synthetic early/late Promotor und dem Enzym Tyrosinase (GLV-1h327) bzw. den Enzymen Tyrosinase und Tyrosinase-Helferprotein 1 (GLV-1h324) die h{\"o}chste Melaninsynthese-Rate zeigte. Anschließend wurde mittels der Bestimmung der spektralen Absorption und der Enzymaktivit{\"a}t der viral kodierten Melanin synthetisierenden Enzyme sowie mikroskopischer Analysen gezeigt, dass es mit diesen auf 8 Vaccinia-Virus-basierenden melanogenen Reportersystemen m{\"o}glich ist, die Melaninsynthese in nicht-melanogenen Zellen zu induzieren. Anhand elektronenmikroskopischer Untersuchungen in Zellkultur und ex vivo konnte gezeigt werden, dass die nach rVACV-Infektion stattfindende Melaninsynthese in den Lysosomen der Wirtszelle abl{\"a}uft. Eine Analyse der atomaren Zusammensetzung des viral vermittelten Melanins ergab, dass es sich um eine Mischform aus Eu- und Ph{\"a}omelanin handelt. Dieser Melanin-Mix {\"a}hnelte dem Melanin aus Haut und Augen, jedoch lagen an Melanin-gebundene Metallionen in erh{\"o}htem Maß vor...}, subject = {Melanin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{LuiblneeHermann2014, author = {Luibl [n{\´e}e Hermann], Christiane}, title = {The role of the neuropeptides NPF, sNPF, ITP and PDF in the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-93796}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Organisms have evolved endogenous clocks which allow them to organize their behavior, metabolism and physiology according to the periodically changing environmental conditions on earth. Biological rhythms that are synchronized to daily changes in environment are governed by the so-called circadian clock. Since decades, chronobiologists have been investigating circadian clocks in various model organisms including the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, which was used in the present thesis. Anatomically, the circadian clock of the fruitfly consists of about 150 neurons in the lateral and dorsal protocerebrum, which are characterized by their position, morphology and neurochemistry. Some of these neurons had been previously shown to contain either one or several neuropeptides, which are thought to be the main signaling molecules used by the clock. The best investigated of these neuropeptides is the Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), which had been shown to constitute a synchronizing signal between clock neurons as well as an output factor of the clock. In collaboration with various coworkers, I investigated the roles of three other clock expressed neuropeptides for the generation of behavioral rhythms and the partly published, partly unpublished data are presented in this thesis. Thereby, I focused on the Neuropeptide F (NPF), short Neuropeptide F (sNPF) and the Ion Transport Peptide (ITP). We show that part of the neuropeptide composition within the clock network seems to be conserved among different Drosophila species. However, the PDF expression pattern in certain neurons varied in species deriving from lower latitudes compared to higher latitudes. Together with findings on the behavioral level provided by other people, these data suggest that different species may have altered certain properties of their clocks - like the neuropeptide expression in certain neurons - in order to adapt their behavior to different habitats. We then investigated locomotor rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster flies, in which neuropeptide circuits were genetically manipulated either by cell ablation or RNA interference (RNAi). We found that none of the investigated neuropeptides seems to be of equal importance for circadian locomotor rhythms as PDF. PDF had been previously shown to be necessary for rhythm maintenance in constant darkness (DD) as well as for the generation of morning (M) activity and for the right phasing of the evening (E) activity in entrained conditions. We now demonstrate that NPF and ITP seem to promote E activity in entrained conditions, but are clearly not the only factors doing so. In addition, ITP seems to reduce nighttime activity. Further, ITP and possibly also sNPF constitute weak period shortening components in DD, thereby opposing the effect of PDF. However, neither NPF or ITP, nor sNPF seem to be necessary in the clock neurons for maintaining rhythmicity in DD. It had been previously suggested that PDF is released rhythmically from the dorsal projection terminals. Now we discovered a rhythm in ITP immunostaining in the dorsal projection terminals of the ITP+ clock neurons in LD, suggesting a rhythm in peptide release also in the case of ITP. Rhythmic release of both ITP and PDF seems to be important to maintain rhythmic behavior in DD, since constantly high levels of PDF and ITP in the dorsal protocerebrum lead to behavioral arrhythmicity. Applying live-imaging techniques we further demonstrate that sNPF acts in an inhibitory way on few clock neurons, including some that are also activated by PDF, suggesting that it acts as signaling molecule within the clock network and has opposing effects to PDF. NPF did only evoke very little inhibitory responses in very few clock neurons, suggesting that it might rather be used as a clock output factor. We were not able to apply the same live-imaging approach for the investigation of the clock neuron responsiveness to ITP, but overexpression of ITP with various driver lines showed that the peptide most likely acts mainly in clock output pathways rather than inter-clock neuron communication. Taking together, I conclude that all investigated peptides contribute to the control of locomotor rhythms in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. However, this control is in most aspects dominated by the actions of PDF and rather only fine-tuned or complemented by the other peptides. I assume that there is a high complexity in spatial and temporal action of the different neuropeptides in order to ensure correct signal processing within the clock network as well as clock output.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @article{ChenGerber2014, author = {Chen, Yi-chun and Gerber, Bertram}, title = {Generalization and discrimination tasks yield concordant measures of perceived distance between odours and their binary mixtures in larval Drosophila}, series = {The Journal of Experimental Biology}, volume = {217}, journal = {The Journal of Experimental Biology}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1242/jeb.100966}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121625}, pages = {2071-7}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Similarity between odours is notoriously difficult to measure. Widely used behavioural approaches in insect olfaction research are cross-adaptation, masking, as well as associative tasks based on olfactory learning and the subsequent testing for how specific the established memory is. A concern with such memory-based approaches is that the learning process required to establish an odour memory may alter the way the odour is processed, such that measures of perception taken at the test are distorted. The present study was therefore designed to see whether behavioural judgements of perceptual distance are different for two different memory-based tasks, namely generalization and discrimination. We used odour-reward learning in larval Drosophila as a study case. In order to challenge the larvae's olfactory system, we chose to work with binary mixtures and their elements (1-octanol, n-amyl acetate, 3-octanol, benzaldehyde and hexyl acetate). We determined the perceptual distance between each mixture and its elements, first in a generalization task, and then in a discrimination task. It turns out that scores of perceptual distance are correlated between both tasks. A re-analysis of published studies looking at element-to-element perceptual distances in larval reward learning and in adult punishment learning confirms this result. We therefore suggest that across a given set of olfactory stimuli, associative training does not grossly alter the pattern of perceptual distances.}, language = {en} } @article{StefanovicBarnettvanDuijvenbodenetal.2014, author = {Stefanovic, Sonia and Barnett, Phil and van Duijvenboden, Karel and Weber, David and Gessler, Manfred and Christoffels, Vincent M.}, title = {GATA-dependent regulatory switches establish atrioventricular canal specificity during heart development}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {5}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {3680}, issn = {2041-1723}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms4680}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121437}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The embryonic vertebrate heart tube develops an atrioventricular canal that divides the atrial and ventricular chambers, forms atrioventricular conduction tissue and organizes valve development. Here we assess the transcriptional mechanism underlying this localized differentiation process. We show that atrioventricular canal-specific enhancers are GATA-binding site-dependent and act as switches that repress gene activity in the chambers. We find that atrioventricular canal-specific gene loci are enriched in H3K27ac, a marker of active enhancers, in atrioventricular canal tissue and depleted in H3K27ac in chamber tissue. In the atrioventricular canal, Gata4 activates the enhancers in synergy with Bmp2/Smad signalling, leading to H3K27 acetylation. In contrast, in chambers, Gata4 cooperates with pan-cardiac Hdac1 and Hdac2 and chamber-specific Hey1 and Hey2, leading to H3K27 deacetylation and repression. We conclude that atrioventricular canal-specific enhancers are platforms integrating cardiac transcription factors, broadly active histone modification enzymes and localized co-factors to drive atrioventricular canal-specific gene activity.}, language = {en} } @article{McCarthyMooreKraussetal.2014, author = {McCarthy, Michael A. and Moore, Alana L. and Krauss, Jochen and Morgan, John W. and Clements, Christopher F.}, title = {Linking Indices for Biodiversity Monitoring to Extinction Risk Theory}, series = {Conservation Biology}, volume = {28}, journal = {Conservation Biology}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/cobi.12308}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121218}, pages = {1575-83}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Biodiversity indices often combine data from different species when used in monitoring programs. Heuristic properties can suggest preferred indices, but we lack objective ways to discriminate between indices with similar heuristics. Biodiversity indices can be evaluated by determining how well they reflect management objectives that a monitoring program aims to support. For example, the Convention on Biological Diversity requires reporting about extinction rates, so simple indices that reflect extinction risk would be valuable. We developed 3 biodiversity indices that are based on simple models of population viability that relate extinction risk to abundance. We based the first index on the geometric mean abundance of species and the second on a more general power mean. In a third index, we integrated the geometric mean abundance and trend. These indices require the same data as previous indices, but they also relate directly to extinction risk. Field data for butterflies and woodland plants and experimental studies of protozoan communities show that the indices correlate with local extinction rates. Applying the index based on the geometric mean to global data on changes in avian abundance suggested that the average extinction probability of birds has increased approximately 1\% from 1970 to 2009.}, language = {en} } @article{ZhanStanciauskasStigloheretal.2014, author = {Zhan, Hong and Stanciauskas, Ramunas and Stigloher, Christian and Dizon, Kevin K. and Jospin, Maelle and Bessereau, Jean-Luis and Pinaud, Fabien}, title = {In vivo single-molecule imaging identifies altered dynamics of calcium channels in dystrophin-mutant C. elegans}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {5}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {4974}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms5974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121125}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Single-molecule (SM) fluorescence microscopy allows the imaging of biomolecules in cultured cells with a precision of a few nanometres but has yet to be implemented in living adult animals. Here we used split-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusions and complementation-activated light microscopy (CALM) for subresolution imaging of individual membrane proteins in live Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). In vivo tissue-specific SM tracking of transmembrane CD4 and voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels (VDCC) was achieved with a precision of 30 nm within neuromuscular synapses and at the surface of muscle cells in normal and dystrophin-mutant worms. Through diffusion analyses, we reveal that dystrophin is involved in modulating the confinement of VDCC within sarcolemmal membrane nanodomains in response to varying tonus of C. elegans body-wall muscles. CALM expands the applications of SM imaging techniques beyond the petri dish and opens the possibility to explore the molecular basis of homeostatic and pathological cellular processes with subresolution precision, directly in live animals.}, language = {en} } @article{WirthGlushakovaScheuermayeretal.2014, author = {Wirth, Christine C. and Glushakova, Svetlana and Scheuermayer, Matthias and Repnik, Urska and Garg, Swatl and Schaack, Dominik and Kachman, Marika M. and Weißbach, Tim and Zimmerberg, Joshua and Dandekar, Thomas and Griffiths, Gareth and Chitnis, Chetan E. and Singh, Shallja and Fischer, Rainer and Pradel, Gabriele}, title = {Perforin-like protein PPLP2 permeabilizes the red blood cell membrane during egress of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes}, series = {Cellular Microbiology}, volume = {16}, journal = {Cellular Microbiology}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1111/cmi.12288}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120895}, pages = {709-33}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Egress of malaria parasites from the host cell requires the concerted rupture of its enveloping membranes. Hence, we investigated the role of the plasmodial perforin-like protein PPLP2 in the egress of Plasmodium falciparum from erythrocytes. PPLP2 is expressed in blood stage schizonts and mature gametocytes. The protein localizes in vesicular structures, which in activated gametocytes discharge PPLP2 in a calcium-dependent manner. PPLP2 comprises a MACPF domain and recombinant PPLP2 has haemolytic activities towards erythrocytes. PPLP2-deficient [PPLP2(-)] merozoites show normal egress dynamics during the erythrocytic replication cycle, but activated PPLP2(-) gametocytes were unable to leave erythrocytes and stayed trapped within these cells. While the parasitophorous vacuole membrane ruptured normally, the activated PPLP2(-) gametocytes were unable to permeabilize the erythrocyte membrane and to release the erythrocyte cytoplasm. In consequence, transmission of PPLP2(-) parasites to the Anopheles vector was reduced. Pore-forming equinatoxin II rescued both PPLP2(-) gametocyte exflagellation and parasite transmission. The pore sealant Tetronic 90R4, on the other hand, caused trapping of activated wild-type gametocytes within the enveloping erythrocytes, thus mimicking the PPLP2(-) loss-of-function phenotype. We propose that the haemolytic activity of PPLP2 is essential for gametocyte egress due to permeabilization of the erythrocyte membrane and depletion of the erythrocyte cytoplasm.}, language = {en} } @article{KlattHolzschuhWestphaletal.2014, author = {Klatt, Bj{\"o}rn K. and Holzschuh, Andrea and Westphal, Catrin and Clough, Yann and Smit, Inga and Pawelzik, Elke and Tscharntke, Teja}, title = {Bee pollination improves crop quality, shelf life and commercial value}, series = {Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences}, volume = {281}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences}, number = {1775}, doi = {10.1098/rspb.2013.2440}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120797}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Pollination improves the yield of most crop species and contributes to one-third of global crop production, but comprehensive benefits including crop quality are still unknown. Hence, pollination is underestimated by international policies, which is particularly alarming in times of agricultural intensification and diminishing pollination services. In this study, exclusion experiments with strawberries showed bee pollination to improve fruit quality, quantity and market value compared with wind and self-pollination. Bee-pollinated fruits were heavier, had less malformations and reached higher commercial grades. They had increased redness and reduced sugar-acid-ratios and were firmer, thus improving the commercially important shelf life. Longer shelf life reduced fruit loss by at least 11\%. This is accounting for 0.32 billion US\$ of the 1.44 billion US\$ provided by bee pollination to the total value of 2.90 billion US\$ made with strawberry selling in the European Union 2009. The fruit quality and yield effects are driven by the pollination-mediated production of hormonal growth regulators, which occur in several pollination-dependent crops. Thus, our comprehensive findings should be transferable to a wide range of crops and demonstrate bee pollination to be a hitherto underestimated but vital and economically important determinant of fruit quality.}, language = {en} } @article{DandekarFieselmannFischeretal.2014, author = {Dandekar, Thomas and Fieselmann, Astrid and Fischer, Eva and Popp, Jasmin and Hensel, Michael and Noster, Janina}, title = {Salmonella—how a metabolic generalist adopts an intracellular lifestyle during infection}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, number = {191}, issn = {2235-2988}, doi = {10.3389/fcimb.2014.00191}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120686}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The human-pathogenic bacterium Salmonella enterica adjusts and adapts to different environments while attempting colonization. In the course of infection nutrient availabilities change drastically. New techniques, "-omics" data and subsequent integration by systems biology improve our understanding of these changes. We review changes in metabolism focusing on amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism. Furthermore, the adaptation process is associated with the activation of genes of the Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPIs). Anti-infective strategies have to take these insights into account and include metabolic and other strategies. Salmonella infections will remain a challenge for infection biology.}, language = {en} } @article{HaydnHufnagelGrimmetal.2014, author = {Haydn, Johannes M. and Hufnagel, Anita and Grimm, Johannes and Maurus, Katja and Schartl, Manfred and Meierjohann, Svenja}, title = {The MAPK pathway as an apoptosis enhancer in melanoma}, series = {Oncotarget}, volume = {5}, journal = {Oncotarget}, number = {13}, issn = {1949-2553}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120649}, pages = {5040-53}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Inhibition of RAF/MEK/ERK signaling is beneficial for many patients with BRAFV600E-mutated melanoma. However, primary and secondary resistances restrict long-lasting therapy success. Combination therapies are therefore urgently needed. Here, we evaluate the cellular effect of combining a MEK inhibitor with a genotoxic apoptosis inducer. Strikingly, we observed that an activated MAPK pathway promotes in several melanoma cell lines the pro-apoptotic response to genotoxic stress, and MEK inhibition reduces intrinsic apoptosis. This goes along with MEK inhibitor induced increased RAS and P-AKT levels. The protective effect of the MEK inhibitor depends on PI3K signaling, which prevents the induction of pro-apoptotic PUMA that mediates apoptosis after DNA damage. We could show that the MEK inhibitor dependent feedback loop is enabled by several factors, including EGF receptor and members of the SPRED family. The simultaneous knockdown of SPRED1 and SPRED2 mimicked the effects of MEK inhibitor such as PUMA repression and protection from apoptosis. Our data demonstrate that MEK inhibition of BRAFV600E-positive melanoma cells can protect from genotoxic stress, thereby achieving the opposite of the intended anti-tumorigenic effect of the combination of MEK inhibitor with inducers of intrinsic apoptosis.}, language = {en} }