@article{KuhnGrippFliederetal.2015, author = {Kuhn, Joachim and Gripp, Tatjana and Flieder, Tobias and Dittrich, Marcus and Hendig, Doris and Busse, Jessica and Knabbe, Cornelius and Birschmann, Ingvild}, title = {UPLC-MRM Mass Spectrometry Method for Measurement of the Coagulation Inhibitors Dabigatran and Rivaroxaban in Human Plasma and Its Comparison with Functional Assays}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0145478}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136023}, pages = {e0145478}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Introduction The fast, precise, and accurate measurement of the new generation of oral anticoagulants such as dabigatran and rivaroxaban in patients' plasma my provide important information in different clinical circumstances such as in the case of suspicion of overdose, when patients switch from existing oral anticoagulant, in patients with hepatic or renal impairment, by concomitant use of interaction drugs, or to assess anticoagulant concentration in patients' blood before major surgery. Methods Here, we describe a quick and precise method to measure the coagulation inhibitors dabigatran and rivaroxaban using ultra-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) mode (UPLC-MRM MS). Internal standards (ISs) were added to the sample and after protein precipitation; the sample was separated on a reverse phase column. After ionization of the analytes the ions were detected using electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Run time was 2.5 minutes per injection. Ion suppression was characterized by means of post-column infusion. Results The calibration curves of dabigatran and rivaroxaban were linear over the working range between 0.8 and 800 mu g/L (r > 0.99). Limits of detection (LOD) in the plasma matrix were 0.21 mu g/L for dabigatran and 0.34 mu g/L for rivaroxaban, and lower limits of quantification (LLOQ) in the plasma matrix were 0.46 mu g/L for dabigatran and 0.54 mu g/L for rivaroxaban. The intraassay coefficients of variation (CVs) for dabigatran and rivaroxaban were < 4\% and 6\%; respectively, the interassay CVs were < 6\% for dabigatran and < 9\% for rivaroxaban. Inaccuracy was < 5\% for both substances. The mean recovery was 104.5\% (range 83.8-113.0\%) for dabigatran and 87.0\%(range 73.6-105.4\%) for rivaroxaban. No significant ion suppressions were detected at the elution times of dabigatran or rivaroxaban. Both coagulation inhibitors were stable in citrate plasma at -20 degrees C, 4 degrees C and even at RT for at least one week. A method comparison between our UPLC-MRM MS method, the commercially available automated Direct Thrombin Inhibitor assay (DTI assay) for dabigatran measurement from CoaChrom Diagnostica, as well as the automated anti-Xa assay for rivaroxaban measurement from Chromogenix both performed by ACL-TOP showed a high degree of correlation. However, UPLC-MRM MS measurement of dabigatran and rivaroxaban has a much better selectivity than classical functional assays measuring activities of various coagulation factors which are susceptible to interference by other coagulant drugs. Conclusions Overall, we developed and validated a sensitive and specific UPLC-MRM MS assay for the quick and specific measurement of dabigatran and rivaroxaban in human plasma.}, language = {en} } @article{SinghKingstonGuptaetal.2015, author = {Singh, Amit K. and Kingston, Joseph J. and Gupta, Shishir K. and Batra, Harsh V.}, title = {Recombinant Bivalent Fusion Protein rVE Induces CD4+ and CD8+ T-Cell Mediated Memory Immune Response for Protection Against Yersinia enterocolitica Infection}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, number = {1407}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2015.01407}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136114}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Studies investigating the correlates of immune protection against Yersinia infection have established that both humoral and cell mediated immune responses are required for the comprehensive protection. In our previous study, we established that the bivalent fusion protein (rVE) comprising immunologically active regions of Y pestis LcrV (100-270 aa) and YopE (50-213 aa) proteins conferred complete passive and active protection against lethal Y enterocolitica 8081 challenge. In the present study, cohort of BALB/c mice immunized with rVE or its component proteins rV, rE were assessed for cell mediated immune responses and memory immune protection against Y enterocolitica 8081 rVE immunization resulted in extensive proliferation of both CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets; significantly high antibody titer with balanced IgG1: IgG2a/IgG2b isotypes (1:1 ratio) and up regulation of both Th1 (INF-\(\alpha\), IFN-\(\gamma\), IL 2, and IL 12) and Th2 (IL 4) cytokines. On the other hand, rV immunization resulted in Th2 biased IgG response (11:1 ratio) and proliferation of CD4+ T-cell; rE group of mice exhibited considerably lower serum antibody titer with predominant Th1 response (1:3 ratio) and CD8+ T-cell proliferation. Comprehensive protection with superior survival (100\%) was observed among rVE immunized mice when compared to the significantly lower survival rates among rE (37.5\%) and rV (25\%) groups when IP challenged with Y enterocolitica 8081 after 120 days of immunization. Findings in this and our earlier studies define the bivalent fusion protein rVE as a potent candidate vaccine molecule with the capability to concurrently stimulate humoral and cell mediated immune responses and a proof of concept for developing efficient subunit vaccines against Gram negative facultative intracellular bacterial pathogens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiese2015, author = {Wiese, Katrin Evelyn}, title = {Sensing supraphysiological levels of MYC : mechanisms of MIZ1-dependent MYC-induced Apoptosis in Mammary Epithelial Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132532}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Deregulated MYC expression contributes to cellular transformation as well as progression and maintenance of human tumours. Interestingly, in the absence of additional genetic alterations, potentially oncogenic levels of MYC sensitise cells to a variety of apoptotic stimuli. Hence, MYC-induced apoptosis has long been recognised as a major barrier against cancer development. However, it is largely unknown how cells discriminate physiological from supraphysiological levels of MYC in order to execute an appropriate biological response. The experiments described in this thesis demonstrate that induction of apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells depends on the repressive actions of MYC/MIZ1 complexes. Analysis of gene expression profiles and ChIP-sequencing experiments reveals that high levels of MYC are required to invade low-affinity binding sites and repress target genes of the serum response factor SRF. These genes are involved in cytoskeletal dynamics as well as cell adhesion processes and are likely needed to transmit survival signals to the AKT kinase. Restoration of SRF activity rescues MIZ1- dependent gene repression and increases AKT phosphorylation and downstream function. Collectively, these results indicate that association with MIZ1 leads to an expansion of MYC's transcriptional response that allows sensing of oncogenic levels, which points towards a tumour-suppressive role for the MYC/MIZ1 complex in epithelial cells.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heidinger2015, author = {Heidinger, Ina M. M.}, title = {Beyond metapopulation theory: Determinants of the dispersal capacity of bush crickets and grasshoppers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135068}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Habitat fragmentation and destruction due to anthropogenic land use are the major causes of the increasing extinction risk of many species and have a detrimental impact on animal populations in numerous ways. The long-term survival and stability of spatially structured populations in fragmented landscapes largely depends on the colonisation of habitat patches and the exchange of individuals and genes between patches. The degree of inter-patch dispersal, in turn, depends on the dispersal ability of a species (i.e. the combination of physiological and morphological factors that facilitate dispersal) and the landscape structure (i.e. the nature of the landscape matrix or the spatial configuration of habitat patches). As fragmentation of landscapes is increasing and the number of species is continuously declining, a thorough understanding of the causes and consequences of dispersal is essential for managing natural populations and developing effective conservation strategies. In the context of animal dispersal, movement behaviour is intensively investigated with capture-mark-recapture studies. For the analysis of such experiments, the influence of marking technique, handling and translocation of marked animals on movement pattern is of crucial importance since it may mask the effects of the main research question. Chapter 2 of this thesis presents a capture-mark-recapture study investigating the effect of translocation on the movement behaviour of the blue-winged grasshopper Oedipoda caerulescens. Transferring individuals of this grasshopper species to suitable but unfamilliar sites has a significant influence on their movement behaviour. Translocated individuals moved longer distances, showed smaller daily turning angles, and thus their movements were more directed than those of resident individuals. The effect of translocation was most pronounced on the first day of the experiment, but may persist for longer. On average, daily moved distances of translocated individuals were about 50 \% longer than that of resident individuals because they have been transferred to an unfamiliar habitat patch. Depending on experiment duration, this leads to considerable differences in net displacement between translocated and resident individuals. In summary, the results presented in chapter 2 clearly point out that translocation effects should not be disregarded in future studies on arthropod movement, respectively dispersal. Studies not controlling for possible translocation effects may result in false predictions of dispersal behaviour, habitat detection capability or habitat preferences. Beside direct field observations via capture-mark-recapture methods, genetic markers can be used to investigate animal dispersal. Chapter 3 presents data on the genetic structure of populations of Metrioptera bicolor, a wing-dimorphic bush cricket, in a spatially structured landscape with patches of suitable habitat distributed within a diverse matrix of different habitat types. Using microsatellite markers, the effects of geographic distance and different matrix types on the genetic differentiation among 24 local populations was assessed. The results of this study clearly indicate that for M. bicolor the isolation of local populations severely depends on the type of surrounding matrix. The presence of forest and a river running through the study area was positively correlated with the extent of genetic differentiation between populations. This indicates that both matrix types severely impede gene flow and the exchange of individuals between local populations of this bush cricket. In addition, for a subsample of populations which were separated only by arable land or settlements, a significant positive correlation between pairwise genetic and geographic distances exists. For the complete data set, this correlation could not be found. This is most probably due to the adverse effect of forest and river on gene flow which dominates the effect of geographic distance in the limited set of patches investigated in this study. The analyses in chapter 3 clearly emphasize the differential resistance of different habitat types on dispersal and the importance of a more detailed view on matrix 'quality' in metapopulation studies. Studies that focus on the specific dispersal resistance of different matrix types may provide much more detailed information on the dispersal capacity of species than a mere analysis of isolation by distance. Such information is needed to improve landscape oriented models for species conservation. In addition to direct effects on realised dispersal (see chapter 3), landscape structure on its own is known to act as an evolutionary selection agent because it determines the costs and benefits of dispersal. Both morphological and behavioural traits of individuals and the degree to which a certain genotype responds to environmental variation have heritable components, and are therefore expected to be able to respond to selection pressures. Chapter 4 analyses the influence of patch size, patch connectivity (isolation of populations) and sand dynamics (stability of habitat) on thorax- and wing length as proxies for dispersal ability of O. caerulescens in coastal grey dunes. This study revealed clear and sex-specific effects of landscape dynamics and patch configuration on dispersal-related morphology. Males of this grasshopper species were smaller and had shorter wings if patches were larger and less connected. In addition, both sexes were larger in habitat patches with high sand dynamics compared to those in patches with lower dynamics. The investments in wing length were only larger in connected populations when sand dynamics were low, indicating that both landscape and patch-related environmental factors are of importance. These results are congruent with theoretical predictions on the evolution of dispersal in metapopulations. They add to the evidence that dispersal-related morphology varies and is selected upon in recently structured populations even at small spatial scales. Dispersal involves different individual fitness costs like increased predation risk, energy expenditure, costs of developing dispersal-related traits, failure to find new suitable habitat as well as reproductive costs. Therefore, the decision to disperse should not be random but depend on the developmental stage or the physiological condition of an individual just as on actual environmental conditions (context-dependent dispersal, e.g. sex- and wing morph-biased dispersal). Biased dispersal is often investigated by comparing the morphology, physiology and behaviour of females and males or sedentary and dispersive individuals. Studies of biased dispersal in terms of capture-mark-recapture experiments, investigating real dispersal and not routine movements, and genetic proofs of biased dispersal are still rare for certain taxa, especially for orthopterans. However, information on biased dispersal is of great importance as for example, undetected biased dispersal may lead to false conclusions from genetic data. In chapter 5 of this thesis, a combined approach of morphological and genetic analyses was used to investigate biased dispersal of M. bicolor. The presented results not only show that macropterous individuals are predestined for dispersal due to their morphology, the genetic data also indicate that macropters are more dispersive than micropters. Furthermore, even within the group of macropterous individuals, males are supposed to be more dispersive than females. To get an idea of the flight ability of M. bicolor, the morphological data were compared with that of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, which are proved to be very good flyers. Based on the morphological data presented here, one can assume a good flight ability for macropters of M. bicolor, although flying individuals of this species are seldom observed in natural populations.}, subject = {Heuschrecken <{\"U}berfamilie>}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scholl2015, author = {Scholl, Christina}, title = {Cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to behavioral transitions and learning in the honeybee}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The honeybee Apis mellifera is a social insect well known for its complex behavior and the ability to learn tasks associated with central place foraging, such as visual navigation or to learn and remember odor-reward associations. Although its brain is smaller than 1mm² with only 8.2 x 105 neurons compared to ~ 20 x 109 in humans, bees still show amazing social, cognitive and learning skills. They express an age - related division of labor with nurse bees staying inside the hive and performing tasks like caring for the brood or cleaning, and foragers who collect food and water outside the hive. This challenges foragers with new responsibilities like sophisticated navigation skills to find and remember food sources, drastic changes in the sensory environment and to communicate new information to other bees. Associated with this plasticity of the behavior, the brain and especially the mushroom bodies (MBs) - sensory integration and association centers involved in learning and memory formation - undergo massive structural and functional neuronal alterations. Related to this background my thesis on one hand focuses on neuronal plasticity and underlying molecular mechanisms in the MBs that accompany the nurse - forager transition. In the first part I investigated an endogenous and an internal factor that may contribute to the nurse - forager phenotype plasticity and the correlating changes in neuronal network in the MBs: sensory exposure (light) and juvenile hormone (JH). Young bees were precociously exposed to light and subsequently synaptic complexes (microglomeruli, MG) in the MBs or respectively hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) levels were quantified. The results show that light input indeed triggered a significant decrease in MG density, and mass spectrometry JH detection revealed an increase in JH titer. Interestingly light stimulation in young bees (presumably nurse bees) triggered changes in MG density and JH levels comparable to natural foragers. This indicates that both sensory stimuli as well as the endocrine system may play a part in preparing bees for the behavioral transition to foraging. Considering a connection between the JH levels and synaptic remodeling I used gene knockdown to disturb JH pathways and artificially increase the JH level. Even though the knockdown was successful, the results show that MG densities remained unchanged, showing no direct effect of JH on synaptic restructuring. To find a potential mediator of structural synaptic plasticity I focused on the calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in the second part of my thesis. CaMKII is a protein known to be involved in neuronal and behavioral plasticity and also plays an important part in structural plasticity reorganizing synapses. Therefore it is an interesting candidate for molecular mechanisms underlying MG reorganization in the MBs in the honeybee. Corresponding to the high abundance of CaMKII in the learning center in vertebrates (hippocampus), CaMKII was shown to be enriched in the MBs of the honeybee. Here I first investigated the function of CaMKII in learning and memory formation as from vertebrate work CaMKII is known to be associated with the strengthening of synaptic connections inducing long term potentiation and memory formation. The experimental approach included manipulating CaMKII function using 2 different inhibitors and a specific siRNA to create a CaMKII knockdown phenotype. Afterwards bees were subjected to classical olfactory conditioning which is known to induce stable long-term memory. All bees showed normal learning curves and an intact memory acquisition, short-term and mid-term memory (1 hour retention). However, in all cases long-term memory formation was significantly disrupted (24 and 72 hour retention). These results suggests the necessity of functional CaMKII in the MBs for the induction of both early and late phases of long-term memory in honeybees. The neuronal and molecular bases underlying long-term memory and the resulting plasticity in behavior is key to understanding higher brain function and phenotype plasticity. In this context CaMKII may be an important mediator inducing structural synaptic and neuronal changes in the MB synaptic network.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KuhngebBach2015, author = {Kuhn [geb. Bach], Julia Elisa}, title = {Design und Etablierung von Next Generation Sequencing-Methoden zur Diagnostik verschiedener Erbkrankheiten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116854}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Innerhalb des letzten Jahrzehnts entstanden zahlreiche neue Anreicherungs- und Sequenzier-technologien der zweiten (und dritten) Generation, die in rasantem Tempo weiterentwickelt und schon jetzt in vielen Bereichen als neuer Goldstandard f{\"u}r molekulargenetische For-schung und Diagnostik angesehen werden. Als Hochdurchsatz-Verfahren erm{\"o}glichen diese Next Generation Sequencing-Methoden (NGS) in immer k{\"u}rzerer Zeit die parallele Analyse zahlreicher Proben und immer gr{\"o}ßerer Zielregionen bis hin zum ganzen Genom und f{\"u}hrten in der Humangenetik dadurch zu Forschungsans{\"a}tzen in neuen Dimensionen. In dieser Doktorarbeit, die im molekulargenetischen Diagnostik-Labor der Humangenetik W{\"u}rzburg durchgef{\"u}hrt wurde, wurden in f{\"u}nf Projekten NGS-Ans{\"a}tze unterschiedlicher Stufen bzw. Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen f{\"u}r verschiedene erblich bedingte Erkrankungen konzipiert und etabliert und in Forschungsprojekten sowie der Routinediagnostik eingesetzt. Dabei wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Anreicherung der Zielsequenzen und zur NGS-Sequenzierung erprobt und auf ihre Effizienz beurteilt. Die Ergebnisse des NGS und darauf basierender Nachweis-Experimente wurden in sieben Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen dokumentiert, auf denen diese Dissertation aufbaut. In den drei ersten Projekten wurden das Access Array-System (Fluidigm) zur Anreicherung der Zielsequenzen und der GS Junior (Roche) zur Erzeugung der Sequenzen verwendet. In Projekt 1 wurde COL4A6 als neues Kandidatengen f{\"u}r nicht-syndromale H{\"o}rst{\"o}rungen identifiziert. Um m{\"o}gliche weitere Mutationstr{\"a}ger zu detektieren, wurde erfolgreich ein kleiner NGS-Ansatz f{\"u}r das z{\"u}gige Screening dieses Gens bei knapp 100 weiteren Patienten etabliert. Diese und weitere Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigten die Kausalit{\"a}t der COL4A6-Mutation eines Index-Patienten mit schwerer, X-chromosomal-rezessiver H{\"o}rst{\"o}rung. Ein geeigneter NGS-Ansatz f{\"u}r die Analyse des großen RYR1-Gens wurde in Projekt 2 ge-sucht. Der erste Ansatz mit Access Array-System und GS Junior f{\"u}hrte zwar bei 39 von 87 Patienten mit Maligner Hyperthermie und/oder Central Core Disease zu dem Auffinden einer (potentiell) pathogenen Variante, allerdings mit hohen Ausfallquoten. Mit der zweiten Methode (Anreicherung: SureSelect-System custom design, Agilent; Sequenzierung: HiSeq, Illumina) wurden neben RYR1 noch 63 weitere Gene analysiert, was zu deutlich besseren Ergebnissen und vier Mutationsfunden f{\"u}hrte. Projekt 3 beinhaltete die Etablierung zwei kleiner Panels f{\"u}r Muskelkrankheiten. Ein Panel f{\"u}r drei Gene f{\"u}r Gliederg{\"u}rteldystrophien wurde sogar erfolgreich in die akkreditierte Rou-tinediagnostik {\"u}bernommen. Mit dem zweiten Panel f{\"u}r acht Kandidatengene myofibrill{\"a}rer Myopathien (MFM) wurde u.a. eine neue Mutation im BAG3-Gen identifiziert. Das Exom eines MFM-Patienten wurde in Projekt 4 nach Anreicherung mit dem SureSelect-System (Agilent) auf dem HiSeq (Illumina) sequenziert. Nach Auswertung und Beurteilung der identifizierten Varianten wurde ein neuer Erbgang f{\"u}r Myotilinopathien entdeckt. Verschiedene Nachweisexperimente best{\"a}tigten die Kausalit{\"a}t der Mutation im Myotilin-Gen. In Projekt 5 wurde die komplette genomische Sequenz des F8-Gens nach tiefen intronischen Mutationen bei H{\"a}mophilie-Patienten abgesucht (Anreicherung SureSelect custom design, Agilent; Sequenzierung MiSeq, Illumina). Bei jedem der analysierten Patienten konnte min-destens eine verd{\"a}chtige Variante identifiziert werden, die zu ver{\"a}ndertem Spleißverhalten f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnte. Drei Mutationen waren schon durch Publikationen bekannt, bei einer weite-ren konnten in vitro-Spleißanalysen die Kausalit{\"a}t best{\"a}tigen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Methoden zur An-reicherung von Zielsequenzen aus dem menschlichen Genom und zu deren Sequenzierung je nach Komplexit{\"a}t der Fragestellung, d.h. der Anzahl und Gr{\"o}ße der Gene sowie der Anzahl der zu untersuchenden Proben, sinnvoll und effizient kombiniert werden k{\"o}nnen. Im Verlauf der Arbeit haben sich die NGS-Techniken rasant weiterentwickelt. So sind PCR-basierte Ans{\"a}tze zur Anreicherung der Zielsequenzen f{\"u}r die meisten Anwendungen von hybridisierungs-basierten Methoden verdr{\"a}ngt worden. Von den urspr{\"u}nglich drei konkur-rierenden Verfahren zur Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung hat sich die Methode des „sequen-cing-by-synthesis" (Illumina) weitgehend durchgesetzt. Diese Entwicklung spiegelt sich auch in den w{\"a}hrend dieser Arbeit erhobenen Daten wider.}, subject = {Diagnostik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Czakai2015, author = {Czakai, Kristin Bernadette}, title = {Interaktionen des humanpathogenen Pilzes Aspergillus fumigatus mit dem angeborenen Immunsystem und Thrombozyten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117496}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Pilze sind in unserer Umwelt allgegenw{\"a}rtig und besiedeln im Fall von Candida albicans (C. albicans) sogar bei {\"u}ber 50\% der Menschen die Schleimh{\"a}ute, w{\"a}hrend Sporen von Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) t{\"a}glich {\"u}ber die Atmung in die Lunge des Menschen gelangen. Dennoch sind Erkrankungen, die durch diese zwei Pilze ausgel{\"o}st werden, bei gesunden Menschen selten. Ist jedoch das Immunsystem beeintr{\"a}chtigt, k{\"o}nnen diese Pilze zu systemischen und damit lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankungen wie der invasiven Aspergillose und der systemischen Candidiasis f{\"u}hren. F{\"u}r eine Verbesserung der Behandlung solcher Infektionen ist das genaue Verst{\"a}ndnis der Immunabwehrmechanismen entscheidend. Da A. fumigatus {\"u}ber die Lunge in den K{\"o}rper gelangt, wurden in dieser Arbeit die h{\"a}ufigsten Immunzellen der Lunge, die Makrophagen, und deren Immunantwort auf A. fumigatus untersucht. Parallel hierzu wurden dendritische Zellen (DCs) verwendet, die als Br{\"u}cke zwischen dem angeborenen und adaptiven Immunsystem wirken. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wurde hierbei auf A. fumigatus induzierte Genexpressions{\"a}nderungen und deren Regulationsmechanismen gelegt. Dabei wurden kurze, regulatorische RNAs, die sogenannten miRNAs, untersucht, die eine wichtige Rolle in der post-transkriptionalen Genregulation spielen. Bislang ist nur wenig {\"u}ber die miRNA-abh{\"a}ngigen Genregulationen in DCs, die auf eine Infektion mit A. fumigatus oder C. albicans reagieren, bekannt. Um alle durch A. fumigatus und C. albicans regulierten miRNAs zu identifizieren, wurden DCs mit A. fumigatus und C. albicans ko-kultiviert und anschließend eine Komplettsequenzierung der kurzen RNAs durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Pilz-spezifische Induktion der miRNA-Regulation wurde zudem mit der miRNA-Regulation durch den bakteriellen Zellwandbestandteil Lipopolysaccharid verglichen. Durch die Stimulation mit Keimschl{\"a}uchen von A. fumigatus wurden die miRNAs miR-132-3p/5p, miR-155-5p, miR129-2-3p, miR-129-5p, miR-212-3p/5p und miR-9-5p in DCs induziert. Diese wurden ebenfalls durch C. albicans induziert, zudem noch die miRNAs miR-147a und miR-147b. Spezifisch f{\"u}r A. fumigatus war die Regulation der miR-129-2-3p. Neben dem miRNA-Profiling wurde auch das mRNA-Transkriptom {\"u}ber Microarrays analysiert und dadurch 18 potentielle Zielgene der Pilz-induzierten miRNAs identifiziert. Neben den Elementen der Translationsregulation wurden auch die Transkriptionsfaktoren untersucht. Als einziger unter den 60 regulierten Transkriptionsfaktoren zeigte KLF4 eine ver{\"a}nderte Expressionsrichtung in DCs, die mit Pilzen oder LPS behandelt waren. W{\"a}hrend die Stimulation mit LPS die Expression von KLF4 induzierte, wurde es durch die Pilze A. fumigatus und C. albicans reprimiert. In einer Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen A. fumigatus-Rezeptoren, wurde deren Einfluss auf die KLF4-Regulation gezeigt. W{\"a}hrend TLR4-Liganden KLF4 induzierten, f{\"u}hrten Liganden, die an die Rezeptoren TLR2/TLR1 und Dectin-1 binden, zu einer Reduktion von KLF4. Nach einem erfolgreich etablierten KLF4-knock-down mittels RNA-Interferenz wurden KLF4-Zielgene untersucht. W{\"a}hrend kein bzw. nur ein geringer Effekt auf die Genexpression von CCL2, RANTES, CXCL10 und TNF beobachtet wurde, sorgte der KLF4 knock-down f{\"u}r eine hoch signifikante Reduktion der IL6-Genexpression in LPS-stimulierten DCs. Um die KLF4-Regulation weiter zu untersuchen, wurde zudem eine weitere Zellpopulation des angeborenen Immunsystems, die Makrophagen, verwendet. Auch hier wurde die Immunantwort gegen A. fumigatus analysiert. Zudem wurde die Rolle der Thrombozyten als Immunmediatoren betrachtet. Zuerst wurde ein Zytokinprofil des pl{\"a}ttchenreichen Plasmas (PRP), das mit A. fumigatus stimuliert wurde, erstellt. In diesem konnte nur RANTES in hoher Konzentration nachgewiesen werden. Daraufhin wurde der Einfluss von PRP auf die Reifung von DCs, die Phagozytosef{\"a}higkeit von Makrophagen und DCs sowie der Einfluss von DCs und Makrophagen auf die metabolische Aktivit{\"a}t von A. fumigatus in An- und Abwesenheit von pl{\"a}ttchenreichem Plasma untersucht. Es konnte eine gering verst{\"a}rkte Reifung der DCs durch PRP gezeigt werden. Isolierte Thrombozyten konnten die Phagozytose von DCs steigern, w{\"a}hrend Makrophagen durch PRP verst{\"a}rkt Konidien phagozytierten. In einem genomweiten Transkriptomprofiling wurde die Immunantwort von DCs und Makrophagen verglichen. Zudem wurde untersucht, wie PRP die Immunantwort dieser Immunzellen beeinflusst. Es wurden 2 bzw. 24 Gene identifiziert, die signifikant in A. fumigatus-stimulierten DCs und Makrophagen reguliert waren. Hierbei wurde gezeigt, dass KLF4 durch die Zugabe von PRP herabreguliert wurde. Das zuvor beschriebene Zielgen IL6 wurde durch PRP in A. fumigatus-stimulierten DCs gegen{\"u}ber stimulierten DCs ohne PRP deutlich reduziert, wodurch sich eine immunmodulatorische F{\"a}higkeit des PRP zeigte. Die Induktion von IL-6, weiteren Zytokinen und der Reifemarker durch A. fumigatus in DCs wurden zudem in einem Booleschen Modell simuliert. Dieses Modell soll in Zukunft Vorhersagen {\"u}ber experimentelle Ergebnisse und dadurch eine optimale Versuchsvorbereitung erm{\"o}glichen.}, subject = {Aspergillus fumigatus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{RamosTirado2015, author = {Ramos Tirado, Mario}, title = {Stammzellbasierte Behandlungsstrategien zur Stimmlippenaugmentation und laryngealen Defektrekonstruktion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117528}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Kehlkopf ist ein stimmerzeugendes knorpelhaltiges Organ und spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Atemfunktion und beim aspirationsfreien Schluckakt. Funktionsst{\"o}rungen des Kehlkopfs wie Stimmbandl{\"a}hmungen werden durch Sch{\"a}digungen des Kehlkopfnervs nach operativen Eingriffen und Halsverletzungen hervorgerufen. Des Weiteren f{\"u}hren durch Traumen, Teil- und komplette Resektionen verursachte Substanzdefekte des Kehlkopfs zu Funktionsverlusten. Die hierf{\"u}r notwendigen und komplexen Rekonstruktionen werden durch das schlechte Regenerationspotential von Knorpelgewebe eingeschr{\"a}nkt und k{\"o}nnen nur bedingt durch synthetische Ersatzmaterialen oder k{\"o}rpereigenes Ersatzgewebe bewerkstelligt werden. Ist es m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares Knorpelersatzgewebe herzustellen, welches zur dauerhaften Wiederherstellung der Kehlkopffunktionen eingesetzt werden kann? Die zus{\"a}tzliche Markierung von Stammzellen mit superparamagnetischen Eisenoxidnanopartikeln (VSOP) als Zellmarker bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit der Detektion und der Verfolgung der Zellen mittels nicht-invasiver Nachweismethoden nach deren Implantation. Ist die Verwendung dieser Nanopartikel ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r die Stammzellen m{\"o}glich und sind diese f{\"u}r den Einsatz in der Laryngologie geeignet? Fettgewebsstammzellen (ASC) wurden aus humanem Liposuktionsmaterial und Kaninchen-Nackenfett isoliert und expandiert. Die Zellen wurden in Hydrogelkombinationen aus Kollagen Typ-I, Agarose, Fibrin und Hyalurons{\"a}ure eingebettet und mit den chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren TGF-β3, BMP-6 und IGF-I {\"u}ber 14 Tage differenziert. Anschließend wurden diese Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte bez{\"u}glich Morphologie, extrazellul{\"a}rer Matrixanreicherung und knorpelspezifischer Genexpression histologisch, immunhistochemisch und molekularbiologisch analysiert. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden die Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in natives Knorpelgewebe sowie die Defektdeckung in einem in vitro- und einem in vivo-Knorpeldefektmodell mit vor- und nicht-vordifferenzierten Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten untersucht. Die Analyse m{\"o}glicher zyto- und genotoxischer Effekte von VSOP sowie des Einflusses der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential erfolgte nach der Markierung der Zellen mit unterschiedlichen VSOP-Konzentrationen. Außerdem wurden VSOP-markierte ASC in Kaninchenstimmlippen injiziert und die Nachweisbarkeit dieser Zellen im Injektionsareal histologisch und mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht. Nach 14-t{\"a}giger chondrogener Differenzierung wurde in den Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten eine knorpel{\"a}hnliche Morphologie, die Anreicherung knorpelspezifischer Matrixproteine und die Expression chondrogener Markergene nachgewiesen. Die Kombination der chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren zeigte keinen verst{\"a}rkenden Einfluss auf die Chondrogenese von ASC. Hydrogele aus Kollagen Typ I und Hyalurons{\"a}ure wiesen die st{\"a}rkste extrazellul{\"a}re Matrixanreicherung auf. Bei den agarosefreien Hydrogelen war eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Gelschrumpfung auff{\"a}llig. In den beiden Knorpeldefektmodellen konnte weder eine Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in den Nativknorpel noch eine vollst{\"a}ndige Defektdeckung nachgewiesen werden. Nach der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP zeigte sich bei der h{\"o}chsten Konzentration von 1,5 mM eine genotoxische Wirkung. Zytotoxische Effekte sowie Einfl{\"u}sse der Markierung auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential von ASC waren nicht nachweisbar. VSOP-markierte ASC konnten nach deren Injektion in Kaninchenstimmlippen im Injektionsareal nur vereinzelt mittels MRT und histologisch nachgewiesen werden. Es ist m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares knorpel{\"a}hnliches Gewebe herzustellen. Dabei beg{\"u}nstigen agarosefreie Tr{\"a}germaterialien die chondrogene Differenzierung von ASC. Diese k{\"o}nnte durch die jeweilige Erh{\"o}hung der Zelldichte und Wachstumsfaktorkonzentrationen sowie die Verl{\"a}ngerung der Induktionszeit verst{\"a}rkt werden. Eine m{\"o}gliche klinische Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe in der Laryngologie ist jedoch durch deren Schrumpfung wie auch mangelnde Integration und Defektdeckung noch weit entfernt. Aufgrund ihrer genotoxischen Wirkung kann eine Verwendung von VSOP als Zellmarker auch unterhalb von 1,5 mM ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r den Organismus nicht sicher ausgeschlossen werden. Der inhomogene Gewebekontrast im Kehlkopf, die schlechte Aufl{\"o}sung im MRT und die geringe Gr{\"o}ße von VSOP erschweren die Nachweisbarkeit und Verfolgung markierter Zellen mittels MRT. Daher sind andere nicht-invasive Nachweismethoden f{\"u}r die Verwendung von VSOP im Kehlkopf zu evaluieren. Der m{\"o}glichen Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe und VSOP in der rekonstruktiven Laryngologie muss eine erfolgreiche Optimierung und ausf{\"u}hrliche positive Validierung in klinischen Tests vorausgehen.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zhu2015, author = {Zhu, Ana Cheng}, title = {Metagenomic analysis of genetic variation in human gut microbial species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Microbial species (bacteria and archaea) in the gut are important for human health in various ways. Not only does the species composition vary considerably within the human population, but each individual also appears to have its own strains of a given species. While it is known from studies of bacterial pan-genomes, that genetic variation between strains can differ considerably, such as in Escherichia coli, the extent of genetic variation of strains for abundant gut species has not been surveyed in a natural habitat. This is mainly due to the fact that most of these species cannot be cultured in the laboratory. Genetic variation can range from microscale genomic rearrangements such as small nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) to macroscale large genomic rearrangements like structural variations. Metagenomics offers an alternative solution to study genetic variation in prokaryotes, as it involves DNA sequencing of the whole community directly from the environment. However, most metagenomic studies to date only focus on variation in gene abundance and hence are not able to characterize genetic variation (in terms of presence or absence of SNPs and genes) of gut microbial strains of individuals. The aim of my doctorate studies was therefore to study the extent of genetic variation in the genomic sequence of gut prokaryotic species and its phenotypic effects based on: (1) the impact of SNP variation in gut bacterial species, by focusing on genes under selective pressure and (2) the gene content variation (as a proxy for structural variation) and their effect on microbial species and the phenotypic traits of their human host. In the first part of my doctorate studies, I was involved in a project in which we created a catalogue of 10.3 million SNPs in gut prokaryotic species, based on metagenomes. I used this to perform the first SNP-based comparative study of prokaryotic species evolution in a natural habitat. Here, I found that strains of gut microbial species in different individuals evolve at more similar rates than the strains within an individual. In addition, I found that gene evolution can be uncoupled from the evolution of its originating species, and that this could be related to selective pressure such as diet, exemplified by galactokinase gene (galK). Despite the individuality (i.e. uniqueness of each individual within the studied metagenomic dataset) in the SNP profile of the gut microbiota that we found, for most cases it is not possible to link SNPs with phenotypic differences. For this reason I also used gene content as a proxy to study structural variation in metagenomes. In the second part of my doctorate studies, I developed a methodology to characterize the variability of gene content in gut bacterial species, using metagenomes. My approach is based on gene deletions, and was applied to abundant species (demonstrated using a set of 11 species). The method is sufficiently robust as it captures a similar range of gene content variability as has been detected in completely sequenced genomes. Using this procedure I found individuals differ by an average of 13\% in their gene content of gut bacterial strains within the same species. Interestingly no two individuals shared the same gene content across bacterial species. However, this variation corresponds to a lower limit, as it is only accounts for gene deletion and not insertions. This large variation in the gene content of gut strain was found to affect important functions, such as polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) and capsular polysaccharide synthesis (CPS), which are related with digestion of dietary fibers. In summary, I have shown that metagenomics based approaches can be robust in characterizing genetic variation in gut bacterial species. I also illustrated, using examples both for SNPs and gene content (galK, PULs and CPS), that this genetic variation can be used to predict the phenotypic characteristics of the microbial species, as well as predicting the phenotype of their human host (for example, their capacity to digest different food components). Overall, the results of my thesis highlight the importance of characterizing the strains in the gut microbiome analogous to the emerging variability and importance of human genomics.}, subject = {Darmflora}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Konrad2015, author = {Konrad, Tillmann}, title = {Governance of Protected Areas in West Africa - The case of the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) Complex in Benin and Burkina Faso}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Protected areas are the central strategy for preserving biodiversity in the face of overexploitation and global change. To ensure their long-term survival, however, these areas may not be regarded as last havens of wilderness, but as complex social-ecological systems. Modern approaches of protected area (PA) management support this view by balancing conservation and development issues in a sustainable way and adapted to the local context. However, success of these strategies in achieving their aims so far remains limited. This study therefore aimed at analysing processes and outcomes of PA co-management approaches implemented in a large transfrontier conservation area in West Africa. The W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) complex spans over more than 30.000 square km in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger and is composed of approximately 20 subunits. Due to national legal and administrative variety as well as a high diversity of local (project) implementation approaches, the general setting resembled a quasi-experimental design facilitating comparative studies. A mix of quantitative (e.g. survey of 549 households) and qualitative (e.g. expert interviews, literature review) methods was used to evaluate the institutional and organisational differences of PA management approaches implemented in the different parts of WAP belonging to Benin and Burkina Faso. I included an analysis of contextual factors (e.g. land-cover-change) and ecological data, but concentrated on the role of local resource users within the co-management arrangements and the effectiveness of governance regimes to deliver positive socio-economic outputs. Exploring the question whether promotion of development in PA surroundings indeed stipulates conservation success (and vice versa) remained challenging: the lack of sound ecological data, a general mismatch of spatial scale in existing data sets, as well as the high complexity of realities on the ground made me refrain from using simplified proxy indicators and (statistical) modelling approaches. I found that the Sudano-Sahelian context is a very difficult one for the implementation of effective participation approaches in the short-term. Political, demographic, socio-economic as well as ecological factors generated a very dynamic situation characterized by limited financial and natural resources as well as weak institutional and organisational settings. Arenas of interaction were often marked rather by a high degree of distrust and competition than by cooperation among actors. Amid all rhetoric, participation in most cases was hence limited to the transfer of (sparse) information, regulated resource access and financial funds. Options for participation of local resource users in decision-making arenas were generally scarce. Underlying processes were dominated by opacity and often low accountability of actors on all levels. Negative, but also positive affection of local residents by PA existence and management hence was high. Governance regimes of the complex performed very differently with regard to their ability of effectively empowering local village participatory bodies (vpb), generating and distributing benefits to individuals and village communities as well as providing mechanisms of conflict resolution. People around Pendjari enjoyed a relative wealth of high value benefits, while negative impacts caused by human-wildlife conflicts were widespread around the complex. Autochthonous farmers usually were better integrated in incentive schemes than were newcomers or herders. While there was functional separation of actors' roles in all parts of WAP, these roles differed significantly between blocks. Existence and functioning of village participatory bodies ameliorated the situation for local resource users fundamentally, as they acted as cut-points between different networks (governmental hierarchies, private concessionaires and local resource users). Vpbs in the Pendjari region proved to be most advanced in their capacity to push resource users' claims in action arenas on the micro-level. Via their union, these associations also managed to impact arenas on the meso- and the macro scale. Project interventions often had catalyst functions to empower local resource users and their vbps. However, they also contributed to social imbalance and intra-organisational competition. My results represent a snapshot of an ongoing process to establish effective co-governance regimes in the WAP-area. Though I identified a large scope of shortcomings, there were also very promising initiatives underway. This work is therefore meant to foster future research and further positive development by giving guidance scholars and decision-makers form the local to the global level alike.}, subject = {Gesch{\"u}tzte Natur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Winkler2015, author = {Winkler, Ann-Cathrin Nicole}, title = {Identification of human host cell factors involved in \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\) 6850 infection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114300}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is both a human commensal and a pathogen. 20\%-30\% of all individuals are permanently or occasionally carriers of S. aureus without any symptoms. In contrast to this, S. aureus can cause life-threatening diseases e.g. endocarditis, osteomyelitis or sepsis. Here, the increase in antibiotic resistances makes it more and more difficult to treat these infections and hence the number of fatalities rises constantly. Since the pharmaceutical industry has no fundamentally new antibiotics in their pipeline, it is essential to better understand the interplay between S. aureus and the human host cell in order to find new, innovative treatment options. In this study, a RNA interference based whole genome pool screen was performed to identify human proteins, which play a role during S. aureus infections. Since 1,600 invasion and 2,271 cell death linked factors were enriched at least 2 fold, the big challenge was to filter out the important ones. Here, a STRING pathway analysis proved to be the best option. Subsequently, the identified hits were validated with the help of inhibitors and a second, individualised small interfering RNA-based screen. In the course of this work two important steps were identified, that are critical for host cell death: the first is bacterial invasion, the second phagosomal escape. The second step is obligatory for intracellular bacterial replication and subsequent host cell death. Invasion in turn is determining for all following events. Accordingly, the effect of the identified factors towards these two crucial steps was determined. Under screening conditions, escape was indirectly measured via intracellular replication. Three inhibitors (JNKII, Methyl-beta-cyclodeytrin, 9-Phenantrol) could be identified for the invasion process. In addition, siRNAs targeted against 16 different genes (including CAPN2, CAPN4 and PIK3CG), could significantly reduce bacterial invasion. Seven siRNAs (FPR2, CAPN4, JUN, LYN, HRAS, AKT1, ITGAM) were able to inhibit intracellular replication significantly. Further studies showed that the IP3 receptor inhibitor 2-APB, the calpain inhibitor calpeptin and the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 are able to prevent phagosomal escape and as a consequence intracellular replication and host cell death. In this context the role of calpains, calcium, the proteasome and the mitochondrial membrane potential was further investigated in cell culture. Here, an antagonistic behaviour of calpain 1 and 2 during bacterial invasion was observed. Intracellular calcium signalling plays a major role, since its inhibition protects host cells from death. Beside this, the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential is characteristic for S. aureus infection but not responsible for host cell death. The reduction of membrane potential can be significantly diminished by the inhibition of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. All together, this work shows that human host cells massively contribute to different steps in S. aureus infection rather than being simply killed by bacterial pore-forming toxins. Various individual host cell factors were identified, which contribute either to invasion or to phagosomal escape and therefore to S. aureus induced cytotoxicity. Finally, several inhibitors of S. aureus infection were identified. One of them, 2-APB, was already tested in a sepsis mouse model and reduced bacterial load of kidneys. Thus, this study shows valuable evidence for novel treatment options against S. aureus infections, based on the manipulation of host cell signalling cascades.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2015, author = {Schneider, Gudrun}, title = {Effects of adjacent habitats and landscape composition on biodiversity in semi-natural grasslands and biological pest control in oilseed rape fields}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113549}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {1) Modern European agricultural landscapes form a patchy mosaic of highly fragmented natural and semi-natural habitat remnants embedded in a matrix of intensively managed agricultural land. In those landscapes many organism frequently cross habitat borders including the crop - non-crop boundary, hereby connecting the biotic interactions of multiple habitat types. Therefore biodiversity and ecosystem functions within habitats are expected to depend on adjacent habitat types and the surrounding landscape matrix. In this thesis the biodiversity of non-crop habitats, and ecosystem services and disservices in crop habitats were studied in the human-dominated agricultural landscape in the district Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany. First we examined the effect of adjacent habitat type on species composition, diversity and ecosystem functions in semi-natural calcareous grasslands, a biodiversity-rich habitat of high conservation value (chapter 2 and 3). Second we studied the effect of habitat composition in the landscape on herbivory, biological pest control and yield in oilseed rape fields (chapter 4). 2) We examined the effect of adjacent habitat type on the diversity of carabid beetles in 20 calcareous grasslands using pitfall traps. Half of the grasslands were adjacent to a coniferous forest and half to a cereal crop field. We found different species compositions of carabid beetles depending on adjacent habitat type. In addition calcareous grasslands adjacent to crop fields harboured a higher species richness and activity density but a lower evenness of carabid beetles than calcareous grasslands adjacent to forests. These differences can be explained by the spillover of carabid beetles from the adjacent habitats. After crop harvest carabid beetle activity density in crop fields decreased while in parallel the activity density in the calcareous grasslands adjacent to the crop fields increased, indicating an unidirectional carabid beetle spillover. Our results underline that type and management of adjacent habitats affect community composition and diversity in calcareous grasslands. Therefore nature conservation measures, which focused on the improvement of local habitat quality so far, additionally need to consider adjacent habitat type. 3) In addition to carabid beetle communities we also surveyed predation rates of ground-dwelling predators on the same calcareous grasslands in two study periods (June and late August). As ground-dwelling predators of forests or crop fields can move into adjacent calcareous grasslands we expected different predation rates depending on adjacent habitat type. We exposed in total 32.000 lady bird eggs as prey items on the calcareous grasslands in distances of 5 and 20m from the habitat border. We found higher predation rates on calcareous grasslands adjacent to forests than on calcareous grasslands adjacent to crop fields, but only on cool days. On warm days a very high extent (often 100\%) of the exposed prey items were consumed adjacent to both habitat types, which did not allow the detection of possible differences between the adjacent habitat types. Predation rates differed not between the two study periods or the two distances to the habitat edge. The higher predation rates adjacent to forests can be explained by the spillover of ground-dwelling predators from forests into calcareous grasslands. Our results show, that spillover into semi-natural habitats affects ecosystem functioning in addition to species composition and diversity. 4) In chapter 4 of this thesis we examined the effect of spatiotemporal changes in crop cover on pest - natural enemy interactions and crop yields. During two study years we surveyed the abundance of adult and larval pollen beetles, parasitism of pollen beetle larvae by a hymenopteran parasitoid and oilseed rape yields of 36 oilseed rape fields. The surrounding landscape of the fields (1 km radius) differed in the oilseed rape proportion and in the inter-annual change in the oilseed rape proportion since the previous year. We found a dilution effect, i.e. a decreasing abundance with increasing oilseed rape proportions, for pollen beetle larvae and parasitoids in both study years and for adult pollen beetles in one study year. Oilseed rape yields increased with increasing oilseed rape proportions. Inter-annual changes in oilseed rape proportions led to inter-annual crowding and dilution effects for pollen beetles, but had no effect on parasitism or yield. Our results indicate the potential to reduce pest loads and increase yields in intensively managed oilseed rape fields by a coordinated management of the spatiotemporal oilseed rape cover in the landscape. 5) In summary, we showed in this thesis that the biodiversity and functioning of crop and non-crop habitats within agricultural landscapes is affected by the spillover of organisms and thus by the habitat composition in the close surrounding and in the broader landscape context. Spillover affects also ecosystem services and disservices and therefore crop productivity. Thereby the spatial and temporal variation of specific crop types in the landscape can be of particular importance for crop yields. Thus a coordinated landscape wide management can help to optimize both biodiversity conservation and the delivery of ecosystem services and thus crop yields. Future studies integrating landscape effects across several ecosystem functions, multiple taxonomic groups and different crop types are necessary to develop definite landscape management schemes.}, subject = {Landschafts{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MeirgebRother2015, author = {Meir [geb. Rother], Juliane}, title = {Influence of oncolytic vaccinia viruses on metastases of human and murine tumors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118530}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Cancer is one of the leading causes of death. 90\% of all deaths are caused by the effects of metastases. It is of major importance to successfully treat the primary tumor and metastases. Tumors and metastases often differ in their properties and therefore, treatment is not always successful. In contrast, those therapeutic agents can even promote formation and growth of metastases. Hence, it is indispensable to find treatment options for metastatic disease. One promising candidate represents the oncolytic virus therapy with vaccinia viruses. The aim of this work was to analyze two cell lines regarding their metastatic abilities and to investigate whether oncolytic vaccinia viruses are useful therapy options. The cell lines used were the human cervical cancer cell line C33A implanted into immune-compromised mice and the murine melanoma cell line B16F10, implanted into immune-competent mice. The initial point of the investigations was the observation of enlarged lumbar und renal lymph nodes in C33A tumor-bearing mice 35 days post implantation of C33A cells subcutaneously into immune-compromised nude mice. Subsequently, the presence of human cells in enlarged lymph nodes was demonstrated by RT-PCR. To facilitate the monitoring of cancer cell spreading, the gene encoding for RFP was inserted into the genome of C33A cells. In cell culture experiments, it was possible to demonstrate that this insertion did not negatively affect the susceptibility of the cells to virus infection, replication and virus-mediated cell lysis. The analysis of the metastatic process in a xenografted mouse model revealed the continuous progression of lumbar (LN) and renal (RN) lymph node metastasis after C33A-RFP tumor cell implantation. The lymph node volume and the amount of RFP-positive LNs and RNs was increasing from week to week in accordance with the gain of the primary tumor volume. Moreover, the metastatic spread of cancer cells in lymph vessels between lumbar and renal lymph nodes was visualized. Additionally, the haematogenous way of cancer cell migration was demonstrated by RFP positive cancer cells in blood vessels. The haematogenous route of spreading was confirmed by detecting micrometastases in lungs of tumor bearing mice. The next step was to investigate whether the recombinant oncolytic vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 is a suitable candidate to cure the primary tumor and metastases. Therefore, GLV-1h68 was systemically injected into C33A-RFP tumor bearing mice 21 days after tumor cell implantation. It was demonstrated that the volume of the primary tumor was drastically reduced, and the volume and the amount of RFP positive lumbar and renal lymph nodes were significantly decreasing compared to the untreated control group. Subsequently, this process was analyzed further by investigating the colonization pattern in the C33A-RFP model. It was shown that first the primary tumor was colonized with highest detectable virus levels, followed by LN and RN lymph nodes. Histological analyses revealed the proliferative status of tumor cells in the tumor and lymph nodes, the amount of different immune cell populations and the vascular permeability in primary tumors and lymph nodes having an influence on the colonization pattern of the virus. Whereby, the vascular permeability seems to have a crucial impact on the preferential colonization of tumors compared to lymph node metastases in this tumor model. C33A turned out to be a useful model to study the formation and therapy of metastases. However, a metastatic model in which the influence of the immune system on tumors and especially on tumor therapy can be analyzed would be preferable. Therefore, the aim of the second part was to establish a syngeneic metastatic mouse model. Accordingly, the murine melanoma cell line B16F10 was analyzed in immunocompetent mice. First, the highly attenuated GLV 1h68 virus was compared to its parental strain LIVP 1.1.1 concerning infection, replication and cell lysis efficacy in cell culture. LIVP 1.1.1 was more efficient than GLV-1h68 and was subsequently used for following mouse studies. Comparative studies were performed, comparing two different implantation sites of the tumor cells, subcutaneously and footpad, and two different mouse strains, FoxN1 nude and C57BL/6 mice. Implantation into the footpad led to a higher metastatic burden in lymph nodes compared to the subcutaneous implantation site. Finally, the model of choice was the implantation of B16F10 into the footpad of immune-competent C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, it was inevitable to deliver the virus as efficient as possible to the tumor and metastases. Comparison of two different injection routes, intravenously and intratumorally, revealed, that the optimal injection route was intratumorally. In summary, the murine B16F10 model is a promising model to study the effects of the immune system on vaccinia virus mediated therapy of primary tumors and metastases.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kober2015, author = {Kober, Christina}, title = {Characterization of Murine GL261 Glioma Models for Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus Therapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118556}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most frequent and malignant forms of brain cancer in adults. The prognosis is poor with a median survival time of 12-15 months. There is a broad range of alternative treatment options studied in preclinical and clinical trials for GBM. One alternative treatment option is oncolytic virotherapy, defined as the use of replication-competent viruses that selectively infect and destroy cancer cells while leaving, non-transformed cells unharmed. Vaccinia virus (VACV) is one favorable candidate. Although oncolytic viruses can kill tumor cells grown in vitro with high efficiency, they often exhibit reduced replication capacity in vivo suggesting that physiological aspects of the tumor microenvironment decrease the virus' therapeutic potential. The percentage and composition of immune cells varies between cancer types and patients and is investigated as a biomarker in several studies. Making oncolytic virotherapy successful for GBM, it is necessary to understand the individual tumor biology, the interaction with the microenvironment and immune system. It was demonstrated that the attenuated VACV wild-type (wt) isolate LIVP 1.1.1 replicate and lyse the murine GL261 glioma cell line in vitro. In the following, the replication efficacy was characterized in a comparative approach in vivo. Immunocompetent C57BL/6 (wt) mice and immunodeficient mouse strains of different genetic background C57BL/6 athymic and Balb/c athymic mice were used. In addition, subcutaneous and intracranial locations were compared. The results revealed viral replication exclusively in Balb/c athymic mice with subcutaneous tumors but in none of the other models. In the following, the tumor microenvironment of the subcutaneous tumor models at the time of infection was performed. The study showed that implantation of the same tumor cells in different mouse strains resulted in a different tumor microenvironment with a distinct composition of immune cells. Highest differences were detected between immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice. The study showed major differences in the expression of MHCII with strongest expression in C57BL/6 wt and weakest in Balb/c athymic tumors. In the following, the influence of the phenotypic change associated with the upregulation of MHCII on GL261 tumor cells on viral replication was analyzed. Comparison of C57BL/6 wt and C57BL/6 IFN-γ knockout mice revealed endogenous IFN-γ levels to upregulate MHCII on GL261 tumor cells and to reduce viral replication in C57BL/6 wt mice. Analysis of single cell suspensions of tumor homogenates of C57BL/6 and Balb/c athymic mice showed that the IFN-γ-mediated anti-tumor effect was a reversible effect. Furthermore, reasons for inhibition of virus replication in orthotopic glioma models were elucidated. By immunohistochemical analysis it was shown that intratumoral amounts of Iba1+ microglia and GFAP+ astrocytes in Gl261 gliomas was independent from intratumoral VACV injection. Based on these findings virus infection in glioma, microglia and astrocytes was compared and analyzed in cell culture. In contrast to the GL261 glioma cells, replication was barely detectable in BV-2 microglia and IMA2.1 astrocytic cells. Co-culture experiments revealed that microglia compete for virus uptake in cell culture. It was further shown that BV-2 cells showed apoptotic characteristics after VACV infection while GL261 cells showed signs of necrotic cell death. Additionally, in BV-2 cells with M1-phenotype a further reduction of viral replication and inhibition of cell lysis was detected. Infection of IMA 2.1 cells was independent of the M1/M2-phenotype. Application of BV-2 microglia with M1-phenotype onto organotypic slice cultures with implanted GL261 tumors resulted in reduced infection of BV-2 cells with LIVP 1.1.1, whereas GL261 cells were significantly infected. Taken together, the analyzed GL261 tumors were imprinted by the immunologic and genetic background in which they grow. The experimental approach applied in this thesis can be used as suitable model which reflects the principles of personalized medicine In an additional project, based on gene expression data and bioinformatic analyses, the biological role and function of the anti-apoptotic factor AVEN was analyzed with regard to oncolytic VACV therapy. Besides a comparison of the replication efficacy of GLV-1h68 and VACV-mediated cell killing of four human tumor cell lines, it was shown that AVEN was expressed in all analyzed cells. Further, shown for HT-29 and 1936-MEL, the knockdown of AVEN by siRNA in cell culture resulted in an increase of apoptotic characteristics and a decrease of VACV infection. These findings provide essential insights for future virus development.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Graver2015, author = {Graver, Shannon}, title = {Molecular and cellular cross talk between angiogenic, immune and DNA mismatch repair pathways}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108302}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {VEGF is a main driver of tumor angiogenesis, playing an important role not only in the formation of new blood vessels, but also acts as a factor for cell migration, proliferation, survival and apoptosis. Angiogenesis is a universal function shared by most solid tumors and its inhibition was thought to have the potential to work across a broad patient population. Clinical evidence has shown that inhibiting pathological angiogenesis only works in a subset of patients and the identification of those patients is an important step towards personalized cancer care. The first approved antiangiogenic therapy was bevacizumab (Avastin®), a monoclonal antibody targeting VEGF in solid tumors including CRC, BC, NSCLC, RCC and others. In addition to endothelial cells, VEGF receptors are present on a number of different cell types including tumor cells, monocytes and macrophages. The work presented in this thesis looked at the in vitro cellular changes in tumor cells and leukocytes in response to the inhibition of VEGF signaling with the use of bevacizumab. In the initial experiments, VEGF was induced by hypoxia in tumor cells to evaluate changes in survival, proliferation, migration and changes in gene or protein expression. There was a minimal direct response of VEGF inhibition in tumor cells that could be attributed to bevacizumab treatment, with minor variations in some of the cell lines screened but no uniform or specific response noted. MMR deficiency often results in microsatellite instability (MSI) in tumors, as opposed to microsatellite stable (MSS) tumors, and accounts for up to 15\% of colorectal carcinomas (CRCs). It has been suggested in clinical data that MMR deficient tumors responded better to bevacizumab regimens, therefore further research used isogenic paired CRC tumor cell lines (MMR deficient and proficient). Furthermore, a DNA damaging agent was added to the treatment regimen, the topoisomerase inhibitor SN-38 (the active metabolite of irinotecan). Inhibiting VEGF using bevacizumab significantly inhibited the ability of MMR deficient tumor cells to form anchor dependent colonies, however conversely, bevacizumab treatment before damaging cells with SN-38, showed a significant increase in colony numbers. Moreover, VEGF inhibition by bevacizumab pretreatment also significantly increased the mutation fraction in MMR deficient cells as measured by transiently transfecting a dinucleotide repeat construct, suggesting VEGF signaling may have an intrinsic role in MMR deficient cells. A number of pathways were analyzed in addition to changes in gene expression profiles resulting in the identification of JNK as a possible VEGF targeted pathway. JUN expression was also reduced in these conditions reinforcing this hypothesis, however the intricate molecular mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In order to remain focused on the clinical application of the findings, it was noted that some cytokines were differentially regulated by bevacizumab between MMR proficient and deficient cells. Treatment regimens employed in vitro attempted to mimic the clinical setting by inducing DNA damage, then allowing cells to recover with or without VEGF using bevacizumab treatment. Inflammatory cytokines, CCL7 and CCL8, were found to have higher expression in the MMR deficient cell line with bevacizumab after DNA damage, therefore the cross talk via tumor derived factors to myeloid cells was analyzed. Gene expression changes in monocytes induced by tumor conditioned media showed CCL18 to be a bevacizumab regulated gene by MMR deficient cells and less so in MMR proficient cells. CCL18 has been described as a prognostic marker in gastric, colorectal and ovarian cancers, however the significance is dependent on tumor type. CCL18 primarily exerts its function on the adaptive immune system to trigger a TH2 response in T cells, but is also described to increase non-specific phagocytosis. The results of this study did show an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages in the presence of bevacizumab that was significantly more apparent in MMR deficient cells. Furthermore, after DNA damage MMR deficient cells treated with bevacizumab released a cytokine mix that induced monocyte migration in a bevacizumab dependent manner, showing a functional response with the combination of MMR deficiency and bevacizumab. In summary, the work in this thesis has shown evidence of immune cell modulation that is specific to MMR deficient tumor cells that may translate into a marker for the administration of bevacizumab in a clinical setting. VEGF ist ein zentraler Regulator der Tumor-Angiogenese, und spielt eine wichtige Rolle nicht nur in der Bildung von neuen Blutgef{\"a}ßen, sondern ist auch f{\"u}r die Migration, Proliferation, das {\"U}berleben und Apoptose von Tumorzellen essentiell. Angiogenese ist eine der universellen Funktionen, welche das Wachstum der meisten soliden Tumoren charakterisiert. Eine der klassischen therapeutischen Ideen wurde auf der Basis entwickelt, dass die spezifische Hemmung der Angiogenese das Potenzial hat in einer breiten Patientenpopulation einen klinischen Effekt zu zeigen. Die klinische Erfahrung und Anwendung hat jedoch gezeigt, dass die Hemmung der pathologischen Angiogenese nur in einem Teil der Patienten einen therapeutischen Nutzen aufweist. Somit stellt die Identifikation derjenigen Patienten, welche von der anti-angiogenen Therapie profitieren, einen wichtiger Schritt zur personalisierten Krebsbehandlung dar. Die erste zugelassene antiangiogene Therapie war Bevacizumab (Avastin®), ein monoklonaler Antik{\"o}rper gegen VEGF, welcher unter anderem in soliden Tumoren wie CRC, BC, nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs (NSCLC) und dem Nierenzellkarzinom angewandt wird. VEGF-Rezeptoren befinden sich nicht nur auf Endothelzellen, sondern sind auch auf einer Anzahl von verschiedenen Zelltypen, einschließlich Tumorzellen, Monozyten und Makrophagen nachweisbar. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse befassen sich mit den zellul{\"a}ren Ver{\"a}nderungen an Tumorzellen und Leukozyten als Reaktion auf die Hemmung der VEGF-Signalkaskade durch Bevacizumab in-vitro. In den Initialen Experimenten wurde VEGF durch Hypoxie in Tumorzellen induziert und Ver{\"a}nderungen der {\"U}berlebensrate, der Proliferation, Migration als auch in der Gen- oder Protein-Expression gemessen. Es konnte eine minimale direkte Reaktion der VEGF-Hemmung auf Tumorzellen beobachtet werden, welche auf die Bevacizumab Behandlung zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnte. Es zeigten sich aber auch geringf{\"u}gige Abweichungen in einigen der verwendeten Zellinien, die keine einheitliche Interpretation erlauben oder auf eine uniformelle Reaktion hinweisen w{\"u}rden. Das ph{\"a}notypische Korrelat einer „Mismatch" Reparatur (MMR)-Defizienz ist die Mikrosatelliteninstabilit{\"a}t im Gegensatz zu mikrosatellitenstabilen Tumoren und findet sich bei bis zu 15\% der kolorektalen Karzinomen (CRC) wieder. Klinischen Daten deuten daraufhin, dass Bevacizumab besser in MMR-defizienten Tumoren wirkt. Daher wurden die weiteren Untersuchungen in gepaarten MMR stabilen und MMR instabilen CRC-Tumorzelllinien (MMR defizient und kompetent) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Weiterhin wurde ein DNA-sch{\"a}digendes Agens, SN-38, ein Topoisomerase-Inhibitor (der aktive Metabolit von Irinotecan) dem Behandlungsschema zugef{\"u}gt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Hemmung von VEGF mittels Bevacizumab die F{\"a}higkeit der MMR defizienten Tumorzellen Kolonien zu bilden signifikant inhibiert. Im Gegensatz dazu, hatte die Behandlung von Bevacizumab vor der Zugabe des DNA sch{\"a}digenden Agens zu einer vermehrten Kolonienzahl gef{\"u}hrt. Außerdem erh{\"o}hte die Vorbehandlung mit Bevacizumab deutlich die Mutationsrate in MMR-defizienten Zellen, was durch die transiente Transfektion eines Dinukleotid-Repeat-Konstrukts nachgewiesen werden konnte. Dies deutete darauf hin, dass VEGF eine intrinsische Rolle in der Signalkaskade des MMR-Systems haben k{\"o}nnte. Deshalb wurde eine Anzahl von Signalalkaskaden zus{\"a}tzlich zu Ver{\"a}nderungen von Genexpressionsprofilen untersucht und JNK als m{\"o}gliche Verbindungsstelle der beiden Signalkaskaden, VEGF und MMR, identifiziert. Diese Hypothese wurde zus{\"a}tzlich unterst{\"u}tzt durch die Tatsache, dass die JUN Expression unter diesen experimentellen Bedingungen reduziert war. Die Aufkl{\"a}rung der komplexen molekularen Mechanismen der potentiellen Interaktion bleibt zuk{\"u}nftigen Untersuchungen vorbehalten. In Hinblick auf die klinische Konsequenz der erhaltenen Ergebnisse war es auff{\"a}llig, dass einige Zytokine durch Bevacizumab in den MMR defizienten Zellen im Gegensatz zu den MMR kompetenten Zellen unterschiedlich reguliert wurden. Die in-vitro verwendeten Behandlungsschemata waren den klinisch zur Anwendung kommenden Protokollen nachempfunden. Zuerst wurde ein DNA-Schaden gesetzt, und den Zellen erm{\"o}glicht, sich mit oder ohne Bevacizumab zu erholen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die inflammatorischen Zytokine CCL7 und CCL8 eine h{\"o}here Expression in der MMR-defiziente Zelllinie in Kombination mit Bevacizumab aufweisen. Daher wurde ein m{\"o}glicher Crosstalk zwischen von Tumorzellen sezernierten Faktoren und myeloischen Zellen weiter verfolgt. Ver{\"a}nderungen der Genexpression in Monozyten durch Tumorzell- konditionierte Medien zeigte CCL18 als ein Bevacizumab reguliertes Gen in MMR-defizienten Zellen, aber nicht in MMR kompetenten Zellen. CCL18 {\"u}bt seine Funktion prim{\"a}r im adaptiven Immunsystems aus um eine TH2-Antwort in T-Zellen auszul{\"o}sen Ausserdem wird eine Erh{\"o}hung der nicht-spezifische Phagozytose als weitere Funktion beschrieben. CCL18 wurde bereits als prognostischer Marker in Magen-, Dickdarm- und Eierstockkrebsarten beschrieben; die klinische Bedeutung ist jedoch abh{\"a}ngig von Tumortyp. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Erh{\"o}hung der phagozytischen Aktivit{\"a}t von Makrophagen in Gegenwart von Bevacizumab wesentlich deutlicher in MMR-defizienten Zellen ausgepr{\"a}gt war. Weiterhin wurde gefunden, dass nach DNA-Sch{\"a}digung in Bevacizumab behandelten MMR-defizienten Zellen Zytokine freigesetzt werden, welche eine Monozytenmigration in einer Bevacizumab-abh{\"a}ngigen Weise induzieren. Dies weist auf eine funktionelle Interaktion von MMR-Defizienz und Bevacizumab hin. Zus{\"a}tzlich zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit eine Immunzellmodulation, die spezifisch f{\"u}r Mismatch-Reparatur defiziente Tumorzellen ist und in der klinischen Praxis als Marker f{\"u}r die Verabreichung von Bevacizumab verwendet werden k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Vascular endothelial Growth Factor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuhtz2015, author = {Kuhtz, Juliane}, title = {Epimutationen humaner Keimzellen und Infertilit{\"a}t}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Infertilit{\"a}t stellt in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft ein zunehmendes Problem dar. Bei der Suche nach den der Infertilit{\"a}t zugrunde liegenden Ursachen ger{\"a}t immer mehr die Epigenetik in den Fokus. Epigenetische Prozesse sind nicht nur in die Embryo-nalentwicklung und Wachstumsprozesse des Kindes involviert, sondern auch in korrekte Funktionsweisen von Gameten. St{\"o}rungen k{\"o}nnen die Fertilit{\"a}t beeintr{\"a}ch-tigen. Eine besondere Rolle spielen gepr{\"a}gte Gene, die auf einem ihrer Allele, je nach parentaler Herkunft, ein Imprint in Form von DNA-Methylierung tragen. Fehl-regulationen solcher gepr{\"a}gter Gene k{\"o}nnen zu Imprinting-Erkrankungen f{\"u}hren. Seit Einf{\"u}hrung der In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) wurden verschiedene assistierte Re-produktionstechniken (ART) entwickelt, um infertilen Paaren zu helfen. Die Sicher-heit dieser Techniken ist nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt. Immer wieder wird von nach ART-Behandlung geh{\"a}uft auftretenden Imprinting-Erkrankungen berichtet. Diese Erkrankungen stehen jedoch eher in Zusammenhang mit der zugrunde liegenden Infertilit{\"a}t, als mit ART selbst. Dennoch ist es notwendig zu untersuchen inwieweit sich ART eventuell auf den Gesundheitszustand dieser Kinder auswirken k{\"o}nnte. In der hier vorgelegten Arbeit wurde der Zusammenhang von Epigenetik, Infertilit{\"a}t und ART von verschiedenen Standpunkten aus beleuchtet. In humanen Spermien wurde die DNA-Methylierung verschiedener gepr{\"a}gter Gene hinsichtlich Epimutationen untersucht. ICSI (intracytoplasmatic sperm injection) und IMSI (intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) sind verschiedene Techniken zur Selektion von Spermien f{\"u}r eine ART-Behandlung. Hier wurde un-tersucht, ob IMSI epigenetisch bessere Spermien selektiert als die konventionelle ICSI-Methode. Außerdem ist bekannt, dass in Spermienk{\"o}pfen fertiler und infertiler M{\"a}nner Vakuolen vorkommen k{\"o}nnen, deren epigenetische Bedeutung jedoch un-bekannt ist. Ob diese Vakuolen in Zusammenhang mit Epimutationen stehen k{\"o}nn-ten, wurde ebenfalls {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dazu wurde bisulfitkonvertierte DNA weniger Sper-mien (11 je Probe) mithilfe der Limiting Dilution (LD)-Technik und Pyrosequenzie-rung analysiert. Insgesamt standen 880 Spermien f{\"u}r diese Untersuchung zur Ver-f{\"u}gung. Es konnte kein Unterschied zwischen IMSI- und ICSI-selektierten Spermien gefunden werden. Vorhandene Vakuolen im Spermienkopf beeintr{\"a}chtigten nicht die DNA-Methylierung der Gene hGTL2, hLIT1 und hPEG3. Ein weiteres Projekt befasste sich mit der Frage, inwieweit die Technik der In-vitro-Maturation (IVM) DNA-Methylierung in humanen Oocyten beeinflussen k{\"o}nnte. Bisulfitkonvertierte DNA einzelner humaner Oocyten wurde mit LD und Pyrose-quenzierung analysiert. Verglichen wurden IVM und in vivo gereifte Oocyten. Hier-f{\"u}r standen 139 Oocyten zur Verf{\"u}gung, wovon 90 mittels IVM und 49 in vivo gereift waren. Untersucht wurden vier gepr{\"a}gte Gene (hGTL2, hLIT1, hPEG3 und hSNRPN) und drei nicht gepr{\"a}gte Gene (hDNMT3Lo, hNANOG und hOCT4). Es konnten keine IVM-bedingten Epimutationen gefunden werden. Im dritten Projekt wurde untersucht, ob sich die DNA-Methylierung normaler Sper-mien von Spermien aus Oligozoospermie-Asthenozoospermie-Teratozoospermie (OAT)-Syndrom-Patienten unterscheidet. Eine weitere Frage war, ob Epimutationen einen Einfluss auf den ART-Ausgang haben. Untersucht wurden 54 Spermienpro-ben von Paaren in ART-Behandlung. Zur Untersuchung der DNA-Methylierungsmuster der gepr{\"a}gten Gene hGTL2 und hPEG3 sowie der beiden nicht gepr{\"a}gten Pluripotenzgene hNANOG und hOCT4 wurde die Methode Deep Bisulfite Sequencing (DBS) verwendet. Dies ist eine Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-Technik, angewandt an bisulfitkonvertierter DNA. Diese Technik erm{\"o}glicht es mehrere Proben sowie Gene gleichzeitig zu analysieren. Es zeigte sich, dass OAT-Spermien, die zu einer Lebendgeburt gef{\"u}hrt hatten, sich epigenetisch nicht von normalen Spermien unterschieden. Besonders viele Epimutationen konnten hingegen in OAT-Spermien gefunden werden, die zu keiner Schwangerschaft ge-f{\"u}hrt hatten. Zwischen Spermien die zu einer Lebendgeburt oder keiner Schwan-gerschaft gef{\"u}hrt hatten, zeigten sich Unterschiede in der H{\"a}ufigkeit von hGTL2-Epimutationen. {\"U}ber die H{\"a}ufigkeit von Epimutationen konnte eine pr{\"a}diktive Aus-sage zum ART-Ausgang getroffen werden. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit festgestellt werden, dass sich eine H{\"a}u-fung von Epimutationen darauf auswirkt, ob eine Schwangerschaft erreicht werden kann oder nicht. Diese Epimutationen liegen bereits im parentalen Genom vor. Sie werden nicht durch ART verursacht. Allerdings muss man Techniken finden, mit denen man Gameten mit m{\"o}glichst wenig Epimutationen selektiert, um eine {\"U}ber-tragung solcher auf das Kind zu verhindern.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stangler2015, author = {Stangler, Eva}, title = {Effects of habitat fragmentation on trap-nesting bees, wasps and their natural enemies in small secondary rainforest fragments in Costa Rica}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108254}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Summary (English) I. Human induced global change threatens biodiversity and trophic interactions. Fragmentation is considered as one of the major threats to biodiversity and can cause reduced species richness, population declines, loss of genetic diversity and disruption of trophic interactions such as predation and parasitism. However forest fragmentation effects can be eclectic due to species specific traits. Specialist species with narrower niches or at higher trophic levels may be in danger of extinction whereas generalist species with less specific habitat requirements may even profit from fragmentation. In the tropics, known as "the" terrestrial biodiversity hotspots, even biodiversity inventories are often lacking, especially in forest canopies. Ongoing deforestation and resulting fragmentation in tropical regions are expected to heavily affect ecosystem functions by changes in biodiversity, community compositions and disruption of trophic interactions. It is even less unknown in what extent different global change drivers for example climate change and fragmentation interact. It is unlikely that deforestation will end, so that small secondary forest fragments will be important habitat elements that must be investigated to optimize their potential contribution to biodiversity conservation. This dissertation aimed to disentangle the effects of forest fragmentation on trap-nesting bee and wasp communities in small secondary forest fragments addressing the following main questions: 1) Are there interactive effects between microclimate and fragmentation on the abundance of bees and wasps, their mortality - and parasitism rates (Chapter II)? 2) How does fragmentation affect bee biodiversity from canopy to the understory with considerations of single species patterns (Chapter III)? 3) How is fragmentation affecting diversity and community composition of different trophic levels between understory and canopy with emphasis on the host-antagonist relation? (Chapter IV). II. A variety of global change drivers affect biodiversity and trophic interactions. The combined effects of habitat fragmentation and climate change are poorly understood and with ongoing deforestation and agricultural intensification secondary rainforest fragments might contribute to biodiversity conservation and mitigation of climate warming. This chapter investigated the interactive effects of habitat fragmentation and microclimate on the abundance and biotic interactions of trap-nesting bees and wasps in secondary forest fragments in the Northeastern lowlands of Costa Rica. Habitat area did not affect hymenopteran abundance, parasitism and mortality rates, but tree location- from the forest border to the forest center- influenced all variables. Interactive effects were found such as in the higher mortality rates at interior locations in larger fragments. Mean temperature at edge and interior locations led to significant effects on all tested variables and interactive effects between temperature and tree locations were found. Abundances at interior locations were significantly higher with increasing temperatures. Mortality rates at interior location increased at lower mean temperatures, whereas higher temperatures at edges marginally increased mortality rates. Our results indicate, that edge effects, mediated by altered microclimatic conditions, significantly change biotic interactions of trap-nesting hymenopterans in small secondary fragments. III. This chapter focusses on the vertical distribution of bees, their parasitism and mortality rates as well as single species patterns in relation to fragment size and edge effects in secondary rainforest remnants. No size effects on bee abundance, bee diversity and on parasitism- and mortality rates were found. Bees were least abundant at the intermediate height and were most abundant in the understory; whereas the highest diversity was found in the canopy. Tree location had no effect on bee abundance, but on bee diversity since most species were found in the forest interior. The cuckoo bees Aglaomelissa duckei and Coelioxys sp. 1 only partly followed the patterns of their hosts, two Centris species. Edge effects greatly influenced the bee community, so that the amount of edge habitat in secondary forest fragments will influence the conservation value for bees. IV. In this section the effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity, on community structure of hosts and natural enemies as well as the relation of hosts and antagonists were investigated from the understory to the canopy. The results stress the importance to monitor biodiversity, community composition and trophic interactions from the understory to the canopy. The higher trophic level of the antagonists was found to be more sensitive to fragment size compared to their hosts. Again edge effects were found to be the dominant driver since both host and antagonist richness, as well as community compositions were strongly affected. Ongoing fragmentation and increased amount of edge habitat could favor few abundant disturbance-adapted species over the rare and more diverse forest-adapted species. A positive-density dependent parasitism rate was demonstrated, as well as an increase of the parasitism rate not only with antagonist abundance but also diversity. Small secondary forest fragments surely can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and trophic interactions, but increase of edge habitat will have negative consequences on above-ground nesting Hymenoptera, so that important interactions such as pollination, predation and parasitism could be disrupted. Therefore small forest fragments could contribute to biodiversity conservation but will not be able to compensate for the loss of large areas of primary forests. V. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of habitat area - and edge effects as well as the interaction of those with microclimatic conditions in small secondary rainforest fragments. As study system trap nests inhabited by solitary above-ground nesting bees, wasps and their natural enemies were chosen because they allow to study trophic interactions along their whole vertical distribution from the understory to the canopy. The effect of fragment size was rather weak, however, larger sizes affected the diversity of natural enemies positively, proofing the hypothesis that higher trophic levels react more sensitive to habitat loss. Edge effects heavily affected the abundance, diversity and community composition of hosts and their natural enemies as well as parasitism and mortality rates. Increased edge conditions resulting from ongoing fragmentation and deforestation will therefore negatively affect bees, wasps and their trophic interactions with natural enemies. Those changes affect important processes such as pollination, predation and parasitism, which could result in changes of ecosystem functioning. This study showed the importance to include all strata in biodiversity monitoring since height did matter for the trap-nesting communities. Diversity was shown to be higher in the canopy and community composition did change significantly. To conclude we could show that secondary forest fragments can sustain a trap-nesting bee and wasp community, but the amount of interior habitat is highly important for the conservation of forest-adapted species. Probably the conservation of large primary forest in combination with a high habitat connectivity, for example with small secondary forest fragments, will help to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning better than the mere presence of small forest fragments.}, subject = {Costa Rica}, language = {en} } @article{FlorenKruegerMuelleretal.2015, author = {Floren, Andreas and Kr{\"u}ger, Dirk and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Dittrich, Marcus and Rudloff, Renate and Hoppe, Bj{\"o}rn and Linsenmair, Karl Eduard}, title = {Diversity and interactions of wood-inhabiting fungi and beetles after deadwood enrichment}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0143566}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145129}, pages = {e0143566}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Freshly cut beech deadwood was enriched in the canopy and on the ground in three cultural landscapes in Germany (Swabian Alb, Hainich-Dun, Schorfheide-Chorin) in order to analyse the diversity, distribution and interaction of wood-inhabiting fungi and beetles. After two years of wood decay 83 MOTUs (Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units) from 28 wood samples were identified. Flight Interception Traps (FITs) installed adjacent to the deadwood enrichments captured 29.465 beetles which were sorted to 566 species. Geographical 'region' was the main factor determining both beetle and fungal assemblages. The proportions of species occurring in all regions were low. Statistic models suggest that assemblages of both taxa differed between stratum and management praxis but their strength varied among regions. Fungal assemblages in Hainich-Dun, for which the data was most comprehensive, discriminated unmanaged from extensively managed and age-class forests (even-aged timber management) while canopy communities differed not from those near the ground. In contrast, the beetle assemblages at the same sites showed the opposite pattern. We pursued an approach in the search for fungus-beetle associations by computing cross correlations and visualize significant links in a network graph. These correlations can be used to formulate hypotheses on mutualistic relationships for example in respect to beetles acting as vectors of fungal spores.}, language = {en} } @article{LaineAlbeckavandeLindeetal.2015, author = {Laine, Romain F. and Albecka, Anna and van de Linde, Sebastian and Rees, Eric J. and Crump, Colin M. and Kaminski, Clemens F.}, title = {Structural analysis of herpes simplex virus by optical super-resolution imaging}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {6}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {5980}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms6980}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144623}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) is one of the most widespread pathogens among humans. Although the structure of HSV-1 has been extensively investigated, the precise organization of tegument and envelope proteins remains elusive. Here we use super-resolution imaging by direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) in combination with a model-based analysis of single-molecule localization data, to determine the position of protein layers within virus particles. We resolve different protein layers within individual HSV-1 particles using multi-colour dSTORM imaging and discriminate envelope-anchored glycoproteins from tegument proteins, both in purified virions and in virions present in infected cells. Precise characterization of HSV-1 structure was achieved by particle averaging of purified viruses and model-based analysis of the radial distribution of the tegument proteins VP16, VP1/2 and pUL37, and envelope protein gD. From this data, we propose a model of the protein organization inside the tegument.}, language = {en} } @article{ScholzGehringGuanetal.2015, author = {Scholz, Nicole and Gehring, Jennifer and Guan, Chonglin and Ljaschenko, Dmitrij and Fischer, Robin and Lakshmanan, Vetrivel and Kittel, Robert J. and Langenhan, Tobias}, title = {The adhesion GPCR Latrophilin/CIRL shapes mechanosensation}, series = {Cell Reports}, volume = {11}, journal = {Cell Reports}, doi = {10.1016/j.celrep.2015.04.008}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148626}, pages = {866-874}, year = {2015}, abstract = {G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are typically regarded as chemosensors that control cellular states in response to soluble extracellular cues. However, the modality of stimuli recognized through adhesion GPCR (aGPCR), the second largest class of the GPCR superfamily, is unresolved. Our study characterizes the Drosophila aGPCR Latrophilin/dCirl, a prototype member of this enigmatic receptor class. We show that dCirl shapes the perception of tactile, proprioceptive, and auditory stimuli through chordotonal neurons, the principal mechanosensors of Drosophila. dCirl sensitizes these neurons for the detection of mechanical stimulation by amplifying their input-output function. Our results indicate that aGPCR may generally process and modulate the perception of mechanical signals, linking these important stimuli to the sensory canon of the GPCR superfamily.}, language = {en} } @article{GaoNagpalSchneideretal.2015, author = {Gao, Shiqiang and Nagpal, Jatin and Schneider, Martin W. and Kozjak-Pavlovic, Vera and Nagel, Georg and Gottschalk, Alexander}, title = {Optogenetic manipulation of cGMP in cells and animals by the tightly light-regulated guanylyl-cyclase opsin CyclOp}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {6}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {8046}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms9046}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148197}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Cyclic GMP (cGMP) signalling regulates multiple biological functions through activation of protein kinase G and cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. In sensory neurons, cGMP permits signal modulation, amplification and encoding, before depolarization. Here we implement a guanylyl cyclase rhodopsin from Blastocladiella emersonii as a new optogenetic tool (BeCyclOp), enabling rapid light-triggered cGMP increase in heterologous cells (Xenopus oocytes, HEK293T cells) and in Caenorhabditis elegans. Among five different fungal CyclOps, exhibiting unusual eight transmembrane topologies and cytosolic N-termini, BeCyclOp is the superior optogenetic tool (light/dark activity ratio: 5,000; no cAMP production; turnover (20 °C) ~17 cGMPs\(^{-1}\)). Via co-expressed CNG channels (OLF in oocytes, TAX-2/4 in C. elegans muscle), BeCyclOp photoactivation induces a rapid conductance increase and depolarization at very low light intensities. In O\(_2\)/CO\(_2\) sensory neurons of C. elegans, BeCyclOp activation evokes behavioural responses consistent with their normal sensory function. BeCyclOp therefore enables precise and rapid optogenetic manipulation of cGMP levels in cells and animals.}, language = {en} } @article{WaeldchenLehmannKleinetal.2015, author = {W{\"a}ldchen, Sina and Lehmann, Julian and Klein, Teresa and van de Linde, Sebastian and Sauer, Markus}, title = {Light-induced cell damage in live-cell super-resolution microscopy}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {5}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {15348}, doi = {10.1038/srep15348}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145207}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Super-resolution microscopy can unravel previously hidden details of cellular structures but requires high irradiation intensities to use the limited photon budget efficiently. Such high photon densities are likely to induce cellular damage in live-cell experiments. We applied single-molecule localization microscopy conditions and tested the influence of irradiation intensity, illumination-mode, wavelength, light-dose, temperature and fluorescence labeling on the survival probability of different cell lines 20-24 hours after irradiation. In addition, we measured the microtubule growth speed after irradiation. The photo-sensitivity is dramatically increased at lower irradiation wavelength. We observed fixation, plasma membrane permeabilization and cytoskeleton destruction upon irradiation with shorter wavelengths. While cells stand light intensities of similar to 1 kW cm\(^{-2}\) at 640 nm for several minutes, the maximum dose at 405 nm is only similar to 50 J cm\(^{-2}\), emphasizing red fluorophores for live-cell localization microscopy. We also present strategies to minimize phototoxic factors and maximize the cells ability to cope with higher irradiation intensities.}, language = {en} } @article{RemmeleLutherBalkenholetal.2015, author = {Remmele, Christian W. and Luther, Christian H. and Balkenhol, Johannes and Dandekar, Thomas and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Dittrich, Marcus T.}, title = {Integrated inference and evaluation of host-fungi interaction networks}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, number = {764}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2015.00764}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148278}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Fungal microorganisms frequently lead to life-threatening infections. Within this group of pathogens, the commensal Candida albicans and the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus are by far the most important causes of invasive mycoses in Europe. A key capability for host invasion and immune response evasion are specific molecular interactions between the fungal pathogen and its human host. Experimentally validated knowledge about these crucial interactions is rare in literature and even specialized host pathogen databases mainly focus on bacterial and viral interactions whereas information on fungi is still sparse. To establish large-scale host fungi interaction networks on a systems biology scale, we develop an extended inference approach based on protein orthology and data on gene functions. Using human and yeast intraspecies networks as template, we derive a large network of pathogen host interactions (PHI). Rigorous filtering and refinement steps based on cellular localization and pathogenicity information of predicted interactors yield a primary scaffold of fungi human and fungi mouse interaction networks. Specific enrichment of known pathogenicity-relevant genes indicates the biological relevance of the predicted PHI. A detailed inspection of functionally relevant subnetworks reveals novel host fungal interaction candidates such as the Candida virulence factor PLB1 and the anti-fungal host protein APP. Our results demonstrate the applicability of interolog-based prediction methods for host fungi interactions and underline the importance of filtering and refinement steps to attain biologically more relevant interactions. This integrated network framework can serve as a basis for future analyses of high-throughput host fungi transcriptome and proteome data.}, language = {en} } @article{KarlDandekar2015, author = {Karl, Stefan and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Convergence behaviour and control in non-linear biological networks}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {5}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {09746}, doi = {10.1038/srep09746}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148510}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Control of genetic regulatory networks is challenging to define and quantify. Previous control centrality metrics, which aim to capture the ability of individual nodes to control the system, have been found to suffer from plausibility and applicability problems. Here we present a new approach to control centrality based on network convergence behaviour, implemented as an extension of our genetic regulatory network simulation framework Jimena (http://stefan-karl.de/jimena). We distinguish three types of network control, and show how these mathematical concepts correspond to experimentally verified node functions and signalling pathways in immunity and cell differentiation: Total control centrality quantifies the impact of node mutations and identifies potential pharmacological targets such as genes involved in oncogenesis (e.g. zinc finger protein GLI2 or bone morphogenetic proteins in chondrocytes). Dynamic control centrality describes relaying functions as observed in signalling cascades (e.g. src kinase or Jak/Stat pathways). Value control centrality measures the direct influence of the value of the node on the network (e.g. Indian hedgehog as an essential regulator of proliferation in chondrocytes). Surveying random scale-free networks and biological networks, we find that control of the network resides in few high degree driver nodes and networks can be controlled best if they are sparsely connected.}, language = {en} } @article{MatosMachadoSchartletal.2015, author = {Matos, I and Machado, M. P. and Schartl, M. and Coelho, M. M.}, title = {Gene expression dosage regulation in an allopolyploid fish}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0116309}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143565}, pages = {e0116309}, year = {2015}, abstract = {How allopolyploids are able not only to cope but profit from their condition is a question that remains elusive, but is of great importance within the context of successful allopolyploid evolution. One outstanding example of successful allopolyploidy is the endemic Iberian cyprinid Squalius alburnoides. Previously, based on the evaluation of a few genes, it was reported that the transcription levels between diploid and triploid S. alburnoides were similar. If this phenomenon occurs on a full genomic scale, a wide functional "diploidization'' could be related to the success of these polyploids. We generated RNA-seq data from whole juvenile fish and from adult livers, to perform the first comparative quantitative transcriptomic analysis between diploid and triploid individuals of a vertebrate allopolyploid. Together with an assay to estimate relative expression per cell, it was possible to infer the relative sizes of transcriptomes. This showed that diploid and triploid S. alburnoides hybrids have similar liver transcriptome sizes. This in turn made it valid to directly compare the S. alburnoides RNA-seq transcript data sets and obtain a profile of dosage responses across the S. alburnoides transcriptome. We found that 64\% of transcripts in juveniles' samples and 44\% in liver samples differed less than twofold between diploid and triploid hybrids (similar expression). Yet, respectively 29\% and 15\% of transcripts presented accurate dosage compensation (PAA/PA expression ratio of 1 instead of 1.5). Therefore, an exact functional diploidization of the triploid genome does not occur, but a significant down regulation of gene expression in triploids was observed. However, for those genes with similar expression levels between diploids and triploids, expression is not globally strictly proportional to gene dosage nor is it set to a perfect diploid level. This quantitative expression flexibility may be a strong contributor to overcome the genomic shock, and be an immediate evolutionary advantage of allopolyploids.}, language = {en} } @article{AlizadehradKruegerEngstleretal.2015, author = {Alizadehrad, Davod and Kr{\"u}ger, Timothy and Engstler, Markus and Stark, Holger}, title = {Simulating the complex cell design of Trypanosoma brucei and its motility}, series = {PLOS Computational Biology}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLOS Computational Biology}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003967}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144610}, pages = {e1003967}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The flagellate Trypanosoma brucei, which causes the sleeping sickness when infecting a mammalian host, goes through an intricate life cycle. It has a rather complex propulsion mechanism and swims in diverse microenvironments. These continuously exert selective pressure, to which the trypanosome adjusts with its architecture and behavior. As a result, the trypanosome assumes a diversity of complex morphotypes during its life cycle. However, although cell biology has detailed form and function of most of them, experimental data on the dynamic behavior and development of most morphotypes is lacking. Here we show that simulation science can predict intermediate cell designs by conducting specific and controlled modifications of an accurate, nature-inspired cell model, which we developed using information from live cell analyses. The cell models account for several important characteristics of the real trypanosomal morphotypes, such as the geometry and elastic properties of the cell body, and their swimming mechanism using an eukaryotic flagellum. We introduce an elastic network model for the cell body, including bending rigidity and simulate swimming in a fluid environment, using the mesoscale simulation technique called multi-particle collision dynamics. The in silico trypanosome of the bloodstream form displays the characteristic in vivo rotational and translational motility pattern that is crucial for survival and virulence in the vertebrate host. Moreover, our model accurately simulates the trypanosome's tumbling and backward motion. We show that the distinctive course of the attached flagellum around the cell body is one important aspect to produce the observed swimming behavior in a viscous fluid, and also required to reach the maximal swimming velocity. Changing details of the flagellar attachment generates less efficient swimmers. We also simulate different morphotypes that occur during the parasite's development in the tsetse fly, and predict a flagellar course we have not been able to measure in experiments so far.}, language = {en} } @article{SchartlShenMaurusetal.2015, author = {Schartl, Manfred and Shen, Yingjia and Maurus, Katja and Walter, Ron and Tomlinson, Chad and Wilson, Richard K. and Postlethwait, John and Warren, Wesley C.}, title = {Whole body melanoma transcriptome response in medaka}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0143057}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144714}, pages = {e0143057}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The incidence of malignant melanoma continues to increase each year with poor prognosis for survival in many relapse cases. To reverse this trend, whole body response measures are needed to discover collaborative paths to primary and secondary malignancy. Several species of fish provide excellent melanoma models because fish and human melanocytes both appear in the epidermis, and fish and human pigment cell tumors share conserved gene expression signatures. For the first time, we have examined the whole body transcriptome response to invasive melanoma as a prelude to using transcriptome profiling to screen for drugs in a medaka (Oryzias latipes) model. We generated RNA-seq data from whole body RNA isolates for controls and melanoma fish. After testing for differential expression, 396 genes had significantly different expression (adjusted p-value <0.02) in the whole body transcriptome between melanoma and control fish; 379 of these genes were matched to human orthologs with 233 having annotated human gene symbols and 14 matched genes that contain putative deleterious variants in human melanoma at varying levels of recurrence. A detailed canonical pathway evaluation for significant enrichment showed the top scoring pathway to be antigen presentation but also included the expected melanocyte development and pigmentation signaling pathway. Results revealed a profound down-regulation of genes involved in the immune response, especially the innate immune system. We hypothesize that the developing melanoma actively suppresses the immune system responses of the body in reacting to the invasive malignancy, and that this mal-adaptive response contributes to disease progression, a result that suggests our whole-body transcriptomic approach merits further use. In these findings, we also observed novel genes not yet identified in human melanoma expression studies and uncovered known and new candidate drug targets for further testing in this malignant melanoma medaka model.}, language = {en} } @article{TuchscherrBischoffLattaretal.2015, author = {Tuchscherr, Lorena and Bischoff, Markus and Lattar, Santiago M. and Noto Llana, Mariangeles and Pf{\"o}rtner, Henrike and Niemann, Silke and Geraci, Jennifer and Van de Vyver, H{\´e}l{\`e}ne and Fraunholz, Martin J. and Cheung, Ambrose L. and Herrmann, Mathias and V{\"o}lker, Uwe and Sordelli, Daniel O. and Peters, Georg and Loeffler, Bettina}, title = {Sigma factor SigB is crucial to mediate Staphylococcus aureus adaptation during chronic infections}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1004870}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143419}, pages = {e1004870}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen that causes a range of infections from acute invasive to chronic and difficult-to-treat. Infection strategies associated with persisting S. aureus infections are bacterial host cell invasion and the bacterial ability to dynamically change phenotypes from the aggressive wild-type to small colony variants (SCVs), which are adapted for intracellular long-term persistence. The underlying mechanisms of the bacterial switching and adaptation mechanisms appear to be very dynamic, but are largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the role and the crosstalk of the global S. aureus regulators agr, sarA and SigB by generating single, double and triple mutants, and testing them with proteome analysis and in different in vitro and in vivo infection models. We were able to demonstrate that SigB is the crucial factor for adaptation in chronic infections. During acute infection, the bacteria require the simultaneous action of the agr and sarA loci to defend against invading immune cells by causing inflammation and cytotoxicity and to escape from phagosomes in their host cells that enable them to settle an infection at high bacterial density. To persist intracellularly the bacteria subsequently need to silence agr and sarA. Indeed agr and sarA deletion mutants expressed a much lower number of virulence factors and could persist at high numbers intracellularly. SigB plays a crucial function to promote bacterial intracellular persistence. In fact, \(\Delta\)sigB-mutants did not generate SCVs and were completely cleared by the host cells within a few days. In this study we identified SigB as an essential factor that enables the bacteria to switch from the highly aggressive phenotype that settles an acute infection to a silent SCV-phenotype that allows for long-term intracellular persistence. Consequently, the SigB-operon represents a possible target to develop preventive and therapeutic strategies against chronic and therapy-refractory infections.}, language = {en} } @article{LamatschAdolfssonSenioretal.2015, author = {Lamatsch, Dunja K. and Adolfsson, Sofia and Senior, Alistair M. and Christiansen, Guntram and Pichler, Maria and Ozaki, Yuichi and Smeds, Linnea and Schartl, Manfred and Nakagawa, Shinichi}, title = {A transcriptome derived female-specific marker from the invasive Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis)}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0118214}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144004}, pages = {e0118214}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Sex-specific markers are a prerequisite for understanding reproductive biology, genetic factors involved in sex differences, mechanisms of sex determination, and ultimately the evolution of sex chromosomes. The Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, may be considered a model species for sex-chromosome evolution, as it displays female heterogamety (ZW/ZZ), and is also ecologically interesting as a worldwide invasive species. Here, de novo RNA-sequencing on the gonads of sexually mature G. affinis was used to identify contigs that were highly transcribed in females but not in males (i.e., transcripts with ovary-specific expression). Subsequently, 129 primer pairs spanning 79 contigs were tested by PCR to identify sex-specific transcripts. Of those primer pairs, one female-specific DNA marker was identified, Sanger sequenced and subsequently validated in 115 fish. Sequence analyses revealed a high similarity between the identified sex-specific marker and the 3' UTR of the aminomethyl transferase (amt) gene of the closely related platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus). This is the first time that RNA-seq has been used to successfully characterize a sex-specific marker in a fish species in the absence of a genome map. Additionally, the identified sex-specific marker represents one of only a handful of such markers in fishes.}, language = {en} } @article{KangManousakiFranchinietal.2015, author = {Kang, Ji Hyoun and Manousaki, Tereza and Franchini, Paolo and Kneitz, Susanne and Schartl, Manfred and Meyer, Axel}, title = {Transcriptomics of two evolutionary novelties: how to make a sperm-transfer organ out of an anal fin and a sexually selected "sword" out of a caudal fin}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {5}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.1390}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144139}, pages = {848-864}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Swords are exaggerated male ornaments of swordtail fishes that have been of great interest to evolutionary biologists ever since Darwin described them in the Descent of Man (1871). They are a novel sexually selected trait derived from modified ventral caudal fin rays and are only found in the genus Xiphophorus. Another phylogenetically more widespread and older male trait is the gonopodium, an intromittent organ found in all poeciliid fishes, that is derived from a modified anal fin. Despite many evolutionary and behavioral studies on both traits, little is known so far about the molecular mechanisms underlying their development. By investigating transcriptomic changes (utilizing a RNA-Seq approach) in response to testosterone treatment in the swordtail fish, Xiphophorus hellerii, we aimed to better understand the architecture of the gene regulatory networks underpinning the development of these two evolutionary novelties. Large numbers of genes with tissue-specific expression patterns were identified. Among the sword genes those involved in embryonic organ development, sexual character development and coloration were highly expressed, while in the gonopodium rather more morphogenesis-related genes were found. Interestingly, many genes and genetic pathways are shared between both developing novel traits derived from median fins: the sword and the gonopodium. Our analyses show that a larger set of gene networks was co-opted during the development and evolution of the older gonopodium than in the younger, and morphologically less complex trait, the sword. We provide a catalog of candidate genes for future efforts to dissect the development of those sexually selected exaggerated male traits in swordtails.}, language = {en} } @article{SimonRauskolbGunnersenetal.2015, author = {Simon, Christian M. and Rauskolb, Stefanie and Gunnersen, Jennifer M. and Holtmann, Bettina and Drepper, Carsten and Dombert, Benjamin and Braga, Massimiliano and Wiese, Stefan and Jablonka, Sibylle and P{\"u}hringer, Dirk and Zielasek, J{\"u}rgen and Hoeflich, Andreas and Silani, Vincenzo and Wolf, Eckhard and Kneitz, Susanne and Sommer, Claudia and Toyka, Klaus V. and Sendtner, Michael}, title = {Dysregulated IGFBP5 expression causes axon degeneration and motoneuron loss in diabetic neuropathy}, series = {Acta Neuropathologica}, volume = {130}, journal = {Acta Neuropathologica}, doi = {10.1007/s00401-015-1446-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154569}, pages = {373 -- 387}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Diabetic neuropathy (DNP), afflicting sensory and motor nerve fibers, is a major complication in diabetes.The underlying cellular mechanisms of axon degeneration are poorly understood. IGFBP5, an inhibitory binding protein for insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) is highly up-regulated in nerve biopsies of patients with DNP. We investigated the pathogenic relevance of this finding in transgenic mice overexpressing IGFBP5 in motor axons and sensory nerve fibers. These mice develop motor axonopathy and sensory deficits similar to those seen in DNP. Motor axon degeneration was also observed in mice in which the IGF1 receptor(IGF1R) was conditionally depleted in motoneurons, indicating that reduced activity of IGF1 on IGF1R in motoneurons is responsible for the observed effect. These data provide evidence that elevated expression of IGFBP5 in diabetic nerves reduces the availability of IGF1 for IGF1R on motor axons, thus leading to progressive neurodegeneration. Inhibition of IGFBP5 could thus offer novel treatment strategies for DNP.}, language = {en} } @article{KarulinKaracsonyZhangetal.2015, author = {Karulin, Alexey Y. and Karacsony, Kinga and Zhang, Wenji and Targoni, Oleg S. and Moldova, Ioana and Dittrich, Marcus and Sundararaman, Srividya and Lehmann, Paul V.}, title = {ELISPOTs produced by CD8 and CD4 cells follow Log Normal size distribution permitting objective counting}, series = {Cells}, volume = {4}, journal = {Cells}, number = {1}, doi = {10.3390/cells4010056}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149648}, pages = {56-70}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Each positive well in ELISPOT assays contains spots of variable sizes that can range from tens of micrometers up to a millimeter in diameter. Therefore, when it comes to counting these spots the decision on setting the lower and the upper spot size thresholds to discriminate between non-specific background noise, spots produced by individual T cells, and spots formed by T cell clusters is critical. If the spot sizes follow a known statistical distribution, precise predictions on minimal and maximal spot sizes, belonging to a given T cell population, can be made. We studied the size distributional properties of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-17 spots elicited in ELISPOT assays with PBMC from 172 healthy donors, upon stimulation with 32 individual viral peptides representing defined HLA Class I-restricted epitopes for CD8 cells, and with protein antigens of CMV and EBV activating CD4 cells. A total of 334 CD8 and 80 CD4 positive T cell responses were analyzed. In 99.7\% of the test cases, spot size distributions followed Log Normal function. These data formally demonstrate that it is possible to establish objective, statistically validated parameters for counting T cell ELISPOTs.}, language = {en} } @article{GarciaMartinezBrunkAvalosetal.2015, author = {Garc{\´i}a-Mart{\´i}nez, Jorge and Brunk, Michael and Avalos, Javier and Terpitz, Ulrich}, title = {The CarO rhodopsin of the fungus Fusarium fujikuroi is a light-driven proton pump that retards spore germination}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {5}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {7798}, doi = {10.1038/srep07798}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149049}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Rhodopsins are membrane-embedded photoreceptors found in all major taxonomic kingdoms using retinal as their chromophore. They play well-known functions in different biological systems, but their roles in fungi remain unknown. The filamentous fungus Fusarium fujikuroi contains two putative rhodopsins, CarO and OpsA. The gene carO is light-regulated, and the predicted polypeptide contains all conserved residues required for proton pumping. We aimed to elucidate the expression and cellular location of the fungal rhodopsin CarO, its presumed proton-pumping activity and the possible effect of such function on F. fujikuroi growth. In electrophysiology experiments we confirmed that CarO is a green-light driven proton pump. Visualization of fluorescent CarO-YFP expressed in F. fujikuroi under control of its native promoter revealed higher accumulation in spores (conidia) produced by light-exposed mycelia. Germination analyses of conidia from carO\(^{-}\) mutant and carO\(^{+}\) control strains showed a faster development of light-exposed carO-germlings. In conclusion, CarO is an active proton pump, abundant in light-formed conidia, whose activity slows down early hyphal development under light. Interestingly, CarO-related rhodopsins are typically found in plant-associated fungi, where green light dominates the phyllosphere. Our data provide the first reliable clue on a possible biological role of a fungal rhodopsin.}, language = {en} } @article{LeikamHufnagelOttoetal.2015, author = {Leikam, C and Hufnagel, AL and Otto, C and Murphy, DJ and M{\"u}hling, B and Kneitz, S and Nanda, I and Schmid, M and Wagner, TU and Haferkamp, S and Br{\"o}cker, E-B and Schartl, M and Meierjohann, S}, title = {In vitro evidence for senescent multinucleated melanocytes as a source for tumor-initiating cells}, series = {Cell Death and Disease}, volume = {6}, journal = {Cell Death and Disease}, number = {e1711}, doi = {10.1038/cddis.2015.71}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148718}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Oncogenic signaling in melanocytes results in oncogene-induced senescence (OIS), a stable cell-cycle arrest frequently characterized by a bi-or multinuclear phenotype that is considered as a barrier to cancer progression. However, the long-sustained conviction that senescence is a truly irreversible process has recently been challenged. Still, it is not known whether cells driven into OIS can progress to cancer and thereby pose a potential threat. Here, we show that prolonged expression of the melanoma oncogene N-RAS\(^{61K}\) in pigment cells overcomes OIS by triggering the emergence of tumor-initiating mononucleated stem-like cells from senescent cells. This progeny is dedifferentiated, highly proliferative, anoikis-resistant and induces fast growing, metastatic tumors. Our data describe that differentiated cells, which are driven into senescence by an oncogene, use this senescence state as trigger for tumor transformation, giving rise to highly aggressive tumor-initiating cells. These observations provide the first experimental in vitro evidence for the evasion of OIS on the cellular level and ensuing transformation.}, language = {en} } @article{EhmannSauerKittel2015, author = {Ehmann, Nadine and Sauer, Markus and Kittel, Robert J.}, title = {Super-resolution microscopy of the synaptic active zone}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience}, number = {7}, doi = {10.3389/fncel.2015.00007}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148997}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Brain function relies on accurate information transfer at chemical synapses. At the presynaptic active zone (AZ) a variety of specialized proteins are assembled to complex architectures, which set the basis for speed, precision and plasticity of synaptic transmission. Calcium channels are pivotal for the initiation of excitation-secretion coupling and, correspondingly, capture a central position at the AZ. Combining quantitative functional studies with modeling approaches has provided predictions of channel properties, numbers and even positions on the nanometer scale. However, elucidating the nanoscopic organization of the surrounding protein network requires direct ultrastructural access. Without this information, knowledge of molecular synaptic structure-function relationships remains incomplete. Recently, super-resolution microscopy (SRM) techniques have begun to enter the neurosciences. These approaches combine high spatial resolution with the molecular specificity of fluorescence microscopy. Here, we discuss how SRM can be used to obtain information on the organization of AZ proteins}, language = {en} } @article{HerwegHansmeierOttoetal.2015, author = {Herweg, Jo-Ana and Hansmeier, Nicole and Otto, Andreas and Geffken, Anna C. and Subbarayal, Prema and Prusty, Bhupesh K. and Becher, D{\"o}rte and Hensel, Michael and Schaible, Ulrich E. and Rudel, Thomas and Hilbi, Hubert}, title = {Purification and proteomics of pathogen-modified vacuoles and membranes}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, number = {48}, doi = {10.3389/fcimb.2015.00048}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151823}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Certain pathogenic bacteria adopt an intracellular lifestyle and proliferate in eukaryotic host cells. The intracellular niche protects the bacteria from cellular and humoral components of the mammalian immune system, and at the same time, allows the bacteria to gain access to otherwise restricted nutrient sources. Yet, intracellular protection and access to nutrients comes with a price, i.e., the bacteria need to overcome cell-autonomous defense mechanisms, such as the bactericidal endocytic pathway. While a few bacteria rupture the early phagosome and escape into the host cytoplasm, most intracellular pathogens form a distinct, degradation-resistant and replication-permissive membranous compartment. Intracellular bacteria that form unique pathogen vacuoles include Legionella, Mycobacterium, Chlamydia, Simkania, and Salmonella species. In order to understand the formation of these pathogen niches on a global scale and in a comprehensive and quantitative manner, an inventory of compartment-associated host factors is required. To this end, the intact pathogen compartments need to be isolated, purified and biochemically characterized. Here, we review recent progress on the isolation and purification of pathogen-modified vacuoles and membranes, as well as their proteomic characterization by mass spectrometry and different validation approaches. These studies provide the basis for further investigations on the specific mechanisms of pathogen-driven compartment formation.}, language = {en} } @article{Morriswood2015, author = {Morriswood, Brooke}, title = {Form, fabric, and function of a flagellum-associated cytoskeletal structure.}, series = {Cells}, volume = {4}, journal = {Cells}, number = {4}, doi = {10.3390/cells4040726}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149467}, pages = {726-747}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Trypanosoma brucei is a uniflagellated protist and the causative agent of African trypanosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease. The single flagellum of T. brucei is essential to a number of cellular processes such as motility, and has been a longstanding focus of scientific enquiry. A number of cytoskeletal structures are associated with the flagellum in T. brucei, and one such structure—a multiprotein complex containing the repeat motif protein TbMORN1—is the focus of this review. The TbMORN1-containing complex, which was discovered less than ten years ago, is essential for the viability of the mammalian-infective form of T. brucei. The complex has an unusual asymmetric morphology, and is coiled around the flagellum to form a hook shape. Proteomic analysis using the proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) technique has elucidated a number of its components. Recent work has uncovered a role for TbMORN1 in facilitating protein entry into the cell, thus providing a link between the cytoskeleton and the endomembrane system. This review summarises the extant data on the complex, highlights the outstanding questions for future enquiry, and provides speculation as to its possible role in a size-exclusion mechanism for regulating protein entry. The review additionally clarifies the nomenclature associated with this topic, and proposes the adoption of the term "hook complex" to replace the former name "bilobe" to describe the complex.}, language = {en} } @article{DuehringGermerodtSkerkaetal.2015, author = {D{\"u}hring, Sybille and Germerodt, Sebastian and Skerka, Christine and Zipfel, Peter F. and Dandekar, Thomas and Schuster, Stefan}, title = {Host-pathogen interactions between the human innate immune system and Candida albicans - understanding and modeling defense and evasion strategies}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, number = {625}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2015.00625}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151621}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The diploid, polymorphic yeast Candida albicans is one of the most important human pathogenic fungi. C. albicans can grow, proliferate and coexist as a commensal on or within the human host for a long time. However, alterations in the host environment can render C. albicans virulent. In this review, we describe the immunological cross-talk between C. albicans and the human innate immune system. We give an overview in form of pairs of human defense strategies including immunological mechanisms as well as general stressors such as nutrient limitation, pH, fever etc. and the corresponding fungal response and evasion mechanisms. Furthermore, Computational Systems Biology approaches to model and investigate these complex interactions are highlighted with a special focus on game-theoretical methods and agent-based models. An outlook on interesting questions to be tackled by Systems Biology regarding entangled defense and evasion mechanisms is given.}, language = {en} } @article{FrankDengjelWilflingetal.2015, author = {Frank, Daniel O. and Dengjel, J{\"o}rn and Wilfling, Florian and Kozjak-Pavlovic, Vera and H{\"a}cker, Georg and Weber, Arnim}, title = {The Pro-Apoptotic BH3-Only Protein Bim Interacts with Components of the Translocase of the Outer Mitochondrial Membrane (TOM)}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0123341}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143301}, pages = {e0123341}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The pro-apoptotic Bcl-2-family protein Bim belongs to the BH3-only proteins known as initiators of apoptosis. Recent data show that Bim is constitutively inserted in the outer mitochondrial membrane via a C-terminal transmembrane anchor from where it can activate the effector of cytochrome c-release, Bax. To identify regulators of Bim-activity, we conducted a search for proteins interacting with Bim at mitochondria. We found an interaction of Bim with Tom70, Tom20 and more weakly with Tom40, all components of the Translocase of the Outer Membrane (TOM). In vitro import assays performed on tryptically digested yeast mitochondria showed reduced Bim insertion into the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) indicating that protein receptors may be involved in the import process. However, RNAi against components of TOM (Tom40, Tom70, Tom22 or Tom20) by siRNA, individually or in combination, did not consistently change the amount of Bim on HeLa mitochondria, either at steady state or upon de novo-induction. In support of this, the individual or combined knockdowns of TOM receptors also failed to alter the susceptibility of HeLa cells to Bim-induced apoptosis. In isolated yeast mitochondria, lack of Tom70 or the TOM-components Tom20 or Tom22 alone did not affect the import of Bim into the outer mitochondrial membrane. In yeast, expression of Bim can sensitize the cells to Bax-dependent killing. This sensitization was unaffected by the absence of Tom70 or by an experimental reduction in Tom40. Although thus the physiological role of the Bim-TOM-interaction remains unclear, TOM complex components do not seem to be essential for Bim insertion into the OMM. Nevertheless, this association should be noted and considered when the regulation of Bim in other cells and situations is investigated.}, language = {en} } @article{DandekarEisenreich2015, author = {Dandekar, Thomas and Eisenreich, Wolfgang}, title = {Host-adapted metabolism and its regulation in bacterial pathogens}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, number = {28}, issn = {2235-2988}, doi = {10.3389/fcimb.2015.00028}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196876}, year = {2015}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {en} } @article{DandekarFieselmannFischeretal.2015, author = {Dandekar, Thomas and Fieselmann, Astrid and Fischer, Eva and Popp, Jasmin and Hensel, Michael and Noster, Janina}, title = {Salmonella - how a metabolic generalist adopts an intracellular lifestyle during infection}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, number = {191}, doi = {10.3389/fcimb.2014.00191}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149029}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The human-pathogenic bacterium Salmonella enterica adjusts and adapts to different environments while attempting colonization. In the course of infection nutrient availabilities change drastically. New techniques, "-omics" data and subsequent integration by systems biology improve our understanding of these changes. We review changes in metabolism focusing on amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism. Furthermore, the adaptation process is associated with the activation of genes of the Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPIs). Anti-infective strategies have to take these insights into account and include metabolic and other strategies. Salmonella infections will remain a challenge for infection biology.}, language = {en} } @article{MartinReinekingSeoetal.2015, author = {Martin, Emily A. and Reineking, Bj{\"o}rn and Seo, Bumsuk and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf}, title = {Pest control of aphids depends on landscape complexity and natural enemy interactions}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {3}, journal = {PeerJ}, number = {e1095}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.1095}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148393}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Aphids are a major concern in agricultural crops worldwide, and control by natural enemies is an essential component of the ecological intensification of agriculture. Although the complexity of agricultural landscapes is known to influence natural enemies of pests, few studies have measured the degree of pest control by different enemy guilds across gradients in landscape complexity. Here, we use multiple natural-enemy exclosures replicated in 18 fields across a gradient in landscape complexity to investigate (1) the strength of natural pest control across landscapes, measured as the difference between pest pressure in the presence and in the absence of natural enemies; (2) the differential contributions of natural enemy guilds to pest control, and the nature of their interactions across landscapes. We show that natural pest control of aphids increased up to six-fold from simple to complex landscapes. In the absence of pest control, aphid population growth was higher in complex than simple landscapes, but was reduced by natural enemies to similar growth rates across all landscapes. The effects of enemy guilds were landscape-dependent. Particularly in complex landscapes, total pest control was supplied by the combined contribution of flying insects and ground-dwellers. Birds had little overall impact on aphid control. Despite evidence for intraguild predation of flying insects by ground-dwellers and birds, the overall effect of enemy guilds on aphid control was complementary. Understanding pest control services at large spatial scales is critical to increase the success of ecological intensification schemes. Our results suggest that, where aphids are the main pest of concern, interactions between natural enemies are largely complementary and lead to a strongly positive effect of landscape complexity on pest control. Increasing the availability of seminatural habitats in agricultural landscapes may thus benefit not only natural enemies, but also the effectiveness of aphid natural pest control.}, language = {en} } @article{JoschinskiHovestadtKrauss2015, author = {Joschinski, Jens and Hovestadt, Thomas and Krauss, Jochen}, title = {Coping with shorter days: do phenology shifts constrain aphid fitness?}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {3}, journal = {PeerJ}, number = {e1103}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.1103}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148382}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Climate change can alter the phenology of organisms. It may thus lead seasonal organisms to face different day lengths than in the past, and the fitness consequences of these changes are as yet unclear. To study such effects, we used the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum as a model organism, as it has obligately asexual clones which can be used to study day length effects without eliciting a seasonal response. We recorded life-history traits under short and long days, both with two realistic temperature cycles with means differing by 2 °C. In addition, we measured the population growth of aphids on their host plant Pisum sativum. We show that short days reduce fecundity and the length of the reproductive period of aphids. Nevertheless, this does not translate into differences at the population level because the observed fitness costs only become apparent late in the individual's life. As expected, warm temperature shortens the development time by 0.7 days/°C, leading to faster generation times. We found no interaction of temperature and day length. We conclude that day length changes cause only relatively mild costs, which may not decelerate the increase in pest status due to climate change.}, language = {en} } @article{KleijnWinfreeBartomeusetal.2015, author = {Kleijn, David and Winfree, Rachael and Bartomeus, Ignasi and Carvalheiro, Lu{\´i}sa G. and Henry, Mickael and Isaacs, Rufus and Klein, Alexandra-Maria and Kremen, Claire and M'Gonigle, Leithen K. and Rader, Romina and Ricketts, Taylor H. and Williams, Neal M. and Adamson, Nancy Lee and Ascher, John S. and B{\´a}ldi, Andr{\´a}s and Bat{\´a}ry, P{\´e}ter and Benjamin, Faye and Biesmeijer, Jacobus C. and Blitzer, Eleanor J. and Bommarco, Riccardo and Brand, Mariette R. and Bretagnolle, Vincent and Button, Lindsey and Cariveau, Daniel P. and Chifflet, R{\´e}my and Colville, Jonathan F. and Danforth, Bryan N. and Elle, Elizabeth and Garratt, Michael P. D. and Herzog, Felix and Holzschuh, Andrea and Howlett, Brad G. and Jauker, Frank and Jha, Shalene and Knop, Eva and Krewenka, Kristin M. and Le F{\´e}on, Violette and Mandelik, Yael and May, Emily A. and Park, Mia G. and Pisanty, Gideon and Reemer, Menno and Riedinger, Verena and Rollin, Orianne and Rundl{\"o}f, Maj and Sardi{\~n}as, Hillary S. and Scheper, Jeroen and Sciligo, Amber R. and Smith, Henrik G. and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Thorp, Robbin and Tscharntke, Teja and Verhulst, Jort and Viana, Blandina F. and Vaissi{\`e}re, Bernard E. and Veldtman, Ruan and Ward, Kimiora L. and Westphal, Catrin and Potts, Simon G.}, title = {Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {6}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {7414}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms8414}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151879}, year = {2015}, abstract = {There is compelling evidence that more diverse ecosystems deliver greater benefits to people, and these ecosystem services have become a key argument for biodiversity conservation. However, it is unclear how much biodiversity is needed to deliver ecosystem services in a cost- effective way. Here we show that, while the contribution of wild bees to crop production is significant, service delivery is restricted to a limited subset of all known bee species. Across crops, years and biogeographical regions, crop-visiting wild bee communities are dominated by a small number of common species, and threatened species are rarely observed on crops. Dominant crop pollinators persist under agricultural expansion and many are easily enhanced by simple conservation measures, suggesting that cost- effective management strategies to promote crop pollination should target a different set of species than management strategies to promote threatened bees. Conserving the biological diversity of bees therefore requires more than just ecosystem-service-based arguments.}, language = {en} } @article{AppelScholzMuelleretal.2015, author = {Appel, Mirjam and Scholz, Claus-J{\"u}rgen and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Dittrich, Marcus and K{\"o}nig, Christian and Bockstaller, Marie and Oguz, Tuba and Khalili, Afshin and Antwi-Adjei, Emmanuel and Schauer, Tamas and Margulies, Carla and Tanimoto, Hiromu and Yarali, Ayse}, title = {Genome-Wide Association Analyses Point to Candidate Genes for Electric Shock Avoidance in Drosophila melanogaster}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0126986}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152006}, pages = {e0126986}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Electric shock is a common stimulus for nociception-research and the most widely used reinforcement in aversive associative learning experiments. Yet, nothing is known about the mechanisms it recruits at the periphery. To help fill this gap, we undertook a genome-wide association analysis using 38 inbred Drosophila melanogaster strains, which avoided shock to varying extents. We identified 514 genes whose expression levels and/or sequences covaried with shock avoidance scores. We independently scrutinized 14 of these genes using mutants, validating the effect of 7 of them on shock avoidance. This emphasizes the value of our candidate gene list as a guide for follow-up research. In addition, by integrating our association results with external protein-protein interaction data we obtained a shock avoidance- associated network of 38 genes. Both this network and the original candidate list contained a substantial number of genes that affect mechanosensory bristles, which are hairlike organs distributed across the fly's body. These results may point to a potential role for mechanosensory bristles in shock sensation. Thus, we not only provide a first list of candidate genes for shock avoidance, but also point to an interesting new hypothesis on nociceptive mechanisms.}, language = {en} } @article{BlaettnerDasPaprotkaetal.2016, author = {Bl{\"a}ttner, Sebastian and Das, Sudip and Paprotka, Kerstin and Eilers, Ursula and Krischke, Markus and Kretschmer, Dorothee and Remmele, Christian W. and Dittrich, Marcus and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Schuelein-Voelk, Christina and Hertlein, Tobias and Mueller, Martin J. and Huettel, Bruno and Reinhardt, Richard and Ohlsen, Knut and Rudel, Thomas and Fraunholz, Martin J.}, title = {Staphylococcus aureus Exploits a Non-ribosomal Cyclic Dipeptide to Modulate Survival within Epithelial Cells and Phagocytes}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1005857}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180380}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Community-acquired (CA) Staphylococcus aureus cause various diseases even in healthy individuals. Enhanced virulence of CA-strains is partly attributed to increased production of toxins such as phenol-soluble modulins (PSM). The pathogen is internalized efficiently by mammalian host cells and intracellular S. aureus has recently been shown to contribute to disease. Upon internalization, cytotoxic S. aureus strains can disrupt phagosomal membranes and kill host cells in a PSM-dependent manner. However, PSM are not sufficient for these processes. Here we screened for factors required for intracellular S. aureus virulence. We infected escape reporter host cells with strains from an established transposon mutant library and detected phagosomal escape rates using automated microscopy. We thereby, among other factors, identified a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) to be required for efficient phagosomal escape and intracellular survival of S. aureus as well as induction of host cell death. By genetic complementation as well as supplementation with the synthetic NRPS product, the cyclic dipeptide phevalin, wild-type phenotypes were restored. We further demonstrate that the NRPS is contributing to virulence in a mouse pneumonia model. Together, our data illustrate a hitherto unrecognized function of the S. aureus NRPS and its dipeptide product during S. aureus infection.}, language = {en} } @article{AurastGradlPernesetal.2016, author = {Aurast, Anna and Gradl, Tobias and Pernes, Stefan and Pielstr{\"o}m, Steffen}, title = {Big Data und Smart Data in den Geisteswissenschaften}, series = {Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis}, volume = {40}, journal = {Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis}, number = {2}, issn = {1865-7648}, doi = {10.1515/bfp-2016-0033}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-195237}, pages = {200-206}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Kein Abstract verf{\"u}gbar.}, language = {de} } @article{ElHajjDittrichBoecketal.2016, author = {El Hajj, Nady and Dittrich, Marcus and B{\"o}ck, Julia and Kraus, Theo F. J. and Nanda, Indrajit and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Seidmann, Larissa and Tralau, Tim and Galetzka, Danuta and Schneider, Eberhard and Haaf, Thomas}, title = {Epigenetic dysregulation in the developing Down syndrome cortex}, series = {Epigenetics}, volume = {11}, journal = {Epigenetics}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1080/15592294.2016.1192736}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191239}, pages = {563-578}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Using Illumina 450K arrays, 1.85\% of all analyzed CpG sites were significantly hypermethylated and 0.31\% hypomethylated in fetal Down syndrome (DS) cortex throughout the genome. The methylation changes on chromosome 21 appeared to be balanced between hypo- and hyper-methylation, whereas, consistent with prior reports, all other chromosomes showed 3-11times more hyper- than hypo-methylated sites. Reduced NRSF/REST expression due to upregulation of DYRK1A (on chromosome 21q22.13) and methylation of REST binding sites during early developmental stages may contribute to this genome-wide excess of hypermethylated sites. Upregulation of DNMT3L (on chromosome 21q22.4) could lead to de novo methylation in neuroprogenitors, which then persists in the fetal DS brain where DNMT3A and DNMT3B become downregulated. The vast majority of differentially methylated promoters and genes was hypermethylated in DS and located outside chromosome 21, including the protocadherin gamma (PCDHG) cluster on chromosome 5q31, which is crucial for neural circuit formation in the developing brain. Bisulfite pyrosequencing and targeted RNA sequencing showed that several genes of PCDHG subfamilies A and B are hypermethylated and transcriptionally downregulated in fetal DS cortex. Decreased PCDHG expression is expected to reduce dendrite arborization and growth in cortical neurons. Since constitutive hypermethylation of PCDHG and other genes affects multiple tissues, including blood, it may provide useful biomarkers for DS brain development and pharmacologic targets for therapeutic interventions.}, language = {en} } @article{DotterweichSchlegelmilchKelleretal.2016, author = {Dotterweich, Julia and Schlegelmilch, Katrin and Keller, Alexander and Geyer, Beate and Schneider, Doris and Zeck, Sabine and Tower, Robert J. J. and Ebert, Regina and Jakob, Franz and Sch{\"u}tze, Norbert}, title = {Contact of myeloma cells induces a characteristic transcriptome signature in skeletal precursor cells-implications for myeloma bone disease}, series = {Bone}, volume = {93}, journal = {Bone}, doi = {10.1016/j.bone.2016.08.006}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186688}, pages = {155-166}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Physical interaction of skeletal precursors with multiple myeloma cells has been shown to suppress their osteogenic potential while favoring their tumor-promoting features. Although several transcriptome analyses of myeloma patient-derived mesenchymal stem cells have displayed differences compared to their healthy counterparts, these analyses insufficiently reflect the signatures mediated by tumor cell contact, vary due to different methodologies, and lack results in lineage-committed precursors. To determine tumor cell contact-mediated changes on skeletal precursors, we performed transcriptome analyses of mesenchymal stem cells and osteogenic precursor cells cultured in contact with the myeloma cell line INA-6. Comparative analyses confirmed dysregulation of genes which code for known disease-relevant factors and additionally revealed upregulation of genes that are associated with plasma cell homing, adhesion, osteoclastogenesis, and angiogenesis. Osteoclast-derived coupling factors, a dysregulated adipogenic potential, and an imbalance in favor of anti-anabolic factors may play a role in the hampered osteoblast differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells. Angiopoietin-Like 4 (ANGPTL4) was selected from a list of differentially expressed genes as a myeloma cell contact-dependent target in skeletal precursor cells which warranted further functional analyses. Adhesion assays with full-length ANGPTL4-coated plates revealed a potential role of this protein in INA6 cell attachment. This study expands knowledge of the myeloma cell contact-induced signature in the stromal compartment of myelomatous bones and thus offers potential targets that may allow detection and treatment of myeloma bone disease at an early stage.}, language = {en} } @article{ScharawIskarOrietal.2016, author = {Scharaw, Sandra and Iskar, Murat and Ori, Alessandro and Boncompain, Gaelle and Laketa, Vibor and Poser, Ina and Lundberg, Emma and Perez, Franck and Beck, Martin and Bork, Peer and Pepperkok, Rainer}, title = {The endosomal transcriptional regulator RNF11 integrates degradation and transport of EGFR}, series = {Journal of Cell Biology}, volume = {215}, journal = {Journal of Cell Biology}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1083/jcb.201601090}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186731}, pages = {543-558}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Stimulation of cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces internalization and partial degradation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) by the endo-lysosomal pathway. For continuous cell functioning, EGFR plasma membrane levels are maintained by transporting newly synthesized EGFRs to the cell surface. The regulation of this process is largely unknown. In this study, we find that EGF stimulation specifically increases the transport efficiency of newly synthesized EGFRs from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. This coincides with an up-regulation of the inner coat protein complex II (COP II) components SEC23B, SEC24B, and SEC24D, which we show to be specifically required for EGFR transport. Up-regulation of these COP II components requires the transcriptional regulator RNF11, which localizes to early endosomes and appears additionally in the cell nucleus upon continuous EGF stimulation. Collectively, our work identifies a new regulatory mechanism that integrates the degradation and transport of EGFR in order to maintain its physiological levels at the plasma membrane.}, language = {en} } @article{KaluzaWallaceHeardetal.2016, author = {Kaluza, Benjamin F. and Wallace, Helen and Heard, Tim A. and Klein, Aelxandra-Maria and Leonhardt, Sara D.}, title = {Urban gardens promote bee foraging over natural habitats and plantations}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {6}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.1941}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162713}, pages = {1304-1316}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Increasing human land use for agriculture and housing leads to the loss of natural habitat and to widespread declines in wild bees. Bee foraging dynamics and fitness depend on the availability of resources in the surrounding landscape, but how precisely landscape related resource differences affect bee foraging patterns remains unclear. To investigate how landscape and its interaction with season and weather drive foraging and resource intake in social bees, we experimentally compared foraging activity, the allocation of foragers to different resources (pollen, nectar, and resin) and overall resource intake in the Australian stingless bee Tetragonula carbonaria (Apidae, Meliponini). Bee colonies were monitored in different seasons over two years. We compared foraging patterns and resource intake between the bees' natural habitat (forests) and two landscapes differently altered by humans (suburban gardens and agricultural macadamia plantations). We found foraging activity as well as pollen and nectar forager numbers to be highest in suburban gardens, intermediate in forests and low in plantations. Foraging patterns further differed between seasons, but seasonal variations strongly differed between landscapes. Sugar and pollen intake was low in plantations, but contrary with our predictions, it was even higher in gardens than in forests. In contrast, resin intake was similar across landscapes. Consequently, differences in resource availability between natural and altered landscapes strongly affect foraging patterns and thus resource intake in social bees. While agricultural monocultures largely reduce foraging success, suburban gardens can increase resource intake well above rates found in natural habitats of bees, indicating that human activities can both decrease and increase the availability of resources in a landscape and thus reduce or enhance bee fitness.}, language = {en} } @article{VendelovadeLimaLorenzattoetal.2016, author = {Vendelova, Emilia and de Lima, Jeferson Camargo and Lorenzatto, Karina Rodrigues and Monteiro, Karina Mariante and Mueller, Thomas and Veepaschit, Jyotishman and Grimm, Clemens and Brehm, Klaus and Hrčkov{\´a}, Gabriela and Lutz, Manfred B. and Ferreira, Henrique B. and Nono, Justin Komguep}, title = {Proteomic Analysis of Excretory-Secretory Products of Mesocestoides corti Metacestodes Reveals Potential Suppressors of Dendritic Cell Functions}, series = {PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0005061}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166742}, pages = {e0005061}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Accumulating evidences have assigned a central role to parasite-derived proteins in immunomodulation. Here, we report on the proteomic identification and characterization of immunomodulatory excretory-secretory (ES) products from the metacestode larva (tetrathyridium) of the tapeworm Mesocestoides corti (syn. M. vogae). We demonstrate that ES products but not larval homogenates inhibit the stimuli-driven release of the pro-inflammatory, Th1-inducing cytokine IL-12p70 by murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs). Within the ES fraction, we biochemically narrowed down the immunosuppressive activity to glycoproteins since active components were lipid-free, but sensitive to heat- and carbohydrate-treatment. Finally, using bioassay-guided chromatographic analyses assisted by comparative proteomics of active and inactive fractions of the ES products, we defined a comprehensive list of candidate proteins released by M. corti tetrathyridia as potential suppressors of DC functions. Our study provides a comprehensive library of somatic and ES products and highlight some candidate parasite factors that might drive the subversion of DC functions to facilitate the persistence of M. corti tetrathyridia in their hosts.}, language = {en} } @article{JonesFrucianoKelleretal.2016, author = {Jones, Julia C. and Fruciano, Carmelo and Keller, Anja and Schartl, Manfred and Meyer, Axel}, title = {Evolution of the elaborate male intromittent organ of Xiphophorus fishes}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {6}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, number = {20}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.2396}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164956}, pages = {7207-7220}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Internally fertilizing animals show a remarkable diversity in male genital morphology that is associated with sexual selection, and these traits are thought to be evolving particularly rapidly. Male fish in some internally fertilizing species have "gonopodia," highly modified anal fins that are putatively important for sexual selection. However, our understanding of the evolution of genital diversity remains incomplete. Contrary to the prediction that male genital traits evolve more rapidly than other traits, here we show that gonopodial traits and other nongonopodial traits exhibit similar evolutionary rates of trait change and also follow similar evolutionary models in an iconic genus of poeciliid fish (Xiphophorus spp.). Furthermore, we find that both mating and nonmating natural selection mechanisms are unlikely to be driving the diverse Xiphophorus gonopodial morphology. Putative holdfast features of the male genital organ do not appear to be influenced by water flow, a candidate selective force in aquatic habitats. Additionally, interspecific divergence in gonopodial morphology is not significantly higher between sympatric species, than between allopatric species, suggesting that male genitals have not undergone reproductive character displacement. Slower rates of evolution in gonopodial traits compared with a subset of putatively sexually selected nongenital traits suggest that different selection mechanisms may be acting on the different trait types. Further investigations of this elaborate trait are imperative to determine whether it is ultimately an important driver of speciation.}, language = {en} } @article{DrakulićFeldhaarLisičićetal.2016, author = {Drakulić, Sanja and Feldhaar, Heike and Lisičić, Duje and Mioč, Mia and Cizelj, Ivan and Seiler, Michael and Spatz, Theresa and R{\"o}del, Mark-Oliver}, title = {Population-specific effects of developmental temperature on body condition and jumping performance of a widespread European frog}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {6}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.2113}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164960}, pages = {3115-3128}, year = {2016}, abstract = {All physiological processes of ectotherms depend on environmental temperature. Thus, adaptation of physiological mechanisms to the thermal environments is important for achieving optimal performance and fitness. The European Common Frog, Rana temporaria, is widely distributed across different thermal habitats. This makes it an exceptional model for studying the adaptations to different thermal conditions. We raised tadpoles from Germany and Croatia at two constant temperature treatments (15°C, 20°C), and under natural temperature fluctuations (in outdoor treatments), and tested how different developmental temperatures affected developmental traits, that is, length of larval development, morphometrics, and body condition, as well as jumping performance of metamorphs. Our results revealed population-specific differences in developmental time, body condition, and jumping performance. Croatian frogs developed faster in all treatments, were heavier, in better body condition, and had longer hind limbs and better jumping abilities than German metamorphs. The populations further differed in thermal sensitivity of jumping performance. While metamorphs from Croatia increased their jumping performance with higher temperatures, German metamorphs reached their performance maximum at lower temperatures. These population-specific differences in common environments indicate local genetic adaptation, with southern populations being better adapted to higher temperatures than those from north of the Alps.}, language = {en} } @article{MenaDiegelmannWegeneretal.2016, author = {Mena, Wilson and Diegelmann, S{\"o}ren and Wegener, Christian and Ewer, John}, title = {Stereotyped responses of Drosophila peptidergic neuronal ensemble depend on downstream neuromodulators}, series = {eLife}, volume = {5}, journal = {eLife}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.19686}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165003}, pages = {e19686}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Neuropeptides play a key role in the regulation of behaviors and physiological responses including alertness, social recognition, and hunger, yet, their mechanism of action is poorly understood. Here, we focus on the endocrine control ecdysis behavior, which is used by arthropods to shed their cuticle at the end of every molt. Ecdysis is triggered by ETH (Ecdysis triggering hormone), and we show that the response of peptidergic neurons that produce CCAP (crustacean cardioactive peptide), which are key targets of ETH and control the onset of ecdysis behavior, depends fundamentally on the actions of neuropeptides produced by other direct targets of ETH and released in a broad paracrine manner within the CNS; by autocrine influences from the CCAP neurons themselves; and by inhibitory actions mediated by GABA. Our findings provide insights into how this critical insect behavior is controlled and general principles for understanding how neuropeptides organize neuronal activity and behaviors.}, language = {en} } @article{KonteTerpitzPlemenitaš2016, author = {Konte, Tilen and Terpitz, Ulrich and Plemenitaš, Ana}, title = {Reconstruction of the High-Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) Signaling Pathway from the Halophilic Fungus Wallemia ichthyophaga in Saccharomyces cerevisiae}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2016.00901}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165214}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The basidiomycetous fungus Wallemia ichthyophaga grows between 1.7 and 5.1 M NaCl and is the most halophilic eukaryote described to date. Like other fungi, W. ichthyophaga detects changes in environmental salinity mainly by the evolutionarily conserved high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) signaling pathway. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the HOG pathway has been extensively studied in connection to osmotic regulation, with a valuable knock-out strain collection established. In the present study, we reconstructed the architecture of the HOG pathway of W. ichthyophaga in suitable S. cerevisiae knock-out strains, through heterologous expression of the W. ichthyophaga HOG pathway proteins. Compared to S. cerevisiae, where the Pbs2 (ScPbs2) kinase of the HOG pathway is activated via the SHO1 and SLN1 branches, the interactions between the W. ichthyophaga Pbs2 (WiPbs2) kinase and the W. ichthyophaga SHO1 branch orthologs are not conserved: as well as evidence of poor interactions between the WiSho1 Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain and the WiPbs2 proline-rich motif, the absence of a considerable part of the osmosensing apparatus in the genome of W. ichthyophaga suggests that the SHO1 branch components are not involved in HOG signaling in this halophilic fungus. In contrast, the conserved activation of WiPbs2 by the S. cerevisiae ScSsk2/ScSsk22 kinase and the sensitivity of W. ichthyophaga cells to fludioxonil, emphasize the significance of two-component (SLN1-like) signaling via Group III histidine kinase. Combined with protein modeling data, our study reveals conserved and non-conserved protein interactions in the HOG signaling pathway of W. ichthyophaga and therefore significantly improves the knowledge of hyperosmotic signal processing in this halophilic fungus.}, language = {en} } @article{HeldBerzHensgenetal.2016, author = {Held, Martina and Berz, Annuska and Hensgen, Ronja and Muenz, Thomas S. and Scholl, Christina and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang and Homberg, Uwe and Pfeiffer, Keram}, title = {Microglomerular Synaptic Complexes in the Sky-Compass Network of the Honeybee Connect Parallel Pathways from the Anterior Optic Tubercle to the Central Complex}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, number = {186}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00186}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165080}, year = {2016}, abstract = {While the ability of honeybees to navigate relying on sky-compass information has been investigated in a large number of behavioral studies, the underlying neuronal system has so far received less attention. The sky-compass pathway has recently been described from its input region, the dorsal rim area (DRA) of the compound eye, to the anterior optic tubercle (AOTU). The aim of this study is to reveal the connection from the AOTU to the central complex (CX). For this purpose, we investigated the anatomy of large microglomerular synaptic complexes in the medial and lateral bulbs (MBUs/LBUs) of the lateral complex (LX). The synaptic complexes are formed by tubercle-lateral accessory lobe neuron 1 (TuLAL1) neurons of the AOTU and GABAergic tangential neurons of the central body's (CB) lower division (TL neurons). Both TuLAL1 and TL neurons strongly resemble neurons forming these complexes in other insect species. We further investigated the ultrastructure of these synaptic complexes using transmission electron microscopy. We found that single large presynaptic terminals of TuLAL1 neurons enclose many small profiles (SPs) of TL neurons. The synaptic connections between these neurons are established by two types of synapses: divergent dyads and divergent tetrads. Our data support the assumption that these complexes are a highly conserved feature in the insect brain and play an important role in reliable signal transmission within the sky-compass pathway.}, language = {en} } @article{KunzLiangNillaetal.2016, author = {Kunz, Meik and Liang, Chunguang and Nilla, Santosh and Cecil, Alexander and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {The drug-minded protein interaction database (DrumPID) for efficient target analysis and drug development}, series = {Database}, volume = {2016}, journal = {Database}, doi = {10.1093/database/baw041}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147369}, pages = {baw041}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The drug-minded protein interaction database (DrumPID) has been designed to provide fast, tailored information on drugs and their protein networks including indications, protein targets and side-targets. Starting queries include compound, target and protein interactions and organism-specific protein families. Furthermore, drug name, chemical structures and their SMILES notation, affected proteins (potential drug targets), organisms as well as diseases can be queried including various combinations and refinement of searches. Drugs and protein interactions are analyzed in detail with reference to protein structures and catalytic domains, related compound structures as well as potential targets in other organisms. DrumPID considers drug functionality, compound similarity, target structure, interactome analysis and organismic range for a compound, useful for drug development, predicting drug side-effects and structure-activity relationships.}, language = {en} } @article{BeckerKucharskiRoessleretal.2016, author = {Becker, Nils and Kucharski, Robert and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang and Maleszka, Ryszard}, title = {Age-dependent transcriptional and epigenomic responses to light exposure in the honey bee brain}, series = {FEBS Open Bio}, volume = {6}, journal = {FEBS Open Bio}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1002/2211-5463.12084}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147080}, pages = {622-639}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Light is a powerful environmental stimulus of special importance in social honey bees that undergo a behavioral transition from in-hive to outdoor foraging duties. Our previous work has shown that light exposure induces structural neuronal plasticity in the mushroom bodies (MBs), a brain center implicated in processing inputs from sensory modalities. Here, we extended these analyses to the molecular level to unravel light-induced transcriptomic and epigenomic changes in the honey bee brain. We have compared gene expression in brain compartments of 1- and 7-day-old light-exposed honey bees with age-matched dark-kept individuals. We have found a number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs), both novel and conserved, including several genes with reported roles in neuronal plasticity. Most of the DEGs show age-related changes in the amplitude of light-induced expression and are likely to be both developmentally and environmentally regulated. Some of the DEGs are either known to be methylated or are implicated in epigenetic processes suggesting that responses to light exposure are at least partly regulated at the epigenome level. Consistent with this idea light alters the DNA methylation pattern of bgm, one of the DEGs affected by light exposure, and the expression of microRNA miR-932. This confirms the usefulness of our approach to identify candidate genes for neuronal plasticity and provides evidence for the role of epigenetic processes in driving the molecular responses to visual stimulation.}, language = {en} } @article{BrunetVolffSchartl2016, author = {Brunet, Fr{\´e}d{\´e}ric G. and Volff, Jean-Nicolas and Schartl, Manfred}, title = {Whole Genome Duplications Shaped the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Repertoire of Jawed Vertebrates}, series = {Genome Biology Evolution}, volume = {8}, journal = {Genome Biology Evolution}, number = {15}, doi = {10.1093/gbe/evw103}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146988}, pages = {1600-1613}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) gene family, involved primarily in cell growth and differentiation, comprises proteins with a common enzymatic tyrosine kinase intracellular domain adjacent to a transmembrane region. The amino-terminal portion of RTKs is extracellular and made of different domains, the combination of which characterizes each of the 20 RTK subfamilies among mammals. We analyzed a total of 7,376 RTK sequences among 143 vertebrate species to provide here the first comprehensive census of the jawed vertebrate repertoire. We ascertained the 58 genes previously described in the human and mouse genomes and established their phylogenetic relationships. We also identified five additional RTKs amounting to a total of 63 genes in jawed vertebrates. We found that the vertebrate RTK gene family has been shaped by the two successive rounds of whole genome duplications (WGD) called 1R and 2R (1R/2R) that occurred at the base of the vertebrates. In addition, the Vegfr and Ephrin receptor subfamilies were expanded by single gene duplications. In teleost fish, 23 additional RTK genes have been retained after another expansion through the fish-specific third round (3R) of WGD. Several lineage-specific gene losses were observed. For instance, birds have lost three RTKs, and different genes are missing in several fish sublineages. The RTK gene family presents an unusual high gene retention rate from the vertebrate WGDs (58.75\% after 1R/2R, 64.4\% after 3R), resulting in an expansion that might be correlated with the evolution of complexity of vertebrate cellular communication and intracellular signaling.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jung2016, author = {Jung, Lisa Anna}, title = {Targeting MYC Function as a Strategy for Tumor Therapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146993}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A large fraction of human tumors exhibits aberrant expression of the oncoprotein MYC. As a transcription factor regulating various cellular processes, MYC is also crucially involved in normal development. Direct targeting of MYC has been a major challenge for molecular cancer drug discovery. The proof of principle that its inhibition is nevertheless feasible came from in vivo studies using a dominant-negative allele of MYC termed OmoMYC. Systemic expression of OmoMYC triggered long-term tumor regression with mild and fully reversible side effects on normal tissues. In this study, OmoMYC's mode of action was investigated combining methods of structural biology and functional genomics to elucidate how it is able to preferentially affect oncogenic functions of MYC. The crystal structure of the OmoMYC homodimer, both in the free and the E-box-bound state, was determined, which revealed that OmoMYC forms a stable homodimer, and as such, recognizes DNA via the same base-specific DNA contacts as the MYC/MAX heterodimer. OmoMYC binds DNA with an equally high affinity as MYC/MAX complexes. RNA-sequencing showed that OmoMYC blunts both MYC-dependent transcriptional activation and repression. Genome-wide DNA-binding studies using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing revealed that OmoMYC competes with MYC/MAX complexes on chromatin, thereby reducing their occupancy at consensus DNA binding sites. The most prominent decrease in MYC binding was seen at low-affinity promoters, which were invaded by MYC at oncogenic levels. Strikingly, gene set enrichment analyses using OmoMYC-regulated genes enabled the identification of tumor subgroups with high MYC levels in multiple tumor entities. Together with a targeted shRNA screen, this identified novel targets for the eradication of MYC-driven tumors, such as ATAD3A, BOP1, and ADRM1. In summary, the findings suggest that OmoMYC specifically inhibits tumor cell growth by attenuating the expression of rate-limiting proteins in cellular processes that respond to elevated levels of MYC protein using a DNA-competitive mechanism. This opens up novel strategies to target oncogenic MYC functions for tumor therapy.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @article{FalibeneRocesRoessleretal.2016, author = {Falibene, Augustine and Roces, Flavio and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang and Groh, Claudia}, title = {Daily Thermal Fluctuations Experienced by Pupae via Rhythmic Nursing Behavior Increase Numbers of Mushroom Body Microglomeruli in the Adult Ant Brain}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, number = {73}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00073}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146711}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Social insects control brood development by using different thermoregulatory strategies. Camponotus mus ants expose their brood to daily temperature fluctuations by translocating them inside the nest following a circadian rhythm of thermal preferences. At the middle of the photophase brood is moved to locations at 30.8°C; 8 h later, during the night, the brood is transferred back to locations at 27.5°C. We investigated whether daily thermal fluctuations experienced by developing pupae affect the neuroarchitecture in the adult brain, in particular in sensory input regions of the mushroom bodies (MB calyces). The complexity of synaptic microcircuits was estimated by quantifying MB-calyx volumes together with densities of presynaptic boutons of microglomeruli (MG) in the olfactory lip and visual collar regions. We compared young adult workers that were reared either under controlled daily thermal fluctuations of different amplitudes, or at different constant temperatures. Thermal regimes significantly affected the large (non-dense) olfactory lip region of the adult MB calyx, while changes in the dense lip and the visual collar were less evident. Thermal fluctuations mimicking the amplitudes of natural temperature fluctuations via circadian rhythmic translocation of pupae by nurses (amplitude 3.3°C) lead to higher numbers of MG in the MB calyces compared to those in pupae reared at smaller or larger thermal amplitudes (0.0, 1.5, 9.6°C), or at constant temperatures (25.4, 35.0°C). We conclude that rhythmic control of brood temperature by nursing ants optimizes brain development by increasing MG densities and numbers in specific brain areas. Resulting differences in synaptic microcircuits are expected to affect sensory processing and learning abilities in adult ants, and may also promote interindividual behavioral variability within colonies.}, language = {en} } @article{KaltdorfSrivastavaGuptaetal.2016, author = {Kaltdorf, Martin and Srivastava, Mugdha and Gupta, Shishir K. and Liang, Chunguang and Binder, Jasmin and Dietl, Anna-Maria and Meir, Zohar and Haas, Hubertus and Osherov, Nir and Krappmann, Sven and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Systematic Identification of Anti-Fungal Drug Targets by a Metabolic Network Approach}, series = {Frontiers in Molecular Bioscience}, volume = {3}, journal = {Frontiers in Molecular Bioscience}, doi = {10.3389/fmolb.2016.00022}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147396}, pages = {22}, year = {2016}, abstract = {New antimycotic drugs are challenging to find, as potential target proteins may have close human orthologs. We here focus on identifying metabolic targets that are critical for fungal growth and have minimal similarity to targets among human proteins. We compare and combine here: (I) direct metabolic network modeling using elementary mode analysis and flux estimates approximations using expression data, (II) targeting metabolic genes by transcriptome analysis of condition-specific highly expressed enzymes, and (III) analysis of enzyme structure, enzyme interconnectedness ("hubs"), and identification of pathogen-specific enzymes using orthology relations. We have identified 64 targets including metabolic enzymes involved in vitamin synthesis, lipid, and amino acid biosynthesis including 18 targets validated from the literature, two validated and five currently examined in own genetic experiments, and 38 further promising novel target proteins which are non-orthologous to human proteins, involved in metabolism and are highly ranked drug targets from these pipelines.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruf2016, author = {Ruf, Franziska}, title = {The circadian regulation of eclosion in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Eclosion is the emergence of an adult insect from the pupal case at the end of development. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, eclosion is a circadian clock-gated event and is regulated by various peptides. When studied on the population level, eclosion reveals a clear rhythmicity with a peak at the beginning of the light-phase that persists also under constant conditions. It is a long standing hypothesis that eclosion gating to the morning hours with more humid conditions is an adaption to reduce water loss and increase the survival. Eclosion behavior, including the motor pattern required for the fly to hatch out of the puparium, is orchestrated by a well-characterized cascade of peptides. The main components are ecdysis-triggering hormone (ETH), eclosion hormone (EH) and crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP). The molt is initiated by a peak level and pupal ecdysis by a subsequent decline of the ecdysteroid ecdysone. Ecdysteroids are produced by the prothoracic gland (PG), an endocrine tissue that contains a peripheral clock and degenerates shortly after eclosion. Production and release of ecdysteroids are regulated by the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH). Although many aspects of the circadian clock and the peptidergic control of the eclosion behavior are known, it still remains unclear how both systems are interconnected. The aim of this dissertation research was to dissect this connection and evaluate the importance of different Zeitgebers on eclosion rhythmicity under natural conditions. Potential interactions between the central clock and the peptides regulating ecdysis motor behavior were evaluated by analyzing the influence of CCAP on eclosion rhythmicity. Ablation and silencing of CCAP neurons, as well as CCAP null-mutation did not affect eclosion rhythmicity under either light or temperature entrainment nor under natural conditions. To dissect the connection between the central and the peripheral clock, PTTH neurons were ablated. Monitoring eclosion under light and temperature entrainment revealed that eclosion became arrhythmic under constant conditions. However, qPCR expression analysis revealed no evidence for cycling of Ptth mRNA in pharate flies. To test for a connection with pigment-dispersing factor (PDF)-expressing neurons, the PDF receptor (PDFR) and short neuropeptide F receptor (sNPFR) were knocked down in the PTTH neurons. Knockdown of sNPFR, but not PDFR, resulted in arrhythmic eclosion under constant darkness conditions. PCR analysis of the PTTH receptor, Torso, revealed its expression in the PG and the gonads, but not in the brain or eyes, of pharate flies. Knockdown of torso in the PG lead to arrhythmicity under constant conditions, which provides strong evidence for the specific effect of PTTH on the PG. These results suggest connections from the PDF positive lateral neurons to the PTTH neurons via sNPF signaling, and to the PG via PTTH and Torso. This interaction presumably couples the period of the peripheral clock in the PG to that of the central clock in the brain. To identify a starting signal for eclosion and possible further candidates in the regulation of eclosion behavior, chemically defined peptidergic and aminergic neurons were optogenetically activated in pharate pupae via ChR2-XXL. This screen approach revealed two candidates for the regulation of eclosion behavior: Dromyosuppressin (DMS) and myo-inhibitory peptides (MIP). However, ablation of DMS neurons did not affect eclosion rhythmicity or success and the exact function of MIP must be evaluated in future studies. To assess the importance of the clock and of possible Zeitgebers in nature, eclosion of the wildtype Canton S and the clock mutant per01 and the PDF signaling mutants pdf01 and han5304 was monitored under natural conditions. For this purpose, the W{\"u}rzburg eclosion monitor (WEclMon) was developed, which is a new open monitoring system that allows direct exposure of pupae to the environment. A general decline of rhythmicity under natural conditions compared to laboratory conditions was observed in all tested strains. While the wildtype and the pdf01 and han5304 mutants stayed weakly rhythmic, the per01 mutant flies eclosed mostly arrhythmic. PDF and its receptor (PDFR encoded by han) are required for the synchronization of the clock network and functional loss can obviously be compensated by a persisting synchronization to external Zeitgebers. The loss of the central clock protein PER, however, lead to a non-functional clock and revealed the absolute importance of the clock for eclosion rhythmicity. To quantitatively analyze the effect of the clock and abiotic factors on eclosion rhythmicity, a statistical model was developed in cooperation with Oliver Mitesser and Thomas Hovestadt. The modelling results confirmed the clock as the most important factor for eclosion rhythmicity. Moreover, temperature was found to have the strongest effect on the actual shape of the daily emergence pattern, while light has only minor effects. Relative humidity could be excluded as Zeitgeber for eclosion and therefore was not further analyzed. Taken together, the present dissertation identified the so far unknown connection between the central and peripheral clock regulating eclosion. Furthermore, a new method for the analysis of eclosion rhythms under natural conditions was established and the necessity of a functional clock for rhythmic eclosion even in the presence of multiple Zeitgebers was shown.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @article{DejungSubotaBuceriusetal.2016, author = {Dejung, Mario and Subota, Ines and Bucerius, Ferdinand and Dindar, G{\"u}lcin and Freiwald, Anja and Engstler, Markus and Boshart, Michael and Butter, Falk and Janzen, Chistian J.}, title = {Quantitative proteomics uncovers novel factors involved in developmental differentiation of Trypanosoma brucei}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1005439}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146362}, pages = {e1005439}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Developmental differentiation is a universal biological process that allows cells to adapt to different environments to perform specific functions. African trypanosomes progress through a tightly regulated life cycle in order to survive in different host environments when they shuttle between an insect vector and a vertebrate host. Transcriptomics has been useful to gain insight into RNA changes during stage transitions; however, RNA levels are only a moderate proxy for protein abundance in trypanosomes. We quantified 4270 protein groups during stage differentiation from the mammalian-infective to the insect form and provide classification for their expression profiles during development. Our label-free quantitative proteomics study revealed previously unknown components of the differentiation machinery that are involved in essential biological processes such as signaling, posttranslational protein modifications, trafficking and nuclear transport. Furthermore, guided by our proteomic survey, we identified the cause of the previously observed differentiation impairment in the histone methyltransferase DOT1B knock-out strain as it is required for accurate karyokinesis in the first cell division during differentiation. This epigenetic regulator is likely involved in essential chromatin restructuring during developmental differentiation, which might also be important for differentiation in higher eukaryotic cells. Our proteome dataset will serve as a resource for detailed investigations of cell differentiation to shed more light on the molecular mechanisms of this process in trypanosomes and other eukaryotes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cicova2016, author = {Cicova, Zdenka}, title = {Characterization of a novel putative factor involved in host adaptation in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Trypanosomes are masters of adaptation to different host environments during their complex life cycle. Large-scale proteomic approaches provide information on changes at the cellular level in a systematic way. However, a detailed work on single components is necessary to understand the adaptation mechanisms on a molecular level. Here we have performed a detailed characterization of a bloodstream form (BSF) stage-specific putative flagellar host adaptation factor (Tb927.11.2400) identified previously in a SILAC-based comparative proteome study. Tb927.11.2400 shares 38\% amino acid identity with TbFlabarin (Tb927.11.2410), a procyclic form (PCF) stage specific flagellar BAR domain protein. We named Tb927.11.2400 TbFlabarin like (TbFlabarinL) and demonstrate that it is a result of a gene duplication event, which occurred in African trypanosomes. TbFlabarinL is not essential for growth of the parasites under cell culture conditions and it is dispensable for developmental differentiation from BSF to the PCF in vitro. We generated a TbFlabarinL-specific antibody and showed that it localizes in the flagellum. The co-immunoprecipitation experiment together with a biochemical cell fractionation indicated a dual association of TbFlabarinL with the flagellar membrane and the components of the paraflagellar rod.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kupper2016, author = {Kupper, Maria}, title = {The immune transcriptome and proteome of the ant Camponotus floridanus and vertical transmission of its bacterial endosymbiont Blochmannia floridanus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The evolutionary success of insects is believed to be at least partially facilitated by symbioses between insects and prokaryotes. Bacterial endosymbionts confer various fitness advantages to their hosts, for example by providing nutrients lacking from the insects' diet thereby enabling the inhabitation of new ecological niches. The Florida carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus harbours endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Blochmannia. These primary endosymbionts mainly reside in the cytoplasm of bacteriocytes, specialised cells interspersed into the midgut tissue, but they were also found in oocytes which allows their vertical transmission. The social lifestyle of C. floridanus may facilitate the rapid spread of infections amongst genetically closely related animals living in huge colonies. Therefore, the ants require an immune system to efficiently combat infections while maintaining a "chronic" infection with their endosymbionts. In order to investigate the immune repertoire of the ants, the Illumina sequencing method was used. The previously published genome sequence of C. floridanus was functionally re-annotated and 0.53\% of C. floridanus proteins were assigned to the gene ontology (GO) term subcategory "immune system process". Based on homology analyses, genes encoding 510 proteins with possible immune function were identified. These genes are involved in microbial recognition and immune signalling pathways but also in cellular defence mechanisms, such as phagocytosis and melanisation. The components of the major signalling pathways appear to be highly conserved and the analysis revealed an overall broad immune repertoire of the ants though the number of identified genes encoding pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) is comparatively low. Besides three genes coding for homologs of thioester-containing proteins (TEPs), which have been shown to act as opsonins promoting phagocytosis in other insects, six genes encoding the AMPs defesin-1 and defensin-2, hymenoptaecin, two tachystatin-like peptides and one crustin-like peptide are present in the ant genome. Although the low number of known AMPs in comparison to 13 AMPs in the honey bee Apis mellifera and 46 AMPs in the wasp Nasonia vitripennis may indicate a less potent immune system, measures summarised as external or social immunity may enhance the immune repertoire of C. floridanus, as it was discussed for other social insects. Also, the hymenoptaecin multipeptide precursor protein may be processed to yield seven possibly bioactive peptides. In this work, two hymenoptaecin derived peptides were heterologously expressed and purified. The preliminary antimicrobial activity assays indicate varying bacteriostatic effects of different hymenoptaecin derived peptides against Escherichia coli D31 and Staphylococcus aureus which suggests a functional amplification of the immune response further increasing the antimicrobial potency of the ants. Furthermore, 257 genes were differentially expressed upon immune challenge of C. floridanus and most of the immune genes showing differential expression are involved in recognition of microbes or encode immune effectors rather than signalling components. Additionally, genes coding for proteins involved in storage and metabolism were downregulated upon immune challenge suggesting a trade-off between two energy-intensive processes in order to enhance effectiveness of the immune response. The analysis of gene expression via qRT-PCR was used for validation of the transcriptome data and revealed stage-specific immune gene regulation. Though the same tendencies of regulation were observed in larvae and adults, expression of several immune-related genes was generally more strongly induced in larvae. Immune gene expression levels depending on the developmental stage of C. floridanus are in agreement with observations in other insects and might suggest that animals from different stages revert to individual combinations of external and internal immunity upon infection. The haemolymph proteome of immune-challenged ants further established the immune-relevance of several proteins involved in classical immune signalling pathways, e.g. PRRs, extracellularly active proteases of the Toll signalling pathway and effector molecules such as AMPs, lysozymes and TEPs. Additionally, non-canonical proteins with putative immune function were enriched in immune-challenged haemolymph, e.g. Vitellogenins, NPC2-like proteins and Hemocytin. As known from previous studies, septic wounding also leads to the upregulation of genes involved in stress responses. In the haemolymph, proteins implicated in protein stabilisation and in the protection against oxidative stress and insecticides were enriched upon immune challenge. In order to identify additional putative immune effectors, haemolymph peptide samples from immune-challenged larvae and adults were analysed. The analysis in this work focussed on the identification of putative peptides produced via the secretory pathway as previously described for neuropeptides of C. floridanus. 567 regulated peptides derived from 39 proteins were identified in the larval haemolymph, whereas 342 regulated peptides derived from 13 proteins were found in the adult haemolymph. Most of the peptides are derived from hymenoptaecin or from putative uncharacterised proteins. One haemolymph peptide of immune-challenged larvae comprises the complete amino acid sequence of a predicted peptide derived from a Vitellogenin. Though the identified peptide lacks similarities to any known immune-related peptide, it is a suitable candidate for further functional analysis. To establish a stable infection with the endosymbionts, the bacteria have to be transmitted to the next generation of the ants. The vertical transmission of B. floridanus is guaranteed by bacterial infestation of oocytes. This work presents the first comprehensive and detailed description of the localisation of the bacterial endosymbionts in C. floridanus ovaries during oogenesis. Whereas the most apical part of the germarium, which contains the germ-line stem cells, is not infected by the bacteria, small somatic cells in the outer layers of each ovariole were found to be infected in the lower germarium. Only with the beginning of cystocyte differentiation, endosymbionts are exclusively transported from follicle cells into the growing oocytes, while nurse cells were never infected with B. floridanus. This infestation of the oocytes by bacteria very likely involves exocytosis-endocytosis processes between follicle cells and the oocytes. A previous study suggested a down-modulation of the immune response in the midgut tissue which may promote endosymbiont tolerance. Therefore, the expression of several potentially relevant immune genes was analysed in the ovarial tissue by qRT-PCR. The relatively low expression of genes involved in Toll and IMD signalling, and the high expression of genes encoding negative immune regulators, such as PGRP-LB, PGRP-SC2, and tollip, strongly suggest that a down-modulation of the immune response may also facilitate endosymbiont tolerance in the ovaries and thereby contribute to their vertical transmission. Overall, the present thesis improves the knowledge about the immune repertoire of C. floridanus and provides new candidates for further functional analyses. Moreover, the involvement of the host immune system in maintaining a "chronic" infection with symbiotic bacteria was confirmed and extended to the ovaries.}, subject = {Camponotus floridanus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maurus2016, author = {Maurus, Katja}, title = {Melanoma Maintenance by the AP1 Transcription Factor FOSL1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142995}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Identifying novel driver genes in cancer remains a crucial step towards development of new therapeutic approaches and the basic understanding of the disease. This work describes the impact of the AP1 transcription activator component FOSL1 on melanoma maintenance. FOSL1 is strongly upregulated during the progression of melanoma and the protein abundance is highest in metastases. I found that the regulation of FOSL1 is strongly dependent on ERK1/2- and PI3K- signaling, two pathways frequently activated in melanoma. Moreover, the involvement of p53 in FOSL1 regulation in melanoma was investigated. Elevated levels of the tumor suppressor led to decreased FOSL1 protein levels in a miR34a/miR34c- dependent manner. The benefit of elevated FOSL1 amounts in human melanoma cell lines was analyzed by overexpression of FOSL1 in cell lines with low endogenous FOSL1 levels. Enhanced levels of FOSL1 had several pro-tumorigenic effects in human melanoma cell lines. Besides increased proliferation and migration rates, FOSL1 overexpression induced the colony forming ability of the cells. Additionally, FOSL1 was necessary for anchorage independent growth in 3D cell cultures. Microarray analyses revealed novel downstream effectors of FOSL1. On the one hand, FOSL1 was able to induce the transcription of different neuron-related genes, such as NEFL, NRP1 and TUBB3. On the other hand, FOSL1 influenced the transcription of DCT, a melanocyte specific gene, in dependence of the differentiation of the melanoma cell line, indicating dedifferentiation. Furthermore, FOSL1 induced the transcription of HMGA1, a chromatin remodeling protein with reprogramming ability, which is characteristic for stem cells. Consequently, the influence of HMGA1 on melanoma maintenance was investigated. In addition to decreased proliferation and reduced anoikis resistance, HMGA1 knockdown reduced melanoma cell survival. Interestingly, the FOSL1 induced pro-tumorigenic effects were demonstrated to be dependent on the HMGA1 level. HMGA1 manipulation reversed FOSL1 induced proliferation and colony forming ability, as well as the anchorage independent growth effect. In conclusion, I could show that additional FOSL1 confers a clear growth benefit to melanoma cells. This benefit is attributed to the induction of stem cell determinants, but can be blocked by the inhibition of the ERK1/2 or PI3K signaling pathways.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schoenwaelder2016, author = {Sch{\"o}nw{\"a}lder, Sina Maria Siglinde}, title = {Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Gelatine-basierten Hydrogelen und PLGA-basierten Janus-Partikeln}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142636}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung In der Regenerativen Medizin sind polymerbasierte Biomaterialien von großer Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung und Anwendung verbesserter bzw. neuer Therapien. Die Erforschung der Oberfl{\"a}cheneigenschaften von Biomaterialien, welche als Implantate eingesetzt werden, ist eine grundlegende Voraussetzung f{\"u}r deren erfolgreichen Einsatz. Die Protein-Oberfl{\"a}chen- Interaktion geschieht initial, sobald ein Implantat mit K{\"o}rperfl{\"u}ssigkeiten oder mit Gewebe in Kontakt kommt, und tr{\"a}gt maßgeblich zur direkten Wechselwirkung von Implantat und umgebenden Zellen bei. Dieser Prozess wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit an Gelatine untersucht. Daher bestand ein Ziel darin, stabile, nanometerd{\"u}nne Gelatineoberfl{\"a}chen herzustellen und darauf die Adsorption von humanen Plasmaproteinen und bakteriellen Proteinen zu analysieren. Die Abscheidung der Gelatinefilme in variabler Schichtdicke auf zuvor mit PPX-Amin modifizierten Oberfl{\"a}chen wurde unter Verwendung eines Rotationsbeschichters durchgef{\"u}hrt. Um stabile Hydrogelfilme zu erhalten, wurden die Amingruppen der disaggregierten Gelatinefibrillen untereinander und mit denen der Amin-Modifizierung durch ein biokompatibles Diisocyanat quervernetzt. Dieser Prozess lieferte einen reproduzierbaren und chemisch stabilen Gelatinefilm, welcher durch die substratunabh{\"a}ngige Amin-Modifizierung kovalent auf unterschiedlichste Oberfl{\"a}chen aufgebracht werden konnte. Die durch den Herstellungsprozess pr{\"a}zise eingestellte Schichtdicke (Nano- bzw. Mikrometermaßstab) wurde mittels Ellipsometrie und Rasterkraftmikroskopie ermittelt. Die ebenso bestimmte Rauheit war unabh{\"a}ngig von der Schichtdicke sehr gering. Gelatinefilme, die auf funktionalisierte und strukturierte Proben aufgebracht wurden, konnten durch Elektronenmikroskopie dargestellt werden. Mit Hilfe der Infrarot-Reflexions-Absorptions-Spektroskopie wurden die Gelatinefilme im Hinblick auf ihre Stabilit{\"a}t chemisch charakterisiert. Zur Quantifizierung der Adsorption humaner Plasmaproteine (Einzelproteinl{\"o}sungen) und komplexer Proteingemische aus steril filtrierten Kultur{\"u}berst{\"a}nden des humanpathogenen Bakteriums Pseudomonas aeruginosa wurde die Quarzkristall-Mikrowaage mit Dissipations{\"u}berwachung eingesetzt. Hiermit konnte nicht nur die adsorbierte Menge an Proteinen auf dem Gelatinehydrogel bzw. Referenzoberfl{\"a}chen (Gold, PPX-Amin, Titan), sondern auch die viskoelastischen Eigenschaften des adsorbierten Proteinfilms bestimmt werden. Allgemein adsorbierte auf dem Gelatinehydrogel eine geringere Proteinmasse im Vergleich zu den Referenzoberfl{\"a}chen. Circa ein Viertel der adsorbierten Proteine migrierte in die Poren des gequollenen Gels und ver{\"a}nderte dessen viskoelastische Eigenschaften. Durch anschließende MALDI-ToF/MS- und MS/MS-Analyse konnten die bakteriellen Proteine auf den untersuchten Oberfl{\"a}chen identifiziert und untereinander verglichen werden. Hierbei zeigten sich nur geringf{\"u}gige Unterschiede in der Proteinzusammensetzung. Zudem wurde eine Sekund{\"a}rionenmassenspektrometrie mit Flugzeitanalyse an reinen Gelatinefilmen und an mit humanen Plasmaproteinen beladenen Gelatinefilmen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Durch eine anschließende multivariante Datenanalyse konnte zwischen den untersuchten Proben eindeutig differenziert werden. Dieser Ansatz erm{\"o}glicht es, die Adsorption von unterschiedlichen Proteinen auf proteinbasierten Oberfl{\"a}chen markierungsfrei zu untersuchen und kann zur Aufkl{\"a}rung der in vivo-Situation beitragen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus bietet dieser Untersuchungsansatz neue Perspektiven f{\"u}r die Gestaltung und das schnelle und effiziente Screening von unterschiedlichen Proteinzusammensetzungen. Biomaterialien k{\"o}nnen jedoch nicht nur als Implantate oder Implantatbeschichtungen eingesetzt werden. Im Bereich des drug delivery und der Depotarzneimittel sind biologisch abbaubare Polymere, aufgrund ihrer variablen Eigenschaften, von großem Interesse. Die Behandlung von bakteriellen und fungalen Pneumonien stellt insbesondere bei Menschen mit Vorerkrankungen wie Cystische Fibrose oder prim{\"a}re Ziliendyskinesie eine große Herausforderung dar. Oral oder intraven{\"o}s applizierte Wirkstoffe erreichen die Erreger aufgrund der erh{\"o}hten Z{\"a}higkeit des Bronchialsekretes oft nicht in ausreichender Konzentration. Daher besteht ein weiteres Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit darin, mittels electrohydrodynamic cojetting mikrometergroße, inhalierbare, wirkstoffbeladene Partikel mit zwei Kompartimenten (Janus-Partikel) herzustellen und deren Eignung f{\"u}r die therapeutische Anwendung bei Lungeninfektionen zu untersuchen. Durch das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte L{\"o}sungsmittelsystem k{\"o}nnen Janus-Partikel aus biologisch abbaubaren Co-Polymeren der Polymilchs{\"a}ure (Poly(lactid-co-glycolid), PLGA) hergestellt und mit verschiedenen Wirkstoffen beladen werden. Darunter befinden sich ein Antibiotikum (Aztreonam, AZT), ein Antimykotikum (Itraconazol, ICZ), ein Mukolytikum (Acetylcystein, ACC) und ein Antiphlogistikum (Ibuprofen, IBU). Die Freisetzung der eingelagerten Wirkstoffe, mit Ausnahme von ICZ, konnte unter physiologischen Bedingungen mittels Dialyse und anschließender Hochleistungsfl{\"u}ssigkeitschromatographie gemessen werden. Die Freisetzungsrate wird von der Kettenl{\"a}nge des Polymers beeinflusst, wobei eine k{\"u}rzere Kettenl{\"a}nge zu einer schnelleren Freisetzung f{\"u}hrt. Das in die Partikel eingelagerte Antimykotikum zeigte in vitro eine gute Wirksamkeit gegen Aspergillus nidulans. Durch das Einlagern von ICZ in die Partikel ist es m{\"o}glich diesen schlecht wasserl{\"o}slichen Wirkstoff in eine f{\"u}r Patienten zug{\"a}ngliche und wirksame Applikationsform zu bringen. In Interaktion mit P. aeruginosa erzielten die mit Antibiotikum beladenen Partikel in vitro bessere Ergebnisse als der Wirkstoff in L{\"o}sung, was sich in einem in vivo-Infektionsmodell mit der Wachsmotte Galleria mellonella best{\"a}tigte. AZT-beladene Partikel hatten gegen{\"u}ber einer identischen Wirkstoffmenge in L{\"o}sung eine 27,5\% bessere {\"U}berlebensrate der Wachsmotten zur Folge. Des Weiteren hatten die Partikel keinen messbaren negativen Einfluss auf die Wachsmotten. Dreidimensionale Atemwegsschleimhautmodelle, hergestellt mit Methoden des Tissue Engineerings, bildeten die Basis f{\"u}r Untersuchungen der Partikel in Interaktion mit humanen Atemwegszellen. Die Untersuchung von Apoptose- und Entz{\"u}ndungsmarkern im {\"U}berstand der 3D-Modelle zeigte diesbez{\"u}glich keinen negativen Einfluss der Partikel auf die humanen Zellen. Diese gut charakterisierten und standardisierten in vitro-Testsysteme machen es m{\"o}glich, Medikamentenuntersuchungen an menschlichen Zellen durchzuf{\"u}hren. Hinsichtlich der histologischen Architektur und funktionellen Eigenschaften der 3D-Modelle konnte eine hohe in vitro-/in vivo-Korrelation zu menschlichem Gewebe festgestellt werden. Humane Mucine auf den 3D-Modellen dienten zur Untersuchung der schleiml{\"o}senden Wirkung von ACC-beladenen Partikeln. Standen diese in r{\"a}umlichem Kontakt zu den Mucinen, wurde deren Z{\"a}higkeit durch das freigesetzte ACC herabgesetzt, was qualitativ mittels histologischen Methoden best{\"a}tigt werden konnte. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Herstellungsprotokolle dienen als Grundlage und k{\"o}nnen f{\"u}r die Synthese {\"a}hnlicher Systeme, basierend auf anderen Polymeren und Wirkstoffen, modifiziert werden. Gelatine und PLGA erwiesen sich als vielseitig einsetzbare Werkstoffe und bieten eine breite Anwendungsvielfalt in der Regenerativen Medizin, was die erzielten Resultate bekr{\"a}ftigen.}, subject = {Gelatine}, language = {de} } @article{ZhuShabalaCuinetal.2016, author = {Zhu, Min and Shabala, Lana and Cuin, Tracey A and Huang, Xin and Zhou, Meixue and Munns, Rana and Shabala, Sergey}, title = {Nax loci affect SOS1-like Na\(^{+}\)/H\(^{+}\) exchanger expression and activity in wheat}, series = {Journal of Experimental Botany}, volume = {67}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Botany}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1093/jxb/erv493}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150236}, pages = {835-844}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Salinity stress tolerance in durum wheat is strongly associated with a plant's ability to control Na\(^{+}\) delivery to the shoot. Two loci, termed Nax1 and Nax2, were recently identified as being critical for this process and the sodium transporters HKT1;4 and HKT1;5 were identified as the respective candidate genes. These transporters retrieve Na\(^{+}\) from the xylem, thus limiting the rates of Na\(^{+}\) transport from the root to the shoot. In this work, we show that the Nax loci also affect activity and expression levels of the SOS1-like Na\(^{+}\)/H\(^{+}\) exchanger in both root cortical and stelar tissues. Net Na\(^{+}\) efflux measured in isolated steles from salt-treated plants, using the non-invasive ion flux measuring MIFE technique, decreased in the sequence: Tamaroi (parental line)>Nax1=Nax2>Nax1:Nax2 lines. This efflux was sensitive to amiloride (a known inhibitor of the Na\(^{+}\)/H\(^{+}\) exchanger) and was mirrored by net H\(^{+}\) flux changes. TdSOS1 relative transcript levels were 6-10-fold lower in Nax lines compared with Tamaroi. Thus, it appears that Nax loci confer two highly complementary mechanisms, both of which contribute towards reducing the xylem Na\(^{+}\) content. One enhances the retrieval of Na\(^{+}\) back into the root stele via HKT1;4 or HKT1;5, whilst the other reduces the rate of Na\(^{+}\) loading into the xylem via SOS1. It is suggested that such duality plays an important adaptive role with greater versatility for responding to a changing environment and controlling Na\(^{+}\) delivery to the shoot.}, language = {en} } @article{PeckSchugZhangetal.2016, author = {Peck, Barrie and Schug, Zachary T. and Zhang, Qifeng and Dankworth, Beatrice and Jones, Dylan T. and Smethurst, Elizabeth and Patel, Rachana and Mason, Susan and Jian, Ming and Saunders, Rebecca and Howell, Michael and Mitter, Richard and Spencer-Dene, Bradley and Stamp, Gordon and McGarry, Lynn and James, Daniel and Shanks, Emma and Aboagye, Eric O. and Critchlow, Susan E. and Leung, Hing Y. and Harris, Adrian L. and Wakelam, Michael J. O. and Gottlieb, Eyal and Schulze, Almut}, title = {Inhibition of fatty acid desaturation is detrimental to cancer cell survival in metabolically compromised environments}, series = {Cancer \& Metabolism}, volume = {4}, journal = {Cancer \& Metabolism}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1186/s40170-016-0146-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145905}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Enhanced macromolecule biosynthesis is integral to growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Lipid biosynthesis has been predicted to be an essential process in cancer cells. However, it is unclear which enzymes within this pathway offer the best selectivity for cancer cells and could be suitable therapeutic targets. Results Using functional genomics, we identified stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD), an enzyme that controls synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, as essential in breast and prostate cancer cells. SCD inhibition altered cellular lipid composition and impeded cell viability in the absence of exogenous lipids. SCD inhibition also altered cardiolipin composition, leading to the release of cytochrome C and induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, SCD was required for the generation of poly-unsaturated lipids in cancer cells grown in spheroid cultures, which resemble those found in tumour tissue. We also found that SCD mRNA and protein expression is elevated in human breast cancers and predicts poor survival in high-grade tumours. Finally, silencing of SCD in prostate orthografts efficiently blocked tumour growth and significantly increased animal survival. Conclusions Our data implicate lipid desaturation as an essential process for cancer cell survival and suggest that targeting SCD could efficiently limit tumour expansion, especially under the metabolically compromised conditions of the tumour microenvironment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mattern2016, author = {Mattern, Felix}, title = {Alterungsbedingte Effekte auf DNA-Methylierungsprofile entwicklungsrelevanter Gene in Eizellen und Embryonen am Modellorganismus Bos taurus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die postovulatorische Alterung sowie die ovarielle Alterung konnten bei der Anwendung assistierter Reproduktionstechniken (ARTs) als entscheidende Faktoren identifiziert werden, die den Reproduktionserfolg nachhaltig beeintr{\"a}chtigen. Die postovulatorische Alterung tritt ein, sobald die reife Eizelle nicht mehr innerhalb ihres physiologischen Zeitfensters befruchtet wird. Die ovarielle Alterung beschreibt hingegen die Abnahme des Follikel-Vorrats mit zunehmendem Alter des weiblichen Individuums bzw. des Ovars. Sowohl die postovulatorische Alterung als auch die ovarielle Alterung f{\"u}hren u.a. zu einer reduzierten Oozytenqualit{\"a}t und einer geringeren Blastozystenrate. Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit bestand darin, den Einfluss der postovulatorischen Alterung und der ovariellen Alterung im Holstein-Rind (Bos taurus) auf die DNA-Methylierung entwicklungsrelevanter Gene in Eizellen und Embryonen zu untersuchen. Aus Schlachthof-Ovarien wurden Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Gr{\"o}ße (<2 mm, 3-5 mm und >6 mm) isoliert. Eizellen aus Follikeln der Gr{\"o}ße 3-5 mm wurden f{\"u}r 24h (physiologisch) und 48h (gealtert) in vitro gereift (IVM). Die gereiften Oozyten wurden anschließend in vitro fertilisiert und Embryonen im 4-6 Zellstadium generiert. Sowohl in den unreifen Eizellen aus Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Gr{\"o}ße als auch in den gereiften Oozyten und den Embryonen wurde die Promotormethylierung der Gene bH19, bSNRPN, bZAR1, bDNMT3A, bOCT4, bDNMT3Lo und bDNMT3Ls analysiert. Zur Untersuchung der ovariellen Alterung wurden mittelgroßen Antralfollikel aus Ovarien lebender Rinder (in vivo) unterschiedlichen Alters (9-12 Monate, 3-7 Jahre und 8-11 Jahre) gewonnen. In den daraus isolierten unreifen Eizellen wurde die DNA-Methylierung der Promotorregionen der Gene bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 und bSNRPN bestimmt. Als Methode zur Analyse der Promotormethylierung wurde die Limiting Dilution Bisulfit-Sequenzierung angewendet. In unreifen Eizellen aus Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Gr{\"o}ße (<2 mm, 3-5 mm und >6 mm) konnte ein erh{\"o}htes Auftreten abnormal methylierter Allele in den gepr{\"a}gten Genen bH19 und bSNRPN von Eizellen kleiner Follikel (<2 mm) identifiziert werden. Dieses Ergebnis k{\"o}nnte eine m{\"o}gliche Ursache einer bereits bekannten und mehrfach beschriebenen geringeren Entwicklungskompetenz von Eizellen kleiner Follikel (<2 mm) auf epigenetischer Ebene darstellen. Die verl{\"a}ngerte Reifungsdauer der IVM-Eizellen hatte eine signifikante Hypermethylierung in der Promotorregion des Gens DNMT3Lo von 48h-gereiften Eizellen zur Folge. Beim {\"U}bergang von 48h-gereiften Eizellen zum Embryo konnte eine signifikante Hypomethylierung von CpG7 des stammzellspezifischen Transkripts DNMT3Ls beobachtet werden. Diese CpG-Stelle wies ebenfalls einen signifikanten Anstieg von CpGs mit nicht-eindeutigem Methylierungszustand in unreifen Eizellen mit steigender Follikelgr{\"o}ße auf. Da sich die CpG-Position innerhalb eines Sequenz-Motivs einer Bindungsstelle des Transkriptionsfaktors CREB befindet, k{\"o}nnten die Methylierungsdaten auf eine Interaktion zwischen dem Transkriptionsfaktor CREB und der DNA-Methylierung w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung und Reifung der Eizelle sowie der Transition von der Eizelle zum Embryo hindeuten. Die DNA-Methylierungsprofile der untersuchten Gene in unreifen Eizellen aus K{\"u}hen unterschiedlichen Alters (9-12 Monate, 3-7 Jahre und 8-11 Jahre) wiesen keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Altersgruppen auf. Die ovarielle Alterung bei Rindern zwischen 9 Monaten und 11 Jahren zeigte damit keinen Effekt auf die DNA-Methylierung der untersuchten Promotorregionen der Gene bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 und bSNRPN. Nach einer simulierten postovulatorischen Alterung durch eine in vitro Reifung f{\"u}r 48h konnte eine Ver{\"a}nderung der DNA-Methylierung der Oozyten-spezifischen (DNMT3Lo) und Stammzell-spezifischen (DNMT3Ls) Promotoren des katalytisch inaktiven Cofaktors von DNMT3A, DNMT3L, beobachtet werden. Die ver{\"a}nderte DNA-Methylierung von DNMT3Ls tritt dabei erst im fr{\"u}hen Embryo in Erscheinung und interagiert vermutlich mit dem Transkriptionsfaktor CREB. Die Ver{\"a}nderungen von DNMT3Lo in Eizellen und DNMT3Ls in den daraus generierten Embryonen l{\"a}sst vermuten, dass es sich hierbei um eine dynamische Anpassung des Embryos auf {\"a}ußere Umweltbedingungen der Eizelle {\"u}ber die Methylierung der DNA handelt.}, subject = {Oozyte}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sickel2016, author = {Sickel, Wiebke}, title = {High-throughput biodiversity assessment - Powers and limitations of meta-barcoding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144573}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Traditional species identification based on morphological characters is laborious and requires expert knowledge. It is further complicated in the case of species assemblages or degraded and processed material. DNA-barcoding, species identification based on genetic data, has become a suitable alternative, yet species assemblages are still difficult to study. In the past decade meta-barcoding has widely been adopted for the study of species communities, due to technological advances in modern sequencing platforms and because manual separation of individual specimen is not required. Here, meta-barcoding is put into context and applied to the study of bee-collected pollen as well as bacterial communities. These studies provide the basis for a critical evaluation of the powers and limitations of meta-barcoding. Advantages identified include species identification without the need for expert knowledge as well as the high throughput of samples and sequences. In microbiology, meta-barcoding can facilitate directed cultivation of taxa of interest identified with meta-barcoding data. Disadvantages include insufficient species resolution due to short read lengths and incomplete reference databases, as well as limitations in abundance estimation of taxa and functional profiling. Despite these, meta-barcoding is a powerful method for the analysis of species communities and holds high potential especially for automated biomonitoring.}, subject = {Biodiversit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @article{GrimmKleinKopeketal.2016, author = {Grimm, Jonathan B. and Klein, Teresa and Kopek, Benjamin G. and Shtengel, Gleb and Hess, Harald F. and Sauer, Markus and Lavis, Luke D.}, title = {Synthesis of a far-red photoactivatable silicon-containing rhodamine for super-resolution microscopy}, series = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, volume = {55}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1002/anie.201509649}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191069}, pages = {1723-1727}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The rhodamine system is a flexible framework for building small-molecule fluorescent probes. Changing N-substitution patterns and replacing the xanthene oxygen with a dimethylsilicon moiety can shift the absorption and fluorescence emission maxima of rhodamine dyes to longer wavelengths. Acylation of the rhodamine nitrogen atoms forces the molecule to adopt a nonfluorescent lactone form, providing a convenient method to make fluorogenic compounds. Herein, we take advantage of all of these structural manipulations and describe a novel photoactivatable fluorophore based on a Si-containing analogue of Q-rhodamine. This probe is the first example of a "caged" Si-rhodamine, exhibits higher photon counts compared to established localization microscopy dyes, and is sufficiently red-shifted to allow multicolor imaging. The dye is a useful label for super-resolution imaging and constitutes a new scaffold for far-red fluorogenic molecules.}, language = {en} } @article{HassounaOttWuestefeldetal.2016, author = {Hassouna, I. and Ott, C. and W{\"u}stefeld, L. and Offen, N. and Neher, R. A. and Mitkovski, M. and Winkler, D. and Sperling, S. and Fries, L. and Goebbels, S. and Vreja, I. C. and Hagemeyer, N. and Dittrich, M. and Rossetti, M. F. and Kr{\"o}hnert, K. and Hannke, K. and Boretius, S. and Zeug, A. and H{\"o}schen, C. and Dandekar, T. and Dere, E. and Neher, E. and Rizzoli, S. O. and Nave, K.-A. and Sir{\´e}n, A.-L. and Ehrenreich, H.}, title = {Revisiting adult neurogenesis and the role of erythropoietin for neuronal and oligodendroglial differentiation in the hippocampus}, series = {Molecular Psychiatry}, volume = {21}, journal = {Molecular Psychiatry}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1038/mp.2015.212}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186669}, pages = {1752-1767}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) improves cognitive performance in neuropsychiatric diseases ranging from schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis to major depression and bipolar disease. This consistent EPO effect on cognition is independent of its role in hematopoiesis. The cellular mechanisms of action in brain, however, have remained unclear. Here we studied healthy young mice and observed that 3-week EPO administration was associated with an increased number of pyramidal neurons and oligodendrocytes in the hippocampus of similar to 20\%. Under constant cognitive challenge, neuron numbers remained elevated until >6 months of age. Surprisingly, this increase occurred in absence of altered cell proliferation or apoptosis. After feeding a \(^{15}\)N-leucine diet, we used nanoscopic secondary ion mass spectrometry, and found that in EPO-treated mice, an equivalent number of neurons was defined by elevated \(^{15}\)N-leucine incorporation. In EPO-treated NG2-Cre-ERT2 mice, we confirmed enhanced differentiation of preexisting oligodendrocyte precursors in the absence of elevated DNA synthesis. A corresponding analysis of the neuronal lineage awaits the identification of suitable neuronal markers. In cultured neurospheres, EPO reduced Sox9 and stimulated miR124, associated with advanced neuronal differentiation. We are discussing a resulting working model in which EPO drives the differentiation of non-dividing precursors in both (NG2+) oligodendroglial and neuronal lineages. As endogenous EPO expression is induced by brain injury, such a mechanism of adult neurogenesis may be relevant for central nervous system regeneration.}, language = {en} } @article{SchneiderDittrichBoecketal.2016, author = {Schneider, Eberhard and Dittrich, Marcus and B{\"o}ck, Julia and Nanda, Indrajit and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Seidmann, Larissa and Tralau, Tim and Galetzka, Danuta and El Hajj, Nady and Haaf, Thomas}, title = {CpG sites with continuously increasing or decreasing methylation from early to late human fetal brain development}, series = {Gene}, volume = {592}, journal = {Gene}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1016/j.gene.2016.07.058}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186936}, pages = {110-118}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Normal human brain development is dependent on highly dynamic epigenetic processes for spatial and temporal gene regulation. Recent work identified wide-spread changes in DNA methylation during fetal brain development. We profiled CpG methylation in frontal cortex of 27 fetuses from gestational weeks 12-42, using Illumina 450K methylation arrays. Sites showing genome-wide significant correlation with gestational age were compared to a publicly available data set from gestational weeks 3-26. Altogether, we identified 2016 matching developmentally regulated differentially methylated positions (m-dDMPs): 1767 m-dDMPs were hypermethylated and 1149 hypomethylated during fetal development. M-dDMPs are underrepresented in CpG islands and gene promoters, and enriched in gene bodies. They appear to cluster in certain chromosome regions. M-dDMPs are significantly enriched in autism-associated genes and CpGs. Our results promote the idea that reduced methylation dynamics during fetal brain development may predispose to autism. In addition, m-dDMPs are enriched in genes with human-specific brain expression patterns and/or histone modifications. Collectively, we defined a subset of dDMPs exhibiting constant methylation changes from early to late pregnancy. The same epigenetic mechanisms involving methylation changes in cis-regulatory regions may have been adopted for human brain evolution and ontogeny.}, language = {en} } @article{MarkertBritzProppertetal.2016, author = {Markert, Sebastian Matthias and Britz, Sebastian and Proppert, Sven and Lang, Marietta and Witvliet, Daniel and Mulcahy, Ben and Sauer, Markus and Zhen, Mei and Bessereau, Jean-Louis and Stigloher, Christian}, title = {Filling the gap: adding super-resolution to array tomography for correlated ultrastructural and molecular identification of electrical synapses at the C. elegans connectome}, series = {Neurophotonics}, volume = {3}, journal = {Neurophotonics}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1117/1.NPh.3.4.041802}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187292}, pages = {041802}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Correlating molecular labeling at the ultrastructural level with high confidence remains challenging. Array tomography (AT) allows for a combination of fluorescence and electron microscopy (EM) to visualize subcellular protein localization on serial EM sections. Here, we describe an application for AT that combines near-native tissue preservation via high-pressure freezing and freeze substitution with super-resolution light microscopy and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis on the same section. We established protocols that combine SEM with structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM). We devised a method for easy, precise, and unbiased correlation of EM images and super-resolution imaging data using endogenous cellular landmarks and freely available image processing software. We demonstrate that these methods allow us to identify and label gap junctions in Caenorhabditis elegans with precision and confidence, and imaging of even smaller structures is feasible. With the emergence of connectomics, these methods will allow us to fill in the gap-acquiring the correlated ultrastructural and molecular identity of electrical synapses.}, language = {en} } @article{KilincEhrigPessianetal.2016, author = {Kilinc, Mehmet Okyay and Ehrig, Klaas and Pessian, Maysam and Minev, Boris R. and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Colonization of xenograft tumors by oncolytic vaccinia virus (VACV) results in enhanced tumor killing due to the involvement of myeloid cells}, series = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, volume = {14}, journal = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, number = {340}, doi = {10.1186/s12967-016-1096-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168914}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background The mechanisms by which vaccinia virus (VACV) interacts with the innate immune components are complex and involve different mechanisms. iNOS-mediated NO production by myeloid cells is one of the central antiviral mechanisms and this study aims to investigate specifically whether iNOS-mediated NO production by myeloid cells, is involved in tumor eradication following the virus treatment. Methods Human colon adenocarcinoma (HCT-116) xenograft tumors were infected by VACV. Infiltration of iNOS\(^{+}\) myeloid cell population into the tumor, and virus titer was monitored following the treatment. Single-cell suspensions were stained for qualitative and quantitative flow analysis. The effect of different myeloid cell subsets on tumor growth and colonization were investigated by depletion studies. Finally, in vitro culture experiments were carried out to study NO production and tumor cell killing. Student's t test was used for comparison between groups in all of the experiments. Results Infection of human colon adenocarcinoma (HCT-116) xenograft tumors by VACV has led to recruitment of many CD11b\(^{+}\) ly6G\(^{+}\) myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), with enhanced iNOS expression in the tumors, and to an increased intratumoral virus titer between days 7 and 10 post-VACV therapy. In parallel, both single and multiple rounds of iNOS-producing cell depletions caused very rapid tumor growth within the same period after virus injection, indicating that VACV-induced iNOS\(^{+}\) MDSCs could be an important antitumor effector component. A continuous blockade of iNOS by its specific inhibitor, L-NIL, showed similar tumor growth enhancement 7-10 days post-infection. Finally, spleen-derived iNOS+ MDSCs isolated from virus-injected tumor bearing mice produced higher amounts of NO and effectively killed HCT-116 cells in in vitro transwell experiments. Conclusions We initially hypothesized that NO could be one of the factors that limits active spreading of the virus in the cancerous tissue. In contrast to our initial hypothesis, we observed that PMN-MDSCs were the main producer of NO through iNOS and NO provided a beneficial antitumor effect, The results strongly support an important novel role for VACV infection in the tumor microenvironment. VACV convert tumor-promoting MDSCs into tumor-killing cells by inducing higher NO production.}, language = {en} } @article{VogtmannHuaZelleretal.2016, author = {Vogtmann, Emily and Hua, Xing and Zeller, Georg and Sunagawa, Shinichi and Voigt, Anita Y. and Hercog, Rajna and Goedert, James J. and Shi, Jianxin and Bork, Peer and Sinha, Rashmi}, title = {Colorectal Cancer and the Human Gut Microbiome: Reproducibility with Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0155362}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166904}, pages = {e0155362}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Accumulating evidence indicates that the gut microbiota affects colorectal cancer development, but previous studies have varied in population, technical methods, and associations with cancer. Understanding these variations is needed for comparisons and for potential pooling across studies. Therefore, we performed whole-genome shotgun sequencing on fecal samples from 52 pre-treatment colorectal cancer cases and 52 matched controls from Washington, DC. We compared findings from a previously published 16S rRNA study to the metagenomics-derived taxonomy within the same population. In addition, metagenome-predicted genes, modules, and pathways in the Washington, DC cases and controls were compared to cases and controls recruited in France whose specimens were processed using the same platform. Associations between the presence of fecal Fusobacteria, Fusobacterium, and Porphyromonas with colorectal cancer detected by 16S rRNA were reproduced by metagenomics, whereas higher relative abundance of Clostridia in cancer cases based on 16S rRNA was merely borderline based on metagenomics. This demonstrated that within the same sample set, most, but not all taxonomic associations were seen with both methods. Considering significant cancer associations with the relative abundance of genes, modules, and pathways in a recently published French metagenomics dataset, statistically significant associations in the Washington, DC population were detected for four out of 10 genes, three out of nine modules, and seven out of 17 pathways. In total, colorectal cancer status in the Washington, DC study was associated with 39\% of the metagenome-predicted genes, modules, and pathways identified in the French study. More within and between population comparisons are needed to identify sources of variation and disease associations that can be reproduced despite these variations. Future studies should have larger sample sizes or pool data across studies to have sufficient power to detect associations that are reproducible and significant after correction for multiple testing.}, language = {en} } @article{Hoelldobler2016, author = {H{\"o}lldobler, Bert}, title = {Queen Specific Exocrine Glands in Legionary Ants and Their Possible Function in Sexual Selection}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0151604}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167057}, pages = {e0151604}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The colonies of army ants and some other legionary ant species have single, permanently wingless queens with massive post petioles and large gasters. Such highly modified queens are called dichthadiigynes. This paper presents the unusually rich exocrine gland endowment of dichthadiigynes, which is not found in queens of other ant species. It has been suggested these kinds of glands produce secretions that attract and maintain worker retinues around queens, especially during migration. However, large worker retinues also occur in non-legionary species whose queens do not have such an exuberance of exocrine glands. We argue and present evidence in support of our previously proposed hypothesis that the enormous outfit of exocrine glands found in dichthadiigynes is due to sexual selection mediated by workers as the main selecting agents}, language = {en} } @article{JoschinskiBeerHelfrichFoersteretal.2016, author = {Joschinski, Jens and Beer, Katharina and Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, Charlotte and Krauss, Jochen}, title = {Pea Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Have Diurnal Rhythms When Raised Independently of a Host Plant}, series = {Journal of Insect Science}, volume = {16}, journal = {Journal of Insect Science}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1093/jisesa/iew013}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168783}, pages = {31}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Seasonal timing is assumed to involve the circadian clock, an endogenous mechanism to track time and measure day length. Some debate persists, however, and aphids were among the first organisms for which circadian clock involvement was questioned. Inferences about links to phenology are problematic, as the clock itself is little investigated in aphids. For instance, it is unknown whether aphids possess diurnal rhythms at all. Possibly, the close interaction with host plants prevents independent measurements of rhythmicity. We reared the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) on an artificial diet, and recorded survival, moulting, and honeydew excretion. Despite their plant-dependent life style, aphids were independently rhythmic under light-dark conditions. This first demonstration of diurnal aphid rhythms shows that aphids do not simply track the host plant's rhythmicity.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blaettner2016, author = {Bl{\"a}ttner, Sebastian}, title = {The role of the non-ribosomal peptide synthetase AusAB and its product phevalin in intracellular virulence of Staphylococcus aureus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146662}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is a prevalent commensal bacterium which represents one of the leading causes in health care-associated bacterial infections worldwide and can cause a variety of different diseases ranging from simple abscesses to severe and life threatening infections including pneumonia, osteomyelitis and sepsis. In recent times multi-resistant strains have emerged, causing severe problems in nosocomial as well as community-acquired (CA) infection settings, especially in the United States (USA). Therefore S. aureus has been termed as a superbug by the WHO, underlining the severe health risk originating from it. Today, infections in the USA are dominated by S. aureus genotypes which are classified as USA300 and USA400, respectively. Strains of genotype USA300 are responsible for about 70\% of the CA infections. The molecular mechanisms which render S. aureus such an effective pathogen are still not understood in its entirety. For decades S. aureus was thought to be a strictly extracellular pathogen relying on pore-forming toxins like α-hemolysin to damage human cells and tissue. Only recently it has been shown that S. aureus can enter non-professional phagocytes, using adhesins like the fibronectin-binding proteins which mediate an endocytotic uptake into the host cells. The bacteria are consequently localized to endosomes, where the degradation of enclosed bacterial cells through phagosome maturation would eventually occur. S. aureus can avoid degradation, and translocate to the cellular cytoplasm, where it can replicate. The ability to cause this so-called phagosomal escape has mainly been attributed to a family of amphiphilic peptides called phenol soluble modulins (PSMs), but as studies have shown, they are not sufficient. In this work I used a transposon mutant library in combination with automated fluorescence microscopy to screen for genes involved in the phagosomal escape process and intracellular survival of S. aureus. I thereby identified a number of genes, including a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). The NRPS, encoded by the genes ausA and ausB, produces two types of small peptides, phevalin and tyrvalin. Mutations in the ausAB genes lead to a drastic decrease in phagosomal escape rates in epithelial cells, which were readily restored by genetic complementation in trans as well as by supplementation of synthetic phevalin. In leukocytes, phevalin interferes with calcium fluxes and activation of neutrophils and promotes cytotoxicity of intracellular bacteria in both, macrophages and neutrophils. Further ausAB is involved in survival and virulence of the bacterium during mouse lung pneumoniae. The here presented data demonstrates the contribution of the bacterial cyclic dipeptide phevalin to S. aureus virulence and suggests, that phevalin directly acts on a host cell target to promote cytotoxicity of intracellular bacteria.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @article{HornKellerHildebrandtetal.2016, author = {Horn, Hannes and Keller, Alexander and Hildebrandt, Ulrich and K{\"a}mpfer, Peter and Riederer, Markus and Hentschel, Ute}, title = {Draft genome of the \(Arabidopsis\) \(thaliana\) phyllosphere bacterium, \(Williamsia\) sp. ARP1}, series = {Standards in Genomic Sciences}, volume = {11}, journal = {Standards in Genomic Sciences}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1186/s40793-015-0122-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146008}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The Gram-positive actinomycete \(Williamsia\) sp. ARP1 was originally isolated from the \(Arabidopsis\) \(thaliana\) phyllosphere. Here we describe the general physiological features of this microorganism together with the draft genome sequence and annotation. The 4,745,080 bp long genome contains 4434 protein-coding genes and 70 RNA genes. To our knowledge, this is only the second reported genome from the genus \(Williamsia\) and the first sequenced strain from the phyllosphere. The presented genomic information is interpreted in the context of an adaptation to the phyllosphere habitat.}, language = {en} } @article{OttoHahlbrockEichetal.2016, author = {Otto, Christoph and Hahlbrock, Theresa and Eich, Kilian and Karaaslan, Ferdi and J{\"u}rgens, Constantin and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Wiegering, Armin and K{\"a}mmerer, Ulrike}, title = {Antiproliferative and antimetabolic effects behind the anticancer property of fermented wheat germ extract}, series = {BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine}, volume = {16}, journal = {BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine}, number = {160}, doi = {10.1186/s12906-016-1138-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146013}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE) sold under the trade name Avemar exhibits anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo. Its mechanisms of action are divided into antiproliferative and antimetabolic effects. Its influcence on cancer cell metabolism needs further investigation. One objective of this study, therefore, was to further elucidate the antimetabolic action of FWGE. The anticancer compound 2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoquinone (DMBQ) is the major bioactive compound in FWGE and is probably responsible for its anticancer activity. The second objective of this study was to compare the antiproliferative properties in vitro of FWGE and the DMBQ compound. Methods The IC\(_{50}\) values of FWGE were determined for nine human cancer cell lines after 24 h of culture. The DMBQ compound was used at a concentration of 24 μmol/l, which is equal to the molar concentration of DMBQ in FWGE. Cell viability, cell cycle, cellular redox state, glucose consumption, lactic acid production, cellular ATP levels, and the NADH/NAD\(^+\) ratio were measured. Results The mean IC\(_{50}\) value of FWGE for the nine human cancer cell lines tested was 10 mg/ml. Both FWGE (10 mg/ml) and the DMBQ compound (24 μmol/l) induced massive cell damage within 24 h after starting treatment, with changes in the cellular redox state secondary to formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species. Unlike the DMBQ compound, which was only cytotoxic, FWGE exhibited cytostatic and growth delay effects in addition to cytotoxicity. Both cytostatic and growth delay effects were linked to impaired glucose utilization which influenced the cell cycle, cellular ATP levels, and the NADH/NAD\(^+\) ratio. The growth delay effect in response to FWGE treatment led to induction of autophagy. Conclusions FWGE and the DMBQ compound both induced oxidative stress-promoted cytotoxicity. In addition, FWGE exhibited cytostatic and growth delay effects associated with impaired glucose utilization which led to autophagy, a possible previously unknown mechanism behind the influence of FWGE on cancer cell metabolism.}, language = {en} } @article{KneitzMishraChalopinetal.2016, author = {Kneitz, Susanne and Mishra, Rasmi R. and Chalopin, Domitille and Postlethwait, John and Warren, Wesley C. and Walther, Ronald B. and Schartl, Manfred}, title = {Germ cell and tumor associated piRNAs in the medaka and \(Xiphophorus\) melanoma models}, series = {BMC Genomics}, volume = {17}, journal = {BMC Genomics}, number = {357}, doi = {10.1186/s12864-016-2697-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146028}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background A growing number of studies report an abnormal expression of Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) and the piRNA processing enzyme Piwi in many cancers. Whether this finding is an epiphenomenon of the chaotic molecular biology of the fast dividing, neoplastically transformed cells or is functionally relevant to tumorigenesisis is difficult to discern at present. To better understand the role of piRNAs in cancer development small laboratory fish models can make a valuable contribution. However, little is known about piRNAs in somatic and neoplastic tissues of fish. Results To identify piRNA clusters that might be involved in melanoma pathogenesis, we use several transgenic lines of medaka, and platyfish/swordtail hybrids, which develop various types of melanoma. In these tumors Piwi, is expressed at different levels, depending on tumor type. To quantify piRNA levels, whole piRNA populations of testes and melanomas of different histotypes were sequenced. Because no reference piRNA cluster set for medaka or Xiphophorus was yet available we developed a software pipeline to detect piRNA clusters in our samples and clusters were selected that were enriched in one or more samples. We found several loci to be overexpressed or down-regulated in different melanoma subtypes as compared to hyperpigmented skin. Furthermore, cluster analysis revealed a clear distinction between testes, low-grade and high-grade malignant melanoma in medaka. Conclusions Our data imply that dysregulation of piRNA expression may be associated with development of melanoma. Our results also reinforce the importance of fish as a suitable model system to study the role of piRNAs in tumorigenesis.}, language = {en} } @article{LichthardtKerscherDietzetal.2016, author = {Lichthardt, Sven and Kerscher, Alexander and Dietz, Ulrich A. and Jurowich, Christian and Kunzmann, Volker and von Rahden, Burkhard H. A. and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Wiegering, Armin}, title = {Original article: role of adjuvant chemotherapy in a perioperative chemotherapy regimen for gastric cancer}, series = {BMC Cancer}, volume = {16}, journal = {BMC Cancer}, number = {650}, doi = {10.1186/s12885-016-2708-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147743}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Multimodal treatment strategies - perioperative chemotherapy (CTx) and radical surgery - are currently accepted as treatment standard for locally advanced gastric cancer. However, the role of adjuvant postoperative CTx (postCTx) in addition to neoadjuvant preoperative CTx (preCTx) in this setting remains controversial. Methods Between 4/2006 and 12/2013, 116 patients with locally advanced gastric cancer were treated with preCTx. 72 patients (62 \%), in whom complete tumor resection (R0, subtotal/total gastrectomy with D2-lymphadenectomy) was achieved, were divided into two groups, one of which receiving adjuvant therapy (n = 52) and one without (n = 20). These groups were analyzed with regard to survival and exclusion criteria for adjuvant therapy. Results Postoperative complications, as well as their severity grade, did not correlate with fewer postCTx cycles administered (p = n.s.). Long-term survival was shorter in patients receiving postCTx in comparison to patients without postCTx, but did not show statistical significance. In per protocol analysis by excluding two patients with perioperative death, a shorter 3-year survival rate was observed in patients receiving postCTx compared to patients without postCTx (3-year survival: 71.2 \% postCTx group vs. 90.0 \% non-postCTx group; p = 0.038). Conclusion These results appear contradicting to the anticipated outcome. While speculative, they question the value of post-CTx. Prospectively randomized studies are needed to elucidate the role of postCTx.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pischimarov2016, author = {Pischimarov, Jordan Ivanov}, title = {Bioinformatische Methoden zur Identifizierung und Klassifizierung somatischer Mutationen in h{\"a}matologischen Erkrankungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147773}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Sequenzierungstechnologien entwickeln sich stetig weiter, dies erm{\"o}glicht eine zuvor nicht erreichte Ausbeute an experimentellen Daten und auch an Neuentwicklungen von zuvor nicht realisierbaren Experimenten. Zugleich werden spezifische Datenbanken, Algorithmen und Softwareprogramme entwickelt, um die neu entstandenen Daten zu analysieren. W{\"a}hrend der Untersuchung bioinformatischer Methoden f{\"u}r die Identifizierung und Klassifizierung somatischer Mutationen in h{\"a}matologischen Erkrankungen, zeigte sich eine hohe Vielfalt an alternativen Softwaretools die f{\"u}r die jeweiligen Analyseschritte genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Derzeit existiert noch kein Standard zur effizienten Analyse von Mutationen aus Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS)-Daten. Die unterschiedlichen Methoden und Pipelines generieren Kandidaten, die zum gr{\"o}ßten Anteil in allen Ans{\"a}tzen identifiziert werden k{\"o}nnen, jedoch werden Software spezifische Kandidaten nicht einheitlich detektiert. Um eine einheitliche und effiziente Analyse von NGS-Daten durchzuf{\"u}hren war im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Entwicklung einer benutzerfreundlichen und einheitlichen Pipeline vorgesehen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden zun{\"a}chst die essentiellen Analysen wie die Identifizierung der Basen, die Alignierung und die Identifizierung der Mutationen untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Effizienz und Performance diverse verf{\"u}gbare Softwaretools getestet, ausgewertet und sowohl m{\"o}gliche Verbesserungen als auch Erleichterungen der bisherigen Analysen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Durch Mitwirken in Konsortien wie der klinischen Forschergruppe 216 (KFO 216) und International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) oder auch bei Haus-internen Projekten wurden Datens{\"a}tze zu den Entit{\"a}ten Multiples Myelom (MM), Burkitt Lymphom (BL) und Follikul{\"a}res Lymphom (FL) erstellt und analysiert. Die Selektion geeigneter Softwaretools und die Generierung der Pipeline basieren auf komparativen Analysen dieser Daten, sowie auf geteilte Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen in der Literatur und auch in Foren. Durch die gezielte Entwicklung von Skripten konnten biologische und klinische Fragestellungen bearbeitet werden. Hierzu z{\"a}hlten eine einheitliche Annotation der Gennamen, sowie die Erstellung von Genmutations-Heatmaps mit nicht Variant-Calling-File (VCF)-Syntax konformen Dateien. Des Weiteren konnten nicht abgedeckte Regionen des Genoms in den NGS-Daten identifiziert und analysiert werden. Neue Projekte zur detaillierten Untersuchung der Verteilung von wiederkehrender Mutationen und Funktionsassays zu einzelnen Mutationskandidaten konnten basierend auf den Ergebnissen initiiert werden. Durch eigens erstellte Python-Skripte konnte somit die Funktionalit{\"a}t der Pipeline erweitert werden und zu wichtigen Erkenntnissen bei der biologischen Interpretation der Sequenzierungsdaten f{\"u}hren, wie beispielsweise zu der Detektion von drei neuen molekularen Subgruppen im MM. Die Erweiterungen, der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Pipeline verbesserte somit die Effizienz der Analyse und die Vergleichbarkeit unserer Daten. Des Weiteren konnte durch die Erstellung eines eigenen Skripts die Analyse von unbeachteten Regionen in den NGS-Daten erfolgen.}, subject = {Pipeline-Rechner}, language = {de} } @article{SommerlandtSpaetheRoessleretal.2016, author = {Sommerlandt, Frank M. J. and Spaethe, Johannes and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang and Dyer, Adrian G.}, title = {Does Fine Color Discrimination Learning in Free-Flying Honeybees Change Mushroom-Body Calyx Neuroarchitecture?}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0164386}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147932}, pages = {e0164386}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Honeybees learn color information of rewarding flowers and recall these memories in future decisions. For fine color discrimination, bees require differential conditioning with a concurrent presentation of target and distractor stimuli to form a long-term memory. Here we investigated whether the long-term storage of color information shapes the neural network of microglomeruli in the mushroom body calyces and if this depends on the type of conditioning. Free-flying honeybees were individually trained to a pair of perceptually similar colors in either absolute conditioning towards one of the colors or in differential conditioning with both colors. Subsequently, bees of either conditioning groups were tested in non-rewarded discrimination tests with the two colors. Only bees trained with differential conditioning preferred the previously learned color, whereas bees of the absolute conditioning group, and a stimuli-na{\"i}ve group, chose randomly among color stimuli. All bees were then kept individually for three days in the dark to allow for complete long-term memory formation. Whole-mount immunostaining was subsequently used to quantify variation of microglomeruli number and density in the mushroom-body lip and collar. We found no significant differences among groups in neuropil volumes and total microglomeruli numbers, but learning performance was negatively correlated with microglomeruli density in the absolute conditioning group. Based on these findings we aim to promote future research approaches combining behaviorally relevant color learning tests in honeybees under free-flight conditions with neuroimaging analysis; we also discuss possible limitations of this approach.q}, language = {en} } @article{AnkenbrandWeberBeckeretal.2016, author = {Ankenbrand, Markus J. and Weber, Lorenz and Becker, Dirk and F{\"o}rster, Frank and Bemm, Felix}, title = {TBro: visualization and management of de novo transcriptomes}, series = {Database}, volume = {2016}, journal = {Database}, doi = {10.1093/database/baw146}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147954}, pages = {baw146}, year = {2016}, abstract = {RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has become a powerful tool to understand molecular mechanisms and/or developmental programs. It provides a fast, reliable and cost-effective method to access sets of expressed elements in a qualitative and quantitative manner. Especially for non-model organisms and in absence of a reference genome, RNA-seq data is used to reconstruct and quantify transcriptomes at the same time. Even SNPs, InDels, and alternative splicing events are predicted directly from the data without having a reference genome at hand. A key challenge, especially for non-computational personnal, is the management of the resulting datasets, consisting of different data types and formats. Here, we present TBro, a flexible de novo transcriptome browser, tackling this challenge. TBro aggregates sequences, their annotation, expression levels as well as differential testing results. It provides an easy-to-use interface to mine the aggregated data and generate publication-ready visualizations. Additionally, it supports users with an intuitive cart system, that helps collecting and analysing biological meaningful sets of transcripts. TBro's modular architecture allows easy extension of its functionalities in the future. Especially, the integration of new data types such as proteomic quantifications or array-based gene expression data is straightforward. Thus, TBro is a fully featured yet flexible transcriptome browser that supports approaching complex biological questions and enhances collaboration of numerous researchers.}, language = {en} } @article{OthmanNaseemAwadetal.2016, author = {Othman, Eman M. and Naseem, Muhammed and Awad, Eman and Dandekar, Thomas and Stopper, Helga}, title = {The Plant Hormone Cytokinin Confers Protection against Oxidative Stress in Mammalian Cells}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0168386}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147983}, pages = {e0168386}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Modulating key dynamics of plant growth and development, the effects of the plant hormone cytokinin on animal cells gained much attention recently. Most previous studies on cytokinin effects on mammalian cells have been conducted with elevated cytokinin concentration (in the μM range). However, to examine physiologically relevant dose effects of cytokinins on animal cells, we systematically analyzed the impact of kinetin in cultured cells at low and high concentrations (1nM-10μM) and examined cytotoxic and genotoxic conditions. We furthermore measured the intrinsic antioxidant activity of kinetin in a cell-free system using the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power assay and in cells using the dihydroethidium staining method. Monitoring viability, we looked at kinetin effects in mammalian cells such as HL60 cells, HaCaT human keratinocyte cells, NRK rat epithelial kidney cells and human peripheral lymphocytes. Kinetin manifests no antioxidant activity in the cell free system and high doses of kinetin (500 nM and higher) reduce cell viability and mediate DNA damage in vitro. In contrast, low doses (concentrations up to 100 nM) of kinetin confer protection in cells against oxidative stress. Moreover, our results show that pretreatment of the cells with kinetin significantly reduces 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide mediated reactive oxygen species production. Also, pretreatment with kinetin retains cellular GSH levels when they are also treated with the GSH-depleting agent patulin. Our results explicitly show that low kinetin doses reduce apoptosis and protect cells from oxidative stress mediated cell death. Future studies on the interaction between cytokinins and human cellular pathway targets will be intriguing.}, language = {en} } @article{KunzWolfSchulzeetal.2016, author = {Kunz, Meik and Wolf, Beat and Schulze, Harald and Atlan, David and Walles, Thorsten and Walles, Heike and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Non-Coding RNAs in Lung Cancer: Contribution of Bioinformatics Analysis to the Development of Non-Invasive Diagnostic Tools}, series = {Genes}, volume = {8}, journal = {Genes}, number = {1}, doi = {10.3390/genes8010008}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147990}, pages = {8}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Lung cancer is currently the leading cause of cancer related mortality due to late diagnosis and limited treatment intervention. Non-coding RNAs are not translated into proteins and have emerged as fundamental regulators of gene expression. Recent studies reported that microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs are involved in lung cancer development and progression. Moreover, they appear as new promising non-invasive biomarkers for early lung cancer diagnosis. Here, we highlight their potential as biomarker in lung cancer and present how bioinformatics can contribute to the development of non-invasive diagnostic tools. For this, we discuss several bioinformatics algorithms and software tools for a comprehensive understanding and functional characterization of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs.}, language = {en} } @article{Kramer2016, author = {Kramer, Susanne}, title = {Simultaneous detection of mRNA transcription and decay intermediates by dual colour single mRNA FISH on subcellular resolution}, series = {Nucleic Acids Research}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, doi = {10.1093/nar/gkw1245}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148002}, pages = {gkw1245}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The detection of mRNAs undergoing transcription or decay is challenging, because both processes are fast. However, the relative proportion of an mRNA in synthesis or decay increases with mRNA size and decreases with mRNA half-life. Based on this rationale, I have exploited a 22 200 nucleotide-long, short-lived endogenous mRNA as a reporter for mRNA metabolism in trypanosomes. The extreme 5΄ and 3΄ ends were labeled with red- and green-fluorescent Affymetrix® single mRNA FISH probes, respectively. In the resulting fluorescence images, yellow spots represent intact mRNAs; red spots are mRNAs in transcription or 3΄-5΄ decay, and green spots are mRNAs in 5΄-3΄ degradation. Most red spots were nuclear and insensitive to transcriptional inhibition and thus likely transcription intermediates. Most green spots were cytoplasmic, confirming that the majority of cytoplasmic decay in trypanosomes is 5΄-3΄. The system showed the expected changes at inhibition of transcription or translation and RNAi depletion of the trypanosome homologue to the 5΄-3΄ exoribonuclease Xrn1. The method allows to monitor changes in mRNA metabolism both on cellular and on population/tissue wide levels, but also to study the subcellular localization of mRNA transcription and decay pathways. I show that the system is applicable to mammalian cells.}, language = {en} } @article{MildnerRoces2016, author = {Mildner, Stephanie and Roces, Flavio}, title = {Plasticity of Daily Behavioral Rhythms in Foragers and Nurses of the Ant Camponotus rufipes: Influence of Social Context and Feeding Times}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0169244}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148010}, pages = {e0169244}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Daily activities within an ant colony need precise temporal organization, and an endogenous clock appears to be essential for such timing processes. A clock drives locomotor rhythms in isolated workers in a number of ant species, but its involvement in activities displayed in the social context is unknown. We compared locomotor rhythms in isolated individuals and behavioral rhythms in the social context of workers of the ant Camponotus rufipes. Both forager and nurse workers exhibited circadian rhythms in locomotor activity under constant conditions, indicating the involvement of an endogenous clock. Activity was mostly nocturnal and synchronized with the 12:12h light-dark-cycle. To evaluate whether rhythmicity was maintained in the social context and could be synchronized with non-photic zeitgebers such as feeding times, daily behavioral activities of single workers inside and outside the nest were quantified continuously over 24 hours in 1656 hours of video recordings. Food availability was limited to a short time window either at day or at night, thus mimicking natural conditions of temporally restricted food access. Most foragers showed circadian foraging behavior synchronized with food availability, either at day or nighttime. When isolated thereafter in single locomotor activity monitors, foragers mainly displayed arrhythmicity. Here, high mortality suggested potential stressful effects of the former restriction of food availability. In contrast, nurse workers showed high overall activity levels in the social context and performed their tasks all around the clock with no circadian pattern, likely to meet the needs of the brood. In isolation, the same individuals exhibited in turn strong rhythmic activity and nocturnality. Thus, endogenous activity rhythms were inhibited in the social context, and timing of daily behaviors was flexibly adapted to cope with task demands. As a similar socially-mediated plasticity in circadian rhythms was already shown in honey bees, the temporal organization in C. rufipes and honey bees appear to share similar basic features.}, language = {en} } @article{AdolfiHerpinRegensburgeretal.2016, author = {Adolfi, Mateus C. and Herpin, Amaury and Regensburger, Martina and Sacquegno, Jacopo and Waxman, Joshua S. and Schartl, Manfred}, title = {Retinoic acid and meiosis induction in adult versus embryonic gonads of medaka}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {6}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/srep34281}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147843}, pages = {34281}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In vertebrates, one of the first recognizable sex differences in embryos is the onset of meiosis, known to be regulated by retinoic acid (RA) in mammals. We investigated in medaka a possible meiotic function of RA during the embryonic sex determination (SD) period and in mature gonads. We found RA mediated transcriptional activation in germ cells of both sexes much earlier than the SD stage, however, no such activity during the critical stages of SD. In adults, expression of the RA metabolizing enzymes indicates sexually dimorphic RA levels. In testis, RA acts directly in Sertoli, Leydig and pre-meiotic germ cells. In ovaries, RA transcriptional activity is highest in meiotic oocytes. Our results show that RA plays an important role in meiosis induction and gametogenesis in adult medaka but contrary to common expectations, not for initiating the first meiosis in female germ cells at the SD stage.}, language = {en} } @article{KrajinovicReimerKudlichetal.2016, author = {Krajinovic, K. and Reimer, S. and Kudlich, T. and Germer, C. T. and Wiegering, A.}, title = {"Rendezvous technique" for intraluminal vacuum therapy of anastomotic leakage of the jejunum}, series = {Surgical Case Reports}, volume = {2}, journal = {Surgical Case Reports}, number = {114}, doi = {10.1186/s40792-016-0243-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147883}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Anastomotic leakage (AL) is one of the most common and serious complications following visceral surgery. In recent years, endoluminal vacuum therapy has dramatically changed therapeutic options for AL, but its use has been limited to areas easily accessible by endoscope. Case presentation We describe the first use of endoluminal vacuum therapy in the small intestine employing a combined surgical and endoscopic "rendezvous technique" in which the surgeon assists the endoscopic placement of an endoluminal vacuum therapy sponge in the jejunum by means of a pullback string. This technique led to a completely closed AL after 27 days and 7 changes of the endosponge. Conclusion The combined surgical and endoscopic rendezvous technique can be useful in cases of otherwise difficult endosponge placement.}, language = {en} } @article{SerenGrimmFitzetal.2016, author = {Seren, {\"U}mit and Grimm, Dominik and Fitz, Joffrey and Weigel, Detlef and Nordborg, Magnus and Borgwardt, Karsten and Korte, Arthur}, title = {AraPheno: a public database for Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypes}, series = {Nucleic Acids Research}, volume = {45}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, number = {D1}, doi = {10.1093/nar/gkw986}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147909}, pages = {D1054-D1059}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Natural genetic variation makes it possible to discover evolutionary changes that have been maintained in a population because they are advantageous. To understand genotype-phenotype relationships and to investigate trait architecture, the existence of both high-resolution genotypic and phenotypic data is necessary. Arabidopsis thaliana is a prime model for these purposes. This herb naturally occurs across much of the Eurasian continent and North America. Thus, it is exposed to a wide range of environmental factors and has been subject to natural selection under distinct conditions. Full genome sequencing data for more than 1000 different natural inbred lines are available, and this has encouraged the distributed generation of many types of phenotypic data. To leverage these data for meta analyses, AraPheno (https://arapheno.1001genomes.org) provide a central repository of population-scale phenotypes for A. thaliana inbred lines. AraPheno includes various features to easily access, download and visualize the phenotypic data. This will facilitate a comparative analysis of the many different types of phenotypic data, which is the base to further enhance our understanding of the genotype-phenotype map.}, language = {en} } @article{BargulJungMcOdimbaetal.2016, author = {Bargul, Joel L. and Jung, Jamin and McOdimba, Francis A. and Omogo, Collins O. and Adung'a, Vincent O. and Kr{\"u}ger, Timothy and Masiga, Daniel K. and Engstler, Markus}, title = {Species-Specific Adaptations of Trypanosome Morphology and Motility to the Mammalian Host}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1005448}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146513}, pages = {e1005448}, year = {2016}, abstract = {African trypanosomes thrive in the bloodstream and tissue spaces of a wide range of mammalian hosts. Infections of cattle cause an enormous socio-economic burden in sub-Saharan Africa. A hallmark of the trypanosome lifestyle is the flagellate's incessant motion. This work details the cell motility behavior of the four livestock-parasites Trypanosoma vivax, T. brucei, T. evansi and T. congolense. The trypanosomes feature distinct swimming patterns, speeds and flagellar wave frequencies, although the basic mechanism of flagellar propulsion is conserved, as is shown by extended single flagellar beat analyses. Three-dimensional analyses of the trypanosomes expose a high degree of dynamic pleomorphism, typified by the 'cellular waveform'. This is a product of the flagellar oscillation, the chirality of the flagellum attachment and the stiffness of the trypanosome cell body. The waveforms are characteristic for each trypanosome species and are influenced by changes of the microenvironment, such as differences in viscosity and the presence of confining obstacles. The distinct cellular waveforms may be reflective of the actual anatomical niches the parasites populate within their mammalian host. T. vivax displays waveforms optimally aligned to the topology of the bloodstream, while the two subspecies T. brucei and T. evansi feature distinct cellular waveforms, both additionally adapted to motion in more confined environments such as tissue spaces. T. congolense reveals a small and stiff waveform, which makes these parasites weak swimmers and destined for cell adherence in low flow areas of the circulation. Thus, our experiments show that the differential dissemination and annidation of trypanosomes in their mammalian hosts may depend on the distinct swimming capabilities of the parasites.}, language = {en} } @article{RosenbaumSchickWollbornetal.2016, author = {Rosenbaum, Corinna and Schick, Martin Alexander and Wollborn, Jakob and Heider, Andreas and Scholz, Claus-J{\"u}rgen and Cecil, Alexander and Niesler, Beate and Hirrlinger, Johannes and Walles, Heike and Metzger, Marco}, title = {Activation of Myenteric Glia during Acute Inflammation In Vitro and In Vivo}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0151335}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146544}, pages = {e0151335}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Enteric glial cells (EGCs) are the main constituent of the enteric nervous system and share similarities with astrocytes from the central nervous system including their reactivity to an inflammatory microenvironment. Previous studies on EGC pathophysiology have specifically focused on mucosal glia activation and its contribution to mucosal inflammatory processes observed in the gut of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. In contrast knowledge is scarce on intestinal inflammation not locally restricted to the mucosa but systemically affecting the intestine and its effect on the overall EGC network. Methods and Results In this study, we analyzed the biological effects of a systemic LPS-induced hyperinflammatory insult on overall EGCs in a rat model in vivo, mimicking the clinical situation of systemic inflammation response syndrome (SIRS). Tissues from small and large intestine were removed 4 hours after systemic LPS-injection and analyzed on transcript and protein level. Laser capture microdissection was performed to study plexus-specific gene expression alterations. Upon systemic LPS-injection in vivo we observed a rapid and dramatic activation of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP)-expressing glia on mRNA level, locally restricted to the myenteric plexus. To study the specific role of the GFAP subpopulation, we established flow cytometry-purified primary glial cell cultures from GFAP promotor-driven EGFP reporter mice. After LPS stimulation, we analyzed cytokine secretion and global gene expression profiles, which were finally implemented in a bioinformatic comparative transcriptome analysis. Enriched GFAP+ glial cells cultured as gliospheres secreted increased levels of prominent inflammatory cytokines upon LPS stimulation. Additionally, a shift in myenteric glial gene expression profile was induced that predominantly affected genes associated with immune response. Conclusion and Significance Our findings identify the myenteric GFAP-expressing glial subpopulation as particularly susceptible and responsive to acute systemic inflammation of the gut wall and complement knowledge on glial involvement in mucosal inflammation of the intestine.}, language = {en} } @article{ChenReiherHermannLuibletal.2016, author = {Chen, Jiangtian and Reiher, Wencke and Hermann-Luibl, Christiane and Sellami, Azza and Cognigni, Paola and Kondo, Shu and Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, Charlotte and Veenstra, Jan A. and Wegener, Christian}, title = {Allatostatin A Signalling in Drosophila Regulates Feeding and Sleep and Is Modulated by PDF}, series = {PLoS Genetics}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS Genetics}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pgen.1006346}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178170}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Feeding and sleep are fundamental behaviours with significant interconnections and cross-modulations. The circadian system and peptidergic signals are important components of this modulation, but still little is known about the mechanisms and networks by which they interact to regulate feeding and sleep. We show that specific thermogenetic activation of peptidergic Allatostatin A (AstA)-expressing PLP neurons and enteroendocrine cells reduces feeding and promotes sleep in the fruit fly Drosophila. The effects of AstA cell activation are mediated by AstA peptides with receptors homolog to galanin receptors subserving similar and apparently conserved functions in vertebrates. We further identify the PLP neurons as a downstream target of the neuropeptide pigment-dispersing factor (PDF), an output factor of the circadian clock. PLP neurons are contacted by PDF-expressing clock neurons, and express a functional PDF receptor demonstrated by cAMP imaging. Silencing of AstA signalling and continuous input to AstA cells by tethered PDF changes the sleep/activity ratio in opposite directions but does not affect rhythmicity. Taken together, our results suggest that pleiotropic AstA signalling by a distinct neuronal and enteroendocrine AstA cell subset adapts the fly to a digestive energy-saving state which can be modulated by PDF.}, language = {en} } @article{DjuzenovaFiedlerKatzeretal.2016, author = {Djuzenova, Cholpon S. and Fiedler, Vanessa and Katzer, Astrid and Michel, Konstanze and Deckert, Stefanie and Zimmermann, Heiko and Sukhorukov, Vladimir L. and Flentje, Michael}, title = {Dual PI3K-and mTOR-inhibitor PI-103 can either enhance or reduce the radiosensitizing effect of the Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 in tumor cells: The role of drug-irradiation schedule}, series = {Oncotarget}, volume = {7}, journal = {Oncotarget}, number = {25}, doi = {10.18632/oncotarget.9501}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177770}, pages = {38191-38209}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Inhibition of Hsp90 can increase the radiosensitivity of tumor cells. However, inhibition of Hsp90 alone induces the anti-apoptotic Hsp70 and thereby decreases radiosensitivity. Therefore, preventing Hsp70 induction can be a promising strategy for radiosensitization. PI-103, an inhibitor of PI3K and mTOR, has previously been shown to suppress the up-regulation of Hsp70. Here, we explore the impact of combining PI-103 with the Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 in irradiated glioblastoma and colon carcinoma cells. We analyzed the cellular response to drug-irradiation treatments by colony-forming assay, expression of several marker proteins, cell cycle progression and induction/repair of DNA damage. Although PI-103, given 24 h prior to irradiation, slightly suppressed the NVP-AUY922-mediated up-regulation of Hsp70, it did not cause radiosensitization and even diminished the radiosensitizing effect of NVP-AUY922. This result can be explained by the activation of PI3K and ERK pathways along with G1-arrest at the time of irradiation. In sharp contrast, PI-103 not only exerted a radiosensitizing effect but also strongly enhanced the radiosensitization by NVP-AUY922 when both inhibitors were added 3 h before irradiation and kept in culture for 24 h. Possible reasons for the observed radiosensitization under this drug-irradiation schedule may be a down-regulation of PI3K and ERK pathways during or directly after irradiation, increased residual DNA damage and strong G2/M arrest 24 h thereafter. We conclude that duration of drug treatment before irradiation plays a key role in the concomitant targeting of PI3K/mTOR and Hsp90 in tumor cells.}, language = {en} }