@article{BollazziRoces2010, author = {Bollazzi, Martin and Roces, Flavio}, title = {The thermoregulatory function of thatched nests in the South American grass-cutting ant, Acromyrmex heyeri}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68225}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The construction of mound-shaped nests by ants is considered as a behavioral adaptation to low environmental temperatures, i.e., colonies achieve higher and more stables temperatures than those of the environment. Besides the well-known nests of boreal Formica wood-ants, several species of South American leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex construct thatched nests. Acromyrmex workers import plant fragments as building material, and arrange them so as to form a thatch covering a central chamber, where the fungus garden is located. Thus, the degree of thermoregulation attained by the fungus garden inside the thatched nest largely depends on how the thatch affects the thermal relations between the fungus and the environment. This work was aimed at studying the thermoregulatory function of the thatched nests built by the grass-cutting ant Acromyrmex heyeri Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Nest and environmental temperatures were measured as a function of solar radiation on the long-term. The thermal diffusivity of the nest thatch was measured and compared to that of the surrounding soil, in order to assess the influence of the building material on the nest's thermoregulatory ability. The results showed that the average core temperature of thatched nests was higher than that of the environment, but remained below values harmful for the fungus. This thermoregulation was brought about by the low thermal diffusivity of the nest thatch built by workers with plant fragments, instead of the readily-available soil particles that have a higher thermal diffusivity. The thatch prevented diurnal nest overheating by the incoming solar radiation, and avoided losses of the accumulated daily heat into the cold air during the night. The adaptive value of thatching behavior in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants occurring in the southernmost distribution range is discussed.}, subject = {Acromyrmex heyeri}, language = {en} } @article{Zeeshan2010, author = {Zeeshan, Ahmed}, title = {Towards Performance Measurement and Metrics Based Analysis of PLA Applications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68188}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This article is about a measurement analysis based approach to help software practitioners in managing the additional level complexities and variabilities in software product line applications. The architecture of the proposed approach i.e. ZAC is designed and implemented to perform preprocessesed source code analysis, calculate traditional and product line metrics and visualize results in two and three dimensional diagrams. Experiments using real time data sets are performed which concluded with the results that the ZAC can be very helpful for the software practitioners in understanding the overall structure and complexity of product line applications. Moreover the obtained results prove strong positive correlation between calculated traditional and product line measures.}, subject = {Programmierbare logische Anordnung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heidbreder2012, author = {Heidbreder, Meike}, title = {Association and Activation of TNF-Receptor I Investigated with Single-Molecule Tracking and Super-Resolution Microscopy in Live Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73191}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Cellular responses to outer stimuli are the basis for all biological processes. Signal integration is achieved by protein cascades, recognizing and processing molecules from the environment. Factors released by pathogens or inflammation usually induce an inflammatory response, a signal often transduced by Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF). TNFα receptors TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 can in turn lead to apoptosis or proliferation via NF-B. These processes are closely regulated by membrane compartimentalization, protein interactions and trafficking. Fluorescence microscopy offers a reliable and non-invasive method to probe these cellular events. However, some processes on a native membrane are not resolvable, as they are well below the diffraction limit of microscopy. The recent development of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy methods enables the observation of these cellular players well below this limit: by localizing, tracking and counting molecules with high spatial and temporal resolution, these new fluorescence microscopy methods offer a previously unknown insight into protein interactions at the near-molecular level. Direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) utilizes the reversible, stochastic blinking events of small commercially available fluorescent dyes, while photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) utilizes phototransformation of genetically encoded fluorescent proteins. By photoactivating only a small fraction of the present fluorophores in each observation interval, single emitters can be localized with high precision and a super-resolved image can be reconstructed. Quantum Dot Triexciton imaging (QDTI) utilizes the three-photon absorption (triexcitonic) properties of quantum dots (QD) and to achieve a twofold resolution increase using conventional confocal microscopes. In this thesis, experimental approaches were implemented to achieve super-resolution microscopy in fixed and live-cells to study the spatial and temporal dynamics of TNF and other cellular signaling events. We introduce QDTI to study the three-dimensional cellular distribution of biological targets, offering an easy method to achieve resolution enhancement in combination with optical sectioning, allowing the preliminary quantification of labeled proteins. As QDs are electron dense, QDTI can be used for correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, proving the versatility of QD probes. Utilizing the phototransformation properties of fluorescent proteins, single-receptor tracking on live cells was achieved, applying the concept of single particle tracking PALM (sptPALM) to track the dynamics of a TNF-R1-tdEos chimera on the membrane. Lateral receptor dynamics can be tracked with high precision and the influences of ligand addition or lipid disruption on TNF-R1 mobility was observed. The results reveal complex receptor dynamics, implying internalization processes in response to TNFα stimulation and a role for membrane domains with reduced fluidity, so-called lipid raft domains, in TNF-R1 compartimentalization prior or post ligand induction. Comparisons with previously published FCS data show a good accordance, but stressing the increased data depth available in sptPALM experiments. Additionally, the active transport of NF-κB-tdEos fusions was observed in live neurons under chemical stimulation and/or inhibition. Contrary to phototransformable proteins that need no special buffers to exhibit photoconversion or photoactivation, dSTORM has previously been unsuitable for in vivo applications, as organic dyes relied on introducing the probes via immunostaining in concert with a reductive, oxygen-free medium for proper photoswitching behaviour. ATTO655 had been previously shown to be suitable for live-cell applications, as its switching behavior can be catalyzed by the reductive environment of the cytoplasm. By introducing the cell-permeant organic dye via a chemical tag system, a high specificity and low background was achieved. Here, the labeled histone H2B complex and thus single nucleosome movements in a live cell can be observed over long time periods and with ~20 nm resolution. Implementing these new approaches for imaging biological processes with high temporal and spatial resolution provides new insights into the dynamics and spatial heterogeneities of proteins, further elucidating their function in the organism and revealing properties that are usually only detectable in vitro.  }, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikrosopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dwertmann2012, author = {Dwertmann, Anne}, title = {Impact of the Tumor Suppressor Arf on Miz1 and Sumoylation of Myc and Miz1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71876}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Upon oncogenic stress, the tumor suppressor Arf can induce irreversible cell cycle arrest or apoptosis, depending on the oncogenic insult. In this study, it could be shown that Arf interacts with Myc and the Myc-associated zinc-finger protein Miz1 to facilitate repression of genes involved in cell adhesion. Formation of a DNA-binding Arf/Myc/Miz1 complex disrupts interaction of Miz1 with its coactivator nucleophosmin and induces local heterochromatinisation, causing cells to lose attachment and undergo anoikis. The assembly of the complex relies on Myc, which might explain why high Myc levels trigger apoptosis and not cell cycle arrest in the Arf response. This mechanism could play an important role in eliminating cells harboring an oncogenic mutation. Arf furthermore induces sumoylation of Miz1 at a specific lysine by repressing the desumoylating enzyme Senp3. A sumoylation-deficient mutant of Miz1 however does not show phenotypic differences under the chosen experimental conditions. Myc can also be modified by Sumo by multisumoylation at many different lysines, which is unaffected by Arf. The exact mechanism and effect of this modification however stays unsolved.}, subject = {Apoptosis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vogel2011, author = {Vogel, Benjamin}, title = {Organisation von Chromatin durch HMGA1 Proteine}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65295}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {HMGA1 Proteine sind kleine, basische, Nicht-Histon Proteine, die in L{\"o}sung keine Struktur aufweisen, durch drei AT-Haken, als DNA-Bindungsmotive, gekennzeichnet sind und pr{\"a}ferentiell an die kleine Furche der DNA binden. Als differenziell exprimierte Architekturelemente des Chromatins erf{\"u}llen sie wichtige Funktionen bei der Regulation DNA abh{\"a}ngiger Prozesse in Zellen und w{\"a}hrend Entwicklungsprozessen. Aberrante Expressionen f{\"u}hren zu Entwicklungsdefekten und Krebs. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von HMGA1 Proteinen auf die Organisation des Chromatins untersucht. Als Modell diente dabei zun{\"a}chst die Differenzierung von C2C12 Muskelvorl{\"a}uferzellen. Wie in einer fr{\"u}heren Arbeit gezeigt wurde, ist die Herunterregulation von HMGA1a essentiell f{\"u}r den Eintritt von C2C12 Zellen in die Myogenese. Eine konstante {\"U}berexpression von HMGA1a-eGFP hingegen verhindert die Muskeldifferenzierung durch Beeinflussung der Expression myogenesespezifischer Gene und Etablierung einer stabilen Chromatinstruktur. Wie in der vorliegenden Arbeit herausgefunden wurde, nimmt die differenzielle HMGA1a Expression nicht nur Einfluss auf die Expression muskelspezifischer Gene, sondern auch auf die globale Zusammensetzung des Chromatins durch eine reduzierte Expression von H1 Histonen und einer aberranten Expression von HMGB1, HMGN1 und HP1 Proteinen. HMGA1a wurde zusammen mit ORC Proteinen eine Funktion bei der Definition von Replikationsurspr{\"u}ngen in eukaryotischen Zellen zugesprochen. ORC Proteine wurden auch als Komponenten des Heterochromatins und als Interaktionspartner von HP1α identifiziert. Hier konnte mit Hilfe von Co-Immunpr{\"a}zipitationen, Pull-down Assays und Verdr{\"a}ngungsexperimenten gezeigt werden, dass HMGA1 ein weiterer, direkter Interaktionspartner von ORC Proteinen im Heterochromatin ist und zusammen mit HP1α kooperiert. Pull-down-, Verdr{\"a}ngungs- und siRNA-Experimente zeigten zudem, dass HMGA1 zwar nicht direkt mit HP1α interagiert, die Kooperation der Proteine {\"u}ber ORC aber dennoch wichtig f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung der Heterochromatinsstruktur ist. Damit erweisen sich HMGA1 Proteine als wichtige Stabilisierungsfaktoren des Heterochromatins. Bislang ging man davon aus, dass HMGA1 Molek{\"u}le linear, also eindimensional, an ein DNA Molek{\"u}l binden. Das Vorhandensein von drei DNA-Bindungsmotiven und die eher struktur- als sequenzabh{\"a}ngige Bindung an die DNA lassen vermuten, dass HMGA1 Proteine auch gleichzeitig an benachbarte DNA-Str{\"a}nge, also auch dreidimensional, binden k{\"o}nnten. Bekr{\"a}ftigt wurde diese Vermutung durch die Bildung von Chromatinaggregaten in Zellen die HMGA1a-eGFP {\"u}berexprimierten. Dies wurde mittels konfokaler und hochaufl{\"o}sender Mikroskopie (dSTORM) analysiert. Um das Potential einer DNA-Quervernetzung durch HMGA1 Proteine nachzuweisen, wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt. Mit Hilfe eines neuartigen DNA Cross-linking Assays wurde nachgewiesen, dass HMGA1 Proteine in der Lage sind, zwei individuelle DNA Str{\"a}nge zu vernetzen. Zudem wurde eine neue Dom{\"a}ne in HMGA1 entdeckt die maßgeblich zum Cross-linking beitr{\"a}gt. Elektronenmikroskopische Analysen best{\"a}tigten, dass HMGA1 Proteine in der Lage sind Kreuzungen und Schleifen in DNA Molek{\"u}len zu erzeugen. Diese Ergebnisse unterst{\"u}tzen die Vermutung, dass HMGA1 Proteine im Zellkern ein DNA Ger{\"u}st bilden k{\"o}nnen, das Einfluss auf die zelltypische Chromatinorganisation nimmt und dadurch DNA abh{\"a}ngige Prozesse beeinflusst. In wie weit eine HMGA1 induzierte DNA Quervernetzung in vivo zum Beispiel in Chromozentren von C2C12 Zellen oder in Krebszellen, in denen HMGA1 Proteine stark {\"u}berexprimiert sind, eine Rolle spielen, m{\"u}ssen k{\"u}nftige Untersuchungen zeigen. In dieser Arbeit konnte also gezeigt werden, dass HMGA1 Proteine die Chromatinstruktur auf drei Ebenen organisieren k{\"o}nnen: Durch Beeinflussung der Chromatinzusammensetzung durch Ver{\"a}nderung der Expression von Chromatinproteinen, durch Interaktion mit anderen Architekturelementen des Chromatins und durch Organisation eines potentiellen DNA Ger{\"u}sts.}, subject = {Chromatin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cook2012, author = {Cook, Mandy}, title = {The neurodegenerative Drosophila melanogaster AMPK mutant loechrig}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72027}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Drosophila Mutante loechrig (loe), die progressive Degeneration des Nervensystems aufweist, weiter beschrieben. In der loe Mutante fehlt eine neuronale Isoform der γ- Untereinheit der Proteinkinase AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase). Die heterotrimere AMPK (auch als SNF4Aγ bekannt) kontrolliert das Energieniveau der Zelle, was st{\"a}ndiges Beobachten des ATP/AMP- Verh{\"a}ltnis erfordert. AMPK wird durch niedrige Energiekonzentrationen und Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen im Metabolismus, wie zum Beispiel Sauerstoffmangel, aktiviert und reguliert mehrere wichtige Signaltransduktionswege, die den Zellmetabolismus kontrollieren. Jedoch ist die Rolle von AMPK im neuronalen {\"U}berleben noch unklar. Eines der Proteine, dass von AMPK reguliert wird, ist HMGR (hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA- reductase), ein Schl{\"u}sselenzym in der Cholesterin- und Isoprenoidsynthese. Es wurde gezeigt, dass wenn die Konzentration von HMGR manipuliert wird, auch der Schweregrad des neurodegenerativen Ph{\"a}notyps in loe beeinflusst wird. Obwohl die regulatorische Rolle von AMPK auf HMGR in Drosophila konserviert ist, k{\"o}nnen Insekten Cholesterin nicht de novo synthetisieren. Dennoch ist der Syntheseweg von Isoprenoiden zwischen Vertebraten und Insekten evolution{\"a}r konserviert. Isoprenylierung von Proteinen, wie zum Beispiel von kleinen G-Proteinen, stellt den Proteinen einen hydophobischen Anker bereit, mit denen sie sich an die Zellmembran binden k{\"o}nnen, was in anschließender Aktivierung resultieren kann. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird gezeigt, dass die loe Mutation die Prenylierung von Rho1 und den LIM-Kinasesignalweg beeinflusst, was eine wichtige Rolle im Umsatz von Aktin und axonalem Auswachsen spielt. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Mutation in LOE, Hyperaktivit{\"a}t des Isoprenoidsynthesewegs verursacht, was zur erh{\"o}hten Farnesylierung von Rho1 und einer dementsprechend h{\"o}heren Konzentration von Phospho- Cofilin f{\"u}hrt. Eine Mutation in Rho1 verbessert den neurodegenerativen Ph{\"a}notyp und die Lebenserwartung von loe. Der Anstieg vom inaktiven Cofilin in loe f{\"u}hrt zu einer Zunahme von filament{\"o}sen Aktin. Aktin ist am Auswachen von Neuronen beteiligt und Experimente in denen loe Neurone analysiert wurden, gaben wertvolle Einblicke in eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle die AMPK, und dementsprechend Aktin, im Neuronenwachstum spielt. Des Weiteren wurde demonstriert, dass Neurone, die von der loe Mutante stamen, einen verlangsamten axonalen Transport aufweisen, was darauf hinweist dass Ver{\"a}nderungen, die durch den Einfluss von loe auf den Rho1 Signalweg im Zytoskelettnetzwerk hervorgerufen wurden, zur St{\"o}rung des axonalen Transports und anschließenden neuronalen Tod f{\"u}hren. Es zeigte außerdem, dass Aktin nicht nur am neuronalen Auswachsen beteiligt ist, sondern auch wichtig f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung von Neuronen ist. Das bedeutet, dass {\"A}nderungen der Aktindynamik zur progressiven Degeneration von Neuronen f{\"u}hren kann. Zusammenfassend unterstreichen diese Ergebnisse die wichtige Bedeutung von AMPK in den Funktionen und im {\"U}berleben von Neuronen und er{\"o}ffnen einen neuartigen funktionellen Mechanismus in dem {\"A}nderungen in AMPK neuronale Degeneration hervorrufen kann.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tyagi2012, author = {Tyagi, Anu}, title = {Role of SWI/SNF in regulating pre-mRNA processing in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72253}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {ATP dependent chromatin remodeling complexes are multifactorial complexes that utilize the energy of ATP to rearrange the chromatin structure. The changes in chromatin structure lead to either increased or decreased DNA accessibility. SWI/SNF is one of such complex. The SWI/SNF complex is involved in both transcription activation and transcription repression. The ATPase subunit of SWI/SNF is called SWI2/SNF2 in yeast and Brahma, Brm, in Drosophila melanogaster. In mammals there are two paralogs of the ATPase subunit, Brm and Brg1. Recent studies have shown that the human Brm is involved in the regulation of alternative splicing. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Brm in pre-mRNA processing. The model systems used were Chironomus tentans, well suited for in situ studies and D. melanogaster, known for its full genome information. Immunofluorescent staining of the polytene chromosome indicated that Brm protein of C. tentans, ctBrm, is associated with several gene loci including the Balbiani ring (BR) puffs. Mapping the distribution of ctBrm along the BR genes by both immuno-electron microscopy and chromatin immunoprecipitation showed that ctBrm is widely distributed along the BR genes. The results also show that a fraction of ctBrm is associated with the nascent BR pre-mRNP. Biochemical fractionation experiments confirmed the association of Brm with the RNP fractions, not only in C. tentans but also in D. melanogaster and in HeLa cells. Microarray hybridization experiments performed on S2 cells depleted of either dBrm or other SWI/SNF subunits show that Brm affects alternative splicing and 3´ end formation. These results indicated that BRM affects pre-mRNA processing as a component of SWI/SNF complexes. 1}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kistenpfennig2012, author = {Kistenpfennig, Christa}, title = {Rhodopsin 7 and Cryptochrome - circadian photoreception in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72209}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Many organisms evolved an endogenous clock to adapt to the daily environmental changes caused by the earth's rotation. Light is the primary time cue ("Zeitgeber") for entrainment of circadian clocks to the external 24-h day. In Drosophila, several visual pigments are known to mediate synchronization to light: The blue-light photopigment Cryptochrome (CRY) and six well-described rhodopsins (Rh1-Rh6). CRY is present in the majority of clock neurons as well as in the compound eyes, whereas the location of rhodopsins is restricted to the photoreceptive organs - the compound eyes, the ocelli and the HB-eyelets. CRY is thought to represent the key photoreceptor of Drosophila's circadian clock. Nevertheless, mutant flies lacking CRY (cry01) are able to synchronize their locomotor activity rhythms to light-dark (LD) cycles, but need significantly longer than wild-type flies. In this behavior, cry01 mutants strongly resemble mammalian species that do not possess any internal photoreceptors and perceive light information exclusively through their photoreceptive organs (eyes). Thus, a mammalian-like phase-shifting behavior would be expected in cry01 flies. We investigated this issue by monitoring a phase response curve (PRC) of cry01 and wild-type flies to 1-h light pulses of 1000 lux irradiance. Indeed, cry01 mutants produced a mammalian-similar so called type 1 PRC of comparatively low amplitude (< 25\% of wild-type) with phase delays to light pulses during the early subjective night and phase advances to light pulses during the late subjective night (~1 h each). Despite the predominant role of CRY, the visual system contributes to the light sensitivity of the fly's circadian clock, mainly around dawn and dusk. Furthermore, this phase shifting allows for the slow re-entrainment which we observed in cry01 mutants to 8-h phase delays of the LD 12 h:12 h cycle. However, cry01 also showed surprising differences in their shifting ability: First of all, their PRC was characterized by a second dead zone in the middle of the subjective night (ZT17-ZT19) in addition to the usual unresponsiveness during the subjective day. Second, in contrast to wild-type flies, cry01 mutants did not increase their shift of activity rhythms neither in response to longer stimuli nor to light pulses of higher irradiance. In contrast, both 6-h light pulses of 1000 lux and 1-h light pulses of 10,000 lux light intensity during the early subjective night even resulted in phase advances instead of the expected delays. Thus, CRY seems to be not only responsible for the high light sensitivity of the wild-type circadian clock, but is apparently also involved in integrating and processing light information. Rhodopsin 7 (Rh7) is a yet uncharacterized protein, but became a good photoreceptor candidate due to sequence similarities to the six known Drosophila Rhs. The second part of this thesis investigated the expression pattern of Rh7 and its possible functions, especially in circadian photoreception. Furthermore, we were interested in a potential interaction with CRY and thus, tested cry01 and rh70 cry01 mutants as well. Rh1 is the main visual pigment of the Drosophila compound eye and expressed in six out of eight photoreceptors cells (R1-R6) in each of the ~800 ommatidia. Motion vision depends exclusively on Rh1 function but, moreover, Rh1 plays an important structural role and assures proper photoreceptor cell development and maintenance. In order to investigate its possible photoreceptive function, we expressed Rh7 in place of Rh1. Rh7 was indeed able to overtake the role of Rh1 in both aspects: It prevented retinal degeneration and mediated the optomotor response (OR), a motion vision-dependent behavior. At the transcriptional level, rh7 is expressed at approximately equal amounts in adult fly brains and retinas. Due to a reduced specificity of anti-Rh7 antibodies, we could not verify this result at the protein level. However, analysis of rh7 null mutants (rh70) suggested different Rh7 functions in vivo. Previous experiments strongly indicated an increased sensitivity of the compound eyes in the absence of Rh7 and suggested impaired light adaptation. We aimed to test this hypothesis at the levels of circadian photoreception. Locomotor activity rhythms are a reliable output of the circadian clock. Rh70 mutant flies generally displayed a wild-type similar bimodal activity pattern comprising morning (M) and evening (E) activity bouts. Activity monitoring supported the proposed "shielding" function, since rh70 mutants behaved like wild-type flies experiencing high irradiances. Under all investigated conditions, their activity peaks lay further apart resulting in a prolonged midday break. The behavior of cry01 mutants was mainly characterized by an unexpectedly high flexibility in the timing of M and E activity bouts which allowed tracking of lights-on and lights-off even under extreme photoperiods. Activity profiles of the corresponding rh70 cry01 double mutants reflected neither synergistic nor antagonistic effects of Rh7 and CRY and were dominated by a broad E activity peak. In the future, the different circadian phenotypes will be further investigated on the molecular level by analysis of clock protein cycling in the underlying pacemaker neurons. The work of this thesis confirmed that Rh7 is indeed able to work as a photoreceptor and to initiate the classical phototransduction cascade. On the other hand, it provided further evidence at the levels of circadian photoreception that Rh7 might serve as a shielding pigment for Rh1 in vivo, thereby mediating proper light adaptation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Karunakaran2012, author = {Karunakaran, Karthika}, title = {Mechanisms of apoptosis regulation in human cells infected with Simkania negevensis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72098}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Chlamydiales are obligate intracellular gram-negative bacteria that have gained high medical relevance. These important human pathogens cause diverse diseases including trachoma and wide spread sexually transmitted diseases. Chlamydia establishes membrane bound inclusions in the host cell and loots the host for nutritional requirements. Infections are usually recognized by the host immune system and eliminated systematically, by triggering apoptosis. However, the pathogen Chlamydia has evolved various strategies to prevent the detection as well as protect the invaded cell against apoptosis or any other form of cell death. The evolutionary conservation of cell death regulation has not been investigated in the order Chlamydiales, which also includes Chlamydia-like organisms with a broader host spectrum. The present study was aimed at investigating the apoptotic response of human cells infected with the Chlamydia-like organism Simkania negevensis (Sn). Simkania infected cells exhibited strong resistance to apoptosis induced by intrinsic stress or by the activation of cell death receptors. Apoptotic signaling was blocked upstream of mitochondria since Bax translocation, Bax and Bak oligomerisation and cytochrome c release were absent in these cells. Caspases were differentially regulated upon Sn infection. Caspase-3 and -9 were not activated upon Sn infection and apoptosis induction; whereas caspases-8 was activated in Sn infected cells even without apoptosis induction. This indicates that, Sn utilizes death receptor association independent caspase activation for thriving in the host environment. Infected cells turned on pro-survival pathways like cellular Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins (IAP-1/2 and XIAP) and the Akt/PI3K pathway. Sn infection also 20 activated the pro-survival transcription factor NF-кB. Blocking any of these survival pathways sensitized the infected host cell towards apoptosis induction, demonstrating their role in infection-induced apoptosis resistance. The NF-кB mutant cells also showed reduced infectivity of Sn, which indicated an essential role of NF-кB in Sn infection. It was interesting to observe that, Acanthamoeba castellanii, a natural host of Sn, survived maintaining its trophozoite forms after infection with Sn upon starvation. The metacaspases, responsible for encystment could be regulated by Sn upon infection. This suggests an early level of gene regulation indicating how the pathogen evolved its ability to inhibit apoptosis in higher organisms. The resistance to apoptosis pathways subverted in Sn-infected cells was similar but not identical to those modulated by Chlamydia. Together, the data supports the hypothesis of evolutionary conserved signaling pathways to apoptosis resistance as common denominators in the order Chlamydiales.}, subject = {Apoptosis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Philippi2011, author = {Philippi, Nicole}, title = {Modellierung von Signalwegen in verschiedenen biologischen Systemen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57690}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Apoptose der Leberzellen ist abh{\"a}ngig von externen Signalen wie beispielsweise Komponenten der Extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix sowie anderen Zell-Zell-Kontakten, welche von einer Vielfalt und Vielzahl an Knoten verarbeitet werden. Einige von ihnen wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auf ihre Systemeffekte hin unter- sucht. Trotz verschiedener {\"a}ußerer Einfl{\"u}sse und nat{\"u}rlicher Selektion ist das System daraufhin optimiert, eine kleine Anzahl verschiedener und klar voneinander unterscheidbarer Systemzust{\"a}nde anzunehmen. Die verschiedenartigen Einfl{\"u}sse und Crosstalk-Mechanismen dienen der Optimierung der vorhandenen Systemzust{\"a}nde. Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Modell zeigt zwei apoptotische sowie zwei nicht-apoptotische stabile Systemzust{\"a}nde, wobei der Grad der Aktivierung eines Knotens bis zu dem Moment stark variieren kann, in welchem der absolute Systemzustand selbst ver{\"a}ndert wird (Philippi et al., BMC Systems Biology,2009) [1]. Dieses Modell stellt zwar eine Vereinfachung des gesamten zellul{\"a}ren Netzwerkes und seiner verschiedenen Zust{\"a}nde dar, ist aber trotz allem in der Lage, unabh{\"a}ngig von detaillierten kinetischen Daten und Parametern der einzelnen Knoten zu agieren. Gleichwohl erlaubt das Modell mit guter qualitativer {\"U}bereinstimmung die Apoptose als Folge einer Stimulation mit FasL zu modellieren. Weiterhin umfasst das Modell sowohl Crosstalk-M{\"o}glichkeiten des Collagen-Integrin-Signalwegs, ebenso ber{\"u}cksichtigt es die Auswirkungen der genetischen Deletion von Bid sowie die Konsequenzen einer viralen Infektion. In einem zweiten Teil werden andere Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeiten dargestellt. Hormonale Signale in Pflanzen, Virusinfektionen und intrazellul{\"a}re Kommunikation werden semi-quantitativ modelliert. Auch hier zeigte sich eine gute Ubereinstimmung der Modelle mit den experimentellen Daten.}, subject = {Systembiologie}, language = {de} }